Extreme Networks Px 1 application switch Command Reference Guide
Extreme Networks Px Px1 application switch provides a powerful platform for managing network traffic and load balancing. It offers features such as health checks, server grouping, virtual services, and more. This command reference guide provides detailed information on all the commands available in the ExtremeWarePx software, making it an essential resource for administrators managing these switches.
Command Reference Guide
Software Version 1.2
Extreme Networks, Inc.
3585 Monroe Street
Santa Clara, California 95051
(888) 257-3000 http://www.extremenetworks.com
Published: December 2002
Part number: 100142-00 Rev 01
©2002 Extreme Networks, Inc. All rights reserved. Extreme Networks and BlackDiamond are registered trademarks of
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SmartTraps, Alpine, Summit, Summit1, Summit4, Summit4/FX, Summit7i, Summit24, Summit48, Summit Virtual
Chassis, SummitLink, SummitGbX, SummitPx1, SummitRPS and the Extreme Networks logo are trademarks of Extreme
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F-Secure SSH is a registered trademark of Data Fellows.
All other registered trademarks, trademarks and service marks are property of their respective owners.
Chapter 1 Command Reference Overview
Chapter 2 Commands for Managing the Switch
conÞgure dns-client default-domain
conÞgure snmp add trapreceiver
conÞgure snmp delete community
conÞgure snmp delete trapreceiver
ExtremeWarePx1 1.2 Command Reference Guide
conÞgure ssh2 key pregenerated
4 - Contents
ExtremeWarePx1 1.2 Command Reference Guide
Chapter 3 Commands for Configuring Servers and Services
conÞgure pattern-rule default cookie-name
conÞgure server-group add-server
conÞgure server-group delete-server
ExtremeWarePx1 1.2 Command Reference Guide
Contents - 5
6 - Contents
Chapter 4 Commands for Persistence Modes, and NAT Modes
conÞgure gateway-mode add ipaddress
conÞgure gateway-mode delete ipaddress
conÞgure sticky client-ip timeout
conÞgure sticky cookie-id timeout
conÞgure sticky session-id timeout
conÞgure timeout established-connection
conÞgure timeout udp-ßow-persistence
Chapter 5 Commands for Configuring Redundancy
conÞgure default-gateway delete
conÞgure default-gateway switch
conÞgure vrrp add track-servers-delta
conÞgure vrrp advertisement-interval
conÞgure vrrp auto-sync backup
conÞgure vrrp auto-sync forcesync
conÞgure vrrp auto-sync master
conÞgure vrrp delete track-servers-delta
ExtremeWarePx1 1.2 Command Reference Guide
conÞgure vrrp delete track-vrid
conÞgure vrrp preempt|dont-preempt
conÞgure vrrp serial-failover interval
unconÞgure vrrp auto-sync backup
unconÞgure vrrp auto-sync master
Chapter 6 Health-Check Commands
conÞgure health-check arp-interval
conÞgure health-check fail-after
conÞgure health-check interval
conÞgure health-check restore-after
conÞgure health-check retry-interval
conÞgure server slow-start initial-connections
conÞgure server slow-start interval
conÞgure server-group health-check fail-after
conÞgure server-group health-check http
conÞgure server-group health-check interval
conÞgure server-group health-check ping
conÞgure server-group health-check restore-after
conÞgure server-group health-check retry-interval
conÞgure server-group health-check tcp-open
disable health-check server-group-name
ExtremeWarePx1 1.2 Command Reference Guide
Contents - 7
8 - Contents
enable health-check server-group-name
Chapter 7 Commands for Monitoring the Switch
show gateway-mode conÞguration
show health-check conÞguration
ExtremeWarePx1 1.2 Command Reference Guide
show server-group conÞguration
show vrrp gateway-mode details
ExtremeWarePx1 1.2 Command Reference Guide
Contents - 9
Index of Commands
10 - Contents ExtremeWarePx1 1.2 Command Reference Guide
This preface provides an overview of this guide, describes guide conventions, and lists other publications that may be useful.
This guide provides the complete syntax for all the commands available in the currently-supported versions of the ExtremeWarePx software running on Px-series application switches from Extreme
This guide does not provide feature descriptions, explanations of the technologies, or conÞguration examples. For information about the various features and technologies supported by the Px-series application switch switches, see the installation and user guides for that product. This guide supplements, but does not replace the installation and user guides.
If the information in the release notes shipped with your switch differs from the information in this guide, follow the release notes.
This guide is intended for use by network administrators who are responsible for installing and setting up network equipment. It assumes a basic working knowledge of the following:
Local area networks (LANs)
Ethernet concepts
Ethernet switching and bridging concepts
Routing concepts
Internet Protocol (IP) concepts, including connection initiation process
Network Address Translation (NAT)
This guide also assumes that you have read the Px Series Application Switch Installation and User Guide .
ExtremeWarePx1 1.2 Command Reference Guide 11
Table 1 and Table 2 list conventions that are used throughout this guide.
Table 1: Notice Icons
Icon Notice Type
Alerts you to...
Important features or instructions.
Caution Risk of personal injury, system damage, or loss of data.
Warning Risk of severe personal injury.
Table 2: Text Conventions
Screen displays
User input examples
The words “enter” and “type”
This typeface indicates command syntax, or represents information as it appears on the screen.
In examples of user interaction with the command-line interface, user input is shown in boldface .
When you see the word “enter” in this guide, you must type something, and then press the Return or Enter key. Do not press the Return or Enter key when an instruction simply says “type.”
[Key] names Key names are written with brackets, such as [Return] or [Esc].
If you must press two or more keys simultaneously, the key names are linked with a plus sign (+). Example:
Press [Ctrl]+[Alt]+[Del].
Words in italicized type Italics emphasize a point or denote new terms at the place where they are defined in the text.
Related Publications
The publications related to this one are:
ExtremeWare Software User Guide
Px Series Application Switch Installation and ConÞguration Guide
Px Series Application Switch Release Notes
Documentation for Extreme Networks products is available on the World Wide Web at the following location: http://www.extremenetworks.com/
12 ExtremeWarePx1 1.2 Command Reference Guide
Command Reference Overview
Structure of this Guide
This guide documents each ExtremeWarePx command. Related commands are grouped together and organized into chapters based on their most common usage. The chapters reßect the organization of the
Px Series Application Switch Installation and ConÞguration Guide . If a speciÞc command is relevant to a wide variety of functions and could be included in a number of different chapters, we have attempted to place the command in the most logical chapter. Within each chapter, commands appear in
alphabetical order. You can use the Index of Commands to locate speciÞc commands if they do not
appear where you expect to Þnd them.
For each command, the following information is provided:
Command Syntax: The actual syntax of the command. The syntax conventions (the use of braces or
curly brackets, for example) are deÞned in the section ÒUnderstanding Command SyntaxÓ on page 14.
Description: A brief (one sentence) summary of what the command does.
Syntax Description: The deÞnition of any keywords and options used in the command.
Default: The defaults, if any, for this command. The default can be the default action of the command if optional parameters are not provided, or it can be the default state of the switch (such as for an enable/disable command).
Usage Guidelines: Information to help you use the command. This may include prerequisites, prohibitions, and related commands, as well as other information.
Example: Examples of the command usage, including output, if relevant.
History: The version of ExtremeWare in which the command was introduced, and version(s) where it was modiÞed, if appropriate.
Platform Availability: The platforms on which the command is supported.
ExtremeWarePx1 1.2 Command Reference Guide 13
Command Reference Overview
Understanding Command Syntax
In describing command syntax, this manual uses symbols as described in Table 3. These symbols
explain how to enter the command, and you do not type them as part of the command itself.
Table 3: Command Syntax Symbols
Symbol Description angle brackets < > Enclose a variable or value. You must specify the variable or value. Do not type the angle brackets. For example, in the syntax vertical bar | parentheses ( ) configure vlan <name> ipaddress <IP address> you must supply a VLAN name for <name> and an address for <IP address> when entering the command.
Separates mutually exclusive items in a list, only one of which may be entered. Do not type the vertical bar. The alternatives are generally enclosed in parentheses, square brackets, or braces, as described below. For example, in the syntax configure snmp community [read-only | read-write] <string> you must specify either the read or write community string in the command.
Used to group items into a single element (often used with the vertical bar | ). Do not type the parentheses. For example, in the syntax reboot {(<date> <time>) | cancel} you can optionally specify either a particular date and time combination, or the keyword cancel to cancel a previously scheduled reboot. If you do not specify a parameter, the command will prompt asking if you want to reboot the switch now. square brackets [ ] Enclose a required value or list of required parameters. One or more values or parameters can be specified. Do not type the square brackets. For example, in the syntax braces { } use image [primary | secondary] you must specify either the primary or secondary image when entering the command.
Enclose an optional value or a list of optional parameters. Do not type the braces. One or more values or parameters can be specified. For example, in the syntax reboot {(<date> <time>) | cancel} you can optionally specify either a particular date and time combination, or the keyword cancel to cancel a previously scheduled reboot. If you do not specify a parameter, the command will prompt asking if you want to reboot the switch now.
Using the Command-Line Interface
The command-line interface displays a command prompt when it is ready to accept a command input.
To issue a command:
1 Enter the command name at the command prompt. You can use abbreviated syntax; see
ÒAbbreviated SyntaxÓ on page 16.
2 If the command includes parameters, enter each parameter name and its value, in the appropriate order.
A parameterÕs value speciÞes how you want the parameter to be set. Values can be numbers, strings, or addresses, depending on the parameter.
3 After entering the complete command, press [Return] or [Enter].
14 ExtremeWarePx1 1.2 Command Reference Guide
Using the Command-Line Interface
When entering a command at the prompt, ensure that you have the appropriate privilege level. Most conÞguration commands require you to have the administrator privilege level.
Most commands are not executed immediately, but are deferred until you issue the
Exceptions are noted when the commands are described in this manual.
Prompt Text
The text of the command prompt includes the SNMP sysname setting. Initially, this text is the name of the switch. Following the system name is a colon and a number that indicates the sequential line/command number. The prompt ends with
if you are logged in with user-level privileges, and with
if you are logged in with administrative privileges.
An asterisk (*) appearing in front of the command-line prompt, indicates that you have outstanding
configuration changes that have not been saved. with the save configuration
The following command prompt indicates that the user has administrative privileges and has issue 18 previous commands, including at least one change to the conÞguration that has not been saved:
* SummitPx1:19 #
Line-Editing Keys
Table 4 describes the line-editing keys available when using the command-line interface.
Table 4: Line-Editing Keys
Key(s) Description
Backspace Deletes character to left of cursor and shifts remainder of line to left.
Delete or [Ctrl] + D Deletes character under cursor and shifts remainder of line to left.
[Ctrl] + K
Deletes characters from under cursor to end of line.
Toggles the insert mode on and off. When insert mode is toggled on, new text is inserted at the cursor; any existing text following the cursor is shifted to right. When insert mode is toggled off, new text overwrites any existing text following the cursor.
Left Arrow
Right Arrow
Moves cursor to left.
Moves cursor to right.
Home or [Ctrl] + A Moves cursor to first character in line.
End or [Ctrl] + E Moves cursor to last character in line.
[Ctrl] + L
[Ctrl] + P or
Up Arrow
[Ctrl] + N or
Down Arrow
[Ctrl] + U
[Ctrl] + W
Clears screen and movers cursor to beginning of line.
Displays previous command in command history buffer and places cursor at end of command.
Displays next command in command history buffer and places cursor at end of command.
Clears all characters typed from cursor to beginning of line.
Deletes previous word.
ExtremeWarePx1 1.2 Command Reference Guide 15
Command Reference Overview
Specifying Text Values
When specifying a text values, such as health-check objects, return strings, and URL patterns, it is recommended that you always use double quotes to delimit the text value. You must use quotes if the text value includes any non-alphanumeric characters, such as spaces, dashes, or dots.
Abbreviated Syntax
Abbreviated syntax is the shortest unambiguous allowable abbreviation of a command or parameter.
Typically, this is the Þrst three letters of the command. If you do not enter enough letters to allow the switch to determine which command you mean, the syntax helper will provide a list of the options
based on the portion of the command you have entered; see ÒCommand Completion with Syntax
When using abbreviated syntax, you must enter enough characters to make the command unambiguous and distinguishable to the switch.
Command Completion with Syntax Helper
The command-line interface has a built-in syntax helper. If you are unsure of the complete syntax for a particular command, enter as much of the command as possible and press [Tab]. The syntax helper provides a list of options for the remainder of the command, and places the cursor at the end of the command you have entered so far, ready for the next option.
The syntax helper also provides assistance if you have entered an incorrect command.
Command History
ExtremeWarePx keeps a history of the last 49 commands you entered. You can display a list of these commands by using the following command: history
16 ExtremeWarePx1 1.2 Command Reference Guide
Commands for Managing the Switch
This chapter describes the following commands:
¥ Commands for creating and managing accounts
¥ Commands for conÞguring VLANs, SNMP, and DNS client servers
¥ Commands for using Secure Shell 2 (SSH2)
¥ Miscellaneous utility command for:
Ñ Checking basic connectivity
Ñ Logging
Ñ ConÞguring a startup banner
Ñ Using the GlobalPx Content Director
ExtremeWarePx1 1.2 Command Reference Guide 17
Commands for Managing the Switch
Executes all pending commands issued since the last build.
Syntax Description
This command has no parameters or options.
Usage Guidelines
Most commands are not executed immediately, but are deferred until you issue a build
command. After making any conÞguration changes, you must issue the build
command to commit those changes.
In this example, the Þrst three commands (numbered 11 through 13) change the SNMP conÞguration.
These changes do not take effect until the build
command (number 14) commits them.
SummitPx1:11 # configure snmp sysName "balancer"
* SummitPx1:12 # configure snmp sysLocation "Exodus Colo"
* SummitPx1:13 # configure snmp sysContact "Web Admin"
* SummitPx1:14 # build
** Configuring proxy-ip
** Configuring server table
** Configuring server-group table
** Configuring service table
** Updating Health List tables
** Updating self audit parameters.
** Updating Snmp Parameters.
** Gigabit port enabled
** Updating VRRP parameters.
** Updating autosync parameters.
This command was available in ExtremeWarePx 1.1.
18 ExtremeWarePx1 1.2 Command Reference Guide
Platform Availability
This command is available on the Px-series application switch. build
ExtremeWarePx1 1.2 Command Reference Guide 19
Commands for Managing the Switch
clear log
clear log {static}
Clears the application-switch internal log.
Syntax Description static If static is specified, the critical log messages are also cleared.
Usage Guidelines
The application-switch log tracks all conÞguration and fault information pertaining to the device. The switch maintains 200 messages in its internal log. By default, log entries that are assigned a critical or warning level remain in the log after a switch reboot. Issuing a clear log
command does not remove these static entries. To remove log entries of all levels (including warning or critical), use the clear log static
This example clears all log messages, including critical and warning log messages, from the application switchÕs internal log:
SummitPx1:8 # clear log static
This command was available in ExtremeWarePx 1.1.
Platform Availability
This command is available on the Px-series application switch.
20 ExtremeWarePx1 1.2 Command Reference Guide
clear session
clear session
clear session <number>
Forces a speciÞc Telnet or ssh session to close.
Syntax Description number The number of the session to be closed.
Usage Guidelines
You must have administrator privileges to issue this command.
You can issue the
command to see what sessions are active and Þnd the session number of the session to close.
This example display session information to Þnd the number for the Telnet session, then closes that session.
station2:32 # show session
# Time since Login User Type Auth Location
* 0 02:11:13 0 days 0 yrs admin console local serial
6 00:00:03 0 days 0 yrs station2:33 # clear session 6 admin telnet local
This command was available in ExtremeWarePx 1.1.
Platform Availability
This command is available on the Px-series application switch.
ExtremeWarePx1 1.2 Command Reference Guide 21
Commands for Managing the Switch
clear stats
clear stats
Clears all the statistics counters
Syntax Description
This command has no parameters or options.
Usage Guidelines
The following command clears all the statistics counters: clear stats
This command was available in ExtremeWarePx 1.1.
Platform Availability
This command is available on the Px-series application switch.
22 ExtremeWarePx1 1.2 Command Reference Guide
Clear the console screen.
Syntax Description
This command has no parameters or options.
Usage Guidelines
The following command clears the console screen.
This command was available in ExtremeWarePx 1.1.
Platform Availability
This command is available on the Px-series application switch. cls
ExtremeWarePx1 1.2 Command Reference Guide 23
Commands for Managing the Switch
configure account
configure account <user account> {encrypted} {<password>}
ConÞgures a user account password.
Syntax Description user account encrypted password
An existing user account name.
Specifies that the password should be encrypted when the configuration is uploaded to a file. Should not be used through the command-line interface.
This option is for use only by the switch when generating an ASCII configuration file.
A user password, which can be up to 31 characters in length and is case sensitive. If you omit the password, the switch will prompt for interactive entry of the password.
Usage Guidelines
You must create a user account (with the
create account command) before you can conÞgure a user
You must have administrator privileges to change passwords for accounts other than your own.
You should not use the encrypted option when you enter a command interactively. This option is used by the switch when generating an ASCII conÞguration Þle (using the
upload configuration command),
and parsing a switch-generated conÞguration Þle (using the download configuration command).
If you do not specify the password on the command line, the switch will prompt you to enter the password, and will then prompt you to reenter the password to verify that you have entered it correctly.
Your keystrokes are not echoed as you enter and reenter the new password. Assuming you enter the same password in response to both prompts, the password is changed.
You must use the
command to commit the conÞguration changes made by this command.
The following command deÞnes a new password for the account admin
SummitPx1:3 # configure account "admin" password:
Reenter password:
The following command deÞnes a new password,
, for the account user
SummitPx1:4 # configure account "user" Extreme1
A conÞguration Þle may contain the following command: configure account "foo" encrypted "eo2JTd$WKJ2FUOwZzRhCbjFxn2U3/"
24 ExtremeWarePx1 1.2 Command Reference Guide
This command was available in ExtremeWarePx 1.1.
Platform Availability
This command is available on the Px-series application switch. configure account
ExtremeWarePx1 1.2 Command Reference Guide 25
Commands for Managing the Switch
configure banner
configure banner
ConÞgures the banner string that is displayed display after each reboot.
Syntax Description
This command has no parameters or options.
Usage Guidelines
You must have administrator privileges to issue this command.
You will be prompted for the banner; at the prompt, type the banner message. You can enter up to 24 lines of up to 79 characters each. For a banner consisting of multiple lines of text, type [Return] to end one line and begin the next. To terminate banner input, type [Return][Return] .
If you want to clear the existing banner without entering a new one, type
when prompted for the banner.
The following command conÞgures the banner to be Welcome to the switch.
config banner [Return]
Welcome to the switch
This command was available in ExtremeWarePx 1.1.
Platform Availability
This command is available on the Px-series application switch.
26 ExtremeWarePx1 1.2 Command Reference Guide
configure dns-client add
configure dns-client add
configure dns-client add <IP address>
Adds a DNS name server to the available server list for the DNS client.
Syntax Description
IP address The IP address of the DNS name server to be added.
Usage Guidelines
You must have administrator privileges to issue this command.
You must use the
command to commit the conÞguration changes made by this command.
The following command speciÞes that the switch use the DNS server configure dns-client add
This command was available in ExtremeWarePx 1.1.
Platform Availability
This command is available on the Px-series application switch.
ExtremeWarePx1 1.2 Command Reference Guide 27
Commands for Managing the Switch
configure dns-client default-domain
configure dns-client default-domain <domain_name>
ConÞgures the domain that the DNS client uses if a fully qualiÞed domain name is not entered.
Syntax Description domain_name A default domain name.
Usage Guidelines
You must have administrator privileges to issue this command.
Sets the DNS client default domain name to the speciÞed domain name. The default domain name will be used to create a fully qualiÞed host name when a domain name is not speciÞed. For example, if the default domain name is set to Òfood.comÓ then when a command like Ò ping dog Ó is entered, the ping will actually be executed as Ò ping dog.food.com
You must use the
command to commit the conÞguration changes made by this command.
The following command conÞgures the default domain name for the server: configure dns-client default-domain xyz_inc.com
This command was available in ExtremeWarePx 1.1.
Platform Availability
This command is available on the Px-series application switch.
28 ExtremeWarePx1 1.2 Command Reference Guide
configure dns-client delete
configure dns-client delete
configure dns-client delete <IP address>
Removes a DNS name server from the available server list for the DNS client.
Syntax Description
IP address The IP address of the DNS name server to be removed.
Usage Guidelines
You must have administrator privileges to issue this command.
You must use the
command to commit the conÞguration changes made by this command.
The following command removes a DNS server from the list: configure dns-client delete
This command was available in ExtremeWarePx 1.1.
Platform Availability
This command is available on the Px-series application switch.
ExtremeWarePx1 1.2 Command Reference Guide 29
Commands for Managing the Switch
configure gslb
configure gslb ipaddress <IP address> service <string>
ConÞgures a virtual service to be used by the GlobalPx Content Director scheduler.
Syntax Description
IP address string
The VIP of the virtual service to be used by the GlobalPx Content Director scheduler.
The virtual host name used for this VIP; this virtual host name must also be set the scheduler.
Usage Guidelines
You must have administrator privileges to issue this command.
Extreme Networks GlobalPx Content Director ª is a DNS-based Internet trafÞc-management system.
This system allows you to take advantage of network and server resources regardless of their location on the Internet or your Intranet. As you add points of presence (POPs, clusters of one or more Px-series switches) to a network, GlobalPx Content Director monitors server loads and network response latencies, distributing client requests to the POP that it determines will deliver the best performance.
GlobalPx Content Director improves client access performance and reliability by leveraging dispersed network resources.
The GlobalPx Content Director transparently directs clients and client DNS servers to the most appropriate POP to satisfy client requests. Typically, the physically closest POP is the one that gives the fastest response. However, this is not always the case. The GlobalPx Content Director scheduler routes requests to the optimal POP. The scheduler is a separate program that runs on a Windows or Solaris machine. When the scheduler is in use, virtual services are not automatically used by the scheduler. You must issue this command for any virtual service that you want to be used by the scheduler. You must also conÞgure the service in the scheduler itself. For more information, see the GlobalPx Content Director
Installation and User Guide.
You must use the
command to commit the conÞguration changes made by this command.
This example conÞgures a virtual service to be used by the scheduler.
SummitPx1::12 # config gslb ip service yosemite.cnd.myhost.com
SummitPx1::13 # enable gslb
SummitPx1::14 # build
This command was available in ExtremeWarePx 1.1.
30 ExtremeWarePx1 1.2 Command Reference Guide
Platform Availability
This command is available on the Px-series application switch. configure gslb
ExtremeWarePx1 1.2 Command Reference Guide 31
Commands for Managing the Switch
configure iparp delete
configure iparp delete <IP address>
Updates a serverÕs entry in the IP Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) table.
Syntax Description
IP address The IP address of the server.
Usage Guidelines
You must have administrator privileges to issue this command.
This command:
1 Removes the MAC address of the speciÞed server from the ARP table.
2 Forces an ARP to the server to Þnd the serverÕs current MAC address.
3 Adds a new entry to the table with the serverÕs IP address and the correct MAC address.
You must use the
command to commit the conÞguration changes made by this command.
The following command updates the ARP entry for the server with IP address configure iparp delete
This command was available in ExtremeWarePx 1.1.
Platform Availability
This command is available on the Px-series application switch.
32 ExtremeWarePx1 1.2 Command Reference Guide
configure log display
configure log display
configure log display {fatal | errors | warning | info}
ConÞgures the severity level of log messages that are recorded in the internal log and logged by the remote syslog
Syntax Description fatal errors warning info
Log fatal messages only.
Log messages at the error level and higher (non-fatal and fatal error messages)
Log messages at the warning level and higher (warnings, non-fatal error messages, and fatal error messages)
Log messages at the informational level and higher (non-fatal error messages, and fatal error messages)
This option produces a very large number of messages; it is recommended only while you are debugging certain problems.
By default, messages at the warning level and higher are logged.
Usage Guidelines
You must have administrator privileges to issue this command.
This command speciÞes the minimum severity level for messages to be logged. Messages at and above the indicated level are recorded in the internal log. To enable displaying log messages on the console, use the
command. To enable remote logging, use the enable syslog
You must use the
command to commit the conÞguration changes made by this command.
This example enables the display of non-fatal and fatal error messages to the console.
SummitPx1::12 # enable log display
* SummitPx1::12 # configure log display error
* SummitPx1::12 # build
This command was available in ExtremeWarePx 1.1.
Platform Availability
This command is available on the Px-series application switch.
ExtremeWarePx1 1.2 Command Reference Guide 33
Commands for Managing the Switch
configure mgmt ipaddress
configure mgmt ipaddress <IP address>
[(/ <mask length>) | (network-mask <netmask>)}
Assigns an IP address to the switchÕs 10/100BT Ethernet management port.
Syntax Description
IP address mask length netmask
IP address for the management port.
The number of bits set in the subnetwork mask.
The subnetwork mask.
Usage Guidelines
You must have administrator privileges to issue this command.
The 10/100BT Ethernet management port provides dedicated remote access to the application switch using TCP/IP. It supports Telnet using the command-line interface. The 10/100BT port is designed to be used as an out-of-band management port only. It does not function as a load balancing port.
If you want to use the management interface, you must issue this command assign the port an IP address and subnetwork mask. You can specify the subnetwork mask by giving either the number of bits set in the mask or the mask itself. For example, the following two commands are identical: configure mgmt ipaddress / 24 configure mgmt ipaddress network-mask
The conÞguration of management-port information is executed immediately; you do not need to issue the
command for this command to take effect.
The following command conÞgures the management port.
configure mgmt ipaddress / 24
This command was available in ExtremeWarePx 1.1.
Platform Availability
This command is available on the Px-series application switch.
34 ExtremeWarePx1 1.2 Command Reference Guide
configure mgmt iproute
configure mgmt iproute
configure mgmt iproute dest-ip <destination IP address> gateway <gateway IP address>
Installs a host route in the routing table for the switchÕs 10/100BT port.
Syntax Description destination IP address gateway IP address
The destination IP address.
The gateway IP address.
Usage Guidelines
You must have administrator privileges to issue this command.
The 10/100BT port has a separate routing table. By default, no routes are installed in the routing table.
You must explicitly conÞgure routes using this command. After you conÞgure the IP address for the
management port with the configure mgmt ipaddress command, you can issue this command to install
a host route. You can add as many routes as you need.
This command adds an entry to the routing table indicating that trafÞc for destination IP address should be directed to gateway IP address .
The gateway IP address much be on the management port subnet.
The conÞguration of management-port information is executed immediately; you do not need to issue the
build command for this command to take effect.
This example conÞgures an IP address for the management port and installs two host routes: station1:4 # config mgmt ipaddress / 24
* station1:5 # config mgmt iproute dest-ip gateway
* station1:6 # config mgmt iproute dest-ip gateway
This command was available in ExtremeWarePx 1.1.
ExtremeWarePx1 1.2 Command Reference Guide 35
Commands for Managing the Switch
Platform Availability
This command is available on the Px-series application switch.
36 ExtremeWarePx1 1.2 Command Reference Guide
configure port gigabit auto
configure port gigabit auto
configure port gigabit auto [on | off]
ConÞgures auto-negotiation on the Gigabit port.
Syntax Description on off
Specifies that auto-negotiation should be enabled.
Specifies that auto-negotiation should be disabled.
Auto-negotiation on the Gigabit port is disabled by default.
Usage Guidelines
You must have administrator privileges to issue this command.
You must use the
command to commit the conÞguration changes made by this command.
The following command disables auto-negotiation: configure port gigabit auto off
The following command enables auto-negotiation: configure port gigabit auto on
This command was available in ExtremeWarePx 1.1.
Platform Availability
This command is available on the Px-series application switch.
ExtremeWarePx1 1.2 Command Reference Guide 37
Commands for Managing the Switch
configure snmp add community
configure snmp add community
[readonly | readwrite]
<alphanumeric string>
Adds an SNMP read or read/write community string.
Syntax Description readonly readwrite alphanumeric string
Specifies read-only access to the system.
Specifies read and write access to the system.
The SNMP community string to be added. An SNMP community string can contain up to 127 characters.
The default read-only community string is public
. The default read/write community string is private
Usage Guidelines
You must have administrator privileges to issue this command.
Community strings provide a simple method of authentication between the application switch and a remote network manager.
There are two types of community strings on the application switch.
¥ Read community strings provide read-only access to the application switch. The default read-only community string is public .
¥ Read-write community strings provide read and write access to the application switch. The default read-write community string is private
You can conÞgure up to 14 read-only strings and up to 14 read-write strings on the application switch.
This command allows you to add community strings in addition to the two default community strings.
An authorized trap receiver must be conÞgured to use the correct community strings on the switch for the trap receiver to receive switch-generated traps. You can conÞgure the community string for a trap receiver with the
configure snmp add trapreceiver
Changes made by this command are executed immediately and do not require the
The following command adds a read/write community string with the value extreme : configure snmp add community readwrite "extreme"
This command was available in ExtremeWarePx 1.1.
38 ExtremeWarePx1 1.2 Command Reference Guide
Platform Availability
This command is available on the Px-series application switch. configure snmp add community
ExtremeWarePx1 1.2 Command Reference Guide 39
Commands for Managing the Switch
configure snmp add trapreceiver
configure snmp add trapreceiver <IP address>
{community <community string>}
{port <udp_port>}
Adds a trap receiver to the trap receiver list.
Syntax Description
IP address community string udp_port
The IP address of the SNMP trap receiver to add. The IP address can be unicast, multicast, or broadcast.
The community string of the trap receiver.
A UDP port to which the trap should be sent. Default is 162.
Usage Guidelines
You must have administrator privileges to issue this command.
An authorized trap receiver can be one or more network management stations on your network.
Authorized trap receivers must be conÞgured on the switch for the trap receiver to receive switch-generated traps. The switch sends SNMP traps to all trap receivers.
Changes made by this command are executed immediately and do not require the
The following command adds the IP address as a trap receiver with community string purple : configure snmp add trapreceiver community "purple"
The following command adds the IP address as a trap receiver with community string
green, using port 3003: configure snmp add trapreceiver community "green" port 3003
This command was available in ExtremeWarePx 1.1.
Platform Availability
This command is available on the Px-series application switch.
40 ExtremeWarePx1 1.2 Command Reference Guide
configure snmp delete community
configure snmp delete community
configure snmp delete community
[readonly | readwrite]
<alphanumeric string>
Deletes an SNMP read or read/write community string.
Syntax Description readonly readwrite alphanumeric string
Specifies read-only access to the system.
Specifies read and write access to the system.
The SNMP community string to be deleted.
Usage Guidelines
You must have administrator privileges to issue this command.
You can use this command to remove a community string that was added with the
Changes made by this command are executed immediately and do not require the
The following command deletes the read/write community string extreme : configure snmp delete community readwrite "extreme"
This command was available in ExtremeWarePx 1.1.
Platform Availability
This command is available on the Px-series application switch.
ExtremeWarePx1 1.2 Command Reference Guide 41
Commands for Managing the Switch
configure snmp delete trapreceiver
configure snmp delete trapreceiver <IP address>
Deletes a trap receiver from the trap receiver list.
Syntax Description
IP address The IP address of the SNMP trap receiver to delete.
Usage Guidelines
You must have administrator privileges to issue this command.
You can use this command to remove a trap receiver that was added with the
configure snmp add trapreceiver
Changes made by this command are executed immediately and do not require the
The following command removes the trap receiver with IP address configure snmp delete trapreceiver
This command was available in ExtremeWarePx 1.1.
Platform Availability
This command is available on the Px-series application switch.
42 ExtremeWarePx1 1.2 Command Reference Guide
configure snmp syscontact
configure snmp syscontact
configure snmp syscontact <alphanumeric string>
ConÞgures the name of the system contact.
Syntax Description alphanumeric string A system contact name. A maximum of 255 characters is allowed.
Usage Guidelines
You must have administrator privileges to issue this command.
The system contact is a text Þeld that enables you to enter the name of the person(s) responsible for managing the application switch.
