JRC NDH 518 memory unit Service instructions
Below you will find brief information for memory unit NDH 518. The memory unit NDH 518 is designed to store up to 96 frequencies, with 24 channels per channel switch. This allows the user to easily access and recall their favorite frequencies. The memory unit also offers the option of installing a backup battery to prevent data loss in the event of a power outage. This is an important feature for users who need to rely on their radio for critical communications.
SERVICE INSTRUCTIONS : NDH518 MEMORY UNIT GENERAL The block diagram and schematic for the memory unit are shown in the appendix. The unit is made up of a memory circuit utilising six integrated circuits type HPDS5IDILC. These IC are 1K CMOS static RAM (256 x 4) where the FF is used to store data, clocks are not needed, and the information stays in storage as long as power is supplied. It should be noted that an optional battery(s) can be installed to back up data stored. Important - Alkaline batteries should be used as commonly used manganese types will possibly leak when they become exhausted. Any consequent damage is not covered by warranty. Frequency data is transferred from the receiver via the three state buffers (IC 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14). Data input and memory output is via the cable terminated with the plug PL. 96 frequencies can be put in memory (24 channels per channel switch x 4 = A, B, C, D, selected by the push button switches). The channel is designated by specifyino the address of the RAM's by the channel switches and this informat. n is simultaneously sent to the channel display circuit, IC7 and IL. The power source voltage detecting circuit controls the chip enable terminal of the RAM's in order to protect the memory frequency data from being lost when the power switch is turned off. The power detecting circuit is TR2/1C16. POWER Since CMOS is used, power supply requirements are low. 10-11V from the receiver is supplied through P4 and P7/J7 pin 2,3 and regulated to 5V through IC17. DATA - TESTING The table below shows the INPUT state of data from the receiver for each of the digits that are capable of being displayed on the receiver, Levels for all digits representing 100Hz, 1KHz, etc. are similar, the exception being the digits representing tens of MHz and the 20MHz digit. IF incorrect levels are being returned from the memory resulting in an incorrect display, isolation of the faulty digit(s) may be made by comparing actual level on the apropriate pins of J7. PROCEDURE 1. Set the receiver in manual. 2, Check with logic tester to see if the levels are according to the following table as each digit is selected. Increment the tuning knob or band switch as required to access the digits corresponding to their place in the dialled up frequency, e.g. 12,345. 