Studio Manager .........................................................................2
Studio Connections ..................................................................2
About Open Plug-in Technology .............................................3
Data Structure of the MOX6/MOX8 Editor ...............................4
Starting the MOX6/MOX8 Editor ..............................................5
An Example of MOX6/MOX8 Editor in Use .............................7
MOX6/MOX8 Editor Window ..................................................12
Basic Operations ....................................................................31
Menu ........................................................................................33
Troubleshooting .....................................................................48
• Copying of the commercially available music sequence data and/or digital audio files is strictly prohibited except for your personal use.
• The software and this owner’s manual are exclusive copyrights of Yamaha Corporation.
• Copying of the software or reproduction of this manual in whole or in part by any means is expressly forbidden without the written consent of the manufacturer.
• Yamaha makes no representations or warranties with regard to the use of the software and documentation and cannot be held responsible for the results of the use of this manual and the software.
• The screen displays as illustrated in this Owner’s Manual are for instructional purposes, and may appear somewhat different from the screens which appear on your computer.
• Windows is the registered trademarks of Microsoft
• Apple, Mac and Macintosh are trademarks of Apple Inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries.
• Steinberg and Cubase are the registered trademarks of Steinberg Media Technologies GmbH.
• The company names and product names in this Owner’s Manual are the trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies.
• Click on the red-colored text to jump to the related item in this manual.
This owner’s manual assumes that you are already familiar with basic Windows/Mac operations. If you are not, please refer to the owner’s manual which came with your Windows/Mac software before using the MOX6/MOX8
For information about hardware requirements, the interconnection of devices and the installation of the MOX6/MOX8
Editor software, refer to the separate Installation Manual as well as the Owner’s Manual for the respective MIDI device.
© 2011 Yamaha Corporation. All rights reserved.
MOX6/MOX8 Editor Owner’s Manual 1
What is the MOX6/MOX8 Editor?
What is the MOX6/MOX8 Editor?
MOX6/MOX8 Editor is a convenient tool which lets you edit and save the various parameters of your MOX6/
MOX8 tone generator. These include Voice and Mixing parameters (edited in the Voice or Mixing mode of the
MOX6/MOX8) such as Volume, Pan, EG, and Cutoff and other settings. Thanks to its easy-to-understand graphical interface, you can edit various parameters of the MOX6/MOX8 right from your computer — using the mouse to adjust the virtual knobs, sliders, and buttons and entering values from the computer keyboard.
Finally, all the changes you have made can be saved to your computer or transmitted to the MOX6/MOX8 instrument.
You can use this MOX6/MOX8 Editor as a plug-in for the software below
• Studio Manager
• DAW application software compatible with Studio Connections
The MOX6/MOX8 Editor lets you adjust the hue as desired (
page 6 ). This manual uses example screen shots
having the most universal color visibility, allowing the manual to be easily viewed by many people having different types of color recognition.
Studio Manager
Studio Manager V2 is a cross-platform application that enables you to start multiple Editors for controlling
Yamaha hardware products remotely, and to save multiple Editor settings. You can run Studio Manager as a stand-alone application, or as a plug-in within DAW applications compatible with Studio Connections such as Cubase or Cubase AI.
For more information, refer to the Studio Manager PDF manual.
Studio Connections
Studio Connections is a joint project begun by Steinberg and Yamaha.
Music production systems now increasingly rely on both software and hardware, and there is a pressing need for closer integration between the two. Studio Connections provides a comprehensive and seamless music production environment — making the use of hardware and software both easier and much more efficient. The following functions are available in
Studio Connections.
With the Recall function, all settings in each Editor can be saved within Studio Manager, and then called up again when needed. This enables you to recall all the settings of multiple devices from Studio Manager and control the entire system easily, instantly and automatically.
When executing the Recall function in the Studio Manager, the parameter settings of either device (MOX6/MOX8 or
DAW software on a computer) are synchronized with the other. You can determine which device (MOX6/MOX8 or
Recall is especially convenient when used with a DAW application compatible with Studio Connections. This lets you save the Editor data directly to the project file of the DAW letting you recall all necessary hardware settings automatically by simply opening the project file.
MOX6/MOX8 Editor Owner’s Manual 2
About Open Plug-in Technology
Audio Integration
Plug-in software such as software synthesizers and software samplers are exceptionally convenient in that they let you easily change the various settings and parameters within the host application. However, control over hardware is not so easy — with the need for various setups such as audio connections, driver settings and MIDI port connections.
By using a Studio Connections-compatible DAW software, you can control the external hardware synthesizer within the application, without the need to set up complex connections within a DAW software application — just as easily and conveniently as you would with plug-in software. The Audio Integration function makes all this possible. For details about Recall and Audio Integration, visit our web site at:
About Open Plug-in Technology
Open Plug-in Technology (OPT) is a software format that enables you to control MIDI devices from a music
DAW application software. For example, this allows you to start up and operate various parts of your music system, such as voice editors of the synthesizer and mixing control editors — directly from an OPTcompatible software, without having to use each separately. OPT also makes it unnecessary to set MIDI drivers for each application, streamlining your music production system and making all operations more convenient and seamless.
In addition to the original OPT, Open Plug-in Technology Version 2 (OPT 2), designed for Studio Connections, is also available. The host application Studio Manager supports OPT 2.
About the OPT 2 Overview
OPT 2 is a plug-in format that enhances OPT Level 1 (Panels) and adds some convenient functions for Studio Connections.
Plug-in software compatible with OPT 2 is indirectly connected to the DAW application compatible with
Studio Connection, via the Studio Manager.
MOX6/MOX8 Editor Owner’s Manual 3
Data Structure of the MOX6/MOX8 Editor
Data Structure of the MOX6/MOX8 Editor
The MOX6/MOX8 Editor lets you create the following data and save them as a single file (extension: X4E).
• Current Global data (latest status of edited global parameters)
• Current data in the Voice mode (latest status of edited Voice)
• Current data in the Song/Pattern mode (consisting of Mixing setup, latest status of edited Voice and 16 Mixing Voices)
• User Voice data (consisting of three Normal Voice Banks and one Drum Voice Bank)
Current settings includes the latest settings of the Common and Element parameters for the Voice last assigned to each of Parts 1 – 16, as well as Mixing parameter settings such as Voice assignment, pan, volume and effect for each Part. Among the Voice Banks, only the Mixing Voice Bank data belongs to the Current settings. The MOX6/
MOX8 Editor lets you edit parameters (including Element parameters) of the Voice assigned to each Part and save the latest edit status as a file without storing it as a User Voice or a Mixing Voice. This means that you can easily recall the latest status of the previous edit simply by opening the file.
n The MOX6/MOX8 Editor handles the Global data which includes some of the parameters shown on the “G” row in the
Mixer section and all the parameters in the Global Settings of the Parameter Category section (pages
The diagram illustrated below indicates the structure of the data created via the MOX6/MOX8 Editor, the structure of the data stored in the internal memory of the MOX6/MOX8 instrument and the relationship between those two types of data.
Data sync
Data sync
Project file of the DAW application (computer)
MOX6/MOX8 Editor
Current Global data
Store Voice
Current data in the Voice mode
User Voice data
• Normal User 1 (128 Voices)
• Normal User 2 (128 Voices)
• Normal User 3 (128 Voices)
• Drum User (32 Voices)
Current data in the Song or
Pattern mode
• Mixing data
• Multi Common data
Part Voice data
(16 Voices)
Store Voice
Mixing Voice data
(16 Voices)
Store Voice
Editor file
(Extension: .X4E)
Data sync
Current Global data
MOX6/MOX8 instrument
Store Global
Global data
Store Voice
Current data in the Voice mode
Store Voice
User Voice data
• Normal User 1 (128 Voices)
• Normal User 2 (128 Voices)
• Normal User 3 (128 Voices)
• Drum User (32 Voices)
Current data in the Song or
Pattern mode
• Mixing data
• Multi Common data
Part Voice data
(16 Voices)
Store Mixing
) Mixing data
• Multi Common data
Store Voice
Mixing Voice data
(16 Voices)
*1 When the MOX6/MOX8 instrument is connected to the computer properly with the ONLINE status, editing a parameter on the MOX6/MOX8 Editor affects the same parameter on the MOX6/MOX8 itself, and vice versa.
*2 The Store Voice operation on the Editor will store the Voice data to the memory of the MOX6/MOX8 instrument as well as the memory of the Editor.
*3 The Store Global operation and Store Mixing operation will store the data only to the memory of the MOX6/MOX8 instrument.
MOX6/MOX8 Editor Owner’s Manual 4
Starting the MOX6/MOX8 Editor
Starting the MOX6/MOX8 Editor
Install the Yamaha Steinberg USB Driver, Studio Manager and MOX6/MOX8 Editor by following the respective Installation Guides, then install the host application such as Cubase if necessary. After making the required connection and setting the MIDI IN/OUT parameter to “USB” in the Utility mode, follow the instructions below to start the MOX6/MOX8 Editor. n For details about connection between the MOX6/MOX8 and a computer, refer to the Owner’s Manual of the MOX6/
Start the Studio Manager.
Studio Manager can be started as a plug-in within a Studio Connections-compatible DAW software, or can be started as a stand-alone application.
Set the MIDI Ports.
When starting Studio Manager as a stand-alone application:
Set the MIDI Ports by calling up the MIDI Ports window.
