Patterson EagleSoft 15.00 software User Guide
Below you will find brief information for software EagleSoft 15.00. This comprehensive guide covers various aspects of account management within EagleSoft 15.00, including processing walkout statements, understanding the account screen, managing payments, and setting up payment plans.
Account Management – Unit 3
The Account Management unit contains the fol lowing:
How to Process a Walkout
A Breakdown of the Account e
How to Receive Account Paym ents
How to Receive Insurance Payme nts
How to Set Up a Payment Plan
• Account Management – Unit 3
Patterson EagleSoft Overview 15.00
Walkout Processing
Introduction to Walkouts
The walkout statement is the invoice of services rendered for each patient. The wal kout statement records all services rendered, generates insurance claims for the p atient, updates the treatment plan and prints a receipt or walkout statement for the patient.
This chapter includes information on the following:
• Accessing the Walkout Statement window
• Creating and processing a walkout statem ent
• Generating an insurance claim
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Where Can I Process a Walkout
and then Walkout Statement. the
Walkout icon.
Walkouts can also be accessed from Account, Treatment Planning and
How To Create a Walkout Statement
From the Activities menu, choose Practice Management Activities and then
Walkout Statement. The Walkout Statement window is displayed (see the
following image).
• Walkout Processing
Type the part ial or full last name of the patient and press the Tab key. You can al so select Patien
t to get the Patient List box. When selected, the account and insuran ce information i s displayed.
To change th e provider for walkout, select the Provider for Walkout d ropdown list box. If services on this walkout were performed by a dentist other than the patients
Preferred Dent ist, you may need to change the Provider on Walkout.
Important Things to Remember when Using this Option:
The Production goes to the Provider on the service
The Collections and Insurance* go to the selected Provider for Walkout. *Not e:
Provider on Insurance can be different depending on your preferences
Patterson EagleSoft Overview 15.00
If the Provider for Walkout is not set up to receive Collections or Insurance in th
Edit Pr
ovider window, the provider does not receive the collections or insurance e
If this pa
tient has treatment plan items marked Post to Wa
res window appears,
lkout, the Planned
and the items are marked to pull directly into the walkout by default. Select OK to pull the marked items into the walkout.
If the treatme nt plan items are marked Proposed, you are first prompted about the treatment pla n items. S elect Yes if you want to use any of the treatment plan items.
A list of those items is displayed. Highlight the items you want to pull from the treatment plan into the walkout and select Mark. When all items are marked, select
OK to proceed to the Walkout Statement window.
If applicable
When you ha
Walkout Sta
ve selected the treatment plan items, select OK to return to the
tement window.
Under Optio
ns, select the checkbox Use Date of Service From Planned Procedure or Use Fee From Treatment Plan.
The provider automatically appears. (Note: This provider is based on how the service
code is set up for the Normally Performed By field under the service code and the
preferred dentist and preferred hygienist fields in the patient setup.)
If you want, change the provider by select ing the Provider box. A dropdown list box appears. Choose a new provider from those listed.
Select the Quick Walkout check box to bypass the payment option screen.
Select the checkbox Show Previ
ew of CAESY Printables to preview those associate d items prior to printing.
After ve rifying that you have selected the correct provider for the service, you may need to e nter specific inform ation for that service regarding tooth/quadrant/ root/surface.
If you are receiving a message stating that the tooth/quadrant/root is not allowed, t requirement for this service. For this change to take effect, you need to cancel the current walkout and start over.
To delete a service code from the W
alkout Statement window, highlight the service and select Delete.
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The More Informatio n Button
To view more details about the service code, choose More Information. Modify the information, if applicable.
Use the More Information button to view details about the service, modify service dates, aging dates, tooth number, fees and insurance estimation amounts.
You can also apply discounts and taxes.
For example, if you had a service that didn’t get walked out on the date of service; use More
Information to enter the correct date of service when walking out the service.
The following options are available from the Item Detail window:
Service a
Aging Date
– Edit this to change the True Date Aging date. By default, this date is based on the service date.
Tooth – Mo dify the tooth number if needed.
Fee – Enter a fee or m odify the current one.
Apply D sc
ount – Select this checkbox if you want a discount to be applied to this service.
Taxable Se
rvice – If the service being modified is taxable, select this checkbox.
Submit on
Insurance – Select or deselect this checkbo x based on whether or not this serv ice needs to be submitted to insurance.
The Show Estimation Button
To view how i nsurance estimates a service in the walkout, highlight the service and select Sh
ow Estimation.
• Walkout Processing
If insurance appears to not be estimating correctly, check the following areas:
Edit Person Window – The patient must have remaining benefits and must have met deductible.
Employer Percentages – Edit the policyholder’s employer via List | Practice
Management Lists | Employers/Coverage List. Under Service Types for this employer, percentages for the service types must exist for insurance to estimate.
Patterson EagleSoft Overview 15.00
Employer Calculation Method – Edit the policyholder’s employer via List |
Employers/Coverage List. Choose Preferences. The calculation method must be set to “Estimate Insurance.”
Employer Coverag
e Book – Edit the policyholder’s employer via List |
Coverage Book List. Choose Coverage Book. If the service exists within the
C ov erage Book, this is taken into consideration.
If the fee for the service appears to be wrong, check the following areas:
Lists | Service Codes – Edit the service code and confirm that the Standard Fee for this service is correct. Also, ve percentage is pulled from the Edit rify the service type to make sure the correct
Employer window. Verify that the service code has been marked to submit on insurance.
Edit Person | Preferences – Under Financial Preferences, Fee Schedule should be set to (None) unless you are utilizing a fee schedule that differs from your standard fees.
Edit Employer – Edit the policyholder’s employer vi a List | Employers/Coverage
List. The Fee Schedule for the Employer should be set
to (standard fees) unless you are utilizing a fee schedule that differs from your standard fees.
Choose Proc
ess to process the walkout statement. The
Walkout Statement
Processing window is displayed.
CAESY Printables
CAESY Printable PDFs are now included as part of EagleSoft. Provide patient education take-home materials by attaching CAESY printable files to specific service codes. CAESY Printable PDFs can be printed in English only.
CAESY Printables Preferences
In the Printing P
reference tab, select the Print Associated CAESY Presentations
During Walkout
checkbox. Select OK to save your changes.
This will allo w you to automatically print any associated CAESY information with the patie nt’s walkout.
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CAESY Printables Setup
To attach CAESY Printables to a service code, select List | Services. Select the desired service code and select Edit. In the Edit Service Code window, select the
Printables button.
• Walkout Processing
In the CAESY Printables Assignment window, select the checkbox pertaining to the desired CAESY Printable form(s). Select OK.
Select the Preview bu tton to view a PDF file of the selected CAESY presentation.
Patterson EagleSoft Overview 15.00
CAESY Printables Walkout
During the Walkout Process, select the checkbox Show Preview of CAESY
Printables to preview those associated items prior to printing.
How To Process a Walkout
After the services are entered into the walkout statement, the next step is to proces s this walkout. Pr ocessing the walkout potentially leads to generating an insurance claim (the final stage in processing a walkout), accepting payment on the account, se tting up recall information or generating a receipt for the patient.
It is possible to process the walkout statement with or without payment from the patient. If the patient does not have insurance, the walkout statement should be processed with a paym ent, unless the patient prefers to receive a statement in the mail.
1. To begin processing the walkout choose Process. The Walkout
Statement Processing window is displayed. Note: If you are using the
preference for Quick Walkout, this screen will not appear.
2. To see the individual balances of the patients in the account, while in the Walkout Statement Processing screen, select View.
Using Payment Types
3. Choose the Payment Type from the dropdown list. If the Payment
Type also has a corresponding prompt (for example, check number), provide the appropriate amoun t.
4. Type the Amount of the payment and press the Tab key.
5. If the Provider Distrib
ution (Prov. Dist) box is checked, you are prompted to distribute payment among providers (se
e the following
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• Walkout Processing
6. If the Patient Distribution (Pat. Dist) box is checked, you are prompted to distribute the payment to other patient balances on the account.
Using Adjustment Type
7. Choose an Adjustment Type from the dropdo wn menu, if there is an adjustment applied to the patient’s account (fo r example, a Delta Dental write-off).
