Glorystar: Professional Install Guide
Guide Contents:
• Dish & LNBF Assembly
• Activating Receiver
• Locating 2 Satellites
• Multi Room Diagrams
• Troubleshooting FAQ’s
There are several differences between the installation of a FSS satellite
reception equipment package and a typical DSS (Dish Network) or DBS
(DirecTV) installation. Please, READ the following information prior to
arriving at customer’s site to save time and reduce costly errors.
1. FSS Installations take longer
Professional Installers with previous FSS Experience
(typical time is 2-3 hours)
Professional Installers with no FSS Experience
(typical time is 3-4 hours)
2. FSS systems use linear LNBFs
Linear LNBF must be rotated/skewed based on installation site location.
Get customized rotation/skew information for any installation location
3. FSS signals are weaker
(GEOSATpro receivers include singal strength meter)
FSS systems require a larger and more precisely tuned dish. Consult your
signal meter instruction manual for linear LNBF settings.
4. Larger dishes require Mast Support Tripod Legs
(Mast Support Tripod Legs are included with GEOSATpro dishes)
Larger dishes need additional support against wind. Failure to install the
tripod legs will result in a warranty return visit.
If this install cannot be completed
for issues related to LOS or faulty
equipment, installers must contact
Glorystar at 866-597-0728 from the
job site. Faulty equipment must be
returned to Glorystar to approve return
trip fees.
Satellite Meters
A digital identification meter such as a SatHawk, BirDog or SatBuddy
will simplify the installation process. Please consult with the owners
manual for correct operation.
Install Procedure with a Signal Identification Meter
• Connect LNBF # 1 (right side) to the meter and use data for standard LNB type LO 10750, KU, SES1 (formerly AMC4),
Horizontal and Vertical transponders. Peak for maximum Signal
Quality for SES1.
• Connect LNBF #2 (left side) and use a data set for standard
LNB type LO 10750, KU, Galaxy19, Horizontal and Vertical
transponders. Peak for maximum Signal Quality for Galaxy19.
• Verify and balance the aiming for optimum AMC4 and Galaxy19
Note: Birdog meters may have difficulty detecting weaker FSS type
signals and must have the BER setting changed. Enter the main setup menu and change the BER setting to LOG (logarithmic).
Installer Tip
If you are having trouble locating the satellites, remove both LNBFs
from the clamp and install a DirecTV LNBF into the LNBF #1 (right
side) position. Locate the DirecTV 101w satellite with your meter
or a DirecTV receiver. Replace the Glorystar LNBFs into the clamp.
The Dish is now roughly aimed and will only require fine tuning for
optimal reception of the linear satellites.
Dish and LNBF Assembly
It is important to check the reflector
for warping before assembly of the
satellite dish.
Dish Reflector Accuracy
Before assembling the dish it is Extremely Important to verify that
the reflector was not warped during shipping. Failure to check for
dish warping could lead to many frustrating hours of trying to locate
the satellite. This simple test may be the most important step in a
successful installation!
Good - Reflector
Bad - Warped Reflector
Find a perfectly flat surface such as a garage cement floor and lay the
reflector face down. Are the edges of the reflector laying perfectly
flat? If any area of the edge is raised by even an 1/8th of an inch
reception of the satellite signal could be affected!
If you cannot find a perfectly flat surface to check the dish edges, try
the string test.
Stretch a string horizontally from edge to
edge across the center of the dish
Stretch a string vertically from top to
bottom on the edges of the dish.
If the strings do not touch in the center,
the dish is warped and will need to be
corrected before assembly or aiming.
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If the reflector is warped, pick up the dish
by the edges like a steering wheel and
quickly thrust the reflector away from your
body while holding the edges of the dish
like passing a basketball. This action will
cause the reflector to flex and it will spring
back into the factory pressed shape. Lay
the reflector face down and observe if the
edges are now laying perfectly flat. If not,
repeat the flexing process until the reflector
edges are uniformly flat.
