Car DVR leader
oRDRO CarDyR Ma刀
I carem"y and keep"
BefOre you use our foriJture referen∞
Preface Produ⒍ guarantees。 su1mnary ofProducts.…
CharacteHs伍 cs ofProduct.¨ ¨¨¨¨¨¨¨・ 4 stmctwes ofProduct,¨ ¨¨¨¨¨¨………¨¨……………………¨¨…………………………¨¨¨¨¨………………………………………¨
Fmcton ofKeys,¨
… ¨8
Instauation and Taking-out ofMemory Card,¨ open and Close ofCamera¨
Mode ofCanlera。
Mode ofPhotograph,¨
Mode ofRepeat。 ¨¨¨¨¨¨¨…¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨……¨¨¨…¨¨¨¨……¨¨¨……………¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨……¨¨¨…………
11 system se伍 ng。
¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨……¨¨¨…¨¨¨¨………¨¨……………¨¨¨¨¨……………………¨¨…………・ 10
0pf滋 喊 on ofCoⅡ u∞
Ⅱ ng Computer.¨
on Diagram ofHDMI。
¨¨¨…………¨¨¨¨¨…………¨¨……¨…¨……… 15
¨ ¨ … … ¨ … ¨ … … ¨ ¨ ¨ … … ¨ … ¨ … … … … … ¨ 16
Random F血
hgs ofProduct Paralneters。 ¨ ¨ ¨¨ … ¨ ¨ ¨ … ¨ ¨…¨ ……… … ¨ … … ¨17
∶⒒ 缶 1∷ ∷
Thank you For purchasing digital driving rccorder,
The use卩
s mmuaIhas a dct缸
led description on how to coⅡ eCtly use the dig⒒ al oLivhg recorder and provides dctailed product infoⅡ nation, hc” dhg operation,hsta11aton prccautons and techn忆 al specif1catons。
P1ease read the manual carem11y before u蛀
We hope the product can meet your requrements and provides the seⅣ ice for you1or a1ong time.
Guarantee】 or Products
The product、
tested s饣 ictIy that"s propeny compⅡ es with the speci丘 cation and there is safety guarantec for using of customcr.
11nary ofProduct
Thc di1:;ital rccα der,brcakough cwrntIy on the markct ofvchidc travcling data rccordcr,thc hosti"1.;eIf Digid ca【 nera wm bci1【 l front ofthe road compIctcly rccordcd to hos1for compaHson obsewa刂 on.
The usc of miσ o sD card as storagc devicc,This digitaI recordcr has thc advantagcs ofsmaⅡ voIumc,Compared wi伍 geneml di匪 tal("v“ g recorder,曲 is knd ofdiJtal
血 ving rccordcr can rccord morc micromcsh and prcfect vidco,and thc vidcO can d山 ∞ uy。 utputto FHD TV forp圮
” ng to reaIIy c刂
on cffcct.
CharacterlsJcs ofProduct
FI】 D:I920Ⅱ 1080vidco
m pc cAM amcuon
Gˉ sensor fIlc protcction
W"h a VaHety ofscenc wh“ c ba1ancc compensa伍 on£ unction
Ihc use of7G lens widcˉ angle not dcfoma‘ on,havc more CIcar imagc,犰 c dct汪 ls morc clcarly
Display scrccn of2.7"16∶ 9
Bc providcd wi刂 hfunm。 n。 fcxpos"c compcnsation
in microphonc/-pct
32G for Maximu1n support voIumc of micro sD card
HD TV outputintcrfacc:IIDMIs讵 η outputbC provⅡ
Iution rauo rcachcs up to1920+1080
structures Product
Menu∷ M0d∷
t阝 s10t
Function of Keys operating GuidQline
Powcr kc∶ /: Powcr on、
Powcr of(Long prcss for3s)/ 1、
short pⅡ ss: VidcOs,photos(in thC血 nc刂 on tablc,uscd to
Adhcrc thc machlnc缸 d suckcr onto thc front glass of thc car and rcmcmbcr tllat thc vigv of vcrs1・ 1Vo shaⅡ
not bc blocked
Conflm thc JFt】 ph吖 ,for a starO 2、
Plug thc vchlcles△ Ⅱ hg wⅡeintothc mac"mc
Insert山 c vchiolcs-flⅡ ing wirc into thc cigarc仗 c lightcr of ca△ and thc attention shall be paid to
Modc-shif1ing kcy to bc uscd fOr shifting modc of
PIay、 Photography.