Windows: [File] [Setup] [MIDI Settings]
Mac: [File] [Preference] [MIDI Settings]
Enter the checkmarks to the boxes of Ports 1 and 4 for the MOX6/MOX8 in both the Input Ports and the
Output Ports, as illustrated below.
When starting Studio Manager as a plug-in:
Set the MIDI Ports on the DAW application. For details, refer to the manual of your DAW application.
When connecting the MOX6/MOX8 to a computer via a USB cable, the MIDI Ports are automatically set simply by starting Studio Manager from Cubase or Cubase AI.
Start the MOX6/MOX8 Editor from the window of the Studio Manager.
For details, refer to the Installation Guide and the PDF manual of the Studio Manager.
When using Studio Manager as a plug-in with the Audio Integration features of Studio Connections
(within a compatible DAW), you can start the MOX6/MOX8 Editor just as you would any other software synthesizer. For details, visit the following web site.
MOX6/MOX8 Editor Owner’s Manual 5
Starting the MOX6/MOX8 Editor
Adjusting the hue of the display
The MOX6/MOX8 Editor lets you adjust the hue as desired.
At the left bottom of the Editor window, click the triangle button to call up the slider.
Click the triangle button again to close the slider.
Drag or click the slider to adjust the hue.
In Windows, to reset the hue to its default, simultaneously hold down the <Ctrl> key and click on the slider.
On the Mac, to reset the hue to its default, simultaneously hold down the <Command> key and click on the slider.
For details about slider operation, refer to page 32
MOX6/MOX8 Editor Owner’s Manual 6
An Example of MOX6/MOX8 Editor in Use: Editing in the Voice mode
An Example of MOX6/MOX8 Editor in Use
There is no single way to use the many components in the MOX6/MOX8 Editor. Your editing needs and preferences may differ; however, the following example gives you a simple step-by-step guide in how to use the MOX6/MOX8 Editor. As an example, this section explains how to edit a Voice in the Voice mode, edit a
Mixing program in the Song mode, then store the edited data to the memory of the MOX6/MOX8 instrument and save the final results of your editing to a file.
Editing in the Voice mode
n If the [Song] or [Pattern] indication (at the top left of the display) is on, perform the instructions below from step 1. If the
[Voice] indication is on, perform the instructions below from step 2.
Change the mode to the Voice mode by clicking the [Voice] indication (at the top left of the display).
If the [ONLINE]/[OFFLINE] indication is set to [ONLINE] before changing the mode, the Auto Sync window will be called up automatically when this step is executed. As step 2 is thus unnecessary, you should proceed to step 3.
Click the [OFFLINE] to call up the Auto Sync window if the [ONLINE]/[OFFLINE] indication is set to [OFFLINE].
On the Auto Sync window, set communication-related parameters such as Input Port,
Output Port and Device Number in the Data Port section, then set the direction of Data
Auto Synchronization (Global, Current and Voice) in the Auto Sync Setting section.
When you want to use the settings on the MOX6/MOX8 itself as starting data for editing, set the boxes of
Global, Current and Voice in the Auto Sync Setting to on so that the data flows from the instrument to the computer. To use the settings on the MOX6/MOX8 Editor as starting data, set both Global, Current and
Voice to the opposite, so that the arrow indicates data flow from the computer to the keyboard. For details, see
• Keep in mind that when you set Global, Current and Voice to On, enable data sync from the computer to the MOX6/
MOX8 (instrument), and then click the [Start] button at the bottom, this operation transmits these types of data currently on the Editor to the MOX6/MOX8 itself, automatically overwriting and erasing all the corresponding data already existing on memory of the MOX6/MOX8 instrument. When you want to use the settings on the MOX6/MOX8 itself as starting data for editing, set the boxes of Global, Current and Voice in the Auto Sync Setting to on so that the data flows from the instrument to the computer.
• Make sure to set the desired data transfer direction in order to avoid data loss.
• Any data which was overwritten and lost accidentally cannot be recovered.
MOX6/MOX8 Editor Owner’s Manual 7
An Example of MOX6/MOX8 Editor in Use: Editing in the Voice mode
From the Auto Sync window, click [Start] at the bottom.
The data synchronization will be started if the Port settings are correct. As soon as data synchronization is completed, the Auto Sync window is closed, then the OFFLINE indication is changed to ONLINE indication automatically. In this ONLINE status, editing a parameter on the MOX6/MOX8 Editor affects the same parameter on the MOX6/MOX8 itself, and vice versa.
For more information, refer to “ONLINE/OFFLINE” on
Edit the Voice in the Voice mode.
5-1 On the “V” row of the Voice section, click the Bank name or Voice name to call up the
5-2 From the list in the VOICE LIBRARY, select the desired Voice to assign it temporarily to the current Part.
You can confirm the sound of the selected Voice by clicking any note on the virtual keyboard or the
MOX6/MOX8 keyboard.
5-3 Click the Voice name or [OK] at bottom right of the window to close the VOICE LIBRARY window.
You can cancel the Voice selection by clicking the Close (X) button or [Cancel] button at bottom right of the window. By executing this operation, the Voice selection is reset to the original status and the VOICE
LIBRARY window closes.
When a different Voice has been selected, your edits of the previously selected Voice will be lost. If you want to store
MOX6/MOX8 Editor Owner’s Manual 8
An Example of MOX6/MOX8 Editor in Use: Editing in the Voice mode
5-4 Edit the Voice parameters as desired.
Edit the parameters (EQ, chorus, reverb, etc.) in the “V” row by clicking them.
To confirm how the parameter edit affects the Voice sound, click any note on the virtual keyboard or the
MOX6/MOX8 keyboard.
To make detailed settings of the selected Voice, click the arrow button at the top of the right panel next to the main window to call up the Detailed Parameter section. n For details about Voice parameters, refer to “Editing a Normal Voice” and “Editing a Drum Voice” in the
Reference Manual.
Store the edited settings as a User Voice, as necessary.
6-1 Click [Store Voice] under [Edit] in the menu bar to open the Store window (
6-2 Select a Voice Bank from the following list:
• Normal User 1
• Normal User 2
• Normal User 3
• Drum User n Normal User 1 – 3 are shown in the Store window when editing the Normal Voice while Drum User is shown in the Store window when editing the Drum Voice.
6-3 Open the selected Bank, select the desired number as destination, then enter the name of the Voice in the box at the top of this window.
MOX6/MOX8 Editor Owner’s Manual 9
An Example of MOX6/MOX8 Editor in Use: Mixing edit in the Song or Pattern mode
6-4 Click [Store] to store the edited Voice to the selected number in the selected Bank.
Performing this operation will store the Voice data to the User Voice Bank in the MOX6/MOX8 instrument as well as that within the Editor.
When you execute the Store operation, the settings for the destination memory (of both the Editor and instrument) will be overwritten. Select the destination Voice number carefully to prevent important data from being erased accidentally. For this reason, important data should always be saved to a separate USB storage device.
n You can store the settings of the parameters in the “G” row except for the Chorus and Reverb settings by clicking [Store Global] under [Edit] in the menu bar.
Mixing edit in the Song or Pattern mode
This section explains how to edit a Mixing program in the Song mode.
Change the mode to the Song mode by clicking [Song] of the [Voice]/[Song]/[Pattern] indication.
The Auto Sync appears automatically during ONLINE status.
From the Auto Sync window, click [Start] at the bottom.
Data synchronization will be started if the Port settings are correct. As soon as data synchronization is completed, the Auto Sync window is closed.
Edit the parameters of the Mixing and Voice assigned to each Part.
If you want to change the parameter values from the original ones of the selected Song or Pattern, click
(drag and drop) each of the parameters such as EQ and effect lined up to the right of “G” in the Global/
Multi section and “1” – “16” in the Part section.
MOX6/MOX8 Editor Owner’s Manual 10
An Example of MOX6/MOX8 Editor in Use: Mixing edit in the Song or Pattern mode
To confirm how the parameter edit affects the Voice sound, click any note on the virtual keyboard.
To make detailed settings of the selected Multi, click the arrow button at the top of the right panel next to the main window to call up the Detailed Parameter section. n The MOX6/MOX8 Editor lets you edit the Voice parameters in the Song or Pattern mode as well as Voice mode. In the Voice mode, you can edit only the selected Voice. In the Song or Pattern mode, on the other hand, you can edit the parameters of the Voice assigned to each Part as well as the Mixing parameters. The edited Voice can be stored to the same Voice Bank as a User Voice regardless of the mode used for editing.
Store the edited Voice or a Mixing, as necessary.
4-1 Select the [Mixing Store] under [Edit] in the menu bar then store the edited Mixing.
4-2 Select the Part to which the desired Voice is assigned, select [Store Voice] under [Edit] in the menu bar to call up the Store window (
) then store the Voice via the same operations as in steps 6-1, 6-2, 6-3 and 6-4.
Select [Save] or [Save As] under [File] on the menu bar to save the edited data as a file
(extension: *.X4E).
All the settings you made and the Voice data you stored to the User Banks will be saved as a single file
(extension: X4E). When you open this file next time to call up the Auto Sync window, click [Start] to synchronize the status of the parameter settings between the MOX6/MOX8 Editor and the MOX6/MOX8 instrument.
The Save operation from the Cubase series File menu will save the Project file including the settings made via the MOX6/MOX8 Voice Editor. This means that opening the same Project file next time will call up the settings lastly made via the MOX6/MOX8 Voice Editor.
