SEGA Twin Indy 500 Twin Owner's Manual
The Indy 500 Twin is a two-player arcade game featuring a driving simulation of the Indianapolis 500. Players can choose from three different courses: Highland Raceway, Indy 500, and Bayside Street. The game features a realistic driving experience with authentic steering wheel, gas and brake pedals, and shifter.
2ND PRINTING - JANUARY '96 TM TWIN Page er SEGA ENTERPRISES, INC. (USA) MANUAL NO. 4201-6184-03 Contents ) Page INTRODUCTION OF THE OWNER’S MANUAL .…..….....csecrrereamerererrennentenerracecensesersecenmsre cesse ane 1 PRODUCT SEALS AND SAFETY CERTIFICATION ..................e..e.erreceenererreneronrranece cocer near 2 HANDLING PRECAUTIOÓNS ...................eenimnencenareeneorrocecearacecenoreeneceneeceoeonenerecanennaneececea torear reee. 3 INSTALLATION AND LOCATION PRECAUTIONS ................e.eee0eeerinecnerceneneereconeeenen cancer eneneece 4 SPECIFICATIONS .................eeececiirarreccecerceceeeeerecaroenareecearer ora nee error ererercerenereraneeceaenerecas re reneeraoreceraces 5 INSTALLATION ITEMS ....................r00arercecceccereneereneorcerereer ceca ce rencor erocacaneraene nro arareecanercerren rare nees 6 ASSEMBLING THE MACHINE ...............e....eeececicceeerereenccacececeeorrereas een erera nene enareenacecer crecer enanerenes 7 Uncrate Left-Side Cabinet (Crate 41) .......................en.....m00000mr reee ee DD RD IR RD ee Ree. 7 Uncrate Right-Side Cabinet (Crate 42) .....................ererrcecccecerccerrereerereonaonceeeenenen venere ererenecenan 7 Uncrate Cash Box Tower and Billboard (Crate 43))..........................eeceeererreerercecerernereeneracec encarece 7 Prepare Cabinets and Tower for Assembly ......................++=eereeeeeienereereceenane rre renceceec cenar erecta. 7 Install Right-Side Cabinet ........................eeeeiceeririreie e e earn erecerererenenaneeerorerereneravenerecacacecemes 8 Install Left-Side Cabinet......................e.eeerciercece e er DR e eee e eee een eranenenrecenerenerecerer conver nenes 8 Install Billboard ....................e.eee.ececrricccec erroneo ercer nece rer rene erecarenerenereceacearenerracererecrrevee 9 Adjust Leg Levers ....................eem.e.00e0reriereceeirienen arre ere er enecereraceranreneneneroaren errar torreon ns 10 Linking Left- and Right-Side Cabinets .............e-..e..reeee0mcerrrecereraceree cree rene cera rene recen. 11 Power ON ……......…...…..recrcrcrrenenecrecrrsrareneecacrnrrnrannerenrera rare rene ere ca rrnrana na ee cen came ca serres ane ce scene sante 12 Check Game Board Parameters .......................eervererericecece reee ner rrer eran nenne een renere en ncenenes 13 HOW TO PLAY -................e.earmrreciccc ceo oreenaveeareocanacr ace ceeorereneeaeeaee ene erececereacaoreneeererneneereererrecereceeereecenee. 15 EXPLANATION OF TEST AND DATA DISPLAYS .................e=reererronenencecorrenenenaveneoeaneecanacaneaocena 17 Test Mode Scheduling ...................e.eee0ececeniceicrcccer ee e ne eee erecereerenranecererercenecenees 17 Service Panel ................—r.eeeeecercirccececereer eee eee Dee Deere oreroeareere ener recereree reee 18 Test Menu ........................e0erc0ireereaceneccra nene renenee enn renrceoener or eneenerrnareoneceacenn enero rerencene recorren. 19 Memory Test..................._ecerrecieceroe renacer cecenorenencccceccarene enano ecerarecanearenee coreana nennaerteterereeenaco ee 20 T.G.P. Test ..................encaonorenerrenercaconerenenn eee renenraneeananerarerenencaoreerneerarecccaranrcanercaracaneneeeeareee cerros 21 Input Test .....................eerceroceccanenenecarnererecacenee reee neerrarrenetereorcac reo rerrocracerorenerconreccenecene rene reorereeces 22 Output Test......................e....errerececrener Der reee rre erecer eee e een rencacercarereernecararer reee roer nnecene. 23 Sound Test ......................e..eecerrecereae riera er ene neneen eran een erereneeneeeaconrareerrnane rear re eaaverocrnreocacececacarce. 24 C.R.T. Test (RGB Color Adjustment, Monitor Size Adjustment) ..........................e=ieeee0e00. e... 25 Game Assignments ..............——...eeeeeecicccecercererenec en enero erroneo erre reneorer rec enercocear erre renecereeecece. 27 Coin Assignment (Coin/Credit, Manual Setting) .......... nureeneooceceecenearrenaneecerenreaca ren naren nacen. 29 Control Range (“Volume”) Setting .......................e.rrecrccecicenocecererceneccececerenanee renace nenenea nene renecenene. 33 Bookkeeping (Credits and Times, Time Histogram) ...................--...00000rrereececece cen een 34 Backup Data Clear ....................e=eeeeerireccecnceernecere re renenae e ree eee reorerinereerrerreceenecenarenenreneranareceereneees 37 PERIODIC CHECK -................e.0.ecaccaccnooo reno neee reno nere rear cer einer eenenenereececa nece rrererecaneneroneenenerae nera. 38 TROUBLESHOOTING ...................ercacereracereronenennenarnocecercacenreverraracanenercenerenerorererereavectanrerenene cananea. 39 MACHINE OPTIONS ................ariercccoocerereneenerenoneeacacacaraceeareoneaeeneeeeenevarerenenerececerecanecr eran eneenerenee ee 40 Linking Instructions (Assembly, Game System Settings, Playing Instructions) ....................... 40 PA RTS LIST eter eee reer ates sees eenreneranaceneereneecacorrereracareranerneereneaneeeee 44 Contents (cont.) SERVICE INFORMATION .................ee0000rrrercerceee recen eee ere eneenener enero nnenenrreerornnanear reee. 63 Billboard Lamps Replacement ...........................0....00e.000000nenenne eee De enero eee erre eee 63 Monitor Service ...............e....e.0e00mreeon eno e eee ener canon ec roce creeo eran rene 64 Underseat Cabinet Access .......................reeeiirenereor ener erre ran rene renacer rerenenrererrnaceeeen rene reneee. 67 Replacing Fans and Fuses.....................e..eeeee0eenenrner nee eee eneenecene ren eeneacenereneereneooeneeree rene 69 Replacing the Underseat Speaker ............................e-eereeeorriec e enero ree enero ren rene cac e 69 Lubricating the Seat eran eeaceacereenacer een erer reee 69 Drive Board DIP Switch Settings ..................e...=ereecericcrrececereoceceaearacee nac ce reee ererecerereeceeacereereees 70 Accelerator and Brake Greasing, Adjustment, and Replacement.......................e.e-..ere00000e 71 Steering Wheel Service ...................-..rrecenrneone neon ncen De coreo enero ener rereeecc nene eee 73 Shift Lever Greasing and Switch Replacement ............................-...000000.r0c00r000eDe nee DAA 76 Button Lamp Replacement ................eemee.e0000cceriercece cer DD DD DI II O O OD RR IR IR e e OD A 77 WIRING DIAGRAM ..................e.rerrreeceecocenericeeneeonrenee nene een nneneneneeaceneneoar arenero ro rce nea eee. 79 INDY 500 TWIN MANUAL COMMENTS ..............e.eeeeeo0eenn enero nnnenenenennenennacerener erronea 83 O. Z STANTON List of Figures Figure Title Page Indy 500 Twin Installation Dimensions ..................e.e.eeeerenereerceienee renace encarece ere reee eereer ene 5 Rear View, Assembled Indy 500 Twin Cabinet ..........................ereserecererresereeee reee erre nee 7 Right-Side Cabinet Installation .............................eererieic ee ene ree RR Rec e ee reee. 8 Left-Side Cabinet Installation encore ne De O RR IRIIÉÉ OEI II IR IR ROOT. 8 Billboard Installation Location ......................e..eererrerereereee ere nene ener nenenenecanereececeeer eee. 9 Billboard Installation Details ......................e....ericeerer er eee nene eee error neenenecenee reee 9 Cabinet, Bottom View .......................d0000000rrriec eee eee coe eee s ease bas anna anan seams santsansasnasennanens 10 Leg Levelers, Bottom View .....................ei1errereeiresrerroccerarereacacacrerreree nea eoenenereceeneecerarececce reee. 10 Leg Leveler and Caster, Side View ......................esrrenrricracerernacecacacen cananea roer errores arenecoreceen. 10 Joint Plate Installation ..............e...e...e..ererrriricceoneerencecor acera carerac erre renace c crecer ere cerererrenerenerareraeee 11 Fiber Optic Cable Connector ...................eeeeeerierrececerrecacereerecen errar rer ener eee ercer eee reneerecee reee 11 Two Player Linking ..............................00000ir coreo reee en eacrerenenererer ren ore e case ese seen 11 Power-On Check of Steering Wheel... eee eee 12 Network Check Screens....................e6eeeriereerecioern enn ecae cercana eeneerarenrenearerrenerareeracereenercarerenenerennene 12 Service Panel Controls .......................=....eeeriereree reee neneenercenen enana eee oonecanrcececeneee reee 13 Course Selection .........................i00ver0eirerrenerea reee re res r neo cenenencanerraceee erre tenores ee cerra recaen oeeereenee 15 On-Screen Display Locations ...................e2eserereeereeoerereconeer ere nearre renace re eeeeconeneneocareoreneanececececeme. 15 Control LOCALIONS roer reerenocaceernareneereacaneeononercocrocccnerercanecocaceneene. 16 Service Panel Controls and Indicators .......................—.erreeererereeee II RI III II O IR E AA 18 Turning the Steering Wheel ..........................mmm.e.000000eee enero ececenenene ercer nero nencacacron renace. 33 Centering the Steering Wheel .............................. merino een er ener een ener oceano 33 Fiber Optic Cable Connector ....................e..exxemereccerrrer ene reee ra rene anenoneere renoocererrecance rearme. 40 Four Player Linking Diagram .......................—....=0 0000000 eee er enneerercenerenenenenens 40 Six Player Linking Diagram ....................reerecrreccococeocororereceneneeneecarreea reee neercenereneerereeneeeneenencecees 41 Eight Player Linking Diagram ..........................ercerereeereee een cen ree e ee een. 41 Seat Numbering Diagram .....................eeeeseorirrerccccccorere evocar racer eree eran nenaneaenereereeneneereraneeeceecee ee. 4] Network Assignments Screen - Stand-Alone Mode ............................e00000eereerrereren carac nenes 42 Network Assignments Screen - Linked Master Cabinet................................00..0......e.rieeene Lee 42 Network Checking Screens ....................ereemme.0.. RE 43 Indy 500 Twin Graphics ...........................000000re0eieein reee nene ene onenerreonercocerreea nee neeenn een eneeme. 44 Indy 500 Twin Cabinet ASsemDlY..…......….....….....rerrerrensensanenerserereneranarerararrennannanaaas sense sense es 46 Billboard AssemDlY …...........….....serererrereverrsnrenserrerarrcarennerensane rec npanranaanen ren enne mena rentre ane nee nana 0 0 47 Billboard Upper Assembly ............................... 10000 De De DN RDA 48 Billboard Lower Assembly ......................rercrrreeecacererrarecencerereoeeaoreeneenea cares nereneean enn ererereceerereneane 49 Lamp Assembly ..........................0mmercrrerereerieen reee eern errorercoooneneeocnenrererenenerereen eee eonenene. 50 Control Panel Assembly ........................eececcreroerireneresescaceovenono enano cecanene e eo cer receacer reo rencarerrecacanee. 51 Start and View Button Assembly ..........................eeecemrcecicecirenee ee eneacacereocececccenen enero 53 Shifter Assembly ....................e..eeeecerercerne reee e e Re e ee een eeecereercenenanenrereeceneeneene. 54 Gas And Brake Pedal Assembly ........................c.eeceececiccnicrereeiencececereccceneane nene ene reeeneraeieracececee. 56 Seat Assembly.............................e..emerrreieeene erre esses esses nese nse nans 58 41 42 43 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 List of Figures (cont.) Game Board Set Assembly .....................=.+=.0010cececerecrcrcer eee rente re een reee enero. 59 ROM Board...............e...e.ecerrcccrierceriorece eran ero renacer ene eee eoeerereroaeceererooceeeare eco 59 Indy 500 Twin Flow Chart -..............e..e.e.......e00cerreccceier eee eee a eee reee enererenen rare nae 59 Drive Control Board........................eeemecrcereies ee rene een eee ee arenero rereioerere eee. 60 Motor Drive Board.........................e.m2000rrriace ne ee er cen er cero erecereneacece cera eo enero eres 60 Game Board, Power Supply and Fan Locations - Under seat........................e.erereeecereeneces 61 Shield Case and Fuse Locations - Under Middle Floorboard ........................e... 2.0.0... 61 Shield Case and Fuse Locations - Under Accelerator and Brake Floorboard.................. 62 Billboard Lamps Replacement..........................cecerrrrrcerceccecciere eee eee ee caceres 63 Monitor Controls Location .............................000006e0rre ce DD RR II ODTOÉEÉ Ce en recono ceo nes 65 Nanao Monitor Controls Functions .........................ereerrerveeerDe reee annee rare sen anen sa asars seen 66 Underseat Cabinet ÂCCESS .….…..