8. Enter a description of the adjustment, if applicable.
9. Enter the Credit Adjustment amount or the manually figured discount of the walkout if you wish to decrease the patient balance .
How to Print a Walkout Statement
10. Check the Print Walkout Statement box to print a receipt. The default for this option can be found under File | Preferences
⏐Printing and choose Print Statement At Time of Walkout.
11. Choose the Walkout Statement Message from the dropdown list or press the F2 key to create a new message.
12. Select Lab Case to view, edit, create or assign a lab case for this walkout statement.
13. Select Account Pref to view or modify account preferences. From this window, select preferences for receiving statements, finance charges, and so on. You can also enter a statement message that appears on each statement and/or a one-time monthly note for statements that appear below the statement message. The monthly note for statements can also be entered in the Account window for the patient.
14. Select Setup to adjust the Walkout or Insurance printer settings, if necessary.
15. Select Schedule to schedule an appointment for this patient. If you want to view OnSchedule in different views (Day at a Glance or Week at a Glance), select the down arrow and choose one of the options.
Determining a New Recall Date
16. In the Recall Frequency field, enter a new recall frequency, if preferred.
17. The New Recall Date is automatically updated when using the Adult or
Child Prophy service codes based on the Recall Frequency of the patient (Edit Person | Preferences).
Patterson EagleSoft Overview 15.00
For more information on recalls, see the Recall Wizard section in the
Continuing Care unit.
If this New Recall Date is not updating correctly, check the following
Service Code List – Edit the adult and/or child p rophy service codes and confirm that the Updates Patient Recall prefe rence is marked. atient is marked to
Receive Recalls and that the recall frequency is set for this patient.
18. Select the Update Today’s Appointment as Completed checkbox, if you want to update the appointment block in OnSchedule. When the services for that appointment are walked out, the appointment block’s color is changed.
19. When you are ready to process this walkout, select OK to save your settings and process.
20. If you selected to print the Walkout Statement, the statement prints with a list of the services, balance due, estimated insurance, and so on.
The bottom of the statement lists the next appointments for other family members.
Generating an In surance Claim from the Walkout
If you are using the preference Use Quick Walkout, this window will not appear
If the patient has insurance, the next step in completing the walkout statement is to generate an insurance claim. Simply answer the pertinent insurance claim questions and determine how you wish to submit your claims. The system automatically generates a claim for the patient’s primary insurance. After the primary insurance is paid and marked Fin
al and a balance remains, EagleSoft generates a claim for the secondary insurance (if applicable).
Secondary insurance claims can only be generated after the primary insurance is paid and the claims are marked Final or Closed in the Insurance Processing window.
There are several options for printing and submitting insurance claims. Insurance claims may be printed immediately and given to the patient to submit by hand. They may also be saved and printed at a design ated time during the day or week as a batch of claims. You can also submit insurance claims electronically.
If you print insurance claims in your office, you have a variety of forms from whic h to choose. You can print the 1990 ADA, 1994 ADA, 2000 ADA, 2002 ADA, 2006
ADA or HCFA 1500 on pre-printed claim forms. The Blank ADA 1990, 1994,
2000, 2002, 2006 or HCFA 1500 forms are printed on plain white paper. If printing a medical claim form, choose the CMS 1500 form. Users in California have the option of printing Denti-Cal forms.
There are four options available on the Insurance Questions window in the Prin
Claim section:
immediately, and the status is changed to Open
• Print l you are ready to print the saved batch of claims and mail them to the insurance companies. To view
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Print Options
Enter insurance information like Remarks for Unusual Service these claims, go to the Process Insurance Claims window. From the
View section, select the Unsubmitted checkbox
• Submit Electronically – The claim is generated in electronic format and is electronically submitted through the Proce
ss Insurance Claims window. To view these claims, go to the Process Insurance Claims window and select Unsubm
itted Elec (Electronic) in the View section
• Submit laim status is automatically changed to open and waiting for an insurance payment. You or a staff memb er is responsible for submitting the claim to the insurance company
Choose the Insurance Form you wish to use. form by hand. If a question does not apply, simply leave it blank.
Choose Missing Tth (teeth) to update the patient’s chart of missing teeth. This chart also appears on the 1990 ADA, 1994 ADA, 2000 ADA, 2002 ADA, 2006 ADA and
HCFA 1500 insurance forms.
Select the AutoNote button to attach an AutoN
Unusual Services area. Use an existing AutoN
ote to the claim in the Remarks for
ote or create a new one for the situation.
Choose OK to g enerate and print (if applicable) the claim.
Once the claim is generated, the insurance questions can be changed at a later time in the Process Insurance Claims window. However, if changes are made, the claim needs to be resubmitted.
When using electronic claims, there are a limited number of characters available for
Remarks for Unusual Services.
• Walkout Processing
Patterson EagleSoft Overview 15.00
Frequently Asked Questions about Walkouts
Back-dated services will appear on the current day’s EOD with the assigned date.
How can I “back date” a Walkout?
Use the More Information button. Select the More Information button and use the dropdown arrow to select a new date under Service Date.
My insurance isn’t estimating correctly. How can I see how the estimation is being calculated?
To view how insurance estimated a service in the walkout, highlig ht the service and select Show Estimation.
If insurance appears to not be estimating correctly, check the following areas:
• Edit Person Window – The patient must have remaining benefits and must have met deductible
• Employer Percentages – Edit the policyholder’s employer via
List | Practice Management Lists | Employers/Coverage L ist.
Under Service Types for this Employer, percentages for the service types must exist for insurance to estimate
• Employ
er Calculation Method – Edit the policyholder’s employer via List | Employers/Coverage List. Choose
Preferences. The calculation method must be set to Estimate
• Employer Coverage Book – Edit the policyholder’s employer via List | Coverage Book List. Choose Coverage Book. If the service exists within the Coverage Book, this is taken into consideration
If the fee for the service appears to be wrong, check the following areas:
• Lists | Service Codes – Edit the service code and confirm that the Standard Fee for this service is correct. Also, verify the service type to make sure the correct percentage is pulled from the Edit
• Edit Person | Preferences – Under Financ
ial Preferences,
Fee Schedule should be set to (None) unless yo u are utilizing a fee schedule that differs from your standard fees
• Edit Employer – Edit the policyholder’s employer via List |
Employers/Coverage List. The Fee Schedule for the Employer should be set to (standard fees) unless you are utilizing a fee schedule that differs from your standard fees
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Account Activities
Introduction to Account
The Account window can be used to access the Edit Person window, review account history, print account history reports, post transactions via the w alkout statement, accept payment on the account, record adjustments or returned checks, and much more. Essentially, the Account window offers a central place to perfor m most of your daily accounting procedures.
The following informat ion is in this chapter:
• Viewing patient s on the account
• Using the integrated features from the right-click menus
• Reviewing the account ledger
• Writing off an account
• Entering account notes
• Entering account adjustments
• Editing and deleting past transactions
How to Access the Account Window
Activities m enu, choose Practice Management Activities |
2. From the Integrated Mode or Practice Management Front Office window, press Ct rl + A.
3. Choose Account f rom the Toolbar. Select the Account icon from the
Integrated Mode window.
4. Selec t the Account icon from the Practice Management Front Office window.
• Account Activities
Patterson EagleSoft Overview 15.00
When the window appears, type the full or partial last name of the patient. You can also type or search (F2 key) the Patient ID. The patient and responsible party names are displayed, as well as account information.
Account Window Options
Use: To:
Print or view the account history
No te
Ale rts
Set account prefere nces
Write notes about the account
Edit Pa tient
Ad j
Ed it
Ins Payment
Acct Payment
Today’s Receipt
Set account alerts
Access Edit Patient window
Add transactions to account history, such as credit adjustments , debit adjustments, returned checks, writeoffs and billing and finance ch arges
Modify account payments, services and notes
Delete an account transaction
Determ ine the items included in the account history display
Create a walkout statement for this patient
Make an insurance payment for this patie nt
Make an account payment for this patient
Print a list of the current day’s receipts for the entire account
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Viewing Patients on the Account
Account window displays a list of all patients on that specific account. Wh en accessing any of the account activities buttons listed above, it uses whichever patient
Using Account Options
information or a transaction.