MOX6/MOX8 Editor Owner’s Manual 11
MOX6/MOX8 Editor Window: Overall section
MOX6/MOX8 Editor Window
Overall section
1 File, Edit, Bulk, Help
Refer to
2 Voice/Song/Pattern mode
Determines the mode of the MOX6/MOX8, Voice, Song or Pattern. As soon as “Voice,” “Song” or
“Pattern” is selected here, the mode of the MOX6/MOX8 instrument changes accordingly and the Auto
) opens. After setting parameters as necessary on this window, click [Start] to execute data synchronization between the MOX6/MOX8 Editor and the MOX6/MOX8 instrument.
Clicking this switches the status of the Editor between “ONLINE” and “OFFLINE.” When “ONLINE” is indicated, the edited status is completely synchronized between the MOX6/MOX8 Editor and the MOX6/
MOX8 instrument, meaning that any parameter edit you make on the MOX6/MOX8 Editor is reflected in the same parameter on the MOX6/MOX8 instrument and vice versa. When OFFLINE is selected, editing on the MOX6/MOX8 Editor will not affect the MOX6/MOX8 instrument and vice versa even if the MOX6/
MOX8 instrument is connected to a computer.
Note that the indication here is automatically changed according to the status of communication between the MOX6/MOX8 Editor and the MOX6/MOX8 instrument. For example, the ONLINE status changes automatically to OFFLINE when the cable is disconnected accidentally.
Indicates that the current status is set to ONLINE. Clicking this calls up OFFLINE ( 2) described below.
Keep in mind that the ONLINE indication cannot be enabled when the MIDI Port is not set properly or the
MOX6/MOX8 instrument is not properly connected to a computer.
This OFFLINE indication shows that the MIDI Port is set properly and the MOX6/MOX8 is properly connected to a computer. Clicking this calls up the Auto Sync window. From the Auto Sync window, you can synchronize the settings between the MOX6/MOX8 Editor and the MOX6/MOX8 by clicking the [Start] button. As soon as data synchronization is completed, the Auto Sync window is closed and the status of the Editor changes from OFFLINE to ONLINE. n When the Global, Current and Voice settings are set to “Off” and Auto Start is set to “On” in the Auto Sync window, clicking here changes the Editor status from OFFLINE to ONLINE without opening the Auto Sync window.
This OFFLINE indication shows that the MIDI Port is not set properly or the MOX6/MOX8 instrument is not connected to a computer properly. Clicking this calls up the Auto Sync window. After making sure to connect the MOX6/MOX8 instrument to a computer, set the MIDI Port properly then click the [Start] button in the Auto Sync window to execute data synchronization between the MOX6/MOX8 Editor and the MOX6/
MOX8. As soon as data synchronization is completed, the Auto Sync window is closed and the status of the Editor is changed from OFFLINE to ONLINE.
MOX6/MOX8 Editor Owner’s Manual 12
MOX6/MOX8 Editor Window: When the Voice/Song/Pattern is set to “Voice” (Mixer section)
When the Voice/Song/Pattern is set to “Voice”
Mixer section
1 Global
This strip lets you edit the main parameters in the Voice mode, such as effect-related ones. n When editing any of the Global parameters described below, a small square appears at the top right of the
Before editing
After editing
Lo, Lo-M, Mid, Hi-M, Hi (Master EQ)
Edits the Master EQ parameters.
Selects the Chorus type.
Selects the Reverb type.
Master Effect
Turns the Master Effect on or off and selects the Master Effect type.
Adjust the entire volume.
2 [Voice]/[AD Part] tab
Selects the Parts to be edited from [Voice] and [AD Part]. The illustration below indicates that the [Voice] tab is active.
MOX6/MOX8 Editor Owner’s Manual 13
MOX6/MOX8 Editor Window: When the Voice/Song/Pattern is set to “Voice” (Mixer section)
3 Voice
When the [Voice] is selected:
Edits the Voice parameters. Clicking the “V” row turns this section on as illustrated below. n When editing any of the Voice parameters described below, a small square appears at the top right of the “V” box until you save the edited data as a file or you store the edited data as a Voice. This indication is the same as the [V] indicator (
Before editing
After editing n The MIDI monitor mark is at the left side of the “V” mark. A small LED lights when the specific MIDI channel receives MIDI messages.
Category, Bank, No., Voice Name
Indicates the Category Bank and name of the Voice. When clicking here, the VOICE LIBRARY window appears at the right half section, letting you select a different Voice for editing.
1 2 9
6 7 8
1 Close button
Click this to close this window without applying the changes to the MOX6/MOX8 Editor.
2 [Category]/[Bank] checkboxes
Click either of these boxes to determine whether the Voices listed here are divided into Category folders or Bank folders.
MOX6/MOX8 Editor Owner’s Manual 14
MOX6/MOX8 Editor Window: When the Voice/Song/Pattern is set to “Voice” (Mixer section)
3 [+]/[–] buttons
Click the [+] button to open all the folders so that all Voices appear in all folders. Click the [–] button to close all folders.
4 Folder (Category or Bank)
Click each folder to open or close it.
5 Voices
Indicates the Voices included in the folder. You can select the Voice temporarily by clicking it. When double-clicking a Voice, the Voice is actually selected and this window closes. You can also copy the
Preset Voice(s) and User Voice(s) from the original location to any location in the User Bank by dragging-and-dropping the Voice(s). In the User Bank, you can rearrange the Voices by dragging-anddropping the Voice(s) to a new location.
If you enter checkmarks to the checkboxes of your most-used or favorite Voice, you can call up a list of these Voices on the VOICE LIBRARY by setting the [Favorites] checkbox to on. n Selecting, copying, pasting or dragging-and-dropping multiple Voices is done in the same way as normal on your computer OS.
n By right-clicking on Windows / <control> key + clicking on Mac this section and selecting a menu, you can use the following functions.
• Opening/closing all the folders
• Determining whether the Voices listed here are divided into Category folders or Bank folders.
• Copying/pasting
• Changing the Voice name
• Deleting all the checkmarks of the Favorites checkboxes at left of the Voices
6 Search Box
You can search for your desired Voice by inputting a keyword here.
7 [Favorites] checkbox
By entering the checkmark to this checkbox, you can call up a list of your favorite Voices on the VOICE
LIBRARY. You can select your favorite or most-used Voices for this list by entering checkmarks to the appropriate checkboxes at the left of each Voice.
8 [OK]/[Cancel] buttons
Click the [OK] button to apply the settings and close this window. Click the [Cancel] button to quit without applying the Voice selection.
9 Refresh
When the VOICE LIBRARY is shown in the Editor and you store the Voice(s) on the MOX6/MOX8 itself, the name(s) of the Voice(s) in the VOICE LIBRARY may be different from the Voice name(s) on the
MOX6/MOX8. If this happens, click this button to update the Voice names of the VOICE LIBRARY.
EQ Lo, Mi, Hi (Part EQ)
Adjusts the equalizer settings for the current Voice.
Cho, Rev, Pan (Chorus, Reverb, Pan)
Adjusts the Chorus Send level, Reverb Send level and stereo Pan position for the current Voice by using the graphic knobs.
Adjusts the volume of the current Voice.
ARP (Arpeggio)
Turns Arpeggio playback on or off for the current Voice.
MOX6/MOX8 Editor Owner’s Manual 15
MOX6/MOX8 Editor Window: When the Voice/Song/Pattern is set to “Voice” (Mixer section)
When the [AD Part] is selected:
This section lets you edit parameters for the AD Part in the Voice mode.
Cho, Rev, Pan (Chorus, Reverb, Pan)
Adjusts the Chorus Send level, Reverb Send level and stereo Pan position for the AD Part in the Voice mode by using the graphic knobs.
n The Chorus Send and Reverb Send for the AD Part affect only when the USB I/O Mode parameter in the
Utility mode is set to “1 StereoRec.”
Adjusts the Volume for the AD Part.
MOX6/MOX8 Editor Owner’s Manual 16
MOX6/MOX8 Editor Window: When the Voice/Song/Pattern is set to “Voice” (Parameter Category section)
Parameter Category section
You can edit detailed parameters for the current Part by clicking the button (located near the top right of the window, just below the model name) to call up the Detailed Parameter section. Calling up the Detailed
Parameter section moves the Parameter Category Section rightward as shown below.
Parameter Category section
MOX6/MOX8 Editor Owner’s Manual
Parameter Category section Detailed Parameter section
MOX6/MOX8 Editor Window: When the Voice/Song/Pattern is set to “Voice” (Parameter Category section)
The indicated categories in the Parameter Category section differs depending on the selected row: G, V, or
AD Part, as illustrated below. Clicking each of Categories calls up the corresponding parameters in the
Detailed Parameter section. The “G” indication shown below appears when clicking the “G” row. The “V” indication shown below appears by clicking the “V” row appearing only when the [Voice] tab is selected at the bottom of the Mixer section. The “AD” indication shown below appears by clicking the “AD” row appearing only when the [AD Part] tab is selected at the bottom of the Mixer section.
“G” “V” “AD”
1 1 1
1 Open/Close button
This button opens/closes the Detailed Parameter section. When only the left arrow is indicated in white, the Detailed Parameter section is hidden and you can call it up by clicking here. When only the right arrow is indicated in white, the Detailed Parameter section is shown on the display, allowing you to edit the displayed parameters. The Detailed Parameter section can be closed by clicking this button. You can also conveniently open and close the Detailed Parameter window from your computer keyboard.
