Extron Extender AAP, AAP EX, WM, WM AAP, WM AUS, MK, AKM UK AAP, AKM MAAP, D VGA line drivers User manual

Below you will find brief information for Extender AAP, Extender AAP EX, Extender WM, Extender WM AAP, Extender WM AUS, Extender MK, Extender AKM UK AAP, Extender AKM MAAP. The Extender series are one-input VGA-UXGA line drivers with audio that boost the video signal between a laptop or desktop computer and a monitor or projector. Each has a 300 MHz (-3 dB) video bandwidth. They accept one computer-video input and one stereo audio input. They also feature one buffered VGA-type RGB output and one stereo audio output. They are functionally identical but have different mounting options. See the different mounting options in the Installation chapter.

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Extron Extender AAP, AAP EX, WM, WM AAP, WM AUS, MK, AKM UK AAP, AKM MAAP User Manual | Manualzz




Key features

  • Boosts video signals
  • VGA-UXGA resolution
  • 300 MHz video bandwidth
  • Stereo audio input
  • Selectable gain/peaking settings
  • Buffered VGA output
  • Stereo audio output
  • Sync restoration
  • Audio buffering
  • Multiple mounting options

Frequently asked questions

The Extender series has a 300 MHz (-3 dB) video bandwidth.

The Extender series has one stereo audio input.

The Extender series has unbalanced or balanced audio output.
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