TOSHIBA G9 ASD Adjustable Speed Drive Installation and Operation Manual
Below you will find brief information for Adjustable Speed Drive G9 ASD. The G9 True Torque Control2 Adjustable Speed Drive (ASD) is a solid-state AC drive that features True Torque Control2. Toshiba’s Vector Control Algorithm enables the motor to develop high starting torque and provide compensation for motor slip, which results in smooth, quick starts and highly efficient operation. The ACE-tronics G9 ASD uses digitally-controlled pulse width modulation. The programmable functions may be accessed via the easy-to-use menu selections or via the Direct Access Numbers (see page 79). This feature, combined with Toshiba’s high-performance software, delivers unparalleled motor control and reliability.
G9 ASD Installation and
Operation Manual
Document Number: 62078-000
Date: October, 2009
ACE-tronics G9 ASD
Installation and Operation Manual
Document Number: 62078-000
Date: October, 2009
Congratulations on the purchase of the new G9 True Torque Control 2 Adjustable Speed Drive!
The G9 True Torque Control 2 Adjustable Speed Drive (ASD) is a solid-state AC drive that features True
Torque Control 2 . Toshiba’s Vector Control Algorithm enables the motor to develop high starting torque and provide compensation for motor slip, which results in smooth, quick starts and highly efficient operation. The ACE-tronics G9 ASD uses digitally-controlled pulse width modulation. The programmable functions may be accessed via the easy-to-use menu selections or via the Direct Access
). This feature, combined with Toshiba’s high-performance software, delivers unparalleled motor control and reliability.
The ACE-tronics G9 ASD is a very powerful tool, yet surprisingly simple to operate. The user-friendly
Electronic Operator Interface (EOI) of the ASD has an easy-to-read LCD screen. There is also a readonly LED screen with enhanced visibility that can be read from a greater distance. The EOI provides easy access to the many monitoring and programming features of the ASD.
The motor control software is menu-driven, which allows for easy access to the motor control parameters and quick changes when required.
To maximize the abilities of your new ACE-tronics G9 ASD, a working familiarity with this manual will be required. This manual has been prepared for the ASD installer, user, and maintenance personnel. This manual may also be used as a reference guide or for training. With this in mind, use this manual to develop a system familiarity before attempting to install or operate the device.
Important Notice
The instructions contained in this manual are not intended to cover all details or variations in equipment types, nor may it provide for every possible contingency concerning the installation, operation, or maintenance of this equipment. Should additional information be required contact your ACE World
Companies Customer Support Center.
The contents of this manual shall not become a part of or modify any prior or existing agreement, commitment, or relationship. The sales contract contains the entire obligation of ACE World Companies.
The warranty contained in the contract between the parties is the sole warranty of ACE World Companies and any statements contained herein do not create new warranties or modify the existing warranty.
Any electrical or mechanical modifications to this equipment without prior written consent of ACE
World Companies may void all warranties and may void the UL/CUL listing or other safety certifications. Unauthorized modifications may also result in a safety hazard or equipment damage.
Misuse of this equipment could result in equipment damage or injury to personnel. In no event will
ACE World Companies be responsible or liable for direct, indirect, special, or consequential damage or injury that may result from the misuse of this equipment.
About This Manual
This manual was written by the ACE World Companies Technical Publications Group. This group is tasked with providing technical documentation for the G9 Adjustable Speed Drive. Every effort has been made to provide accurate and concise information to you, our customer.
At ACE World Companies we’re continuously searching for better ways to meet the constantly changing needs of our customers. E-mail your comments, questions, or concerns about this publication to [email protected].
Manual’s Purpose and Scope
This manual provides information on how to safely install, operate, maintain, and dispose of your
G9 Adjustable Speed Drive. The information provided in this manual is applicable to the
G9 Adjustable Speed Drive only.
This manual provides information on the various features and functions of this powerful cost-saving device, including
• Installation,
• System operation,
• Configuration and menu options, and
• Mechanical and electrical specifications.
Included is a section on general safety instructions that describe the warning labels and symbols that are used throughout the manual. Read the manual completely before installing, operating, performing maintenance, or disposing of this equipment.
This manual and the accompanying drawings should be considered a permanent part of the equipment and should be readily available for reference and review. Dimensions shown in the manual are in metric and/or the English equivalent.
Because of our commitment to continuous improvement, ACE World Companies reserves the right, without prior notice, to update information, make product changes, or to discontinue any product or service identified in this publication.
ACE World Companies shall not be liable for direct, indirect, special, or consequential damages resulting from the use of the information contained within this manual.
This manual is copyrighted. No part of this manual may be photocopied or reproduced in any form without the prior written consent of ACE World Companies.
© Copyright 2009 ACE World Companies.
ACE World Companies® is a registered trademark of ACE World Companies.
ACE-tronics® is a registered trademark of ACE World Companies. All other product or trade references appearing in this manual are registered trademarks of their respective owners.
Leading Innovation
® is a registered trademark of Toshiba International Corporation.
TOSHIBA® is a registered trademark of Toshiba Corporation.
All rights reserved.
Printed in the U.S.A.
Contacting ACE World Companies
Customer Support Center
ACE World Companies Customer Support Center can be contacted to obtain help in resolving any
Adjustable Speed Drive system problem that you may experience or to provide setup information.
The center is open from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. (CST), Monday through Friday. The Support Center’s toll free number is (800) 431-4223 / Local (817) 237-7700 / Fax (817) 237-2777.
You may also contact ACE World Companies by writing to:
ACE World Companies
10200 Jacksboro Highway
Fort Worth, Texas 76135
Attn: Mike Perkins
Or send an e-mail to E-mail: [email protected]
For additional information on ACE World Companies’ products and services, please visit our web site at
ACE World Companies Corporation
ACE-tronics G9 Adjustable Speed Drive
Please complete the Warranty Card supplied with the ACE-tronics G9 ASD and return it to ACE World
Companies by prepaid mail. This will activate the 12 month warranty from the date of installation; but, shall not exceed 18 months from the shipping date.
Complete the following information and retain for your records.
Model Number: ______________________________________________________________________
Serial Number:______________________________________________________________________
Project Number (if applicable):__________________________________________________________
Date of Installation:__________________________________________________________________
Inspected By:______________________________________________________________________
Name of Application:_________________________________________________________________
Table of Contents
ACE-tronics G9 ASD Installation and Operation Manual i
ACE-tronics G9 ASD Installation and Operation Manual
ACE-tronics G9 ASD Installation and Operation Manual iii
iv ACE-tronics G9 ASD Installation and Operation Manual
General Safety Information
DO NOT attempt to install, operate, maintain, or dispose of this equipment until you have read and understood all of the product safety information and directions that are contained in this manual.
Safety Alert Symbol
The Safety Alert Symbol is comprised of an equilateral triangle enclosing an exclamation mark. This indicates that a potential personal injury hazard exists.
Signal Words
Listed below are the signal words that are used throughout this manual followed by their descriptions and associated symbols. When the words DANGER , WARNING, or CAUTION are used in this manual they will be followed by important safety information that must be carefully adhered to.
The word DANGER preceded by the safety alert symbol indicates that an imminently hazardous situation exists that, if not avoided, will result in serious injury to personnel or loss of life.
The word WARNING preceded by the safety alert symbol indicates that a potentially hazardous situation exists that, if not avoided, could result in serious injury to personnel or loss of life.
The word CAUTION preceded by the safety alert symbol indicates that a potentially hazardous situation exists that, if not avoided, may result in minor or moderate injury.
The word CAUTION without the safety alert symbol indicates a potentially hazardous situation exists that, if not avoided, may result in equipment and property damage.
ACE-tronics G9 ASD Installation and Operation Manual 1
Special Symbols
To identify special hazards, other symbols may appear in conjunction with the DANGER , WARNING, or
CAUTION signal words. These symbols indicate areas that require special and/or strict adherence to the procedures to prevent serious injury to personnel or loss of life.
Electrical Hazard Symbol
A symbol that is comprised of an equilateral triangle enclosing a lightning bolt that indicates a hazard of injury from electrical shock or burn.
Explosion Hazard Symbol
A symbol that is comprised of an equilateral triangle enclosing an explosion that indicates a hazard of injury from exploding parts.
Equipment Warning Labels
DO NOT attempt to install, operate, perform maintenance, or dispose of this equipment until you have read and understood all of the user directions that are contained in this manual.
Warning labels that are attached to the equipment will include the exclamation mark within a triangle. DO
NOT remove or cover any of these labels. If the labels are damaged or if additional labels are required, contact your ACE World Companies Customer Support Center.
Labels attached to the equipment are there to provide useful information or to indicate an imminently hazardous situation that may result in property or equipment damage, serious injury, or loss of life if safe procedures or methods are not followed as outlined in this manual.
Qualified Personnel
Installation, operation, and maintenance shall be performed by Qualified Personnel Only. A Qualified
Person is one that has the skills and knowledge relating to the construction, installation, operation, and maintenance of the electrical equipment and has received safety training on the hazards involved (Refer to the latest edition of NFPA 70E for additional safety requirements).
Qualified Personnel shall:
• Have carefully read the entire operation manual.
• Be familiar with the construction and function of the ACE-tronics G9 ASD, the equipment being driven, and the hazards involved.
• Be able to recognize and properly address hazards associated with the application of motor-driven equipment.
• Be trained and authorized to safely energize, de-energize, ground, lockout/tagout circuits and equipment, and clear faults in accordance with established safety practices.
• Be trained in the proper care and use of protective equipment such as safety shoes, rubber gloves, hard hats, safety glasses, face shields, flash clothing, etc., in accordance with established safety practices.
For additional information on workplace safety visit
ACE-tronics G9 ASD Installation and Operation Manual
Equipment Inspection
• Upon receipt of the equipment inspect the packaging and equipment for shipping damage.
• Carefully unpack the equipment and check for damaged parts, missing parts, or concealed damage that may have occurred during shipping. If any discrepancies are discovered, it should be noted with the carrier prior to accepting the shipment, if possible. File a claim with the carrier if necessary and immediately notify your ACE World Companies Customer Support Center.
• Ensure that the rated capacity and the model number specified on the nameplate conform to the order specifications.
• Modification of this equipment is dangerous and are to be performed by factory-trained representatives. When modifications are required contact your ACE World Companies Customer
Support Center.
• DO NOT install the ASD if it is damaged or if it is missing any component(s).
• Inspections may be required after moving the equipment.
• Contact your ACE World Companies Customer Support Center to report discrepancies or for assistance if required.
Handling and Storage
• Use proper lifting techniques when moving the ACE-tronics G9 ASD; including properly sizing up the load, getting assistance, and using a forklift if required.
• Store in a well-ventilated location and preferably in the original carton if the equipment will not be used upon receipt.
• Store in a cool, clean, and dry location. Avoid storage locations with extreme temperatures, rapid temperature changes, high humidity, moisture, dust, corrosive gases, or metal particles.
• The storage temperature range of the ACE-tronics G9 ASD is -14° to 104° F (-10° to 40° C).
• DO NOT store the unit in places that are exposed to outside weather conditions (i.e., wind, rain, snow, etc.).
• Store in an upright position.
Never dispose of electrical components via incineration. Contact your state environmental agency for details on disposal of electrical components and packaging in your area.
ACE-tronics G9 ASD Installation and Operation Manual 3
Installation Precautions
Location and Ambient Requirements
• The ACE-tronics G9 ASD is intended for permanent installations only.
• Installation should conform to the 2008 National Electrical Code — Article 110 (NEC)
(Requirements For Electrical Installations), all regulations of the Occupational Safety and Health
Administration, and any other applicable national, regional, or industry codes and standards.
• Select a mounting location that is easily accessible, has adequate personnel working space, and adequate illumination for adjustment, inspection, and maintenance of the equipment (refer to 2008
NEC Article 110-13).
• DO NOT mount the ASD in a location that would produce catastrophic results if it were to fall from its mounting location (equipment damage or injury).
• DO NOT mount the ASD in a location that would allow it to be exposed to flammable chemicals or gases, water, solvents, or other fluids.
• Avoid installation in areas where vibration, heat, humidity, dust, fibers, metal particles, explosive/ corrosive mists or gases, or sources of electrical noise are present.
• The installation location shall not be exposed to direct sunlight.
• Allow proper clearance spaces for installation. Do not obstruct the ventilation openings. Refer to the
section titled Installation and Connections on pg. 14 for additional information on ventilation
• The ambient operating temperature range of the ACE-tronics G9 ASD is 14° to 104° F
(-10° to 40° C).
Mounting Requirements
should install this equipment.
• Install the unit in a secure and upright position in a well-ventilated area.
• As a minimum, the installation of the equipment should conform to the 2008 National Electrical
Code — Article 110 (NEC), OSHA, as well as any other applicable national, regional, or industry codes and standards.
• Installation practices shall conform to the latest revision of NFPA 70E Electrical Safety Requirements for Employee Workplaces.
• It is the responsibility of the ASD installer/maintenance personnel to ensure that the unit is installed into an enclosure that will protect personnel against electric shock.
ACE-tronics G9 ASD Installation and Operation Manual
Conductor Routing and Grounding
• Use separate metal conduits for routing the input power, output power, and control circuits.
• A separate ground cable shall be run inside of the conduit with the input power, output power, and control circuits.
• DO NOT connect CC to earth ground.
• ONLY use the IICC terminal as the return for the V/I input.
• Always ground the unit to prevent electrical shock and to help reduce electrical noise.
• It is the responsibility of the ASD installer/maintenance personnel to provide proper grounding and branch circuit protection in accordance with the 2008 NEC and any other applicable national, regional, or industry codes and standards.
— T h e M e t a l O f C o n d u i t I s N o t A n A c c e p t a b l e G r o u n d —
Grounding Capacitor Switch
The ACE-tronics G9 ASD is equipped with noise reduction capacitors which are used to reduce the EMI leakage via the 3-phase power-input circuit and for compliance with the Electromagnetic Compatibility
Directive (EMC).
The effective value of the capacitor may be increased, reduced, or removed entirely via the Selector
Switch, Switching Bar, or the Switching Screw — the type used is typeform-specific.
The Grounding Capacitor Switch allows the user to quickly change the value of the leakage-reduction capacitance of the 3-phase input circuit without the use of tools.
See the section titled
System Grounding on pg. 18 for more on the Grounding Capacitor .
See figures
6 , and 7 on pg. 19 for an electrical depiction of the leakage-reduction functionality of the
and the methods used to set the capacitance value.
ACE-tronics G9 ASD Installation and Operation Manual 5
Power Connections
C o n ta c t W it h E n e r g iz e d W i r i n g W i l l C a u s e S e v e r e I n j u r y O r L o s s O f L i f e .
• Turn off, lockout, and tag out all power sources before proceeding to connect the power wiring to the equipment.
• After ensuring that all power sources are turned off and isolated in accordance with established lockout/tag out procedures, connect the 3-phase power source wiring of the correct voltage to the correct input terminals and connect the output terminals to a motor of the correct voltage and type for the application (refer to NEC Article 300 – Wiring Methods and Article 310 – Conductors For
General Wiring). Size the branch circuit conductors in accordance with NEC Table 310.16.
• Ensure that the 3-phase input power is NOT connected to the output of the ACE-tronics G9 ASD.
This will damage the ASD and may cause injury to personnel.
• DO NOT connect resistors across terminals PA – PC or PO – PC. This may cause a fire.
• Ensure the correct phase sequence and the desired direction of motor rotation in the Bypass mode (if applicable).
• Turn the power on only after attaching and/or securing the front cover.
• Ensure that primary protection exists for the input wiring to the equipment. This protection must be able to interrupt the available fault current from the power line. The equipment may or may not be equipped with an input disconnect (option).
• All cable entry openings must be sealed to reduce the risk of entry by vermin and to allow for maximum cooling efficiency.
• External dynamic braking resistors must be thermally protected.
• It is the responsibility of the ASD installer/maintenance personnel to setup the Emergency Off braking system of the ASD. The function of the Emergency Off braking function is to remove output power from the drive in the event of an emergency. A supplemental braking system should also be engaged in the event of an emergency.
For additional information on braking systems see parameters
Note: A supplemental emergency stopping system should be used with the ASD. Emergency stopping should not be a task of the ASD alone.
• Follow all warnings and precautions and do not exceed equipment ratings.
ACE-tronics G9 ASD Installation and Operation Manual
System Integration Precautions
The following precautions are provided as general guidelines for the setup of the ACE-tronics G9 ASD within the system.
• The ACE-tronics G9 ASD is a general-purpose product. It is a system component only and the system design should take this into consideration. Please contact your ACE World Companies Customer
Support Center for application-specific information or for training support.
• The ACE-tronics G9 ASD is part of a larger system and the safe operation of the ASD will depend upon observing certain precautions and performing proper system integration.
• Improperly designed or improperly installed system interlocks may render the motor unable to start or stop on command.
• The failure of external or ancillary components may cause intermittent system operation (i.e., the system may start the motor without warning).
• A detailed system analysis and job safety analysis should be performed by the systems designer and/ or systems integrator before the installation of the ASD component. Contact your ACE World
Companies Customer Support Center for options availability and for application-specific system integration information if required.
Personnel Protection
Installation, operation, and maintenance shall be performed by Qualified Personnel
• A thorough understanding of the ACE-tronics G9 ASD will be required before the installation, operation, or maintenance of the ASD.
• Rotating machinery and live conductors can be hazardous and shall not come into contact with personnel. Personnel should be protected from all rotating machinery and electrical hazards at all times.
• Insulators, machine guards, and electrical safeguards may fail or be defeated by the purposeful or inadvertent actions of workers. Insulators, machine guards, and electrical safeguards are to be inspected (and tested where possible) at installation and periodically after installation for potential hazardous conditions.
• DO NOT allow personnel near rotating machinery. Warning signs to this effect shall be posted at or near the machinery.
• DO NOT allow personnel near electrical conductors. Contact with electrical conductors can be fatal.
Warning signs to this effect shall be posted at or near the hazard.
• Personal protection equipment shall be provided and used to protect employees from any hazards inherent to system operation.
ACE-tronics G9 ASD Installation and Operation Manual 7
System Setup Requirements
• When using the ACE-tronics G9 ASD as an integral part of a larger system, it is the responsibility of the ASD installer/maintenance personnel to ensure that there is a fail-safe in place (i.e., an arrangement designed to switch the system to a safe condition if there is a fault or failure).
• System safety features should be employed and designed into the integrated system in a manner such that system operation, even in the event of system failure, will not cause harm or result in system damage or injury to personnel (i.e., E-Off, Auto-Restart settings, System Interlocks, etc.).
• The programming setup and system configuration of the ASD may allow it to start the motor unexpectedly. A familiarity with the Auto-Restart settings are a requirement to use this product.
• Power factor improvement/correction capacitors or surge absorbers MUST NOT be installed on the output of the ACE-tronics G9 ASD.
• Use of the built-in system protective features is highly recommended (i.e., E-Off, Overload
Protection, etc.).
• The operating controls and system status indicators should be clearly readable and positioned where the operator can see them without obstruction.
• Additional warnings and notifications shall be posted at the equipment installation location as deemed required by
• There may be thermal or physical properties, or ancillary devices integrated into the overall system that may allow for the ACE-tronics G9 ASD to start the motor without warning. Signs to this effect must be posted at the equipment installation location.
• If a secondary magnetic contactor (MC) or an ASD output disconnect is used between the ASD and the load, it should be interlocked to halt the ASD before the secondary contact opens. If the output contactor is used for bypass operation, it must be interlocked such that commercial power is never applied to the ASD output terminals (U, V, W).
• When using an ASD output disconnect, the ASD and the motor must be stopped before the disconnect is either opened or closed. Closing the output disconnect while the 3-phase output of the ASD is active may result in equipment damage or injury to personnel.
ACE-tronics G9 ASD Installation and Operation Manual
Operational and Maintenance
• Turn off, lockout, and tag out the main power, the control power, and instrumentation connections before proceeding to connect/disconnect the power wiring, inspecting or servicing the drive, or opening the door of the enclosure.
• The capacitors of the ACE-tronics G9 ASD maintain a residual charge for a period of time after turning off the ASD. The required time for each ASD typeform is indicated with a cabinet label and a
Charge LED (shown for smaller ASDs in Figure 2 on pg. 16 ; LED is located on the front panel of
larger ASDs). Wait at least the minimum time indicated on the enclosure-mounted label and ensure that the Charge LED has gone out before opening the door of the ASD once the ASD power has been turned off.
• Turn the power on only after attaching (or closing) the front cover and DO NOT remove or open the front cover of the ACE-tronics G9 ASD when the power is on.
• DO NOT attempt to disassemble, modify, or repair the ACE-tronics G9 ASD. Contact your ACE
World Companies Customer Support Center for repair information.
• DO NOT place any objects inside of the ACE-tronics G9 ASD.
• If the ASD should emit smoke, or an unusual odor or sound, turn the power off immediately.
• The heat sink and other components may become extremely hot to the touch. Allow the unit to cool before coming in contact with these items.
• Remove power from the ASD during extended periods of non-use.
• The system should be inspected periodically for damaged or improperly functioning parts, cleanliness, and to ensure that the connectors are tightened securely.
ACE-tronics G9 ASD Installation and Operation Manual 9
Motor Characteristics
Listed below are some variable speed AC motor control concepts with which the user of the
G9 Adjustable Speed Drive should become familiar.
Motor Autotuning
Motor production methods may cause minor differences in motor operation. The negative effects of these differences may be minimized by using the Autotune feature of the ACE-tronics G9 ASD. Autotuning is a function of the ASD that measures several parameters of the connected motor and places these readings in a stored table. The software uses the information in the table to help optimize the response of the ASD to application-specific load and operational requirements. The Autotuning function may be enabled for automatic tuning, configured manually at
The measured parameters include the rotor resistance, the stator resistance, the required excitation inductance, rotational inertia values, and leakage inductance values.
Pulse Width Modulation Operation
The ACE-tronics G9 ASD uses sinusoidal Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) control. The output current waveform generated by the ASD approaches that of a perfect sine wave; however, the output waveform is slightly distorted. For this reason, the motor may produce more heat, noise, and vibration when operated by an ASD, rather than directly from commercial power.
Low-Speed Operation
Operating a general-purpose motor at lower speeds may cause a decrease in the cooling ability of the motor. Reducing the torque requirement of the motor at lower speeds will decrease the generated heat at lower speeds.
When the motor is to be operated at low speed (less than 50% of full speed) and at the rated torque continuously, a Toshiba VF motor (designed for use in conjunction with an ASD) is recommended.
Overload Protection Adjustment
The ACE-tronics G9 ASD software monitors the output current of the system and determines when an overload condition occurs. The overload current level is a percentage of the rating of the motor. This function protects the motor from overload.
The default setting for the overload detection circuit is set to the maximum rated current of the ASD at the factory. This setting will have to be adjusted to match the rating of the motor with which the ASD is to be used. To change the overload reference level, see
Motor Overload Protection Level 1 on pg. 175
Operation Above 60 Hz
A motor produces more noise and vibration when it is operated at frequencies above 60 Hz. Also, when operating a motor above 60 Hz, the rated limit of the motor or its bearings may be exceeded; this may void the motor warranty.
Contact the motor manufacturer for additional information before operating the motor above 60 Hz.
ACE-tronics G9 ASD Installation and Operation Manual
Power Factor Correction
DO NOT connect a power factor correction capacitor or surge absorber to the output of the
ACE-tronics G9 ASD.
If the ASD is used with a motor that is equipped with a capacitor for power factor correction, remove the capacitor from the motor.
Connecting either of these devices to the output of the ASD may cause the ASD to malfunction and trip, or the output device may cause an over-current condition resulting in damage to the device or the ASD.
Light Load Conditions
When a motor is operated under a continuous light load (i.e., at a load of less than 50% of its rated capacity) or it drives a load which produces a very small amount of inertia, it may become unstable and produce abnormal vibration or trips because of an over-current condition. In such a case, the carrier frequency may be lowered to compensate for this undesirable condition (see Program
Carrier Frequency
Note: When operating in the Vector Control mode the carrier frequency should be set to
2.2 kHz or above.
Motor/Load Combinations
When the ACE-tronics G9 ASD is used in combination with one of the following motors or loads, it may result in unstable operation.
• A motor with a rated capacity that exceeds the motor capacity recommended for the ASD.
• An explosion-proof motor.
When using the ASD with an explosion-proof motor or other special motor types, lower the carrier frequency to stabilize the operation. DO NOT set the carrier frequency below 2.2 kHz if operating the system in the vector control mode.
Note: When operating in the Vector Control mode the carrier frequency should be set to
2.2 kHz or above.
If the motor that is coupled to a load that has a large backlash or a reciprocating load, use one of the following procedures to stabilize its operation.
• Adjust the S-Pattern acceleration/deceleration setting,
• If operating in the Vector control mode, adjust the response time, or
• Switch to the Constant Torque control mode.
ACE-tronics G9 ASD Installation and Operation Manual 11
Load-Produced Negative Torque
When the ACE-tronics G9 ASD is used with a load that produces negative torque (an overhauling load), the over-voltage or over-current protective functions of the ASD may cause nuisance tripping.
To minimize the undesirable effects of negative torque the dynamic braking system may be used. The dynamic braking system converts the regenerated energy into heat that is dissipated using a braking resistor. The braking resistor must be suitably matched to the load. Dynamic braking is also effective in reducing the DC bus voltage during a momentary over-voltage condition.
If under extreme conditions the dynamic braking system or a component of this system were to fail, the dynamic braking resistor may experience an extended over-current condition. The DBR circuit was designed to dissipate excessive amounts of heat and if the extended over-current condition were allowed to exceed the circuit parameters, this condition could result in a fire hazard.
To combat this condition, the 3-phase input may be connected using contactors that are configured to open in the event of an extended DBR over-current condition or an internal circuit failure. Using a thermal sensor and/or overload protection as the 3-phase input contactor drive signal, the contactors will open and remove the 3-phase input power in the event of an extended DBR over-current or system over-voltage condition. See
Dynamic Braking Enable on pg. 140
for more information using Dynamic Braking with the
Motor Braking
The motor may continue to rotate and coast to a stop after being shut off due to the inertia of the load. If an immediate stop is required, a braking system should be used. The two most common types of motor braking systems used with the ACE-tronics G9 ASD are DC Injection Braking and Dynamic Braking.
For additional information on braking systems, see
DC Injection Braking on pg. 127
12 ACE-tronics G9 ASD Installation and Operation Manual
ASD Characteristics
Over-Current Protection
Each ACE-tronics G9 ASD is designed for a specified operating power range. The ASD will incur a trip if the design specifications are exceeded.
However, the ASD may be operated at 115% of the specified output-current range continuously (or 110% continuously if
≥ 60 HP for the 230-volt system or if ≥ 125 HP for the 460-volt system) or at 150% for a
limited amount of time as indicated in the section titled Current/Voltage Specifications on pg. 270
. Also, the
may be adjusted to help with nuisance over-current trips (see
When using the ASD for an application to control a motor that is rated significantly less than the maximum current rating of the ASD, the over-current limit (Thermal Overload Protection) setting will have to be changed to match the FLA of the motor. For additional information on this parameter, see
Motor Overload Protection Level 1 on pg. 175
ASD Capacity
The ACE-tronics G9 ASD must not be used with a motor that has a larger capacity than the ASD, even if the motor is operated under a small load. An ASD being used in this way will be susceptible to a highoutput peak current which may result in nuisance tripping.
Do not apply a level of input voltage to an ASD that is beyond that which the ASD is rated. The input voltage may be stepped down when required with the use of a step-down transformer or some other type of voltage-reduction system.
Using Vector Control
Using Vector Control enables the system to produce very high torque over the entire operating range even at extremely low speeds. Vector Control may be used with or without feedback. However, using feedback increases the speed accuracy for applications requiring precise speed control.
F015 on pg. 85 for additional information on using Vector Control.
ACE-tronics G9 ASD Installation and Operation Manual 13
Installation and Connections
The ACE-tronics G9 ASD may be set up initially by performing a few simple configuration settings. To operate properly, the ASD must be securely mounted and connected to a power source (3-phase AC input at the R/L1, S/L2, and T/L3 terminals). The control terminals of the ASD may be used by connecting the terminals of the ACE G9-120V-PCB to the proper sensors or signal input sources (see the section titled
System performance may be further enhanced by assigning a function to the output terminals of the
ACE G9-120V-PCB and connecting the terminals to the proper indicators or actuators (LEDs, relays, contactors, etc.).
Note: The optional ACE-tronics G9 ASD interface boards may be used to expand the I/O functionality of the ASD.
Installation Notes
When a brake-equipped motor is connected to the ASD, it is possible that the brake may not release at startup because of insufficient voltage. To avoid this, DO NOT connect the brake or the brake contactor to the output of the ASD.
If an output contactor is used for bypass operation, it must be interlocked such that commercial power is never applied to the output terminals of the ASD (U/T1, V/T2, and W/T3).
DO NOT apply commercial power to the ASD output terminals U/T1, V/T2, and W/T3.
Though the default settings of the ASD do not include the use of a physical discrete input terminal being programmed to the ST function, the system may be configured to use a physical discrete input terminal set to ST. When configured properly, the externally-activated ST terminal acts as a permissive in allowing for normal system operation. See parameter
for more information on the use of the ST terminal.
If a secondary magnetic contactor (MC) is used between the output of the ASD and the motor, it should be interlocked such that the ST terminal activation is deactivated before the output contactor is opened.
DO NOT open and then close a secondary magnetic contactor between the ASD and the motor unless the ASD is off and the motor is not rotating.
Note: Re-application of power via a secondary contact while the ASD is on or while the motor is still turning may cause ASD damage.
The ASD input voltage should remain within 10% of the specified input voltage range. Input voltages approaching the upper or lower limit settings may require that the over-voltage and under-voltage stall protection level parameters be adjusted. Voltages outside of the permissible tolerance should be avoided.
The frequency of the input power should be ±2 Hz of the specified input frequency.
DO NOT use an ASD with a motor that has a power rating higher than the rated output of the ASD.
The ACE-tronics G9 ASD is designed to operate NEMA B motors. Consult with the ACE World
Companies Customer Support Center before using the ASD for special applications such as with an explosion-proof motor or applications with a piston load.
Disconnect the ASD from the motor before megging or applying a bypass voltage to the motor.
ACE-tronics G9 ASD Installation and Operation Manual
Interface problems may occur when an ASD is used in conjunction with some types of process controllers. Signal isolation may be required to prevent controller and/or ASD malfunction (contact your ACE World Companies Customer Support Center or the process controller manufacturer for additional information about compatibility and signal isolation).
Use caution when setting the output frequency. Over speeding a motor decreases its ability to deliver torque and may result in damage to the motor and/or the driven equipment.
Not all ACE-tronics G9 ASDs are equipped with internal primary power input fuses (typeformdependent). When connecting two or more drives that have no internal fuse to the same power line as shown in
short circuit occurs in ASD 1, only MCCB2 trips, not MCCB1. If it is not feasible to use this configuration, insert a fuse between MCCB2 and ASD 1.
Figure 1. Circuit Breaker Configuration.
Mounting the ASD
— The following thermal specifications apply to the 230- and the 460-Volt ASDs ONLY —
Install the unit securely in a well ventilated area that is out of direct sunlight.
The process of converting AC to DC, and then back to AC produces heat. During normal ASD operation, up to 5% of the input energy to the ASD may be dissipated as heat. If installing the ASD in a cabinet, ensure that there is adequate ventilation.
DO NOT operate the ASD with the enclosure door open.
The ambient operating temperature rating of the ACE-tronics G9 ASD is 14° to 104° F (-10° to 40° C).
When installing adjacent ASDs horizontally ACE World Companies recommends at least 5 cm of space between adjacent units. However, horizontally mounted ASDs may be installed side-by-side with no space between the adjacent units — side-by-side installations require that the top cover be removed from each ASD.
For 150 HP ASDs and above, a minimum of 50 cm of space is required above and below adjacent units and any obstruction. This space is the recommended minimum space requirement for the ASD and ensures that adequate ventilation is provided for each unit. More space will provide a better
Note: Ensure that the ventilation openings are not obstructed.
ACE-tronics G9 ASD Installation and Operation Manual 15
Connecting the ASD
Refer to the section titled Installation Precautions on pg. 4 and the section titled
before attempting to connect the ASD and the motor to electrical power.
Power Connections
C o n ta c t W i t h E n e r g i z e d W i r in g W i l l C a u s e S e v e r e I n ju r y O r L o s s O f L if e .
for a system I/O connectivity schematic.
An inductor (DCL) may be connected across the PO and PA/+ terminals to provide additional filtering.
When not used, a jumper must be connected across these terminals.
PA/+ and PB are used for the DBR connection if using a braking resistor.
PC/- is the negative terminal of the DC bus.
R/L1, S/L2, and T/L3 are the 3-phase input supply terminals for the ASD.
U/T1, V/T2, and W/T3 are the output terminals of the ASD that connect to the motor.
The location of the Charge LED for the smaller typeform ASD is provided in
. The Charge
LED is located on the front door of the enclosure of the larger ASDs.
Figure 2. Typical ASD Input/Output Terminals and the
Charge LED
Grounding Capacitor Switch — Pull for Small capacitance/push for Large capacitance.
16 ACE-tronics G9 ASD Installation and Operation Manual
Power Connection Requirements
3 for the typical electrical connection scheme). Connect the output of the ASD to the motor from the
ASD terminals U/T1, V/T2, and W/T3. The input and output conductors and terminal lugs used shall be
If multiple conductors are used in parallel for the input or output power and it is necessary to use separate conduits, each parallel set shall have its own conduit and not share its conduit with other parallel sets (i.e., place U1, V1, W1, and a ground wire in one conduit and U2, V2, and W2, and a ground wire in another; refer to NEC Article 300.20 and Article 310.4). National, regional, and industry electrical codes should be referenced if three or more power conductors are run in the same conduit
(refer to 2008 NEC Article 310 adjustment factors).
Note: Local and national codes should be referenced when running more than three conductors in the same conduit.
Install a molded case circuit breaker (MCCB) or fuse between the 3-phase power source and the
ASD in accordance with the fault current setting of the ASD and 2008 NEC Article 430.
The ACE-tronics G9 ASD is designed and tested to comply with UL Standard 508C. Modifications to the ASD system or failure to comply with the short circuit protection requirements outlined in this manual may disqualify the UL rating. See
Table 23 on pg. 276 for typeform-specific short circuit
protection recommendations.
As a minimum, the installation of the ASD shall conform to 2008 NEC Article 110, the Occupational
Safety and Health Administration requirements, and to any other local and regional industry codes and standards.
Note: In the event that the motor rotates in the wrong direction when powered up, reverse any two of the three ASD output power leads (U, V, or W) connected to the motor.
Figure 3. G9 ASD/Motor Typical Connection Diagram.
ACE-tronics G9 ASD Installation and Operation Manual 17
System Grounding
Proper grounding helps to prevent electrical shock and to reduce electrical noise. The ACE-tronics G9
ASD is designed to be grounded in accordance with Article 250 of the 2008 NEC or Section 10/Part
One of the Canadian Electrical Code (CEC).
The grounding conductor shall be sized in accordance with Article 250-122 of the NEC or Part One-
Table 6 of the CEC.
— T h e M e t a l O f C o n d u i t I s N o t A n A c c e p t a b l e G r o u n d —
The input, output, and control lines of the system shall be run in separate metal conduits and each shall have its own ground conductor.
ASDs produce high-frequency noise — steps must be taken during installation to avoid the negative effects of noise. Listed below are some examples of measures that will help to combat noise problems.
• DO NOT install the input power wires and output power wires in the same duct or in parallel with each other, and do not bind them together.
• DO NOT install the input power wires, output power wires, and the wires of the control circuit in the same duct or in parallel with each other, and do not bind them together.
• Use shielded wires or twisted wires for the control circuits.
• Ensure that the grounding terminals (G/E) of the ASD are securely connected to ground.
• Connect a surge suppressor to every electromagnetic contactor and every relay installed near the
• Install noise filters as required.
Grounding Capacitor
The Grounding Capacitor plays a role in minimizing the effects of leakage current through the ASD system and through ground paths to other systems. Leakage current may cause the improper operation of earth-leakage current breakers, leakage-current relays, ground relays, fire alarms, and other sensors
— and it may cause superimposed noise on CRT screens.
The Grounding Capacitor Switch allows the user to quickly change the value of the leakage-reduction
capacitance of the 3-phase input circuit. See figures
4 , 5 , 6 , and 7 on pg. 19 for an electrical depiction of
the leakage-reduction functionality and the methods used to change the capacitance value. The method used is typeform-specific.
If using a 460-Volt 5 HP ASD or a 460-Volt ASD that is in the range of 7.5 HP to 25 HP, and the U/T1,
V/T2, and W/T3 connections to the motor are 100 meters or more in length, the ASD Carrier
Frequency must be set to 4 kHz or less when activating or deactivating the
. ASD overheating may occur if the Carrier Frequency is set above 4 kHz when activating or
deactivating the Grounding Capacitor Switch
for more information on the
Grounding Capacitor Switch and
for the location of the switch.
ACE-tronics G9 ASD Installation and Operation Manual
Figure 4. The Grounding Capacitor
Switch is used on typeforms 230-volt
0.5 HP to 10 HP and the 25 and 30 HP/
460-Volt 1.0 HP to 250 HP.
The value may be set to Maximum
(default setting) or to Zero by pushing or pulling the switch actuator, respectively.
Figure 5. The Grounding Capacitor
Switch is used on typeforms 230-volt
15 HP to 20 HP and the 40 HP to
60 HP/460-Volt 30 HP to 100 HP.
The value may be set to Large
(default setting) or Small by pushing or pulling the switch actuator, respectively.
Figure 6. The Grounding Capacitor Bar is used on typeforms 230-volt 75 HP and the 100
HP/460-Volt 125 HP and the 150 HP.
The value may be set to Small (default setting) or Large by connecting or disconnecting the switching bar, respectively.
Figure 7. The Grounding Capacitor Screw is used on typeforms 460-volt 175 HP and above.
The value may be set to Small (default setting) or Large by placing the screw in the A position or by placing the screw in the B position, respectively.
ACE-tronics G9 ASD Installation and Operation Manual 19
Lead Length Specifications
Adhere to the NEC and any local codes during the installation of ASD/motor systems. Excessive lead lengths may adversely effect the performance of the motor. Special cables are not required. Lead lengths from the ASD to the motor in excess of those listed in
Table 1 may require filters to be added to the output
of the ASD.
Table 1 lists the suggested maximum lead lengths for the listed motor voltages.
All Toshiba CT motors incorporate an insulation system that is in compliance with NEMA MG1 Part 30.
All Toshiba XT motors incorporate an insulation system that is in compliance with NEMA MG1 Part 31.
Table 1. Lead Length Recommendations.
PWM Carrier
NEMA MG-1 Part 30
Compliant Motors
All 450 feet
< 5 kHz
≥ 5 kHz
< 5 kHz
≥ 5 kHz
200 feet
100 feet
75 feet
50 feet
NEMA MG-1 Part 31
Compliant Motors
1000 feet
600 feet
300 feet
200 feet
100 feet
Note: Contact the ACE World Companies Customer Support Center for application assistance when using lead lengths in excess of those listed.
Exceeding the peak voltage rating or the allowable thermal rise time of the motor insulation will reduce the life expectancy of the motor.
When operating in the Vector Control mode the carrier frequency should be set to
2.2 kHz or above.
20 ACE-tronics G9 ASD Installation and Operation Manual
The ACE-tronics G9 ASD can be controlled by several input types and combinations thereof, as well as operate within a wide range of output frequency and voltage levels. This is accomplished with the use of the ACE G9-120V-PCB (shown in
The ACE G9-120V-PCB is designed to allow for a discrete or analog signal to control the speed and/or torque of the motor.
A 120 VAC On/Off input signal may be used to activate and deactivate the discrete input terminals (i.e., F,
R, Jog, etc.), or an analog voltage or current may be used to vary the speed or torque of the motor. The gain and bias of the analog control signal may be adjusted for application-specific suitability by the user.
The analog and discrete outputs of the ACE G9-120V-PCB may be used to annunciate an active condition or to activate an ancillary device (e.g., brake, LED, etc.).
No special programming or program changes are required to use the ACE G9-120V-PCB. However, application-specific setup programming may be required.
lists the names, descriptions, and the default settings (of programmable terminals) of the input and output terminals of the ACE G9-120V-PCB.
Note: To use the input lines of the ACE G9-120V-PCB to provide Run commands the
Command Mode setting must be set to Terminal Board.
Figure 20 on pg. 30 shows a typical connection diagram for the ASD system.
ACE G9-120V-PCB Precautions
• The ASD contains high voltage parts. Contact with live circuits will result in electric shock.
• Ensure that the ASD system is tagged out before attempting to perform maintenance or when making adjustments to the ASD system.
• Ensure that all system/ASD power is off and that the Charge LED of the ASD is off.
• DO NOT open the door of the ASD when the ASD power is on. DO NOT attempt to operate the ASD with the door open. Failure to do so can lead to electric shock and may result in serious injury or loss of life.
• The ACE G9-120V-PCB uses 120 VAC and may cause serious injury if it is used improperly or if it comes into contact with personnel.
• PCB-mounted LEDs are active-signal indicators and are not to be used for system troubleshooting.
• ONLY use the X2 terminal(s) of the CN2 connector as the return for the discrete 120 VAC inputs.
• DO NOT use the CC terminals of the ACE G9-120V-PCB as a return for the 120 VAC signal. The
CC terminals are to be used as the return lines for the DC I/O signals of the ACE G9-120V-PCB
• When connecting stranded wires to the terminals of the ACE G9-120V-PCB ensure that there are no stray or unsecured wire strands at the terminal connection.
• Shielded cables are recommended for control line cabling.
• DO NOT run the control cabling within the same conduit as the power cables.
ACE-tronics G9 ASD Installation and Operation Manual 21
• Electrical connections, wire types, and layouts that are external to the ASD shall adhere to all local and regional codes and standards.
• Ensure that the system is properly grounded and that all grounds are secure.
• This system is to be configured and operated by Qualified Personnel only.
Terminal Functions
The input and output terminals of the ACE G9-120V-PCB are used to control and monitor the functions of the ASD.
See the Direct Access Information on pg. 79
for an in-depth description of the functionality and application-specific setup requirements of the input and output terminals.
Input Terminals
Analog Inputs
The analog input terminals include the V/I, RX, and the RR terminals.
The V/I terminal is an isolated input that accepts a 0–10 VDC input voltage or 0–20 mA input current as determined by the setting of SW2. Only IICC is to be used as the return for the V/I input terminal.
The RX terminal accepts a ±10 VDC input voltage.
The RR terminal accepts a 0–10 VDC input voltage.
Either analog input may be used to control the speed or torque of the motor.
Discrete Inputs
The 120 VAC discrete inputs include the F, R, I1, I2, I3, I4, I5, and I6 terminals. The discrete input terminals accept a 120 VAC discrete input signal that is used to activate the terminal and the assigned function.
Discrete terminals that have a function assigned are activated for the duration of the activation. Discrete terminals with no function assigned will not respond to an input signal.
Unused discrete terminals may be assigned any of the functions listed in
Table 7 on pg. 236 . Duplicate
terminal assignments will be OR’d (either will be used to activate the assigned function).
Terminals labeled X2 of CN2 are the neutral return connections for the 120 VAC discrete inputs. No other terminals of the ACE G9-120V-PCB are to be used for the neutral return of the 120 VAC input.
CAUTION: DO NOT use the CC terminals of the ACE G9-120V-PCB as a return for the
120 VAC input signals.
Output Terminals
Analog Outputs
Analog outputs include the AM, FM, and FP output terminals. To use the output terminals a function must be assigned to the terminal.
The AM terminal must be further defined by parameter settings
The FM terminal must be further defined by parameter settings
The FP terminal must be further defined by parameter settings
ACE-tronics G9 ASD Installation and Operation Manual
Discrete Outputs
The form-A output contacts of OUT1 (A and C), OUT2 (A and C), and the form-C output contacts
BRAKE (A, B, and C) comprise the list of discrete output terminals. The output terminals are rated for
1 A/125 VAC.
All discrete output terminals are programmable and may be set to change state upon the occurrence of a user-selected event.
10 VDC
PP is a 10 VDC/10 mA max. output for customer use.
24 VDC
P24 is a 24 VDC/200 mA max. output for customer use.
CN4 is the 2-Wire or 4-Wire serial communications port as selected by the setting of
See Program
Communications for more information on the requirements for setting up the ASD for
ASD-to-ASD communications and for ASD-to-host (i.e., PC, PLC, etc.) communications.
Alternate I/O Terminal Board
The ACE-tronics G9 ASD may also be controlled using the 24-Volt I/O Terminal Board (optional).
The 24-Volt I/O Terminal Board (P/N 3D658344_G901) control functions operate the same as the
120-Volt I/O Terminal Board with the exception that the discrete terminal activation is carried out using a Sink or Source method of terminal activation.
In the Sink operating mode the CC terminal is connected to a discrete input terminal to activate the assigned function — in the Source mode a 24 VDC signal is input to a discrete input terminal to activate the assigned function.
There are no software changes required to use the 24-Volt I/O Terminal Board.
ACE-tronics G9 ASD Installation and Operation Manual 23
ACE G9-120V-PCB Specifications/Layout
Table 2. Ratings Information.
Isolation Voltage
Input Voltage
Input Current (Terminal)
Operating Temperature
Input Impedance
850 V rms
0 – 120 VAC +10% — Hysteresis 60/90 ±10 VAC
4.8 mA ±2.5 mA
14° to 104° F (-10° to 40° C)
36 k
Table 3. Connector Pin Assignments.
Pin Assignments
Figure 8. ACE G9-120V-PCB Layout.
Ensure that the ground screw is securely in place to prevent arcing, intermittent operation, or system failure.
SW2 — Voltage or current selection for the V/I input.
SW1 — Open or close both switches for half or full duplex, respectively.
Note: Dimensions are in inches/mm.
for more information on the ACE G9-120V-PCB connections.
ACE-tronics G9 ASD Installation and Operation Manual
Table 4. ACE G9-120V-PCB Default Assignment Terminal Names and Functions.
Default Function
(Also See Terminal Descriptions on pg. 26 )
Run Command — Multifunctional programmable discrete input.
Circuit Config.
— Multifunctional programmable discrete input.
Discrete Input
Input 1 — Multifunctional programmable discrete input.
Input 2 — Multifunctional programmable discrete input.
120 VAC to activate.
Input 3 — Multifunctional programmable discrete input.
Input 4 — Multifunctional programmable discrete input.
Stop Limit-Switch Forward — Multifunctional programmable discrete input.
Brake Failure — Multifunctional programmable discrete output.
— Multifunctional programmable discrete output.
BRAKE relay (N.O.).
BRAKE relay (N.C.).
BRAKE relay (Common).
Multifunctional programmable analog input. (0.0 to 10 VDC input).
Multifunctional programmable analog input (±10 VDC input).
(Select V or I via
Analog Input
V — Multifunctional programmable isolated analog voltage input (0 to 10
VDC input).
Frequency Mode 2 (Default Setting) —
I —Multifunctional programmable isolated analog current input (4 [0] to 20 mADC input — 0 Hz to Maximum
Stop Limit-Switch Reverse — Multifunctional programmable discrete input.
Analog Output
— Voltage output that is proportional to the output current of the ASD or to the magnitude of the function assigned to this terminal (see
Table 8 on pg. 240 for assignment listing).
Output Frequency — Current or Voltage output that is proportional to the
output frequency of the ASD or to the magnitude of the function assigned to
this terminal (see Table 8 on pg. 240 ). Select Current or Voltage at
DC Output
24 VDC output (200 mA max.).
10.0 VDC/10 mA voltage source for the external use (e.g., potentiometer).
Pulsed Output
Frequency Pulse — Multifunctional programmable output pulse train of a frequency based on the output frequency of the ASD (see
Return for the isolated V/I input terminal.
Return for the AM, FM, RR, RX, P24, and the PP analog terminals.
Do Not connect to
Earth Gnd or to each other.
ACE-tronics G9 ASD Installation and Operation Manual 25
Terminal Descriptions
The programmable terminal assignments may be accessed and changed from their default settings as mapped on
or via the Direct Access method: Program
Direct Access Applicable
Parameter Number. See the section titled
Program Mode Menu Navigation on pg. 57
for the applicable Direct Access parameter numbers.
For additional information on terminal assignments and default setting changes, see the sections titled
Default Setting Changes on pg. 40 and
See the section titled
Cable/Terminal/Torque Specifications on pg. 272 for information on the proper
cable/terminal sizes and torque specifications when making ACE G9-120V-PCB connections.
— The default setting for this terminal is Forward run command. The F input terminal is activated by applying 120 VAC to this terminal. This terminal may be programmed to any of the functions listed
— The default setting for this terminal is Reverse run command. The R input terminal is activated by applying 120 VAC to this terminal. This terminal may be programmed to any of the functions listed in
— The default setting for this terminal is Preset Speed 1 (see
Preset Speed 1 on pg. 87 ). The I1 input
terminal is activated by applying 120 VAC to this terminal. This terminal may be programmed to any of the functions listed in
— This input terminal may be programmed to any of the functions listed in
— This input terminal may be programmed to any of the functions listed in
— This input terminal may be programmed to any of the functions listed in
— The default function assigned to this input terminal is Stop Limit-Switch Forward. Activating this terminal applies the Stop command and may be used to indicate the end-of-travel on any axis via a
limit switch. The Stop command stopping method is selected at the Limit-Switch Stopping Method
— The default function assigned to this input terminal is Stop Limit-Switch Reverse. Activating this terminal applies the Stop command and may be used to indicate the end-of-travel on any axis via a
limit switch. The Stop command stopping method is selected at the Limit-Switch Stopping Method
— The default function to which this analog input terminal is assigned is Frequency Mode 1
setting. The RR terminal accepts a 0 – 10 VDC input signal that is used to control the function to which this terminal is assigned. This input terminal may be programmed to control the speed or torque of the motor via an amplitude setting or regulate by setting a limit. The gain and bias of this terminal may be adjusted for application-specific suitability (see
— The default function to which this analog input terminal is assigned is Torque Command
setting. The RX terminal accepts a ±10 VDC input signal that is used to control the function to which this terminal is assigned. This input terminal may be programmed to raise or lower the speed or torque of the motor via an amplitude setting. This terminal may also be used to regulate the speed or torque of
ACE-tronics G9 ASD Installation and Operation Manual
PP a motor by setting a limit. The gain and bias of this terminal may be adjusted for application-specific
). See Figure 20 on pg. 30 for an electrical depiction of the RX terminal.
— The V/I terminal has the dual function of being able to receive an input voltage or current. The function as a voltage input is to receive a 0 – 10 VDC input signal. The function as a current input is to receive a 0 – 20 mA input signal. Using either input type, the function is to control the 0.0 – Maximum
Frequency output or the 0.0 to 250% torque output of the ASD. This is an isolated input terminal. This terminal may be programmed to control the speed or torque of the motor and cannot process both input types simultaneously. SW2 must be set to V or I to receive a voltage or current, respectively (see
8 on pg. 24 ). Terminal scaling is accomplished via
. The gain and bias of this terminal may
be adjusted for application-specific suitability (see F470
— +24 VDC at 200 mA power supply for customer use.
— The function of output PP is to provide a 10 VDC/10 mADC max. output that may be divided using a potentiometer or other transducer. The tapped voltage is applied to the RR input to provide manual control of the RR programmed function.
— The default function assigned to this terminal is Output Low Speed. This output may be programmed to provide an indication (open or closed) that any one of the functions listed in
the brake (see
F130 ). The OUT1 terminal is rated at 2 A/120 VAC and 2 A/30 VDC.
— The default function assigned to this terminal is ACC/DEC Complete. This output may be programmed to provide an indication (open or closed) that any one of the functions listed in
the brake (see
F131 ). The OUT2 terminal is rated at 2 A/120 VAC and 2 A/30 VDC.
— The default function of this output terminal is to output a series of pulses at a rate that is a function of the output frequency of the ASD (50 mA max. at 1.0 kHz to 43.3 kHz). As the output frequency of the ASD goes up so does the FP output pulse rate. This terminal may be programmed to provide an output pulse rate that is proportional to the magnitude of any of the user-selected items from
Table 8 on pg. 240 . For additional information on this terminal see
— This output terminal produces an output voltage that is proportional to the output frequency of the ASD or of the magnitude of the function assigned to this terminal. This terminal may be programmed to provide an output voltage that is proportional to the magnitude of any of the userselected items from
Table 8 on pg. 240 . For additional information on this terminal see
— This output terminal produces an output current or voltage that is proportional to the output frequency of the ASD or of the magnitude of the function assigned to this terminal. This terminal may be programmed to provide an output current or voltage that is proportional to the magnitude of any of the user-selected items from
. For additional information on this terminal see
. The Voltage/Current output selection is performed at
— One of two normally open contacts that, under user-defined conditions, connect to
— One of two normally closed contacts that, under user-defined conditions, connect to
ACE-tronics G9 ASD Installation and Operation Manual 27
— BRAKE-C is the common leg of a single-pole double-throw form-C relay. The
BRAKE relay is the Fault Relay by default, but may be programmed to any of the selections of
. For additional information on this terminal see F132
Note: The BRAKE-A, BRAKE-B, and BRAKE-C contacts are rated at 2 A/120 VAC and
2 A/30 VDC.
Figure 9. BRAKE Switching Contacts.
Note: The BRAKE relay is shown in the de-energized state.
28 ACE-tronics G9 ASD Installation and Operation Manual
I/O Circuit Configurations
Figure 10. Discrete Input.
Figure 11. RR Input.
Figure 12. RX Input.
Figure 13. V/I Isolated Input.
Figure 14. P24 Output.
Figure 15. PP Output.
Figure 16. OUT1/OUT2 Output.
Figure 17. FP Output.
Figure 18. AM/FM Output.
Figure 19. BRAKE Output.
ACE-tronics G9 ASD Installation and Operation Manual 29
Typical Connection Diagram
Figure 20. The ACE-tronics G9 ASD Typical Connection Diagram.
Note: When connecting multiple wires to any of ASD terminals, do not connect a solid wire and a stranded wire to the same terminal.
Note: The AM, FM, PP, RR, RX, and the P24 analog terminals are referenced to CC.
The isolated V/I analog terminal referenced to IICC.
F, R, I1, I2, I3, I4, I5, and I6 referenced to X2.
ACE-tronics G9 ASD Installation and Operation Manual
Startup and Test
Before turning on the ASD ensure that:
• R/L1, S/L2, and T/L3 are connected to the 3-phase input power.
• U/T1, V/T2, and W/T3 are connected to the motor.
• The 3-phase input voltage is within the specified tolerance.
• There are no shorts and all grounds are secure.
• All personnel are at a safe distance from the motor and the motor-driven equipment.
ACE-tronics G9 ASD Installation and Operation Manual 31
Electronic Operator Interface
The ACE-tronics G9 ASD Electronic Operator Interface (EOI) is comprised of an LED screen, an LCD screen, two LEDs, a rotary encoder, and five keys. These items are shown and described on
EOI Operation
The EOI is the primary input/output device for the user. The EOI may be used to monitor system functions, input data into the system, perform diagnostics, and view performance data (e.g., motor frequency, bus voltage, torque, etc.).
The software used with the ASD is menu driven; thus, making it a select-and-click environment. The operating parameters of a motor may be selected and viewed or changed using the EOI (or via communications).
EOI Remote Mounting
The EOI may be mounted remotely using the optional ASD-MTG-KIT9. The kit contains all of the hardware required to mount the EOI of the 9-Series ASD remotely.
System operation and EOI operation while using the remotely-mounted EOI are the same as with the
ASD-mounted configuration.
32 ACE-tronics G9 ASD Installation and Operation Manual
Figure 21. The ACE-tronics G9 ASD Electronic Operator Interface Features.
item: (01)
of items: (14)
Startup Wizard...
Direct Access...