Hold down the <Ctrl> key (Command key for Mac) and simultaneously press the left arrow (
) key to open the window, or hold <Ctrl> key (Command key for Mac) and press the right arrow (
) key to close it.
2 Global Settings
This is shown when the “G” row is selected in the Mixer section. Clicking each of the parameter categories calls up the corresponding Global parameters in the Detailed Parameter section.
3 Voice Common
This is shown when the “V” row is selected in the Mixer section. Clicking each of the parameter categories calls up the corresponding Voice Common parameters in the Detailed Parameter section.
MOX6/MOX8 Editor Owner’s Manual 18
MOX6/MOX8 Editor Window: When the Voice/Song/Pattern is set to “Voice” (Parameter Category section)
4 Element or Drum Key
This is shown when the “V” row is selected in the Mixer section. When a Normal Voice is selected
(“Element” is shown in the Parameter Category section) and you select an Element number, then clicking each of the parameter categories calls up the corresponding Element parameters in the
Detailed Parameter section. When a Drum Voice is selected (“Drum Key” is shown in the Parameter
Category section) and you select a key number (from C0 – C6), then clicking each of the parameter categories calls up the corresponding Drum Key parameters in the Detailed Parameter section.
When the Normal Voice is selected:
2 3
When the Drum Voice is selected:
5 6
1 Checkboxes for Elements (available when the Normal Voice is selected)
Turns each Element on or off.
2 [1] – [8], [All] buttons (available when the Normal Voice is selected)
Selects the Element to be edited. When [All] is selected, the Element Quick Setting window appears in the
Detailed Parameter section. This window conveniently lets you edit frequently-used Element parameters of all Elements in a single window.
3 Element Parameter categories (available when the Normal Voice is selected)
Indicates the categories of Element parameters. Clicking each of the categories calls up the corresponding Element parameters in the Detailed Parameter section.
4 Checkbox for the Drum Key (available when the Drum Voice is selected)
Turns the current Drum Key on or off.
5 Drum Key (available when the Drum Voice is selected)
Indicates the current Drum Key to be edited. You can select the Drum Key to be edited by clicking either of the triangular buttons below the key indication.
6 Drum Key Parameter categories (available when the Drum Voice is selected)
Indicates the categories of Drum Key parameters. Clicking each of categories calls up the corresponding
Drum Key parameters in the Detailed Parameter section.
5 AD
This is shown when the AD Part is selected in the Mixer section. The Detailed Parameter section shows the Effect-related parameters.
Indicates information about the parameter at the cursor arrow position. To view the information for a desired parameter, mouse-over the knob, slider or setting for that parameter. You can switch this
Information feature on or off by clicking the “ i
” box.
MOX6/MOX8 Editor Owner’s Manual 19
MOX6/MOX8 Editor Window: When the Voice/Song/Pattern is set to “Voice” (Detailed Parameter section)
Detailed Parameter section
This section indicates the detailed parameters of the selected category for the current Voice or Global settings. This section introduces what parameters belong to each of the Parameter Categories. For details about each parameter, refer to the Owner’s Manual of the MOX6/MOX8.
V, G, F indicators
Three Indicators showing the Editing Status
One or more of the following three indicators are shown at the right top of the window when you edit a parameter.
Indicates that the Voice edits are not stored yet as a User Voice or Mixing Voice. This indicator disappears when you execute Voice Store (
Indicates that the Global edits are not stored yet. This indicator disappears when you execute Global
Store (
Indicates that the parameter edits are not saved yet as a file.
n These indicators, “V,” “G” and “F” are linked with the small squares at the top right of “1” – “16” boxes and
“G” box in the Mixer section. The “V” and “G” indicators disappear if you execute the Voice Store, Mixing
Store and Global Store operation, respectively. The “F” indicator and the small squares at the top right of the
“G” box in the Mixer section disappear only if you execute the File Save operation. All the indicators and the small squares disappear if you execute the File Save operation.
Global Settings
This Parameter category which is called up by selecting the “G” row in the Mixer section consists of the following sub categories.
Master FX/EQ (Master Effect/EQ)
Clicking this in the Parameter Category section calls up the Master Effect/EQ parameters in the Detailed
Parameter section.
Controller Assign
Clicking this in the Parameter Category section calls up the Controller Assign parameters in the Detailed
Parameter section.
MOX6/MOX8 Editor Owner’s Manual 20
MOX6/MOX8 Editor Window: When the Voice/Song/Pattern is set to “Voice” (Detailed Parameter section)
Voice Common
This Parameter Category is called up by selecting the “V” row in the Mixer section. The parameters belonging to this category lets you make the settings applied to all the Elements or Drum Keys commonly.
The following sub categories are included.
Clicking this in the Parameter Category section calls up the parameters such as Voice name and pitchrelated parameters in the Detailed Parameter section.
ARP (Arpeggio)
Clicking this in the Parameter Category section calls up the Arpeggio-related parameters in the Detailed
Parameter section. Clicking the row of the Bank/Category/Sub/Number/Name will call up the ARP
LIBRARY window which lets you use the search function for the selecting Arpeggio Types, as with the
VOICE LIBRARY window ( page 14
Controller Set
Clicking this in the Parameter Category section calls up the Controller Set parameters in the Detailed
Parameter section.
LFO (Low Frequency Oscillator)
Clicking this in the Parameter Category section calls up the LFO-related parameters in the Detailed
Parameter section.
Clicking this in the Parameter Category section calls up the Effect-related parameters in the Detailed
Parameter section.
Element or Drum Key
This Parameter Category is called up by selecting the “V” row in the Mixer section. The “Element” is shown when the Normal Voice is selected while the “Drum Key” is shown when the Drum Voice is selected. The parameters belonging to this category lets you make the settings applied to each of the Elements or Drum
Keys individually. The following sub categories are included. n
about the Drum Key (note name) and checkbox, refer to
Clicking this in the Parameter Category section calls up the parameters related to the Oscillator and
Pitch in the Detailed Parameter section.
Clicking this in the Parameter Category section calls up the Filter-related parameters in the Detailed
Parameter section.
Clicking this in the Parameter Category section calls up the Amplitude-related parameters in the
Detailed Parameter section.
LFO/EQ (Low Frequency Oscillator/Equalizer)
Clicking this in the Parameter Category section calls up the parameters related to the LFO and EQ in the
Detailed Parameter section.
This Parameter Category is called up by selecting the “AD” row in the Mixer section. The parameters belonging to this category lets you make the settings applied to the AD Part in the Voice mode. The following sub category is included.
Clicking this in the Parameter Category section calls up the parameters related to the Effect applied to the AD Part of the Voice mode in the Detailed Parameter section.
MOX6/MOX8 Editor Owner’s Manual 21
MOX6/MOX8 Editor Window: When the Voice/Song/Pattern is set to “Song” or “Pattern” (Mixer section)
When the Voice/Song/Pattern is set to “Song” or “Pattern”
Mixer section
1 Global
This strip lets you edit the main parameters in the Song or Pattern mode, such as effect-related ones. n When editing any of the Global parameters described below, a small square appears at the top right of the
Before editing
After editing
Lo, Lo-M, Mid, Hi-M, Hi (Master EQ)
Adjusts the Master EQ setting.
Selects the Chorus type.
Selects the Reverb type.
Master Effect
Turns the Master Effect on or off and selects the Master Effect type.
Adjusts the entire volume.
MOX6/MOX8 Editor Owner’s Manual 22
MOX6/MOX8 Editor Window: When the Voice/Song/Pattern is set to “Song” or “Pattern” (Mixer section)
2 [Part 1-16]/[AD Part] tab
Selects the Parts to be edited from [Part 1-16] and [AD Part]. The illustration below indicates that the
[Part 1-16] tab is selected.
3 Part
When [Part 1-16] is selected:
This section lets you edit parameters for each Part. Clicking any of 1 – 16 turns the corresponding Part on. In the example illustration below, Part 1 is active.
n When editing any of the Voice parameters such as Element parameters for each Part, a small square appears at the top right of the “1” – “16” box until you store the edited Voice as a User Voice or Mixing Voice or you save the edited data as a file. This indication is the same as the [V] indicator (
Part (Part number)
Indicates the Part number. Clicking here turns the corresponding Part on.
n In some situations, selecting a Part number on the Editor may not change a Part number on the MOX6/MOX8 and vice versa, even if the Editor is in the ONLINE status. If you come across such a situation and you want to match the Part number of the MOX6/MOX8 with the one in the Editor, change the Part number via the panel controls of the MOX6/MOX8.
1 2
1 Mute
Sets the Mute status for each Part. Clicking “M” here changes the Mute status for all Parts simultaneously.
2 Solo
Selects the Solo Part. Only one Part can be soloed at a time.
Category, Bank, No. and Voice Name
Indicates the Category Bank and name of the Voice assigned to each Part. When clicking here, the
VOICE LIBRARY window appears at the right half section, letting you select a different Voice for the current Part. Using the VOICE LIBRARY is the same here as in the Voice mode; for details, refer to
EQ Lo, Mi, Hi (Part EQ)
Adjusts the equalizer settings for each Part.
Ins.FX (Insertion Effect Switch)
Switches the Insertion Effect on or off.
n Insertion Effects can be applied up to three Parts.
Cho, Rev, Pan (Chorus, Reverb, Pan)
Adjusts the Chorus Send level, Reverb Send level, and stereo Pan position for each Part by using the graphic knobs.
