Patterson EagleSoft User guide
EagleSoft is a powerful software system designed for dental practices. It offers a wide range of features to manage patient records, appointments, financial transactions, and more.
System Maintenance and
Backups – Unit 9
The System Maintenance and Backups unit contains the following sections and chapters:
• System Maintenance and Backups – Unit 9
Patterson EagleSoft Overview 15.00
The Utilities menu is used to perform tasks that are not usually performed in the normal course of daily business. These options include System Inquiry, Patient
Transfer, Walkout Statement Utilities, Change Service Fees and many others.
System Inquiry
The Practice Management System Inquiry option is composed of three sections:
Patient Demographics, Account Activity and General. The System Inquiry provides you with general information in these areas, such as the total number of patients, the number of patients without insurance, the number of walkout statements that have been generated and several other items of information.
Using System Inquiry
From the Utilities menu, choose System Inquiry. The System Inquiry window is displayed.
Patient Demographics is selected by default. This category shows the number of male/female patients, total number of patients with insurance/without insurance and so on.
Click Account Activity to view totals related to accounting transactions.
Click General to view the total number of employers, insurance companies, account alerts and so on.
Click Report to print the current information.
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Click Setup to choose the printer that you would like to use.
Choose Cancel to exit the window and return to the virtual screen.
Patient Transfers
Use the Patient Transfer option to transfer a patient to a different responsible party or to change a patient to become his/her own responsible party. However, there are some circumstances when a patient cannot be transferred.
Patient Transfer cannot be used if the patient:
• Is a responsible party for other patients
• Has outstanding insurance claims
For example, Jim Smith is the responsible party for Marilyn Smith. Marilyn Smith has turned 18 and needs to be changed to her own policyholder and responsible party. Marilyn Smith can be transferred to herself as long as she has no outstanding claims.
Transferring a Patient to a Different
Responsible Party
From the Utilities menu, choose Patient Transfer. Select With History or Without
History. The Patient Transfer window is displayed.
• Utilities
Enter the Transfer Patient ID and press the Tab key or press the F2 key and select the ID from a list. You can also key in the full or partial last name of the patient and press the Tab key as well.
Enter the Responsible Party’s Patient ID and press the Tab key or the F2 key and select the ID from a list. You can also key in the full or partial last name of the responsible party and press the Tab key. The responsible party information is displayed.
Click OK to transfer the patient. A warning window appears with a summary of what happens and instructions related to viewing this patient’s history.
Click Yes to continue and finish the transfer.
When using the Without History option, review past history by printing the Account
History By Patient report or filtering the Account window. For more information on filtering the Account window, go to the Account chapter.
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Setting up Patients as Their Own Responsible
When transferring a patient with history, it is recommended that you reprint the patient’s last statement prior to transferring. After the patient has been transferred, the system doesn’t recognize that this account has ever had a statement generated.
History or Without History. The Patient Transfer window is displayed.
2. Type or select (using the F2 key) the Transfer Patient ID or the full or partial last name of the patient.
3. Type the same patient ID in the Responsible Party’s Patient ID.
Click Yes to make this patient the responsible party. window to complete the transfer.
Choose Cancel to return to the virtual screen.
Making a Responsible Party Only a Patient
If the responsible party has an account history or other patients, you have to use the
Patient Transfer utility for that person and his/her patients.
From the Person List window, choose the name of the responsible party that you want to edit.
Click Edit.
Uncheck the Responsible Party box.
Key in the ID number of the new responsible party.
Patient Transfer With History
Patient Transfer now offers the option to include past transaction history. In
Utilities, select Patient Transfer | With History.
During the patient transfer, you will receive the above warning pertaining to the transfer of patient history. An Account Note will be created in the new account.
Payments that are being transferred to the new patient’s account will not display on the current period’s Deposit Report.
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Walkout Statement Utility
There are times when a walkout statement needs to be reprinted. It may be that the patient needs a receipt or that the printer jammed on the first printout. The Walkout
Statement Utilities provides you with the capability of reprinting these walkout statements. This option also provides you with the capability of generating a new claim for a patient.
Reprinting Walkout Statements and Payment Receipts
From the Utilities menu, choose Walkout Statement Utilities. The Walkout
Statement Utilities window is displayed.
• Utilities
Click the Patient hyperlink to select a patient or enter the Patient ID and press the
Tab key (or press F2 for a listing of available patients). Past walkouts are listed for the patient.
Choose the appropriate past Walkout Statement by clicking on it.
Verify that the appropriate Walkout Statement has been selected by viewing the corresponding Line Items.
Select the Message to Appear on Reprint of Walkout.
Click Setup to change the printer, if necessary.
Click Print to reprint the highlighted walkout statement.
Click Cancel to exit the window and return to the virtual screen.
Viewing Estimation on Walkouts
The Walkout Statement Utilities window enables you to view how insurance is estimated at the time of the walkout per service code.
