ABB OPT-EPLR-001 Ethernet POWERLINK router, EPL network, e100 NextMove e100, 56xx e100 drives, e180 e180 drives, e100 MicroFlex e100, e180 MotiFlex e180, CP600 CP600 HMI, OPT036-501 Application note
Below you will find brief information for Ethernet POWERLINK router OPT-EPLR-001, NextMove e100, e100 drives 56xx, e180 drives, MicroFlex e100, MotiFlex e180, CP600 HMI, Ethernet POWERLINK router OPT036-501. This application note explains how to configure OPT-EPLR-001 to allow it to act as an Ethernet POWERLINK (EPL) router. This allows EPL nodes to be accessed using an IP based protocol like HTTP or FTP. The EPL router can also be used as a Modbus/TCP gateway, for interfacing Modbus networks to EPL devices such as the NextMove e100. The OPT-EPLR-001, can be also used to replace an obsolete EPL router (part number OPT036-501).
Motion Control Products Application note Using the OPT-EPLR-001 Ethernet POWERLINK router AN00232-002 The Ethernet POWERLINK router allows IP packets to be routed from a normal Ethernet network to an Ethernet POWERLINK (EPL) network. This allows EPL nodes to be accessed using an IP based protocol like HTTP or FTP. The EPL router can also be used as a Modbus/TCP gateway, for interfacing Modbus networks to EPL devices such as the NextMove e100. Introduction This application note explains how to configure OPT-EPLR-001 to allow it to act as an Ethernet POWERLINK (EPL) router (e.g. to allow a host application or CP600 HMI to connect to a NextMove e100 via Ethernet whilst the NextMove e100 is operating as an EPL network master). The OPT-EPLR-001, can be also used to replace an obsolete EPL router (part number OPT036-501). In its “standard” mode of operation the OPT-EPLR-001 device receives standard Ethernet frames on the generic Ethernet port and routes these through to the asynchronous portion of the EPL network frames. These standard Ethernet frames can comprise of any mix of standard Ethernet protocols that are supported by e100 and e180 devices (e.g. ABB’s ICM protocol used by the Mint ActiveX interface and Modbus/TCP). The OPT-EPLR-001 also supports an ability to act as a Modbus/TCP gateway instead of just a simple EPL router. It is important to note that using the Modbus/TCP gateway feature is only required when high throughput of Netdata (between the host system and the devices on the EPL network) is needed. More complex configuration of the EPL network master device (e.g. the NextMove e100) is needed to operate in this manner, but we will discuss this in more detail in the relevant section of this application note. The only connections required for OPT-EPLR-001 to operate are: − − − Ethernet cable to generic/host Ethernet port (E3) from standard Ethernet network Ethernet cable from real time Ethernet port (E1 or E2) to the next EPL device in the system (e.g. NextMove e100) 24Vdc logic supply to connector X9 ABB Motion control products 1 Application note Using the OPT-EPLR-001 Ethernet POWERLINK router AN00232-002 PrePre- requisites The products being used in the network must have the following firmware version (or later) running on them: Product OPT-EPLR-001 e100 drives NextMove e100 Firmware 5819.3.0 56xx series 5638 or later You will need to be running Mint Workbench build 5817 or later to configure the EPL router as a Modbus Gateway ( If using the product as a standard EPL router any 56xx version of Workbench is sufficient. It is assumed that any EPL network has already been configured. For example a NextMove e100 (MN device) has a system configuration file (.dcf) with a list of any e100 and/or e180 EPL drives (or other CN devices) on the network. Refer to application note ‘AN00187 - Getting started with e100’ for further details on commissioning EPL networks. As with any EPL network the maximum number of EPL nodes on a chain should not be more than 10. Configuring as a standard EPL router / switch Most applications will use this method as it is the easiest to configure and allows a good throughput of data. Operation as an EPL router allows Modbus TCP messages (e.g. from a CP600 series HMI) and ICM frames (e.g. from a PC application using the Mint ActiveX control or Mint Workbench) to be routed through the router directly to the EPL devices. Most applications will find the speed of communications is more than what is necessary for the application. The diagram below shows the example network this application note will use to illustrate the setup / configuration… Ethernet Powerlink Standard Ethernet TCP/IP: EPL: TCP/IP: EPL: TCP/IP: EPL: not applicable TCP/IP: EPL: TCP/IP: EPL: In our example network we have a NextMove e100 with 2 drives, a MicroFlex e100 and a MotiFlex e180 on an EPL network. When using the EPL router in standard mode set the rotary switches on the device to FE hex (254 decimal). If you have not previously set an IP address for the host/generic Ethernet port on your EPL router then it will be set to the default value of The PC that you are using to configure this device will therefore need to have a network adaptor with an IP address on the same subnet, i.e. Once this is true you can configure the Mint HTTP server to use discovery on the PC’s network adaptor and use Mint Workbench to scan for, and connect to, your