Changes made by this command are executed immediately and do not require the
The following command deÞnes Fred Jones as the system contact: configure snmp syscontact "Fred Jones"
This command was available in ExtremeWarePx 1.1.
Platform Availability
This command is available on the Px-series application switch.
ExtremeWarePx1 1.2 Command Reference Guide 43
Commands for Managing the Switch
configure snmp syslocation
configure snmp syslocation <alphanumeric string>
ConÞgures the location of the switch.
Syntax Description alphanumeric string The switch location. A maximum of 255 characters is allowed.
Usage Guidelines
You must have administrator privileges to issue this command.
Use this command to indicate the location of the switch.
Changes made by this command are executed immediately and do not require the
The following command conÞgures a switch location name on the system: configure snmp syslocation "Engineering Lab"
This command was available in ExtremeWarePx 1.1.
Platform Availability
This command is available on the Px-series application switch.
44 ExtremeWarePx1 1.2 Command Reference Guide
configure snmp sysname
configure snmp sysname
configure snmp sysname <alphanumeric string>
ConÞgures the system name of the application switch.
Syntax Description alphanumeric string A device name. A maximum of 32 characters is allowed.
The default system name is the model name of the application switch (for example,
Usage Guidelines
You must have administrator privileges to issue this command.
You can use this command to change the name of the switch. The system name appears in the prompt for the command-line interface .
Changes made by this command are executed immediately and do not require the
The following command names the switch: configure snmp sysname "Engineering-Lab"
This command was available in ExtremeWarePx 1.1.
Platform Availability
This command is available on the Px-series application switch.
ExtremeWarePx1 1.2 Command Reference Guide 45
Commands for Managing the Switch
configure ssh2 key
configure ssh2 key
Generates an authentication key for SSH2 sessions from character that you enter interactively.
Syntax Description
This command has no parameters or options.
Usage Guidelines
You must have administrator privileges to issue this command.
Before the switch can accept incoming SSH2 sessions, it must have an authentication key. This command causes the switch to generate its authentication key from a sequence of characters that you enter.
Generating an authentication key takes a long time! The key-generation process cannot be cancelled; your console may be unavailable for 10 to 40 minutes after you issue this command.
When you issue this command, you will be asked to conÞrm that you want to generate the key in spite of the delay. If you conÞrm, you will be prompted to enter a random sequence of characters. You type
[ Return ][ Return ] to end input.
When the key has been generated, the characters you entered are stored in the conÞguration. You should save your conÞguration to a Þle with the
command instead of this command.
Changes made by this command are executed immediately and do not require the
46 ExtremeWarePx1 1.2 Command Reference Guide
configure ssh2 key
This example generates an authentication key.
SummitPx1::3 # config ssh2 key
WARNING: Generating new server host key
This will take from 10-40 minutes and cannot be canceled. Continue? (y/n)y
Enter some random characters. End with a newline
MIICWwIBAAKBgQCoH4QkIDU+4zyNXRDE2xrdfQ19vTG3/UR2s1QisbuDI82cbeJ c5FmT+yOhxlqgKoKKm65YMY9hFqA4Ri7NT6FU62uBxquQsyqey7/M0cI45GyWe/ sw6GtXmIIIT3/SOPmQbPpAdx4DD2S3ZiYGOpCfkDBCumGHn8rGd1lCBRCQIBIwK gFtETwxL/6XL0Gn/Uj76mY4t8WGD9msxt3OjLaxvHKZGotFC90pUrgRXReb44el ygWEv8O4MRoUpii0tad0rOhpcIfGU1tCutDwy1J7pxyNisQp/wHwBvV4cNVnWNM wJRZ1WpRqJ0GYNMRWqqgpwsCAA2bWrU9iYP4X+PwuSlbAkEA0BonV3bG1sJeYqS
JcLMtQJBAM7RtP7vZ7s45icT4s2463D+GGmnwxfF1UZQSKxe34uQ4WN0OMPexK+ b5v7F0gE0+pwLvM/zSLGtduvK7Lte4UCQQCgiTRKyVePuoNTaQLb1Z50TTLz3XO
Stirred in 800 bytes.
Generating 1024-bit dsa key pair
2 Oo..oOo.oOo.
Key generated.
Extreme Networks SSH Key
SummitPx1::3 # build
This command was available in ExtremeWarePx 1.1.
Platform Availability
This command is available on the Px-series application switch.
ExtremeWarePx1 1.2 Command Reference Guide 47
Commands for Managing the Switch
configure ssh2 key pregenerated
configure ssh2 key pregenerated
Sets the sessionÕs authentication key for SSH2 sessions to a pregenerated key.
Syntax Description
This command has no parameters or options.
Usage Guidelines
You must have administrator privileges to issue this command.
Before the switch can accept incoming SSH2 sessions, it must have an authentication key. This command set the authentication key to a key that was generated previously.
Typically you do not issue this command interactively. Instead, you generate a key with the
command to write your conÞguration to a
Þle. The resulting conÞguration Þle contains a configure ssh2 key pregenerated
command that speciÞes the sequence of characters from which the key was generated. When you later load the conÞguration Þle (using the
configure ssh2 key pregenerated
command is executed.
If you do issue this command interactively, you will be prompted to enter the sequence of characters from which the key was generated. Typically, you paste in text that you copied from a conÞguration Þle that you saved after generating the key initially.
Changes made by this command are executed immediately and do not require the
A conÞguration Þle contains the following commands:
# SSH configuration
#---------------------------------------------------------------configure ssh2 key pregenerated
3tvdwCaeUKC6SOZ6t1YTcTpukf6xQwAABAC0biSqDVP8ygZynBjwR4OWhYrUrEaDiNgThIsb4yVo/VWf8GotiY5b kpZGOIOheNuX78uSMHiI/U9hssvNjzr/X8k/rQb2rbVj+ZP+D30TPLFzrml49zdnzTnZIZhdnVE21Wwz
3XAcKWq89e7iDcEToO0vP+Ie9HdX7kR04olYuxHa1eoJrvFYotLnnsSI6DTmKQrRPgHtXKAeXTGCGNiu iQydg4KHgrGO1QAAAKCJGtuwT9jt9Jo9uUyGoDV9/pHArQ==
48 ExtremeWarePx1 1.2 Command Reference Guide
enable ssh2
This command was available in ExtremeWarePx 1.1.
Platform Availability
This command is available on the Px-series application switch. configure ssh2 key pregenerated
ExtremeWarePx1 1.2 Command Reference Guide 49
Commands for Managing the Switch
configure syslog
configure syslog ipaddress <IP address>
ConÞgures the syslog
host address.
Syntax Description
IP address The IP address of the syslog host.
Usage Guidelines
You must have administrator privileges to issue this command.
A log maintained remotely on a syslog
host can preserve log messages that would be lost from the internal log, which contains only the 200 most recent messages.
To enable remote logging, you must issue the
By default, warnings and more serious messages are logged. To log messages of a different severity level, use the
You must use the
command to commit the conÞguration changes made by this command.
This example enables logging to a remote syslog host:
SummitPx1::12 # enable syslog
* SummitPx1::13 # configure syslog ipaddress
* SummitPx1::13 # build
This command was available in ExtremeWarePx 1.1.
Platform Availability
This command is available on the Px-series application switch.
50 ExtremeWarePx1 1.2 Command Reference Guide
configure system-ip
configure system-ip
configure system-ip <IP address>
[(/ <mask length>) | (network-mask <netmask>)]
{vlan <vlan tag number>}
ConÞgures the system IP address.
Syntax Description
IP address mask length netmask vlan tag number
IP address for the switch
The number of bits set in the network mask.
The network mask.
The VLAN tag for the switch.
Usage Guidelines
You must have administrator privileges to issue this command.
To conÞgure the switch, you must specify its IP address and network mask. You can specify the network mask by giving either the number of bits set in the mask or the network mask itself. For example, the following two commands are identical: configure system-ip / 24 configure system-ip network-mask
You may optionally specify a VLAN for the switch. The Px series application switch supports up to
4,096 VLANs. The system IP and proxy IPs must reside in the same VLAN; VIPs and servers can be on any VLAN. The application switch identiÞes VLANs with 802.1q VLAN ID numbers rather than names.
If you plan to conÞgure the system VLAN on the application switch, you must enable VLANs on the
conÞguration switch with the enable vlan
command before you issue the conÞgure system-ip
For the SummitPx1, before conÞguring the VLAN for the application switch, you must enable VLAN tagging on the switch port connected to the application switch, and add the VLANs you need to the port, using the manufacturerÕs instructions.
You must use the
command to commit the conÞguration changes made by this command.
ExtremeWarePx1 1.2 Command Reference Guide 51
Commands for Managing the Switch
This example enables VLANs on the application switch then conÞgures the IP address, network mask, and system VLAN.
SummitPx1:1 # enable vlan
* SummitPx1:2 # config system-ip / 24 vlan 100
* SummitPx1:3 # build
This command was available in ExtremeWarePx 1.1.
Platform Availability
This command is available on the Px-series application switch.
52 ExtremeWarePx1 1.2 Command Reference Guide
create account
create account
create account [admin | user] <username> {encrypted} {<password>}
Creates a new user account.
Syntax Description admin user username encrypted password
Specifies administrator-level privileges for the account. An administrator-level account can:
• View and change all switch parameters
• Add and delete users
• Change the password associated with any account
Specifies user-level privileges for the account. A user-level account can:
• View (but not change) all manageable parameters except the user account database and the SNMP community strings
• Issue the ping command.
• Change the password assigned to the account
A new user account name, which can be up to 31 characters in length and is case sensitive.
Specifies that the password should be encrypted when the configuration is uploaded to a file. Should not be used through the command-line interface.
This option is for use only by the switch when generating an ASCII configuration file.
A user password, which can be up to 31 characters in length and is case sensitive.
By default, the switch is conÞgured with two accounts, admin has administrator-level privileges and cannot be deleted; user has user-level privileges.
You can use this command to create additional accounts.
You should not use the encrypted option when you enter a command interactively. This option is used by the switch when generating an ASCII conÞguration Þle (using the
upload configuration command),
and parsing a switch-generated conÞguration Þle (using the download configuration command).
Default accounts do not have passwords assigned to them; you can change an accountÕs password with the
Usage Guidelines
You must have administrator privileges to issue this command.
The application switch can have a total of 16 management accounts.
You must have administrator privileges to change passwords for accounts other than your own. User names and passwords are case-sensitive.
ExtremeWarePx1 1.2 Command Reference Guide 53
Commands for Managing the Switch
If you do not specify the password on the command line, the switch will prompt you to enter the password, and will then prompt you to reenter the password to verify that you have entered it correctly.
Your keystrokes are not echoed as you enter and reenter the new password. Assuming you enter the same password in response to both prompts, the password is changed.
You must use the
command to commit the conÞguration changes made by this command.
The following command creates a new account named John2 with administrator privileges: create account admin "john2"
The conÞguration Þle can contain the following command: create account admin "chuck" encrypted "eo2JTd$WKJ2FUOwZzRhCbjFxn2U3/"
This command was available in ExtremeWarePx 1.1.
Platform Availability
This command is available on the Px-series application switch.
54 ExtremeWarePx1 1.2 Command Reference Guide
delete account
delete account
delete account <username>
Deletes a user account.
Syntax Description username The user account to be deleted.
Usage Guidelines
You must have administrator privileges to issue this command.
You may not delete the admin
You must use the
command to commit the conÞguration changes made by this command.
The following command deletes account john2 : delete account john2
This command was available in ExtremeWarePx 1.1.
Platform Availability
This command is available on the Px-series application switch.
ExtremeWarePx1 1.2 Command Reference Guide 55
Commands for Managing the Switch
disable clipaging
disable clipaging
Disables pausing at the end of each show screen.
Syntax Description
This command has no parameters or options.
Command-line interface (CLI) paging is enabled by default.
Usage Guidelines
The command-line interface is designed for use in a VT100 environment. Most show
command output will pause when the display reaches the end of a page. This command disables the pause mechanism and allows the display to print continuously to the screen.
Press [q] and then press [Return] to force a pause when command-line interface paging is disabled.
The follow command disables command-line interface paging and allows you to print continuously to the screen: disable clipaging
This command was available in ExtremeWarePx 1.1.
Platform Availability
This command is available on the Px-series application switch.
56 ExtremeWarePx1 1.2 Command Reference Guide
disable gslb
disable gslb
disable gslb
Stops the GlobalPx Content Director agent on the Px series application switch.
Syntax Description
This command has no parameters or options.
By default, the GlobalPx Content Director agent does not run.
Usage Guidelines
You must have administrator privileges to issue this command.
Extreme Networks GlobalPx Content Director ª is a DNS-based Internet trafÞc-management system.
This system allows you to take advantage of network and server resources regardless of their location on the Internet or your Intranet. As you add points of presence (POPs, clusters of one or more Px-series switches) to a network, GlobalPx Content Director monitors server loads and network response latencies, distributing client requests to the POP that it determines will deliver the best performance.
GlobalPx Content Director improves client access performance and reliability by leveraging dispersed network resources. For more information, see the GlobalPx Content Director Installation and User Guide.
You must use the
command to commit the conÞguration changes made by this command.
disable gslb
This command was available in ExtremeWarePx 1.1.
Platform Availability
This command is available on the Px-series application switch.
ExtremeWarePx1 1.2 Command Reference Guide 57
Commands for Managing the Switch
disable log display
disable log display
Disables display of log message to the console.
Syntax Description
This command has no parameters or options.
Display of log messages is disabled by default.
Usage Guidelines
You must have administrator privileges to issue this command.
Although log messages are not displayed, they are still recorded in the internal log of the application switch.
You must use the
command to commit the conÞguration changes made by this command.
This example disables the display log messages to the console.
SummitPx1::12 # disable log display
* SummitPx1::13 # build
This command was available in ExtremeWarePx 1.1.
Platform Availability
This command is available on the Px-series application switch.
58 ExtremeWarePx1 1.2 Command Reference Guide
disable port gigabit
disable port gigabit
disable port gigabit
Disables the Gigabit port.
Syntax Description
This command has no parameters or options.
The Gigabit port is disabled by default.
Usage Guidelines
You must have administrator privileges to issue this command.
You must use the
command to commit the conÞguration changes made by this command.
The following command disables the Gigabit port.
disable port gigabit
This command was available in ExtremeWarePx 1.1.
Platform Availability
This command is available on the Px-series application switch.
ExtremeWarePx1 1.2 Command Reference Guide 59
Commands for Managing the Switch
disable self-audit
disable self-audit
Disables the internal self-audit.
Syntax Description
This command has no parameters or options.
Internal self-audit is enabled by default.
Usage Guidelines
You must have administrator privileges to issue this command.
Internal self-audit is the internal hardware-check mechanism. To see whether internal self-audit is enabled, use the
You must use the
command to commit the conÞguration changes made by this command.
The following command disables internal self-audit: disable self-audit
This command was available in ExtremeWarePx 1.1.
Platform Availability
This command is available on the Px-series application switch.
60 ExtremeWarePx1 1.2 Command Reference Guide
disable snmp access
disable snmp access
disable snmp access
Disables SNMP on the switch.
Syntax Description
This command has no parameters or options.
SNMP access is enabled by default.
Usage Guidelines
You must have administrator privileges to issue this command.
Disabling SNMP access does not affect the SNMP conÞguration (for example, community strings).
However, if you disable SNMP access, you will be unable to access the switch using SNMP.
You must use the
command to commit the conÞguration changes made by this command.
The following command disables SNMP access on the switch: disable snmp access
This command was available in ExtremeWarePx 1.1.
Platform Availability
This command is available on the Px-series application switch.
ExtremeWarePx1 1.2 Command Reference Guide 61
Commands for Managing the Switch
disable snmp traps
disable snmp traps
Prevents SNMP traps from being sent from the switch.
Syntax Description
This command has no parameters or options.
SNMP trap support is enabled by default.
Usage Guidelines
You must have administrator privileges to issue this command.
This command does not clear the SNMP trap receivers that have been conÞgured. The command prevents SNMP traps from being sent from the switch even if trap receivers are conÞgured.
You must use the
command to commit the conÞguration changes made by this command.
The following command prevents SNMP traps from being sent from the switch to the trap receivers: disable snmp traps
This command was available in ExtremeWarePx 1.1.
Platform Availability
This command is available on the Px-series application switch.
62 ExtremeWarePx1 1.2 Command Reference Guide
disable ssh2
disable ssh2
disable ssh2
Disables incoming SSH2 Telnet sessions.
Syntax Description
This command has no parameters or options.
The SSH2 feature is disabled until you obtain a valid security license. If a valid security license is in effect, SSH2 is enabled with no access proÞle and uses TCP port number 22.
Usage Guidelines
You must have administrator privileges to issue this command.
SSH2 session options (access proÞle and non-default port setting) are not saved when SSH2 is disabled.
You must use the
command to commit the conÞguration changes made by this command.
The following command disables the SSH2 feature: disable ssh2
This command was available in ExtremeWarePx 1.1.
Platform Availability
This command is available on the Px-series application switch.
ExtremeWarePx1 1.2 Command Reference Guide 63
Commands for Managing the Switch
disable syslog
disable syslog
Disables logging to a remote logging by way of the UNIX syslog
host facility.
Syntax Description
This command has no parameters or options.
Remote logging is disabled by default.
Usage Guidelines
You must have administrator privileges to issue this command.
You must use the
command to commit the conÞguration changes made by this command.
This example disables logging to a remote syslog host:
SummitPx1::12 # disable syslog
* SummitPx1::13 # build
This command was available in ExtremeWarePx 1.1.
Platform Availability
This command is available on the Px-series application switch. \
64 ExtremeWarePx1 1.2 Command Reference Guide
disable telnet
disable telnet
Disables Telnet services on the switch.
Syntax Description
This command has no parameters or options.
Telnet services are enabled by default.
Usage Guidelines
You must have administrator privileges to issue this command.
You must use the
command to commit the conÞguration changes made by this command.
The following command disables Telnet services on the switch: disable telnet
This command was available in ExtremeWarePx 1.1.
Platform Availability
This command is available on the Px-series application switch. disable telnet
ExtremeWarePx1 1.2 Command Reference Guide 65
Commands for Managing the Switch
disable vlan
disable vlan
Disables VLANs on the application switch.
Syntax Description
This command has no parameters or options.
On SummitPx1, VLANs are disabled by default.
Usage Guidelines
You must have administrator privileges to issue this command.
You must use the
command to commit the conÞguration changes made by this command.
The following command disables VLANs on the application switch disable vlan
This command was available in ExtremeWarePx 1.1.
Platform Availability
This command is available on the Px-series application switch.
66 ExtremeWarePx1 1.2 Command Reference Guide
download configuration
download configuration
download configuration
[<IP address> | <hostname>]
{primary | secondary}
Downloads a previously saved ASCII conÞguration Þle from a speciÞc TFTP server host.
Syntax Description
IP address hostname filename primary secondary
The IP address of the TFTP server from which the configuration should be obtained.
The host name of the TFTP server from which the configuration should be obtained.
The path and filename of a saved ASCII configuration.
Specifies that the new configuration should be stored as the primary configuration.
Specifies that the new configuration should be stored as the secondary configuration.
Usage Guidelines
You must have administrator privileges to issue this command.
This command does a complete download, resetting the current switch conÞguration and replacing it with the new downloaded conÞguration. You will be prompted to reboot the switch after the download is complete.
The switch can store up to two conÞgurations: a primary conÞguration and a secondary conÞguration.
When you download a new conÞguration, you can select into which conÞguration space (primary or secondary) you want the new conÞguration to be placed. If you do not specify a conÞguration space,
the switch uses the one that was selected with the previous use configuration
command. To see which conÞguration is currently selected, use the
The new conÞguration information is stored in switch runtime memory, and is not retained if the switch has a power failure. After the switch has rebooted, you should save the conÞguration to the primary or secondary conÞguration area to retain it through a power cycle. You can include a save
command at the end of the conÞguration Þle to have the save done at the end of the download.
The Þle on the server is assumed to be located relative to the TFTP server base directory. You can specify a path as part of the Þlename.
Use of the hostname
parameter requires that DNS be enabled.
ExtremeWarePx1 1.2 Command Reference Guide 67
Commands for Managing the Switch
The following command clears the current switch conÞguration, and downloads a new full conÞguration from the tftp server tftphost
. It uses the conÞguration from the Þle stdconfigs.txt
residing in the subdirectory configs\archive
of the TFTP server base directory on the server: download configuration tftphost configs\archive\stdconfig.txt primary
This command was available in ExtremeWarePx 1.1.
Platform Availability
This command is available on the Px-series application switch.
68 ExtremeWarePx1 1.2 Command Reference Guide
download image
download image
download image
[<IP address> | <hostname>]
{primary | secondary}
Downloads a new version of the ExtremeWarePx software image.
Syntax Description
IP address hostname filename primary secondary
The IP address of TFTP server from which the image should be obtained.
The host name of the TFTP server from which the image should be obtained.
The filename of the new image.
Specifies that the new image should be stored as the primary image.
Specifies that the new image should be stored as the secondary image.
Usage Guidelines
You must have administrator privileges to issue this command.
Prior to downloading an image, you must place the new image in a Þle on a TFTP server on your network. Unless you include a path with the Þlename, this command assumes that the Þle resides in the same directory as the TFTP server itself.
The switch can store up to two images: a primary image and a secondary image. When you download a new image, you can select into which image space (primary or secondary) you want the new image to be placed. If you do not specify an image space, the switch uses the one that was selected with the previous
Use of the hostname
parameter requires that DNS be enabled.
The following command downloads the switch software image from the TFTP server named tftphost , from the file named file.ext
, to the secondary image store: download image tftphost ExtremewarePx_ssh_1.2.0b13 primary
This command was available in ExtremeWarePx 1.1.
ExtremeWarePx1 1.2 Command Reference Guide 69
Commands for Managing the Switch
Platform Availability
This command is available on the Px-series application switch.
70 ExtremeWarePx1 1.2 Command Reference Guide
enable clipaging
enable clipaging
enable clipaging
Enables the pause mechanism and does not allow the display to print continuously to the screen.
Syntax Description
This command has no parameters or options.
Command-line interface (CLI) paging is enabled by default.
Usage Guidelines
The command-line interface is designed for use in a VT100 environment. Most show
command output will pause when the display reaches the end of a page.
Even if command-line interface paging is enabled, when you use the
diagnose system technical problems, the command-line interface paging feature is disabled during execution of that command.
The following command enables command-line interface paging and does not allow the display to print continuously to the screen: enable clipaging
This command was available in ExtremeWarePx 1.1.
Platform Availability
This command is available on the Px-series application switch.
ExtremeWarePx1 1.2 Command Reference Guide 71
Commands for Managing the Switch
enable gslb
enable gslb
{port <port number>}
Starts the GlobalPx Content Director agent on the Px series application switch.
Syntax Description port number The port to be used by the GlobalPx Content Director agent. If no port is specified, the agent listens on the default port, which is 2103.
By default, the GlobalPx Content Director agent does not run.
Usage Guidelines
You must have administrator privileges to issue this command.
Extreme Networks GlobalPx Content Director ª is a DNS-based Internet trafÞc-management system.
This system allows you to take advantage of network and server resources regardless of their location on the Internet or your Intranet. As you add points of presence (POPs, clusters of one or more Px-series switches) to a network, GlobalPx Content Director monitors server loads and network response latencies, distributing client requests to the POP that it determines will deliver the best performance.
GlobalPx Content Director improves client access performance and reliability by leveraging dispersed network resources. For more information, see the GlobalPx Content Director Installation and User Guide.
You must use the
command to commit the conÞguration changes made by this command.
This example starts the GlobalPx Content Director agent, listening on the default port (2103).
SummitPx1::12 # enable gslb
* SummitPx1::13 # build
This command was available in ExtremeWarePx 1.1.
Platform Availability
This command is available on the Px-series application switch.
72 ExtremeWarePx1 1.2 Command Reference Guide
enable log display
enable log display
enable log display
Enables display of log message to the console.
Syntax Description
This command has no parameters or options.
Display of log messages is disabled by default.
Usage Guidelines
You must have administrator privileges to issue this command.
By default, warnings and more serious messages are logged. To log messages of a different severity level, use the
You must use the
command to commit the conÞguration changes made by this command.
This example enables the display of non-fatal and fatal error messages to the console.
SummitPx1::12 # enable log display
* SummitPx1::13 # configure log display error
* SummitPx1::14 # build
This command was available in ExtremeWarePx 1.1.
Platform Availability
This command is available on the Px-series application switch.
ExtremeWarePx1 1.2 Command Reference Guide 73
Commands for Managing the Switch
enable port gigabit
enable port gigabit
Enables the Gigabit port.
Syntax Description
This command has no parameters or options.
The Gigabit port is disabled by default.
Usage Guidelines
You must have administrator privileges to issue this command.
You will be warned if you attempt to issue the build
command when the Gigabit port is disabled.
You must use the
command to commit the conÞguration changes made by this command.
This example enables the Gigabit port, commit changes, and save your conÞguration changes to ßash memory, so that they are in effect after the next reboot.
SummitPx1:8 # enable port gigabit
SummitPx1:11 # build
SummitPx1:17 # save
Do you want to save to the primary configuration database? (y/n) y
Writing data to Flash...
Saved 16107 bytes to flash.
This command was available in ExtremeWarePx 1.1.
Platform Availability
This command is available on the Px-series application switch.
74 ExtremeWarePx1 1.2 Command Reference Guide
enable self-audit
enable self-audit
enable self-audit
Enables the internal self-audit.
Syntax Description
This command has no parameters or options.
Internal self-audit is enabled by default.
Usage Guidelines
You must have administrator privileges to issue this command.
Internal self-audit is the internal hardware-check mechanism. To see whether internal self-audit is enabled, use the
You must use the
command to commit the conÞguration changes made by this command.
The following command enables internal self-audit: enable self-audit
This command was available in ExtremeWarePx 1.1.
Platform Availability
This command is available on the Px-series application switch.
ExtremeWarePx1 1.2 Command Reference Guide 75
Commands for Managing the Switch
enable snmp access
enable snmp access
Turns on SNMP support for the switch.
Syntax Description
This command has no parameters or options.
SNMP access is enabled by default.
Usage Guidelines
You must have administrator privileges to issue this command.
To have access to the SNMP agent residing in the switch, at least one VLAN must have an IP address assigned to it.
Any network manager running SNMP can manage the switch, provided the MIB is installed correctly on the management station. Each network manager provides its own user interface to the management facilities.
You must use the
command to commit the conÞguration changes made by this command.
The following command enables SNMP support for the switch: enable snmp access
This command was available in ExtremeWarePx 1.1.
Platform Availability
This command is available on the Px-series application switch.
76 ExtremeWarePx1 1.2 Command Reference Guide
enable snmp traps
enable snmp traps
enable snmp traps
Turns on SNMP trap support.
Syntax Description
This command has no parameters or options.
SNMP trap support is enabled by default.
Usage Guidelines
You must have administrator privileges to issue this command.
An authorized trap receiver can be one or more network management stations on your network. The switch sends SNMP traps to all trap receivers.
You must use the
command to commit the conÞguration changes made by this command.
The following command enables SNMP trap support on the switch: enable snmp trap
This command was available in ExtremeWarePx 1.1.
Platform Availability
This command is available on the Px-series application switch.
ExtremeWarePx1 1.2 Command Reference Guide 77
Commands for Managing the Switch
enable ssh2
enable ssh2
{port <tcp_port_number>}
Enables incoming SSH2 Telnet sessions.
Syntax Description port The TCP port number to be used for SSH2 communication. The default is port 22.
The SSH2 feature is disabled until you obtain a valid security license. If a valid security license is in effect, SSH2 is enabled with no access proÞle and uses TCP port number 22.
Usage Guidelines
You must enable SSH2 on the switch before you can connect to it using an external SSH2 client.
Because SSH2 is currently under U.S. export restrictions, you must Þrst obtain a security-enabled version of the ExtremeWare software from Extreme Networks before you can enable SSH2. The procedure for obtaining a security-enabled version of the ExtremeWare software is described in the
ExtremeWare Software User Guide.
You must have administrator privileges to issue this command.
Using SSH2 requires an authentication key.
Before you issue this command, you should generates an SSH2 authentication key using the
configure ssh2 key command. If an authentication key has not already been conÞgured, the
enable ssh2 command will automatically start the dialog for generating an authentication key (which can take up to
40 minutes).
Use the port option to specify a TCP port number other than the default.
You must use the
command to commit the conÞguration changes made by this command.
The following command enables the SSH2 feature, with access allowed based on the access proÞle
management: enable ssh2 management
78 ExtremeWarePx1 1.2 Command Reference Guide
This command was available in ExtremeWarePx 1.1.
Platform Availability
This command is available on the Px-series application switch. enable ssh2
ExtremeWarePx1 1.2 Command Reference Guide 79
Commands for Managing the Switch
enable syslog
enable syslog
Enables logging to a remote logging by way of the UNIX syslog
host facility.
Syntax Description
This command has no parameters or options.
Remote logging is disabled by default.
Usage Guidelines
You must have administrator privileges to issue this command.
In order to enable remote logging, you must do the following:
¥ ConÞgure the syslog host to accept and log messages.
¥ Enable remote logging by using the enable syslog
¥ ConÞgure remote logging by using the
By default, warnings and more serious messages are logged. To log messages of a different severity level, use the
configure log display command.
You must use the
command to commit the conÞguration changes made by this command.
This example enables logging to a remote syslog host:
SummitPx1::12 # enable syslog
* SummitPx1::13 # configure syslog ipaddress
* SummitPx1::14 # build
This command was available in ExtremeWarePx 1.1.
Platform Availability
This command is available on the Px-series application switch.
80 ExtremeWarePx1 1.2 Command Reference Guide
enable telnet
enable telnet
Enables Telnet access to the switch.
Syntax Description
This command has no parameters or options.
Telnet services are enabled by default.
Usage Guidelines
You must have administrator privileges to issue this command.
You must use the
command to commit the conÞguration changes made by this command.
The following command enables Telnet services on the switch: enable telnet
This command was available in ExtremeWarePx 1.1.
Platform Availability
This command is available on the Px-series application switch. enable telnet
ExtremeWarePx1 1.2 Command Reference Guide 81
Commands for Managing the Switch
enable vlan
enable vlan
Enables VLANs on the application switch.
Syntax Description
This command has no parameters or options.
On SummitPx1, VLANs are disabled by default.
Usage Guidelines
You must have administrator privileges to issue this command.
You must use the
command to commit the conÞguration changes made by this command.
This example enables VLANs on the application switch then conÞgures the IP address, network mask, and system VLAN.
SummitPx1:1 # enable vlan
* SummitPx1:2 # config system-ip / 24 vlan 100
* SummitPx1:3 # build
This command was available in ExtremeWarePx 1.1.
Platform Availability
This command is available on the Px-series application switch.
82 ExtremeWarePx1 1.2 Command Reference Guide
Logs out of the console.
Syntax Description
This command has no parameters or options.
Usage Guidelines
You can also log out with the logout
and quit
The following command logs out: exit
This command was available in ExtremeWarePx 1.1.
Platform Availability
This command is available on the Px-series application switch. exit
ExtremeWarePx1 1.2 Command Reference Guide 83
Commands for Managing the Switch
Displays a list of the previous 49 commands entered on the switch.
Syntax Description
This command has no parameters or options.
Usage Guidelines
ExtremeWarePx ÒremembersÓ the last 49 commands you entered on the switch. Use the history command to display a list of these commands.
The following command displays the previous 49 commands entered on the switch: history
This command was available in ExtremeWarePx 1.1.
Platform Availability
This command is available on the Px-series application switch.
84 ExtremeWarePx1 1.2 Command Reference Guide
load configuration
load configuration
load configuration
[<IP address> | <hostname>]
Loads a previously saved ASCII conÞguration Þle from a speciÞc TFTP server host into the switch's runtime memory.
Syntax Description
IP address hostname filename
The IP address of the TFTP server from which the configuration should be obtained.
The host name of the TFTP server from which the configuration should be obtained.
The path and filename of a saved ASCII configuration.
Usage Guidelines
You must have administrator privileges to issue this command.
This command loads the conÞguration from the speciÞed Þle, adding to the current conÞguration.
