Sommerkamp Electronics FT 250 HF transceiver, FP 250 AC power supply, DC 250 DC power supply INSTRUCTION MANUAL
The FT 250 HF transceiver is a high-performance, compact, and lightweight transceiver for amateur radio operators. This transceiver offers several modes of operation, including SSB (USB and LSB), CW, and AM, with a power output of 240W. The FT 250 comes equipped with a heterodyne VFO for high stability and a 9 MC crystal filter for high voice quality. The FP 250 AC power supply is designed specifically for use with the FT 250 transceiver and includes a built-in speaker. The DC 250 DC power supply is ideal for mobile operation, providing all necessary voltages from a 12-volt battery. This manual provides detailed information on the operation and adjustment of the FT 250, FP 250, and DC 250.
6 © 0357 INSTRUCTION MANUAL FT- 250 SOMMERKAMP ELECTRONICS GMBH —]o—]]— CL a AT, ave a El — 6. — FT-200,250 BLOCK DIAGRAM VIOI VIO? VIO3 VIOA Vi v2 AUDIO, DET AGC LF AMP LF AMP Xtal RECEIVE, HF CAUB. lOOKHz = e — FILTER MIX AMP HOF 68M8 IZAX7A 6BZ6 [| E6BAG OMHz Г eus 6BZ6 25C367 . + | % A . — 4 | T | | AGC | | — | AA À “ANT y | Г | VIOS | vIO7 | | | va V5 V6 | | CAR. BM. | | ||| TRANS DRIVER. РА. | | osc. |-— = — — | — — — — = MX. > 2 essa F— | IZ4U7 7360 | | 6EJ7 I2BY7A x2 | 8.99852 = 9.0015 | | | mT > a | MHz TT "MHz | —— — — AR | LL | ALC | | —— | | VIO5 IE 0 ne E E vio — — — — — — — — => . . — | A IZAXTA 6CB6 250372 | 256372 | | | 1) $ 5v5.5MHz | — — | — — | | | EXT | | — VFO | Y М 8 Vo | | 1.0 MHz Fee . SMH Te TONE | VOX VOX AMP Xtal 96 Deyn AEE osc | _ AMP | _ sl 8 RELAY | , Osc o 43.0MHZ -+- , 2SC373 6AVE 12AU7 2SC372 o (435MHZ) I500HZz (44 OMHz) ~~ — — —— 1" 2 — ——— RECEIVER TRANSMITTER COMMON ( ) OPTION FT-200,250 SSB TRANSCEIVER The FT200,7250 Transceiver, for HF amateur bands 80 through 10 meters, is a precision built high performance transceiver providing SSB (USB and LSB selectable), CW and AM modes of operation, with a single-tone power of 240W (approx. 300W speech peak input). High stability is obtained by use of a well designed heterodyne VFO, and the specially designed 9 MC crystal filter ensures good voice quality. Its compact size, light weight, and attached carrying handle make it very suitable and convenient for both home, portable, and mobile use. Other features include VOX, 100 kc calibrator, +5 kc receiver offset (clarifier) tuning and easy connection for use of a Linear Amplifier. FP-200,7250 matching AC power supply with built-in speaker is especially designed for use with the Transceiver, A 12V DC supply; the DC-200 /250 provides for mobile or field use. GENERAL SPECIFICATIONS Modes SSB (USB—-LSB), CW, AM Input power 240W Frequency range 3.54; 7—7.3; 14— 14.5; 21—21.5; 28.5—29. (crystals optionally available for ranges 28—28.5; 29—29.5; 29.5—30 MC) Antenna impedance 50-100 ohms Frequency stability After warm-up, within 100 cps/ every 30 minutes Carrier suppression —40 dB Sideband suppression —50 dB at 1000 cps Third order intermodulation products —30 dB (P.E.P.) A.F. bandwidth 300-2700 cps Receiver sensitivity 0.5 uV input S/N 10 dB Selectivity 2.4 kc (—6 dB), 4 kc (—60 dB) [.F. interference ratio 50 dB Image ratio 50 dB Audio output 1W at 10% distortion Audio output impedance 8 ohms | Power supply AC or DC with separate power supplies Tubes & semiconductors 16 tubes, 15 diodes, 7 transistors Dimensions 1344” wide, 5%” high, 11” deep Weight 17.5 lbs. (8kg) FP-200, 250 SPECIFICATIONS Semiconductors 9 diodes Dimensions 8” wide, 5%” high, 11” deep Weight Approx. 22 lbs. (10kg) Speaker (built-in) 5” x 3”, 8 ohms Supply voltage 100V/110V/117V/200V/220V/234V 50—60 cps DC-200 250 SPECIFICATIONS Matching DC power supply Semiconductors 4 transistors, 9 diodes Dimensions 8” wide, 2%” high, 87/8” deep Weight Approx. 6.6 Ibs. (3kg) Power source DC-12V, 12.5A (receive), 15A (transmit), 27A (transmit 100W peak) CIRCUIT DESCRIPTION It can be seen from the block diagram that many sections are common for both receiving and transmitting. For an easier understanding of the operation, the receiving and trans- mitting sections will be described separately. Receiving Section Signal from ANT terminal passes through antenna RX/TX relay to ANT input tuned circuit to grid 1 of RF amplifier tube V2, 6BZ6. Signal is amplified and through the next tuned circuit on the grid of receiver mixer tube V1, 6U8, pentode section. Local oscillator signal is applied to cathode of this mixer and the LF. signal appears at mixer plate. The LF. signal then passes through the 9 MC crystal filter to the two stage amplifier V 104, 6BAG, V 103, 6BZ6 and thence to V102A, %212AX7 power grid detector. This detector acts as a product detector, with BFO signal applied to its cathode, when receiving CW and SSB. V102B, 212A XT functions as an anode detection type amplifier of AGC. With no signal applied, plate current is zero with plate voltage zero. When signal is applied, plate current develops, resulting in a negative plate voltage which is applied through diode D103 to AGC line. Circuit provides suitable AGC characteristics of fast attack, slow decay for SSB and CW. Internal resistance of diode is low in forward direction and high in reverse direction. AGC voltage is applied to RF and IF stages so that a wide range of signal levels can be handled. Detector output is fed to silicon diodes D101, D102, ANL, then via AF gain control, through 6BM8 AF output tube to speaker or headphones. Transmitting Section Output of carrier oscillator V106, 12AU7 is injected to first grid of V107, 7360 balanced modulator and audio signal from mic. Amp. to modulating grid of BM. Suppressed carrier