From the Walkout Statement Utilities window, select a walkout statement from the
Walkout Statement/Payment Received box.
Select a service code in the Walkout Statement Items box.
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Click Show Estimation. A window appears describing how each item’s estimated insurance was calculated at the time walkout was originally processed.
Click Close to return to the Walkout Statement Utilities window.
Re-creating the Claims
To use this option, go to Walkout Statement Utilities.
Click on the date of the service for which you want to create a claim.
Click New Claim.
(Estimation Options box is expanded in the following image.)
Select the estimation option.
Estimation Options
You can choose to have the primary or secondary claim re-created with or without estimated insurance.
Primary Insurance Claims:
Estimate Insurance Based On Current Benefits – This estimates the insurance based on the patient’s current benefits.
Estimate Insurance Based On Original Claim – This estimates the insurance based on when the claim was first created.
Do Not Estimate Insurance – Select this option if you want to re-create the claim without estimating any insurance.
Recreate 2ndary Claim With No Est Insurance – Use this option to re-create secondary insurance claims without estimated insurance.
Click OK when finished. The Insurance Questions window appears. Enter relevant information in the Insurance Questions window.
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Change Service Fees
Many dental practice management consultants recommend a small price increase each quarter. In some cases, there may be an occasion to raise (or lower) the fees only on your restorative procedures. This functionality is available in the Change
Service Fees utility option. This option is also extremely helpful when initially getting online with your new EagleSoft system.
Changing Individual Fees
It is highly recommended that you make a backup of your database prior to using this utility.
From the Utilities menu, choose Change Service Fees. The Change Service Fees window is displayed.
• Utilities
Enter the New Fee in the last column in the list of services for each service code fee that you wish to update.
Click OK to save the fee changes.
Changing Fees for Multiple Services
Service Fees window is displayed. update the fees for all services.
4. Enter the percentage of the current fee that you would like to increase or decrease fees by.
5. Choose the method of rounding from the Round Fees to The Nearest options. This automatically rounds your fees to the nearest quarter, half-dollar or dollar, or does not round the fees at all. You can also select Update Treatment Plan Fees or Update OnSchedule Fees.
These features update the fees for services in any treatment plans or in the scheduler.
7. Verify or change numbers in the New Fee column in the list of services. fee change will be updated on each service code.
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Note: If you forget to update the Treatment Plan and OnSchedule fees, update them again by entering 0% in the Markup Services By field.
Purge Options
If you are experiencing slowness, you may need more hard drive space. To increase database efficiency, you may need to purge some data. Purge options allow you to remove large amounts of data at once.
Warning: Before proceeding with any purge options, we recommend you make a backup of your data.
See the Making Backups chapter located at the end of this unit.
There are several options available from the Purge Options menu.
Mass Delete Appointments – Purges old appointments in the system.
Mass Delete Unscheduled Appointments – Purges old unscheduled appointments in the system.
Delete Treatment Plan Items – Purges treatment plan items that match criteria you specify.
Delete Pre-Authorizations – Purges pre-authorizations created on or before the date you specify.
Mass Delete Time Sheets – Purges existing time sheets from the system.
Remove Duplicate Insurance Companies – Purges all duplicate insurance companies that are not linked to open claims or pre-authorizations. This also prints a report of the duplicate companies. Any patients associated with deleted companies will be transferred to other companies.
Delete Electronic Submissions Log – Delete the log file created during electronic submissions and shown in the Online Center.
Delete From Task List – Select and delete tasks from task list.
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Mass Delete Appointments
To purge old appointments from the system:
From the Utilities menu, choose Purge Options | Mass Delete Appointments. The
Appointment Search For Deletion window is displayed.
Specify the criteria for the mass deletion of the appointments. Select the appointments for a particular Provider or choose (Any Providers) to delete appointments for everyone; select the appointments for a particular Chair or select
(Any Chair) to delete appointments in each Operatory; enter the Date and Time
Range; and check each Day Of Week you wish to delete.
Click Report to print a report of all appointments that will be deleted.
Click OK to begin the process of purging appointments.
Click Cancel to return to the Main menu without deleting any appointments.
Mass Delete Unscheduled Appointments
Select All Patients or Individual Patient to delete unscheduled appointments from the Appointment Queue. Select OK to delete.
Delete Treatment Plan Items
• Utilities
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To delete items from treatment plans:
From the Utilities menu, go to Purge Options | Delete Treatment Plan Items. The
Delete Treatment Plan Items window is displayed.
Choose the Status of the Treatment Plan from the dropdown list. Choose
Completed. Choosing anything other than Completed may delete currently used treatment plan information for patients.
Enter the date for Status On Or Before.
Select the Provider listed in the treatment plan.
Click OK. You will be prompted to make sure that this is an action you wish to perform. Click Yes to proceed. Click No to cancel.
Delete Pre-Authorizations
This feature will allow a mass deletion of pre-authorizations before an entered date.