Most installations in the US and
Canada will use Elevation Scale “A”
type assembly. The dish has been
correctly assembled for Measuring the
Dish Elevation Angle using Scale A
(10 - 60 degrees) if an upside letter B
is visible stamped on the Post Clamp
on the left side of the Post Clamp.
After verifying the Reflector is not warped,
mount the Reflector to the Elevation
Bracket and install the two LNBF Arm
Side Supports. The Side Arm Supports will
perfectly center and support the LNBFs for
optimal reception.
Failure to install the tripod legs will result in a charge back.
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Rotate the Twin LNBF clamp to the
Skew Angle (LNBF Rotation) specified
in the aiming coordinates. Standing in
front of the dish looking towards the
reflector, a Positive (+) Skew Rotation
is set counter clockwise meaning that
the left LNBF is rotated lower than the
right LNBF. Negative Skew (-) is a clockwise rotation and the right
LNBF is rotated to be lower than the left LNBF.
If the Mast or mounting post is not
PERFECTLY plumb, the skew angle
will not be correct and the dish will be
difficult to aim!
Example: Negative -40 is set while
standing in front of the dish looking
into or towards the reflector.
LNBF #1 is for SES1 reception and LNBF #2 is
for Galaxy19. The LNBF Skew Scale is visible
standing in front of the dish looking towards
the reflector.
Install two GEOSATpro Mini Bullet LNBFs into the Twin LNBF
Clamp, align the centering line on the top of each LNBF with the
centering pointer on the clamp. Slide the LNBF forward towards
the reflector so the white front face of the LNBF cap is slid 20mm
(3/4”) forward of the clamp towards the reflector. Securely tighten
both clamp screws (2).
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Connect Receiver to a TV
If you do not have a Signal Identification Satellite Meter for the
install, the easiest way to aim the satellite dish is to temporarily
place the satellite receiver connected to a small television at the dish
antenna mounting location.
Use Channel 107 (The Word Network) for the best results.
Once 107 shows Word Network programming, call Glorystar and
request the automatic update to be turned on. As of January 2015
Update has been set to manual and needs Glorystar to enable it.
DO NOT connect the 22KHz switch at this time!
Locate and Peak Satellite Signal
While observing the Signal Quality (Q) reading, slowly move the
dish towards the right. Reference the distant landmark or the string
on the ground that you identified in your site check that corresponds
with the Azimuth (compass) reading. Usually the satellite will be
found within a few degrees either side of the compass reading.
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If the dish is moved beyond 15 degrees from the site’s compass
reading and no Signal Quality is detected, sweep 15 degrees in the
opposite direction. When the correct satellite is found the beeping
sound changes to a higher tone, the Signal Quality bar turns Green
and the Spectrum Graph displays changes in Signal Quality.
The Signal Quality readings will
increase as the correct satellite is
detected and fine tuned. If the dish
is aimed at an incorrect satellite,
the Quality reading will display a
low reading and not turn Green.
If no Signal Quality is detected,
increase or decrease the elevation
by one degree and repeat the
slow sweep. The elevation may
need to be adjusted +/- 5 degrees
depending on the post being plumb.
Move the dish very slowly to allow
the receiver to process the signal
information and update the meter.
When the dish is correctly aimed the
programming will display and the
Signal Quality reading will display
a 50% or better level. A stable
signal on the Spectrum Graph with
minimal ripple indicates that the
signal is optimized.
The Signal Level (S) is not important in detecting the satellite.
Signal Level readings indicate a connection to a functioning
LNBF, not the detection of the correct satellite.
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Locate 2nd Satellite
Disconnect the coax cable from
LNBF #1 and connect to LNBF #2.
Press the CH/DOWN arrow button on the remote control to place the
receiver on TBN, Channel 101. This is a strong channel on the 2nd
satellite, Galaxy19 on LNBF #2. Verify the Signal Quality reading is
at least 50%. If the Signal Quality is less than 50%, make very small
adjustments to fine tune the dish elevation and azimuth.
Press CH/UP arrow button to place the receiver on Cornerstone,
Ch. 113, a weaker channel on 2nd satellite, Galaxy19 on LNBF #2.
