Artisan Scientific 1771-OAD Series C AC output module Instruction manual
The 1771-OAD Series C AC output module can be used to drive a variety of devices that require AC voltage. This module features 16 outputs that can provide up to 2A of current each. The module is designed for use in a variety of industrial environments and is compatible with all 1771 I/O chassis except for the 1771-A1, 1771-A2, and 1771-A4 chassis.
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Contact one of our Customer Service Representatives todayl Talk to a live person: 88EM38-S0URCE fB88-887-68721 I Contact us by email: [email protected] I Visit our website: Installation Instructions This document provides information on: *-,/1+1 0#/ +$,/*1',+ *-,/1+1 /#7'+01))1',+ ,+0'"#/1',+0 )!2)1# ,4#/ #.2'/#*#+10 #)#!1 1&# ,"# ,$ 1&# 20#7 ),4+ 2*-#/ #5 1&# !(-)+# ,++#!1,/ +01)) 1&# ,"2)# +" '#)" '/'+% /* ,++#!1 '/'+% 1, 1&# 21-21 ,"2)# /,2 )#0&,,1'+% +1#/-/#1'+% 1&# 1120 +"'!1,/0 #-)!'+% 1&# 20# 6/",20 ,!1',+0 -#!'$'!1',+0 Because of the variety of uses for the products described in this publication, those responsible for the application and use of these products must satisfy themselves that all necessary steps have been taken to assure that each application and use meets all performance and safety requirements, including any applicable laws, regulations, codes and standards. In no event will Rockwell Automation be responsible or liable for indirect or consequential damage resulting from the use or application of these products. Any illustrations, charts, sample programs, and layout examples shown in this publication are intended solely for purposes of example. Since there are many variables and requirements associated with any particular installation, Rockwell Automation does not assume responsibility or liability (to include intellectual property liability) for actual use based upon the examples shown in this publication. 2 )'!1',+ 7 ,3#* #/ 2 AC (12-120V) Output Module Allen–Bradley publication SGI–1.1, Safety Guidelines for Application, Installation, and Maintenance of Solid–State Control (available from your local Rockwell Automation office), describes some important differences between solid–state equipment and electromechanical devices that should be taken into consideration when applying products such as those described in this publication. Reproduction of the contents of this copyrighted publication, in whole or part, without written permission of Rockwell Automation, is prohibited. Throughout this publication, notes may be used to make you aware of safety considerations. The following annotations and their accompanying statements help you to identify a potential hazard, avoid a potential hazard, and recognize the consequences of a potential hazard. ! Identifies information about practices or circumstances that can cause an explosion in a hazardous environment, which may lead to personal injury or death, property damage, or economic loss. Identifies information about practices or circumstances that may lead to personal injury or death, property damage, or economic loss. ! Identifies information that is critical for IMPORTANT successful application and understanding of the product. AC (12-120V) Output Module ! 