KB2LJJ Radio Mods Database and Manuals
FT-100 and FT-100 D
Transmit coverage for FT-100 D
Be careful not to transmit outside the Amateur Bands.
RX: 30KHz-824MHz, 849MHz-859MHz, 894MHz-961MHz.
TX: 1.8MHz-30MHz, 50MHz-54MHz, 140MHz-174MHz, 420MHz-470MHz.
Remove Front Panel from radio and open the rear cover from the Front Panel unit. Be careful, a cable connects them together.
Locate and remove R6035 (1) and R6036 (2) on the display board.
Note: The factory removed R6035 on my radio so I only had to remove R6036. You should end up like the picture below.
3. _____________________________________________________
4. /
5. / _ =
6. | =
7. | _ = ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !
8. | = 1 2 3 4
9. | ! ! ! !
10. |
11. |
Back of front panel. Top left corner. Remove jumpers 1 & 2, leave 3 & 4.
Reassemble and install the Front Panel on the radio.
Press and hold [DWN] and [STEP] keys; while holding them in, press and hold in the [PWR] switch for 1/2 second to turn the transceiver On. Now let go of all keys.
The display will read "r on" for a 1/2 second or less (it may be so quick that you don't see it but continue with the mod).
Set the dial frequency to 375.72727MHz and turn the power off.
http://www.kb2ljj.com/data/yaesu/ft-100.htm (1 di 6)05/09/2009 14:50:46
KB2LJJ Radio Mods Database and Manuals
Note: You may need to use LSB, USB, or CW to get the last digit.
Press and hold [DWN] and [STEP] keys; while holding them in, press and hold in the [PWR] switch for 1/2 second to turn the transceiver On. Now let go of all keys.
The display will read "HF on" for a 1/2 second or less (it may be so quick that you don't see it but continue with the mod).
Set the dial frequency to 549.61163MHz and turn the power off.
Press and hold [DWN] and [STEP] keys; while holding them in, press and hold in the [PWR] switch for 1/2 second to turn the transceiver On. Now let go of all keys.
The display will read "vU on" for a 1/2 second or less (it may be so quick that you don't see it but continue with the mod).
The modification is complete. Turn the radio off and back on to continue.
Modified my FT-100D
B y removing the first two jumpers and doing the acrobatic 3 switch power up and all that.
Seems to work on HF. On VHF and UHF power seems quite low out of band, but that's not a big deal for now. Just for testing purposes I programmed in the FRS/GMRS frequencies (462.5625 etc) so I could listen to the activity on that band. I can hear them quite well, so far, so good.
Problem comes when I try transmitting. I cut back the power by setting menu 24 to 0 or 1 which is plenty of power for testing. The transmit signal is about 8 khz higher than the displayed (receive) frequency.
I thought it must be the walkie/talkie, so I got another one I have, same thing. WOW!!! I'm not very happy, I'm not at home right now and don't have the equipment to explore this further. I just hope that this transmit/receive offsett is just a localized phenomena and has not offset the whole range of the radio.
Anyone out there care to check this particular frequency range out on their modified radio. One thing that happened when I was powering up the radio for the first time, I didn't see the the "r ON" appear. I did see the "HF ON" and "vU ON" though but not the first one. Anyone has something to say, I'm all ears.
Note if the 2 SMD diodes not are present, then you should begin with step 4.
Second set of menu functions
Their is a second set of menu functions F01 to F59.
WARNING: changing these will reset all the memories.
I want to warn you do not change these values unless you are sure of what you are doing.
To get them turn transceiver off. Press and hold the A,B,C keys; while holding them in, press and hold in the [PWR] switch for 1/2 second to turn the transceiver On. Now let go of all keys. Then press and hold func key for 1/2 second to get to the menu and then rotate the select knob to get to a second menu (F01 to F59) it's after #66 or before #01.
When you turn the rig off and back on it returns to normal menu.
Here is a list of the 59 second menu functions.
Function Setting in my radio
F01 144 RF GAIN 166
F02 430 RF GAIN 166
F03 HF RX IF G 098 http://www.kb2ljj.com/data/yaesu/ft-100.htm (2 di 6)05/09/2009 14:50:46
KB2LJJ Radio Mods Database and Manuals
F04 50 RX IF G 112
F05 144 RX IF G 108
F06 430 RX IF G 082
F08 SSB SQL 033
F09 FM N SQL 088
F10 FM RF SQL 056
F11 HF IC ALC 023
F12 V/UHF IC ALC 022
F13 HF PO 10W 026
F14 HF PO 50W 083
F15 HF PO 100W 123
F16 50 PO 10W 025
F17 50 PO 20W 045
F18 50 PO 50W 083
F19 50 PO 100W 123
F20 70 PO 10W 063 <<< 70 MHz
F21 144 PO 20W 065
F22 144 PO 50W 120
F23 430 PO 20W 139
F24 1.8 TX IF G 076
F25 3.5 TX IF G 069
F26 7 TX IF G 063
F27 10 TX IF G 063
F28 14 TX IF G 067
F29 18 TX IF G 071
F30 21 TX IF G 072
F31 24 TX IF G 072
F32 28 TX IF G 075
F33 50 TX IF G 104
F34 70 TX IF G 127
F35 144 TX IF G 097
F36 430 TX IF G 093
F39 50 PO METER 172
F40 144 PO METER 105
F41 430 PO METER 063
F42 HF REV ALC 034
F43 50 REV ALC 034
F44 70 REV ALC 127 <<< 70 MHz
F45 144 REV ALC 173
F46 430 REV ALC 060
F48 OVER HEAT 1 230
F49 OVER HEAT 2 235
F52 FM TX FREQ -32.470
F53 TRX LSB CAR 0.110
F54 TRX USB CAR -0.010
F55 blank
F56 blank
F59 blank
OOPS! When I looked at the F57 and F58 choices on my radio and set them back to USA the radio initialized and I had to reprogram the memories. The TX mod was still ok.