MOX6/MOX8 Editor Owner’s Manual 23
MOX6/MOX8 Editor Window: When the Voice/Song/Pattern is set to “Song” or “Pattern” (Mixer section)
Adjusts the Volume for each Part.
Rcv Channel (Receive Channel)
Determines the MIDI Receive Channel for each Part.
USB Output
Determines the USB Port for audio output of each Part.
ARP (Arpeggio)
Turns Arpeggio playback on or off for each Part.
n Up to four Parts can play back the Arpeggio simultaneously.
When [AD Part] is selected:
This section lets you edit parameters for the AD Part in the Song or Pattern mode.
Ins FX (Insertion Effect)
Switches the Insertion Effect on or off.
Cho, Rev, Pan (Chorus, Reverb, Pan)
Adjusts the Chorus Send level, Reverb Send level and stereo Pan position for the AD Part by using the knob icons.
Adjusts the Volume for the AD Part.
MOX6/MOX8 Editor Owner’s Manual 24
MOX6/MOX8 Editor Window: When the Voice/Song/Pattern is set to “Song” or “Pattern” (Parameter Category section)
Parameter Category section
You can edit detailed parameters for the current Part by clicking the button (located near the top right of the window, just below the model name) to call up the Detailed Parameter section. Calling up the Detailed
Parameter section moves the Parameter Category Section rightward as shown below.
Parameter Category section
MOX6/MOX8 Editor Owner’s Manual
Parameter Category section Detailed Parameter section
MOX6/MOX8 Editor Window: When the Voice/Song/Pattern is set to “Song” or “Pattern” (Parameter Category section)
The indicated categories in the Parameter Category section differs depending on the selected Part type: M,
Part 1 – 16, or AD Part. Clicking each of the Categories calls up the corresponding parameters in the
Detailed Parameter section. The “G” indication shown below appears when clicking the “G” row. The “Part 1
– 16” indication shown below appears by clicking any place on the Part row appearing only when the [Part 1-
16] tab is selected at the bottom of the Mixer section. The “AD” indication shown below appears by clicking the “AD” row appearing only when the [AD Part] tab is selected at the bottom of the Mixer section.
“G” Part 1 – 16 “AD”
1 1 1
1 Open/Close button
Same as in the Voice mode (
2 Global Settings
This is shown when the “G” row is selected in the Mixer section. Clicking each of the parameter categories calls up the corresponding Global parameters in the Detailed Parameter section.
3 Multi Common
This is shown when the “G” row is selected in the Mixer section. Clicking each of the parameter categories calls up the corresponding Common parameters in the Detailed Parameter section.
4 Part Common
This is shown when one of Parts 1 – 16 is selected in the Mixer section. Clicking each of the parameter categories calls up the corresponding Common parameters of the Voice/Part in the Detailed Parameter section.
5 Element or Drum Key
This is shown when one of Parts 1 – 16 is selected in the Mixer section. When a Normal Voice is assigned to the current Part (“Element” is shown in the Parameter Category section) and you select an
Element number, then clicking each of the parameter categories calls up the corresponding Element parameters in the Detailed Parameter section. When a Drum Voice is assigned to the current Part (“Drum
Key” is shown in the Parameter Category section) and you select a key number (from C0 – C6), then clicking each of the parameter categories calls up the corresponding Drum Key parameters in the
Detailed Parameter section.
For details, see the Voice mode (
6 AD
Same as in the Voice mode (
Same as in the Voice mode (
MOX6/MOX8 Editor Owner’s Manual 26
MOX6/MOX8 Editor Window: When the Voice/Song/Pattern is set to “Song” or “Pattern” (Detailed Parameter section)
Detailed Parameter section
This section indicates the detailed parameters of the selected category for the current Part and the Voice assigned to the current Part, or the Global settings. This section introduces what parameters belong to each of the Parameter Categories. For details about each parameters, refer to the Owner’s Manual of the MOX6/
V, M, G, F indicators
Four Indicators showing the Editing Status
One or more of the following four indicators are shown at the right top of the window when you edit a parameter.
Indicates that the Voice edits are not stored yet as a User Voice or Mixing Voice. This indicator disappears when you execute Voice Store (
Indicates that the Multi edits are not stored yet. This indicator disappears when you execute Mixing
Store (
Indicates that the Global edits are not stored yet. This indicator disappears when you execute Global
Store (
Indicates that the parameter edits are not saved yet as a file.
n These indicators, “V,” “M,” “G” and “F” are linked with the small squares at the top right of “1” – “16” boxes and “G” box in the Mixer section. The “V,” “M” and “G” indicators disappear if you execute the Voice Store, Mixing Store and Global
Store operations, respectively. The “F” indicator and the small squares at the top right of the “G” box in the Mixer section disappear only if you execute the File Save operation. All the indicators and the small squares disappear if you execute the File Save operation.
Global Settings
This Parameter category, called up by selecting the “G” row in the Mixer section, consists of the following sub categories.
Controller Assign
Clicking this in the Parameter Category section calls up the Controller Assign parameters in the Detailed
Parameter section.
MOX6/MOX8 Editor Owner’s Manual 27
MOX6/MOX8 Editor Window: When the Voice/Song/Pattern is set to “Song” or “Pattern” (Detailed Parameter section)
Multi Common
This Parameter category, called up by selecting the “G” row in the Mixer section, consists of the following sub categories.
Clicking this in the Parameter Category section calls up the Effect-related parameters in the Detailed
Parameter section.
Master FX/EQ (Master Effect/EQ)
Clicking this in the Parameter Category section calls up the parameters related to the Master Effect and
EQ in the Detailed Parameter section.
Part Common
This Parameter category which is called up by selecting any of the “1” – “16” rows in the Mixer section consists of the following sub categories.
Clicking this calls up the GENERAL window in the Parameter Category section. This window lets you edit the Voice Common parameters such as naming and the Mixing Part parameters such as Pitch,
Portamento, Note/Velocity Limit and Part EQ. In the Part Common General section, both the Mixing Part parameters (the “M” indicator appears at the top right during editing) and Voice Common parameters
(the “V” indicator appears at the top right during editing) can be edited. To distinguish between them, a small dot is shown at the immediate left of the parameters.
ARP (Arpeggio)
Clicking this in the Parameter Category section calls up the parameters related to the Arpeggio assigned to the current Part in the Detailed Parameter section.
Clicking the row of the Bank/Category/Sub/Number/Name will call up the ARP LIBRARY window which
lets you use the search function for the selecting Types, as with the VOICE LIBRARY window ( page 14
RCV/Control Set (Receive/Control Set)
Clicking this calls up the RCV/CONTROLLER SET ASSIGN window in the Parameter Category section.
This window lets you edit the Receive Switch parameters for the current Part and the Controller Set
Assign parameters for the current Part and the Voice.
LFO (Low Frequency Oscillator)
Clicking this in the Parameter Category section calls up the LFO-related parameters of the Voice assigned to the current Part in the Detailed Parameter section. This Parameter Category is not available if the Drum Voice is assigned to the current Part.
Clicking this in the Parameter Category section calls up the parameters related to the Insertion Effect for the current Part and System Effect applied to all the Parts in the Detailed Parameter section.
Element or Drum Key
This Parameter Category is called up by selecting any of the “1” – “16” rows in the Mixer section. The
“Element” indication appears when the Normal Voice is assigned to the current Part while the “Drum Key” is shown when the Drum Voice is assigned. The parameters belonging to this category lets you make the settings applied to each of the Elements or Drum Keys individually. For details, see the Voice mode section.
This Parameter Category is called up by selecting the “AD” row in the Mixer section. The parameters belonging to this category lets you make the settings applied to the AD Part in the Song or Pattern mode.
The following sub category is included.
Clicking this in the Parameter Category section calls up the parameters related to the Effect applied to the AD Part of the Song or Pattern mode in the Detailed Parameter section.
MOX6/MOX8 Editor Owner’s Manual 28
Bottom section
1 3
MOX6/MOX8 Editor Window: Bottom section
4 5
2 6 7
1 Controller Set status
This section indicates which controller on the MOX6/MOX8 instrument is used as the Control Source of the Controller Set.
1 Part
Indicates the current Part.
2 Control Source (Controller)
Indicates the six controllers as source of the Controller Set. The abbreviations for the Controllers are as follows:
Control Source
Pitch Bend Wheel
Modulation Wheel
After Touch (keyboard)
Foot Controller
Foot Switch
Ribbon Controller
Control Source
Breath Controller
ASSIGN 1 knob
ASSIGN 2 knob
Foot Controller 2
3 On/Off status
When a lamp is turned on, a certain function (Destination) is assigned to the corresponding Source
(controller). When a lamp is turned off, no function (Destination) is assigned to the corresponding Source
2 Quick Setup, USB I/O Mode, Direct Monitor, Local Ctrl
On the MOX6/MOX8, up to 6 parameter settings for the computer connection can be stored as Quick
Setups. The stored Quick Setups can be recalled from the Quick Setup section of this Editor as well as via the [QUICK SETUP] button of the MOX6/MOX8. n This Editor cannot edit or store each setup.
From among the parameters included in Quick Setup, you can confirm the status of “USB I/O Mode”,
“Direct Monitor” and “Local Ctrl” with the indicators. By clicking these indicators, you can also edit these parameters.
MOX6/MOX8 Editor Owner’s Manual 29
MOX6/MOX8 Editor Window: Bottom section
3 Quick Edit Knobs
This section lets you adjusts various parameters assigned to the Knobs on the front panel of the MOX6/
MOX8 instrument.