3 This equipment is intended for use in a Pollution Degree 2 industrial environment, in overvoltage Category II applications (as defined in IEC publication 60664–1), at altitudes up to 2000 meters without derating. This equipment is considered Group 1, Class A industrial equipment according to IEC/CISPR Publication 11. Without appropriate precautions, there may be potential difficulties ensuring electromagnetic compatibility in other environments due to conducted as well as radiated disturbance. This equipment is supplied as “open type” equipment. It must be mounted within an enclosure that is suitably designed for those specific environmental conditions that will be present, and appropriately designed to prevent personal injury resulting from accessibility to live parts. The interior of the enclosure must be accessible only by the use of a tool. Subsequent sections of this publication may contain additional information regarding specific enclosure type ratings that are required to comply with certain product safety certifications. See NEMA Standards publication 250 and IEC publication 60529, as applicable, for explanations of the degrees of protection provided by different types of enclosures. Also, see the appropriate sections in this publication, as well as the Allen–Bradley publication 1770–4.1, (“Industrial Automation Wiring and Grounding Guidelines”), for additional installation requirements pertaining to this equipment. 4 AC (12-120V) Output Module ATTENTION ! Preventing Electrostatic Discharge This equipment is sensitive to electrostatic discharge, which can cause internal damage and affect normal operation. Follow these guidelines when you handle this equipment: • Touch a grounded object to discharge potential • • • • • PreĆinstallation Considerations static. Wear an approved grounding wriststrap. Do not touch connectors or pins on component boards. Do not touch circuit components inside the equipment. If available, use a static–safe workstation. When not in use, keep modules in appropriate static–safe packaging. The 1771-OAD Series C module is compatible with all chassis except 1771-A1, 1771-A2 and 1771-A4 chassis. Make sure no other output module or single card block transfer module is placed in the same module group when using 2-slot addressing. Any discrete input module may be used within the same module group. Using the 1771ĆOAD Series C Module with HalfĆwave Rectifying Load Devices (single diode) and Indicator Lights This module uses zero-crossing technology to allow turn-on when the output voltage is less than a specified voltage (typically 40 to 50V). This greatly reduces the stress on contacts and other devices that are sensitive to current surges. • When using this output module with a device that includes a single diode in series with the load, place a shunt resistor (39K ohm, 1W) across the load. This resistor allows proper output operation. The shunt resistor may cause LED indicators to glow when the output is turned off. In this case, use an incandescent lamp in place of the LED. • When using a full-wave rectified device, the device may not turn off when the output is deenergized. Add a 2.5K ohm, 