http://www.kb2ljj.com/data/yaesu/ft-100.htm (3 di 6)05/09/2009 14:50:46
KB2LJJ Radio Mods Database and Manuals
Connect other microphone to Yaesu FT-100
Here´s a description on how connect UP/DOWN and PTT to Yaesu FT-100.
Here below does I a description how components shall connect to radio.
6-pins modular jack
Mic-jack Yaesu FT-100 / 90 / 8100.
Pin 1: SW 2 multi-function switching
Pin 2: N.C. (9600bps packet data output FT-90)
Pin 3: + 9 v
Pin 4: GND
Pin 5: Microphone Input
Pin 6: SW 1 PTT, UP och DOWN
I was interested to see Björn Karlsson's information on how to "Connect other microphone to Yaesu FT-100", as I have been looking for some time for a way of using PTT, rather than VOX, with another microphone.
My curiosity pushed me to try the same circuit on SW2 and it works. It gives you the P, P1 and P2 buttons. However, there was still the
ACC button missing, so I put a variable resistor from SW1 to ground and found a fourth position.
The circuit below gives you PTT, UP, DOWN, ACC, P, P1, and P. At least, it works on my rig. Don't forget that you can programme the functions of P, P1 and P2 on the FT-100. http://www.kb2ljj.com/data/yaesu/ft-100.htm (4 di 6)05/09/2009 14:50:46
KB2LJJ Radio Mods Database and Manuals
FT-100 Thermal modification
Hi all you FT-100 users!
On 2m and 70cm you all noticed that the cooling fans do not run at slow speed on stand by, like on HF and 6m.
This causes the radio get warm/hot for just doing nothing.. and that will shorten the lifetime of the parts.
Here is how you could resolve this problem by just adding 1 51ohm 1/2watt resistor between one of the black wires of the fans and ground, for instance the chassis. See picture below for my solution. Open up the bottom of the radio to get to the fan wires)
This mod will cause the fans always run at low speed. and when transmitting the fans will go fast as normally, so you're radio stays cool!!.
Lot's of fun with this mod!.
Using the Heil HMM-Y mobile mic with the FT-100D
I found that the HMM-Y mic output was understandably lower in level than the stock electret based mic. In order to accommodate this I performed surgery on my FT-100D, changing R1334 (SMT resistor) from 10k Ohms to 1k, thereby increasing the mic pre-amp gain by about 14 dB.
(I don't recommend anyone doing this unless they have an SMT soldering station, good SMT experience and very steady hands. You can easily ruin the PC board).
I also experimented with "full range" and "DX" elements in the Heil mic, the 100D processor, the MIC DSP settings and the carrier offset controls. Using a monitor receiver with the 100D running into a dummy load I converged on the best setup.
Very simple.
For rag chewing the "full range" element gets great audio reports. I brought the TX carrier injection up to +200 Hz which removed some excess bass response. No MIC DSP is used (i.e. setting = OFF). Processor is off. MIC GAIN setting is around 50 to 60 with the
Heil mic and the FT-100D preamp 14 dB mod. Before increasing the preamp gain I had to speak loudly with the MIC GAIN set to
100; no good!
So my search for decent 100D transmit audio is finally over, after several years of fussing around with the stock mic, trying a couple modifications on the stock mic and trying every imaginable combination of settings on the rig (and spending about $100 for the Heil mic and AD-100 adapter).
For contesting I think the DX element or perhaps just the processor with the "full range" element will work well. The DX element has an annoying quality to it, but I suppose you want that when you're trying to scream through a pileup.
http://www.kb2ljj.com/data/yaesu/ft-100.htm (5 di 6)05/09/2009 14:50:46
KB2LJJ Radio Mods Database and Manuals
73 N6AF Chas
FM SSB Squelch Operation
I found on my FT-100D that the squelch threshold was the same for FM and SSB. As I change from 144 Mhz FM operations to HF
SSB operation I would like to have the squelch open up in SSB mode and then close when going back to FM mode without having to change the SQL/RF control all the time.
This can be accomplished by changing Menu F08 (SSB SQL) in the secondary menus. I set Menu F08 value from 003 to 050 and got the squelch operation I was trying to obtain.
See mod forto access Menu F08.
FT-100D expanded Frequency modification
The KB2LJJ takes no responsibility for any damage during the modification or for any wrong information made on this modification.
http://www.kb2ljj.com/data/yaesu/ft-100.htm (6 di 6)05/09/2009 14:50:46