Verify the Signal Quality reading is at least 50%.
Switch Installation
Before connecting the Switch, the Master Power, located on the rear
of the receiver must be turned OFF. This will prevent damage to
the switch while connecting cables.
Verify that the dish is accurately aligned for reception of both
satellites. Press the Signal button on the top of the remote control to
display the Signal Meter.
Verify the Signal Quality reading is at least 50%. If any of the channels
display a Signal Quality reading that is below 50%, additional fine
tuning adjustments should be made to the dish elevation and azimuth
aiming. If these adjustments do not increase the signal quality, slight
adjustments to the LNBFs rotation or placement may be necessary.
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LNBF Adjustment
Important Notice: Adjustments to the twin LNBF clamp
or the LNBFs rotation or placement can negatively
affect your installation. Please consider stopping the
fine tuning process at this time and lock down the dish
elevation and azimuth adjustments if the signal quality
is 50% or better on the weakest channel!
LNBF Rotation Fine Tuning
LNBF #1 or #2 can be slightly rotated
within the twin LNBF clamp +/- 5° to
optimize the satellite quality readings.
Slightly loosen the two Phillips head
screws that secure the twin LNBF clamp. Place the receiver on the
weakest SES1 channel and slowly rotate LNBF #1 left or right. If
no improvement in quality, re-center the LNBF. Place the receiver
on the weakest Galaxy19 channel and slowly rotate LNBF #2 left or
right. If no improvement in quality, re-center the LNBF.
LNBF Position Adjustment
LNBF #1 or #2 can be slightly
positioned in the twin LNBF clamp
towards or away from the reflector
to optimize the satellite quality
readings. Place the receiver on the weakest SES1 channel and
slowly slide LNBF #1 in toward the reflector or out away from
the reflector. If no improvement, return the LNBF to the 20mm
(3/4”) forward position. Place the receiver on the weakest Galaxy19
channel and slowly slide LNBF #2 in or out. If there is no
improvement, return the LNBF to the 20mm (3/4”) offset. Tighten
the two Phillips head screws to secure the dual LNBF clamp.
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Updating the Glorystar Channel List
The Glorystar satellite receiver has been shipped preprogrammed
with a list of the channels available at time of manufacturing.
The receiver will be automatically updated with the most current
channel list each week with a channel list update sent via the
satellite. Glorystar recommends that the channel list be manually
updated using the UPDATE NOWat the completion on WKHLQVWDOO
- Press Menu
- Press Left Arrow to Accessory Menu
- Highlight OTA. Press OK.
- Select Automatic Update
- Press OK to display OTA Menu
- Verify OTA Update feature is ON
- Highlight UPDATE NOW
- Press OK
- Confirm Signal: OK (if not, adjust the dish)
- Press OK to update
- The update will take several minutes.The receiver will restart on Glorystar Channel #1 and the time will automatically set in approx. 15 seconds.
Important Notice: Do not turn off Automatic Update!
If the Automatic Update feature is turned OFF, the channel list will
not be updated, new features cannot be added to the receiver and
the Glorystar informational channels will not be updated with new
Favorites Channel
If the customer prefers to view only selected channel list such
as only the Adventist broadcasters, Spanish, Russian or Arabic
languages, press the FAV button on the remote to choose one of
these preprogrammed FAVORITE LIST. Example: Select FAV ADVENTIST to only receive the Adventist channels.
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Two Room Install Diagram
Multiple Room Install Diagram
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Troubleshooting FAQ
Receiving channels from only one satellite. Was the dish checked for
damage or if warped during shipping? Is the LNBF clamp SKEW set correctly? Go
to www.GeoSatFinder.com, enter the site zipcode and confirm and/or correct the
setting. Are the jumper coax cables faulty? Swap LNBFs, does the outage follow
the LNBF? Are fittings corroded or water wicked into damaged coax cable?
Trouble Shooting: Important Notice: Make sure that the Master Power Switch is
always off before connecting or disconnecting any switch!