DSB is developed at plate of BM. This signal then passes through the crystal filter XF101, which eliminates one sideband, thus resulting in a SSB signal, 9 MC. For AM transmission (sideband with carrier insertion) the BM becomes unbalanced because of switching circuitry, permitting carrier to pass through, and also carrier frequency is shifted by means of a varicap diode circuit so that carrier passes freely through filter pass- band. Amount of carrier insertion level is adjustable by AM carrier control VRS. For CW transmission, audio is disabled, and similarly as for AM, the BM is unbalanced and carrier frequency shifted to allow full carrier to pass through filter. In the TUNE condition, a 1500 cps signal from the audio tone oscillator TR503 is applied to the BM. This provides a convenient tuning signal near filter center frequency. Level of signal is controlled by mic. gain control. The 9 MC signal, after passing through the filter, is amplified by IF amplifier tube V 104, 6BA6, thence to grid of mixer tube V4, 6EJ7, together with local oscillator signal. The resultant difference between these two frequencies appears at plate tuned circuit of mixer and is the transmitting ham band output signal frequency. On 14 MC band, additive mixing is used. This signal is amplified by V5, 12BY7 tuned driver and finally to power amplifier tubes V6/V7, 2 x 6JS6A, and antenna. Power amplifier V6/V7 operates in class A B2 for maximum power output. The AC audio component of PA grid current, when overdriven by signal peaks, is rectified by diodes D4/D5 to provide an ALC (Automatic Level Control) voltage to the IF amp. stage thus reducing its gain and maintaining low distortion. The PA Pi network plate circuit provides attenuation to the higher order harmonics and enables easy, flexible adjustment of impedance matching to antenna feedline. On phone, PTT and VOX control is available. On VOX, a sample of signal from microphone is applied to grid of V8 and then to V9A, rectified by diode D2, SH-1, producing a positive bias on the grid of V9B relay tube, causing plate current to flow and relay to actuate. On CW, “straight” or “break-in” keying methods are available. Break-in is produced by keying audio oscillator tone applied to VOX amp. as well as transmitter bias line. The relay switches bias on V107, V4, V5, V6 and V7. Tone signal also can be heard from speaker while keying, thus providing sidetone monitoring. . OSCILLATOR CIRCUITS In the FT-200/250 crystal oscillators are used for carrier generation and the bandswitched heterodyne oscillator, together with a self-controlled oscillator for VFO, which is at a frequency low enough to obtain good stability. Other oscillators included are 100 kc crystal calibrator and audio tone oscillator. An exteral VFO model FV-200 is available to provide additional operational flexibility and split frequency operation. Carrier crystal oscillator V106, 12AU7 double triode with crystals 8998.5 kc and 9001.5 kc, one in each triode section. With sideband selector switch at NORMAL, carrier crystal 8998.5 is operative for 7 and 14 MC band and 9001.5 for 3.5, 21 and 28 MC. When the selector switch is in REVERSE position, then the carrier crystal oscillator sections are changed. Carrier oscillator operates like the BFO when in receive mode. On AM & CW, crystal 9001.5 is used and its frequency is lowered 200 cps by diode switch D104, 1S1007, bringing carrier into filter passband. Bandswitched heterodyne oscillator This is a crystal oscillator using silicon type 2SC372 transistor, and it is operative on bands 7, 21 and 28 MC. 10 M band crystal is included for 28.5—29 MC, and positions are available for other three optional ranges for full coverage of 10 M. VFO self-oscillator The VFO is a transistorized Colpitts circuit with 2SC372 oscillator and 2SC372 buffer. It has linear tuning over the range 5 — 5.5 MC. A passband filter circuit at output is tuned to pass the 5 — 5.5 MC range. Varicap diode D401, 1S145 permits receiver off-set tuning con- trol ¥5 kc on receiving. Crystal calibrator oscillator Transistor oscillator 2SC367 with 100 kc crystal, and diode type 1S1007 harmonic generator provides accurate check points every 100 kc on main dial. AF oscillator The phase shiit type with 2SC372 transistor, generating audio tone signal at 1500 cps, sup- plies transmitter tune-up signal and CW sidetone monitoring. This oscillator also actuates VOX relays for semi-automatic break-in CW operation. LOCAL OSCILLATOR MIXER CIRCUIT VFO output is applied to grid 1 of V3, 6CB6 mixer and heterodyne oscillator output to cathode. Resultant beat frequency is selected in plate tuned circuit. METER CIRCUIT Meter is 1 mA movement, and it is connected to 2nd IF stage to read change in cathode voltage of V103, resulting from variations of AGC voltage, to indicate receiver “‘S” units. Meter is automatically switched by relay RL101, on transmitting, to indicate relative power output (PO) PA cathode current (IC) and ALC voltage. Meter scale is fully calibrated, and transmitter metering functions PO, IC and ALC, are selected by panel mounted slide switch. VOLTAGE REGULATOR CIRCUIT The voltage regulator circuit, mounted on a print board, provides 9 volts for all transistor oscillators. Two transistors are used, 2SC372 and 2SC367, together with two zener diodes, 18331 and 18336, and voltage level can be set by adjustment of variable resistor V R501. FRONT PANEL CONTROLS 1. Phones 2. Mic. 3. Function 4A. AF Gain, Pulll-ANL-On 4B. RF Gain 5. VFO 6. Cal 7 & 8. Band 9. Oper-RecCal 10. (Receiver off-set-tuning) Headphone socket. Impedance 600 ohms. When plug is inserted into socket, speaker is automatically disconnected. Microphone socket. Standard 44” 3 contact T.R.S. type. High impedance. Tip relay control. Ring microphone audio. Sleeve ground. Function switch. OFF AC power removed from power supply. SSB Selects SSB operation. TUNE Places TX in tune-up condition. CW Selects CW operation. AM Selects AM operation. Knob Level control Control knob and vernier drive. One revolution of knob covers approx. 