To delete Pre-Authorizations matching your criteria:
From the Utilities menu, go to Purge Options | Delete Pre-Authorizations.
Enter the date to use when deleting pre-authorizations. This utility deletes all preauthorizations created on or before the date you specify.
Click OK. You are prompted to make sure this is an action you wish to perform.
Click Yes to proceed. Click No to cancel.
Mass Delete Time Sheets
To delete all time sheets from a particular date range, select the date and select OK.
Remove Duplicate Insurance Companies
This feature removes duplicated insurance companies from your database.
To remove duplicate insurance companies, click Begin Deletion.
Click Report to get a listing of all the duplicate insurance companies.
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Delete Electronic Submissions Log
This tool enables you to delete electronic submission logs from the database. An
EagleSoft Support Representative typically uses this feature.
Delete From Task List
This purge option enables you to delete tasks from the task list:
From the For dropdown list box, select one of the following categories of tasks to delete:
All nonprivate tasks
All nonprivate tasks assigned to me (the current user logged on)
Completed nonprivate tasks
My private tasks
Unassigned tasks
To delete tasks within a certain range of dates, select the Delete Tasks from a
Range of Dates checkbox. Then, enter the specific dates.
Click OK to delete the selected tasks.
Mass Updates
The Mass Updates section contains several updates that involve making changes to your entire database. The updates include: Global Employer Preferences, Mass
Patient Transfer, Mass Appointment Transfer, Update Patient Signature On
File, Update Area Codes, Trojan Services Utilities, Reset Insurance Balances,
Change Insurance Benefits, Mark Appointments As Walked Out and CDT
Due to the impact of utilizing these updates, it is recommended you do not use any of the features in Mass Updates without the assistance of an EagleSoft Technical Support Representative.
• Utilities
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Global Employer Preferences
This feature enables you to update employer preferences for all employers in the system. Most of the Global Employer Preferences window is grayed out, except for the Edit These Fields selections at the top. Once you select a field to edit, that specific area will become available. For example, if you need to change the default insurance form for all employers to Electronic Submit, then click the Default
Insurance Form checkbox. The Form dropdown box will then be available at the bottom of the window. Select Electronic Submit from the box and click OK to update all employers.
When selecting the Do Not Track Claims option, it is advised that you also use
Patient Responsible For All as the calculation method. Select OK to close this message.
Mass Patient Transfer
The Mass Patient Transfer feature is a quick and easy way of transferring patients from one provider to another. If a hygienist retires or moves on to another job, the preferred patients who belonged to her can easily be transferred to another hygienist in just a few steps.
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From the Mass Patient Transfer window, select if this is a preferred dentist or hygienist by choosing the Preferred Dentist or Preferred Hygienist radio button.
In the From box, select a provider. This provider will no longer be the default provider for any patients.
From the To box, select the provider you want to transfer the patients to.
Click OK to transfer the patients.
Mass Appointment Transfer
• Utilities
This feature enables you to transfer appointments from one provider to another, one chair to another or one day to another. If you have recently reorganized positions in your office, Mass Appointment Transfer can reduce a time-consuming task to just a few seconds.
From the Mass Appointment Transfer window, the From and To providers.
In the Chair section, choose From and To chairs (if applicable).
In the Date section, select the From and To dates for transfer.
Click OK to transfer the appointments.
Check the Include Past Appointments box if the purpose to the transfer is to inactivate a provider.
Select the checkbox to Include Unscheduled Appointments to transfer any appointments in the Appointment Queue.
Update Patient Signature On File
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Mass Update Signature on File
This option changes signatures on file for all of your patients. If you are not receiving payments from insurance companies and should be, select the Set
Signature on File for All Patients to YES radio button. Click OK to process.
Mass Change of Release Info on File
Select the first option to change the Release on File preference in the Patient
Preferences window.
Mass Update Area Codes
This feature gives you the ability to update an old area code in the event of an area code change. If you need to update area codes only for a certain prefix, select the
Change only for prefix checkbox and enter a prefix. Click OK to process the update.
Trojan Services Utilities
Note: Do not use this program without the assistance of an EagleSoft
Support Technician.
The Reassign Insurance Benefits function reassigns all insurance benefits by applying all service type percentages in Trojan to all Trojan employers in the database. Click Start to begin reassigning the benefits.
The Delete Trojan Information function deletes all Trojan information from the database.
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Reset Insurance Balances
To reset insurance balances for all current insurance plans, select the Reset
Insurance Balances checkbox. Enter Anniversary Months (the beginning and ending of the insurance’s fiscal year) in the appropriate fields. Click OK to reset the insurance balances.
Change Insurance Benefits
This feature enables you to change remaining benefits or deductibles for all patients.
You can also update the maximum insurance coverage or remaining annual deductible for all employers. This gives you the chance to reset the benefits.