The Þle on the server is assumed to be located relative to the TFTP server base directory. You can specify a path as part of the Þlename.
Use of the hostname
parameter requires that DNS be enabled.
You must use the
command to commit the conÞguration changes loaded by this command. You must use the
command to store the new conÞguration in permanent memory.
To download a complete new conÞguration into permanent memory, use the
command instead of this command.
The following command loads a conÞguration Þle into runtime memory.
load configuration tftphost myDir\myConfig.txt
This command was available in ExtremeWarePx 1.1.
Platform Availability
This command is available on the Px-series application switch.
ExtremeWarePx1 1.2 Command Reference Guide 85
Commands for Managing the Switch
Logs out of the console.
Syntax Description
This command has no parameters or options.
Usage Guidelines
You can also log out with the exit
and quit
The following command logs out: logout
This command was available in ExtremeWarePx 1.1.
Platform Availability
This command is available on the Px-series application switch.
86 ExtremeWarePx1 1.2 Command Reference Guide
nslookup <hostname>
Displays the IP address of the requested host.
Syntax Description hostname A host name.
Usage Guidelines
You must have administrator privileges to issue this command.
The following command looks up the IP address of a computer with the name of bigserver.xyz_inc.com: nslookup bigserver.xyz_inc.com
This command was available in ExtremeWarePx 1.1.
Platform Availability
This command is available on the Px-series application switch.
ExtremeWarePx1 1.2 Command Reference Guide 87
Commands for Managing the Switch
[<IP address> | <hostname>]
Enables you to send Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP) echo messages or to a remote IP device.
Syntax Description continuous
IP address hostname
Specifies that ICMP echo messages are to be sent continuously. This option can be interrupted by pressing any key.
The IP address of the host.
The name of the host.
Usage Guidelines
The ping
command is used to test for connectivity to a speciÞc host; it is available for both the user and administrator privilege level.
If a ping
request fails, the switch continues to send ping
messages until interrupted.
You can press any key to interrupt a ping
Use of the hostname
parameter requires that DNS be enabled.
This example identiÞes the remote device by its host name; the ping is successful.
SummitPx1:13 # ping www.ExtremeNetworks.com www.ExtremeNetworks.com is alive
This example causes continuous ICMP echo messages to be sent to a remote host.
SummitPx1:15 # ping continuous www.ExtremeNetworks.com
PING www.ExtremeNetworks.com ( 56 data bytes
64 bytes from icmp_seq=0. time=0 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=1. time=0 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=2. time=0 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=3. time=0 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=4. time=0 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=5. time=0 ms
----www.ExtremeNetworks.com PING Statistics----
6 packets transmitted, 6 packets received, 0% packet loss round-trip (ms) min/avg/max = 0/0/0
88 ExtremeWarePx1 1.2 Command Reference Guide
This example identiÞes the remote device by its IP address; the ping
SummitPx1:14 # ping no answer from
This command was available in ExtremeWarePx 1.1.
Platform Availability
This command is available on the Px-series application switch.
ExtremeWarePx1 1.2 Command Reference Guide 89
Commands for Managing the Switch
Logs out of the console.
Syntax Description
This command has no parameters or options.
Usage Guidelines
You can also log out with the exit
and logout
The following command logs out: quit
This command was available in ExtremeWarePx 1.1.
Platform Availability
This command is available on the Px-series application switch.
90 ExtremeWarePx1 1.2 Command Reference Guide
Reboots the switch.
Syntax Description
This command has no parameters or options.
Usage Guidelines
After downloading a conÞguration with the
command, you need to reboot the
switch for the new conÞguration to take effect.
The following command reboots the switch: reboot
This command was available in ExtremeWarePx 1.1.
Platform Availability
This command is available on the Px-series application switch.
ExtremeWarePx1 1.2 Command Reference Guide 91
Commands for Managing the Switch
save configuration
save configuration [primary | secondary]
Saves the current conÞguration from the switchÕs runtime memory to non-volatile memory.
Syntax Description primary secondary
Specifies that the configuration should be stored as the primary configuration.
Specifies that the configuration should be stored as the secondary configuration.
Usage Guidelines
You must have administrator privileges to issue this command.
The saved conÞguration takes effect on the next reboot.
If you omit the primary or secondary keyword, the switch uses the one that was selected with the previous
command. To see which conÞguration is currently selected, use the
If you have made changes to the conÞguration which have not yet been committed by the build
command, you will be asked whether you want to commit those changes (build) before saving the conÞguration.
This example saves the current conÞguration to the primary conÞguration database:
SummitPx1:1 # save primary
Writing data to Flash...
Saved 16107 bytes to flash.
This example saves the conÞguration after Þrst committing changes:
* Alpha-Px:3 # save primary
Build configuration before saving (y/n)? y
** Configuring proxy-ip
** Configuring server table
** Configuring server-group table
** Configuring service table
92 ExtremeWarePx1 1.2 Command Reference Guide
** Updating Health List tables
** Updating self audit parameters.
** Updating Snmp Parameters.
** Gigabit port enabled
** Updating VRRP parameters.
** Updating autosync parameters.
Writing data to Flash...
Saved 16151 bytes to flash.
This command was available in ExtremeWarePx 1.1.
Platform Availability
This command is available on the Px-series application switch. save configuration
ExtremeWarePx1 1.2 Command Reference Guide 93
Commands for Managing the Switch
{cipher [3des | blowfish]}
{port <port number>}
{debug <debug_level>}
<user>@ [<hostname> | <IP address>] :<remote_file>
[(configuration {incremental} | image [primary | secondary]]
Copies a Þle from a remote system to the switch using SCP2.
Syntax Description
3des blowfish port number debug_level user hostname
IP address remote file configuration incremental image primary secondary
Specifies that the 3des cipher should be used for encryption. This is the default.
Specifies that the blowfish cipher should be used for encryption.
The TCP port number to be used for communicating with the SSH2 client.
Default is port 22.
A debug level. Default is 0.
A login name for the remote host.
The name of the remote host.
The IP address of the remote host.
The name of the remote file to be copied to the switch.
Specifies that the copied file is a switch configuration file. It the incremental option is not specified, it replaces the current switch configuration.
Specifies that the copied file should be handled like an incremental configuration download (only the commands in the file are executed).
Specifies that the copied file is an software image.
Specifies that the image should be placed in the primary image area.
Specifies that the image should be placed in the secondary image area.
Usage Guidelines
You must have administrator privileges to issue this command.
You must be running a security-enabled version of ExtremeWare 6.2.1 (which is under Export Control) in order to use the scp2
SSH2 does not need to be enabled on the switch in order to use this command. (SSH2 is enabled by default if you are running a security-enabled version of ExtremeWare).
This command logs into the remote host as
and accesses the Þle
. You will be prompted for a password from the remote host, if required.
94 ExtremeWarePx1 1.2 Command Reference Guide
The following command copies a conÞguration Þle from the Þle configpart1.save
on host system1
to the switch, replacing the current switch conÞguration: scp2 admin@system1:configpart1.save configuration
This command was available in ExtremeWarePx 1.1.
Platform Availability
This command is available on the Px-series application switch.
ExtremeWarePx1 1.2 Command Reference Guide 95
Commands for Managing the Switch
{cipher [3des | blowfish]}
{port <port number>}
{compression [on | off]}
{user <username>}
{debug <debug_level>}
{<login_name>@} [<host> | <IP address>]
{<remote command>}
Transmits a command to a remote system using an SSH2 connection.
Syntax Description
3des blowfish port number on off username debug_level login_name host
IP address remote command
Specifies that the 3des cipher should be used for encryption. This is the default.
Specifies that the blowfish cipher should be used for encryption.
The TCP port number to be used for communicating with the SSH2 client.
Default is port 22.
Specifies that data is to be compressed.
Specifies that compression is not to be used. This is the default.
A login name for the remote host, as an alternate to the user@host parameter.
A debug level. Default is 0.
A login name for the remote host. May be omitted if it is the same as the user name on the switch.
The name of the remote host.
The IP address of the remote host.
A command to be passed to the remote system for execution. Remote commands are not supported on switches. This option is only valid if the remote system is a system, such as a UNIX workstation, that can accept remote commands.
Usage Guidelines
You must be running a security-enabled version of ExtremeWare 6.2.1 (which is under Export Control) in order to use the SSH2 client command.
SSH2 does not need to be enabled on the switch in order to use this command. (SSH2 is enabled by default if you are running a security-enabled version of ExtremeWare).
Typically this command is used to establish a secure session to a remote switch. You will be prompted for your password. Once you have logged in successfully, all ExtremeWare commands you enter will be
96 ExtremeWarePx1 1.2 Command Reference Guide
ssh2 executed on the remote switch. When you terminate the remote session, commands will then resume being executed on the original switch.
The remote command option cannot be used with Extreme Networks switches. If you include a remote command, you will receive an error message.
The following command establishes an SSH2 session on switch engineering1: ssh2 admin@engineering1
The following command establishes an SSH2 session with the switch summit48i over TCP port 2050 with compression enabled: ssh2 port 2050 compression on admin@summit48i
This command was available in ExtremeWarePx 1.1.
Platform Availability
This command is available on the Px-series application switch.
ExtremeWarePx1 1.2 Command Reference Guide 97
Commands for Managing the Switch
[<IP address> | <hostname>]
{<port number>}
Allows you to Telnet from the current command-line interface session to another host.
Syntax Description
IP address hostname port number
The IP address of the host.
The name of the host.
A TCP port number. The default port is 23.
Usage Guidelines
Only VT100 emulation is supported.
Any workstation with a Telnet facility should be able to communicate with the switch over a TCP/IP network.
You need to conÞgure the switch IP parameters.
You can press the escape character [Ctrl] + ] (hexadecimal 0x1d) to get out of the Telnet session.
Up to eight active Telnet sessions can access the switch concurrently. If idletimeouts
are enabled, the
Telnet connection will time out after 20 minutes of inactivity. If a connection to a Telnet session is lost inadvertently, the switch terminates the session within two hours.
Before you can start a Telnet session, you need to conÞgure the switch IP parameters. To open a Telnet connection, you must specify the host IP address or the host name of the device you wish to manage.
Check the user manual supplied with the Telnet facility if you are unsure of how to do this.
Use of the hostname
parameter requires that DNS be enabled.
This example conÞgures Telnet communication with a host at IP address
SummitPx1:13 # telnet chein-bsd
Type '^]' to exit.
FreeBSD/i386 (chein-bsd.cnd.extremenetworks.c) (ttyq1) login:
98 ExtremeWarePx1 1.2 Command Reference Guide
This command was available in ExtremeWarePx 1.1.
Platform Availability
This command is available on the Px-series application switch. telnet
ExtremeWarePx1 1.2 Command Reference Guide 99
Commands for Managing the Switch
traceroute [<IP address> | <hostname>]
Enables you to trace the routed path between the switch and a destination endstation.
Syntax Description
IP address hostname
The IP address of the destination endstation.
The host name of the destination endstation.
Usage Guidelines
To use the hostname parameter, you must Þrst conÞgure DNS.
Each router along the path is displayed.
The following command enables the traceroute function to a destination of traceroute
This command was available in ExtremeWarePx 1.1.
Platform Availability
This command is available on the Px-series application switch.
100 ExtremeWarePx1 1.2 Command Reference Guide
unconfigure gslb
unconfigure gslb
unconfigure gslb ipaddress <IP address> service <string>
Removes a virtual service from use by the GlobalPx Content Director scheduler.
Syntax Description
IP address string
The VIP of the virtual service to be removed from use by the GlobalPx Content Director scheduler.
The virtual host name used for the specified VIP; this virtual host name must also be set the scheduler.
Usage Guidelines
You must have administrator privileges to issue this command.
Extreme Networks GlobalPx Content Director ª is a DNS-based Internet trafÞc-management system.
This system allows you to take advantage of network and server resources regardless of their location on the Internet or your Intranet. As you add points of presence (POPs, clusters of one or more Px-series switches) to a network, GlobalPx Content Director monitors server loads and network response latencies, distributing client requests to the POP that it determines will deliver the best performance.
GlobalPx Content Director improves client access performance and reliability by leveraging dispersed network resources.
The GlobalPx Content Director transparently directs clients and client DNS servers to the most appropriate POP to satisfy client requests. Typically, the physically closest POP is the one that gives the fastest response. However, this is not always the case. The GlobalPx Content Director scheduler routes requests to the optimal POP. The scheduler is a separate program that runs on a Windows or Solaris machine. When the scheduler is in use, virtual services are not automatically used by the scheduler. You must issue the
configure gslb command for any virtual service that you want to be used by the
scheduler. If you later decide to remove a virtual service from the scheduler, you issue this command.
For more information, see the GlobalPx Content Director Installation and User Guide.
You must use the
command to commit the conÞguration changes made by this command.
This example removes a virtual service from use by the scheduler.
SummitPx1::12 # unconfig gslb ip service yosemite.cnd.myhost.com
SummitPx1::13 # build
This command was available in ExtremeWarePx 1.1.
ExtremeWarePx1 1.2 Command Reference Guide 101
Commands for Managing the Switch
unconfigure mgmt iproute
unconfigure mgmt iproute dest-ip <destination IP address> gateway <gateway IP address>
Removes a route from the routing table for the switchÕs 10/100BT port.
Syntax Description destination IP address gateway IP address
The destination IP address.
The gateway IP address.
Usage Guidelines
You must have administrator privileges to issue this command.
The 10/100BT port has a separate routing table. By default, no routes are installed in the routing table; add routes to the table with the
This command removes the routing-table entry indicating that trafÞc for destination IP address should be directed to gateway IP address .
The conÞguration of management-port information is executed immediately; you do not need to issue the
build command for this command to take effect.
This example removes a route: station1:4 # unconfig mgmt iproute dest-ip gateway
This command was available in ExtremeWarePx 1.1.
Platform Availability
This command is available on the Px-series application switch.
102 ExtremeWarePx1 1.2 Command Reference Guide
unconfigure switch
unconfigure switch
unconfigure switch {all}
Removes the switch conÞguration, restoring factory defaults.
Syntax Description all Specifies that user accounts should be removed.
Usage Guidelines
You must have administrator privileges to issue this command.
This command removes the current conÞguration and restores the servers, services and system conÞguration to factory defaults. If you specify the all
keyword, conÞguration of user accounts is also removed.
The default conÞguration takes effect when you reboot the switch.
This example removes the conÞguration but keeps user accounts.
* station2:7 # unconfig switch
Restore factory defaults (except user accounts) and reboot? (yes or no): y
This example removes the conÞguration including user accounts:
* station2:6 # unconfig switch all
Restore factory defaults and reboot? (yes or no): y
This command was available in ExtremeWarePx 1.1.
Platform Availability
This command is available on the Px-series application switch.
ExtremeWarePx1 1.2 Command Reference Guide 103
Commands for Managing the Switch
upload configuration
upload configuration
[<IP address> | <hostname>]
{primary | secondary}
Uploads the current conÞguration to a TFTP server on your network.
Syntax Description
IP address hostname filename primary secondary
The IP address of the TFTP server.
The host name of the TFTP server.
A name for the file where the configuration is to be saved.
The filename can be up to 255 characters long, and cannot include any spaces, commas, quotation marks, or special characters. Unless you include a path with the filename, this command places the file in the same directory as the TFTP server itself.
Specifies that the primary configuration should be uploaded.
Specifies that the secondary configuration should be uploaded.
Usage Guidelines
You must have administrator privileges to issue this command.
The uploaded ASCII Þle retains the command-line interface (CLI) format. This allows you to do the following:
¥ Modify the conÞguration using a text editor, and later download a copy of the Þle (using the
command) to the same switch, or to one or more different switches.
¥ Send a copy of the conÞguration Þle to Extreme Networks Technical Support for problem-solving purposes.
Use of the hostname parameter requires that DNS be enabled.
The following command uploads the current primary conÞguration to the Þle configbackup.txt
on the
TFTP server named tftphost
: upload configuration tftphost configbackup.txt primary
This command was available in ExtremeWarePx 1.1.
104 ExtremeWarePx1 1.2 Command Reference Guide
Platform Availability
This command is available on the Px-series application switch. upload configuration
ExtremeWarePx1 1.2 Command Reference Guide 105
Commands for Managing the Switch
use configuration
use configuration [primary | secondary]
ConÞgures the switch to use a previously saved conÞguration on the next reboot.
Syntax Description primary secondary
Specifies the primary saved configuration.
Specifies the secondary saved configuration.
Usage Guidelines
You must have administrator privileges to issue this command.
You can issue the
show switch command to see which conÞguration is currently being used.
The following command speciÞes that the next reboot should use the primary saved conÞguration: use configuration primary
This command was available in ExtremeWarePx 1.1.
Platform Availability
This command is available on the Px-series application switch.
106 ExtremeWarePx1 1.2 Command Reference Guide
use image
use image [primary | secondary]
ConÞgures the switch to use a saved image on the next reboot.
Syntax Description primary secondary
Specifies the primary saved software image.
Specifies the secondary saved software image.
Usage Guidelines
You must have administrator privileges to issue this command.
You can issue the
show switch command to see which image is currently being used.
The following command conÞgures the switch to use the primary image on the next reboot: use image primary
This command was available in ExtremeWarePx 1.1.
Platform Availability
This command is available on the Px-series application switch. use image
ExtremeWarePx1 1.2 Command Reference Guide 107
Commands for Managing the Switch
108 ExtremeWarePx1 1.2 Command Reference Guide
Commands for Configuring Servers and
This chapter describes the following commands:
¥ Commands for conÞguring servers
¥ Commands for creating and conÞguring server groups
¥ Commands for creating and conÞguring virtual services
The real servers are the actual web or application servers that fulÞll the client requests. Typically, one or more identical real servers run the same application and contain the exact same content. ConÞguring a
server makes a real server available to the switch, assigns the server a unique index, and sets properties of the server. The switch identiÞes servers by index. For each server index, the switch keeps track of the
IP address and port number of the corresponding real server. Once a server has been conÞgured, it can be identiÞed in commands either by its index number or by the combination of its IP address and port number.
The following commands conÞgure servers.
configure server default Configures the global default values for server properties.
unconfigure server Removes one or more servers from the system.
ExtremeWarePx1 1.2 Command Reference Guide 109
Commands for Configuring Servers and Services
Server Groups
After servers are conÞgured, they must be organized into server groups. The ExtremeWarePx software selects a server to handle each connection to a particular server group.
The following commands create and conÞgure server groups.
configure server-group add-server
configure server-group delete-server
Creates a server group with the specified name and scheduling policy.
Adds one or more servers to a server group.
Deletes one or more servers from a server group.
Removes a server group from the system.
Virtual Services
A virtual service is the IP address and port to which clients on the Internet actually connect. The
Px-series application switch supports layer 4 and layer 7 virtual services:
¥ A layer 4 virtual service used one particular server group. Any connection to the service is directed to one of the servers in that group, based on the scheduling policy of the server group. The trafÞc is not examined.
¥ A layer 7 virtual service can use a number of different server groups. The switch examines a client request and applies pattern rules for the service to select a server group based on the domain, URL, or cookie in the request.
The following commands create and remove virtual services.
Creates a layer 4 virtual service.
Creates a layer 7 virtual service.
Removes a service from the system.
The following commands conÞgure a layer 7 virtual service.
configure pattern-rule default
configure pattern-rule default cookie-name
Creates a domain for the current layer 7 service.
Configures the default domain for the current layer 7 service.
Creates a pattern rule for the current domain of the current layer 7 service.
Configures the default pattern rule for the current domain of a current layer 7 service.
Configures the cookie persistence mode for the current layer 7 service.
Removes a domain from the current layer 7 service.
Removes a pattern rule from the current domain of the current layer 7 service.
110 ExtremeWarePx1 1.2 Command Reference Guide
configure domain
configure domain
configure domain name <name string>
Creates a domain for the current layer 7 service.
Syntax Description name string The domain name as specified in a client request, or the special domain name "*" if the server uses only the URL (and not the domain name) to select a server group.
The name string "*" matches any request with an unspecified domain name, that is, any request in which the domain name is not present in the HTTP header.
Usage Guidelines
You must have administrator privileges to issue this command.
This command applies to the service that was speciÞed in the most recently issued
command. That service is called the current service.
This command establishes the context for subsequent commands that conÞgure pattern rules for the domain. It is relevant only for a layer 7 service that uses HTTP.
You use this command as follows:
¥ If the current service uses the domain speciÞed in the client request to select a server group, you must: a Issue the
configure domain command to conÞgure a recognized domain name for the current
service; the domain speciÞed in this command is called the current domain.
b Issue the appropriate commands to conÞgure pattern rules for the current domain. c If more than one domain name is recognized for the current service, repeat steps a and b for each additional recognized domain name.
d Issue the
command to conÞgure a default domain for the current service.
e Issue the appropriate commands to conÞgure pattern rules for the default domain.
¥ If the current service uses only the URL (and not the domain) to select a server group, you must: a Issue the
configure domain command, specifying the special domain name
"*" .
b Issue the appropriate commands to conÞgure pattern rules for the current service.
For each conÞgured domain name, including the special domain name
, you must conÞgure zero or more non-default pattern rules (with the
command) and one default pattern
rule (with the configure pattern-rule
ExtremeWarePx1 1.2 Command Reference Guide 111
Commands for Configuring Servers and Services
If a layer 7 service was conÞgured with its class
parameter set to https
, you use the
command instead of this command.
You must use the
command to commit the conÞguration changes made by this command.
This example conÞgures domains for a service. Note that the service is conÞgured to recognizes domain names that begin with or omit the initial Ò www.
Ó (for example, www.buystuff.com
and buystuff.com).
SummitPx1::12 # config service vip port 8080 proto tcp l7 class http
* SummitPx1::13 # config domain name buystuff.com
* SummitPx1::14 # config pattern-rule default server-group-name buystuff
* SummitPx1::15 # config domain name www.buystuff.com
* SummitPx1::16 # config pattern-rule default server-group-name buystuff
* SummitPx1::17 # config domain name buythisnow.com
* SummitPx1::18 # config pattern-rule default server-group-name buythisnow
* SummitPx1::19 # config domain name www.buythisnow.com
* SummitPx1::20 # config pattern-rule default server-group-name buythisnow
* SummitPx1::21 # config domain default
* SummitPx1::22 # config pattern-rule default server-group-name mainpage
* SummitPx1::23 # build
This command was available in ExtremeWarePx 1.1.
Platform Availability
This command is available on the Px-series application switch.
112 ExtremeWarePx1 1.2 Command Reference Guide
configure domain default
configure domain default
configure domain default
ConÞgures the default domain for the current layer 7 service.
Syntax Description
This command has no parameters or options.
Usage Guidelines
You must have administrator privileges to issue this command.
This command applies to the service that was speciÞed in the most recently issued
command. That service is called the current service.
You must conÞgure a default domain for every layer 7 service that does not conÞgure the single special domain name
This command establishes the context for the subsequent commands that conÞgure pattern rules for the default domain.
You must conÞgure pattern rules for the default domain:
¥ For a service whose class is https , the default domain must contain only the default pattern rule
(created with the configure pattern-rule default command).
¥ The default domain of other services may contain zero or more non-default pattern rules (created with the
command) and must contain one default pattern rule. If the service uses cookies, you use the
configure pattern-rule default cookie-name
command to
conÞgure the default pattern rule; otherwise, you use the configure pattern-rule default
You must use the
command to commit the conÞguration changes made by this command.
This example conÞgures two named domains and a default domain for a service. All domains for this service contain a default pattern rule only
SummitPx1::12 # config service vip port 8080 proto tcp l7 class http
* SummitPx1::13 # config domain name mydomain.com
* SummitPx1::14 # config pattern-rule default server-group-name group1
* SummitPx1::15 # config domain name www.mydomain.com
* SummitPx1::16 # config pattern-rule default server-group-name group1
* SummitPx1::17 # config domain default
* SummitPx1::18 # config pattern-rule default server-group-name mainpage
* SummitPx1::19 # build
ExtremeWarePx1 1.2 Command Reference Guide 113
Commands for Configuring Servers and Services
This command was available in ExtremeWarePx 1.1.
Platform Availability
This command is available on the Px-series application switch.
114 ExtremeWarePx1 1.2 Command Reference Guide
configure pattern-rule
configure pattern-rule
configure pattern-rule <pattern string> server-group-name <group name>
[noqos |
(dot1p-to-svr <dot1p-to-svr tag>
dot1p-to-net <dot1p-to-net tag>
diffserv-to-svr <diffserv-to-svr tag>
diffserv-to-net <diffserv-to-net tag>)]
Creates a pattern rule for the current domain of the current layer 7 service.
Syntax Description pattern string The pattern to be matched against the URL in the client request.
The pattern string can include a single wildcard character ( * ), which may be placed before or after any of the following delimiters:
/ . ? & #
The wildcard matches any string from zero to 32 characters long.
The name of the server group to select if the pattern is matched.
group name noqos dot1p-to-svr tag
Indicates that the service does not tag traffic based on the application or transaction type
Specifies whether to apply a tag to the 802.1p header for packets directed to the server; one of the following values:
• The keyword preserve indicates that no tag is applied to this type of traffic.
• A hexadecimal number from 0x00 to 0x07, inclusive, is the tag to be applied to this type of traffic.
dot1p-to-net tag Specifies whether to apply a tag to the 802.1p header for packets directed to the network; one of the following values:
• The keyword preserve indicates that no tag is applied to this type of traffic.
• A hexadecimal number from 0x00 to 0x07, inclusive, is the tag to be applied to this type of traffic.
diffserv-to-svr tag Specifies whether to apply a tag to the DiffServ code point for packets directed to the server; one of the following values:
• The keyword preserve indicates that no tag is applied to this type of traffic.
• A hexadecimal number from 0x00 to 0x3F, inclusive, is the tag to be applied to this type of traffic.
diffserv-to-net tag Specifies whether to apply a tag to the DiffServ code point for packets directed to the network; one of the following values:
• The keyword preserve indicates that no tag is applied to this type of traffic.
• A hexadecimal number from 0x00 to 0x3F, inclusive, is the tag to be applied to this type of traffic.
ExtremeWarePx1 1.2 Command Reference Guide 115
Commands for Configuring Servers and Services
Usage Guidelines
You must have administrator privileges to issue this command.
This command applies to the current domain of the current service. The current service is the service that was speciÞed in the most recently issued
command. The current domain is the
domain that was speciÞed in the most recently issued configure domain
The conÞgured pattern rule speciÞes the server group that the current service should use when a client request includes the current domain and a URL that matches the speciÞed pattern string.
If you end the command with the noqos
keyword, the headers are left unchanged in the incoming trafÞc that matches the conÞgured pattern rule. If you do not specify this keyword, you can specify tags for incoming trafÞc. You can specify different tags for two Þelds: the 802.1p header and the DiffServ code point (DSCP) in the TCP header. For either Þeld, you can specify different tags for trafÞc towards the server and trafÞc towards the network. You must specify values for all four parameters dot1p-to-svr
, dot1p-to-net
, diffserv-to-svr
, and diffserv-to-net
. If the value of one of these parameters is a hexadecimal number, that number is used as a tag, overwriting any tag that is used on the trafÞc; if the value is the keyword preserve
, any existing tag in the incoming trafÞc is left unchanged.
You must use the
command to commit the conÞguration changes made by this command.
This example conÞgures a service to use the images
server group for Þles with the extensions gif
or jpg
, the media
server group for Þles with the extensions mov
or mp3
, and the mydomain
server group for all other Þles.
SummitPx1::14 # config service vip port 80 protocol tcp L7 class http
* SummitPx1::15 # config domain name *
* SummitPx1::16 # config pattern-rule "*.gif" server-group-name images noqos
* SummitPx1::17 # config pattern-rule "*.jpg" server-group-name images noqos
* SummitPx1::18 # config pattern-rule "*.mov" server-group-name media noqos
* SummitPx1::19 # config pattern-rule "*.mp3" server-group-name media noqos
* SummitPx1::20 # config pattern-rule default server-group-name mydomain noqos
* SummitPx1::21 # build
This command was available in ExtremeWarePx 1.1.
Platform Availability
This command is available on the Px-series application switch.
116 ExtremeWarePx1 1.2 Command Reference Guide
configure pattern-rule default
configure pattern-rule default
configure pattern-rule default server-group-name <group name>
[noqos |
(dot1p-to-svr <dot1p-to-svr tag>
dot1p-to-net <dot1p-to-net tag>
diffserv-to-svr <diffserv-to-svr tag>
diffserv-to-net <diffserv-to-net tag>)]
ConÞgures the default pattern rule for the current domain of a current layer 7 service.
Syntax Description group name noqos dot1p-to-svr tag
The name of the server group to select if the URL in the client request does not match any pattern rule of the current domain of the current service.
Indicates that the service does not tag traffic based on the application or transaction type
Specifies whether to apply a tag to the 802.1p header for packets directed to the server; one of the following values:
• The keyword preserve indicates that no tag is applied to this type of traffic.
• A hexadecimal number from 0x00 to 0x07, inclusive, is the tag to be applied to this type of traffic.
dot1p-to-net tag Specifies whether to apply a tag to the 802.1p header for packets directed to the network; one of the following values:
• The keyword preserve indicates that no tag is applied to this type of traffic.
• A hexadecimal number from 0x00 to 0x07, inclusive, is the tag to be applied to this type of traffic.
diffserv-to-svr tag Specifies whether to apply a tag to the DiffServ code point for packets directed to the server; one of the following values:
• The keyword preserve indicates that no tag is applied to this type of traffic.
• A hexadecimal number from 0x00 to 0x3F, inclusive, is the tag to be applied to this type of traffic.
diffserv-to-net tag Specifies whether to apply a tag to the DiffServ code point for packets directed to the network; one of the following values:
• The keyword preserve indicates that no tag is applied to this type of traffic.
• A hexadecimal number from 0x00 to 0x3F, inclusive, is the tag to be applied to this type of traffic.
Usage Guidelines
You must have administrator privileges to issue this command.
This command applies to the current domain of the current service. The current service is the service that was speciÞed in the most recently issued
configure service L7 command. The current domain is the
ExtremeWarePx1 1.2 Command Reference Guide 117
Commands for Configuring Servers and Services
domain that was speciÞed in the most recently issued configure domain
The conÞgured pattern rule speciÞes the server group to be used when no other pattern rule in the current domain is applicable.
If you end the command with the noqos
keyword, the headers are left unchanged in the incoming trafÞc that matches the conÞgured pattern rule. If you do not specify this keyword, you can specify tags for incoming trafÞc. You can specify different tags for two Þelds: the 802.1p header and the DiffServ code point (DSCP) in the TCP header. For either Þeld, you can specify different tags for trafÞc towards the server and trafÞc towards the network. You must specify values for all four parameters dot1p-to-svr
, dot1p-to-net
, diffserv-to-svr
, and diffserv-to-net
. If the value of one of these parameters is a hexadecimal number, that number is used as a tag, overwriting any tag that is used on the trafÞc; if the value is the keyword preserve
, any existing tag in the incoming trafÞc is left unchanged.
For the default domain of a service that uses cookies, you create the default pattern rule with the
configure pattern-rule default cookie-name
command instead of this command.
You must use the
command to commit the conÞguration changes made by this command.
This example conÞgures a default pattern rule for Þles with the gif
extension and a default rule
SummitPx1::12 # config service vip port 8080 proto tcp l7 class http
* SummitPx1::13 # config domain name mydomain.com
* SummitPx1::14 # config pattern-rule "*.gif" server-group-name group2 dot1p-to-svr 0x07 dot1p-to-net 0x07 diffserv-to-srv 0x3f diffserv-to-net 0x3f
* SummitPx1::15 # config pattern-rule default server-group-name group1 noqos
* SummitPx1::16 # build
This command was available in ExtremeWarePx 1.1.
Platform Availability
This command is available on the Px-series application switch.
118 ExtremeWarePx1 1.2 Command Reference Guide
configure pattern-rule default cookie-name
configure pattern-rule default cookie-name
configure pattern-rule default server-group-name <group name> cookie-name <cookie string> cookie-type [ self | hash | learning]}
[noqos |
(dot1p-to-svr <dot1p-to-svr tag>
dot1p-to-net <dot1p-to-net tag>
diffserv-to-svr <diffserv-to-svr tag>
diffserv-to-net <diffserv-to-net tag>)]
ConÞgures the cookie persistence mode for the current layer 7 service.