1 2
1 [TONE 1]/[TONE 2]/[TONE 3] buttons and Knobs 1 – 4
Clicking the [TONE 1]/[TONE 2]/[TONE 3], selects the set of functions assigned to the four knobs on the right. The functions shown above each of the knobs are same as those printed on the front panel of the
You can click each of the four knobs to adjust the value of the assigned function.
2 [EQ]/[EFFECT]/[ARP] buttons and Knobs 5 – 8
Clicking the [EQ]/[EFFECT]/[ARP], selects the set of functions assigned to the four knobs on the right. The functions shown above each of the knobs are same as those printed on the front panel of the MOX6/MOX8.
You can click each of the four knobs to adjust the value of the assigned function.
4 ARP (Arpeggio)
Allows you to change the Arpeggio related setup (on/off status and selecting 1 – 6).
5 MIDI monitor
Turns the MIDI monitor function on or off. By turning this MIDI jack icon on, the note on/off messages transmitted to the MOX6/MOX8 will be shown on the virtual keyboard at the bottom of the Editor window. Turn the MIDI monitor on if you want to confirm the edit result by playing the
MOX6/MOX8 or the MIDI keyboard connected to the computer.
6 [A.Func] (Assignable Function) button
This button is related to “All AF off,” “AF1 on” and “AF2 on” selected as a value of the XA Control parameter on the OSCILLATOR/PITCH window of the Normal Voice Element Edit. For details, refer to the
Owner’s Manual of the MOX6/MOX8.
7 Keyboard
Allows you to audition the edited sound. Note on/off messages corresponding to the keys you click or drag will be transmitted to the external device via the MIDI port specified in the Editor Setup window
( page 35 ) as the MIDI OUT parameter.
n The velocity when clicking a key is determined by the setting of the Keyboard Velocity parameter (
) in the Setup window. n When a Drum Voice is edited, you can initialize the parameter settings of each key by right-clicking
(Windows) / <control> key + clicking (Mac) on the virtual keyboard. From the menu called up by rightclicking (Windows) / <control> key + clicking (Mac), selecting “Initialize key” will initialize all the parameter settings except for the waveform assignment of the currently selected drum key, while selecting “Initialize key
(with Wave)” will initialize the all the parameter settings including the waveform assignment.
MOX6/MOX8 Editor Owner’s Manual 30
Basic Operations
Basic Operations
This section covers basic operations of the MOX6/MOX8 Editor.
Naming a Voice
You can assign an original name of your choice to the edited Voice on the VOICE LIBRARY window,
GENERAL window in the Part Common General, and the Store window.
From the VOICE LIBRARY window ( page 14
), select a User Voice or Mixing Voice then click the selected
Voice so that you can edit the name. After editing the Voice name, pressing the <Enter> key or locating the cursor to another parameter finalizes the edited name while pressing the <Esc> key aborts it.
From the GENERAL window (below) and Store window ( page 43
), locate the cursor in the text box of “Voice
Name” at the top of this window, then edit the name in the text box as desired. After editing, pressing the
<Enter> key or locating the cursor to another parameter finalizes the edited name.
Searching for a Voice/Arpeggio Type
You can search for the desired Voice and Arpeggio type on the VOICE LIBRARY window ( page 14
) and ARP
LIBRARY window just by inputting a keyword in the text box at the bottom of these windows respectively.
Likewise, the Search function is available on the Import window ( page 33
Inputting a numerical value
When double clicking a value box such as that shown above, the value box can be edited and you can input a numerical value directly by using numeric keys. After editing, pressing the <Enter> key or locating the cursor to another parameter finalizes the value while pressing the <Esc> key aborts it. You can edit the value also by using the Cursor key or <Page Up>/<Page Down> key after clicking this box.
In Windows, to reset the value to its default, simultaneously hold down the <Ctrl> key and click on the value box. On the Mac, to reset the value to its default, simultaneously hold down the Command key and click on the value box. n For certain parameters, the value can be edited only by using the mouse and cannot be input directly by using the numeric keys.
MOX6/MOX8 Editor Owner’s Manual 31
Basic Operations
Selecting a value
Clicking inside the value box like such as that shown above calls up the list box, from which you can select the desired value. You can also select the value also by clicking the arrow at right end of this box.
Using a knob
Dragging or clicking the knob such as that shown above changes the value of the corresponding parameter.
After clicking this, you can edit the value by using the cursor key or <Page Up>/<Page Down> key. If you want to make fine adjustments to the value, drag the mouse while holding the <Shift> key.
The specific operation of the knob is determined by the settings of the Knob Guide parameter and Knob
Mouse Control parameter in the Setup window (
page 35 ). In Windows, to reset the value to its default,
simultaneously hold down the <Ctrl> key and click on the knob. On the Mac, to reset the value to its default, simultaneously hold down the Command key and click on the knob.
Using a slider
Dragging or clicking the slider such as that shown above changes the value of the corresponding parameter.
After clicking this, you can edit the value by using the cursor key or <Page Up>/<Page Down> key. If you want to make fine adjustments to the value, drag the mouse while holding the <Shift> key.
The specific operation of the slider is determined by the setting of the Slider Mouse Control parameter in the
). In Windows, to reset the value to its default, simultaneously hold down the <Ctrl> key and click on the slider. On the Mac, to reset the value to its default, simultaneously hold down the
Command key and click on the slider.
Using a graph
Dragging one of the boxes in the graph (as shown above) changes the value of the corresponding parameter.
In Windows, simultaneously hold down the <Ctrl> key and click on the box to reset the corresponding value to the default setting. To reset the entire graph and its values to the default setting, simultaneously hold down the <Ctrl> key and click on any section in the graph (other than one of the boxes) to reset the entire graph and its values to the default setting. On the Mac, simultaneously hold down the Command key and click on the box to reset the corresponding value to the default setting. To reset the entire graph and its values to the default setting, simultaneously hold down the Command key and click on any section in the graph (other than one of the boxes) to reset the entire graph and its values to the default setting.
MOX6/MOX8 Editor Owner’s Manual 32
Menu: [File] menu
[File] menu
Creates and opens a new file containing the default Mixing setup and Voice data.
Opens an already saved file of the MOX6/MOX8 Editor.
Unlike files of other applications such as word processors, only a single file can be opened and edited on the MOX6/MOX8
Editor. Before opening a new file, make sure to save the edited settings as a file to avoid losing data.
Saves the current settings by overwriting the current file.
Save As...
Saves the current settings as a MOX6/MOX8 Editor file (.X4E) under a new or different name.
Imports the Voice data from another MOX6/MOX8 Editor file (.X4E) to the current file.
Click the File Select button ( 3), select a file including your desired Voice(s) so that the folders in the selected file are listed as the Source Voice list ( 8), select a Voice or Voices or a folder or folders in the list (8), select a destination location in the Destination Voice list ( 9) of the current file, then click [Import] (5) to execute the
Import operation.
2 3 4 5 6
MOX6/MOX8 Editor Owner’s Manual
8 7 9
Menu: [File] menu
1 [X] (Close) button
Click this to close this window without importing.
2 File name
(Indication only)
Indicates the currently selected file.
3 File selection button
Click this to open the dialog for file selection.
4 [Category]/[Bank] checkboxes
Click either of these boxes to determine whether the Voices in the Source Voice list ( 8) are divided into
Categories or Banks.
5 [Import] button
Click this to actually import the Voice(s) selected in the Source Voice list ( 8) to the specified location in the Destination Voice list ( 9). n You can also import Voice data without the use of this button by dragging the desired Voice or folder from the
Source Voice list then dropping it to the Destination Voice list. n A Normal Voice cannot be imported to the User Drum Voice Bank. Likewise, a Drum Voice cannot be imported to the User Normal Voice Bank. No Voices can be imported to the Preset Voice Bank.
6 [+]/[–] buttons
Click the [+] button to open all the folders so that all Voices appear in all folders. Click the [–] button to close all folders.
7 Folder button (Bank or Category)
Double click here to open or close the folder.
8 Source Voice list
Indicates the Voices or folders of the selected file to be imported.
By right-clicking (Windows) / <control> key + clicking (Mac) this section and selecting a menu, you can perform the following functions.
• Opening/Closing all the folders
• Determining whether the Voices listed here are divided into Category folders or Bank folders
9 Destination Voice list
Indicates the Voices or folders currently edited on the MOX6/MOX8 Editor. n By right-clicking (Windows) / <control> key + clicking (Mac) this section and selecting a menu, you can open or close all the folders.
) Search box
You can search for your desired Voice from the Source Voice list ( 8) by inputting a keyword here.
MOX6/MOX8 Editor Owner’s Manual 34
Menu: [File] menu
Determines the basic setup of the MOX6/MOX8 Editor. After setting necessary parameters, click [OK] to actually apply the settings to the MOX6/MOX8 Editor.
3 4
7 8 )
9 !
@ #
1 [X] (Close) button
Click this to close this window without applying the settings. This button is the same as the [Cancel] button ( #).
2 [Detail] button
You can make detailed settings for the Input Port and Output Port by setting this button to “On.” This setting is necessary if the Port name is changed on a computer.
Set the MIDI Port for communication between the MOX6/MOX8 Editor and the MOX6/MOX8 instrument.