6_KHz MHz nm digits digit digit digits digits J7 PINS 100Hz UNITS = о пог | er EE rrr on гого ооо ооо ог ог" |-- a EE EEE ho бо A Un Eh PY E H = HIGH =5YV Similar levels will be evident for KHz, tens KHz, and 100KHz digits. 1KHz Pins are on J7 Pins 9 and 10, J6 Pins 1 and 2 10KHz Pins are on J6 Pins 3,4,5 and 6 100KHz Pins are on Jb Pins 7,8,9 and 10 Levels for 1MHz are on J5 Pins 1,2,3 and 4 Note: Levels will be same as in 100Hz sample chart as above, with pins taken in sequence listed. For tens of MHz, J5 pin 9 is "High" for a reading of "1", and pin 8 is "High" for a reading of "2". MEMORY IC Levels noted on all pins including the supply rail for IC 1,2,3,4,5 and 6 are shown in the table below. TEST CONDITIONS 1. Dial up a frequency of 12,345.6 MHz on the receiver, with memory unit connected. 2. Select CH1, depress button "A" and "preset'' button. 3. Check levels per table below. PINS LL. 3 XT 56 2.8 3 101147232 14 45 16 17 10113 20 2 22 Cl L LLALHAHHLAHHLLEHAHHAHHHLO LHHIZHS IC2 LL LLHLHHHLLLHAHLELLLHHLELEHAEELH IC3 LLLAHLHHHHLEOHGHHLLLLEHKHK.LLHELH ich LI L:t-® LH HEL LLLHASLLELLHTLMH C5 LLLUHLHHLHHLLHHLLHLLH LH C6 LL HU HH LL LL EU HU H LL EL LH EN - 3 = Levels for the three state buffer IC's, IC 9,10,11,12,13 and 14 are shown on the table below. Frequency reading on the receiver is 12,345.6 MHz. PINS 1. 2 3 & 5 E 5 ËE 4 Ш он т в ICS H H H H L L L H H H H H H IC10 H L L H H H L L L H L L H IC11 H H 0 H H H L L L H L L H IC12 H L L H L L L H H H L L H IC13 H H H H H L L H H H L L H 1C14 H L L H H H L H H H L L H COMPONENTS 1. Parts list for the NDH518 is appended. 2. Schematic diagram. 3. Block diagram. IC's specifications of the major IC used in the memory unit are also appended. — „= EEE | | CHANNEL SW | | ADDRESS(2bit ) +5V—REGULATOR A~D | | —_ | 1-24 | | | | | i | ! CMOS RAM | BACK UP |— | | EE Е | DATA (22bit) NL ME M “FROM NRD-515 Fig. 1 Block diagram of NDH-518 Memory Unit В] 1 NDH-518-2€x)J2=-7 | — gl e. 1K CMOS Static RAM(256 X 4) 5101 НЙ +70 77 2101 EEE, AMAIA TTL 224470, т FIFE EE. СЕ, = Е. а Роме E— FIEL 5 Aa AOL 445 77 FA EXE F— SE SHIOIL MA, СЕ, kat, MFH = FI + BET A HE LE HE“ PEL ee, ce CE 0 #75 TAR Yun : +5V Pia BREAD ++ 4 7 MM Taac Yes (CND) Pin 8 \ = Ac—Ar сей Н E ——H т A if a — | CE | | ! \ CE Tee: OE we) * M OM L | L | X | X |HighvZ| Stand-by RES се. / À Hie) x | X |High-Z | Stand=hy ME H | H | X | X |Mizh-Z| Operating HR cos | L a | L H No | Operating Head ОЕ ых Too 1 [IH | H|L | L | Ae | Operating Write na ны H | H | H | H |High-Z| Operating Read DO H | H | H | L | High Z | Operating Wrine | Талас = WRITE Ag An — 89 1K CMOS Static RAM (256x 4} 5101 EEE * ® | Ana [+7 MENEM] Mz mn fm e [8 a el [us [ue [e Pe [e [Tie Pr | CST Pa PS ST _ — [sh | 165) | 1657 | (453 | 057 | 051 | (5) | tai | nS) | CV) | tm] | más | vi | | а | ri | | ле | 5301-4 Intel о | 800 | | 450 | 200 | nos | 208 | ase | usa [aon fours 30 | os [0m] 22 | в | 04 | 24 | ar] Yee 51911 +70 | 650 |350 | 159 | 659 | 156 | «00 | 100 | 100 l+5.5) 7 (ec | 5 | 5 à | à dr 2,0—5 254 5101 1.1 450 [250 | 139 | 450 | 130 | 250 | 250 | 50 | s101L-3 650 | | 350 | 150 | 650 | 150 | 400 | 400 | 100 | 0.2 теми) * ох = 3 | ESO | 659 | 59 | мою | 00 | за | +4.5| 25 | вл | в.