LED Screen
Rotary Encoder
LCD Screen
Key (LED)
Escape Key
Run Key
Stop-Reset Key
EOI Features
LED Screen
— Displays the running frequency, active Fault, or active Alarm information.
Rotary Encoder
— Used to access the ASD menu selections, change the value of a displayed parameter, and performs the Enter key function. Turn the Rotary Encoder either clockwise or counterclockwise to perform the Up or Down functions of the displayed menu selection. Press the Rotary
Encoder to perform the Enter (select) function.
LCD Screen
— Displays configuration information, performance data (e.g., output frequency, bus voltage, torque, etc.), diagnostic information, and LED screen information in expanded text.
Local/Remote Key
— Toggles the system to and from the Local and Remote modes. The Local/
Remote key is disabled while the Fault screen is displayed. The LED is on when the system is in the
Local Command mode. The Local mode allows the Command and Frequency control functions to be carried out via the EOI.
The Remote mode enables the Command and Frequency control functions to be carried out via the ACE
G9-120V-PCB, RS485, Communication Card, Pulse Input, or the settings of F003
. The selection may be made via Program Fundamental
Standard Mode Settings
, respectively.
The availability of Local mode control (Command and Frequency control) may be disabled via Program
Local/Remote Key Command Override or Local/Remote Key Frequency
performing a Reset (see F007 ).
— Returns the system to the previous level of the menu, toggles between the EOI Command screen and the Frequency Command screen, or cancels changes made to a field if pressed while still in the reverse video mode (dark background/light text). The three functions are menu-specific.
Run Key
— Issues the Run command while in the Local mode. The Run key LED illuminates green while stopped or red while running to alert personnel.
Mode Key
— Provides a means to access the three root menus. Pressing the Mode key repeatedly loops the system through the three root menus (see
). While looping through the root menus, the Program menu will display the root menu screen or the Program sub-menu item being accessed prior to pressing the Mode key.
ACE-tronics G9 ASD Installation and Operation Manual 33
Stop-Reset Key
— This key has three functions.
Issues the Off command (decelerates to Stop at the programmed rate) if pressed once while in the
Local mode in accordance with the setting of
Initiates an Emergency Off Fault if pressed twice quickly from the Local or Remote modes. The
Emergency Off function terminates the ASD output and stops the motor in accordance with the setting of
Resets active Faults if pressed twice quickly. The source of the Faults must be determined and corrected before normal ASD operation can resume.
LED/LCD Screen
The LED screen is used to display the output frequency, active alarms and active faults, or Off.
If there are no active alarms or faults, the output frequency is displayed.
During an active alarm, the display toggles to and from the running frequency and the active alarm.
During an active fault, the fault is displayed.
Loss of the ST terminal activation (if so
configured; see F110 ) flashes Off.
LED Character/Font
Characters displayed on the LED screen will be of the seven-segment format. Not all alphanumeric characters are used.
Shown to the right are the seven-segment characters used on the LED screen along with the same characters as they are displayed on the
LCD screen.
LCD Character Information
All alpha-numeric characters are used.
S t
U v y
C d
A b
M n
O b
P v y
S t
P q r
M n
A b
C d
LED/LCD Screen Information
ACE-tronics G9 ASD Installation and Operation Manual
LCD Screen
The LCD screen is the primary user input/output information center. Parameter settings may be viewed or changed using the LCD screen module of the EOI. To view or change a parameter setting using the LCD screen, press the Mode key until the Program menu is displayed. Turn the Rotary Encoder until the desired Primary Menu item (see
) is within the cursor block. Press the Rotary Encoder to select the item from the Primary Menu (repeat the press-to-select function for sub-menu items).
See the section titled
Default Setting Changes on pg. 40
for more information on changing parameter settings.
Upon reaching the desired parameter selection the current setting may be viewed, or selected and changed by pressing the Rotary Encoder — the setting will take on the reverse video format (dark background/ light text). Turn the Rotary Encoder to change the parameter setting. Press the ESC key while the new parameter setting is in the reverse video mode to exit the selection without saving the change or press the
Rotary Encoder while the parameter setting is in the reverse video mode to accept the new setting.
Repeated ESC key entries at any time takes the menu back one level each time the ESC key is pressed until the Frequency Command screen is reached. Further ESC entries will toggle the system to and from the Frequency Command screen and the EOI Command menu.
Note: Changes carried out from the EOI Command screen will be effective for EOIcontrolled ASD operation only. See the section titled
EOI Command Mode on pg. 53 for
additional information on
Primary Menus of the LCD Screen
The three primary LCD screens are displayed while accessing the associated operating modes: the
Frequency Command, Monitor, and Program Menu screens.
Figure 22. Frequency Command Screen.
Speed Reference %
Speed Reference Hz
Monitored Parameters
Discrete I/O Terminal
Status or Alarm Condition
Indicator (ST Activation Required)
Ready-to-Run Indicator
Appears When ST Is Activated
Forward Run Active
Reverse Run Active
Figure 23. Monitor Screen (see pg. 54
for more on the Monitor Screen).
Screen Name
Item Number 1 of 43
Monitored items
(Only 5 Items Listed)
Active Frequency
Active DC Bus Voltage
Freq At Trip:
Freq Ref:
Output Current:
DC Voltage:
Output Voltage:
Speed at Trip (if applicable)
Active Output Current
ASD Output Voltage
Figure 24. Program Menu Screen (see
for more on the Program Menu Screen).
Screen Name
Item Number 1 of 15
Program Menu items
(Only 5 Items Listed)
Primary Menu Items
ACE-tronics G9 ASD Installation and Operation Manual 35
LED/LCD Screen Installation Note
When installing the LED/LCD display module of the EOI ensure that the left side of the display is inserted first with the top and bottom catches (see Phillips screws at underside of display) securely in place. This ensures the proper alignment and electrical connection of the CNX connector of the LED/
LCD display module PCB. Gently hold the display in place while securing the Phillips mounting screw.
If improperly seated, the periphery of the LED/LCD display module will not be flush with the front panel surface and the unit will not function properly.
36 ACE-tronics G9 ASD Installation and Operation Manual
EOI Remote Mounting
The ASD may be controlled from a remotely-mounted EOI. For safety and application-specific reasons, some ASD installations will warrant that the operator not be in the vicinity during operation or that the
EOI not be attached to the ASD housing. The EOI may be mounted either with or without the optional
Remote Mounting Kit (P/N ASD-MTG-KIT). The ease of installation is enhanced by the Remote
Mounting Kit (P/N 58333) which allows for EOI placement and easier cable routing.
Remote mounting will also allow for multiple EOI mountings at one location if controlling and monitoring several ASDs from a central location is required.
The EOI can operate up to nine feet away from the ASD. A EOI extender cable is required for remote mounting. The EOI extender cable is available in a nine-foot length and may be ordered through the ACE
World Companies Customer Support Center.
The optional dust cover (P/N ASD-BPC) may be used to cover the front panel opening of the ASD housing after removing the EOI.
Remote EOI Required Hardware
EOI Mounting Hardware
• EOI Remote-Mount Housing — P/N 58333 (included with 230-volt 40-HP and above; and with the
460-volt 75 HP and above)
• 6-32 x 5/16” Pan Head Screw — P/N 50595 (4 ea.)
• #6 Split-Lock Washer — P/N 01884 (4 ea.)
• #6 Flat Washer — P/N 01885 (4 ea.)
Bezel Plate Mounting Hardware
• Bezel Plate — P/N 52291
• 10-32 Hex Nut — P/N 01922 (4 ea.)
• #10 Split-Lock Washer — P/N 01923 (4 ea.)
• #10 Flat Washer — P/N 01924 (4 ea.)
• Dust Cover — P/N ASD-BPC (Optional)
Extender Cable
• ASD-CAB10F: Cable, 9 ft.
EOI Installation Precautions
Install the unit securely in a well ventilated area that is out of direct sunlight using the four mounting holes at the rear of the EOI. The ambient temperature rating for the EOI is 14° to 104° F (-10° to 40° C).
• Select a mounting location that is easily accessible by the user.
• Avoid installation in areas where vibration, heat, humidity, dust, metal particles, or high levels of electrical noise (EMI) are present.
• Do not install the EOI where it may be exposed to flammable chemicals or gases, water, solvents, or other fluids.
• Turn on the power only after securing the front cover of the ASD.
ACE-tronics G9 ASD Installation and Operation Manual 37
EOI Remote Mounting w/o the ASD-MTG-KIT
See Figure 25 for the dimensions and the item locations referenced in steps 1 through
At the EOI mounting location, mark the 3.80” by 3.56” hole and the four 7/32” screw holes.
Cut the 3.80” by 3.56” rectangular hole.
Drill the four 7/32” screw holes.
Attach and secure the EOI to the front side of the mounting location using the four 6-32 x 5/16” pan head screws, the #6 split lock washers, and the #6 flat washers.
Connect the extension cable.
EOI Mounting Dimensions
Figure 25. EOI Mounting Dimensions.
38 ACE-tronics G9 ASD Installation and Operation Manual
EOI Remote Mounting Using the ASD-MTG-KIT
See Figure 26 for the dimensions and the item locations referenced in steps 1 through
At the EOI mounting location, mark the 4.60” by 4.50” hole and the four 11/32” screw holes.
Cut the 4.60” by 4.50” rectangular hole.
Drill the four 11/32” holes for the Bezel Plate mount.
Attach and secure the Bezel Plate to the front side of the mounting location using the four 10-32 hex nuts, #10 split lock washers, and the #10 flat washers.
Attach and secure the EOI to the front side of the Bezel Plate using the four 6-32 x 5/16” pan head screws, #6 split lock washers, and the #6 flat washers.
Connect the extension cable.
EOI ASD-MTG-KIT Mounting Dimensions
Figure 26. EOI Bezel Plate Mounting Dimensions.
ACE-tronics G9 ASD Installation and Operation Manual 39
System Operation
Operation (Local)
Note: See the section titled
EOI Features on pg. 33 for information on Remote operation.
To turn the motor on perform the following:
Press the Mode key until the Frequency
Command screen is displayed.
Press the Local/Remote key to enter the Local mode (green Local LED illuminates).
Turn the Rotary Encoder clockwise until the desired Frequency Command value is displayed in the SET field of the LCD screen.
Press the Run key and the motor runs at the
Frequency Command value.
Frequency Command Screen
Note: The speed of the motor may be changed while the motor is running by using the
Rotary Encoder to change the Frequency Command value.
Press the Stop-Reset key to stop the motor.
Default Setting Changes
To change a default parameter setting go to the root level of the Program menu. Turn the Rotary
Encoder until the desired parameter group is within the cursor block. Press the Rotary Encoder to select an item or to access a subgroup (repeat if required until reaching the parameter to be changed).
Press the Rotary Encoder to enter the Edit mode and the value/setting takes on the reverse video format
(dark background/light text). Turn the Rotary Encoder to change the parameter value/setting.
Press the Rotary Encoder while the parameter setting is in the reverse video mode to accept the new setting or press the ESC key while the new parameter setting is in the reverse video mode to exit the menu without saving the change.
For a complete listing of the
Program mode menu selections, see the section titled Program Mode Menu
Navigation on pg. 57 . Program menu items are listed and mapped for convenience. The Direct Access
Numbers are listed where applicable.
The default settings may also be changed by entering the Parameter Number of the setting to be changed at the Direct Access menu (Program
Direct Access Applicable Parameter Number). A listing of the
Direct Access Numbers and a description of the associated parameter may be found in the section titled
Direct Access Information on pg. 79 .
A listing of all parameters that have been changed from the default setting may be viewed sequentially by accessing the Changed From Default screen (Program
Utilities Changed From Default).
The Changed From Default feature allows the user to quickly access the parameters that are different from the factory default settings or the post-reset settings. Once the Changed From Default screen is displayed, the system scrolls through all of the system parameters automatically and halts once reaching a changed parameter.
40 ACE-tronics G9 ASD Installation and Operation Manual
Once stopped at a changed parameter, the Rotary Encoder may be clicked once clockwise to continue scrolling forward or clicked once counterclockwise to begin scrolling in reverse. With each click of the
Rotary Encoder from a stop, the system scrolls through the parameters and stops at the next parameter that has been changed.
Press the Rotary Encoder while stopped at a changed parameter to display the settings of the changed parameter. Press the Rotary Encoder to enter the Edit mode — the parameter value/setting takes on the reverse video format (dark background/light text).Turn the Rotary Encoder to change the parameter setting.
Press the ESC key while the setting is in the reverse video format to exit the Edit mode without saving the change and to resume the Changed From Default search. Or press the Rotary Encoder while the setting is in the reverse video format to save the change. Press ESC to return to the Changed From Default search.
Pressing ESC while the system is performing a Changed From Default search terminates the search.
Pressing ESC when finished searching (or halted at a changed parameter) takes the menu back one level.
Note: Communications setting changes will require that the ASD power be removed and then re-applied for the changes to take affect.
Parameter F201 was changed to create the example shown in
Figure 27. Changed From Default Screen.
Save User Settings
A profile of an existing setup may be saved and re-applied when required by using the Save User Setup feature. This function is carried out via Program
Utilities Type Reset Save User Settings.
With the initial setup saved, troubleshooting and diagnostics may be performed and the starting setup may be re-applied when finished via Program
Utilities Type Reset Restore User Settings.
Note: EOI settings are not stored using the Save User Settings or using the Restore User
Settings features (i.e., contrast setting, voltage/current units, display gradient characteristics, etc.).
ACE-tronics G9 ASD Installation and Operation Manual 41
Startup Wizard Requirements
In the event of a power loss while programming the system using the Startup Wizard the parameter entries completed before the power loss will be retained and used by the system upon system startup. Confirm that all settings are as required for the application before system startup.
The Startup Wizard is used to quickly setup the commonly used parameters of the ACE-tronics
G9 ASD — it queries the user for information on Motion Control settings and on the input and output signal parameters. The ASD may also be setup by directly accessing each of the control settings via the
menu (see
) or the Direct Access Numbers (see pg. 79
To run the Startup Wizard, go to the
menu and click Startup Wizard.
At the subsequent screen either click Exit to end the Startup Wizard or click Next to continue with the wizard.
Click Next at each parameter screen to accept the setting and to go to the next screen.
Upon completion of the Startup Wizard click Exit to return the system to the
Note: The Startup Wizard is disabled during an active Run command. Remove the Run command (deactivate F and/or R) to enable the Startup Wizard function.
The Startup Wizard queries the user for the parameter settings listed below.
Startup Wizard Introduction Screen
42 ACE-tronics G9 ASD Installation and Operation Manual
Figure 28. Startup Wizard Flow Chart.
(Nameplate Data)
On/No OL
Brake Fail
Brake Release
PG Feedback Option
1024 PG PPR
Phase No.
Express Stop
Closed-Loop Hoist
2-Step Variable Volts
Constant Torque
Fault All
Always Off
2-Step Variable
Express Stop
F986 on pg. 231 for specifics on the setup and functional
descriptions of the associated discrete input terminals for a given
Speed Control mode selection.
ACE-tronics G9 ASD Installation and Operation Manual 43
Startup Wizard Introduction Screen
The introduction screen provides an opportunity to exit the wizard before launching. Once started, the wizard must be completed to exit the program.
Select Exit to terminate the wizard and configure manually. Go to the Program screen and select the parameters to be configured.
To continue with the wizard click Next.
Motor Capacity
This parameter is used to set the (Nameplate) rated capacity of the motor being used.
Motor RPM
This parameter is used to set the (Nameplate) RPM of the motor being used.
Motor Current
This parameter is used to set the (Nameplate) rated current of the motor being used.
ACE-tronics G9 ASD Installation and Operation Manual
ASD Control
This parameter is used to set the operating mode of the ASD. Selections are Standard Hoist
Control, Standard Traverse Control, and
Custom Control.
Hoist Control and to place the following settings in effect:
Closed-Loop Vector Control.
PG Feedback = On.
Torque Proving = Enabled.
1024 PG Pulse/Rotation.
PG Encoder Phase = 2.
PG Disconnection Detection = Enabled.
Control = 2-Step Variable.
I2 – I6 = Unassigned.
OUT1 = Brake Failure (154), N.O.
OUT2 = Brake Release (68), N.O.
BRAKE = Brake Release (68), N.O.
Express Stop = Disabled.
Plugging = Disabled.
Accel Time 1 = 3 Seconds.
Decel Time 1 = 1.5 Seconds.
Next = Go to
ASD for Traverse Control and to place the following settings in effect:
Constant Torque Control.
PG Feedback = Off.
Torque Proving = Disabled.
Control = 2-Step Variable.
I2 – I6 = Unassigned.
OUT1 = Fault All (10), N.C.
OUT2 = Always Off (254), N.O.
BRAKE = Brake Release (68), N.O.
Express Stop = Disabled.
Plugging = Disabled.
Accel Time 1 = 6 Seconds.
Decel Time 1 = 6 Seconds.
Next = Go to Autotune Enable on pg. 46 .
following associated settings in effect:
Hoist Control
Torque Proving = Enabled.
OUT1 = Brake Failure (154), N.O.
OUT2 = Brake Release (68), N.O.
BRAKE = Brake Release (68), N.O.
Traverse Control
Constant Torque.
Torque Proving = Disabled.
OUT1 = Fault All (10), N.C.
OUT2 = Always Off (254), N.O.
BRAKE = Brake Release (68), N.O.
Express Stop = Disabled.
ACE-tronics G9 ASD Installation and Operation Manual
Select Yes or No at Encoder Being Used?
Being Used?
No Yes
Speed Sense
PG Feedback
Sensorless Vector
Closed Loop
Encoder Phases
Go to Speed Control (F986) on pg. 46 .
Autotune Enable
This parameter is used to enable/disable the
Autotune function.
Autotune 1 = Autotune Disabled or Enabled
Autotune on Run Command.
Speed Control (
— F, R, and I1.
— F, R, I3 and I4.
F, R, and Preset Speeds 1 – 4.
Same as 5-Speed using only the required number of Preset Speed settings.
(RR) .
Accel/Decel Times
Special Functions
Enable Slow-Speed Limit-Switch —
Sets I3 and I4 to Slow-Speed Limit Switch Forward and Slow-
Speed Limit Switch Reverse, respectively.
for F and R — Sets I5 and I6 to Stop Limit-Switch Forward and Stop
Limit-Switch Reverse, respectively.
Enable Express Speed (
Creep Speed LL (
Sets I4 to Creep Speed 1 Command
Enable Super Creep — Sets I4 to Super Creep.
Enable Slack Rope Detection (
— Sets I4 to
Frequency Reference Priority Switching .
Enable Autotune On Run Command (
Note: Enabling any of the above functions will overwrite the previous function assigned to the associated discrete input terminal.
ACE-tronics G9 ASD Installation and Operation Manual
Command and Frequency Mode Control
Command control includes instructions such as Stop, Run, Jog, etc. The source of the Command signal must be established for normal operation.
Frequency commands control the output speed of the ASD. The source of the frequency control signal must be established for normal operation.
The source of the command control and frequency control may be either internal or external. Once the source signal is selected for either function, the system may be configured to use the selected signal all of the time or switch under user-defined conditions.
Command and Frequency control may be carried out using any one of several control methods (signal sources) or combinations thereof. In the event that multiple control commands are received, the signal sources are assigned priority levels. The primary control method for Command and Frequency control
, respectively.
Command Control (F003)
Standard Mode Selection
(F003) Command Mode
The Command Mode selection of F003 establishes the
primary source of the command input for the ASD.
However, the Override feature may supersede the
setting as indicated in
shows the hierarchy of the control sources managed by the Override function. The level
Terminal Block of the control item of the hierarchy is listed from left to right, most to least, respectively. As indicated in the table, the Override setting may supersede the
Placing the EOI in the Local mode selects the RS485 2-Wire as the Command Mode control source.
Local mode operation may be superseded by other Override settings.
Example: With the EOI set to Local, Communication Board input or RS485 4-Wire input will supersede EOI control input.
The remaining control sources may be placed into the Override mode using communications.
The source of the Command control signal may be selected by:
• The
• Placing an item from the Command signal source selections in the Override mode via communications, or
• Placing the EOI in the Local mode (places only the RS485 [2-Wire] or the RS485 [4-Wire] in the
Override mode).
Possible Command signal source selections include the following:
• Terminal Board (default),
• EOI Keypad,
• RS485,
• Communication Option Board, or
setting (is used if no signal sources are in the Override mode).
Note: The Terminal Board is placed in the Override mode for Command functions by assigning a discrete terminal to Command Terminal Board Priority and activating the terminal by applying 120 VAC. Once activated (Run command required), the
Terminal Board settings will be used for Override Command control (F, R, Preset
Speeds, etc.).
ACE-tronics G9 ASD Installation and Operation Manual 47
Frequency Control (F004)
The Frequency Mode 1 (or the Frequency Mode 2) setting establishes the user-selected source of the frequency-control input for the ASD. The signal source selected here is used for frequency control unless the
Reference Priority Selection parameter is configured to switch this setting automatically (see
) or if the
Override feature is enabled.
Standard Mode Selection
(F004) Frequency Mode 1
shows the hierarchy of the control sources managed by the Override function. The level of
RR the control item of the hierarchy is listed from left to right, most to least, respectively. As indicated in the table, the Override setting may supersede the
Placing the EOI in the Local mode selects the RS485 2-Wire as the Frequency Mode 1 control source.
Local mode operation may be superseded by other Override settings.
Example: With the EOI set to Local, the Communication Board input or the RS485 4-Wire input will supersede EOI control input.
The remaining control sources may be placed into the Override mode using communications.
The source of the Frequency control signal may be selected by:
• The
• Placing an item from the Frequency control source selections in the Override mode via communications, or
• Placing the EOI in the Local mode (places only the RS485 [2-Wire] in the Override mode).
Possible Frequency control source selections include the following:
• Communication Board,
• RS485,
• EOI Keypad,
• Terminal Board (the default setting), or
setting (used if no other items are in the Override mode).
Note: The Terminal Board is placed in the Override mode for frequency control functions by assigning a discrete terminal to V/I Terminal Priority and activating the terminal by applying 120 VAC to the terminal. Once the discrete terminal is activated, V/I is used as the Terminal Board Override control item.
Command and Frequency Control Selections
The user may select only one Command source and only one source for Frequency control. The default settings for Command and Frequency control are Terminal Board and RR, respectively.
The ASD has a command register for each item listed as a Command or Frequency source. The registers store the Override setting for each control source. The registers are continuously scanned to determine if any of the listed items are in the Override mode.
For each scan cycle, the command registers of the control sources are scanned for the Override setting in
Frequency section detected as being in the Override mode will be used for Command and Frequency
ACE-tronics G9 ASD Installation and Operation Manual
will be used for Command and Frequency control, respectively.
Any or all of the Command and Frequency control input sources may be placed in the Override mode.
Placing the ASD in the Local mode (Local/Remote LED on) via the EOI places the RS485 2-Wire control selection in the Override mode for Command and Frequency input (see the section titled
for the proper setting). The Local/Remote control Override feature for
Command and Frequency (or either) may be enabled/disabled at Program
Utilities Prohibition
Local/Remote key (Command or Frequency) Override.
Communications may be used to place the remaining Command and eligible Frequency control input sources in the Override mode. Once placed in the Override mode this setting is valid until it is cancelled, the power supply is turned off, or the ASD is reset.
Override Operation
The signal sources of
are scanned from left to right in the order that they are listed to determine which input sources are in the Override mode (active Command or Frequency command present). The first item detected as having the Override function turned on is the selection that is used for Command or
Frequency control input.
The Override control setting supersedes the setting of the Command mode setting ( F003
) and the
Frequency mode setting (
F004 ). However, the F003 and F004
settings will be used in the event that the register scan returns the condition that none of the listed items have the Override feature turned on or a discrete input terminal is set to Serial/Local Switch and is activated.
Command and Frequency-Control Override Hierarchy
Frequency control Override operation.
The ASD software reads the memory locations of the listed control sources from the left to the right.
The first item to be read that has the Override feature turned on will be used for Command or Frequency control.
Table 5. Command and Frequency Control Hierarchy.
Forced F003/
F004 by I/P
(Assign to Serial/
Local Switch)
Terminal Board
(Binary/BCD Input)
Priority Level
Frequency Mode
F003/F004 Setting
Communication Board
EOI Keypad
Terminal Board
F003/F004 Setting
Note: 1 = Override feature is turned on for that control input source; 0 = Override Off; X = Don’t Care.
ACE-tronics G9 ASD Installation and Operation Manual 49
Command Control Selections
The following is a listing with descriptions of the
Command Mode (
Standard Mode Selection Command
Mode Selection).
0 — Terminal Board
Allows for Command control input via the
Terminal Board.
Standard Mode Selection
(F003) Command Mode
Terminal Block (Default)
1 — Not Used
2 — EOI Keypad
Used for EOI command control.
3 — RS485
Used to transfer commands to the ASD via RS485 4-Wire.
4 — Communication Option Board
Use this setting if using the optional Communication Board for command control.
Frequency Control
Selections Standard Mode Selection
(F004) Frequency Mode 1
The following is a listing with descriptions of the
Frequency Mode ( F004 ) selections (Program
Standard Mode Selection Frequency
Mode 1).
RR (Default)
1 — V/I
Used when a 0 to 10 VDC analog input or a 0 – 20 mA DC current input is used as the frequency control input. Only one input signal type may be used at a time. Set SW2 to the desired signal type.
2 — RR
Used for a 0 to 10 VDC analog input signal.
3 — RX
Used for a ±10 VDC analog input signal.
4 — Not Used
5 — EOI Keypad
Used for EOI frequency control.
6 — RS485
Used to transfer speed commands to the ASD via RS485 4-Wire.
ACE-tronics G9 ASD Installation and Operation Manual
7 — Communication Option Board
Use this setting if using the optional Communication Board for frequency control.
8 — RX2 Option (AI1)
Used for a ±10 VDC analog input signal.
9 — Option V/I
Allows for the use of the optional voltage/current frequency-control interface.
10 — UP/DOWN Frequency
A discrete terminal may be configured to increase or decrease the speed of the motor by momentarily activating the terminal by applying 120 VAC to the terminal. See
for additional information on this feature.
11 — Pulse Input Option
Used to allow the system to use a pulsed input for frequency control. See PG Input Point 1
for additional information on this feature.
12 — Pulse Input (Motor CPU)
Used to allow the system to use a pulsed input for frequency control. See PG Input Point 1
for additional information on this feature.
13 — Binary/BCD Input Option
Allows for discrete terminal to be used for frequency-control input.
ACE-tronics G9 ASD Installation and Operation Manual 51
System Configuration and Menu Options
Root Menus
The Mode key accesses the three primary modes of the ACE-tronics G9 ASD: the Frequency Command mode, the Monitor mode, and the Program mode. From either mode, press the Mode key to loop through to the other two modes (see
). While in the Frequency Command mode, pressing the ESC key toggles the menu to and from the EOI Command mode and the Frequency Command mode.
The Alarm or Fault information will be displayed in the event of an active Alarm or Fault. Alarm text will be displayed on the Frequency Command screen and on the LED screen when active. Fault information will be displayed via the Fault screen. See
for more information on Alarms and Trips.
Note: EOI Command mode changes are effective for EOI control Only.
Figure 29. ACE-tronics G9 ASD Root Menu Navigation.
Frequency Command Mode
Frequency Setting
While operating in the Local mode (Local LED is illuminated on the front panel), the running frequency of the motor may be set from the Frequency Command screen. Using the Rotary Encoder, enter the
Frequency Command value, provide a Run command (F and/or R), and then press the Run key. The motor will run at the Frequency Command speed and may be changed while running. See
and Operation (Local) on pg. 40 for more information on the Frequency Command mode.
ACE-tronics G9 ASD Installation and Operation Manual
EOI Command Mode
The EOI Command mode is accessed by pressing the ESC key from the Frequency Command screen.
The control settings of the EOI Command menu are effective for EOI control only.
The EOI Command mode provides quick access to the following menu parameters:
Direction — Forward or Reverse.
Stop Pattern — The Decel Stop or Coast Stop settings determines the method used to stop the motor when using the Stop-Reset key of the EOI. The Decel Stop setting enables the Dynamic
Braking system setup at
or the DC Injection Braking system setup at F250 , F251
, and
The Coast Stop setting allows the motor to stop at the rate allowed by the inertia of the load.
Note: The Stop Pattern setting has no effect on the Emergency Off settings of
V/f Group — One of four V/f profiles may be selected and run. Each V/f profile is comprised of 4 user settings: Base Frequency, Base Frequency Voltage, Manual Torque Boost, and Electronic
Thermal Protection. Expanded descriptions of these parameters may be found in the section titled
Direct Access Information on pg. 79 .
Accel/Decel Group — One of four Accel/Decel profiles may be selected and run. Each of the
Accel/Decel profiles is comprised of three user settings: Acceleration, Deceleration, and Pattern.
Expanded descriptions of these parameters may be found in the section titled
Feedback in Panel Mode — Enables or disables the PID feedback function.
Torque Limit Group — Used to select one of four preset positive torque limits to apply to the active motor (of a multiple motor configuration). The settings of profiles 1 – 4 may be setup at
, respectively.
ACE-tronics G9 ASD Installation and Operation Manual 53
Monitor Mode
The Monitor mode allows the user to monitor motor performance variables, control settings, and configuration data during motor operation. The items that are viewable from this mode are listed and described below.
Note: The Monitor mode is a read-only mode. The settings cannot be changed from the
Monitor mode. For information on how to change the values, see the section titled
Default Setting Changes on pg. 40 .
Note: Any two of the Underlined monitored items may be selected for display at the
Frequency Command screen while running via Program
for information on using the
Note: The
setting will determine if the Current and Voltage values displayed appear as
A (Amps) and V (Voltage), or if the value is shown as a % (percentage) of the ASD rating.
Frequency at Trip — Displays the at-trip frequency.
Frequency Reference — Displays the Frequency Setpoint.
Output Current — Displays the Output Current as a percentage of the rated capacity of the ASD.
DC (Bus) Voltage — Displays the Bus Voltage as a percentage of the rated capacity of the ASD.
Output Voltage — Displays the Output Voltage as a percentage of the rated capacity of the ASD.
AM Output — Displays the AM output terminal value for the function assigned to the AM terminal.
FM Output — Displays the FM output terminal value for the function assigned to the FM terminal.
Motor OL (Overload) Real — Displays the real-time Motor Overload value as a percentage of the rated capacity of the motor.
Motor OL (Overload) Trip — Displays the Motor Overload Trip value as a percentage of the rated capacity of the motor.
Motor Load — Displays the real-time Motor Load as a percentage of the rated capacity of the motor.
ASD OL (Overload) Real — Displays the real-time ASD Overload as a percentage of the rated capacity of the ASD.
ASD OL (Overload) Trip — Displays the ASD Overload Trip value as a percentage of the rated capacity of the ASD.
ASD Load — Displays the ASD Load as a percentage of the rated capacity of the ASD.
Run Time — Displays the Cumulative Run Time in hours. Set to zero by selecting Clear Run Timer at
Compensation Frequency — Displays the Output Frequency after the application of the slip compensation correction value (Post Compensation Frequency).
DBR OL (Overload) Real — Displays the real-time DBR Overload value as a percentage of the
Dynamic Braking Resistor capacity.
ACE-tronics G9 ASD Installation and Operation Manual
DBR OL (Overload) Trip — Displays the DBR Overload Trip value as a percentage of the Dynamic
Braking Resistor capacity.
DBR Load — Displays the DBR Load as a percentage of the Dynamic Braking Resistor capacity.
Feedback (Inst) — Provides a status of the Real Time Feedback in Hz.
Feedback (1 Second) — Provides a status of the 1-Second Averaging feedback in Hz.
Torque — Displays the Output Torque as a percentage of the rated capacity of the ASD.
Torque Reference — Displays the Torque Reference as a percentage of the maximum torque available.
Torque Current — Displays the torque-producing current value.
Excitation Current — Displays the current value required to produce the excitation field.
PID Feedback — Provides a status of the PID Real Time Feedback in Hz.
Input Power — Displays the Input Power in Kilowatts (kW).
Output Power — Displays the Output Power in Kilowatts (kW).
Pattern Group Number — Displays the active Pattern Run Group Number.
Pattern Cycle Number — Displays the cycle number of the active Pattern Run Group.
Pattern Preset — Displays the active Preset Speed being run of the active Pattern Run Group.
Pattern Time — Displays the remaining time for the active Pattern Run Group.
RR — Displays the RR input value as a percentage of the full range of the RR value (potentiometer input).
V/I — Displays the V/I input setting as a percentage of the full range of the V/I value.
Note: The isolated V/I input terminal may receive Current or Voltage to control the output speed or the output torque. The input signal type must be selected at SW2 on the
ACE G9-120V-PCB.
The V input setting of SW2 is used for the 0 – 10 VDC analog input signal and the I input setting of SW2 is used for the 0 – 20 mA analog input signal. Either may be used as a frequency or torque command source. See parameter
on the setup of this terminal.
RX — Displays the RX input setting as a percentage of the full range of the RX value (±10 VDC input).
RX2 Option (AI1) — Displays the RX2 input setting as a percentage of the full range of the RX2 value.
Note: The RX2 function is available on the Expansion IO Card Option 1 option board
(P/N ETB003Z) only.
Trip Code — Displays None if there are no errors, or displays one of the associated Fault Codes listed in
Table 15 on page 254 if there is an active Fault (e.g., E = Emergency Off).
ACE-tronics G9 ASD Installation and Operation Manual 55
Past Trip 1
Past Trip 1 — This function records and displays the last trip incurred. Subsequent trips will replace
Past Trip 1. As trip records are replaced they are shifted to the next level of the Past Trip locations until being deleted (i.e., Past Trip 1 is moved to Past Trip 2 and then to Past Trip 3 until being shifted out of Past
Trip 4). Once shifted out of Past Trip 4 the record is deleted. If no trips have occurred since the last reset,
None is displayed for each trip record.
Past Trip 2 — Past trip information or None.
Past Trip 3 — Past trip information or None.
Past Trip 4 — Past trip information or None.
Note: An improper ASD setup may cause some trips — reset the ASD to the Factory Default settings before pursuing a systemic malfunction (Program
Utilities Type Reset
Reset to Factory Settings).
Direction — Displays the Direction command (forward/reverse).
Discrete Input Terminals — Displays the status (activated = reverse video) of the discrete input terminals of the ACE G9-120V-PCB.
Discrete Output Terminals — Displays the status (activated = reverse video) of the discrete output lines of the ACE G9-120V-PCB.
Main Monitor Selections
Two (2) Monitor Mode items may be selected from the Main Monitor Selections screen to be displayed
on the Frequency Command screen while the ASD is running.
The selected items, along with their real-time values, are displayed on the Frequency Command screen while running. Not all
items are available for display on the Frequency Command screen. The available items are underlined on
Any two of the underlined items may be selected from the listing at Program
Utilities Main
Monitor Selections. Select an item from the Monitor 1 listing and another item from the Monitor 2 listing to be displayed as shown in
56 ACE-tronics G9 ASD Installation and Operation Manual
Program Mode Menu Navigation
The following table lists the menu items of the Program mode and maps the flow of the menu selections.
The Parameter Numbers for the listed functions are provided where applicable.
The functions listed may be viewed, or selected and changed as mapped below or via the Direct Access method: Program
Direct Access Applicable Parameter Number.
Program Mode Menu Navigation
Primary Menu Sub Menu Parameter Name
See the section titled Startup Wizard Requirements on pg. 42
for Startup Wizard setup information.
Motion Control Motion Control
Speed Control
Preset Speed 1
Speed Control Preset Speed 2
Preset Speed 3
Express Stop
Creep Control
Super Creep Control
Limit-Switch Control
Preset Speed 4
Express Stop Enable
Express Stop Deceleration Time
Plugging Enable
Plugging Acceleration Time
Plugging Deceleration Time
Creep Multiplier 1
Creep Multiplier 2
Creep Speed Lower Limit
Super Creep Pulse Count
Super Creep Repeat Delay
Super Creep Speed
Upper-Limit Speed at Slow-Speed Limit-Switch UP
Deceleration Time at Slow-Speed Limit-Switch UP
Stopping Time at Stop Limit-Switch UP
Upper-Limit Speed at Slow-Speed Limit-Switch DOWN
Deceleration Time at Slow-Speed Limit-Switch DOWN
Stopping Time at Stop Limit-Switch DOWN
Limit-Switch Stopping Method
ACE-tronics G9 ASD Installation and Operation Manual 57
Primary Menu
Program Mode Menu Navigation
Sub Menu
Express Speed
Closed Loop Hoist
Slack Rope
Bearing Greaser
Parameter Name
Express Speed Selection
Express Speed Switching Frequency
Express Speed Operation Switching Lower-Limit
Express Speed Waiting Time
Express Speed Detection Time
Switching Load Torque During Power Run
Express Speed Operation Heavy-Load Detection Time
Heavy-Load Torque During Power Run
Heavy-Load Torque During Fixed-Speed Power Run
Switching Load Torque During Dynamic Braking
Brake-Failure Pulse Count
Brake-Release Torque Reference
Brake-Release Torque (Proving) Time
Brake-Release Mechanical Delay Time
Brake-Set Mechanical Delay Time
Brake-Seized Pulse Check
Load Hover Time
Brake-Failure Continual Monitoring Pulse Count
Drooping Pulses Allowed
Brake-Release Torque Stabilization Time
Brake-Seized Pulse Time
Brake-Failure Maximum Speed UP
Encoder Error Detection Time
Timed-Run Run Time
Timed-Run Repeat Delay
Slack Rope Detection
No Load Torque
No Load Detection Time
Bearing Greaser (Alarm) Time
Bearing Greaser Speed Multiplier
58 ACE-tronics G9 ASD Installation and Operation Manual
Program Mode Menu Navigation
Primary Menu Sub Menu
External Fault
Emergency Lift
Speed Reference
Acc/Dec 1
Motor Set 1
Standard Mode
ACE-tronics G9 ASD Installation and Operation Manual
Parameter Name
External Fault Stopping Method
Emergency-Lift Selection
Emergency-Lift Maximum Speed
Emergency-Lift Lower-Limit Reference
Emergency-Lift Torque Proving Time
Speed Reference
Frequency Mode 2
Automatic Acceleration/Deceleration
Acceleration Time 1 — UP/DOWN Frequency Accel
Deceleration Time 1 — UP/DOWN Frequency Decel
Acceleration/Deceleration Suspended Function
Acceleration Suspend Frequency
Acceleration Suspend Time
Deceleration Suspend Frequency
Deceleration Suspend Time
Maximum Frequency
Upper-Limit Frequency
Lower-Limit Frequency
V/f Pattern
Time Limit for Lower-Limit Frequency Operation
Automatic Torque Boost
Base Frequency 1
Manual Torque Boost 1
Motor Overload Protection Level 1
Command Mode
Frequency Mode 1
Forward/Reverse Run
Frequency Priority
Frequency Mode 2
Frequency Mode Priority Switching Frequency
Primary Menu
Program Mode Menu Navigation
Sub Menu Parameter Name
Analog Output
Input Special
Input Terminal Delays
FM Output Terminal Function
FM Output Terminal Adjustment
FM Output Gradient Characteristic
FM Bias Adjustment
FM Voltage/Current Output Switching
AM Output Terminal Function
AM Output Terminal Adjustment
AM Output Gradient Characteristic
AM Bias Adjustment
MON 1 Terminal Meter Selection
MON 1 Terminal Meter Adjustment
MON 1 Output Gradient Characteristic
MON 1 Bias Adjustment
MON 1 Voltage/Current Output Switching
MON 2 Terminal Meter Selection
MON 2 Terminal Meter Adjustment
MON 2 Output Gradient Characteristic
MON 2 Bias Adjustment
MON 2 Voltage/Current Output Switching
Pulse Output Function
Pulse Output Frequency
Input Terminal Priority
16-Bit Binary/BCD Input
V/I Analog Input Breakage Detection Level
Input Terminal 1 (F) Response Time
Input Terminal 2 (R) Response Time
Input Terminal 3 (I1) Response Time
Input Terminal 4 (I2) Response Time
Input Terminal 5–12 Response Time
Input Terminal 13–20 Response Time
ACE-tronics G9 ASD Installation and Operation Manual
Primary Menu
Program Mode Menu Navigation
Sub Menu Parameter Name
Input Terminals
Line Power Switching
Always ON Terminal Function
Input Terminal 1 (F) Function
Input Terminal 2 (R) Function
Input Terminal 3 (I1) Function
Input Terminal 4 (I2) Function
Input Terminal 5 (I3) Function
Input Terminal 6 (I4) Function
Input Terminal 7 (I5) Function
Input Terminal 8 (I6) Function
Input Terminal 9 (LI1) Function
Input Terminal 10 (LI2) Function
Input Terminal 11 (LI3) Function
Input Terminal 12 (LI4) Function
Input Terminal 13 (LI5) Function
Input Terminal 14 (LI6) Function
Input Terminal 15 (LI7) Function
Input Terminal 16 (LI8) Function
Input Terminal 17 (B12) Function
Input Terminal 18 (B13) Function
Input Terminal 19 (B14) Function
Input Terminal 20 (BI5) Function
Virtual Input Terminal Selection 1
Virtual Input Terminal Selection 2
Virtual Input Terminal Selection 3
Virtual Input Terminal Selection 4
Commercial Power/ASD Switching Output
Commercial Power/ASD Switching Frequency
ASD-Side Switching Waiting Time
Commercial Power-Side Switching Waiting Time
Commercial Power Switching Frequency Holding Time
ACE-tronics G9 ASD Installation and Operation Manual 61
Primary Menu
Direct Access
Program Mode Menu Navigation
Sub Menu
Output Terminals
Display Parameters
Parameter Name
Output Terminal 1 (OUT1) Function
Output Terminal 2 (OUT2) Function
Output Terminal 3 (BRAKE) Function
Output Terminal 4 (OUT3) Function
Output Terminal 5 (OUT4) Function
Output Terminal 6 (R1) Function
Output Terminal 7 (OUT5) Function
Output Terminal 8 (OUT6) Function
Output Terminal 9 (R2) Function
Output Terminal 10 (R3) Function
Output Terminal 11 (R4) Function
Low Speed Signal Output Frequency
Speed Reach Frequency
Speed Reach Detection Band
Parameter Number
Unknown Numbers Displayed
Automatic Function Selection
Current/Voltage Units Setup
Free Unit Multiplication Factor
Free Unit
Free Unit Display Gradient Characteristic
Free Unit Display Bias
Change Step Selection 1
Change Step Selection 2
Parameter Write Lockout
Command Mode/Frequency Mode Change Lockout
Lockout All Keys
Local/Remote Key Command Override
Local/Remote Key Frequency Override
Skip Changed-From-Default Uninitialized Parameters
62 ACE-tronics G9 ASD Installation and Operation Manual
Primary Menu
Program Mode Menu Navigation
Sub Menu Parameter Name
Trip History
Trace Selection
Trace Cycle
Trace Data 1
Trace Data 2
Trace Data 3
Trace Data 4
Over-Current Alarm
ASD Overload Alarm
Motor Overload Alarm
Over-Heat Alarm
Over-Voltage Alarm
Under-Voltage of Main Power Alarm
Reserved (POFF) Alarm
Under-Current Alarm
Over-Torque Alarm
Alarm Prohibition
(Prohibits an EOI alarm display ONLY — alarm still activated)
Dynamic Braking Resistor Overload Alarm
Bearing Greaser Alarm
DeviceNet/Profibus/CC-Link Alarm
RS485 Communications
Stop After Instantaneous Power-Off Alarm
Stop After Lower-Limit Continuous Time
Switch Out of Sequence
Heavy-Load Alarm
Maintenance Timer Alarm
Over-Torque Alarm
Soft Stall Alarm
Reset Type Reset
Real-Time Clock
Set Real-Time Clock
Trip Number
Trip Type
ACE-tronics G9 ASD Installation and Operation Manual
Primary Menu
Program Mode Menu Navigation
Sub Menu Parameter Name
Trip History
Frequency at Trip
Output Current
Output Voltage
Frequency Reference
DC Voltage
Discrete Input Terminals
Discrete Output Terminals
Run Timer
Post Compensation Frequency
Speed Feedback (Real-Time)
Speed Feedback (1 Second)
Torque Feedback
Torque Reference
Torque Current
Excitation Current
PID Feedback
Motor Overload Ratio
ASD Overload Ratio
DBR Overload Ratio
Motor Load
ASD Load
DBR Load
Input Power
Output Power
Changed From Default Changed Parameters
Contrast Contrast Adjustment
G9 EOI (Ver:DB)
Version (Read-Only) ASD Type
CPU Code Version
ACE-tronics G9 ASD Installation and Operation Manual
Primary Menu
Program Mode Menu Navigation
Sub Menu Parameter Name
Version (Read-Only)
Main Monitor
Abnormal Speed
CPU Code Revision
MC Version
MC Revision
Main Board EEPROM Version
Monitor 1
Monitor 2
Abnormal Speed Detection Time
Over-Speed Detection Frequency Upper Band
Over-Speed Detection Frequency Lower Band
Base Frequency
Supply Voltage Correction
DC (Injection) Braking
Dynamic Braking
Emergency Off
DC (Injection) Braking Start Frequency
DC (Injection) Braking Current
DC (Injection) Braking Time
Forward/Reverse DC (Injection) Braking Priority
Motor Shaft Fixing Control
Dynamic Braking Enable
Dynamic Braking Resistance
Continuous Dynamic Braking Capacity
Braking Resistance Overload Time (10x Rated Torque)
Emergency Off
Emergency DC Braking Control Time
Low-Current Trip
Low-Current Detection Current
Low-Current Detection Time
Low-Current Detection Hysteresis Width
Motor Overload Protection Configuration
Overload Reduction Start Frequency
Motor 150% Overload Time Limit
ASD Overload
ACE-tronics G9 ASD Installation and Operation Manual 65
Primary Menu
Program Mode Menu Navigation
Sub Menu
Phase Loss
Special Protection
Parameter Name
Over-Torque Trip
Over-Torque Detection Level During Power Running
Over-Torque Detection Level During Dynamic Braking
Over-Torque Detection Time
Over-Torque Detection Hysteresis
ASD Output Phase Failure Detection
ASD Input Phase Failure Detection
Auto Restart Enable
Number of Times to Retry
Ridethrough Time
Random Mode
Over-Voltage Limit Operation
Stall Prevention Factor 1
Power Running Stall Continuous Trip Detection Time
Dynamic Braking Stall Prevention Mode
Stall Prevention Level
Over-Voltage Limit Operation Level
Retain Trip Record at Power Down
Regenerative Power Ridethrough
Synchronized Deceleration Time
Synchronized Acceleration Time
Under-Voltage Trip
Under-Voltage Detection Time
Regenerative Power Ridethrough Control Level
Short Circuit Detection at Start
Cooling Fan Control
Bearing Greaser (Alarm) Time
Brake Answer Wait Time
Analog Filter Analog Input Filter
66 ACE-tronics G9 ASD Installation and Operation Manual
Primary Menu
Program Mode Menu Navigation
Sub Menu Parameter Name
Forward/Reverse Disable
UP/DOWN Frequency
Preset Speeds
Speed Reference
Jog Frequency
Jog Stop Pattern
Panel Operation Jog Mode
UP/DOWN Up Response Time
UP/DOWN Up Frequency Step
UP/DOWN Down Response Time
UP/DOWN Down Frequency Step
Initial UP/DOWN Frequency
Initial UP/DOWN Frequency Rewriting
Option V/I Terminal Voltage/Current Selection
(AI2 Option Board Input)
Preset Speed 1
Preset Speed 2
Preset Speed 3
Preset Speed 4
Preset Speed 5
Preset Speed 6
Preset Speed 7
Preset Speed 8
Preset Speed 9
Preset Speed 10
Preset Speed 11
Preset Speed 12
Preset Speed 13
Preset Speed 14/Lower-Limit Slow Speed
Preset Speed 15/Upper-Limit Slow Speed
V/I Input Point 1 Setting
V/I Input Point 1 Frequency
V/I Input Point 2 Setting
ACE-tronics G9 ASD Installation and Operation Manual
Primary Menu
Program Mode Menu Navigation
Sub Menu
Speed Reference
Parameter Name
V/I Input Point 2 Frequency
RR Input Point 1 Setting
RR Input Point 1 Frequency
RR Input Point 2 Setting
RR Input Point 2 Frequency
RX Input Point 1 Setting
RX Input Point 1 Frequency
RX Input Point 2 Setting
RX Input Point 2 Frequency
RX2 Option (AI1) Input Point 1 Setting
RX2 Option (AI1) Input Point 1 Frequency
RX2 Option (AI1) Input Point 2 Setting
RX2 Option (AI1) Input Point 2 Frequency
BIN Input Point 1 Setting
BIN Input Point 1 Frequency
BIN Input Point 2 Setting
BIN Input Point 2 Frequency
PG Input Point 1 Setting
PG Input Point 1 Frequency
PG Input Point 2 Setting
PG Input Point 2 Frequency
V/I Input Bias
V/I Input Gain
RR Input Bias
RR Input Gain
RX Input Bias
RX Input Gain
RX2 Option (AI1) Input Bias
RX2 Option (AI1) Input Gain
V/I Input Bias (AI2 Option Board Input)
V/I Input Gain (AI2 Option Board Input)
ACE-tronics G9 ASD Installation and Operation Manual
Primary Menu
Program Mode Menu Navigation
Sub Menu
Acc/Dec 1 – 4
Acc/Dec Special
Carrier Frequency
Parameter Name
Acceleration Time 2
Deceleration Time 2
Acc/Dec Pattern 1
Acc/Dec Pattern 2
Acceleration Time 3
Express Stop Time
Express Stop Acceleration/Deceleration Pattern
Plugging Acceleration Time
Plugging Deceleration Time
Plugging Acceleration/Deceleration Pattern
Acc/Dec Pattern 1 – 4
Acc/Dec Switching Frequency 1
S-Pattern Acceleration Lower-Limit Adjustment
S-Pattern Acceleration Upper-Limit Adjustment
S-Pattern Deceleration Lower-Limit Adjustment
S-Pattern Deceleration Upper-Limit Adjustment
Acc/Dec Switching Frequency 2
Acc/Dec Switching Frequency 3
PWM Carrier Frequency
Carrier Frequency Control Mode
Express Speed Operation
Express Speed Learning Function
Automatic Express Speed Operation Frequency
Express Speed Operation Switching Lower-Limit
Express Speed Operation Load Wait Time
Express Speed Operation Detection Time
Express Speed Heavy-Load Detection Time
Switching Load Torque During Power Running
Heavy-Load Torque During Power Running
Heavy-Load Torque During Constant Power Running
ACE-tronics G9 ASD Installation and Operation Manual 69
Primary Menu
Program Mode Menu Navigation
Sub Menu
V/f 5-Point Setting
Frequency Control
Special Parameters
Jump Frequencies
Operation Panel
Parameter Name
Switching Load Torque During Dynamic Braking
V/f 5-Point Setting Frequency 1
V/f 5-Point Setting Voltage 1
V/f 5-Point Setting Frequency 2
V/f 5-Point Setting Voltage 2
V/f 5-Point Setting Frequency 3
V/f 5-Point Setting Voltage 3
V/f 5-Point Setting Frequency 4
V/f 5-Point Setting Voltage 4
V/f 5-Point Setting Frequency 5
V/f 5-Point Setting Voltage 5
Start Frequency
Run Frequency
Run Frequency Hysteresis
End Frequency
0 Hz Dead Band Signal
0 Hz Command Output
Exciting Strengthening Coefficient
Annual Average Ambient Temperature
Rush Current Suppression Relay Activation Time
PTC 1 Thermal Selection
PTC 2 Thermal Selection
Jump Frequency 1
Jump Frequency 1 Bandwidth
Jump Frequency 2
Jump Frequency 2 Bandwidth
Jump Frequency 3
Jump Frequency 3 Bandwidth
Operation Command Clear Selection With Standby
Terminal Deactivated
Panel Stop Pattern
70 ACE-tronics G9 ASD Installation and Operation Manual
Primary Menu
Program Mode Menu Navigation
Sub Menu
Operation Panel
Motor Set 2
Motor Set 3
Motor Set 4
PM Motor
Vector Motor Model
Vector Motor Model
Parameter Name
Panel Torque Command
Panel Tension Torque Bias
Panel Load Sharing Gain
Panel Override Multiplication Gain
Panel Frequency Lockout
Panel Emergency Off Lockout
Panel Reset Lockout
Base Frequency 2
Base Frequency Voltage 2
Manual Torque Boost 2
Overload Protection Level 2
Base Frequency 3
Base Frequency Voltage 3
Manual Torque Boost 3
Overload Protection Level 3
Base Frequency 4
Base Frequency Voltage 4
Manual Torque Boost 4
Overload Protection Level 4
PM Motor Constant 1 (D-Axis Inductance)
PM Motor Constant 2 (Q-Axis Inductance)
Step-Out Detection-Current Level (For PM Motors)
Step-Out Detection-Current Time (For PM Motors)
Autotune 1
Slip Frequency Gain
Autotune 2
Motor Rated Capacity (Nameplate)
Motor Rated Current (Nameplate)
Motor Rated RPM (Nameplate)
Base Frequency Voltage 1
Motor Constant 1 (Torque Boost)
ACE-tronics G9 ASD Installation and Operation Manual
Primary Menu
Program Mode Menu Navigation
Sub Menu
Vector Motor Model
Manual Torque Limit
Torque Control
Torque Limit
Parameter Name
Motor Constant 2 (No Load Current)
Motor Constant 3 (Leak Inductance)
Motor Constant 4 (Rated Slip)
Power Running Torque Limit 2 Level
Dynamic Braking Torque Limit 2 Level
Power Running Torque Limit 3 Level
Dynamic Braking Torque Limit 3 Level
Power Running Torque Limit 4 Level
Dynamic Braking Torque Limit 4 Level
V/I Input Point 1 Rate
V/I Input Point 2 Rate
RR Input Point 1 Rate
RR Input Point 2 Rate
RX Input Point 1 Rate
RX Input Point 2 Rate
RX2 Option (AI1) Input Point 1 Rate
RX2 Option (AI1) Input Point 2 Rate
Torque Command
Tension Torque Bias Input (Torque Control)
Load Sharing Gain Input
Forward Speed Limit Input
Forward Speed Limit Input Level
Reverse Speed Limit Input
Reverse Speed Limit Input Level
Power Running Torque Limit 1
Power Running Torque Limit 1 Level
Dynamic Braking Torque Limit 1
Dynamic Braking Torque Limit 1 Level
Acceleration/Deceleration Operation After Torque Limit
Torque Speed
Speed Limit (Torque = 0) Center Value Reference
72 ACE-tronics G9 ASD Installation and Operation Manual
Primary Menu
Torque Speed
Program Mode Menu Navigation
Sub Menu
Drooping Control
Override Control
Parameter Name
Speed Limit (Torque = 0) Center Value
Speed Limit (Torque = 0) Band
Allow Specified Direction ONLY
Drooping Gain
Speed at 0% Drooping Gain
Drooping Gain
Drooping Insensitive Torque
Drooping Output Filter
PID Control Switching
PID Feedback Signal
PID Feedback Delay Filter
PID Feedback Proportional Gain
PID Feedback Integral Gain
PID Deviation Upper Limit
PID Deviation Lower Limit
PID Feedback Differential Gain
Process Upper Limit
Process Lower Limit
PID Control Wait Time
PID Output Upper Limit
PID Output Lower Limit
Process Increasing Rate
Process Decreasing Rate
Speed PI Switching Frequency
Adding Input Selection
Multiplying Input Selection
Number of PG Input Pulses
Number of PG Input Phases
PG Disconnection Detection
Simple Positioning Completion Range
ACE-tronics G9 ASD Installation and Operation Manual
Primary Menu
M y
F unction
Program Mode Menu Navigation
Sub Menu Parameter Name
Current Control Proportional Gain
Speed Loop Proportional Gain
Speed Loop Stabilization Coefficient
Load Moment of Inertia 1
Second Speed Loop Proportional Gain
Second Speed Loop Stabilization Coefficient
Load Moment of Inertia 2
My Function Selection My Function Operating Mode
Input Function Target 1
My Function Unit 1
My Function Unit 2
My Function Unit 3
My Function Unit 4
Input Function Command 1
Input Function Target 2
Input Function Command 2
Input Function Target 3
Output Function Assigned
Input Function Target 1
Input Function Command 1
Input Function Target 2
Input Function Command 2
Input Function Target 3
Output Function Assigned
Input Function Target 1
Input Function Command 1
Input Function Target 2
Input Function Command 2
Input Function Target 3
Output Function Assigned
Input Function Target 1
Input Function Command 1
Input Function Target 2
Input Function Command 2
ACE-tronics G9 ASD Installation and Operation Manual
Primary Menu
Program Mode Menu Navigation
Sub Menu
My Function Unit 4
My Function Unit 5
My Function Unit 6
My Function Unit 7
My Function Data
Parameter Name
Input Function Target 3
Output Function Assigned
Input Function Target 1
Input Function Command 1
Input Function Target 2
Input Function Command 2
Input Function Target 3
Output Function Assigned
Input Function Target 1
Input Function Command 1
Input Function Target 2
Input Function Command 2
Input Function Target 3
Output Function Assigned
Input Function Target 1
Input Function Command 1
Input Function Target 2
Input Function Command 2
Input Function Target 3
Output Function Assigned
My Function Percent Data 1
My Function Percent Data 2
My Function Percent Data 3
My Function Percent Data 4
My Function Percent Data 5
My Function Frequency Data 1
My Function Frequency Data 2
My Function Frequency Data 3
My Function Frequency Data 4
My Function Frequency Data 5
ACE-tronics G9 ASD Installation and Operation Manual
Primary Menu
Program Mode Menu Navigation
Sub Menu
My Function Data
My Function Analog
My Function Monitor
Parameter Name
My Function Time Data 1
My Function Time Data 2
My Function Time Data 3
My Function Time Data 4
My Function Time Data 5
My Function Count Data 1
My Function Count Data 2
Analog Input Function Target 11
Analog Function Assigned Object 11
Analog Input Function Target 21
Analog Function Assigned Object 21
Monitor Output Function 11
Monitor Output Function Command 11
Monitor Output Function 21
Monitor Output Function Command 21
Monitor Output Function 31
Monitor Output Function Command 31
Monitor Output Function 41
Monitor Output Function Command 41
Frequency Point Selection
Point 1 Setting
Point 1 Frequency
Point 2 Setting
Point 2 Frequency
RS485 2-Wire Baud Rate
RS485 2-Wire and 4-Wire Parity
ASD Number
RS485 2-Wire and 4-Wire Communications Time-Out
RS485 2-Wire and 4-Wire Communications Time-Out
76 ACE-tronics G9 ASD Installation and Operation Manual
Primary Menu
Program Mode Menu Navigation
Sub Menu
Parameter Name
RS485 2-Wire Send Wait Time
RS485 2-Wire ASD-to-ASD Communications
RS485 4-Wire Baud Rate
RS485 Send Wait Time
RS485 4-Wire ASD-to-ASD Communications
RS485 4-Wire Protocol (TSB/MODBUS)
Communication Option (DeviceNet/Profibus) Setting 1
Communication Option (DeviceNet/Profibus) Setting 2
Communication Option (DeviceNet/Profibus) Setting 3
Communication Option (DeviceNet/Profibus) Setting 4
Communication Option (DeviceNet/Profibus) Setting 5
Communication Option (DeviceNet/Profibus) Setting 6
Communication Option (DeviceNet/Profibus) Setting 7
Communication Option (DeviceNet/Profibus) Setting 8
Communication Option (DeviceNet/Profibus) Setting 9
Communication Option (DeviceNet/Profibus) Setting 10
Communication Option (DeviceNet/Profibus) Setting 11
Communication Option (DeviceNet/Profibus) Setting 12
Communication Option (DeviceNet/Profibus) Setting 13
Disconnection Detection Extended Time
ASD Disposition at Disconnection
Preset Speed Operation
Communication Option Station Address Monitor
Communication Option Speed Switch Monitor
Block Write Data 1
Block Write Data 2
Block Read Data 1
Block Read Data 2
Block Read Data 3
Block Read Data 4
ACE-tronics G9 ASD Installation and Operation Manual 77
Program Mode Menu Navigation
Primary Menu Sub Menu
Parameter Name
Block Read Data 5
Free Notes
Network Option Reset Setting
Sub Net
Password and
Enter Password
Change Password
Enter New Password
Reset From Trip
Run/Stop from EOI
Frequency Change From EOI
Monitor Screen
Parameter Access
Parameter Write
78 ACE-tronics G9 ASD Installation and Operation Manual
Direct Access Information
The ACE-tronics G9 ASD has the ability to allow the user direct access to the motor control functions.