Syntax Description group name cookie string self hash learning noqos dot1p-to-svr tag
The name of the server group to select whenever a client request for the current service includes a cookie.
The ASCII name of the cookie. The current service responds only to cookies with this name.
Specifies that the current service uses self-identifying cookie persistence mode. In this mode, the server cookie should contain a unique string of 7 to 15 characters to identify the real IP web server of the specified server group.
Specifies that the current service uses hashed cookie persistence mode. In this mode, the cookie contains unique information about the client. The switch computes a hash value from this information and uses the hash value to select the appropriate server from the specified server group.
Specifies that the current service uses learned cookie persistence mode. In this mode, the switch creates a database that stores historical information about each session and uses the stored information to match the incoming cookie with the previous connection made by the same client and value to select the appropriate server from the specified server group.
Indicates that the service does not tag traffic based on the application or transaction type
Specifies whether to apply a tag to the 802.1p header for packets directed to the server; one of the following values:
• The keyword preserve indicates that no tag is applied to this type of traffic.
• A hexadecimal number from 0x00 to 0x07, inclusive, is the tag to be applied to this type of traffic.
dot1p-to-net tag Specifies whether to apply a tag to the 802.1p header for packets directed to the network; one of the following values:
• The keyword preserve indicates that no tag is applied to this type of traffic.
• A hexadecimal number from 0x00 to 0x07, inclusive, is the tag to be applied to this type of traffic.
diffserv-to-svr tag Specifies whether to apply a tag to the DiffServ code point for packets directed to the server; one of the following values:
• The keyword preserve indicates that no tag is applied to this type of traffic.
• A hexadecimal number from 0x00 to 0x3F, inclusive, is the tag to be applied to this type of traffic.
ExtremeWarePx1 1.2 Command Reference Guide 119
Commands for Configuring Servers and Services diffserv-to-net tag Specifies whether to apply a tag to the DiffServ code point for packets directed to the network; one of the following values:
• The keyword preserve indicates that no tag is applied to this type of traffic.
• A hexadecimal number from 0x00 to 0x3F, inclusive, is the tag to be applied to this type of traffic.
Usage Guidelines
You must have administrator privileges to issue this command.
This command applies to the default domain of the current service. The current service is the service that was speciÞed in the most recently issued
configure service L7 command. The
class of the current service must be http .
The current domain must be the default domain. That is, the
must have been issues after any configure domain command for the current service.
The conÞgured pattern rule speciÞes the server group to be used whenever the service gets a client request that includes a cookie with the speciÞed nameÑregardless of the domain name or URL speciÞed in the request. The contents of the cookie is used to select the speciÞc server within the server group, according to the cookie persistence mode speciÞed by the cookie-type parameter.
If you end the command with the noqos keyword, the headers are left unchanged in the incoming trafÞc that include cookies. If you do not specify this keyword, you can specify tags for incoming trafÞc. You can specify different tags for two Þelds: the 802.1p header and the DiffServ code point (DSCP) in the
TCP header. For either Þeld, you can specify different tags for trafÞc towards the server and trafÞc towards the network. You must specify values for all four parameters dot1p-to-svr , dot1p-to-net , diffserv-to-svr , and diffserv-to-net . If the value of one of these parameters is a hexadecimal number, that number is used as a tag, overwriting any tag that is used on the trafÞc; if the value is the keyword preserve , any existing tag in the incoming trafÞc is left unchanged.
You must use the
command to commit the conÞguration changes made by this command.
This example conÞgures a service to use learned cookie persistence.
SummitPx1::12 # config service vip port 8080 proto tcp l7 class http
* SummitPx1::13 # config domain name mydomain.com
* SummitPx1::14 # config pattern-rule default server-group-name group1
* SummitPx1::15 # config domain name default
* SummitPx1::16 # config pattern-rule default server-group-name group1 cookie-name
"session-id" cookie-type self
* SummitPx1::17 # build
This command was available in ExtremeWarePx 1.1.
120 ExtremeWarePx1 1.2 Command Reference Guide
Platform Availability
This command is available on the Px-series application switch. configure pattern-rule default cookie-name
ExtremeWarePx1 1.2 Command Reference Guide 121
Commands for Configuring Servers and Services
configure server
configure server index <index number> ipaddress <IP address> port <port number>
{max-connections <max number>}
{weight <weight number>}
{cookie <cookie string>} configure server index <index number> ipaddress <IP address> - <IP address> port <port number>
{max-connections <max number>}
{weight <weight number>}
ConÞgures one or more servers, establishing a correspondence between each serverÕs index and the IP address and port number of the corresponding real server.
Syntax Description index number
IP address port number max number weight number cookie string
A unique index number that identifies the server to the switch.
An actual IP address of a real server. Two IP addresses separated by a hyphen indicate a range of addresses; the command configures all servers with addresses in the specified range.
The port the real server uses to answer requests. Real servers can share an IP address, but the port must be unique for each server.
The maximum number of concurrent connections that the server can handle. After that number is reached, no more connections are sent to that particular server until some of the open connections have been close.
If this parameter is not specified, the global default maximum number of connections is used.
The weight factor to be used for weighted load-balancing algorithms.
If this parameter is not specified, the global default weight is used.
An ASCII string between 7 and 15 characters long that uniquely identifies the server. This string will be used by service pattern rules of cookie-type self .
Usage Guidelines
You must have administrator privileges to issue this command.
To conÞgure a server, you must specify:
¥ The index that identiÞes the server to the switch
¥ A unique combination of IP address and port number that identiÞes the real server
122 ExtremeWarePx1 1.2 Command Reference Guide
configure server
You can conÞgure a number of servers at contiguous IP addresses, all of which use the same port. When you specify a range of IP addresses, the speciÞed index is used for the Þrst server and incremented for each conÞgured server.
You must use the
command to commit the conÞguration changes made by this command.
Adding a Server. The Þrst time you conÞgure a particular combination of index, IP address, and port number, you add the speciÞed server to the system. The switch associates the server index with the real server that has the indicated IP address and port number.
If a given real server has already been added to the system, you may not assign that same server to a different index. An error will be reported if you attempt to do so. For examples:
SummitPx1::2 # config server index 100 ipaddress port 80
* SummitPx1::3 # config server index 102 ipaddress port 80
ERROR: server ip and port have already been configured in server index 100
Command Failed
Setting Server Properties. Adding a server to the system initializes the serverÕs properties:
¥ The maximum number of connections for the server
¥ The serverÕs weight for use by weighted load-balancing algorithms
¥ A cookie string that uniquely identiÞes the server (relevant only for servers that will be used in a layer 7 virtual service that uses the self-identifying cookie persistence mode)
When you conÞgure a single server, you can specify values for any of these properties. When you conÞgure a number of servers in a single command, you can specify values for the Þrst two properties, but not the cookie string.
When the number of connections to a particular server equals its maximum number of connections, no more connections are sent to that server until some of its open connections have been closed.
If the configure server
command does not specify the value for a serverÕs maximum number of connections or weight, the global default value is used. The global default value for the maximum number of connections is initially 10,000; the global default for weight is initially 1. You can change the global default values with the
If the
command does not specify the value for a serverÕs cookie string, and that server is used in a layer 7 virtual service that uses the self-identifying cookie persistence mode, a default cookie string is constructed. A serverÕs default cookie string is a 7-character ASCII string containing the serverÕs index with leading zeros. For example, a server with index 25 has the default cookie string of "0000025".
Changing the Real Server at an Index. Once you have added a server to the system, if you later issue the configure server command, specifying the serverÕs index number but a different IP address and port number, you replace the real server associated with that server index. The real server previously associated with the speciÞed index is removed from the system (because it no longer has an associated index number).
Changing Server Properties. You can change the properties of an existing server by issuing the
command, specifying the index number, IP address, and port number of the server,
and a new value for the any of the serverÕs properties.
ExtremeWarePx1 1.2 Command Reference Guide 123
Commands for Configuring Servers and Services
This example creates servers with indexes 3 through 10, all using port 80, with a maximum of 4000 connections, and all with equal weight:
SummitPx1:11 # configure server index 3 ipaddress - port 80 max-connections 4000 weight 1
* SummitPx1:12 # build
This form of this command was available in ExtremeWarePx 1.2. A form of the command without the cookie parameter was available in ExtremeWarePx 1.1.
Platform Availability
This command is available on the Px-series application switch.
124 ExtremeWarePx1 1.2 Command Reference Guide
configure server default
configure server default
configure server default
[(max-connections <max number>) |
(weight <weight number>)]
ConÞgures the global default values for server properties.
Syntax Description max number weight number
The global default value for the maximum number of concurrent connections a server can handle. When a server has its maximum number of connections, no more connections are sent to that particular server until some of its open connections have been closed.
The global default value for the weight factor for servers. Weight factors are used by weighted load-balancing algorithms.
If this command is never used, the global default value for maximum number of connections is 10,000 and the global default value for weight is 1.
Usage Guidelines
You must have administrator privileges to issue this command.
You can use this command to change the global default values for server properties. When you conÞgure servers without specifying the maximum number of connections, the global default for that property is used. When you conÞgure servers without specifying the weight, the global default for that property is used.
You must use the
command to commit the conÞguration changes made by this command.
This example sets the global default maximum number of connections to 6,000 (command 8), then conÞgures 3 servers using this default (command 9), and conÞgures a fourth server with a maximum of
4,000 connections (command 10). These changes do not take effect until the build
command (number
11) commits them.
SummitPx1:8 # configure server default max-connections 6000
* SummitPx1:9 # configure server index 3 ipaddress - port 80
* SummitPx1:10 # configure server index 6 ipaddress port 80 max-connections 4000
* SummitPx1:11 # configure server index 7ipaddress port 80 cookie "myserver1"
* SummitPx1:12 # build
This form command was available in ExtremeWarePx 1.1.
ExtremeWarePx1 1.2 Command Reference Guide 125
Commands for Configuring Servers and Services
Platform Availability
This command is available on the Px-series application switch.
126 ExtremeWarePx1 1.2 Command Reference Guide
configure server-group
configure server-group
configure server-group name <name string> policy [rr | round-robin |wrr | weighted-round-robin |
lc | least-connections | wlc | weighted-least-connections |
{server-last-resort index <index>}
Creates a server group with the speciÞed name and scheduling policy.
Syntax Description name string rr round-robin wrr weighted-round-robin lc least-connections wlc weighted-least-connections hash index
A unique name for the new server group.
Specifies the round-robin scheduling policy. ( rr is an abbreviation for round-robin ; either the abbreviation or the full policy name may be used in this command.)
Specifies the weighted round-robin scheduling policy. ( wrr is an abbreviation for weighted-round-robin ; either the abbreviation or the full policy name may be used in this command
Specifies the least-connections scheduling policy. ( lc is an abbreviation for least-connections ; either the abbreviation or the full policy name may be used in this command.)
Specifies the weighted least-connections scheduling policy. ( wlc is an abbreviation for weighted-least-connections ; either the abbreviation or the full policy name may be used in this command.)
Specifies the hash scheduling policy.
The index for the server of last resort.
Usage Guidelines
You must have administrator privileges to issue this command.
When you create a server group, you must specify a unique name and a scheduling policy
A serverÕs scheduling policy, also called its load-balancing policy, is the method by which a server is selected from the server group for a particular connection. Any service that uses a speciÞc server group uses the policy deÞned for that group.
ExtremeWarePx1 1.2 Command Reference Guide 127
Commands for Configuring Servers and Services
The Px-series application switch supports the following scheduling policies:
Policy round robin weighted round robin least connections weighted least connections hash
Distributes clients evenly across the web server group by passing each new connection request to the next server in line. The first client connection is sent to the first server, the second to the second server, and so on, until each server has a connection. When each server has its first connection, the next client connection is sent to the first server, the next to the second, and so on.
Round robin is the simplest way of balancing web traffic, and is best suited for environments in which the performance level of all servers is about equal, and all servers provide the same content.
Similar to round robin, except that you can apply a weight to each server. For example, if server A has a weight of two, and server B has a weight of one, server A receives two connections for each connection given to server B.
Weighted round robin is useful if all servers provide the same content, but some are faster than others.
Passes a new connection to the server having the fewest active sessions. It distributes clients based on the server with fewest connections currently open.
The least connections policy provides the best performance under most conditions.
As in weighted round robin, assigns a weight to each server. The weight can be based on a number of things, including:
• Processor speed
• Network connection speed
Connections are distributed using the server with the fewest connections by weight. As in weighted round robin, weighted least connections can be used if servers have very different connection-handling capacities.
Weighted least connections has the advantage of not overloading older, slower servers with too many connections.
Selects a server from the group based on a hash value computed from the client IP address and the service IP address (VIP).
You may optionally specify a server of last resort for the group. This is a server to which trafÞc is sent if all the servers in a server-group are down. It could be a server that simply replies to the client with a
"SYSTEM DOWN" message, or a server that can service the request under emergency circumstances
(perhaps a development machine or a system in another geographical location). To specify the server of last resort, use the optional server-last-resort parameter.
You must use the
command to commit the conÞguration changes made by this command.
This example creates a server group named group1 , giving it the weighted least-connections scheduling policy:
SummitPx1:25 # configure server-group name group1 policy wlc
* SummitPx1:26 # build
This example creates a server group named group2 with round-robin scheduling policy that uses server with index 9 as its server of last resort:
SummitPx1:27 # configure server-group name group2 policy rr server-last-resort index 9
* SummitPx1:28 # build
128 ExtremeWarePx1 1.2 Command Reference Guide
This command was available in ExtremeWarePx 1.1.
Platform Availability
This command is available on the Px-series application switch. configure server-group
ExtremeWarePx1 1.2 Command Reference Guide 129
Commands for Configuring Servers and Services
configure server-group add-server
configure server-group name <name string> add-server
[(index <index number> {- <index number>}) |
(ipaddress <IP address> {- <IP address>} port <port number>)]
Adds one or more servers to a server group.
Syntax Description name string index number
IP address port number
The name of the server group to which the servers should be added.
The unique index number of a server to be added.
The IP address of a server to be added. The IP address plus the port number uniquely identify a server.
The port number of the servers to be added. The port number plus the IP address uniquely identify a server.
Usage Guidelines
You must have administrator privileges to issue this command.
After you have created a server group with the
command and added servers to the system with the
configure server command, you can add the servers to the server group.
You can identify a server to be added either by its index number or by its IP address and port number.
This command allows you to add a number of servers with consecutive index numbers or a number of servers with consecutive IP addresses, all of which use the same port.
You must use the
command to commit the conÞguration changes made by this command.
This example adds three servers to the system, creates a server group, and adds the three servers to the server group:
SummitPx1:5 # configure server index 1 ip - port 80
* SummitPx1:6 # configure server-group name group1 policy rr
* SummitPx1:7 # configure server-group name group1 add-server index 1 - 3
* SummitPx1:8 # build
This command was available in ExtremeWarePx 1.1.
130 ExtremeWarePx1 1.2 Command Reference Guide
Platform Availability
This command is available on the Px-series application switch. configure server-group add-server
ExtremeWarePx1 1.2 Command Reference Guide 131
Commands for Configuring Servers and Services
configure server-group delete-server
configure server-group name <name string> delete-server
[(index <index number> {- <index number>}) |
(ipaddress <IP address> {- <IP address>} port <port number>)]
Deletes one or more servers from a server group.
Syntax Description name string index number
IP address port number
The name of the server group from which the servers should be deleted.
The unique index number of a server to be deleted.
The IP address of a server to be deleted. The IP address plus the port number uniquely identify a server.
The port number of the servers to be deleted. The port number plus the IP address uniquely identify a server.
Usage Guidelines
You must have administrator privileges to issue this command.
After you have created a server group with the
command, and added servers to the group with the
configure server-group add-server command, you can delete selected servers
from the server group.
You can identify a server to be deleted either by its index number or by its IP address and port number.
This command allows you to delete a number of servers with consecutive index numbers or a number of servers with consecutive IP addresses, all of which use the same port.
This command removes each speciÞed server from the named server group, but leaves the server conÞgured in the system, so that it can be added to a different group. To remove a server from the system altogether, use the
command instead of this command.
You must use the
command to commit the conÞguration changes made by this command.
This example delete the server with index number 2 from the server group named group1
SummitPx1:7 # configure server-group name group1 delete-server index 2
* SummitPx1:8 # build
This command was available in ExtremeWarePx 1.1.
132 ExtremeWarePx1 1.2 Command Reference Guide
Platform Availability
This command is available on the Px-series application switch. configure server-group delete-server
ExtremeWarePx1 1.2 Command Reference Guide 133
Commands for Configuring Servers and Services
configure service L4
configure service vip <IP address>
{vrid <VRID number>}
{vlan <vlan tag number>} port <port number> protocol [tcp | udp]
L4 server-group-name <group name>
[noqos |
(dot1p-to-svr <dot1p-to-svr tag>
dot1p-to-net <dot1p-to-net tag>
diffserv-to-svr <diffserv-to-svr tag>
diffserv-to-net <diffserv-to-net tag>)]
Creates a layer 4 virtual service.
Syntax Description
IP address
VRID number vlan tag number port number tcp udp group name
The virtual IP address of the service.
The VRID of the VRRP class for the service; a number between 1 and 255.
The VLAN tag for the service.
The port the service uses to answer requests.
Specifies the TCP protocol.
Specifies the UDP protocol.
The name of the server group for this service.
noqos dot1p-to-svr tag
Indicates that the service does not tag traffic based on the application or transaction type
Specifies whether to apply a tag to the 802.1p header for packets directed to the server; one of the following values:
• The keyword preserve indicates that no tag is applied to this type of traffic.
• A hexadecimal number from 0x00 to 0x07, inclusive, is the tag to be applied to this type of traffic.
dot1p-to-net tag Specifies whether to apply a tag to the 802.1p header for packets directed to the network; one of the following values:
• The keyword preserve indicates that no tag is applied to this type of traffic.
• A hexadecimal number from 0x00 to 0x07, inclusive, is the tag to be applied to this type of traffic.
diffserv-to-svr tag Specifies whether to apply a tag to the DiffServ code point for packets directed to the server; one of the following values:
• The keyword preserve indicates that no tag is applied to this type of traffic.
• A hexadecimal number from 0x00 to 0x3F, inclusive, is the tag to be applied to this type of traffic.
diffserv-to-net tag Specifies whether to apply a tag to the DiffServ code point for packets directed to the network; one of the following values:
• The keyword preserve indicates that no tag is applied to this type of traffic.
• A hexadecimal number from 0x00 to 0x3F, inclusive, is the tag to be applied to this type of traffic.
134 ExtremeWarePx1 1.2 Command Reference Guide
configure service L4
Usage Guidelines
You must have administrator privileges to issue this command.
To create any virtual service, you must specify the IP address and port to which Internet clients connect and the protocol (TCP or UDP) to be used. For a layer 4 service, you also specify the server group to be used for this service. You may optionally specify any of the following:
¥ A virtual router ID (VRID) for the VRRP class for this service
¥ A VLAN for this service
¥ Tags to be applied to packets
If you enable VRRP (with the
¥ You must assign every virtual service to a VRRP class. You specify the class for a service with the vrid
¥ Every unique VIP must belong to a single VRRP class. Thus, if you use the same VIP for different services (each with a different combination of port and protocol), all those services must be assigned the same VRID.
¥ If gateway mode is also enabled, you must ensure sure every server responds to VIPs in a single
VRRP class. That is, all services that use a particular server must be in the same VRRP class.
For more information about VRRP, see Chapter 5; for a description of the commands to gateway mode,
If you end the configure service command with the noqos keyword, the headers in the incoming trafÞc to this service are left unchanged. If you do not specify this keyword, you can specify tags for incoming trafÞc. You can specify different tags for two Þelds: the 802.1p header and the DiffServ code point (DSCP) in the TCP header. For either Þeld, you can specify different tags for trafÞc towards the server and trafÞc towards the network. You must specify values for all four parameters dot1p-to-svr , dot1p-to-net , diffserv-to-svr , and diffserv-to-net . If the value of one of these parameters is a hexadecimal number, that number is used as a tag, overwriting any tag that is used on the trafÞc; if the value is the keyword preserve , any existing tag in the incoming trafÞc is left unchanged.
You must use the
command to commit the conÞguration changes made by this command.
This example creates a layer 4 service. Clients connect to this service using IP address, port 80, and TCP protocol. The switch directs the connection to one of the servers in the server group named group1
SummitPx1:5 # configure server index 1 ip - port 80
* SummitPx1:6 # configure server-group name group1 policy rr
* SummitPx1:7 # configure server-group name group1 add-server index 1 - 3
* SummitPx1:8 # configure service vip port 80 protocol tcp
L4 server-group-name group1 noqos
* SummitPx1:9 # build
ExtremeWarePx1 1.2 Command Reference Guide 135
Commands for Configuring Servers and Services
This form of this command was available in ExtremeWarePx 1.2.
Platform Availability
This command is available on the Px-series application switch.
136 ExtremeWarePx1 1.2 Command Reference Guide
configure service L7
configure service L7
configure service vip <IP address>
{vrid <VRID number>}
{vlan <vlan tag number>} port <port number> protocol [tcp | udp]
L7 class [http | https]
Creates a layer 7 virtual service.
Syntax Description
IP address
VRID number vlan tag number port number tcp udp http https
The virtual IP address of the service.
The VRID of the VRRP class for the service; a number between 1 and 255.
The VLAN tag for the service.
The port the service uses to answer requests.
Specifies the TCP protocol.
Specifies the UDP protocol.
Specifies that the service supports regular web traffic.
Specifies that the service supports SSL session persistence.
Usage Guidelines
You must have administrator privileges to issue this command.
To create any virtual service, you must specify the IP address and port to which Internet clients connect and the protocol (TCP or UDP) to be used. For a layer 7 service, you also specify the class of application that the VIP supports, either http for regular web trafÞc, or https for SSL session persistence.
You may optionally specify either of the following:
¥ A virtual router ID (VRID) for the VRRP class for this service
¥ A VLAN for this service
If you enable VRRP (with the
¥ You must assign every virtual service to a VRRP class. You specify the class for a service with the vrid
¥ Every unique VIP must belong to a single VRRP class. Thus, if you use the same VIP for different services (each with a different combination of port and protocol), all those services must be assigned the same VRID.
¥ If gateway mode is also enabled, you must ensure sure every server responds to VIPs in a single
VRRP class. That is, all services that use a particular server must be in the same VRRP class.
ExtremeWarePx1 1.2 Command Reference Guide 137
Commands for Configuring Servers and Services
For more information about VRRP, see Chapter 5; for a description of the commands to gateway mode,
You must use the
command to commit the conÞguration changes made by this command.
After you create a layer 7 virtual service, you must conÞgure domains for the service.
Configuring an HTTP Service. If the class of a service is http , the switch can examine the HTTP header in a client request and select a server group based on the domain name, URL, or both. In addition, it can examine any cookie with the client request to identify the server to be used.
You can conÞgure domains for an HTTP service. Each domain is a DNS domain that is used at the service. If the service uses the domain speciÞed in the client request to select a server group, you must use the
command to conÞgure each recognized domain name. In addition, you must use the
configure domain default command to conÞgure a default domain.
If the service uses only the URL (and not the domain) to select a server group, you use the
command to conÞgure a single domain with the special domain name "*" .
For each conÞgured domain (including the default), you must conÞgure pattern rules that select a sever group based on the URL in the client request.
If the service uses cookies to maintain a session between a client and a particular web server, the service must include a default domain whose default pattern rule is created by
configure pattern-rule default cookie-name
command. This default patter rule identiÞes the cookie name to be matched, the cookie persistence mode used by the service, and the server group to be used for client requests that include cookies.
Configuring an HTTPS Service. If the class
of a service is https
, the header is encrypted, so the switch cannot identify the domain name or URL. To conÞgure an HTTPS service, you must use the
command to conÞgure a default domain and the
configure pattern-rule default
command to conÞgure a default pattern rule. This pattern rule speciÞes the server group to be
used by the service. SSL session identiÞer persistence is used to maintain a session between a client and a particular web server.
This example creates an HTTP service that uses only the URL in a client request to select a server group.
SummitPx1:5 # config service vip port 80 protocol tcp L7 class http
* SummitPx1:6 # configure domain name *
* SummitPx1:10 # build
This example creates an HTTPS service.
SummitPx1:18 # config service vip port 80 protocol tcp L7 class https
* SummitPx1:19 # config domain default
* SummitPx1:20 # config pattern-rule default server-group-name group1
* SummitPx1:21 # build
This form of this command was available in ExtremeWarePx 1.2.
138 ExtremeWarePx1 1.2 Command Reference Guide
Platform Availability
This command is available on the Px-series application switch. configure service L7
ExtremeWarePx1 1.2 Command Reference Guide 139
Commands for Configuring Servers and Services
unconfigure domain
unconfigure domain name <name string>
Removes a domain from the current layer 7 service.
Syntax Description name string The domain name to be removed.
Usage Guidelines
You must have administrator privileges to issue this command.
This command applies to the service that was speciÞed in the most recently issued
command. That service is called the current service. The speciÞed domain name must be one that was added to the current service with the
You must use the
command to commit the conÞguration changes made by this command.
This example removes a domains from a service. It Þrst sets the context to the correct service, then unconÞgures the domain.
SummitPx1::47 # config service vip port 8080 proto tcp l7 class http
* SummitPx1::48 # unconfig domain name buythisnow.com
* SummitPx1::49 # unconfig domain name www.buythisnow.com
* SummitPx1::50 # build
This form of the command was available in ExtremeWarePx 1.1.
Platform Availability
This command is available on the Px-series application switch.
140 ExtremeWarePx1 1.2 Command Reference Guide
unconfigure pattern-rule
unconfigure pattern-rule
unconfigure pattern-rule <pattern string>
Removes a pattern rule from the current domain of the current layer 7 service.
Syntax Description pattern string The pattern string of the patter rule to be removed.
Usage Guidelines
You must have administrator privileges to issue this command.
This command applies to the current domain of the current service. The current service is the service that was speciÞed in the most recently issued
command. The current domain is the
domain that was speciÞed in the most recently issued configure domain
command. The speciÞed pattern string must be the pattern string of a pattern rule that was added to the current domain of the current service with the
You must use the
command to commit the conÞguration changes made by this command.
This example removes a pattern rule. It Þrst sets the context to the correct service and domain, then unconÞgures the rule.
SummitPx1::34 # config service vip port 80 protocol tcp L7 class http
* SummitPx1::35 # config domain name *
* SummitPx1::36 # unconfig pattern-rule "*.mp3"
* SummitPx1::37 # build
This command was available in ExtremeWarePx 1.1.
Platform Availability
This command is available on the Px-series application switch.
ExtremeWarePx1 1.2 Command Reference Guide 141
Commands for Configuring Servers and Services
unconfigure server
unconfigure server
[(index <index number> {- <index number>}) |
(ipaddress <IP address> {- <IP address>} port <port number>)]
Removes one or more servers from the system.
Syntax Description index number
IP address port number
The unique index number of a server to be removed.
The IP address of a server to be removed. The IP address plus the port number uniquely identify a server.
The port number of the servers to be removed. The port number plus the IP address uniquely identify a server.
Usage Guidelines
You must have administrator privileges to issue this command.
You can identify a server to be removed either by its index number or by its IP address and port number. This command allows you to remove a number of servers with consecutive index numbers or a number of servers with consecutive IP addresses, all of which use the same port.
To remove a server from a server group but leave it conÞgured in the system so that it can be added to a different group, use the
configure server-group delete-server
command instead of this command.
You must use the
command to commit the conÞguration changes made by this command.
This example removes servers with indexes 3 through 5:
SummitPx1:21 # unconfigure server index 3 - 5
* SummitPx1:22 # build
This form of the command was available in ExtremeWarePx 1.1.
Platform Availability
This command is available on the Px-series application switch.
142 ExtremeWarePx1 1.2 Command Reference Guide
unconfigure server-group
unconfigure server-group
unconfigure server-group name <name string>
Removes a server group from the system.
Syntax Description name string The name of the server group to be deleted.
Usage Guidelines
You must have administrator privileges to issue this command.
You must use the
command to commit the conÞguration changes made by this command.
This example removes the server group named group1 :
SummitPx1:25 # unconfigure server-group name group1
* SummitPx1:26 # build
This command was available in ExtremeWarePx 1.1.
Platform Availability
This command is available on the Px-series application switch.
ExtremeWarePx1 1.2 Command Reference Guide 143
Commands for Configuring Servers and Services
unconfigure service
unconfigure service vip <IP address> port <port number> protocol [tcp | udp]
Removes a service from the system.
Syntax Description
IP address port number tcp udp
The virtual IP address of the service to be removed.
The port for the service to be removed.
Specifies the TCP protocol.
Specifies the UDP protocol.
Usage Guidelines
You must have administrator privileges to issue this command.
You identify the service to be removed by the IP address and port to which Internet clients connect and the protocol (TCP or UDP) used by the service.
Removing a layer 7 service with this command also removes all domains and pattern rules that were conÞgured for the speciÞed service.
You must use the
command to commit the conÞguration changes made by this command.
This example removes the service to which clients connected using IP address, port 80, and
TCP protocol.
SummitPx1:8 # unconfigure service vip port 80 protocol tcp
* SummitPx1:9 # build
This command was available in ExtremeWarePx 1.1.
Platform Availability
This command is available on the Px-series application switch.
144 ExtremeWarePx1 1.2 Command Reference Guide
Commands for Persistence Modes, and
NAT Modes
This chapter describes commands for setting:
¥ Persistence modes
¥ NAT modes
ExtremeWarePx1 1.2 Command Reference Guide 145
Commands for Persistence Modes, and NAT Modes
configure gateway-mode add ipaddress
configure gateway-mode add ipaddress <IP address>
{vrid <VRID number>}
{vlan <vlan tag number>}
Adds an IP address to be used in gateway mode on the application switch.
Syntax Description
IP address
VRID number vlan tag number
The IP address of the gateway.
The VRID of the VRRP class for the gateway; a number between 1 and 255.
The VLAN tag for the gateway.
Usage Guidelines
You must have administrator privileges to issue this command.
When you conÞgure half-NAT mode, you can also enable gateway mode for the application switch, and add at least one IP address. Specify an IP address that a serverÕs default gateway can forward to, as if the application switch were another router. The application switch can then switch the forwarded trafÞc to another router, even one on another VLAN.
You may optionally specify a virtual router ID (VRID) for the VRRP class for gateway, and a VLAN for the gateway.
If VRRP is enabled, each VRRP class must have at lease one gateway IP address. A given VRRP class
can have more than one gateway IP address. For more information about VRRP, see Chapter 5.
You must use the
command to commit the conÞguration changes made by this command.
This example enables gateway mode and adds as an IP address that a serverÕs default gateway can forward to.
SummitPx1::32 # enable gateway-mode
* SummitPx1::33 # configure gateway-mode add ipaddress
* SummitPx1::34 # build
This command was available in ExtremeWarePx 1.1.
146 ExtremeWarePx1 1.2 Command Reference Guide
Platform Availability
This command is available on the Px-series application switch. configure gateway-mode add ipaddress
ExtremeWarePx1 1.2 Command Reference Guide 147
Commands for Persistence Modes, and NAT Modes
configure gateway-mode delete ipaddress
configure gateway-mode delete ipaddress <IP address>
{vlan <vlan tag number>}
Removes an IP address from used in gateway mode on the application switch.
Syntax Description
IP address vlan tag number
The IP address of the gateway.
The VLAN tag for the gateway.
Usage Guidelines
You must have administrator privileges to issue this command.
You must use the
command to commit the conÞguration changes made by this command.
The following command removes from used in gateway mode.
configure gateway-mode delete ipaddress
This command was available in ExtremeWarePx 1.1.
Platform Availability
This command is available on the Px-series application switch.
148 ExtremeWarePx1 1.2 Command Reference Guide
Commands for Persistence Modes, and NAT Modes
configure nat-mode full
configure nat-mode full
ConÞgures full-NAT mode (full Network Address Translation) on the application switch.