10W resistor in parallel with the device to provide proper operation. • If 24V ac incandescent indicator lights appear dim when used with the Series C module, place a 2.5K ohm, 10W resistor in parallel with the indicator. This will restore full brightness. AC (12-120V) Output Module (*-)(%($# (/"2(1 ( &/ * ,+1/,) Ω $/,7/,00(+& -1,7(0,) 1(,+ 5 (+&)$ /$"1(%5(+& #(,#$ (+ 0$/($0 4(1' ), # '2+1 $0(01,/ required , # 1. '$+ (0 -,0(1(3$ 4(1' /$0-$"1 1, " - "(1,/ (0 "' /&$# 2. '$+ 1'$ -,) /(15 04(1"'$0 1'$ #(,#$ -/$3$+10 %/,* #(0"' /&(+& 3. (1' "' /&$# -,00(!)5 2- 1, )(+$ 3,)1 &$ 1'$ 6$/,7"/,00(+& ,-1,71/( " 0$$0 1' 1 3,)1 &$ +# 4,+1 12/+ ,+ No rectifying diode. '2+1 $0(01,/ NOT /$.2(/$# , # Full wave rectifier. '2+1 $0(01,/ NOT /$.2(/$# 4. '$ 0'2+1 /$0(01,/ )),40 !)$$#7,%% ,% 1'$ 3,)1 &$ ,+ 1'$ " - "(1,/ )),4(+& 1'$ "(/"2(1 1, %2+"1(,+ -/,-$/)5 , # Calculate Power Requirements Select the Mode of the Fuse-Blown Jumper Note: /$0(01,/ * 5 !$ /$.2(/$# (% 1'$ ), # (0 )$00 1' + * Your module receives its power through the 1771 I/O chassis backplane from the chassis power supply. The module requires 295mA from the output of this supply. Add this to the requirements of all other modules in the I/O chassis to prevent overloading the chassis backplane and/or chassis power supply. The fuse-blown jumper has two modes: • the preset, standard (STD) mode – displays the fuse status on the red fuse-blown status indicator • the customer side indication (CSI) mode – displays the fuse status in the input image table and on the red fuse-blown status indicator. This mode configures the module as a 16 point output module that uses both the output and input image data tables of your controller. When a fuse blows, all 16 bits in the associated input image table will turn on (1). For example, if you install the module in a PLC-5 system and address the module as O:012, then the fuse status bits are in I:012. To monitor the status of the module fuse, make certain that your user program monitors the module’s input image table for ‘‘on” bits. 2!)(" 1(,+ 7 ,3$*!$/ 6 AC (12-120V) Output Module Do not put the module jumper in CSI mode when you use this module in a complementary mode. Your system will not operate properly. ! To change the fuse blown jumper to the CSI mode: 1. Locate the fuse-blown jumper at the top-right edge of the module circuit board, as shown. #$+%' # %(' #% (& #*" (!$% &#*" " $%&' $#&'#" + 2. Use your finger to slide the jumper off the STD position (the middle post and the left post). 3. Carefully reposition the jumper by sliding it onto the CSI position (the middle post and the right post). ( '#" + #)!% AC (12-120V) Output Module ! Place your module in any slot in the chassis except the leftmost slot, which is reserved for processors or adapters. ! 7 A module inserted into a wrong slot could be damaged by improper voltages connected through the wiring arm. Use keying bands to prevent damage to the module. !%&! & * % & " ! &!$% &! !$$%"! &! & * %!&% ! & !' & * % &) &) Observe the following precautions when inserting or removing keys: • insert or remove keys with your fingers • make sure that key placement is correct Incorrect keying or the use of a tool can result in damage to the backplane connector and possible system faults. %%% ""$ ! &!