The World Models A112 Zen-120 Instruction Manual
THE WORLD MODELS A112 is an airplane model kit for advanced users seeking maximum performance and precision in their models. It requires a 5-channel, 6-servo airplane radio and a 2-cycle 0.91 or 4-cycle 1.20 engine for operation. The kit includes all the necessary parts to assemble a complete airplane, including fuselage, wings, landing gear, and accessories. It features a 71.0in wingspan and a flying weight of 10.0 lbs. It is primarily designed for experienced flyers and is not suitable for beginners.
aml 'NSTRUCTION MANUAL 0.91 displacement 2-cycle 1.20 displacement 4-cycle Radio required : 5 channels,6 servos airplane radio Fa a Specifications Wing Span 71.0in/1800mm Wing Area 955 sq in /61.6 sq dm Flying Weight 10.0 Ibs / 4500g Fuselage Length 71.5 п / 1820тт * Specifications are subject to change without notice.” Warning !This model is not a toy. It is designed for maximum performance. Please seek advice if one is not familiar with this kind of engine powered precision model. Operating this model without prior preparation may cause injuries. Remember, safety is the most important thing. Always keep this instruction manual at hand for quick reference. THE WORLD MODELS MANUFACTURING CO. LTD. FACTORY PRE-FABRICATED ALMOST-READY-TO-FLY (ARF) SERIES MADE IN CHINA www. BEFORE YOU BEGIN ------------======cacnnnananannnnnnannannnana— P. 1 PARTS LIST -------sssssssmmmcmmmemnnnnnnnnnnnn senses P.2 1 nee me me ne me eee nee ee eee e eee P.3-10 SAFETY PRECAUTIONS ----------======eceacananncnnnnnnnnnnanan P.11 BEFORE YOU BEGIN i Read through the manual before you begin, so you will have an overall idea of what to do. Check all parts. If you find any defective or missing parts contact your local dealer. Please DRY FIT and check for defects for all parts that will require CA or Epoxy for final assembly. Any parts you find to be defective after the gluing process may be difficult to remove for warranty replacement. The manufacturer will replace any defective parts. but will be difficult to extend to the good parts that are good before gluing to defective parts during assembly. 3) Symbols used throughout this instruction manual comprise of the following : - Apply epoxy glue. Apply instant glue (C.A.glue, super glue.) i R Assemble left and right ro Ensure smooth non-binding / sides the same way. \ movement while assembling. Peel off shaded portion DA 4 Cutoff shaded portion. pa covering film. ol Drill holes with the specified Sh diameter (here: 3mm). N.I. Must be purchased separately! 8 Pay close attention herel I Warning! Do not overlook this symbol! Pierce the shaded portion covering film. FEEL) NT e (11177110000 BEL OR I 8500050200845 HN —— 8 AAN" Parts List 1. FUSELAGE 4 BELLY PAN — 1 set. 19. WOODEN PARTS :— BALSA 14 X 10 X 111mm (For Fixing Fuel Tank ) —1 pc. 2. MAIN WING — 1 pc. PLYWOOD 12X3X 107mm (For Throttle Servo ) --1 pc. PLYWOOD 12X3X 108mm (For Throttle Servo ) --1 pc. 3. STABILIZER & ELEVATOR - 1 set PLYWOOD 36 X2 X 60 mm (For Elevator Servo) --2 pc. PLYWOOD 65X 3X 114mm (For Throttle Servo ) --1 pc. 20. PLASTIC PARTS :— 4. RUDDER - 1 pc. 5. CANOPY — 1 set CLEVIS -8 pes SILICON ROMMEL d1.5 x D6.5mm 