Syntax Description
This command has no parameters.
Full-NAT mode is the default behavior of the application switch.
Usage Guidelines
You must have administrator privileges to issue this command.
In full-NAT mode, the server load balancer translates both the source and destination IP addressesÑthose of the client and the serverÑbefore sending the request onto the user. For the point of view of the server fulÞlling the request, it appears as though the client making the request is actually the server load balancer.
Advantages of full-NAT mode are:
¥ No conÞguration is necessary on the layer 2/3 switch connected to the application switch.
¥ It can be deployed in any network architecture.
¥ Clients can be on the same subnet as the servers.
¥ It allows interoperation with any vendors switch, regardless of support for policy routing.
You must run in full-NAT mode if:
¥ Clients and servers are on the same layer 2 network segment.
¥ The switch connected to the application switch does not support layer 3 policy routing based on source IP address, port, and protocol.
¥ You do not have access to the layer 3 switch to conÞgure policy based routing.
You must use the
command to commit the conÞguration changes made by this command.
If another NAT mode was in use previously, use the following command to set it back to full: configure nat-mode full
This command was available in ExtremeWarePx 1.1.
149 ExtremeWarePx1 1.2 Command Reference Guide
Commands for Persistence Modes, and NAT Modes
Platform Availability
This command is available on the Px-series application switch.
150 ExtremeWarePx1 1.2 Command Reference Guide
Commands for Persistence Modes, and NAT Modes
configure nat-mode server-only
configure nat-mode server-only
ConÞgures half-NAT mode (server-only Network Address Translation) on the application switch.
Syntax Description
This command has no parameters.
Full-NAT mode is the default behavior of the application switch.
Usage Guidelines
You must have administrator privileges to issue this command.
In half-NAT mode, the application switch only translates the server IP address when dispatching the client requests to the real server. Half-NAT mode results in the server believing that the request came from the client, instead of the application switch. Using half-NAT mode, the server sees the real IP address of the client.
Half-NAT mode must be conÞgured on both the application switch and the attached layer 3 switch.
Policy-based routing allows layer 3 switches to make next-hop forwarding decisions based on information other than simply the IP destination address of the request.
On an Extreme switch, use the following ExtremeWare commands to conÞgure the policy routes required for half-NAT: create source-flow <name> source-ip <server ip> source-port <server-port> protocol tcp destination any config source-flow <name> next-hop <SLB VIP>
These policy rules route all trafÞc from the load-balanced port on the server to the application switch. If other locally-attached networks need to use the facility provided by that port without using the load balancer, more speciÞc rules need to be written to steer trafÞc directly back to the correct routers.
Advantages of Half-NAT mode are:
¥ Allows the server logs on the real web site to reßect the IP address of the real client making a request, rather than a proxy address of the application switch.
¥ Allows the use of IP address based security methods such as Unix Netgroups. This is primarily a concern for enterprise data centers.
Half-NAT mode cannot be used if clients and servers are on the same layer 3 network. Policy-based routing occurs at layer 3 and cannot be applied without crossing a layer 3 network boundary.
You must use the
command to commit the conÞguration changes made by this command.
151 ExtremeWarePx1 1.2 Command Reference Guide
Commands for Persistence Modes, and NAT Modes
The following command conÞgures half-NAT mode on the application switch configure nat-mode server-only
This command was available in ExtremeWarePx 1.1.
Platform Availability
This command is available on the Px-series application switch.
152 ExtremeWarePx1 1.2 Command Reference Guide
Commands for Persistence Modes, and NAT Modes
configure proxy-ip
configure proxy-ip <IP address> {- <IP address>}
Sets a proxy IP address or a range of proxy addresses.
Syntax Description
IP address A proxy IP address. Two IP addresses separated by a hyphen indicate a range of addresses; the command configures all addresses in the specified range as proxy IPs.
Usage Guidelines
You must have administrator privileges to issue this command.
To function properly in full-NAT mode, the application switch requires that proxy IP addresses be conÞgured. These proxy addresses are used as the source IP addresses for the outbound connection to the server. One proxy address must be conÞgured for each 63,000 sessions active at one time. For full system capacity, you must conÞgure 32 IP addresses.
Proxy-IP addresses do not need to be contiguous. You can use multiple commands to specify different ranges of IP addresses to use as proxy addresses. The only restriction is that all addresses must be on the same subnet as the main system IP address.
Do not change the proxy IP while the application switch is running.
If VRRP is also enabled, you typically must specify a different proxy IP address for each of the VRRP peers. The one exception to this requirement is that if you are using automatic synchronization and you have conÞgured all VRRP classes to track failure of all other VRRP classes, then you may use the same
proxy IP address on the two switches. For additional information about VRRP, see Chapter 5.
You must use the
command to commit the conÞguration changes made by this command. You must boot the application switch for the new proxy IP information to take effect.
The following command conÞgures 32 consecutive proxy IP addresses.
config proxy-ip -
This command was available in ExtremeWarePx 1.1.
153 ExtremeWarePx1 1.2 Command Reference Guide
Commands for Persistence Modes, and NAT Modes
Platform Availability
This command is available on the Px-series application switch.
154 ExtremeWarePx1 1.2 Command Reference Guide
Commands for Persistence Modes, and NAT Modes
configure sticky client-ip timeout
configure sticky client-ip timeout
[(<hours> : <minutes> : <seconds>) |
Sets the time after which client-IP entries are deleted from the stickiness table.
Syntax Description hours minutes seconds infinity
The number of hours in the timeout period; a two-digit number between 00 and 97.
The number of minutes in the timeout period; a two digit number between 00 and 59.
The number of seconds in the timeout period; a two digit number between 00 and 59.
Specifies that client-IP persistence should last forever.
By default, entries are deleted from the stickiness table after 24 hours without use.
Usage Guidelines
You must have administrator privileges to issue this command.
The timer affects both layer 4 and layer 7. Valid values for the timeout period are in the range 00:00:05
(5 seconds) to 97:43:52. You can specify the keyword infinity to indicate that the stickiness should last forever.
You must use the
command to commit the conÞguration changes made by this command.
This example sets the timeout period for client-IP entries to 2 days (48 hours).
SummitPx1::22 # config sticky client-ip timeout 48:00:00
* SummitPx1::23 # build
This command was available in ExtremeWarePx 1.1.
Platform Availability
This command is available on the Px-series application switch.
155 ExtremeWarePx1 1.2 Command Reference Guide
Commands for Persistence Modes, and NAT Modes
configure sticky cookie-id timeout
configure sticky cookie-id timeout
[(<hours> : <minutes> : <seconds>) |
Sets the time after which cookie-ID entries are deleted from the stickiness table.
Syntax Description hours minutes seconds infinity
The number of hours in the timeout period; a two-digit number between 00 and 97.
The number of minutes in the timeout period; a two digit number between 00 and 59.
The number of seconds in the timeout period; a two digit number between 00 and 59.
Specifies that client-IP persistence should last forever.
By default, entries are deleted from the stickiness table after 30 seconds without use.
Usage Guidelines
You must have administrator privileges to issue this command.
Valid values for the timeout period are in the range 00:00:05 (5 seconds) to 97:43:52. You can specify the keyword infinity to indicate that the stickiness should last forever.
You must use the
command to commit the conÞguration changes made by this command.
This example sets the timeout period for cookie-ID entries to 1 hour.
SummitPx1::22 # config sticky cookie-id timeout 01:00:00
* SummitPx1::3 # build
This command was available in ExtremeWarePx 1.1.
Platform Availability
This command is available on the Px-series application switch.
156 ExtremeWarePx1 1.2 Command Reference Guide
Commands for Persistence Modes, and NAT Modes
configure sticky session-id timeout
configure sticky session-id timeout
[(<hours> : <minutes> : <seconds>) |
Sets the time after which session-ID entries are deleted from the stickiness table.
Syntax Description hours minutes seconds infinity
The number of hours in the timeout period; a two-digit number between 00 and 97.
The number of minutes in the timeout period; a two digit number between 00 and 59.
The number of seconds in the timeout period; a two digit number between 00 and 59.
Specifies that client-IP persistence should last forever.
By default, entries are deleted from the stickiness table after 30 seconds without use.
Usage Guidelines
You must have administrator privileges to issue this command.
Valid values for the timeout period are in the range 00:00:05 (5 seconds) to 97:43:52. You can specify the keyword infinity to indicate that the stickiness should last forever.
You must use the
command to commit the conÞguration changes made by this command.
This example sets the timeout period for session-ID entries to 1 hour.
SummitPx1::22 # config sticky session-id timeout 01:00:00
* SummitPx1::3 # build
This command was available in ExtremeWarePx 1.1.
Platform Availability
This command is available on the Px-series application switch.
157 ExtremeWarePx1 1.2 Command Reference Guide
Commands for Persistence Modes, and NAT Modes
configure timeout established-connection
configure timeout established-connection <seconds>
Sets the established-connection timeout period.
Syntax Description seconds The number of seconds in the established-connection timeout period; a number between 1 and 8000, inclusive.
The default established-connection timeout is 30 seconds.
Usage Guidelines
You must have administrator privileges to issue this command.
This command sets the length of the established-connection timeout period. This timeout period is used for established TCP or UDP connections. Established connections that have no trafÞc for the speciÞed time period will be torn down by the application switch. For TCP connections, a new 3-way handshake is required to restart the connection. A restart of either a TCP or a UDP connection is subject to the load-balancing policy for the target service and may not be bound to the same server as the original connection.
You can use this command to adjust the established-connection timeout period for protocols that exhibit long periods of inactivity; doing so will prevent premature termination of such connections.
You must use the
command to commit the conÞguration changes made by this command.
The following command sets the established-connection timeout to 1 minute (60 seconds).
configure timeout established-connection 60
This command was available in ExtremeWarePx 1.1.
Platform Availability
This command is available on the Px-series application switch.
158 ExtremeWarePx1 1.2 Command Reference Guide
Commands for Persistence Modes, and NAT Modes
configure timeout udp-flow-persistence
configure timeout udp-flow-persistence <seconds>
Sets the UDP-ßow-persistence timer.
Syntax Description seconds The number of seconds after which an idle UDP flow should be recycled; a number between
1 and 8000, inclusive.
The default value for this timer is 40 seconds.
Usage Guidelines
You must have administrator privileges to issue this command.
The Px-series application switch provides UDP persistence. A UDP ßow is recycled if it is idle for the time speciÞed by the UDP-ßow-persistence timer.
You must use the
command to commit the conÞguration changes made by this command.
The following command sets the UDP-ßow-persistence timer to 1 minute (60 seconds).
configure timeout udp-flow-persistence 60
This command was available in ExtremeWarePx 1.1.
Platform Availability
This command is available on the Px-series application switch.
159 ExtremeWarePx1 1.2 Command Reference Guide
Commands for Persistence Modes, and NAT Modes
disable gateway-mode
disable gateway-mode
Disables gateway mode on the application switch.
Syntax Description
This command has no parameters or options.
Gateway mode is disabled by default.
Usage Guidelines
You must have administrator privileges to issue this command.
You must use the
command to commit the conÞguration changes made by this command.
This example disables gateway mode.
SummitPx1::32 # disable gateway-mode
* SummitPx1::33 # build
This command was available in ExtremeWarePx 1.1.
Platform Availability
This command is available on the Px-series application switch.
160 ExtremeWarePx1 1.2 Command Reference Guide
disable sticky
disable sticky
[L4 client-ip |
L7 [all | client-ip | cookie-id | session-id]]
Disables the speciÞed persistence (stickiness) mode.
Syntax Description
L7 all client-ip cookie-id session-id
Specifies layer 4.
Specifies layer 7.
Specifies all persistence modes (client-IP, cookie-ID, and session-ID).
Specifies client-IP persistence mode.
Specifies cookie-ID persistence mode.
Specifies session-ID persistence mode.
By default, no persistence is enabled.
Usage Guidelines
You must have administrator privileges to issue this command.
You must use the
command to commit the conÞguration changes made by this command.
The following command disables layer 4 client-IP persistence mode: disable sticky L4 client-ip
The following command disables layer 7 session-ID persistence mode: disable sticky L7 session-id
This command was available in ExtremeWarePx 1.1.
Platform Availability
This command is available on the Px-series application switch. disable sticky
ExtremeWarePx1 1.2 Command Reference Guide 161
Commands for Persistence Modes, and NAT Modes
enable gateway-mode
enable gateway-mode
Enables gateway mode on the application switch.
Syntax Description
This command has no parameters or options.
Gateway mode is disabled by default.
Usage Guidelines
You must have administrator privileges to issue this command.
When you conÞgure half-NAT mode, you can also enable gateway mode for the application switch, and add at least one IP address (using the
configure gateway-mode add ipaddress command).
If VRRP is enabled, you must specify at least one gateway-mode IP address for each active VRRP class
before you enable gateway mode. An active VRRP class is one that contains at least one service. When
you add a gateway-mode IP address with the configure gateway-mode add ipaddress command, you
can specify the VRID of a VRRP class. A given VRRP class can have multiple gateway-mode IP addresses.
When gateway mode and VRRP are both enabled, you must also make sure every server responds to
VIPs in a single VRRP class. That is, all services that use a particular server must be in the same VRRP class.
For more information about VRRP, see Chapter 5.
You must use the
command to commit the conÞguration changes made by this command.
This example enables gateway mode and adds as an IP address that a serverÕs default gateway can forward to.
SummitPx1::32 # enable gateway-mode
* SummitPx1::33 # configure gateway-mode add ipaddress
* SummitPx1::34 # build
This command was available in ExtremeWarePx 1.1.
Platform Availability
This command is available on the Px-series application switch.
162 ExtremeWarePx1 1.2 Command Reference Guide
enable sticky
enable sticky
[L4 client-ip |
L7 [all | client-ip | cookie-id | session-id]]
Enables the speciÞed persistence (stickiness) mode.
Syntax Description
L7 all client-ip cookie-id session-id
Specifies layer 4.
Specifies layer 7.
Specifies all persistence modes (client-IP, cookie-ID, and session-ID).
Specifies client-IP persistence mode.
Specifies cookie-ID persistence mode.
Specifies session-ID persistence mode.
By default, no persistence is enabled.
Usage Guidelines
You must have administrator privileges to issue this command.
You must use the
command to commit the conÞguration changes made by this command.
The following command enables layer 4 client-IP persistence mode: enable sticky L4 client-ip
The following command enables layer 7 session-ID persistence mode: enable sticky L7 session-id
This command was available in ExtremeWarePx 1.1.
Platform Availability
This command is available on the Px-series application switch. enable sticky
ExtremeWarePx1 1.2 Command Reference Guide 163
Commands for Persistence Modes, and NAT Modes
unconfigure proxy-ip
unconfigure proxy-ip <IP address> {- <IP address>}
Removes a proxy IP address or a range of proxy addresses.
Syntax Description
IP address A proxy IP address. Two IP addresses separated by a hyphen indicate a range of addresses; the command removes all addresses in the specified range.
Usage Guidelines
You must have administrator privileges to issue this command.
Do not change the proxy-IP configuration while the application switch is running.
You must use the
command to commit the conÞguration changes made by this command. You must boot the application switch for the new proxy IP information to take effect.
The following command unconÞgures a proxy IP address.
unconfig proxy-ip
This command was available in ExtremeWarePx 1.1.
Platform Availability
This command is available on the Px-series application switch.
164 ExtremeWarePx1 1.2 Command Reference Guide
Commands for Configuring Redundancy
This chapter describes the following commands:
¥ Commands for using VRRP
¥ Commands for conÞguring a default gateway
To reduce downtime, you can deploy two Px-series application switches that provide redundancy using
Virtual Router Redundancy Protocol (VRRP), an industry standard failover mechanism (RFC 2338).
VRRP classes are used to classify virtual services into groups for fail-over. Up to 16 VRRP classes are allowed. Each VRRP class is identiÞed by a unique virtual router ID (VRID).
When VRRP is enabled:
¥ The same services must be conÞgured on both application switches.
¥ Each service must be assigned to a particular VRRP class.
¥ When you conÞgure a given service on the two switches, you must use the same VRID for the service on both switches.
Each Px-series application switch in the pair can be in either active or backup state on a particular
VRRP class. The active switch is the one that handles virtual services in that VRRP class. In the event of failure of the active switch, the backup switch automatically takes over. At any given time, a particular
VIP will be active on one application switch onlyÑthe switch on which the corresponding VRRP class is active.
The two switches operating in this mode are called VRRP peers.
In the simplest case (called active-passive VRRP), a single VRRP class is used for all services and one switch is active on that VRRP class while the other switch is the backup. In the more general case
(called active-active VRRP), you conÞgure the switches so that the Þrst switch is active on one set of
VRRP classes and the other switch is active on a different, disjoint sets of VRRP classes.
ExtremeWarePx1 1.2 Command Reference Guide 165
Commands for Configuring Redundancy
VRRP Properties
Each application switch maintains three properties for each conÞgured VRRP class.
¥ The switchÕs priority for that VRRP class
The switch with the higher priority for a given VRRP class is the primary device for that class; the switch with the lower priority is the secondary device for the class. The primary device will initially be active for the VRRP class (handling the virtual services in that class); the secondary device will initially be the backup. If the active switch fails, the backup switch takes over automatically.
The default value for this property is 100; the value can be changed with the
The priority 255 is called master priority. Whenever a switch with master priority is available, that switch handles the VRRP class.
¥ Whether the switch should preempt the active system when it has higher priority for the VRRP class
If a transition occurs because the primary device goes down, this property determines what happens when the primary device comes back up. This property is relevant only on the primary switch for the VRRP class and only if that switch does not have master priority. (A switch with master priority
always preempts the active system when it comes back up.)
This property can be set to either preempt or dont-preempt .
Value preempt dont-preempt
When the primary device comes back up, it automatically takes over as active and the secondary device becomes the backup once again
The secondary device continues being active after the primary device comes up; the primary device is then the backup
The default value for this property is dont-preempt ; the value can be changed with the
configure vrrp preempt|dont-preempt command.
¥ The frequency of advertisement intervals for the VRRP class
Each switch periodically sends VRRP advertisements to the other switch via the Gigabit port, thus checking to see whether the other switch is in operation. This property controls the frequency of these checks; the lower the value, the faster failover occurs when the active switch goes down. The default value for this property is 1 second. The value can be changed with the
configure vrrp advertisement-interval
VRRP Automatic Synchronization
VRRP automatic synchronization (auto-sync) allows you to designate one Px-series application switch as the master switch and the other as the backup. Automatic synchronization ensures that both switches have the same conÞguration for servers, server groups, services, domains, and pattern rules.
Synchronization is performed by copying conÞguration from the master switch to the backup switch.
When automatic synchronization is enabled:
ConÞguration commands for servers, server groups, services, domains, and pattern rules are sent
166 ExtremeWarePx1 1.2 Command Reference Guide
Serial-Cable Failover from the master to the backup, replacing the corresponding commands on the backup. After all the commands have been replaced, the conÞguration is saved and the backup switch is rebooted.
¥ Whenever a relevant conÞguration command is issued on the master switch, the command is automatically send to the backup switch, where it is stored in local memory. When a
command is issued on the master switch, the backup executes the stored commands in sequence and
issues its own build command. The backup switch does not save the result. If you do not explicitly
issue the
save configuration command on the backup switch before the next boot, the
conÞguration is lost.
Serial-Cable Failover
Serial-cable failover provides faster (sub-second) failover between the VRRP peers. When this feature is enabled, in addition to sending and receiving VRRP advertisements via the Gigabit port, the VRRP peers also exchange heartbeat messages by using the second serial port on each switch. A null-modem serial cable is used. If the either switch does not receive heartbeats from its VRRP peer, it initiates a failover. The failover latency is currently set to approximately one second.
The heartbeat interval property controls the frequency at which the switch sends heartbeat messages.
The lower the value, the faster failover occurs when the active switch goes down. The default value for this property is 500 millisecond. The value can be changed with the
configure vrrp serial-failover interval
If you enable serial-cable failover on one switch and do not enable serial-cable failover on its VRRP peer, there will be a temporary glitch because all the VRRP classes will attempt to become active on the switch where serial-cable failover is enabled. This is an install issue when serial-cable failover is Þrst enabled. The following messages that will be logged when VRRP serial-cable failover is deployed:
0 days:INFO: Enable VRRP serial failover
0 days:INFO: Disable VRRP serial failover
0 days:INFO:VRRP serial cable CTS asserted
0 days:INFO:VRRP serial cable CTS desserted
0 days:WARNING:VRRP serial heartbeats from peer missing!
0 days:WARNING:Received serial cable heartbeat msg when serial failover is not enabled!"
These messages may be logged whenever you change the conÞguration of VRRP serial-cable failover, or in response to changes on the serial link that joins the two VRRP peers.
Server-Health Failover
You can conÞgure an application switch so that one of the failover criteria for a VRRP class is the number of servers in that class that are down (as per health check) on the other switch. To use this feature for a particular class, you issue the
configure vrrp add track-servers-delta
command speciÞes a limit on the difference between the number of servers for that class on the two switches. The backup switch attempts to become active if sees that many more servers than the other switch sees.
The limit for each VRRP class must conÞgured the same on both switches.
ExtremeWarePx1 1.2 Command Reference Guide 167
Commands for Configuring Redundancy
For example, suppose that:
¥ VRRP class 201 contains a total of 100 servers.
¥ Switches A and B are VRRP peers.
¥ Both switches sets the track-servers-delta limit for class 201 to 10.
¥ Switch B is active for class 201.
¥ Switch A sees 90 healthy servers
As long as machine B see 81 or more healthy servers, it remains active. If switch B sees 80 or fewer healthy servers, then the switch A will attempt to preempt switch B and become active for VRRP class
Tracking Failure Between VRRP Classes
By default, each VRRP class will failover independently of the other classes. If desired, you can conÞgure one VRRP class to track another VRRP class for failover. If the tracked class fails, the tracking class will also failover. To make one switch a complete standby for the other, you can conÞgure every classes to failover when any other class fails. You conÞgure tracking between VRRP classes with the
The tracking conÞguration must be the same on both switches.
168 ExtremeWarePx1 1.2 Command Reference Guide
configure default-gateway
configure default-gateway
configure default-gateway {add} <IP address>
Adds the speciÞed IP address as a default gateway.
Syntax Description
IP address The IP address of the default gateway to be added.
Usage Guidelines
You must have administrator privileges to issue this command.
You can have only two default gateways at a time. The Þrst default gateway you conÞgure is used by
default. If you want to use the second default gateway, issue the configure default-gateway switch
command. You can later change back to the Þrst default gateway by issuing the
configure default-gateway switch
You must use the
command to commit the conÞguration changes made by this command.
This example adds a default gateway with the IP address
SummitPx1::12 # configure default-gateway add
This command was available in ExtremeWarePx 1.1.
Platform Availability
This command is available on the Px-series application switch.
ExtremeWarePx1 1.2 Command Reference Guide 169
Commands for Configuring Redundancy
configure default-gateway delete
configure default-gateway delete <IP address>
Removes the speciÞed IP address as a default gateway.
Syntax Description
IP address The IP address of the default gateway to be removed.
Usage Guidelines
You must have administrator privileges to issue this command.
You must use the
command to commit the conÞguration changes made by this command.
This example removes the default gateway with the IP address
SummitPx1::12 # configure default-gateway delete
This command was available in ExtremeWarePx 1.1.
Platform Availability
This command is available on the Px-series application switch.
170 ExtremeWarePx1 1.2 Command Reference Guide
configure default-gateway switch
configure default-gateway switch
configure default-gateway switch
Switches from the default gateway currently being used to the other default gateway (assuming that two default gateways have been conÞgured).
Syntax Description
This command has no parameters or options.
Usage Guidelines
You must have administrator privileges to issue this command.
You must use the
command to commit the conÞguration changes made by this command.
The following command switches default gateways.
configure default-gateway switch
This command was available in ExtremeWarePx 1.1.
Platform Availability
This command is available on the Px-series application switch.
ExtremeWarePx1 1.2 Command Reference Guide 171
Commands for Configuring Redundancy
configure vrrp add master vrid
configure vrrp add master vrid <VRID number>
Adds a VRRP class to the application switch, giving the switch master priority for this class.
Syntax Description
VRID number The VRID of the VRRP class to be added; a number between 1 and 255.
Usage Guidelines
You must have administrator privileges to issue this command.
A switch can have a total of 16 different VRRP classes.
The new VRRP class is conÞgured to have a priority of 255. ItÕs advertisement interval is 1 second. The preempt property is irrelevant for the new class because a switch with master priority always preempts the active switch.
To add a VRRP class with the default priority, use the configure vrrp add vrid
this command.
You must use the
command to commit the conÞguration changes made by this command.
The following command adds a VRRP class with the VRID 2 and priority 255.
configure vrrp add master vrid 2
This command was available in ExtremeWarePx 1.1.
Platform Availability
This command is available on the Px-series application switch.
172 ExtremeWarePx1 1.2 Command Reference Guide
configure vrrp add track-servers-delta
configure vrrp add track-servers-delta
configure vrrp vrid
[<VRID number> | all] add track-servers-delta <number>
Enables server-health failover for the speciÞed VRRP class(es).
Syntax Description
VRID number all number
The VRID of the VRRP class; a number between 1 and 255.
Specifies all VRRP classes.
Limit on the difference between the number of healthy servers of the class that this switch sees and the number that the active switch sees; the number may not be less than 5.
Server-health failover is disabled by default.
Usage Guidelines
You must have administrator privileges to issue this command.
You can use this command to enable server-health failover for one particular VRRP class or for all currently conÞgured VRRP classes. For each speciÞed class:
¥ Neither switch should have master priority (255) for the class.
¥ Both switchesÕ preemption behavior for the class must be dont-preempt
¥ You must conÞgure the same track-servers-delta limit for the class on both switches.
¥ If the speciÞed track-servers-delta
limit is higher than the number of servers in the class, the limit is set to the actual number of servers in the class.
You should not specify too low a number for the track-servers-delta
limit. Too low a number may cause ßappingÑan unstable state in which neither switch is active for a signiÞcant period of time.
You must use the
command to commit the conÞguration changes made by this command.
The following command enables server-health failover for VRRP class 201, setting the track-servers-delta limit to 10.
configure vrrp vrid 201 add track-servers-delta 10
If class 201 contains a total of 100 servers, this switch is the backup for class 201, and this switch sees 90 healthy servers in class 201, then this switch will attempt to become active for class 201 if its VRRP peer sees 80 or fewer healthy servers.
ExtremeWarePx1 1.2 Command Reference Guide 173
Commands for Configuring Redundancy
This command was available in ExtremeWarePx 1.2.
Platform Availability
This command is available on the Px-series application switch.
174 ExtremeWarePx1 1.2 Command Reference Guide
configure vrrp add track-vrid
configure vrrp add track-vrid
configure vrrp vrid
[<tracking VRID number> | all] add track-vrid [<tracked VRID number> | all]
Adds failure tracking between the speciÞed VRRP classes.
Syntax Description tracking VRID number tracked VRID number all
The VRID of the VRRP class that tracks failure; a number between 1 and 255.
The VRID of the VRRP class whose failure is tracked; a number between 1 and 255.
Specifies all VRRP classes.
By default, each VRRP class will failover independently of the other classes; that is, no class tracks any other class.
Usage Guidelines
You must have administrator privileges to issue this command.
You can specify one particular VRRP class or all currently conÞgured VRRP classes as either the tracking class or the tracked class. For each speciÞed tracked class and each speciÞed tracking class:
¥ Neither switch should have master priority (255) for the class.
¥ Both switchesÕ preemption behavior for the class must be dont-preempt
You must configure the identical tracking behavior on both switches.
You must use the
command to commit the conÞguration changes made by this command.
The following command causes VRRP class 101 to track class 100; if class 100 fails, class 101 should also failover: configure vrrp vrid 101 add track-vrid 100
The following command causes VRRP class 101 to track all other classes; if any class besides 101 fails, class 101 should also failover: configure vrrp vrid 101 add track-vrid all
The following command causes all classes besides class 100 to track class 100; if class 100 fails, all other classes should also failover: configure vrrp vrid all add track-vrid 100
ExtremeWarePx1 1.2 Command Reference Guide 175
Commands for Configuring Redundancy
The following command causes every class to track every other class; if any class fails, all other classes should also failover: configure vrrp vrid all add track-vrid all
This command was available in ExtremeWarePx 1.2.
Platform Availability
This command is available on the Px-series application switch.
176 ExtremeWarePx1 1.2 Command Reference Guide
configure vrrp add vrid
configure vrrp add vrid
configure vrrp add {backup} vrid <VRID number>
Adds a VRRP class to the application switch.
Syntax Description
VRID number The VRID of the VRRP class to be added; a number between 1 and 255.
Usage Guidelines
You must have administrator privileges to issue this command.
A switch can have a total of 16 different VRRP classes. The new VRRP class is conÞgured to have a priority of 100. It does not preempt. ItÕs advertisement interval is 1 second.
To add a VRRP class with the master priority, use the
configure vrrp add master vrid
command instead of this command.
You must use the
command to commit the conÞguration changes made by this command.
The following command adds a VRRP class with the VRID 1.
configure vrrp add vrid 1
This command was available in ExtremeWarePx 1.1.
Platform Availability
This command is available on the Px-series application switch.
ExtremeWarePx1 1.2 Command Reference Guide 177
Commands for Configuring Redundancy
configure vrrp advertisement-interval
configure vrrp vrid
[<VRID number> | all] advertisement-interval <seconds>
Sets this switchÕs advertisement interval for the speciÞed VRRP class(es).
Syntax Description
VRID number all seconds
The VRID of the VRRP class to be configured; a number between 1 and 255.
Specifies all VRRP classes.
The number of seconds in the interval between sending VRRP advertisements to the other switch.
The default advertisement interval is 1 second.
Usage Guidelines
You must have administrator privileges to issue this command.
The smaller the advertisement interval, the faster this switch takes over when the other switch fails. You cannot set this property to less than 1 second.
You must use the
command to commit the conÞguration changes made by this command.
The following command sets the switchÕs advertisement interval to 2 seconds for all VRRP classes.
configure vrrp vrid all advertisement-interval 2
This form of this command was available in ExtremeWarePx 1.2.
Platform Availability
This command is available on the Px-series application switch.
178 ExtremeWarePx1 1.2 Command Reference Guide
configure vrrp auto-sync backup
configure vrrp auto-sync backup
configure vrrp auto-sync backup partner-ip <IP address>
Sets the IP address for the backup switch for automatic synchronization.
Syntax Description
IP address The IP address of the other switch.
Usage Guidelines
You must have administrator privileges to issue this command.
You issue this command on the master switch for automatic synchronization. This command establishes the switch as the master switch and identiÞes the corresponding backup switch. You can specify the system IP address of the backup switch (as set by the
management IP address (as set by the
You must use the
command to commit the conÞguration changes made by this command.
The following command establishes the switch as the master switch for automatic synchronization and identiÞes the backup switch as the switch with IP address
configure vrrp auto-sync backup partner-ip
This command was available in ExtremeWarePx 1.1.
Platform Availability
This command is available on the Px-series application switch.
ExtremeWarePx1 1.2 Command Reference Guide 179
Commands for Configuring Redundancy
configure vrrp auto-sync forcesync
configure vrrp auto-sync forcesync
Forces automatic synchronization from the master switch to the backup switch.
Syntax Description
This command has no parameters or options.
Usage Guidelines
You must have administrator privileges to issue this command.
When automatic synchronization is enabled, you can issue this command on the master switch. The result is that conÞguration commands for servers, server groups, services, domains, and pattern rules
command. The copied commands replace the corresponding commands on the backup switch.
After all the commands have been replaced, the conÞguration is saved and the backup switch is rebooted.
If you issue this command on the backup switch, an error is reported.
You must use the
command to commit the conÞguration changes made by this command.
The following command forces automatic synchronization.
configure vrrp auto-sync forcesync
This command was available in ExtremeWarePx 1.1.
Platform Availability
This command is available on the Px-series application switch.