device. To start the configuration process click the Configuration icon If you have already done any configuration, such as setting an IP address, then you will have an option to ‘Upload configuration from controller’, select this. If you have not yet done any configuration at all select ‘Start new configuration’. ABB Motion control products 2 Application note Using the OPT-EPLR-001 Ethernet POWERLINK router AN00232-002 In these configuration screens you can setup many things. For example, on the first screen ‘Identification’ you can give the device a name (e.g. “EPL router”). Click on ‘Network’ on the left hand side. Set the standard Ethernet side IP address of the device. It is recommended not to use subnet 192.168.0.x where possible. Further details below… Set the gateway to the same subnet as the Ethernet side IP address The EPL side IP address depends on the rotary switch positions The Router Node ID should be set to the EPL address of the EPL router, in standard mode this is always Set the Default Gateway to ‘Use Host port (E3) gateway’ NOTE - As mentioned above, it is recommended that the subnet 192.168.0.x is not used for the standard Ethernet side of the router. Using this subnet can cause problems with e180 drives on the EPL network unless every single e180 drive on the network has its standard Ethernet side IP address modified to be on a different subnet to that used by the router (a time consuming process). If the subnet of the standard Ethernet side of the router is the same as the subnet of any of the drives (by default 192.168.0.x) problems will occur when messages are sent to a drive. The drive will try to respond to the subnet the message came from but will end up sending this message out of its own standard Ethernet port instead of directing the response back to the router via EPL because the subnets clash. This would result in the device the message came from (e.g. a Modbus/TCP master, Mint Workbench or a Host program) never receiving a response. By ensuring the standard Ethernet side of the EPL router is not on the same subnet as the other drives’ standard Ethernet port this problem is avoided. In the example above we have used address - changing the subnet so we don’t have subnet clashes and the final octet to 254 to match the EPL node ID of the EPL router (this makes it easy to remember). Next click on ‘NAT’ on the left hand side. Click the Add button to add an entry Our entry for the NextMove e100 on EPL Our entry for Axis 3 on EPL Our entry for Axis 4 on EPL ABB Motion control products 3 Application note Using the OPT-EPLR-001 Ethernet POWERLINK router AN00232-002 The number of entries here will depend on what devices you need to access from the standard Ethernet side. For example, if you are using an EPL router to allow a CP600 to communicate via Modbus/TCP to a NextMove e100 you would only need an entry for the NextMove e100, the drive entries would be optional. Once you have added your NAT table entries you can hit the Apply button at the bottom of the screen. Workbench will lose communications with the EPL router if you have changed the standard Ethernet side IP address from subnet 192.168.0.x to 192.168.10.x (for example) as recommended. You will now need to modify the IP address of your PC’s network adaptor so that it is on the same subnet as the EPL router again, 192.168.10.y (for example). Once the PC is on the same subnet Workbench will reconnect. The EPL router is now ready for use in its standard/typical mode of operation – do not read on unless you are sure you require high speed operation and are using a Modbus TCP client for communication. Configuring as a Modbus/TCP gateway For most applications this level of functionality is not required. You may follow this process if you are using a PC application communicating with the EPL devices via Modbus/TCP with a very high throughput (update rate) requirement. Benefits of using this method are: • • Faster Modbus responses – The Modbus messages are direct to the router so do not have to be routed through onto the EPL network to the EPL device. Each message will only be slightly quicker (in the order of milliseconds) but when you add up multiple calls during a machine cycle you can save seconds each machine cycle. Deterministic response times – The Modbus registers on the router will be updated according to the PDO mappings in the EPL manager node or MN (e.g. NextMove e100). This means the update rate of the data will be known. Complications of using this method are: • Requirement to set up PDO mappings for Netdata exchange – any data that needs to be read from the router via Modbus will need an associated PDO mapping from the EPL MN to the router to update the data. Any data that needs to be written to the EPL devices via Modbus will need an associated PDO mapping from the router to the EPL MN. These additional PDO mappings increase the EPL network loading and may mean the EPL cycle time needs to be increased. Using the device in this way still allows the standard EPL router functionality (e.g. NAT table configuration) to operate as described earlier. Here is our new network, with the only change highlighted in the red box: Standard Ethernet TCP/IP: EPL: TCP/IP: EPL: TCP/IP: EPL: not applicable TCP/IP: EPL: TCP/IP: EPL: The process for setting up an OPT-EPLR-001 as a Modbus/TCP gateway is very similar to the previous EPL router method. The main difference is that the node ID of FE hex (254 decimal) cannot be used. The Modbus/TCP gateway functionality will only work with a unique node ID in the range 01-EF hex (01-239 decimal) making the device an EPL CN. In this example we have chosen to use the next node ID available after our drives, node 05. ABB Motion control products 4 Application note Using the OPT-EPLR-001 Ethernet POWERLINK router AN00232-002 First we must adjust the value of one of the EPL router’s objects to allow the PDO mappings required when using the router as a Modbus Gateway to work. Using Workbench connected to the OPT-EPLR-001 select the ‘Ethernet POWERLINK’ screen… In the right hand pane select the ‘Object Dictionary’ tab Once the Object Dictionary page has loaded click on the cog icon in the top right corner of the right hand pane to view the various configuration options… Click on the ‘Upload existing configuration from controller’ button and Workbench will retrieve the current settings for all the EPL objects. Now click on the filter button to the left of the cog icon and enter 1F98 as the filter string – the Object Dictionary view will now change to just display objects with index 1F98… We need to change subindex 05. This must be set to the number of bytes that the EPL router needs to send back to the network manager / MN (in our case, a NextMove e100). For our example we will map five Netdata locations from the router to the MN, each of these locations is 32 bit data (four bytes) so we should change subindex 05 to a value of 5 locations x 4 bytes each = 20 bytes (it can be larger, but this could slow down the network). Click on the current value (36 in our example above) and change this to be 20. Click back on the cog icon and click the ‘Apply configuration’ button to transfer the new settings to the router. ABB Motion control products 5 Application note Using the OPT-EPLR-001 Ethernet POWERLINK router AN00232-002 A banner will appear to confirm successful transfer of the new settings. Now follow the EPL router setup process described previously in the section ‘Configuring as a standard EPL router / switch’, but instead using a unique node ID in the range 01-EF hex (for this example we set our address to 05). Once this is done the EPL Router configuration is complete and we now need to configure the network manager / MN (in our case, a NextMove e100). Use Mint Workbench to connect to the NextMove e100. At this point your EPL router is not yet operational so you will need to make a connection using something other than Ethernet, USB being the simplest method. Once connected to the NextMove e100 click on the System Configuration icon This will start the System Configuration Wizard and you will be prompted to ‘Upload configuration from controller’, ‘Open existing configuration file’ or ‘Start new configuration’. In most case you will want to ‘Start new configuration’ but if you can ‘Upload configuration from controller’ you may want to select this option to modify the existing file. Make an appropriate selection then click the Next button. You will now see the Configure Ethernet POWERLINK Devices screen. On this screen you need to add all EPL CN devices connected to the NextMove e100 (the MN device). See application note ‘AN00187 - Getting started with e100’ for a detailed description on how to set up an EPL network. Click the Add Device button to add the OPT-EPLR-001. The OPT-EPLR-001 shares the same device description file as the MotiFlex e180 drive. For this reason we will add a device type of ‘MotiFlex e180’ here. Select the appropriate Node ID and Device type for the OPT-EPLR-001 from the drop downs. Here we are adding a OPT-EPLR-001 (which appears as a MotiFlex e180 in the device type) as Node ID 5 (rotary switches set to 05 hex) The screenshot below illustrates our setup so far: MicroFlex e100, node 3 MotiFlex e180, node 4 OPT-EPLR-001 (which appears in the list as a MotiFlex e180), this time acting as an EPL Router and Modbus Gateway, node 5 Default Gateway Node ID set to the node ID of the OPT-EPLR-001 Highlight the OPT-EPLR-001 (MotiFlex e180, node 5) being used as the Modbus Gateway and hit the Edit Device button. ABB Motion control products 6 Application note Using the OPT-EPLR-001 Ethernet POWERLINK router AN00232-002 First let’s configure some PDO mappings from the NextMove e100 (MN) to the Modbus Gateway (CN) – this corresponds to data that the host system (Modbus TCP client) would want to read from the EPL system. Double click on Process Data (Controlled Node Manager Node). The Process Data section will allow you to add PDO mappings between the Modbus Gateway (CN) and NextMove e100 (MN). These PDO mappings will be used to pass the Modbus data the Gateway receives to Netdata locations on the NextMove e100. It will also pass data from the NextMove e100 into Netdata registers on the Gateway which are internally mapped to Modbus registers, ready to be read by the host system on the standard Ethernet port using Modbus/TCP The MN object to be PDO mapped is selected here. Select Netdata from the dropdown