Vetek MCWL 600, MCWLT 6, 10 crane scale Instruktion

Vetek MCWL 600, MCWLT 6, 10 crane scale Instruktion

The MCWL 600, MCWLT 6, and MCWLT 10 crane scales provide a reliable and portable weighing solution for various applications. These scales are lightweight, easy to use, and feature a peak/hold function and a readily changeable battery. The scales come equipped with approved shackles and a remote control allowing for convenient operation up to 8 meters. The MCWL 600, MCWLT 6, and MCWLT 10 feature a “triple automatic reading” range that offers precision over the entire capacity.


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Vetek MCWL 600, MCWLT 6, MCWLT 10 Crane Scale Instruction Manual | Manualzz


Krokvåg MCWL 600, 6000 alt 9500 kg

Lätt, pålitlig och portabel Krokvåg. Har peak/holdfunktion och lätt utbytbart batteri.

Försett med godkända schackel och infraröd fjärrkontroll. Totalvikt ca 10 kg.

Vågen har “TRIPLE AUTOMATIC READING” RANGE vilket ger bra noggrannhet over hela området.


+ 25 mm LCD display som är mycket synbar även i kall miljö.

+ Vattentäta tryckknappar: ZERO/ TARE, F1,F2

+ Valbar function: PEAK (maxvärde), aktuellt värde, eller HOLD (låsning display-värde).

+ Utförande i ugnslackad stål.

+ Försedd med fjärrkontroll för upp till 8 m.

+ Enkel kalibrering via tryckknapparna

+ Arbetstemperatur: -10 /+40 ºC

+ Programmerbart filter och auto power off (1 till 30 minuter).

Säker överlast: 200% f.s., kortvarig överlast: 500% f.s

+ Skydd mot ryck och överlast (Säkerhetsfaktor: K=5).

+ Drivs med 9V alkaliskt batteri som medger 35 timmars kontinuerlig drift vilket normalt motsvarar ca 3 månaders drift.

+ Transportväska ingår för 0,6 och 6 tons modellerna.

MCWL600 150 / 0,05 - 300 / 0,1 - 600 / 0,2 kg

MCWLT6 1500 / 0,5 - 3000 / 1 - 6000 / 2 kg

MCWLT10 3000 / 1 - 6000 / 2 - 9500 / 5 kg


Dimension (mm)

Code A B C D

GG7 82 266 77 338

GG15 95 354 96 455

CA2 86 60 110

CA8 152 100 180

CA15 174 110 200


Instruktion-MCWLT6 Rev 1.2005 Utskrift 2005-08-17 Sid 1

Vetek AB Box 79, Industriv. 3 760 40 Väddö Tel 0176 208 920 e-mail: [email protected]

Fax 0176 208 929

Detta blad är en enkel handhavandebeskrivning

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ON/OFF Tryck på ON för att starta vågen och OFF för att stänga vågen.

ZERO/TARE Om vågen ska nollas eller tareras (nollställas med last).


1. Visar att vågen är obelastad

2. Vikten är ostabil (svängande)

3. Visar nettovikt.


Första knappen nollställer eller tarerar vågen.


Stänger vågen om ingen viktförändring sker eller om ingen knapp aktiveras på 5 minuter (standard, kan ändras)


Instruktion-JKH Rev 1.2005 Utskrift 2005-08-17 Sid 2

Vetek AB Box 79, Industriv. 3 760 40 Väddö Tel 0176 208 920 e-mail: [email protected]

Fax 0176 208 929


1) Suspend the instrument from the crane it will be used on and press push-button ON/OFF for a few seconds: all segments on the display will light for a few seconds as the crane scale conducts a lamp and other self-tests.

2) After the self-tests, press button for a few seconds marked ZERO/TARE. Especially important if the display shows a non-zero value without a load on the scale.

3) If any accessories have been applied to the crane scale (connection rings, chains, hooks etc.) it is necessary to press the ZERO/TARE key (pressed for an instant) or by using the remote control’s TARE button.

Note: The ZERO/TARE key can be used with any weight applied in the range of its capacity.

4) When the display indicates " 0 ", the instrument is ready for use.

5) To switch off the instrument press the ON-OFF button FOR A FEW SECONDS.

Do not install MCW in environments with explosion risk


The crane scale must be used ONLY for TENSION measurements.

Movable loads which can cause torque stresses must behanged with

flexible or turnable constraints.



The front panel is designed for quick but simple weighing applications. It consists of an LCD display with easy to read digits, 25 mm in height, 3 LED indicators, and below a 4 key, polycarbonate, water-resistant membrane.

ON/OFF key: allows to turn on and off the instrument.


ERO/TARE key: allows to zero the instrument or to carry out an automatic tare.

