NetLogo Implementation of Evacuation Scenario

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NetLogo Implementation of Evacuation Scenario | Manualzz

Introduction to NetLogo

Intelligent Systems, Interaction and Multimedia Seminar



Introduction to NetLogo

Turtles, Patches, and others


Programming Concepts

Extensions & Tools

A simple example

Introduction to NetLogo (I):

What is NetLogo

A programmable modelling environment for simulating natural and social phenomena (Uri Winlensky 1999)

Agent-based M&S tool

Well suited for modelling complex systems

Hundreds or thousands of independent agents operating concurrently

Exploring the connection between the micro-level behaviour of individuals and the macro-level patterns that emerge from the interaction of many individuals

Introduction to NetLogo (I):

What is NetLogo

Easy-to-use application development environment

Quickly testing hypotheses about self-organized systems

Open simulations and play with them

Large collection of pre-written simulations in natural and social sciences that can be used and modified

Simple scripting language

User-friendly graphical interface

Introduction to NetLogo (II):

The World of NetLogo

NetLogo consists of agents living in a 2-D world divided into a grid of patches

Three different type of agents plus one more

Turtles, are the agents that move around the world


, are the pieces of “ground” on which turtles can move

Links, are agents that connect two turtles

Observer, is an agent without location that oversees everything going on in the world.

Ask agents to perform a command

Collects data from models

Patches, Turtles, System

Patches: Elements of space


Do not move


“Social” actors



All turtles and patches put together

Typically, we wish to observe the system

How many turtles are sick? Alive?


Turtles and patches have rules that can

Change themselves (reflexive)

Change other turtles

Change other patches

Rules for Turtles

Reflexive behaviour

 ask turtles [ forward 1 ]

Reflexive state

 ask turtles

[ if (sick?) [ set color blue ] ]

Change other turtles

If (sick?) [ ask turtles here [ set sick? true

set color blue] ]

Change patches

 ask turtles if (sick?)

[ ask patch-here [ set grass grass

– 5 ]]

Rules for Patches

Reflexive state: patches change themselves

 ask patches [set grass grass + 1 ]

Change other patches

 ask patches in-radius 1 [ set grass 0.1 * my-grass ]

Change turtles

 ask turtles-here [ set sick? true

set color blue ]







in Summary

Introduction to NetLogo (III):

GUI - Controls, Settings, Views

Introduction to NetLogo (III):

GUI - Controls, Settings, Views

controls (BLUE) - allow to run and control the flow of execution

 buttons

command centre

settings (GREEN) - allow to modify parameters

 sliders

 switches

 choosers

views (BEIGE) - allow to display information

 monitors

 plots

 output text areas

 graphics window

Introduction to NetLogo (III):

GUI - Controls

Controls - allow to run and control the flow of execution


Command center

Buttons - initialize, start, stop, step through the model

 “Once” buttons execute one action (one step)


Command center - ask observer, patches or turtles to execute specific commands during the execution

Introduction to NetLogo (IV):

GUI - Settings

Settings - allow to modify parameters




- adjust a quantity from min to max by an increment

Switches - set a Boolean variable (true/false)

Choosers - select a value from a list

Introduction to NetLogo (V):

GUI - Views

Views - allow to display information



Graphics window

Monitors - display the current value of variables

Plots - display the history of a variable’s value

Introduction to NetLogo (V):

GUI - Views

Graphics window - T he main view of the 2-D NetLogo world

Adjust speed right-click brings up turtle/patch inspector

Introduction to NetLogo (VI):

Programming Concepts








Introduction to NetLogo (VI):

Programming Concepts - Agents

Each agent can carry out its own activity, all simultaneously


Form the 2D world

– They don’t move, but they sense

They have integer coordinates (pxcor, pycor)

Can generate turtles


 move on top of the patches

 have decimal coordinates (xcor, ycor) and orientation (heading)


Can create new turtles

Can have read/write access to all the agents and variables

Introduction to NetLogo (VI):

Programming Concepts - Procedures

Procedures tell agents what to do

Command is an action for an agent to carry out

Usually begin with verbs

to setup

clear all

create 10

end to draw-polygon [ num-sides size ]

pd repeat num-sides

[ fd size rt (360 / num-sides) ]


Introduction to NetLogo (VI):

Programming Concepts - Procedures

Reporter computes a result and report it

Usually begin with nouns or nouns-phrases

to-report absolute-value [ number ]

ifelse number >= 0

[ report number ]

[ report 0 - number ]


Procedures: Commands or Reporters implemented by the user

Primitives: Commands or Reporters built into

NetLogo(language keywords)

Introduction to NetLogo (VI):

Programming Concepts

– Variables (i)