15 kc. Upper windows give 50 kc points with 0-500 markings. The vernier scale is marked in 1 kc steps, 0—100. This is a locking knob used to set dial calibration in conjunction with the 100 kc calibrator. With transceiver in receiving con- dition, the vernier dial is turned to “O” and locked by a half turn of the CAL locking knob. 100 kc calibrator is switched on with control No. 9. Then the VFO knob is rotated to a 100 kc point so that calibrator beat note is heard. It is then adjusted for zero beat. Locking knob is then released. Bandswitch, marked for bands in MC. Red colors indicate that red scale is to be used on VFO dial. The various 28 MC ranges are selected by knob No. 8 when No. 7 is at its full clock- wise position. Lever switch. Selects functions of calibrator receiving and transmitter operation. Clarifier adjustment. It provides 5 kc variation of receiver tun- ing (“off-set-tuning”). When switched to OFF, the receiving and transmitting frequencies are the same. 11. Grid Controls RF tuning of receiver and drive tuning of transmitter. 12. Mic. Gain Controls microphone amp. level. On TUNE it becomes a tuning level control. 13A. Plate Knob. Adjusts PA plate tuning. ; 13B. Loading Lever. Adjusts PA plate loading. 14. VFO Select For switching from internal to external VFO. NOR is transceive on internal VFO. RX EXT is receive on external VFO, transmit on internal VFO. TX EXT is transmit on external VFO, receive on internal VFO. 15. PO-IC-ALC Meter selector switch. Switches meter functions for trans- mitter metering. 16. Sideband Sideband selector slide switch. In the NORMAL position, LSB is produced on 3.5and 7 MC, and USB on 14, 21 and 28 MC. In the REV position, USB is produced on 3.5 and 7 MC and LSB on 14, 21 and 28 MC. 17. PTT-VOX Slide switch. Selects PTT or VOX functions. REAR PANEL CONTROLS & CONNECTIONS — + e О м вое DD © vo Ya Wu ое WW E R.E. Out ANT Power Supply Connector Speaker Socket Accessory Socket Earth Terminal Key Socket VOX Gain Anti-Trip Delay Relay Sens Carrier Bias Meter Sens Meter Zero Aux Step 1 of Operation FUNCTION RF—AF—GAIN BAND CLA RIFIER (Receiver offset tuning) PLATE LOADING METER SWITCH OPER -REC SIDEBAND MIC GAIN CAL VFO SELECT Provides low level R.F. drive for V HF transverter. Antenna coax socket. (see P. 8 ohms (see P. Adjusts Adjusts Adjusts Adjusts Adjusts Adjusts S-meter Adjusts 15 for details) 15 for details) VOX sensitivity. VOX anti-trip level. “hold-in” time of VOX operating level of VOX relay. level of re-inserted carrier for AM /CW operation. bias on PA tubes. sensitivity control. S-meter zero setting. External VFO socket. OPERATION POWER OFF RF maximum clockwise AF about half on Set to OFF Set to desired band desired band Minimum loading IC REC NORMAL OFF In released position NOR Set controls as shown below First check that all cable connections are correct and that antenna of correct frequency and impedance within the range of the Pi-net (50 100 ohms) (coax output) is connected to the transceiver. AC power plug should not be connected until all preliminary checks are carried out. Aux plug provided should be inserted in auxilary VFO socket if external VFO, FV-200 is not used. Turn power on with function switch to SSB position. Panel lamps should light and S-meter needle will show a full scale reading Then slow ly return to “0” as set warms up. This can be accepted as an indication that the set is then ready for operation. Tune GRID for noise peak. Adjust main tuning dial for signal. Peak GRID for maximum S-meter reading. Careful tuning is necessary to obtain correct tone of SSB signal. If the received signal 1s on opposite sideband, then move REV—NOR switch to REV. A beat note indicates that an AM signal is being received. In this event turn function switch to AM. Adjust AF gain for comfortable listening volume. Sometimes a slight reduction of RF gain will obtain clearer reception. Transmitter tuning Transmitter should be tuned into a 50 ohm dummy load, but it may be tuned on an antenna provided that the band is clear; and no interference will result to other stations. Take care to ensure that transmitter frequency is adjusted within frequency limits of band in use. DO NOT OPERATE TRANSMITTER with no load connected; otherwise PA tubes could be damaged. Disconnect microphone, meter switch to IC, MIC gain off, control switch to PTT, function SSB. Then when REC-OPER switch is moved to OPER, and using power supply of 600V HT, the meter will indicate the PA resting current. This should be 60 MA; if not, then adjust bias control at rear. Now turn FUNCTION switch to TUNE, advance MIC gain to obtain a small increase in meter reading, up to about 100 MA, and adjust GRID for maximum IC, Note that the setting for the GRID control will be virtually the same as was found for receiving. Reduce MIC gain if IC rises abnormally high. Adjust PLATE for minimum dip in IC. Switch meter to P.O. and adjust PLATE and LOAD controls in turn for maximum RF power out. IC should dip to about 70/80% of the off-tune current for best loading condition. At maximum input the IC is about 350 MA, but refrain from using this high current for longer than a few seconds; therefore make all adjustments