2. Right-click, a nd a list of options is displayed.
3. Choose the o ption you wish to utilize.
4. Follow the procedures for the option you have chosen.
Us ing Integrated Options within the Account
Wind ow
This menu enables you to access virtually every area of EagleSoft. It also enable s you to pe rform functions with in the Account window.
• Account Activities
To access this menu, right-click next to the patient name in the gray area.
D ial the patient’s work or home phone number using Autodialer.
T reatment Plan
A ccess the Treatment Plan window.
Patterson EagleSoft Overview 15.00
Insurance Info
A ccess insurance information for the patient selected in the patient box.
View Claims For Patient
V iew existing claims for the highlighted patient on the current account.
V iew Claims For Account
V iew claims for the current account.
View Rx Information
View prescription information for the selected patient.
Send To
Select this option to send letters or e-mails.
View History
View a printable history of the current account.
Print/Queue Statement
Print a statement for the account or send a Statement to the Statement Queue.
Reprint Last Statement
Reprint the last statement for the acco unt.
Access SmartDoc for the current patient.
Sched ule Patient
Open OnSch edule and create an appointment for the cu rrent patient.
Schedule Family
Open the Fam ily Schedule feature in OnSchedule for the current family .
If Clinical is installed, this enables full access to all installed modules. If it is not installed s
View Referral Information
View referral information on this account.
View/Reprint Walkouts For Account
View and/or reprint walkout statements for this account. The Walkout Statem
Utilities window is accessed once this is selected.
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Patien t Summary
View patient summary for the selected patient.
Note H istory
View the No te History for the selected patient.
Patien t Route Sheets
Open the Pat ient Route Sheets window.
Patie nt Signatures
View the dig ital signatures for the selected patient.
Fast Che ckIn
Send the sele cted patient to a Fast CheckIn terminal.
Ledger Options
• Account Activities
This menu can be accessed by right-clicking in the ledger.
Depending on the t an saction you select, a different right-click menu option appears each time.
View Distributio n
View patient and provider distribution on an account or insurance payment.
View Clai m
View th la selecting on a service.
Select th is option to debit, credit, write off or apply a billing or finance charge to the account. Available by selecting anywhere in the ledger.
Edit a co mpleted service or account payment.
Patterson EagleSoft Overview 15.00
Delete a service, account or insurance payment.
Filter the current view of the ledger so you can view different types of information, including transactions from other accou nts.
View Walkout
View the printable walkout statement for the selected service.
View Rx History
Select a prescription a nd view the prescription history for the selected patient.
View Eligibility
View patient insurance eligibility.
Expand Ledger
Expand the Account ledger.
Add to Outstanding Claim
To add an item to an outstanding claim, select the service in the Account ledger.
Right-click and select Add to Outstanding
Claim window appears.
Claim. The Add to Outstanding
The Provider on Insurance on the service and the Provider on Insurance on the existing claim must match. The Invalid Claim Selection warning will appear if they do not. Select OK to return to the Add to Outstanding Claim window.
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The Provider On
Insurance dropdown list will only appear when using the preference for
Provider On
Insurance in the
Accounting tab.
Select the existing claim from the list. Select the checkbox Update Annual
Deductible for Patient if applicable. Select the View Claim button to preview the specifics of the selected claim. Select OK. The Recreate Claim window appears.
Select the approp
Insurance Q st
riate Estimation Options. Select OK to re-create the cla im. The
ue ions window appears.
• Account Activities
Select the appropriate Print Claim option. Select the desired Insurance Form.
Review the defaulted information under Questions. Select OK to finish.
Patterson EagleSoft Overview 15.00
Multiple Providers can not be selected on Insurance claims.
Multiple services can be selected, provided they are not tied to an existing claim.
Select the appropriate Estimation Options. Select OK to re-create the claim. The
Insurance Questions
window appears.
Select the ap propriate Print Claim option. Select t he desired Insurance Form.
Review t he defaulted information under Questions. Select OK to finish.
Recreate Claim
To create a new claim from previously walked out services, select the desired services in Account.
Right-click and select Create New Claim. The Recreate Claim window appears.
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Select the ap propriate Estimation Option. Review the displayed information.
Select OK to create the claim. The following window will appear.
• Account Activities
Select the appropriate Print Claim option. Select the desired Insurance Form.
Review the defaulted information under Questions. Select OK to finish.
View Related Claim Items
When this option is selected, the account window ledger will be filtered by the claim of the highlighted transaction. All claim items will be displayed including payments, services and notes.
View Related Walkout Items
When this option is selected, the account window ledger is filtered by the walkout of the highlighted transaction. All walkout items are displayed including payments, services and adjustments.
Patterson EagleSoft Overview 15.00
Frequently Asked Questions about Account
Is there any way to expand/retract the ledger?
In Account, use the right-click menu to expand and retract the ledger.
Can I change the Aging Date on a Service in Account?
In the Account window, select the payment or service that you wish to edit.
An Account Payment cannot be transferred to a Payment Plan.
If you have made an Account
Payment by mistake, you will need to delete the payment and reenter a Payment Plan payment.
2. If you ar e modifying a completed service, enter the new date of service, the provider and/or tooth or surface numbers.
3. If needed , enter a new date in the Aging Date box if you want to change the date of in surance. The True Date Aging is based on the date entered i n this box. By defa ult, this date is the same as the service date.
How do I e nter a payment from a Payment Plan?
To receive p ayments on payment plans:
1. There ar e several ways to receive a payment plan payment.
From the
Activities menu, ch oose Practice Management Activities and then
ount Payment. From the Account window, choose Acct Payment
2. Typ e the full or partial name of the patient for whom you have created the pay ment plan.
Note: T he payment plan payment must be posted to the patient that the Payment
Plan has
been set up for.
Receive Paymen
t On option, choose Payment Plan. The payment plan details are displayed at the bottom of the window.
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5. Type the answer to the payment prompt (if a prompt is set up for the Payment
Type). F or example, when entering a check payment, you are able to enter the check nu mber.
6. Ente r
7. If yo
ur system preference is set to Prompt To Distribute Payments, the
vider Distribution window appears.
8. Select th e checkbox next to Print Payment Receipt to print a payment receipt.
9. If the pa yment is an overpayment, choose t o apply the overpayment to the prin cipal or the account bal ance.
10. Select O
K to process the payment plan payment.
11. Choose C
ancel to cancel the payment plan payment.
How can I o
ffset Debits and Credits?
If you have a ccounts with offsetting debits and credits and no time to fix them,
EagleSoft d oes the work for you.
Every time y ou enter the account window or run End of Day/Month,
nt can tell you if there are offsetting debits and/or credits. There are two places to correct offsetting debits and credits.
These prefere nces are available from the Accounting tab in File | Preferences. The preferences a re:
In account screen display warning to adjust offsetting debits and credits
• At EOD adjust accts seen today with offsetting debits and
Reviewing Account L edger
See the Account Preferences section for information on changing Account Ledger colors.
The Account Ledger section shows all transactions that have been posted to any member in the selected account. The most recent transactions are listed at the top.
• All debit transactions (transactions that increase the patient’s balance) and notes are displayed in black (for example, patient services are in black)
• All transactions with outstanding insurance claims appear in blue
• All credit transactions (tra nsactions that decrease the patient’s balance) are displayed in red (for e xample, patient’s payment appears in red)
• Deleted transactions, notes and adjustments are in green. A deletion adjustment refers to the offsetting adjustment that is created by deletin g an original transaction. For example:
Deleting a $100 service, which is a debit amount, creates a $100
Delete Adjustment, which is a credit amount.
Deleting a $50 payment, which is a credit amount, creates a $ 50
Delete Adj ustment, which is a debit amount to offset the original transaction.
• Account Activities
Patterson EagleSoft Overview 15.00
This information can be filtered for Patient Items
A runnin a
Here is a list ing of the various types of Debit Transactions:
Completed service
Billing charge
Returned check
Debit adjustment
Finance charge
Here is a listi ng of the various types of Credit Transactions:
Account pa yments Insurance payments
Payment plan paym adjustment
Write off the account
In addition to debit and credit transactions, the account history also displays the following types of account notes:
Account note Modified transactions
Deleted transactions
Payment plans
Submitted insurance notes
Letters, recalls and statements
Printing Account History
To print the account history for an account, do one of the following:
From the Account window, select Report and enter the appropriate range of dates for the account history. Select OK.