By pressing the ZERO/TARE key for a few seconds one zeros the displayed weight value

(possible for entire load capacity) and the memorization of zero of the instrument.

By pressing the ZERO/TARE key for an instant, one puts as tare the load being borne by the scale.

F1 key: by pressing it for a few seconds, one can enter a manual tare from the keyboard. When entering the digits, this key serves to increase the digit being modified (blinking).

F2 key: when entering a tare value from keyboard, this key serves to select the digit to be modified (blinking). It slides from left to right. If pressed for an istant during standard weighing, it


Instruktion-MCWLT6 Rev 1.2005 Utskrift 2005-08-17 Sid 3

Vetek AB Box 79, Industriv. 3 760 40 Väddö Tel 0176 208 920 e-mail: [email protected]

Fax 0176 208 929

enables/disables the functioning mode selected (see par.SELECTABLE OPERATING MODES).

If pressed for at least a second, it allows to enter in the USER SETUP.


The display is LCD with 4 ½ which are 25 mm high. It is fitted with 3 LEDs which indicate the scale status:

Æ 0Å, zero scale (point 1, FIG.1); ~, weight instability (point 2 FIG.1); NET, net weight displayed (point 3





Please take note that when the “ (TECH.MAN.REF.)” is mentioned, this refers to the Technical Manual, which may be obtained from the Reseller.


TO TURN ON the instrument press the ON/OFF key for at least a second: the display shows the message

"-on-" and, upon key release, the instrument starts to turn on with the selfdiagnosis messages. The displayed messages are:

- first part of the programme version in the “d X.XX” format

- second part of the version in the “k X.XX” format

- indication of approved instrument (LEGA) or for internal use (hire).

- bt x in which x is a number between 0 and 9, indicating the charge level.

CAREFUL: if the level is zero, the instrument will stop turning on due to insufficient power supply voltage and will automatically turn itself off. If the level is sufficient, the instrument will completely turn itself on and dispose itself in the standard weighing mode.

TO TURN OFF the instrument press the ON/OFF key with the instrument on for at least a second; the display shows the message "-OFF-" and, upon key release, the instrument turns off.


By pressing the ZERO/TARE key for a few seconds, one zeros the displayed value of the weight (on the entire capacity) and the storage of zero of the instrument.

The confirmation of the ZERO operation is shown by the “ ZEro” message which appears for a second on the

LCD display, also the Æ0ÅLED turns on.

The zero value remains active until the following zeroing of the instrument; turning off the instrument does not modify the value of zero.


By pressing the ZERO/TARE key for an instant, one obtains the taring of the load on the scale (for the entire capacity).

For an instant the message "tArE" is displayed, followed by"-TA-"; the NET led also turns on.

The tare value remains active until the next zeroing or the following tare operation or until the instrument is turned off.


By pressing the F1 key for a few seconds, it is possible to enter a manual tare from keyboard.

If an automatic tare has been entered, the same value to be modified will appear, otherwise “0000” will appear.

Upon the confirmation of the entered value, the "-TM-" message is displayed and the NET led turns on. The tare value remains active until the next zeroing or the next tare or until the instrument is turned off.


Instruktion-JKH Rev 1.2005 Utskrift 2005-08-17 Sid 4

Vetek AB Box 79, Industriv. 3 760 40 Väddö Tel 0176 208 920 e-mail: [email protected]

Fax 0176 208 929



This function allows to save energy in case of not using it temporarily; the automatic turn-off starts functioning when the load stability is detected for the time programmed (see USER SETUP).

The values vary among:


01 1 minute

02 2 minutes

30 30 minutes


An alkaline 9V battery is supplied together with the crane scale. In case it becomes necessary to substitute the battery, pull out the battery holding drawer in the rear panel of the MCWL and proceed with the substitution.


NOTE: The PROLONGED PRESSURE function of the keys is not repeatable on the remote control.

With the remote control it is possible to remote the functions of the main keys (ON/OFF, ZERO/TARE, F1, F2). The function of the 4 keys of the remote control is defined in the irMd paramter (see USER SET-UP): it is possible to carry out the TARE function with all the keys (ir 1), or repeat all the function keys of the indicator (ir 4).

NOTE: The function of the keys with PROLONGED function are not repeatable on the remote control



If the user wishes to program any of these specific parameters, he must first enter into USER SETUP by keeping F2 pressed while the instrument is on.


In this setting the keys take on the following meanings:

ON/OFF KEY: exits from a step or setup menu storing the modifications.

ZERO/TARE: enters in a step and confirms a value.

F1:- scrolls forward through the steps

- increases the selected value

F2: scrolls backward through the steps

- scrolling of the digits to be entered from left to right.