…....rsocensererenrernsessesercerennarcnanvenseraanenearen scan aene sn anenaa caen 67 Underseat Cabinet Lid Removal .........................20errercconrreer Der ee eee ere eee ener 68 AC Fuse Location ....................esmesscerircac ercer nee eee ee eee ee reee eee reerDerenereene one enes 69 Lubricating the Seat Rails .........................rercerecieneore ri ecen ercer ne rearrce re rareneracare reee ceceeees 69 Drive Board Location ere ere eeerenereoeeneeeerornecenaraerrea reee 70 Drive Board Dip Switch Location .......................e=eeeeei0eeeeeieerere recen er reee 70 Accelerator and Brake Access ....................ecerecicrorenccoenoecenneeee ennieneneraonereeeneea e reee encon 71 Accelerator and Brake Assembly ...................e..e.eeeeeemerirnrrrieoneer erroneo cerco 72 Accelerator and Brake Greasing ACcess ..............eereee0eereracerneacee Ren rean eee reee eee 72 Control Panel Access ................ecesnccccrrernerreccacacor eee ceo erenoor acera ecc erarce ere eree. 73 Steering Wheel Adjustment..................r...e..ercecrcecerree errar recen een recen raereen rear renen. 74 Steering Wheel ree cer nece ne reee eee ere are racece recerca. 75 Shift Lever Access .................ecccccrzoocecareocerecce eee roer ere areeenereroer enero nerereverrenarereeneracema 76 Shift Lever Greasing .......................r.eccrrrecicee rre reer ren ere enero cereaceanerretecerecereraeecenanene. 76 Shift Lever Switch Location ....................e.... eee eee eee RB ER RE RE RERRR KURSE LEERE ERER KERNE s 76 BULLON ACCESS eect eee eee eee sees ete eee seers ree es ee as saae ea sasasnnssaneeans sae rannaneen 77 Wiring Diagra.............-—e.=-.e_—.e.eeeieieerrceenerceceerene ener erecec erre eerrenraner er rereenrcencerrecerenerenee. 79 Z O. ATAN N N NN NN N == == o Aa a ==> = — SN ‘ло + 0 БО — © КЮ 60 —) © ло + 50 OO List of Tables Table Title Page Indy 500 Twin Specifications .....................eeee0erariecccce eee r renace race erancanr are eaeeeereenocer can eacacreeeeene. 5 Installation Items ....................r.erereeeeraecirccce rencor enacecea ere enenececee ace ereanecacecereanereenemeceneceonrecenrnee. 6 Course Descriptions ...................e.eerececicicenrarerreceneren a reee encerrar erre reoecenernoererenenenerareeererees … 15 On-Screen Indicators .......................eesrereereerene rene reee erroneo reine rerener een recerereereenerencereececenee 16 Test Mode Scheduling ......................e.ereirerereericc econ ecece reee rcacereec arre rreraceneeracec acer renencacce crecer ven 17 Service Panel Functions ......................irereereriecee Re ecc ere rereneeeaneneneeereneranereeUececacerecacerente 18 Control Value Ranges .....................e..ercecrieiceneecae o eee nenecnene ere nene re cerecanerevereeeceec enero 22 Race Mode Lap Lengths rene e eee e Deere reee eee eee nes 27 Sound Level Settings .....................e-e.....er000e00ee reee reD ene nene rereneDe Dee arenerene eee neones 28 Coin/Credit Settings ......................e.e.arrcccccccenece recorren arena cantera reee nenorecenecererrereeecerereccerrertate 30 Manual Settings: Coin to Credit ............................ merece nene eee e Deere ene. 32 Manual Settings: Bonus Adder ......................eceeseereerieor encon enncec renacer nene reconocen eeeeeee. 32 Manual Settings: Coin Chute 4X Multiplier..........................e..ermremi DI ÍÉEÍEÉÍ EE ETEÉÉ II LI E IIA 32 Periodic Check and Maintenance Items rare ernnene caer eran eeees 38 Troubleshooting Guide ..............e...e.eresecereesrerrecaceaoeone recen rene e eee rnenre nn neererocecerereereaeeenene a aarecenees 39 Indy 500 Twin Graphics Parts List ee eee er reRe e ener. 45 Billboard Parts List ....................e.e..ecerercerenerinenencereene en er ereee rene one ecerrenarercecrenrenreooerenere enero 47 Billboard Upper Parts List .........................r..--.ece0eceeeeio e nee cecereoece near ee rene ener. 48 Billboard Lower Parts List ................e2reneeeceseecrceserroreonacancceneneneeaeea eee rene renaconecnecancemeneneeocaconeee 49 Lamp Parts List..............e.e....esececcececcccereorreerecarecceceraneeoeesnacarecacerereneaoe cacenaneacarecanecenareareecrecacen 50 Control Panel Parts List ...................eeeecrrcecercecnece ee ee er eacenence nene ener aennenernerenere caceres 52 Start and View Button Parts List ..................e_.eeeeerececcococenacecorernere irene ercer renacer enero 53 Shifter Parts List ................e..eeerecccercccriereaee e eencenereeererenececananerea carrera aneoenereeneeranccaneneneeeaecarerenees 55 Gas and Brake Pedal Parts List....................e.eeeeeeerrenrerrrerr acen cerrara ran ene narra s ener erase ava ease eas 57 Seat Parts List ......................eeececcccacereeracrene acen eorooeconeneccccaceanencerea care raeeerenoriocacererecacarerren recen. 58 Drive Board DIP Switch 1 Settings ..............-..——........-..eece0nee nece ee ener Deere. 70 INTRODUCTION OF THE OWNER’S MANUAL - SEGA ENTERPRISES, LTD., supported by its high technology semiconductors, microprocessors, etc. and a wealth of experience, has for more than 30 years been supplying various innovative and popular game machines to the world market. This Owner’s Manual is intended to provide detailed descriptions together with all the necessary informa- tion relating to servicing, control, spare parts, and so on, for the Indy 500 Twin, a new SEGA product. This manual is intended for those who have knowledge of electricity and technical expertise, especially in ICs, CRTs, microprocessors, and circuit boards. Read this manual carefully to acquire sufficient knowledge before working on the machine. Should there be a malfunction, nontechnical personnel should under no circumstances touch the interior system. Should the need arise, contact our Main Office or the closest branch office listed: SEGA ENTERPRISES, INC. (U.S.A) Customer Service 41533 Industrial Drive Fremont, CA 94538 USA Phone (415) 802-1750 FAX: (415) 802-1754 PRODUCT SEALS AND SAFETY CERTIFICATION - PRODUCT LABELING To prevent counterfeits and conversions, the following labels are put on all SEGA products. When handling such goods, be sure to confirm the labels. They are used to prevent illegal acts such as the unauthorized copying of merchan- dise or by converting, selling or using products or printed circuit boards. ORIGINAL SEAL LICENSE SEAL The following seal is put on all machines The following seal is put on all SEGA kits, manufactured by SEGA. such as printed circuit boards. ote ote she he. oho whe: ve te o e o «te ate Sedo o Le e olen we $ € ; SECA - : } $ = т y + 4 ХИ УЛ $ a + 4 [ORIGINALSEAL) + y + . 4 A 4 THIS PRODUCT IS DESIGNED дрен, $ MWANUFAETURED UNDER у § AND MANUFACTURED BX is Я 4 THE LICENCE OF Jp 4 SEGA ENTERPR)SASUTD. + § seca ENTERPRISE STH! sa” So A TEE E ee 7 : — A IR 4 | e 4 Я Ta” © [RS a Te y я ut nus EA ENTERPRISES. LTD. + SEEN TERPRISES. LTD. | $ JAPAN + dos JAPAN + e 2 ajo aj mp ag seg age ge sag tego: ag ey: js ag seg ye “og: agas ape oyo SAFETY CERTIFICATION UL, Listed Amusement Machine: Model SUR-0017-001 FCC Part 15 Subpart J, class A This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class A digital device in accordance with the specifications in Part 15 of the FCC rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) This device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation. HANDLING PRECAUTIONS _ When installing or inspecting the machine, be aware of the following safety items. Pay attention so that the players can enjoy the game safely. * Turn the power off before working on the machine. + Do not insert or pull out the plug quickly. * Make sure that the power cord and ground wire are not exposed during transportation. Make sure that all ground connections are made safely at the installation position where specified. + Do not use any fuse that does not meet the specified rating. * Make complete connections for the IC board and other connections. Insufficient connections are very dangerous. + When cleaning the monitor glass, use a soft cloth. Do not apply chemicals such as benzine or thinner. * Sega Enterprises, Inc. (U.S.A.) is not liable for any damages or injury resulting from use of this equipment in a manner for which it was not designed or intended. INSTALLATION AND LOCATION PRECAUTIONS The Indy 500 Twin is an indoor game machine. Absolutely do not install it outside. Even indoors, to ensure proper usage, avoid installing in any of the places mentioned below. Follow all of the installation instructions and precautions when installing the machine. LOCATION PRECAUTIONS: Places subject to rain or water leakage, or condensation due to humidity. In the proximity of an indoor swimming pool and/or shower. Places subject to direct sunlight. Places subject to heat sources from heating units or hot air. In the vicinity of highly inflammable/volatile chemicals or hazardous matter. On sloped surfaces. In the vicinity of anti-disaster facilities such as fire exits and fire extinguishers. Places subject to any type of violent impact. Dusty places. INSTALLATION PRECAUTIONS: Do not insert more than one electrical plug into the power plug socket. The per unit standard voltage/amperage is 120V/10A. Use of extension cords should be avoided. If you must use an extension cord, ensure the exten- sion cord 1$ rated at 15A or higher. For transporting the machine into the location’s building, the minimum necessary dimensions of the opening (doors, etc.) are 35 in. (W) x 70 in. (H). For operation of the machine, the minimum installation dimensions are 62 in. (W) x 65 in. (D). Due to its size and weight, use at least four (4) people to uncrate this game. SPECIFICATIONS PEER 76 Inches e 65 Inches e — ^ «в Inches FIGURE 1: INDY 500 Twin INSTALLATION DIMENSIONS Table 1: Indy 500 Twin Specifications PARAMETER SPECIFICATION Dimensions: Crate 1 33 in. (W) x 67 in. (D) x 62 in. (H) Crate 2 33 in. (W) x 67 in. (D) x 62 in. (H) Crate 3 29 in. (W) x 62 in. (D) x 20 in. (H) Installed 62 in. (W) x 65 in. (D) x 76 in. (H) Weight 1200 165. Power & Current 900 W, 7.5A (120 VAC, 60 Hz) INSTALLATION ITEMS The items listed in Table 2 are supplied with the Indy 500 Twin and should be included with the machine whenever the machine 1s moved. TABLE 2: INSTALLATION ITEMS PART NAME QTY. LOCATION PART NUMBER Owner’s Manual - Indy 500 Twin 1 In Cash Box 4201-6184-03 Quickstart Card - Indy 500 Twin 1 In Cash Box Left-side Cabinet 1 Crate 1 Right-side Cabinet 1 Crate 2 Cash Box Tower 1 Crate 3 (Crate 3 is strapped to Crate 2) Joint Plate 1 Crate 3 Billboard 1 Crate 3 Billboard L-Brackets 2 In corners of Crate 3 Linking Fiber Optic Cable 1 Coiled in Cash Box Tower 600-6275-0500 Mounting Bolts and Washers: In Installation Holes: Left- and Right-side 4 Outside of Inner Panels Billboard: Top of Right-side Cabinet 2 front edge, 2 back edge Top of Left-side Cabinet 2 front edge, 2 back edge Back of Billboard Back Panel of Billboard Tools: In Cash Box Allen Wrench 1 Torx Anti-Tamper Wrenches: M5 1 540-0007-01 M8 1 540-0009-01 Keys: Coin Mech Door Strapped to Controls Cash Box Behind Coin Mech Door Underseat Compartments Behind Coin Mech Door ASSEMBLING THE MACHINE WARNING! When moving or lifting the INDY 500 TWIN game cabinet over surfaces of differing levels (steps and stairs), separate the left- and right-hand sides before moving the cabinet. Moving or lifting the cabinet while the left and right sides are connected may cause damage to the cabinet. UNCRATE LEFT-SIDE CABINET (CRATE #1) 1. Move shipping crate #1 containing the left-side cabinet into location near the final installation location while still on the pallet. 2. Carefully remove the shipping bands, and top and sides of the crate. 3. Lift the left-side cabinet out and set on its casters. 4. Roll the left-side cabinet into its approximate installa- tion location. Note: The left-side cabinet has the power cord and the On/Off switch. | UNCRATE RiGHT-SIDE CABINET (CRATE #2) FIGURE 2: REAR VIEW, ASSEMBLED INDY 500 TWIN 2. г CABINET 1. Move shipping crate #2 containing the right-side cabinet into location near the final installation location PREPARE CABINETS AND TOWER FOR while still on the pallet. ASSEMBLY 2. Carefully remove the shipping bands, set aside crate #3, 1. Unscrew and remove the rear cover of the Cash Box and remove and top and sides of crate #2. Tower and set the cover aside 3. Lift the right-side cabinet out and set on its casters. 2. Untape the wire harnesses from the outside of the inner 4. Roll the right-side cabinet into its approximate installa- panels of the left and right-side cabinets and the outside tion location. of the Cash Box Tower (see Figure 2). 3. Peel the blue protective covering off all silver trim UNCRATE CASH Box TOWER AND BILLBOARD (CRATE #3) . Move shipping crate #3 containing the Cash Box Tower strips on both left- and right-side cabinets. 4. Remove the upper two bolts and split washers from the jr outside of the inner panel of the left and right-side and the Billboard into location near the final installation В cabinets. Keep these bolts and washers available. location while still on the pallet. 