SEGA Enduro Racer Upright arcade game Owner's manual
Below you will find brief information for arcade game Enduro Racer Upright. This arcade game features an upright cabinet with a 20" CRT monitor, a handlebar control, acceleration and braking, and a variety of dip switch settings for customizing the game's difficulty and gameplay. The Enduro Racer Upright delivers an engaging gaming experience with its thrilling gameplay and sound effects.
MANUAL NO , 420-5297- 05 TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCrION OF THE OWNER'S MANUAL ..... .................. .......... 1 1. HANDLING PRECAUTIONS ... ............ ...... ... ........ .......... ................. .... 1 2. PREVENTION OF COUNTERFEITING AND CONVERSION ............... 2 3. PRECAUTIONS CONCERNING THE PLACE OF INSTALLATION ...... NAME OF PARTS .... ..... ................. ................................................... 3 4. 5. REMOVING THE HANDLEUNIT ... .. .... ............................. .............. 5 6. SERVICING THE HANDLE UNIT AND WINDOW MASK .... ........ ...... 6 7. ADJUSTMENT OF TUE SERVICE SWITCH ........ ................ ...... ..... ... . 7 8. HANDLE'S CENTERING ADJUSTMENT .................... .......... ... ...... ...... 8 9. UANDLE'S BANK UP DOWN ADJUSTMENT 9 ...... ... ..•........ ... ..... ........ 4 10. REPLACING TUE PARTS RELATED TO TUE ACCELERATOR AND TUE BRAKE ...... ...... ...... ..... ....... .........• •........... 10 11. ADJUSTING TUE ACCELERATOR/BRAKE 12. REPLACING TUE VOLUM CONTROL FOR THE ACCELERATOR / BRAKE .................. .. .............. ......... ................. ...... .. 13 13. DIP SWITCU SETTING 14 . GAME DIFFICULTY SETTING . ..... _- . . .. . .. ........................ . - 15. EPROM/ROM LOCATION ................ ......... ...... ...................... ........... 16-17 16. SELF-TESTING .. ... ....... ... ...... .•.......... ............................................... 18_24 17. PARTS LIST ......... .................. ... ... .. ....... ... .................... ........... .......... 25_32 18. SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM ............ ........ ......................... .•....... ........... ... 33 .....................•................. 11-12 ..................................................................... 14 15 UPRIGHT TYPE SPECIFICATIONS INSTALLATION SPACE: 660 rnrn (26 ;n.) Wx920 rnrn (36. 2 ;n.) D HEIGHT : 1790 rnrn (70.5 ;n.) POWER : 230 W C. R. T. : 20" WEIGHT : 110 kg (242.5 Ihs) ,- NOTE o Descriptions herein contained may be subject to improverne nt changes without notice. INTRODUCTION OF THE OWNER'S MANUAL SEGA ENTERPRISE?t LTD., supported by its high electronic technology of LSIs, microprocessors, etc. and a wealth of experience, has for more than 30 years been supplying various innovative and papular game machines to the world market. OWNER' S This manual is intended to provide detailed cornrnents together with all the necessary information covering the operation in general of electronic assemblies, electromechan icals, servicing contral, spare parts, etc. as regards the ENDURO RACER, a new SEGA product. The manual is intended for those who have knowledge of electricity and technical expertise les, CRTs, microprocessors, etc. especially in Carefully read so as to aoquire sufficient knowledge before working on the machine. Should there be a malfunction, non-technical personnel should under 00 circurnstance touch the interior system. 1. HANDLING PRECAUTIONS When installing or inspecting, be very careful of the following points and pay attention to ensure that the player can enjoy the game safely. o Be sure to turn the power off be fore working on the machine. o To insert or pull out the plug quickly is dangerous. o Itis necessary to make sure that the power cord or the grounding wire is not exposed on the road, etc. in a manner so as to be dangerous. Make sure that grounding connections are made safely at the position where so specified. o Da not use any fuse that does not meet the specified rating. o Make complete connections for the IC board and other connecters. Insufficient insertion is very dangerous. Also, for the IC board circuit inspections, only the logic tone is allowed. The use of a tester is not permitted so be careful in this regard. Aft er confirrning that there are no irregularities, turn the power ON. -1- 2. PREVENTION OF COUNTERFEITING AND CONVERSION LABELLING Ta prevent counterfeits and conversions, the .f ollowing labels are put on all the SEGA products. goads, be sure to confirm the labels. When handling such They are used to prevent illegal acts such as the unauthorized copying of the products and the printed circuit boards thereof or carrying on business by manufacturing similar merchandise or by converting, selling or using such products cr printed circuit boards. ORIGINAL SEAL LICENSE SEAL