в | 3.9 | 5 Po | 2e | 7 | wm 2.05.50 TESOTE-2 25 | 1000 100 | 100 | 500 | 500 | 100 |+5.5| ls is | ie »PESIBIC-E 5 ux . | 100 358 | 200 | №09 | 200 | #0 | 00 | 50 Ne # | al = 12 | 8 a ая 2% | FH POSIBLE +70 | 650 | | | | «5 25 5 5 | 2.0 i | »POSIGILE-1 450 Roo] | | | | ETT az о £50 20 | 150 | 650 | 150 | 400 | ae | 56 ся n 0.015| 9.65 2.2 | 8 | 0x 2.4 12 | Ce | нмазаиой-1 +70 | «se | 250 | 130 | 450 | 190 | 250 | 250 | so Les. 15] 3 | 2 | 1 | MANSION ва | 250 | 158 | 650 | 150 | «00 | ave | so 3 [s.œors| 0e | 2.2 | | | ps | > | 1 1 tt — | NP PO ; | | | О | | | | prey | || | | || | ssia AMI о | #50 ОЕ | E Ш i | | 55101-1 + 50 | ; | | | | | | 55101-3 650 a | Poy 55101-4 800 EM | ' 551211. 6% | | | | SSL! 450 | | ' | | SSIGIL-3 850 | Ee 00 | | | TC E x —M | us 25 130 re 130 THF = Sh 4.5 15 : BE 0.65 2.4 % i i 7.4 7 Pi TCP] + | Ele 358 150 Бы 150 de] ADO le +65 | ] £ $ Тур La ía | Tre | I cil fs su | | | | - m nn a! "Milan pue 90 = 1K CMOS Static RAM (256x 4) 5101 | | if Fr IHR E e A NT ETE | Е 100 # | #0 RIT Te Ter о | ео Ba Tan [ae | ma | || de | ме | | 51 | 851 | al ı a5] | RS] laB} (eSi 51 (851 MT (mA Em | TI LE | Ip (O 14] EVE | iF) HMAISION ju À | 0 659 | 199 | 850 | 190 | wo | 150 | 100 НЫ 27 10,0151 0.65 | 2.2 | E e FE 17 | FI HASTE I | ; 70 | 450 ; 130 | 450 | 13 | 250 | 130 | 50 [+528 | 2.8 | 19 HM4H5161/V1 | | 650 | 130 | вЫ? 150 | 400 | 140 | Ню det 2 (0.0075) 6.8 | 2.2 oo | . | Jess] МНО Н.Н 1 Si 1 0 se | à | año | 256 | uso | 130 | 250 | 250 | 1 ea 7 {oe | 9.651 2.2 | я 0.4 | 2.4 п | м (7 +35 2.0 | 1.0 COPSiel jrcA Ш В | | | M i MEMISIOT-E Motorola a | 50 зо | aso | 1 | 350 | 130 | 0 [+475 7 foma fos | 27] 8 0.4 | 20 [ 12 -L ce MCWIISIOI-3 | +70 | «50 150 | 850 | 159 | «oo | 150 | 100 |+5.25/ = | 9.2 | | 2.0 | 1.0 Pr | мем145101-в | 100 ; wo | soo | 200 | 458 | mo | 10 » | 0.5 | | nn | | e SYSIONL Synerveh | о | se 389 | #50 | 150 | 400 | aoe | 100 feats) 27 | 0.00 [0.65 | 2.2 | # | 0.4 | 24] 1? 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MEMORY CDD-206 DISPLAY CDE-162 PARTS LIST MEMCRY UNIT MODEL NDH-518 % The table lista parts in alphanumeric order of their reference designations "NO." (see abbreviations below), and provides the following information on each part: A. JRC code number. : B. Type. C. Description of part. Ordering information To obtain replacement rta, address order or inqui to our Sales Offices. Identity parts by their JRC Sods Genus, To dan aa is not listed, included: A. Equipment model number. B. Equipment serial number, C. Description of the part, D. Function and location of the part. ABBREN [AT IONS A | Assembly [Hic | Microphone