Instruktion-MCWLT6 Rev 1.2005 Utskrift 2005-08-17 Sid 5

Vetek AB Box 79, Industriv. 3 760 40 Väddö Tel 0176 208 920 e-mail: [email protected]

Fax 0176 208 929

Step Display shows

ModE: tot = norM =


HoLd =

MoFF :

M 00 =

M 01 =

M 02 =

M …

FUNCTIONING MODE display functioning + accumulator function display functioning display functioning + peak detector function display functioning + HOLD function

AUTO TURN-OFF auto switch-off disabled auto switch-off after 1 minute auto switch-off after 2 minutes

M 30 = auto switch-off after 30 minutes irMd: REMOTE CONTROL CONFIGURATION ir 4 ir 1

4 KEYS (see table page 6)



This step allows to correct a possible maximum calibration error; do the following:

- Unload the scale and press the ZERO/TARE key; the display shows the message "donE" for an instant

- Load the calibration mass and press the F1 and F2 keys to adjust the displayed weight unitl one obtains an indication corresponding to the value of the load placed on the instrument.

- Carry out the adjustments observing the Æ0Å, ~, and NET leds. The instrument is well calibrated when the ~ LED is blinking.

Careful: the F1 and F2 keys work on the small corrections. It may be necessary to press the keys various times so that one can see the corrections on the displayed value of the load.

- Press the ON/OFF key


Besides the standard weighing function with the tare subtraction, the indicator can carry out an additional function of either HOLD or PEAK or ACCUMULATOR.

The chosen function may be predisposed by the user, see the USER SETUP.


Simple display functioning mode, with no function linked to the F2 key.


Simple display functioning mode. It is possible to store the maximum detected weight value during the weighing (PEAK), useful to measure, for example, the break load of the materials. By pressing the F2 key the peak mode is activated; for an instant the “PEAK” message appears and the maximum weight reached until that moment is displayed. To return to the displaying of the weight on the scale, press again the F2 key (the display shows for an instant the message “norM”).

The weight value detected will be:

• The maximum before a fast weight drop (measurement of break load).

• The maximum detected persisting on the scale.


Instruktion-JKH Rev 1.2005 Utskrift 2005-08-17 Sid 6

Vetek AB Box 79, Industriv. 3 760 40 Väddö Tel 0176 208 920 e-mail: [email protected]

Fax 0176 208 929


Simple display functioning mode. By pressing the F2 key for an instant the message “HoLd” will appear, and then the weight value on the scale will be frozen on the display. To return to standard displaying, press again the F2 key (for an instant the message “norM” will appear and the weight returns to be the current one on the scale).


This operating mode prepares a sum of sequential weighings; when F1 is pressed, the displayed weight accumulates onto a total weight (the “SUM” message appears on the display).

In order to avoid repeating a particular Nº the F1 key activates only once (weighing an ingredient more than once could conceivably happen by pressing the MODE key twice or more); to “re-arm itself” it is necessary to bring the weight value on the scale to zero (otherwise the display shows “Err”).

To view the accumulated total, press F2: the total weight in tons appears on the display for a few seconds, along with all the LEDs turning on; after this, one is asked to zero the accumulated total (the display shows

Ztot”): with ZERO/TARE one confirms the zeroing, with any other key one returns to weighing without confirming.

If the accumulated total is equal to 0 kg, the instrument avoids the total resetting request.

The maximum totalizable weight is the full scale value + 9d.

NOTE: the accumlated total is cancelled when the instrument is turned off.


Instruktion-MCWLT6 Rev 1.2005 Utskrift 2005-08-17 Sid 7

Vetek AB Box 79, Industriv. 3 760 40 Väddö Tel 0176 208 920 e-mail: [email protected]

Fax 0176 208 929


Key Features

  • Triple Automatic Reading Range
  • Peak/Hold Function
  • Remote Control
  • Lightweight Design
  • Easy Battery Change
  • Approved Shackles
  • Precision Class 0.03%
  • -10°C to +40°C Operating Temperature
  • Up to 35 Hours Continuous Operation
  • Auto Power Off

Frequently Answers and Questions

What are the key features of the Vetek MCWL 600, MCWLT 6, and MCWLT 10 crane scales?
The MCWL 600, MCWLT 6, and MCWLT 10 crane scales offer numerous features including a 'Triple Automatic Reading' range, a peak/hold function, remote control capabilities, a lightweight design, easy battery change, approved shackles, a precision class of 0.03%, an operating temperature range from -10°C to +40°C, up to 35 hours of continuous operation, and an auto power off function.
What is the 'Triple Automatic Reading Range' in the Vetek crane scales?
The 'Triple Automatic Reading' range ensures high accuracy and precision across the entire weight capacity of the crane scales.
What is the purpose of the peak/hold function on the Vetek crane scales?
The peak/hold function allows you to capture and hold the maximum weight reading (peak) or freeze the current weight reading (hold) for easier viewing and analysis.

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