The following seal is put on The following seal is put on the the machines rnanufactured by kits, such as the printed SEGA. circuit boards, of SEGA products. COPYRIGHT NOTICE This SEGA product has the copyright notice as fellows: © SEGA 1986 This signifies that this work was disclosed in 1986 and is the property of SEGA ENTERPRISES, LTD . -2- 3. PRECAUTIONS CONCERNING THE PLACE OF INSTALLATION The ENDURO RACER is an indoor game machine. not ins tall it outside. Absolutely da Even indoors, avoid installing in pI aces mentioned below so as to ensure proper usage: o Places subject to rain or water leakage, or condensation due to humidity. o In the proxirnity of an indoor swimming pool and/er shower. o Places subject to direct sunlight. o Places subject to heat sources from heating units, etc., or hot air. o Vicinity of highly inflammablejvolati le chemieals or hazardous matter. o Sloped surfaces. p Vicinity of anti-disaster facil ities such us fire exits and fire extinguishers. o Places subject to any type of violent impact. o Dusty places. -3- 4. NAME OF PARTS BILLBOARD MX-llOl-Ol 20' MONIT'lR , 200--5072 WINDOW MASK MX-I013 (RH-lOtS) i· FRONT PANEL HAJ\'DLE MX-20002 a-------ST!IRT BUTTON COIN ENTRY /" IIRACKl'!. STEP 105-5033 -4- b 5. REMOVING THE HANDLE UNIT o When adjusting tbe ACCELERATOR and BRAKE, CENTERING. remove the HANDLE UNIT by using tbe following procedure: TAMPERPROOF SCREW A M5x12 '~ \ x TAMPERPROOF \ \P SCREW MSX30 \ ,p HANDLE UNIT DISASSEMBLING PROCEDURE q; Take off Ihe 6 TAMPERPROOF SCREWS ( M5x12, M8x30 ) by ~sing Ihe TAMPERPROOF WRENCH and remove the HANDLE UNIT as shown above. Refer to the separate item. ADJUSTING THE ACCELERATOR, BRAKE and CENTERING. I TOOLS I (TAMPERPROOF WRENCH) M4 M5 MG MB 540--0006-01 540-0007-01 540--0015-01 540--0009-01 (TAMPERPROOF WRENCH) M4 540--0018 M5 540--0017 \ \ -5- 6. SERVICING THE HANDLE UNIT AND WINDOW MASK TAMPERPROOF SCREW M4x25 BILLBOARD MX- IOlI- Ol FRONT GLASS }! .~ TAMPERPROOF SCREW MBx3. ? ~~" -r....~ TAMPERPROOF SCREW M4x8 o -~.~ X ~HANDLE UNIT MX-20002 CABINET • (J) The HANDLE UNIT can be opened towards you by taking off the 4 TAMPERPROOF screws. !2> To remove the WlNDOW MASK from the cabinet, take off the MASK HOLDER FRONT PANEL and Ihen Ihe TAMPERPROOF screws (M4x8) inside the WINDOW MASK. <3) Next open it 'towards you. This allows for the clearing of the monitor screen (CRT surfaces) end the replecement of the BILLBOARD. -6- 7. ADJUSTMENT OF THE SERVICE SWITCH The layout as shown below can be viewed by opening the coin chute door. DEMAGNETIZING SWITCH SER VICE SWITCH TEST SWITCI-I VOLUME KNOB (LEFT) VOLUME KNOB (RIGHT) COIN CHUTE DOORCASH BOX COIN METER OPERATING INSTRUGTIONS QDOEMAGNETIZING SWITCH ..... Used for removing the on-screen color unevenness. GD SERVICE SWITCH . . . . . . . . . . . Used for the purpose of servicing and increasing the credits without registering on the meter (this allows you to check the game). Q) TEST SWITCH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Far operating this switch, see 16. SELF-TESTING. ®I2)VOLUME ADJUSTMENT •••••• The volume of the right/left speakers is separately adjusted (pay attention to the right/left volume balance). -7- 8. HANDLE'S CENTERING ADJUSTMENT When the HANDLE is stationary, if the screen display in the SELF-TEST MODE shows a variable of SOH, then it is normal. D1AGNOSTIC INPUT TEST ADJUST PLATE SPUR GEAR VARIABLE / PINl(IN GEAR / . VCILUME BRACKET :-IX-2044 HANDLE RIGHT LEFT BOH BRAKE ACCELERATQR BANK UP DOWN ALLOWABLE RANGE RIGHT /' 7CH iOH , TEH lFH 80H SiH 82H 83H S4H MAXIMUM VALUE SCREW B MINIMUM VALUE = = LEFT • Over B8H Under 48H ADJUSTING METHOD QDTo move the VOLUME BRACKET in the direction of x, release the 2 SCREWS A (M4 x 10) which fasten the VOLUME BRACKET. QDWhen the VOLUME BRACKET is moved in the direction of x, the PINION and SPUR GEARS will be disengaged. At this time, turn the vo lume shaft and make adjustments so that t he va riable is in the allowable range. (VWhere necessary, make fine adjustrnents by loosening SCREWS B (M4 x lO) and rnoving the ADJUST PLATE in the direction of Y. QDMake the backlash adjustments by moving the VOLUME BRACKET in the X direction. -8- 9. HANDLE'S BANK UP DOWN ADJUSTMENT When the HANDLE i5 stationary, if the screen display in the SELF-TEST MODE shows a variable of 30H, then it 15 normal. VOLUME BRACKET PINION GEAR SCREW A D1AGNQSTIC jjARIABLE INPUT TEST HANDLE RICHT "LEFT / ßRAKE ACCELERATOR BANK UP DOWN JOH ALLOWABLE RANGE RIGHT , , tCH 2DH 2EH 2FU SOH 31H 32H 33H 34H LEFT • MAXIMUM VALUE Over 78H MINIMUM VALUE Under 2CH SPUR GEAR ADJUSTING METHOD QDTO move the VOLUME BRACKET in the direction of X, o release the 2 SCREWS A (M4 x 10) which fasten the VOLUME BRACKET. When the VOLUME BRACKET i5 moved in the direction of X, PINION and SPUR GEARS will be disengaged . the At this time, turn the volume