5. Loosen approximately 1/4 inch the lower two bolts on 2. Carefully remove the shipping bands, and top and sides X TOM pping Р the outside of the inner panel of the left and right-side of the crate. cabinets. Do not remove the lower two bolts. 3. Lift out the Billboard, two L-brackets, and Joint Plate and set aside in a protected location. 4. Lift the Cash Box Tower out and set near its approxi- mate installation location between the left- and right- side cabinets (see Figure 2). INSTALL RIGHT-SIDE CABINET 1. Connect the two right-side cable connectors to the Cash Box cable right-side connectors. Feed excess cable into the cabinet or Cash Box Tower. . Attach the Cash Box Tower to the inner panel of the right-side cabinet (see Figure 3) by lifting up the Cash Box tower and slipping the lower two slotted holes in the tower side over the lower two bolts and split washers on the right-side cabinet. Watch out for the sloping lower edge of the right-side cabinet monitor when lifting and installing the Cash Box Tower. The fender (large) washer stays between the right-side cabinet and the Cash Box Tower. Be sure that the cables retract into either the cabinet or Cash Box Tower without kinking. Do not tighten the bolts yet. . Install the two upper bolts and washers from the inside of the Cash Box Tower (through the non-slotted holes) into the right-side cabinet. After making sure that the cables are not caught between the cabinet and Cash Box Tower, and that the Tower is resting snugly against the cabinet, tighten all four bolts from the inside of the Cash Box Tower. INSTALL LEFT-SIDE CABINET 1. Connect the two left-side cable connectors to the Cash Box cable left-side connectors. Feed excess cable into the cabinet or Cash Box Tower. . Attach the Cash Box Tower to the inner panel of the left-side cabinet (see Figure 4) by sliding the lower two slotted holes in the Cash Box tower over the lower two bolts and split washers on the left-side cabinet. Watch out for the sloping lower edge of the left-side cabinet monitor. The fender (large) washer stays between the left-side cabinet and the Cash Box Tower. Be sure that the cables retract into either the cabinet or Cash Box Tower without kinking. Do not tighten the bolts yet. . Install the two upper bolts and washers from the inside of the Cash Box Tower (through the non-slotted holes) into the left-side cabinet. After making sure that the cables are not caught between the cabinet and Cash Box Tower, and that the Tower is resting snugly against the cabinet, tighten all four bolts from the inside of the Cash Box Tower. Right Side x Tower Left Side FIGURE 4: LEFT-SIDE CABINET INSTALLATION INSTALL BILLBOARD 1. Remove four 5/16 hex Billboard installation bolts from the top of both the left and right-side cabinets (8 total). Remove four 5/16 hex Billboard installation bolts from the back edge of the Billboard. 2. Carefully lift the Billboard to the top of the cabinets (see Figure 5). 3. Remove the three access screws from the front edge of the Billboard between the Billboard and Race Leader Marquee. 4. Open the Billboard top section carefully. 5. Attach the Billboard to the top of the game cabinet using four 5/16 hex bolts installed inside the front edge of the Billboard (see Figures 5 and 6). Do not tighten the bolts yet. 6. Attach the Billboard to the top of the game cabinet using 4 5/16 hex bolts installed through the L-bracket along the back outside edge the Billboard (see Figures 5 and 6). Do not tighten the bolts yet. 7. Align the Billboard and tighten all the bolts. 8. From inside the Billboard, connect the three- and four- pin Molex connectors (one each) to provide power to the lamps. 9. Reinstall the three access screws along the front edge of the Billboard to close the Billboard case. / e | pp || 4 Right Side Cash Box Tower Left Side FIGURE 5: BILLBOARD INSTALLATION LOCATION FIGURE 6: BILLBOARD INSTALLATION DETAILS WARNING! Make sure that all eight of the leg levelers are in contact with the floor (see Figure 9). If they are not, the cabinet may move and cause an accident. ADJUST LEG LEVELERS 1. Move the game cabinet to its final installation position. Be sure to allow room for the players to climb on the machine. 2. Adjust the six outboard leg levelers (see Figure 7) on the cabinet by hand so they all make contact with the floor. Continue to adjust levelers until the machine is level and the casters are approximately 5 mm off of the floor (see Figure 8). If the casters are less than 5 mm off of the floor, the game may move during operation and become dangerous. 3. After the adjustments are complete, tighten each leg leveler nut upward to secure the height of the leg leveler. (See Figure 9.) 4. Attach the red joint plate (shipped in Crate 3) to the cabinet’s two inner leg levelers (see Figures 7 and 10). Slide the notches in the joint plate over the levelers. 5. Adjust the two inner leg levelers (see Figure 7) on the cabinet by hand so they both make contact with the floor. Continue to adjust levelers until the machine is level and the casters are approximately 5 mm off of the floor (see Figure 8). If the casters are less than 5 mm off of the floor, the game may move during operation and become dangerous. 6. After the adjustments are complete, tighten both leg leveler nuts upward to secure the height of the leg leveler. (See Figure 9.) 7. Since the cabinet 1s heavy, retract its leg levelers and roll on its casters (see Figure 9) when moving the machine over the floor. Do not move the assembled cabinet over uneven floors, or up or down steps and stairs. Detach the left and right-side cabinets from the Cash Box Tower before moving the cabinets over uncven areas. LEG ADJUSTER ня, у “Il | Attach the joint plate À _—_ — FIGURE 7: CABINET, BOTTOM VIEW И PLATE FIGURE 8: LEG LEVELERS, BOTTOM VIEW CASTER Approx. omm FIGURE 9: LEG LEVELER AND CASTER, SIDE VIEW FIGURE 10: JOINT PLATE INSTALLATION LINKING LEFT- AND RIGHT-SIDE CABINETS 1. Locate the fiber optic linking cable (shipped in the cash box). 2. The cable and machine linking connectors are keyed so that they can only be connected when the long flat side of the cable connector is facing up (see Figure 11). 3. At the center rear of the machine, insert the black end of the linking cable into the TX connector and the red end into the RX connector (see Figure 12). 4. For information on linking multiple machines (4, 6, or 8 player linking) see the Machine Options: Linking section. 5. Loop and tuck the excess fiber optic cable between the left- and right-side cabinets. Do not bend the fiber optic cable. RX FIGURE 11: FrBER OpTIC CABLE CONNECTOR y RXTX CABINET ID 1 RXTX CABINET ID 2 FIGURE 12: Two PLAYER LINKING Power ON 1. Plug the AC cord going from the rear of the left-side cabinet into a dedicated outlet. 2. Toggle the Main AC Switch, located at the lower center rear of the game cabinet. This will cause the machine to power up and run a Power On Check. 3. During the Power On Check, the steering wheel will turn left and right, then returns to the centered position (see Figure 13), allowing the control parameter values to be corrected (on the game board). Do not touch the steering wheel or other controls while the Power On Check is in progress or the steering wheel reaction during the game will be incorrect. 4. After the Power On Check is complete, the machine runs a Network Check to initiate communication with other linked machines. During this check, the Network Check screen appears (see Figure 14). The Network Check should take approximately 10 seconds. If it does not complete in 10 seconds, check the fiber optic cable connections (see the Machine Options: Linking section). The steering wheel turns left/right automatically e le 6 DOWN — | D 4 |=) = > Oo, O NN — | wr —; чи | | —É]—————]——— Ma === | | FIGURE 13: POWER-ON CHECK OF STEERING WHEEL ( CHECKING NETWORK ow) CHECKING NETWORK NOW a Ver. X.XX Ver. X.XX Network Checking ! Network Checking ! u J 7 FIGURE 14: NETWORK CHECK SCREENS CHECK GAME BOARD PARAMETERS After the Network Check is complete, the Game Board Parameters should be checked. Open the Coin Mech Door and press the Test Button on the Service Panel (see Figure 15) to place the machine in Test Mode. See the Test Menus section for further details. 4 LEFT RIGHT \ olololololo ololo|o lo |5 COIN METER COIN METER 6 LEFT CONTROLS VOLUME SERVICE TEST DEGAUSS RIGHT CONTROLS o N 7 FIGURE 15: SERVICE PANEL CONTROLS In Test Menu, perform the following tests (see the Test Menu section for detailed instructions): ( > MEMORY TEST “RON ICIS GOOD IC16 GOOD ICI1 GOOD IC12 GOOD IC9 GOOD IC10 GOOD Icy GOOD ICS GOOD <RAN> Selecting the Memory Test from the Test Menu 1C14 GOOD IC15 GOOD IC16 GOOD IC17 GORD 18 6005 1C19 GOOD allows the game board memory ICs to be tested. Allow 1C79 GOOD ICBO GOOD approximately 75 seconds for this test to complete. All ICs ICB1 GOOD IC83 GOOD IC82 GOOD ICE4 GOOD 5 ICSS GOOD IC89 GOOD should show “GOOD.” IC91 GOOD IC92 GOOD IC93 GOOD IC27 GOOD IC29 GOOD IC28 GOOD IC30 GOOD PRESS TEST BUTTON TO EXIT > ( INPUT TEST ER STEERING WHEEL 80H Selecting the Input Test from the Test Menu allows GAS PEDAL 30H each switch and button to be tested. Press each switch and BRAKE PEDAL 30H button. For the coin switch test, insert a coin in the coin SHIFT UP OFF inlet with the coin chute door open. If the display beside SHIFT DOWN OFF each switch and button shows “GOOD”, the switches, VIEWL (ZOOM IN) OFF e VIEW (ZOOM OUT) OFF buttons, and wiring connections are good. Operate the START OFF steering wheel and gas and brake pedals and ascertain that COIN CHUTE OFF the values shown vary from low to high as given in the SERVICE OFF Test Menu section for the Input Test. TEST OFF N PRESS TEST BUTTON TO EXIT р a OUTPUT TEST CENTERING LEVEL START LAMP VIEWL LAMP (ZOOM IN) 0 OFF CFF VIEW2 LAMP (ZOCM OUT) OFF ->EXIT SELECT WITH SERVICE BUTTON \ AND PRESS TEST BUTTON — и SOUND TEST o №. 0 SELECT WITH SERVICE BUTTON PRESS TEST BUTTON TO EXIT 0 = NN — C.R.T. TEST 1/2 PRESS TEST BUTTON TO CONTINUE N C.R.T. TEST 2/2 PRESS TEST BUTTON TO EXIT и Selecting the Output Test from the Test Menu allows each lamp to be tested and the centering level for the Steering Wheel to be verified and adjusted if necessary. If the Steering Wheel centering level needs adjustments, make them according to the instructions given in the Output Test sections. Selecting the Sound Test from the Test Menu allows each speaker to be verified. Be sure to verify that sound is emitted from each speaker at a satisfactory volume. Selecting the C.R.T. Test from the Test Menu allows verification of the CRT’s adjustment. Although projector adjustments are made at the time of shipment, color deviation or other maladjustments may occur due to geomagnetism, other game machinery, or other factors. View the test screens and make a judgment as the whether adjustments are necessary. If adjustments are necessary, make them according to the instructions given in the C.R.T. Test and Service Information sections. HOW TO PLAY - The following explanations apply to the case where the Indy 500 Twin is operating in the SINGLE mode. In cases where multiple machines are linked, see the Machine Options: Linking Instructions section. 1. Insert a coin(s). Inserting enough coins for one play causes the Game Select mode to appear on the screen. 2. The Course Select screen (see Figure 16) showing “INDY 500”, “HIGHLAND RACEWAY” and “BAYSIDE STREET” appears. The courses are described in Table 3. Turn the steering wheel to select the course, and make the selection by stepping on the Gas Pedal or pressing the Start Button. (See Figure 18 for control locations.) If the game is played in linked mode, the course selection is determined by a majority of the players, or, in the case of a tie, the course 1s selected from the tied courses in the order listed above. Course Map Indicates the positions of Limited Spee the leading car and the player's car. Position SELECT A COURSE \ 3/33 30 INDY500 DS E CN E hi, y И AN o 210mpn A {1777 Tachometer, Speed Meter FIGURE 16: COURSE SELECTION FIGURE 17; OnN-SCREEN DISPLAY LOCATIONS Table 3: Course Descriptions No. of | CHECK | COURSE COURSE LAPS | POINTS | DESCRIPTION Highland Raceway| 3 2 Imaginary course through the folds of the hills. Features sharp ups and downs. Indy 500 4 1 Reproduction of the actual Indianapolis Motor Speedway. It is an oval course that 1s almost rectangular. Bayside Street 4 1 Imaginary course through the streets of town. Both sides of the road are concrete walls. This 15 the most difficult of the three courses. 