There are two ways in which the motor control parameters may be accessed for modification: Program
Direct Access
Applicable Parameter Number or Program Applicable Menu Path. Both methods access the parameter via the Program mode. Once accessed, the parameter may be viewed or changed.
The Program mode allows the user to develop an application-specific motor-control profile. Motor control functions may be set to accommodate application-specific power and timing requirements.
The configurable parameters of the Program mode that have user-accessible Parameter Numbers are listed and described below. The parameters that do not have a Direct Access number and are accessible via
the Program mode menu hierarchy only are listed and described on pg. 57 .
Note: The setup procedures included within this section may require a Reset before performing the procedure. Application-specific settings may then be performed. The pre-reset conditions may
Note: Communications setting changes will require that the power be removed and then re-applied for the changes to take effect.
D i r e c t A c c e s s P a r a m e t e r s / N u m b e r s
Automatic Acceleration/Deceleration
Fundamental Acc/Dec 1
This parameter is used to enable automatic acceleration and deceleration rates in accordance with the applied load.
The adjusted acceleration and deceleration times range from 12.5% to 800% of the programmed values for Acceleration Time 1 — UP/DOWN Frequency
Accel Time (
F009 ) and Deceleration Time 1 — UP/DOWN Frequency Decel
Time (
Automatic ACC/DEC
Automatic ACC Only
Direct Access Number — F000
Parameter Type — Selection List
Factory Default — Manual
Changeable During Run — No
Note: The motor and the load must be connected prior to selecting
Automatic Acceleration/Deceleration.
Automatic Torque Boost
Motor Set 1
This parameter allows the ASD to adjust the output torque in accordance with the applied load automatically. When enabled, an Autotune is performed — the motor should be connected before performing an Autotune.
Direct Access Number — F001
Parameter Type — Selection List
Factory Default — Disabled
Changeable During Run — No
Automatic Torque Boost + Autotuning
Sensorless Vector Control + Autotuning
ACE-tronics G9 ASD Installation and Operation Manual 79
Mode 1
Command Mode
Standard Mode Selection
The Command Mode Selection establishes the source of the command input for the ASD. Command inputs include Run, Stop, Forward, etc. The
Override feature may supersede the Command Mode Selection setting (see
Command and Frequency Mode Control on pg. 47 ).
Terminal Board
EOI Keypad
Communication Option Board
Frequency Mode 1
Standard Mode Selection
The Frequency Mode 1 setting establishes the source of the frequency-control input for the ASD. The Frequency Mode 2 setting or the Override feature may
supersede the Frequency Mode 1 setting (see Command and Frequency Mode
for additional information on this feature).
Note: Only bolded items from the Settings list below may be placed in the Override mode.
Direct Access Number — F003
Parameter Type — Selection List
Factory Default — Terminal Board
Changeable During Run — No
Direct Access Number — F004
Parameter Type — Selection List
Factory Default — RR
Changeable During Run — No
EOI Keypad
Communication Option Board
RX2 Option (AI1)
Option V/I
UP/DOWN Frequency
Pulse Input (Option)
Pulse Input (Motor CPU)
Binary/BCD Input (Option)
80 ACE-tronics G9 ASD Installation and Operation Manual
FM Output Terminal Function
Analog Output Terminals
This parameter is used to set the output function of the FM analog output terminal. The FM output terminal produces an output current or voltage that is proportional to the magnitude of the function assigned to this terminal (select
). The available assignments for this output terminal
are listed in Table 8 on pg. 240 .
Note: To read voltage at this terminal connect a 100 – 500
Ω resistor from the FM (+) terminal to the CC (-) terminal. Using a voltmeter read the voltage across the 100 – 500
Ω resistor.
To read current at this terminal connect a 100 – 500
Ω resistor from the FM (+) terminal through a series Ammeter to the
CC (-) terminal.
The FM analog output has a maximum resolution of 1/1024 and a maximum load rating of 500 ohms.
FM Terminal Setup Parameters
— FM Output Terminal Function
— FM Output Terminal Adjustment
— FM Voltage/Current Output Switching
— FM Output Gradient Characteristic
— FM Bias Adjustment
FM Output Terminal Adjustment
Analog Output Terminals
This parameter is used to calibrate the FM analog output.
To calibrate the FM analog output, connect a meter (current or voltage) as described at
With the ASD running at a known value (e.g., output frequency), adjust this parameter until the assigned function produces the desired DC level output at the FM output terminal.
for additional information on this setting.
Direct Access Number — F005
Parameter Type — Selection List
Factory Default — Signed Speed
Feedback (Realtime)
Changeable During Run — Yes
Direct Access Number — F006
Parameter Type — Numerical
Factory Default — 493
Changeable During Run — Yes
Minimum — 1
Maximum — 1280
ACE-tronics G9 ASD Installation and Operation Manual 81
Program Utilities Type Reset
This feature assists the user when performing fault analysis or by allowing a quick system setup change when required. Performing a Type Reset results in one of the following user-selected post-reset configurations.
50 Hz Setting
60 Hz Setting
Reset to Factory Settings
Clear Past Trips
Clear Run Timer (Bearing Greaser)
Initialize Typeform
*Save User Settings
Restore User Settings
Clear Cumulative Fan Timer (FE79)
Accel/Decel Time Setting 0.01 – 600.0 Seconds
Accel/Decel Time Setting 0.1 – 6000.0 Seconds
Update EOI Firmware
Set EOI Memory to Default
Note: User settings that are stored in the memory of the EOI are not saved via the Save User Settings selection.
Forward/Reverse Run
Standard Mode Selection
While operating in the Local mode, this parameter sets the direction of motor rotation.
From the Frequency Command screen press the ESC key. At the subsequent
EOI Command screen select the Direction field and change the setting. Press the Rotary Encoder and the new setting will be in effect.
This setting will not override parameter
F311 (Forward/Reverse Disable).
If either direction is disabled via parameter
, the disabled direction will not be recognized if commanded by the EOI. If both directions are disabled via
, the direction command from the EOI will determine the direction of the motor rotation.
Switchable F/R by EOI (Forward)
Switchable F/R by EOI (Reverse)
Direct Access Number — F007
Parameter Type — Selection List
Factory Default — None
Changeable During Run — No
Direct Access Number — F008
Parameter Type — Selection List
Factory Default — Forward
Changeable During Run — Yes
82 ACE-tronics G9 ASD Installation and Operation Manual
Accel Time 1 ecel Time 1
Acceleration Time 1 — UP/DOWN Frequency Accel Time
Acc/Dec 1
This is a dual-function parameter. The two functions are described below.
1) This parameter specifies the time in seconds for the output of the ASD to go from 0.0 Hz to the Maximum Frequency for the #1 Acceleration profile.
2) This parameter specifies the time in seconds for the output of the ASD to go from 0.0 Hz to the Maximum Frequency during the UP/DOWN
Frequency Functions. See
for additional information on the UP/
DOWN Frequency Functions.
The Accel/Decel pattern may be set using F502
. This parameter may be further defined by the settings of
Note: An acceleration time shorter than the load will allow may cause nuisance tripping and mechanical stress to loads. Automatic
Accel/Decel, Stall, and Ridethrough settings may lengthen the actual acceleration times.
The acceleration rate of a motor is determined by several factors: applied power, applied load, and the physical properties of the motor (winding parameters, motor size, etc.). The ASD will control the first of these factors: input power. The settings of the ASD will control the frequency and amplitude of the applied voltage to the motor.
Under most operating conditions, as the output frequency of the ASD goes up so does the output voltage (linear acceleration). The ASD has the ability to modify the relationship between frequency and voltage automatically to
produce smoother operation or increased (starting) torque (see F502 ).
Deceleration Time 1 — UP/DOWN Frequency Decel Time
Acc/Dec 1
This is a dual-function parameter. The two functions are described below.
1) This parameter specifies the time in seconds for the output of the ASD to go from the Maximum Frequency to 0.0 Hz for the #1 Deceleration profile.
2) This parameter specifies the time in seconds for the output of the ASD to go from the Maximum Frequency to 0.0 Hz during the UP/DOWN
Frequency Functions. See
F264 for additional information on the UP/
DOWN Frequency Functions.
The Accel/Decel pattern may be set using F502
. This parameter may be further defined by the settings of
Note: A deceleration time shorter than the load will allow may cause nuisance tripping and mechanical stress to loads. Automatic
Accel/Decel, Stall, and Ridethrough settings may lengthen the actual deceleration times.
Direct Access Number — F009
Parameter Type — Numerical
Factory Default — 3.0
Changeable During Run — Yes
Minimum — 0.1
Maximum — 6000
Units — Seconds
Direct Access Number — F010
Parameter Type — Numerical
Factory Default — 1.5
Changeable During Run — Yes
Minimum — 0.1
Maximum — 6000
Units — Seconds
ACE-tronics G9 ASD Installation and Operation Manual 83
Maximum Frequency
This setting determines the absolute maximum frequency that the ASD can output.
Accel/Decel times are calculated based on the Maximum Frequency setting.
The Maximum Frequency is not limited by this setting while operating in the
Drooping Control mode (see
F320 for additional information on this setting).
Note: This setting may not be lower than the Upper-Limit Frequency setting (
Upper-Limit Frequency
Program Fundamental Frequency
This parameter sets the highest frequency that the ASD will accept as a frequency command or frequency setpoint. The ASD may output frequencies higher than the Upper-Limit Frequency (but, lower than the Maximum
Frequency) when operating in the PID Control mode, Torque Control mode, or the Vector Control modes (sensorless or feedback).
Note: This setting may not be higher than the Maximum Frequency
Lower-Limit Frequency
Direct Access Number — F011
Parameter Type — Numerical
Factory Default — 65.0
Changeable During Run — No
Minimum — 30.0
Maximum — 299.0
Units — Hz
Direct Access Number — F012
Parameter Type — Numerical
Factory Default — 60.00
Changeable During Run — Yes
Minimum — 0.0
Maximum — Max. Freq. (
Units — Hz
This parameter sets the lowest frequency that the ASD will accept as a frequency command or frequency setpoint. The ASD will output frequencies lower than the Lower-Limit Frequency when accelerating to the lower limit or decelerating to a stop. Frequencies below the Lower Limit may also be output when operating in the PID Control mode, Torque Control mode, or the
Vector Control modes (sensorless or feedback).
Base Frequency 1
Motor Set 1
The Base Frequency 1 setting is the frequency at which the output voltage of the ASD reaches its maximum setting. The Base Frequency Voltage 1
For proper motor operation, the Base Frequency should be set for the nameplate frequency of the motor.
Direct Access Number — F013
Parameter Type — Numerical
Factory Default — 13.00
Changeable During Run — Yes
Minimum — 0.00
Maximum — Upper Limit (
Units — Hz
Direct Access Number — F014
Parameter Type — Numerical
Factory Default — 60.0
Changeable During Run — Yes
Minimum — 0.0
Maximum — Upper Limit (
Units — Hz
84 ACE-tronics G9 ASD Installation and Operation Manual
V/f Pattern
This function establishes the relationship between the output frequency and the output voltage.
Bolded selections use the motor tuning parameters of the ASD to properly configure the ASD for the motor being used. If Load Reactors or Long Lead
Filters are used, or if the capacity of the ASD is greater than the motor, manual tuning of the motor parameters may be required for optimum performance.
Direct Access Number — F015
Parameter Type — Selection List
Factory Default — PG Feedback Vector
Control (Speed/Torque Switching)
Changeable During Run — No
Constant Torque
Voltage Decrease Curve
Automatic Torque Boost
Sensorless Vector Control (Speed)
Sensorless Vector Control (Speed/Torque Switching)
V/f 5-Point Curve (Go to F190 to configure the V/f 5-point settings)
PM Drive (Permanent Magnet)
PG Feedback Vector Control (Speed)
PG Feedback Vector Control (Speed/Torque Switching)
Note: When operating in the Vector Control mode the carrier frequency should be set to 2.2 kHz or above.
Manual Torque Boost 1
Motor Set 1
The Manual Torque Boost 1 function is used to increase the low frequency torque for high-inertia loads by increasing the output voltage at frequencies below ½ of the Base Frequency 1 (
) setting.
The value programmed as a boost percentage establishes an output voltage vs. output frequency relationship to be used to start the motor or to provide smoother operation.
Direct Access Number — F016
Parameter Type — Numerical
Factory Default — (ASD-Dependent)
Changeable During Run — Yes
Minimum — 0.0
Maximum — 30.0
Units — %
Note: Setting an excessive Torque Boost level may cause nuisance tripping and mechanical stress to loads.
ACE-tronics G9 ASD Installation and Operation Manual 85
Motor Overload Protection Configuration
This parameter is used to protect the motor from an over-current condition. The type of motor being used and the Overload/Stall setting is selected here to better match the application.
This parameter setting may extend the Over-Voltage Stall time settings.
This parameter may be affected by the setting of the Power Running Stall
Continuous Trip Detection Time ( F452 ).
Direct Access Number — F017
Parameter Type — Selection List
Factory Default — Overload Trip
Without Stall
Changeable During Run — Yes
Overload Trip without Stall
Overload Trip with Stall
No Overload without Stall
Stall Only
V/f Motor-Overload without Stall
V/f Motor-Overload with Stall
V/f Motor-No Overload without Stall
V/f Motor-Stall Only
86 ACE-tronics G9 ASD Installation and Operation Manual
Preset Speed 1 Preset Speed 1
Preset Speeds
Up to fifteen (15) output frequency values that fall within the Lower-Limit and the Upper-Limit range may be programmed into the ASD and output as a
Preset Speed. This parameter assigns an output frequency to binary number
0001 and is identified as Preset Speed 1. The binary number is applied to
I1 – I4 of the ACE G9-120V-PCB to output the Preset Speed.
Direct Access Number — F018
Parameter Type — Numerical
Factory Default — 60.0
Changeable During Run — Yes
Perform the following setup to allow the system to receive Preset Speed control input at the I1 – I4 terminals:
Fundamental Standard Mode Selection Command Mode
Terminal Board.
Terminal Input Terminals I1 (set to Preset Speed 1; LSB of 4-bit count). Repeat for I2 – I4 (MSB of 4-bit count) as Preset Speed 2
– 4, respectively (all Normally Open).
Frequency Preset Speeds Preset Speed 1 (set an output frequency as Preset Speed 1; repeat for Preset Speeds 2 – 15 as required).
Pattern Run Operation Mode Preset Speed Operation
Maximum — Upper Limit (
Units — Hz
Preset Speed Truth Table
Select Enable to use the direction, accel/decel, and torque settings of the
Preset Speed being run. The torque settings used will be as defined in F170
and as selected via the associated discrete input terminals V/f
Switching 1 and 2 in Table 7 on pg. 236
Select Disabled to use the speed setting only of the Preset Speed being run.
9 1 0 0 1
Place the system in the Remote mode (Local/Remote LED Off).
10 1 0 1 0
Provide a Run command (activate F and/or R).
11 1 0 1 1
12 1 1 0 0
Activate I1 to run Preset Speed 1 (120 VAC to I1 = 0001 binary).
With I1 – I4 configured to output Preset Speeds (
), 0001 – 1111 may be applied to I1 – I4 of the ACE G9-120V-PCB to run the associated
Preset Speed. If bidirectional operation is required F and R must be activated.
With I1 being the least significant bit of a binary count, the I1 – I4 settings will produce the programmed speed settings as indicated in the Preset Speed Truth
Table to the right.
Preset Speeds are also used in the Pattern Run mode.
Note: 1 = Terminal activated.
Preset Speed 2 Preset Speed 2
Preset Speeds
This parameter assigns an output frequency to binary number 0010 and is identified as Preset Speed 2. The binary number is applied to I1 – I4 of the
ACE G9-120V-PCB to output the Preset Speed (see F018
for additional information on this parameter).
Direct Access Number — F019
Parameter Type — Numerical
Factory Default — 0.0
Changeable During Run — Yes
Maximum — Upper Limit (
Units — Hz
ACE-tronics G9 ASD Installation and Operation Manual 87
Preset Speed 3 Preset Speed 3
Preset Speeds
This parameter assigns an output frequency to binary number 0011 and is identified as Preset Speed 3. The binary number is applied to I1 – I4 of the
ACE G9-120V-PCB to output the Preset Speed (see F018
for additional information on this parameter).
Preset Speed 4 Preset Speed 4
Preset Speeds
This parameter assigns an output frequency to binary number 0100 and is identified as Preset Speed 4. The binary number is applied to I1 – I4 of the
ACE G9-120V-PCB to output the Preset Speed (see F018
for additional information on this parameter).
Preset Speed 5
Preset Speeds
This parameter assigns an output frequency to binary number 0101 and is identified as Preset Speed 5. The binary number is applied to I1 – I4 of the
ACE G9-120V-PCB to output the Preset Speed (see F018
for additional information on this parameter).
Preset Speed 6
Preset Speeds
This parameter assigns an output frequency to binary number 0110 and is identified as Preset Speed 6. The binary number is applied to I1 – I4 of the
ACE G9-120V-PCB to output the Preset Speed (see F018
for additional information on this parameter).
Preset Speed 7
Preset Speeds
This parameter assigns an output frequency to binary number 0111 and is identified as Preset Speed 7. The binary number is applied to I1 – I4 of the
ACE G9-120V-PCB to output the Preset Speed (see F018
for additional information on this parameter).
Direct Access Number — F020
Parameter Type — Numerical
Factory Default — 0.0
Changeable During Run — Yes
Maximum — Upper Limit (
Units — Hz
Direct Access Number — F021
Parameter Type — Numerical
Factory Default — 0.0
Changeable During Run — Yes
Maximum — Upper Limit (
Units — Hz
Direct Access Number — F022
Parameter Type — Numerical
Factory Default — 0.0
Changeable During Run — Yes
Maximum — Upper Limit (
Units — Hz
Direct Access Number — F023
Parameter Type — Numerical
Factory Default — 0.0
Changeable During Run — Yes
Maximum — Upper Limit (
Units — Hz
Direct Access Number — F024
Parameter Type — Numerical
Factory Default — 0.0
Changeable During Run — Yes
Maximum — Upper Limit (
Units — Hz
88 ACE-tronics G9 ASD Installation and Operation Manual
Automatic Function Selection
Display Parameters
This parameter setting is used to configure multiple parameters with the setting of only one parameter. From the selection below multiple parameters may be set as indicated in the table.
Once set, the selected configuration is placed in effect and remains in effect until this parameter is changed or the individual settings are changed.
Set this parameter to Disable to set these parameters individually.
Note: After performing the desired selection the EOI display returns to
Disabled though the selected function has been carried out (i.e., without this, if selection 1 is performed,
hold the RR terminal setting regardless of attempts to change the settings individually).
RR or V/I Switched via Terminal Board (ACE G9-120V-PCB)
Keypad Frequency/Terminal Board Command (ACE G9-120V-PCB)
Keypad Frequency and Command
Direct Access Number — F040
Parameter Type — Selection List
Factory Default — Disabled
Changeable During Run — No
User Settings
0 -Disable 1 -RR 2 -V/I
3 -RR or
V/I via TB
4 -Keypad/
5 -Keypad
Mode 1
I3 Terminal
Speed 3
N/C 20.0%
Terminal Board
Mode 2
V/I N/C RR V/I *Keypad
N/C = No Change — the setting remains as it was before setting parameter F040 .
Note: *Go to
and select EOI Keypad to use the
EOI for control.
ACE-tronics G9 ASD Installation and Operation Manual 89
Low Speed
Low-Speed Signal Output Frequency
The Low-Speed Signal Output Frequency parameter sets a frequency threshold that activates the assigned output terminal for the duration that the
ASD output is equal to or above this setting (see Table 10 on pg. 242 for the
available output assignments).
Speed Reach Frequency
The Speed Reach Frequency sets a frequency threshold that, when reached or
is within the bandwidth specified by parameter F102
, activates the assigned output terminal for the duration that the ASD output is within the bandwidth
specified (see Table 10 on pg. 242
for the available output assignments).
This setting is also a permissive when using the Express Speed function.
Speed Reach Detection Band
This parameter sets the bandwidth of the Speed Reach Frequency (
) setting.
Direct Access Number — F100
Parameter Type — Numerical
Factory Default — 0.00
Changeable During Run — Yes
Minimum — 0.00
Maximum — Max. Freq. (
Units — Hz
Direct Access Number — F101
Parameter Type — Numerical
Factory Default — 0.00
Changeable During Run — Yes
Minimum — 0.00
Maximum — Max. Freq. (
Units — Hz
Direct Access Number — F102
Parameter Type — Numerical
Factory Default — 2.50
Changeable During Run — Yes
Minimum — 0.00
Maximum — Max. Freq. (
Units — Hz
Direct Access Number — F106
Parameter Type — Selection List
Factory Default — Disabled
Changeable During Run — No
Input Terminal Priority
Input Special Functions
This parameter is used to allow the Jog and DC Injection Braking input signals to control the ASD when received via the ACE G9-120V-PCB even though the system is in the Local mode.
With this parameter enabled, a Jog command or a DC Injection Braking command received from the ACE G9-120V-PCB will receive priority over commands from the EOI.
for additional information on using the Jog function.
F252 for additional information on DC Injection Braking.
90 ACE-tronics G9 ASD Installation and Operation Manual
16-Bit Binary/BCD Input
Input Special Functions
The extended terminal function is used with the Expansion IO Card Option
(P/N ETB004Z).
This parameter defines the format of the binary or BCD data when using the option card.
Note: The Expansion IO Card Option 2 option board is required to use this terminal.
See the Expansion IO Card Option 1 Instruction Manual (P/N 58685) for additional information on the function of this terminal.
12-Bit Binary
16-Bit Binary
3-Digit BCD
4-Digit BCD
Inverted 12-Bit Binary
Inverted 16-Bit Binary
Inverted 3-Digit BCD
Inverted 4-Digit BCD
Direct Access Number — F107
Parameter Type — Selection List
Factory Default — None
Changeable During Run — No
Selections using 16-bit binary or 4-digit BCD will require the configuration of terminals I1-I4 on the ACE G9-120V-PCB as binary bits 0 – 3 (
The Frequency Mode 1 (
) parameter must be set to Binary/BCD.
For proper scaling of the binary or BCD input, parameters
must be configured.
Option V/I Terminal Voltage/Current Selection
Program Frequency V/I
Direct Access Number — F109
Parameter Type — Selection List
Factory Default — Voltage Input
Changeable During Run — No
This parameter is used to set the AI2 input terminal to receive either current or voltage as a control signal.
Note: The Expansion IO Card Option 2 option board (P/N ETB004Z) is required to use this terminal.
See the Expansion IO Card Option 2 Instruction Manual (P/N 58686) for additional information on the function of this terminal.
Voltage Input
Current Input
ACE-tronics G9 ASD Installation and Operation Manual 91
Always ON Terminal Function
Input Terminals
This parameter is used to set the functionality of the virtual discrete input terminal ON. As a virtual terminal, the ON control terminal exists only in memory and is considered to always be in its True (activated) state.
It is often practical to assign a function to this terminal that the user desires to be maintained regardless of external conditions or operations.
This parameter sets the programmable ON terminal to any one of the user-
selectable functions listed in Table 7 on pg. 236
This terminal is set to ST (Standby) to allow for ready-to-run operation and allows for the use of the discrete input terminals for other functions.
Input Terminal 1 (F) Function
Program Terminal Input Terminals
This parameter is used to set the functionality of the F discrete input terminal.
In addition, this input terminal must be specified as Normally Open or
Normally Closed.
This setting assigns the function of the programmable F terminal to any one of
the user-selectable functions listed in Table 7 on pg. 236 .
Input Terminal 2 (R) Function
Input Terminals
This parameter is used to set the functionality of the R discrete input terminal.
In addition, this input terminal must be specified as Normally Open or
Normally Closed.
This setting assigns the function of the programmable R terminal to any one of
the user-selectable functions listed in Table 7 on pg. 236 .
Input Terminal 3 (I1) Function
Input Terminals
This parameter is used to set the functionality of the I1 discrete input terminal.
In addition, this input terminal must be specified as Normally Open or
Normally Closed.
This setting assigns the function of the programmable I1 terminal to any one of
the user-selectable functions listed in Table 7 on pg. 236 .
Input Terminal 4 (I2) Function
Program Terminal Input Terminals
This parameter is used to set the functionality of the I2 discrete input terminal.
In addition, this input terminal must be specified as Normally Open or
Normally Closed.
This setting assigns the function of the programmable I2 terminal to any one of
the user-selectable functions listed in Table 7 on pg. 236 .
Direct Access Number — F110
Parameter Type — Selection List
Factory Default — ST
Changeable During Run — No
Direct Access Number — F111
Parameter Type — Selection List
Factory Default — Forward
Changeable During Run — No
Direct Access Number — F112
Parameter Type — Selection List
Factory Default — Reverse
Changeable During Run — No
Direct Access Number — F113
Parameter Type — Selection List
Factory Default — Preset Speed 1
Changeable During Run — No
Direct Access Number — F114
Parameter Type — Selection List
Factory Default — Unassigned
Changeable During Run — No
92 ACE-tronics G9 ASD Installation and Operation Manual
Input Terminal 5 (I3) Function
Input Terminals
This parameter is used to set the functionality of the I3 discrete input terminal.
In addition, this input terminal must be specified as Normally Open or
Normally Closed.
This setting assigns the function of the programmable I3 terminal to any one of
the user-selectable functions listed in Table 7 on pg. 236 .
Input Terminal 6 (I4) Function
Program Terminal Input Terminals
This parameter is used to set the functionality of the I4 discrete input terminal.
In addition, this input terminal must be specified as Normally Open or
Normally Closed.
This setting assigns the function of the programmable I4 terminal to any one of
the user-selectable functions listed in Table 7 on pg. 236 .
Input Terminal 7 (I5) Function
Input Terminals
This parameter is used to set the functionality of the I5 discrete input terminal.
In addition, this input terminal must be specified as Normally Open or
Normally Closed.
This setting assigns the function of the programmable I5 terminal to any one of
the user-selectable functions listed in Table 7 on pg. 236 .
Input Terminal 8 (I6) Function
Input Terminals
Direct Access Number — F115
Parameter Type — Selection List
Factory Default — Unassigned
Changeable During Run — No
Direct Access Number — F116
Parameter Type — Selection List
Factory Default — Unassigned
Changeable During Run — No
Direct Access Number — F117
Parameter Type — Selection List
Factory Default — Unassigned
Changeable During Run — No
This parameter is used to set the functionality of the I6 discrete input terminal.
In addition, this input terminal must be specified as Normally Open or
Normally Closed.
This setting assigns the function of the programmable I6 terminal to any one of
the user-selectable functions listed in Table 7 on pg. 236 .
Input Terminal 9 (LI1) Function
Program Terminal Input Terminals
This parameter is used to set the functionality of the LI1 discrete input terminal.
In addition, this input terminal must be specified as Normally Open or
Normally Closed.
This setting assigns the function of the programmable LI1 terminal to any one of the user-selectable functions listed in
Note: The Expansion IO Card Option 1 option board (P/N ETB003Z) is required to use this terminal.
See the Expansion IO Card Option 1 Instruction Manual (P/N 58685) for additional information on the function of this terminal.
Direct Access Number — F118
Parameter Type — Selection List
Factory Default — Unassigned
Changeable During Run — No
Direct Access Number — F119
Parameter Type — Selection List
Factory Default — Unassigned
Changeable During Run — No
ACE-tronics G9 ASD Installation and Operation Manual 93
Input Terminal 10 (LI2) Function
Input Terminals
Direct Access Number — F120
Parameter Type — Selection List
Factory Default — Unassigned
Changeable During Run — No
This parameter is used to set the functionality of the LI2 discrete input terminal.
In addition, this input terminal must be specified as Normally Open or
Normally Closed.
This setting assigns the function of the programmable LI2 terminal to any one of the user-selectable functions listed in
Note: The Expansion IO Card Option 1 option board (P/N ETB003Z) is required to use this terminal.
See the Expansion IO Card Option 1 Instruction Manual (P/N 58685) for additional information on the function of this terminal.
Input Terminal 11 (LI3) Function
Input Terminals
Direct Access Number — F121
Parameter Type — Selection List
Factory Default — Unassigned
Changeable During Run — No
This parameter is used to set the functionality of the LI3 discrete input terminal.
In addition, this input terminal must be specified as Normally Open or
Normally Closed.
This setting assigns the function of the programmable LI3 terminal to any one of the user-selectable functions listed in
Note: The Expansion IO Card Option 1 option board (P/N ETB003Z) is required to use this terminal.
See the Expansion IO Card Option 1 Instruction Manual (P/N 58685) for additional information on the function of this terminal.
Input Terminal 12 (LI4) Function
Input Terminals
This parameter is used to set the functionality of the LI4 discrete input terminal.
In addition, this input terminal must be specified as Normally Open or
Normally Closed.
This setting assigns the function of the programmable LI4 terminal to any one of the user-selectable functions listed in
Note: The Expansion IO Card Option 1 option board (P/N ETB003Z) is required to use this terminal.
See the Expansion IO Card Option 1 Instruction Manual (P/N 58685) for additional information on the function of this terminal.
Direct Access Number — F122
Parameter Type — Selection List
Factory Default — Unassigned
Changeable During Run — No
94 ACE-tronics G9 ASD Installation and Operation Manual
Input Terminal 13 (LI5) Function
Input Terminals
Direct Access Number — F123
Parameter Type — Selection List
Factory Default — Unassigned
Changeable During Run — No
This parameter is used to set the functionality of the LI5 discrete input terminal.
In addition, this input terminal must be specified as Normally Open or
Normally Closed.
This setting assigns the function of the programmable LI5 terminal to any one of the user-selectable functions listed in
Note: The Expansion IO Card Option 2 option board (P/N ETB004Z) is required to use this terminal.
See the Expansion IO Card Option 2 Instruction Manual (P/N 58686) for additional information on the function of this terminal.
Input Terminal 14 (LI6) Function
Input Terminals
Direct Access Number — F124
Parameter Type — Selection List
Factory Default — Unassigned
Changeable During Run — No
This parameter is used to set the functionality of the LI6 discrete input terminal.
In addition, this input terminal must be specified as Normally Open or
Normally Closed.
This setting assigns the function of the programmable LI6 terminal to any one of the user-selectable functions listed in
Note: The Expansion IO Card Option 2 option board (P/N ETB004Z) is required to use this terminal.
See the Expansion IO Card Option 2 Instruction Manual (P/N 58686) for additional information on the function of this terminal.
Input Terminal 15 (LI7) Function
Input Terminals
This parameter is used to set the functionality of the LI7 discrete input terminal.
In addition, this input terminal must be specified as Normally Open or
Normally Closed.
This setting assigns the function of the programmable LI7 terminal to any one of the user-selectable functions listed in
Note: The Expansion IO Card Option 2 option board (P/N ETB004Z) is required to use this terminal.
See the Expansion IO Card Option 2 Instruction Manual (P/N 58686) for additional information on the function of this terminal.
Direct Access Number — F125
Parameter Type — Selection List
Factory Default — Unassigned
Changeable During Run — No
ACE-tronics G9 ASD Installation and Operation Manual 95
Input Terminal 16 (LI8) Function
Input Terminals
This parameter is used to set the functionality of the LI8 discrete input terminal.
In addition, this input terminal must be specified as Normally Open or
Normally Closed.
This setting assigns the function of the programmable LI8 terminal to any one of the user-selectable functions listed in
Note: The Expansion IO Card Option 2 option board (P/N ETB004Z) is required to use this terminal.
See the Expansion IO Card Option 2 Instruction Manual (P/N 58686) for additional information on the function of this terminal.
Output Terminal 1 (OUT1) Function
Output Terminals
Direct Access Number — F126
Parameter Type — Selection List
Factory Default — Unassigned
Changeable During Run — No
Direct Access Number — F130
Parameter Type — Selection List
Factory Default — Brake Failure
Changeable During Run — No
This parameter is used to set the functionality of the OUT1 discrete output terminals OUT1-A and OUT1-C.
The OUT1-A to OUT1-C output terminals change states (open or close) as a function of a user-selected event. See
Table 10 on pg. 242 for listing the
possible assignments for the OUT1 terminals.
In addition, the output terminals must be specified as Normally Open or
Normally Closed.
Output Terminal 2 (OUT2) Function
Output Terminals
Direct Access Number — F131
Parameter Type — Selection List
Factory Default — Brake Release
Changeable During Run — No
This parameter is used to set the functionality of the OUT2 discrete output terminals OUT2-A and OUT2-C.
The OUT2-A to OUT2-C output terminals change states (open or close) as a function of a user-selected event. See
Table 10 on pg. 242 for listing the
possible assignments for the OUT2 terminals.
In addition, the output terminals must be specified as Normally Open or
Normally Closed.
Output Terminal 3 (BRAKE) Function
Output Terminals
Direct Access Number — F132
Parameter Type — Selection List
Factory Default — Brake Release
Changeable During Run — No
This parameter is used to set the functionality of the BRAKE output terminals
(A, B, and C) to one of the functions listed in Table 10 on pg. 242 .
In addition, the output terminals must be specified as Normally Open or
Normally Closed.
BRAKE Relay is shown in the de-energized state.
96 ACE-tronics G9 ASD Installation and Operation Manual
Output Terminal 4 (OUT3) Function
Output Terminals
Direct Access Number — F133
Parameter Type — Selection List
Factory Default — Always Off
Changeable During Run — No
This parameter is used to set the functionality of the OUT3 discrete output terminal.
In addition, this input terminal must be specified as Normally Open or
Normally Closed.
This setting assigns the function of the programmable OUT3 terminal to any one of the user-selectable functions listed in
Note: The Expansion IO Card Option 1 option board (P/N ETB003Z) is required to use this terminal.
See the Expansion IO Card Option 1 Instruction Manual (P/N 58685) for additional information on the function of this terminal.
Output Terminal 5 (OUT4) Function
Output Terminals
Direct Access Number — F134
Parameter Type — Selection List
Factory Default — Always Off
Changeable During Run — No
This parameter is used to set the functionality of the OUT4 discrete output terminal.
In addition, this input terminal must be specified as Normally Open or
Normally Closed.
This setting assigns the function of the programmable OUT4 terminal to any one of the user-selectable functions listed in
Note: The Expansion IO Card Option 1 option board (P/N ETB003Z) is required to use this terminal.
See the Expansion IO Card Option 1 Instruction Manual (P/N 58685) for additional information on the function of this terminal.
Output Terminal 6 (R1) Function
Program Terminal Output Terminals
This parameter is used to set the functionality of the R1 discrete output terminal.
In addition, this input terminal must be specified as Normally Open or
Normally Closed.
This setting assigns the function of the programmable R1 terminal to any one of
the user-selectable functions listed in Table 10 on pg. 242
Direct Access Number — F135
Parameter Type — Selection List
Factory Default — Always Off
Changeable During Run — No
Note: The Expansion IO Card Option 1 option board (P/N ETB003Z) is required to use this terminal.
See the Expansion IO Card Option 1 Instruction Manual (P/N 58685) for additional information on the function of this terminal.
ACE-tronics G9 ASD Installation and Operation Manual 97
Output Terminal 7 (OUT5) Function
Output Terminals
Direct Access Number — F136
Parameter Type — Selection List
Factory Default — Always Off
Changeable During Run — No
This parameter is used to set the functionality of the OUT5 discrete output terminal.
In addition, this output terminal must be specified as Normally Open or
Normally Closed.
This setting assigns the function of the programmable OUT5 terminal to any one of the user-selectable functions listed in
Note: The Expansion IO Card Option 2 option board (P/N ETB004Z) is required to use this terminal.
See the Expansion IO Card Option 2 Instruction Manual (P/N 58686) for additional information on the function of this terminal.
Output Terminal 8 (OUT6) Function
Output Terminals
Direct Access Number — F137
Parameter Type — Selection List
Factory Default — Always Off
Changeable During Run — No
This parameter is used to set the functionality of the OUT6 discrete output terminal.
In addition, this output terminal must be specified as Normally Open or
Normally Closed.
This setting assigns the function of the programmable OUT6 terminal to any one of the user-selectable functions listed in
Note: The Expansion IO Card Option 2 option board (P/N ETB004Z) is required to use this terminal.
See the Expansion IO Card Option 2 Instruction Manual (P/N 58686) for additional information on the function of this terminal.
Output Terminal 9 (R2) Function
Program Terminal Output Terminals
This parameter is used to set the functionality of the R2 discrete output terminal.
In addition, this output terminal must be specified as Normally Open or
Normally Closed.
This setting assigns the function of the programmable R2 terminal to any one of
the user-selectable functions listed in Table 10 on pg. 242
Direct Access Number — F138
Parameter Type — Selection List
Factory Default — Always Off
Changeable During Run — No
Note: The Expansion IO Card Option 2 option board (P/N ETB004Z) is required to use this terminal.
See the Expansion IO Card Option 2 Instruction Manual (P/N 58686) for additional information on the function of this terminal.
98 ACE-tronics G9 ASD Installation and Operation Manual
Input Terminal 1 (F) Response Time
Input Terminal Delays
This parameter delays the response of the ASD to any change in the F terminal input by the programmed value.
Direct Access Number — F140
Parameter Type — Numerical
Factory Default — 8.0
Changeable During Run — No
Minimum — 2.0
Maximum — 200.0
Units — mS
The delay may be increased to provide additional electrical noise immunity or to prevent the ASD from responding to contact bounce or chatter.
Input Terminal 2 (R) Response Time
Input Terminal Delays
This parameter delays the response of the ASD to any change in the R terminal
input by the programmed value (see waveforms at
Input Terminal 3 (I1) Response Time
Input Terminal Delays
Input Terminal 4 (I2) Response Time
Input Terminal Delays
Input Terminal 5 – 12 Response Time
Input Terminal Delays
The delay may be increased to provide additional electrical noise immunity or to prevent the ASD from responding to contact bounce or chatter.
This parameter delays the response of the ASD to any change in the I1 terminal
input by the programmed value (see waveforms at F140 ).
The delay may be increased to provide additional electrical noise immunity or to prevent the ASD from responding to contact bounce or chatter.
This parameter delays the response of the ASD to any change in the I2 terminal
input by the programmed value (see waveforms at F140 ).
The delay may be increased to provide additional electrical noise immunity or to prevent the ASD from responding to contact bounce or chatter.
This parameter delays the response of the ASD to any change in the 5 – 12 terminal inputs by the programmed value (see waveforms at
The delay may be increased to provide additional electrical noise immunity or to prevent the ASD from responding to contact bounce or chatter.
Direct Access Number — F141
Parameter Type — Numerical
Factory Default — 8.0
Changeable During Run — No
Minimum — 2.0
Maximum — 200.0
Units — mS
Direct Access Number — F142
Parameter Type — Numerical
Factory Default — 8.0
Changeable During Run — No
Minimum — 2.0
Maximum — 200.0
Units — mS
Direct Access Number — F143
Parameter Type — Numerical
Factory Default — 8.0
Changeable During Run — No
Minimum — 2.0
Maximum — 200.0
Units — mS
Direct Access Number — F144
Parameter Type — Numerical
Factory Default — 8.0
Changeable During Run — No
Minimum — 2.0
Maximum — 200.0
Units — mS
ACE-tronics G9 ASD Installation and Operation Manual 99
Input Terminal 13 – 20 Response Time
Input Terminal Delays
This parameter delays the response of the ASD to any change in the 13 – 20 terminal inputs by the programmed value (see waveforms at
The delay may be increased to provide additional electrical noise immunity or to prevent the ASD from responding to contact bounce or chatter.
Input Terminal 17 (B12) Function
Input Terminals
This parameter is used to set the functionality of the B12 discrete input terminal.
In addition, this input terminal must be specified as Normally Open or
Normally Closed.
This setting assigns the function of the programmable B12 terminal to any one of the user-selectable functions listed in
Input Terminal 18 (B13) Function
Input Terminals
This parameter is used to set the functionality of the B13 discrete input terminal.
In addition, this input terminal must be specified as Normally Open or
Normally Closed.
This setting assigns the function of the programmable B13 terminal to any one of the user-selectable functions listed in
Input Terminal 19 (B14) Function
Input Terminals
This parameter is used to set the functionality of the B14 discrete input terminal.
In addition, this input terminal must be specified as Normally Open or
Normally Closed.
This setting assigns the function of the programmable B14 terminal to any one of the user-selectable functions listed in
Input Terminal 20 (B15) Function
Input Terminals
This parameter is used to set the functionality of the B15 discrete input terminal.
In addition, this input terminal must be specified as Normally Open or
Normally Closed.
This setting assigns the function of the programmable B15 terminal to any one of the user-selectable functions listed in
Direct Access Number — F145
Parameter Type — Numerical
Factory Default — 8.0
Changeable During Run — No
Minimum — 2.0
Maximum — 200.0
Units — mS
Direct Access Number — F164
Parameter Type — Selection List
Factory Default — Unassigned
Changeable During Run — No
Direct Access Number — F165
Parameter Type — Selection List
Factory Default — Unassigned
Changeable During Run — No
Direct Access Number — F166
Parameter Type — Selection List
Factory Default — Unassigned
Changeable During Run — No
Direct Access Number — F167
Parameter Type — Selection List
Factory Default — Unassigned
Changeable During Run — No
100 ACE-tronics G9 ASD Installation and Operation Manual
Output Terminal 10 (R3) Function
Output Terminals
This parameter is used to set the functionality of the R3 discrete output terminal.
In addition, this input terminal must be specified as Normally Open or
Normally Closed.
This setting assigns the function of the programmable R3 terminal to any one of
the user-selectable functions listed in Table 10 on pg. 242
Output Terminal 11 (R4) Function
Output Terminals
This parameter is used to set the functionality of the R4 discrete output terminal.
In addition, this input terminal must be specified as Normally Open or
Normally Closed.
This setting assigns the function of the programmable R4 terminal to any one of
the user-selectable functions listed in Table 10 on pg. 242
Base Frequency 2
Motor Set 2
Direct Access Number — F168
Parameter Type — Selection List
Factory Default — Off
Changeable During Run — No
Direct Access Number — F169
Parameter Type — Selection List
Factory Default — Off
Changeable During Run — No
Direct Access Number — F170
Parameter Type — Numerical
Factory Default — 60.0
Changeable During Run — Yes
Minimum — 25.0
Maximum — 299.0
Units — Hz
The Base Frequency 2 setting is the frequency at which the output voltage of the ASD reaches its maximum setting. The Base Frequency Voltage 2
This parameter is used only when the parameters for motor set 2 are configured and selected. Motor set 2 may be selected by a properly configured input
terminal (see Table 7 on pg. 236 ).
For proper motor operation, the Base Frequency should be set for the nameplate frequency of the motor.
Base Frequency Voltage 2
Motor Set 2
The Base Frequency Voltage 2 setting is the Motor #2 output voltage at the
). Regardless of the programmed value, the output voltage cannot be higher than the input voltage.
The actual output voltage will be influenced by the input voltage of the ASD and the Supply Voltage Compensation setting (
This parameter is used only when the parameters for motor set 2 are configured and selected. Motor set 2 may be selected by a properly configured input
terminal (see Table 7 on pg. 236 ).
Manual Torque Boost 2
Motor Set 2
The Manual Torque Boost 2 function is used to increase the low frequency torque for high inertia loads by increasing the output voltage at frequencies
below ½ of the Base Frequency 2 setting ( F170 ).
See parameter F016 (Manual Torque Boost 1) for an explanation of torque
This parameter is used only when the parameters for motor set 2 are configured and selected. Motor set 2 may be selected by a properly configured input
terminal (see Table 7 on pg. 236 ).
Direct Access Number — F171
Parameter Type — Numerical
Factory Default — (ASD-Dependent)
Changeable During Run — Yes
Minimum — 50.0
Maximum — 660.0
Units — Volts
Direct Access Number — F172
Parameter Type — Numerical
Factory Default — (ASD-Dependent)
Changeable During Run — Yes
Minimum — 0.0
Maximum — 30.0
Units — %
ACE-tronics G9 ASD Installation and Operation Manual 101
Motor Overload Protection Level 2
Motor Set 2
The Motor Overload Protection Level 2 parameter specifies the motor overload current level for motor set 2. This value is entered as either a percentage of the full-load rating of the ASD or as the FLA of the motor.
The unit of measurement for this parameter may be set to Amps (A/V) or it may be set as a percentage of the ASD rating. The nameplate FLA of the motor may be entered directly when Amps is selected as the unit of measurement (see
F701 to change the display unit).
The Motor 2 Overload Protection Level setting will be displayed in Amps if the EOI display units are set to A/V rather than %.
Base Frequency 3
Motor Set 3
The Base Frequency 3 setting is the frequency at which the output voltage of the ASD reaches its maximum setting. The Base Frequency Voltage 3
This parameter is used only when the parameters for motor set 3 are configured and selected. Motor set 3 may be selected by a properly configured input
terminal (see Table 7 on pg. 236 ).
For proper motor operation, the Base Frequency should be set for the nameplate frequency of the motor.
Base Frequency Voltage 3
Motor Set 3
Direct Access Number — F173
Parameter Type — Numerical
Factory Default — 100
Changeable During Run — Yes
Minimum — 10
Maximum — 100
Units — %
Direct Access Number — F174
Parameter Type — Numerical
Factory Default — 60.0
Changeable During Run — Yes
Minimum — 25.0
Maximum — 299.0
Units — Hz
Direct Access Number — F175
Parameter Type — Numerical
Factory Default — (ASD-Dependent)
Changeable During Run — Yes
Minimum — 50.0
Maximum — 660.0
Units — Volts
The Base Frequency Voltage 3 setting is the Motor #3 output voltage at the
). Regardless of the programmed value, the output voltage cannot be higher than the input voltage.
The actual output voltage will be influenced by the input voltage of the ASD and the Supply Voltage Compensation setting (
This parameter is used only when the parameters for motor set 3 are configured and selected. Motor set 3 may be selected by a properly configured input
terminal (see Table 7 on pg. 236 ).
Manual Torque Boost 3
Motor Set 3
The Manual Torque Boost 3 function is used to increase the low frequency torque for high inertia loads by increasing the output voltage at frequencies
below ½ of the Base Frequency 3 setting ( F174 ).
See parameter F016 (Manual Torque Boost 1) for an explanation of torque
This parameter is used only when the parameters for motor set 3 are configured and selected. Motor set 3 may be selected by a properly configured input
terminal (see Table 7 on pg. 236 ).
Direct Access Number — F176
Parameter Type — Numerical
Factory Default — (ASD-Dependent)
Changeable During Run — Yes
Minimum — 0.0
Maximum — 30.0
Units — %
102 ACE-tronics G9 ASD Installation and Operation Manual
Motor Overload Protection Level 3
Motor Set 3
The Motor Overload Protection Level 3 parameter specifies the motor overload current level for motor set 3. This value is entered as either a percentage of the full-load rating of the ASD or as the FLA of the motor.
The unit of measurement for this parameter may be set to Amps (A/V) or it may be set as a percentage of the ASD rating. The nameplate FLA of the motor may be entered directly when Amps is selected as the unit of measurement (see
F701 to change the display unit).
The Motor Overload Protection Level 3 setting will be displayed in Amps if the EOI display units are set to A/V rather than %.
Base Frequency 4
Motor Set 4
Direct Access Number — F177
Parameter Type — Numerical
Factory Default — 100.0
Changeable During Run — Yes
Minimum — 10
Maximum — 100
Units — %
The Base Frequency 4 setting is the frequency at which the output voltage of the ASD reaches its maximum setting. The Base Frequency Voltage 4
This parameter is used only when the parameters for motor set 4 are configured and selected. Motor set 4 may be selected by a properly configured input
terminal (see Table 7 on pg. 236 ).
For proper motor operation, the Base Frequency should be set for the nameplate frequency of the motor.
Base Frequency Voltage 4
Motor Set 4
Direct Access Number — F178
Parameter Type — Numerical
Factory Default — 60.0
Changeable During Run — Yes
Minimum — 25.00
Maximum — 299.0
Units — Hz
The Base Frequency Voltage 4 is the Motor 4 output voltage at the Base
Frequency (
F178 ). Regardless of the programmed value, the output voltage
cannot be higher than the input voltage.
The actual output voltage will be influenced by the input voltage of the ASD and the Supply Voltage Compensation setting (
This parameter is used only when the parameters for motor set 4 are configured and selected. Motor set 4 may be selected by a properly configured input
terminal (see Table 7 on pg. 236 ).
Manual Torque Boost 4
Motor Set 4
Direct Access Number — F179
Parameter Type — Numerical
Factory Default — (ASD-Dependent)
Changeable During Run — Yes
Minimum — 50.0
Maximum — 660.0
Units — Volts
The Manual Torque Boost 4 function is used to increase the low frequency torque for high inertia loads by increasing the output voltage at frequencies
below ½ of the Base Frequency 4 setting ( F178 ).
See parameter F016 (Manual Torque Boost 1) for an explanation of torque
This parameter is used only when the parameters for motor set 4 are configured and selected. Motor set 4 may be selected by a properly configured input
terminal (see Table 7 on pg. 236 ).
Direct Access Number — F180
Parameter Type — Numerical
Factory Default — (ASD-Dependent)
Changeable During Run — Yes
Minimum — 0.0
Maximum — 30.0
Units — %
ACE-tronics G9 ASD Installation and Operation Manual 103
Overload Protection Level 4
Motor Set 4
The Motor 4 Overload Protection Level parameter specifies the motor overload current level for motor set 4. This value is entered as either a percentage of the full-load rating of the ASD or as the FLA of the motor.
The unit of measurement for this parameter may be set to Amps (A/V) or it may be set as a percentage of the ASD rating. The nameplate FLA of the motor may be entered directly when Amps is selected as the unit of measurement (see
F701 to change the display unit).
The Motor 4 Overload Protection Level setting will be displayed in Amps if the EOI display units are set to A/V rather than %.
V/f 5-Point Setting Frequency 1
V/f 5-Point Setting
Direct Access Number — F181
Parameter Type — Numerical
Factory Default — 100.0
Changeable During Run — Yes
Minimum — 10
Maximum — 100
Units — %
The V/f 5-Point Setting Frequency 1 setting establishes the frequency that is to be associated with the voltage setting of
F191 (V/f 5-Point Setting Voltage
The V/f 5-Point settings define a custom volts per hertz relationship for the startup output of the ASD.
To enable this function, set the V/f Pattern ( F015 ) selection to the V/f 5-Point
Curve setting.
Custom V/f Curves may be useful in starting high inertia loads such as rotary drum vacuum filters.
Direct Access Number — F190
Parameter Type — Numerical
Factory Default — 0.00
Changeable During Run — No
Minimum — 0.00
Maximum — Max. Freq. (
Units — Hz
104 ACE-tronics G9 ASD Installation and Operation Manual
V/f 5-Point Setting Voltage 1
V/f 5-Point Setting
The V/f 5-Point Setting Voltage 1 establishes the output voltage level that is to
be associated with the frequency setting of F190 (V/f 5-Point Setting Frequency
The F701 parameter setting will determine if the on-screen selection for this
parameter appears in the form of a voltage (V) or as a percentage (%) of the
ASD rating.