shaft and make adjustments so that the variable i5 in the allowable range. (DWhere necessary, make fine adjustments by loosening SCREWS B (M4 x 10 ) and moving the ADJUST PLATE in the direction of Y. ® Make the backlash adjustments by moving the VOLUME BRACKET in the X direction. -9- 10. REPLACING THE PARTS RELATED TO THE ACCELERATOR AND THE BRAKE REPLACING THE ACCELERATOR WIRE GD GD Take off the 2 TAMPERPROOF SCREWS A (M5 x 20) to disassemble the UPPER CASE and the LOWER CA SE from the ACCELERATOR CASE. By turning the LOWER CASE counterclockwise, remove the firmly attached ACCELERLATOR WIRE from the LOWER CASE. GD Ta remove the ACCELERATOR WIRE, first take off the ACCELERATOR SPRING and then NUT C. ___ ACCELERATOR \VI RE ( "'''««~ NUT' B ( MX-2115 ~ LOWER CASE BRAKE WIRE ACCELERATOR CASE MX- 2116 GRIP .I 107-00Q9X HANDLE MX-2035 BRAKE LEVER 601-5419X SPACER HN-5045 UPPER CASE ~. ~ - Jl TAMPERPROOF ~ REPLACI NG THE ßHAKE WIRE PINION GEAR BHAKE SPRING ACCELERATOR SPRING IIN-5109 CD Loosen the BRAKE LEVER NUT first and then remove the 601 -5415 HN-5 lJO SCREW A M5x20 SRAKE WIRE. <3) To completely remove the BRAKE WIRE, take off the BRAKE SPRING first and then r NUT D. NUT C NUT 0 ~~~~~~~;:~=+=~:J ! URAKE WIRE MX-2lI6 ACCELERATOR WIRE .: :. ~ MX - 2115 U ~ PINION GEAR 601-5-tt5 CAIl'l'ION - 1. When replacing the ACCELERATOR WIRE and the BRAKE WIRE, be sure "'- to take off the PLAY" INSTRUCTIONS PLATE first (see page 12 ). After the WIRE replacement>"'~ke , sure that the necessary adjust-''''-..." ments are made. -10- 11. ADJUSTING THE ACCELERATOR/BRAKE ACCELERATOR WIRE o After replacing the wires for the ACCELERATOR and the BRAKE, carry out the following test. ""'' ' =>.~ NUT B NUTA ~rS?-#"" ' o Display the screen in the SELF-TEST (see page 20 MODE ) • BHAKE WIRE I ACCELERATOR I Set the allowable range in a manner so that # when the ACCELERATOR is released, the variable is eOH. DJAGNüSTIC INPUT TEST HANDLE RIGHT LEFT SRAKE ACC ELERATOR OOH ,-_BA _ __ NK_U_P__D_O_W_N ___~ ALLOWABLE RANGE: 00H-04H MAXIMUM VALUE (with the ACCELERATOR fully open): Over 80H VARIABLE Make adjustments by adjusting the wire length " using NUT 8 . I BRAKE I Set the allowable range in a manner so that when the BRAKE is released, the variable is DIAGNOSTIC IN PUT T EST OOH. HANDLE RIGHT LEFT BRAKE OOll ACCELERATOR / BANK UP DOWN !_ ALLOWABLE RANGE: OOH ~04H MAXIMUM VALUE (maximum braking): Over SOH Make adjustments by adjusting the wire 1ength VARIABLE using NUT A. When activating the ACCELERATOR/BRAKE, the PINION GEAR revo1ves approx irnate1y 216° . -11 - REMOVING THE PLAY INSTRUCTIONS PLATE Take off the 4 NUTS and remave the 4 TAMPERPROOF SCREWS. TAMPERPROOF SCREWS M4x8 r--~A'-- _ _, HOLDER PLATE MX-2053-01 ____-AO; ELI'RATOR W'RE MX-21I5 BRAKE WIRE MX-2UG I N UT A ® '~------vr---- __~J NUTe -12- 12. REPLACING THE VOLUME CONTROL FOR THE ACCELERATORI BRAKE SCREW Take off Ihe 2 SCREWS (M4X8) and M4x8 W/FS __---~=;_~~"'~-' "'-~- '.~\ f~\ \ ~\ C,,---V __ 2 TAMPERPROOF SCREWS (M4x8) COVER 10 remo,e Ihe COVER (MX-2050). MX-2050 ~\ rdi~ .- I \ •• L-- ~vr :_~Iim(}l <ll'@ )~ TAMPERPROOF SCREW M4x8 ~I / I HANDLE UNIT I BRACKET ~ ACCELERATOR VOLUME 220--5130 "- SCREW M4xS BRAKE VOLUME 220-5130 IDISASSEMBLING PROCEDURE I (l) To remove the BRACKET from the HANDLE UNIT, take off tbe 4 SCREWS (M4x8) from each BRACKET. ~ To remove the PINION GEAR. release the 2 SET SCREWS of tbe PlNION GEAR attached to the VOLUME CONTROL SHAFT. Cl) To remove the VdLUME CONTROL from tbc VOLUME BRACKET, take off Ihe VOLUME CONTROL SHAFT NUT. @ After rehicement, assemble in a manner opposite to the above procedure. ® Make adjustments by moving the VOLUME BRACKET in the X direction around thc SCREW which is used for the backlash adjustments. -13- 13. DIP SWITCH SETTING GAME PRICE SEITING . 1 CDIN I eRED I T 2 CREOtTS 1 COIN ! 1 CDIN I 1 CO IN D IP SW A , , OPTION 1 COIN 3 CFlEDITS 4 CREDITS 5 CREc n s 1 COIN 6 CREOITS 2 CD I NS 1 eREOIT 1 CD I NS , eREOIT ( CDINS 1 eREOIT 2 CDINS 3 CREDITS 1 CDINS 1 CRECIT 4 CD INS 2 CREOITS S COINS 3 CREOITS 6 CDINS • CREDITS OH ON OH ON 0» ON 0» ON 0» ON OH 0» ON ON 0» 0» ON ON 0» 0» OH ON 0» ON ON ON 0» ON 2 CDINS 1 e REOIT , CDINS 1 CREOITS 1 COIN I eREDIT 2 CDINS 2 CAEOITS J CelNS 3 CREOITS , • , • , , OH 0» 0» 0» ON ON ON ON 0» 0» 0» OH 0» 0» 0» 0» OH OH ON ON OH 0» ON ON ON 0» ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON 0» 8 0» ON OFF ON OFF ON OFF ON 0» ON 0» 0» ON 0» ON 0» ON OFF ON I ON ON ON ON 0» 0» 0» 0» IDFF IOFF I 0» ON 0» OH OH OH 0» OH OH 0» OH ON ON ON 0» ON ON 0» ON OH ON ON OH ON ON ON ON ON ON ON I I t CO INS • CREeHS 5 COINS 6 CFlEDITS 1 COI N 1 CREDIT 2 CO '''' 5 1 CREOITS 3 Cel NS 3 CREDtTS ON • CDINS 5 CREOITS 1 CD I N 1 eREDIT 2 CD I NS 3 CREDITS FREE PeAV 0» ON eDIN 0» ON sw., ON COIN GA ME BOARD A ( 834-6000-01 ) / SW 12 ; OPTION SWITCH SETTING OPTION TYPE WHEEL