box. The next dropdown box allows the Netdata channel to be selected The object on the CN (i.e. the Modbus Gateway) that the above object will be mapped to is set here. Select Netdata from the dropdown box. The next dropdown box allows the Netdata channel to be selected Clicking OK on this dialog will PDO map the data in Netdata channel 0 on the NextMove e100 to Netdata channel 0 on the Modbus Gateway. Repeating the process of double clicking on Process Data (Controlled Node Manager Node) will bring up a new window like the one above but with the sub-indexes both automatically incremented by 1. This allows additional PDO mappings to be done easily. For this example we will map 5 locations, Netdata channels 0-4. The finished result is shown below… ABB Motion control products 7 Application note Using the OPT-EPLR-001 Ethernet POWERLINK router AN00232-002 Next double click on Process Data (Controlled Node Node). Manager This time the CN (Modbus Gateway) object to be PDO mapped is selected here. Select Netdata from the dropdown box. The next dropdown box allows the Netdata channel to be selected The object on the MN that the above object will be mapped to is set here. Select Netdata from the dropdown box if it isn’t selected automatically. The next dropdown box allows the Netdata channel to be selected. Clicking OK on this dialog will PDO map the data in Netdata channel 100 on the Modbus Gateway to Netdata channel 100 on the NextMove e100. Repeating the process of double clicking on Process Data (Controlled Node Manager Node) will bring up a new window like the one above but with the sub-indexes both automatically incremented by 1. This allows additional PDO mappings to be done easily. For this example we will map 5 locations, Netdata channels 100-104. The finished result for all PDO mappings is shown below… ABB Motion control products 8 Application note Using the OPT-EPLR-001 Ethernet POWERLINK router AN00232-002 Click the Close button to finish configuring the resource mappings for this device. Click Next until the Finish button becomes available. Ensure the download and reset tick boxes are checked and then click on Finish. The mappings are now configured as shown in the table below. NextMove e100 – EPL Manager node ( EPL / Ethernet) Netdata channel 0 Netdata channel 1 Mapping direction OPTOPT-EPLREPLR-001 – EPL Controlled node ( EPL / Ethernet) Netdata channel 0 Netdata channel 1 Netdata channel 2 Netdata channel 3 Netdata channel 2 Netdata channel 3 Netdata channel 4 Netdata channel 4 Netdata channel 100 Netdata channel 100 Netdata channel 101 Netdata channel 102 Netdata channel 101 Netdata channel 102 Netdata channel 103 Netdata channel 104 Netdata channel 103 Netdata channel 104 If the host system (Modbus/TCP client) wants to write Netdata to the NextMove e100 it would perform a Modbus ‘write holding registers’ function call to the Modbus Gateway (, Port 502). If the host system (Modbus/TCP client) wants to read Netdata from the NextMove e100 it would perform a Modbus ‘read holding registers’ function call to the Modbus Gateway (, Port 502). On the standard Ethernet side the Netdata is automatically internally mapped to Modbus registers. Modbus register offsets 0 and 1 are mapped to Netdata channel 0, Modbus register offsets 2 and 3 are mapped to Netdata channel 1 etc… For further information on Modbus operation see application note ‘AN00198 - Integrated Modbus support’. The device is now ready for use as a Modbus Gateway. Remember that NAT settings can still be used even in Modbus Gateway mode so standard (non-Modbus/TCP) Ethernet frames (e.g. Mint ICM calls via the ActiveX control) will still be routed through to EPL and onto the relevant EPL device. ABB Motion control products 9 Application note Using the OPT-EPLR-001 Ethernet POWERLINK router AN00232-002 Contact Us For more information please contact your local ABB representative or one of the following: © Copyright 2016 ABB. All rights reserved. Specifications subject to change without notice. .com/motion ABB Motion control products 10 ">

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Key features
- Routing IP packets from Ethernet to EPL network
- Access EPL nodes via IP protocols like HTTP or FTP
- Modbus/TCP gateway functionality
- Standard and Modbus/TCP gateway modes
- High throughput data transfer
- Deterministic response times
- NAT table configuration
- Replacing obsolete OPT036-501 router
Frequently asked questions
The OPT-EPLR-001 requires firmware version 5819.3.0 or later. For e100 drives, you need the 56xx series firmware, and for NextMove e100, you need firmware version 5638 or later.
The maximum number of EPL nodes on a chain should not exceed 10.
The Modbus/TCP gateway offers faster Modbus responses and deterministic response times, as the Modbus registers on the router are updated according to the PDO mappings.
Using the Modbus/TCP gateway requires setting up PDO mappings for Netdata exchange, which can increase EPL network loading and necessitate an increase in the EPL cycle time.
The process is similar to setting it up as a standard EPL router, but you need to use a unique node ID in the range 01-EF hex and configure PDO mappings for Netdata exchange on the NextMove e100.