quickly. During tune-up, switch REC—OPER switch off periodically to reduce the time transmitter is on with high IC. While it is permissible to tune transmitter, using meter on P.O. position, it is recommended that an external SWR meter be connected between antenna socket and feedline, not only to check matching of transceiver to antenna feedline and observation of transmitter REF output, but so that transceiver meter can be left in IC position for constant monitoring of PA current. Any abnormal rise-in IC can then be noted and quickly corrected. Transmission SSB Insert microphone plug of PTT microphone. (If microphone -does not have a PTT switch, then short out PTT terminals on plug and control transceiver with REC—OPER panel switch.) Turn REC—OPER switch to OPER. While speaking, adjust MIC gain for correct IC meter “kick-up”. Switch meter to ALC and check that needle does not rise above limit of green section of scale on speech peaks. Indicated IC will be about half the tuning IC, i.e. about 150 MA on peaks. Attempting to obtain more power by “forcing” or overdriving the transmitter will obtain only an insignificant increase in strength and will result in a distorted signal with possible radiation of spurious emissions. Keep MIC gain down, speak fairly close to microphone to reduce background noise pick up, and try to maintain an even level of speech. Do not have VOX gain control set too high; otherwise operation will be unstable. If anti- trip control is advanced too far, then VOX will lose sensitivity. Set anti-trip to a position Where it is just preventing speaker noise from “triggering” the VOX. If VOX fails to function, check that microphone has sufficient sensitivity and if OK then replace V9 and re-adjust relay sensivitity control. CW Remove microphone plug. For CW operation on 7 and 14 MC, place Sideband switch in REV position; otherwise drive will be low. The varicap diode is connected to only one carrier crystal (9001.5 kc) and this diode’s operation shifts carrier within filter passband. Use clarifier control only for changing or tuning-in the received signal, e.g. small readjust- ment to return a drifting signal or adjusting pitch of received signal. Once main VFO control has been set to frequency of desired contact, it should not normally be altered: otherwise each station will be retuning and moving through the band. For break-in operation set control switch to VOX and adjust VOX delay, etc. to suit requirements. Do not hold key down for long periods; otherwise PA tubes can be damaged. Use CW IC at 250 MA. MIC gain will control sidetone level. AM Place function switch on AM, MIC gain to “O”. Set AM carrier control at rear to give IC of 150 MA. Adjust MIC gain so that speech deflects meter a further 5—10 MA. As for CW, set control to REV for 7 and 14 MC bands. PTT or VOX can be used in the same way as for SSB operation. ——10— © gC ALIGNMENT The FT-200,250 has been correctly aligned at factory and, under normal circumstances, realignment should not be necessary except after a long period of use. The alignment of such modern, sophisticated equipment as this requires the correct test instruments and should not be attempted unless one has had a reasonable amount of experience in such alignment techniques. CAUTION — Before any work is attempted, remember that high voltages are employed in this equipment, so — TAKE CARE! 1. Equipment required VTVM with RF probe RF standard signal generator AF signal generator Circuit tester Frequency meter Dummy load 50 ohms Suitable alignment tools Voltage and resistance measurement Refer to tables on Page 17 | Note that measurement figures obtained could vary slightly from those shown, par- ticularly if a low resistance testing meter is used. Always turn off power, remove AC plug, and completely discharge all filter condensers before taking measurements. Voltage regulator The V.R. is mounted on a printed circuit board and supplies a regulated output of 9V, adjustable by the pre-set type miniature pot VR501. If output cannot be brought up to the 9V, level it may be due to a fault in components on the printed circuit board, e.g. transistors or zener diode, or supply voltage below 11V. VFO alignment On the red scale, “O” —5 MC and “500” = 5.5 MC. Switch off crystal heterodyne oscillator by placing bandswitch on 3.5 or 14 MC band. (Receiver offset tuning) OFF. Use frequency meter for alignment, although this can be done, with care, if beats are heard every 100 kc using the crystal calibrator. | Coarse alignment is by adjustment of trimmer TC401. The piston type trimmer TC402 is for adjustment of temperature compensation. If turned clockwise, then compensation becomes greater. If TC402 is adjusted,then TC401 must be re-adjusted to maintain calibration. For precise adjustment of dial linearity, careful adjustment (by bending) of end rotor plates of main tuning condenser is necessary. 