IE SELEeT UPAIGHT MEDllN GAME O I FF ICULTY EASY HARO HAFIDEST MEOIUM TIME ADJUST EASY HARO HAROEST MEDIUM TIME EASY CONTFIOL HARD HAROEST ADVERTISE SOUND OFF ON , , DIP SW B , • , 8 c:J . c:J. 8 DIP SW OH ON OH ON 0» ON 0» OH ON ON 0» ON 0» ON OFF 0» ON ON / OFF ON OFF ON / OFF OH ON ON OF> ON - 14 h , GAME BOARD B ( 834-6003-01 ) 14. GAME DIFFICULTY SETTING In this game, by using the DIP SW'ITCH B on the GAME BOARD B, the 4 difficulty levels can be s e t for each of the following: (DOther appearance frequency@ Play time adjustments Q) Time adjustment in relation to real time. When shipping, the In actual play, however, a difficulty level is set at MEDIUM. setting to a more difficult or easier level depending on the player's skill levels can be made. üTHER CARS' APPEAR ANCE FREQUENCY (SWITCH 2, 3) 1. DIFFICULT Y LEVEL ~Whe n shipping 2. PLAY ADJU8TMENT (SWITCH 4,5) SWITC H NO. 4 5 0" orr ON 0" ON 0" ON ON PLAY TIME P ER STAGE (SEC . ) I 2 4 3 5 DIFFICULTY LEVEL "65 "50 "50 50" 50" 55 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 MEDIUM EASY HARD HARDES T 50 50 * shipping When 3. TIME ADJUSTMENT IN RELATION TO REAL TIME (SW 6,7) SW ITCH NO . • OFF ON OFF ON 7 DISPLAY TIME IN SECQNDS DIFFICULTY LEVEL ADJUSTEO IN RELATION Ta REAL TIME m OFF OFF ON ON MEDIUM EASY 100" B" B" HARD HARDEST SPEClFIC SETTI NG ILLUSTRATION 2 3 ON ON ON ON OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF ON ON ON ON OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF ON ON ON ON ON ON ON DIP SW NO. 4 5 ON ON OFF ON OFF OFF OFF. OFF OFF OFF ON OFF ON ON OFF OFF OFF ON OFF OFF ON OFF OFF ON OFF ON ON ON 5 7 ON OFF ON OFF OFF OFF OFF ON OFF OFF OFF ON OFF ON OFF ON ON ON OFF ON OFF OF ON ON OFF OFF OFF ON - 15- DIFFICULTY EASY I +- When shipping I HARDEST *- When shipping 15. EPROM/ ROM LOCATION ASSY GAME BOA RD B { 834 - 6003 - 01 SHIELD BASE RH - 1515 @ ) ASSY GAME BOARD A 834-6(0)-01 @ ASSY CPU BD 837-6001-01 Die [ 2 IC66 [~J f~~;IC69 I C &4C]Dlc97 ~ IC87~::1 r:::'Cl00 • • • •, IC 54 C] D lc67 I C 55~ ·· ~ r- -:IC68 IC85DDlc9B IC86DDlc99 , , [ -16- • 9 Je LOCAT IONS >C ,e ,e ,e ,e ,e 'e ,e >C , .. .." .." .." 99 NUMBERS "PR "" MA IN ~'U"'CTIOKS Road C h.... c EPR -763.4 SUB_ EPR - 763S SUB "eR "" EPR Main Program "" Ma in l'J'Ogram EPR-7638 Ma in Pmgram EPR -7630 Main Program Pro ~ EPR -76<1 1 Main Program E PR-7&4 2 Main Program @ ASSY CONTROL BO 837-6002 -01 c:J ICUl ,C LOCATIONS ] NUMBI!:RS MAIN FU NCTIONS 1 JC 31 EPR 7644 Fixed Scrol1 C ho.ra.cter 2 JC 46 EPR -7645 Find Seroll Cho.racter 3 IC 60 EPR 7646 4 ICl23 EPR 68-'-' Fixe<! Seroll Character Zoom Data IC80 IC46 IC31 0 00 © <C LOCATIQSS ASSY ROM BO 837-6004 -01 I 4 IC I IC 2 IC 3 IC 4 00000000 5 0 ; lC 5 0 Ir ; 00000000 8 IC 9 '" JC I! Je 12 1(' 13 13 Je 15 " IC Je TC JC !C 2 3 235618 11 12 13 l' 15 16 11 18 11 12 ÖÖÖÖÖÖÖÖÖÖÖOOOOÖ 15 16 H 18 19 '" 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 @ 29 30 ASSY SOUND BO 837-6005-01 31 32 LJ D CJ [ ICS Ice IC72 len CJ 0 IC , IC IJ 16 17 18 21 22 Je 23 IC 2-] Je 25 1(' 26 !C 27 JC 28 Je 29 JC 3n JC 31 JC 32 IC 33 IC 34 JC 35 Je 36 I C LOCATiOKS NUMBERS EPR -764 7 EPR -7648 EPR -7649 EPR -7650 EPR -7651 EPR -7652 EPR -7653 EPR -7654EPR -7655 ErR -7656 EPR -7657 EPR-7658 EPR -7659 EPR -7660 EPR-766t EPR-7662 EPR -7663 EPR-7664 EPR-766S EPR -7666 EPR-7667 EPR-7668 EPR-7669 EPR-7670 EPR- 7671 EPR-7672 EPR-7673 EPn -7674 EPR -7675 EPR-7676 EPR-7677 EPR-7678 NUMDEIlS MAIN FUKCTIO:-:S Scenery Scenery Seenery Seenery Seener y Seenery Seenery Seenery Seenery Seenery Scenery Seenery Seenery Seenery Seenery Seenery Scenery Scenery Seenery Seenery Scenery Seenery Seener y Seenery Scenery Seenery Scenery Seenery Scenery Seenery Seenery Seenery Pigures Figures Figures Figures Pigures Pigures Pigures Figures Figures Figures Figures Figurcl! Figures r~igures Figures Figures Pigures Figt:res Figures Figures Pigures Pigures Figures Figures Figures Figures Figures Figures Figu res Figures Figures F igures MAIN FUNCTIQNS E I' R-7762 2 IC 5 IC 6 EPR - 7763 " 3 JC 72 EPR- 7761 Sound Propa m 4 IC 73 EPR 1 -17- 7765 SQund Oala " 16. SELF-TESTING The main pur pose of these tests are to check the operations of the game boards, to find the defects i f any, to adjust the monitor colors properly, and to make sure the sounds are produced satisfactorily. It is also performed to indicate the assignments of the dip switches, check bookkeeping functions, eta. KIND OF TESTS 1) Memory Test Ta check the EPROM programs and the map area of the RAMs. 2) Input Test Tc test the operation of the HANDLE and to check the START buttons, coln switches,etc. 3) Output Test Ta test the operation of the start lamp e 4) Sound Test Tc check the quality of the sounds produced by the pes and adjust the balance of the speakers. 5) CRT Test Tc check if the colors on the monitor are displayed correctly, and to adjust the linearity. 