From the Patient section, select a primary/secondary insurance or deductible checkbox and enter the amounts. Click OK when finished.
From the Employer section, select the Set Maximum Insurance Coverage or the
Set Remaining Annual Deductible checkboxes. Then, enter the amounts and click
OK when finished.
Mark Appointments As Walked Out
• Utilities
This mass update utility changes the status of all appointments in OnSchedule from current (appointment block color) to walked out (gray).
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CDT Utility
This utility only changes existing ADA codes. The service codes will remain the same, but the appearance of the ADA codes on the insurance form will reflect the utility change. This utility does not add new codes or delete codes no longer used.
To use this feature, go to Utilities | Mass Updates and select CDT Utility.
The following window appears.
If you want to print a report of the services not modified, select the Print report of
services not modified checkbox.
Click Start to begin the conversion process.
Inactive Provider Wizard
Inactivating a provider just got easier. Use the Inactive Provider Wizard to complete all the steps for inactivating a provider in your practice. To use the Inactivate
Provider Wizard, select Utilities
| Inactivate Provider Wizard. Select the Back button at any time to return to the previous screen. Select the Cancel button at any time to cancel the Wizard.
Select the Provider to be inactivated from the dropdown menu. Click Next.
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Select the replacement provider for Preferred Dentist from the dropdown menu.
Click Next.
Select the replacement Preferred Hygienist from the dropdown menu. Click Next.
• Utilities
Select the replacement provider for Collections Go To from the dropdown menu.
Click Next.
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Select the replacement provider for Provider on Insurance from the dropdown menu. Click Next.
Click Next to begin the closing all open claims for the departing provider.
Select, mark and close all open claims for the departing provider. Close the Claims window to proceed.
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Select from the following: Transfer patient balances to one provider, Transfer
patient balances to multiple providers. Click Next.
Select the replacement provider from the dropdown menu to which patient balances will be transferred. Click Next.
• Utilities
Select the replacement provider on treatment plans from the dropdown menu. Click
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Review the information pertaining to the transfer of data. Click Back to return to a previous screen. Click Finish.
Click Yes. This message will not appear when using the preference Disable “Are
you Sure Messages”.
Click OK.
Assign Dentist on Hygiene Appointments
Use the dropdown arrows to select the Hygienist, Dentist and Chair. Select OK.
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Data Archiving Wizard
Run the data archiving Wizard to store old images etc.
Choose the items that you wish to archive from your live database. Select from the following options: Images, Documents, Audio and Scribble Notes. Next, select the checkboxes to establish parameters: Patient Last Visit Date, Inactive Patients
Only, New Acquisition Date.
Select the Browse button to choose the location for your archived file. Enter a name for your archived file or use the default name. Click Next.
• Utilities
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Review the summary information and select Next to continue. Select Back to make changes.
Select the Mark button to check an entry for archiving. Select Mark All to check all entries. Select Unmark to deselect an entry. Select Clear All to deselect all entries. Select Calculate Disk Space to compare the archive file size against your free hard drive space. Select Finish to continue. Select Back to make changes.
Select Cancel to exit without archiving. Select Help for more information on the
Archival Wizard.
Select Yes to archive your file.
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Data Restoration Wizard
Use the Data Restoration Wizard to return archived data into your live database.
Select the Browse button to locate the archived file. Select the file name for restoration and click Next.
• Utilities
Select the Mark button to check an entry for archiving. Select Mark All to check all entries. Select Unmark to deselect an entry. Select Clear All to deselect all entries. Select Finish to continue. Select Back to make changes. Select Cancel to exit without restoring. Select Help for more information on the Restoration Wizard.
Select OK to finish.
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Database Validation
The Database Validation option ensures the integrity of your data within EagleSoft.
It will perform a series of comparisons to ensure that all data is logically organized.
This function should only be performed under the guidance of an EagleSoft
Technical Support Representative.
Database Navigator
Due to the nature of this utility, it is recommended you do not use
Database Navigator without the assistance of an EagleSoft Technical
Support Representative.
Remove All Users
This option should be mainly used to remove any users still logged in when End-of-
Day is processed. If you have been assured that everyone is logged off but you are still getting the message requiring exclusive use, call EagleSoft Technical Support and they will walk you through removing any users left in the system.
Due to the nature of the impact of utilizing this utility, it is recommended you do not run Remove All Users without the assistance of an EagleSoft Technical Support Representative.
Recover OnSchedule Audit Trails
If you have computer problems and lose some of your data, you may need to re-key your OnSchedule appointments. If this happens, EagleSoft has provided a way to print the OnSchedule Audit Trails. This utility enables you to print and preview the
OnSchedule Audit Trail when re-keying appointments into OnSchedule.
From the OnSchedule Audit Trails window, select an audit trail date and click
Click Delete to delete an audit trail.