From the Report menu, select All Reports. Choose the patient and the Account
History repo rt from the listin g of all available reports. Identify the range of dates and prin t the report from the Report Preview window.
Patient Information
Patient in formation is displayed in the Edit Person window and can be accessed from the
Account window by performing the following steps: the ient and choose Edit Patient. The Edit Person window is displ ayed.
3. Edit the patient information as usual.
Walkout Statement from the Account Window
The walkout statement can be accessed from the Account window by performing the following steps:
Statement window is displayed. You can also right-click in the patie nt window.
2. Process the Walkout Statement as usual.
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Recording Payments from the Account
To process a ccount payments received by mail or to record payments, use the
Account Payment
window. To record an insurance pay ment, open the Insurance
Acce pting Payments and Payment Pl an Payments
the choose Acct Payment. The Account
Payment window is displayed. You can also access this by rightclicking in the Patient window in the Account window.
2. If the patient has a payment plan , select the Payment Plan radio button.
For more information on making Payment Plan payments, see the
Payment Plan chapter in this unit.
3. Type in the Payment Information.
Reminder: Payments are assigned to the oldest patient balance first, unless specified otherwise.
Acce pting an Insurance Payment
1. the
s Payment. The Insurance
Payment window is displayed. You can also right-click in the
Patient window.
2. Enter
Reminder: The Collections Go To for the provider who perform ed the service or the Provider on Walkout receives the collection from this payment. rn to the Account window.
Writing Off an Accoun t
Occasionally accounts must be written off. If an account is sent to collections a nd you do not expect to collect payment or do business with that account any longe r, it is wise to write off the account. Write Off Account adjusts the balances for each patient in the account to zero. It also reduces the amount of your Accounts
Receivable and marks all patients on the account as Inactive. The account is marked as Written Off Ac count for future reference. Also, an alert appears if you try to access the account at any time after it has been written off. The alert reads, This account has been written off. Do you wish to activate this account?
Print the Accounts Written Off report to view a list o f accounts that have been written off.
• Account Activities
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Writing Off an Account
Account window, select Adj. Select the radio button next to
Write-Off Acc
3. Select the radio button next to the option that you would like to use under the Impacts section. For a detailed explanation of these settings , see the Account Adjustments section later in this chapter.
4. Choose
Reactivating an Account that has Be en Written Off
When trying to access an account that has been written off, you receive the following
Alert (see the following image) window. If you wish to reactivate the account, choose Yes. Otherwise, choose No.
Receiving Payments on a Written Off Account
If you do receive a payment for an account that has been written off, you m ust reinstate thei r prior balance by making a debit adjustment for the amount of the balance.
Using Account N otes
The account notes option allows you to recor d free-form information that you would want to appear in the account history. For ex ample, “Mrs. Smith called today to contest a portion of her statement. She indicated that we should wait for insurance payment first.” Unlike the other no tes options throughout EagleSoft, this notes option allows you to record a new note each time you enter this window. Each note
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is placed permanently in account history with the appropriate date. To add a note to the patient’s statement, select the checkbox Display note on account statement.
Entering Patient Notes is initialized. You can also access it by right-clicking in the Patient window.
• Account Activities
2. Type any notes. Choose from any of the Patient Note options:
Save As
Assign Teeth
Insert Autonote
3. Choose
Spell Checking Patient Notes
When using the Spell Checking prefe rence in Practice Management, you have the ability to spell check your Patient Notes.
When using the Spell Checking option to Check Spelling While Typing in Pati ent
Notes, you will notice a wavy line appears under any unrecognized word. You may right-click the unrecognized word and choose Add to include the word in your Spell
Check dictionary.
When using the Spell Chec
king option to Check When Done Typing, selecting the
OK or Cancel button launches the Spelling Error w indow. In the Spelling Error window, choose from the following options:
• Select the Change button to retype the unrecognized word. Select the Change To box and retype the word
• To use one of the Spell Checker’s suggested words, highlight
the word and select the Change button
• Select Change All to appl y the suggested or corrected word to all occurrences of the unrecognized word
• Select Ignore to skip the word
Patterson EagleSoft Overview 15.00
• Select Ignore All to skip all occurrences of this word
• Select the Add button to add a word to the Spell Checker’s lexicon
• Select Cancel to close the window
Recording Retur ned Checks
Unfortunately, there are times when you must record a returned check from a patient.
B y recording returned checks through this option, you can track all of your returned checks through account history and reports. to Returned Check.
2. Type the check number, check amount and service charge.
3. Type any returned check notes. than the preferred dentist).
5. Before you apply this adjustment, decide how you would like to have this impact and select the radio button next to the correct option. window.
A ccount Adjustments
Adjustments on accounts occasionally need to be made to set up initial account b alances, correct an office mistake, or at the insistence of a patient.
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Entering a Credit Adjustment
2. Enter a note in the Note field. the F2 key to access the Adjustment Types list. It is important to create specific adjustment types (for example, Delta Dental writeoff) because you are able to generate reports for these specific adjustment types at the end of the year.
4. Enter the amount of the adjustment in the Amount fiel d and press the
Tab key.
5. Adjust the distribution as necessar y, and then select OK to exit from the Distribution window.
If your preference is set to Prompt to Distribu
te Payments, the payment amount defaults to pay the provider with the oldest balance first.
• Account Activities
Use one of the following distribution options:
Equally To Providers – Distributes the payment amount in equal portions to each eligible provider.
Oldest Tot. Bal. First – Distributes the payment amount to the oldest total balance due.
Oldest Non-Ins. Bal. First – Distributes the payment amount to the oldest non-insurance balance due.
Patterson EagleSoft Overview 15.00
Percentage of Balance – Distributes the payment amount to all eligible providers in proportion to what is owed them.
If the default distribution is not w hat you want, you must zero the adjustment amount for the provid er and press the Tab key. Then, select the provider that should receive the distribution , enter the amount and press the Tab key.
If your preference has been set to Distribute Amo
unt To Preferred
, choose the provider you wish to receive the adjustm ent from th e providers listed.
Distribution for Patients
At the bottom of the transaction window, each patient and his/her balance are listed. The credit adjustment is au tomatically defaulted to th e patient with the oldest balance first. If this is n ot the patient you wish to receive the cr edit adjustment, you must zero the amount for the patient that the adjustment defaulted to and pr ess the Tab key. Then, select the patient who should receive the distribution, enter the am ount and press t he Tab key.
6. Choose the area that is impacted by thi s adjustment: Adjustment,
Production or Collection.
For a detailed explanation of these settings, see the chapter on
Reviewing Provider Productivity located in the Daily Procedures unit. window.
Entering a Debit Adjustment
Patterson EagleSoft Overview 15.00
would like this adjustment to apply.
3. Type an adjustme nt note, if necessary. the e
F2 key to access the Adjustment Types list. In most c ases, it is important to create specific adjustment types so that you are able to
Account Activities
• 261
ge nerate reports for these specific adjustment types at the end of the ye ar.
5. Enter the amount of the adjustment in the Current, Thirty, Sixty
Ninety-day field.
6. Selec t the provider who is charging the adjustment amount.
7. Choose which area is impacted by this adjustment: Adjustments
Production or Collections. window.
Tracking Failed and Cancelled Appointments
To help your office better track failed and cancelled appointments, we are offering a couple of different options. Use the Accounting Preferences to determine the cancellation charge or simply create an account note.
Cancellation Charge
To create a service charge for failed/canc elled appointments, open the Accounting
Preferences. Under the File menu, select Preferences | Accounting.
• Account Activities
Select th h and Defa t
ellation Fee. The Adjustment Type
en Type desired or select the hyperlink to op ropdown list to select the en the Adjustment Type list.
Enter a m onetary amount in the Default Cancellation F
ee field.
When cancel ling an appointment, the following window appears:
Patterson EagleSoft Overview 15.00
Select the Adjustment Type. Use the dropdown list to change the Adjustment
Type from the selected Preference default. Select a radio bu tton under Impacts to change the impact from the defaulted selection.
Account Note for Cancelled/Fai led Appointments
To create an Account note to denote failed/cancelled appointments, sel the Accounting tab under File | Preferenc
Account Note For Deleted Appointments. ect
es. Select the checkbox Create
Print Today’s Re ceipts
In the Account window, select the Today’s Receipts button at the bottom of the screen to preview or print a report of receipts for th at Account and current date.