If using Voltage as a unit of measure and with no voltage correction (
Disabled), the limit of the on-screen display value for this parameter is 200 volts for the 230-volt ASD and 400 Volts for the 460-volt ASD.
The actual output voltage is scaled to the maximum EOI display values (e.g., a
100-volt EOI display corresponds to a 115-volt actual output for the 230-volt
ASD — ½ of the full display range).
If using % as a unit of measure and with no voltage correction (
the ASD output voltage will be the percentage setting times 230 for the 230volt unit (or % times 460 Volts for the 460-volt unit).
for additional information on this setting.
Direct Access Number — F191
Parameter Type — Numerical
Factory Default — 0.0
Changeable During Run — No
Minimum — 0.0
Maximum — 100.0
Units — V or % (
V/f 5-Point Setting Frequency 2
Program Special V/f 5-Point Setting
The Custom V/f 5-Point Setting Frequency 2 sets the frequency to be
associated with the voltage setting of parameter F193 (V/f 5-Point Setting
Voltage 2).
for additional information on this setting.
Direct Access Number — F192
Parameter Type — Numerical
Factory Default — 0.00
Changeable During Run — No
Minimum — 0.00
Maximum — Max. Freq. (
Units — Hz
ACE-tronics G9 ASD Installation and Operation Manual 105
V/f 5-Point Setting Voltage 2
V/f 5-Point Setting
The V/f 5-Point Setting Voltage 2 establishes the output voltage level that is to
be associated with the frequency setting of F192 (V/f 5-Point Setting Frequency
The F701 parameter setting will determine if the selection for this parameter
appears in the form of a Voltage (V) or as a Percentage (%) of the ASD rating.
The default setting is %.
for additional information on this setting.
V/f 5-Point Setting Frequency 3
V/f 5-Point Setting
Direct Access Number — F193
Parameter Type — Numerical
Factory Default — 0.0
Changeable During Run — No
Minimum — 0.0
Maximum — 100.0
Units — V or % (
The Custom V/f 5-Point Setting Frequency 3 sets the frequency to be
associated with the voltage setting of parameter F195 (V/f 5-Point Setting
Voltage 3).
for additional information on this setting.
V/f 5-Point Setting Voltage 3
V/f 5-Point Setting
Direct Access Number — F194
Parameter Type — Numerical
Factory Default — 0.00
Changeable During Run — No
Minimum — 0.00
Maximum — Max. Freq. (
Units — Hz
Direct Access Number — F195
Parameter Type — Numerical
Factory Default — 0.0
Changeable During Run — No
Minimum — 0.0
Maximum — 100.0
Units — V or % (
The V/f 5-Point Setting Voltage 3 establishes the output voltage level that is to
be associated with the frequency setting of F194 (V/f 5-Point Setting Frequency
The F701 parameter setting will determine if the selection for this parameter
appears in the form of a Voltage (V) or as a Percentage (%) of the ASD rating.
The default setting is %.
for additional information on this setting.
V/f 5-Point Setting Frequency 4
V/f 5-Point Setting
The Custom V/f 5-Point Setting Frequency 4 sets the frequency to be
associated with the voltage setting of parameter F197 (V/f 5-Point Setting
Voltage 4).
for additional information on this setting.
V/f 5-Point Setting Voltage 4
Program Special V/f 5-Point Setting
The V/f 5-Point Setting Voltage 4 establishes the output voltage level that is to
be associated with the frequency setting of F196 (V/f 5-Point Setting Frequency
The F701 parameter setting will determine if the selection for this parameter
appears in the form of a Voltage (V) or as a Percentage (%) of the ASD rating.
The default setting is %.
for additional information on this setting.
Direct Access Number — F196
Parameter Type — Numerical
Factory Default — 0.00
Changeable During Run — No
Minimum — 0.00
Maximum — Max. Freq. (
Units — Hz
Direct Access Number — F197
Parameter Type — Numerical
Factory Default — 0.0
Changeable During Run — No
Minimum — 0.0
Maximum — 100.0
Units — V or % (
106 ACE-tronics G9 ASD Installation and Operation Manual
V/f 5-Point Setting Frequency 5
V/f 5-Point Setting
The Custom V/f 5-Point Setting Frequency 5 sets the frequency to be
associated with the voltage setting of parameter F199 (V/f 5-Point Setting
Voltage 5).
for additional information on this setting.
V/f 5-Point Setting Voltage 5
V/f 5-Point Setting
The V/f 5-Point Setting Voltage 5 establishes the output voltage level that is to
be associated with the frequency setting of F198 (V/f 5-Point Setting Frequency
The F701 parameter setting will determine if the selection for this parameter
appears in the form of a Voltage (V) or as a Percentage (%) of the ASD rating.
The default setting is %.
for additional information on this setting.
Frequency Priority Selection
Standard Mode Selection
Either Frequency Mode 1 or Frequency Mode 2 may control the output frequency of the ASD. This parameter determines which of the two will control the output frequency and the conditions in which control will be switched from one to the other.
Note: Frequency Mode is abbreviated as FMOD.
Direct Access Number — F198
Parameter Type — Numerical
Factory Default — 0.00
Changeable During Run — No
Minimum — 0.00
Maximum — Max. Freq. (
Units — Hz
Direct Access Number — F199
Parameter Type — Numerical
Factory Default — 0.0
Changeable During Run — No
Minimum — 0.0
Maximum — 100.0
Units — V or % (
Direct Access Number — F200
Parameter Type — Selection List
Factory Default — FMOD (changed by
Changeable During Run — Yes
FMOD changed by Terminal Board (ACE G9-120V-PCB)
The Frequency Mode 1 or Frequency Mode 2 selection specifies the source of
the input frequency command signal. These selections are performed at F004
, respectively.
If FMOD changed by Terminal Board is selected here, the ASD will follow the control of the discrete input terminal assigned the function of Frequency
Priority. The discrete terminal Frequency Priority will toggle control to and from Frequency Mode 1 and Frequency Mode 2 with each activation/ deactivation.
If FMOD ( F208 ) is selected here, the ASD will follow the control of the
Frequency Mode 1 setting for the duration that the commanded frequency of
the Frequency Mode 1 setting is greater than the setting of F208
If the commanded frequency of the Frequency Mode 1 setting is less than or
the ASD will follow the setting of Frequency
Mode 2.
ACE-tronics G9 ASD Installation and Operation Manual 107
V/I Input Point 1 Setting
Speed Reference Setpoints
This parameter is used to set the gain and bias of the isolated V/I input terminal when the V/I terminal is used as the control input while operating in the Speed
Control mode or the Torque Control mode.
This parameter sets the V/I input level that is associated with the V/I Input
) setting when operating in the Speed control mode or is associated with the V/I Input Point 1 Rate (
F205 ) setting when operating in
the Torque Control mode.
Note: See note on
for additional information on the V/I terminal.
Direct Access Number — F201
Parameter Type — Numerical
Factory Default — 0
Changeable During Run — Yes
Minimum — 0
Maximum — 100
Units — %
Frequency Settings
V/I Input Speed Control Setup
Perform the following setup to allow the system to receive Speed control input at the V/I input terminal:
• Set SW2 of the ACE G9-120V-PCB to Voltage or Current (see Figure 8 on pg. 24
• Program
Fundamental Standard Mode Selection Frequency Mode
• Program
Fundamental Standard Mode Selection Command Mode
Terminal Board.
Speed Control
Perform the following setup to allow the system to perform Speed control from the V/I input terminal:
• Set V/I Input Point 1 Frequency (
• Set V/I Input Point 1 Setting ( F201 ) — the input analog signal level that
corresponds to the frequency setting at V/I Input Point 1 Frequency.
• Set V/I Input Point 2 Frequency (
• Set V/I Input Point 2 Setting ( F203 ) — the input analog signal level that
corresponds to the frequency setting at V/I Input Point 2 Frequency.
• Provide a Run command (F and/or R).
Once set, as the V/I input voltage or current changes, the output frequency of the ASD will vary in accordance with the above settings.
This parameter value is entered as 0% to 100% of the V/I input signal range.
The V/I input is commonly used for a 4 – 20 mA current loop signal where
4 mA equals 20% of a 20 mA signal. Set this parameter to 20% for 4 – 20 mA current loop signal applications.
Note: When using the isolated V/I input terminal the IICC terminal must be used as the return (negative) connection.
108 ACE-tronics G9 ASD Installation and Operation Manual
V/I Input Point 1 Frequency
Speed Reference Setpoints
This parameter is used to set the gain and bias of the V/I input terminal when the V/I terminal is used as the control input while operating in the Speed
Control mode.
This parameter sets V/I Input Point 1 Frequency (
that is associated with the setting of V/I Input Point 1 Setting (
operating in the Speed Control mode.
See V/I Input Point 1 Setting ( F201 ) for additional information on this setting.
V/I Input Point 2 Setting
Speed Reference Setpoints
Direct Access Number — F202
Parameter Type — Numerical
Factory Default — 0.00
Changeable During Run — Yes
Minimum — 0.00
Maximum — Max. Freq. (
Units — Hz
This parameter is used to set the gain and bias of the V/I input terminal when the V/I terminal is used as the control input while operating in the Speed
Control mode or the Torque Control mode.
This parameter sets the V/I input level that is associated with V/I Input Point 2
Frequency (
F204 ) when operating in the Speed control mode or is associated
with the V/I Input Point 1 Rate ( F205
) when operating in the Torque Control mode.
This value is entered as 0% to 100% of the V/I input signal range.
See V/I Input Point 1 Setting (
F201 ) for additional information on this setting
when used for Speed control.
See V/I Input Point 1 Rate (
) for additional information on this setting when used for Torque Control.
V/I Input Point 2 Frequency
Speed Reference Setpoints
Direct Access Number — F203
Parameter Type — Numerical
Factory Default — 100
Changeable During Run — Yes
Minimum — 0
Maximum — 100
Units — %
This parameter is used to set the gain and bias of the V/I input terminal when the V/I terminal is used as the control input while operating in the Speed
Control mode.
This parameter sets V/I Input Point 2 Frequency and is the frequency that is associated with the setting of V/I Input Point 2 Setting (
in the Speed Control mode.
See V/I Input Point 1 Setting (
F201 ) for additional information on this setting.
Direct Access Number — F204
Parameter Type — Numerical
Factory Default — 60.00
Changeable During Run — Yes
Minimum — 0.00
Maximum — Max. Freq. (
Units — Hz
ACE-tronics G9 ASD Installation and Operation Manual 109
V/I Input Point 1 Rate
This parameter is used to set the gain and bias of the isolated V/I input terminal when the V/I terminal is used as the control input while operating in the Torque
Control mode.
V/I Input Torque Control Setup
Perform the following setup to allow the system to receive Torque Control input at the V/I input terminal:
• Set SW2 of the ACE G9-120V-PCB to Voltage or Current (see Figure 8 on pg. 24 ).
• Program
Fundamental Standard Mode Selection Frequency Mode 1
• Program
Fundamental Standard Mode Selection Command Mode
Terminal Board.
Direct Access Number — F205
Parameter Type — Numerical
Factory Default — 0.00
Changeable During Run — Yes
Minimum — 0.00
Maximum — 250.00
Units — %
Torque Settings
Torque Control
Perform the following setup to allow the system to perform Torque Control from the V/I input terminal:
• Set V/I Input Point 1 Rate ( F205 ).
• Set V/I Input Point 1 Setting ( F201
) — the input analog signal level that corresponds to the torque setting at V/I Input Point 1 Rate.
• Set V/I Input Point 2 Rate ( F206 ).
• Set V/I Input Point 2 Setting ( F203
) — the input analog signal level that corresponds to the torque setting at V/I Input Point 2 Rate.
• Provide a Run command (F and/or R).
Torque Control is accomplished by establishing an associated V/f output pattern for a given V/I input level.
Once set, as the V/I input voltage changes or the V/I current changes, the output torque of the ASD will vary in accordance with the above settings.
This parameter sets V/I Input Point 1 Rate and is the output torque value that is associated with the setting of V/I Input Point 1 Setting when operating in the Torque Control mode.
This value is entered as 0% to 250% of the rated torque.
Note: When using the isolated V/I input terminal the IICC terminal must be used as the return (negative) connection.
110 ACE-tronics G9 ASD Installation and Operation Manual
V/I Input Point 2 Rate
This parameter is used to set the gain and bias of the V/I input terminal when the V/I terminal is used as the control input while operating in the Torque
Control mode.
Torque Control is accomplished by establishing an associated V/f output pattern for a given V/I input level.
This parameter sets V/I Input Point 2 Rate and is the output torque value that
is associated with the setting of V/I Input Point 2 Setting ( F203 ) when
operating in the Torque Control mode.
This value is entered as 0% to 250% of the rated torque.
See V/I Input Point 1 Rate (
) for additional information on this setting.
Frequency Mode 2
Standard Mode Selection
This parameter is used to set the source of the frequency command signal to be used as Frequency Mode 2 in the event that Frequency Mode 1 is disabled or if Frequency Mode 2 is set up as the primary control parameter.
Direct Access Number — F206
Parameter Type — Numerical
Factory Default — 100.00
Changeable During Run — Yes
Minimum — 0.00
Maximum — 250.00
Units — %
Direct Access Number — F207
Parameter Type — Selection List
Factory Default — V/I
Changeable During Run — Yes
for additional information on this setting.
EOI Keypad
Communication Option Board
RX2 Option (AI1)
Option V/I
UP/DOWN Frequency (ACE G9-120V-PCB)
Pulse Input (Option)
Pulse Input (Motor CPU)
Binary/BCD Input (Option)
Frequency Mode Priority Switching Frequency
Program Fundamental Standard Mode Selection
This parameter establishes a threshold frequency that will be used as a reference when determining when to switch the output frequency control source from the
Frequency Mode 1 setting to the Frequency Mode 2 setting.
for additional information on this setting.
Direct Access Number — F208
Parameter Type — Numerical
Factory Default — 0.10
Changeable During Run — Yes
Minimum — 0.10
Maximum — Max. Freq. (
Units — Hz
ACE-tronics G9 ASD Installation and Operation Manual 111
Analog Input Filter
Analog Filter
Analog filtering is applied after the analog reference signal is converted to a digital signal. The type of filtering used is Rolling Average over time.
None (1 mS)
Small (8 mS)
Medium (16 mS)
Large (32 mS)
Huge (64 mS)
The analog input signal is sampled and converted to a digital signal. With no filtering applied, the resulting digital value is scaled for use by the microprocessor of the ASD.
If the filtering selection Small is selected, the ASD averages the last 8 mS of sampled signal and converted (digital) values. The rolling average is updated
(every 4 µS) and scaled for use by the microprocessor.
This holds true for the Medium, Large, and Huge selections providing a larger sample to produce the average for use by the microprocessor.
False responses to electrical noise are eliminated with no loss in bandwidth because the value used by the ASD is the average value of several samples.
Direct Access Number — F209
Parameter Type — Selection List
Factory Default — None
Changeable During Run — Yes
112 ACE-tronics G9 ASD Installation and Operation Manual
RR Input Point 1 Setting
Speed Reference Setpoints
This parameter is used to set the gain and bias of the RR input terminal when the RR terminal is used as the control input while operating in the Speed
Control mode or the Torque Control mode.
This parameter sets the RR input level that is associated with the RR Input
Point 1 Frequency setting when operating in the Speed control mode or is
associated with the RR Input Point 1 Rate ( F214
) setting when operating in the Torque Control mode.
Direct Access Number — F210
Parameter Type — Numerical
Factory Default — 0
Changeable During Run — Yes
Minimum — 0
Maximum — 100
Units — %
Frequency Settings
Speed Control
Perform the following setup to allow the system to perform Speed control from the RR input terminal:
• Set RR Input Point 1 Frequency (
• Set RR Input Point 1 Setting (
F210 ) — the input analog signal level that
corresponds to the frequency setting at RR Input Point 1 Frequency.
• Set RR Input Point 2 Frequency (
• Set RR Input Point 2 Setting (
F212 ) — the input analog signal level that
corresponds to the frequency setting at RR Input Point 2 Frequency.
RR Input Speed Control Setup
Perform the following setup to allow the system to receive Speed control input at the RR input terminal:
• Program
Fundamental Standard Mode Selection Frequency Mode
• Program
Fundamental Standard Mode Selection Command Mode
Terminal Board.
• Provide a Run command (F and/or R).
Once set, as the RR input voltage changes, the output frequency of the ASD will vary in accordance with the above settings.
This parameter value is entered as 0% to 100% of the RR input signal range.
RR Input Point 1 Frequency
Speed Reference Setpoints
This parameter is used to set the gain and bias of the RR input terminal when the RR terminal is used as the control input while operating in the Speed
Control mode.
This parameter sets RR Input Point 1 Frequency and is the frequency that is
associated with the setting of RR Input Point 1 Setting ( F210
) when operating in the Speed Control mode.
See RR Input Point 1 Setting (
) for additional information on this setting.
Direct Access Number — F211
Parameter Type — Numerical
Factory Default — 0.00
Changeable During Run — Yes
Minimum — 0.00
Maximum — Max. Freq. (
Units — Hz
ACE-tronics G9 ASD Installation and Operation Manual 113
RR Input Point 2 Setting
Speed Reference Setpoints
This parameter is used to set the gain and bias of the RR input terminal when the RR terminal is used as the control input while operating in the Speed
Control mode or the Torque Control mode.
This parameter sets the RR input level that is associated with RR Input Point 2
Frequency (
F213 ) when operating in the Speed control mode or is associated
with the RR Input Point 1 Rate ( F214
) when operating in the Torque Control mode.
This value is entered as 0% to 100% of the RR input signal range.
See RR Input Point 1 Setting (
) for additional information on this setting when used for Speed control.
See RR Input Point 1 Rate ( F214 ) for additional information on this setting
when used for Torque Control.
RR Input Point 2 Frequency
Speed Reference Setpoints
This parameter is used to set the gain and bias of the RR input terminal when the RR terminal is used as the control input while operating in the Speed
Control mode.
This parameter sets RR Input Point 2 Frequency and is the frequency that is
associated with the setting of RR Input Point 2 Setting ( F212
) when operating in the Speed Control mode.
See RR Input Point 1 Setting (
) for additional information on this setting.
Direct Access Number — F212
Parameter Type — Numerical
Factory Default — 100
Changeable During Run — Yes
Minimum — 0
Maximum — 100
Units — %
Direct Access Number — F213
Parameter Type — Numerical
Factory Default — 60.00
Changeable During Run — Yes
Minimum — 0.00
Maximum — Max. Freq. (
Units — Hz
114 ACE-tronics G9 ASD Installation and Operation Manual
RR Input Point 1 Rate
This parameter is used to set the gain and bias of the RR input terminal when the RR terminal is used as the control input while operating in the Torque
Control mode.
RR Input Torque Control Setup
Perform the following setup to allow the system to receive Torque Control input at the RR input terminal:
• Program
Fundamental Standard Mode Selection Frequency Mode
• Program
Fundamental Standard Mode Selection Command Mode
Terminal Board.
Direct Access Number — F214
Parameter Type — Numerical
Factory Default — 0.00
Changeable During Run — Yes
Minimum — 0.00
Maximum — 250.00
Units — %
Torque Settings
Torque Control
Perform the following setup to allow the system to perform Torque Control from the RR input terminal:
• Set RR Input Point 1 Rate ( F214
• Set RR Input Point 1 Setting (
F210 ) — the input analog signal level that
corresponds to the torque setting at RR Input Point 1 Rate.
• Set RR Input Point 2 Rate ( F215
• Set RR Input Point 2 Setting (
F212 ) — the input analog signal level that
corresponds to the frequency setting at RR Input Point 2 Rate.
• Provide a Run command (F and/or R).
Torque Control is accomplished by establishing an associated V/f output pattern for a given RR input level.
Once set, as the RR input voltage changes, the output torque of the ASD will vary in accordance with the above settings.
This parameter sets RR Input Point 1 Rate and is the output torque value that is associated with the setting of RR Input Point 1 Setting when operating in the Torque Control mode.
This value is entered as 0% to 250% of the rated torque.
RR Input Point 2 Rate
This parameter is used to set the gain and bias of the RR input terminal when the RR terminal is used as the control input while operating in the Torque
Control mode.
Torque Control is accomplished by establishing an associated V/f output pattern for a given RR input level.
This parameter sets RR Input Point 2 Rate and is the output torque value that
is associated with the setting of RR Input Point 2 Setting ( F212 ) when
operating in the Torque Control mode.
This value is entered as 0% to 250% of the rated torque.
See RR Input Point 1 Rate ( F214 ) for additional information on this setting.
Direct Access Number — F215
Parameter Type — Numerical
Factory Default — 100.00
Changeable During Run — Yes
Minimum — 0.00
Maximum — 250.00
Units — %
ACE-tronics G9 ASD Installation and Operation Manual 115
RX Input Point 1 Setting
Speed Reference Setpoints
This parameter is used to set the gain and bias of the RX input terminal when the RX terminal is used as the control input while operating in the Speed
Control mode or the Torque Control mode.
This parameter sets the RX input level that is associated with RX Input Point 1
Frequency when operating in the Speed Control mode or is associated with
the RX Input Point 1 Rate ( F220
) when operating in the Torque Control mode.
Direct Access Number — F216
Parameter Type — Numerical
Factory Default — 0
Changeable During Run — Yes
Minimum — -100
Maximum — +100
Units — %
Frequency Settings
RX Input Speed Control Setup
Perform the following setup to allow the system to receive Speed control input at the RX input terminal:
• Program
Fundamental Standard Mode Selection Frequency Mode
• Program
Fundamental Standard Mode Selection Command Mode
Terminal Board.
Speed Control
Perform the following setup to allow the system to perform Speed control from the RX input terminal:
• Set RX Input Point 1 Frequency (
• Set RX Input Point 1 Setting (
F216 ) — the input analog signal level that
corresponds to the speed setting at RX Input Point 1 Frequency.
• Set RX Input Point 2 Frequency (
• Set RX Input Point 2 Setting (
F218 ) — the input analog signal level that
corresponds to the speed setting at RX Input Point 2 Frequency.
• Provide a Run command (F and/or R).
Once set, as the RX input voltage changes, the ASD output speed and/or torque will vary in accordance with the above settings.
This parameter value is entered as -100% to +100% of the RX input signal range.
See parameter F474 and F475 for information on fine-tuning this terminal
RX Input Point 1 Frequency
Speed Reference Setpoints
This parameter is used to set the gain and bias of the RX input terminal when the RX terminal is used as the control input while operating in the Speed
Control mode.
This parameter sets RX Input Point 1 Frequency and is the frequency that is
associated with the setting of RX Input Point 1 Setting ( F216
) when operating in the Speed Control mode.
See RX Input Point 1 Setting (
) for additional information on this setting.
Direct Access Number — F217
Parameter Type — Numerical
Factory Default — 0.00
Changeable During Run — Yes
Minimum — 0.00
Maximum — Max. Freq. (
Units — Hz
116 ACE-tronics G9 ASD Installation and Operation Manual
RX Input Point 2 Setting
Speed Reference Setpoints
This parameter is used to set the gain and bias of the RX input terminal when the RX terminal is used as the control input while operating in the Speed
Control mode or the Torque Control mode.
This parameter sets the RX input level that is associated with RX Input Point 2
Frequency (
F219 ) when operating in the Speed control mode or is associated
with the RX Input Point 2 Rate ( F221
) when operating in the Torque Control mode.
This value is entered as -100% to +100% of the RX input signal range.
See RX Input Point 1 Setting (
) for additional information on this setting when used for Speed control.
See RX Input Point 1 Rate ( F220 ) for additional information on this setting
when used for Torque Control.
RX Input Point 2 Frequency
Speed Reference Setpoints
This parameter is used to set the gain and bias of the RX input terminal when the RX terminal is used as the control input while operating in the Speed
Control mode.
This parameter sets RX Input Point 2 Frequency and is the frequency that is
associated with the setting of RX Input Point 2 Setting ( F218
) when operating in the Speed Control mode.
See RX Input Point 1 Setting (
) for additional information on this setting.
Direct Access Number — F218
Parameter Type — Numerical
Factory Default — +100
Changeable During Run — Yes
Minimum — -100.0
Maximum — +100.0
Units — %
Direct Access Number — F219
Parameter Type — Numerical
Factory Default — 60.00
Changeable During Run — Yes
Minimum — 0.00.
Maximum — Max. Freq. (
Units — Hz
ACE-tronics G9 ASD Installation and Operation Manual 117
RX Input Point 1 Rate
This parameter is used to set the gain and bias of the RX input terminal when the RX terminal is used as the control input while operating in the Torque
Control mode.
RX Input Torque Control Setup
Perform the following setup to allow the system to receive Torque Control input at the RX input terminal:
• Program
Fundamental Standard Mode Selection Frequency Mode
• Program
Fundamental Standard Mode Selection Command Mode
Terminal Board.
Direct Access Number — F220
Parameter Type — Numerical
Factory Default — 0.00
Changeable During Run — Yes
Minimum — -250.00
Maximum — +250.00
Units — %
Torque Settings
Torque Control
Perform the following setup to allow the system to perform Torque Control from the RX input terminal:
• Set RX Input Point 1 Rate ( F220
• Set RX Input Point 1 Setting (
F216 ) — the input analog signal level that
corresponds to the torque setting at RX Input Point 1 Rate.
• Set RX Input Point 2 Rate ( F221
• Set RX Input Point 2 Setting (
F218 ) — the input analog signal level that
corresponds to the speed setting at RX Input Point 2 Rate ( F221
• Provide a Run command (F and/or R).
Torque Control is accomplished by establishing an associated V/f output pattern for a given RX input level.
Once set, as the RX input voltage changes, the ASD output speed and/or torque will vary in accordance with the above settings.
This parameter sets RX Input Point 1 Rate and is the output torque value that is associated with the setting of RX Input Point 1 Setting when operating in the Torque Control mode.
This value is entered as -250% to +250% of the rated torque.
RX Input Point 2 Rate
This parameter is used to set the gain and bias of the RX input terminal when the RX terminal is used as the control input while operating in the Torque
Control mode.
Torque Control is accomplished by establishing an associated V/f output pattern for a given RX input level.
This parameter sets RX Input Point 2 Rate and is the output torque value that
is associated with the setting of RX Input Point 2 Setting ( F218 ) when
operating in the Torque Control mode.
This value is entered as -250% to +250% of the rated torque.
See RX Input Point 1 Rate ( F220 ) for additional information on this setting.
Direct Access Number — F221
Parameter Type — Numerical
Factory Default — 100.00
Changeable During Run — Yes
Minimum — -250.00
Maximum — +250.00
Units — %
118 ACE-tronics G9 ASD Installation and Operation Manual
RX2 Option (AI1) Input Point 1 Setting
Speed Reference Setpoints
This parameter is used to set the gain and bias of the RX2 (AI1) input terminal when the RX2 (AI1) terminal is used as the control input while operating in the
Speed Control mode or the Torque Control mode.
Note: The Expansion IO Card Option 1 option board (P/N ETB003Z) is required to use this terminal.
This parameter sets the RX2 (AI1) input level that is associated with RX2
(AI1) Input Point 1 Frequency when operating in the Speed Control mode or is associated with the RX2 (AI1) Input Point 1 Rate when operating in the
Torque Control mode.
Direct Access Number — F222
Parameter Type — Numerical
Factory Default — 0
Changeable During Run — Yes
Minimum — -100
Maximum — +100
Units — %
Frequency Settings
RX2 (AI1) Input Speed Control Setup
Perform the following setup to allow the system to receive Speed control input at the RX2 (AI1) input terminal:
• Program
Fundamental Standard Mode Selection Frequency Mode
• Program
Fundamental Standard Mode Selection Command Mode
Terminal Board.
Speed Control
Perform the following setup to allow the system to perform Speed control from the RX2 (AI1) input terminal:
• Set RX2 (AI1) Input Point 1 Frequency ( F223
• Set RX2 (AI1) Input Point 1 Setting (
F222 ) — the input analog signal
level that corresponds to the speed setting at RX2 (AI1) Input Point 1
• Set RX2 (AI1) Input Point 2 Frequency ( F225
• Set RX2 (AI1) Input Point 2 Setting (
F224 ) — the input analog signal
level that corresponds to the speed setting at RX2 Input Point 2
• Provide a Run command (F and/or R).
Once set, as the RX2 (AI1) input voltage changes, the ASD output speed and/or torque will vary in accordance with the above settings.
This parameter value is entered as -100% to +100% of the RX2 (AI1) input signal range.
See the Expansion IO Card Option 1 Instruction Manual (P/N 58685) for additional information on the function of this terminal.
See parameter
for information on fine-tuning the responsiveness of this terminal.
ACE-tronics G9 ASD Installation and Operation Manual 119
RX2 Option (AI1) Input Point 1 Frequency
Speed Reference Setpoints
This parameter is used to set the gain and bias of the RX2 (AI1) input terminal when the RX2 (AI1) terminal is used as the control input while operating in the
Speed Control mode.
This parameter sets RX2 (AI1) Input Point 1 Frequency and is the frequency that is associated with the setting of RX2 (AI1) Input Point 1 Setting (
) when operating in the Speed Control mode.
See RX2 (AI1) Input Point 1 Setting (
F222 ) for additional information on this
RX2 Option (AI1) Input Point 2 Setting
Speed Reference Setpoints
Direct Access Number — F223
Parameter Type — Numerical
Factory Default — 0.00
Changeable During Run — Yes
Minimum — 0.00
Maximum — Max. Freq. (
Units — Hz
This parameter is used to set the gain and bias of the RX2 (AI1) input terminal when the RX2 (AI1) terminal is used as the control input while operating in the
Speed Control mode or the Torque Control mode.
This parameter sets the RX2 (AI1) input level that is associated with RX2
(AI1) Input Point 2 Frequency when operating in the Speed control mode or
is associated with the RX2 (AI1) Input Point 2 Rate ( F227
) when operating in the Torque Control mode.
This value is entered as -100% to +100% of the RX2 (AI1) input signal range.
See RX2 (AI1) Input Point 1 Setting (
F222 ) for additional information on this
setting when used for Speed control.
See RX2 (AI1) Input Point 1 Rate (
F226 ) for additional information on this
setting when used for Torque Control.
RX2 Option (AI1) Input Point 2 Frequency
Speed Reference Setpoints
Direct Access Number — F224
Parameter Type — Numerical
Factory Default — +100
Changeable During Run — Yes
Minimum — -100
Maximum — +100
Units — %
This parameter is used to set the gain and bias of the RX2 (AI1) input terminal when the RX2 (AI1) terminal is used as the control input while operating in the
Speed Control mode.
This parameter sets RX2 (AI1) Input Point 2 Frequency and is the frequency that is associated with the setting of RX2 (AI1) Input Point 2 Setting (
) when operating in the Speed Control mode.
See RX2 (AI1) Input Point 1 Setting (
F222 ) for additional information on this
Direct Access Number — F225
Parameter Type — Numerical
Factory Default — 60.00
Changeable During Run — Yes
Minimum — 0.00
Maximum — Max. Freq. (
Units — Hz
120 ACE-tronics G9 ASD Installation and Operation Manual
RX2 Option (AI1) Input Point 1 Rate
This parameter is used to set the gain and bias of the RX2 (AI1) input terminal when the RX2 (AI1) terminal is used as the control input while operating in the
Torque Control mode.
Note: The Expansion IO Card Option 1 option board (P/N ETB003Z) is required to use this terminal.
Direct Access Number — F226
Parameter Type — Numerical
Factory Default — 0.00
Changeable During Run — Yes
Minimum — -250.00
Maximum — +250.00
Units — %
RX2 (AI1) Input Torque Control Setup
Perform the following setup to allow the system to receive Torque Control input at the RX2 (AI1) input terminal:
• Program
Fundamental Standard Mode Selection Frequency Mode
• Program
Fundamental Standard Mode Selection Command Mode
Terminal Board.
• Provide a Run command (F and/or R).
Torque Control
Perform the following setup to allow the system to perform Torque Control from the RX2 (AI1) input terminal:
• Set RX2 (AI1) Input Point 1 Rate ( F226 ).
• Set RX2 (AI1) Input Point 1 Setting (
F222 ) — the input analog signal
level that corresponds to the speed setting at RX2 (AI1) Input Point 1
• Set RX2 (AI1) Input Point 2 Rate ( F227 ).
• Set RX2 (AI1) Input Point 2 Setting (
F224 ) — the input analog signal
level that corresponds to the speed setting at RX Input Point 2 Rate
• Provide a Run command (F and/or R).
Torque Control is accomplished by establishing an associated V/f output pattern for a given RX2 (AI1) input level.
Once set, as the RX2 (AI1) input voltage changes, the ASD output speed and/or torque will vary in accordance with the above settings.
This parameter sets RX2 (AI1) Input Point 1 Rate and is the output torque value that is associated with the setting of RX2 (AI1) Input Point 1 Setting when operating in the Torque Control mode.
This value is entered as -250% to +250% of the rated torque.
See the Expansion IO Card Option 1 Instruction Manual (P/N 58685) for additional information on the function of this terminal.
Torque Settings
ACE-tronics G9 ASD Installation and Operation Manual 121
RX2 Option (AI1) Input Point 2 Rate
This parameter is used to set the gain and bias of the RX2 (AI1) input terminal when the RX2 (AI1) terminal is used as the control input while operating in the
Torque Control mode.
Torque Control is accomplished by establishing an associated V/f output pattern for a given RX2 (AI1) input level.
This parameter sets RX2 (AI1) Input Point 2 Rate and is the output torque value that is associated with the setting of RX2 (AI1) Input Point 2 Setting
) when operating in the Torque Control mode.
This value is entered as -250% to +250% of the rated torque.
See RX2 (AI1) Input Point 1 Rate (
F226 ) for additional information on this
Direct Access Number — F227
Parameter Type — Numerical
Factory Default — 100.00
Changeable During Run — Yes
Minimum — -250.00
Maximum — +250.00
Units — %
122 ACE-tronics G9 ASD Installation and Operation Manual
BIN Input Point 1 Setting
Speed Reference Setpoints
This parameter is used to set the gain and bias of the BIN input terminals when the BIN terminals are used as the control input while operating in the Speed
Control mode.
The discrete input terminals of the ACE G9-120V-PCB are used as the BIN terminals.
Direct Access Number — F228
Parameter Type — Numerical
Factory Default — 0
Changeable During Run — Yes
Minimum — 0
Maximum — 100
Units — %
BIN Input Speed Control Setup
Perform the following setup to allow the system to receive Speed control input at the BIN input terminals:
• Program
Fundamental Standard Mode Selection Frequency Mode
• Program
Fundamental Standard Mode Selection Command Mode
Terminal Board.
• Program
Terminal Input Terminals; select and set the desired discrete input terminals to Binary Bit(s) 0 – 7 (or 0 – MSB). The binary input byte will control the speed of the motor.
• Program
Terminal Input Terminals; select and set a discrete input terminal to Binary Data Write. Activation of the Binary Data Write terminal will transfer the status of the Binary Bit(s) 0 – 7 (or 0 – MSB) to the control board for speed control.
Frequency Settings
Speed Control
Perform the following setup to allow the system to perform Speed control from the BIN input terminals:
• Set BIN Input Point 1 Frequency (
• Set the BIN input value (% of 255
) (
F228 ) that represents BIN Input
Point 1 Frequency.
• Set BIN Input Point 2 Frequency (
• Set the BIN input value (% of 255
) (
F230 ) that represents BIN Input
Point 2 Frequency.
• Provide a Run command (F and/or R).
Note: 255
D is the decimal equivalent of the 8-bit BIN byte with all input terminals set to 1 (255 decimal = 11111111 binary).
Once set, as the BIN input signal changes are transferred to the control board, the output frequency of the ASD will vary in accordance with the above settings.
This parameter sets BIN Input Point 1 Setting (
) and is entered as 0% to
100% of the of the range represented by the BIN binary input byte 11111111
) or the binary bit(s) 0 – MSB.
ACE-tronics G9 ASD Installation and Operation Manual 123
BIN Input Point 1 Frequency
Speed Reference Setpoints
This parameter is used to set the speed of the BIN input terminals when the
BIN terminals are used as the control input.
This parameter sets BIN Input Point 1 Frequency and is the frequency that is
associated with the setting of BIN Input Point 1 Setting ( F228
See BIN Input Point 1 Setting ( F228 ) for additional information on this
BIN Input Point 2 Setting
Speed Reference Setpoints
This parameter is used to set the speed of the BIN input terminals when the
BIN terminals are used as the control input.
This parameter sets the BIN input signal that is associated with BIN Input
This value is entered as 0% to +100% of the BIN input signal range.
See BIN Input Point 1 Setting ( F228 ) for additional information on this
BIN Input Point 2 Frequency
Speed Reference Setpoints
This parameter is used to set the speed of the BIN input terminals when the
BIN terminal are used as the control input.
This parameter sets BIN Input Point 2 Frequency and is the frequency that is
associated with the setting of BIN Input Point 2 Setting ( F230
See BIN Input Point 1 Setting ( F228 ) for additional information on this
Direct Access Number — F229
Parameter Type — Numerical
Factory Default — 0.00
Changeable During Run — Yes
Minimum — 0
Maximum — Max. Freq. (
Units — Hz
Direct Access Number — F230
Parameter Type — Numerical
Factory Default — 100
Changeable During Run — Yes
Minimum — 0
Maximum — 100
Units — %
Direct Access Number — F231
Parameter Type — Numerical
Factory Default — 60.00
Changeable During Run — Yes
Maximum — 0.00
Maximum — Max. Freq. (
Units — Hz
124 ACE-tronics G9 ASD Installation and Operation Manual
PG Input Point 1 Setting
Speed Reference Setpoints
This parameter is used to set the gain and bias of the PG input terminal of the option board when a shaft-mounted encoder is used as the control input while operating in the Speed Control mode.
Note: See Instruction Manual P/N 58687 for additional information on the PG Option Board.
Direct Access Number — F234
Parameter Type — Numerical
Factory Default — 0.0
Changeable During Run — Yes
Minimum — 0
Maximum — 100.0
Units — %
Frequency Settings PG Input Speed Control Setup
Perform the following setup to allow the system to receive Speed control input at the PG input terminal:
• Program
Fundamental Standard Mode Selection Frequency Mode
Pulse Input (option).
• Program
Fundamental Standard Mode Selection Command Mode
(Any Setting).
• Provide a Run command (F and/or R).
Speed Control
Perform the following setup to allow the system to perform Speed control from the PG input terminals:
• Set PG Point 1 Frequency ( F235 ).
• Set the PG input value ( F234 ) that represents PG Point 1 Frequency.
• Set PG Point 2 Frequency ( F237 ).
• Set the PG input value ( F236 ) that represents PG Point 2 Frequency.
Once set, as the PG input pulse count rate changes, the output frequency of the
ASD will vary in accordance with the above settings.
This parameter sets the PG input pulse count that represents PG Point 1
Frequency. The range of values for this parameter is 0% to 100% of the PG input pulse count range.
Note: Additional application-specific PG settings may be performed from the following path: Program
Feedback PG Settings.
PG Input Point 1 Frequency
Speed Reference Setpoints
This parameter is used to set the speed of the PG input terminals when the PG terminal is used as the control input.
This parameter sets PG Point 1 Frequency and is the frequency that is
associated with the setting of PG Point 1 Setting ( F234
See PG Point 1 Setting ( F234 ) for additional information on this setting.
Direct Access Number — F235
Parameter Type — Numerical
Factory Default — 0.00
Changeable During Run — Yes
Minimum — 0.00
Maximum — Max. Freq. (
Units — Hz
ACE-tronics G9 ASD Installation and Operation Manual 125
PG Input Point 2 Setting
Speed Reference Setpoints
This parameter is used to set the direction and speed of the PG input terminals when the PG terminals are used as the control input.
This parameter sets the PG input signal that is associated with PG Point 2
Frequency (
This value is entered as 0% to 100% of the PG input signal range.
See PG Point 1 Setting ( F234 ) for additional information on this setting.
PG Input Point 2 Frequency
Speed Reference Setpoints
This parameter is used to set the direction and speed of the PG input terminals when the PG terminal are used as the control input.
This parameter sets PG Point 2 Frequency ( F237
) and is the frequency that is associated with the setting of PG Point 2 Setting.
See PG Point 1 Setting ( F234 ) for additional information on this setting.
Start Frequency
Frequency Control
Direct Access Number — F236
Parameter Type — Numerical
Factory Default — 100
Changeable During Run — Yes
Minimum — 0
Maximum — 100
Units — %
Direct Access Number — F237
Parameter Type — Numerical
Factory Default — 60.00
Changeable During Run — Yes
Minimum — 0.00
Maximum — Max. Freq. (
Units — Hz
Direct Access Number — F240
Parameter Type — Numerical
Factory Default — 0.10
Changeable During Run — Yes
Minimum — 0.00
Maximum — Max. Freq. (
Units — Hz
The output of the ASD will remain at 0.0 Hz until the programmed speed value exceeds this setting during startup. Once exceeded during startup, the output frequency of the ASD will accelerate to the programmed setting.
Output frequencies below the Start Frequency will not be output from the
ASD during startup. However, once reaching the Start Frequency, speed values below the Start Frequency may be output from the ASD.
If the setting of this parameter results in an over-current condition at startup, reduce the setting of this parameter to a value less than the rated slippage of the motor.
If zero-speed torque is required, set this parameter and F243 to 0.0 Hz.
This setting will override the setting of F244 if this setting has a higher value.
This parameter setting is used during a Jog as the Lower-Limit frequency (see
Run Frequency
Frequency Control
This parameter establishes a center frequency (Run Frequency) of a frequency band.
Parameter F242 provides a plus-or-minus value for the Run Frequency; thus,
establishing a frequency band.
During acceleration, the ASD will not output a signal to the motor until the lower level of the band is reached.
During deceleration, the ASD will continue to output the programmed deceleration signal to the motor until the lower level of the band is reached; at which time the output will go to 0.0 Hz.
Direct Access Number — F241
Parameter Type — Numerical
Factory Default — 0.00
Changeable During Run — Yes
Minimum — 0.00
Maximum — Max. Freq. (
Units — Hz
126 ACE-tronics G9 ASD Installation and Operation Manual
Run Frequency Hysteresis
Frequency Control
This parameter provides a plus-or-minus value for the Run Frequency ( F241 )
End Frequency
Frequency Control
This parameter sets the lowest frequency that the ASD will recognize during deceleration before the ASD goes to 0.00 Hz.
0 Hz Dead Band Signal
Special Parameters
This parameter sets an output frequency threshold that, until the commanded frequency surpasses this setting, the ASD will output 0.00 Hz to the motor.
This setting will override the Start Frequency (
F240 ) setting if this setting has
a higher value.
DC (Injection) Braking Start Frequency
DC Braking
During deceleration this is the frequency at which DC Injection Braking will start.
DC Injection Braking
DC Injection Braking is a braking system used with 3-phase motors. Unlike conventional brakes, there is no physical contact between the rotating shaft and a stationary brake pad or drum. When braking is required, the ASD outputs a
DC current that is applied to the windings of the motor to quickly brake the motor. The braking current stops when the time entered in
times out.
The intensity of the DC current used while braking determines how fast the
motor will come to a stop and may be set at F251
. The intensity setting is entered as a percentage of the full-load current of the ASD.
DC Injection Braking is also used to preheat the motor or to keep the rotor from spinning freely when the motor is off by providing a pulsating DC current
into the motor at the Carrier Frequency. This feature may be enabled at F254
DC (Injection) Braking Current
DC Braking
This parameter sets the percentage of the rated current of the ASD that will be used for DC Injection Braking. A larger load will require a higher setting.
Direct Access Number — F242
Parameter Type — Numerical
Factory Default — 0.00
Changeable During Run — Yes
Minimum — 0.00
Maximum — 30.0
Units — Hz
Direct Access Number — F243
Parameter Type — Numerical
Factory Default — 0.00
Changeable During Run — Yes
Minimum — 0.00
Maximum — 30.0
Units — Hz
Direct Access Number — F244
Parameter Type — Numerical
Factory Default — 0.00
Changeable During Run — Yes
Minimum — 0.00
Maximum — 5.00
Units — Hz
Direct Access Number — F250
Parameter Type — Numerical
Factory Default — 0.00
Changeable During Run — Yes
Minimum — 0.00
Maximum — 120.00
Units — Hz
Direct Access Number — F251
Parameter Type — Numerical
Factory Default — 50
Changeable During Run — Yes
Minimum — 0
Maximum — 100
Units — %
ACE-tronics G9 ASD Installation and Operation Manual 127
DC (Injection) Braking Time
DC Braking
This parameter setting is used to set the on-time duration of the DC Injection
Forward/Reverse DC (Injection) Braking Priority
DC Braking
This parameter setting determines if DC Injection Braking is to be used during a change in the direction of the motor.
Direct Access Number — F252
Parameter Type — Numerical
Factory Default — 1.0
Changeable During Run — Yes
Minimum — 0.0
Maximum — 20.0
Units — Seconds
Direct Access Number — F253
Parameter Type — Selection List
Factory Default — Disabled
Changeable During Run — Yes
Motor Shaft Fixing Control
DC Braking
This parameter Enables/Disables a continuous DC injection at half of the amperage setting of
into a stopped motor. This feature is useful in preheating the motor or to keep the rotor from spinning freely.
Motor Shaft Stationary Control starts after the DC injection brake stops the motor and continues until the ST activation ceases (if so configured; see
), power is turned off, an Emergency Off command is received, or this parameter is changed.
Direct Access Number — F254
Parameter Type — Selection List
Factory Default — Disabled
Changeable During Run — Yes
Enabling this feature will also require a non-zero entry at F250
0 Hz Command Output
Special Parameters
This parameter is used to set the go-to-zero method to be used by the ASD in the event that the ASD is commanded to go to 0 Hz.
Standard (DC Injection Braking)
0 Hz Command
Time Limit For Lower-Limit Frequency Operation
This parameter sets the time that the ASD is allowed to operate below the
Lower-Limit setting before an alarm and subsequent fault is incurred.
Direct Access Number — F255
Parameter Type — Selection List
Factory Default — Standard (DC
Injection Braking)
Changeable During Run — No
Direct Access Number — F256
Parameter Type — Numerical
Factory Default — 0.0
Changeable During Run — Yes
Minimum — 0.0
Maximum — 600.0
Units — Seconds
128 ACE-tronics G9 ASD Installation and Operation Manual
Jog Run Frequency
This parameter sets the output frequency of the ASD during a Jog. Jog is the term used to describe turning the motor on for small increments of time and is used when precise positioning of motor-driven equipment is required.
The Jog function may be initiated from the EOI, remotely via the ACE G9-
120V-PCB, or using Communications (for additional information on using
Communications for Jogging, see the Communications manual P/N 53840).
The Jog function can be activated from zero Hz or from any frequency below the Jog Run frequency (Jog can only increase the speed). A Jog command will not be recognized when the running frequency is above the Jog Run frequency setting. The Jog command has priority over other Run commands and is not limited by the Upper Limit setting of parameter
Jog commands received while running for the opposite direction will follow the
programmed stopping method of F261
until reaching zero Hz and will then ramp to the programmed Jog Frequency and direction.
Direct Access Number — F260
Parameter Type — Numerical
Factory Default — 5.00
Changeable During Run — Yes
Maximum — 20.00
Units — Hz
Jog Setup and Execution
To initiate a Jog Run from the EOI perform the following:
1. Enable the Jog function at
2. Set the Command Mode Selection ( F003 ) to EOI Keypad.
3. Assign the Jog Run setting to a discrete input terminal (see
Note: Any unused discrete input terminal may be used for the Jog
Run setting.
4. Set up a Jog Run Frequency at F260 .
5. Set up a Jog Stop Pattern at F261 .
6. Set the Input Terminal Priority (
) function to Disable to receive
Jog commands from the EOI.
7. Set the Local/Remote key to Local.
8. Activate the Jog Run terminal (from step
command (F or R).
9. Press the Run key and the ASD will output the frequency setting of
for the duration of the activation.
To initiate a Jog Run from the ACE G9-120V-PCB perform the following:
1. Using the setup above, set the Input Terminal Priority (
) function
(from step 6 ) to Enable to receive Jog commands from the ACE G9-
120V-PCB using the Jog Run terminal without regard to the Local/
Remote setting.
2. Use the Jog Run terminal of step
above to activate the Jog function.
ACE-tronics G9 ASD Installation and Operation Manual 129
Jog Stop Pattern
This parameter sets the stopping method used while operating in the Jog mode.
Note: This parameter setting is used for the Jog operation only. The
Emergency Off stopping method setting of parameter
has priority over this setting and changes made here do not affect the function or setting of parameter
Deceleration Stop
Coast Stop
DC Injection Braking Stop
Panel Operation Jog Mode
This parameter enables the Jog command to be received from the EOI. When disabled the Jog command received from the EOI is ignored.
Jog commands may also be received from the ACE G9-120V-PCB. Priority as
to which is allowed to override the other is selected at F106 .
The priority selection at
enables the selected source for Jog control and disables the other. The
setting overrides this parameter setting.
Direct Access Number — F261
Parameter Type — Selection List
Factory Default — Deceleration Stop
Changeable During Run — Yes
Direct Access Number — F262
Parameter Type — Selection List
Factory Default — Disabled
Changeable During Run — Yes
130 ACE-tronics G9 ASD Installation and Operation Manual
UP/DOWN Frequency (UP) Response Time
UP/DOWN Frequency Functions
This parameter functions in conjunction with the parameter settings of
F266 , F267 , F268 , and F269 . The purpose of these settings is to setup the ASD
to allow an externally-supplied discrete input signal to control the output frequency of the ASD.
This method uses the discrete input terminal settings UP/DOWN Frequency
(UP) and UP/DOWN Frequency (DOWN) to change the ASD speed.
Activation of either terminal increases or decreases the output frequency at the
Accel 1 or Decel 1 rates, respectively.
Depending on the Delay setting, the UP/DOWN Frequency (UP/DOWN) terminal may perform 1) the increase/decrease function for the duration of activation or 2) the UP/DOWN Frequency (UP/DOWN) terminal may act as a momentary contact that loads a new commanded frequency upon activation.
In either case, to activate-and-hold will continue the up or down function until reaching the Upper-Limit Frequency or the Lower-Limit Frequency, respectively. At which point further activation will be ignored.
for additional information on the UP/DOWN
Frequency function.
Setup Requirements
— Selects the Command control source; set to Terminal Board.
— Selects the Frequency Control Mode 1 control source; set to
UP/DOWN Frequency.
— Selects the Frequency Control Mode 2 control source; set to
UP/DOWN Frequency if used.
Set one unused discrete input terminal to UP/DOWN Frequency (UP) and one unused discrete input terminal to UP/DOWN Frequency (DOWN).
— Sets the system-response delay to the initial activation of the discrete input terminal UP/DOWN Frequency (UP). Also sets the response delay of subsequent terminal activations of the UP/DOWN Frequency (UP) terminal during an activate-and-hold.
—Sets the frequency increase amount for each activation of the UP/
DOWN Frequency (UP) terminal activation. The rate of the frequency increase is set at Acceleration Time 1 — UP/DOWN Frequency Accel
— Sets the system-response delay to the initial activation of the discrete input terminal UP/DOWN Frequency (DOWN). Also sets the activation delay of subsequent terminal activations of the UP/DOWN Frequency
(DOWN) terminal during an activate-and-hold.
—Sets the frequency decrease amount for each activation of the UP/
DOWN Frequency (DOWN) terminal activation. The rate of the frequency decrease is set at Deceleration Time 1 — UP/DOWN Frequency Decel
— At power up or after a reset, this parameter setting is used to provide a starting frequency for the UP/DOWN Frequency function.
— At power down while running, and when enabled, this parameter writes the running frequency into the
F268 location and, upon a system
restart, uses this setting as the startup frequency.
Provide a Run command (F or R). The motor will run at the F268 setting.
Direct Access Number — F264
Parameter Type — Numerical
Factory Default — 0.1
Changeable During Run — Yes
Minimum — 0.0
Maximum — 10.0
Units — Seconds
UP/DOWN Frequency (UP) Mode
UP/DOWN Frequency (DOWN)
ACE-tronics G9 ASD Installation and Operation Manual 131
UP/DOWN Frequency (UP) Frequency Step
UP/DOWN Frequency Functions
This parameter sets the frequency increase amount for each activation of the
UP/DOWN Frequency (UP) terminal activation. The rate of the frequency increase is set at Acceleration Time 1 — UP/DOWN Frequency Accel Time
for additional information on this parameter.
UP/DOWN Frequency (DOWN) Response Time
UP/DOWN Frequency Functions
for additional information on this parameter.
UP/DOWN Frequency (DOWN) Frequency Step
UP/DOWN Frequency Functions
This parameter sets the frequency decrease amount for each activation of the
UP/DOWN Frequency (DOWN) terminal activation. The rate of the frequency decrease is set at Deceleration Time 1 — UP/DOWN Frequency
for additional information on this parameter.
Initial UP/DOWN Frequency
UP/DOWN Frequency Functions
This parameter sets the system-response delay to the initial activation of the discrete input terminal UP/DOWN Frequency (DOWN). Also sets the activation delay of subsequent terminal activations of the UP/DOWN
Frequency (DOWN) terminal during an activate-and-hold.
At power up or after a reset, this parameter setting is used to provide a starting frequency for the UP/DOWN Frequency function.
for additional information on this parameter setting.
Initial UP/DOWN Frequency Rewriting
UP/DOWN Frequency Functions
At power down, and when enabled, this parameter writes the running frequency
into the F268 location and, upon a system restart, uses this setting as the startup
Disable this parameter and set parameter F268 to the desired startup frequency
if the same starting frequency is required at each startup.
Note: This parameter setting may be different at each startup when enabled.
Direct Access Number — F265
Parameter Type — Numerical
Factory Default — 0.10
Changeable During Run — Yes
Minimum — 0.00
Maximum — Max. Freq. (
Units — Hz
Direct Access Number — F266
Parameter Type — Numerical
Factory Default — 0.1
Changeable During Run — Yes
Minimum — 0.0
Maximum — 10.0
Units — Seconds
Direct Access Number — F267
Parameter Type — Numerical
Factory Default — 0.10
Changeable During Run — Yes
Minimum — 0.00
Maximum — Max. Freq. (
Units — Hz
Direct Access Number — F268
Parameter Type — Numerical
Factory Default — 0.00
Changeable During Run — Yes
Maximum — Upper Limit (
Units — Hz
Direct Access Number — F269
Parameter Type — Selection List
Factory Default — Enabled
Changeable During Run — Yes
Enabled (Overwrite
132 ACE-tronics G9 ASD Installation and Operation Manual
Figure 30. UP/DOWN Frequency Operation Control Timing Diagram.
Jump Frequency 1
Jump Frequencies
In conjunction with parameter F271 , this parameter establishes a user-defined
frequency range: the Jump Frequency and a plus-or-minus value.
During acceleration, the output frequency of the ASD will hold at the lower level of the Jump Frequency range until the programmed acceleration ramp reaches the upper level of the Jump Frequency range. At which time the output frequency of the ASD will accelerate to the upper level of the Jump
Frequency range and continue upward as programmed.
During deceleration, the output frequency of the ASD will hold at the upper level of the Jump Frequency range until the programmed deceleration ramp reaches the lower level of the Jump Frequency range. At which time the output frequency of the ASD will decelerate to the lower level of the Jump
Frequency range and continue downward as programmed.
Once set up and enabled, it is on in all control modes.
User-selected frequencies may be jumped to avoid the negative effects of mechanical resonance.
Direct Access Number — F270
Parameter Type — Numerical
Factory Default — 0.00
Changeable During Run — Yes
Minimum — 0.00
Maximum — Max. Freq. (
Units — Hz
ACE-tronics G9 ASD Installation and Operation Manual 133
Jump Frequency 1 Bandwidth
Jump Frequencies
This parameter establishes a plus-or-minus value for Jump Frequency 1 (see
Jump Frequency 2
Jump Frequencies
Same as Jump Frequency 1 (
) and is used when multiple frequencies are
to be jumped (see the plus-or-minus value setting at F273
). When multiple jump frequencies overlap, the system will recognize the lowest and the highest frequencies as one jump range.