3. There are 2 transmissions to choose from: AUTO and 6-speed MANUAL. Turn the steering wheel to select the desired transmission and make the selection by stepping on the Gas Pedal or pressing the Start Button. It is recom- mended that you choose AUTOMATIC transmission if you are not familiar with the game. When MANUAL SHIFT 1s chosen, refer to the Tachometer for shifting. Shifting up when the indicator is just below the red zone allows the most efficient acceleration. 4. After the course and transmission have been selected, the race begins with a rolling start. 5. During play, the driver’s perspective can be alternated by using the View Change Buttons to select one of 4 views. 6. To disable the Steering Wheel reactions, press the View Change Zoom Out and Start Buttons simultaneously. 7. The on-screen indicators during a race are shown in Figure 17 and described in Table 4. Table 4: On-Screen Indicators LOCATION | INDICATOR(S) Upper Left | Player’s current numerical position in the field over total field size. Upper Middie | Remaining time to the next checkpoint. Upper Right | Section time between checkpoints, with the best section time to date displayed above the player’s last section time. Middle Left | Record Lap time for the current lap, the running Total Time, and the Lap Times for all completed laps, and the current running Lap Time. Middle Right | Course Map with markers for all cars in the field (purple dots), player’s present position (blue triangle), and leader’s position (green diamond). Lower Right | Tachometer (green bar) with Shift Indicator (red bar), Current Speed, and Current Gear (number and bar). 8. After the game is started, the allotted time decreases. Passing the 1 to 3 checkpoint(s) per lap (depends on the course selected) within the time limit allows the game to continue with the previous remaining time added to the time limit up to the next checkpoint. If you fail to pass a checkpoint within the allotted time limit, the game is over. 9. During play, the position of all on-screen cars in the race can be viewed by pressing the Start Button. Press the Start Button again to return to the default view. 10. The top ten players who finish the course with the best results can register his or her name. Turn the steering wheel to choose the alphabetical letters and step on the Accelerator to make the selection. The name will be displayed on the DEMO screen. Steering Wheel Shift Lever Start Button \ 4 | ——— e View Change Button Red : ZOOM IN Blue : ZOOM OUT Accel. Pedal Brake Pedal FIGURE 18: CONTROL LOCATIONS EXPLANATION OF TEST AND DATA DISPLAYS “TEST MODE SCHEDULING The machine should be tested whenever it is installed, when cash is collected, monthly, or whenever the machine is not operating correctly. This is done by pressing the Test Button on the Service Panel. The tests and modes listed in Table 5 should be used as applicable. TABLE 5: EXPLANATION OF TEST MODES ITEMS DESCRIPTION INSTALLATION OF MACHINE When the machine 1s installed, perform the following: 1. Check to see that each setting is per the manufacturer’s default setting, made at the time of shipment. 2. In the Input Test, check each switch and control. 3. In the Output Test check each of the lamps. 4. In the Memory and T.G.P. Tests, check ICs. MEMORY Choose Memory or T.G.P. Test to allow the memory test to be performed. In these tests, PROGRAM RAMs, ROMs, and ICs on the IC Board are checked. PERIODIC SERVICING Periodically perform the following: 1. Memory and T.G.P. Tests. 2. Ascertain each setting. 3. In the Input Test, test the control devices. 4. In the Output Test, check each of lamps. CONTROL SYSTEM 1. In the Input Test, check each switch. 2. Adjust or replace each switch. 3. If the problem can not be solved yet, check the control’s motion. MONITOR 1. In the C.R.T. Test, check to see if the monitor adjustments are appropriate. 2. Demagnetize monitor using degauss switch on Service Panel. IC BOARD DATA CHECK 1. Memory Test. 2. Sound Test. Check such data as game play time and histogram to adjust the difficulty level, etc. IMPORTANT! Be sure to exit from the Test Menus before turning off power to the machine. If power is turned off while in the Test Menus, the new settings will not be stored correctly. SERVICE PANEL The Service Panel (see Figure 19) is located behind the Coin Mech Door (see Figure 30). The functions of each control on the Service Unit are described in Table 6. The left- and right-side Service Panels function independently. (LEFT RIGHT \ 01010101019 OIOIO IO IO [5 COIN METER COIN METER ¢ LEFT CONTROLS VOLUME SERVICE TEST DEGAUSS RIGHT CONTROLS e \ 7 FIGURE 19: SERVICE PANEL CONTROLS AND INDICATORS TABLE 6: SERVICE PANEL FUNCTIONS NO. CONTROL FUNCTION 1 Service Button Gives credits without registering on the appropriate coin meter. Also used to select test items (see next sections). 2 Test Button Enters and runs tests in the Test Menu. For details on the use of the Test Button, see next sections. 3 Volume Knob Adjusts the volume of the left- and right-side speakers. Volume increases when knob is turned clockwise. 4 Coin Meter Registers coins accepted for play in left- and right-side coin slots. Degauss Button Corrects color impurity in the left- and right-side CRTs. TEST MENU This menu allows selection of other menus that check the operation of the game board, make monitor color adjustments, and allow for COIN ASSIGNMENTS and GAME ASSIGNMENTS setting adjustments. Each of the Test Items 1s more fully explained in the following sections. / TEST MENU N MEMORY TEST T.G.P. TEST INPUT TEST OUTPUT TEST SOUND TEST C.R.T. TEST GAME ASSIGNMENTS COIN ASSIGNMENTS VOLUME SETTING BOOKKEEPING BACKUP DATA CLEAR > EXIT SELECT BY SERVICE BUTTON \_ AND PUSH TEST BUTTON 7 1. Push the Test Button on the Service Panel to cause the Test Menu to appear. Do not enter Test Mode if any linked units are in play. All linked units will enter Test Mode at the same time. 2. Push the Service or View Change Buttons to move the cursor © to the desired item and press the Test Button. 3. When all testing is completed, move the cursor = to EXIT and push the Test Button. Be sure to exit from Test Mode before turning off power to the machine. If power is turned off before exiting Test Mode, the new settings will not be saved properly. IMPORTANT! Do not enter the Test Mode if any linked machines are in play. Entering Test Mode causes all linked machines to enter Test Mode. Be sure to exit from Test Mode before turning off power to the machine. If power is turned off while in Test Mode, the new settings will not be stored correctly. MEMORY TEST Check the on-board memory ICs. 7 N <ROM > IC15 KC] IC9 IC7 GOOD GOOD GOOD GOOD <RAM> IC14 IC18 IC98 IC79 1C81 IC88 [C91 IC27 GOOD GOOD GOOD GOOD GOOD GOOD GOOD GOOD ° 1С16 IC12 IC10 IC8 IC15 IC19 IC150 IC80 IC83 1С89 IC92 IC29 GOOD GOOD GOOD GOOD GOOD GOOD GOOD GOOD GOOD GOOD GOOD GOOD MEMORY TEST IC16 IC82 IC93 IC28 GOOD GOOD GOOD GOOD PRESS TEST BUTTON TO EXIT IC17 GOOD 1084 GOOD IC30 GOOD > 1. The test takes approximately 75 seconds to complete. If the test exceeds 75 seconds, the board may have malfunctioned. 2. When the IC is in good operating condition, “GOOD” will be indicated. 3. If any of the ICs are malfunctioning, “BAD” will be indicated. 4. Push the Test or Start Button to return to the Test Menu. T.G.P. TEST Check the on-board T.G.P. (screen display) ICs. “A T.G.P. TEST в IC31 GOOD IC37 GOOD PRESS TEST BUTTON TO EXIT N 1. When the IC 1s in good operating condition, “GOOD” will be indicated. 2. If any of the ICs are malfunctioning, “BAD” will be indicated. 3. Push the Test or Start Button to return to the Test Menu. INPUT TEST This test displays the state of each switch or button and the value of each control, and allows each switch, button, and contro! to be individually tested. a INPUT TEST ÓN STEERING WHEEL 80H GAS PEDAL 30H BRAKE PEDAL 30H SHIFT UP OFF SHIFT DOWN OFF VIEW 1 (ZOOM IN) OFF VIEW 2 (ZOOM OUT) OFF START OFF COIN CHUTE #1 OFF COIN CHUTE #2 OFF SERVICE OFF TEST OFF \ PRESS TEST BUTTON TO EXIT J 1. Operate each control (steering wheel, gas pedal, and brake pedal). If the values shown range as listed in Table 7, the control is operating satisfactorily. 2. Press each switch or button. If the indicator goes ON when the button is activated, the button is operating and the wiring connections are satisfactory. 3. To check Coin Chutes #1 and #2, open the Coin Chute Door and insert a coin in the slot. 4. Push the Test Button (or the Start and View Change Buttons simultaneously) to return to the Test Menu. Table 7: CONTROL VALUE RANGES CONTROL POSITION VALUE RANGE Steering Wheel Left Under 2DH Right 7DH to 83H Centered Over D3H Gas Pedal Released Under 30H Pressed Down Over COH Brake Pedal Released Under 30H Pressed Down Over COH Output TEST Allows the Steering Wheel’s centering value and the status of each lamp to be checked. @ OUTPUT TEST CENTERING LEVEL O START LAMP OFF VIEW 1 LAMP (ZOOM IN) OFF VIEW 2 LAMP (ZOOM OUT) OFF co EXIT SELECT WITH SERVICE BUTTON \_ AND PRESS TEST BUTTON 7 1. Press the Service Button or the View Change Buttons to move the cursor © to the desired test item. 2. Each time the Test Button or Start Button is pressed while CENTERING LEVEL is selected, the CENTERING LEVEL changes in 9 steps (0 to 8 : None to Strongest). 3. If the Steering Wheel's reaction strength cannot be set satisfactorily using this menu, the Drive Board DIP switch settings may need to be changed. See the Service Information: Drive Board DIP Switch Settings section. 4. Lamps should light and the on-screen display should read “ON” when the Test Button is pressed while the corre- sponding menu item is selected. Press the Test Button again to turn the lamp off and the on-screen display to “OFF”. 5. Select EXIT and press the Test Button or Start Button to return to the Test Menu. SOUND TEST This allows each sound and speaker to be verified. Voice and background music (BGM) are emitted from the two round tweeter speakers located one on each side of the control panel, and from the front square speakers also located one on each side of the control panel. Be sure to verify that sound is emitted from each speaker at a satisfactory volume. SOUND TEST ÓN NO. O SELECT WITH SERVICE BUTTON PRESS TEST BUTTON TO EXIT \ и 1. Press the Service or View Change Buttons to choose and play the desired sound (No. 0 to 111). 2. Press the Test Button to return to the Test Menu. C.R.T. TEST The two C.R.T. Test screens (RGB Color Adjustment and Monitor Size Adjustment) allow verification of the CRT's adjustment. Although projector adjustments are made at the time of shipment, color deviation or other maladjustments may occur due to geomagnetism, other game machinery, or other factors. View the test screens and make a judgment as the whether adjustments are necessary. If adjustments are necessary, make them according to the instructions given in the Service Information section. RGB COLOR ADJUSTMENT SCREEN This screen allows for checking and adjusting the monitor color. C.R.T. TEST N WHITE PRESS TEST BUTTON TO CONTINUE J N_ 1. View the test screen and decide whether adjustments are necessary. 2. Normally, there is no need to make adjustments. 3. If adjustments are necessary, make them according to the instructions given in the Service Information section. 4. If adjustments are necessary, make them so that each of the R (red), G (green) and B (blue) colors is darkest at the left-hand end and becomes brighter in 16 gradations towards the right-hand end. The monitor brightness is satisfactory if the white color bar is black at the left-hand end and white at the right-hand end. 5. Press the Test or Start Button to go to the Monitor Size Adjustment screen. MONITOR SIZE ADJUSTMENT SCREEN This page allows the monitor size to be checked. — C.R.T. TEST 2/2 PRESS TEST BUTTON TO EXIT N 1. View the test screen and decide whether adjustments are necessary. J 2. Normally, there is no need to make adjustments. 3. If adjustments are necessary, make them according to the instructions given in the Service Information section. 4. If adjustments are necessary, make them so that the checkered portions of the display do not go beyond the edges of the screen and there is no crosshatch distortion. GAME ASSIGNMENTS Allows game settings to be changed. Ranges are shown in parentheses (). Default values are shown by * =. GAME ASSIGNMENTS N GAME DIFFICULTY NORMAL A RACE MODE NORMAL B HANDICAP ON C ADVERTISE SOUND ON D COUNTRY USA E CABINET TYPE TWIN F NETWORK TYPE NOT LINK G CABINET ID 1 H ENGINE VOLUME 1 | DEFAULT VIEW 1 J o EXIT SELECT WITH SERVICE BUTTON \_ AND PRESS TEST BUTTON | 1. Press the Service or View Change Buttons to move the cursor = and bring it to the desired item. 2. Press the Test or Start Button to change the setting. 