avoid thc clcctrioshock,山 is machinc can conVcrtits12V~14V into a voltagc of5V
The photogmphiⅡ g anglc oan bc adJustcd accordi臼 g to pcrsonal prcfcrcnce
Mcnu kcy to bc uscd for cntcⅡ ng into condition of 1、 nction tablc and systcn1sctting血 nctlon tablc to sc1it wi" Cntcr into ftnction tabIc ifyou prcss oncc,and cntcr into systcnn sctting function tab1c if you prcss bⅣ icc。 ing and Takingˉ out of storagc Card
When instalⅡ ng tkc micro sD card,insertthc micro sD card into thc slot in nc、
Up kcy∶ uscd for sclcct Up itcm in Mcnu
Whcn rcmoVing thc card,genuy prcss the tnicro s1)card,and take it out when
1t,pops out
Do、 vn kcy∶ uscd fOr sclcct Down itcm in Mcnu
窜 warm TⅡ s: powcroⅡ
Whcnthc mac"nc o not cXtcmd powcrsuppˇ
∞ ndItIOn,no opcrajon h the sc⒒ hg jmc
Plcasc conⅡ Ⅱn thc inscrting dircction for thc micro sD card,if thc can bC automaticaⅡ y shut down In any modc aCCording to thc functions oftabIc iilV田
NU"kcy to inscrting dircGtion is incoⅡ e° t,thc maohinc and oard maybc bc dan,agcd Cntcr thC systcn1sctup modc,sclcct1ncnu using thc Up刀 Do、 vn kcys
Plcasc apply thc hIgll spccd m忆 ro sD card(Card spccd at class10or highcr),thc
■ThIs d"ving rccorder has a wIde anglc of I30dcgrccs and thrcc lancs can bc sccn simu"anct,1l引 y high-spccd n】 icro sD card△ lill bc providcd with C IO mark
If micro sD card fomatis incompatibIc with thc machinc,thc card lnay not ■Photographing l、 亻 bc rcad,and such phcnomenon can bc climinatcd by format“ ng tllc mi。 ro sD card I、 Tum onfhc power kcy,aftcr thc machinc complctcs tllc start modc,tlle uppcrlcft comcr on w"h thc maohinc thc doplay wⅡ l prcscntthc camcra modc“ gn"∈ 彐 ",wh忆 h dcnotes thatthc camcra modc has bccn cntcred CuⅡ cntly,1n othcr modcs,you can bc cntcrcd by pressing thc modc convcrsion kcy"MODE"。
■star/Closc ofrnachinc and avtomatic shvt down l、
Prcss thc power kcy once al1d thc machinc can bc startcd or closcd
(Long prcss£
2` short prcss thc po、 vcr kcy to start rccording,sho⒒ prcss thc powcr key to stop rccording once aga“ 1n thc vⅡ co proccss,dIsplay scrccm wⅢ
nash Thc rcd忆 om"●
list rnodc∶
Prcss thc MENU kcy to cntcrthc contcXt mcnu modc,Prcss thc up aⅡ d down kcy to modify thc c。 ntcnts For thc cOIltcxt mcnu,shoⅡ
In the function list modG,You can modi匆 thC foIIowing∞ ntcnts∶ rcsolutioⅡ ratio,cyclcd rm“
~ photographing,HDF1Exposurc oompcnsatlon,Motion dctcction,vidcO audio,Datc1nark
≡压芗 warIl Tips:In thc ncxt car chargc statc,allto lgn"lon wiII mtomatlc引
ˇ boot alad bcgan reoording,In thc proccss ofphotographing,pay attcntion notto moVc thc lens too qulckly to avoid photogmphiⅡ g Iow quality imagc whcn sw“ chlng sccncs rapidly lg Modc
Press thc mc,dc kcy to scIcctthe photo modc In thc photo rnodc,thc photo modc sign
Ⅱ∈≡■ 铡
即 u盯 m伽 llppcr忆 R ct,mcr of me山 酬 γ 忆 mm“
脑 mc m岫