Modifying Past T ransactions
The Edit option allows you to edit account payments and completed services.
Account Payments
On an account payment, you can change the date of payment, the payment type and the check num ber, if applicable.
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After modifying a completed service, you will need to recreate the associated claim.
Use Walkout Statement
Utilities to re-create a claim.
You can also re-create a claim during the Change fee process.
The Insurance total will not be recalculated until the claim has been closed and
Completed Services
This feature allows offices to change service amounts on completed service from account screen.
Reprints of Walkout
Statements will reflect the change in service.
Tax and discounts will be refigured based on the new fee amount.
Double-click on a completed service in the Account screen to modify. In the Fee field, enter the new amount. Select OK to save. Note: Fees, Provider and Estimated
Insurance cannot be changed at the same time.
If there is a claim associated with the transaction, the above warning will appear.
Select Yes to close the existing claim. The Close Claim window will appear.
In the Account, a new ledger entry will appear as Modification.
Deleting Past Transactions
When deleting a service attached to an open claim, you will need to confirm if the claim should be closed or if it should remain “open.” You must rebuild the claim if you would like to submit or resubmit it.
1. Select the payment or service that you would like to delete.
3. You are prompted to confirm the deletion of the selected item
. Select
es to delete the item or select No to return to the Account window.
Note: When using the preference Disable Confirmation Messa ges, this
step may not apply.
4. If there is a claim associated with the service yo u are deleting, the claim is closed, even if there are other services on the claim. If you wish to continue, select Yes.
The Closing Primary Insurance Claim window appears.
• Account Activities
Patterson EagleSoft Overview 15.00
want to close the claim and select OK.
Re-creating Claims Associated with a D eleted
Servi ce
There are tim es when incorrect services may have been ente red on a walkout. If this is the ca se, you can delete services from the Account window and re-create the claim.
1. From ect a service.
If there is a claim associated with the service, the following wind ow appears.
If you select Yes, you are given several options in the next window .
Note: When using the preference Disable Confirmation Messages, t his
step may not apply.
3. To re-create the claim for the other services, select the Recreate Claim checkbox. Select OK, and the Recreate Claim window appears ne xt. selected by default. This re-estimates the service for the curre nt benefits, not the benefits at the time the claim was originally generated.
Select Do Not Estimate Insurance if you do not want to estimate any insurance on this service.
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Deleting and Reentering Payments
Accoun t Paym ents
the .
4. You must reenter the payment(s) through the Acco
unt Payment window.
Insurance Payments
er window, select an insurance payment. u are prompted to close the open claim. benefi ts. If you choose No, the patient’s account is debited for that amount.
Filtering the Account History
T he Filt
er option limits the amount and type of information displaye d in the
Account History window, providing you with specific information about
the account.
For example, if you wish to view only payments and wal kout statements from a p atient’s history, you would choose this option to filter this information.
• Account Activities displayed.
2. Choose from the dropdown menu which Providers you want to show. you choose to view the Patient Items only option and are showing entire payments as one entry, the running balance is disabled in the
Account w indow.
4. Select the checkbox Display full name to show the provider’s entire name. Deselect this option to display the provider ID.
5. If you are viewing patient items only, you can choose the Include
Transactions from other accounts checkbox to view transactions
Patterson EagleSoft Overview 15.00
from other accounts. All transactions for that patient are displayed regardless of their current responsible party.
You are able to print out this history from the Account window.
Payments,PM Notes, Returned Checks, Insurance Payments, Clinical
Notes, Charges, Deleted Transactions, Payment Plan Payments,
Adjustments, Prescriptions, Modifications. deselect all items, select Clear All.
Note: See the Section on Preferences for more information about setting up filter options.
Account Type
default setting.
To add or edit an Account Type, select the hyperlink Account Type or go to Lists |
General Setup | Account Type.
Select the Use button to apply the selected Account Type. Select the New button to create a new Account Type. Select the Edit button to edit the selected Account
Type. S elect the Report button to view the Account Type report. Select the Close button to close the window without applying an Account Type.
The f ollowing is an example of the New Account Type w indow:
The Accounts Receivable by Responsible Party and Delinquent Ac counts Report can b e filtered by Account Type.
To designate an Account Type, select the Preference button on the specific
ent’s Account.
Use t he dropdown list to select the Account Type desired from the available options.
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Setting Up Account Preferences
Account preferences define if the account receives a statement, billing charge and/or a finance charge. You can also add additional statement messages from the Accoun
Preferences window. Account preferences can be different for each account.
EagleSoft enables you to select different account preferences for each account.
Setting the Account Preferences
the indow, choose Preferences. The Account
Preferences window is displayed.
• Account Activities
2. Select the checkboxes for the account preferences you choose. The options are explained below.
• Receive Statements – Choose to send the account a statement.
It is important to send statements to most accounts so that you can keep your accounts receivable low
To see which accounts are not marked to receive a statement, print the Accounts Marked Not To Receive A Statement report
• Receive Finance Charge – Choose to apply a finance charge to the account. This applies especially to overdue acc ounts
• Receive Billing Charge – Choose to apply a charge to the patient’ s account for billing. This is also used for overdue accounts
3. Use th e dropdown list to select the Account Type.
4. Enter the message that you would like to appear on this account’s statem ents.
Message for Statements – En ter a message specific for this account’s statement. This message continues to appear on al l statements for this account until it is removed.
Monthly Note f
or Statements – Enter a one-time message that appears b elow the regular statement message on the next statement. Add or edit this note anytime up until the statement is processed.
Patterson EagleSoft Overview 15.00
Edit Completed S ervices
This feature allows offices to change service amounts on completed service from account screen.
After modifying a completed service, you will need to recreate the associated claim.
Use Walkout Statement
Utilities to re-create a claim.
You can also re-create a claim during the Change fee process.
The Insurance total will not be recalculated until the claim has been closed and re-
Reprints of Walkout
Statements will reflect the change in service.
Double-click on a completed service in the Account screen to modify. In the Fee field, enter the new amount. Select OK to save. Note: Fee, Provider and Estimated
Insurance cannot be changed at the same time.
Tax and discounts will be refigured based on the new fee amount.
If there is a claim associated with the transaction, the above warning will appear.
Select Yes to close the existing claim. The Close Claim window will appear.
In the Account, a new ledger entry will appear as Modification.
Offsetting Debits and Credits for an Account
If you have accounts with offsetting debits and credits and no time to fix them,
EagleSoft does the work fo r you.
Every time you enter the account window or run End of Day/Month, Practic
Management can tell you if there are offsetting debits and/or credits. There are two places to correct offsetting debits and credits.
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These preferences are available from the Accounting tab in File | Preferences. The preferences are:
• In acc
ount screen display warning to adjust offsetting debits and credits
• At EOD adjust accounts se
en today with offsetting debits and credits
Adjusting the Account
Account Window
If the Account window preference is selected, t he following message box appears when you enter an account with offsetting debits and credits.
Select Yes to make the account adjustments.
End-of-Day Processing
The second opt ion allows the End of Day process to adjust offsetting debits and credits .
If you have not checked this preference, y ou get the chance during the EOD process.
If you want to print out a list of your offsetting debi
ts and credits, there is now an
ts With Offsetting Debits and Credits Report under Financial in the
Setting Up Accou nt Alerts
Account a lerts are system messages linked to accounts that help you identify and categorize t he accounts. Alerts are useful with recordkeeping and reporting. Some account alerts should be marked to “Warn User When Encountered” or appear on the window each tim e a particular account is encountered. These alerts are used to call your atte ntion to an important account problem, such as “Turned Over to Collection” or “Cash Only.” Other account alerts do not require the same leve l of warning/attention, such as “Always pays account in full.” These a lerts can be used as classifications for report purposes. A list of account alerts has already been included in the EagleSoft database. You may add or edit account alerts as necessary.
• Account Activities
Patterson EagleSoft Overview 15.00
Assigning Account Alerts
wi ndow is displayed.
2. Highlight the alert you wish to a dd to this account. field.
5. To create a new
Account Alert, go to Lists
⏐General Setup⏐Account
Alerts. In the Account Alerts List, select New and type in the description of the alert you are creating. Check mark the box to W
User When Encountered and select OK. The new alert will now appear in the Account Alerts window and c an be added to any account.