User Summary
This option displays a listing of all users who are logged on to the EagleSoft system. For each user who is logged on, there will be a lock type of No Lock. The
User Summary reveals any options that are being used that lock other users out of that same option. The Aging Account function requires exclusive use, which means all other users must be logged out of the system while the accounts are being aged.
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System Activity Log
The System Activity Log enables you to view your system activity by date, time, user and task description. Such activities include: End-of-Day processing, End-of-
Month processing, EOY processing and Aging Accounts.
To view the System Activity Log:
From the Utilities menu, choose System Activity Log. This displays the System
Activity Log window.
Click on the Show dropdown list box to view only the activity of a particular area of
EagleSoft, such as Accounting, Monthly Processing, Utility Program and so on.
Click on Report to print a copy of the Activity Log.
Click on Cancel when you are done viewing the Activity Log.
• Utilities
The Communication submenu lists troubleshooting features for eBusiness.
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eClaims and eStatements Logs
The eClaims and eStatemenst logs are stored in your database. These logs will be used by EagleSoft Support Representatives to troubleshoot any concerns you have when submitting eStatements or eClaims.
Reinitialize Controls
To be used by an EagleSoft Support Representative.
View e-Claims File
To be used by an EagleSoft Support Representative.
Auto Backup
This option will not replace your daily, monthly or annual backup.
Auto Backup will
This feature enables EagleSoft to automatically create local backups of the database at startup. This can be set up through Technical Reference. The backups will consist of a zip file containing the dental.db and dental.log files at the time of the execution.
Auto Backup is a system tool and not a replacement for external backup media
Select Start | Programs | EagleSoft | Technical Reference. From here, select the
Database Set up button. Select the Auto Backup button.
To use the Auto Backup, select the checkbox Use Auto Backup. Enter the number of days between Server startup that you wish to perform an automatic backup. Enter the highest number of backup files you wish to keep at any given time.
Use the button to browse to the auto backup folder if this hasn’t been done prior.
Note: This system should not be relied upon as the sole means for data backup.
Patterson recommends using an additional process as your primary data backup.
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EagleSoft provides various ways for you to send messages to your patients. The
Messenger program provides a way to send messages to staff members while they are in the office.
For example, a hygienist in Operatory A wants to inform the doctor in Operatory B she is ready for him to examine the patient’s teeth. Instead of leaving the patient, she only has to send an instant message to the doctor.
The Messenger service provides instant communication between all areas of your computerized office. Quicker communication between the doctor and hygienists means quicker treatment for more patients.
Using Messenger
• Utilities
Sending Messages
Click on the Utilities menu and choose the Messenger. The Messenger window appears. Shortcut: Press the Ctrl + M keys to open Messenger.
In the To column, select the user to whom you wish to send a message. This column contains the names of all computers logged into the Messenger server. Use the
Select All button to send the same message to all users. Select the Acknowledge button to alert the sender that the message was received without replying. Select the
Clear button to delete the message log. Select the Options button to set your machine-specific preferences.
Multi-users will notice that the Messenger Server starts and stops automatically with the database engine. The server must be running for Messenger to operate.
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The following window appears.
Under User Name, use the default name or type a new one. Select the checkbox to
Display an alert when other users log on. Select the checkbox to Display an alert
when a message is received. To hear the Received sound for Messenger, select the checkbox Play a sound when a message is received. To hear the Login sound for
Messenger, select the checkbox Play a sound when users log on.
Select the Font button to select a new font. Select the OK button to exit and save your preferences. Select the Cancel button to exit without saving. Select the
Defaults button to return your options to their default setting.
A sound card and proper speakers must be used for the sound options to function.
Please consult your hardware provider for more information on your sound card.
In the Enter Message Here section, type your message and select the Send button.
In the Quick Text section, add ‘quick messages’ that are often sent or repeated.
Select the Add button to add additional text. Select a section of quick text to remove and select the Delete button. Double-click on a Quick Text item to add it to the outgoing message.
Using EagleSoft Messenger’s Sound
To use the delivery notification sound, ensure that your computer’s speakers are on and operational and set your windows default sound. To set the default sound:
Windows 2000 – Open the Control Panel and click the Sounds & Multimedia icon.
In the Events section, find “Default Beep”. Select a sound in the Name field below the Events section.
Window XP – Open the Control Panel and click the Sounds & Audio Devices icon sounds tab. In the Program Events section, find “Default Beep.” Select a sound in the Sounds field below the Program Events section.
Using EagleSoft Messenger from Other Locations
The EagleSoft Messenger is available from two other locations in the software:
Integration menu and OnSchedule’s right-click menu.
Integration Menu
The EagleSoft Messenger is available from the Integration Menu in most
Clinical windows. Click the button and select the EagleSoft Messenger from the menu.
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Assign eClaim Payer IDs
For more information on this feature, see the eBusiness chapter in the Daily
Procedures unit.
From the right-click menu in OnSchedule, choose Practice Management. The
Messenger option is available from the Practice Management submenu.