180 ExtremeWarePx1 1.2 Command Reference Guide
configure vrrp auto-sync master
configure vrrp auto-sync master
configure vrrp auto-sync master partner-ip <IP address>
Sets the IP address for the master switch for automatic synchronization.
Syntax Description
IP address The IP address of the other switch.
Usage Guidelines
You must have administrator privileges to issue this command.
You issue this command on the backup switch for automatic synchronization. This command establishes the switch as the backup switch and identiÞes the corresponding master switch. You can specify the
system IP address of the master switch (as set by the configure system-ip
management IP address (as set by the
You must use the
command to commit the conÞguration changes made by this command.
The following command establishes the switch as the backup switch for automatic synchronization and identiÞes the master switch as the switch with IP address
configure vrrp auto-sync backup partner-ip
This command was available in ExtremeWarePx 1.1.
Platform Availability
This command is available on the Px-series application switch.
ExtremeWarePx1 1.2 Command Reference Guide 181
Commands for Configuring Redundancy
configure vrrp change vrid
configure vrrp change vrid
[<source VRID number> | all] to <destination VRID number>
Changes the VRRP class for services.
Syntax Description source VRID number The VRID of the VRRP class containing the services to be moved; a number between 1 and 255.
all Specifies that all services should be moved to the destination VRRP class.
destination VRID number The VRID for the destination VRRP class to which the services should be moved; a number between 1 and 255.
Usage Guidelines
You must have administrator privileges to issue this command.
This command moves services to a destination VRRP class. You can move just those services in a particular source VRRP class or all conÞgured services.
¥ If you specify a particular source VRRP class, this command moves all the services in that source class to the destination class and then deletes the source class.
¥ If you specify the keyword all , this command moves all services to the destination classÑeven services that were conÞgured with no VRID (because they were conÞgured before VRRP was enabled). This form of the command deletes all previously existing VRRP classes, except the destination class.
If the speciÞed destination class does not already exist, this command adds that class as if you had issued the command: configure vrrp add vrid <destination VRID number>
You must use the
command to commit the conÞguration changes made by this command.
The following command moves the services in the VRRP class 3 into the VRRP class 4, adding VRRP class 4 if necessary. It also deletes VRRP class 3.
configure vrrp change vrid 3 to 4
This command was available in ExtremeWarePx 1.2.
182 ExtremeWarePx1 1.2 Command Reference Guide
Platform Availability
This command is available on the Px-series application switch. configure vrrp change vrid
ExtremeWarePx1 1.2 Command Reference Guide 183
Commands for Configuring Redundancy
configure vrrp delete track-servers-delta
configure vrrp vrid
[<VRID number> | all] delete track-servers-delta
Disables server-health failover for the speciÞed VRRP class(es).
Syntax Description
VRID number all
The VRID of the VRRP class; a number between 1 and 255.
Specifies all VRRP classes.
Server-health failover is disabled by default.
Usage Guidelines
You must have administrator privileges to issue this command.
You can use this command to disable server-health failover for one particular VRRP class or for all currently conÞgured VRRP classes.
You must configure the identical tracking behavior on both switches.
You must use the
command to commit the conÞguration changes made by this command.
The following command disables server-health failover for VRRP class 201.
configure vrrp vrid 201 delete track-servers-delta
This command was available in ExtremeWarePx 1.2.
Platform Availability
This command is available on the Px-series application switch.
184 ExtremeWarePx1 1.2 Command Reference Guide
configure vrrp delete track-vrid
configure vrrp delete track-vrid
configure vrrp vrid
[<tracking VRID number> | all] delete track-vrid [<tracked VRID number> | all]
Removes failure tracking between the speciÞed VRRP classes.
Syntax Description tracking VRID number tracked VRID number all
The VRID of the VRRP class that tracks failure; a number between 1 and 255.
The VRID of the VRRP class whose failure is tracked; a number between 1 and 255.
Specifies all VRRP classes.
By default, each VRRP class will failover independently of the other classes; that is, no class tracks any other class.
Usage Guidelines
You must have administrator privileges to issue this command.
You must configure the identical tracking behavior on both switches.
You must use the
command to commit the conÞguration changes made by this command.
The following command causes VRRP class 101 to stop tracking class 100: configure vrrp vrid 101 delete track-vrid 100
The following command causes VRRP class 101 to stop tracking any class that it is currently tracking: configure vrrp vrid 101 delete track-vrid all
The following command causes any class that is currently tracking class 100 to stop tracking class 100: configure vrrp vrid all delete track-vrid 100
The following command causes every class to stop track any class that it is currently tracking: configure vrrp vrid all delete track-vrid all
This command was available in ExtremeWarePx 1.2.
ExtremeWarePx1 1.2 Command Reference Guide 185
Commands for Configuring Redundancy
Platform Availability
This command is available on the Px-series application switch.
186 ExtremeWarePx1 1.2 Command Reference Guide
configure vrrp delete vrid
configure vrrp delete vrid
configure vrrp delete vrid
[<VRID number> | all]
Deletes VRRP classes from the application switch.
Syntax Description
VRID number all
The VRID of the VRRP class to be deleted; a number between 1 and 255.
Specifies that all VRRP classes should be deleted.
Usage Guidelines
You must have administrator privileges to issue this command.
You can use this command to delete a particular VRRP class or all currently conÞgured VRRP classes.
You must use the
command to commit the conÞguration changes made by this command.
The following command deletes the VRRP class with the VRID 1.
configure vrrp delete vrid 1
The following command deletes all VRRP classes.
configure vrrp delete all
This form of this command was available in ExtremeWarePx 1.2.
Platform Availability
This command is available on the Px-series application switch.
ExtremeWarePx1 1.2 Command Reference Guide 187
Commands for Configuring Redundancy
configure vrrp force-slave
configure vrrp vrid
[<VRID number> | all] force-slave
Forces the application switch to attempt to become the backup device for the speciÞed VRRP class(es).
Syntax Description
VRID number all
The VRID of the VRRP class; a number between 1 and 255.
Specifies all VRRP classes.
Usage Guidelines
You must have administrator privileges to issue this command.
When the switch is active, you can issue this command to force the switch to become the backup device.
You can make the switch the backup for one particular VRRP class or for all currently conÞgured VRRP classes. For each speciÞed class, the switchÕs preemption behavior for the class must be dont-preempt .
If this switch is already the backup for a speciÞed class, no addition action is required.
After the switch is made the backup for a speciÞed class, it can become active again following the normal VRRP behavior. For example, the switch becomes active again if its VRRP peer is unavailable.
The following command forces the switch to attempt to become the backup device for VRRP class 100.
configure vrrp vrid 100 force-slave
This command was available in ExtremeWarePx 1.2.
Platform Availability
This command is available on the Px-series application switch.
188 ExtremeWarePx1 1.2 Command Reference Guide
configure vrrp preempt|dont-preempt
configure vrrp preempt|dont-preempt
configure vrrp vrid
[<VRID number> | all]
[preempt | dont-preempt]
ConÞgures the switchÕs preemption behavior for the speciÞed VRRP class(es).
Syntax Description
VRID number all preempt dont-preempt
The VRID of the VRRP class to be configured; a number between 1 and 255.
Specifies all VRRP classes.
Specifies that this switch should preempt the secondary switch.
Specifies that this switch should not preempt the secondary switch.
The default value for this property is dont-preempt .
Usage Guidelines
You must have administrator privileges to issue this command.
This command is relevant only if this switch is the primary device for the speciÞed VRRP class(es), that is if its priority for those classes is higher than the other switchÕs priority for the classes.
You must use the
command to commit the conÞguration changes made by this command.
The following command causes this switch to preempt the secondary switch for VRRP class 2.
configure vrrp vrid 2 preempt
This form of this command was available in ExtremeWarePx 1.2.
Platform Availability
This command is available on the Px-series application switch.
ExtremeWarePx1 1.2 Command Reference Guide 189
Commands for Configuring Redundancy
configure vrrp priority
configure vrrp vrid
[<VRID number> | all] priority <priority number>
Sets this switchÕs priority for the speciÞed VRRP class(es).
Syntax Description
VRID number all priority number
The VRID of the VRRP class whose priority is to be set; a number between 1 and 255.
Specifies all VRRP classes.
The switch’s priority for the specified VRRP class(es); a number in between 1 and 255, inclusive.
The default priority is 100. A VRRP class added with the
command has the priority value 100; a class added with the
configure vrrp add master vrid
value 255.
Usage Guidelines
You must have administrator privileges to issue this command.
The two switches should have different priorities for each VRRP class. The switch with the higher priority for a given class is the primary device for that class; the switch with the lower priority is the secondary device for that class.
You must use the
command to commit the conÞguration changes made by this command.
The following command sets the switchÕs priority to 200 for the VRRP class with VRID 1.
configure vrrp vrid 1 priority 200
The following command makes this switch the master device for all VRRP classes by setting the switchÕs priority to 255 for all classes.
configure vrrp vrid all priority 255
This form of this command was available in ExtremeWarePx 1.2.
Platform Availability
This command is available on the Px-series application switch.
190 ExtremeWarePx1 1.2 Command Reference Guide
configure vrrp serial-failover interval
configure vrrp serial-failover interval
configure vrrp serial-failover interval <milliseconds>
ConÞgures the heartbeat interval for VRRP serial-cable failover.
Syntax Description milliseconds The number of milliseconds in the interval between sending heartbeat messages to other switch; a number between 100 and 1000, inclusive.
By default, the heartbeat interval is 500 ms.
Usage Guidelines
You must have administrator privileges to issue this command.
The serial-failover mechanism waits for approximately twice the heartbeat interval before it assumes that the other switch is dead and initiates failover.
You must use the
command to commit the conÞguration changes made by this command.
The following command sets the heartbeat interval to 200 milliseconds.
configure vrrp serial-failover interval 200
This command was available in ExtremeWarePx 1.2.
Platform Availability
This command is available on the Px-series application switch.
ExtremeWarePx1 1.2 Command Reference Guide 191
Commands for Configuring Redundancy
disable vrrp
disable vrrp
Disables VRRP on the application switch.
Syntax Description
This command has no parameters or options.
VRRP is disabled by default.
Usage Guidelines
You must have administrator privileges to issue this command.
If VRRP is enabled on two Px-series application switches and you need to disable VRRP on one switch, you should Þrst make sure that the other switch is either powered down or off the network. Network issues may arise if you fail to remove the other switch, because both switches will be active on the same services or gateway-mode IP addresses.
You must use the
command to commit the conÞguration changes made by this command.
The following command disables VRRP.
disable vrrp
This command was available in ExtremeWarePx 1.1.
Platform Availability
This command is available on the Px-series application switch.
192 ExtremeWarePx1 1.2 Command Reference Guide
disable vrrp auto-sync
disable vrrp auto-sync
disable vrrp auto-sync
Disables VRRP automatic synchronization on the application switch.
Syntax Description
This command has no parameters or options.
VRRP automatic synchronization is disabled by default.
Usage Guidelines
You must have administrator privileges to issue this command.
You must use the
command to commit the conÞguration changes made by this command.
This command disables VRRP automatic synchronization.
disable vrrp auto-sync
This command was available in ExtremeWarePx 1.1.
Platform Availability
This command is available on the Px-series application switch.
ExtremeWarePx1 1.2 Command Reference Guide 193
Commands for Configuring Redundancy
disable vrrp serial-failover
disable vrrp serial-failover
Disables VRRP serial failover on the application switch.
Syntax Description
This command has no parameters or options.
VRRP serial failover is disabled by default.
Usage Guidelines
You must have administrator privileges to issue this command.
You must use the
command to commit the conÞguration changes made by this command.
This command disables VRRP serial failover.
disable vrrp serial-failover
This command was available in ExtremeWarePx 1.2.
Platform Availability
This command is available on the Px-series application switch.
194 ExtremeWarePx1 1.2 Command Reference Guide
enable vrrp
enable vrrp
enable vrrp
Enables VRRP on the application switch.
Syntax Description
This command has no parameters or options.
VRRP is disabled by default.
Usage Guidelines
You must have administrator privileges to issue this command.
Before you enable VRRP on a switch, you must ensure that each conÞgured service has been assigned a
VRID number. You can assign a VRID number to a service when you create it (with the
command). If you did not initially assign VRID number to
services, you can use the configure vrrp change vrid
command to assign a particular VRID number to all services.
If gateway mode must be enabled, you must specify at least one gateway-mode IP address for each active VRRP class before you enable gateway mode. An active VRRP class is one that contains at least one service. When you add a gateway-mode IP address with the
configure gateway-mode add ipaddress
command, you can specify the VRID of a VRRP class. A given VRRP class can have multiple gateway-mode IP addresses.
When gateway mode and VRRP are both enabled, you must also make sure every server responds to
VIPs in a single VRRP class. That is, all services that use a particular server must be in the same VRRP class.
The commands relevant to gateway mode are described in Chapter 4.
You must use the
command to commit the conÞguration changes made by this command.
This command enables VRRP.
enable vrrp
This command was available in ExtremeWarePx 1.1.
Platform Availability
This command is available on the Px-series application switch.
ExtremeWarePx1 1.2 Command Reference Guide 195
Commands for Configuring Redundancy
enable vrrp auto-sync
enable vrrp auto-sync
Enables VRRP automatic synchronization on the application switch.
Syntax Description
This command has no parameters or options.
VRRP automatic synchronization is disabled by default.
Usage Guidelines
You must have administrator privileges to issue this command.
If this switch is to be the master switch, you must issue to configure vrrp auto-sync backup
identify the corresponding backup switch. If this switch is to be the backup switch, you must issue to
configure vrrp auto-sync master
to identify the corresponding master switch.
You must use the
command to commit the conÞguration changes made by this command.
This command enables VRRP automatic synchronization.
enable vrrp auto-sync
This command was available in ExtremeWarePx 1.1.
Platform Availability
This command is available on the Px-series application switch.
196 ExtremeWarePx1 1.2 Command Reference Guide
enable vrrp serial-failover
enable vrrp serial-failover
enable vrrp serial-failover
Enables VRRP serial failover on the application switch.
Syntax Description
This command has no parameters or options.
VRRP serial failover is disabled by default.
Usage Guidelines
You must have administrator privileges to issue this command.
You must use the
command to commit the conÞguration changes made by this command.
This command enables VRRP serial failover.
enable vrrp serial-failover
This command was available in ExtremeWarePx 1.2.
Platform Availability
This command is available on the Px-series application switch.
ExtremeWarePx1 1.2 Command Reference Guide 197
Commands for Configuring Redundancy
unconfigure vrrp auto-sync backup
unconfigure vrrp auto-sync backup partner-ip <IP address>
UnconÞgures the backup switch for automatic synchronization.
Syntax Description
IP address The system IP address of the current backup switch, as set by the
configure vrrp auto-sync backup command
Usage Guidelines
You must have administrator privileges to issue this command.
You issue this command on the master switch for automatic synchronization. You use this command when you want to change the switch from being master to being backup.
You must use the
command to commit the conÞguration changes made by this command.
The following command unconÞgures the backup switch with IP address
unconfigure vrrp auto-sync backup partner-ip
This command was available in ExtremeWarePx 1.2.
Platform Availability
This command is available on the Px-series application switch.
198 ExtremeWarePx1 1.2 Command Reference Guide
unconfigure vrrp auto-sync master
unconfigure vrrp auto-sync master
unconfigure vrrp auto-sync master partner-ip <IP address>
UnconÞgures the master switch for automatic synchronization.
Syntax Description
IP address The system IP address of the current master switch, as set by the
configure vrrp auto-sync master command
Usage Guidelines
You must have administrator privileges to issue this command.
You issue this command on the backup switch for automatic synchronization. You use this command when you want to change the switch from being backup to being master.
You must use the
command to commit the conÞguration changes made by this command.
The following command unconÞgures the master switch with IP address
unconfigure vrrp auto-sync master partner-ip
This command was available in ExtremeWarePx 1.2.
Platform Availability
This command is available on the Px-series application switch.
ExtremeWarePx1 1.2 Command Reference Guide 199
Commands for Configuring Redundancy
200 ExtremeWarePx1 1.2 Command Reference Guide
Health-Check Commands
This chapter describes commands for conÞguring health checks.
Types of Health Checks
The application switch supports the following types of health checks:
¥ ICMP Ping ÑUses ICMP Òecho requestÓ to ensures that the host is reachable. In general, this does not provide any information about application health, but provides the simplest check.
¥ TCP Open ÑOpens a connection to a speciÞed TCP/IP port. Optionally, the application switch can compare the response sent upon open to a preconÞgured string to further ensure that the application responded correctly.
¥ HTTP Ñ Sends an actual HTTP request to the server, typically a GET request. Optionally, the application switch can compare the returned page to a preconÞgured string to further ensure that the application responded correctly.
You conÞgure the type of health check for each server group. The same type of health check is performed on all servers in a given server group. The server itself always performs ping health checks.
If you conÞgure TCP-open or HTTP checks, those checks will be performed as well.
If health checks are enabled, and you do not speciÞcally conÞgured the type of health check for a particular server group, that group uses ping health checks by default.
Health Check Properties
The application switch maintains values for four properties that control the health-check procedure:
Property interval retry-interval fail-after restore-after
Time interval between successful configured health checks
Time interval between rechecks after a failed health check
Number of consecutive failed health checks after which a server is removed from service
Number of consecutive successful health checks after which a server is returned to service
Default Value
30 seconds
10 seconds
ExtremeWarePx1 1.2 Command Reference Guide 201
Health-Check Commands
You can change the global default values for these properties. In addition, you conÞgure these properties for each server group. The same property values are used for all servers in a given server group.
If health checks are enabled, and you do not speciÞcally conÞgure a particular property for a particular server group, that group uses the propertyÕs global default value.
If you change the global default value for any property, the new global default will be used by any server group that did not speciÞcally conÞgure that particular.
If the CPU is swamped by too many health checks or other tasks, the interval and retry-interval times may be stretched. By design, health checks are randomized. The average interval between two consecutive health checks is interval ; however, any individual check is performed using a minor randomized interval of interval plus or minus 50%. The actual interval between any particular pair of consecutive health checks may be as short as interval / 2 or as long as interval * 3 / 2
Health Check Procedure
The health check procedure:
1 As soon as the system comes up or a server is enabled, a health check is performed on the server. If it passes, the server goes into service immediately; if not, it remains out of service.
2 As long as the server is in service, the health check is repeated every interval seconds. If the server passes a health check, it remains in service; if it fails, it is removed from service.
3 If the server fails a health check, it is rechecked after retry-interval
Ñ If a recheck fails, the recheck is repeated after retry-interval seconds. After fail-after consecutive failures, the server is removed from service.
Ñ If a recheck succeeds, the recheck is repeated after retry-interval
seconds. After restore-after consecutive successes, the server is put into service.
ARP Checks
In addition to the health check described in the preceding sections, an additional check is performed automatically for servers on the same network as the application switchÕs system IP. In this situation, the switch sends periodically sends ARP requests to each server in its network. The switch uses information in the ARP response when it sends trafÞc to servers on the local network
The global property arp-interval controls the frequency with which ARP checks are performed. This property is initially set to 5 minutes; that is, an ARP signal is send to a server in the same network as the system IP every 5 minutesÑin addition to any ping, TCP open, or HTTP health check that is conÞgured for the sever.
You can change the value of the arp-interval property with the
configure health-check arp-interval
202 ExtremeWarePx1 1.2 Command Reference Guide
configure health-check arp-interval
configure health-check arp-interval
configure health-check arp-interval <minutes>
Sets the global arp-interval property.
Syntax Description minutes The number of minutes between ARP checks for servers in the same network as the application switch system IP; a number between 1 and 1000, inclusive.
Initially, the value for the arp-interval property is 5 minutes.
Usage Guidelines
You must have administrator privileges to issue this command.
You must use the
command to commit the conÞguration changes made by this command.
The following command changes the arp-interval property to 10 minutes.
configure health-check arp-interval 10
This command was available in ExtremeWarePx 1.1.
Platform Availability
This command is available on the Px-series application switch.
ExtremeWarePx1 1.2 Command Reference Guide 203
Health-Check Commands
configure health-check fail-after
configure health-check fail-after <number>
ConÞgures the global default value for the fail-after
Syntax Description number The global default value for the number of consecutive failed health checks after which a server is removed from service.
Initially, the global default value for the fail-after
property is 2.
Usage Guidelines
You must have administrator privileges to issue this command.
You must use the
command to commit the conÞguration changes made by this command.
The following command changes the global default value for the fail-after property to 3.
configure health-check fail-after 3
This command was available in ExtremeWarePx 1.1.
Platform Availability
This command is available on the Px-series application switch.
204 ExtremeWarePx1 1.2 Command Reference Guide
configure health-check interval
configure health-check interval
configure health-check interval <seconds>
ConÞgures the global default value for the interval
Syntax Description seconds The global default value for the time interval between successful health checks; a number between 2 and 255, inclusive.
Initially, the global default value for the interval
property is 30 seconds.
Usage Guidelines
You must have administrator privileges to issue this command.
You must use the
command to commit the conÞguration changes made by this command.
The following command changes the global default value for the interval property to 45 seconds.
configure health-check interval 45
This command was available in ExtremeWarePx 1.1.
Platform Availability
This command is available on the Px-series application switch.
ExtremeWarePx1 1.2 Command Reference Guide 205
Health-Check Commands
configure health-check restore-after
configure health-check restore-after <number>
ConÞgures the global default value for the restore-after
Syntax Description number The global default value for the number of consecutive successful health checks after which a server is returned to service
Initially, the global default value for the restore-after
property is 2.
Usage Guidelines
You must have administrator privileges to issue this command.
You must use the
command to commit the conÞguration changes made by this command.
The following command changes the global default value for the restore-after property to 3.
configure health-check restore-after 3
This command was available in ExtremeWarePx 1.1.
Platform Availability
This command is available on the Px-series application switch.
206 ExtremeWarePx1 1.2 Command Reference Guide
configure health-check retry-interval
configure health-check retry-interval
configure health-check retry-interval <seconds>
ConÞgures the global default value for the retry-interval
Syntax Description seconds The global default value for the time interval between rechecks after a failed health check.
Initially, the global default value for the retry-interval
property is 10 seconds.
Usage Guidelines
You must have administrator privileges to issue this command.
You must use the
command to commit the conÞguration changes made by this command.
The following command changes the global default value for the retry-interval property to 15 seconds.
configure health-check retry-interval 15
This command was available in ExtremeWarePx 1.1.
Platform Availability
This command is available on the Px-series application switch.
ExtremeWarePx1 1.2 Command Reference Guide 207
Health-Check Commands
configure server slow-start initial-connections
configure server slow-start initial-connections <number>
Sets the global initial maximum number of connections to a server.
Syntax Description number The initial maximum number of connections to a server; a number between 1 and 100, inclusive.
The initial maximum defaults to 5 connections.
Usage Guidelines
You must have administrator privileges to issue this command.
The number of connections over time for a particular server are calculated from an initial maximum number of connections, and an interval. When a server is brought up, connections are limited to the initial maximum number. After the number of seconds conÞgured for the interval, the maximum number of connections allowed is doubled.
You must use the
command to commit the conÞguration changes made by this command.
The following command sets the global initial maximum number of connections to 10.
configure server slow-start initial-connections 10
This command was available in ExtremeWarePx 1.1.
Platform Availability
This command is available on the Px-series application switch.
208 ExtremeWarePx1 1.2 Command Reference Guide
configure server slow-start interval
configure server slow-start interval
configure server slow-start interval <seconds>
Sets the global interval used to adjust the limit for server connections.
Syntax Description seconds The global interval between server connections.
The interval defaults to 5 seconds.
Usage Guidelines
You must have administrator privileges to issue this command.
The number of connections over time for a particular server are calculated from an initial maximum number of connections, and an interval. When a server is brought up, connections are limited to the initial maximum number. After the number of seconds conÞgured for the interval, the maximum number of connections allowed is doubled.
This command sets the global interval. You can set the initial maximum number of connections with the
configure server slow-start initial-connections
You must use the
command to commit the conÞguration changes made by this command.
The following command sets the global interval to 3 seconds.
configure server slow-start interval 3
This command was available in ExtremeWarePx 1.1.
Platform Availability
This command is available on the Px-series application switch.
ExtremeWarePx1 1.2 Command Reference Guide 209
Health-Check Commands
configure server-group health-check fail-after
configure server-group name <name string> health-check fail-after <number>
ConÞgures the fail-after
property for the speciÞed server group.
Syntax Description name string number
The name of the server group for which to configure the property.
The number of consecutive failed health checks after which a server in the specified group is removed from service.
If this command is not issued, the global default value for the fail-after property is used.
Usage Guidelines
You must have administrator privileges to issue this command.
You must use the
command to commit the conÞguration changes made by this command.
The following command sets the fail-after
property to 3 for the server group named srvgroup1
configure server-group name "srvgroup1" health-check fail-after 3
This command was available in ExtremeWarePx 1.1.
Platform Availability
This command is available on the Px-series application switch.
210 ExtremeWarePx1 1.2 Command Reference Guide
configure server-group health-check http
configure server-group health-check http
configure server-group name <name string> health-check http
{object <object string> {return <return string>}}
ConÞgures HTTP health checks for the speciÞed server group.
Syntax Description name string object string return string
Name of the server group for which to configure the health-check type.
Name of the object to be retrieved.
String to match in the returned page.
If no health-check type is conÞgured for a server group, that group uses ping health checks by default.
Usage Guidelines
You must have administrator privileges to issue this command.
The object
parameter speciÞes the name of the object to be retrieved by an HTTP GET request. You may also use the return
parameter to specify a string to match in the returned page. When the health check is performed on a server:
1 A connection is opened to the port conÞgured for the server. The health check fails if the connection cannot be opened.
2 If the object
parameter was speciÞed, that the health check requests the speciÞed object. The health check fails if no object is returned.
3 If the return parameter was speciÞed, the health check examines the Þrst 1000 bytes of returned text to see if it contains the speciÞed return string; the health check passes if the return string is found.
If the return
parameter was not speciÞed, the HTTP response codes are checked. Acceptable HTTP response codes are 200-299 and 401.
If you omit the object
parameter, when the health check is performed on a server:
1 A connection is opened to the port conÞgured for the server. The health check fails if the connection cannot be opened.
2 The health check sends an HTTP ÒheadÓ request (HEAD / HTTP/1.0\r\n\r\n) to the server. The
HTTP response codes are checked. Acceptable HTTP response codes are 200-299 and 401.
All data requests use HTTP 1.0.
You must use the
command to commit the conÞguration changes made by this command.
ExtremeWarePx1 1.2 Command Reference Guide 211
Health-Check Commands
The following command conÞgures the server group named sg1
to use HTTP GET health checks that request the object index.html
: configure server-group name "sg1" health-check http object index.html
The following command conÞgures the server group named sg1 to use HTTP GET health checks that request the object index.html
and check for the string "Welcome" : configure server-group name "sg1" health-check object index.html return "Welcome"
The following command conÞgures the server group named extr to use HTTP GET health checks that do a Òhead /Ó on the server: configure server-group name "extr" health-check http
This command was available in ExtremeWarePx 1.1.
Platform Availability
This command is available on the Px-series application switch.
212 ExtremeWarePx1 1.2 Command Reference Guide
configure server-group health-check interval
configure server-group health-check interval
configure server-group name <name string> health-check interval <seconds>
ConÞgures the interval
property for the speciÞed server group.
Syntax Description name string seconds
The name of the server group for which to configure the property.
The time interval between successful health checks for servers in the specified group.
If this command is not issued, the global default value for the interval property is used.
Usage Guidelines
You must have administrator privileges to issue this command.
You must use the
command to commit the conÞguration changes made by this command.
The following command sets the interval
property to 45 seconds for the server group named srvgroup1
configure server-group name "srvgroup1" health-check interval 45
This command was available in ExtremeWarePx 1.1.
Platform Availability
This command is available on the Px-series application switch.
ExtremeWarePx1 1.2 Command Reference Guide 213
Health-Check Commands
configure server-group health-check ping
configure server-group name <name string> health-check ping
ConÞgures ping health checks for the speciÞed server group.
Syntax Description name string Name of the server group for which to configure the health-check type.
If no health-check type is conÞgured for a server group, that group uses ping health checks by default.
Usage Guidelines
You must have administrator privileges to issue this command.
You must use the
command to commit the conÞguration changes made by this command.
The following command conÞgures the server group named sg1 to use ping health checks.
configure server-group name "sg1" health-check ping
This command was available in ExtremeWarePx 1.1.
Platform Availability
This command is available on the Px-series application switch.
214 ExtremeWarePx1 1.2 Command Reference Guide
configure server-group health-check restore-after
configure server-group health-check restore-after
configure server-group name <name string> health-check restore-after <number>
ConÞgures the restore-after
property for the speciÞed server group.
Syntax Description name string number
The name of the server group for which to configure the property.
The number of consecutive successful health checks after which a server in the specified group is returned to service.
If this command is not issued, the global default value for the restore-after property is used.
Usage Guidelines
You must have administrator privileges to issue this command.
You must use the
command to commit the conÞguration changes made by this command.
The following command sets the restore-after
property to 3 for the server group named srvgroup1
configure server-group name "srvgroup1" health-check restore -after 3
This command was available in ExtremeWarePx 1.1.
Platform Availability
This command is available on the Px-series application switch.
ExtremeWarePx1 1.2 Command Reference Guide 215
Health-Check Commands
configure server-group health-check retry-interval
configure server-group name <name string> health-check retry-interval <seconds>
ConÞgures the retry-interval
property for the speciÞed server group.
Syntax Description name string seconds
The name of the server group for which to configure the property.
The time interval between rechecks after a failed health check for servers in the specified group.
If this command is not issued, the global default value for the retry-interval property is used.
Usage Guidelines
You must have administrator privileges to issue this command.
You must use the
command to commit the conÞguration changes made by this command.
The following command sets the retry-interval
property to 15 seconds for the server group named srvgroup1
configure server-group name "srvgroup1" health-check retry-interval 15
This command was available in ExtremeWarePx 1.1.
Platform Availability
This command is available on the Px-series application switch.
216 ExtremeWarePx1 1.2 Command Reference Guide
configure server-group health-check tcp-open
configure server-group health-check tcp-open
configure server-group name <name string> health-check tcp-open return <return string>
ConÞgures TCP open health checks for the speciÞed server group.
Syntax Description name string return string
Name of the server group for which to configure the health-check type.
String to be compared to the response.
If no health-check type is conÞgured for a server group, that group uses ping health checks by default.
Usage Guidelines
You must have administrator privileges to issue this command.
When a TCP open health check is performed on a server:
1 A connection is opened to the port conÞgured for the server. The health check fails if the connection cannot be opened.
2 If the return parameter was speciÞed, the health check compares the response returned by the open operation to the speciÞed return string. The health check fails if the return string does not match the response.
You must use the
command to commit the conÞguration changes made by this command.
The following command conÞgures the server group named sg1
to use TCP open health checks: configure server-group name "sg1" health-check tcp-open
The following command conÞgures the server group named sg1 to use TCP open health checks, that check for the return string "HELLO" : configure server-group name "sg1" health-check tcp-open return "HELLO"
This command was available in ExtremeWarePx 1.1.
Platform Availability
This command is available on the Px-series application switch.
ExtremeWarePx1 1.2 Command Reference Guide 217
Health-Check Commands
disable health-check
disable health-check
Disables the health-check facility.
Syntax Description
This command has no parameters or options.
The health-check facility is enabled by default.
Usage Guidelines
You must have administrator privileges to issue this command.
When health-check facility is disabled, no health checks are performed.
To disable health checks for a particular server group without disabling the entire health-check facility,
issue the disable health-check server-group-name
You must use the
command to commit the conÞguration changes made by this command.
The following command disables the health-check facility.
disable health-check
This command was available in ExtremeWarePx 1.1.
Platform Availability
This command is available on the Px-series application switch.
218 ExtremeWarePx1 1.2 Command Reference Guide
disable health-check server-group-name
disable health-check server-group-name
disable health-check server-group-name <name string>
Disables health checks for a speciÞed server group.
Syntax Description name string The name of the server group for which health checks are to be disabled.
Health checks are enabled for all server groups by default.
Usage Guidelines
You must have administrator privileges to issue this command.