Jump Frequency 2 Bandwidth
Jump Frequencies
This parameter establishes a plus-or-minus value for Jump Frequency 2
Jump Frequency 3
Jump Frequencies
Same as Jump Frequency 1 (
) and is used when multiple frequencies are
to be jumped (see the plus-or-minus value setting at F275
When multiple jump frequencies overlap, the system will recognize the lowest and the highest frequencies as one jump range.
Jump Frequency 3 Bandwidth
Jump Frequencies
This parameter establishes a plus-or-minus value for Jump Frequency 3
Direct Access Number — F271
Parameter Type — Numerical
Factory Default — 0.00
Changeable During Run — Yes
Minimum — 0.00
Maximum — 30.00
Units — Hz
Direct Access Number — F272
Parameter Type — Numerical
Factory Default — 0.00
Changeable During Run — Yes
Minimum — 0.00
Maximum — Max. Freq. (
Units — Hz
Direct Access Number — F273
Parameter Type — Numerical
Factory Default — 0.00
Changeable During Run — Yes
Minimum — 0.00
Maximum — 30.0
Units — Hz
Direct Access Number — F274
Parameter Type — Numerical
Factory Default — 0.00
Changeable During Run — Yes
Minimum — 0.00
Maximum — Max. Freq. (
Units — Hz
Direct Access Number — F275
Parameter Type — Numerical
Factory Default — 0.00
Changeable During Run — Yes
Minimum — 0.00
Maximum — 30.0
Units — Hz
134 ACE-tronics G9 ASD Installation and Operation Manual
External Fault Stopping Method
External Fault
In a multiple ASD configuration a faulted ASD signals the remaining ASDs, via a discrete input terminal, that a fault has occurred and shuts down the nonfaulted ASDs. The non-faulted ASDs experience an External Fault.
This parameter selects the stopping method in the event that a External Fault is incurred.
Coast Stop
Deceleration Stop
DC Injection Braking Stop
Limit-Switch Stopping Method
Limit Switch Control
This parameter determines the method used to stop the motor if the Stop command is initiated via a limit switch.
Coast Stop
Deceleration Stop
DC Injection Braking Stop
Deceleration Time at Slow-Speed-Limit UP
Limit Switch Control
Closure of the Upper-Limit Slow-Speed Limit-Switch implements the modified Upper-Limit Speed (
) and Deceleration Time ( F283
) settings.
This parameter sets the time to reach the modified Lower-Limit Slow Speed.
Stopping Time at Stop Limit-Switch UP
Limit Switch Control
A Stop command is initiated upon activation of the Upper-Limit Stop Limit-
This parameter sets the Decel rate to be used upon activation of the Upper-
Limit Stop Limit-Switch.
Deceleration Time At Slow-Speed Limit-Switch DOWN
Limit Switch Control
Closure of the Lower-Limit Slow-Speed Limit-Switch implements the
modified Lower-Limit Slow Speed ( F293
) and Deceleration Time
This parameter sets the time to reach the modified Lower-Limit Slow Speed.
Direct Access Number — F280
Parameter Type — Selection List
Factory Default — Coast Stop
Changeable During Run — No
Direct Access Number — F282
Parameter Type — Selection List
Factory Default — Deceleration Stop
Changeable During Run — No
Direct Access Number — F283
Parameter Type — Numerical
Factory Default — 1.5
Changeable During Run — No
Minimum — 0.1
Maximum — 1.5
Units — Seconds
Direct Access Number — F284
Parameter Type — Numerical
Factory Default — 1.5
Changeable During Run — No
Minimum — 0.0
Maximum — 25.0
Units — Seconds
Direct Access Number — F285
Parameter Type — Numerical
Factory Default — 1.5
Changeable During Run — No
Minimum — 0.0
Maximum — 25.0
Units — Seconds
ACE-tronics G9 ASD Installation and Operation Manual 135
Stopping Time at Stop Limit-Switch DOWN
Limit Switch Control
A Stop command is initiated upon activation of the Lower-Limit Stop Limit-
This parameter sets the Decel rate to be used upon activation of the Lower-
Limit Stop Limit-Switch.
Preset Speed 8
Preset Speeds
This parameter assigns an output frequency to binary number 1000 and is identified as Preset Speed 8. The binary number is applied to I1 – I4 of the
ACE G9-120V-PCB to output the Preset Speed (see F018
for additional information on this parameter).
Preset Speed 9
Preset Speeds
This parameter assigns an output frequency to binary number 1001 and is identified as Preset Speed 9. The binary number is applied to I1 – I4 of the
ACE G9-120V-PCB to output the Preset Speed (see F018
for additional information on this parameter).
Preset Speed 10
Preset Speeds
This parameter assigns an output frequency to binary number 1010 and is identified as Preset Speed 10. The binary number is applied to I1 – I4 of the
ACE G9-120V-PCB to output the Preset Speed (see F018
for additional information on this parameter).
Preset Speed 11
Preset Speeds
This parameter assigns an output frequency to binary number 1011 and is identified as Preset Speed 11. The binary number is applied to I1 – I4 of the
ACE G9-120V-PCB to output the Preset Speed (see F018
for additional information on this parameter).
Preset Speed 12
Preset Speeds
This parameter assigns an output frequency to binary number 1100 and is identified as Preset Speed 12. The binary number is applied to I1 – I4 of the
ACE G9-120V-PCB to output the Preset Speed (see F018
for additional information on this parameter).
Direct Access Number — F286
Parameter Type — Numerical
Factory Default — 1.5
Changeable During Run — No
Minimum — 0.0
Maximum — 25.0
Units — Seconds
Direct Access Number — F287
Parameter Type — Numerical
Factory Default — 0.00
Changeable During Run — Yes
Maximum — Upper Limit (
Units — Hz
Direct Access Number — F288
Parameter Type — Numerical
Factory Default — 0.0
Changeable During Run — Yes
Maximum — Upper Limit (
Units — Hz
Direct Access Number — F289
Parameter Type — Numerical
Factory Default — 0.00
Changeable During Run — Yes
Maximum — Upper Limit (
Units — Hz
Direct Access Number — F290
Parameter Type — Numerical
Factory Default — 0.00
Changeable During Run — Yes
Maximum — Upper Limit (
Units — Hz
Direct Access Number — F291
Parameter Type — Numerical
Factory Default — 0.00
Changeable During Run — Yes
Maximum — Upper Limit (
Units — Hz
136 ACE-tronics G9 ASD Installation and Operation Manual
Preset Speed 13
Preset Speeds
This parameter assigns an output frequency to binary number 1101 and is identified as Preset Speed 13. The binary number is applied to I1 – I4 of the
ACE G9-120V-PCB to output the Preset Speed (see
information on this parameter).
Preset Speed 14/Lower-Limit Slow Speed
Preset Speeds
for additional
This is a dual-function parameter. The two functions are described below.
1) This parameter assigns an output frequency to binary number 1110 and is identified as Preset Speed 14. The binary number is applied to I1 – I4 of the
ACE G9-120V-PCB to output the Preset Speed (see
for additional information on this parameter).
Direct Access Number — F292
Parameter Type — Numerical
Factory Default — 0.00
Changeable During Run — Yes
Maximum — Upper Limit (
Units — Hz
Direct Access Number — F293
Parameter Type — Numerical
Factory Default — 6.00
Changeable During Run — Yes
Maximum — Upper Limit (
Units — Hz
2) The Lower-Limit speed and Deceleration time settings are changed once the crane approaches the end of its range (hoist or traverse). Upon approaching the end-of-range, as detected by the closure of the Lower-Limit
Slow-Speed Limit-Switch, the implementation of the modified Lower-
Limit Slow Speed (
) and Deceleration Time At Slow-Speed Limit-
Preset Speed 15/Upper-Limit Slow Speed
Preset Speeds
This is a dual-function parameter. The two functions are described below.
1) This parameter assigns an output frequency to binary number 1111 and is identified as Preset Speed 15. The binary number is applied to I1 – I4 of the
ACE G9-120V-PCB to output the Preset Speed (see
information on this parameter).
Direct Access Number — F294
Parameter Type — Numerical
Factory Default — 6.00
Changeable During Run — Yes
Maximum — Upper Limit (
Units — Hz
2) The Upper-Limit speed and Deceleration time settings are changed once the crane approaches the end of its range (hoist or traverse). Upon approaching the end-of-range, as detected by the closure of the Upper-Limit
Slow-Speed Limit-Switch, the implementation of the modified Upper-
Limit Slow Speed (
Deceleration Time at Slow-Speed-Limit UP
PWM Carrier Frequency
Carrier Frequency
This parameter sets the frequency of the Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) signal applied to the motor.
Note: When operating in the Vector Control mode the carrier frequency should be set to 2.2 kHz or above .
Note: If the PWM carrier frequency is set at 2.0 kHz or above, it cannot be decreased below 2.0 kHz while running. If the PWM carrier frequency is set at 1.9 kHz or below, it cannot be increased above
2.0 kHz while running. Either change requires that the ASD be stopped and restarted for the changes to take effect.
Direct Access Number — F300
Parameter Type — Numerical
Factory Default — 2.5
Changeable During Run — No
Minimum — 1.0
Maximum — (ASD-Dependent)
Units — kHz
ACE-tronics G9 ASD Installation and Operation Manual 137
Auto Restart Selection
This parameter Enables/Disables the ability of the ASD to start into a spinning motor when the ST activation ceases (if so configured; see
and is then reactivated (ST deactivation/ST activation) or after a power interruption (momentary power failure).
Direct Access Number — F301
Parameter Type — Selection List
Factory Default — Off
Changeable During Run — No
Enabled (at Power Failure)
Enabled (at ST Activate/Deactivate)
Enabled (at ST Activate/Deactivate or Power Failure)
Enabled (at Run)
Regenerative Power Ridethrough
This parameter determines the motor-control response of the ASD in the event of a momentary power outage or under-voltage condition.
During a Ridethrough, regenerative energy is used to maintain the control circuitry settings for the duration of the Ridethrough; it is not used to drive the motor. The motor(s) of the system are stopped and then restarted automatically if so configured.
In a multiple-motor application, there will be a requirement to synchronize the stopping and restarting of the motors as not to cause breakage in the product being processed by the motors stopping/starting at different times (e.g., wire
spools, bobbin winder for textile machines, etc.). Parameters F317 and
must be setup to synchronize motor operation as to avoid breakage in these types of applications.
If used to restart the motors, the Retry setup of F301 is required.
Note: The Jog function will not operate while in the Synchronized
Decel/Accel mode.
Ridethrough On
Decel Stop
Synchronized ACC/DEC (TB)
Synchronized ACC/DEC (TB + Power Off)
Direct Access Number — F302
Parameter Type — Selection List
Factory Default — Off
Changeable During Run — Yes
Ridethrough Setup Requirements
Select the Ridethrough Mode at
Select the Ridethrough Time at
Select the Synchronized Stop/Start Times at
are not functional while operating in the Torque
or Position control modes, or for the Jog Run function ( F260 ).
Set a discrete input terminal to Power Failure Synchronized Signal and activate the terminal to enable the Synchronized Accel/Decel function.
Select the Ridethrough Control Level at
138 ACE-tronics G9 ASD Installation and Operation Manual
Number of Times to Retry
After a trip has occurred, this parameter sets the number of times that an automatic system restart is attempted for a qualified trip.
The trip conditions listed below will not initiate the automatic Retry/Restart function:
• Input Phase Loss (Input Phase Failure)
• Output Phase Loss (Output Phase Failure)
• Output Current Protection Fault
• Output Current Detector Error
• Load Side Over-Current at Start
• Earth Fault (Ground Fault)
• Over-Current During Acceleration
• Arm Over-Current at Start-Up
• DBR Resistor Over-Current
• Low-Current
• Voltage Drop In Main Circuit
• EEPROM Data Fault (EEPROM Fault)
• Flash Memory/Gate Array/RAM-ROM Fault
• CPU Fault
• Emergency Off (EMG)
• Communication Error
• Option Fault
• Sink/Source Setting Error (not used with the ACE-tronics G9 ASD)
• Over-Speed Error
• Over-Torque
• Key Error
• External Thermal Error
• Externally-Controlled Interrupt
See the section titled System Setup Requirements on pg. 8
for additional information on this setting.
Direct Access Number — F303
Parameter Type — Numerical
Factory Default — 00
Changeable During Run — Yes
Minimum — 00
Maximum — 10
ACE-tronics G9 ASD Installation and Operation Manual 139
Dynamic Braking Enable
Dynamic Braking
This parameter Enables/Disables the Dynamic Braking system.
Enabled with Overload Detection
Enabled without Overload Detection
Dynamic Braking uses the transistor IGBT7 to dissipate the bus voltage when required.
IGBT7 is a standard item on the 25 HP and below ACE-tronics G9 ASD 230volt systems and is standard on the 400 HP and below for the for the 460-volt systems. IGBT7 is optional for all remaining systems.
Dynamic Braking
Dynamic Braking is used to prevent over-voltage faults during rapid deceleration or constant speed run on cyclic overhauling applications.
Dynamic Braking dissipates regenerated energy in the form of heat. When using a DBR use thermal protection.
The resistive load is connected across terminals PA and PB (non-polarized).
Using a low-value, high-wattage resistance as a load for the generated current, the resistive load dissipates the induced energy.
Dynamic Braking helps to slow the load quickly; it cannot act as a holding brake.
The Dynamic Braking function may be setup and enabled by connecting a braking resistor from terminal PA to PB of the ASD and providing the proper
, and
See the section titled Dynamic Braking Resistor Specifications on pg. 274 for
additional information on using the DBR system and for assistance in selecting the appropriate resistor for a given application.
Over-Voltage Limit Operation
This parameter enables the Over-Voltage Limit function. This feature is used to set the upper DC bus voltage threshold that, once exceeded, will cause an
Over-Voltage Stall.
An Over-Voltage Stall increases the output frequency of the ASD during deceleration for a specified time in an attempt to prevent an Over-Voltage Trip.
If the over-voltage threshold level setting of parameter
over 4 mS, an Over-Voltage Trip will be incurred.
Note: This parameter setting may increase deceleration times.
Enabled (Over-Voltage Stall)
Enabled (Forced Shorted Deceleration)
Enabled (Forced Dynamic Braking Deceleration)
Direct Access Number — F304
Parameter Type — Selection List
Factory Default — Enabled without
Overload Detection
Changeable During Run — No
Direct Access Number — F305
Parameter Type — Selection List
Factory Default — Disabled
Changeable During Run — Yes
140 ACE-tronics G9 ASD Installation and Operation Manual
Supply Voltage Correction
Base Frequency Voltage
Direct Access Number — F307
Parameter Type — Selection List
Factory Default — Disabled
Changeable During Run — No
This parameter Enables/Disables the Voltage Compensation function.
When Enabled, this function provides a constant V/f ratio during periods of input voltage fluctuations.
Disabled (Output Voltage Unlimited)
Enabled (Supply Voltage Compensation)
Disabled (Output Voltage Limited)
Enabled (Supply Voltage Compensation w/Output Voltage Limited)
Dynamic Braking Resistance
Dynamic Braking
This parameter is used to input the resistive value of the Dynamic Braking
Resistor being used.
Light-duty and heavy-duty resistors vary from a few ohms to several hundred ohms. The appropriate resistance size will be typeform- and applicationspecific.
See the section titled Dynamic Braking Resistor Specifications on pg. 274 for
additional information on using the DBR system and for assistance in selecting the appropriate resistor for a given application.
Note: Using a resistor value that is too low may result in system damage.
Continuous Dynamic Braking Capacity
Dynamic Braking
Direct Access Number — F308
Parameter Type — Numerical
Factory Default — (ASD-Dependent)
Changeable During Run — No
Minimum — 0.5
Maximum — 1000.0
Units —
This parameter is used to input the wattage of the Dynamic Braking Resistor.
See the section titled Dynamic Braking Resistor Specifications on pg. 274 for
additional information on using the DBR system.
Note: Using a resistor with a wattage rating that is too low may result in system damage.
Ridethrough Time
Direct Access Number — F309
Parameter Type — Numerical
Factory Default — (ASD-Dependent)
Changeable During Run — No
Minimum — 0.01
Maximum — 600.00
Units — kW
In the event of a momentary power outage, this parameter determines the length of the Ridethrough time.
The Ridethrough will be maintained for the number of seconds set using this parameter.
Direct Access Number — F310
Parameter Type — Numerical
Factory Default — 2.0
Changeable During Run — Yes
Minimum — 0.1
Maximum — 320.0
Units — Seconds
See parameter F302 for additional information on the Ridethrough function.
Note: The actual Ridethrough Time is load-dependent.
ACE-tronics G9 ASD Installation and Operation Manual 141
Forward Reverse Disable
Forward/Reverse Disable
This parameter Enables/Disables the Forward Run or Reverse Run mode.
If either direction is disabled, commands received for the disabled direction will not be recognized.
If both directions are disabled, the received direction command will determine the direction of the motor rotation.
Direct Access Number — F311
Parameter Type — Selection List
Factory Default — Off
Changeable During Run — No
Disable Reverse Run
Disable Forward Run
Random Mode
This parameter adjusts the carrier frequency randomly. This feature is effective in minimizing the negative effects of mechanical resonance.
Carrier Frequency Control Mode
Carrier Frequency
This parameter provides for the automatic decrease of the carrier frequency.
Select 1 to decrease the Carrier Frequency setting as a function of an increased current requirement.
Selection 2 or 3 may also include an output voltage drop as a function of an increased current requirement. The Carrier Frequency should be set below
4 kHz.
Direct Access Number — F312
Parameter Type — Selection List
Factory Default — Disabled
Changeable During Run — No
Direct Access Number — F316
Parameter Type — Selection List
Factory Default — Valid Decrease and
No Limit
Changeable During Run — Yes
No Decrease and No Limit
Valid Decrease and No Limit
No Decrease and Limit Small Pulse
Valid Decrease and Limit Small Pulse
Synchronized Deceleration Time
In the event that the Ridethrough function activates in a multiple-motor application it will be necessary to manage the stopping motors synchronously as not to damage the product being processed (e.g., wire spools, bobbin winder for textile machines, etc.).
This parameter is used to minimize the product breakage during a momentary power outage. This function stops multiple machines simultaneously or makes them reach their respective command frequencies simultaneously by regulating their deceleration times.
See parameter F302 for additional information on this setting.
Direct Access Number — F317
Parameter Type — Numerical
Factory Default — 2.0
Changeable During Run — Yes
Minimum — 0.1
Maximum — 6000.0
Units — Seconds
142 ACE-tronics G9 ASD Installation and Operation Manual
Synchronized Acceleration Time
In the event that the Ridethrough function activates in a multiple-motor application it will be necessary to manage the accelerating motors synchronously as not to damage the product being processed (e.g., wire spools, bobbin winder for textile machines, etc.).
This parameter is used to minimize the product breakage during a momentary power outage. This function orchestrates the acceleration of multiple machines simultaneously or makes them reach their respective command frequencies simultaneously by regulating their acceleration times.
See parameter F302 for additional information on this setting.
Drooping Gain
Drooping Control
Direct Access Number — F318
Parameter Type — Numerical
Factory Default — 2.0
Changeable During Run — Yes
Minimum — 0.10
Maximum — 6000.0
Units — Seconds
This parameter sets the effective 100% output torque level while operating in the Drooping Control mode. This value is the upper torque limit of the motor being driven by a given ASD while operating in the Drooping Control mode.
Note: The maximum frequency output is not limited by the setting of
while operating in the Drooping Control mode.
Direct Access Number — F320
Parameter Type — Numerical
Factory Default — 0.0
Changeable During Run — Yes
Minimum — 0.00
Maximum — 100.0
Units — %
Drooping Control, also called Load Share, is used to share the load among two or more mechanically coupled motors. Unlike Stall, which reduces the output frequency in order to limit the load once the load reaches a preset level,
Drooping can decrease or increase the V/f setting of a motor to maintain a balance between the output torque levels of mechanically coupled motors.
Because of variances in gearboxes, sheaves, belts, motors, and since the speed of the motor is constrained by the mechanical system, one motor may experience more load than its counterpart and may become overloaded.
Drooping Control allows the overloaded motor to slow down, thus shedding load and encouraging a lightly-loaded motor to pick up the slack. The goal of
Drooping Control is to have the same torque ratios for mechanically coupled motors.
Speed at 0% Drooping Gain
Drooping Control
This parameter sets the motor speed when at the 0% output torque gain while operating in the Drooping Control mode. This function determines the lowest speed that Drooping will be in effect for motors that share the same load.
Drooping Control
This parameter sets the motor speed when at the 100% output torque gain while operating in the Drooping Control mode. This function determines the speed of the individual motors at the 100% Drooping Gain setting for motors that share the same load.
Direct Access Number — F321
Parameter Type — Numerical
Factory Default — 0.00
Changeable During Run — Yes
Minimum — 0.00
Maximum — 320.0
Units — Hz
Direct Access Number — F322
Parameter Type — Numerical
Factory Default — 0.00
Changeable During Run — Yes
Minimum — 0.00
Maximum — 320.0
Units — Hz
ACE-tronics G9 ASD Installation and Operation Manual 143
Drooping Insensitive Torque
Drooping Control
This parameter defines a torque range in which the Drooping Control settings will be ignored and the programmed torque settings will be followed.
Drooping Output Filter
Drooping Control
This parameter is used to set the rate of output change allowed when operating in the Drooping Control mode.
Jerky operation may be reduced by increasing this setting.
Direct Access Number — F323
Parameter Type — Numerical
Factory Default — 10.00
Changeable During Run — Yes
Minimum — 0.00
Maximum — 100.0
Units — %
Direct Access Number — F324
Parameter Type — Numerical
Factory Default — 100.0
Changeable During Run — Yes
Minimum — 0.1
Maximum — 200.0
Units — Radians/Second
Direct Access Number — F328
Parameter Type — Selection List
Factory Default — Off
Changeable During Run — Yes
Express-Speed Selection
Express Speed
This parameter enables the Express Speed function by selecting an operating mode. The Express Speed function accelerates the output frequency of the
ASD from the programmed speed to the setting established in F330
Select Off to disable the Express Speed feature.
Enabling the Express Speed function requires that an operating mode be
selected here, and that the criteria of parameters F331
Auto Speed (F-Motor: Up, R-Generator:Down)
Auto Speed (F-Generator: Down, R-Motor:Up)
F330 Setting (F-Motor: Up, R-Generator:Down)
F330 Setting (F-Generator: Down, R-Motor:Up)
Express Speed Setup and Run Criteria.
If enabled, the following criteria must be met for Express Speed operation:
ASD output speed >
ASD output torque <
F335 condition exists for longer than F333 setting.
144 ACE-tronics G9 ASD Installation and Operation Manual
Express-Speed Learning Function
The Express Speed function accelerates the output frequency of the ASD from
the programmed speed to the setting established in F330 and is primarily used
with Crane/Hoist functions.
The Express-Speed Learning Function is to be run with the maximum load that will allow for the Express Speed (Auto Speed ONLY) function to be engaged. During the execution of the Express-Speed Learning Function
, and
are automatically adjusted and set as a function of the load.
Application-specific adjustments may be required.
Note: This function should be setup with a light load only.
Forward Only
Automatic Express-Speed Operation Frequency
Express Speed
This parameter establishes the speed to which the ASD will ramp when operating in the Express Speed mode.
Express-Speed Operation Switching Lower-Limit Frequency
Program Crane/Hoist Express Speed
This parameter sets an output frequency threshold that, once surpassed, allows the Express Speed function to be used.
The Express Speed function may be used if the frequency threshold set at this parameter and the following conditions are met:
1) Express-Speed Operation Enable is configured at
2) The output torque is less than the setting established in F335 when reaching
the frequency setting here.
Express-Speed Operation Load Wait Time
Express Speed
This parameter determines the length of time that the load requirement must meet the Express Speed criteria before the Express-Speed Enable (
Once recognized, the timer setting of F333 must expire to engage the Express
Speed function.
Direct Access Number — F329
Parameter Type — Selection List
Factory Default — Off
Changeable During Run — No
Direct Access Number — F330
Parameter Type — Numerical
Factory Default — 60.00
Changeable During Run — No
Minimum — 30.00
Maximum — Upper Limit (
Units — Hz
Direct Access Number — F331
Parameter Type — Numerical
Factory Default — 60.00
Changeable During Run — Yes
Minimum — 30.0
Maximum — Upper Limit (
Units — Hz
Direct Access Number — F332
Parameter Type — Numerical
Factory Default — 0.5
Changeable During Run — Yes
Minimum — 0.0
Maximum — 10.0
Units — Seconds
ACE-tronics G9 ASD Installation and Operation Manual 145
Express-Speed Operation Detection Time
Express Speed
After the time setting of F332 times out, this parameter determines the length of
time that the Express Speed criteria must be met until the Express Speed function engages.
Express-Speed Operation Heavy-Load Detection Time
Express Speed
While operating in the Express Speed mode, this parameter determines the length of time that a load exceeding the Express Speed operation criteria may exist before the Express Speed mode is terminated and normal operation resumes.
Switching Load Torque During Power Running
Express Speed
During power running, this parameter establishes the threshold torque level that
is used to determine if the Express Speed ( F328 ) operation may engage or
remain engaged if active.
This parameter is automatically adjusted during Express-Speed Learning.
If the Express Speed operation is terminated normal operation resumes.
Note: Power running may be during forward, reverse, acceleration, or deceleration, but not during regeneration.
Heavy-Load Torque During Power Running
Express Speed
Direct Access Number — F333
Parameter Type — Numerical
Factory Default — 1.0
Changeable During Run — Yes
Minimum — 0.0
Maximum — 10.0
Units — Seconds
Direct Access Number — F334
Parameter Type — Numerical
Factory Default — 0.5
Changeable During Run — Yes
Minimum — 0.0
Maximum — 10.0
Units — Seconds
Direct Access Number — F335
Parameter Type — Numerical
Factory Default — 40.00
Changeable During Run — No
Minimum — -250.00
Maximum — +250.00
Units — %
During power running, this parameter establishes the threshold torque level that
is used to determine if the Express Speed ( F328 ) operation may engage or
remain engaged if active.
If the Express Speed operation is terminated normal operation resumes.
Heavy-Load Torque During Fixed-Speed Power Running
Express Speed
During constant power running, this parameter establishes the threshold torque
level that is used to determine if the Express Speed ( F328
) operation may engage or remain engaged if active.
If the Express Speed operation is terminated normal operation resumes.
Direct Access Number — F336
Parameter Type — Numerical
Factory Default — 150.00
Changeable During Run — Yes
Minimum — -250.00
Maximum — +250.00
Units — %
Direct Access Number — F337
Parameter Type — Numerical
Factory Default — 150.00
Changeable During Run — Yes
Minimum — -250.00
Maximum — +250.00
Units — %
146 ACE-tronics G9 ASD Installation and Operation Manual
Switching Load Torque During Dynamic Braking
Express Speed
During dynamic braking, this parameter establishes the threshold torque level that is used to determine if the Express Speed (
F328 ) operation may engage or
remain engaged if active.
If the Express Speed operation is terminated normal operation resumes.
Accel/Decel Suspended Function
Acc/Dec 1
To maintain a constant speed setting while running, this parameter may be used to suspend speed changes for a user-set length of time.
The Accel/Decel Suspend function is enabled by setting this parameter to
either Terminal Board Input or to F350
Selecting Terminal Board Input at this parameter requires that a discrete input
terminal be set to Dwell Signal (see Table 7 on pg. 236
for a listing of available settings). Upon activation of the Dwell Signal terminal the output frequency remains at the at-activation speed for the duration of the activation. When deactivated the programmed accel or decel ramp resumes.
F353 at this parameter requires that the acceleration and/or the
deceleration Suspend Frequency and Suspend Time settings be completed at
F352 , and F353 . Upon reaching the frequency setting of
(Decel), the Accel/Decel ramp will cease and the output frequency will hold at the threshold frequency setting for the time setting of
for acceleration or F353 for deceleration.
Direct Access Number — F338
Parameter Type — Numerical
Factory Default — 30.00
Changeable During Run — Yes
Minimum — -250.00
Maximum — +250.00
Units — %
Direct Access Number — F349
Parameter Type — Selection List
Factory Default — Off
Changeable During Run — Yes
Terminal Board Input (ACE G9-120V-PCB)
Acceleration Suspend Frequency
Acc/Dec 1
When Enabled at F349 , this parameter is used to set the frequency at which the
Acceleration Suspend function will activate.
During acceleration, this parameter sets the frequency at which acceleration will stop and the motor will run at the setting of this parameter for the time
Acceleration Suspend Time
Acc/Dec 1
When Enabled at F349 , this parameter is used to set the duration of activation
of the Acceleration Suspend function when initiated by reaching the
Acceleration Suspend Frequency setting ( F350 ).
Once this parameter times out the acceleration rate will resume from the point of suspension.
Direct Access Number — F350
Parameter Type — Numerical
Factory Default — 0.00
Changeable During Run — Yes
Minimum — 0.00
Maximum — Max. Freq. (
Units — Hz
Direct Access Number — F351
Parameter Type — Numerical
Factory Default — 0.0
Changeable During Run — Yes
Minimum — 0.0
Maximum — 10.0
Units — Seconds
ACE-tronics G9 ASD Installation and Operation Manual 147
Deceleration Suspend Frequency
Acc/Dec 1
When Enabled at F349 , this parameter is used to set the frequency at which the
Deceleration Suspend function will activate.
During deceleration, this parameter sets the frequency at which deceleration will stop and the motor will run at the setting of this parameter for the time
Deceleration Suspend Time
Acc/Dec 1
When Enabled at F349 , this parameter is used to set the duration of activation
of the Deceleration Suspend function when initiated by reaching the
Deceleration Suspend Frequency setting ( F352 ).
Once this parameter times out the deceleration rate will resume from the point of suspension.
Direct Access Number — F352
Parameter Type — Numerical
Factory Default — 0.00
Changeable During Run — Yes
Minimum — 0.00
Maximum — Max. Freq. (
Units — Hz
Direct Access Number — F353
Parameter Type — Numerical
Factory Default — 0.0
Changeable During Run — Yes
Minimum — 0.0
Maximum — 10.0
Units — Seconds
148 ACE-tronics G9 ASD Installation and Operation Manual
Commercial Power/ASD Output Switching
Line Power Switching
This parameter Enables/Disables the Commercial Power/ASD Output
Switching function.
When enabled, the system may be set up to discontinue using the output of the
ASD and to switch to the commercial power in the event that 1) a trip is incurred, 2) a user-set frequency is reached, or 3) if initiated by a discrete input terminal.
Once set up with the proper switching frequency and hold times, the system will switch to commercial power upon reaching the
frequency criterion.
Switching may also be accomplished manually by activating the discrete input terminal Commercial Power ASD Switching. Terminal activation forces the
ASD output speed to accelerate to the
switching frequency, resulting in the ASD-to-commercial power switching.
Deactivation of the discrete input terminal starts the hold-time counter setting
) for ASD-to-commercial power switching. Once timed out the motor resumes normal commercial power operation.
Switch at Signal Input and Trip
Switch at Signal Input with Switching Frequency
Switch at Signal Input and Trip with Switching Frequency
Switching Setup Requirements
— Enable the switching function.
— Set the switching frequency.
— (Speed) Hold -time before applying ASD output after the switching criteria has been met.
— (Speed) Hold -time before applying commercial power after the switching criteria has been met.
— (Speed) Hold -time of applying commercial power after the switching criteria has been met.
Set a discrete input terminal to Commercial Power ASD Switching.
Set OUT1 and OUT2 to Commercial Power/ASD Switching 1 and 2, respectively.
Note: Ensure that the switching directions are the same and that F311
is set to Permit All.
Note: The OUT1 and OUT2 outputs assigned to Commercial Power/
ASD Switching Output are used to actuate the re-routing contactors.
Direct Access Number — F354
Parameter Type — Selection List
Factory Default — Off
Changeable During Run — No
ACE-tronics G9 ASD Installation and Operation Manual 149
Commercial Power/ASD Switching Frequency
Line Power Switching
When enabled at F354 and with a properly configured discrete output terminal,
this parameter sets the frequency at which the At Frequency Powerline
Switching function engages.
The At Frequency Powerline Switching function commands the system to discontinue using the output of the ASD and to switch to commercial power once reaching the frequency set here.
See parameter F354 for additional information on this setting.
ASD-Side Switching Waiting Time
Line Power Switching
This parameter determines the amount of time that the ASD will wait before outputting a signal to the motor once the switch-to-ASD-output criteria has been met.
See parameter F354 for additional information on this setting.
Commercial Power Side Switching Waiting Time
Line Power Switching
This parameter determines the amount of time that the ASD will wait before allowing commercial power to be applied to the motor once the switch-tocommercial-power criteria has been met.
See parameter F354 for additional information on this setting.
Commercial Power Switching Freq. Holding Time
Line Power Switching
This parameter determines the amount of time that the connection to commercial power is maintained once the switch-to-ASD-output criteria has been met.
See parameter F354 for additional information on this setting.
PID Control Switching
This parameter is used to set the PID control mode.
Selecting Process PID uses the upper- and lower-limit settings of parameters
Selecting Speed PID uses the upper- and lower-limit settings of parameters
Process PID
Speed PID
Easy Positioning PID (Not Used)
Direct Access Number — F355
Parameter Type — Numerical
Factory Default — 60.00
Changeable During Run — Yes
Minimum — 0.00
Maximum — Max. Freq. (
Units — Hz
Direct Access Number — F356
Parameter Type — Numerical
Factory Default — (ASD-Dependent)
Changeable During Run — Yes
Minimum — 0.10
Maximum — 10.00
Units — Seconds
Direct Access Number — F357
Parameter Type — Numerical
Factory Default — 0.62
Changeable During Run — Yes
Minimum — (ASD-Dependent)
Maximum — 10.00
Units — Seconds
Direct Access Number — F358
Parameter Type — Numerical
Factory Default — 2.00
Changeable During Run — Yes
Minimum — 0.10
Maximum — 10.00
Units — Seconds
Direct Access Number — F359
Parameter Type — Selection List
Factory Default — PID Off
Changeable During Run — No
150 ACE-tronics G9 ASD Installation and Operation Manual
PID Feedback Signal
This parameter Enables/Disables PID feedback control. When enabled, this parameter determines the source of the motor-control feedback.
Direct Access Number — F360
Parameter Type — Selection List
Factory Default — PID Control
Changeable During Run — Yes
PID Control Disabled
RX2 (AI1)
Option V/I
PG Feedback Option
Proportional-Integral-Derivative (PID) — A closed-loop control technique that seeks error minimization by reacting to three values: One that is proportional to the error, one that is representative of the error, and one that is representative of the rate of change of the error.
PID Feedback Delay Filter
This parameter determines the delay in the ASD output response to the motorcontrol feedback signal (signal source is selected at
PID Feedback Proportional Gain
PID Feedback Integral Gain
PID Deviation Upper Limit
This parameter determines the maximum amount that the feedback may increase the output signal.
This parameter determines the degree that the Proportional function affects the output signal. The larger the value entered here, the quicker the ASD responds to changes in feedback.
This parameter determines the degree that the Integral function affects the output signal. The smaller the value here, the more pronounced the effect of the integral function on the output signal.
Direct Access Number — F361
Parameter Type — Numerical
Factory Default — 0.1
Changeable During Run — Yes
Minimum — 0.0
Maximum — 25.0
Direct Access Number — F362
Parameter Type — Numerical
Factory Default — 0.10
Changeable During Run — Yes
Minimum — 0.01
Maximum — 100.0
Direct Access Number — F363
Parameter Type — Numerical
Factory Default — 0.10
Changeable During Run — Yes
Minimum — 0.01
Maximum — 100.00
Direct Access Number — F364
Parameter Type — Numerical
Factory Default — 60.00
Changeable During Run — Yes
Minimum — 0.00
Maximum — 60.00
Units — Hz
ACE-tronics G9 ASD Installation and Operation Manual 151
PID Deviation Lower Limit
This parameter determines the maximum amount that the feedback may decrease the output signal.
PID Feedback Differential Gain
This parameter determines the degree that the Differential function affects the output signal. The larger the value entered here, the more pronounced the effect of the differential function for a given feedback signal level.
Process Upper Limit
Selecting Process PID at parameter
Process Lower Limit
PID Control Wait Time
PID Output Upper Limit
allows for this parameter setting to
function as the Upper Limit while operating in the PID Control mode.
Selecting Process PID at parameter function as the Lower Limit while operating in the PID Control mode.
This parameter is used to delay the start of PID control at start up. During the wait time set here, the ASD will follow the frequency control input of the process value and the feedback input will be ignored until this setting times out.
At which time the PID setup assumes control.
Selecting Speed PID at parameter
allows for this parameter setting to
allows for this parameter setting to function as the Upper Limit while operating in the PID Control mode.
Direct Access Number — F365
Parameter Type — Numerical
Factory Default — 60.00
Changeable During Run — Yes
Minimum — 0.00
Maximum — 60.00
Units — Hz
Direct Access Number — F366
Parameter Type — Numerical
Factory Default — 0.00
Changeable During Run — Yes
Minimum — 0.00
Maximum — 2.55
Direct Access Number — F367
Parameter Type — Numerical
Factory Default — 60.00
Changeable During Run — No
Maximum — Upper Limit (
Units — Hz
Direct Access Number — F368
Parameter Type — Numerical
Factory Default — 0.00
Changeable During Run — No
Maximum — Upper Limit (
Units — Hz
Direct Access Number — F369
Parameter Type — Numerical
Factory Default — 0
Changeable During Run — Yes
Minimum — 0
Maximum — 2400
Units — Seconds
Direct Access Number — F370
Parameter Type — Numerical
Factory Default — 60.00
Changeable During Run — No
Maximum — Upper Limit (
Units — Hz
152 ACE-tronics G9 ASD Installation and Operation Manual
PID Output Lower Limit
Selecting Speed PID at parameter
Process Increasing Rate
This parameter is used to limit the rate that the output of the ASD may increase for a given difference in the speed reference and the PID feedback value.
Process Decreasing Rate
Number of PG Input Pulses
Number of PG Input Phases
This parameter determines the type of information that is supplied by the phase encoder.
allows for this parameter setting to function as the Lower Limit while operating in the PID Control mode.
This parameter is used to limit the rate that the output of the ASD may decrease for a given difference in the speed reference and the PID feedback value.
This parameter is used to set the number of pulses output from a shaft-mounted encoder that is used to indicate one revolution of rotation (360°) of the motor or of the motor-driven equipment.
Direct Access Number — F371
Parameter Type — Numerical
Factory Default — 4.00
Changeable During Run — Yes
Maximum — Upper Limit (
Units — Hz
Direct Access Number — F372
Parameter Type — Numerical
Factory Default — 10.0
Changeable During Run — Yes
Minimum — 0.1
Maximum — 600.0
Units — Seconds
Direct Access Number — F373
Parameter Type — Numerical
Factory Default — 10.0
Changeable During Run — Yes
Minimum — 0.1
Maximum — 600.0
Units — Seconds
Direct Access Number — F375
Parameter Type — Numerical
Factory Default — 1024
Changeable During Run — No
Minimum — 12
Maximum — 9999
Direct Access Number — F376
Parameter Type — Selection List
Factory Default — Two Phase
Changeable During Run — Yes
Single Phase
Two Phase
ACE-tronics G9 ASD Installation and Operation Manual 153
PG Disconnection Detection
This parameter Enables/Disables the system’s monitoring of the PG connection status when using encoders with line driver outputs.
Note: The PG Vector Feedback Board option is required to use this feature.
Direct Access Number — F377
Parameter Type — Selection List
Factory Default — Enabled (Detect
Momentary Power Failure)
Changeable During Run — Yes
Enabled with Filter
Enabled (Detect Momentary Power Failure)
Simple Positioning Completion Range
While operating in the Positioning Control mode, this parameter sets the range of accuracy for a Stop command initiated via the ACE G9-120V-PCB.
If the setting is too low the stop may be too abrupt.
Autotune 1
Vector Motor Model
This parameter sets the Autotune command status.
Direct Access Number — F381
Parameter Type — Numerical
Factory Default — 100
Changeable During Run — Yes
Minimum — 1
Maximum — 4000
Direct Access Number — F400
Parameter Type — Selection List
Factory Default — Autotune Disabled
Changeable During Run — No
Selecting Reset Motor Defaults for this parameter sets parameters F410 , F411
to the factory default settings.
If selecting Autotune on Run Command, Autotune Initiated by Input
Terminal, or Autotune of Detail Parameters for this parameter set the Base
Frequency, Base Frequency Voltage, and the Motor Rated Revolutions to the nameplate values of the motor to achieve the best possible Autotune precision.
Autotune Disabled
Reset Motor Defaults
Enable Autotune on Run Command
Autotuning by Input Terminal Signal (see Table 7 on pg. 236 )
Motor Constant Auto Calculation
Slip Frequency Gain
Vector Motor Model
This parameter provides a degree of slip compensation for a given load. A higher setting here decreases the slip allowed for a given load/ASD output ratio.
Direct Access Number — F401
Parameter Type — Numerical
Factory Default — 70
Changeable During Run — Yes
Minimum — 0
Maximum — 150
Units — %
154 ACE-tronics G9 ASD Installation and Operation Manual
Autotune 2
Vector Motor Model
This parameter introduces a thermal element into the autotuning equation and is used to automatically adjust the Autotune parameter values as a function of increases in the temperature of the motor.
Direct Access Number — F402
Parameter Type — Selection List
Factory Default — Off
Changeable During Run — No
Self-Cooled Motor Tuning
Forced Air Cooled Motor Tuning
Motor Rated Capacity
Vector Motor Model
This parameter is used to set the (Nameplate) rated capacity of the motor being used.
Motor Rated Current
Vector Motor Model
This parameter is used to set the (Nameplate) current rating of the motor being used.
Motor Rated RPM
Program Motor Vector Motor Model
This parameter is used input the (Nameplate) rated speed of the motor.
Base Frequency Voltage 1
Vector Motor Model
The Motor Base Frequency Voltage 1 is the Motor 1 output voltage at the
). Regardless of the programmed value, the output voltage cannot be higher than the input voltage.
The actual output voltage will be influenced by the input voltage of the ASD and the Supply Voltage Correction setting (
Direct Access Number — F405
Parameter Type — Numerical
Factory Default — 11.0
Changeable During Run — Yes
Minimum — 0.1
Maximum — 500.00
Units — HP
Direct Access Number — F406
Parameter Type — Numerical
Factory Default — 20.3
Changeable During Run — Yes
Minimum — 0.1
Maximum — 2000.0
Units — Amps
Direct Access Number — F407
Parameter Type — Numerical
Factory Default — 1730
Changeable During Run — Yes
Minimum — 100
Maximum — 60000
Units — RPM
Direct Access Number — F409
Parameter Type — Numerical
Factory Default — (ASD-Dependent)
Changeable During Run — Yes
Minimum — 50.0
Maximum — 660.0
Units — Volts
ACE-tronics G9 ASD Installation and Operation Manual 155
Motor Constant 1 (Torque Boost)
Vector Motor Model
This parameter sets the primary resistance of the motor. Increasing this value can prevent a drop in the torque of the motor at low speeds. Increasing this value excessively can result in nuisance overload tripping.
Motor Constant 2 (No-Load Current)
Vector Motor Model
This parameter is used to set the current level required to excite the motor.
Specifying a value that is too high for this parameter may result in hunting
(erratic motor operation).
Motor Constant 3 (Leak Inductance)
Vector Motor Model
This parameter is used to set the leakage inductance of the motor.
A larger setting here results in higher output torque at high speeds.
Motor Constant 4 (Rated Slip)
Vector Motor Model
This parameter is used to set the secondary resistance of the motor.
An increase in this parameter setting results in an increase of compensation for motor slip.
Exciting Strengthening Coefficient
Special Parameters
This parameter is used to increase the magnetic flux of the motor at low-speed.
This feature is useful when increased torque at low speeds is required.
Direct Access Number — F410
Parameter Type — Numerical
Factory Default — (ASD-Dependent)
Changeable During Run — Yes
Minimum — 0.0
Maximum — 30.0
Units — %
Direct Access Number — F411
Parameter Type — Numerical
Factory Default — (ASD-Dependent)
Changeable During Run — No
Minimum — 10
Maximum — 90
Units — %
Direct Access Number — F412
Parameter Type — Numerical
Factory Default — (ASD-Dependent)
Changeable During Run — Yes
Minimum — 0
Maximum — 200
Units — %
Direct Access Number — F413
Parameter Type — Numerical
Factory Default — (ASD-Dependent)
Changeable During Run — Yes
Minimum — 0.01
Minimum — 25.00
Units — %
Direct Access Number — F415
Parameter Type — Numerical
Factory Default — 100
Changeable During Run — Yes
Minimum — 100
Maximum — 130
Units — %
156 ACE-tronics G9 ASD Installation and Operation Manual
Stall Prevention Factor 1
This parameter is to be adjusted in the event that the motor stalls when operated above the base frequency.
If a momentary heavy load occurs the motor may stall before the load current
reaches the stall prevention level setting of F601 .
A drop in the supply voltage may cause fluctuations of the load current or may cause motor vibration. A gradual adjustment of this parameter may alleviate this condition.
Start with a setting of 85 at these parameters and gradually adjust them from there one at a time until the desired results are produced.
Adjustments to this parameter may increase the load current of the motor and subsequently warrant an adjustment at the Motor Overload Protection Level setting.
Torque Command
Torque Control
When operating in the Torque Control mode, this parameter allows the user to select the source of the torque command signal.
Direct Access Number — F416
Parameter Type — Numerical
Factory Default — 100
Changeable During Run — No
Minimum — 10
Maximum — 250
Direct Access Number — F420
Parameter Type — Selection List
Factory Default — Panel Keypad ( F725
Changeable During Run — Yes
Panel Keypad (
RS485 2-Wire
RS485 4-Wire
Communication Option Board
RX2 Option (AI1)
Tension Torque Bias Input
Program Torque Torque Control
This parameter Enables/Disables the Tension Torque Bias input function.
This feature is enabled by selecting a Tension Torque Bias input signal source.
Direct Access Number — F423
Parameter Type — Selection List
Factory Default — Disabled
Changeable During Run — Yes
Panel Keypad (Not Used)
RS485 2-Wire
RS485 4-Wire
Communication Option Board
RX2 Option (AI1)
ACE-tronics G9 ASD Installation and Operation Manual 157
Load Sharing Gain Input
Torque Control
This parameter Enables/Disables the Load Sharing Gain input function.
This feature is enabled by selecting a Load Sharing Gain input signal source.
Direct Access Number — F424
Parameter Type — Selection List
Factory Default — Disabled
Changeable During Run — Yes
Panel Keypad
RS485 2-Wire
RS485 4-Wire
Communication Option Board
RX2 Option (AI1)
Forward Speed Limit Input
Torque Speed Limiting
This parameter Enables/Disables the Forward Speed Limit Input control function. When enabled and operating in the Torque Control mode, the forward speed limit is controlled by the input selected here.
If Setting is selected, the value set at
F426 is used as the Forward Speed Limit
Direct Access Number — F425
Parameter Type — Selection List
Factory Default — Disabled
Changeable During Run — Yes
Forward Speed Limit Level
Torque Control
This parameter provides a value to be used as the Forward Speed Limit setting if
Setting is selected at
Direct Access Number — F426
Parameter Type — Numerical
Factory Default — 60.00
Changeable During Run — Yes
Minimum — 0.00
Maximum — Upper Limit (
Units — Hz
158 ACE-tronics G9 ASD Installation and Operation Manual
Reverse Speed Limit Input
Torque Control
This parameter Enables/Disables the Reverse Speed Limit Input control function. When enabled and operating in the Torque Control mode, the reverse speed limit is controlled by the terminal selected here. If Setting is selected, the value set at
F428 is used as the Reverse Speed Limit input.
Direct Access Number — F427
Parameter Type — Selection List
Factory Default —
Changeable During Run — Yes
Reverse Speed Limit Input Level
Torque Control
This parameter provides a value to be used as the Reverse Speed Limit setting if Setting is selected at
Direct Access Number — F428
Parameter Type — Numerical
Factory Default — 60.00
Changeable During Run — Yes
Minimum — 0.00
Maximum — Upper Limit (
Units — Hz
Direct Access Number — F430
Parameter Type — Selection List
Factory Default — Disabled
Changeable During Run — Yes
Speed Limit (Torque=0) Center Value Reference
Torque Speed Limiting
The system has the ability to limit the amount that the speed may vary as a function of a changing load while operating in the Torque Control mode. This parameter sets the input terminal that will be used to control the allowable speed variance.
Speed Limit (Torque=0) Center Value
Torque Speed Limiting
The system has the ability to limit the amount that the speed may vary as a function of a changing load while operating in the Torque Control mode. This parameter sets the targeted speed. The plus-or-minus value (range) for this
Direct Access Number — F431
Parameter Type — Numerical
Factory Default — 0.00
Changeable During Run — Yes
Minimum — 0.00
Maximum — Max. Freq. (
Units — Hz
ACE-tronics G9 ASD Installation and Operation Manual 159
Speed Limit (Torque=0) Band
Torque Speed Limiting
The system has the ability to limit the amount that the speed may vary as a function of a changing load while operating in the Torque Control mode. This parameter sets a plus-or-minus value (range) for the Speed Limit Torque
Allow Specified Direction ONLY
Torque Speed Limiting
This parameter Enables/Disables the Forward Run or Reverse Run mode.
If either direction is disabled, commands received for the disabled direction will not be recognized.
If both directions are disabled, the received direction command will determine the direction of the motor rotation.
Direct Access Number — F432
Parameter Type — Numerical
Factory Default — 0.00
Changeable During Run — Yes
Minimum — 0.00
Maximum — Max. Freq. (
Units — Hz
Direct Access Number — F435
Parameter Type — Selection List
Factory Default — Disabled
Changeable During Run — No
Power Running Torque Limit 1
Torque Limit
This parameter determines the source of the control signal for the positive torque limit setting.
If Setting is selected, the value set at F441
is used as the Power Running
Torque Limit 1 input.
Power Running Torque Limit 1 Level
Torque Limit
This parameter provides a value for the Power Running Torque Limit 1
setting if F441 Setting is selected at parameter F440
This value provides the positive torque upper limit for the #1 motor.
Direct Access Number — F440
Parameter Type — Selection List
Changeable During Run — Yes
Direct Access Number — F441
Parameter Type — Numerical
Factory Default — 250.0 (Disabled)
Changeable During Run — Yes
Minimum — 0.00
Maximum — 250.0 (Disabled)
Units — %
160 ACE-tronics G9 ASD Installation and Operation Manual
Dynamic Braking Torque Limit 1
Torque Limit
This parameter determines the source of the Regenerative Torque Limit control signal.
If Setting is selected, the value set at F443
is used for this parameter.
Dynamic Braking Torque Limit 1 Level
Torque Limit
This parameter provides a value to be used as the Regeneration Torque Limit
1 if
Setting is selected at parameter
Set this parameter to 250% to disable this function.
Power Running Torque Limit 2 Level
Manual Torque Limit
This parameter is used to set the positive torque upper limit for the #2 motor profile when multiple motors are controlled by a single ASD or when a single motor is to be controlled by multiple profiles.
Dynamic Braking Torque Limit 2 Level
Manual Torque Limit
This parameter is used to set the negative torque upper limit for the #2 motor profile when multiple motors are controlled by a single ASD or when a single motor is to be controlled by multiple profiles.
Power Running Torque Limit 3 Level
Manual Torque Limit
This parameter is used to set the positive torque upper limit for the #3 motor profile when multiple motors are controlled by a single ASD or when a single motor is to be controlled by multiple profiles.
Direct Access Number — F442
Parameter Type — Selection List
Factory Default —
Changeable During Run — Yes
Direct Access Number — F443
Parameter Type — Numerical
Factory Default — 250.0 (Disabled)
Changeable During Run — Yes
Minimum — 0.00
Maximum — 249.9
Units — %
Direct Access Number — F444
Parameter Type — Numerical
Factory Default — 250.0 (Disabled)
Changeable During Run — Yes
Minimum — 0.00
Maximum — 250.0 (Disabled)
Units — %
Direct Access Number — F445
Parameter Type — Numerical
Factory Default — 250.0 (Disabled)
Changeable During Run — Yes
Minimum — 0.00
Maximum — 250.0 (Disabled)
Units — %
Direct Access Number — F446
Parameter Type — Numerical
Factory Default — 250.0 (Disabled)
Changeable During Run — Yes
Minimum — 0.00
Maximum — 250.0 (Disabled)
Units — %
ACE-tronics G9 ASD Installation and Operation Manual 161
Dynamic Braking Torque Limit 3 Level
Manual Torque Limit
This parameter is used to set the negative torque upper limit for the #3 motor profile when multiple motors are controlled by a single ASD or when a single motor is to be controlled by multiple profiles.
Power Running Torque Limit 4 Level
Manual Torque Limit
This parameter is used to set the positive torque upper limit for the #4 motor profile when multiple motors are controlled by a single ASD or when a single motor is to be controlled by multiple profiles.
Dynamic Braking Torque Limit 4 Level
Manual Torque Limit
This parameter is used to set the negative torque upper limit for the #4 motor profile when multiple motors are controlled by a single ASD or when a single motor is to be controlled by multiple profiles.
Accel/Decel Operation After Torque Limit
Torque Limit
In a Crane/Hoist application that is operating using a mechanical brake, this parameter is used to minimize the delay between the brake release and the output torque reaching a level that can sustain the load.
This setting may reference time or the operating speed of the motor.
In Sync with Accel/Decel
In Sync with Minimum Time
Power Running Stall Continuous Trip Detection Time
Program Protection Stall
This parameter is used to extend the Over-Voltage Stall (
Current Stall (
) time settings.
Direct Access Number — F447
Parameter Type — Numerical
Factory Default — 250.0 (Disabled)
Changeable During Run — Yes
Minimum — 0.00
Maximum — 250.0 (Disabled)
Units — %
Direct Access Number — F448
Parameter Type — Numerical
Factory Default — 250.0 (Disabled)
Changeable During Run — Yes
Minimum — 0.00
Maximum — 250.0 (Disabled)
Units — %
Direct Access Number — F449
Parameter Type — Numerical
Factory Default — 250.0 (Disabled)
Changeable During Run — Yes
Minimum — 0.00
Maximum — 250.0 (Disabled)
Units — %
Direct Access Number — F451
Parameter Type — Selection List
Factory Default — In Sync with Accel/
Changeable During Run — Yes
Direct Access Number — F452
Parameter Type — Numerical
Factory Default — 0.0
Changeable During Run — Yes
Minimum — 0.0
Maximum — 1.0
Units — Seconds
162 ACE-tronics G9 ASD Installation and Operation Manual
Dynamic Braking Stall Prevention Mode
The function of this parameter is to disable the Over-Voltage Stall (
the Over-Current Stall (
F017 ) function during regeneration only.
Application-specific conditions may occur that warrant disabling the Stall function during regeneration.
Direct Access Number — F453
Parameter Type — Selection List
Factory Default — Enabled
Changeable During Run — Yes
Disabled (Stall During Dynamic Braking)
Enabled (No Stall During Dynamic Braking)
Current Control Proportional Gain
This parameter sets the sensitivity of the ASD when monitoring the output current to control speed.
The larger the value entered here, the more sensitive the ASD is to changes in the received feedback.
Speed Loop Proportional Gain
During closed-loop operation, this parameter sets the response sensitivity of the
ASD when monitoring the output speed for control.
The larger the value entered here, the larger the change in the output speed for a given received feedback signal.
Speed Loop Stabilization Coefficient
During closed-loop operation, this parameter sets the response sensitivity of the
ASD when monitoring the output speed for control.
The larger the value entered here, the quicker the response to changes in the received feedback.