c is cntcrcd prcscnt
Photo taking∶ Push‘ g can bc prcfo∏ ncd
Prcss thc“
Prcss tllc up and down kcy to modi灯 thC contcnts for tlac colltCXt mcnu, short prcss“ Powcr’ kcy t。 c。 n§ rm it Thc followiIhcOIltCis can bc modiⅡ cd in thc contcXtlncnu modc∶ shooting modc`ResoIution ratio`Cont血 uous shooting` Imagc qua1it】
``sharpncss`Whitc baIancc`Color、 compcnsatioⅡ `Antiˉ Shakc、 Quick pⅡ vicw、 Datc mark°
Is0、 Exposurc
翁 warm Tips∶ W"h pllotographillg,Pay attcntlOIl to grasp thc rc∞ 【 rcducc thc shakc of hands
Vidco、 vill display on thc sGrccn,Prcss up or down kcy ΓFou can browsc,short prcss
Powcr kcy,You can cntcrinto Vie、 v rncnu
Ⅴ ideo play∶ short prcss’ kcy to choosc fall back or fast,Press”
M○ DE” key to quit playing Prcss’
’ k£ y
You can dclctc thc vidco
Function浏 h虻 modσ Prcssthc MENU kcy to cntci少 c∞ lltCxt mcllu modc,Prcss tllc up or down k叮 to modify thc∞ ntcnts for thc contcxt mcnu,short prcss“ Powcr’ kcy to conflrm it The following GOntents Gaa, bc modi五 cd in thc contcxt mcnu modc∶ dclctc`protcotion`Play slidcsho、 v
■ systcn】 sctting
Prcss"MENU" kcy to cntcr into thc finctionaI ⅡstIllodc,Prcss up or do、 vn kcy to modi】1/thc contcnts of血 nctlon・ al llst and thcn short prcss"Powcf’ kcy to aⅢ rm
Functlon list of systcln sctting includcs∶
Datc/Timc∶ Uscd up and dowIl kcy to havc incrcasc and dccrcasc opcratlon,shorl prcss"Powcr’ kcy to afflrm and cntcr into next setitem
Automat忆 powcr-off sct automatic powcⅡ off【
Kqy sound∶ Kqy sound tumcd on and of【 sctlanguagc∶ sct thc kinds oflanguagc
TV Modc⒈ uscd to sCtthc Output ofTV signal modc1
Frcqucncy of cllo“ c"ω HZⅡ
Uscd for choosing thc£
rf,llg氵 cquclacy of llg“
urcc,llltcrfcⅡ ncc ofhorlz【 ,lltal strlpc shapc wⅡ l appcar on pictllrc
Formatting:To formatthc Mcmory of Mi。 r。 sD Card
Dcfau1tsct Uscd for sctting systcm paramctcr as prcsct valuc of factoγ
Ⅴ crsion∶ IJscd to chcck thc vcrsion nuIllbcr for thc rccordcr
Rcsolution: sct thc photo rcsolution uafoⅡ nation supcrilnposcd on thc vidco fIIc
clIlar photography∶ To sct thc timc automatlcalˇ coVCr colltcllt has bccn rccordcd
1、 opem【 on for Conncctmg Computer
Comcct曲 c mach血 e to山 c computcr曲 rough UsB,then wiIl appcar加 呃 kinds of m【,dc which namcd Mcmo】
/and PC CAM Uscthc up and down bu⒒ on to sclcct modc,Thcn short prcss
"Powcr’ kcy t。 2fⅡ nn°
After cnterhg thc Memory modc,thc mcs insidc曲 c vidcO recordcr can be scanncd through compute△ on which DCIbIA wiII appear,Uscrs can use computcr to store thcse fIlcs, peronn。 pcration such as cutting、 copying as飞 VCll as dcIcting
Whcn you sclectthc PC CAM modc,1t can bc uscd as a PC CAM scLema付 c Dhgram for mDII Operajom
丨 l
mm m皿
Hr,M)0凵 tput |
"otv l卜
"0MtVldθ oⅡ vt
Parameters ofProdⅡ ct
Lcns jIq“ d crvstal
Vldco outplIt
Ⅰ soNY CMOs wafer,Ⅱ gh仁 scnsln只 suⅡ Ⅱ c arca