$ !' & "!%&! ! &% % %'%#' & %*%& % $)$ % %$&! ! $ & &*" ! !' %%$* + '&! + !($ 8 AC (12-120V) Output Module ! ! When you insert or remove the module while backplane power is on, or you connect or disconnect the wiring arm with field power applied, an electrical arc can occur. This could cause an explosion in hazardous location installations. Be sure power is removed or the area is nonhazardous before proceeding. Remove power from the 1771 I/O chassis backplane and field wiring arm before removing or installing an I/O module. • Failure to remove power from the backplane or wiring arm could cause module damage, degradation of performance, or injury. • Failure to remove power from the backplane could cause injury or equipment damage due to possible unexpected operation. 4 4 4 4 4 $--%- 4 4 4 4 !,%!- $--%- '*&%)# . '*&%)# , '*&%)# , +%) , #/% !, #/% !- (* /'! )+ .$! $--%- '.$ *0!, .$! .*+ *" .$! (* /'! .* -!/,! %. (* /'! 1%)# .$! $--%- '*&%)# , *1) %).* +'! .* -!/,! .$! (* /'!- &! -/,! .$! '*&%)# +%)- !)##! 1%,%)# ,( ..$ .$! 1%,%)# ,( 4 .* .$! $*,%3*).' , . .$! *..*( *" .$! $--%- $! 1%,%)# ,( +%0*.- /+1, ) *))!.- 1%.$ .$! (* /'! -* 2*/ ) %)-.'' *, ,!(*0! .$! (* /'! 1%.$*/. %-*))!.%)# .$! 1%,!- 4 ,!(*0! $*,%3*).' , The 1771–OAD series C module is a modular component of the 1771 I/O system requiring a properly installed system chassis. Refer to publication 1771–IN075 for detailed information on acceptable chassis, proper installation and grounding requirements. Limit the maximum adjacent slot power dissipation to 10W maximum. /'%.%*) 4 *0!(!, AC (12-120V) Output Module 9 Make wiring connections to the 21 terminal field wiring arm (cat. no. 1771-WH) shipped with the module. +1 )1/0 /1,,(4 ! 0 0#.)'*(/ 0&.+1%& +* 0&# $'#(" 3'.'*% .) / /&+3* +1 *##" $+1. ! !+**#!0'+*/ 0+ !!+))+"0# 0&# 0+0( .#-1'.#" /1.%# .0'*% +* 0&# )+"1(# 3'0&+10 +2#./0.#//'*% *4 /'*%(# !+**#!0'+* +* 0&# $'#(" 3'.'*% .) 1),#. (( ! !+**#!0'+*/ 0+%#0&#. 0+ ,.#2#*0 )+"1(# ")%# 10,10 10,10 10,10 10,10 10,10 10,10 10,10 ! '%& 10,10 #2'!# ! +3 10,10 10,10 10,10 10,10 10,10 10,10 10,10 10,10 10,10 +,0'+*( '#("'.'*%.) 0+5 !01( 3'.'*% .1*/ '* 0&'/ "'.#!0'+* You must supply ac at terminals A through D on the wiring arm. You need four ac connections to accommodate the total required surge rating on the module without overstressing any single connection on the field wiring arm. Jumper all ac connections together to prevent module damage. Connect terminal E to ac Low. ! Observe proper polarity, as indicated in the connection diagram with dc power connections. Reverse polarity, or application of ac voltage, could damage the module. 1 ('!0'+* 5 +2#) #. 10 AC (12-120V) Output Module Driving an Input Module with an Output Module -2 #!, 20% !, 21.21 -$2*% #!1 ,- 6 1- $)/%#1*5 $/)3% 1%/+),!*0 -, !, ,.21 -$2*% #!1 ,- 6 !0 0(-4, "%*-4 !# 6 21.21 -$2*% !1 - 6 !#$# ,.21 -$2*% !1 - 6 !# )'( -2 #!, !*0- 20% ! 6 21.21 +-$2*% 1- $/)3% !, ,.21 -$2*% #!1 ,- 6 "21 5-2 +201 #-,,%#1 -,% -& 1(% &-**-4),' "%14%%, 1(% -21.21 1%/+),!* !,$ #-++-, !0 0(-4, "%*-4 • -(+ /%0)01-/ • 66 *%#1/-#2"% !, !"/)%* !*)&-/,)! !# 6 21.21 -$2*% !1 - 6 !#$# ,.21 -$2*% !1 - 6 !# )'( !