3. After the desired setting 1s selected, bring the cursor = to EXIT and press the Test Button. (A) GAME DIFFICULTY * = NORMAL Sets the game’s overall difficulty (VERY EASY, EASY, NORMAL, HARD, HARDEST). (B) RACE MODE * = NORMAL Sets the lap length per Table 8 (NORMAL, LONG). Table 8: Race Mode Lap Lengths MODE INDY 500 HIGHLAND | BAY SIDE Normal 4 Laps 3 Laps 3 Laps Long 20 Laps 17 Laps 15 Laps (C) HANDICAP *=ON Speeds up the cars that are in position No. 2 or lower (all cars except position No. 1) in linked play (ON, OFF). (D) ADVERTISE SOUND * = ON Determines whether ADVERTISE SOUND is to be emitted or not during Standby Mode (ON, OFF). (E) COUNTRY * = USA Selects message language (JPN, EXP, USA). (F) CABINET TYPE | * = TWIN Setting of cabinet type (DELUXE, TWIN). (G) NETWORK TYPE * = STAND ALONE When machines are not used interactively, set all machines to STAND ALONE. For linked (communication) play, set CABINET ID #1 to MASTER, and the remaining cars to SLAVE, as described in the Machine Options section - Linking Instructions (STAND ALONE, MASTER, SLAVE). (H) CABINET ID *=1 When cabinets are used in linked play, the CABINET ID’s must be set as described in the Machine Options section - Linking Instructions or the on-screen displays will be confused (1 to 8). (I) ENGINE VOLUME * = 1 Sets the balance between the sound levels of the engine and the background music during the race, as shown in Table 9. (1 to 3). Table 9: Sound Level Settings SETTING ENGINE VOLUME | MUSIC VOLUME 1 Low Loud 2 Even Even 3 Loud Low (J) DEFAULT VIEW * = 1 Sets the default view seen before any View Change Buttons are pressed during the race (1:Lowest View Point to 4:Highest View Point). COIN ASSIGNMENT In this mode, the COIN/CREDIT setting, number of credits to start, and basic coin and credit levels can be changed. Default values are shown by * =. CoIN/CREDIT a COIN ASSIGNMENT COIN/CREDIT SETTING #18 A COIN CHUTE #1 4 COINS 1 CREDIT COIN CHUTE #2 4 COINS 1 CREDIT MANUAL SETTING B 5 EXIT SELECT WITH SERVICE BUTTON \_ AND PRESS TEST BUTTON J 1. Press the Service Button or View Change Button to select an item. 2. Press the Test Button or Start Button to change the setting. 3. To activate the change, select EXIT by using the Service Button, and press the Test Button. (A) COIN/CREDIT SETTING * = 18 Sets the CREDIT increase increment per coin insertion. There are 27 settings from #1 to #27, expressed in 00 CREDIT against 00 COINS inserted. #27 refers to FREE PLAY (SETTING #1 in the default setting). For details, refer to Table 10. (B) MANUAL SETTING The CREDIT’s incremental increase settings for each coin insertion are shown in further detail in Tables 11 - 13. Note: When MANUAL SETTING is selected, the COIN/CREDIT setting (A) becomes ineffective. TABLE 10: COIN/CREDIT SETTINGS NAME OF SETTING COIN CHUTE 1 COIN CHUTE 2 SETTING #1 1 COIN 1 CREDIT 1 COIN 1 CREDIT SETTING #2 1 COIN 2 CREDITS 1 COIN 1 CREDIT - SETTING #3 1 COIN 3 CREDITS 1 COIN I CREDIT SETTING #4 1 COIN 4 CREDITS 1 COIN 1 CREDIT SETTING #5 1 COIN 5 CREDITS 1 COIN 1 CREDIT SETTING #6 1 COIN 2 CREDITS 1 COIN 2 CREDITS SETTING #7 1 COIN 5 CREDITS 1 COIN 2 CREDITS SETTING #8 1 COIN 3 CREDITS 1 COIN 3 CREDITS SETTING #9 1 COIN 4 CREDITS 1 COIN 4 CREDITS SETTING #10 1 COIN 5 CREDITS 1 COIN 5 CREDITS SETTING #11 1 COIN 6 CREDITS 1 COIN 6 CREDITS SETTING #12 2 COINS 1 CREDIT 2 COINS 1 CREDIT SETTING #13 1 COIN 1 CREDIT 2 COINS 1 CREDIT SETTING #14 1 COIN 2 CREDITS 2 COINS 1 CREDIT SETTING #15 1 COIN 1 CREDIT 1 COIN 1 CREDIT 2 COINS 3 CREDITS 2 COINS 3 CREDITS SETTING #16 1 COIN 3 CREDITS 1 COIN 3 CREDITS 2 COINS 3 CREDITS SETTING #17 3 COINS 1 CREDIT 3 COINS 1 CREDIT SETTING #18 4 COINS 1 CREDIT 4 COINS 1 CREDIT SETTING #19 1 COIN 1 CREDIT 1 COIN 1 CREDIT 2 COINS 2 CREDITS 2 COINS 2 CREDITS 3 COINS 3 CREDITS 3 COINS 3 CREDITS 4 COINS 5 CREDITS 4 COINS 5 CREDITS SETTING #20 1 COIN 5 CREDITS 1 COIN 1 CREDIT 2 COINS 2 CREDITS 3 COINS 3 CREDITS 4 COINS 5 CREDITS SETTING #21 5 COINS 1 CREDIT 5 COINS 1CREDIT SETTING #22 1 COIN 2 CREDITS 3 COINS 1CREDIT 5 COINS 2 CREDITS SETTING #23 2 COINS 1 CREDIT 2 COINS 1 CREDIT 4 COINS 2 CREDITS 4 COINS 2 CREDITS 5 COINS 3 CREDITS 5 COINS 3 CREDITS SETTING #24 1 COIN 3 CREDITS 2 COINS 1 CREDIT 4 COINS 2 CREDITS 5 COINS 3 CREDITS SETTING #25 1 COIN 1 CREDIT 1 COIN 1 CREDIT 2 COINS 2 CREDITS 2 COINS 2 CREDITS 3 COINS 3 CREDITS 3 COINS 3 CREDITS 4 COINS 4 CREDITS 4 COINS 4 CREDITS 5 COINS 6 CREDITS 5 COINS 6 CREDITS SETTING #26 1 COIN 1 CREDIT 1 COIN 1 CREDIT 2 COINS 2 CREDITS 3 COINS 3 CREDITS 4 COINS 4 CREDITS 5 COINS 6 CREDITS SETTING #27 FREE PLAY FREE PLAY MANUAL SETTING In this mode, the COIN/CREDIT, BONUS ADDER, AND COIN CHUTE settings, etc. can be changed independently. COIN ASSIGNMENTS NN MANUAL SETTING COIN TO CREDIT 3 COINS 1 CREDIT A BONUS ADDER NO BONUS ADDER B COIN CHUTE #1 MULTIPLIER 1 COIN COUNTS AS 1 COIN C COIN CHUTE #2 MULTIPLIER 1 COIN COUNTS AS 1 COIN > EXIT SELECT WITH SERVICE BUTTON \_ AND PRESS TEST BUTTON (A) COIN TO CREDIT Determines Coin/Credit setting. See Table 11. (B) BONUS ADDER Sets how many coins should be inserted to obtain one Service Coin. See Table 12. (C) COIN CHUTE #X MULTIPLIER Sets how many tokens one Coin represents for COIN CHUTES #1 and #2. See Table 13. TABLE 11: MANUAL SETTINGS: COIN TO CREDIT COIN TO CREDIT 1 COIN 1 CREDIT 2 COINS 1 CREDIT - 3 COINS 1CREDIT 4 COINS 1CREDIT 5COINS 1 CREDIT 6 COINS 1 CREDIT 7 COINS 1CREDIT 8 COINS 1 CREDIT 9 COINS 1 CREDIT TABLE 12: MANUAL SETTINGS: BONUS ADDER BONUS ADDER NO BONUS ADDER 2 COINS GIVE 1 EXTRA COIN 3 COINS GIVE 1 EXTRA COIN 4 COINS GIVE 1 EXTRA COIN 5 COINS GIVE 1 EXTRA COIN 6 COINS GIVE 1 EXTRA COIN 7 COINS GIVE 1 EXTRA COIN 8 COINS GIVE 1 EXTRA COIN 9 COINS GIVE 1 EXTRA COIN TABLE 13: MANUAL SETTINGS: COIN CHUTE #X MULTIPLIER COIN CHUTE #1 1 COIN COUNTS AS 1 COIN MULTIPLIER 1 COIN COUNTS AS 2 COINS 1 COIN COUNTS AS 3 COINS 1 COIN COUNTS AS 4 COINS 1 COIN COUNTS AS 5 COINS 1 COIN COUNTS AS 6 COINS 1 COIN COUNTS AS 7 COINS 1 COIN COUNTS AS 8 COINS 1 COIN COUNTS AS 9 COINS CONTROL RANGE (* VOLUME”) SETTING Allows the Control Range (“Volume”) of the Gas and Brake Pedals and Steering Wheel to be adjusted. ( VOLUME SETTING ÓN STEERING WHEEL MAX 93 (DF) MIN 93 (26) NEW 93 (93) GAS PEDAL MAX 78 (CO) MIN 78 (78) BRAKE PEDAL MAX 3E (C5) MIN 3E (3E) > CANCEL & EXIT SET & EXIT SELECT WITH SERVICE BUTTON \_ AND PRESS TEST BUTTON Ви 1. To set the Steering Wheel or Pedal (Gas or Brake) values, bring the cursor “Set & Exit”. 2. To cancel, bring the cursor “Cancel & Exit”. Note: if the Steering Wheel or either Pedal is moved even the slightest while you are in this menu, all the settings will be erased. Sega recommends that all settings be reset anytime this menu is entered. 2. Step on the Gas or Brake Pedal fully, then release completely. 3. Turn the Steering Wheel fully to the left and right (see Figure 20) and allow the Steering Wheel to return to level center, as shown in Figure 21. 4. Press the Test Button to store values and return to the Test Menu. NS Level Line FIGURE 20: TURNING THE STEERING WHEEL FIGURE 21: CENTERING THE STEERING WHEEL CAUTION Sega recommends that all settings be set anytime this menu 1s entered. BOOKKEEPING The two Bookkeeping screens (Credits and Times and Time Histograms) allow display of the game’s lifetime bookkeeping data. CREDITS AND TIMES a BOOKKEEPING 1/2 X COIN CHUTE #1 0 A COIN CHUTE #2 0 TOTAL COINS 0 B COIN CREDITS 0 C SERVICE CREDITS 0 D TOTAL CREDITS О Е NUMBER OF GAMES О F TOTAL TIME OD OH OM OS G PLAY TIME OD OH OM OS H AVERAGE PLAY TIME OH OM OS | LONGEST PLAY TIME OH OM OS SHORTEST PLAY TIME OH OM OS « PRESS TEST BUTTON TO CONTINUE | 1. Press the Test Button to proceed to the next page (Time Histograms screen). (A) COIN CHUTE #1 and #2 Displays the number of coins inserted in COIN CHUTE #1 or #2. From the front of the cabinet, the left-hand side coin chute is Chute #1, and the right-hand side coin chute is Chute #2. (B) TOTAL COINS Total number of times both the COIN CHUTES have been actuated. (C) COIN CREDITS Number of CREDITS registered by COIN insertion only. (D) SERVICE CREDITS Credits registered by Service Button usage. (E) TOTAL CREDITS Total number of CREDITS registered (COIN CREDITS + SERVICE CREDITS). (F) NUMBER OF GAMES Total number of games played. (GYTOTAL TIME Time available for play (excludes time in Test Mode). (H) GAME PLAY TIME Total time games were being played (part of the TOTAL TIME; remainder of TOTAL TIME is spent in ATTRACT MODE). (I) AVERAGE GAME TIME The GAME PLAY TIME divided by the NUMBER OF GAMES. Time HISTOGRAM Count of the length of each game played in 30 second intervals. _ ДИ BOOKKEEPING 2/2 TIME HISTOGRAM OM 00S ~ ОМ 295 0 OM 30S ~ OM 595 0 1M 00S ~ 1M 295 0 1M 30S ~ 1M 59S 0 2M 00S ~ 2M 295 0 2M 30S ~ 2M 595 0 3M 00S ~ 3M 295 0 3M 30S ~ 3M 595 0 4M 00S ~ 4M 295 0 4M 30S ~ 4M 595 0 OVER 5M 00S 0 \_ PRESS TEST BUTTON TO EXIT 1. Press the Test Button to return to the Test Menu. Backup Data CLEAR Clear the contents of BOOKKEEPING. Does not affect the Game Assignment settings. ( BACKUP DATA CLEAR \ YES (CLEAR) > NO (CANCEL) — SELECT WITH SERVICE BUTTON AND PRESS TEST BUTTON = ”/ 1. When clearing, bring the cursor = to YES; and when not clearing, to NO, by using the Service Button, and then pushing the Test Button. 2. When clearing is finished, “COMPLETED” will be displayed. 3. Press the Test Button to return to the Test Menu. PERIODIC CHECK The periodic check and maintenance of the items listed in Table 14 is suggested to retain the performance of this machine and to ensure safe operation. TABLE 14: PERIODIC CHECK AND MAINTENANCE ITEMS ASSEMBLY ACTION ITEM INTERVAL CONTROL Check Button lamps Monthly Check VOLUME VALUE | Monthly Check ADJUST GEAR Monthly Check GEAR GREASING | Monthly Check BEARING Monthly OVER/UNDER COIN DOOR ASSEMBLY Check COIN SWITCH Monthly Clean COIN SELECTOR | Tri-Monthly MONITOR Check ADJUSTMENTS Monthly GAME BOARD Run MEMORY TEST Monthly INTERIOR CLEAN Annually POWER SUPPLY PLUG CHECK and CLEAN Annually SEAT Grease RAIL Trimonthly TROUBLESHOOTING - The items listed in Table 15 will assist in troubleshooting when a problem occurs. As a first step, check all wiring connector connections and verify AC power to the machine. TABLE 15: TROUBLESHOOTING GUIDE PROBLEMS CAUSE COUNTERMEASURES When the main SW is turned ON, the machine 1s not activated. The cord 1s not plugged in. Power switch 1s off. Incorrect power source/voltage. Fuse 1s blown. Firmly insert the plug into the outlet. Turn on the cabinet. Make sure that the power supply voltages are correct. First, remove the cause of overcurrent and replace the fuse. Fuse: 12A 250V Slo Blo. MONITOR screen 1s blackened and the fluorescent lamp does not light up. Fuse 1s blown. First remove the cause of overcurrent, then replace the fuse. Fuse: 12A 250V Slo Blo. The color of image on MONITOR screen 1s incorrect. Defective connections between boards. Make sure of correct connections between boards. "The on-screen image of the monitor sways and/or shrinks. Incorrect monitor adjustment. The power source and voltage are not correct. Make appropriate adjustments Make sure that the power supply and voltage are correct. Control panel controls are not operating satisfactorily. Controls or Button microswitches malfunctioning. Power-on check not performed properly. Adjust or replace microswitches. Turn off unit and turn on again. Allow power-on check to complete. Fluorescent lamps don’t light up. Fluorescent lamps need replacement. The connector 1s disconnected. Replace the fluorescent lamp. Check connector connections in the billboard. Sound is not emitted. Fuse is blown, Sound volume adjustment is not correct. Replace fuse: 12A 250V Slo Blo. Adjust the Service Panel’s volume control knob. Game makes sounds, but has no picture. Malfunctioning of sound board and/ or memory. Perform the SOUND TEST. Interactive play 1s not working. Linking cable is disconnected. Linking cable connections are incorrect. Game settings for linked play are not correct. Connect the cable. Connect the cable correctly - see Machine Options: Linking Instructions section. Reset the Game Assignments - see Machine Options: Linking Instructions section. MACHINE OPTIONS LINKING INSTRUCTIONS This machine can be linked to similar machines to allow up to eight (8) people (four Indy 500 Twin cabinet sets) to race on the same course. Setting up LINKING requires modifications to the Assembly, Game Assignment and Network Assignments Settings, and Playing Instructions, as described in the following three sections. ASSEMBLY 1. Due to the length of the fiber optic communications cables, connected machines must be located within 12 feet of each other. 2. For four players, link the machines as shown in Figure 23 (four players), using the fiber optic cable found coiled inside each machine’s Cash Box Tower. 3. The user only connects the external fiber optic cabling. The internal cabling is configured at the factory. 4. The cable and machine linking connectors are keyed so that they can only be connected when the longest flat side of the cable connector is facing up (see Figure 22). 