Removing Account Alerts
the e Alerts. The Account Alerts window is displayed.
2. Highlight the alert to remove from the Alerts For This Account field
(right b ox).
3. Select the selected alert.
4. Select indow.
Specifying Where to Display Alerts
within EagleSoft where you wish for alerts to be displayed.
3. When you are finished, select OK to save your changes.
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Receive A ccount Payments
Account Payments
Under Activities
| Receive Payment, type the full or partial last name of the patient and press the Tab key, or enter the ID of the patient in the ID field and then press th
Tab key. (If more than one patient exists in your database with the same last name, e choose the correct name and select OK.) The account balance information is displa yed.
This exam ple assumes that payment plans do not exist for this account. As a result,
Patient Account is the default choice for the Receive Payment On option. The payment is applied to the patient wi th the oldest balance (within the account) first.
In the Date field, you can modify the date of the payment, if necessary. Otherwise, press the Tab key.
Select the Payment Typ
e from the
dropdown list p rovided.
• Receive Account Payments
Patterson EagleSoft Overview 15.00
Type the answer to the Number/Payment Prompt (if a prompt is set up for the payment type). This field usually refers to the check n umber or credit card number.
Enter the Amount of the payment and press the Tab key. This amount is applied to the patients who h ave balances in the oldest aging categories.
ng the patient distribution
Select the pat t f the preceding window and enter the payment amount in the Payment field and press the Tab key.
Amounts distributed to patients must match the total amount of the payment.
If your system preference is set to automatically Distribute Amount To Preferred
Dentist, the prefe rred dentist is listed in the Provider field. If you wish to assign th e payment to a diffe rent provider, sim ply choose the appropriate name from the dropdown lis t.
Select the Print P
ayment Receipt checkbox to print a receipt for the patient.
Select OK to save and enter the next payment.
Select Cancel to return to the EagleSoft Main menu.
Select Setup to m odify the d efault printer settings.
Credit Card Payments
EagleSoft no w offers a direct integration with credit card processing software. Enter credit or deb it card pay ments in the Receive Payment screen.
For more information on getting started with Credit
Card integration, contact the
Sales Department at the
Patterson Technology Center at 800.294.8504.
Credit C d
To access Preferences, select File | Preferences. Select the Accounting tab.
In the Accounting tab, there is a new preference for digital signatures on credit card payments. To activate this option, select the checkbox Digital Signature On Cre
Payment. Select OK to save Preferences.
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Credit Card Payment Types
Before you begin accepting credit card payments, you need to create the proper payment types.
Contact your Patterson
Technology Representative for more information regarding PIN pads and
Credit Card Readers.
To create a new Payment Type, select Lists | General Set up | Payment Type. In e ct New . Under Currency Type, sele ct either Credit
Card or ATM/Debit. Use the radio buttons to determine whether to inclu de the payment on the Primary or Secondary Deposit Report.
Setting Up Your Credit C ard Integration
This fea ture will offer clients the ability to use credit card readers or manually input the credit card information.
Under Utilities, select X-Charge Setup. In the Credit Card Setup screen, select the chec kbo es Enable Credit Card Transactions and Enable ATM/Debi
ns (if applicable).
t Card
Select the Transaction Path hyperlink to select a path.
Multiple Paths for Credit Card Payment
Set up multiple paths to be used for applying payments to multiple providers with merchant identification. Toggle between paths when applying payments to different providers within the same practice.
In Utilities, select Credit Card Setup. In the Credit Card Setup window, select the hyperlink for Transaction Path.
• Receive Account Payments
Patterson EagleSoft Overview 15.00
In the X-
Charge Transaction Path List, select the desired path. Select Use.
Select the Ed
it button t o modify the selected path. Select the Delete button to remove the selected path.
New Path
To create a new path, select the New button.
In the New X-Charge Transaction Path, enter a Name. Select the Browse button to locate the desired path. Select OK to save. Select Cancel to exit without saving.
Changing Paths
Toggle between paths to apply payments to different providers.
When an X-Charge payment that requires a transaction path is performed, the X-
Charge Transaction Path window appears. Use the dropdown arrow to select a different path.
Select OK to use the selected transaction path for the current X-Charge transaction.
Select the PIN Pad Setup button.
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Please consult your PIN pad device manual for more information on operating your
PIN pad.
Select the PIN Pad Device from the dropdown list. Enter the pertinent information in the fields. Select OK.
Accepting Credit and Debit Card Payments
To begin accepting credit and debit card payments, open the Receive Payments window. Select the correct payment type. Select the Card button next to the
Payment Information.
Credit Card P ayments
The CV Code refers to the three numbers that appear on the back of the card at the end of the credit card number.
Swipe the credit card or enter the card number. The credit card number a nd expiration date will appear when using the swipe method. Enter the additional information and select OK.
• Receive Account Payments
Patterson EagleSoft Overview 15.00
When the transaction has been approved, the preceding message appears. Select
Debit Card Payments
After selecting the Card button, the Debit Card S
wipe appears. Swipe the debit card. Select OK.
The Debit Status screen appears indicating that the PIN is to be entered by the patient. After the PIN has been entered, the card will be processed.
When the transaction has been approved, the Debit Card Transaction window appears.
Select OK.
Credit/Debit Payments in Account
When deleting a credit card payment in the Account window, you will be prompted to re-swipe the credit c ard or reenter the information.
Credit and Debit card payments that are processed using X-Charge cannot be edited.
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Return Payment Adjustments
Return adjustments allow you to credit a portion of a payment back to a credit ca rd.
To process a Return adjustment:
1. S credit card. the
ent Type and enter a note, if desired.
6. Swipe or manually enter the card information for the card to be issued th refund. A Debit A e
djustment will appear in the Account window when the transaction is com plete.
Delete a Credit Card Return Adjustment
The return adjustments can be deleted from the Account window.
To delete the Return Adjustment
1. Highlig
2. Choose to either Void the return adjustment or Charge the amount back to the card and select OK (Note: Voids can only be done in the same X-Charge batch).
3. Swipe or manually enter card information to complete the transaction. The
Debit Adjustment will be deleted from the Account window.
New security options have been added for Add Credit Card Return Adjustments and Delete Credit Card Return Adjustments. The two adjustment security options are under these three areas: Patient Records, Accounting and Financials.
Void Payments
When deleting an X-Charge credit card payment, users will be given a new option to
Void the credit card payme nt.
Before you void a credit card payment, check the following criteria:
Voids can only be processed if the original transaction is in the current X-
Charge batch
• Receive Account Payments
Patterson EagleSoft Overview 15.00
Voids must be processed on the same card that was used to process the original transaction
If the transaction does not meet the Void requirem ents, a return can be performed instead.
To void a credit card payment
1. High
light the desired credit card payment in the Account window and select the
e button.
3. Swipe or manually enter the card information to com plete the void transaction.
The cred it card paymen t will be deleted from the Account window.
Voided t ransactions appear in the Account screen with the word Void next to them.
If for an a to use a Return.
Multiple Receipts for Credit Card Payments
Select the preference to print multiple receipts on credit card payments
This preference will apply regardless of X-Charge usage.
In Print Preferences, select the number of Credit Card Receipt Copies that you would like to print when making either an account payment or walkout payment.
Enter a number or use the up and down arrows to select.
To access the Print Preferences window, select File | Preferences | Printing.
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Receive Insurance Payments
Receiving an Insurance Payment
If the claim is closed prior to receiving the insurance payment, you need to reopen the claim in order to apply the insurance payment. To do
this, go to Utilities | Walkout
Statement Utilities.
If you receive the message No
Open Claims, check to see if the claim has a status of In
Process. This applies only to electronic claims.
Here are the steps for receiving payments on insurance claims:
1. From
ies menu, choose Practice Management Activities, and then Receive Insurance Payment.
Choose Ins Payment on the toolbar or Ins Payment from the Account window.
The Receive Insurance Payment window is displayed.
• Receive Insurance Payments
2. Type the full or partial last name of the patient and press the Tab key.
The account, patient, insurance and contract balances are displayed.
3. If the patient has multiple outstanding claims, choose a claim to post a payment to.
Select View Claim to review the services on the selected claim.
Otherwise, press the Tab key.