6) Dip Swi tch Assignment 7) Bookkeeping Ta indicate each dip switch assignment. Tc indicate information data on average score and average p1ay time, etc~ -187 1. TEST OPERATION , (1) Push the test switch and Fig. 1 will be shown on the screen. (2) Se1ect CONTINUE or INDIVIDUAL by uSing the START button. (3) Move the accelerator to bring the arrow to the desired position. DlACl\:OSTIC q ( CO~TIN U E J .. M EMORY TEST INPUT TEST OUTPUT TEST SOUND T EST CRT TEST SELECT BY ACCELERATOR PUSH TEST SWITCH (Select the desired test DIP SWITCH ASSIG:-'::-'IE:\T . .: item by using the accelerator and BOOKKEEPIl-:C EXIT push the test switch button.) SELECT BY HANDLE PUSH TEST SIV ITCH [CONTINUE] : o FIC. 1 Bring the arrow sign (by operating the ACCELERATOR) to CONTINUE first, and rnove it to one of the tests to start. Push the TEST button, and the tests will be performed in order, one by one, starting fram the test where the arrow was origina11y set to the EXIT. o If the START button is pushed when the arrow is at CONTINUE, it will change to INDIVIDUAL. Pushing it again returns it to CONTINUE. [INDIVIDUAL] o : If the arrow is at INDIVIDUAL first and brought to a certain test wh ich you want to conduct, only that test is performed by pushing the TEST button. - 19- e (4) When each test is fininshed in the case of CONTINUE, push the TEST button, and it will automatically go into the following test . If the TEST button is pushed in the case of INDIVIDUAL, FIG. 1 is shown. If you want to end the test mode at this time, bring the arrow to EXIT and push the TEST button, and it will "return to the ADVERTISEMENT mode. 2. TEST ITEMS (1) Memory Test: DIAGNOSTIC MEMORY TEST Ie Ie IC IC 84 97 JC 83 * * ROfl.1S TEST' • • JC 85 IC 98 Ie 86 Ir 99 67 54 • • RA:\IS T EST • • IC 96 TC 110 le 103 Ie 63 JC 113 JC 112 JC 136 Je 135 1(' 127 1(' 126 Je 79 Je 78 Indication of nGOOD" following the IC No. means the IC i s all right. Push the TEST button to proceed to the following test item. (2) Input Test DIAG~OsrIC INPUT TEST CO!:\Tln COI:\;2 START SERVICE HAN DLE RIGHT LEFT BRAKE ACCELERATOR BANK UP DOWN - 20- 80H 001-1 OOH 30H } See page 8_11 o Operate the dip switches. When ·ON" is indicated at the right side of the corresponding item on the screen, it is OK. o If the data value increases when the HANDLE is inclined to the left or decreases when it is inclined to the right, it tests out satisfactorily. o If the data value increases when the HANDLE is pulled downward and decreases when it is released, the testing is OK. o (3) When the tests are ended, push the TEST button. Output Test DI AGNOSTI C OUTPlJT TPS T • START LAMP If the start LAMP lights up, it is functioning properly. Push the TEST button when the testing has been completed. - 21- (4) Sound Test DlAGNOSTIC SOUND TEST l. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. COIN 1~ STA RT REBOU!\D 7. 8. 9. ~~XPLOSION 10. 1l. 12. 13. ~US I C 1 2 3 • 5 14. EXTEND 15. V Ol C~; I EFFECT SOUND I 2 16. 2 3 3 17. 18. 4 SELECT SY HANDLE PUSH START BUTTON.I • When the test has been completed, push the TEST buttona (5) C.R.T. TEST YELLOW Dl AGNOSTIC C.R.T. TEST RGB CO LOR BAR GREEN LIGHT BLUE 8LACK RED GREEN BL UE C.R .T. POSITIO N CHECK When the test has been completed, push the TEST button. -22- (6) DIP SWITCH ASSIGNMENTS DJAGl\"O,sTIC DIP SWITCH ASSIGNMENTS 12345678 DIP SW. A OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF DIP SW. B Oi'.J OFF OFF OFF ON OFF OFF OFF A 1234 COIN S\V!tl 1 Cü!N A 5678 CO IN 5W#2 1 COIN B. J TYPE B. 23 GAME DIFFICULTY B. 45 TIME ADJUST B. 67 TIME CONTROL B. (7) r J CREnn I CREDIT UPRIG I-lT MEDIUM HARD 8 ADVERTISE SOUND MEDlU.\1 OFF Bookkeeping DIAGNOSTIC BOOKKEEPING SERVICE CREDIT 000 0 TOTAL CREDIT 0 COIN CHUTE #1 COIN CHUTE #2 eorN CREDIT TOTAL TIME O !! PUSH START BUTTON' • DM Os - Usage frequency of coin chute 1 Usage frequency of co in chute 2 Number of coin credits Usage frequency of service switch Number of credits Operating time (hour-minute-second) Only the data that fallS within the range of up to 999H 59M can be memorized. The above screen indication is for testing. When the tests are finished, push the START button ~9S and the ' following will be shown: -23- D1AG;-';OSTIC BOOKKEPI1\C NU~lBF.R 203 AVE. SCORE 7230 TOP SCORE 9320 LOW .. -lt SCORE GAME TIMe: TOTAL AVERAGE LONGEST "- m' GAME 4230 -lo ... L H C MO S OS O ll DM O S 0 1-1 O ~ fll'SH START DUTTOl'.J ! Every time the start button is pressed, the bookkeeping test display is repeated. When the test is finished, push the TEST button to end the test (in the case of "INDIVIDUAL", however, the test mode returns to Fig. 1 first). NOTE: 0 Once the power source is turned OFF, all the bookkeeping data will be completely cleared. o If any data exceeds the bookkeeping function's capacity, ·OVERFLOW" will be indicated on the screen and result in the stoppage of said function. At this time, turn the power OFF and turn it back ON again for reuse. (8) EXIT In the state as shown in Fig. 1, operate the handle to bring the arrow to EXIT and push the TEST button. The self-testing will then end and return to the ADVERTISING mode. -24- 17. PARTS LIST CD TOP ASSY SEGA ENDURO RACER U/R - - -(2) \ I I :0 \:: <1i / f ITEM NO. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 PART NO. 421- 6376 421- 6377 MX-20S3-Ql MX- 2500 MX- 20002 MX- IOll-OI MX-2115 MX- 2UG l07-Q009X 421- 5800-43 421-5801- 41 10&-5033 422- 0163- 01 220-5130 DESCRIPTION STICKER CABlNET 8IDE R STICKER CABINET 8IDE L HOLDER PLATE ENG ASSY SUB HANDLE ASSY HANDLE ENG BILLBOARD PLATE ACCELERATOR WIRE S BRAKE WIRE S GRIP LEFT & ACCELERATOR ORIGINAL SEAL ENDURQ RACER LICENSE SEAL ENDURO RACER BRACKET S'rEP Dl$PLAY BOARD ENDURO RACER ENG VOLUME CONTROL B 5Kn -25- - , / , I ' ~® ® ASSY CABINET U/R (0-1 /3) "•, 7 u . -26- 8~ 0 ASSY CABINET U/R ITEM NO . 1 2 3 4 5 • 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 I. 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 2. 27 28 (RH-10002) PART NO. RH- l600 RH-1512 RH-1019X RH-1513 RH-1514 RH-lOlS MX-lOH-OI RH-I017 RH - 1018X HN- I042 HN- I045 MO-IOSIX HN-I069 1'8-3003 MO-121SY VE-I036 200-5072 TY - 1019 RH- 1021 RH-1022 SGB-3680-2 211-0167 SGB- 3680-3 211- 008S SGB-36RO-4 211-0085 209- 0023 SGB-3680-5 600-5133 211 - 0085 211-0080 211-0117 209-0032 SGB-3680-8 211-0073 211-0084 212-5034 SGB-3680-9 211-0102 211- 0060 211-0081 211-0072 211-0082 211-0047 211- 5105. SGB-368o-11 211-0043 211- 0044 SGB-3680--12 211-0044 211-0060 212- 5034 -27- ( D-2I3) DESCRIPTION ASSY SUBCAßlNET UiR MASK ßOARD WINDOW GLASS METER BRKT CASHBOX WINDQW MASK ß1LLBOARD PLATE BILLBOARD BRKT MASK EHKT FA N ßRKT SW UNIT GUARD PLATE RUBBER CUSHION TV MASK 20 COVER FL BRKT ASSY CLR DSPL 20· TYPE BRKT TV GLASS HOLDER MASK HO LDER WIRE HARN EARTH TERMINAL LUG ROUND ID 5 WIRE HARN FAN MOTOR CONN PLUG AMP 2P BROWN WIRE HARN FL 15W CONN PLUG AMP ZP BROWN CONN CLOSED ~;ND WIRE HARN EXT AC lOOV CABLE & CONN 300L CONN PLUG AMP ZP BRQWN CON N CAP AMP 2P BROWN CONN CAP AMP 2P YELLOW CONN CLOSED END WIRE HARN AUDIO CONN PLUG AMP 4P WHITE CONN CAP AMP 9P BROWN CONN FEM 6P WlRE HARN EXT 50P CONN PLUG AMP 1P YELLOW CONN CAP AMP 3P WHITE CON N CAP AMP 3P BROWN CONN CAP AMP 4P WHiTE CONN CAP AMP 4P BROWN CONN CAP AMP 12P WHITE CONN FEM 50P WIRE HARN EXT AC lOV CONN PLUG AMP 2P WHITE CONN CAP AMP 2P WHITE WIRE HARN RGß CONN CAP AMP 2P WHITE CONN CAP AMP 3P WHITE CONN FEM SP p o ASSY CABINET U/R I1'E::vt NO. (RH-10002) 808- 3680-13 30 211- 0087 209-0023 105- 0064 101 102 103 104 lO5 106 107 lOB 109 llO lU U2 DESCRIPTION PART NO. 29 (D-3/3) WJRE HARN COiN MTR CO!\N PLUG AMP 4P BRQWN CONN CWSED END BRKT MAIN SW 220--5064 MAG Ct\TR 6010 Desv 260-0011 390-5120-01 280-0419 211--0041 AXIAL FLOW FAN ACl(X>V 5(}-SOHz 211-{)()42 211-0005 280-5008 509-0039 280-0418 ASSY FL LIGHT 15W 60Hz PALUCK HARNESS LUG CQNN PIN AMP eOKN SOCKET AMP CONTACT CORD CLAMP ~ 15 SW PB TYPE BUSHI~G STRAIN RELIEF 8.3 280---0417 6OO-O110 TERMINAL BINDING POST BLACK CA & PL ASSY 201 202 203 005- 3513-F 008- 0408 204 205 DOO-OS20-FS 008- 0425 :rot; OOO-031D-}O"S 207 051- (0)4 Olo--0406-F 000-0510-5 031- 0425- 8 W SCR RH W/F 3.5)(13 TMP PRF seR TH :M4)(8 M 5eR PH \v/ FS M4x16 M seR PH W / FS M5x20 TMP PRF 8eR TH :\14x25 M 8eR PI-I \V/ FS :M3xlO FLG NUT M4 208 209 210 2ll 212 000-0.11 &- FS 005-3113-F {)()()---0412-FS S- TITE SCR PB W/ F M4x6 M 8eR Pll W/ S M5xlO eRG BLT BLK M4x25 W seR RH WI F 3.1x13 :M seR PH W/ FS M4x12 -28- ® ASSY SUBCABINET U/R (RH-1600) (D-ll2) '0 @ 0 .I @ ® " @ @ @ @ -'7Oi\ @ '0 /~ I9 @ @ ~ 0 ' 3 2 ,'~ Iß ® 1) rn B = lob = ~ ~ X ~~ G0® ®~ I. '10 • Ir :j) ~ .Q\ t'1 .., ~ ( '7' ~ \!V @ ® , ~ . -:9 -29- ,§" == 4 ® I 14- .. Ii - @@ ... ! • ® • 10 ® f I I ® ASS Y SUBCABINET U/ R (RH - 1600) ITEN NO. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 PART NO. RH-1601 RH- 1607 RHRHRHRH- l 602 I603 l604 l605 R I-J- l606 RH- ISll RH-lOO5 RH- lOlO 220- 5128- 03 I1N-IOSO HN- lOS1 HN-i052 TA- 1079X 1'1- 1079 TA- IotO SH- 2061X DP-1l48X DP- H67 601--G455 (D- 212) DESCRIPTION WOODEN CABINET UlR BACK DOOR ORNAMENT SASH R ORNAMENT SASH L SCUFF PLATE CORNER SASH L CORNER SASH R GUARO PLATE PNL BRKT COVER PLATE ASSY COIN CHUTE 2 DooR Il! 25x2 TWm SPACER RING LOWER CQIN CHUTE LOCK BRKT LEG ADJUSTER BRKT LEG ADJUSTER BRKT HINGE 148 STOPPER LKG TNG TNG LKG LEG ADJUSTER MAG LOCK W/ O KEY KEY MASTER FOR 220-5044- 01 22 220----5044-01 23 220-5045-01 220-5046 117- 0062 109-0045 SGB- 3679-IO 211-0073 280-5016 280-0425 CONN PLVG AMP 4P WHITE F ASTON RCPT 205 CORD CLAMP ~ 10 80 8 - 3680-6 211- 0094 280--5015 SG B- 3680--7 211-0095 280--5015 CONN PLUG AMP 2P RED F ASTON RCFT 187 WIRE HARN SP LEFT CONN PLUG AMP 2P ORANGE F ASTON RCFT 187 101 102 103 130-5001 211-0041 28(H)4 19 SPKR 80HM ~ 120 CONN PIN AMP HARNESS LUG 201 202 203 204 200 206 207 208 209 210 005-3516- F 000--0416- S 031-0525-B 001-(0).1 IM&-OOOl OOO--ffi2o-FS 051-0005 008-0520 W SCR RH W/F 3.5x16 M SCR PH W/S M4 x 16 CRG BLT BL K M5x25 FLG NUT M4 SCR NAIL 1.5x 16 M SCR PH W/ FS M5xa:) FLG NUT M5 TMP PRF TH M5x20 HEX NUT 3/8-16 W SCR RH W/F 3. 