# -4 -(+ /%0)01-/ !# -4 2"*)#!1)-, 6 -3%+"%/ AC (12-120V) Output Module 11 The front panel has one green module active indicator, 16 red status indicators, and one red fuse-blown indicator. -#2*$ "1(3$ ,#(" 1-/ &/$$, 1- 1 120 ,#(" 1-/0 /$# 20$ *-4, ,#(" 1-/ /$# "1(3$ 1 ,# /# -#$ '$ "1(3$ (,#(" 1-/ *(&'10 4'$, 1'$ / ") .-4$/ 02..*5 ' 0 ./-.$/*5 $01 !*(0'$# #" ,# 1'$ ./-"$00-/ (0 (, +-#$ 201-+$/ (#$ ,#(" 1(-, '$ "1(3$ (,#(" 1-/ *(&'10 4'$, 1'$ / ") .-4$/ 02..*5 ' 0 ./-.$/*5 $01 !*(0'$# #" -/ '$ 01 120 (,#(" 1-/0 *(&'1 4'$, 3-*1 &$ (0 ./$0$,1 1 1'$ /$0.$"1(3$ -21.21 1$/+(, * 1 120 20$ '$ %20$ (,#(" 1-/ *(&'10 4'$, 1'$ %20$ ' 0 !*-4, -/ !$$, "*$ /$# Use this table to help you interpret the 1771-OAD status indicators and to troubleshoot module and system faults. -#2*$ "1(3$ &/$$, -/+ * ,#(" 1(-, -,$ -#2*$ "1(3$ &/$$, ,# 21.21 01 120 /$# '$") 3-*1 &$ 1 -21.21 .-(,1 -, 1'$ 04(,& /+ % 3-*1 &$ (0 ./$0$,1 1 )$ ,- "1(-, % ,- 3-*1 &$ (0 ./$0$,1 "'$") 1'$ %20$ % 1'$ %20$ (0 /$.* "$ 1'$ +-#2*$ -#2*$ "1(3$ &/$$, ,# 21.21 01 120 - 3-*1 &$ -,$ -*1 &$ -, 1'$ 1$/+(, * $.* "$ 1'$ +-#2*$ -#2*$ "1(3$ ,# 21.21 01 120 /$# -/ '$ ./-"$00-/ (0 (, ./-&/ + +-#$ % +-#2*$ (0 (, ,-/+ * +-#$ 1 )$ ,- "1(-, % +-#2*$ (0 (, +-#$ /$.* "$ +-#2*$ -#2*$ ,-1 %2,"1(-,(,& ./-.$/*5 '$") 1'$ "' 00(0 .-4$/ 02..*5 ,# ./-"$00-/ % 1'$5 /$ /$.* "$ 1'$ +-#2*$ 21.210 4(** ,-1 12/, -, $.* "$ 1'$ %20$ % %20$ /$.* "$+$,1 #-$0 ,-1 "-//$"1 1'$ ./-!*$+ /$.* "$ 1'$ +-#2*$ 20$ !*-4, /$# 2!*(" 1(-, 6 -3$+!$/ 12 AC (12-120V) Output Module The module’s output circuitry is protected from overload or shorts by a fuse. You can replace the fuse as outlined below. 1. Turn off all power to the I/O chassis and all output device power to the field wiring arm. ! Remove power from the 1771 I/O chassis backplane and field wiring arm before removing or installing an I/O module. • Failure to remove power from the backplane or wiring arm could cause module damage, degradation of performance, or injury. • Failure to remove power from the backplane could cause injury or equipment damage due to possible unexpected operation. 2. Remove the module from the chassis. Replace the blown fuse with a 12A, 250V rectifier fuse (1/4 x 1-1/4 inch), Bussman pt. no. GBB12. 3. Replace the module in the chassis and attach the field wiring arm. 4. Turn OFF all outputs to the module. 5. Turn ON power to the I/O chassis only. 6. Check that the red status indicators on the front of the module are off (no outputs on). 7. Turn on output device power to the field wiring arm. 8. Start with bit 00 and turn on individual outputs one at a time. Turn off the previous output before turning on the next output. AC (12-120V) Output Module 13 9. If the red fuse blown indicator turns on, note which output is faulty and trace the output wiring to the faulty device. After correcting the fault problem, return to step 1 and begin again. If you cannot locate a faulty output, return to step 8 and turn on 2 or more outputs at the same time. Total output current should not exceed 2A per output, or 8A total per module. .'$*( $) $#( $!!$, # #$'") $# %%! ( ,# $%') # ) ( &* %"#) # .'$*( !$) $#( 0-"3!21 +0)#" 9 0# 13'2 *# $-0 31# ', *11 '4'1'-, 0-3.1 ," 80"-31 -!2'-,1 ," ,-,&80"-31 *-!2'-,1 -,*7 !