When the [Detail] button ( 2) is set to “Off,” select a value such as “Yamaha USB 0” or “MOX6/MOX8” at the top left column. When the [Detail] button ( 2) is set to “On,” select Port 4 for the MIDI In setting, then select Port 1 and Port 4 for the MIDI Out settings.
n When “!” is shown at left of the Port name (e.g., “! Yamaha USB IN 0”), this indicates that the previously used
Port cannot be found or some Ports are not set properly. Check the MIDI Port settings in the host application. n Keep in mind that setup on the host application is necessary before making settings here. n Make sure to set the MIDI IN/OUT parameter to “USB” in the MIDI display of the Utility mode on the MOX6/
MOX8 instrument.
4 Device No.
Set the Device number to the same as the value specified in the MIDI display of the Utility mode on the
MOX6/MOX8 itself. When the Device number on the MOX6/MOX8 is set to “All,” set the Device No. here to “1.”
MOX6/MOX8 Editor Owner’s Manual 35
Menu: [File] menu
5 Auto Sync Setting
This section lets you set how the data synchronization between the MOX6/MOX8 Editor and the MOX6/
MOX8 instrument is executed when “OFFLINE” is changed to “ONLINE.” Actual data synchronization is executed from the Auto Sync window (
page 47 ) called up automatically under certain circumstances
such as clicking the [OFFLINE] button, starting the MOX6/MOX8 Editor and opening a new file on the
Determines whether or not the Global data (see page 4 ) is synchronized and which data (MOX6/MOX8
Editor or MOX6/MOX8 itself) is synchronized with the other.
Determines whether or not the Current data (see page 4
) is synchronized and which data (MOX6/MOX8
Editor or MOX6/MOX8 itself) is synchronized with the other.
Determines whether or not the Voice data (see page 4
) is synchronized and which data (MOX6/MOX8
Editor or MOX6/MOX8 itself) is synchronized with the other.
Auto Start
When this is set to “On” and one of the following operations is executed, data synchronization will be started automatically as soon as the Auto Sync window is opened.
• When clicking “OFFLINE” after setting the MIDI IN/OUT parameter correctly in the Utility mode on the MOX6/
MOX8, setting the MIDI Ports correctly on the computer, and making a proper connection.
• When the connection between the MOX6/MOX8 and a computer are corrected after appropriately correcting the setup of the MOX6/MOX8 and the computer.
• When the settings on the MOX6/MOX8 instrument and the computer are corrected after appropriately reconnecting the devices.
• When the settings on the MOX6/MOX8 instrument and the computer are corrected after appropriately launching the MOX6/MOX8 Editor.
n The parameters set here apply also to the parameters having the same names in the Auto Sync window.
When the Auto Start parameter is set to “On,” data synchronization is started automatically under certain circumstances (
) such as clicking the [OFFLINE] button, starting the Editor and opening a new file on the
Editor. Keep in mind that this will cause unexpected data loss on the MOX6/MOX8 Editor or the MOX6/MOX8 itself, since new data automatically overwrites old data upon data synchronization. Make sure to save your important data before using the MOX6/MOX8 Editor.
6 Knob Guide
Determines whether or not the Knob Guide (knob editing area) appears when adjusting a knob. Setting this to On conveniently enlarges the knob editing area (as shown), making it much easier to edit a knob’s parameter.
Knob Guide: On Knob Guide: Off
MOX6/MOX8 Editor Owner’s Manual 36
Menu: [File] menu
7 Knob Mouse Control
Determines how the knob illustrated at right responds to your mouse control.
When this is selected, you can jump to a specific value by clicking at a point within the Knob editing area. You can edit the value also by dragging the mouse in a circular direction—in much the same way as turning an actual knob.
Relative Circular
When this is selected, you can edit the value by dragging the mouse in a circular direction—in much the same way as turning an actual knob.
When this is selected, you can edit the value by dragging any point in the knob editing area (the mouse pointer disappears) and moving it vertically or horizontally—in much the same way as operating a slider.
8 Slider Mouse Control
Determines how the Slider illustrated at right responds to your mouse control.
When this is selected, clicking any location in the slider jumps the slider pointer to that location.
When this is selected, you can edit the value by dragging and moving the slider pointer horizontally—in much the same way as operating an actual slider. Clicking at any location in the slider (other than the orange pointers) does not affect the slider.
When this is selected, clicking at any location in the slider (other than the orange pointers) moves the nearest pointer to that location. Dragging any point in the slider moves the slider pointer accordingly.
When this is selected, you can edit the value by dragging any point (the mouse pointer disappears) and moving it horizontally.
9 Keyboard Velocity
Determines the Velocity value generated when clicking any note on the virtual keyboard at the bottom of the Editor window. When “Fix” is turned on, clicking any key generates the same velocity value which can be specified in the box at right of “Fix.” When “Free” is turned on, the generated Velocity value differs depending on the click location. The lower on the key graphic you click, the higher the Velocity.
MOX6/MOX8 Editor Owner’s Manual 37
Menu: [File] menu
) Inc/Dec Action
Determines how the triangular buttons ([
]/[ u ]/[ d ]) located at the parameter boxes as illustrated below work.
When this is selected, clicking the [
] button increases the value by 1 while clicking the [L] button moves the cursor downward by one item.
When this is selected, clicking the [
] button increases the value by 1 while clicking the [L] button moves the cursor upward by one item.
When this is selected, clicking the [
] button decreases the value by 1 while clicking the [L] button moves the cursor downward by one item.
When this is selected, clicking the [
] button decreases the value by 1 while clicking the [L] button moves the cursor upward by one item.
! Startup Mode
This section lets you set the startup mode when launching the MOX6/MOX8 Editor.
The editor will start in the Voice mode.
The editor will start in the Pattern mode.
The editor will start in the Song mode.
@ [OK] button
Click this to actually apply the settings to the MOX6/MOX8 Editor and close the Setup window.
# [Cancel] button
Click this to close the Setup window without applying the settings to the MOX6/MOX8 Editor.
MOX6/MOX8 Editor Owner’s Manual 38
Menu: [File] menu
Hardware Utility
From the HARDWARE UTILITY window called up by selecting this menu, you can make the settings related to the parameters in the Utility mode of the MOX6/MOX8. Editing the parameter on this window will affect the parameter having the same name of the MOX6/MOX8 instrument. After making the settings, click [Store] at the bottom of this window to store the settings as Global data.
MOX6/MOX8 Editor Owner’s Manual 39
[Edit] menu
Voice mode Song or Pattern mode
Menu: [Edit] menu
Cancels the changes you made in your most recent editing. [Undo] menu cannot be selected depending on the most recent edited parameter.
Redo is available only after using Undo, and lets you restore the changes you made before undoing them.
Copies the selected items such as characters of the Voice name in the text box, Voice(s) in the VOICE
LIBRARY window and entire Part setup to the clipboard.
Pastes the Voice(s), entire Part setup, and characters from the clipboard to the specified location.
Initialize Current Voice (in the Voice mode)/Initialize Current Part Voice (in the Song or Pattern mode)
In the Voice mode, select [Initialize Current Voice] under [Edit] to call up the Initialize Current Voice window from which you can initialize the current Voice by clicking [Start]. In the Song or Pattern mode, select
[Initialize Current Part Voice] under [Edit] to call up the Initialize Current Part Voice window from which you can initialize the Voice assigned to the current Part by clicking [Start].
When a Normal Voice is edited:
4 3
MOX6/MOX8 Editor Owner’s Manual 40
Menu: [Edit] menu
When a Drum Voice is edited:
1 [X] (Close) button
Click this to close the window without executing Initialization.
2 [All]/[Clear] button
Clicking [All] turns all the checkboxes in this window on while clicking [Clear] turns them off.
3 [Common] checkbox
When this is turned on, clicking [Start] initializes the settings of all the Common parameters (Voice
Common parameters when the Editor is set to the Voice mode or Part Common parameters when the
Editor is set to the Song or Pattern mode).
4 with Wave Assignment
When this is turned on, clicking [Start] initializes the Waveform assignment for all Elements of the current
5 Element [1] – [8] or Drum Key C0 – C6 checkboxes
When a Normal Voice is edited, clicking [Start] initializes the settings of all parameters for the Elements which are turned on here. When a Drum Voice is edited, clicking [Start] initializes the settings of all parameters for the drum keys which are turned on here.
6 [Start] button
After the setup is completed, click [Start] to initialize the parameter settings and close the window.
MOX6/MOX8 Editor Owner’s Manual 41
Menu: [Edit] menu
Initialize Current Mixing (only in the Song or Pattern mode)
Select this menu to call up the Initialize Current Part Voice window, set the parameters as necessary, then click [Start] to initialize the Voice data assigned to the current Part.
1 [X] (Close) button
Click this to close the window without executing Initialization.
2 [All]/[Clear] button
Clicking [All] turns all the checkboxes in this window on while clicking [Clear] turns them off.
3 [Multi Common] checkbox
When this is turned on, clicking [Start] initializes the settings of all the Multi Common parameters.
4 Initialize Template
The following templates for initializing are available.
When this is selected, clicking [Start] initializes the Editor setup to the normal default settings.
When this is selected, clicking [Start] initializes the Editor Setup so that the MOX6/MOX8 can be used as a GM tone generator.
5 Part [1] – [16] checkboxes
Clicking [Start] initializes the settings of all parameters for the Parts which are turned on here.
6 [AD] checkbox
When this is turned on, clicking [Start] initializes the settings of all parameters for the AD Part.
7 [Start] button
After setup is completed, click [Start] to initialize the Mixing setup and close the window.
