Cross Technologies 2017-74 Up+Downconverter, 70 MHz 6.7-7.0 GHz, 70 MHz 4.5-4.8 GHz Owner's Manual

Below you will find brief information for Up/Downconverter 2017 2017-74. The 2017-74 C-band Up/Downconverter converts 70 MHz to 6.7 - 7.025 GHz (Up) and 4.5 - 4.8 GHz to 70 MHz (Down) in 0.125 MHz steps with low group delay and flat frequency response. Gain can be manually controlled over a 0 to +30 dB range for the upconverter and over a +30 to +50 dB range for the downconverter as adjusted by the front panel multi-function push-button switches. Remote operation allows selection of frequency and gain. You can also select an external 10 MHz reference for both up and down converters.

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Up/Downconverter 2017 2017-74 Instruction Manual | Manualzz




Key features

  • C-band Up/Downconverter
  • 70 MHz to 6.7 - 7.025 GHz (Up)
  • 4.5 - 4.8 GHz to 70 MHz (Down)
  • 0.125 MHz frequency steps
  • Low group delay and flat frequency response
  • Gain control (0 to +30 dB Up, +30 to +50 dB Down)
  • Remote operation
  • External 10 MHz reference (optional)

Frequently asked questions

The upconverter operates from 70 MHz to 6.7 - 7.025 GHz in 0.125 MHz steps.

The downconverter operates from 4.5 - 4.8 GHz to 70 MHz in 0.125 MHz steps.

Yes, you can manually control the gain of the upconverter from 0 to +30 dB and the downconverter from +30 to +50 dB.

Yes, remote operation allows you to select frequency and gain.

Yes, you can select an external 10 MHz reference for both up and down converters.
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