& .0-"3!2 '1 13..*'#" 5'2& +0)',%1 -, 2&# 02',% ,+#.*2# ',"'!2',% 2&# &80"-31 *-!2'-, 2#+.#0230# !-"# &#, !-+ ',',% .0-"3!21 5'2&', 1712#+ 2&# +-12 "4#01# 2#+.#0230# !-"# *-5#12 9 ,3+ #0 +7 # 31#" 2- &#*. "#2#0+',# 2&# -4#0** 2#+.#0230# !-"# -$ 2&# 1712#+ -+ ',2'-,1 -$ #/3'.+#,2 ', 7-30 1712#+ 0# 13 (#!2 2- ',4#12'%2'-, 7 2&# *-!* 32&-0'27 4',% 30'1"'!2'-, 2 2&# 2'+# -$ ',12**2'-, ! • - ,-2 "'1!-,,#!2 #/3'.+#,2 3,*#11 .-5#0 &1 ##, 0#+-4#" -0 2&# 0# '1 ),-5, 2- # ,-,&80"-31 • - ,-2 "'1!-,,#!2 !-,,#!2'-,1 2- 2&'1 #/3'.+#,2 3,*#11 .-5#0 &1 ##, 0#+-4#" -0 2&# 0# '1 ),-5, 2- # ,-,&80"-31 #!30# ,7 #62#0,* !-,,#!2'-,1 2&2 +2# 2- 2&'1 #/3'.+#,2 7 31',% 1!0#51 1*'"',% *2!&#1 2&0#"#" !-,,#!2-01 -0 -2&#0 +#,1 .0-4'"#" 5'2& 2&'1 .0-"3!2 • 3 12'232'-, -$ !-+.-,#,21 +7 '+.'0 13'2 '*'27 $-0 *11 '4'1'-, • $ 2&'1 .0-"3!2 !-,2',1 22#0'#1 2&#7 +312 -,*7 # !&,%#" ', , 0# ),-5, 2- # ,-,&80"-31 #$'") $#( (*' !*) ! () $# ) /&* %"#) # #+ '$##"#)( #'*- #1 .0-"3'21 +0/3;1 ,# !-,4'#,,#,2 /3# 3,# 32'*'12'-, #, #,4'0-,,#+#,21 "# *11# '4'1'-, 0-3.#1 ",%#0#36 #2 ,-, ",%#0#36 &/3# .0-"3'2 #12 *'40; 4#! 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Off to On On to Off Zero crossing 8.3ms @ 60Hz, 10.0ms @ 50Hz Zero crossing 8.3ms @ 60Hz, 10.0ms @ 50Hz Power Dissipation 13 Watts (max.), 1.5 Watts (min.) Thermal Dissipation 48.0 BTU/hr (max.), 5.13 BTU/hr (min.) Backplane Current 295mA Isolation Voltage Tested to 2500V dc for 1s Conductors Wire Size Category 14-22AWG (2.5-0.25mm2) stranded copper wire rated at 75oC or greater1 3/64 inch (1.2mm) insulation (max) 22 Environmental Conditions Operating Temperature IEC 60068-2-1 (Test Ad, Operating Cold) IEC 60068-2-2 (Test Bd, Operating Dry Heat) IEC 60068-2-14 (Test Nb, Operating Thermal Shock) 32 to 140°F (0o to 60oC) Storage Temperature IEC 60068-2-1 (Test Ab, Unpackaged, Nonoperating Cold) IEC 60068-2-2 (Test Bb, Unpackaged, Nonoperating Dry Heat) IEC 60068-2-14 (Test Na, Unpackaged, Nonoperating Thermal Shock) -40 to 185°F (-40 to 85oC) Relative Humidity IEC 60068-2-30 (Test Db, Unpackaged, Nonoperating Damp Heat) 5 to 95%, noncondensing Shock Operating Nonoperating IEC 60068-2-27 (Test Ea, Unpackaged Shock) 30g 50g Vibration IEC 60068-2-6 (Test Fc, Operating) 2g @ 10-500Hz ESD Immunity IEC 61000-4-2 4kV indirect discharges Radiated RF Immunity IEC 61000-4-3 10V/m, with 1kHz sine-wave 80% AM from 30MHz to 1000MHz EFT/B Immunity IEC 61000-4-4 +1kV @ 5kHz on signal ports Surge Transient Immunity IEC 61000-4-5 +1kV line-line (DM) and +2kV line-earth (CM) on signal ports Conducted RF Immunity IEC 61000-4-6 10V rms with 1kHz sine wave 80% AM from 150kHz to 30MHz Emissions CISPR 11 Group 1, Class A (with appropriate enclosure) Publication 1771ĆIN024B-EN-P - November 2002 AC (12-120V) Output Module Enclosure Type Rating None (open-style) Keying Between 10 and 12 Between 20 and 22 Fuse 12A, 250V rectifier fuse (1/4 x 1Ć1/4 inch), Bussman GBB12, IEC 127 Type F (black) Field Wiring Arm Standard Optional Catalog Number 1771ĆWH Catalog Number 1771ĆWHF (fused) Wiring Arm Screw Torque 9 pound-inches (1.02Nm) Relay Compatibility 700-CL110A1 700-HB32A1 700-HC14A1 700-HC14A1-4 700-HF32A1 700-HT12AA1 100-A09 100-A18 100-A30 