If you want to disable the entire health-check facility, use the disable health-check
You must use the
command to commit the conÞguration changes made by this command.
The following command disables health checks for the server group named svrgroup1 .
disable health-check server-group-name "srvgroup1"
This command was available in ExtremeWarePx 1.1.
Platform Availability
This command is available on the Px-series application switch.
ExtremeWarePx1 1.2 Command Reference Guide 219
Health-Check Commands
disable server
disable server
[(index <index number>) |
(ipaddress <IP address> {port <port number>})]
Disables a server, forcing the server to be down.
Syntax Description index number
IP address port number
The unique index number of the server to be disabled.
The IP address of the server(s) to be disabled. The IP address plus the port number uniquely identify a server.
The port number of the server to be disabled. The port number plus the IP address uniquely identify a server.
All servers are enabled by default.
Usage Guidelines
You must have administrator privileges to issue this command.
You can identify a server to be disabled either by its index number or by its IP address and port number. If you specify only the IP address, this command disables all servers with that IP address (and any port number).
Disabling a server forces it to be down (for example, for maintenance). While the server is disabled, it is not used by the Px-series application switch. A disabled server is indicated as Òforced downÓ (FDOWN) in the output from the
You must use the
command to commit the conÞguration changes made by this command.
This example disables all servers with IP address
* station2:16 # disable server ip
* station2:17 # show health server-group name sg20000
Healthcheck is currently enabled default interval 30 sec timeout 5 sec retry interval 10 sec arp interval 5 min default fail after 2, restore after 2
12600/12823 ping rx/tx
16451/16622 DNS query rx/tx
5 DOWN 94 UP 4 *UP 2 *DOWN 4 FDOWN flags: E - check Enabled, D - check Disabled, R - mac is resolved ra - restore after, fa - fail after, left - secs till next check index IP
port proto
ICMP state
FDOWN check
IDLE left
24 run
-1 ra
90 ICMP FDOWN IDLE 18 0 2 fa
2 ups flg
0 E
0 E
220 ExtremeWarePx1 1.2 Command Reference Guide
disable server
This command was available in ExtremeWarePx 1.1.
Platform Availability
This command is available on the Px-series application switch.
ExtremeWarePx1 1.2 Command Reference Guide 221
Health-Check Commands
disable server slow-start
disable server slow-start
Disables server slow start.
Syntax Description
This command has no parameters or options.
Slow start is enabled by default.
Usage Guidelines
You must have administrator privileges to issue this command.
In order not to overload a server that has just come up, server slow start restricts the number of connections that the server can process. Slow start is performed when health checks bring a server back online, or when a server is enabled, if health checking is disabled for that server's server group.
You must use the
command to commit the conÞguration changes made by this command.
The following command disables server slow start.
disable server slow-start
This command was available in ExtremeWarePx 1.1.
Platform Availability
This command is available on the Px-series application switch.
222 ExtremeWarePx1 1.2 Command Reference Guide
enable health-check
enable health-check
enable health-check
Enables the health-check facility.
Syntax Description
This command has no parameters or options.
The health-check facility is enabled by default.
Usage Guidelines
You must have administrator privileges to issue this command.
When the health-check facility is enabled, health checks are performed on every server group except
You must use the
command to commit the conÞguration changes made by this command.
The following command enables the health-check facility.
enable health-check
This command was available in ExtremeWarePx 1.1.
Platform Availability
This command is available on the Px-series application switch.
ExtremeWarePx1 1.2 Command Reference Guide 223
Health-Check Commands
enable health-check server-group-name
enable health-check server-group-name <name string>
Enables health checks for a speciÞed server group.
Syntax Description name string The name of the server group for which health checks are to be enabled.
Health checks are enabled for all server groups by default.
Usage Guidelines
You must have administrator privileges to issue this command.
Health checks are performed only if the health-check facility itself is enabled. This facility is enabled by default. It can be disabled with the
command and re-enabled with the enable health-check
You use this command to re-enable health checks for a server group after disabling them with the
disable health-check server-group-name
You must use the
command to commit the conÞguration changes made by this command.
The following command enables health checks for the server group named svrgroup1 .
enable health-check server-group-name "srvgroup1"
This command was available in ExtremeWarePx 1.1.
Platform Availability
This command is available on the Px-series application switch.
224 ExtremeWarePx1 1.2 Command Reference Guide
enable server
enable server
enable server
[(index <index number>) |
(ipaddress <IP address> {port <port number>})]
Re-enables a server that has been disabled.
Syntax Description index number
IP address port number
The unique index number of the server to be enabled.
The IP address of the server(s) to be enabled. The IP address plus the port number uniquely identify a server.
The port number of the server to be enabled. The port number plus the IP address uniquely identify a server.
All servers are enabled by default.
Usage Guidelines
You must have administrator privileges to issue this command.
You can identify a server to be enabled either by its index number or by its IP address and port number.
If you specify only the IP address, this command enables all disabled servers with that IP address (and any port number).
Enabling a server brings the server back into normal use by the Px-series application switch.
You must use the
command to commit the conÞguration changes made by this command.
The following command enables the server with index number 1: enable server index 1
This command was available in ExtremeWarePx 1.1.
Platform Availability
This command is available on the Px-series application switch.
ExtremeWarePx1 1.2 Command Reference Guide 225
Health-Check Commands
enable server slow-start
enable server slow-start
Enables server slow start.
Syntax Description
This command has no parameters or options.
Slow start is enabled by default.
Usage Guidelines
You must have administrator privileges to issue this command.
In order not to overload a server that has just come up, server slow start restricts the number of connections that the server can process. Slow start is performed when health checks bring a server back online, or when a server is enabled, if health checking is disabled for that server's server group.
You must use the
command to commit the conÞguration changes made by this command.
The following command enables server slow start.
enable server slow-start
This command was available in ExtremeWarePx 1.1.
Platform Availability
This command is available on the Px-series application switch.
226 ExtremeWarePx1 1.2 Command Reference Guide
Commands for Monitoring the Switch
This chapter describes the following commands:
¥ Commands that show trafÞc statistics
¥ Commands that show conÞguration details
¥ Commands for managing and troubleshooting operation
ExtremeWarePx1 1.2 Command Reference Guide 227
Commands for Monitoring the Switch
pxtop {vip <IP address> {port <port number>}}
Displays real-time information about connections to virtual services.
Syntax Description
IP address port number
VIP for the service(s) of interest
Port number for the service of interest
Usage Guidelines
The screen is updated dynamically to display an overview of the current, peak, and total connections to virtual services.
Parameters to this command allow you to limit the display to information about services that use the speciÞed IP address or the speciÞed IP address and port.
The following command displays information about connections to all services: pxtop
This command produces output like the following:
------------------------------------ tcp
Domain: default default
tcp default
Domain: default default tcp
C o n n e c t i o n s
Current Peak Total
1009 1009 1009 1009
This command was available in ExtremeWarePx 1.1.
228 ExtremeWarePx1 1.2 Command Reference Guide
Platform Availability
This command is available on the Px-series application switch. pxtop
ExtremeWarePx1 1.2 Command Reference Guide 229
Commands for Monitoring the Switch
show accounts
show accounts
Displays user account information for all users on the switch.
Syntax Description
This command has no parameters or options.
Usage Guidelines
You must have administrator privileges to issue this command.
This command displays the following information in a tabular format:
¥ User NameÑThe name of the user. This list displays all of the users who have access to the switch.
¥ AccessÑThe SNMP community strings. This may be listed as R/W for read/write or RO for read only.
¥ Login OKÑThe number of logins that are okay.
¥ FailedÑThe number of failed logins.
This example displays user account information on the switch:
SummitPx1:4 # show accounts
User Name
---------------admin user
------jones sales smith
This command was available in ExtremeWarePx 1.1.
Platform Availability
This command is available on the Px-series application switch.
230 ExtremeWarePx1 1.2 Command Reference Guide
show banner
show banner
show banner
Displays the user-conÞgured banner string.
Syntax Description
This command has no parameters or options.
Usage Guidelines
Use this command to view the banner that was set with the
command. This banner is displayed before the login prompt.
The following command displays the switch banner: show banner
This command was available in ExtremeWarePx 1.1.
Platform Availability
This command is available on the Px-series application switch.
ExtremeWarePx1 1.2 Command Reference Guide 231
Commands for Monitoring the Switch
show build
show build
Displays the conÞguration that will become effective when the build
Syntax Description
This command has no parameters or options.
Usage Guidelines
You can use this command after making changes to the conÞguration and before issuing the
command. The output shows the conÞguration as set by commands that change conÞguration that have
not yet been conÞrmed by the build
After you issue the
show build
command will be identical to the output from the
This example illustrates the output from the show build
* SummitPx1:8 # show build
# SummitPx1 Configuration
# Software Version 1.2.0b4 (fpga 606rd)
# vrrp configuration
#---------------------------------------------------------------disable vrrp config vrrp serial-failover interval 500 disable vrrp serial-failover disable vrrp auto-sync
# servers
#---------------------------------------------------------------config server default max-connections 10000 config server default weight 1 config server slow-start initial-connections 5 config server slow-start interval 5 disable server slow-start config server index 1 ip port 80 config server index 2 ip port 80
232 ExtremeWarePx1 1.2 Command Reference Guide
This command was available in ExtremeWarePx 1.1.
Platform Availability
This command is available on the Px-series application switch. show build
ExtremeWarePx1 1.2 Command Reference Guide 233
Commands for Monitoring the Switch
show configuration
show configuration [primary | secondary]
Shows the currently active conÞguration, which may be different from the saved conÞgurations.
Syntax Description primary secondary
Shows the primary configuration saved in flash memory.
Shows the secondary configuration saved in flash memory.
Usage Guidelines
If the output scrolls off the top of the screen, you can use the
command to pause the display when the output Þlls the screen.
This example illustrates the output from the show configuration
* SummitPx1:25 # sh config
# SummitPx1 Configuration
# Software Version 1.1.0b8 (FPGA:511 by build 03/21/02 01:09:31)
# servers
#---------------------------------------------------------------config server default max-connections 10000 config server default weight 1 config server slow-start initial-connections 5 config server slow-start interval 5 disable server slow-start config server index 1 ip port 8080 config server index 2 ip port 8080 config server index 40 ip port 80 config server index 41 ip port 80
# server-groups
#---------------------------------------------------------------config server-group name web1_layer4 policy rr server-last-resort
index 1 config server-group name web1_layer4 add-server index 1 - 2 config server-group name web2_layer7 policy rr server-last-resort
index 40 config server-group name web2_layer7 add-server index 40 - 41
# service-table
234 ExtremeWarePx1 1.2 Command Reference Guide
show configuration config service vip port 2000 protocol tcp l4 server-group-name web1_layer4 config service vip port 3000 protocol tcp l7 class http config domain name default config pattern-rule "default" server-group-name web3_layer7 config domain name mydomain.com
config pattern-rule "default" server-group-name web2_layer7
This command was available in ExtremeWarePx 1.1.
Platform Availability
This command is available on the Px-series application switch.
ExtremeWarePx1 1.2 Command Reference Guide 235
Commands for Monitoring the Switch
show connections details
show connections {vip <IP address> {port <port number>}} details
Displays a list of the open connection.
Syntax Description
IP address port number
VIP for the service of interest port number for the service of interest
Usage Guidelines
Parameters to this command allow you to limit the display to connections to the speciÞed IP address or the speciÞed IP address and port.
This example displays all open connections.
SummitPx1:35 # sh conn details
Flags: 4 - Layer 4, 7 - Layer 7, T - TCP, U - UDP
Age is in seconds
Client IP Virtual IP Proxy IP Server IP and Port and Port and Port and Port Flags
Age State
This command was available in ExtremeWarePx 1.1.
236 ExtremeWarePx1 1.2 Command Reference Guide
Platform Availability
This command is available on the Px-series application switch. show connections details
ExtremeWarePx1 1.2 Command Reference Guide 237
Commands for Monitoring the Switch
show connections summary
show connections summary
Displays the current and total number of connections processed by the application switch.
Syntax Description
This command has no parameters or options.
Usage Guidelines
This example shows a summary of the connections to the switch
SummitPx1:32 # sh conn summ
Open layer 4 connections
Total layer 4 connections processed
Peak layer 4 connections
Open layer 7 connections
Total layer 7 connections processed
Peak layer 7 connections
Note: Layer 7 counters might be off by 2 or 3 due to self-audit.
This command was available in ExtremeWarePx 1.1.
Platform Availability
This command is available on the Px-series application switch.
238 ExtremeWarePx1 1.2 Command Reference Guide
show cookie
show cookie
Displays the conÞgured status of cookie processing.
Syntax Description
This command has no parameters or options.
Usage Guidelines
The following command shows the status of cookie processing.
show cookie
This command was available in ExtremeWarePx 1.1.
Platform Availability
This command is available on the Px-series application switch. show cookie
ExtremeWarePx1 1.2 Command Reference Guide 239
Commands for Monitoring the Switch
show critical-resources
show critical-resources
Displays information about the conÞguration of critical resources.
Syntax Description
This command has no parameters or options.
Usage Guidelines
In full-NAT mode (full Network Address Translation), the Px-series application switch must have sufÞcient proxy IP addresses conÞgured to allow millions of connections going through the switch. This commands shows how many resources are conÞgured, used, and available.
This example shows the conÞguration of critical resources.
station2:6 # show critical-resources nat-mode full is configured.
Proxy-ips configured
Proxy-ip connection capacity
Proxy-ip connection usage
Layer 4 connection capacity
Layer 4 connection usage
Layer 7 connection capacity
Layer 7 connection usage
This command was available in ExtremeWarePx 1.1.
Platform Availability
This command is available on the Px-series application switch.
240 ExtremeWarePx1 1.2 Command Reference Guide
show default-gateway
show default-gateway
Displays the default gateway IP address for the Gigabit Ethernet interface.
Syntax Description
This command has no parameters or options.
Usage Guidelines
This example shows information about the default gateway.
SummitPx1:36 # sh default-gateway
Default Gateway 1:
Default Gateway 2: Not configured.
Active Gateway : Mac=[00:e0:2b:df:0b:00] Errs=0, Switches=0
This command was available in ExtremeWarePx 1.1.
Platform Availability
This command is available on the Px-series application switch. show default-gateway
ExtremeWarePx1 1.2 Command Reference Guide 241
Commands for Monitoring the Switch
show dns-client
show dns-client
Displays the DNS conÞguration.
Syntax Description
This command has no parameters or options.
Usage Guidelines
This example displays the DNS conÞguration:
SummitPx1:5 # show dns-client
Default domain: ExtremeNetworks.com
Number of name servers: 1
Name Server 1:
This command was available in ExtremeWarePx 1.1.
Platform Availability
This command is available on the Px-series application switch.
242 ExtremeWarePx1 1.2 Command Reference Guide
show errors
show errors
Displays any system-level errors that have been detected.
Syntax Description
This command has no parameters or options.
Usage Guidelines
The following command shows system-level errors: show errors
This command was available in ExtremeWarePx 1.1.
Platform Availability
This command is available on the Px-series application switch. show errors
ExtremeWarePx1 1.2 Command Reference Guide 243
Commands for Monitoring the Switch
show gateway-mode
show gateway-mode
Displays information about gateway-mode IP addresses.
Syntax Description
This command has no parameters or options.
Usage Guidelines
This example shows information about gateway-mode IP addresses.
station2:69 # show gateway-mode gateway-mode is currently disabled
Ip Address Vlan
This command was available in ExtremeWarePx 1.1.
Platform Availability
This command is available on the Px-series application switch.
244 ExtremeWarePx1 1.2 Command Reference Guide
show gateway-mode configuration
show gateway-mode configuration
Displays current gateway-mode conÞguration.
Syntax Description
This command has no parameters or options.
Usage Guidelines
This example shows gateway-mode conÞguration.
station2:70 # show gateway-mode configuration
# gateway-mode configuration
#---------------------------------------------------------------disable gateway-mode config gateway-mode add ipaddress
This command was available in ExtremeWarePx 1.1.
Platform Availability
This command is available on the Px-series application switch. show gateway-mode configuration
ExtremeWarePx1 1.2 Command Reference Guide 245
Commands for Monitoring the Switch
show gslb
show gslb
Shows activity of the GlobalPx Content Director agent.
Syntax Description
This command has no parameters or options.
Usage Guidelines
This command shows whether the GlobalPx Content Director agent is enabled. If the agent is enabled, the command also shows:
¥ The IP address and port on which the agent is listening
¥ The IP address of the last scheduler (if any) to contact the agent and the time at which the contact occurred
¥ The IP addresses of all schedulers (if any) that have contacted the agent
¥ The current load
For more information about the agent, see the GlobalPx Content Director Installation and User Guide.
This example shows the activities of the GlobalPx Content Director agent after the agent was started and before any scheduler contacted the agent.
station2:5 # show gslb gslb-agent is enabled listening on IP address
This command was available in ExtremeWarePx 1.1.
Platform Availability
This command is available on the Px-series application switch.
246 ExtremeWarePx1 1.2 Command Reference Guide
show gslb configuration
show gslb configuration
show gslb configuration
Shows the conÞguration of the GlobalPx Content Director agent.
Syntax Description
This command has no parameters or options.
Usage Guidelines
The output from this command shows any
For more information about the agent, see the GlobalPx Content Director Installation and User Guide.
This example shows the conÞguration of the agent.
SummitPx1:6 # show gslb configuration
# gslb configuration
#---------------------------------------------------------------enable gslb config gslb ip service yosemite.cnd.extremenetworks.com
This command was available in ExtremeWarePx 1.1.
Platform Availability
This command is available on the Px-series application switch.
ExtremeWarePx1 1.2 Command Reference Guide 247
Commands for Monitoring the Switch
show health-check
show health-check
{(server [(index <index number>) | (ipaddress <IP address>)]) |
(server-group name <name string>)}
Shows detailed information about health checks
Syntax Description index number
IP address name string
The unique index number of a server for which to display health-check information.
The IP address of a server for which to display health-check information. The IP address plus the port number uniquely identify a server. If more than one server has the same IP address, this command show details about them all.
The name of the server group for which to display health-check information.
Usage Guidelines
Parameters to this command allow you to see details for speciÞed servers only. You can request details for:
¥ The server with the speciÞed index.
¥ All servers with the speciÞed IP address (and any port)
¥ All servers in the speciÞed server group.
This example shows health-check information for all servers. (The table with detailed information for each server is too wide to Þt in a single line of text. Note that the columns labeled arp
and lasterr appear on a separate line, indented.)
SummitPx1:16 # sh hea det
Healthcheck is currently enabled default interval 30 sec, retry interval 10 sec, arp interval 5 min default fail after 2, restore after 2
1732/3038 ping rx/tx
1 checks active
4 DOWN 4 UP 2 *UP 3 *DOWN flags: E - check Enabled, D - check Disabled, R - mac is resolved ra - restore after, fa - fail after, left - secs till next check index delta IP port proto state check int rty left run ra fa fd flg chng ups arp lasterr
253 ICMP DOWN IDLE 30 10 4 -2 2 2 -1 RE 14747 0
14803 S_errno_ETIMEDOUT
248 ExtremeWarePx1 1.2 Command Reference Guide
show health-check
100 478 90 ICMP *DOWN IDLE 30 10 7 0 2 2 -1 RE 14747 0
101 1738 91 ICMP *DOWN IDLE 30 10 28 0 2 2 -1 RE 14747 0
1380 ICMP DOWN PINGING 30 10 22 -2 2 2 -1 E 14747 0
14803 S_errno_ETIMEDOUT
102 1926 900 ICMP *DOWN IDLE 30 10 31 0 2 2 -1 E 14747 0
677 ICMP UP IDLE 30 10 10 2 2 2 -1 RE 2366 3
14803 S_errno_ETIMEDOUT
1 2158 80 ICMP *UP IDLE 30 10 35 0 2 2 -1 RE 2366 0
1742 ICMP UP IDLE 30 10 28 2 2 2 -1 RE 2322 3
14803 S_errno_ETIMEDOUT
2 478 80 ICMP *UP IDLE 30 10 6 0 2 2 -1 RE 2322 0
173 ICMP UP IDLE 30 10 1 2 2 2 -1 RE 2360 3
14803 S_errno_ETIMEDOUT
This example shows details about the server with index 2.
SummitPx1:17 # sh health-check server index 2 details
Healthcheck is currently enabled default interval 30 sec, retry interval 10 sec, arp interval 5 min default fail after 2, restore after 2
1738/3045 ping rx/tx
4 DOWN 4 UP 2 *UP 3 *DOWN flags: E - check Enabled, D - check Disabled, R - mac is resolved ra - restore after, fa - fail after, left - secs till next check index delta IP port proto state check int rty left run ra fa fd flg chng ups arp lasterr
173 ICMP UP IDLE 30 10 2 2 2 2 -1 RE 2349 3
14829 S_errno_ETIMEDOUT
2 1729 80 ICMP *UP IDLE 30 10 28 0 2 2 -1 RE 2349 0
This example shows details about the servers in the server group named sg1 .
SummitPx1:19 # sh health-check server-group name "sg1" details
Healthcheck is currently enabled default interval 30 sec, retry interval 10 sec, arp interval 5 min default fail after 2, restore after 2
1755/3064 ping rx/tx
1 checks active
4 DOWN 4 UP 2 *UP 3 *DOWN flags: E - check Enabled, D - check Disabled, R - mac is resolved ra - restore after, fa - fail after, left - secs till next check index delta IP port proto state check int rty left run ra fa fd flg chng ups arp lasterr
1260 ICMP UP IDLE 30 10 20 2 2 2 -1 RE 2460 3
14896 S_errno_ETIMEDOUT
1 1601 80 ICMP *UP IDLE 30 10 26 0 2 2 -1 RE 2460 0
885 ICMP UP IDLE 30 10 14 2 2 2 -1 RE 2416 3
14896 S_errno_ETIMEDOUT
2 1421 80 ICMP *UP IDLE 30 10 23 0 2 2 -1 RE 2416 0
ExtremeWarePx1 1.2 Command Reference Guide 249
Commands for Monitoring the Switch
show health-check configuration
show health-check configuration
Shows whether health checks are enabled and the current value for global health-check properties.
Syntax Description
This command has no parameters or options.
Usage Guidelines
This example shows the health-check conÞguration.
SummitPx1:11 # sh health-check configuration
# global healthcheck configuration
#---------------------------------------------------------------enable health-check config health-check interval 30 config health-check retry-interval 10 config health-check fail-after 2 config health-check restore-after 2 config health-check arp-interval 5
This command was available in ExtremeWarePx 1.1.
Platform Availability
This command is available on the Px-series application switch.
This command was available in ExtremeWarePx 1.1.
Platform Availability
This command is available on the Px-series application switch.
250 ExtremeWarePx1 1.2 Command Reference Guide
show health-check down
show health-check down
show health-check down
Shows the servers that failed health check and that are marked down.
Syntax Description
This command has no parameters or options.
Usage Guidelines
This example shows which servers are down.
SummitPx1:15 # sh health-check down
Healthcheck is currently enabled default interval 30 sec, retry interval 10 sec, arp interval 5 min default fail after 2, restore after 2
1722/3026 ping rx/tx
1 checks active
4 DOWN 4 UP 2 *UP 3 *DOWN flags: E - check Enabled, D - check Disabled, R - mac is resolved ra - restore after, fa - fail after, left - secs till next check index
port proto
ICMP state
*DOWN check
IDLE left run ra
1 -2 2
2 fa
900 ICMP
0 ups flg
0 RE
This command was available in ExtremeWarePx 1.1.
Platform Availability
This command is available on the Px-series application switch.
ExtremeWarePx1 1.2 Command Reference Guide 251
Commands for Monitoring the Switch
show health-check summary
show health-check summary
Displays a brief summary showing whether health check is enabled, the values for global health-check properties, and how many servers and applications (on speciÞc ports) are up and down.
Syntax Description
This command has no parameters or options.
Usage Guidelines
This example shows a health-check summary.
SummitPx1:20 # sh hea summ
Healthcheck is currently enabled default interval 30 sec, retry interval 10 sec, arp interval 5 min default fail after 2, restore after 2
1762/3073 ping rx/tx
2 checks active
4 DOWN 4 UP 2 *UP 3 *DOWN
This command was available in ExtremeWarePx 1.1.
Platform Availability
This command is available on the Px-series application switch.
252 ExtremeWarePx1 1.2 Command Reference Guide
show icmp
show icmp
Shows how many ICMP-type packets have been received.
Syntax Description
This command has no parameters or options.
Usage Guidelines
This example shows the number of ICMP packets.
station2:8 # show icmp
Total Received ICMP packets:
ICMP Rx: ICMP checksum error count:
ICMP Echo requests matching VIP, PIP and next-hop:
ICMP Echo requests for CPU:
Tx ICMP response count for VIP, PIP and next-hop:
ICMP response transmit err count:
This command was available in ExtremeWarePx 1.1.
Platform Availability
This command is available on the Px-series application switch.
4 show icmp
ExtremeWarePx1 1.2 Command Reference Guide 253
Commands for Monitoring the Switch
show iparp
show iparp
{<IP address> | <hostname>}
Displays the IP Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) table.
Syntax Description
IP address hostname
An IP address to use for filtering the display. Only entries with the specified
IP address are displayed.
A host name to use for filtering the display. Only entries with the specified host name are displayed.
Show all entries.
Usage Guidelines
Parameter to this command allow you to Þlter the display by IP address or host name.
Displays the IP ARP table, including:
¥ IP address
¥ MAC address
¥ Aging timer value
¥ VLAN name, VLAN ID and port number
¥ Flags
This example displays the entire IP ARP table: station2:24 # show iparp
Total Received ARP requests:
ARP requests matching VIP, PIP and next-hop:
ARP requests matching CPU IP address:
Tx ARP response count for VIP, PIP and next-hop:
ARP response transmit err count:
LINK LEVEL ARP TABLE destination gateway flags Refcnt Use Interface
00:01:30:a2:18:0 405 1 0 fei0
487 fei0 gig0
254 ExtremeWarePx1 1.2 Command Reference Guide
show iparp
This command was available in ExtremeWarePx 1.1.
Platform Availability
This command is available on the Px-series application switch. show iparp
ExtremeWarePx1 1.2 Command Reference Guide 255
Commands for Monitoring the Switch
show iproute
show iproute
Displays the contents of the IP routing table.
Syntax Description
This command has no parameters or options.
Usage Guidelines
This example displays detailed information about all IP routing: station2:157 # sh iproute
ROUTE NET TABLE destination gateway flags Refcnt Use Interface
3 3 617782 gig0
0 fei0 gig0
ROUTE HOST TABLE destination gateway flags Refcnt Use Interface
7 0 0 fei0
5 1 0 lo0
This command was available in ExtremeWarePx 1.1.
Platform Availability
This command is available on the Px-series application switch.
256 ExtremeWarePx1 1.2 Command Reference Guide
show log
show log
show log {fatal | errors | warning | info}
Displays the current snapshot of the switchÕs internal log.
Syntax Description fatal errors warning info
Display fatal messages only.
Display messages at the error level and higher (non-fatal and fatal error messages)
Display messages at the warning level and higher (warnings, non-fatal error messages, and fatal error messages)
Display messages at the informational level and higher (non-fatal error messages, and fatal error messages)
Usage Guidelines
The switch maintains 200 message in its internal log. You use the show log command to display the these messages. The option speciÞes the severity level of the messages to be displayed. If no option is speciÞed, all messages in the internal log are shown.
The following command displays error messages from the log: show log errors
This command was available in ExtremeWarePx 1.1.
Platform Availability
This command is available on the Px-series application switch.
ExtremeWarePx1 1.2 Command Reference Guide 257
Commands for Monitoring the Switch
show log configuration
show log configuration
Shows the conÞguration for the logging facility.
Syntax Description
This command has no parameters or options.
Usage Guidelines
The following command displays logging conÞguration:
SummitPx1:10 # show log configuration config log display warning enable syslog config syslog ip
This command was available in ExtremeWarePx 1.1.
Platform Availability
This command is available on the Px-series application switch.
258 ExtremeWarePx1 1.2 Command Reference Guide
show nat-mode configuration
show nat-mode configuration
Displays the currently conÞgured NAT mode.
Syntax Description
This command has no parameters or options.
Usage Guidelines
The following command shows the NAT mode.
show nat-mode configuration
This command was available in ExtremeWarePx 1.1.
Platform Availability
This command is available on the Px-series application switch. show nat-mode configuration
ExtremeWarePx1 1.2 Command Reference Guide 259
Commands for Monitoring the Switch
show port
show port [gigabit | mgmt]
Displays summary information about the speciÞed port.
Syntax Description gigabit mgmt
Specifies the Gigabit Ethernet network interface port.
Specifies the front panel 10/100 management port.
Usage Guidelines
This example shows summary information for the Gigabit port.
SummitPx1:39 # sh port gig
Port Summary, port 0:
Port State: enabled
Link is UP
Auto negotiation is done
GPCS mode -- Full duplex mode
Auto negotiation is enabled
Full duplex enabled
Packets Received (RX) : total packets received
705327 Unicast, 11 Broadcast, 6751 Multicast, 0 Errors
Packets Transmitted (TX) : total packets transmitted
818772 Unicast, 4539 Broadcast, 0 Multicast, 0 Errors
This example shows summary information for the management port.
SummitPx1:43 # sh port mgmt
Management Port Summary:
Link is UP
Auto negotiation is done
Operating in 100 Base-T Full duplex mode
Auto negotiation is enabled
This command was available in ExtremeWarePx 1.1.
260 ExtremeWarePx1 1.2 Command Reference Guide
Platform Availability
This command is available on the Px-series application switch. show port
ExtremeWarePx1 1.2 Command Reference Guide 261
Commands for Monitoring the Switch
show port configuration
show port [gigabit | mgmt] configuration
Displays the conÞguration of the speciÞed port.
Syntax Description gigabit mgmt
Specifies the Gigabit Ethernet network interface port.
Specifies the front panel 10/100 management port.
Usage Guidelines
This example shows the conÞguration of the Gigabit port.
SummitPx1:40 # sh port gig conf config system-ip / 24
This example shows the conÞguration for of the management port.
SummitPx1:45 # sh port mgmt configuration config mgmt ipaddress / 24 config mgmt iproute dest-ip gateway
This command was available in ExtremeWarePx 1.1.
Platform Availability
This command is available on the Px-series application switch.
262 ExtremeWarePx1 1.2 Command Reference Guide
show port details
show port [gigabit | mgmt] details
Displays packet-level counters and current status of the speciÞed port.
Syntax Description gigabit mgmt
Specifies the Gigabit Ethernet network interface port.
Specifies the front panel 10/100 management port.
Usage Guidelines
This example shows details about the Gigabit port.
SummitPx1:41 # sh port gig det
Port Details, port 0:
Port State: enabled
Link error counter: 0
Link is UP
Auto negotiation is done
GPCS mode -- Full duplex mode
Auto negotiation is enabled
Full duplex enabled
Linkpartner is 1000 base-T full duplex capable
Linkpartner is NOT 1000 base-T half duplex capable
TX Unicast:
TX Broadcast:
TX Multicast:
TX Errors:
RX Unicast:
RX Broadcast:
RX Multicast:
RX Errors:
RX Short:
RX Short/CRC:
RX Long:
RX Long/CRC:
ExtremeWarePx1 1.2 Command Reference Guide show port details
Commands for Monitoring the Switch
This example shows details about the management port.
SummitPx1:46 # sh port mgmt details
Management Port Details:
Link is UP
Auto negotiation is done
Operating in 100 Base-T Full duplex mode
Auto negotiation is enabled
Link error counter: 0
Link partner is 100 base-T full duplex capable
Link partner is 100 base-T half duplex capable
Link partner is 10 base-T full duplex capable
Link partner is 10 base-T half duplex capable
Tx good frames: 12948
Tx MAXCOL errors:‘
Tx LATECOL errors:
Tx underrun errors:
Tx lost CRS errors:
Tx deferred:
Tx single collisions:
Tx multiple collisions:
Tx total collisions:
Rx good frames:
Rx CRC errors:
Rx allignment errors:
Rx resource errors:
Rx overrun errors:
Rx collision detect errors:
Rx short frame errors:
This command was available in ExtremeWarePx 1.1.