Load Moment of Inertia 1
Program Feedback PG
This parameter is used for calculating accel/decel torque when compensating for load inertia while operating in the Drooping Control mode.
Second Speed Loop Proportional Gain
Program Feedback PG
During closed-loop operation, this parameter sets the sensitivity of the ASD when monitoring the output speed for control.
The larger the value entered here, the more sensitive the ASD is to changes in the received feedback.
Direct Access Number — F458
Parameter Type — Numerical
Factory Default — (ASD-Dependent)
Changeable During Run — No
Minimum — 0.0
Maximum — 100.0
Direct Access Number — F460
Parameter Type — Numerical
Factory Default — (ASD-Dependent)
Changeable During Run — No
Minimum — 1
Maximum — 9999
Direct Access Number — F461
Parameter Type — Numerical
Factory Default — 100
Changeable During Run — Yes
Minimum — 1
Maximum — 9999
Direct Access Number — F462
Parameter Type — Numerical
Factory Default — 35
Changeable During Run — Yes
Minimum — 0
Maximum — 100
Direct Access Number — F463
Parameter Type — Numerical
Factory Default — (ASD-Dependent)
Changeable During Run — No
Minimum — 1
Maximum — 9999
ACE-tronics G9 ASD Installation and Operation Manual 163
Second Speed Loop Stabilization Coefficient
During closed-loop operation, this parameter sets the response sensitivity of the
ASD when monitoring the output speed for control.
The larger the value entered here, the quicker the response to changes in the received feedback.
Load Moment of Inertia 2
This parameter is used for calculating accel/decel torque when compensating for load inertia while operating in the Drooping Control mode.
Speed PID Switching Frequency
While running, this parameter establishes the threshold speed setting that is used to determine if PID control may engage or remain engaged if active.
V/I Input Bias
Program Frequency
Speed Reference Setpoints
This parameter is used to fine-tune the bias of the V/I input terminals.
Note: See note on
for additional information on the V/I terminal.
This setting may be used to ensure that the zero level of the input source (pot, pressure transducer, flow meter, etc.) is also the zero level setting of the ASD system.
This is accomplished by setting the input source to zero and adjusting this setting to provide an output of zero from the ASD.
V/I Input Gain
Speed Reference Setpoints
This parameter is used to fine tune the gain of the V/I input terminals.
Note: See note on
for additional information on the V/I terminal.
This setting may be used to ensure that the 100% level of the input source (pot, pressure transducer, flow meter, etc.) is also the 100% level setting of the ASD system.
This is accomplished by setting the input source to 100% and adjusting this setting to provide an output of 100% from the ASD.
Direct Access Number — F464
Parameter Type — Numerical
Factory Default — 1
Changeable During Run — Yes
Minimum — 1
Maximum — 9999
Direct Access Number — F465
Parameter Type — Numerical
Factory Default — 35
Changeable During Run — Yes
Minimum — 0
Maximum — 100
Direct Access Number — F466
Parameter Type — Numerical
Factory Default — 0.00
Changeable During Run — Yes
Minimum — 0.00
Units — Hz
Direct Access Number — F470
Parameter Type — Numerical
Factory Default — 127
Changeable During Run — Yes
Minimum — 0
Maximum — 255
Direct Access Number — F471
Parameter Type — Numerical
Factory Default — 129
Changeable During Run — Yes
Minimum — 0
Maximum — 255
164 ACE-tronics G9 ASD Installation and Operation Manual
RR Input Bias
Speed Reference Setpoints
This parameter is used to fine tune the bias of the RR input terminal when this terminal is used as the control input while operating in the Speed Control mode or the Torque Control mode.
This setting may be used to ensure that the zero level of the input source (pot, pressure transducer, flow meter, etc.) is also the zero level setting of the ASD system.
This is accomplished by setting the input source to zero and adjusting this setting to provide an output of zero from the ASD.
RR Input Gain
Speed Reference Setpoints
This parameter is used to fine tune the gain of the RR input terminal when this terminal is used as the control input while operating in the Speed Control mode or the Torque Control mode.
This setting may be used to ensure that the 100% level of the input source (pot, pressure transducer, flow meter, etc.) is also the 100% level setting of the ASD system.
This is accomplished by setting the input source to 100% and adjusting this setting to provide an output of 100% from the ASD.
RX Input Bias
Speed Reference Setpoints
This parameter is used to fine tune the bias of the RX input terminal when this terminal is used as the control input while operating in the Speed Control mode or the Torque Control mode.
This setting may be used to ensure that the zero level of the input source (pot, pressure transducer, flow meter, etc.) is also the zero level setting of the ASD system.
This is accomplished by setting the input source to zero and adjusting this setting to provide an output of zero from the ASD.
RX Input Gain
Speed Reference Setpoints
This parameter is used to fine tune the gain of the RX input terminal when this terminal is used as the control input while operating in the Speed Control mode or the Torque Control mode.
This setting may be used to ensure that the 100% level of the input source (pot, pressure transducer, flow meter, etc.) is also the 100% level setting of the ASD system.
This is accomplished by setting the input source to 100% and adjusting this setting to provide an output of 100% from the ASD.
Direct Access Number — F472
Parameter Type — Numerical
Factory Default — 128
Changeable During Run — Yes
Minimum — 0
Maximum — 255
Direct Access Number — F473
Parameter Type — Numerical
Factory Default — 154
Changeable During Run — Yes
Minimum — 0
Maximum — 255
Direct Access Number — F474
Parameter Type — Numerical
Factory Default — 127
Changeable During Run — Yes
Minimum — 0
Maximum — 255
Direct Access Number — F475
Parameter Type — Numerical
Factory Default — 127
Changeable During Run — Yes
Minimum — 0
Maximum — 255
ACE-tronics G9 ASD Installation and Operation Manual 165
RX2 Option (AI1) Input Bias
Speed Reference Setpoints
This parameter is used to fine tune the bias of the RX2 (AI1) input terminal when this terminal is used as the control input while operating in the Speed
Control mode or the Torque Control mode.
This setting may be used to ensure that the zero level of the input source (pot, pressure transducer, flow meter, etc.) is also the zero level setting of the ASD system.
This is accomplished by setting the input source to zero and adjusting this setting to provide a zero output from the ASD.
RX2 Option (AI1) Input Gain
Speed Reference Setpoints
This parameter is used to fine tune the gain of the RX2 (AI1) input terminal when this terminal is used as the control input while operating in the Speed
Control mode or the Torque Control mode.
This setting may be used to ensure that the 100% level of the input source (pot, pressure transducer, flow meter, etc.) is also the 100% level setting of the ASD system.
This is accomplished by setting the input source to 100% and adjusting this setting to provide an output of 100% from the ASD.
V/I Input Bias (AI2 Option Board Input)
Speed Reference Setpoints
This parameter is used to fine tune the bias of the Optional AI2 input terminal when this terminal is used as the control input while operating in the Speed
Control mode or the Torque Control mode.
This setting may be used to ensure that the zero level of the input source (pot, pressure transducer, flow meter, etc.) is also the zero level setting of the ASD system.
This is accomplished by setting the input source to zero and adjusting this setting to provide a zero output from the ASD.
V/I Input Gain (AI2 Option Board Input)
Speed Reference Setpoints
This parameter is used to fine tune the gain of the Optional AI2 input terminal when this terminal is used as the control input while operating in the Speed
Control mode or the Torque Control mode.
This setting may be used to ensure that the 100% level of the input source (pot, pressure transducer, flow meter, etc.) is also the 100% level setting of the ASD system.
This is accomplished by setting the input source to 100% and adjusting this setting to provide an output of 100% from the ASD.
Direct Access Number — F476
Parameter Type — Numerical
Factory Default — 128
Changeable During Run — Yes
Minimum — 0
Maximum — 255
Direct Access Number — F477
Parameter Type — Numerical
Factory Default — 128
Changeable During Run — Yes
Minimum — 0
Maximum — 255
Direct Access Number — F478
Parameter Type — Numerical
Factory Default — 128
Changeable During Run — Yes
Minimum — 0
Maximum — 255
Direct Access Number — F479
Parameter Type — Numerical
Factory Default — 128
Changeable During Run — Yes
Minimum — 0
Maximum — 255
166 ACE-tronics G9 ASD Installation and Operation Manual
Bearing Greaser Speed Multiplier
This parameter is used to reduce the motor speed once the Bearing Greaser
(Alarm) Time ( F621 ) setting has expired.
Upon expiration of the Bearing Greaser (Alarm) Time setting, the commanded speed is multiplied by the factor set at this parameter to modify the speed of the motor.
Creep Multiplier 1
Creep Control
This parameter provides a modifier for the output frequency of the ASD that multiplies the commanded frequency by the value set at this parameter.
The Creep Multiplier 1 function may be activated via the EOI or a discrete input terminal on the ACE G9-120V-PCB (Creep Speed 1).
This parameter setting has priority over the Creep Multiplier 2 (
Creep Multiplier 2
Program Crane/Hoist
Creep Control
This parameter provides a modifier for the output frequency of the ASD that multiplies the commanded frequency by the value set at this parameter.
The Creep Multiplier 2 function may be activated via the EOI or a discrete input terminal on the ACE G9-120V-PCB (Creep Speed 2).
The Creep Multiplier 2 function is ignored if the Creep Multiplier 1 ( F490
) function is active.
Creep Speed Lower Limit
Program Crane/Hoist
Creep Control
Direct Access Number — F489
Parameter Type — Numerical
Factory Default — 0.50
Changeable During Run — Yes
Minimum — 0.00
Maximum — 1.00
Direct Access Number — F490
Parameter Type — Numerical
Factory Default — 0.10
Changeable During Run — Yes
Minimum — 0.00
Maximum — 1.00
Direct Access Number — F491
Parameter Type — Numerical
Factory Default — 0.10
Changeable During Run — Yes
Minimum — 0.00
Maximum — 1.00
This parameter sets the lower limit while operating in the Creep mode.
This setting supersedes the Lower-Limit Frequency setting of
Express Stop
This parameter Enables/Disables the ability of the ASD to use an alternate
Decel rate when a Stop command is received.
The Express-Stop Deceleration Time is set at
Direct Access Number — F492
Parameter Type — Numerical
Factory Default — 0.60
Changeable During Run — No
Minimum — 0.00
Maximum — 30.0
Units — Hz
Direct Access Number — F493
Parameter Type — Selection
Factory Default — Disabled
Changeable During Run — Yes
ACE-tronics G9 ASD Installation and Operation Manual 167
This parameter Enables/Disables the Plugging feature of the ASD. Plugging assigns alternate Acceleration and Deceleration time settings to be used during a direction change only.
The Plugging acceleration and deceleration times are set at parameters
, respectively.
Direct Access Number — F494
Parameter Type — Selection
Factory Default — Disabled
Changeable During Run — Yes
This parameter is further defined by the ACC/DEC Pattern selection of
PM Motor Constant 1 (D Axis Inductance)
PM Motor
This parameter is used with synchronous motor applications only.
Contact ACE World Companies Customer Support Center for information on this parameter.
PM Motor Constant 2 (Q Axis Inductance)
PM Motor
This parameter is used with synchronous motor applications only.
Contact ACE World Companies Customer Support Center for information on this parameter.
Acceleration Time 2
Acc/Dec 1 – 4
This parameter specifies the time in seconds for the output of the ASD to go from 0.0 Hz to the Maximum Frequency for the #2 Deceleration profile.
The Accel/Decel pattern may be set using F503
. This parameter may be further defined by the settings of
Note: An acceleration time shorter than that which the load will allow may cause nuisance tripping and mechanical stress to loads.
Automatic Accel/Decel, Stall, and Ridethrough settings may lengthen the actual acceleration times.
Direct Access Number — F498
Parameter Type — Numerical
Factory Default — (ASD-Dependent)
Changeable During Run — Yes
Minimum — 0
Maximum — 100
Units — %
Direct Access Number — F499
Parameter Type — Numerical
Factory Default — (ASD-Dependent)
Changeable During Run — Yes
Minimum — 0
Maximum — 100
Units — %
Direct Access Number — F500
Parameter Type — Numerical
Factory Default — (ASD-Dependent)
Changeable During Run — Yes
Minimum — 0.1
Maximum — 6000.0
Units — Seconds
168 ACE-tronics G9 ASD Installation and Operation Manual
Deceleration Time 2
Acc/Dec 1
This parameter specifies the time in seconds for the output of the ASD to go from the Maximum Frequency to 0.0 Hz for the #2 Deceleration profile.
The Accel/Decel pattern may be set using F503
. This parameter may be further defined by the settings of
Note: A deceleration time shorter than the load will allow may cause nuisance tripping and mechanical stress to loads. Automatic
Accel/Decel, Stall, and Ridethrough settings may lengthen the actual deceleration times.
Direct Access Number — F501
Parameter Type — Numerical
Factory Default — (ASD-Dependent)
Changeable During Run — Yes
Minimum — 0.1
Maximum — 6000
Units — Seconds
ACE-tronics G9 ASD Installation and Operation Manual 169
Acc/Dec Pattern 1
Accel/Decel 1 – 4
This parameter enables a user-selected preprogrammed output profile that controls the acceleration and deceleration pattern for the #1 Accel/Decel profile.
S-Pattern 1
S-Pattern 2
The figures below provide a profile of the available accel/decel patterns.
Direct Access Number — F502
Parameter Type — Selection List
Factory Default — Linear
Changeable During Run — Yes
Linear acceleration and deceleration is the default pattern and is used on most applications.
S-Pattern 1 is used for applications that require quick acceleration and deceleration. This setting is also popular for applications that require shock absorption at the start of acceleration or deceleration.
S-Pattern 2 decreases the rate of change above the base frequency for acceleration and deceleration.
ACE-tronics G9 ASD Installation and Operation Manual
Acc/Dec Pattern 2
Accel/Decel 1 – 4
This parameter enables a user-selected preprogrammed output profile that controls the acceleration and deceleration pattern for the #2 Accel/Decel profile.
for additional information on this parameter.
S-Pattern 1
S-Pattern 2
Direct Access Number — F503
Parameter Type — Selection List
Factory Default — Linear
Changeable During Run — Yes
ACE-tronics G9 ASD Installation and Operation Manual 171
Acc/Dec Pattern 1 – 4
Acc/Dec Special
Four acceleration times and four deceleration times may be set up and run individually. One of four accel/decel times may be selected by 1) using this parameter selection, 2) by discrete input terminal, or 3) switched via user-set threshold frequencies.
This parameter is used to select one of the four configured accel/decel profiles to be used.
Each Accel/Decel selection is comprised of an Acceleration Time,
Deceleration Time, and a Pattern selection. Selection 1, 2, and 3 have a
Switching Frequency setting. The Switching Frequency is used as a threshold frequency that, once reached, the ASD switches to the next Acc/Dec selection.
Switching Frequency settings are used during acceleration and deceleration. A switching frequency setting is not required for Acc/Dec 4.
Acc/Dec 1 is set up using parameters
F009 (Acc Time), F010 (Dec Time),
(Pattern), and
(Switching Frequency).
Acc/Dec 2 is set up using parameters
(Pattern), and
(Switching Frequency).
Acc/Dec 3 is set up using parameters F510
(Acc Time), F511 (Dec Time), F512
(Pattern), and
(Switching Frequency).
Acc/Dec 4 is set up using parameters
(Acc Time), and F515 (Dec Time),
This parameter ( F504 ) is used to manually select Acc/Dec 1 – 4.
To switch using the ACE G9-120V-PCB, assign the functions Acc/Dec
Switching 1 and Acc/Dec Switching 2 to two discrete input terminals.
Activation combinations of the two terminals result in the Acc/Dec 1 – 4 selections as shown in
Figure 31 shows the setup requirements and the resulting output frequency
response when using Switching Frequency settings to control the Acc/Dec response of the ASD output.
While operating using S-Pattern 1 the system performance may be further
defined by the adjustment of parameters F506 – F509
. These settings provide for upper and lower Acc/Dec limit adjustments. These settings are used to extend or shorten the upper or lower Acc/Dec curve.
Direct Access Number — F504
Parameter Type — Selection List
Factory Default — 1
Changeable During Run — Yes
Table 6.
Using combinations of discrete terminal activations Accel/Decel profiles 1–4 may be selected .
Acc/Dec Switching Truth
A/D SW 1
A/D SW 2
1 — Accel Time 1 (
4 — Accel Time 4 (
Acc/Dec # Out
2 — Accel Time 2 (
3 — Accel Time 3 (
5 — Decel Time 4 (
6 — Decel Time 3 (
7 — Decel Time 2 (
8 — Decel Time 1 (
1 = Discrete terminal activation.
Figure 31. Using Acc/Dec Switching.
Note: If operating from the Local mode, press Esc from the Frequency
Command screen to access this parameter (ACC/DEC Group).
Accel/Decel Switching Frequency 1
Accel/Decel Special
This parameter sets the frequency at which the acceleration control is switched from the Accel 1 profile to the Accel 2 profile during a multiple-acceleration profile configuration.
Direct Access Number — F505
Parameter Type — Numerical
Factory Default — 0.00
Changeable During Run — Yes
Minimum — 0.00
Maximum — Max. Freq. (
Units — Hz
172 ACE-tronics G9 ASD Installation and Operation Manual
S-Pattern Acceleration Lower-Limit Adjustment
Accel/Decel Special
During an S-Pattern 1 or 2 sequence, this parameter setting modifies the acceleration rate for the lower part of the acceleration curve by the percentage set here.
This function is commonly used with transportation and lifting applications.
See parameter F502 on pg. 170 for additional information on this setting.
S-Pattern Acceleration Upper-Limit Adjustment
Program Special Accel/Decel Special
During an S-Pattern 1 or 2 sequence, this parameter setting modifies the acceleration rate for the upper part of the acceleration curve by the percentage set here.
This function is commonly used with transportation and lifting applications.
See parameter F502 on pg. 170 for additional information on this setting.
S-Pattern Deceleration Lower-Limit Adjustment
Accel/Decel Special
During an S-Pattern 1 or 2 sequence, this parameter setting modifies the deceleration rate for the lower part of the deceleration curve by the percentage set here.
This function is commonly used with transportation and lifting applications.
See parameter F502 on pg. 170 for additional information on this setting.
S-Pattern Deceleration Upper-Limit Adjustment
Accel/Decel Special
During an S-Pattern 1 or 2 sequence, this parameter setting modifies the deceleration rate for the upper part of the deceleration curve by the percentage set here.
This function is commonly used with transportation and lifting applications.
See parameter F502 on pg. 170 for additional information on this setting.
Acceleration Time 3
Program Special
Accel/Decel 1 – 4
This parameter specifies the time in seconds for the output of the ASD to go from 0.0 Hz to the Maximum Frequency for the #3 Acceleration profile. The
Accel/Decel pattern may be set using F502 . The minimum Accel/Decel time
may be set using
Note: An acceleration time shorter than that which the load will allow may cause nuisance tripping and mechanical stress to loads.
Automatic Accel/Decel, Stall, and Ridethrough settings may lengthen the actual acceleration times.
Direct Access Number — F506
Parameter Type — Numerical
Factory Default — 10
Changeable During Run — Yes
Minimum — 0
Maximum — 50
Units — %
Direct Access Number — F507
Parameter Type — Numerical
Factory Default — 10
Changeable During Run — Yes
Minimum — 0
Maximum — 50
Units — %
Direct Access Number — F508
Parameter Type — Numerical
Factory Default — 10
Changeable During Run — Yes
Minimum — 0
Maximum — 50
Units — %
Direct Access Number — F509
Parameter Type — Numerical
Factory Default — 10
Changeable During Run — Yes
Minimum — 0
Maximum — 50
Units — %
Direct Access Number — F510
Parameter Type — Numerical
Factory Default — (ASD-Dependent)
Changeable During Run — Yes
Minimum — 0.1
Maximum — 6000
Units — Seconds
ACE-tronics G9 ASD Installation and Operation Manual 173
Express Stop Decel Time
Accel/Decel 1 – 4
This parameter specifies the time in seconds for the output of the ASD to go from the Maximum Frequency to 0.0 Hz during an Express Stop. When
, this setting is used as an alternate deceleration time.
The Accel/Decel Pattern may be set using
This parameter may be further defined by the settings of
Note: A deceleration time shorter than the load will allow may cause nuisance tripping and mechanical stress to loads. Automatic
Accel/Decel, Stall, and Ridethrough settings may lengthen the actual deceleration times.
Express Stop Acceleration/Deceleration Pattern
Accel/Decel 1 – 4
This parameter enables a user-selected preprogrammed output profile that controls the acceleration and deceleration pattern during an Express Stop.
for additional information on this parameter.
S-Pattern 1
S-Pattern 2
Acceleration/Deceleration Switching Frequency 2
Accel/Decel Special
This parameter sets the frequency at which the acceleration control is switched from the Accel #2 profile to the Accel #3 profile during a multiple-acceleration profile configuration.
Plugging Acceleration Time
Accel/Decel 1 – 4
This parameter specifies the time in seconds for the output of the ASD to go from 0.0 Hz to the Maximum Frequency during Plugging. When enabled at
F494 , this setting is used as an alternate acceleration time.
The Plugging Acc/Dec Pattern may be selected at F516
This parameter may be further defined by the settings of
for additional information on the Plugging function.
Note: An acceleration time shorter than that which the load will allow may cause nuisance tripping and mechanical stress to loads.
Automatic Accel/Decel, Stall, and Ridethrough settings may lengthen the actual acceleration times.
Direct Access Number — F511
Parameter Type — Numerical
Factory Default — 1.5
Changeable During Run — Yes
Minimum — 0.1
Maximum — 6000
Units — Seconds
Direct Access Number — F512
Parameter Type — Selection List
Factory Default — Linear
Changeable During Run — Yes
Direct Access Number — F513
Parameter Type — Numerical
Factory Default — 0.00
Changeable During Run — Yes
Minimum — 0.00
Maximum — Max. Freq. (
Units — Hz
Direct Access Number — F514
Parameter Type — Numerical
Factory Default — 1.5
Changeable During Run — Yes
Minimum — 0.1
Maximum — 6000
Units — Seconds
174 ACE-tronics G9 ASD Installation and Operation Manual
Plugging Deceleration Time
Accel/Decel 1 – 4
This parameter specifies the time in seconds for the output of the ASD to go from the Maximum Frequency to 0.0 Hz during Plugging. When enabled at
F494 , this setting is used as an alternate deceleration time.
The Plugging Acc/Dec Pattern may be selected at F516
This parameter may be further defined by the settings of
for additional information on the Plugging function.
Note: A deceleration time shorter than the load will allow may cause nuisance tripping and mechanical stress to loads. Automatic
Accel/Decel, Stall, and Ridethrough settings may lengthen the actual deceleration times.
Plugging Acceleration/Deceleration Pattern
Accel/Decel 1 – 4
This parameter enables a user-selected preprogrammed output profile that controls the acceleration and deceleration pattern while Plugging.
for additional information on this parameter.
Direct Access Number — F515
Parameter Type — Numerical
Factory Default — 1.5
Changeable During Run — Yes
Minimum — 0.1
Maximum — 6000
Units — Seconds
Direct Access Number — F516
Parameter Type — Selection List
Factory Default — Linear
Changeable During Run — Yes
S-Pattern 1
S-Pattern 2
Acceleration/Deceleration Switching Frequency 3
Accel/Decel Special
This parameter sets the frequency at which the acceleration control is switched from the Accel #3 profile to the Accel #4 profile during a multiple-acceleration profile configuration.
Motor Overload Protection Level 1
Motor Set 1
This parameter specifies the motor overload current level for motor set 1. This value is entered as either a percentage of the full-load rating of the ASD or as a percentage of the FLA of the motor.
The unit of measurement for this parameter may be set to A/V (Amps) or it may be set as a percentage of the ASD rating. The nameplate FLA of the motor may be entered directly when Amps is selected as the unit of measurement (see
F701 to change the display unit).
Motor Overload Protection Level 1 settings will be displayed in Amps if the
EOI display units are set to A/V rather than %.
Direct Access Number — F517
Parameter Type — Numerical
Factory Default — 0.00
Changeable During Run — Yes
Minimum — 0.00
Maximum — Max. Freq. (
Units — Hz
Direct Access Number — F600
Parameter Type — Numerical
Factory Default — 100
Changeable During Run — Yes
Minimum — 10
Maximum — 100.0
Units — %
ACE-tronics G9 ASD Installation and Operation Manual 175
Emergency Off
Stall Prevention Level
This parameter specifies the output current level at which the output frequency is reduced in an attempt to prevent a trip. The over-current level is entered as a percentage of the maximum rating of the ASD.
Note: The Motor Overload Protection parameter must enabled at
to use this feature.
Retain Trip Record at Power Down
This parameter Enables/Disables the Trip Record Retention setting. When enabled, this feature logs the trip event and retains the trip information when the system powers down. The trip information may be viewed from the (Program
Utilities ) Trip History screen or the Monitor screen.
When disabled, the trip information will be cleared when the system powers down.
Direct Access Number — F601
Parameter Type — Numerical
Factory Default — 150
Changeable During Run — Yes
Minimum — 10
Maximum — 165
Units — % (or A; see
Direct Access Number — F602
Parameter Type — Selection List
Factory Default — Disabled
Changeable During Run — Yes
Emergency Off Mode
Emergency Off
This parameter determines the method used to stop the motor in the event that an Emergency Off command is received and the system is configured to use this feature.
This setting may also be associated with the BRAKE terminals to allow the
BRAKE relay to change states when an EOFF condition occurs by setting the
BRAKE output to Emergency Off Active (see F132 ).
Note: A supplemental emergency stopping system should be used with the ASD. Emergency stopping should not be a task of the ASD alone.
Direct Access Number — F603
Parameter Type — Selection List
Factory Default — Coast Stop
Changeable During Run — No
Coast Stop
Deceleration Stop
DC Injection Braking Stop
Deceleration Stop (Decel 4 setting;
Emergency Off DC Braking Control Time
Emergency Off
When DC Injection is selected at F603
this parameter determines the time that the DC Injection braking is applied to the motor.
Direct Access Number — F604
Parameter Type — Numerical
Factory Default — 1.0
Changeable During Run — Yes
Minimum — 0.0
Maximum — 20.0
Units — Seconds
176 ACE-tronics G9 ASD Installation and Operation Manual
ASD Output Phase Failure Detection
Phase Loss
This parameter Enables/Disables the monitoring of each phase of the 3-phase output signal (U, V, or W) of the ASD. If either line is missing, inactive, or not of the specified level for one second or more, the ASD incurs a trip.
Note: Autotune checks for phase failures regardless of this setting.
Disabled (No Detection)
Enabled (Run at Startup and Retry)
Enabled (Every Run Command and Retry)
Enabled (During Run)
Enabled (At Startup and During Run)
Enabled (Detects an ALL-PHASE Failure ONLY - Will Not Trip, Restarts at
Overload Reduction Start Frequency
This parameter is primarily used with V/f motors. It is used to reduce the starting frequency at which the Overload Reduction function begins and is useful during extremely low-speed motor operation.
During very low-speed operation the cooling efficiency of the motor decreases.
Lowering the start frequency of the Overload Reduction function aides in minimizing the generated heat and precluding an Overload trip.
This function is useful in loads such as fans, pumps, and blowers that have the square reduction torque characteristic.
Set parameter F607 to the desired Overload Time Limit.
Motor 150% Overload Time Limit
This parameter establishes a time that the motor may operate at 150% of its rated current before tripping. This setting applies the time/150% reference to the individual settings of each motor (e.g., this setting references 150% of the
F600 setting for the #1 motor).
The unit will trip sooner than the time entered here if the overload is greater than 150%.
ASD Input Phase Failure Detection
Program Protection Phase Loss
This parameter enables the 3-phase input power phase loss detection feature. A loss of either input phase (R, S, or T) results in a trip.
Direct Access Number — F605
Parameter Type — Selection List
Factory Default — Disabled
Changeable During Run — No
Direct Access Number — F606
Parameter Type — Numerical
Factory Default — 6.00
Changeable During Run — Yes
Minimum — 0.00
Maximum — 30.00
Units — Hz
Direct Access Number — F607
Parameter Type — Numerical
Factory Default — 300
Changeable During Run — Yes
Minimum — 10
Maximum — 2400
Units — Seconds
Direct Access Number — F608
Parameter Type — Selection List
Factory Default — Enabled
Changeable During Run — No
ACE-tronics G9 ASD Installation and Operation Manual 177
Low-Current Detection Hysteresis Width
Low Current
During a momentary low-current condition, this parameter provides a current threshold level to which the low-current condition must return within the time
or a Low-Current Trip will be incurred.
Low-Current Trip
Low Current
This parameter Enables/Disables the low-current trip feature.
When enabled, the ASD will trip on a low-current fault if the output current of
the ASD falls below the level defined at F611 and remains there for the time set at F612 .
Direct Access Number — F609
Parameter Type — Numerical
Factory Default — 10
Changeable During Run — Yes
Minimum — 1
Maximum — 20
Units — %
Direct Access Number — F610
Parameter Type — Selection List
Factory Default — Disabled
Changeable During Run — No
Low-Current Detection Current
Program Protection Low Current
With the Low-Current Trip ( F610 ) parameter enabled, this function sets the
low-current trip threshold.
The threshold value is entered as a percentage of the maximum rating of the
Low-Current Detection Time
Low Current
With the Low-Current Trip ( F610 ) parameter enabled, this function sets the
time that the low-current condition must exist to cause a trip.
Short Circuit Detection At Start
Program Protection Special Protection Parameters
This parameter determines when the system will perform an Output Short
Circuit test.
Note: Selection 3 is recommended for high-speed motor applications.
Because of the low impedance of high-speed motors the standard-pulse setting may result in a motor malfunction.
Every Start (Standard Pulse)
Power On or Reset (Standard Pulse)
Every Start (Short Pulse)
Power On or Reset (Short Pulse)
Direct Access Number — F611
Parameter Type — Numerical
Factory Default — 0
Changeable During Run — Yes
Minimum — 0
Maximum — 100
Units — % (or A; see
Direct Access Number — F612
Parameter Type — Numerical
Factory Default — 0
Changeable During Run — Yes
Minimum — 0
Maximum — 255
Units — Seconds
Direct Access Number — F613
Parameter Type — Selection List
Factory Default — Every Start (standard pulse)
Changeable During Run — No
178 ACE-tronics G9 ASD Installation and Operation Manual
Over-Torque Trip
Over-Torque Parameters
This parameter Enables/Disables the Over-Torque Tripping function.
When enabled, the ASD trips if an output torque value greater than the setting
F617 exists for a time longer than the setting of F618
When disabled, the ASD does not trip due to over-torque conditions.
Note: A discrete output terminal may be activated when an over-torque alarm occurs if so configured (see
Over-Torque Detection Level During Power Running
Over-Torque Parameters
This parameter sets the torque threshold level that is used as a setpoint for overtorque tripping during positive torque. This setting is a percentage of the maximum rated torque of the ASD.
This function is enabled at F615 .
Over-Torque Detection Level During Dynamic Braking
Program Protection Over-Torque Parameters
This parameter sets the torque threshold level that is used as a setpoint for overtorque tripping during negative torque (regen). This setting is a percentage of the maximum rated torque of the ASD.
This function is enabled at F615 .
Over-Torque Detection Time
Over-Torque Parameters
This parameter sets the amount of time that the over-torque condition may
exceed the tripping threshold level set at F616
before a trip occurs.
This function is enabled at F615 .
Over-Torque Detection Hysteresis
Program Protection Over-Torque Parameters
During a momentary over-torque condition, this parameter provides a torque threshold level to which the over-torque condition must return within the time
or an Over-Torque Trip will be incurred.
Direct Access Number — F615
Parameter Type — Selection List
Factory Default — Enabled
Changeable During Run — No
Direct Access Number — F616
Parameter Type — Numerical
Factory Default — 150.00
Changeable During Run — No
Minimum — 0.00
Maximum — 250.00
Units — %
Direct Access Number — F617
Parameter Type — Numerical
Factory Default — 180.00
Changeable During Run — No
Minimum — 0.00
Maximum — 250.00
Units — %
Direct Access Number — F618
Parameter Type — Numerical
Factory Default — 2.50
Changeable During Run — No
Minimum — 0.00
Maximum — 10.0
Units — Seconds
Direct Access Number — F619
Parameter Type — Numerical
Factory Default — 10.00
Changeable During Run — Yes
Minimum — 0.00
Maximum — 100.00
Units — %
ACE-tronics G9 ASD Installation and Operation Manual 179
Cooling Fan Control
Special Protection Parameters
This parameter sets the cooling fan run-time command.
Always On
Bearing Greaser (Alarm) Time
Special Protection Parameters
This parameter Enables/Disables the Maintenance Timer Alarm. The timer sets a run-time value in hours that, once exceeded, initiates the Maintenance
Timer Alarm.
This setting, in conjunction with the setting of F489 , may also affect the
commanded speed of the motor by providing a value for the Bearing Greaser
Speed Multiplier, if so configured.
A discrete output contactor may be set to Total-Operation-Hours Alarm to control ancillary equipment (e.g., engage a brake) upon activation of the discrete output contactor.
This feature is disabled by setting this parameter to Zero.
for additional information on output terminal selections.
Abnormal Speed Detection Time
Abnormal Speed
This parameter sets the time that an over-speed condition must exist to cause a trip.
This parameter functions in conjunction with the settings of
Direct Access Number — F620
Parameter Type — Selection List
Factory Default — Always On
Changeable During Run — Yes
Direct Access Number — F621
Parameter Type — Numerical
Factory Default — 0
Changeable During Run — Yes
Minimum — 0
Maximum — 65535
Units — Hour
Over-Speed Detection Frequency Upper Band
Abnormal Speed
This parameter sets the upper level of the Base Frequency range that, once exceeded, will cause an Over-Speed Detected alarm.
This parameter functions in conjunction with the settings of
Over-Speed Detection Frequency Lower Band
Abnormal Speed
This parameter sets the lower level of the Base Frequency range that, once the output speed falls below this setting, will cause a Speed Drop Detected alarm.
This parameter functions in conjunction with the settings of
Direct Access Number — F622
Parameter Type — Numerical
Factory Default — 1.00
Changeable During Run — Yes
Minimum — 0.01
Maximum — 100.00
Units — Seconds
Direct Access Number — F623
Parameter Type — Numerical
Factory Default — 5.00
Changeable During Run — Yes
Minimum — 0.0 (Disabled)
Maximum — 30.00
Units — Hz
Direct Access Number — F624
Parameter Type — Numerical
Factory Default — 5.00
Changeable During Run — Yes
Minimum — 0.00 (Disabled)
Maximum — 30.00
Units — Hz
180 ACE-tronics G9 ASD Installation and Operation Manual
Over-Voltage Limit Operation Level
This parameter sets the upper DC bus voltage threshold that, once exceeded, will cause an Over-Voltage Stall. An Over-Voltage Stall increases the output frequency of the ASD during deceleration for a specified time in an attempt to prevent an Over-Voltage Trip.
If the over-voltage condition persists for over 4 mS, an Over-Voltage Trip will be incurred.
This parameter is enabled at F305 .
Note: This parameter setting may increase deceleration times.
Under-Voltage Trip
Program Protection Under-Voltage/Ridethrough
This parameter Enables/Disables the Under-Voltage Trip function.
With this parameter Enabled, the ASD will trip if the under-voltage condition persists for a time greater than the
A user-selected contact may be actuated if so configured.
If Disabled the ASD will stop and not trip; the BRAKE contacts are not affected.
Direct Access Number — F626
Parameter Type — Numerical
Factory Default — (ASD-Dependent)
Changeable During Run — Yes
Minimum — 100
Maximum — 150
Units — %
Direct Access Number — F627
Parameter Type — Selection List
Factory Default — Enabled
Changeable During Run — No
Under-Voltage (Trip Alarm) Detection Time
This parameter sets the time that the under-voltage condition must exist to cause an Under-Voltage Trip.
This parameter is enabled at F627 .
Regenerative Power Ridethrough Control Level
This parameter is activated during regeneration. It is used to set the low end of the DC bus voltage threshold that, once the bus voltage drops below this
setting, activates the setting of F302 (Ridethrough Mode).
Activation may be the result of a momentary power loss or an excessive load on the bus voltage.
During a Ridethrough, regenerative energy is used to maintain the control circuitry settings for the duration of the Ridethrough; it is not used to drive the motor.
The motor(s) of the system are stopped and then restarted automatically or may continue seamlessly if so configured.
for additional information on this parameter.
Note: This parameter setting may increase deceleration times.
Direct Access Number — F628
Parameter Type — Numerical
Factory Default — 0.03
Changeable During Run — No
Minimum — 0.01
Maximum — 10.00
Units — Seconds
Direct Access Number — F629
Parameter Type — Numerical
Factory Default — (ASD-Dependent)
Changeable During Run — No
Minimum — 55
Maximum — 100
Units — %
ACE-tronics G9 ASD Installation and Operation Manual 181
Brake Answer Wait Time
Special Protection Parameters
This parameter is used in conjunction with the discrete input terminal setting
Brake Answerback Input (see Table 7 on pg. 236
for additional information on this feature).
After activating the discrete input terminal Braking Request, the setting of this parameter starts a count-down timer in which 1) a Brake Answerback Input response must be received or 2) the brake must release before the timer expires.
Should this timer setting expire before the Brake Answerback Input is returned or the brake releases, a Brake Sequence Response Error (E-11) is incurred. Otherwise, the brake releases and normal motor operations resume.
ASD Overload
Direct Access Number — F630
Parameter Type — Numerical
Factory Default — 0.0 (Disabled)
Changeable During Run — Yes
Minimum — 0.0 (Disabled)
Maximum — 10.0
Units — Seconds
This parameter is used to protect the ASD from an over-current condition. The standard overload rating of the ACE-tronics G9 ASD is 150% operation for 60 seconds.
This setting allows for the overload protection to be switched from the standard overload detection means (Thermal Detection and Overload) to thermal detection only.
Direct Access Number — F631
Parameter Type — Selection List
Factory Default — Thermal Detection +
Changeable During Run — No
Thermal Detection + Overload
Thermal Detection Only
The Thermal Detection Only selection is used when multiple devices are
installed horizontally as described on pg. 15 .
V/I Analog Input Breakage Detection Level
Input Special Functions
This parameter is enabled by providing a non-zero value here. This function monitors the V/I input signal and if the V/I input signal falls below the level specified here and remains there for a period of 0.3 seconds or more a trip will be incurred (E-18).
This value is entered as 0% to 100% of the V/I input signal range.
Direct Access Number — F633
Parameter Type — Numerical
Factory Default — 0 (Disabled)
Changeable During Run — No
Minimum — 1
Maximum — 100
Units — %
182 ACE-tronics G9 ASD Installation and Operation Manual
Annual Average Ambient Temperature
Special Parameters
This parameter is used in conjunction with a discrete output terminal setting to notify the operator of the remaining useful life of critical components of the
ASD system.
scheduling may be enhanced.
Direct Access Number — F634
Parameter Type — Selection List
Factory Default — Under 30°
Changeable During Run — No
Under 10° C (50° F) — 60,000 Hours
Under 20° C (68° F) — 60,000 Hours
Under 30° C (86° F) — 60,000 Hours
Under 40° C (104° F) — 60,000 Hours
Under 50° C (122° F) — 40,000 Hours
Under 60° C (140° F) — 2,666 Hours
Rush Current Suppression Replay Activation Time
Program Special
Special Parameters
Rush Relay Current
Activation Time
At system startup, this parameter sets a time-delay for the start of the Rush
Relay activation in an attempt to allow the DC bus voltage to reach the normal operating level before outputting a signal to the motor.
PTC1 Thermal Selection
Special Parameters
PTC1 Thermal Selection
This parameter Enables/Disables the optional external thermal detection circuit of the Expansion IO Card Option 1. A thermistor is connected from TH1+ to
TH1- of TB3 on the Expansion IO Card Option 1.
Should the thermistor resistance reading fall below 50
Ω because of an overtemperature condition or exceed 3000
Ω because of an open circuit an External
Thermal Fault (OH2) will be incurred.
Direct Access Number — F635
Parameter Type — Numerical
Factory Default — 0.0
Changeable During Run — No
Minimum — 0.0
Maximum — 2.5
Units — Seconds
Direct Access Number — F637
Parameter Type — Selection List
Factory Default — Disabled
Changeable During Run — No
Note: While this parameter is Enabled, the system cannot be restarted until the thermistor value recovers to the level of 1.8 k
Ω from an over-temperature condition. An Auto-Restart will not be initiated subsequent to an External Thermal Trip (OH2). A manual restart will be required in the event of an OH2 trip.
Detect Disconnect
ACE-tronics G9 ASD Installation and Operation Manual 183
PTC2 Thermal Selection
Special Parameters
PTC2 Thermal Selection
This parameter Enables/Disables the optional external thermal detection circuit of the Expansion IO Card Option 2. A thermistor is connected from TH1+ to
TH1- of TB4 on the Expansion IO Card Option 2.
Should the thermistor resistance reading fall below 50
Ω because of an overtemperature condition or exceed 3000
Ω because of an open circuit an External
Thermal Fault (OH2) will be incurred.
Note: While this parameter is Enabled, the system cannot be restarted until the thermistor value recovers to the level of 1.8k
Ω from an over-temperature condition. An Auto-Restart will not be initiated subsequent to an External Thermal Trip (OH2). A manual restart will be required in the event of an OH2 trip.
Direct Access Number — F638
Parameter Type — Selection List
Factory Default — Disabled
Changeable During Run — No
Detect Disconnect
Braking Resistance Overload Time (10x rated torque)
Dynamic Braking
This parameter sets the time that the braking resistor is allowed to sustain and overload condition before a trip is incurred.
This feature is useful for applications that have a fluctuating load or for loads that require a long deceleration time.
Step-Out Detection Current Level
PM Motor
This parameter is used with synchronous motor applications only.
Contact ACE World Companies Customer Support Center for information on this parameter.
Step-Out Detection Current Time
PM Motor
This parameter is used with synchronous motor applications only.
Contact ACE World Companies Customer Support Center for information on this parameter.
Direct Access Number — F639
Parameter Type — Numerical
Factory Default — 5.0
Changeable During Run — No
Minimum — 0.1
Maximum — 600.0
Units — Seconds
Direct Access Number — F640
Parameter Type — Numerical
Factory Default — 100
Changeable During Run — Yes
Minimum — 10
Maximum — 150
Units — % (or A; see
Direct Access Number — F641
Parameter Type — Numerical
Factory Default — 00
Changeable During Run — Yes
Minimum — 0.00
Maximum — 25.0
Units — Seconds
184 ACE-tronics G9 ASD Installation and Operation Manual
Emergency Lift
In the event of an encoder malfunction, this parameter may be used to Enable/
Disable the Emergency Lift mode of operation.
In the Emergency Lift mode of operation, the hoist-control function switches from closed-loop operation to open-loop operation and does not require or use an encoder feedback signal.
This parameter may be enabled via the EOI (set this parameter to Enabled) or
via a discrete input terminal (see Table 7 on pg. 236
Emergency-Lift Maximum Speed
Emergency Lift
While operating in the Emergency Lift mode, this parameter setting determines the maximum commanded speed allowed.
Direct Access Number — F656
Parameter Type — Selection
Factory Default — Disabled
Changeable During Run — Yes
Emergency-Lift Lower Speed Limit
Emergency Lift
When operating in the Emergency Lift mode, this parameter sets the lowest frequency that the ASD will accept as a frequency command or frequency setpoint.
Emergency-Lift Torque Compare Time
Emergency Lift
When operating in the Emergency Lift mode, the output-torque level requirement for the brake-release function must be met before the brake can release.
This parameter is used to set a time in which the required brake-release torque criteria must be achieved. If this time setting is too short the brake will not release.
Direct Access Number — F657
Parameter Type — Numerical
Factory Default — 30.00
Changeable During Run — No
Minimum — 0.00
Maximum — 30.00
Units — Hz
Direct Access Number — F658
Parameter Type — Numerical
Factory Default — 6.00
Changeable During Run — No
Minimum — 0.00
Maximum — 30.0
Units — Hz
Direct Access Number — F659
Parameter Type — Numerical
Factory Default — 1.0
Changeable During Run — Yes
Minimum — 0.0
Maximum — 1000.0
Units — Seconds
ACE-tronics G9 ASD Installation and Operation Manual 185
Adding Input Selection
Override Control
This parameter Enables/Disables the feature that allows for the external adjustment of the Output Frequency.
Selecting either of the input methods listed enables this feature. The selected input is used as a modifier of the programmed Output Frequency.
Panel Keypad
RS485 2-Wire
RS485 4-Wire
Communication Option Board
RX2 Option (AI1)
Option V/I
UP/DOWN Frequency (ACE G9-120V-PCB)
Pulse Input (Option)
Pulse Input (Motor CPU)
Binary/BCD Input (Option)
Multiplying Input Selection
Override Control
This parameter Enables/Disables the feature that allows for the external adjustment of the commanded frequency.
Selecting either of the input methods listed enables this feature. The selected input is used as a multiplier of the commanded frequency.
If Setting (
) is selected, the % value entered at parameter
the multiplier of the commanded frequency.
RX2 Option (AI1)
AM Output Terminal Function
Analog Output Terminals
This parameter is used to set the output function of the AM analog output terminal. The AM analog output terminal produces an output current that is proportional to the magnitude of the function assigned to this terminal. The
available assignments for this output terminal are listed in Table 8 on pg. 240
AM Terminal Setup Parameters
— Set AM Function
— Calibrate AM Terminal
— Output Response Polarity Selection
— Bias Adjustment
Direct Access Number — F660
Parameter Type — Selection List
Factory Default — Disabled
Changeable During Run — Yes
Direct Access Number — F661
Parameter Type — Selection List
Factory Default — Disabled
Changeable During Run — No
Direct Access Number — F670
Parameter Type — Selection List
Factory Default — Output Current
Changeable During Run — Yes
186 ACE-tronics G9 ASD Installation and Operation Manual
AM Output Terminal Adjustment
Analog Output Terminals
This parameter is used to calibrate the AM analog output.
To calibrate the AM analog output connect a voltmeter to the AM and CC terminals.
With the ASD is running at a known value (e.g., output frequency), adjust this
parameter until the associated function of parameter F670 produces the desired
DC level output at the AM output terminal.
for additional information on this setting.
MON1 Terminal Meter Selection
Analog Output Terminals
Direct Access Number — F671
Parameter Type — Numerical
Factory Default — 512
Changeable During Run — Yes
Minimum — 1
Maximum — 1280
This parameter is used to set the output function of the MON1 analog output
terminal. The available assignments for this output terminal are listed in Table 8 on pg. 240
The MON1 analog output terminal produces an output voltage or current that is proportional to the magnitude of the function assigned to this terminal.
Direct Access Number — F672
Parameter Type — Selection List
Factory Default — Output Voltage
Changeable During Run — Yes
Note: The Expansion IO Card Option 2 option board (P/N ETB004Z) is required to use this terminal.
See the Expansion IO Card Option 2 Instruction Manual (P/N 58686) for additional information on the function of this terminal.
MON1 Terminal Setup Parameters
— MON1 Output Function
— MON1 Terminal Meter Adjustment
— MON1 Voltage/Current Output Switching
— MON1 Output Gradient Characteristic
— MON1 Bias Adjustment Set Zero Level
MON1 Terminal Meter Adjustment
Analog Output Terminals
This parameter is used to set the gain of the MON1 output terminal and is used in conjunction with the settings of parameter
for additional information on this setting.
Direct Access Number — F673
Parameter Type — Numerical
Factory Default — 512
Changeable During Run — Yes
Minimum — 1
Maximum — 1280
ACE-tronics G9 ASD Installation and Operation Manual 187
MON2 Terminal Meter Selection
Analog Output Terminals
This parameter is used to set the output function of the MON2 analog output
terminal. The available assignments for this output terminal are listed in Table 8 on pg. 240
The MON2 analog output terminal produces an output voltage or current that is proportional to the magnitude of the function assigned to this terminal.
Direct Access Number — F674
Parameter Type — Selection List
Factory Default — Output Frequency
Changeable During Run — Yes
Note: The Expansion IO Card Option 2 option board (P/N ETB004Z) is required to use this terminal.
See the Expansion IO Card Option 2 Instruction Manual (P/N 58686) for additional information on the function of this terminal.
MON2 Terminal Setup Parameters
— MON2 Output Function
— MON2 Terminal Meter Adjustment
— MON2 Voltage/Current Output Switching
— MON2 Output Gradient Characteristic
— MON2 Bias Adjustment Set Zero Level
MON2 Terminal Meter Adjustment
Analog Output Terminals
This parameter is used to set the gain of the MON2 output terminal and is used in conjunction with the settings of parameter
for additional information on this setting.
FP Terminal Pulse Output Function
Analog Output Terminals
This parameter sets the functionality of the FP output terminal to any one of the
user-selectable functions listed in Table 10 on pg. 242 .
As the assigned function changes in magnitude or frequency, the pulse count of the FP output terminal pulse train changes in direct proportion to changes in the assigned function.
Direct Access Number — F675
Parameter Type — Numerical
Factory Default — 512
Changeable During Run — Yes
Minimum — 1
Maximum — 1280
Direct Access Number — F676
Parameter Type — Selection List
Factory Default — Output Frequency
Changeable During Run — Yes
Note: The duty cycle of the output pulse train remains at 65 ±5.0 µ S.
This parameter is used in conjunction with parameter
Pulse Output Frequency (FP)
Analog Output Terminals
This parameter scales the FP output terminal by setting the pulses-per-second output signal of the FP terminal.
for additional information on this parameter.
Direct Access Number — F677
Parameter Type — Numerical
Factory Default — 3.84
Changeable During Run — Yes
Minimum — 1.00
Maximum — 43.20
Units — Pulses/Second
188 ACE-tronics G9 ASD Installation and Operation Manual
FM Voltage/Current Output Switching
Analog Output Terminals
This parameter is used to select the type of output signal provided at the FM terminal (i.e., voltage or current).
The output voltage and current range is 0 – 10 VDC and 0 – 20 mA, respectively.
for additional information on this setting.
0 – 10 V
0 – 20 mA
FM Output Gradient Characteristic
Program Terminal Analog Output Terminals
This parameter sets the output response polarity of the FM output terminal. The
FM output terminal response may be set to respond inversely (-) or directly (+) to the input signal.
for additional information on this setting.
Direct Access Number — F681
Parameter Type — Selection List
Factory Default — 0–10V
Changeable During Run — No
Direct Access Number — F682
Parameter Type — Selection List
Factory Default — Plus
Changeable During Run — Yes
Minus (Negative Gradient)
Plus (Positive Gradient)
FM Bias Adjustment
Analog Output Terminals
This parameter setting is used to ensure that a zero-level input signal produces a zero-level output at the FM terminal.
to zero and then set this parameter to zero for proper operation.
for additional information on this setting.
AM Output Gradient Characteristic
Analog Output Terminals
This parameter sets the output response polarity of the AM output terminal.
The AM output terminal response may be set to respond inversely (-) or directly (+) to the input signal.
for additional information on this setting.
Direct Access Number — F683
Parameter Type — Numerical
Factory Default — 0.0
Changeable During Run — Yes
Minimum — -10.0
Maximum — +100.0
Units — %
Direct Access Number — F685
Parameter Type — Selection List
Factory Default — Plus
Changeable During Run — Yes
Minus (Negative Gradient)
Plus (Positive Gradient)
AM Bias Adjustment
Analog Output Terminals
This parameter setting is used to ensure that a zero-level input signal produces a zero-level output at the AM terminal.
to zero and then set this parameter to zero for proper operation.
for additional information on this setting.
Direct Access Number — F686
Parameter Type — Numerical
Factory Default — 0.0
Changeable During Run — Yes
Minimum — -10.0
Maximum — +100.0
Units — %
ACE-tronics G9 ASD Installation and Operation Manual 189
MON 1 Voltage/Current Output Switching
Analog Output Terminals
This parameter is used to set the output signal type of the MON1 output terminal.
-10 V – +10 V
0 – 10 V
0 – 20 mA
MON 1 Output Gradient Characteristic
Analog Output Terminals
This parameter sets the output response polarity of the MON1 output terminal.
The MON1 output terminal response may be set to respond inversely (-) or directly (+) to the input signal.
for additional information on this setting.
Minus (Negative Gradient)
Plus (Positive Gradient)
MON 1 Bias Adjustment
Analog Output Terminals
This parameter setting is used to ensure that a zero-level input signal produces a zero-level output at the MON1 terminal.
Set the assigned function of parameter F672
to zero and then set this parameter to a zero output.
for additional information on this setting.
MON 2 Voltage/Current Output Switching
Analog Output Terminals
Direct Access Number — F688
Parameter Type — Selection List
Factory Default — 0 – 10V
Changeable During Run — Yes
Direct Access Number — F689
Parameter Type — Selection List
Factory Default — Plus
Changeable During Run — Yes
Direct Access Number — F690
Parameter Type — Numerical
Factory Default — 0.0
Changeable During Run — Yes
Minimum — -10.0
Maximum — 100.0
Units — %
Direct Access Number — F691
Parameter Type — Selection List
Factory Default — 0 – 10V
Changeable During Run — Yes
This parameter is used to set the output signal type of the MON2 output terminal.
for additional information on this setting.
-10 V – +10 V
0 – 10 V
0 – 20 mA
MON 2 Output Gradient Characteristic
Program Terminal Analog Output Terminals
This parameter sets the output response polarity of the MON2 output terminal.
The MON2 output terminal response may be set to respond inversely (-) or directly (+) to the input signal.
for additional information on this setting.
Minus (Negative Gradient)
Plus (Positive Gradient)
Direct Access Number — F692
Parameter Type — Selection List
Factory Default — Plus
Changeable During Run — Yes
190 ACE-tronics G9 ASD Installation and Operation Manual
MON 2 Bias Adjustment
Analog Output Terminals
This parameter setting is used to ensure that a zero-level input signal produces a zero-level output at the MON2 terminal.
Set the assigned function of parameter F674
to zero and then set this parameter to a zero output.
for additional information on this setting.
Parameter Write Lockout
This parameter Enables/Disables the Run and Stop keys.
Direct Access Number — F693
Parameter Type — Numerical
Factory Default — 0.0
Changeable During Run — Yes
Minimum — -10.0
Maximum — 100.0
Units — %
Direct Access Number — F700
Parameter Type — Selection List
Factory Default — Enabled
Changeable During Run — Yes
Current/Voltage Units Setup
Display Parameters
This parameter sets the unit of measurement for current and voltage values displayed on the EOI.
Direct Access Number — F701
Parameter Type — Selection List
Factory Default — %
Changeable During Run — Yes
Free Unit Multiplication Factor
Program Utilities Display Parameters
This parameter provides a multiplier for the displayed speed value shown on the front panel screen of the ASD.
This parameter may be used to display the rate that a commodity is being processed by the driven load in process units (i.e., units/time).
Example: An output frequency of 100 Hz would be displayed as 50 Hz if using a multiplier of 0.5 for this parameter.
Note: PID frequency-limiting parameters are not affected by this
Free Unit
Display Parameters
Direct Access Number — F702
Parameter Type — Numerical
Factory Default — 0.00 (Off)
Changeable During Run — Yes
Minimum — 0.00
Maximum — 200.00
This parameter is used in conjunction with F702
to set the method in which the frequency is displayed on the front panel.
The multiplier setting of F702
will be applied to the display of all frequencies if
All Frequencies are selected at this parameter.
The multiplier setting of F702
will be applied to parameters
ONLY if PID Process Data is selected at this parameter.
Direct Access Number — F703
Parameter Type — Selection List
Factory Default — All Frequencies
Changeable During Run — Yes
All Frequencies
PID Process Data
ACE-tronics G9 ASD Installation and Operation Manual 191
Free Unit Display Gradient Characteristic
Display Parameters
Direct Access Number — F705
Parameter Type — Selection List
Factory Default — Plus
Changeable During Run — Yes
The ASD-displayed response to output speed changes will be displayed as directly proportional or inversely proportional as a function of this parameter setting.