a т ANT Antenna | | MG “| Meter Etbérator ] CT | blanes bases mr AT Attenuator MR Shunt, multiplier B | Rotary machine a a MT Centering magnet [BEL | Bell т P | Plug BT | Battery -— = a M - Printed circuit BZ | Buzzer tT | Leap — ic | Fined capacitor 15 | Lamp socket CH | Circuit breaker | FU Pick-up a ET гр Г Recta [rer detector disde, varistor {A Fized resistor; thermistor су | Variable capacitor | RS Lead selector © NE Uynamotor a EE a |RY | Variable resistor LM” Directional coupler a | 5 | Switch, key, thermostat, interlock BL | Delay dame se | speaker | E Earth, ground IT | Trans former FF | ue OO Th | Terminal board “NN | FL Filter | = TT Theruncomaler a e Fs | Fuse holder [TF | Tuning fork 6 Generator, vibrator Tr — Testpoint 7 We. “Hybrid circuit IB - о : TH Transistor a IR Thermostalic oven, healer u 8 | TRS Transistor socket Hs Handart — En E —Eliectran tube a | : | HT Telephone receiver | ув Voltage regulator daa HY | Hybrid coil [vs Electron tube socket - _ a ii Je E Integrated circuit Gi | “Mire, cable, vave guide a J Jack IX Crystal В | к | Relay о ~ |x» | Discriminater KS | Relay socket | X3 | Cryatal socket L | Inductor, coil XU Crystal oscillator | M Meter 2 | Tuned cavity, pulse forming network, 3a5 TS LIST — Es — TITLE a ETST ET, ¡Sari My | | MEMORY CND-206 l PART NC, | DAFT NAME | TYPE | DE SCAT REMAIKS | CONF _ | _ LE a TAN cd Lo — BTS1 ВТ HOLDER 67706801965 ATS? BT HCL MER 677AB01AS= RTS3 BT HCLDEF 6727480185» EN CAP, FX ND1125SL102 J57VO27 50V 1399PF SCAAADIJIZ . C2 Cap, Fx DD112SL192 359V02 50V 1700PF SCAAANLL12 C3 КЕННИ DD1125L102J50v02 50V LONOPF SCAAAON11: C4 CAP, FX NOLIZSLLOZJ5IVO2 50V LONOPF SCAAAO1112 CS Cap, FxD 0011251102 55 9\02 59V 1000PF 5CA4401117 сё Cap, FXD DOLLESLIOZ2JSOVOZ 50V 1000PF ECAAAON11? a 67 САР Ехо 2011251102 550\у02 50V 1000РЕ SCAAAOL112 Ca eL DO1125L102 J59IV02 50V 1900PF SCAAACITI1? cs CRD DD112SL1N2J50v02 50V 1000PF SCAA471112 cin CAP. FEA MI112S$L102 J5Va2 50v 1n9NPF 5084491112 Lil EE nN1125L102J50V02 50V 1NNOPF 5Ca34A0111°2 i Cl2 Ea 0011251102 J5OVN2 59 1970PF SCAA40!1112 E CEDRO DO1125L19ZJ50vO7 59v 1900PF SCA&4011127 Cla САР, Ех 0011251102 J50VO2 59V 1090PF 5C44401112 cls Ca, Fx ANIILZSL192 J5AVN? 50V 1990PF 50414401112 C146 Cassa ND1125L10D2 J50vn2 59v 1990PF ECAARO!NL?? ci? 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CANFE, TITLE | LIST REZ HEAT CE, | | MEMPE Y CDD-206 | 3 PART NC. | PART SAME | TYPE | DESCe IP- REMARRKS RE PA CONNECTOR HNC2-2.55-10 10Р SIAAADI?77 P7 CONNECTOS HNC2-2.55-10 10Р 5JDAAINZTT PCI PCR MDPCDAGSA МРРСОНеба & 1 RESISTCF [H2-1/R-4-473JA 1/84 47K © 527AHNAN2E 62 FESISTOP IHR-1/R-4-473JA 1/84 47K с 5574899076 HM X4 A3 RESISTOF [HR-1/8B-4-473JA LEAN TX C 56. 74annnzr в 4 SESISTOR [HR-1/3-4-473JA LEAN AT Г 5174809925 25 FESISTOR [HF-1/8-4-473JA 1/8W 47K D 5574R00002¢% RÉ FESISTOF [HR-1/8-4-47T3JA su 47x N 557143009776 RT RESISTOR JHR-1/8-4-471JR E o 5274077774 RA FESISTOP [H2-1/8-4-471JE TA aid 0 SFZAPRONC24 95 SESISTOR JHE-1/8-4-471LJR e, В 5574070024 210 RESISTOF [H?