PixController Instructions

Below you will find brief information for PixController. The PixController is the heart of the PixController board, controlling all the functions. This document covers in detail how to remove or replace the PIC chip in a PixController board. Replacing the PIC chip may be needed for PixController board updates and software changes.

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PixController Instructions - Removing and Replacing the PIC Chip | Manualzz




Key features

  • PIC chip removal
  • PIC chip replacement
  • Easy steps for PIC chip removal
  • Using flat blade screwdriver or DIP chip puller
  • PIC chip and socket have a notch
  • Notch alignment

Frequently asked questions

Use a small flat blade screwdriver to remove the chip. Carefully place the head of the screwdriver between the chip and the socket. Lift one end of the chip out of the socket, but not all the way. Go to the other side and carefully lift that end. The chip should now be removed from the socket. Be careful not to bend any pin of the chip when removing it. If you do, use fine needle-nose pliers to straighten them out.

Line up the notches on the PIC chip and the socket, and carefully press the PIC chip into the socket.

The PIC chip is the heart of your PixController, it controls all of the functions of your PixController board.
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