Global variables

Turtle & patch variables

Local variable

Global variables

Every agent can access it

Only one value for the variable

Turtle & Patch variables

Each turtle/patch has its own value for every turtle/patch variable

Local variables

Defined and accessible only inside a procedure

Created by the command let

Introduction to NetLogo (VI):

Programming Concepts

– Variables (ii)


Turtle variables: color, xcor, ycor, heading, etc

Patch variables: pcolor, pxcor, pycor, etc

Defining global variables:

global [ clock ]

Defining turtle/patch variables:

turtles-own [ energy speed ]

patches-own [ friction ]

Defining a local variable:

 to swap-colors [ turtle1 turtle2 ]

let temp color-of turtle1


Introduction to NetLogo (VI):

Programming Concepts - Ask

Ask - specify commands to be run by turtles or patches


 asking all turtles:

ask turtles [ fd 50 ... ]

 asking one turtle:

ask turtle 5 [ ... ]

 asking all patches

ask patches [ diffuse ... ]

Only the observer can ask all turtles or all patches

Introduction to NetLogo (VI):

Programming Concepts

– Agentsets (i)

Agentset - definition of a subset of agents

Contain either turtles or patches

Is in a random order

Allows to construct agentsts that contain some turtles or patches


 all red turtles:

turtles with [ color = red ]

 all red turtles on the patch of the current caller (turtle or patch):

turtles-here with [ color = red ]

 all patches on right side of screen:

patches with [ pxcor > 0 ]

 all turtles less than 3 patches away from caller (turtle or patch):

turtles in-radius 3

Introduction to NetLogo (VI):

Programming Concepts

– Agentsets (ii)

Using agentsets

 ask such agents to execute a command

ask <agentset> [ ... ]

 check if there are such agents

show any? <agentset>

 count such agents

show count <agentset>

 example: remove the richest turtle (with the maximum

“assets” value)

ask max-one-of turtles [ sum assets ] [ die ]

Introduction to NetLogo (VI):

Programming Concepts - Breeds

Breed - a “natural” kind of agentset

Different breeds can behave differently

 breed [wolves wolf]

 breed [sheep a-sheep]

A new breed comes with automatically derived primitives:

create-<breed>, create-custom-<breed>, <breed>-here, <breed>-at

Breed is a turtle variable

ask turtle 5 [ if breed = sheep ... ]

A turtle agent can change breed

ask turtle 5 [ set breed sheep ]

Introduction to NetLogo (VI):

Programming Concepts - Synchronization

Agents run in parallel (each agent is an independent thread)

 asynchronous commands:

ask turtles [ fd random 10


 Agent threads wait and “join” at the end of a block

 synchronous commands:

ask turtles [ fd random 10 ]

ask turtles [ do-something ]

René Doursat, 2008

René Doursat, 2008

Introduction to NetLogo (VII):

Extensions & Tools

Extensions Guide





Quicktime for Java

BDI architecture FIPA


Shapes Editor

Behaviour Space

System Dynamics




Mathematica link

NetLogo 3D

NetLogo References

NetLogo user manual

Agent-based and Individual-based Modeling: A Practical Introduction, by

Steven F. Railsback and Volker Grimm (NetLogo v5.0)

NetLogo Learning Lab

NetLogo 5.0

– Quick Guide, Luis R. Izquierdo

Fundamentals of Multi-agent Systems with NetLogo Examples, José M.


Origins of Life: From Geochemistry to the Genetic Code

A simple tutorial

Create via “File/New”, a new NetLogo program

Save it, via “File/Save as” with the name


From the “Settings” button

 view of the World’s geometry

To initialize the World and run the model

 setup procedure

 go procedure


“Interface” tab -> “Button”

 create setup button

 similarly create a go button


In “Code” tab

Create the skeleton of setup & go

Change setup to

Create the clusters of mushrooms (patches).

The cluster can be a model parameter

Define a global variable num-clusters

 Modify the setup to turn in red randomly a “num-cluster” patches

 create the turtles

 use the primitive create-turtles



In the go procedure

Tell to turtles what to do. In this case to search for mushrooms

So we need a search procedure

Let’s define search.

After globals statement define


We update the setup procedure


 and the search procedure as well as


The modelling cycle for the Mushroom-hunter problem


Formulate the problem

What search strategy maximizes the rate of finding items if are distributed in clusters?


Formulate hypothesis for essential processes and structures

 process switches from large-scale movements to small-scale searching depending on previous

 discoveries


Choose scales, entities, state variables, processes and parameters


Implement the model


Analyse, test and revise the model

 we could the model by trying different search algorithms and parameter values analyse to see which produces the highest rates


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