5. At the center rear of the MASTER machine (cabinets 1 and 2), insert the black end of the linking cable into the TX connector and the red end into the RX connector. 6. To link additional machines, add SLAVE machines (cabinets 3,4,5,6,7, and 8), connecting TX outputs to RX inputs, as shown in Figure 24 (six players) and Figure 25 (eight players). 7. Loop and tuck the excess fiber optic cable between the left- and right-side cabinets. Do not bend the fiber optic cable. 8. Apply Seat Number stickers to back of each seat, starting from the left-side cabinet of the MASTER cabinet and proceeding to the right (see Figure 26). FIGURE 22; FIBER Optic CABLE CONNECTOR X RXTX RXTX CABINET ID 1 CABINET ID 2 RXTX RXTX CABINET ID 3 CABINET ID 4 FIGURE 23: FOUR PLAYER LINKING DIAGRAM RXTX | RXTX AXTX | RXTX | RXTX ——[ | L L CABINET ID 1 CABINET ID 2 CABINET ID 3 CABINET ID 4 CABINET ID 5 CABINET ID 6 FIGURE 24: Six PLAYER LINKING DIAGRAM Lo | | | RXTX RXTX | RX TX | RXTX RXTX RXTX RXTX Er CABINET ID 1 CABINET ID 2 CABINET ID 3 CABINET ID 4 CABINET ID 5 CABINET ID 6 CABINET ID 7 CABINET ID 8 FIGURE 25: E1GHT PLAYER LINKING DIAGRAM или вол EYE NAA a AA BA A EEE A EA - Lr e ar — ZN EE— —i—— RAGE LEADER \ == AGE LEADER E RACE LEADER A | —!1 LF FIGURE 26: SEAT NUMBERING DIAGRAM GAME SYSTEM SETTINGS For each linked cabinet, press the Test Button on the Service Panel and modify the Network Assignments menu as shown below. When changing settings, refer to the Test Mode section. 1. Press the Test Button to enter the Test menu and choose NETWORK ASSIGNMENTS (see Figure 27). 2. Bring the cursor @ to COMMUNICATION and press the Test Button to select NETWORK (see Figure 28). 3. Move the cursor Y to PRIVILEGE MODE and press the Test Button to allow one of the cabinets to be set to MASTER. Set all other cabinets to SLAVE. 4. Bring the cursor @ to CABINET ID NUMBER, press the Test Button, and set the machine numbers sequentially (1, 2, 3, ... 8) as applicable, starting from the extreme left cabinet, facing the front of the monitors (matching the seat numbers). If the same number is set for two or more cabinets, or if the sequential order is incorrect, the game display will be confused. 5. In the case of linked play, the Game Assignments settings are made on the MASTER cabinet. Even if the settings are changed on the SLAVE machines, the settings will not be effective. Changing the settings on the MASTER cabinet causes all of the SLAVE machines to change the to MASTER unit’s settings. 6. All linked machines perform a NETWORK CHECK (see Figure 29) when the power is turned on, and when exiting the Test Menu. Linked play is not possible unless all of the linked machines simultaneously perform a NETWORK CHECK. Should testing become necessary for one machine, all of the remaining machines will be tested. When testing is finished for the machine which required testing, all of the machines will exit from the Test Menu at the a NETWORK ASSIGNMENTS ÓN COMMUNICATION STAND-ALONE same time. © EXIT SELECT BY SERVICE BUTTON AND PUSH TEST BUTTON N FIGURE 27: NETWORK ASSIGNMENTS SCREEN — STAND-ALONE MODE a NETWORK ASSIGNMENTS ÓN COMMUNICATION NETWORK PRIVILEGE MODE MASTER CABINET 1D NUMBER 1 > EXIT SELECT BY SERVICE BUTTON AND PUSH TEST BUTTON N ” FIGURE 28: NETWORK ASSIGNMENTS SCREEN — LINKED MASTER CABINET 4 CHECKING NETWORK NOW В CHECKING NETWORK NOW N Ver. X.XX Ver. X.XX Network Checking | Network Checking ! NG _/ © _/ FIGURE 29: NETWORK CHECKING SCREENS PLAYING INSTRUCTIONS Most of the instructions in the HOW TO PLAY section apply to linked or unlinked machines, with the following exceptions: 1. The player at the MASTER machine should insert a coin first, and press the start button. A message “WAITING FOR YOUR ENTRY” will appear on the remaining linked machine’s monitors. 2. Within 14 seconds, each linked machine player who desires to compete must insert a coin in their coin slot. 3. Each player should select the course that they wish to compete on. Ties will be decided as discussed in the How To Play section. 4. Shift selection is made independently on each machine. 5. After AUTO or MANUAL shift has been selected, the race begins. PARTS LIST INDY 500 TWIN GRAPHICS * PE eX} oi Back LAD A RACE LEAD = ye 21) © 7D © 5 A OPPOSITE SIDE “ll = mms CS | — E — ACA EN NN rr Re | Ld TAN SNA U EN ! = IP SIDE 2P SIDE FiGURE 30: INDY 500 Twin GRAPHICS INDY 500 TWIN GRAPHICS Table 16: Indy 500 Twin Graphics Parts List NO. PART NO. DESCRIPTION 1 DYN-0010 DENOMI PLATE - 2 DYN-0011 DENOMI PLATE W/O ORIGINAL 5 4230-0250 BILLBOARD PLATE UPPER 6 4231-0251 BILLBOARD PLATE LOWER 10 4220-0537-01 SUB INSTR SH INDY 11 4220-0540-01 PLAY INSTR SH INY TWIN 12 421-8768 STICKER METER PANEL 13 INY-1251-B SHEET VR SW 16 INY-1203-B SHEET EMBLEM 17 Silkscreen on panel STICKER SIDE 1PL 18 Silkscreen on panel STICKER SIDE 2P R 19 INY0-2001-B STICKER BASE L 20 INY0-2001-C STICKER BASE R 21 INY1-1604-B STICKER 1P 22 INY1-1607-A STICKER 2P 23 INY1-1604-C STICKER SEAT L 24 INY1-1604-D STICKER SEAT R 25 4210-8935 STICKER INDY CAR No. “2-8” (for use with linked machines) 26 4400-WS0002-EG STICKER “POWER OFF” 27 4400-CS0011-EG STICKER “GRIP HANDLE” 28 999-0505 STICKER SEAT LOWER INDY 500 TWIN ASSEMBLY P/N INY-00001 Left-side Cabinet Right-side Cabinet Billboard Marquee Speaker, Mini Dome (4) | mew on,” 2 uu i 1 3 0- 5 1 4 0 | - > ase PTT Ш В E S pe ake r, | Ш a Tweeter (4) wo - 130-5112 Monitor (2) - Over/Under Coin Door and Cash Box (between cabinets) Underseat Speaker, * = ’ > Casters (8) Woofer (2) Levelers (8) 999-0169 130-5114 999-0167 FIGURE 31: INDY 500 Twin CABINET ASSEMBLY BILLBOARD ASSEMBLY P/N INY1-0200 ZN (3) / / \ #7 ZA в N > ; Table 17: Billboard Parts List NO. PART NO. 1 INY1-0210 2 INY1-0220 3 RAL 1-020] 4 RAL 1-0202 FIGURE 32: BILLBOARD ASSEMBLY DESCRIPTION ASSY BILLBOARD UPPER ASSY BILLBOARD LOWER LAMP LID STAY BRKT 2) BILLBOARD UPPER ASSEMBLY P/N INY1-0210 DE © / / 7 — “A © OE ЭВ C FIGURE 33: BILLBOARD UPPER ASSEMBLY Table 18: Billboard Upper Parts List NO. PART NO. DESCRIPTION 1 RAIL 1-0211 BILLBOARD CASE UPPER 2 RAL1-0212 CORNER EDGE UPPER 3 RAL 1-0213 CORNER EDGE LOWER 4 RAL1-0214 CORNER EDGE LEFT 5 RAL1-0215 CORNER EDGE RIGHT 6 4230-0250 BILLBOARD PLATE UPPER 7 STICKER FL 40W 101 ASSY FL 40W EX W/CONN HIGH 102 CORD CLAMP 921 BILLBOARD LOWER ASSEMBLY P/N INY1-0220 E a 7 ps — — LI \ À FIGURE 34: BILLBOARD LOWER ASSEMBLY Table 19: Billboard Lower Parts List NO. PART NO. DESCRIPTION 1 RAL 1-0221 BILLBOARD CASE LOWER 2 RAL 1-0222 CORNER EDGE 3 4231-0251 BILLBOARD PLATE LOWER 4 RAL1-0230 LAMP UNIT 101 CORD CLAMP @21 LAMP ASSEMBLY P/N RAL1-0230 | | © FIGURE 35: LAMP ASSEMBLY Table 20: Billboard Lower Parts List NO. 1 2 101 101 101 104 PART NO. RAL1-0231 DESCRIPTION LAMP PANEL STICKER 110V 30W BULB SOCKET LAMP 110V 30W PLASTIC TIE BELT 110MM CORD CLAMP 10 CONTROL PANEL ASSEMBLY P/N INY1-12002 AN A VDE | FOR EARTH GROUND TORQUE 200kgf-cm FIGURE 36: CONTROL PANEL ASSEMBLY CONTROL PANEL ASSEMBLY P/N INY1-12002 Table 17: Control Panel Parts List zZ PTI — © — 102 103 104 105 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 PART NO. DYN-1201 DYN-1209 INY-1203 INY1-1205 INY-1206-01 INY-1204 DYN-1223 INY-1250 OUT-2026 610-0383 6100-0384 130-5112 601-0460 280-5009 060-S00800 999-0418 008-T00512-0B 000-T00416 000-T00416-0C 000-P00412-W 008-T00516-0B 050-F00400 999-0419 DESCRIPTION STEERING WHEEL HANDLE COLLAR STEERING EMBLEM CONTROL PANEL BRACKET CONTROL PANEL COVER SHIFT COVER IND Y SHIFT COVER B ASSY VIRTUAL BUTTON SPACER ASS Y HANDLE MECHANISM W/MOTOR UP/DOWN SHIFTER TWEETER 8 OHM 2W (335 PLASTIC TIE BELT 100MM CORD CLAMP 221 SPR WSHR M3 NUT NYLOC M8 | TMP PRF SCR TH BLK M5 x 12 M SCR TH M4 X 16 M SCR TH CRM M4 X 16 M SCR TH W/FS M4 X 12 SCR 4-40 X 1/4 SELF-TAPPING TMP PRF SCRTH BLK M5 X 16 FLG NUT M4 FENDER WASHER START AND VIEW BUTTON ASSEMBLY P/N INY-1250 2 ga (RED) (BLUE) FIGURE 37: START AND VIEW BUTTON ASSEMBLY Table 18: Start and View Button Parts List NO. PART NO. DESCRIPTION 1 INY-1251 VR SW BRACKET 2 171-6478B PC BD LIGHTING SWX35 101 212-5205-12 CONN JST M 12P RTA 102 509-5560-Y PB SW W/L 6V 1L Y 103 509-5561-R PB SW W/L 6V SLR 104 509-5561-S PB SW W/L 6V 5L S SHIFTER ASSEMBLY P/N 6100-0384 FIGURE 38: SHIFTER ASSEMBLY SHIFTER ASSEMBLY P/N 6100-0384 Table 19: Shifter Parts List NO. — © —3 сло WN кн нс => => == == bu 00 A хх Uu a WEY — PART NO. 50-2981-00 50-2582-00 50-8392-00 50-1027-02 50-2983-00 50-1031-00 50-2987-00 50-2986-00 50-8118-00 43-0292-00 50-2985-00 50-2984-00 43-0110-00 43-0415-00 95-4276-00 43-0368-00 43-0367-00 80-3001-00 DESCRIPTION KNOB AND SHAFT SPRING FOR SHAFT DELRIN PIN SHIFTER PLATE BRACKET. LEFT SIDE RUBBER BUMPER (2) METAL SPACER FOR BUMPER (2) TRUNNION E-RING NUT, HEX NYLOCK M6 (4) BRACKET, RETURN TO CENTER BRACKET, RIGHT SIDE CAPSCREW, M6x40 HEX HD (2) CAPSCREW, M6x16 FLAT HD SOCKET (2) SWITCH ASSY. (2) SCREW, M2xI12MM PHIL PAN HD (4) NUT, M2 HEX (4) FISH PAPER (2) GAS AND BRAKE PEDAL ASSEMBLY P/N DYN1-1300 FIGURE 39: GAs AND BRAKE PEDAL ASSEMBLY GAS AND BRAKE PEDAL ASSEMBLY P/N DYN1-1300 Table 20: Gas and Brake Pedal Parts List NO. 00 <— OA Uni RL UV NW — Pt pd pk amd ed pk fd pd == — Woo 1 EU 52 ВО = © © 101 102 103 201 203 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 PART NO. DYN1-1301 BVG-1402 BVG-1403 BVG-1404 BVG4-1405 BVG4-1406 BVG-1407 BVG-1408 BVG-1418 BVG-1410 BVG-1411 BVG-1412 BVG-1413 BVG-1414 BVG1-1415 BVG-1416 BVG-1417 GLC-2122 RDM-1210 220-5373 601-6005 601-5943 use 069-0000A use 065-E00600 DYN-1305 DESCRIPTION PEDAL BASE ACCEL PEDAL BRAKE PEDAL PEDAL COVER SWING ARMA SWING ARM B PUSH ROD PUSH PLATE RUBBER BUMPER PUSH ROD PIN LINK ROD TORSION SPRING ACCEL TORSION SPRING B RUBBER STOPPER PEDAL SHAFT SWING ARM STOPPER SPACER GEAR PLATE VR BRACKET VOL CONT B - 5K OHM ADJUST GEAR GEAR 20 915 SCREW MS ZN 08-32 X 06 PH PN SCREW MS BO 08-32 X 12 PH PN NUT HEX M6 WASHER FL BO 11/16 X 11/32 X 3/32 WASHER SPLIT LOCK 13/16 X 1/2 X 3/32 WASHER SPLIT LOCK 1/4 WASHER SPLIT LOCK #8 E RING 05133-25 SET SCR 30 M3 X 06MM WASHER FL 1/2 X 7/32 X 1/16 WASHER FL 30 #8 FLT WASHER 12.2-22 X 0.5 E RING 05133-18 SEAT ASSEMBLY Table 25: Seat Parts List NO. PART NO. 1 INYO-1601 2 INY0-1602 3 DYN1-2081 4 DYN1-2082 5 999-0506 101 999-0443 FIGURE 40: SEAT ASSEMBLY DESCRIPTION UPPER SEAT LOWER SEAT SEAT FRAME TWIN SEAT BASE SEAT BACK COVER SEAT RAIL SET GAME BOARD SET ~~ | > ROM BD INDY 500 TWIN © RN 834-11995 - Screw (9) u M3X55, using flat € spring washers MODEL2B-CRX MAIN BD COM 837-10854-91 or 837-10854-01 COMM BD INDY. 500 837-11996 FIGURE 41: GAME BOARD SET ASSEMBLY ROM BD INDY 500 TWIN (833 - 11995) | Г - | | pr O О! _ o: _1@1 10010000) o 321 un | 1035 (souno a) alls] PA tN + vo o oc sk ~ “NX В MPR-18244 gH ™ © ml oa SNA ~ “ - o MS ~ NACEN © - w w — "Solo J ^ © TOS © = DIE 20 — y (C38 Boe 5 —[8 —[8\ |8\ (s-|8-/8l la 8-3) |8 |2 |8 | | MPR-18243 E IEEE = > | IE = 2 [21 E IE E IE < ~ Сб | ео СИ | q < ре | = EY Teo Elo м — — — Ta y 1033 (soux® 2 o Eolo O osos lo о OSOS oso oS|o — — — — — - — — - — | = so | — — — — MPR 18242 LAN ~~ SEE es LA ; ]C 32 (Souno 1) Se 321% MPR-18241 = ~ 5 $|= 4 ol of ao of ~ = i ® ol m ml! M 1C31 (SOUND 0) ях £ NEN mMiamicala asc 2 с (EPR-18391 ES 8 g Og Of 2 < < ©О| < Ox Dx O O. 0 mo | E x EEE < ze AA A| — $23 9 | = = - 11-112 e 2 1182 +18 1/8 118 1 |8 | en e VENETO CE loos т <" т т Ln LD ra — — — we 12 IS \|\2w wo Ho cueples e$ 52/52 oe = = = = = — — — —— O ° lo | 10 O! | | | © | 1 L | FIGURE 42: ROM BOARD Test Button, Service Button, Coin SW, Shifter, Start Button, View Button, Accelerator, Brake, Steering Wheel, Steering Wheel" s Mini Dome Speaker X2 tart Lamp, View Lamp, : Superwoofer Tuecter X2 er Coin Meter Steering Wheel Reaction Motor (PROTO/PROD) 838-11651 838-11650-07 833-11994/12361 838-11967 838-11966 LOWPASS AMP EQ. PWR AMP GAME BD << DRIVE => MOTOR INY TWIN INDY S00 TWIN CONTROL BD DRIVE BD Communication Leader Lamp | >55R. CONN BD MONITOR 29" FIGURE: 43: InpY 500 Twin FLow CHART GAME BOARD SET || | | O e O o CC JDIPSW2 | EPR- OL HEHE —__IDIPSW1 18261 eo DRIVE CONTROL BD (838-11967) FIGURE 44: DRIVE CONTROL BOARD OO _] OO С] e FUSE 7A | —0 — © MOTOR DRIVE BD (838-11966) FIGURE 45: MoTor Drive BOARD AC SECTION AND GAME BOARD ASSEMBLY Inter-Cabinet Power Supply Linking Connectors - 999-0102 150 W Switching XT Game Board Case Fan E В В y ct a aa - UTN ИА иОкО — Inter-Cabinet Motor Drive Linking Connectors Board Steering Wheel Power Supply Fuse - 7A 250V 999-0102 Fast Blo Te 150 W Switching XT << Game Board Case Shield Case Atar лей AC SECTION AND GAME BOARD SET AC Fuse 12 A 250 V - Slo Blo Transformer 5601-5260 100 V 7A 12.5 V 10 A Equilizer Board SSR Shield Case Motor Drive Board FIGURE 48: SHIELD CASE AND FUSE LOCATIONS - UNDER ACCELERATOR AND BRAKE FLOORBOARD SERVICE INFORMATION BILLBOARD LAMPS REPLACEMENT 1. Turn off the game at the power switch and unplug the Indy 500 Twin game. 2. Remove the three screws along the front edge of the Billboard between the Billboard and the Race Leader Marquee. 3. Tilt the Billboard top section open toward the rear, as shown in Figure 49. 