This feature gives you the ability to save your day sheet totals, provider productivity and other EOD reports into files that can be opened in a spreadsheet program. This feature is useful if your practice has several offices and/or often uses Quicken or any other spreadsheet program to look at office statistics.
Saving Indicators to File
There are two ways to save the indicators to file. If you want the indicators saved to file when processing EOD, follow the procedure as described in the End-of-Day
Processing chapter located in the Daily Procedures unit. You can also use the
Infoport feature on the Utilities menu mentioned next.
Using Infoport
From the Utilities menu, select Save Daily Indicators.
The following window appears.
• Utilities
Select an EOD date from the Store Information For Day dropdown list box. All data is stored according to the EOD date.
Select one of the following checkboxes:
• Provider Productivity – Click this checkbox to export your provider productivity totals to be imported into an external spreadsheet program.
• Day Sheet – Click this checkbox to save and export Day Sheet data to be imported into an external spreadsheet program.
• Quicken Information (Deposit Report) – Click this option to export deposit totals for the selected EOD and store them in a format that can be read by Quicken or QuickBooks.
• When the Quicken format option is selected, a window opens that enables you to enter the name of the account you use in Quicken or
QuickBooks. If an account is not specified, the data will be stored in a file named Business Account.
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Click OK to save and store the indicators. Open your spreadsheet program to import and view the indicators.
Install the Write Note
Use this option when installing the Write Note marketing letters package.
Patient Education
This link opens the Patient Education module. You must have the Patient Education interface load line entered in the X-ray int tab in Clinical preferences for the Patient
Education program to run.
This link opens the standard calculator normally installed with Microsoft
Credit Card Setup
This feature will offer clients the ability to use credit card readers or manually input the credit card information.
Under Utilities, select X-Charge Setup. In the X-Charge Setup screen, select the checkboxes Enable X-Charge Credit Card Transactions and Enable X-Charge
ATM/Debit Card Transactions (if applicable).
Select the PIN Pad Setup button.
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Please consult your PIN pad device manual for more information on operating your
PIN pad.
Select the PIN Pad Device from the dropdown list. Enter the pertinent information in the fields. Select OK.
Fast CheckIn Preferences/Activities
• Utilities
Under Utilities, select Fast CheckIn. From here, select Preferences. In the Fast
CheckIn Preferences, select the checkboxes associated with the items that you wish the registering patient to access.
Patient Demographics Medical History Require Signature on
Medical History
HIPAA Consent HIPAA Notice of Privacy
HIPAA Authorization
Prompt patient to view CAESY presentations attached to today’s services.
Enter the number of minutes after which you would like Fast CheckIn to cancel the current session.
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The HIPAA Authorization and Consent forms have been predefined within
Patterson EagleSoft. To customize the message to the patient, select the Edit button following the HIPAA item.
Select the following checkboxes if applicable: Use last saved Medical History
exam data when starting application and Generate account note based on
viewed pages.
Use last saved medical history exam data when starting application will default the medical history section of the Fast CheckIn to the answers provided in this patient’s last medical history exam. These answers may come from either a Fast
CheckIn session or a medical history form within EagleSoft. Note: The Medical
History answers that appear are from the Patient’s last saved Medical History.
Generate account note based on viewed pages will create a general note in this patients note history window that contains a description of the Fast CheckIn screens that were displayed and answered by the patient.
Enter a password for the Fast CheckIn station. Select OK. When a computer is operating in kiosk mode, it will not exit the Fast CheckIn operations without this password. To stop the kiosk mode operations, select Ctrl + Shift + P on the keyboard of the kiosk machine. You will receive a prompt for the password to exit kiosk mode.
Under Utilities, select Fast CheckIn | Activity.
Fast CheckIn Preferences
Custom Documents – Select the checkbox to include the listed documents in the
Fast CheckIn Wizard. If this option is deselected, all the buttons and list box associated with this option will be disabled. Disabling this option will NOT delete any existing custom documents.
New – Select this button to open Custom Document Setup window and add a new custom document to the list.
Edit – Select this button to edit the selected custom document.
Remove – Select this button to permanently delete the currently selected custom document as well as any images attached to this document.
Up – Select this button to move the selected document up in the list.
Down – Select this button to move the selected document down in the list.
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Custom Document Setup
If no radio button has been selected, it will give you the option to continue without selecting a custom document. If you choose to continue, then the custom document will default to a text document with a blank
Document Title – Enter a title for the document. This field is required.
Narrative – Enter a narrative for the document. The narrative should explain to the patient what the document contains and/or instructions to complete the document.
Text Document – Select this option to enable/disable the Edit button. This will also clear any other selected radio buttons in the group.
Edit Button – This button will open up an RTF editor so the user can write a custom text document.
Scanned Document – Select this option to enable the Scan button. This will also clear any other selected radio buttons in the group.
Scan Button – This will open the scanner interface allowing you to scan one image or document to be used in the Custom Document.