1x13 24 25 26 Z7 28 29 059-())()7 005- 311 3-F MAG LOCK W/ Kfo;YS PLATE LOCK RETAINER KEY HOLDER WIRE HARN COIN SW WIRE HARN SP RIGHT -30- @ ASSY SUB HANDLE (MX-2500) - 31- (D-1/3) s CD ASSY SUB HANDLE (MX -2500 ) ITEM NO. 1 'II 1 I I 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 B 9 10 MX- 2030 HANDLE PANEL HANDLE PANEL CENTER 15 16 17 MX-2043 STOPPER BLOCK 18 19 MX-2044 MX-2045 MX-2046 MX-2Q47 MX-2048 MX-2049 MX- 205Q VR BRACKET 20 21 22 23 24 25 HOLDER BASE RIGHT HOLDER BASE LEFT HA NDLE HANDLE SHAFT REAR BASE PLATE UNDER BUMPER BUMPER BRACKEY BUMPER BUMPER BRACKT VR BRACKET SPACER GUIDE LEFT SPACER GUIDE RIGHT STOPPER PLATE SPACER COVER MX- 205 1 COVER CONTROL 26 MX-2052 EXTENSION SPR ING 27 2B MX-2016 MX-2017 ADJUST PLATE ADJUSTER 29 MX-2111 30 31 32 33 34 MX-2056 ASSY CONTROL SP HOUSING SPRING STUD SPACER CAM PLATE PLSTC WASHER SPACER GRIP LEFT & ACCEL ASSY ACCEL CASE ASSY LEVER WIRE HARN START SW CONN CAP ,AMP 4P WHITE CONN PLUG AMP 12P WHITE WIRE HARN WHEELIE VR CONN PLUG AMP 3P WHITE STICKER START CUSHION ADJ UST PLATE 35 36 ·1 MX-2029 CONTROL BOX WOODEN BASE HANDLE PANEL BASE BASE 14 I MX- 2027 MX-2028 MX-2032 MX-2033 MX-2034 MX-2035 MX-2036 MX- 2037 MX-2038 MX-2039 MX-2040 MX- 2041 MX- 2042 11 I DESCRIPTION PART NO. MX- 2031 12 13 .. I (0 -213) 37 38 39 40 41 43 44 45 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 CY-2107 CY-2UO CY-21l l CY-2U7 GR-2(X)6 HN-5045 l07-(X,X)9X 001-5418X 001-5419X SGB- 3738-13 211-0072 211-0025 SGB- 3738-15 211-0059 421-6403 MX-2054 MX:-2055 601-5423 601-5424 509--5050 220-5130 100-5033 211-00n 280-0472 .. - GEAR 1/6 GEAR 30 PUSH BUTTON SWITCHIT YELLOW W/ LAM P VOL CONT B-5K OHM BEARING '; 20 (NTN B-BAF 2022) CONN PIN AMP F ASTON RCPT 110 -32- @) ASSY SUB HANDLE (MX-2500) (D-3/3) ITEM NO. 108 109 110 PART NO. 211- 0042 DESCRIPTION CONN SOCKET AMP CORD CLAMP }t1O 112 280-0425 280-5008 310--5008 310-5009 113 310--5002 HISHI TUBE 2.5 m/rn 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 000-0406-8 M M M M M M M 111 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 000-0408-8 000--0408- FS OOO-0516-FS 000-0540 001-0416 001-0512 006- 3513 008-0408 008-051 2 010--0408- F 028-00l<l 028-0021 030-0820 050--0Cl08 051-0004 05 1- DU05 029--0038 054- 00,)5 059-(XH6 060-0008 069-000 1 06 1-0005 061-0006 061-0008 065- 0010 069-0019 069--0020 069-0015 CORD CLAMP 015 INSL SPIRAL TUBE lD INSL SPIRAL TUBE lD sts P9 SCR PH W /8 M4x6 seR PH W /8 M4x8 SCR PH W/FS M4x8 SCR PH W/FS M5x16 SCR PH M5x 40 SCR FH M4x16 SCR FH M5x12 W SCR FB 3.5x13 TMP PHF SCR TH M4x8 TMP PRF SCR TH M5x12 S-TITE seR PH \VI!<' l'v14x8 SET SCR IlEX SKT UNBR M4x4 SET SCR PH SPECIAL M4x16 HEX BLT M8x20 HEX NUT M8 FLG NUT M4 FLG NUT M5 T MP seR TU I3LK M6x:!(j U- NUT 1'15 HEX NUT M 14 FLT WSHR 1\'18 cr FLT WSHR 5.5-20x 1.6 SPR WSl-\H M5 SPR WSHR MB SPR WSHR MB E HING IOmm SPR WSHR rvl14 FLT WSHR ~U2 FLT WSHH r-.114 -33- ® ASSY CONTROL (MX-2111) 8 ? A-A ITEM NO. I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 PART NO. MX-2112 MX-2113 M X-2114 M X-2115 MX-2ll6 M X- 2ll7 HN - 5106 HN-5107 H~-5109 HN-51l0 SGB-3738-14 211-0073 101 102 103 220-5130 601-54 15 601-5423 1().1 601-{)460 lOS 211-0041 201 000--0408-8 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 000-0535 028- 0014 030--0508 050-0006 051- 0005 060-0005 061- 0005 06 1- 0006 DESCRlP'T'ION BRACKET LEVER LONG LEVER SHORT ACCELERATOR WIRE S SHAK E WIRE S 8rop RING SPACER STOD EXT SPRING ACCEL EX! SPRING BHAKE WIRE HARN ACCEL & BRAKE VR CONN PLUG AMP 4P WHITE VOL CONT ß-5K OHr..1 GEAR 20 GEAR 1/6 PLASTIC TIE BELT CONN PI N AMP M seR Pli W /8 M4 x8 M 8eR PH M5x35 SET SCR HEX SKT CP UN BR M4x4 HEX 8LT M5x8 HEX NUT M6 FLG NUT M5 FLT WSHR M5 SPR WSHR M5 SPR WSHR r.,'16 -34- .. ® ASSY POWER SUPPL Y U/R (RH-40002) (0-1/2) '0 "10' ; " 09 ,,,. ..... ~ , , -@- -$, -@ A f'l , ~ tE1 I -®- 4 :J±t: P "' """'ii'r -35- , ~ ® ASSY POWER SUPPL Y U/ R (RH-40002) ITEM NO. I 2 , • 5 6 7 DESCRIPT IQN PART NO . RH -4003 GR-46OQ 560-5076 421-6202 421- 6203 81319 80666 00556 80595 00309 HN-4003 SGB-368)- l 211-0097 211-0044 211- 0080 211-0115 2ll-0llS 211-0072 211-{)123 2U-0157 211-0158 211-5101 117-((68 211-0174 150-0173 400-5038 481-0C65 514-0064 (D-2I2) BASE PWR AMP DC39V 15W PWR XFMR 9Q-240V lOV 24V l OOV STICKER STICKER STICKER S'!'ICKER STICKER STICKER STICKER COVER FUSE INSTR (FOR USA) FUSE INSTR (ZOO-240V AREA) 120V ( FOR USA) 200V (200V AREA) 220V (220V AREA) 230V (230V AREA) 240V (240V AREA) WIRE HARN PWR SPLY (MFG) (UPRIGHT) CONN PLUG AMP 3P RED CONN CAP AMP 2P WHITE CQNN CAP AMP 2P BROWN CONN CAP AMP 2P RED CONN CAP AMP 2P ORANGE CONN CAP AMP 4P WHITE CüNN CAP AMP 4P YELLQW CONN FEM 3P CONN FEM 6P CQNN FEM IOP 11. 