4. The lamps are located as shown in Figure 49. 5. Replace the Billboard’s fluorescent lamp with a 48 inch, 40 Watt fluorescent lamp. 6. Replace the Race Leader spot light(s) by lifting the Lamp Lid(s) and replacing the burned out bulb(s) with 110V, 30 Watt incandescent spot lamps. 7. Replace the Lamp Lid(s), 1f necessary 8. Tilt the Billboard top section back into place. 9. Replace the three screws back into the front edge. CAUTION! Use caution when removing lamps, they may be very hot. LAMP LID (Remove to replace lamps) TRUSS SCREW (3) M4 x8 FLUORESCENT LAMP _40W LAMP 110V 30W FIGURE 49: BILLBOARD LAMPS REPLACEMENT MONITOR SERVICE MONITOR SERVICE CAUTIONS Before handling the monitors, be sure to read the following explanations and comply with the caution/ warning instructions given below. Indicates that disregarding this warming may Indicates that disregarding this caution may cause a potentially hazardous situation, cause a potentially hazardous situation, which which could result in death or serious injury. could result in personal injury and/or WARNING CAUTION material damage. Indicates that access to a specific part of the Indicates the instruction to disconnect a power equipment is forbidden. | connector or plug. O When performing such work as installing and removing the monitor, inserting and disconnecting the external connectors to and from monitor interior and the monitor, be sure to disconnect the power connec- tor (plug) before starting the work. Proceeding the work without following this instruction can cause WARNING shock or malfunctioning. O Using the monitor by converting it without obtaining a prior permission is not allowed. SEGA shall not be liable for any malfunctioning and accident caused by said conversion. _ O Primary side and Secondary side SECONDARY SIDE The monitor's circuit which is divided into the Primary side and (Chassis, CRT) Secondary side, is insulated. Do not touch the primary side, or WARNING do not touch both the primary side and the secondary side PRIMARY simultaneously. Not following the instruction can cause shock SIDE and this is very dangerous. When making monitor adjust- ments, use a non-conductive driver and make adjustment without touching any part other than the Adjustment V. R. and knob. Also, be sure not to cause a short-circuit to the Primary side and Secondary side. If short-circuited, it may cause shock or malfunctioning, which is very dangerous. O High-tension Voltage Some of the parts inside monitor are subject to high-tension voltage in excess of 20,000 volts and very dangerous. Therefore, be sure not to touch the monitor interior. Should soldering & paper wastes, etc. be mixed in the monitor interior, turn the power off so as not to cause malfunctioning or fire hazard. DEMAGNETIZER REAR PART ANODE CAP PRIMARY SIDE COIL : > ® ANODE LEAD | MAIN BD © Approx. 29 kV DEMAGNETIZER lacio: LEAD > I COIL E ; Approx. 10 kV = | a i NECK PCB 5 В ; Approx. N} Anl x 10 KV SECONDARY SIDE PLUG or CONNEC- FBT Approx. (Chassis, sheet metal work, CRT, etc.) TOR ; 29 kV — Oe Connecting the CRT and PCB For combining the CRT and PCB, use the specified part No. to maintain the status of adjustments made at the factory. The anode of the CRT itself will be accumulatively charged as time elapses, generating high- tension voltage which is very dangerous. The monitor should be used with the Chassis, CRT and PCB assembled. When repair, etc. is required at the time of malfunctioning, be sure to send it in an "as is assembled” condition. If these are disassembled, what's charged to said high tension voltage can be discharged, causing a very hazardous situation. Therefore, under no circumstances should it be disas- sembled. O Static Electricity Touching the CRT surface sometimes causes you to slightly feel electricity. This is because the CRT surfaces are subject to static and will not adversely affect the human body. CAUTION O Installation and removal Ensure that the Magnetizer Coil, FBT (Fly-Back Transformer), Anode Lead and Focus Lead are not posi- tioned close to the sheet metal work's sharp edges, etc. and avoid damaging the insulated portions so as not to cause shock and malfunctioning. (For the name of parts, refer to the above Figures). MONITOR ADJUSTMENT The monitor adjustment knobs are located inside the upper rear access panel, as shown in Figure 50. Remove the upper rear service panel to make adjustments to the monitor in conjunction with the CRT Test Menu. The function of each control 1s shown in Figure 51. CAUTION! Do not operate adjustment knobs without a good reason. Monitor operates on HIGH VOLTAGE - use caution when adjusting. Use a plastic screwdriver when adjusting monitor. de. FIGURE 50: MONITOR CONTROLS LOCATION NANAO monitor: 200—5242—24—0 4(24K mode) - OBYVIT CODO RG GG BG В& SS HS HH HP V.§ VH VP | | | | | | R-GAIN | B-GAIN Ss.sW HSIZE | HPOSI | V.HOLD G-GAIN BRIGHT H.HOLD V.SIZE = V.POSI (1) R-GAIN (2) G-GAIN ........... Controls colors. (3) B-GAIN (4) BRIGHT........... Controls screen brightness. 5) H. SIZE ............ Controls horizontal screen size. ® H. HOLD.......... Provides horizontal synchronization, i.e., controls right/left blurring of image. (7) H. POSI ............ Controls horizontal display position on screen. (8) V. SIZE ............ Controls vertical screen size. © V.HOLD.......... Provides vertical synchronization, i.e., controls up-down scrolling of image. UN, V. POSI............ Controls vertical display position on screen. 11) SS. SW ............. Controls the visual quality. (Only applies to Nanao.) A: Ordinary B: Super-sharpness FIGURE 51: NANAO MONITOR CONTROL FUNCTIONS UNDERSEAT CABINET ACCESS The Indy 500 Twin’s Game Board Sets, DIP Switches, Power Supplies, Fuses, and Underseat Speakers are located in the left- and right-slide locked underseat cabinets. OPENING THE UNDERSEAT CABINET 1. Turn off the game at the power switch and unplug the Indy 500 Twin game. 2. Place a sheet of cardboard or a cloth on the ground along the front edge of the game (behind the seat) to protect the seat from damage. 3. Remove the two #15 anti-tamper Torx screws (and washers) that secure the seat to the underseat cabinet. They are located just above the two locks on the opposing sides of the underseat cabinet (see Figure 52). 4. Unlock the two locks on opposing sides of the underseat cabinet (see Figure 52). The same key is used for both the locks on both the left- and right-side underseat cabinets. 5. Grasp the seat from the side, near the front of the base, not along the top of the seat area. Incline the seat (the hinge is at the back of the seat) away from the monitor. 6. Tip the seat slowly up and back until the seat’s back edge is resting on the protected ground (see Figures 52 and 53). Be careful not to catch or pinch your fingers between the seat and the monitor cabinet. 7. Remove the four anti-tamper Torx screws that secure the front floorboard to the cabinet. 8. Perform any necessary servicing - see Design Related Parts section for component locations, and subsequent sections for servicing information on speakers, fuses, DIP switches, etc. INCLINE THIS “5 CAREFULLY. M5X12, black FIGURE 52: UNDERSEAT CABINET ACCESS BASE LID TRUSS HEAD SCREW (4 M5X12, black FIGURE 53: UNDERSEAT CABINET LID REMOVAL CLOSING THE UNDERSEAT CABINET 1. Install the four anti-tamper Torx screws that secure the front floorboard over the game board and power supply. 2. Grasp the seat from the side, near the front of the base, not along the top of the seat area. 3. Tip the seat slowly up and forward until the bottom of the seat rests on the underseat cabinet top edge (see Figures 52 and 53). Be careful not to catch or pinch your fingers between the seat and the monitor cabinet. 4. Lock the two locks on opposing sides of the underseat cabinet (see Figure 53). The same key is used for both the locks on both the left- and right-side underseat cabinets. 5. Install the two #15 anti-tamper Torx screws (and washers) that secure the seat to the underseat cabinet. They are located just above the two locks on the opposing sides of the underseat cabinet (see Figure 53). 6. Plug the Indy 500 Twin game and turn on the power. REPLACING FANS AND FUSES The fans, and AC and steering wheel fuses are located in the left-and right-side underseat compartments. 1. Open the underseat compartment on the affected side. See Figure 54 for fuse and fan locations. 2. To replace the AC fuse, remove the floor board and the Throttle and Brake panel on the affected side. Replace with a 12A 250V Slo Blo fuse. 3. The steering wheel fuse is located on the Amp board. Replace with a 7A 250V Fast Blo fuse. 4. The fan is located at the rear of the game board case. Replace with a 4-inch, 12V DC fan. 5. Replace the Throttle and Brake assembly, the floor- board, and close and lock the underseat compartment. LUBRICATING THE SEAT RAILS The seat rails should be lubricated once every three months. 1. Move the seat to the rearmost position (away from the monitor). 2. Apply spray lubricant to the portion shown in Figure 55. 3. Move the seat back and forth a few times to distribute the lubricant evenly. 4. Clean up any overspray on the seat, floor, or other surfaces. AC Fuse 12 A 250 V Equilizer Board Slo Blo FIGURE 54: AC Fuse LOCATION REPLACING THE UNDERSEAT SPEAKER The underseat speaker 1s located in the underseat compartment lid. 1. Open the underseat compartment on the affected side. 2. Disconnect the underseat speaker cabling. 3. Close and lock the underseat compartment. 4. Remove the four bolts holding the seat to the underseat compartment lid. 5. Carefully lift the seat off the underseat compartment and set it on the floor. 6. Remove the six screws that hold the speaker case to the frame and replace the underseat speaker . 7. Replace the seat. 8. Open the underseat compartment and reconnect the speaker cabling. 9. Close and lock the underseat compartment. FIGURE 55: LUBRICATING THE SEAT RAILS Transformer 5601-5260 100V7A 12.5 V 10 А DRIVE BoArRD DIP SWITCH SETTINGS If the Steering Wheel Centering Level cannot be set satisfactorily using the Output Test menu, the Drive Board DIP switch settings may need to be changed. 1. Open the underseat cabinet on the same side as the effected steering wheel. 2. Remove the three slotted screws that secure the Shield Case lid and remove the lid (see Figure 56). 3. The Drive Board is located as shown in Figure 48, and the DIP switches are located as shown in Figure 57. 4. Change the settings on DIP switch 1, switches 1-3, per Table 22. 5. Leave the remainder of the DIP switches set as they were. 6. Replace the Shield Case lid and replace the three screws. 7. Close the underseat cabinet. 9. Set the variable values in the Control Range (“Volume”) menu. 10. Close the rear access panel. О les © o [ JDIPSW2 Os ВОВ — JDIPSWM 18261 elo DRIVE CONTROL BD (838-11967) FIGURE 57: DRIVE BOARD DIP SwircH LOCATIONS FIGURE 56: DRIVE BOARD LOCATION Table 22: Drive Board DIP Switch 1 Settings NOTE: The shaded portion refers to the setting at the time of shipment. 1 2 3 FUNCTION | Light A Heavy ACCELERATOR AND BRAKE GREASING, ADJUSTMENT, AND REPLACEMENT If the Gas Pedal and Brake Pedal values cannot be set within the appropriate ranges in the Input Test menu, an adjustment of the accelerator or brake potentiometer is needed. If the accelerator or brake cannot be adjusted appropri- ately, the accelerator or brake potentiometers need to be replaced. The gears and shafts should be greased every three months. ADJUSTING [a . The Indy 500 Twin game must be left plugged in and turned on. Exercise caution in using tools around the plugged-in game. 2. Open the lower rear service panel on the affected side. From the rear, the Brake is on the right, and the accelerator is on the left (see Figure 58). 3. Loosen the two screws that secure the potentiometer (V.R.) bracket, and move the bracket to disengage the gears. 4. With the Input Test menu on-screen, make adjustments by releasing the accelerator or brake pedal so that the variable value 1s below 30H. 5. Mesh the gears to secure the bracket. Be sure that the gear is fully engaged and tighten the bracket screws. 6. Loosen the two screws which secure the adjust gear. 7. With the Input Test menu on-screen, make adjustments by stepping on the accelerator or brake pedal so that the variable value is above COH. 8. When the desired value has been obtained, retighten the two adjust screws. 9. Close the rear access panel. 10. Set the Gas and Brake Pedal variable values in the Control Range (“Volume”) menu. POTENTIOMETER REPLACEMENT Accelerator Side Brake Side 1. Turn off and unplug the Indy 500 Twin game. \ 2. Open the lower rear service panel on the affected side. From the rear, the Brake is on the right, the Accelerator is on the left (see Figure 58). 3. Loosen the two screws which secure the potentiometer (V.R.) bracket (see Figure 59). 