1. Connect coax directly from the receiver SAT IN to LNBF #1 (standing in front
of dish LNBF on right side), bypassing the switch.
2. Place receiver on6(6FKDQQHO. Press the SIG button on the remote to display
the Signal Level and Quality meters. Is this channel coming in? If so, LNBF is
good and the dish aiming is correct. If the Signal Level is less than 10%, the
LNBF may be faulty. If the Signal Level is above 50%, place the receiver on 101
(TBN). Is this channel coming in? If so, the dish is not properly aimed or the dish
is aimed towards the wrong satellite.
3. Move the coax cable from LNBF #1 to LNBF #2 (left side LNBF standing in
front of the dish).
4. Place receiver on 101 TBN. Is the channel coming in? If so, LNBF is good
and the aiming is correct. If 'R' was coming in when connected to LNBF #1
and TBN was coming in when connected to LNBF #2 then the aiming is correct,
the LNBFs are both good, but the switch may be bad. Turn off the Master Power
Switch on the rear of the receiver. Connect the coax cable from the receiver to the
output of the switch, LNBF #1 to the switch port #1 and LNBF #2 to the switch
port #2. Turn on the receiver. Are TBN and 'RG channels coming in? If not,
Perform a factory reset and reactivate for Glorystar. If both satellites still do not
come in after performing a reset, the coax cable may be bad. Run a temporary coax
cable between the reciever and the switch. If both satellites now are coming in, the
coax cable is faulty. If one satellite still is not coming in, replace the switch.
Channels from both satellites are coming in, but weaker channels
are very breaking up or displaying No Signal. Misaligned dish,
warped dish, LNBFs are not properly aligned.
1. Place the receiver on 101 (TBN).
2. Press the SIG key on the remote to display the Signal Level and Quality meters.
Is the Signal Quality reading at or above 50%? If no, dish or the LNBF clamp
SKEW setting needs adjustment.
3. If TBN is coming in at 50% or better, place the receiver on The Word Network.
Is the Signal Quality below 50%? If yes, the dish or LNBF clamp SKEW setting
needs adjustment.
Remote Control not working? Does the remote control power key red
light come on when any key is pressed? If no, change the batteries.
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What is the Signal Level reading with a good LNBF is connected?
The Signal Level reading is approximately 50%+ when a good LNBF is connected
to the “Digital LNB In” and less than 10% if the LNBF is dead or the coax is
disconnected or damaged.
What is the minimum Signal Quality reading to provide reliable
reception? Ideally the Signal Quality should be 50% or better. The receiver
will play channels with lower Signal Quality, but if the signal Quality falls below
40% the channels will be lost during poor weather conditions.
Remote doesn’t work but receiver front panel buttons may turn
on/off and change channels. Press The STB button on the remote to control
the Set Top Box. Check batteries, remote needs a clear line of sight to the receiver.
Reset Master Power switch on the rear of the receiver.
No lights on receiver. Check power plug make sure that it is plugged into a
working electrical outlet. Reset Master Power switch.
Receiver displays 50%+ Signal Level, but no Signal Quality on
all channels. The dish might be pointed at the wrong satellite or there is an
obstruction in the line of sight between the dish and the satellite. Mounting mast
may have moved or is loose. Reset Master Power switch.
Meters display 0 - 10% signal level and no quality. Coax not
connected from LNBF on dish to SAT IN on receiver. Bad coax, connectors or
LNBF failure.
Satellite receiver displays “No Signal” only during very hot or
cold weather. An aging or defective LNBF can drift off frequency and cause
the loss of reception during the heat of the day or coolness of the night. Replace
the LNBF.
Local or cable TV channels are fuzzy and channel number is
displayed on front panel. Turn off the satellite receiver or press the ANT/
SAT button when watching local or cable channels. Loop through function for
antenna or cable is only available using the TV/VCR coax connection to a TV.
Antenna or cable signal are not passed through the Video, Component or S-VHS
Please call 866-597-0728 for troubleshooting assistance.
7am - 4pm M - F
Toll Free 888-483-4673