Imported Image – Select this option to enable the Import button. This will also clear any other selected radio buttons in the group.
Import Button – This button will open a window so you can import a custom image to be used in the Custom Document.
Preview Button – This will bring up a dialog so you can preview the document.
Requires Signature – Check this box to require the patient to sign the document before continuing the Fast CheckIn wizard. This will save a copy of the custom document to the Patient’s SmartDoc.
Enable Drawing on this document – Check this box to enable the patient to draw on a document, to mark checkboxes for example. This option is only available for scanned or imported documents. This will save a copy of this custom document to the Patient’s SmartDoc.
Always Show Document – Check this box to always show the document every time the patient visits the Fast CheckIn. If this option is deselected, the patient will only see this screen if they have not been to Fast CheckIn since the last time this Custom
Document was updated.
Pen Color – This is the color to be used when drawing on a document.
• Utilities
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Document Group Link – This link will open up the Document Image group window to allow the user to add, select, and modify document groups. If they select a Document Group from this window, it will automatically update the Document
Group dropdown menu.
Document Group Dropdown Menu – This will allow the use to select which document group the custom item will be saved to when it is created in SmartDoc.
Image Recycling Bin
See the chapter on Imaging for more information on the Image Recycling Bin.
View Messenger Log
View the log of Messenger connections.
Automate your appointment confirmation calls to patients with eReminders.
eReminders will place calls, send text messages and/or e-mails to patients reminding them of their appointment and giving them a number to call in response to the appointment.
The following instructions will take you step by step through the eReminders Setup
Wizard and explain the available options.
Contact the Patterson eBusiness team at
800.294.8504 to obtain the necessary assistance in setting up your eReminders feature.
Your average number of appointments per month is: – This will display the average number of appointments per month based on the last three months. Use this
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number to determine the correct monthly plan to meet your appointment volume needs.
Use eReminders – Use this option to turn eReminders on or off. Windows Tasks will be added or removed based on this setting. These Tasks will run in the background when eReminders upload and download appointment information.
eReminders ID – Contact your eBusiness Team to obtain this number.
• Utilities
Remind patients __ days before appointment – Select the number of days prior to the appointment that you would like to place the eReminders message.
Upload appointment reminder data at: – Select the time at which eReminders will upload calls. Calls are placed to patients with unconfirmed appointments who have not already had automated calls placed. Data can only be uploaded between
8:00 a.m. and 8:00 p.m.
Check for confirmations at: – Select the time at which eReminders will check for responses. Confirmation status for appointments will be updated based on the responses.
Do not upload reminder data on Sunday – Select the checkbox to prevent calls from being placed on Sunday. If this preference is selected, eReminders will add one day forward to avoid placing reminders on Sunday. For example: Monday oneday prior appointment reminders will be placed on Saturday.
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Note: When using only e-mail or text reminders, do not add the available calling options.
Available Calling Options: – The numbers where the patient can be called. They include Home, Work and Cell Phone numbers.
Add >> – Select this button to add the selected item in the Available Calling Options list to the Calling Order list.
<< Remove – Select this button to remove the selected item in the Calling Order list and return it to the Available Calling Options list.
Calling Order – This contains the list of phone numbers that will be called in the order they will be called.
↑ – Select this button to move the selected item in the Calling Order list up one row.
↓– Select this button to move the selected item in the Calling Order list down one row.
Call Back Phone Number – Enter the number that will be used to prompt the patient with the number to call.
Retry failed calls on next attempt – Select the checkbox to allow calls to be placed again after failed attempts. This option means that if a call fails because of a disconnect, busy, and so on, the data for that appointment will be resent the next time the eReminders data is sent. The confirmation note displays that an error occurred placing the call until the call has been successfully placed. Data can be resent until the day of the appointment.
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The Edit Person checkbox
‘Receives e-mail correspondence’ applies to this option.
When using the text message option, be aware that standard text-messaging rates will apply.
If you did not set up a calling option in the previous window and choose to send e-mail and text messages, these will be placed instead of phone calls.
Send E-mail in addition to (or instead of) the calling options – Select the checkbox to send an e-mail message to the patient in addition to placing phone calls.
Selecting this option enables the Return address for E-Mail and Text Messages edit box.
Return address for E-mail – Enter the e-mail address that will appear as the return address on e-mail. This step is required for offices using e-mail AND text message options.
Send Text Message (SMS) in addition to (or instead of) the calling options –
Select the checkbox to send a text message to the patient’s cell phone in addition to placing phone calls. Selecting this option enables the Return address for E-Mail edit box. NOTE: A preference will be added to the Edit Patient window called
“Receives Text Messages.” This preference will default to unchecked.
• Utilities
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Summary Page – The Summary Page displays the selected options. Review the options and make any changes before saving using the Back button.
Master Password
Use the Access Password utility to locate a lost or forgotten password. When setting up the Security Administrator password, the following screen appears.