6.COWLING - 1pc. (For Canopy) — 11 pes TRANSPARENT 3D TEMPLATE -1 pc. a HORN M3 уже — 4 sets E. а | I-H en Non-Base For Rudder) -2 sets 7. PILOT (=PC001063A) — 1 pc. STRAPER — ¿ 8. ALUMINUM SPINNER @70mm —1 pc. 21. METAL PARTS :-— INKAGE CONNECTOR 2 me = sets 9. ENGINE MOUNT PL 5911-120 — 1 set COL A ae set screw — STABILIZER JOINER 3 X dómm - -1 pc. 10. ANTI-VIBRATION MOUNT 4C-120 —1set STABILIZER JOINER 99.6 X 294 mm --1 pc. | NUT 2mm -3 pes 11. FUEL TANK 450cc — 1 set NYLON INSERT LOCK NUT 3mm - 4 pcs. | SCREW PA3 x 12mm - 4 pcs 12. SPONGE 10 x 80 x 200mm (For Radio Equipment) — 2 pcs SCREW PM2 x25mm -12 pcs | SCREW PM2 x 30mm — 3 pcs 13. TAIL LANDING GEAR —1 set SCREW PM 4 x 30mm —2 pcs SCREW PWAZ x 12mm — 6 pcs 14. MAIN WHEEL © 55mm —2 pcs SCREW PWA2.3 x 8mm —6 pcs SCREW PWA2.6 x 12mm —5pcs 15. TAIL WHEEL 230mm — 1 pc. SOCKET HEAD SCREW M3x 35mm — 4 pcs SOCKET HEAD SCREW M6x 30mm - 4 pcs 16. ELEVATOR LINKAGE —1set WASHER d3 x D12mm —8 pcs WASHER d4 x D15mm -2 pcs 17. PUSHROD & PULLWIRE :-- WASHER d6 x D18mm —4 pcs COPPER TUBE d2.0 x D2.4 x 8mm (For Rudder & Elevator) —-8 pcs 22. FUEL TUBE @6 x 5mm -12 pcs METAL ROD 21.8 x27mm (For Rudder & Elevator) —4 pcs METAL ROD 21.8 x27mm w/Threads 23. DECALS : ST200 040 --1 set (For Rudder & Elevator) -- 4 pcs METAL ROD 21.8 x 130mm w/Threads (For Aileron ) -2 pcs METAL ROD ©1.8 x 115mm w/Threads (For Elevator ) -1 pcs. WIRE 20.8 х 1000mm (For Rudder) -2 pcs WIRE 20.8 x 910mm(For Elevator) --2 pcs 18. THROTTLE PUSHWIRE 1.2 x 320mm w/Plastic tube d2 x D3 x 180mm -1 set P.2 Peel off shaded portion wi covering film. le @ Main Wing) @Aileron Servo) Peel off shaded portion covering im. 7 EJAileron Servo) PM 2 x 25mm Screw mem — P.3 @3 Main Landing Gear) Co Wheel 055mm Iimm Set Screw KA3 x14mm Screw SN po Е Sa 3mm Set Screw ED 2 5.1mm Collar A OE O KA 3x 14mm Ry L/R @Retract Servo) | a —| LAR. Lat 3 x 3mm Set Screw eE с? 2 —1 ” Linkage Connector ( — [HN — ——: TA "y" 2mm Nut mz OF—— E 2mm Washer O 2 Wheels down position y Stabilizer) PA 3 x 12mm Screw Eo ? 3 x 8mm Set Screw @ Adjust the stabilizer up or down @ Vertical Fin /Rudder) CJ Tail Landing Gear) PA 3 x 12mm Screw (umes —— 2 3mm Set Screw “=~ 2 6mm Collar @ Engine Mount) M6 x 30mm Screw am — + | Engine Mount 6mm Washer PL 5911120 В ® Apply thread locker to screws. M6 x 30mm > Blind nuts are off-centered to keep the spinner at the fuselage axis. (instal Balsa & Plywood for foing fuel tank Balsa 14x10x111mm Fuel Tank 450cc Fuel Tank e Bottom View \ 5 Г Install Engine position A Spinner 9 70mm M3 x 35mm Screw № В Wall [mmm - + a § ze (Er — . В “ 155mm d3 x D12mm Wher N ME > A o = -_ - er FF sl a Ka Nu Anti-vibration mount Setup \ 3mm Nylon Insert Lock Nut a LZ NN Ir 20mm OP sit <> : La Plastic tube x Y ATL (a KM 3 x 20mm Serew d2 x D3 x 180mm N A ЛИ > — | Throttle Pushwire | > | © 1.2 x 320mm cb, ds ms / Illustration is for inverted mounting. . T T 3mm сл вели You can mount the engine upright i or sideways simply by rotate the В y i ЦК engine mount. Thrust angles will IW mimo O AN N À not be affected. . Metal Rod (Elevator Linkage) TA ge Se a Copper Tube 3mm Set Screw PWA2 x 12mm Screw Осуа» 6 3mm Set Screw ™ E P.6 (ElElevator Pushrod) PM 2 x 25mm Screw rn `\ Elevator Pushrod D1 8X 115mm PM 2 x 25mm Fuel Tube 6 x 5mm „М Tri-horn Fuel Tube 06 x 5mm Straper e Bottom View L/R @Rudder Pullwire) РМ 2 x 30mm Screw mes 2mm Nut 3 Y il | ‹ EN ns | Tri-horn PM 2 x 30mm Copper Tube Fuel Tube 6 x 5mm Metal Rod 1.8 x 27mm w/Threads 5 Plywood 12 х 3х 107 тт Plywood 12x3 x 108mm a Plywood 65x 3 x 114mm Р.7 servo Set 3 x3mm Set Screw = 1 Throttle Pushwire Linkage Connector ge 2mm Nut 1 2mm Washer ПЦ Please refer to attached sheet for linkage connector installation. & Radio Equipment) Install and arrange the servo as shown in the diagram. Clamp the copper Tube |e — Metal Rod Wire / |] e Servo Thfottie N ; Tube Elevator u Servo | nF © EP) Clevis Servo Wire 00.8 X 1000mm uel Tube Metal Rod Plywood 06 x 5mm (31.8 x 27mm a 57x3x 114mm — = w/Thread @ Bottom View P.8 & Cowling PWA2.6 x12mm Screw oe {J} An 5 d5x D6 5mm Silicon Grommet Oh ДЕ > PWAZ2.6 x12mm d1-5 X D6.5mm Silicon Grommet Or e Bottom View Silicon Grommet Canopy) A PWA2.3 x 8mm Screw x fs 6 Wing Setting) Adjust the wing and fuselage configuration as in the diagrams. El Control Throws) Adjust the control throws as shown in the diagram.These throws are good for general flying. You can adjust according ~21mm to your personal preference. Elevator a C Kim Rudder ( Aileron С.С, 195mm Ms A AT The ideal C.G. position is 195mm(7.7 in)behind the leading edge measured at where the wing meets the fuselage. In order to obtain the C.G. specified, add weight to the fuselage or move the battery position. Check the C.G. before flying. P.10 E Warming! Important Safety Precautions * First time flyer should never fly by himself / herself. Assistance from experienced flyer is absolutely necessary. #Pre-flight adjustment must be done before flying, it is very dangerousto fly a badly pre-adjusted aircraft. #Zen 120 is specially designed to be powered by 2C 0.91 or 4C 1.20 engine, using a more powerful engine does not mean better performance. In fact, over powered engine may cause severe damage and injuries. #Make sure the airfield is spacious, never fly the plane too close to people and never get too close to a running propeller, #1f you find wrinkles on the covering as a result of weather changes, you can use hot iron toremove the wrinkles. Please begin with lower temperature setting and gradually raise the temperature until the wrinkles are gone. Too hot an iron may damage the covering. #Check and re-tighten up all factory assembled screws, use thread locker if applicable. ANTI-VIBRATION MOUNT INSTALLATION i For Engine Mount (PL5911120) e 07 Г fa 5 <A > : NN NE | Make sure the rounded edges a ; P= (< ENS are facing the shock absorbing e DV > AL ; SILICON PAD. \ Tu - к. a Se y di SA E „ 1 KM 3 x 18mm Screw | A у 2- - Copper Tube ® I 4 3— e Г 3—— 3mm Nylon Insert Lock Nut Ча бе 4- Imm Washer | i | | 5 5 PM 3 x 35mm Screw > a LA Landing gear Should you need to bend the landing gear wire, use the radio control to open or close the gear to 25% from fully retracted position and switch off the receiver. It is safe to bend the wire in this position. Bending the wire in fully open position may damage the supporting structure. A112R0404 ">

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