7p1cocs of prmc Icns9F19apcmrc’ 35nvn foous1cnmll
7imch 16∶
9TFT LCD ollⅡ vt ofHD、
Vidco pllotograpll
Ⅵ cmorv
Wlutc bdancc
JsB血 tedaGc
D血 cnsh洲
H264(Thc comprcs“ on fomat)
1920+IO809 30缶 me/seG;1280+7209 30tame/sco
720+480 9 30fraInc/sc。 ;640+480, 30framc/seo
12M⒕ O32+3024 10M3648+2%6
8M∶ 3264Ⅱ 2448 5M∶ 2592礻 1944
3M2008Ⅱ 1536 2M(HD》 1920+1080
13M∶ I280Ⅱ 9‘
O VGA∶ ‘ 480
1280+720 640+480 320+240
X-Y名 threc-aDκ is scnsof FiIc Protccuon fc洫
Extcmal mcdI"n∶ MlCRO sDHC Card(山 c toρ supρ ort32G MICRO sDHC Cafd)
IIgh oapaci汐
1,mcnsiom ∶ I80Ⅱ uη
Ⅳ ei£ hf∶
10‰ 80‰ △
Rando△ n Accessorles
\^/arrn Tip∶ c you purchasing ofthis product, chcck acccssorics as shown on thc picmrc to avoid thc loss for you !
臼 山 口 猢 眦
丨 描 擀 safety Precau伍 oⅡ
吨孙 Cf° ll°
△ blems唧 be Ga峨 吐 Plcase usc It accord咖
WamiⅡ g
■ Takc notioc not to enablc Othcr things to cntcr into maohine and produ哎 dcfccts
This may causc£ rc,clcctrlc shook in casc you fallthe products into、 our servicc dcpartmcnt as soon as possiblc
Plcase do not cnablc thc products to faⅡ do、 vn thc ground This【 llay givc risc to product damage and dcfccts
Please kccp thc product far away from humid and dusb/placc Thls may rcsultln product fault and dcfcots
PIcasc do not dccomposc this product atrandom, othcrwisc,you oanlt gctthc product
Wa盯 anψ from。 ompany
PIcase do not wipe thc products、 vith chcmioals and dctergent,It rnay causc thc rccordcr disColoration
Plcasc do notrcmovc UsB cabIc、 vhcn data is transfcⅡ ing,It may havc scrious cffcct on produot
Ⅱple TroubleshootiⅡ
In thc casc ofnomaI opcration,ifthcrc is a problem、 vith thc products,pIcase rcfcr to the follo、 ving mcthods to soIvcthem,pIcasc∶
■ Not bc avaⅡ able for taking pioturc and photographing,chcck micro s1)Card card、 vhcthcr thcrc is enough memor/
■ Automatic stopping dⅡ c to a greatcr volumc ofI】 D vidco data in vidcO recording PIcasc cnnp】 qy thc high spccd micro sD card,high spccd micro sD oard will bcar C IO mark
■ During playing ofpic缸 rc and vidco,appear"伍 Ic crror" This is bccause an crror oc。 urs Whcn
TF storing data,thcn fllc cⅡ oris causcd Rccommcndcd use formatting fonctions of camcra and rcˉ fomat miCro sD card card
■ No vidco displaycd in tclcvision scrccn,cheok whcthcr conncctIOn ofHD、 仃 TV plug is coⅡ cct and、 vhcthcr television is sct in coⅡ cct HDMI statc
■ VidcO takcn is foggy。 bccaVse lens is not clcan cnough,PIeasc chcck whcthcr lcns produotthc dirt and fIngcr print Bcforc shQOting,use Iens papcr to clcan lcns
■ VidcO takcn is fuzγ ,chcCk whCthcr Icns诣 di”
,usC clean oloth to wipc lcns
¨ ■
菸 龈
群 Ⅰ
搬 鞲 撼 燕 擀 饕 埘 热 鞲
■ Under c0u(l、 ation o llot pe晚
,Π easc出 t"WⅡ ⒃
Flashlight⒘ be started for using
There is hoⅡ zontal stⅡ pe interference in image caused by inoorect 1ight祆 for Talwan users,and hght妃 quenoy sha11be set to"60Hz"