Certifications (when product is marked) UL 1 2 15 UL Listed Industrial Control Equipment CSA CSA CSA Certified Process Control Equipment CSA Certified Process Control Equipment for Class I, Division 2 Group A, B, C, D Hazardous Locations CE2 European Union 89/336/EEC EMC Directive, compliant with: EN 50082-2, Industrial Immunity EN 61236, Meas./Control/Lab., Industrial Requirements EN 61000-6-2, Industrial Immunity EN 61000-6-4, Industrial Emissions European Union 73/23/EEC LVD Directive, CE2 compliant with: EN 61131-2, Programmable Controllers C-Tick2 Australian Radiocommunications Act, compliant with: AS/NZS 2064, Industrial Emissions You use this conductor category information for planning conductor routing as described in publication 1770Ć4.1, Industrial Automation Wiring and Grounding Guidelines. See the Product Certification link at for Declarations of Conformity, Certificates and other certification details Publication 1771ĆIN024B-EN-P - November 2002 16 AC (12-120V) Output Module Corporate Headquarters Rockwell Automation, 777 East Wisconsin Avenue, Suite 1400, Milwaukee, WI 53202-5302 USA, Tel: (1) 414.212.5200, Fax: (1) 414.212.5201 Headquarters for Allen-Bradley Products, Rockwell Software Products and Global Manufacturing Solutions Americas: Rockwell Automation, 1201 South Second Street, Milwaukee, WI 53204-2496 USA Tel: (1) 414.382.2000, Fax: (1) 414.382.4444 Europe: Rockwell Automation SA/NV, Vorstlaan/Boulevard du Souverain 36-BP 3A/B, 1170 Brussels, Belgium, Tel: (32) 2 663 0600, Fax: (32) 2 663 0640 Asia Pacific: Rockwell Automation, 27/F Citicorp Centre, 18 Whitfield Road, Causeway Bay, Hong Kong, Tel: (852) 2887 4788, Fax: (852) 2508 1846 Headquarters for Dodge and Reliance Electric Products Americas: Rockwell Automation, 6040 Ponders Court, Greenville, SC 29615-4617 USA, Tel: (1) 864.297.4800, Fax: (1) 864.281.2433 Europe/Middle East/Africa: Rockwell Automation, Brühlstraße 22, D-74834 Elztal-Dallau, Germany, Tel: (49) 6261 9410, Fax: (49) 6261 1774 Asia Pacific: Rockwell Automation, 55 Newton Road, #11-01/02 Revenue House, Singapore 307987, Tel: (65) 351 6723, Fax: (65) 355 1733 Publication 1771ĆIN024B-EN-P - November 2002 Supersedes publication 1771Ć5.24 - July 1996 and 1771Ć5.24-RN2 - August 1998 Publication 1771ĆIN024B-EN-P - November 2002 PN957707-86 Copyright 2002 Rockwell Automation Inc. 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Key features
- 16 outputs
- 2A output current
- 10-138V ac voltage range
- Zero-crossing technology
- Fuse protection
- Compact design
- UL and CSA certified
Frequently asked questions
The maximum current rating for the 1771-OAD Series C module is 8A, with a maximum of 2A per output.
The voltage range of the 1771-OAD Series C module is 10 to 138V ac.
The operating temperature range for the 1771-OAD Series C module is 32 to 140°F (0o to 60oC), and the storage temperature range is -40 to 185°F (-40 to 85oC). The relative humidity should be between 5 and 95%, noncondensing.
To change the fuse-blown jumper to the CSI mode, slide the jumper off the STD position (the middle post and the left post) and carefully reposition the jumper by sliding it onto the CSI position (the middle post and the right post).