-1/8-46-67T1JE A ld D BR7APIJIO?4 R11 SE ECMN-251J471 Lan 470 C 5604101237 R12 RESISTOR ERN-25UJ472 1/4W 4,7% SCNAA01361 Ехо OHM R13 RESISTOF IHE-1/8-4-473J 8 1 ATH С SATARCIN2E Р 14 RESISTOR [HR-1/8-4-471JA E 0 2F 7ZAROJIO?S R15 callin FRD-25UJ472 aus La TÉ SEÑALAN R 16 ESSE ESD-?25UJ473 доче «ТК С SFENAAQLARS =17 pop ER EF9-25UJ102 a 1K CH SEMNAIO114F 7 14 E ECI-25UJ2721 1744 220 Г 5504491326 Fl E FFO=- 2500471 Тем 470 © 5704101337 R20 5 EFD-Z5UJLO4 La” 130% 5-0hé 210] 153 R21 FEI STOR EEN=2511J105 1/44 14 ZH бе РАА:) 14 17 C22 pa ЭТЫР FFO-25UJIN5 Тубы 14 7н 537711401417 R23 EEN AER EPO-25UJ330 Lea 33 OH 556724401375 R 24 ED EE EXD-25UJET3 de 4 TK N 5=-CA54013R5 R25 RESISTOR FSN=25UJ4713 1/4W 47K C 550401295 Ех") HY 51 SWITCH H-655J007014 > L=37 о ЗОО) SWITCH H=ASCJDON1 15 RCN 54 SWITCH H=65CJN001 14 ASCII ME TE SNSISTOEF 25018 15-У ETCAFIJ?[E тей TE ANS ISTE 25018 15-У STC AFM Z 1S Cr NEST TITLE LIST “5. SHEET Ar. 1 DISPLAY CnE=167 | 1 PART NM, PAPT NAVE TYPE ies | REWADKS | CONE NE a - — 1 TION — col LEN TLR313 5T7A000003 Сп2 LEN TLR313 ST7ANN02N3 CD3 LEN TLG103 GREEN 5774793923 Pl CONNECTCS PCN6-205-2.505 508495080 PLE PCA MPOCOT9A7 MIPLITGAT 10 15 20 23 PROVED] 35 да] En = [MEMORY OUTPUT | 12 11 2531 207 16 17 66155 - 0000 871-3 OPTION MBELWO2033 MPFC 08758 + сэ eo 1 тя! 250 1815-7 A [manna | 28 1) MEET FhODAMRILIIÆTOBHEL NAN E TE 8 pFEM 7. [aon 2). EPI RAR TRE NOTES |. UNLESS OTHERWISE INDICATED RESISTANCES ARE IN OHMS CAPACITANCES ARE IN MICRO-MICRO FRAE 7. 4 YALUES SELECTED IN MANUFACTURE, OUTPUT 11 IN AT A FU 11 999 77 M1 5 0000 ae 7 100K тя # 25C1B15-Y R23 33 ARE IH MICRO-MICRO FRADS, C1-E23.035-C37: Goo — [icy — 106 | wPDSIOILE — R1- R6, R73, AM * AJiad тет. ICH SHTALSATH RT — RID “ 4704 ICT ~ ICIá SH 74L5126AM |IC15, IC!6 | TC4049 BP der. cOn * HA313 FE} = z ICI7 — HA 17805 P coa * тб ЮЗ PRESET C30 ICT ~~ ICH == ICH CS IC l6 16 4 Bod jug pa Г в а т т т т от от Те! NOH- 518 м Е Ч IL. + 6 E LE Sl =e 11111 aot | 22 22 27 72 72 it a #8 89 84 8 8 E ca * ca STE ICE IC16 Y 13 EJ 1 APPENDIX 1 LA MEMORY UNIT SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM ">

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Key features
- Stores up to 96 frequencies
- 24 channels per channel switch
- Optional battery backup
- CMOS static RAM
- Three-state buffers
- Power source voltage detecting circuit
- Low power consumption
Frequently asked questions
Alkaline batteries are recommended for backup as manganese type batteries could leak and cause damage which is not covered by warranty.
Set the receiver in manual mode. Dial the frequency you want to store. Select the desired channel and press the preset button.
Select the channel with the stored frequency and press the button corresponding to the stored frequency.