Selecting Negative Gradient displays an increased output speed as going more negative.
Selecting Positive Gradient displays an increased output speed as going more positive.
Minus (Negative Gradient)
Plus (Positive Gradient)
Free Display Bias
Display Parameters
In conjunction with the setting of panel speed display.
, this parameter sets the bias of the front
The frequency entered here will be multiplied by the setting of
displayed as the zero value on the front panel screen.
Change Step Selection 1
Display Parameters
In conjunction with the parameter setting of
F708 , this parameter sets the
amount that the output speed will increase or decrease for each speed command change entered from the front panel using the Rotary Encoder.
Change Step Selection 2
Display Parameters
The parameter is used to modify the degree that the setting of
affects the output speed changes that are input from the front panel using the Rotary
Selecting a zero value here disables this parameter and the resulting non-zero value of parameter setting
is output from the ASD.
Selecting a non-zero value here provides a dividend that will be used in the following equation resulting in the actual output frequency applied to the motor.
O utpu tFr equ enc yD is play ed = In te rna lly C omm and edFr eque ncy
Direct Access Number — F706
Parameter Type — Numerical
Factory Default — 0.00
Changeable During Run — Yes
Minimum — 0.00
Maximum — Max. Freq. (
Units — Hz
Direct Access Number — F707
Parameter Type — Numerical
Factory Default — 0.00
Changeable During Run — Yes
Minimum — 0.00
Maximum — Max. Freq. (
Units — Hz
Direct Access Number — F708
Parameter Type — Numerical
Factory Default — 0 (Disabled)
Changeable During Run — Yes
Minimum — 0
Maximum — 255
192 ACE-tronics G9 ASD Installation and Operation Manual
ASD Disposition at ST Deactivation
Operation Panel Parameters
Upon deactivation of the ST terminal (if so configured; see
operating in the Local mode, the ASD output to the motor will cease — this parameter setting is used to allow for the restart of the motor (ASD output) without user intervention upon the reactivation of the ST terminal.
Upon reactivation of the ST terminal in this condition the ASD will resume the
Run condition and the motor will start (Retain Panel Run Command).
This feature may be Disabled and the Run command must be re-initiated by the user for ASD operation (Clear Panel Run Command).
Direct Access Number — F719
Parameter Type — Selection List
Factory Default — Retain Panel Run
Changeable During Run — Yes
Clear Panel Run Command
Retain Panel Run Command
Panel Stop Pattern
Operation Panel Parameters
While operating in the Local mode this parameter determines the method used to stop the motor when the stop command is issued via the EOI.
The Decel Stop setting enables the Dynamic Braking system that is setup at
F304 or the DC Injection Braking system that is setup at
The Coast Stop setting allows the motor to stop at the rate allowed by the inertia of the load.
Deceleration Stop
Coast Stop
Note: The Stop Pattern setting has no effect on the Emergency Off settings of
. This parameter may also be accessed by pressing the ESC key from the Frequency Command screen.
Panel Torque Command
Program Special Operation Panel Parameters
This parameter provides a torque value to be used in the event that Panel
Setting) is selected at parameter
Direct Access Number — F721
Parameter Type — Selection List
Factory Default — Deceleration Stop
Changeable During Run — Yes
Direct Access Number — F725
Parameter Type — Numerical
Factory Default — 0.00
Changeable During Run — Yes
Minimum — -250.00
Maximum — +250.00
ACE-tronics G9 ASD Installation and Operation Manual 193
Panel Tension Torque Bias
Operation Panel Parameters
This function is not used with the ACE-tronics G9 ASD.
The Tension Torque Bias selection is performed at F423 .
Panel Load Sharing Gain
Operation Panel Parameters
This function is not used with the ACE-tronics G9 ASD.
The Load Sharing Gain selection is performed at
Panel Override Multiplication Gain
Operation Panel Parameters
This parameter provides a value to be used in the event that Setting ( F729
) is selected for the Frequency Override Multiplying Input (
Direct Access Number — F727
Parameter Type — Numerical
Factory Default — 0.00
Changeable During Run — Yes
Minimum — -250.00
Maximum — +250.00
Units — %
Direct Access Number — F728
Parameter Type — Numerical
Factory Default — 100.00
Changeable During Run — Yes
Minimum — 0.00
Maximum — 250.00
Units — %
Direct Access Number — F729
Parameter Type — Numerical
Factory Default — 0.00
Changeable During Run — Yes
Minimum — -100.00
Maximum — 100.00
Units — %
Direct Access Number — F730
Parameter Type — Selection List
Factory Default — Unlocked
Changeable During Run — Yes
Panel Frequency Lockout
Operation Panel Parameters
This function is not used with the ACE-tronics G9 ASD.
Panel Emergency Off Lockout
Operation Panel Parameters
This function is not used with the ACE-tronics G9 ASD.
Panel Reset Lockout
Operation Panel Parameters
This function is not used with the ACE-tronics G9 ASD.
Direct Access Number — F734
Parameter Type — Selection List
Factory Default — Unlocked
Changeable During Run — No
Direct Access Number — F735
Parameter Type — Selection List
Factory Default — Unlocked
Changeable During Run — Yes
194 ACE-tronics G9 ASD Installation and Operation Manual
Command Mode/Frequency Mode Change Lockout
Direct Access Number — F736
Parameter Type — Selection List
Factory Default — Locked
Changeable During Run — Yes
This function is not used with the ACE-tronics G9 ASD.
Lockout All Keys
Direct Access Number — F737
Parameter Type — Selection List
Factory Default — Unlocked
Changeable During Run — Yes
This function is not used with the ACE-tronics G9 ASD.
Trace Selection
In conjunction with parameter F741 – F745
, this parameter is used to monitor and store 4 ASD output waveform data points. The data may be read and stored as a function of a trip (At Trip) or it may be initiated by the activation of a discrete terminal activation (At Trigger).
Set a discrete input terminal to Trace Back Trigger Signal and activate the terminal to initiate the At Trigger read/store function.
lists the items that may be selected for the data read/store function along with the associated communication number for each selection.
The duration of the read/store cycle for the selected items is set at parameter
To acquire and store the data a communications device and a PC are required.
The ACE-tronics G9 ASD supports the following communications protocols:
RS485 (MODBUS-RTU) Toshiba Protocol, USB Toshiba Protocol, CC-Link,
ProfiBus, and DeviceNet (Refer to the manual of each protocol type for additional information).
Trace data may be viewed graphically via Program
Utilities View Trace
None (Disabled)
At Trip
At Trigger
Direct Access Number — F740
Parameter Type — Selection List
Factory Default — At Trip
Changeable During Run — Yes
ACE-tronics G9 ASD Installation and Operation Manual 195
Trace Cycle
This parameter sets the record time for the Trace Data events selected at F742
for additional information on this parameter setting.
4 mS
20 mS
100 mS
1 Second
10 Seconds
Trace Data 1
Trace Data 1
This parameter is used to select the Trace Data 1 item from Table 11 on pg.
to be read and stored in accordance with the setup of parameters
for additional information on this parameter setting.
Trace Data 2
Trace Data 2
This parameter is used to select the Trace Data 2 item from Table 11 on pg.
to be read and stored in accordance with the setup of parameters
for additional information on this parameter setting.
Trace Data 3
Trace Data 3
This parameter is used to select the Trace Data 3 item from Table 11 on pg.
to be read and stored in accordance with the setup of parameters
for additional information on this parameter setting.
Trace Data 4
Program Utilities Trace Data 4
This parameter is used to select the Trace Data 4 item from Table 11 on pg.
to be read and stored in accordance with the setup of parameters
for additional information on this parameter setting.
Direct Access Number — F741
Parameter Type — Selection List
Factory Default — 100 mS
Changeable During Run — Yes
Direct Access Number — F742
Parameter Type — Selection List
Factory Default — Output Frequency
Changeable During Run — Yes
Direct Access Number — F743
Parameter Type — Selection List
Factory Default — Freq. Reference
Changeable During Run — Yes
Direct Access Number — F744
Parameter Type — Selection List
Factory Default — Output Current
Changeable During Run — Yes
Direct Access Number — F745
Parameter Type — Selection List
Factory Default — DC Voltage
Changeable During Run — Yes
196 ACE-tronics G9 ASD Installation and Operation Manual
RS485 2-Wire Baud Rate
This parameter plays a role in the setup of the communications network by establishing the Baud Rate of the communications link.
The communications network includes other ASDs and Host/Control computers that monitor the status of the ASD(s), transfers commands, and loads or modifies the parameter settings of the ASD.
Changes made to this parameter require that the power be cycled (off then on) for the changes to take effect.
Direct Access Number — F800
Parameter Type — Selection List
Factory Default — 19200
Changeable During Run — Yes
Units — bps
RS485 2-Wire and 4-Wire Parity
This parameter plays a role in the setup of the communications network by establishing the Parity setting of the communications link.
The communications network includes other ASDs and Host/Control computers that monitor the status of the ASD(s), transfers commands, and loads or modifies the parameter settings of the ASD.
Direct Access Number — F801
Parameter Type — Selection List
Factory Default — Even Parity
Changeable During Run — Yes
Changes made to this parameter require that the power be cycled (off then on) for the changes to take effect.
No Parity
Even Parity
Odd Parity
ASD Number
This parameter plays a role in the setup of the communications network by assigning an identification (ID) number to each ASD in the communications network.
The communications network includes other ASDs and Host/Control computers that monitor the status of the ASD(s), transfers commands, and loads or modifies the parameter settings of the ASD.
Changes made to this parameter require that the power be cycled (off then on) for the changes to take effect.
RS485 2-Wire and 4-Wire Communications Time Out
This parameter plays a role in the setup of the communications network by setting the time that no activity may exist over the communications link before the link is severed (Time Out).
The communications network includes other ASDs and Host/Control computers that monitor the status of the ASD(s), transfers commands, and loads or modifies the parameter settings of the ASD.
Changes made to this parameter require that the power be cycled (off then on) for the changes to take effect.
Direct Access Number — F802
Parameter Type — Numerical
Factory Default — 0
Changeable During Run — Yes
Minimum — 0
Maximum — 247
Direct Access Number — F803
Parameter Type — Numerical
Factory Default — 0 (Off)
Changeable During Run — Yes
Minimum — 0 (Off)
Maximum — 100
Units — Seconds
ACE-tronics G9 ASD Installation and Operation Manual 197
RS485 2-Wire and 4-Wire Communications Time-Out Action
This parameter plays a role in the setup of the communications network by determining the action to be taken in the event of a time-out (Time-Out Action).
Direct Access Number — F804
Parameter Type — Selection List
Factory Default — Trip/Trip
Changeable During Run — Yes
The communications network includes other ASDs and Host/Control computers that monitor the status of the ASD(s), transfers commands, and loads or modifies the parameter settings of the ASD.
Changes made to this parameter require that the power be cycled (off then on) for the changes to take effect.
No Action/No Action
Alarm/No Action
Trip/No Action
No Action/Alarm
No Action/Trip
RS485 2-Wire Send Wait Time
This parameter sets the RS485 2-Wire response delay time.
Changes made to this parameter require that the power be cycled (off then on) for the changes to take effect.
Direct Access Number — F805
Parameter Type — Numerical
Factory Default — 0.00
Changeable During Run — Yes
Minimum — 0.00
Maximum — 2.00
Units — Seconds
198 ACE-tronics G9 ASD Installation and Operation Manual
RS485 2-Wire ASD-to-ASD Communications
The function of this parameter is 2-fold:
1) In a Master/Follower configuration and while communicating via
RS485 2-Wire, this parameter sets the ASD as the Master or the Follower.
2) This parameter determines the function of the ASD while operating as the
Master or the Follower. If operating as the Master ASD, an output parameter of the Master ASD is used to control the Follower ASDs and is set here. If operating as a Follower ASD, the ASD response if an error is incurred is set here.
Select a Follower function here if F826 is configured as a
Master Output controller for any other ASD in the system.
Otherwise, an EOI failure will result.
Changes made to this parameter require that the power be cycled (off then on) for the changes to take effect.
Follower (Decel Stop If Error Detected)
Follower (Continues Operation If Error Detected)
Follower (Emergency Off If Error Detected)
Master (Frequency Command)
Master (Output Frequency)
Master (Torque Reference)
Master (Torque Command)
Frequency Point Selection
Program Communications Communication Reference Adjust
This parameter is used to set the communications reference for scaling.
— F814 for additional information on this setting.
Note: Scaling the communications signal is not required for all applications.
Changes made to this parameter require that the power be cycled (off then on) for the changes to take effect.
RS485 (2-Wire — NOT USED)
RS485 4-Wire
Communication Card
Direct Access Number — F806
Parameter Type — Selection List
Factory Default — Follower (Decel Stop)
Changeable During Run — Yes
Direct Access Number — F810
Parameter Type — Selection List
Factory Default — Disabled
Changeable During Run — Yes
ACE-tronics G9 ASD Installation and Operation Manual 199
Point 1 Setting
Communication Reference Adjust
When enabled at F810 , this parameter is used to allow the user to set the gain
and bias of the speed control input to the ASD when the speed control signal is
received via the source selected at F810 (Communications).
Gain and Bias Settings
When operating in the Speed Control mode and using one of the control sources from parameter
, the settings that determine the gain and bias of the input signal are:
• Point 1 Frequency (
• the communications input signal value that represents Point 1 Frequency:
(Point 1 Setting)
• Point 2 Frequency (
), and
• the communications input signal value that represents Point 2 Frequency:
(Point 2 Setting)
Once set, as the input signal value changes, the output frequency of the ASD will vary in accordance with the above settings.
This parameter sets the Reference input value (Point 1 Setting) that represents
Point 1 Frequency. This value is entered as 0 to 100% of the Reference input value range.
Changes made to this parameter require that the power be cycled (off then on) for the changes to take effect.
Point 1 Frequency
Communication Reference Adjust
This parameter is used to set the gain and bias of the Reference speed control input.
This parameter sets Point 1 Frequency.
Changes made to this parameter require that the power be cycled (off then on) for the changes to take effect.
for additional information on this setting.
Point 2 Setting
Communication Reference Adjust
This parameter is used to set the gain and bias of the Reference speed control input.
This parameter sets the Reference input value (Point 2 Setting) that represents
Point 2 Frequency. This value is entered as 0 to 100% of the Reference input value range.
Changes made to this parameter require that the power be cycled (off then on) for the changes to take effect.
for additional information on this setting.
Direct Access Number — F811
Parameter Type — Numerical
Factory Default — 0
Changeable During Run — Yes
Minimum — 0
Maximum — 100
Units — %
Direct Access Number — F812
Parameter Type — Numerical
Factory Default — 0.00
Changeable During Run — Yes
Minimum — 0.00
Maximum — Max. Freq. (
Units — Hz
Direct Access Number — F813
Parameter Type — Numerical
Factory Default — 100
Changeable During Run — Yes
Minimum — 0
Maximum — 100
Units — %
200 ACE-tronics G9 ASD Installation and Operation Manual
Point 2 Frequency
Communication Reference Adjust
This parameter is used to set the gain and bias of the Reference speed control input.
This parameter sets the Point 2 Frequency.
Changes made to this parameter require that the power be cycled (off then on) for the changes to take effect.
for additional information on this setting.
RS485 4-Wire Baud Rate
Program Communications Communication
This parameter sets the RS485 baud rate.
Changes made to this parameter require that the power be cycled (off then on) for the changes to take effect.
9600 bps
19200 bps
38400 bps
RS485 Send Wait Time
This parameter sets the RS485 response delay time.
Changes made to this parameter require that the power be cycled (off then on) for the changes to take effect.
Direct Access Number — F814
Parameter Type — Numerical
Factory Default — 60.00
Changeable During Run — Yes
Minimum — 0.00
Maximum — Max. Freq. (
Units — Hz
Direct Access Number — F820
Parameter Type — Selection List
Factory Default — 19200
Changeable During Run — Yes
Direct Access Number — F825
Parameter Type — Numerical
Factory Default — 0.00
Changeable During Run — Yes
Minimum — 0.00
Maximum — 2.00
Units — Seconds
ACE-tronics G9 ASD Installation and Operation Manual 201
RS485 4-Wire ASD-to-ASD Communications
The function of this parameter is 2-fold:
1) In a Master/Follower configuration and while communicating via
RS485 4-Wire, this parameter sets the ASD as the Master or the Follower.
2) This parameter determines the function of the ASD while operating as the
Master or the Follower. If operating as the Master ASD, an output parameter of the Master ASD is used to control the Follower ASDs and is set here. If operating as a Follower ASD, the ASD response if an error is incurred is set here.
Select a Follower function here if F806 is configured as a
Master Output controller for any other ASD in the system.
Otherwise, an EOI failure will result.
Changes made to this parameter require that the power be cycled (off then on) for the changes to take effect.
Follower (Decel Stop If Error Detected)
Follower (Continues Operation If Error Detected)
Follower (Emergency Off If Error Detected)
Master (Frequency Command)
Master (Output Frequency)
Master (Torque Reference)
Master (Output Torque)
RS485 4-Wire Protocol Selection (TSB/ModBus)
Program Communications Communication
This parameter sets the communications protocol for ASD-to-ASD communications.
Communications Option (DeviceNet/Profibus) Setting 1
While using the DeviceNet/Profibus communications protocol, this parameter allows the user to select the read and write information communicated between the ASD and the Host.
Read information may include the ASD fault status, ASD speed, ASD MAC
ID, etc. Write information may include Enable/Disable DeviceNet commands,
Forward run, ACC/DEC command, etc.
See the DeviceNet Option Instruction Manual (P/N 58683) for additional information on this parameter.
0 – 7
Direct Access Number — F826
Parameter Type — Selection List
Factory Default — Follower (Decel Stop)
Changeable During Run — Yes
Direct Access Number — F829
Parameter Type — Selection List
Factory Default — Toshiba
Changeable During Run — Yes
Direct Access Number — F830
Parameter Type — Selection List
Factory Default — 0
Changeable During Run — Yes
202 ACE-tronics G9 ASD Installation and Operation Manual
Communications Option (DeviceNet/Profibus) Setting 2
While using the DeviceNet/Profibus communications protocol, parameters
F831 – F836 allow the user to select the ASD memory location that holds the
Command/Frequency/Monitoring instructions to be applied to the ASD for
Communications Option Settings 2 – 7, respectively.
See the DeviceNet Option Instruction Manual (P/N 58683) for additional information on this parameter.
FA06 (ALCAN Command 1)
FA23 (ALCAN Command 2)
FA07 (ALCAN Frequency Command, 0.01 Hz)
FA33 (Torque Command, 0.01%)
FA50 (Terminal Output)
FA51 (Analog Output Data from Comm. [FM])
FA52 (Analog Output Data from Comm. [AM])
F601 (Stall Prevention Level, %)
F441 (Power Running Torque Limit 1 Level, 0.01%)
F443 (Dynamic Braking Torque Limit 1 Level, 0.01%)
F460 (Speed Loop Proportional Gain)
F461 (Speed Loop Stabilization Coefficient)
Communications Option (DeviceNet/Profibus) Setting 3
Same as
F831 . See F831 for information on this parameter
Communications Option (DeviceNet/Profibus) Setting 4
Same as
F831 . See F831 for information on this parameter
Communications Option (DeviceNet/Profibus) Setting 5
Same as
F831 . See F831 for information on this parameter
Communications Option (DeviceNet/Profibus) Setting 6
Same as
F831 . See F831 for information on this parameter
Communications Option (DeviceNet/Profibus) Setting 7
Same as
F831 . See F831 for information on this parameter
Direct Access Number — F831
Parameter Type — Selection List
Factory Default — 0000h
Changeable During Run — Yes
Direct Access Number — F832
Parameter Type — Selection List
Factory Default — 0000h
Changeable During Run — Yes
Direct Access Number — F833
Parameter Type — Selection List
Factory Default — 0000h
Changeable During Run — Yes
Direct Access Number — F834
Parameter Type — Selection List
Factory Default — 0000h
Changeable During Run — Yes
Direct Access Number — F835
Parameter Type — Selection List
Factory Default — 0000h
Changeable During Run — Yes
Direct Access Number — F836
Parameter Type — Selection List
Factory Default — 0000h
Changeable During Run — Yes
ACE-tronics G9 ASD Installation and Operation Manual 203
Communications Option (DeviceNet/Profibus) Setting 8
While using the DeviceNet/Profibus communications protocol, parameters
F846 allow the user to select the ASD memory location that holds the
Command/Frequency/Monitoring instructions to be applied to the ASD for
Communications Option Settings 8 – 13, respectively.
See the DeviceNet Option Instruction Manual (P/N 58683) for additional information on this parameter.
FD01 (ASD Status 1)
FD00 (Output Frequency, 0.01 Hz)
FD03 (Output Current, 0.01%)
FD05 (Output Voltage, 0.01%)
FC91 (ASD Alarm)
FD22 (PID Feedback Value, 0.01 Hz)
FD06 (Input Terminal Status)
FD07 (Output Terminal Status)
FE36 (V/I)
FE35 (RR Input)
FE37 (RX Input)
FD04 (Input Voltage [DC Detection], 0.01%)
FD16 (Realtime Speed Feedback
FD18 (Torque, 0.01%)
FE60 (My Monitor)
FE61 (My Monitor)
FE62 (My Monitor)
FE63 (My Monitor)
F880 (Free Notes)
FD29 (Input Power, 0.01 kW)
FD30 (Output Power, 0.01 kW)
FE14 (Cumulative Operation Time, 0.01=1 Hour)
FE40 (FM Terminal Output Monitor)
FE41 (AM Terminal Output Monitor)
Communications Option (DeviceNet/Profibus) Setting 9
Same as
F841 . See F841 for information on this parameter
Communications Option (DeviceNet/Profibus) Setting 10
Same as
F841 . See F841 for information on this parameter
Communications Option (DeviceNet/Profibus) Setting 11
Same as
F841 . See F841 for information on this parameter
Direct Access Number — F841
Parameter Type — Selection List
Factory Default — 0000h
Changeable During Run — Yes
Direct Access Number — F842
Parameter Type — Selection List
Factory Default — 0000h
Changeable During Run — Yes
Direct Access Number — F843
Parameter Type — Selection List
Factory Default — 0000h
Changeable During Run — Yes
Direct Access Number — F844
Parameter Type — Selection List
Factory Default — 0000h
Changeable During Run — Yes
204 ACE-tronics G9 ASD Installation and Operation Manual
Communications Option (DeviceNet/Profibus) Setting 12
Same as
Same as
for information on this parameter
Communications Option (DeviceNet/Profibus) Setting 13
for information on this parameter
Disconnection Detection Extended Time
This parameter is used to set the length of time that no communications activity may exist before the communications link is disconnected.
ASD Operation at Disconnection
This parameter is used to set the ASD action to be carried out in the event of the loss of communications.
Direct Access Number — F845
Parameter Type — Selection List
Factory Default — 0000h
Changeable During Run — Yes
Direct Access Number — F846
Parameter Type — Selection List
Factory Default — 0000h
Changeable During Run — Yes
Direct Access Number — F850
Parameter Type — Numerical
Factory Default — 0.0
Changeable During Run — Yes
Minimum — 0.0
Maximum — 100.0
Units — Seconds
Direct Access Number — F851
Parameter Type — Selection List
Factory Default — Stop,
Communication Release
Changeable During Run — Yes
Stop and Terminate Communications
Do Nothing (Continue Programmed Operation)
Deceleration Stop
Coast Stop
Emergency Off
Preset Speed (Setting of
Preset Speed Operation
Program Communications Communication
This parameter is used in conjunction with parameter
This parameter setting is used to set the Preset Speed selection to be used if
Preset Speed is selected at parameter F851
Direct Access Number — F852
Parameter Type — Selection List
Factory Default — 0 (Disabled)
Changeable During Run — Yes
0 — Disabled
1 – 15 — Preset Speed Number
Communications Option Station Address Monitor
This parameter is used in the setup of the communications network by reading the Media Access Code (MAC) address of the ASD that is connected to a node of the communications system.
The MAC Address is set via DIP switches of the optional device.
See the DeviceNet Option Instruction Manual (P/N 58683) for additional information on this parameter.
Direct Access Number — F853
Parameter Type — Selection List
Factory Default — 0 (Disabled)
Changeable During Run — Yes
Minimum — 0
Maximum — 255
ACE-tronics G9 ASD Installation and Operation Manual 205
Communications Option Speed Switch Monitor DeviceNet/
This parameter is used in the setup of the communications network by reading the hardware-specific settings of the option card being used with the ASD.
If using the DEV002Z Devicenet card, this parameter reads the hardware switch SW300 setting of the Devicenet card. SW300 sets the baud rate and the
MAC address of the option card that is connected to a node of the communications system.
Timed-Run Run-Time
This parameter sets the amount of time that the ASD outputs the commanded speed (from RR, Communications, etc.). The Timed Run is activated by assigning a discrete terminal to Timed Run and momentarily activating the assigned terminal.
If activated longer than this time setting, the Timed Run will repeat at the rate
Timed-Run Repeat Delay
If the Timed Run input terminal remains activated past the Timed Run
duration setting ( F861 ), this parameter setting will determine the wait-time
before restarting the Timed Run sequence.
Direct Access Number — F854
Parameter Type — Hardware Selectable
Factory Default — Option-Specific
Changeable During Run — No
Minimum — 0
Maximum — 255
Direct Access Number — F861
Parameter Type — Numerical
Factory Default — 1.0
Changeable During Run — Yes
Minimum — 0.0
Maximum — 5.0
Units — Seconds
Super Creep Pulse Count
Program Crane/Hoist
Super Creep Control
This parameter requires that a discrete input terminal be set to Super Creep for
activation (see Table 7 on pg. 236
). Any unused discrete input terminal may be assigned to the Super Creep function.
Activating the Super Creep terminal rotates the motor for the amount of encoder pulses set at this parameter at the frequency setting of
Note: Available in closed-loop operation only.
Super Creep Speed Repeat Delay
Super Creep Control
Direct Access Number — F862
Parameter Type — Numerical
Factory Default — 1.0
Changeable During Run — Yes
Minimum — 0.0
Maximum — 5.0
Units — Seconds
Direct Access Number — F863
Parameter Type — Numerical
Factory Default — 1024
Changeable During Run — Yes
Minimum — 0
Maximum — 16383
Units — Pulses
If the Super Creep Pulse Count (
F863 ) discrete input terminal remains
activated past the Super Creep Pulse Count setting, this parameter setting will determine the wait-time before restarting the Super Creep Pulse Count sequence.
Direct Access Number — F864
Parameter Type — Numerical
Factory Default — 2.00
Changeable During Run — Yes
Minimum — 0.00
Maximum — 60.0
Units — Seconds
206 ACE-tronics G9 ASD Installation and Operation Manual
Super Creep Speed
Super Creep Control
This parameter sets the Super Creep Speed.
Slack Rope Detection
Slack Rope
This parameter Enables/Disables the Slack Rope Detection function. Slack
Rope Detection is used while lowering the load to determine if the load has reached the end of its travel (hit the floor, truck bed, etc.).
With this parameter enabled during hoist lowering, should the load torque reach or fall below the No-Load Torque setting (
F868 ) for the No-Load (Torque)
Detection Time setting (
), the ASD will stop automatically.
No-Load Torque
Slack Rope
With the Slack Rope Detection ( F867
) feature enabled during hoist lowering,
should the load torque reach or fall below this setting ( F868 ) for the No-Load
(Torque) Detection Time setting ( F869
), the ASD will stop automatically.
If the load torque falls below this setting and returns to a value above this
setting within the time of F869 , normal operations will resume.
No-Load (Torque) Detection Time
Slack Rope
With the Slack Rope Detection ( F867
) feature enabled during hoist lowering,
should the load torque reach or fall below the No-Load Torque setting ( F868 )
for the No-load (Torque) Detection Time setting (
), the ASD will stop automatically.
Direct Access Number — F865
Parameter Type — Numerical
Factory Default — 0.60
Changeable During Run — Yes
Minimum — 0.02
Maximum — 20.00
Units — Hz
Direct Access Number — F867
Parameter Type — Selection List
Factory Default — Disabled
Changeable During Run — No
Minimum — 0
Maximum — 1
Direct Access Number — F868
Parameter Type — Numerical
Factory Default — 20.00
Changeable During Run — No
Minimum — 0.00
Maximum — 100.0
Units — %
Direct Access Number — F869
Parameter Type — Numerical
Factory Default — 0.10
Changeable During Run — No
Minimum — 0.01
Maximum — 2.00
Units — Seconds
ACE-tronics G9 ASD Installation and Operation Manual 207
Block Write Data 1
This parameter plays a role in the setup of the communications network by establishing the type of data to be written to the ASD of the communications link.
The communications network includes other ASDs and Host/Control computers that monitor the status of the ASD(s), transfers commands, and loads or modifies the parameter settings of the ASD.
Changes made to this parameter require that the power be cycled (off then on) for the changes to take effect.
Direct Access Number — F870
Parameter Type — Selection List
Factory Default — None
Changeable During Run — Yes
FA00 (Command 1)
FA20 (Command 2)
FA01 (Frequency)
FA50 (TB Output)
FA51 (Analog Output)
Block Write Data 2
This parameter plays a role in the setup of the communications network by establishing the type of data to be written to the ASD of the communications link.
The communications network includes other ASDs and Host/Control computers that monitor the status of the ASD(s), transfers commands, and loads or modifies the parameter settings of the ASD.
Changes made to this parameter require that the power be cycled (off then on) for the changes to take effect.
Direct Access Number — F871
Parameter Type — Selection List
Factory Default — None
Changeable During Run — Yes
FA00 (Command 1)
FA20 (Command 2)
FA01 (Frequency)
FA50 (TB Output)
FA51 (Analog Output)
208 ACE-tronics G9 ASD Installation and Operation Manual
Block Read Data 1
This parameter plays a role in the setup of the communications network by establishing the type of data to be read from the ASD using the communications link.
The communications network includes other ASDs and Host/Control computers that monitor the status of the ASD(s), transfers commands, and loads or modifies the parameter settings of the ASD.
Changes made to this parameter require that the power be cycled (off then on) for the changes to take effect.
Direct Access Number — F875
Parameter Type — Selection List
Factory Default — 0 (None)
Changeable During Run — Yes
Status Information
Output Frequency
Output Current
Output Voltage
Alarm Information
PID Feedback Value
Input Terminal Status
Output Terminal Status
DC Voltage
PG Feedback
My Monitor 1
My Monitor 2
My Monitor 3
My Monitor 4
Free Memo
Block Read Data 2
This parameter plays a role in the setup of the communications network by establishing the type of data to be read from the ASD of the communications link.
See parameter F875 for additional information on this setting.
Block Read Data 3
This parameter plays a role in the setup of the communications network by establishing the type of data to be read from the ASD of the communications link.
See parameter F875 for additional information on this setting.
Direct Access Number — F876
Parameter Type — Selection List
Factory Default — None
Changeable During Run — Yes
Direct Access Number — F877
Parameter Type — Selection List
Factory Default — None
Changeable During Run — Yes
ACE-tronics G9 ASD Installation and Operation Manual 209
Block Read Data 4
This parameter plays a role in the setup of the communications network by establishing the type of data to be read from the ASD of the communications link.
See parameter F875 for additional information on this setting.
Block Read Data 5
This parameter plays a role in the setup of the communications network by establishing the type of data to be read from the ASD of the communications link.
See parameter F875 for additional information on this setting.
Free Notes
This is an unused parameter that has allocated memory space.
The space may be used at the discretion of the user. This space may be used to store information or a note to be transferred using communications.
Direct Access Number — F878
Parameter Type — Selection List
Factory Default — None
Changeable During Run — Yes
Direct Access Number — F879
Parameter Type — Selection List
Factory Default — None
Changeable During Run — Yes
Network Option Reset
This parameter plays a role in the setup of the communications network by establishing the targets of a Reset command received via the communications link.
Direct Access Number — F880
Parameter Type — Numerical
Factory Default — 0
Changeable During Run — Yes
Minimum — 0
Maximum — 65534
Direct Access Number — F899
Parameter Type — Selection List
Factory Default — Reset ASD only
Changeable During Run — Yes
Reset ASD only
Reset Option Board and ASD
Input Function Target 1
My Function
My Function Unit 1
This parameter plays a role in the setup of the My Function feature by selecting the functionality of the programmable Input Function Target 1 terminal.
This setting assigns the function of the programmable Input Function Target 1 terminal to any one of the user-selectable functions listed in
, or
for additional information on this parameter.
Input Function Command 1
My Function
My Function Unit 1
This parameter is used to assign a user-selected logical operator to two userselected Input Function Target variables, enable a counter/timer function, or perform a hold/Reset function.
lists the available selections. Their use and selection
requirements are described in an example at F977
Direct Access Number — F900
Parameter Type — Selection List
Factory Default — 0 (Disabled)
Changeable During Run — Yes
Direct Access Number — F901
Parameter Type — Selection List
Factory Default — 0 (NOP)
210 ACE-tronics G9 ASD Installation and Operation Manual
Input Function Target 2
My Function
My Function Unit 1
This parameter plays a role in the setup of the My Function feature by selecting the functionality of the programmable Input Function Target 2 terminal.
This setting assigns the function of the programmable Input Function Target 2 terminal to any one of the user-selectable functions listed in
, or
for additional information on this parameter.
Input Function Command 2
My Function
My Function Unit 1
This parameter is used to assign a user-selected logical operator to two userselected Input Function Target variables, enable a counter/timer function, or perform a hold/Reset function.
lists the available selections. Their use and selection
requirements are described in an example at F977
Input Function Target 3
My Function
My Function Unit 1
Direct Access Number — F902
Parameter Type — Selection List
Factory Default — 0 (Disabled)
Changeable During Run — Yes
Direct Access Number — F903
Parameter Type — Selection List
Factory Default — 0 (NOP)
Direct Access Number — F904
Parameter Type — Selection List
Factory Default — 0 (Disabled)
Changeable During Run — Yes
This parameter plays a role in the setup of the My Function feature by selecting the functionality of the programmable Input Function Target 3 terminal.
This setting assigns the function of the programmable Input Function Target 3 terminal to any one of the user-selectable functions listed in
, or
for additional information on this parameter.
Output Function Assigned
Program My Function My Function Unit 1
Direct Access Number — F905
Parameter Type — Selection List
Factory Default — 0 (Disabled)
Changeable During Run — Yes
This parameter plays a role in the setup of the My Function feature by selecting the functionality of the Output Function Assigned terminal.
This setting assigns the function of the programmable Output Function
Assigned data location to one of the functions listed in the Input Setting field
0 – 3099
See the
for additional information on this parameter.
ACE-tronics G9 ASD Installation and Operation Manual 211
Input Function Target 1
My Function
My Function Unit 2
Direct Access Number — F906
Parameter Type — Selection List
Factory Default — 0 (Disabled)
Changeable During Run — Yes
This parameter plays a role in the setup of the My Function feature by selecting the functionality of the programmable Input Function Target 1 terminal.
This setting assigns the function of the programmable Input Function Target 1 terminal to any one of the user-selectable functions listed in
, or
for additional information on this parameter.
Input Function Command 1
My Function
My Function Unit 2
Direct Access Number — F907
Parameter Type — Selection List
Factory Default — 0 (NOP)
This parameter is used to assign a user-selected logical operator to two userselected Input Function Target variables, enable a counter/timer function, or perform a hold/Reset function.
lists the available selections. Their use and selection
requirements are described in an example at F977
Input Function Target 2
My Function
My Function Unit 2
Direct Access Number — F908
Parameter Type — Selection List
Factory Default — 0 (Disabled)
Changeable During Run — Yes
This parameter plays a role in the setup of the My Function feature by selecting the functionality of the programmable Input Function Target 2 terminal.
This setting assigns the function of the programmable Input Function Target 2 terminal to any one of the user-selectable functions listed in
, or
for additional information on this parameter.
Input Function Command 2
Program My Function My Function Unit 2
Direct Access Number — F909
Parameter Type — Selection List
Factory Default — 0 (NOP)
This parameter is used to assign a user-selected logical operator to two userselected Input Function Target variables, enable a counter/timer function, or perform a hold/Reset function.
lists the available selections. Their use and selection
requirements are described in an example at F977
Input Function Target 3
Program My Function My Function Unit 2
This parameter plays a role in the setup of the My Function feature by selecting the functionality of the programmable Input Function Target 3 terminal.
This setting assigns the function of the programmable Input Function Target 3 terminal to any one of the user-selectable functions listed in
, or
for additional information on this parameter.
Direct Access Number — F910
Parameter Type — Selection List
Factory Default — 0 (Disabled)
Changeable During Run — Yes
212 ACE-tronics G9 ASD Installation and Operation Manual
Output Function Assigned
My Function
My Function Unit 2
This parameter plays a role in the setup of the My Function feature by selecting the functionality of the Output Function Assigned terminal.
This setting assigns the function of the programmable Output Function
Assigned data location to one of the functions listed in the Input Setting field
0 – 3099
Direct Access Number — F911
Parameter Type — Selection List
Factory Default — 0 (Disabled)
Changeable During Run — Yes
for additional information on this parameter.
Input Function Target 1
Program My Function My Function Unit 3
This parameter plays a role in the setup of the My Function feature by selecting the functionality of the programmable Input Function Target 1 terminal.
This setting assigns the function of the programmable Input Function Target 1 terminal to any one of the user-selectable functions listed in
, or
for additional information on this parameter.
Input Function Command 1
My Function
My Function Unit 3
Direct Access Number — F912
Parameter Type — Selection List
Factory Default — 0 (Disabled)
Changeable During Run — Yes
Direct Access Number — F913
Parameter Type — Selection List
Factory Default — 0 (NOP)
This parameter is used to assign a user-selected logical operator to two userselected Input Function Target variables, enable a counter/timer function, or perform a hold/Reset function.
lists the available selections. Their use and selection
requirements are described in an example at F977
Input Function Target 2
My Function
My Function Unit 3
Direct Access Number — F914
Parameter Type — Selection List
Factory Default — 0 (Disabled)
Changeable During Run — Yes
This parameter plays a role in the setup of the My Function feature by selecting the functionality of the programmable Input Function Target 2 terminal.
This setting assigns the function of the programmable Input Function Target 2 terminal to any one of the user-selectable functions listed in
, or
for additional information on this parameter.
Input Function Command 2
My Function
My Function Unit 3
Direct Access Number — F915
Parameter Type — Selection List
Factory Default — 0 (NOP)
This parameter is used to assign a user-selected logical operator to two userselected Input Function Target variables, enable a counter/timer function, or perform a hold/Reset function.
lists the available selections. Their use and selection
requirements are described in an example at F977
ACE-tronics G9 ASD Installation and Operation Manual 213
Input Function Target 3
My Function
My Function Unit 3
This parameter plays a role in the setup of the My Function feature by selecting the functionality of the programmable Input Function Target 3 terminal.
This setting assigns the function of the programmable Input Function Target 3 terminal to any one of the user-selectable functions listed in
, or
for additional information on this parameter.
Output Function Assigned
My Function
My Function Unit 3
Direct Access Number — F916
Parameter Type — Selection List
Factory Default — 0 (Disabled)
Changeable During Run — Yes
Direct Access Number — F917
Parameter Type — Selection List
Factory Default — 0 (Disabled)
Changeable During Run — Yes
This parameter plays a role in the setup of the My Function feature by selecting the functionality of the Output Function Assigned terminal.
This setting assigns the function of the programmable Output Function
Assigned data location to one of the functions listed in the Input Setting field
0 – 3099
for additional information on this parameter.
My Function Percent Data 1
My Function
My Function Data
This parameter is used to set the trigger threshold level of the analog signal of the My Function Percent Data 1.
The analog signal is selected using the Input Setting number from Table 10 on pg. 242
Once the assigned output value reaches the threshold setting of this parameter the output value is transferred to My Function Out 1.
for additional information on this parameter.
My Function Percent Data 2
My Function
My Function Data
This parameter is used to set the trigger threshold level of the analog signal of the My Function Percent Data 2.
The analog signal is selected using the Input Setting number from Table 10 on pg. 242
My Function Percent Data 3
My Function
My Function Data
This parameter is used to set the trigger threshold level of the analog signal of the My Function Percent Data 3.
The analog signal is selected using the Input Setting number from Table 10 on pg. 242
Direct Access Number — F918
Parameter Type — Numerical
Factory Default — 0.00
Changeable During Run — Yes
Minimum — 0.00
Maximum — 200.00
Units — %
Direct Access Number — F919
Parameter Type — Numerical
Factory Default — 0.00
Changeable During Run — Yes
Minimum — 0.00
Maximum — 200.00
Units — %
Direct Access Number — F920
Parameter Type — Numerical
Factory Default — 0.00
Changeable During Run — Yes
Minimum — 0.00
Maximum — 200.00
Units — %
214 ACE-tronics G9 ASD Installation and Operation Manual
My Function Percent Data 4
My Function
My Function Data
This parameter is used to set the trigger threshold level of the analog signal of the My Function Percent Data 4.
The analog signal is selected using the Input Setting number from Table 10 on pg. 242
My Function Percent Data 5
My Function
My Function Data
This parameter is used to set the trigger threshold level of the analog signal of the My Function Percent Data 5.
The analog signal is selected using the Input Setting number from Table 10 on pg. 242
My Function Frequency Data 1
My Function
My Function Data
This parameter is used to set the trigger threshold level of the analog signal of the My Function Frequency Data 1.
The analog signal is selected using the Input Setting number from Table 10 on pg. 242
My Function Frequency Data 2
My Function
My Function Data
This parameter is used to set the trigger threshold level of the analog signal of the My Function Frequency Data 2.
The analog signal is selected using the Input Setting number from Table 10 on pg. 242
My Function Frequency Data 3
My Function
My Function Data
This parameter is used to set the trigger threshold level of the analog signal of the My Function Frequency Data 3.
The analog signal is selected using the Input Setting number from Table 10 on pg. 242
My Function Frequency Data 4
My Function
My Function Data
This parameter is used to set the trigger threshold level of the analog signal of the My Function Frequency Data 4.
The analog signal is selected using the Input Setting number from Table 10 on pg. 242
Direct Access Number — F921
Parameter Type — Numerical
Factory Default — 0.00
Changeable During Run — Yes
Minimum — 0.00
Maximum — 200.00
Units — %
Direct Access Number — F922
Parameter Type — Numerical
Factory Default — 0.00
Changeable During Run — Yes
Minimum — 0.00
Maximum — 200.00
Units — %
Direct Access Number — F923
Parameter Type — Numerical
Factory Default — 0.00
Changeable During Run — Yes
Minimum — 0.00
Maximum — 200.00
Units — %
Direct Access Number — F924
Parameter Type — Numerical
Factory Default — 0.00
Changeable During Run — Yes
Minimum — 0.00
Maximum — 200.00
Units — %
Direct Access Number — F925
Parameter Type — Numerical
Factory Default — 0.00
Changeable During Run — Yes
Minimum — 0.00
Maximum — 200.00
Units — %
Direct Access Number — F926
Parameter Type — Numerical
Factory Default — 0.00
Changeable During Run — Yes
Minimum — 0.00
Maximum — 200.00
Units — %
ACE-tronics G9 ASD Installation and Operation Manual 215
My Function Frequency Data 5
My Function
My Function Data
This parameter is used to set the trigger threshold level of the analog signal of the My Function Frequency Data 5.
The analog signal is selected using the Input Setting number from Table 10 on pg. 242
My Function Time Data 1
My Function
My Function Data
This parameter is used to set the response delay of the My Function Time
Data 1 terminal.
The applied discrete input signal must be present at the input terminal of the
ASD for the time setting here for a system response.
Discrete terminal input activation that does not equal or exceed this setting will be ignored.
My Function Time Data 2
My Function
My Function Data
This parameter is used to set the response delay of the My Function Time
Data 2 terminal.
The applied discrete input signal must be present at the input terminal of the
ASD for the time setting here for a system response.
Discrete terminal input activation that does not equal or exceed this setting will be ignored.
My Function Time Data 3
My Function
My Function Data
This parameter is used to set the response delay of the My Function Time
Data 3 terminal.
The applied discrete input signal must be present at the input terminal of the
ASD for the time setting here for a system response.
Discrete terminal input activation that does not equal or exceed this setting will be ignored.
My Function Time Data 4
My Function
My Function Data
This parameter is used to set the response delay of the My Function Time
Data 4 terminal.
The applied discrete input signal must be present at the input terminal of the
ASD for the time setting here for a system response.
Discrete terminal input activation that does not equal or exceed this setting will be ignored.
Direct Access Number — F927
Parameter Type — Numerical
Factory Default — 0.00
Changeable During Run — Yes
Minimum — 0.00
Maximum — 200.00
Units — %
Direct Access Number — F928
Parameter Type — Numerical
Factory Default — 0.01
Changeable During Run — Yes
Minimum — 0.01
Maximum — 600.00
Units — Seconds
Direct Access Number — F929
Parameter Type — Numerical
Factory Default — 0.01
Changeable During Run — Yes
Minimum — 0.01
Maximum — 600.00
Units — Seconds
Direct Access Number — F930
Parameter Type — Numerical
Factory Default — 0.01
Changeable During Run — Yes
Minimum — 0.01
Maximum — 600.00
Units — Seconds
Direct Access Number — F931
Parameter Type — Numerical
Factory Default — 0.01
Changeable During Run — Yes
Minimum — 0.01
Maximum — 600.00
Units — Seconds
216 ACE-tronics G9 ASD Installation and Operation Manual
My Function Time Data 5
My Function
My Function Data
This parameter is used to set the response delay of the My Function Time
Data 5 terminal.
The applied discrete input signal must be present at the input terminal of the
ASD for the time setting here for a system response.
Discrete terminal input activation that does not equal or exceed this setting will be ignored.
My Function Count Data 1
My Function
My Function Data
Direct Access Number — F932
Parameter Type — Numerical
Factory Default — 0.01
Changeable During Run — Yes
Minimum — 0.01
Maximum — 600.00
Units — Seconds
This parameter is used to set the pulse-count threshold value used to trigger the discrete output COUNT1 (ON Timer).
COUNT1 (ON Timer) outputs a 1 upon reaching the threshold setting of this parameter.
My Function Count Data 2
My Function
My Function Data
This parameter is used to set the pulse-count threshold value used to trigger the discrete output COUNT2 (ON Timer).
COUNT2 (ON Timer) outputs a 1 upon reaching the threshold setting at this parameter.
Input Function Target 1
My Function
My Function Unit 4
This parameter plays a role in the setup of the My Function feature by selecting the functionality of the programmable Input Function Target 1 terminal.
This setting assigns the function of the programmable Input Function Target 1 terminal to any one of the user-selectable functions listed in
, or
for additional information on this parameter.
Input Function Command 1
My Function
My Function Unit 4
This parameter is used to assign a user-selected logical operator to two userselected Input Function Target variables, enable a counter/timer function, or perform a hold/Reset function.
lists the available selections. Their use and selection
requirements are described in an example at F977
Direct Access Number — F933
Parameter Type — Numerical
Factory Default — 0
Changeable During Run — Yes
Minimum — 0
Maximum — 9999
Units — Pulses
Direct Access Number — F934
Parameter Type — Numerical
Factory Default — 0
Changeable During Run — Yes
Minimum — 0
Maximum — 9999
Units — Pulses
Direct Access Number — F935
Parameter Type — Selection List
Factory Default — 0 (Disabled)
Changeable During Run — Yes
Direct Access Number — F936
Parameter Type — Selection List
Factory Default — 0 (NOP)
ACE-tronics G9 ASD Installation and Operation Manual 217
Input Function Target 2
My Function
My Function Unit 4
This parameter plays a role in the setup of the My Function feature by selecting the functionality of the programmable Input Function Target 2 terminal.
This setting assigns the function of the programmable Input Function Target 2 terminal to any one of the user-selectable functions listed in
, or
for additional information on this parameter.
Input Function Command 2
My Function
My Function Unit 4
This parameter is used to assign a user-selected logical operator to two userselected Input Function Target variables, enable a counter/timer function, or perform a hold/Reset function.
lists the available selections. Their use and selection
requirements are described in an example at F977
Input Function Target 3
My Function
My Function Unit 4
Direct Access Number — F937
Parameter Type — Selection List
Factory Default — 0 (Disabled)
Changeable During Run — Yes
Direct Access Number — F938
Parameter Type — Selection List
Factory Default — 0 (NOP)
Direct Access Number — F939
Parameter Type — Selection List
Factory Default — 0 (Disabled)
Changeable During Run — Yes
This parameter plays a role in the setup of the My Function feature by selecting the functionality of the programmable Input Function Target 3 terminal.
This setting assigns the function of the programmable Input Function Target 3 terminal to any one of the user-selectable functions listed in
, or
for additional information on this parameter.
Output Function Assigned
Program My Function My Function Unit 4
Direct Access Number — F940
Parameter Type — Selection List
Factory Default — 0 (Disabled)
Changeable During Run — Yes
This parameter plays a role in the setup of the My Function feature by selecting the functionality of the Output Function Assigned terminal.
This setting assigns the function of the programmable Output Function
Assigned data location to one of the functions listed in the Input Setting field
0 – 3099
for additional information on this parameter.
Input Function Target 1
My Function
My Function Unit 5
This parameter plays a role in the setup of the My Function feature by selecting the functionality of the programmable Input Function Target 1 terminal.
This setting assigns the function of the programmable Input Function Target 1 terminal to any one of the user-selectable functions listed in
, or
for additional information on this parameter.
Direct Access Number — F941
Parameter Type — Selection List
Factory Default — 0 (Disabled)
Changeable During Run — Yes
218 ACE-tronics G9 ASD Installation and Operation Manual
Input Function Command 1
My Function
My Function Unit 5
Direct Access Number — F942
Parameter Type — Selection List
Factory Default — 0 (NOP)
This parameter is used to assign a user-selected logical operator to two userselected Input Function Target variables, enable a counter/timer function, or perform a hold/Reset function.
lists the available selections. Their use and selection
requirements are described in an example at F977
Input Function Target 2
My Function
My Function Unit 5
This parameter plays a role in the setup of the My Function feature by selecting the functionality of the programmable Input Function Target 2 terminal.
This setting assigns the function of the programmable Input Function Target 2 terminal to any one of the user-selectable functions listed in
, or
for additional information on this parameter.
Input Function Command 2
My Function
My Function Unit 5
This parameter is used to assign a user-selected logical operator to two userselected Input Function Target variables, enable a counter/timer function, or perform a hold/Reset function.
lists the available selections. Their use and selection
requirements are described in an example at F977
Input Function Target 3
My Function
My Function Unit 5
Direct Access Number — F943
Parameter Type — Selection List
Factory Default — 0 (Disabled)
Changeable During Run — Yes
Direct Access Number — F944
Parameter Type — Selection List
Factory Default — 0 (NOP)
Direct Access Number — F945
Parameter Type — Selection List
Factory Default — 0 (Disabled)
Changeable During Run — Yes
This parameter plays a role in the setup of the My Function feature by selecting the functionality of the programmable Input Function Target 3 terminal.
This setting assigns the function of the programmable Input Function Target 3 terminal to any one of the user-selectable functions listed in
, or
for additional information on this parameter.
Output Function Assigned
Program My Function My Function Unit 5
Direct Access Number — F946
Parameter Type — Selection List
Factory Default — 0 (Disabled)
Changeable During Run — Yes
This parameter plays a role in the setup of the My Function feature by selecting the functionality of the Output Function Assigned terminal.
This setting assigns the function of the programmable Output Function
Assigned data location to one of the functions listed in the Input Setting field
0 – 3099
for additional information on this parameter.
ACE-tronics G9 ASD Installation and Operation Manual 219
Input Function Target 1
My Function
My Function Unit 6
Direct Access Number — F947
Parameter Type — Selection List
Factory Default — 0 (Disabled)
Changeable During Run — Yes
This parameter plays a role in the setup of the My Function feature by selecting the functionality of the programmable Input Function Target 1 terminal.
This setting assigns the function of the programmable Input Function Target 1 terminal to any one of the user-selectable functions listed in
, or
for additional information on this parameter.
Input Function Command 1
My Function
My Function Unit 6
Direct Access Number — F948
Parameter Type — Selection List
Factory Default — 0 (NOP)
This parameter is used to assign a user-selected logical operator to two userselected Input Function Target variables, enable a counter/timer function, or perform a hold/Reset function.
lists the available selections. Their use and selection
requirements are described in an example at F977
Input Function Target 2
My Function
My Function Unit 6
Direct Access Number — F949
Parameter Type — Selection List
Factory Default — 0 (Disabled)
Changeable During Run — Yes
This parameter plays a role in the setup of the My Function feature by selecting the functionality of the programmable Input Function Target 2 terminal.
This setting assigns the function of the programmable Input Function Target 2 terminal to any one of the user-selectable functions listed in
, or
for additional information on this parameter.
Input Function Command 2
Program My Function My Function Unit 6
Direct Access Number — F950
Parameter Type — Selection List
Factory Default — 0 (NOP)
This parameter is used to assign a user-selected logical operator to two userselected Input Function Target variables, enable a counter/timer function, or perform a hold/Reset function.
lists the available selections. Their use and selection
requirements are described in an example at F977
Input Function Target 3
Program My Function My Function Unit 6
This parameter plays a role in the setup of the My Function feature by selecting the functionality of the programmable Input Function Target 3 terminal.
This setting assigns the function of the programmable Input Function Target 3 terminal to any one of the user-selectable functions listed in
, or
for additional information on this parameter.
Direct Access Number — F951
Parameter Type — Selection List
Factory Default — 0 (Disabled)
Changeable During Run — Yes
220 ACE-tronics G9 ASD Installation and Operation Manual
Output Function Assigned
My Function
My Function Unit 6
This parameter plays a role in the setup of the My Function feature by selecting the functionality of the Output Function Assigned terminal.
This setting assigns the function of the programmable Output Function
Assigned data location to one of the functions listed in the Input Setting field
0 – 3099
Direct Access Number — F952
Parameter Type — Selection List
Factory Default — 0 (Disabled)
Changeable During Run — Yes
for additional information on this parameter.
Input Function Target 1
Program My Function My Function Unit 7
This parameter plays a role in the setup of the My Function feature by selecting the functionality of the programmable Input Function Target 1 terminal.
This setting assigns the function of the programmable Input Function Target 1 terminal to any one of the user-selectable functions listed in
, or
for additional information on this parameter.
Input Function Command 1
My Function
My Function Unit 7
Direct Access Number — F953
Parameter Type — Selection List
Factory Default — 0 (Disabled)
Changeable During Run — Yes
Direct Access Number — F954
Parameter Type — Selection List
Factory Default — 0 (NOP)
This parameter is used to assign a user-selected logical operator to two userselected Input Function Target variables, enable a counter/timer function, or perform a hold/Reset function.
lists the available selections. Their use and selection
requirements are described in an example at F977
Input Function Target 2
My Function
My Function Unit 7
Direct Access Number — F955
Parameter Type — Selection List
Factory Default — 0 (Disabled)
Changeable During Run — Yes
This parameter plays a role in the setup of the My Function feature by selecting the functionality of the programmable Input Function Target 2 terminal.
This setting assigns the function of the programmable Input Function Target 2 terminal to any one of the user-selectable functions listed in
, or
for additional information on this parameter.
Input Function Command 2
My Function
My Function Unit 7
Direct Access Number — F956
Parameter Type — Selection List
Factory Default — 0 (NOP)
This parameter is used to assign a user-selected logical operator to two userselected Input Function Target variables, enable a counter/timer function, or perform a hold/Reset function.
lists the available selections. Their use and selection
requirements are described in an example at F977
ACE-tronics G9 ASD Installation and Operation Manual 221
Input Function Target 3
My Function
My Function Unit 7
This parameter plays a role in the setup of the My Function feature by selecting the functionality of the programmable Input Function Target 3 terminal.
This setting assigns the function of the programmable Input Function Target 3 terminal to any one of the user-selectable functions listed in
, or
for additional information on this parameter.