Enter and confirm the desired password. Enter the questions and answers that will be used to retrieve password information. Select OK.
Select the checkbox Clear Existing Password to delete the current password.
To set up your individual Provider passwords, log on as the Security
Administrator. Select the appropriate person from the Provider/Staff List. Select
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Enter the Question and provide the Answer. You must include an entry for all three. Select OK.
Select the checkbox Clear Existing Password to delete the current password.
To establish your Time Sheet password, select the Time Clock Password button.
• Utilities
Enter and confirm the desired password. Enter the questions and answers that will be used to retrieve password information. Select OK.
Select the checkbox Clear Existing Password to delete the current password.
Any failed attempt to enter your password will result in the following prompt:
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The following screen will appear.
Enter the answers to the questions listed on the Access<<area of software>>
Password screen. Contact the Support team if the answers cannot be obtained.
To otherwise retrieve your Passwords, select Utilities | Access Passwords.
Select the appropriate radio button for Master Password, Provider Password and
Timesheet Password. Enter the answer for each question. After each question is successfully answered, select OK. The password will appear.
Contact the Support team if the answers cannot be obtained.
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Print Screen
Capture images of your computer screen using the ESInet. In the System Tray, right-click on the ESInet icon. Select Print Screen.
A window appears showing that the screen capture is being printed and to what printer.
Database Options
This feature will enable the EagleSoft Database Server and Messenger Server to start as a Windows service.
Note: The Assistant Database cannot be set to start as a
Windows Service.
• Utilities
Select Start | Programs |EagleSoft |Technical Reference. From here, select the
Database Setup button. In the Database Setup window, select the checkbox Start
Patterson EagleSoft Database Server as a Windows Service. Select OK.
By selecting this preference, the Start Patterson EagleSoft Server and Stop
Patterson EagleSoft Server icons will still start and stop the database service and the Messenger service. Deselect this preference for the Database Server to function as they do currently.
Prior to restarting the computer or the server, you need to remove the preference
Start Patterson EagleSoft Database Server on Startup.
When using this feature, the Server icon will no longer appear in the task bar.
The Stop and Start Server icons will function exactly as they do now.
Administrative rights may be needed to enable this function.
Patterson EagleSoft Overview 15.00
Making Backups
Making a backup is one of the most important things you can do for your office.
Backups are a form of insurance against fire, power outages, theft and other misfortunes. If you lose all of your data in a fire but you have a recent backup, you have just saved your office staff time and money. This section provides information on what to back up, how often to back up and where to store a backup.
Both single- and multi-user backup procedures involve backing up the entire data folder: dental.db, dental.log, indicators, audio, documents, custom drawtypes,
images, voice and metafiles. Single-users, however, will back up at the computer they use to do all their work. They also need to exit any EagleSoft programs.
The backup process for a multi-user involves a few more steps. Since the data on a multi-user system is located on the server, it is necessary to perform your daily data backups from the server. This section tells you what files you need to back up, what you need to do before backing up and how often we recommend that you make backups.
Making Backups
When making your backups, the files that need to be backed up from your program directory (most often, this is c:\program files\eaglesoft\data) onto disk or tape media are the following: dental.db dental.log
C:\Program Files\EagleSoft\Data\Indicators
If you are using EagleSoft’s Clinical program, there are six subdirectories that need to be backed up along with dental.db and dental.log. They are:
C:\program files\eaglesoft\data\audio
C:\program files\eaglesoft\data\images
C:\program files\eaglesoft\data\metafiles
C:\program files\eaglesoft\data\documents
C:\program files\eaglesoft\data\custom drawtypes
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• Making Backups
C:\program files\eaglesoft\data\voice
It is recommended that you backup your entire data folder.
The EagleSoft database engine must be shut down after all users exit the program before a successful backup can be performed. Failure to shut down the EagleSoft server could result in corruption of backed-up
When to Make Backups
It is the office’s responsibility to make backups consistently. The more backups your office makes, the more your data is protected and insured against catastrophe.
We recommend the following for backup frequency:
Daily backup – A separate tape should be used for each day the office is open and these tapes should be rotated weekly.
Monthly backup – Rotate two tapes.
Yearly backup.
Note: A separate tape should be used for each type of backup.
More Tips on Your Backups
Where to Store Backups
It is a good idea to store your backup in a safe, fire/waterproof location, such as a safe deposit box. Most important, keep your backups at an off-site location.
Make Sure You Are Making a Correct Backup
To verify that you are making the backup correctly, restore it at least once a month.
If you have questions on this procedure or need assistance, contact your hardware provider.
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Key Features
- Patient Management
- Appointment Scheduling
- Financial Management
- Insurance Claims Processing
- Clinical Documentation
- Reporting and Analytics
- Electronic Health Records (EHR)
- Practice Management
- Communication Tools
- Data Archiving and Restoration