4. Remove and replace the potentiometer, bracket and gear. 5. Replace the bracket screws. 6. Close the rear access panel. Co 7. Turn on the Indy 500 Twin game. FIGURE 58: ACCELERATOR AND BRAKE ASSEMBLY ACCESS 8. In the Input Test menu verify the potentiometer values by stepping on the accelerator or brake pedal and verifying that the variable value is above COH, and releasing the accelerator or brake pedal and verifying that the variable value is below 30H. 9. Set the Gas and Brake Pedal variable values in the Control Range (“Volume”) menu. NG V. A. 220-5373 SCREW (2) Machine screw 8-32 with lock washer 6 SCREW (2) BX32, using flat & spring washers | FIGURE 59: ACCELERATOR AND BRAKE ASSEMBLY (GREASING 1. Turn off and unplug the Indy 500 Twin game. 2. Remove the four hex bolts that secure the Accelerator and Brake assembly to the floorboards. 3. Remove the two phillips screws that secure the Accelerator and Brake assembly to the back panel. 4. Carefully slide the Accelerator and Brake assembly toward the seat, using caution to avoid damaging the cable harness. 5. Disconnect the Accelerator and Brake assembly harness. 6. Move the Accelerator and Brake assembly to a work location. The unit weighs approximately 5 165. 7. Remove the 4 tamperproof screws which secure the Pedal Cover and remove the Pedal Cover by sliding 1t forward. 8. Remove the Pedal Shaft from the lower portion of the accelerator and brake pedals. At this time, ensure that the accelerator and brake pedals are firmly secured as they are subjected to the torsion spring force. 9. Apply grease to the torsion spring, the pedal shaft, and the pedal bolt on both the accelerator and brake sides (see Figure 60). 10. Reassemble and install the Accelerator and Brake assembly. BRAKE PEDAL ACCEL. PEDAL GREASING Accel. side € Brake side Torsion Spring part GREASING Accel. side € Brake side Gear part GREASING Pedal Shaft removed FIGURE 60: ACCELERATOR AND BRAKE GREASING ÂCCESS PEDAL SHAFT using M12 spring washer (4) MAX 8 STEERING WHEEL SERVICE If the Steering Wheel values cannot be set within the appropriate ranges in the Input Test menu, an adjustment of the potentiometer is needed. If the potentiometer cannot be adjusted appropriately, it needs to be replaced. The gears should be greased every three months. CAUTION! The Control Panel weighs approximately 10 lbs. Use care in moving and handling. The Steering Wheel motor may be hot after use. Wait until it cools to service. ACCESS 1. Turn off the Indy 500 Twin game. 2. Remove the six tamperproof screws that secure the Control Panel to the cabinet on the affected side (see Figure 61). 3. Carefully pull the Control Panel away from the cabinet, using caution to avoid damaging the wiring. 4. To replace, connect the wiring harness, lift into place, and secure the six screws. TAMPERPROOF SCREW (black) (6 M8 x 30 FIGURE 61: CONTROL PANEL ACCESS ADJUSTING The gear near the RED cable is connected to the Motor Drive Board. The gear near the YELLOW cable 1s connected to the Game and Drive Control Boards. Refer to Figure 62 for parts locations. 1. The Indy 500 Twin game must be left plugged in and turned on. Exercise caution in using tools around the plugged-in game. 2. Remove the Control Panel, but do not disconnect the wire harnesses. 3. Loosen the two hex bolts under the appropriate outer gear, move the bracket, and disengage the gear. 4. With the Input Test menu on-screen, make adjustments by turning the Steering Wheel. 5. Mesh the gears to secure the bracket. Be sure that the gear is fully engaged and tighten the bracket screws. 6. While the Steering Wheel is in the centered position, make fine adjustments by loosening the two screws on the top of the gear and turning the gear holder. 7. When the desired value has been obtained, retighten the two upper screws. 8. Reinstall the Control Panel. 9. Set the Steering Wheel variable values in the Control Range (“Volume”) menu. V.R. for Motor Drive BD (3P vellow Connector) V.R. for Game BD & Drive Control (3P red Connector) 220-5373 or 220-5484 220-5373 or 220-5484 SCREW (2) M4 X 12, w/flat and spring washers SCREW (2) M4 X12, w/flat and spring washers VR_GEAR + VR BRACKET | FIGURE 62: STEERING WHEEL ADJUSTMENT POTENTIOMETER REPLACEMENT The gear near the RED cable is connected to the Motor Drive Board. The gear near the YELLOW cable is connected to the Game and Drive Control Boards. Refer to Figure 62 for parts locations. 1. Turn off and unplug the Indy 500 Twin game. 2. Remove the Control Panel. 3. Disconnect the three 3-pin wiring harnesses (WHITE: Power, RED: Game Board and Drive Control Board, YELLOW: Motor Drive Board). 4. Loosen the two hex bolts under the appropriate outer gear, and remove the bracket and gear. 5. Replace the gear and bracket. 6. Mesh the gears to secure the bracket. Be sure that the gear is fully engaged and tighten the bracket screws. 7. Connect the three 3-pin wiring harnesses (WHITE: Power, RED: Game Board and Drive Control Board, YELLOW: Motor Drive Board). 8. Reinstall the Control Panel. 9. Set the Steering Wheel variable values in the Control Range (“Volume”) menu. GREASING 1. Turn off and unplug the Indy 500 Twin game. 2. Remove the Control Panel. 3. Apply lubricant to the area shown in Figure 63 once every three months. Use Shell Auto Grease (090-044 Net 300g). 4. Reassemble and install the Steering Wheel assembly. 5. Reinstall the Control Panel. APPLY GREASE FIGURE 63: STEERING WHEEL (GREASING SHIFT LEVER GREASING AND SWITCH REPLACEMENT Grease the shift lever every three months. If the shift lever values cannot be set appropriately in Test Menu, replace the shift lever’s switch. REMOVAL 1. Remove the four tamperproof screws that secure the shift lever to the control panel (see Figure 64). 2. Disconnect the connector that connects the shift lever cable to the cabinet wiring harness. GREASING 1. Apply lubricant to the area shown in Figure 65 once every three months. 2. Use NOK KLUBER L 60 or Grease Mate (Part No. 090-00609). SWITCH REPLACEMENT 1. Disconnect the wiring connector of the shift lever cable to the affected switch (see Figure 66). 2. Remove the two tapping screws that secure the switch to the shift lever. 3. Replace the malfunctioning switch with a similar switch (Part Number 95-4276-00). 4. Replace the tapping screws. 5. Replace the shift lever cable. SHIFTER REPLACEMENT 1. Connect the shift lever cable to the cabinet wiring harness. 2. Set the shift lever assembly into position, ensuring that the “DOWN” label 1s on the upper section of the shift lever. 3. Replace the four tamperproof screws. Grease Here FIGURE 65: SHIFT LEVER GREASING TAMPERPROOF SCREW (black) (4) SS FIGURE 64: SHIFT LEVER ACCESS FIGURE 66: SHIFT LEVER SWITCH LOCATION BUTTON LAMP REPLACEMENT 1. Turn off the game at the power switch and unplug the Indy 500 Twin game. 2. Remove the four tamperproof screws that secure the button cover plate to the Control Panel (see Figure 67). 3. The button cover plate is removed by rotating the three metal tabs that project out of each button at approximately 2 o’clock counterclockwise to 1 o’clock and lifting the cover plate off. 4. Replace the lamp with a 6.3V, 1W lamp. 5. Reinstall the button cover plate to the control panel. O ©) © FIGURE 67: BUTTON ACCESS WIRING DIAGRAM 600-66%4-12 838-11966 MOTOR DRIVE BD A B C D E F G ROC-6634-16 | TD RIGHT SIDE 3012 {END 260-0055 INY-4400 vor ||| 120 POWER SUPPLY co0-650213 XV PCSV FAN ASSY MAIN BD BASE +3DC 6A -SDC 1 | NY-4500 SA -12DC 6 A ASSY ELEC BASE 1 R/C U-SAN ELECTRON USP-11-150X 834—11 995 ROM Y INV-20001. or - OM BD INDY 500 TWIN INY-210017 260-0011-02 : ASSY MAIN 12VIC FAN а 3 BASE 1P (2P) REAR 600-6634-06 = Y as = DYN-2060 on ASSY WOOFER -< Oy be 2 о” м 130-5114 SUPER WOOFER 5 © 2 ~ x 390-5538-40EX 600-6555-06 600-6634- 34 T 3 $ 600-6034-2 600-6634-38 FL 40W DZ ТОТО SE MONITOR 27° | - ASSY BILLBOARD UPPER e 120 VACIO (TERM O uu 120 25 a > 120v 5 = 833-12361 23v RALTO230. — GAME PCB INDY = NN x 500 TWIN 3 INY-4400 Ÿ 3 LEFT ASSY MAIN Om 150-5140 BD BASE DO SPEAKER BOX MINI DOME © D mon A mw u < EFT OO - (F110) a co N TWEETER o N 130-5112 ou ~ se Iw oJ © uN w a o RIGHT < = = 600-6634-2€ F110) Г > 5 > “и INY-12001 zZ 2 Q 4 ASSY CONTROL PANEL = 4 x o > um N < INY-4600 JOAN 2 {TERM LUG) 837-11996 COMM BD INDY 500 = — 5 INY-10001, INY-11001 5 610-0383 ASSY COCKPIT 1P (2P) ASSY HANDLE _6634- MECHA W/MOTOR $00-6834°25 INY-12001 ASSY CONTROL PANEL TO 0272) © O) 6100-0384 . © UP/DOWN 600-6634-22 we В S A \/ E R S Î E N SHIFTER UP INY-00001 lo~—0 TOP ASSY INDY 500 & 55 600-6634-24 1 NY-20001, TWIN 5 22 SHIFT UP DYN-1 300 | NY-21 001 NV 1250 {171-6478B) | | suiFT co ASSY ACCEL & BRAKE ASSY MAIN, VIRTUAL BUTTON 6 o - SEGA SE04 ENTERPRISES TO. ТО * SEGA INDY 500 TWIN 1173-1 INY TWNIC A B © D E F G FIGURE 68: INpy 500 Twin WIRING DIAGRAM - PAGE 1 OF 2 LEFT PLAYER RIGHT PLAYER INY=2000" | INY=2100" — INy=20001 TO (1/2) ‚Мусе! ro (1/2) ASSY MAIN BASE 1P ASSY MAIN BASE 2P = SEER Een EINE SENSE EEE wo N Эс = Эс ООО = _ + + O Eee Sansa — 11] e E; mE $ QQ 5 Na 2 © QO 3 Tx 5| 4022 | OMT я NANA - й asno ena - Ri AE E E a es TX 5| 60 6 OZ ocios odos ooo Ls eds TX 67 E — e MIO = o SN a CoN 3% Tun se Dona e TX 7 o 95 © LO « = un ME 9 Msn SN EP MO LH Ln 100 010 7 + +5v OUT [11 0——30 41 a x JST NH 11P JST NH 11P o > NZ) e00-6609-65 Free : : ео > > I Q вх 2| 398 3 SA ds = a & ae z REÍA € = RISE & “o € ® Rx a ty Ss ЭТ 5 ЭТ) [info] 2 Same Ear 2 JT [ui] 2 of Tope] “ RX el Co 85 lo € als SEL = a = à = x a Y a x О RX El 70 95 lo 7 55 mo > > ae = $ 3 aer 5 = x ax 7| 8 = о zo A m SEES © Cle “xz = +5v woe 30 010 < с o A A o © N Ф - «= JST NH 10P JST NH 10P Ny + m 3 m Ш wn m 210 m uh O (CN1) _ _ © m = 5 - A m = ~ A | o 600-6609-67 no | ЗС - > SÓ $ = ze 3 = pr : $ то цу STEERING А 20 £2 2 Ш ds - se |iE : UU e e > © + 50 q Do a | e: $ ne ® & = — 50 О 5 x a ES a = ad 60 об -- o & a E O 70 07 = DYN-0350 5 DYN-0300 DYN-0350 3 DYN-0300 39 + 5 — — 100 010 O > 110 011 SW UNIT COIN CHUTE SW UNIT COIN CHUTE D ar 22 OU re ® FOR LEFT FOR LEFT FOR RIGHT FOR RIGHT — > — — < 10 O1 ox | 600-6609-68 |; › Oo © size] € - Ca FIBER CABLE CONNECTION o SEEN € wi — A ? on RIGHT PLAYER LEFT PLAYER mal os VE ma Bil ok Cow 313028 613 CCW 2 [14 OF———2——1014 cow 1 [150 ——22———015 833-12361 833-12361 Cow o 109— ——e GAME BD GAME BD yea Mm A — e o INDY 500 TWIN INDY 500 TWIN SF ] NY-4600 ASSY DRIVE CONTROL BD тх? Тех 839-0818 TXT Tex 839-0818 FLT BD FLT BD B-CRX JNY B-CRX INY 600-6275-0150 600-6275-0150 INY-21001 ] NY-20001 ASSY MAIN ASSY MAIN BASE 2P BASE 1P DYN-0700 DYN-0400 AC UNIT SUB AC UNIT MAIN (INY-00001) 600-6275-0500 TX TRANSMIT © (BLACK) RX: RECEIVE C- (RED) | | Lo JSA VERSION GE E | wa TEBEO тому ¡ iZ0v 2204 240V |100V 50HZ/G0H 2 THIS DRAWING WILL IN ND WAY BE COPIED. 27 9 + 7 № 5 i N Y | ^^ TIE Se E e 739W | 735W | 772W | 767W | 674W SEGA SEGA ENTERPRISES, LTD. TO BE RETURNED ON DEMAND. NE RE С ere rr te TE Bog | = GE | % FB 7 C = = к ~~ 1 wie + 3 _ 7 А ELEASE USA VERSION TINGEN mms HSE == LT awee iron SEGA INDY 500 TWIN _ 1173-1027?) | ALTERATION WIRE COLOR SUB- ASS” ¥ DESCRIPTION DIAGRAM No. | A ' B C D 1 E uu F ой С FIGURE 68 (CONT.) : INDY 500 Twn WIRING DIAGRAM - PAGE 2 ОЕ 2 INDY 500 TWIN MANUAL COMMENTS SEGA has made every effort to ensure that this manual is accurate. If you find any errors or omis- sions, or have other comments on the Indy 500 Twin manual, please write them below, detach, and deliver this page by FAX or mail to: SEGA ENTERPRISES INC. (USA) ATTN: Engineering Dept. 45133 Industrial Drive Fremont, CA 94538 USA FAX: (415) 802-1754 Comments: Optional Identification Information: Name: Company: Address: City, State, Zip: Phone: FAX: COPYRIGHT NOTICE This SEGA product has a copyright notice as follows: © 1995 Sega Enterprises, Inc. (USA) All rights reserved. This signifies that this work was disclosed in 1995 and is the property of SEGA ENTERPRISES, INC. (USA) Every effort has been made to ensure that this manual is accurate. Sega Enterprises, Inc. (USA) is not liable for any printing or clerical errors. o 5 spams уз FE on 5 Specifications noted herein are subject to change without notice. ">
Key Features
- Two-player arcade game
- Driving simulation of the Indianapolis 500
- Three different courses
- Steering wheel, gas and brake pedals, and shifter
- Realistic driving experience
Frequently asked questions
What courses are available in the game?
Players can choose from three different courses: Highland Raceway, Indy 500, and Bayside Street. Each course has its own unique characteristics and challenges.
How many players can play the game?
The Indy 500 Twin is a two-player game. One player can be a human and the other can be a computer opponent.
What are the controls for the game?
The Indy 500 Twin features a steering wheel, gas and brake pedals, and shifter for a realistic driving experience. Players can also use the View Change Buttons to select from four different camera views.