Platform Availability
This command is available on the Px-series application switch.
264 ExtremeWarePx1 1.2 Command Reference Guide
show port gigabit utilization
show port gigabit utilization
show port gigabit utilization
Displays real-time port utilization information for the Gigabit Ethernet network interface port.
Syntax Description
This command has no parameters or options.
Usage Guidelines
The screen is updated dynamically to display packets received and bandwidth. Use the [Spacebar] to toggle between packet, byte, and bandwidth utilization information.
This status information may be useful for your technical support representative if you have a network problem.
The following command displays utilization statistics for the Gigabit port.
show port gigabit utilization
This command was available in ExtremeWarePx 1.1.
Platform Availability
This command is available on the Px-series application switch.
ExtremeWarePx1 1.2 Command Reference Guide 265
Commands for Monitoring the Switch
show proxy-ip configuration
show proxy-ip configuration
Displays the currently conÞgured proxy IP addresses.
Syntax Description
This command has no parameters or options.
Usage Guidelines
The following command shows the proxy IP addresses.
show proxy-ip configuration
This command was available in ExtremeWarePx 1.1.
Platform Availability
This command is available on the Px-series application switch.
266 ExtremeWarePx1 1.2 Command Reference Guide
show self-audit
show self-audit
Shows whether internal self-audit is enabled.
Syntax Description
This command has no parameters or options.
Usage Guidelines
Internal self-audit is the internal hardware-check mechanism.
This example e shows whether internal self-audit is enabled.
station2:68 # show self-audit
Self Audit state: Enabled.
Self Audit success/failure counts: 4391/0
Self Audit state transition counts:
State transition count
Client Send SYN 4392
Client Wait SYN/ACK 4392
Client Send ACK 4392
Client Send GET 4392
Client Wait GET/ACK 4392
Server Wait SYN 4392
Server Send SYN/ACK 4391
Server Wait ACK 4391
Server Wait GET 4391
Client Send RST 4391
Server Send RST 4391
This command was available in ExtremeWarePx 1.1.
Platform Availability
This command is available on the Px-series application switch.
ExtremeWarePx1 1.2 Command Reference Guide show self-audit
Commands for Monitoring the Switch
show server configuration
show server
[(index <index number> {- <index number>}) |
(ipaddress <IP address> {- <IP address>} port <port number>)] configuration
Displays server conÞguration.
Syntax Description index number
IP address port number
The unique index number of a server to be displayed.
The IP address of a server to be displayed. The IP address plus the port number uniquely identify a server.
The port number of the servers to be displayed. The port number plus the IP address uniquely identify a server.
Usage Guidelines
Parameter to this command allow you to see conÞgurations for speciÞed servers only.
You can identify a server either by its index number or by its IP address and port number. This command allows you to specify a number of servers with consecutive index numbers or a number of servers with consecutive IP addresses, all of which use the same port.
This example displays the conÞguration for the service with index number 3.
SummitPx1:47 # show server index 3 conf config server index 3 ip port 80
This command was available in ExtremeWarePx 1.1.
Platform Availability
This command is available on the Px-series application switch.
268 ExtremeWarePx1 1.2 Command Reference Guide
show server details
show server details
show server
[(index <index number> {- <index number>}) |
(ipaddress <IP address> {- <IP address>})] details
Displays details about servers including the current and maximum number of connections and status
(up or down).
Syntax Description index number
IP address
The unique index number of a server to be displayed.
The IP address of a server to be displayed. The IP address plus the port number uniquely identify a server. If more than one server has the same IP address, this command show details about them all.
Usage Guidelines
Parameters to this command allow you to see details for speciÞed servers only.
You can identify a server either by its index number or by its IP address. This command allows you to specify a number of servers with consecutive index numbers or a number of servers with consecutive IP addresses.
When you identify servers by IP address, you see details about all servers that use that IP address (and any port).
This example shows details about all servers.
SummitPx1:3 # sh server details flags: E - check Enabled, D - down, U - Up, R - mac is resolved,
N - mac is not resolved, F - forced down run - '>' than or '<' than 0, number of consecutive passed or failed respectively ra - restore after, fa - fail after, left - secs till next check index IP port proto flg curr-conns max-connections run ra
2 fa
ExtremeWarePx1 1.2 Command Reference Guide 269
Commands for Monitoring the Switch
This example shows details about the server with index number 3.
SummitPx1:5 # sh server index 3 det flags: E - check Enabled, D - down, U - Up, R - mac is resolved,
N - mac is not resolved, F - forced down run - '>' than or '<' than 0, number of consecutive passed or failed respectively ra - restore after, fa - fail after, left - secs till next check index IP port proto flg curr-conns max-connections run ra
80 HTTP URE 5 10000 2 2
2 fa
This command was available in ExtremeWarePx 1.1.
Platform Availability
This command is available on the Px-series application switch.
270 ExtremeWarePx1 1.2 Command Reference Guide
show server down
show server down
show server down
Shows which servers are failing health check
Syntax Description
This command has no parameters or options.
Usage Guidelines
This example shows which servers are down.
SummitPx1:20 # show server down
Healthcheck is currently enabled default interval 30 sec, retry interval 10 sec, arp interval 5 min default fail after 2, restore after 2
2165/2180 ping rx/tx
1 DOWN 124 UP flags: E - check Enabled, D - check Disabled, R - mac is resolved ra - restore after, fa - fail after, left - secs till next check index IP port proto state check left run ra
none DOWN IDLE 16 1 2 fa
2 ups flg
0 RE
This command was available in ExtremeWarePx 1.1.
Platform Availability
This command is available on the Px-series application switch.
ExtremeWarePx1 1.2 Command Reference Guide 271
Commands for Monitoring the Switch
show server summary
show server summary
Shows the number of conÞgured servers, how many are up, and how many are down.
Syntax Description
This command has no parameters or options.
Usage Guidelines
This example shows the status of servers.
SummitPx1:22 # sh server summ
Number of configured servers: 64, 1 DOWN 63 UP
This command was available in ExtremeWarePx 1.1.
Platform Availability
This command is available on the Px-series application switch.
272 ExtremeWarePx1 1.2 Command Reference Guide
show server-group
show server-group
show server-group
Displays detailed information about all server groups, listing their servers, the current and maximum connections for each, and up/down status.
Syntax Description
This command has no parameters or options.
Usage Guidelines
To see details about a single server group, use the
This example shows details about all servers.
SummitPx1:25 # show server-group server-group sg1: flags: E - check Enabled, D - down, U - Up, R - mac is resolved,
N - mac is not resolved, F - forced down index IP port proto flg curr-conns max-connections
10000 server-group sg2: flags: E - check Enabled, D - down, U - Up, R - mac is resolved,
N - mac is not resolved, F - forced down index IP port proto flg curr-conns max-connections
0 10000
This command was available in ExtremeWarePx 1.1.
ExtremeWarePx1 1.2 Command Reference Guide 273
Commands for Monitoring the Switch
Platform Availability
This command is available on the Px-series application switch.
274 ExtremeWarePx1 1.2 Command Reference Guide
show server-group configuration
show server-group configuration
show server-group {name <name string>} configuration
Displays conÞguration for server groups.
Syntax Description name string The name of the server group for which configuration should be displayed.
Usage Guidelines
The parameter to this command allows you to display conÞguration for a single server group.
This example displays the conÞguration for the server group named sg1 .
SummitPx1:25 # sh server-group name sg1 conf config server-group name sg1 policy rr config server-group name sg1 add-server index 1 - 12 config server-group name sg1 add-server index 20 - 69 config server-group name sg1 health-check http
This command was available in ExtremeWarePx 1.1.
Platform Availability
This command is available on the Px-series application switch.
ExtremeWarePx1 1.2 Command Reference Guide 275
Commands for Monitoring the Switch
show server-group details
show server-group name <name string> details
Displays detailed information about a server groups, listing its servers, current and maximum connections, and up/down status.
Syntax Description name string The name of the server group for which details should be displayed.
Usage Guidelines
To see details about all servers, use the
This examples shows details for the server group named sg1 .
SummitPx1:27 # sh server-group name sg1 det flags: E - check Enabled, D - down, U - Up, R - mac is resolved,
N - mac is not resolved, F - forced down run - '>' than or '<' than 0, number of consecutive passed or failed respectively ra - restore after, fa - fail after, left - secs till next check index IP port proto flg curr-conns max-connections run ra
2 fa
This command was available in ExtremeWarePx 1.1.
276 ExtremeWarePx1 1.2 Command Reference Guide
Platform Availability
This command is available on the Px-series application switch. show server-group details
ExtremeWarePx1 1.2 Command Reference Guide 277
Commands for Monitoring the Switch
show server-group summary
show server-group summary
Displays the total number of server groups.
Syntax Description
This command has no parameters or options.
Usage Guidelines
This examples shows a summary of the server groups.
SummitPx1:29 # sh server-group summ
Total number of server groups: 3
This command was available in ExtremeWarePx 1.1.
Platform Availability
This command is available on the Px-series application switch.
278 ExtremeWarePx1 1.2 Command Reference Guide
show service configuration
show service configuration
show service
{vip <IP address> {port <port> {protocol [tcp | udp]}}} configuration
Displays conÞguration for services.
Syntax Description
IP address port number tcp udp
VIP for the service of interest
Port number for the service of interest
Specifies the TCP protocol.
Specifies the UDP protocol.
Usage Guidelines
Parameters to this command allow you to limit the display to conÞguration for services that use the speciÞed IP address, the speciÞed IP address and port, or the speciÞed IP address, port, and protocol.
The following command shows the conÞguration for all services.
show service configuration
The following command shows the conÞguration for those services that use the IP address
show service vip configuration
This command was available in ExtremeWarePx 1.1.
Platform Availability
This command is available on the Px-series application switch.
ExtremeWarePx1 1.2 Command Reference Guide 279
Commands for Monitoring the Switch
show service details
show service {vip <IP address> {port <port number>}} details
Displays detailed information about virtual service and their server groups and servers.
Syntax Description
IP address port number
VIP for the service of interest
Port number for the service of interest
Usage Guidelines
This command can give dramatic insight into the distribution of trafÞc across a virtual service.
Parameters to this command allow you to limit the display to details about services that use the speciÞed IP address or the speciÞed IP address and port.
This command displays the statistics for virtual services and their server groups. For a layer 4 service, the command shows the server group. For a layer 7 service, the command shows the server group for each domain and pattern rule.
Information about a server group includes its policy, server of last resort, and current, total, and peak connections.
If you specify a single service, this command also includes information about the servers.
This examples shows details about all services (one layer 4 service and two layer 7 services).
SummitPx1:45 # sh service details
Service port 80 tcp service layer4
Current connection:
Total connections:
Peak concurrent: server-group sg1 policy rr
311 server of last resort not specified
Service port 8080 tcp service http layer7
Domain: default
Pattern-rule: default
Current connection: 0
Total connections:
Peak concurrent:
0 server-group sg2 policy wlc server of last resort not specified
280 ExtremeWarePx1 1.2 Command Reference Guide
show service details
Pattern-rule: default
Current connection: 0
Total connections:
Peak concurrent:
0 server-group sg2 policy wlc server of last resort not specified
Pattern-rule: *.gif
Current connection:
Total connections:
Peak concurrent: server-group sg2 policy wlc
309 server of last resort not specified
Service port 900 tcp service http layer7
Domain: default
Pattern-rule: default
Current connection:
Total connections:
Peak concurrent: server-group sg2 policy wlc
0 server of last resort not specified
This example shows details about a single service.
SummitPx1:47 # sh service vip port 8080 det
Service port 8080 tcp service http layer7
Domain: default
Pattern-rule: default
Current connection: 0
Total connections:
Peak concurrent:
0 server-group sg2 policy wlc server of last resort not specified flags: E - check Enabled, D - down, U - Up, R - mac is resolved,
N - mac is not resolved, F - forced down run - '>' than or '<' than 0, number of consecutive passed or failed respectively ra - restore after, fa - fail after, left - secs till next check index IP port proto flg curr-conns max-connections run ra
2 fa
ExtremeWarePx1 1.2 Command Reference Guide 281
Commands for Monitoring the Switch
This command was available in ExtremeWarePx 1.1.
Platform Availability
This command is available on the Px-series application switch.
282 ExtremeWarePx1 1.2 Command Reference Guide
show service summary
show service summary
Displays the number of conÞgured layer 4 and layer 7 services.
Syntax Description
This command has no parameters or options.
Usage Guidelines
This example shows a summary of the services.
SummitPx1:48 # sh servi summ
Total number of L4 services = 1.
Total number of L7 services = 2.
This command was available in ExtremeWarePx 1.1.
Platform Availability
This command is available on the Px-series application switch. show service summary
ExtremeWarePx1 1.2 Command Reference Guide 283
Commands for Monitoring the Switch
show session
show session
Show which console, Telnet, and ssh sessions are active.
Syntax Description
This command has no parameters or options.
Usage Guidelines
You can issue the
command to force a session to be closed.
This example displays the active sessions.
* station2:9 # show session
# Time since Login User Type Auth Location
* 0 00:05:01 0 days 0 yrs
6 00:00:05 0 days 0 yrs admin admin console telnet local local serial
This command was available in ExtremeWarePx 1.1.
Platform Availability
This command is available on the Px-series application switch.
284 ExtremeWarePx1 1.2 Command Reference Guide
show snmp configuration
show snmp configuration
Displays the current SNMP conÞguration.
Syntax Description
This command has no parameters or options.
Usage Guidelines
This example shows the current SNMP conÞguration: station2:125 # sh snmp configuration
# SNMP configuration
#---------------------------------------------------------------config snmp sysName "station2" config snmp add trapreceiver community "public" port 162 enable snmp access enable snmp traps
This command was available in ExtremeWarePx 1.1.
Platform Availability
This command is available on the Px-series application switch. show snmp configuration
ExtremeWarePx1 1.2 Command Reference Guide 285
Commands for Monitoring the Switch
show sticky configuration
show sticky configuration
Displays which persistence (stickiness) modes have been conÞgured, and the conÞgured timer values.
Syntax Description
This command has no parameters or options.
Usage Guidelines
This example shows the conÞgured stickiness modes.
SummitPx1:5 # show sticky configuration
# stickiness configuration
#---------------------------------------------------------------disable sticky L4 client-ip disable sticky L7 client-ip disable sticky L7 cookie-id disable sticky L7 session-id config sticky client-ip timeout 24:00:00 config sticky cookie-id timeout 00:00:30 config sticky session-id timeout 00:00:30
This command was available in ExtremeWarePx 1.1.
Platform Availability
This command is available on the Px-series application switch.
286 ExtremeWarePx1 1.2 Command Reference Guide
show sticky table
show sticky table
show sticky table
{L4 | (L7 {client-ip}) | (client-ip {<IP address>})}
Shows entries in the persistence (stickiness) table.
Syntax Description
L7 client-ip
IP address
Specifies layer 4 services.
Specifies layer 7 services.
Specifies client-IP persistence.
A particular client IP address.
Usage Guidelines
Parameters to this command allow you to limit the display to particular table entries:
L7 client-ip client-ip client-ip <IP address>
Displays Table Entries
All entries
L4 entries
L7 entries
L7 entries for client-IP persistence
Entries for client-IP persistence (both L4 and L7)
Entries for client-IP persistence that match the specified IP address
This command usually takes 30 to 60 seconds to complete. To interrupt this command, either any of the keys [q], [Return], or [Esc].
ExtremeWarePx1 1.2 Command Reference Guide 287
Commands for Monitoring the Switch
This example shows the entire persistence table.
SummitPx1:5 # show sticky table
L4 Client-IP stickiness enabled
L7 Client-IP stickiness disabled
L7 Cookie-ID stickiness disabled
L7 Session-ID stickiness disabled
Values for cookie (CKE) and session (SSL) entries will not be displayed.
Count Type:Value Layer:VIP:VPORT Server IP:PORT Open Conn
1 CIP:
L4: 1
This command was available in ExtremeWarePx 1.1.
Platform Availability
This command is available on the Px-series application switch.
288 ExtremeWarePx1 1.2 Command Reference Guide
show switch
show switch
show switch
Displays the current version of software loaded in primary and secondary ßash, which image and conÞguration are currently selected, and other useful information.
Syntax Description
This command has no parameters or options.
Usage Guidelines
This example displays information about the switch.
station2:5 # sh switch sysName: sysType: sysLocation: sysContact: system IP: system netmask: active default gateway: backup default gateway: mgmt IP: mgmt netmask: system MAC (CPU-1000 MAC): mgmt MAC (10/100 MAC):
Software version:
Software image selected:
Software image booted:
Primary Software version:
Secondary Software version:
Configuration selected:
Configuration booted:
Fan status:
Self Audit status: station2 px1 not yet configured [email protected], +1 800 998-2408
not yet configured
0 days 02Hr 42Min 47sec
primary primary
1.2.3b4 fpga 606rd
1.1.1b63 FPGA: 564 by build 9/24/02 14:33:02 primary primary all fans are operational enabled.
This command was available in ExtremeWarePx 1.1.
ExtremeWarePx1 1.2 Command Reference Guide 289
Commands for Monitoring the Switch
Platform Availability
This command is available on the Px-series application switch.
290 ExtremeWarePx1 1.2 Command Reference Guide
show system configuration
show system configuration
Shows the current system conÞguration.
Syntax Description
This command has no parameters or options.
Usage Guidelines
This example shows the system conÞguration.
SummitPx1:25 # sh system conf config system-ip / 24 config default-gateway
disable vlan config mgmt ipaddress / 24 enable syslog config syslog ip
config nat-mode full enable clipaging disable port gigabit
This command was available in ExtremeWarePx 1.1.
Platform Availability
This command is available on the Px-series application switch. show system configuration
ExtremeWarePx1 1.2 Command Reference Guide 291
Commands for Monitoring the Switch
show system-ip configuration
show system-ip configuration
Displays the IP address of the Gigabit Ethernet interface, along with its net mask.
Syntax Description
This command has no parameters or options.
Usage Guidelines
The following command shows the IP address of the Gigabit Ethernet interface.
show system-ip configuration
This command was available in ExtremeWarePx 1.1.
Platform Availability
This command is available on the Px-series application switch.
292 ExtremeWarePx1 1.2 Command Reference Guide
show tech-support
show tech-support
show tech-support
Displays the output of various show commands to assist in monitoring and troubleshooting the switch.
Syntax Description
This command has no parameters or options.
Usage Guidelines
This command prints conÞguration and internal state registers on the console. This information can be useful for your technical support representative if you experience a problem.
While this command is executing, command-line interface paging is disabled.
The following command displays the show command output on the switch: show tech-support
This command was available in ExtremeWarePx 1.2.
Platform Availability
This command is available on the Px-series application switch.
ExtremeWarePx1 1.2 Command Reference Guide 293
Commands for Monitoring the Switch
show timeout configuration
show timeout configuration
Displays the TCP/IP timer settings.
Syntax Description
This command has no parameters or options.
Usage Guidelines
This example shows the timer settings
SummitPx1:36 # show timeout conf
# timeout timers configuration
#---------------------------------------------------------------config timeout established-connection 90 config timeout idle-connection 90 config timeout data-retransmit first 3 config timeout data-retransmit second 6 config timeout data-retransmit third 12 config timeout data-retransmit abort 12 config timeout syn-retransmit first 3 config timeout syn-retransmit second 5 config timeout syn-retransmit third 12 config timeout syn-retransmit abort 12 config timeout state-progression first 30 config timeout state-progression second 2 config timeout fin-seen 30 config timeout fin-acked 30 config timeout server-reset-delay 2 config timeout udp-flow-persistence 90
This command was available in ExtremeWarePx 1.1.
Platform Availability
This command is available on the Px-series application switch.
294 ExtremeWarePx1 1.2 Command Reference Guide
show version
show version
Shows version and serial numbers of the Px-series application switch components and the
ExtremeWarePx software version.
Syntax Description
This command has no parameters or options.
Usage Guidelines
The following command shows versions and serial numbers.
show version
This command was available in ExtremeWarePx 1.1.
Platform Availability
This command is available on the Px-series application switch. show version
ExtremeWarePx1 1.2 Command Reference Guide 295
Commands for Monitoring the Switch
show vlan configuration
show vlan configuration
Displays whether VLAN support is enabled or not.
Syntax Description
This command has no parameters or options.
Usage Guidelines
The following command shows the VLAN conÞguration.
show vlan configuration
This command was available in ExtremeWarePx 1.1.
Platform Availability
This command is available on the Px-series application switch.
296 ExtremeWarePx1 1.2 Command Reference Guide
show vrrp auto-sync
show vrrp auto-sync
show vrrp auto-sync
Shows the conÞguration of VRRP automatic synchronization.
Syntax Description
This command has no parameters or options.
Usage Guidelines
This example shows the conÞguration of VRRP automatic synchronization of the backup switch:
SummitPx1:1 # show vrrp auto-sync
Auto-sync configuration info in the configurator:
Auto-sync: Enabled by VRRP
Master Partner IP:
Backup Partner IP:
MD5 (local config):
MD5 (Master config):
MD5 (Backup config): Connected
Not Configured N/A ca3877d4-26f59373-e5cb599e-d5632fd5 ea621a6a-dd45e2a9-698f857c-2f73b62f
This command was available in ExtremeWarePx 1.1.
Platform Availability
This command is available on the Px-series application switch.
ExtremeWarePx1 1.2 Command Reference Guide 297
Commands for Monitoring the Switch
show vrrp configuration
show vrrp {vrid [<VRID number> | all]} configuration
Shows the current VRRP conÞguration.
Syntax Description
VRID number all
The VRID of the VRRP class for which to show configuration; a number between 1 and 255.
Specifies all VRRP classes.
Usage Guidelines
The vrid parameter to this command allows you to limit the display to the conÞguration of the speciÞed VRRP class.
This example shows the complete VRRP conÞguration.
SummitPx1:11 # show vrrp config
# vrrp configuration
#---------------------------------------------------------------enable vrrp config vrrp serial-failover interval 500 disable vrrp serial-failover config vrrp auto-sync master partner-ip
enable vrrp auto-sync config vrrp add vrid 100 config vrrp vrid 100 priority 100 config vrrp vrid 100 dont-preempt config vrrp vrid 100 advertisement-interval 1
This example shows the VRRP conÞguration for VRRP class 100:
SummitPx1:12 # show vrrp vrid 100 config config vrrp add vrid 100 config vrrp vrid 100 priority 100 config vrrp vrid 100 dont-preempt config vrrp vrid 100 advertisement-interval 1
# Tracking configuration for vrid 100
#-----------------------------------config vrrp vrid 102 add track-vrid 100 config vrrp vrid 103 add track-vrid 100
298 ExtremeWarePx1 1.2 Command Reference Guide
config vrrp vrid 104 add track-vrid 100 config vrrp vrid 106 add track-vrid 100 config vrrp vrid 107 add track-vrid 100 config vrrp vrid 108 add track-vrid 100 config vrrp vrid 109 add track-vrid 100 config vrrp vrid 110 add track-vrid 100 config vrrp vrid 111 add track-vrid 100 config vrrp vrid 112 add track-vrid 100 config vrrp vrid 113 add track-vrid 100 config vrrp vrid 114 add track-vrid 100 config vrrp vrid 115 add track-vrid 100
This command was available in ExtremeWarePx 1.2.
Platform Availability
This command is available on the Px-series application switch. show vrrp configuration
ExtremeWarePx1 1.2 Command Reference Guide 299
Commands for Monitoring the Switch
show vrrp details
show vrrp {vrid [<VRID number> | all]} details
Displays detailed status information for VRRP.
Syntax Description
VRID number all
The VRID of the VRRP class for which to show details; a number between 1 and 255.
Specifies all VRRP classes.
Usage Guidelines
The vrid parameter to this command allows you to limit the display to the details about the speciÞed
VRRP class.
This example shows the full VRRP details.
station1:11 # show vrrp details
State MAC Address Mode
BACKUP 00:00:5e:00:01:64 DISABLED
Valid Advertisements Received:
State MAC Address Mode
BACKUP 00:00:5e:00:01:65 DISABLED
Serial Heartbeats Transmitted:
Serial Heartbeats Received:
VRRP Stats
Checksum errors:
Advertisements Received with Unknown vrid:
Advertisement interval errors:
IP TTL errors:
1 second
1 second
300 ExtremeWarePx1 1.2 Command Reference Guide
show vrrp details
This example shows details for VRRP class 100: station2:40 # show vrrp vrid 100 config
State MAC Address Mode
MASTER 00:00:5e:00:01:64 DISABLED
Valid Advertisements Received: 0
Serial Heartbeats Transmitted:
Serial Heartbeats Received:
VRRP Stats
Checksum errors:
Advertisements Received with Unknown vrid:
Advertisement interval errors:
IP TTL errors:
1 second
This command was available in ExtremeWarePx 1.2.
Platform Availability
This command is available on the Px-series application switch.
ExtremeWarePx1 1.2 Command Reference Guide 301
Commands for Monitoring the Switch
show vrrp gateway-mode details
show vrrp {vrid [<VRID number> | all]} gateway-mode details
Shows details about the gateway-mode IP addresses in VRRP classes.
Syntax Description
VRID number all
The VRID of the VRRP class for which to show gateway-mode details; a number between 1 and 255.
Specifies all VRRP classes.
Usage Guidelines
The vrid parameter to this command allows you to limit the display to the details about the gateway-mode IP addresses in a speciÞed VRRP class.
This example shows details about the gateway-mode IP addresses in all VRRP classes.
station1:11 # show vrrp gateway-mode details
Ip Address Vlan
Ip Address Vlan
This example shows details about the gateway-mode IP addresses in VRRP class 100.
station1:12 # show vrrp vrid 100 gateway-mode details
Ip Address Vlan
This command was available in ExtremeWarePx 1.2.
302 ExtremeWarePx1 1.2 Command Reference Guide
Platform Availability
This command is available on the Px-series application switch. show vrrp gateway-mode details
ExtremeWarePx1 1.2 Command Reference Guide 303
Commands for Monitoring the Switch
show vrrp serial-failover
show vrrp serial-failover
Displays information about VRRP automatic synchronization.
Syntax Description
This command has no parameters or options.
Usage Guidelines
This example displays information about serial failover.
SummitPx1:11 # show vrrp serial-failover
Serial cable failover: Disabled
Serial heartbeat interval: 500 milliseconds
This command was available in ExtremeWarePx 1.2.
Platform Availability
This command is available on the Px-series application switch.
304 ExtremeWarePx1 1.2 Command Reference Guide
show vrrp server details
show vrrp server details
show vrrp {vrid [<VRID number> | all]} server details
Shows details about servers in the VRRP classes.
Syntax Description
VRID number all
The VRID of the VRRP class for which to show server details; a number between 1 and 255.
Specifies all VRRP classes.
Usage Guidelines
The vrid parameter to this command allows you to limit the display to the details about the servers in the speciÞed VRRP class.
This example shows details about the servers in all VRRP classes.
SummitPx1:11 # show vrrp server details
112 2 2
Ip address
Port State
112 12
80 UP
112 14
80 UP
Ip address
Port State
113 1
80 UP
113 13
80 UP
Ip address
Port State
114 2
80 UP
ExtremeWarePx1 1.2 Command Reference Guide 305
Commands for Monitoring the Switch
Ip address
Port State
115 1
80 UP
This example shows details about the servers in VRRP class 100.
SummitPx1:11 # show vrrp vrid 100 server details
Total Total Up
Vrid Servers Servers
100 2 2
Ip address
Port State
100 2
80 UP
100 4
80 UP
This command was available in ExtremeWarePx 1.2.
Platform Availability
This command is available on the Px-series application switch.
306 ExtremeWarePx1 1.2 Command Reference Guide
show vrrp service details
show vrrp service details
show vrrp {vrid [<VRID number> | all]} service details
Shows details about services in the VRRP classes.
Syntax Description
VRID number all
The VRID of the VRRP class for which to show service details; a number between 1 and
Specifies all VRRP classes.
Usage Guidelines
The vrid parameter to this command allows you to limit the display to the details about the services in the speciÞed VRRP class.
This example shows details about the services in all VRRP classes.
SummitPx1:11 # show vrrp service details
State MAC Address
MASTER 00:00:5e:00:01:64 DISABLED
1 second config service vip vrid 100 port 80 protocol tcp l4 server-group-name sg2 config service vip vrid 100 port 80 protocol tcp l4 server-group-name sg4
State MAC Address
MASTER 00:00:5e:00:01:65 DISABLED1 second config service vip vrid 101 port 80 protocol tcp l4 server-group-name sg1 config service vip vrid 101 port 80 protocol tcp l4 server-group-name sg3 config service vip vrid 101 port 80 protocol tcp l4 server-group-name sg5
ExtremeWarePx1 1.2 Command Reference Guide 307
Commands for Monitoring the Switch
State MAC Address
MASTER 00:00:5e:00:01:66 DISABLED
1 second config service vip vrid 102 port 80 protocol tcp l4 server-group-name sg2 config service vip vrid 102 port 80 protocol tcp l4 server-group-name sg4
This example shows details about the services in VRRP class 100.
SummitPx1:11 # show vrrp vrid 100 service details
State MAC Address
MASTER 00:00:5e:00:01:64 DISABLED
1 second config service vip vrid 100 port 80 protocol tcp l4 server-group-name sg2 config service vip vrid 100 port 80 protocol tcp l4 server-group-name sg4
This command was available in ExtremeWarePx 1.2.
Platform Availability
This command is available on the Px-series application switch.
308 ExtremeWarePx1 1.2 Command Reference Guide
Shows the amount of time the switch has been up
Syntax Description
This command has no parameters or options.
Usage Guidelines
This command displays the amount of time that has elapsed since system was last rebooted or powered on.
This example shows how long the system has been up.
* station2:5 # uptime
Uptime: 0 days 02Hr 41Min 05sec
This command was available in ExtremeWarePx 1.1.
Platform Availability
This command is available on the Px-series application switch.
ExtremeWarePx1 1.2 Command Reference Guide 309
Commands for Monitoring the Switch
310 ExtremeWarePx1 1.2 Command Reference Guide
Index of Commands
configure default-gateway delete
configure default-gateway switch
configure dns-client default-domain
configure gateway-mode add ipaddress
configure gateway-mode delete ipaddress
configure health-check arp-interval
configure health-check fail-after
configure health-check interval
configure health-check restore-after
configure health-check retry-interval
configure nat-mode server-only
configure pattern-rule default
configure pattern-rule default cookie-name
configure server slow-start initial-connections
configure server slow-start interval
configure server-group add-server
configure server-group delete-server
configure server-group health-check fail-after
configure server-group health-check http
configure server-group health-check interval
configure server-group health-check ping 214
configure server-group health-check restore-after 215
configure server-group health-check retry-interval 216
configure server-group health-check tcp-open 217
configure snmp add trapreceiver
configure snmp delete community
configure snmp delete trapreceiver
configure ssh2 key pregenerated
configure sticky client-ip timeout
configure sticky cookie-id timeout
configure sticky session-id timeout
configure timeout established-connection
configure timeout udp-flow-persistence
configure vrrp add master vrid
configure vrrp add track-servers-delta
configure vrrp advertisement-interval
configure vrrp auto-sync backup
configure vrrp auto-sync forcesync
configure vrrp auto-sync master
ExtremeWarePx1 1.2 Command Reference Guide 311
configure vrrp delete track-servers-delta
configure vrrp delete track-vrid
configure vrrp preempt|dont-preempt
configure vrrp serial-failover interval
disable health-check server-group-name
enable health-check server-group-name
enable vrrp serial-failover 197
show gateway-mode configuration
show health-check configuration
312 - Index of Commands ExtremeWarePx1 1.2 Command Reference Guide
show server-group configuration
show vrrp gateway-mode details
unconfigure vrrp auto-sync backup
unconfigure vrrp auto-sync master
ExtremeWarePx1 1.2 Command Reference Guide
Index of Commands - 313
314 - Index of Commands ExtremeWarePx1 1.2 Command Reference Guide
Key features
- Health Checks
- Server Grouping
- Virtual Services
- Load Balancing
- Traffic Management