2 EA VFO injection to grid 1 of V3, 6CB6 should be 0.5V or more over full VFO range, measured with VIVM and RF probe. To obtain same frequency of clarifier at “O” as at “OFF”, adjust VR7. Heterodyne crystal oscillator Apply RF probe to Pin 2 of V3, and with bandswitch at 28.5, adjust L202 for maximum meter reading. On 21 MC band adjust TC202. On 7 MC band adjust TC201 If optional 10 meter range crystals are added, use type HC18U crystals with wire leads soldered into marked positions on heterodyne oscillator print board. Adjust appropriate trimmer condensers for 10 meter crystals. Calibrator 100 kc Adjust frequency with TC301 by checking against WWV, with aid of separate receiver. Pre-mixer (VFO mixer) This is V3, with output plate tuned circuit to select resultant beat of VFO and heterodyne oscillator (or VFO frequency in case of 3.5 and 14 MC bands). This alignment should be carefully done as other frequencies can appear at output, VFO, etc. This alignment is explained in transmitter alignment section. Refer to chart, below, for correct output frequencies. Band Mixed Frequency 3.5 5 — 5.5 MHz 7.0 16 — 16.5 MHz 14.0 5 — 5.5 MHz 21.0 30 — 30.5 MHz 28.0 37.0 — 37.5 MHz 28.5 37.5 — 38 MHz 29.0 38 — 38.5 MHz 29.5 38.5 — 39 MHz RECEIVER ALIGNMENT Audio output stage Connect audio generator with 1000 cps output of 0.1V level to moving arm terminal of AF gain control, and with control at maximum volume, an output of 1 watt should be obtained from the 6BM8, У101. AGC Function switch to AM, RF gain maximum, then S-meter should read “O” with antenna socket shorted. Set VR 102 (AGC adjust) so that it is at a point just before S- meter needle commences to rise above “0”. Now adjust meter sensitivity control so that, with S.G. 50 uV signal to antenna socket, meter will read $9. Open circuit output of S.G. will be 100 uV, dropping to 50 uV when S.G. is connected to antenna socket, because of loading effect of receiver. Now set function switch to SSB, short out antenna socket, and meter should read “O”; but if not, then adjust the compensation capaci- tance (C165) between pin 2 and pin 8 of V102 to make meter read minimum deflection. LF. amplifier Connect signal generator at 9,000 kc and adjust tuning for maximum S-meter reading at center of filter passband by observing S-meter at same time as tuning S.G. frequency. Now adjust L101, L102, L103, L104 for maximum meter reading. Receiver mixer This is V1 6U8 (alternative types 6EA8, 6GH8). Connect RF probe to pin 8, cathode of triode section, and adjust grid tuning. Oscillator injection should read greater than 0.5V on every band. Adjust trap coil L22 for minimum beat at 21.3 MC. This adjust- ment should occur within one turn of the core slug. L1 is trap coil for 3.5 and 14 MC bands and should be adjusted so that no oscillation occurs in these bands. Use a plastic alignment tool so that no damage will result to the internal hexagon type slugs. RF amplifier Connect S.G. to antenna. On 3.5 MC band set VFO to “O” on black scale and GRID to second point up from its counterclockwise position. Apply 3500 kc signal and adjust L7 and L12 for maximum S-meter reading. Use plastic alignment tool. 7 MC band, VFO to “O” on red scale, GRID at same point as for 3.5 MC, S.G. at 7000 kc. Adjust TC1 and TC2 for maximum. | 14 MC band, VFO to 250, GRID at center position, S.G. at 14250 kc. Adjust L10 and L15 for maximum. 21 MC band, VFO to 250, GRID at center, S.G. at 21250 kc. Adjust L9 and L14 for maximum. | 28.5 MC band, VFO to 500, GRID at center, S.G. at 29,000 kc. Adjust L3, L8 and L13 for maximum. On 7 MC band, VFO to 500, apply 9 MC signal of sufficient level to give an S-meter reading; then adjust L2 for minimum dip in S-meter reading. TRANSMITTER ALIGNMENT The transmitter uses many common receiver circuits; therefore it is necessary to first correctly align the receiver section. A 50—75 ohms dummy load must be used on the trans- ceiver during transmitter alignment. Take care to avoid touching H.V. points! Balanced modulator Function switch to TUNE, meter to P.O., tune transmitter for maximum reading. (Keep IC down by use of MIC gain). Now function to SSB, MIC gain to zero, and adjust VR106 for minimum reading. For most sensitive indication, connect RF probe to dummy load, or use another receiver a and observe its S-meter reading. | Then switch to opposite sideband position, and readjust VR106. Repeat several times for best result. If there is a marked difference between the two positions, then adjust- ment of carrier oscillator or crystal filter may be required. Crystal filter | The filter is aligned once in receiver alignment, but further alignment in this section (transmitting) 1s necessary. At the TUNE position adjust L103, L104 and L105 for maximum output. Keep drive reduced to a fairly low level for the most accurate determination of the maximum peak. In order to examine filter characteristics, set function to SSB and connect an A.F. generator to MIC jack, then take a curve of the A.F. response (in effect, the filter passband), by plotting between 300—2500 cps. If output level changes no more than 3 dB, then it is OK. Repeat on reverse sideband. If the two curves do not match, then a slight adjustment of each carrier crystal frequency is necessary to bring the two curves together in their frequency limits. If carrier is too close to 9000 kc filter center frequency, then high audio frequencies will be attenuated. If carrier is too far removed, then low frequencies will be attenuated. Carrier frequency adjustment is by 1TC101 and TC102. Driver stage Set up transmitter on TUNE, but keep level down to safe limit by adjustment of MIC gain control; then adjust driver coils and trimmer condensers for peak in output, as in receiver section alignment. FINAL AMPLIFIFR NEUTRALIZATION When replacing the final amplifier tubes, it may be necessary to reset the bias to give correct idle current and check neutralization. Using the procedure outlined below will guarantee maximum output and long tube life. CAUTION HIGH VOLTAGES ARE PRESENT ON UNDERSIDE OF CHASSIS AND INSIDE OF FINAL COMPARTMENT. USE GREAT CARE WHILE MAKING ADJUST- MENTS WITH WIRING EXPOSED. (1) Connect a dummy load to antenna, and set meter to IC. (2) Locate TC-3 the neutralization variable capacitor shaft in the final amplifi- er compartment. (3) Check final amplifier idle current in USB or LSB