6. Type the answer to the Number/Payment Prompt (if a prompt is set up for the Payment Type). This field usually refers to the check number or credit card number.
Patterson EagleSoft Overview 15.00
N ote: Unlike account payments, insurance payments are distributed to the provider designated in the Collections Go To section in the Edit
Provider window for the service assigned to this patient.
8. If this is the final payment, check the box next to Final Payment.
9. Distribute the amounts paid on each insurance claim item.
10. Select
ook to add services to the employer’s coverage book based o n the EOB for services paid on this claim. Add services to the
Coverag e Book when the amount insurance pays for a particular service overrides the service type percentages set up for that employer.
When a claim is returned with explanations of an exception, you need to record these exceptions in the coverage book for that employer.
Entering exceptions into the coverage book helps your office accurately estimate insurance payments for the employer in the future.
If the Service Code Is Not Already in the Coverage Book
The following window appears.
Patterson EagleSoft Overview 15.00
• Select Yes to add the service code to the coverage book
• Select Yes to All to add all s ervice codes from the claim to the coverage book
• Select No if y ou do not want to add the service code to the
Coverage Book
When you add services to the coverage book, the covered amount defaults to the estimated insurance amount for that service item. You can modify the covered amount as you wish.
If The Service Code Is Already In the Covera ge Book
If the service code already exists in the coverage book, y ou are not prompted to add it to the coverage book. insurance claim.
ment Receipt prompt to print.
4. Choose e insurance payment.
5. Choose to cancel processing of this insurance payment.
Receive Insurance Payments
• 281
Closing an Insurance Claim – Final Payment
After marking an insurance payment as Final Payment you have the option of assigning any unpaid amounts back to the patient’s account, creatin g an adjustment and/or updating the patient deductible.
A Preference has been added to th e Insurance Preferences tab that will allow you to default the Final Payment checkbox. Under File, select Preferences | Insurance.
When entering an insurance payment, the Final Payment checkbox will be sele cted by default. You will need to deselect this checkbox if you are expecting additional insurance payments.
After processing the payment, the following window appears.
The Closing Primary Insurance Claim window is displayed. If the amount paid on the claim was less than what was estimated, you have the option of applying the differenc a
Choose the A
pply the amount unpaid back to the account radio button to incre ase the patient’s balance by the amount unpaid by insurance.
Select th e Credit the account radio button to apply an adjustment to the ac
Addition i count.
account for situations such as D a
Select an Adjustment Type from the Ad adjustment types can be set up in Lists | Practice Management Lists | Gen
Setup | Adjustment Types. justment Type dropdown list box. These
Select the Recreate Claim checkbox to re-create the insurance clai m for this walkout. This takes you to a re-create claim window.
Choose the Apply Unpaid Amount B
ack to Remaining Benefits checkbox to increase the Remaining Benefits of the patient.
Note: You may want to leave this unchecked if the claim was sub mitted in one year and the payment is not received until the following year.
Select the Assign servi
ces to current balance at next aging checkbox, if you want the services to go to current balance. When True Date Aging is processed, the
• Receive Insurance Payments
Patterson EagleSoft Overview 15.00
patient’s aging balance for this service remains current and ages according to the insurance payment date.
If the patient deductible differs from what appears on the EOB, select the checkbox to Update Annual Deductible For Patient and key in the appropriate amount.
Select OK to save your responses.
Final Payment on a Primary Insurance Claim with
Secondary Insurance
After the Final Payment is processed on a primary insurance claim, you need to specify how
EagleSoft handles the secondary claim if secondary insurance
exists for the pa en t at the time of the initial walkout.
Choose from the following five options:
• Print/submit the secondary claim now – Allows the secondary claim to be submitted now through the Process
Insurance Claims window.
• Print/submit the secondary claim later – A dds the secondary claim to be submitt ed later through the Process
Insurance Claims window. T he claim is in the Unsubmitted
Claims list in the Process Insurance Claims window.
• Submit the secondary claim electronic
ally – Adds the secondary claim to the system to be subm itted electronically; however, in most cases, insurance companies require an EOB from the primary insurance company in order to process the claim.
• Submit the secondary claim manually
– The secondary claim is recorded in the system, but needs to be manually filled o ut and submitted by your office. The claim is then placed in the
Open list in the Process Insurance Claims window.
• Close The Secondary Claim – Closes the secondary claim without submittin g or printing it.
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When you have made your selection from the choices above, select OK to continue.
Distributing Insurance Payment Amounts to
Individual Items
When recording insurance payments, you can also distribute the payment amount to the individual line items on the claim as they are reported to you on the EOB. These amounts can be evaluated later through the View Claim window.
Here are the steps to distribute the payment amount to individual line items when receiving payment on insurance claims:
The Record Claim Amounts window appears (see the following
2. Key in the new payment amount in the New Pmt field. This is the amount paid to each service item on the claim. The total of the amounts in the New Pmt fields must equal the Total Amount To
Apply, and Total Undistributed must equal $0.00 to process.
OK to process the payment an
Payment window. d return to the Receive Insurance
Receiving a Bulk Insurance Payment
Use the Bulk Insurance Payment feature to distribute a single payment from an insurance company to multiple accounts. This makes entering insurance check payments much easier and more efficient. This action results in only one check entry on the deposit slip while allowing you to distribute payments to specific patients.
To receive a bulk insurance payment: and then Bulk Insurance Payment.
2. You must choose the Show open claims for insurance company or
Show open claims for payment group radio button.
• Receive Insurance Payments
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For more information on
Payment Groups, see the section on Employer setup.
Show open claims for insurance company – This displays all open claims for this particular insurance company.
Show open claims for payment group – This displays all open claims for the insurance companies associated with the Payment Group you specify.
3. Enter the first few letters of the insurance company and press the Tab key. Choose the correct insurance company from the list. Any outstanding claims associated with the selected insurance company are retrieved and displayed at the bottom of the Bulk Payments window.
If you have chosen to Show open claims for payment group, enter the name of the payment group and press the Tab key. Any outstanding claims associated with the insurance companies within this payment group are retrieved and displayed at the bottom of the Bulk Payments window.
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The New Pmt (New Payment) fields for all outstanding claims are enabled, and the Undistributed amount is displayed in the lower left of the Outstanding Claims section.
8. Enter the payment information in the New Pmt field as it applies to each claim. Remember to mark the claim to be closed by selecting the
Final checkbox, if this is the final payment for the claim. Select the column headings to sort the order of the payments.
9. To distribute amounts to individual services within a claim, highlight the claim, then select Distribute in the upper right of the Bulk
Payments window. You can also access the Distribute feature by selecting the right-mouse button on a claim.
The Undistributed Amount displayed decreases as you enter amounts for each claim. This amount must equal $0.00 before you can process the payment.
Receive Insurance Payments
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The payment amounts can also be added to that Employer’s Cove
k by simply selecting on the Coverage Book.
10. To view detailed information about any of the claims d isplayed, select
View Claim or right-click on the claim and choose View Claim.
11. Select OK when yo u are ready to apply the payment.
12. You receive the Closing Primary Insurance Claim window for any claims you ma rk as Final.
• Receive Insurance Payments
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Payment Plan
Introduction to Paymen t Plans
Use the Payment Plan option t o set up and maintain financial arrangements for patients who require a great de al of dental work. This option can be set up to have patients pre-p ay for services or to have patients pay for past services over a period of time. If desi red, interest can be charged to the patient for this ser vice as well.
If a bala e amount.
Setting Up a Payment Plan
1. From
ce Management Activities and then Payment Plan. The Payment Plan window is displayed (see
the preceding image).
2. Type the full or partial last name of the patient and press the Tab key, or press the F2 key and choose the patient from the Pa tient List. You can also enter the Patient ID in the Patient ID field and press Tab.
The account information is displayed. If a payment plan already exists for this patient, the details of that payment plan are displayed.
3. Make your selection for Payment Plan Based On:
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• Payment Plan
Past Services refers to services previously processed in the walkout
, thus creating an account balance.
Future Services refers to services that have not been
processed in the walkout but will be when the next walkout is processed, after se tting up the payment plan. plan. The loan am ount should be the amount of the loan minus any down payment Fo r example, if the total amount of the payment plan is
$1,000, and the patient pays a down payment of $200, the loan am ount entered is $800.