115 116 117 514-0036 514-0036 514-0040 514-ü034 601-0429 601-(1769 280-0419 211-0167 211-0041 211-0042 211-0005 211-5047 TERMINAL PLATE IL 3P TERMINAL PLATE SP CAP E 4700MF 50V C-TYPE SW REGU 9O-240V SV 12A (CSK-Sl300) DIODE BRIDGE S2VBlO FU HLDR 2P W/COVER FU 3A 6.4x30mm (FOR USA) FU 3A 6.4x30 mm (2()()-'240V AREA) 1<'U 4A 6.4x30 mm FU 5A 6.4x30mm (FOR USA) NOISE FLTR AC 25QV 4A STAPLE MAX #3 HARNESS LUG TERMINAL LUG ROUND lD 5 CONN PlN AMP CONN SOCKET AMP CONN CRIMP LOCK CONTACT 201 202 20' 20< ooo--G414-FS 005-3110 005-31l3-F 005-3120 M W W W 101 102 10' 10< 105 106 107 108 109 llO 111 112 "' SCR SCR SCR SCR -36- PH RH RH RH W/FS M4x14 3.1xlO W / F 3.1x 13 3.1x20 ,, $5<A==PTU+~3::=,~:: "'-. .... =vrr<oL PXlQI -~ ==-... , •• ~ S~9- ~1S80-1 HN-I04.'J "'" ! Xii'·,UII'O-Z C~N r;I-IJ'T'e 837_1.002 -01 r+tt+++i~'" SW VNIT _ _ __ &00- 5"Z;?O (Fe TC-P> zo == PO'WEf? 'IOV ,~ TtlIWS'Fai'MET? ,,~ <Z~ <= ""/~NG- .,"" "<', """ l. l. l. • • 0 sO' ." ."' .."" • ."' ."' • ." eorN -sw I ,< 18. SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM COII.,) sw Z -37- • SEGA ENTERPRISES, LTD. No. 2 - 12, Haneda 1 - chome Ohta-ku, Tokyo 144, Japan o Tel. : (03) 743 - 7438 o FAX : (03) 743 - 5539 o TLX : J22357 SEGASTAR <D SEGA 1986 Printed in Japan ENDURO RACER o ~ 1 "/ po v':; :l' " (7)Jro::iE <D COIN/CREDIT OPTION SETTING , , • • , OI'TlOIol I COI N I dOl N I COI N I CO IN I C O IN I CDI N Z COI NS 1 COI NS 4 COI NS I COI NS 1 CREOIT 1 CREOITS l CREDITS ~ C RE DITS 5 C REDIT S 8 CRED IT S I CREOIT I CREOIT I CREOIT 1 CR EO IT$ 1 CO INS I • CO INS 1 6 CO INS 3 e COINS • CREOIT CREOITS C REOITS CREOITS 2 CO INS , CRED IT • COIN S 1 CItEDI rs I COI N 1 CO INS J CO INS 4 CO IN S 5 COINS , CREOIT 2 CREOITS ] CREOITS ~ C II EOITS 6 CItEDITS I COIN 1 CREOIT Z C OINS 1 CReOITS 3 CO INS 3 CREOITS • CO INS 5 CRE OIT S I C OIN I CRED IT I COI NS ] CIIED ITS FREE ~~ 0" 0" 0" 0. 0" 0" 0" 0. 0" 0" 0" 0" 0. 0. 0" 0. 0. 0. 0" 0. 0. 0. 0" 0" 0" 0. 0" 0" ,. ,. 0" 0. 0' 0' OFF 0" 0" 0. 0' 0. OFF 0" I ,. 0" 0- 0' 0" 0. 0. 0. ,. 0" 0. 0' 0. 0. 0. 0' 0. 0' wtiEELIE UP RIGHT MEDIUM ,~, EASV OIFFICULTV HARD HARDEST MED IUM EASV 'AAO HAROEST T IME CONTflDL MED IUM EASV HARO ;;AROEST AOVERTISE SOUND '" 0. ,. ,. it!! • U) i!I !II ." Dilfi cul!~ If leval 11 ME DI UM MEDI UM litr.:~ L 301 _ .. ;si - WjVj~ Wheo s hipp ing EASY ,,". HARD SO'" HARDEST (SW ITCH 4, 5 "t.'lit) Gllme ti mo ad justmeot (set by DIP SWITCH • & 5) 0. ,. 0' OFF OFF ON ON SWITCH NO. 0- 0" OFF ON OFF ON .. The other CIIrs' eppear8t1ce trequeocy , 0- riFF 3 0- 0" 0' 2 @ '1- .l.~I'IIIIIII. '" ,. OPT ION TIME ,\OJUST 0' sw rTCH NO. ,. 0. o '" - A "" f4 '" iltlE GAME OPTION SETTING SELECT 0' • , • 0" 0" 0" 0" 0. 0" 0" 0" 0" 0. 0" 0" 0- 0" 0" 0" 0" 0- 0" 0. 0" 0. 0" 0. 0" 0' 0" 0. 0 . 0' 0" 0" 0" 0" 0. 0. 0" 0. '" 0" COIN SW" ,,~ 0" 0" 0" 0" 0" 0" 0" 0" 0' 0. DIP SW A ft!!.O)WJlHIt (SW rTCH 2, 3 "t.'1i~) Othsr: ellrs.' e PPllllrlloce IreQuaocy (sal by DIP SWITCHES 2 & J) @ GAME BOARD A ( 834 -6(00) COIN SW t l , DIP SW B , , , • • • , • '" 0. '" '" " 0. '" '" 0. 0. '" '" 0. '" 0. '" 0. 0. '" '" 0. 0" 0. '" 0. " '" 0. 0. 0, Oll' sw AT - ~.O)""-.l.~1VI 4 5 1 OF F ON OFF ON OFF OFF ON ON 60 65 55 50 2 50 50 50 50 3 50 50 60 50 , 7 OFF ON OFF ON OFF OFF ON ON GAME BOARD B (834-6003) • '" If *_ MEDIUM EASY * HARD ItIfljflii When shipping rW HEELIE TYPE ) <t-- Wiif~ When s hipping (UP AIG HT TYPE lind SIT_DOWN TYPE) HARDEST •" ,S> le~el If jif. <t-- W?ii_ Wheo shipp ing ME DI UM 1001 EASY m HARO ,0> HARDEST I Al*B'!t.t 19:';' 111 DETAILED EXAMPLES 3 4 5 , 7 OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON OFF ON OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF ON OFF ON ON OFF OFF OFF ON OFF OFF ON OFF OFF ON OFF ON ON ON ON OFF ON OFF OFF OFF OFF ON OFF OFF OFF ON OFF ON OFF ON ON ON OFF ON OFF OFF ON ON OFF OFF OFF ON DIP SW NO. / 50 50 50 50 (6) 5 50 50 50 50 DISOLAY T IME 1 SEC speed Dilticulty DISPLAY TIME 1 SECO)iI;! • 2 ./ 4 F*I&II~r..,". (SWITCH 6, 7"t.'ltt) loner time e djustmant (set by DIP SW ITCH 6 & 7) SWITCH NO. / 0. Geme timo (s&Coo ds) par stege Dill iculty leval ON . ON ON ON OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF ON ON ON ON Difficulty level •" 11 ~ ll. ' EASY I +---- WHEELIE TYPE +-- UPRI GHT TYPE &SIT _DOWN TYP I HARDEST a ll. ' 421-6345 ">
Key features
- 20" CRT monitor
- Handlebar controls
- Acceleration and braking
- Dip switch settings for difficulty
- Engaging gameplay
- Sound effects
Frequently asked questions
The service switch is used for servicing and increasing the credits without registering on the meter. This allows you to check the game.
You can adjust the accelerator and brake wire lengths using nuts to set the desired response.
The volume of the right and left speakers can be adjusted separately.