position and adjust as described before. (4) Tune up the transceiver at 21.5 MHz, with MODE switch at AM position, and advance CARRIER potentiometer (3 or the rear panel until meter IC reads 150 MA. (5) Rotate PLATE tuning control and observe dip as indicated on the meter. If the dip is not prominent, reduce loading control slightly for better indication. As the PLATE control is rotated the meter should rise equally and smoothly on either side of maximum dip indication. (6) Determine which side of the dip rises abruptly. Set PLATE control slightly to this side of dip keeping the meter reading below 150 MA. (7) Using no metallic tuning wand, rotate neutralization capacitor shaft very slightly in the direction which reduces the current shown on the meter. Repeat steps 6 and 7 until the meter indicates a smooth and equal rise on either side of the maximum dip point. The final compartment cover must be in place to supply the RF shielding requi- red during the neutralization procedure. IMPORTANT: Heater voltage to final tubes 6JS6A is supplied through a jumper wire between pin | and 2 of accessory plug, so the accessory plug must be placed in the accessory socket to provide this heater voltage. Auxiliary VFO plug provided must be placed in the auxiliary VFO socket when external VFO, FV-200 1s not used. | Plug connection ACCESSORY SOCKET CONNECTIONS 1. 6JS6A heater 8. Ground ACC OUT 2. 12.6V heater 9. Relay close on transmit 3, +150Y —use to control linear 4. +300V amplifier 5. +600V 10, Relay common 6. —100V 11. Relay close on receive 7. ALC input Power socket connections EXT VFO 1, —100V 2. E 3. +300V 4. +600V 5. H COMMON 6. HAC 12.6Y 7, SPEAKER 8. HAC 12.0Y 9. LINE |. 12МАС 10. LINE 2. GROUND 3. EXT VFO INPUT 11. +150Y 4, GROUND 5. INT VFO CONTROL 6. 9VDC QUT 7, 9VDC OUT Mic Plug (PTT) © | Tell Mic Plug cor | ee FP-200, 250 POWER SUPPLY WITH SPEAKER The FP-200//250 power supply is designed especially for the FT-200,7250 Transceiver. A dynamic speaker is included within the power supply cabinet. Refer to circuit diagram below for details. Note that the major HT winding 1s tapped 240,460 and 600, providing DC output of 300V, 600V or 800V to the final tubes. However, for the FT-200, 250, 600V DC is sufficient for rated output. If 800V 1s used, then the input will be excessive —use only on 600V DC maximum. Bias section has only half wave rectifier as current drain is very small. Heater winding, 2 x 6.3V, 6A is connected in series to provide 12.6V at 6A. 69 00 POWER (6) 3) JIOI 7 XX O O a I 9 © LINE Oo C501- 504 4700P PB-1004-2 C509. 512 4700P LINE R501.503.505.507 470K D501.503.505.507 10DIC 0509~ 512 151944 H7V | m a O | csil © | |CHI02 2.5H +150V | | | aß | clos cios | C513 0.01 |- — 40 -| 40 Flor sa OV | | 77 450WV 300WV (1)-100v | | | RSIZAZKIW — — — — + Ald e e -O НУ 0513 151943 || x | [ | ci07 cios |- | “а | | 20 20 | o= | | T[ISOWVISOWV]T | | xr | | | AC L | L 12.6\ 6.3 \ © ov (в) АС 12.6V ov (5) common 6.3V Tio NOTES: ow 210% I. ALL RESISTORS IN OHMS 1/2W 210% UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. (7) SPEAKER 2. ALL CAPACITORS IN uF UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. sp POWER SUPPLY же RECEIVE 7MHz SSB NORMAL (v) TUBE 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Vi| 6Us 150 | —18 33 ac 0 145 1 14.5 | 13.5 — АС АС V2 | 6BZ6 0.1 0.8 AG ея 140 60 0 V3 | 6CB6 —0.2 2 ac 0 145 40 0 V4 | 6EJ7 0 —90 0 8S | 86 0 145 0 0 V5 | 12BY7A 0 —90 0 AC 0 — 350 320 0 AC AC V6 | 65756 _ _ _ _ _ A ея 0 150 0 90 90 0 150 > \ 7 | 6JS6A 0 0 150 0 —90 — — — —90 о. 150 Ac va | GAV6 0 1 0 ac — — 110 _ AC AC AC V9 | 12А 07 25 0.5 0 65 ея 140 0.35 55 Ac V101 | 6BM8 0 10 0 ac AC 330 140 1 65 V102 | IZAX7 -0.2 | —95 | —95 | € 0 150 | —1.5 0 — AC AC VIO | 6BZ6 —0.1 1 6% 1% 145 100 1 V104 | 6BAS —0.1 1.2 0 ac 145 110 1.2 - AC V105 | 12AX7 110 0 1 > 0 140 0 0 Vio | 12AU7 0 3.5 6 0 0 130 0.15 6 as VIO | 7360 0 150 —95 ac 0 150 150 30 30 TRANSMIT 7MHz SSB NORMAL (v) TUBE AN 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 AC Vi1| 6Us 150 —80 145 6.3 0 150 0 0 —60 AC AC val sBZ6 —60 0 19 6 6.3 145 0 0 AC V 3| 6CB6 —0.2 2 6.5 0 145 40 0 AC AC V 4 6E J 7 2.2 0 2.2 12.6 6.3 0 145 120 0 AC V 5 | I2BY7A 5 0 0 12.6 0 — 330 240 0 AC AC V 6 | 6J56A 6.3 0 150 0 —50 — — — —50 0 150 12.6 AC V 7| 6JS6A 0 0 150 0 —50 — — — —50 0 150 63 | AC V8| 6AVE 0 1 0 6.3 — — 110 AC AC PITI5| AC V 9 | 12AU7 25 —0.5 0 6.3 6.3 100 0.4 | voxis | 12.6 AC AC V 101 6BM8 — 80 10 0 6.3 12.6 330 140 1.5 140 AC V 102| 12AX7 —0.2 —95 —95 12.6 0 120 —1.5 0 — AC AC V103| 6BZ6 —60 0 8.3 19.6 150 120 0 AC V104| 6BA6 0 1.2 0 6.3 140 110 1.2 AC V105| 12AX7 105 0 1 12.6 0 105 0 1 — AC \ 106 | 12AU7 0 3.5 6 0 0 130 0.15 6 63 AC V107! 7360 1.8 90 ~1.3 6.3 0 110 110 30 30 RESISTANCE 7MHz SSB NORMAL (Q) TUBE TN 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 V1 | 6U8 8K | 500K | 500K 0 0 эк 1K 1K 100K V2 | 6BZ6 3.5M | 100 0 0 9K 20K 0 V3 | 6CB6 1.5K 1K 0 0 9K | 280K 0 V4 | 6EJ7 470 220K 470 0 0 0 9K 18K 0 V5 | 12BYTA | 200 170K 0 0 0 0 со ео 0 Ve | 6JS6A 0 0 8K 0 100K — — — 100K 0 8K 0 V7 | 6JS6A 0 0 8K 0 100K — — — 100K 0 8K 0 0 ~ _ _ V8 | 6AV6 Вок | 2.2K 0 0 110K V9 12AU7 110K 3.3M 0 0 0 15K IM 8K 0 V101| 6BM8 470K 390 220K 0 0 со 9K | 4.7K | 220K VI02 |! 