Enter the amount that the patient has agreed to pay into the Payment
Amount field. The Number Of Payments field is automatically calculated based on the loan amount and payment frequency. Also, the amortization schedule is displayed at the bottom of the window. h to modify the number of payments, make the change and press the Tab key. The payment amount and the amortization schedule are recalculated if a change is made.
Print an Amortization Schedule– This prints the date the payment is due, the payment amount and the balance after each payment is made.
Print Truth-in-Lending Contract – This prints the financial arrangements made in the payment plan and provides a section for the patient’s signature to indicate his/her agreement to pay the loan amount. There is also a place on the contract for the witness’ signature.
This is where to enter a Down Payment, if applicable.
See the section on Printing Payment Plan Information later in this chapter for more information.
Print a Coupon Book – This prints a coupon book to be used by the patient to mail in payments.
Print a Laser Coupon Book – This enables you to print a coupon book to a laser printer. apply the unpaid amount to the patient’s balance.
Integrated Mode window.
Patterson EagleSoft Overview 15.00
Printing Payment Plan Information
and then Payment Plan. The Payment Plan window is displayed.
2. Select a patient by using the F2 option or typing in part of the last name and hitting Tab. The account information is displayed. If a payment plan already exists for this patient, the details of that payment plan are displayed. displayed.
4. Check the items that you wish to print. The options include
Amortization Schedule, Truth-In-Lending Contract, Coupon Book
and Laser Coupon Book.
For information on these options, go to step 9 in the preceding section.
5. If you choose to print the Truth-In-Lending Contract, you are prompted to enter the Down Payment amount. This figure only appears on this printout. Select the Use Estimated Insurance checkbox. When opting to print Payment Plan information, select the
Print button. The amount entered in this field will print on the Truth-
In-Lending Contract.
Printing a Report of Pending Payment Plans
Double-click on the name of the report or single-select the name and select OK.
3. Enter the number of days overdue and select a sort option. Select the
Preview Report button. A preview of the report appears.
End-of-Day Update Late Payment Plans
When processing End-of-Day (EOD), if you wish to apply overdue payment plan amounts to the current balance, simply check the box next to Update Late Payment
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Plans and key in the number of days that a payment can be late before it becomes overdue.
Receiving a Payment Plan Payment
To receive payments on payment plans:
1. There are several ways to receive a payment plan payment.
From the Activities menu, choose Practice Management Activities and then Account Payment. From the Account window, choose Ac
2. Type the full or partial name of the patient for whom you have created the payment plan.
Note: The payment plan payment must be posted to the patient whom
the Payment Plan has been set up for. payment plan details are displayed at the bottom of the window.
6. Type the answer to the payment prompt (if a prompt is set up for the
Payment Type). For example, when entering a check payment, you are able to enter the check number.
8. If your system preference is set to Prompt To Distribute Payments, the Provider Distribution window appears.
If your system preference is set to automatically Distribute Amount
To Preferred Dentist, the preferred dentist is listed in the Provider field. If you wish to assign the payment to a different provider, simply choose the appropriate name from the dropdown list.
9. Select the checkbox next to Print Payment Receipt to print a payment receipt.
10. If the payment is an overpayment, choose to apply the overpayment to the principal or the account balance.
In most cases, you want to app ly to the principal amount of the
Payment Plan. This decreases the amount of the Payment Plan by the amount of the overpayment.
12. Choose ment plan payment.
Distributing Payments/Credit Adjustments to Multiple Provid ers
If your preference is established to prompt you for provider distribution or you choose to distribute when making account payments or credit adjustments, the
Payment/Credit Distribution window is displayed.
• Payment Plan
Patterson EagleSoft Overview 15.00
If you have chosen to automatically distribute the payment amount to the preferred dentist, you still have the ability to distribute the amount to multiple providers in th e following areas:
Walkout Processing Window – Select the Distribute checkbox
Credit Adjustment Window – Select Distribute
Receive Payments Window – Select Distribute
To use the Payment/Credit Distribution window, follow these instructions:
Review the payment/credit distribution assigned by default. The amounts are automatically distributed to the providers with the oldest outstanding balances on the account.
Equally to Providers
To distribute the payment/credit adjustment equally to all providers, select Equally
to Providers. For example, if there are two providers listed and the payment amount is $100, the payment distribution is $50 to each provider.
Oldest Total Balance First
To distribute the payment/credit adjustment to the provider with the oldest balance on the account, select Oldest Tot. Bal. First. This adds the payment/adjustment to the oldest balance on the account .
N ote: Th is is the system default for payment distribution.
Oldest Non-Insurance Balance First
To distribute the payment/credit adjustment to the provider with the oldest noninsurance balance on the account, select Oldest Non-Ins. Bal. First. This adds the payment/adjustment to the oldest non-insurance balance on the account.
Percent of Balance
To distribute the payment/credit adjustment based on a percentage of the outstanding balance for the providers, select Percent of Balance. For example, assume that there are two providers listed. The first provider, Prov ider A, has an outstanding balance of $75, and the second provider, Provider B, has an outstanding balance of
$25. If a $50 payment is made using this method, $37.50 is assigned to Provider A, because this provider holds 75 percent of the outstanding balance on the account.
Overriding Default Distribution Manually
To manually override the default distribution (oldest balance first), simply key in the desired amounts in the Amount field and press the Tab key. If the provider you wish to distribute the amounts to is not listed, select Add and choose the provider. You can only delete those providers you have manually added to the list.
Note: For changes you have made in the Amount field to be recognized by the system, you must press the Tab key within the field after making the change.
Example: After entering $0 in an amount field that previously read $50, press Tab to recalculate the Total Unassigned amount.
The Total Amount to Distribute field at the top of the Payment/Credit
Distribution window displays the total amount of the payment or credit adjustment.
The amounts you distribute manually to providers in the provider's list of this window must match the Total Amount to Distribute field. The Total Unassigned
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amount field must show $0 before OK is enabled and you can process the distribution.
Processing the Distribution
W hen you are ready to proceed, select OK to process the distribution as you have specified.
C redit Adjustment Impact
Assign credit adjustments to impact production totals for providers who do not have collections marked as Go To Self.
Distribute Adjustment
If adjustment is set to impact adjustments or collections, the dropdown list boxes fo r either preference will still only have providers that have collections go to.
• Payment Plan
Selecting to impact Production will enable the Provider dropdown list. All provider s will be available from this list. Select the desired Provider. Selecting the Distribute button will launch th e Distribution screen. Note: If the credit adjustment impacts
production, you will not be allowed to distribute to multiple providers. The button w ill be disabled.
Prompt to Distribute
W hen using the preference Prompt to Distribute, selecting the OK button or se lecting the Distribute button will launch the Distribution screen. Select Add to u se the dropdown list to distribute to multiple Providers. Note: If the credit
a djustment impacts production, you will not be allowed to distribute to multiple p roviders. The button will be disabled.
A djustments in Walkout Payment
When using the Preference Set to Distribute to Ac
count Automatically and an adjustment type set to impact production, the Provider dropdown list will display all active Providers. Note: If the adjustment impacts production, you will not be
allowed to distribute to multiple providers. The button will be disabled.
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If the Adjustment is set to impact Adjustments or Collections, the dropdown list for either preference will only have providers that have had collections assigned to them.
Adjustment on Closing Claim
Note: If the credit adjustment impacts production, you will not be allowed to distribute to multiple providers. The button will be disabled.
Multiple Payments on an Account
EagleSoft has the ability to change credit distribution for patients. You can select an option to have distribution prompts when you finish a walkout. This prompt
The Preference
From File | Preferences, select the Accounting tab:
The Walkout Patient Credit Distribution Default is defaulted in two ways:
• Distribute To Account Automatically
• Prompt To Distribute
The Distribute To Account Automatically option defers the payment to the oldest balance first without a prompt window. This is the default setting.
If you choose the Prompt To Distribute option, you receive a payment or credit prompt during the walkout process.
The following window is an example.
Inst ead of the account payment distribution and the walkout process being separate, they are fully integrated. The result: quick and easy walkout processing that is easier for you a nd your patients.
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Key Features
- Walkout Statement Processing
- Account Screen Navigation
- Payment Management
- Insurance Claim Generation
- Payment Plan Setup
- Account History Review
- Adjustment Recording
- Returned Check Handling
- Account Note Management