MOX6/MOX8 Editor Owner’s Manual 42
Menu: [Edit] menu
Store Global
Simply selecting this menu will store the Global settings. The Global settings will be stored only to the internal memory of the MOX6/MOX8 instrument.
Store Voice
From the window selected via this menu, you can store the edited Voice. The current Voice is stored in the
Voice mode while the Voice assigned to the current Part is stored in the Song or Pattern mode. Select the desired Bank folder ( 5), select the number of the destination Voice (6), input the Voice name (2), then click the [Store] button to store the Voice as a User Voice or Mixing Voice (available only in the Song or Pattern mode).
2 3
1 [X] (Close) button
Click this to close this window without executing the Store operation.
2 Voice Name
Enter an original name for the Voice to be stored.
3 [Store] button
Click this to store the edited Voice to the specified Bank and number.
Like other parameters, the Voice data is synchronized with the MOX6/MOX8 instrument when ONLINE (
indicated. This means that clicking [Store] in this window stores the edited Voice to the corresponding Bank in the internal memory of the MOX6/MOX8 instrument. Be careful not to overwrite any important data.
4 [+]/[–] buttons
Pressing the [+] button opens all the Bank folders, while pressing the [–] button closes them.
MOX6/MOX8 Editor Owner’s Manual 43
Menu: [Edit] menu
5 Bank folder
This section indicates the following Banks to which you can store the edited Voice.
• Normal User 1
• Normal User 2
• Normal User 3
• Drum User
• Mixing
Clicking on each Bank folder opens it and all the Voices stored in the Bank appear as illustrated above
(from the left illustration to the right one). When clicking the Bank folder again, it closes as illustrated above (from the right illustration to the left one).
Note that the indicated Bank differs depending on the current mode and current Voice type. The Mixing
Bank is shown only in the Song or Pattern mode. The Drum User Bank is shown only when the Drum
Voice is selected (in the Voice mode) or the Drum Voice is assigned to the current Part (in the Song or
Pattern mode). Likewise, the Normal User Bank and Mixing Bank are shown only when the Normal Voice is selected (in the Voice mode) or the Normal Voice is assigned to the current Part (in the Song or Pattern mode).
6 Voices
The Voices in the selected Bank are listed. Before clicking the [Store] button, you need to select the number of the destination Voice here. Right-clicking (Windows) / <control> key + clicking (Mac) on this section calls up the menus “All Open” and “All Close,” letting you open or close all the Bank folders.
Store Mixing (only in the Song or Pattern mode)
Simply selecting this menu will store the Mixing settings in the Song or Pattern mode. The Mixing settings will be stored to the internal memory (overwritten to the Mixing setup of the currently selected Song or Pattern) of the MOX6/MOX8 instrument.
Voice Compare
This menu lets you switch between the just-edited Voice and its original, unedited condition, allowing you to hear how your edits affect the sound. Select “Voice Compare” to enter the Voice Compare mode. In this mode, you can hear the sound of the original Voice and none of the parameters in the window can be edited.
Select “Voice Compare” again to return to the original status. n The status of the MOX6/MOX8 instrument is maintained even if you enable the Voice Compare mode on the MOX6/
MOX8 Editor.
Mixing Compare (only in the Song or Pattern mode)
This menu lets you switch between the just-edited Mixing and its original, unedited condition, allowing you to hear how your edits affect the sound. Select “Mixing Compare” to enter the Mixing Compare mode. In this mode, you can hear the sound of the original Mixing setup and none of the parameters in the window can be edited. Select “Mixing Compare” again to return to the original status.
n The status of the MOX6/MOX8 instrument is maintained even if you enable the Mixing Compare mode on the MOX6/
MOX8 Editor.
MOX6/MOX8 Editor Owner’s Manual 44
Menu: [Bulk] menu
[Bulk] menu
Data Sync
Select this menu to call up the Initialize Data Sync window, set the parameters as necessary, then click
[Start] to transmit the specified data from/to the MOX6/MOX8 Editor to/from the MOX6/MOX8 instrument.
2 3
5 6
1 [X] (Close) button
Click this to close this window without executing Data Sync.
2 [Transmit]/[Receive] checkboxes
Determines whether the MOX6/MOX8 Editor transmits data to the MOX6/MOX8 or receives data from the
[Transmit] checkbox:
When this is checked, clicking [Start] button transmits data from the Editor to the instrument.
[Receive] checkbox:
When this is checked, clicking [Start] button transmits data from the instrument to the Editor.
3 Data type to be transmitted/received
Here, you can set which data type is to be transmitted or received. Clicking the [All] button turns all the data types on while clicking the [Clear] button turns all the data types off.
Turn this on then click the [Start] button to transmit or receive the Current settings.
Turn this on then click the [Start] button to transmit or receive the Global settings.
Preset (Favorites)
Turn this on then click the [Start] button to transmit or receive the Favorites-related settings of the Preset
Normal User 1 – 3
Turn this on then click the [Start] button to transmit or receive the data of the Normal User Voice Bank 1,
2, 3 respectively.
Drum User
Turn this on then click the [Start] button to transmit or receive the data of the Drum User Voice Bank.
MOX6/MOX8 Editor Owner’s Manual 45
Menu: [Help] menu
4 Progress Bar
Shows how much of the data has been transmitted.
5 [Start] button
After setup is completed, click the [Start] button to actually execute data transmission.
6 [Stop] button
This button is available only when data transmission is being executed and allows you to cancel the transmission.
[Help] menu
Selecting this menu calls up this manual in PDF format.
Selecting this menu calls up information such as the version number of the MOX6/MOX8 Editor.
MOX6/MOX8 Editor Owner’s Manual 46
Auto Sync window
This window is used for changing the status of the Editor from “OFFLINE” to “ONLINE.” While editing a parameter on the Editor affects the same parameter on the MOX6/MOX8 instrument and vice versa in the Online status, you can disable the “mirroring” of parameter changes between the devices by switching to Offline status. The Auto
Sync window can be called up by clicking “OFFLINE” on the Editor window when the Editor is in the Offline status.
The Auto Sync window can also be called up automatically (without clicking “OFFLINE”) under the following circumstances:
• When opening a file.
• When creating a new file by selecting “New” under the File menu.
• When changing the mode on the Editor in the Online status of the Editor.
• When changing the mode on the MOX6/MOX8 instrument in the Online status of the Editor.
• When the connection between the MOX6/MOX8 and a computer are corrected after appropriately correcting the setup of the MOX6/MOX8 and the computer.
• When the settings on the MOX6/MOX8 instrument and the computer are corrected after appropriately reconnecting the devices. n If the Auto Start parameter is set to “On” in the Auto Sync window, data synchronization may be started automatically as
soon as the Auto Sync window is opened in certain conditions. For details, see page 36 .
On the Auto Sync window, set the Data Port properly then click [Start] button to execute data synchronization. As soon as the data synchronization is completed, the Auto Sync window is closed then the OFFLINE indication changes to ONLINE automatically.
3 4
7 8
1 [X] (Close) button
Click this to close this window without executing data synchronization.
2 [Detail] button
3 Port
4 Device No.
5 Auto Sync Setting
These parameters are same as in the Setup window. See page 35
6 Progress Bar
7 [Start] button
8 [Stop] button
These parameters are same as in the Data Sync window. See
MOX6/MOX8 Editor Owner’s Manual 47
If you encounter problems such as no sound output or abnormal behavior, verify the connections before checking the following.
Sound does not change when using the knobs or sliders.
• Is “ONLINE” indicated on the Editor window?
• Is the lamp at left of “ONLINE” indicator turned on?
If it is turned off, the settings related to communication between the MOX6/MOX8 and a computer may be
wrong. Check the MIDI Port setting ( page 35
) on the MOX6/MOX8 Editor, the MIDI IN/OUT parameter setting in the MIDI display of the Utility mode on the MOX6/MOX8 instrument, or the cable connection between the MOX6/MOX8 and the computer.
• Check the MIDI Port setting and Device No. setting. (
Bulk data is not transmitted/received successfully.
• Check the same points as above such as “ONLINE” indication and MIDI Port settings.
The appropriate Port is not shown in the Setup window.
• The MIDI Port in the Setup window can be selected from the Ports specified in the host application. Check the MIDI Port settings in the Cubase series.
• When “!” is shown at left of the Port name (e.g., “! Yamaha USB IN 0-1”), this indicates that the previously used Port cannot be found or some Ports are not set properly. Check the MIDI Port settings in the host application.
Cannot be set to ONLINE or “Port Open Error” is shown.
• Check whether or not the MOX6/MOX8 is connected to the computer properly, and check whether or not the power of the MOX6/MOX8 is turned on.
• On Windows, quit any application software which may be using the MOX6/MOX8 Port. If the application software closes unexpectedly without user input, restart the computer.
“Time Out Error” or “Communication Time Out Error” is shown.
• This message appears when the computer cannot get the response from the MOX6/MOX8 and another error occurs. Check whether or not the Receive Bulk parameter and the MIDI In/Out parameter of the MOX6/
MOX8 are set properly in the Utility display called up via [UTILITY] [F6] [SF2] RcvBulk or [UTILITY]
The MOX6/MOX8 Editor may be revised and updated without prior notice.
For details and the latest information on the Editor, refer to the following URL:
MOX6/MOX8 Editor Owner’s Manual
U.R.G., Digital Musical Instruments Division
©2011 Yamaha Corporation

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