12AX 7 3.3M | 1.3M | 330K 0 0 со 100K 4 0 VIO | 6BZ6 3.3M 75 0 0 9K 15K 0 V104 | 6BA6 3.3M | 100 0 0 9K 15K 0 V105 | 12AX7 110K хо 3.9K 0 0 110K 220K 2.2K 0 V106 | 12AU7 оо 85K 1K 0 0 10K 85K 1K 0 V107 | 7360 1K | 160K | 600K 0 0 35K 35K 55K 55K C-CAPACITOR L 5117, 123, 137, 138, 139, 148, 502 63, 161 FM-MICA 500WV SP +10% 29, 122, 504, 602 15 W 1.5KQ + 10% 402 " 8P ” 3, 27, 43, 54, 59, " 2.2KQ —- 12, 17, 42, 44, 112, ” 10P " 134, 160, 405, 409 " 139, 201, 306 402, 802 ” 3.3KQ # 11, 119, 132, 141, 403, 417 20P " 102, 126, 147, 159, 201 # 4.7KQ nr 406 и 30P ” 505, 509 ” 602, 99 40P " 406 # 8.2KQ 1” 22, 23, 36, 138, 1016 " S50P " 1, 9, 46, 52, 62, 64, 72,73» 10K Q " 28, 91, 92, 604 " 60P ” 111, 114, 118, 163, 302, 40! " 38 ” 70P N 403 " 18K© N 134, 1015 ” 80P ” 130, 168, 202, 512 I 22K. " 16, 20, 31, 35, 49, 89, 90, 113 H 100P 1" 801 7 27 КО ” 116, 117, 122, 123, 127, 142 36, 38, 404, 506, 511, 154 # 33KQ " 154, 166 37, 39, 40, 42, 47, 119, 143 7" 47KQ ” 39, 148, 149, 204, 305 " ISOP —-» 144, 146, 149, 151, 152, 153 605 И 170P # 164, 165, 166, 507 32, 40 ” 200P Hr 2, 5, 6, 19, 44, 56, 65, 110 ” 100K и 408 " 250P » 112, 128, 131, 132, 133, 136 37, 133, 140, 511 7 300P 1 140, 155, 156, 303 30, 601, 603 ” 350P # 150 L5 W 150KQ + 10% 2,43, 64, 109, 110, 128, 163 " 470P »w 103, 104, 108, 116, 121 ” 220KQ # 168, 169, 172, 303, 409, 410 125 " 330K8 # 61, 415 у 680P —- 20, 23, 26, 105, 135 " 470KQ # 60 ” 1000P » 141, 142, 157, 158 | 33, 34, 301 N 2000P # 7, 8, 127 ” 1MQ "” 67 MYLAR 250WV 0.047 4 18, 51 ” 1.5MQ 7 7, ®, 106, 107 " S50WV 0.1. 107, 109 " 2.2MQ ” 174, 302 | 4, 124, 129 | 3.3MQ —” 173 SOWV 0.33 4 67, 69 1. W 5652 ” 151 OIL 400 W V 0.047 y 60 ” 1200 7 103 ” Hr 0.010 101 ” 39092 " 6 MP 250WV 0.047. 57 ” 10KQ " 41 MICA 1.5KWV SOP 33 " 18K " 55 ” 1KWV 100P 11, 407, 603, x75 2 W 22K9 1” 58 " 3K WV 500P 77 5 W 5.6KQ ” 98 CERAMIC AC3KY 100P 55 10W SKQ ” 413 " SOOWV 3—5P UJ VC-VARIABLE CAPACITOR x 414 ” ой 7—10P UJ 1 RPESELECTOR (330P+20P)x 3 404 ” N 20P UJ 1 2 PLATE 300P MAX 420, 421 FEEDTHROUGH BYBASS + 20% 3. LOAD 340P x 2 S00W Y 1000p — © 401 VFO OSC 37P x 2 131, 160 ELECTROLYTIC 10WV 1044 TC-TRIMMER CAPACITOR 155, 502, 503, 508,5 —” 16W V 1044 1, 2 KT-G-50P (MICA) 29 ” 300W Y 204 3 150C 10P 1.5KV AIR 85, 93 1 150WV “lua 101, 102 1ZW-10P CERAMIC 101 ” iSWYV 30 @ 201 — 206 1Z W20P CERAMIC 104 " 150WVY 304 301 DT-120 SOP 111 ” 350WV 104, 401 30P AIR 501 " 16WY 470, 402 tOPx 2 AIR 506 CERAMIC DISC SOWY 0.002, TR- TRANRISTOR 164, 124 ir S00WYV 0.0047 4, 201, 401, 402, 502, 801 2SC372Ÿ 59, 70, 71, 76 # 14K V 4700P 301, 501 28C367Y 25C735 Y) 46, 50, 202, 401, 405 я S50WV 0.01 1 503 2SC373 2SC828 О) 407, 411, 416, 418, 504 D-DIODE 505, 507, 509, 510 1—5, 1091— 103, 106 SH-1 (181941) SILICON 4, 14, 18, 68, 144 CERAMIC DISC S0OOWVY 0.001 4 6, 7, 104, 105, 301 181007 GER. 157, 1008 | 401 1SI45 VARI CAP. 3, 9, 13, 15, 19, 24, 25, 27, 7 S00WY 0.0] ,, 501 18336 11 Y ZENER 45, 47, 48, 51, 53, 54, 56, 57 502 18336 6V ZENER 65, 66, 69, 73, 75, 78, 87, 88 VR-VARIABLE RESISTOR 94, 100, 1001, 1007, 102, 105 1 AF + RF GAIN 500K -A + 10K LC 108, 114, 115, 118, 120, 121 2 MIC GAIN S00K-A 125, 126, 129, 130, 136, 137 3 ANTI TRIP 100K -B 143, 145, 146, 147, 150, 152 4 VOX GAIN 500K A 153, 156, 158, 159, 162 5 DELAY 3M-B 72, 74, 80— 83, 95, 96, 97 7 6 CLARIFIER | SOKB —SW 203, 205, 206, 207, 304, 419 50WV 0.047, 7 (RFA) 50K-B (20K B) R-RESISTOR 8 CARRIER 3M-B 63 LAW 220 10% 9 RELAY SENS 3K-B 66, 68, 70, 71 " 569 » 101 (ALC ADJ) 2K-B 115 и 680 102 (AGC ADJ) 10K -B 10,25,120,411,412,805,513 и 1009 - 103 BIAS 20K -B 48, 510, 803 " 15008 › 104 SM-SENS SK-B 301, 408, 410, x 78, 804 ” 22008 „ 105 SM-ZERO 500-B 145, 203, 204 # 3308 # 106 CARRIER BALANCE 5K-B 501 " 3909 # 501 (VOLT ADJ) y IK-B 45, 41 " 4700 9 502 (TONE OUT ADJ) 10K-B 503 ” 5608 »# 503 (TONE F ADJ) 100K-B 76 " 6800 vw 504 (TONE OSC ADJ) 10K-B 21, 22, 28, 32, 53 —> 1 IKO #» RL-RELAY L-INDUCTOR 1 (ANT) AE3254 DCIOOV 1 TRAP (9MHz) USTC 0.06/4 40T 2 AE3218 DCI2V 2 ” ” 101 (VOX) AE3254 DC100V 3 10M E о) 0.64 3T,S XF -CRYSTAL FILTER BPF COIL | 101 XF-9 9MHZ 4 15M 1 0.0655T; 534T X-CRYSTAL 5 40 и и 0.4581; 834T | 101 (LSB) HC/18U 9001.5KHz 6 80/20» 7 0.06/4 97T:12W1.5KQ "102 (USB) и 8998 SK Hz 7 80/40, RF COIL 0.06/4 23T 201 7.0 HC/18U 11MHz 8 10 ww 7 0.64 5T,S 202 21.0 и 33.5MHz 9 15» ” 0.34 8T | 203 28.0 (OPTION) и 42.5M Hz 10 20 — 7 0.35 8T 204 28.5 7 43.0MHz IN RFC TV-245 205 29.0 (OPTION) и 43.5MHz 12 80/40M RF COIL 0.06/4 23T;0.355T 206 29.5 ( ) 1 44.0MHz 13 10 ” и 0.45 ST 301 CALIB HC/13U 100K Hz 14 15 # 7 0.34 8T PL -PILOT LAMP 15 20 % " 0.36 8T 1, 2 15V SWAN 16, 18, 24 PARASTIC COIL 15W56Q 4TS 0.64 T-TRANSFORMER 17,19 1 IW 560 4TS 14 i (OPT) 5K; 600 8Q 20 PLATE RFC 0.294 12 4х 75 M-METER 21 TANK COIL 1.24 30 4X65 1 ТУРЕ 45 500, А 101 IFT (MHz) 0.34 15T 9.5TAP | (SHUNT) 102 # ” 0.34 15T PB-PRINTED BOARD 103 FILTER OUT 0.164 8Т; 0.34 17T РВ-1046 GENERATOR 104 7 IN 0.35 13T „‚ 1061 VFO 105 BM-T 0.165 4T; 0.36 18T » 1068 CALIBRATOR 23, 106, 107, 201, 403 MICRO INDUCTOR ” 1044 : VFO BPF | 250,,H » 1066 VOLT REG+ TONE OSC 202 HET OSC OUT » 104] HETERODYNE OSC 401 VFO OSC (15432) ” 1093 BUFF 601, 607 BAND PASS (VFO) S-SWITCH 0.08 SOT ] BAND I 5-10-5 301 4mH 2 H 2 1-2-4 (AC POWER SUPPLY) 3 FUNCTION 4-8-5 | 4 SIDE BAND MS-102-1 C-CAPACITOR 5 PTT/ VOX ” 101, 102 ELECTROLYTIC 6 OPER/REC/CAL 450WV 474 x2 or (40ux 2) 7 ALC/IC/PO SS(H) 23 08 103— 105 ASOWV 334 x 3 or (40+ 40420) 8 VFO SELECT ESR-E 1-4-3 106 ELECTROLYTIC 9 POWER AM5206 (S3) 300WV 474 (404) V-VACUUM TUBE 107, 108 ELECTROLYTIC 1 6U8 - 160WV 22, (204) 2, 103 6BZ6 109, 110, 514, 515 CERAMIC DISC 3 6CB6 1.4KV DC 0.01, 4 6EJ7 501 — 504,509-—5 CERAMIC DISC 5 I2BY7A 509— 512 1.4KV DC 4700P 6, 7 6JS6 À 513 CERAMIC DISC 8 6AV6 500WV 0.014 9, 106 12AU7 R-RESISTOR 101 6BM8 101, 102, 501, 503 15W 470KQ+ 10% 102, 105 IZAX7A 505, 507 104 | 6BA6 516 1 W 22KQ + 10% 107 7360 513 n 4.7KQ n VS-VACUUM TUBE SOCKET 517 4 W 5.69 I, 4, 5, 9 (9P) SB-1222 D-DIODE 8 (7P) SB-0822 501, 503, 505, 507 SILICON 10D10 2, 3 (7P) S7-201Y-04 509— 512 7 181944 6, 7 | (12P) SB-0703 513 и 151943 101, 102, 105, 106 (9P) SB-1307-2 T-TRANSFORMER 103, 104 (7P) SB-0905-2 101 POWER TRANS 107 (9P) SB-1330-2 CH-FILTER CHOKE J- JACK 101, 102 2.5H 150mA 1 PHONES SG-7615 2P SP-SPEAKER 2 SP RCA-7017 SP VC8OQ 1.5W 3 MIC | SG-7814-1 3P FH-FUSE HOLDER 4 KEY SG-7615 2P 101 S-N 1001 5 RF OUT RCA-7017 F-FUSE 6 ANT JSO-239 (INCH) 101 117V SA 7 POWER P A-603B (11P) PRINTED BOARD PB-1004-2 8 ACC SA-602B (11P) J-JACK 9 EXT VFO SB-0821 (7P) 101 (POWER) SA-602B (11P) P-PLUG 1, 4 S-H3001 (2P) 2, 5 RCA-7017 3 S-H3601 (3P) 6 M-P-7 (INCH) 7 FS-A604B (11P) 8 PA-602B (11P) 9 S-I 7302 (7P) J 3 $3 VRI RL2 ROS VOLT REG AND TONE OSC VFO V2 VFO BPF ТСЗ VR3. VRS L21 $2 Sb |3 ~3 L1 || | 8 ~10 L12 TC2 113 ~13 ТС] Si C98 Mi V105 V102 V106 L101 V103 L102 V107 V104 L103 L105 XF101 RL101 L104 V101 DC -2007250 DC POWER SUPPLY The DC-200/250 DC mobile supply is designed for the FT.200/250 Transceiver. This supply provides all necessary voltages from 12 volt battery for mobile operation. RFC | (PB-1062) [PT —] | R5 470K R6 470K | | YA WM | | 03 151944 |D4 о | 00 N | +6 \ < ; 1 В > < © 3 = | | on Е < о ® - о = OY =x | = © > © | o Ь m = A + x : o 3 | о Es © = | © = nn a a + += | © 3 > 2 > S © m | o 77 | 5 3 | x | | | | | | | | | | DTG-IIOB x2 | | | | | | RI2 47 4W T2 | 05 151944 | CH I +300V | + > | : 512 : : 2 zo +45 | | = 26 © «à RI3 4.7 4W У = — о о < bo = | о N > = ae | A Q о Zn © | N N < 5 | o ad | DB ISI944 Q 5 | | | RIA 22 'W | | 2 AM | D9 1S1944 RIG IK | o |, | o > = ® | © || 3 © x | N © © Q | + 3 = q N = | N | | | | b | О | | | © || S a — |] M o RFC 2 © I» F2 20A CIS 0.47 Po | | | | | | | Hi IOOWV | | | +150V an — ——_o—— —_———];————————0K— сени —— ———e_—— — — — д к нет — ];oO—ÑDMO.OD— —_[— o ——]———;——————— VIOI 6BM8 106 1x DRIV a clos 0.1 RIOT % VIOZa IZAX7A «| | VIO3 6BZ6 x VIO4_ 6BA6 | 2 - 5 SSB CW DET mi 6 2nd IF AMP > > Ist IF cio2 © po RIN cliz2 10P & ne c122 100P 9MHz LIO3 XTAL FILTER XFIOI — 1 | | —— DIO? SH-I — — Зв 7 cos — | | | | | a | || | L LL ci27 | cha OO! VIO6 I2AU7 CARRIER OS C C136 = - 03392. VIO2b I2AXT7A 2 HETERODYNE OSC ой OX o x N © N 2 м o © a a e a 201 2SC372 e A — — ——— —— BALANCE o a ее — — мент === нее ен нее мне же нот к | = ны === = == — TT C408, 250P Qe. TRA02 2SC372 50 43 CARRIER TK RI52 47K R149 47K x N © Ci43 0.01 Ol R402 3.3K 470 Р R408 220 401 2 VFO OSC Ráll 100 — — —— ———— Ri “Fr UN Ci46 cias 0.01 PB -1061 —— —— — … — — 2 мен | == кн — === | === || —ччнн— M— | — 7360 BM mm em 16 Gh Am Emr жен | семи стен сн = SS ны сн | не ст === — — 2a IZAXTA V103 6BZ6 Vio4 6BA6 BCWDET - ¿20d IF AMP 5 Ist IF aci сиг 10Р cl22 100Р 103 X TAL FILTER —— —— XF101 = 4 т \ | | | | - | | at — — сне 0.0! — О ——]]]—o——o————] ——] _———;o]—];]—;];]l——;_—— A A == | че ен | = — S'HETERODYNE Do osc R201 4.7K 201 28C372 и ——;—] ———o——————MM——[——] TT PB-104I RE | MB a ad — CARRIER — = —— —" -—[ = — — A ——— ен 2 оон, ее = = == + I не === == == — 250Р Calo | 406 30P 470P TR402 2SC372 lool — ee m — .. - x m m oN o + a m q x o R408 220 — = o с = | de A — — —]——]_—— — с= == = RA 2 72 No L403 VFO 0SC E BUFF (2SC828P) ca20 1 cals R411 100 __ 77 Core taa, ше се —_— == == === се —s:— — EE _ — | смет = | == me Р8-1061 oh 9MHz XTAL FILTER OsC VRE ЗМ В CARRIER L6OI ij | | | | | BUFF (2SC828P) C419 0.047 L602 4 C603 350P CI7 IOP L2 20pH C44 IOP R29 |.5K V3 6CB6 PRE. MIX V2 6BZ6 REC RF AMP VR4 500K R26 470K |~- C20 100P 171 / L V5 128Y' DRIVER C49 (OOP LIE C4â7 0.0! V4 6EJ7 TRANS MIX V8 6AV6 VOX AMP V2 6BZ6 REC RF AMP CI7 10P VOX GAIN R2 100K RS 100K R6 100K < © og VR4 500K VR9 3K 8 RII 22K 2 L2 20uH R25 100 8 се CS IOyI6V R10 100 V9a IZAU7 V9b VR3 100KB RELAY CONTROL ANTITRIP C24 , | 0.01 C44 10P . oP C34, ISOOP y, 100P 7 | / / R29 15K / EI PRESELECTOR —— — — — C58 SOOP V5 I28BY7 | DRIVE 3KV C49 100P LI6 9 C53 0.0! c47 0.0! m a —] C67 0.047 D4 V4 6EJ7 SH-1 5 PRE. MIX TRANS MIX RIZO 22K 8 ны 1.5м. E JSEAx2 | TRANS. РА NOTES: |. ALL RES UNLESS | Di~ D5 DIOLVDIOS } SH- | ог 151941 0106 2.ALL CAPA UNLESS 3, X VALUE vB 6AVE VOX AMP PB-1068 1C306 or D301 151007 6BZ6 R2 100K RS 100K (e) a кб IOOK or(2SC735Y) © | C305 151 VR4 500K VOX GAIN \J / o Nel 5 M VR9 3KB a Le TC30I SUP RIl 22K 2 R26 470K |— Y | | | | | | TOO C20 100P CS ioplev RIO 100 R301 220 vSa IZAU7 “v9b VR3 !OOKB RELAY CONTROL D R38 33K VRE 50K8 2 ANTITRIP R37 47K OFF C34,, ISGOP Sii IQOP 87 O, 151941 Ces 0.01 7 VIOG | VIOI 7 | / ‹ 7 / _NCI PRESELECTOR e ma. c58 %00P V5 12BY7 | DRIVER? : 3KV LIG C49 100P 9 cel 6eSOP c53 0.01 C67 0.047 Da 4 6EJ7 SH-1 5 ANS MIX R130. 22K 4 C74 0.047 Г2\ {В} POWER C64 470P RSI 1,5M. 6JS6Ax2 | TRANS. PA 25 О! NOTES: |. ALL RESISTORS IN OHM 1/2W + 10% UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. DI. DS DION DIOS | $Н- 1 ог 151941 106 FT200/FT250 UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. CIRCUIT DIAGRAM 3. % VALUE |S NOMINAL. 335001 2.ALL CAPACITORS IN pF x у PB-I068 DL A o — o ¡C306 10P D30! 181007 7 ce vo | cu ss» _ or(2SC735Y) q c305 N @ | | \ x | a _ J о | В / $ | © JE о > RII 22K 2 | ud | RIO 100 R30| 220 | 12AU7 V9b LAY CONTROL © R38 33K VRE 50KB | | 2 R37 47K OFF R40 47K | R39 cel 0.047 87 0 15194] - Vs c88 Col ca2 9.04 7 VIOG | VIOI VIO7 VA C58 SOOP 3KV C53 0.0! C64 470P RSI i.5M. 6 JSEAx2 | TRANS. РА DIS DS NOTES: DICI DIOS $H-1or1S1941 DIOS и |. ALL RESISTORS IN OHM 1/2W + 10% UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. FT200/FT250 UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. CIRCUIT DIAGRAM 3.% VALUE 18 NOMINAL. 335001 2.ALL CAPACITORS IN uF ">

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Key features
- SSB, CW, AM modes
- 240W power output
- Heterodyne VFO
- 9 MC crystal filter
- Compact and lightweight
- Built-in speaker (FP 250)
- Mobile operation (DC 250)