Output Function Assigned
My Function
My Function Unit 7
Direct Access Number — F957
Parameter Type — Selection List
Factory Default — 0 (Disabled)
Changeable During Run — Yes
Direct Access Number — F958
Parameter Type — Selection List
Factory Default — 0 (Disabled)
Changeable During Run — Yes
This parameter plays a role in the setup of the My Function feature by selecting the functionality of the Output Function Assigned terminal.
This setting assigns the function of the programmable Output Function
Assigned data location to one of the functions listed in the Input Setting field
0 – 3099
for additional information on this parameter.
Analog Input Function Target 11
My Function
My Function Analog
This parameter plays a role in the setup of the My Function feature by selecting the functionality of the programmable Analog Input Function Target
11 terminal.
The function selected at
may be adjusted using the input analog control signal selected here.
Direct Access Number — F959
Parameter Type — Selection List
Factory Default — 0 (Disabled)
Changeable During Run — Yes
Disabled (None)
Optional RX2+, RX2-
Optional V/I
222 ACE-tronics G9 ASD Installation and Operation Manual
Analog Function Assigned Object 11
My Function
My Function Analog
This parameter plays a role in the setup of the My Function feature by selecting the functionality to which the adjustment of
is applied.
Direct Access Number — F961
Parameter Type — Selection List
Factory Default — 0 (Disabled)
Changeable During Run — Yes
Disabled (None)
Acceleration Rate
Upper-Limit Frequency
Acceleration Multiplication Factor
Deceleration Multiplication Factor
Manual Torque Boost
Speed Loop Proportional Gain ( F460 )
PID Proportional Gain (
Analog Input Function Target 21
My Function
My Function Analog
This parameter plays a role in the setup of the My Function feature by selecting the functionality of the programmable Analog Input Function Target
21 terminal.
The function selected at
may be adjusted using the input analog control signal selected here.
Direct Access Number — F962
Parameter Type — Selection List
Factory Default — 0 (Disabled)
Changeable During Run — Yes
Disabled (None)
Optional RX2+, RX2-
Optional V/I
Analog Function Assigned Object 21
Program My Function My Function Analog
Direct Access Number — F964
Parameter Type — Selection List
Factory Default — 0 (Disabled)
Changeable During Run — Yes
This parameter plays a role in the setup of the My Function feature by selecting the functionality to which the adjustment of
is applied.
Disabled (None)
Acceleration Rate
Upper-Limit Frequency
Acceleration Multiplication Factor
Deceleration Multiplication Factor
Manual Torque Boost
Speed Loop Proportional Gain ( F460 )
PID Proportional Gain (
ACE-tronics G9 ASD Installation and Operation Manual 223
Monitor Output Function 11
My Function
My Function Monitor
This parameter plays a role in the setup of the My Function feature by establishing the function that is to be recorded and output as the Peak,
Minimum, or Normal (Avg.) value as selected at parameter Proportional.
Select the Monitor Display Input Setting number from Table 12 on pg. 245
to output the corresponding function.
Direct Access Number — F965
Parameter Type — Selection List
Factory Default — 2000
Changeable During Run — Yes
Use the Communication Number if operating using communications.
Monitor Output Function Command 11
My Function
My Function Monitor
This parameter plays a role in the setup of the My Function feature by allowing the user to select the Peak, Minimum, or Normal (Avg.) value of the
selection to be recorded and output as a monitored function.
Direct Access Number — F966
Parameter Type — Selection List
Factory Default — Normal
Changeable During Run — Yes
Monitor Output Function 21
My Function
My Function Monitor
This parameter plays a role in the setup of the My Function feature by establishing the function that is to be recorded and output as the Peak,
Minimum, or Normal (Avg.) value as selected at parameter
Select the Monitor Display Input Setting number from Table 12 on pg. 245
to output the corresponding function.
Direct Access Number — F967
Parameter Type — Selection List
Factory Default — 2000
Changeable During Run — Yes
Use the Communication Number if operating using communications.
Monitor Output Function Command 21
My Function
My Function Monitor
This parameter plays a role in the setup of the My Function feature by allowing the user to select the Peak, Minimum, or Normal (Avg.) value of the
selection to be recorded and output as a monitored function.
Direct Access Number — F968
Parameter Type — Selection List
Factory Default — Normal
Changeable During Run — Yes
224 ACE-tronics G9 ASD Installation and Operation Manual
Monitor Output Function 31
My Function
My Function Monitor
This parameter plays a role in the setup of the My Function feature by establishing the function that is to be recorded and output as the Peak,
Minimum, or Normal (Avg.) value as selected at parameter
Select the Monitor Display Input Setting number from Table 12 on pg. 245
to output the corresponding function.
Direct Access Number — F969
Parameter Type — Selection List
Factory Default — 2000
Changeable During Run — Yes
Use the Communication Number if operating using communications.
Monitor Output Function Command 31
My Function
My Function Monitor
This parameter plays a role in the setup of the My Function feature by allowing the user to select the Peak, Minimum, or Normal (Avg.) value of the
selection to be recorded and output as a monitored function.
Direct Access Number — F970
Parameter Type — Selection List
Factory Default — Normal
Changeable During Run — Yes
Monitor Output Function 41
My Function
My Function Monitor
This parameter plays a role in the setup of the My Function feature by establishing the function that is to be recorded and output as the Peak,
Minimum, or Normal (Avg.) value as selected at parameter
Select the Monitor Display Input Setting number from Table 12 on pg. 245
to output the corresponding function.
Direct Access Number — F971
Parameter Type — Selection List
Factory Default — 2000
Changeable During Run — Yes
Use the Communication Number if operating using communications.
Monitor Output Function Command 41
My Function
My Function Monitor
This parameter plays a role in the setup of the My Function feature by allowing the user to select the Peak, Minimum, or Normal (Avg.) value of the
selection to be recorded and output as a monitored function.
Direct Access Number — F972
Parameter Type — Selection List
Factory Default — Normal
Changeable During Run — Yes
ACE-tronics G9 ASD Installation and Operation Manual 225
Virtual Input Terminal Selection 1
Input Terminals
This parameter is used to set the functionality of the Virtual Input Terminal 1.
As a virtual terminal, it exists only in memory and is considered to always be in its True state (activated).
It is often practical to assign a function to this terminal that the user desires to be maintained regardless of external conditions or operations.
This parameter sets the programmable Virtual Input Terminal 1 terminal to one of the functions that are listed in
Direct Access Number — F973
Parameter Type — Selection List
Factory Default — Unassigned
Changeable During Run — No
In addition, the input terminal must be specified as Normally Open or
Normally Closed.
Virtual Input Terminal Selection 2
Program Terminal Input Terminals
This parameter is used to set the functionality of the Virtual Input Terminal 2.
As a virtual terminal, it exists only in memory and is considered to always be in its True state (activated).
It is often practical to assign a function to this terminal that the user desires to be maintained regardless of external conditions or operations.
This parameter sets the programmable Virtual Input Terminal 2 terminal to one of the functions that are listed in
Direct Access Number — F974
Parameter Type — Selection List
Factory Default — Unassigned
Changeable During Run — No
In addition, the input terminal must be specified as Normally Open or
Normally Closed.
Virtual Input Terminal Selection 3
Input Terminals
This parameter is used to set the functionality of the Virtual Input Terminal 3.
As a virtual terminal, it exists only in memory and is considered to always be in its True state (activated).
It is often practical to assign a function to this terminal that the user desires to be maintained regardless of external conditions or operations.
This parameter sets the programmable Virtual Input Terminal 3 terminal to one of the functions that are listed in
Direct Access Number — F975
Parameter Type — Selection List
Factory Default — Unassigned
Changeable During Run — No
In addition, the input terminal must be specified as Normally Open or
Normally Closed.
Virtual Input Terminal Selection 4
Input Terminals
This parameter is used to set the functionality of the Virtual Input Terminal 4.
As a virtual terminal, it exists only in memory and is considered to always be in its True state (activated).
It is often practical to assign a function to this terminal that the user desires to be maintained regardless of external conditions or operations.
This parameter sets the programmable Virtual Input Terminal 4 terminal to one of the functions that are listed in
In addition, the input terminal must be specified as Normally Open or
Normally Closed.
Direct Access Number — F976
Parameter Type — Selection List
Factory Default — Unassigned
Changeable During Run — No
226 ACE-tronics G9 ASD Installation and Operation Manual
My Function Operating Mode
My Function Selection
This parameter Enables/Disables the configured My Function feature of the
ACE-tronics G9 ASD.
None (Disabled)
My Function with Terminal Board Signal (ACE G9-120V-PCB)
My Function Always On
My Function
The My Function feature is configured using the settings of
and is used to enhance the programmability of the ASD by performing two programmable functions: 1) the Combined Terminal Function, and 2) Logic
Combined Input Terminal Function
Assigning more than one function to a discrete input terminal provides two advantages: it effectively expands the number of input terminals, and reduces the number of cables required to support the input/output functions (e.g., assigning Accel/Decel Switching selections to one terminal). Using Virtual
Terminals 1 – 4 (
F973 – F976 ) are required to use this function.
In the example below, the Accel/Decel Switching 1 terminal assignment and the Accel/Decel Switching 2 terminal assignment will be combined as one terminal to illustrate this feature. However, any two of the discrete input
terminal assignments listed in Table 7 on pg. 236 may be combined in this
Note: Accel/Decel Switching requires the use of two discrete input terminals to select the user-configured Accel/Decel profiles identified with the binary numbers 1 – 4 (i.e., 00=1
, 01=2
, and 11=4
Setup (Input Terminal Example)
Disable the My Function parameter at F977
to prevent the system from starting upon completion of the setup.
Assign the Accel/Decel Switching 1 function to the I1 terminal ( F113
Assign the Accel/Decel Switching 2 function to Virtual Input Terminal 1
Set Input Function Target 1 to 5 (
F900 ). This setting assigns I1 as the
control input terminal.
Set Output Function Assigned to 21 ( F905 ). This setting is a command
that writes the
F113 selection (I1) to Virtual Input Terminal 1, activating
(Continued on
Direct Access Number — F977
Parameter Type — Selection List
Factory Default — None (Disabled)
Changeable During Run — No
This parameter must always be set to
None at the start of the My Function setup and remain set to None until all of the My Function parameter settings have been confirmed as being correct.
If enabled for normal operation using settings 1 or 2, the motor may start and engage the driven equipment unexpectedly upon receiving a Run signal during the My Function setup.
ACE-tronics G9 ASD Installation and Operation Manual 227
Combined Input Terminal Function (Cont.)
Enable the My Function parameter at
Always On or selecting My Function With TB Signal.
If set to My Function Always On, the combination of Accel/Decel
Switching 1 and Accel/Decel Switching 2 are always On (both are activated during the I1 activation).
If set to My Function With TB Signal, set a discrete input terminal to My
Function Run Signal and activate it to enable My Function. Activate I1 to activate the Accel/Decel Switching 1 and Accel/Decel Switching 2 functions. A disconnection at either terminal will terminate the My
Function programming (discrete input terminal My Function Run Signal is Anded with discrete input terminal I1).
Activate I1 and the Accel/Decel Switching 1 and Accel/Decel Switching 2 functions will be carried out using only I1.
With the aforementioned setup completed, provide a Frequency Command
) and the motor will run at the commanded frequency.
Direct Access Number — F977
Parameter Type — Selection List
Factory Default — None (Disabled)
Changeable During Run — No
This parameter must always be set to
None at the start of the My Function setup and remain set to None until all of the My Function parameter settings have been confirmed as being correct.
If enabled for normal operation using settings 1 or 2, the motor may start and engage the driven equipment unexpectedly upon receiving a Run signal during the My Function setup.
Combined Output Terminal Function
Output terminals may also be combined to produce one output response to
multiple conditions using the computational operators of Table 13 on pg. 247
Assigning more than one function to a discrete output terminal provides two advantages: it effectively expands the number of input terminals, and reduces the number of cables required to support the input/output functions (e.g., assigning Low-Speed Detection and Low-Current Detection to one output terminal). Using Virtual Terminals 1 – 4 (
) are required to use this function.
In the example below, the Low Speed Signal (detection) terminal assignment and the Low-Current Detection terminal assignment will be combined as one terminal output to illustrate this feature. However, any two of the discrete
output terminal assignments may listed in Table 10 on pg. 242 may be
combined in this manner.
Setup (Output Terminal Example)
Disable the My Function parameter at F977
to prevent the system from starting upon completion of the setup.
From Program
Direct Access Unknown Numbers, select Enabled.
Set the OUT1 terminal (
) to My Function Output 1 (222).
Set Input Function Target 1 (
) to 1004 (Low Speed Signal detection). See
Table 10 on pg. 242 for a complete listing of available
Set Input Function Target 2 (
) to 1026 (Low-Current Alarm). See
for a complete listing of available settings.
Set Input Function Command 1 (
This setting assigns an operator to the Input Function Target 1 and the Input Function
Target 2 settings.
Set Output Function Assigned ( F905
) to 1222.
This setting will transfer the results of the logical AND to My Function Output 1 (OUT1).
Enable the My Function parameter at
Always On.
With the aforementioned setup completed in the example, once the Low Speed
Signal AND the Low-Current Alarm are active, the OUT1 terminal is activated for the duration of the Low-Speed/Low-Current condition.
ACE-tronics G9 ASD Installation and Operation Manual
Traverse Selection (Not Used With the ACE-tronics G9 ASD)
This parameter setting is used in the setup of the Traverse control mode of operation and is used in conjunction with the discrete terminal activation of the
Traverse Permission Signal.
This parameter is used to enable the Traverse function. The Traverse function is activated via the discrete input terminal (see
See the Traverse Control Instruction Manual (P/N E6581337) for additional information on this feature.
Traverse Acceleration Time (Not Used With the ACE-tronics
This parameter setting is used in the setup of the Traverse control mode of operation. This setting establishes the acceleration rate used during the
Traverse function.
See the Traverse Control Instruction Manual (P/N E6581337) for additional information on this feature.
Traverse Deceleration Time (Not Used With the ACE-tronics
This parameter setting is used in the setup of the Traverse control mode of operation. This setting establishes the deceleration rate used during the
Traverse function.
See the Traverse Control Instruction Manual (P/N E6581337) for additional information on this feature.
Traverse Step (Not Used With the ACE-tronics G9 ASD)
This parameter setting is used in the setup of the Traverse control mode of operation. This setting is used as a multiplier to establish the amount that the frequency is increased or decreased while using the Traverse function.
See the Traverse Control Instruction Manual (P/N E6581337) for additional information on this feature.
Direct Access Number — F980
Parameter Type — Selection List
Factory Default — Disabled
Changeable During Run — No
Direct Access Number — F981
Parameter Type — Numerical
Factory Default — 25.0
Changeable During Run — No
Minimum — 0.1
Maximum — 120.0
Units — Seconds
Direct Access Number — F982
Parameter Type — Numerical
Factory Default — 25.0
Changeable During Run — No
Minimum — 0.1
Maximum — 120.0
Units — Seconds
Direct Access Number — F983
Parameter Type — Numerical
Factory Default — 10.0
Changeable During Run — No
Minimum — 0.0
Maximum — 25.0
Units — %
ACE-tronics G9 ASD Installation and Operation Manual 229
Traverse Jump Step (Not Used With the ACE-tronics G9
This parameter setting is used in the setup of the Traverse control mode of operation. This setting is used as a multiplier to establish the amount that the frequency is increased or decreased while using the Traverse function when a short burst of rapid speed change is required.
See the Traverse Control Instruction Manual (P/N E6581337) for additional information on this feature.
Motion Control
Motion Control
This parameter sets the axis of motion to be controlled by the ASD.
Closed Loop Hoist
Open Loop Hoist (Used During Emergency Lift ONLY)
Main Hoist
Direct Access Number — F984
Parameter Type — Numerical
Factory Default — 10.0
Changeable During Run — No
Minimum — 0.0
Maximum — 50.0
Units — %
Direct Access Number — F985
Parameter Type — Selection List
Factory Default — Closed Loop Hoist
Changeable During Run — No
230 ACE-tronics G9 ASD Installation and Operation Manual
2-Step Variable
Speed Control Mode
Speed Control
This parameter setting determines the speed-control method to be used for motor control.
Standard (ACE G9) — Normal ASD default settings and operation.
2-Step Variable
Required inputs — F, R, and I1 (default via Startup Wizard).
F or R — Provides a Run command and outputs 6 Hz when activated. Decelerates to zero when deactivated or when both are on.
I1 — Provides a command to accel toward the Upper-Limit setting when activated. Holds (frequency) when deactivated.
Direct Access Number — F986
Parameter Type — Selection List
Factory Default — 2-Step Variable
Changeable During Run — N
2-Step Variable operation
3-Step Variable
3-Step Variable
Required inputs — F, R, I3 (default), and I4 (default).
F or R — Provides a Run command and outputs 6 Hz when activated. Decelerates to zero when deactivated or when both are on.
I3 — Provides a command to accel toward the Upper-Limit setting when activated.
I4 — Holds the Run frequency when activated. Returns to the Run command (6 Hz or stop) when deactivated.
3-Step Variable operation
Required inputs — F, R, and Preset Speeds 1 – 4.
F or R — Provides a Run command and outputs 6 Hz when activated. Decelerates to zero when deactivated or when both are on.
I3 – I6 — Sequentially activates Preset Speeds 1 – 4. All of the preceding Preset Speeds must be active for a given Preset Speed to be output from the ASD (i.e., PS1 = PS1, PS1 & PS2 = PS2, PS1 &
PS2 & PS3 = PS3, etc.). If not all of the preceding Preset Speeds are active, the highest Preset Speed number with all of the preceding
Preset Speeds active will be output from the ASD (i.e., PS1 & PS2 &
PS4 = PS2).
2- and 3-Speed
Same as 5-Speed using only the required number of Preset Speed settings.
Unipolar Analog
Required inputs — F, R, and RR input.
F or R — Provides a Run command and outputs 6 Hz when activated. Decelerates to zero when deactivated or when both are on.
RR — Controls the output speed from the Lower Limit to the Upper
Note: Incorrectly activated discrete input terminals will result in a
Switch Out Of Order Alarm halting the ASD (e.g., F and R activated simultaneously when not required).
To clear this condition, deactivate all discrete input terminals.
Bi-Polar Analog
Bi-Polar Analog
Required inputs — F, R, and RX input.
F or R — Provides a Run command and outputs 6 Hz when activated. Decelerates to zero when deactivated or when both are on.
RX — Controls the output speed from the Lower Limit to the Upper
Limit (Forward or Reverse).
ACE-tronics G9 ASD Installation and Operation Manual 231
Brake-Release Torque Reference
Closed Loop Hoist Control
This parameter sets the output torque level threshold that must be reached
within the time setting of the Brake-Release Torque (Proving) Time ( F988 ) to
initiate the Brake Release during normal operation.
This setting is also used as a reference during the count-down of the Brake-
See Figure 32 on pg. 235 for additional information on this parameter.
Brake-Release Torque (Proving) Time
Closed Loop Hoist Control
Direct Access Number — F987
Parameter Type — Numerical
Factory Default — 100.00
Changeable During Run — Yes
Minimum — 10.00
Maximum — 250.0
Units — %
The output-torque level requirement for the brake-release function must be met before the brake can release.
This parameter is used to set a time in which the Brake-Release Torque
F988 ) criteria must be achieved.
See Figure 32 on pg. 235 for additional information on this parameter.
Brake-Release Torque Stable Time
Closed Loop Hoist Control
Direct Access Number — F988
Parameter Type — Numerical
Factory Default — 1.0
Changeable During Run — No
Minimum — 0.5
Maximum — 10.0
Units — Seconds
Once the brake signal is initiated this parameter sets the time that the output torque level must remain at or above the torque level set at
before the brake is released.
See Figure 32 on pg. 235 for additional information on this parameter.
Brake-Release Mechanical (Delay) Time
Program Crane/Hoist
Closed Loop Hoist Control
This parameter sets the time for completing the Brake-Seized Pulse Check
See Figure 32 on pg. 235 for additional information on this parameter.
Brake-Set Mechanical (Delay) Time
Closed Loop Hoist Control
Once the brake signal is initiated this parameter sets the time that must elapse before the brake engages.
See Figure 32 on pg. 235 for additional information on this parameter.
Direct Access Number — F989
Parameter Type — Numerical
Factory Default — 0.20
Changeable During Run — Yes
Minimum — 0.00
Maximum — 2.55
Units — Seconds
Direct Access Number — F990
Parameter Type — Numerical
Factory Default — 0.75
Changeable During Run — No
Minimum — 0.00
Maximum — 2.50
Units — Seconds
Direct Access Number — F991
Parameter Type — Numerical
Factory Default — 0.50
Changeable During Run — No
Minimum — 0.00
Maximum — 2.50
Units — Seconds
232 ACE-tronics G9 ASD Installation and Operation Manual
Brake-Seized Pulse Check Time
Closed Loop Hoist Control
This parameter sets the time for completing the Brake-Seized Pulse Check .
With a forward or reverse signal applied to the motor, a brake that is seized closed will not allow the motor to rotate. To check for this condition, this parameter sets the minimum number of encoder pulses that are expected to
occur within the time setting of F990 .
See Figure 32 on pg. 235 for additional information on this parameter.
Brake-Seized Pulse Check
Closed Loop Hoist Control
With a forward or reverse signal applied to the motor, a brake that is seized closed will not allow the motor to rotate.
To check for this condition, this parameter sets the minimum number of encoder pulses that are expected to occur within the time setting of the
Brake-Release Mechanical (Delay) Time ( F990
) parameter.
Brake-Failure Pulse Count
Closed Loop Hoist Control
If while the brake is applied the encoder pulse count reaches this setting within
the time setting of the Brake-Release Torque (Proving) Time ( F988
) setting
the system will incur a Brake Failure fault.
See Figure 32 on pg. 235 for additional information on this parameter.
Continuous Monitoring Brake-Fail Pulse-Count
Closed Loop Hoist Control
During normal operation this parameter establishes the maximum number of encoder pulses allowed after the brake is applied before a
fault is incurred.
Maximum Up Speed At Brake Fail
Closed Loop Hoist Control
In the event of a brake failure this parameter setting is used as the hoist-up speed limit.
Load Hover Time
Closed Loop Hoist Control
This parameter sets the time that the system will hold the load before the brake is applied during a normal stop.
See Figure 32 on pg. 235 for additional information on this parameter.
Direct Access Number — F992
Parameter Type — Numerical
Factory Default — 1.00
Changeable During Run — No
Minimum — 0.00
Maximum — 2.50
Units — Seconds
Direct Access Number — F993
Parameter Type — Numerical
Factory Default — 20
Changeable During Run — No
Minimum — 0
Maximum — 1024
Units — Pulse
Direct Access Number — F994
Parameter Type — Numerical
Factory Default — 100
Changeable During Run — No
Minimum — 5
Maximum — 100
Units — Pulses
Direct Access Number — F995
Parameter Type — Numerical
Factory Default — 200
Changeable During Run — No
Minimum — 0
Maximum — 1024
Units — Pulses
Direct Access Number — F996
Parameter Type — Numerical
Factory Default — 6.00
Changeable During Run — No
Minimum — 0.00
Maximum — 60.0
Units — Hz
Direct Access Number — F997
Parameter Type — Numerical
Factory Default — 5.0
Changeable During Run — No
Minimum — 0.0
Maximum — 300.0
Units — Seconds
ACE-tronics G9 ASD Installation and Operation Manual 233
Drooping Pulses Allowed
Closed Loop Hoist Control
This parameter sets the number of encoder pulses allowed in the opposite direction of the commanded direction before a Load Drooping fault occurs.
If commanded to lift (forward) and the load is dropping (reverse or falling), this condition is annunciated via the Load Drooping fault and indicates that the requirements of the load are in excess of the capability of the motor.
Encoder Error Detection Time
Closed Loop Hoist Control
Upon receiving a frequency command, should the motor response be anything other than the commanded frequency for longer than the time set at this parameter, an encoder error in incurred.
See Figure 32 on pg. 235 for additional information on this parameter.
Direct Access Number — F998
Parameter Type — Numerical
Factory Default — 350
Changeable During Run — Yes
Minimum — 2
Maximum — 1024
Units — Pulses
Direct Access Number — F999
Parameter Type — Numerical
Factory Default — 0.50
Changeable During Run — No
Minimum — 0.00
Maximum — 2.55
Units — Seconds
234 ACE-tronics G9 ASD Installation and Operation Manual
Figure 32. Closed-Loop Hoist Start and Stop Timing Diagrams.
ACE-tronics G9 ASD Installation and Operation Manual 235
Table 7. Discrete Input Terminal Assignment Selections and Descriptions.
Sel. No.
Terminal Selection Descriptions
0 1 Unassigned — No operation.
2 3 Forward — Provides a Forward run command.
4 5 Reverse — Provides a Reverse run command.
6 7 Standby — Enables the Forward and Reverse operation commands.
8 9 Reset — Resets the device and any active faults.
10 11 Preset Speed 1 — Preset Speed 1 is used as the LSB of the 4-bit nibble that is used to select a Preset Speed.
12 13 Preset Speed 2 — Preset Speed 2 is used as the second bit of the 4-bit nibble that is used to select a Preset Speed.
14 15 Preset Speed 3 — Preset Speed 3 is used as the third bit of the 4-bit nibble that is used to select a Preset Speed.
16 17 Preset Speed 4 — Preset Speed 4 is used as the MSB of the 4-bit nibble that is used to select a Preset Speed.
18 19
Jog Run — This terminal activates a Jog for the duration of the activation. The Jog settings may be configured at
Emergency Off — Terminates the output signal from the ASD and may apply a brake if so configured. The braking
method may be selected at F603 .
DC Braking — Upon activation the ASD outputs a DC current that is injected into the windings of the motor to quickly brake the motor.
Accel/Decel Switching 1/Accel/Decel Switching 2 — Activating combinations of discrete input terminals
Accel/Decel Switching 1 and 2 allow for the selection of Accel/Decel profiles 1 – 4 as shown below.
for additional information on this terminal setting.
24 25
A/D SW Terminal
A/D Profile Selection
26 27
#1 #2
1=Terminal Activated
The settings of the A/D selections 1 – 4 are
, and
Accel/Decel profiles are comprised of the Accel/
Decel settings, Pattern, and Switching
28 29
30 31
V/f Switching 1/V/f Switching 2 — Activating combinations of discrete input terminals V/f Switching 1 and 2 allow for the selection of a V/f switching profile as listed below.
V/f Switching Terminal
#1 #2
1=Terminal Activated
V/f Selection
The 1–4 settings of the V/f Switching selections are performed at parameters
Note: NO/NC = Normally Open/Normally Closed. Selection numbers are used when selecting using communications.
236 ACE-tronics G9 ASD Installation and Operation Manual
Table 7. (Continued) Discrete Input Terminal Assignment Selections and Descriptions.
Sel. No.
Terminal Selection Descriptions
Torque Limit Switching 1/Torque Limit Switching 2 — Activating combinations of discrete input terminals
Torque Limit Switching 1 and 2 allow for the selection of a torque limit switching profile as listed below.
32 33
Torque Limit
Switching Terminal
Torque Limit Selection
34 35
#1 #2
1=Terminal Activated
The 1–4 settings of the torque limit switching selections are performed at parameters
36 37 PID Off — Turns off PID control.
38 39 Pattern Operation Group 1 — Initiates the Pattern #1 Pattern Run.
40 41 Pattern Operation Group 2 — Initiates the Pattern #2 Pattern Run.
42 43 Pattern Operation Continuation — Initiates a continuation of the last Pattern Run from its stopping point.
44 45
Pattern Operation Trigger — Initiates the first Preset Speed of a Pattern Run and initiates each subsequent enabled Preset Speed with continued activations.
46 47 External Overheat — Causes an Overheat Trip (OH).
48 49
Local Priority (Cancels Serial Priority) — Activation overrides all active serial control and returns the Command
and Frequency control to the settings of F003 and F004
for the duration of the activation.
50 51 Hold (3-Wire Stop) — Decelerates the motor to a stop.
52 53 PID Differentiation/Integration Clear — Clears the PID value.
54 55
PID Forward/Reverse Switching — Toggles the gradient characteristic of the feedback response of the V/I terminal during PID-controlled operation.
56 57 Forced Continuous Operation — Ignore PID control settings for the duration of activation.
58 59 Specified Speed Operation — Runs speed as commanded by the Frequency Mode setting.
Dwell Signal
— Used in conjunction with the Acceleration/Deceleration Suspend function ( F349 ) — suspends the
Accel/Decel function for the duration of the activation.
Power Failure Synchronized Signal — Activates the Synchronized Accel/Decel function of the Regenerative
Power Ridethrough feature. See F302
for additional information on this terminal setting.
64 65
My Function Run
— Activates the configured My Function feature. See F977
for additional information on this parameter.
66 67 Autotuning Signal — Initiates the Autotune function. Set
to Autotuning by Input Terminal Signal.
68 69
Speed Gain Switching — Toggles the ASD operating mode from and to Speed Control and Torque Control.
Speed Control operation references parameter settings
. Torque Control operation references parameter settings
70 71 Servo Lock — Holds the motor at 0 Hz until a Run command is received.
72 73
Simple Positioning — While operating in the Positioning Control mode, activation initiates the Stop command.
for additional information on this terminal setting.
74 75 kWH Display Clear — Clears the kWH meter display.
76 77
Trace Back Trigger — Initiates the data Read/Store function of the Trace Selection parameter. See
for additional information on this feature.
78 79 Express-Speed Disable — Terminates the Express Speed operation.
Note: NO/NC = Normally Open/Normally Closed. Selection numbers are used when selecting using communications.
ACE-tronics G9 ASD Installation and Operation Manual 237
Table 7. (Continued) Discrete Input Terminal Assignment Selections and Descriptions.
Sel. No.
Terminal Selection Descriptions
Binary Write — Writes the status of the discrete input terminals to the control board during binary input speed control.
UP/DOWN Frequency (UP) — Increases the speed of the motor for the duration of activation until reaching the
UP/DOWN Frequency (DOWN) — Decreases the speed of the motor for the duration of activation until reaching the Lower-Limit (
F013 ) setting or decreases the speed of the motor in steps (see
F264 for additional information on
this feature).
UP/DOWN Frequency (Clear) — While operating in the UP/DOWN Frequency speed control mode this terminal initiates a 0 Hz output command. If operating with an activated UP/DOWN Frequency (up or down) terminal, the
output goes to the Lower-Limit ( F013 ) setting.
98 99
Forward/Reverse — This setting operates in conjunction with another terminal being set to the Run/Stop function.
When configured to Run (Run/Stop activated), the activation/deactivation of this terminal changes the direction of the motor.
100 101 Run/Stop — This terminal enables the motor to run when activated and disables the motor when deactivated.
Commercial Power/ASD Switching — Initiates the ASD-to-Commercial Power switching function.
102 103
See parameter F354 for additional information on this feature.
104 105
Frequency Reference Priority Switching — Toggles frequency control to and from the settings of
106 107 V/I Terminal Priority — Assigns Speed control to the V/I Terminal and overrides the
108 109
Command Terminal Board Priority — Assigns Command control to the ACE G9-120V-PCB and overrides the
110 111 Edit Enable
— Allows for the override of the lockout parameter setting ( F700 ) allowing for parameter editing.
112 113 Control Switching — Toggles the system to and from the speed control and the torque control modes.
122 123
124 125
Fast Deceleration — Using dynamic braking (if enabled and supported), stops the motor at the fastest rate allowed by the load.
Preliminary Excitation — Applies an excitation current to the motor (holds shaft stationary) for the duration of the activation.
Brake Request — Initiates the Brake-Release command. This setting requires that another discrete input terminal be set to Brake Answerback Input to complete the Brake-Release command and to convey the status of the braking system to the user or to a dependent subsystem.
126 127
130 131
Once the braking release function is initiated, the Trouble Internal Timer begins to count down (Trouble Internal
Answerback Input is returned, fault E-11 will occur. Otherwise, the brake releases the motor and normal motor operations resume.
The Braking Release function is primarily used at startup; but, may be used when the brake is applied while the motor is running.
Brake Answerback Input — This setting is required when the Braking Request function is used. The function of this input terminal is to receive the returned the status of the braking system. The returned status is either Released or
Not Released.
If Released is returned within the time setting of F630 , normal system function resumes.
If Not Released is returned or if the F630
time setting times out before either signal is returned, then fault E-11 occurs.
The returned signal may also be used to notify the user or control a dependent subsystem.
132 133 3-Step-Variable Speed Hold — Holds the run frequency for the duration of the activation.
134 135 Traverse Permission Signal — This feature is not used with the ACE-tronics G9 ASD.
136 137
Slow-Speed Limit-Switch Forward — Activating this terminal applies the modified Upper-Limit Slow Speed setting of
and the modified Deceleration setting of parameter
F283 for the duration of the activation.
Note: NO/NC = Normally Open/Normally Closed. Selection numbers are used when selecting using communications.
238 ACE-tronics G9 ASD Installation and Operation Manual
Table 7. (Continued) Discrete Input Terminal Assignment Selections and Descriptions.
Sel. No.
Terminal Selection Descriptions
Stop Limit-Switch
Slow-Speed Limit-
Creep Speed
1 Command
Brake Failure
Super Creep
138 139
140 141
142 143
144 145
146 147
148 149
150 151
152 153
154 155
156 157
Stop Limit-Switch Forward — Activating this terminal applies the Stop command. The deceleration rate is set at
Slow-Speed Limit-Switch Reverse — Activating this terminal applies the modified Upper-Limit Slow Speed setting of
and the modified Deceleration setting of parameter
F285 for the duration of the activation.
Stop Limit-Switch Reverse — Activating this terminal applies the Stop command. The deceleration rate is set at
Emergency Lift —
Activating this terminal initiates the Emergency-Lift function and continues for the duration of
the activation. This feature requires that the
Emergency-Lift function be enabled at F656
Timed Run — Activating this terminal outputs the commanded speed (from RR, Communications, etc.) for the duration of the
External Fault — In a multiple ASD configuration a faulted ASD signals the remaining ASDs that a fault has occurred and shuts down the non-faulted ASDs. The non-faulted ASDs receive an External Fault signal via this terminal from the faulted ASD.
Creep Speed 1 Command — Activating this terminal modifies the output frequency of the ASD by multiplying
for the number of pulse counts of the
Super Creep Pulse Count parameter.
Creep Speed 2 Command — Activating this terminal modifies the output frequency of the ASD by multiplying the commanded frequency by the setting at the parameter. The modified output is allowed to run for the number of pulse counts of the
Super Creep Pulse Count parameter. This setting is ignored if Creep Multiplier #1 is active.
Brake Failure — This terminal is activated via a transducer in the event that, during closed-loop operation, encoder pulses are detected while the brake is applied.
Super Creep — Terminal activation rotates the motor for the amount of encoder pulses set at the
Count parameter at the frequency setting of
Available in closed-loop operation only.
Note: NO/NC = Normally Open/Normally Closed. Selection numbers are used when selecting using communications.
ACE-tronics G9 ASD Installation and Operation Manual 239
Table 8. Output Terminal Assignments for the FP, AM, FM, MON1, and MON2 Output Terminals.
Output Meter Terminal Assignments and Display Item Selections
Comm Number
Output Frequency
Frequency Reference
Output Current
DC Bus Voltage
Output Voltage
Compensated Frequency
Speed Feedback (Realtime)
Speed Feedback (1 Sec Filter)
Torque Command
Torque Current
Excitation Current
PID Feedback Value
Motor Overload Ratio
ASD Overload Ratio
DBR Overload Ratio
DBR Load Ratio
Input Power
Output Power
Option V/I Input
RR Input
V/I Input
RX Input
RX2 Option (AI1) Input
FM Output
AM Output
Terminal Assignment Name
Comm Number
Terminal Assignment Name
100% Meter Adjust Value
Data from Communications
185% Meter Adjust Value
250% Meter Adjust Value
Input Watt Hour
Output Watt Hour
Gain Display
My Function Monitor 1 Without Sign
My Function Monitor 2 Without Sign
My Function Monitor 3 With Sign
My Function Monitor 4 With Sign (FP End)
Signed Output Frequency
Signed Frequency Reference (Before PI)
Signed Compensated Frequency
Signed Speed Feedback (Realtime)
Signed Speed Feedback (1 Sec Filter)
Signed Torque
Signed Torque Command
Signed Torque Current
Signed PID Feedback Value
Signed RX Input
Signed RX2 Option (AI1) Input
Signed 100% Meter Adjust Value
Signed 185% Meter Adjust Value
Signed 250% Meter Adjust Value
240 ACE-tronics G9 ASD Installation and Operation Manual
Table 9. My Function Input Function Target Selections.
Terminal Assignment
(Physical Terminals Or Memory
Locations Where Virtual/Internal)
Terminal Assignment
(Physical Terminals Or Memory
Locations Where Virtual/Internal)
Virtual Input Terminal 1
Virtual Input Terminal 2
Virtual Input Terminal 3
Virtual Input Terminal 4
Internal Terminal 1
Internal Terminal 2
Internal Terminal 3
Internal Terminal 4
Internal Terminal 5
Internal Terminal 6
Internal Terminal 7
Internal Terminal 8
ACE-tronics G9 ASD Installation and Operation Manual 241
Table 10. My Function Input Setting (Input Function Target) Assignments, and Parameter/Input Setting
Numbers for the BRAKE-A/B/C, OUT1, OUT2, OUT3–OUT6, and R1–R4 Terminals.
Discrete Output Terminal Assignment Selections (Positive Logic)
1000 0
Lower-Limit Frequency
Upper-Limit Frequency
Low Speed Signal
Acceleration/Deceleration Completion
Speed Reach Signal
Failure BRAKE (All Trips)
Failure BRAKE (Except EF, OCL, EPHO, OL2)
Over-Current (OC) Alarm
ASD Overload (OL1) Alarm
Motor Overload (OL2) Alarm
Overheat Alarm
Over-Voltage Alarm
Main Circuit (MOFF) Under-Voltage Alarm
Low-Current Alarm
Over-Torque Alarm
DBR Overload Alarm
Emergency Off Active
Retry Active
Pattern Operation Switching Output
PID Deviation Limit
Serious Failure (OCA, OCL, EF, Phase Failure, etc.)
Light Failure (OL, OC1, 2, 3, OP)
Commercial Power/ASD Switching Output 1
Commercial Power/ASD Switching Output 2
Cooling Fan On/Off
Jogging Operation Active (Jog Run Active)
Panel/Terminal (Board) Operation Switching
Bearing Greaser Run-Time Alarm
ProfiBus/DeviceNet/CC-Link Communication
Forward/Reverse Switching
Ready for Operation 1
Ready for Operation 2
Brake Release (BR)
Alarm Status Active
Forward Speed Limit (Torque Control)
1074 74
Reverse Speed Limit (Torque Control)
ASD Healthy Output
RS485 Communication Error
Error Code Output 1
Error Code Output 2
Error Code Output 3
Error Code Output 4
Error Code Output 5
Error Code Output 6
Specified Data Output 1
Specified Data Output 2
Specified Data Output 3
Specified Data Output 4
100 Specified Data Output 5
102 Specified Data Output 6
104 Specified Data Output 7
106 Switch Out Of Sequence
108 Heavy Load
110 Positive Torque Limit
112 Negative Torque Limit
114 External Rush Suppression Relay Activated
118 Completion of Stop Positioning
120 L-STOP
122 Power Failure Synchronized Operation
124 Traverse Active
126 Traverse Deceleration Active
128 Part Replaceme nt Alarm
130 Over-Torque Alarm
132 Frequency Command ½ Selection
134 Failure BRAKE (Non-Emergency Off)
136 External Fault
138 Drooping Fault
140 Run Before Ready
142 Slow-Speed Limit Switch
144 Stop Limit-Switch Forward
146 Slow-Speed Limit Switch
242 ACE-tronics G9 ASD Installation and Operation Manual
Table 10. (Continued) My Function Input Setting (Input Function Target) Assignments, and Parameter/Input
Setting Numbers for the BRAKE-A/B/C, OUT1, OUT2, OUT3–OUT6, and R1–R4 Terminals.
Discrete Output Terminal Assignment Selections (Positive Logic)
1148 148 Stop Speed-Limit Switch
1150 150 Emergency Lift
1152 152 Timed Run
1154 154 Brake Failure
1156 156 Brake Seized
1158 158 Slack Rope
1160 160 Encoder Loss
1162 162 Fault Stop
1222 222 My Function Output 1
1224 224 My Function Output 2
1226 226 My Function Output 3
1228 228 My Function Output 4
1230 230 My Function Output 5
1232 232 My Function Output 6
1234 234 My Function Output 7
1236 236 My Function Output 8
1238 238 My Function Output 9
1240 240 My Function Output 10
1242 242 My Function Output 11
1244 244 My Function Output 12
1246 246 My Function Output 13
1248 248 My Function Output 14
1250 250 My Function Output 15
1252 252 My Function Output 16
1254 254 Always Off
ACE-tronics G9 ASD Installation and Operation Manual 243
Table 11. Trace Back Data Selections.
Comm. Number
Trace (Monitor) Function
Output Frequency
Frequency Reference
Output Current
DC Bus Voltage
Output Voltage
Compensated Frequency
Speed Feedback (Realtime)
Speed Feedback (1 Sec Filter)
Torque Command
Torque Current
Excitation Current
PID Feedback Value
Motor Overload Ratio
ASD Overload Ratio
DBR Overload Ratio
DBR Load Ratio
Input Power
Output Power
V/I Option (AI2)
RR Input
V/I Input
RX Input
RX2 Option (AI1)
FM Output
AM Output
Signed 100% Meter Adjust Value
Communication Data
Signed 185% Meter Adjust Value
Signed 250% Meter Adjust Value
Input Watt-Hour
Output Watt-Hour
AM/FM Gain Display
My Function Monitor 1 (Unsigned Value)
My Function Monitor 2 (Unsigned Value)
My Function Monitor 3 (Signed Value)
My Function Monitor 4 (Signed Value)
0.01 kWhr
0.01 kWhr
0.01 Hz
0.01 Hz
0.01 Hz
0.01 Hz
0.01 Hz
0.01 Hz
0.01 kW
0.01 kW
ACE-tronics G9 ASD Installation and Operation Manual
Table 12. Input Function Target Selections and the Associated Communications Numbers.
Input Setting/Communication
Input Setting
Display Input
Output Frequency
Frequency Reference
Output Current
DC Bus Voltage
Output Voltage
Compensated Frequency
Speed Feedback (Realtime) (See Note 1)
Speed Feedback (1 Sec Filter) (See Note 1)
Torque (See Note 2)
Torque Command (See Note 2)
Torque Current (See Note 2)
Excitation Current
PID Feedback Value
Motor Overload Ratio
ASD Overload Ratio
DBR Overload Ratio
DBR Load Ratio
Input Power
Output Power
Pattern Operation Group Number
Pattern Operation Cycles Remaining
Pattern Operation Preset Speed Number
Pattern Operation Preset Speed Time Remaining
Express-Speed Load Torque Monitor 1
Express-Speed Load Torque Monitor 2
RR Input
V/I Input
RX Input (See Note 2)
RX2 Option (AI1) Input (See Note 2)
RX2 Option (AI1) Input
FM Output
AM Output
Note 1: If no PG feedback is used an estimated speed value is displayed.
0.01 Hz
0.01 Hz
0.01 Hz
0.01 Hz
0.01 Hz
0.01 Hz
0.01 kW
0.01 kW
Note 2: My Function cannot process negative values — A negative value is processed by My Function as an absolute value.
ACE-tronics G9 ASD Installation and Operation Manual 245
Table 12. (Continued) Input Function Target Selections and the Associated Communications Numbers.
Input Setting/Communication
Input Setting
Display Input
Communication Data Output 2
Communication Data Output 1
Communication Data Output 3
My Function Monitor 1 (Output of Unsigned Value)
My Function Monitor 2 (Output of Unsigned Value)
My Function Monitor 3 (Output of Signed Value)
3063 FE63
My Function Monitor 4 (Output of Signed Value)
Expansion I/O Card 1 CPU Version
Expansion I/O Card 2 CPU Version
Integral Input Power
Integral Output Power
16-Bit BIN/BCD Input Value
Note 1: If no PG feedback is used an estimated speed value is displayed.
0.01 kW
0.01 kW
Note 2: My Function cannot process negative values — A negative value is processed by My Function as an absolute value.
246 ACE-tronics G9 ASD Installation and Operation Manual
Off (Timer)
COUNT1 (Timer)
COUNT2 (Timer)
Table 13. My Function Operator Selections.
My Function Computational Selections
Function Name
NOP (No Operation)
ON (Timer)
Function Description
Disables the My Function feature.
Execute data read/transfer.
Execute inverted data read/transfer.
Logical product of A AND B.
Logical product of A AND B.
Logical sum of A OR B.
Logical sum of A OR B.
Compares data — Outputs 1 if Equal; 0 if not Equal.
Compares data — Outputs 0 if Equal; 1 if not Equal.
Compares data — Outputs 1 if A>B; 0 if A
Compares data — Outputs 1 if A
B; 0 if A
Compares data — Outputs 1 if A
B; 0 if A
Compares data — Outputs 1 if A
B; 0 if A>B.
Outputs absolute difference between A and B — |A–B|.
Enables the On response time delay settings of My Function Time Data 1 – 5
) for My Function Data.
Enables the Off response time delay settings of My Function Time Data 1 – 5
) for My Function Data.
Outputs a 1 upon reaching the pulse count setting of F933
Outputs a 1 upon reaching the pulse count setting of F934
Outputs the peak output value since powering up or since the last reset.
Sets data.
Resets data.
ACE-tronics G9 ASD Installation and Operation Manual 247
Alarms, Trips, and Troubleshooting
Alarms and Trips
This section provides information that assists the user in the event that a Fault is incurred.
If a user setting or a ASD parameter has been exceeded, or if a data transfer function produces an unexpected result, a condition that is referred to as a Fault is incurred.
An Alarm is an indication that a Fault is imminent if existing operating conditions continue unchanged.
An Alarm may be associated with an output terminal to notify the operator of the condition remotely, close a contact, or engage a brake. At the least, an Alarm will cause an alarm code to appear on the EOI
screen. Table 14 on pg. 249 lists the Alarm codes that may be displayed during operation of the ASD.
In the event that the condition that caused the Alarm does not return to its normal operating level within a specified time, the ASD Faults and a Trip is incurred (Fault and Trip are sometimes used interchangeably).
A Trip is a safety feature (the result of a Fault) that disables the ASD system and removes the 3-phase power to the motor in the event that a subsystem of the ASD is malfunctioning, or one or more of the variables listed below exceeds its normal range (time and/or magnitude).
• Current,
• Voltage,
• Speed,
• Temperature,
• Torque, or
• Load.
Table 15 on pg. 254 for a listing of the potential Trips and the associated probable causes.
The operating conditions at the time of the trip may be used to help determine the cause of the trip. Listed below are operating conditions that may be used to assist the operator in correcting the problem or that the
ASD operator should be prepared to discuss when contacting ACE World Companies Customer Support
Center for assistance.
• What trip information is displayed?
• Is this a new installation?
• Has the system ever worked properly and what are the recent modifications (if any)?
• What is the ASD and motor size?
• What is the CPU version and revision level?
• What is the EOI version?
• Does the ASD trip when accelerating, running, decelerating, or when not running?
• Does the ASD reach the commanded frequency?
• Does the ASD trip without the motor attached?
• Does ASD trip with an unloaded motor?
ACE-tronics G9 ASD Installation and Operation Manual
lists the alarm codes that may be displayed during operation of the ASD. Each alarm code listed is accompanied by a description and a possible cause. In the event that the source of the malfunction cannot be determined, contact your ACE World Companies Customer Support Center for additional information on the condition and for an appropriate course of action.
Table 14. ACE-tronics G9 ASD Alarms.
LCD Screen
*ASD Overload
Brake Failure
Brake Fault
*Brake Resistor
Brake Seized
Comm1 Error
* Reset ignored if active.
Description Possible Causes
Load requirement in excess of the capability of the ASD.
• The carrier frequency is too high.
• An excessive load.
• Acceleration time is too short.
• DC damping rate is set too high.
• The motor is starting into a spinning load after a momentary power failure.
• The ASD is improperly matched to the application.
Autotune active.
• Autotune active.
Encoder pulses greater than
brake is set or during normal operation more pulses than
after applying the brake.
• Brake Failure.
Encoder pulses received with brake on during torque proving or during continuous brake load-hold.
• Pulses received from encoder during torque proving.
• Closed-loop Hoist Mode operation, brake is on with no Run command and encoder pulses are received.
Excessive current at the
Dynamic Braking Resistor.
• Deceleration time is too short.
• DBR configuration improperly set.
No encoder pulses received after brake release with active
Run command.
• Closed-loop Hoist Mode operation, encoder
pulses less than the F993 setting received
after brake release with an active Run command.
Internal communications error.
• DeviceNet/Profibus/CC-Link Failure.
• Improperly programmed ASD.
• Improper communications settings.
• Improperly connected cables.
ACE-tronics G9 ASD Installation and Operation Manual 249
LCD Screen
Comm2 Error
*Control Under-Voltage POFF
Emergency Lift
External Fault
Forward Limit Switch FLS
Heavy Load
Main Under-Voltage
Maintenance Timer
Motor Overload
CM2 drop
Description Possible Causes
External communications error.
• RS485 Failure.
• Improperly programmed ASD.
• Improper communications settings.
• Improperly connected cables.
Under-voltage condition at the 5, 15, or the 24 VDC supply.
Hoist-control function switches from closed-loop operation to open-loop operation. Max speed UP =
Non-faulted ASD in a multiple ASD system.
• Defective Control board.
• Excessive load on power supply.
• Low input voltage.
Encoder pulses received in excess of F998 setting of the opposite direction of the commanded frequency.
• Requirements of the load are in excess of the capability of the motor.
• Falling load.
• Encoder feedback signal has been lost and discrete input terminal
Forward Limit Switch
• ASD of a multiple ASD system has faulted
— the non-faulted ASD(s) incur an External
• Crane has approached the end-of-travel for the selected operating plane as indicated by the limit switch.
Output torque requirement has exceeded the setting of
• Load too heavy for motor.
• Resets when output torque requirement drops below the setting of
• Low 3-phase utility voltage.
Under-voltage condition at the 3-phase AC input to the
Bearing Greaser Time has expired.
• Bearing Greaser Alarm Time setting has expired (
• Ambient Average Temperature Time setting has expired (
Load requirement in excess of the capability of the motor.
• V/f parameter improperly set.
• Motor is locked.
• Continuous operation at low speed.
• Load too heavy for motor.
* Reset ignored if active.
250 ACE-tronics G9 ASD Installation and Operation Manual
LCD Screen
MS Relay Off/Soft Start
Description Possible Causes
Under-voltage condition at the 3-phase AC input to the
ASD output current greater than
• Low 3-phase utility voltage.
• Defective IGBT (U, V, or W).
• ASD output to the motor is connected incorrectly.
• ASD output phase-to-phase short.
• The ASD is starting into a spinning motor.
• Motor/machine jammed.
• Mechanical brake engaged while the ASD is starting or while running.
• Accel/Decel time is too short.
• Voltage Boost setting is too high.
• Load fluctuations.
• ASD operating at an elevated temperature.
ASD ambient temperature excessive.
• ASD is operating at an elevated temperature.
• ASD is too close to heat-generating equipment.
• Cooling fan vent is obstructed (see
• Cooling fan is inoperative.
• Internal thermistor is disconnected.
Torque requirement in excess of the setting of
for a time longer than the setting of
• ASD is not correctly matched to the application.
setting is too low.
• Obstructed load.
* Reset ignored if active.
ACE-tronics G9 ASD Installation and Operation Manual 251
LCD Screen
Pre Over-Torque
Reverse Limit Switch
Run Before Ready
Slack Rope
Switch Out Of Sequence OSF
Timed Run
Cumulative Run Time OJ
Torque Proving TPF
Description Possible Causes
DC bus voltage exceeds specifications.
• ASD attempting to start into a spinning motor after a momentary power loss.
• Incoming utility power is above the specified range.
• Decel time is too short.
• Voltage spikes at the 3-phase input.
• Inductive filter required.
• DBR required.
• DBR resistance value is too high.
• DBR function is turned off.
• Over-Voltage Stall feature is turned off.
• System is regenerating.
• Load instability.
• Disable the Ridethrough function ( F302 ).
Output torque of ASD is greater than 70% of parameter
• Parameter
• Load requirement exceeds ability of the motor.
Reverse Limit Switch
Run command received at power up or Reset activated while running.
• Crane has approached the end-of-travel for the selected operating plane as indicated by the limit switch.
• F or R terminal on during application of power or system receives a Reset while running.
Output torque level is too low. • Closed-loop Hoist Mode operation in the
enabled, output
torque is less than F868 setting for F869 time.
Run command active during power up or Reset activated while running.
• Run command active during power up or
Reset activated while running.
Timed Run Active.
• Timed Run Activated via discrete input terminal.
Run-time counter exceeded.
• Type Reset required; select Clear Run Timer.
Output torque level is too low. • Closed-loop Hoist Mode operation, within
setting for
time setting during active Run command.
* Reset ignored if active.
252 ACE-tronics G9 ASD Installation and Operation Manual
LCD Screen
Description Possible Causes
With the Low-Current Trip
output current of the ASD is below the level defined at
and remains there for a time longer than the setting of
• The ASD is improperly matched to the application.
• Motor lead disconnected.
ACE-tronics G9 ASD Installation and Operation Manual 253
A Trip is an ASD response to a Fault (though Fault and Trip are sometimes used interchangeably). A
Trip is a safety feature that disables the ASD system in the event that a subsystem of the ASD is malfunctioning or a parameter setting has been exceeded.
Listed in
Table 15 are the Faults that may result in a Trip and the possible causes. When a Trip is
incurred the LCD screen shows the Fault screen and the LED screen displays the active Fault code.
Table 15. ACE-tronics G9 ASD Fault Listing.
LCD Screen LED Screen
Analog Input Loss E-18
Possible Causes
• V/I signal loss.
• ACE G9-120V-PCB failure.
• P24 over-current condition.
setting is too high.
• Over-voltage at the V/I, RX, or RR input(s).
Analog Input
ASD Overload OL1
Autotune Error
Brake Sequence
Response Error
• Acceleration time is too short.
• DC Injection current is too high.
• Improper V/f setting.
• Motor running during restart.
• ASD or the motor is improperly matched to the application.
• Autotune readings that are significantly inconsistent with the configuration information.
• A non-3-phase motor is being used.
• Using a motor that has a significantly smaller rating than the ASD.
• ASD output cabling is too small, too long, or is being housed in a cable tray with other cables that are producing an interfering EMF.
• Motor is running during the Autotune function.
adjustment required (Motor temperature is too high).
adjustment required (Motor Constant 1 improperly set).
adjustment required (Motor Constant 3 improperly set).
• Autotune setting
F400 is set to Auto Calculation and there is a
problem with the Motor Constant readings;
, and
is set to a non-zero value.
• Braking sequence discrete input and output terminals are not setup properly.
• Communication time out error.
• Communication malfunction.
• Improper or loose connection.
• Improper system settings.
254 ACE-tronics G9 ASD Installation and Operation Manual
LCD Screen LED Screen
Control Power
CPU2 Fault E-26
Possible Causes
• This fault is caused by an under-voltage condition at the 5, 15, or the 24
VDC supply.
• 3-phase input voltage low.
• CPU malfunction.
• Control board malfunction.
• CPU data Transmit/Receive error.
CPU Fault ERR4
CPU Processing
Dynamic Braking
Dynamic Braking
Resistor Overload
Emergency Off
• CPU malfunction.
• Control board malfunction.
• Software processed incorrectly.
• Make service call.
• ASD inability to discharge the bus voltage during regeneration.
• No Dynamic Braking Resistor (DBR) installed.
• DBR value is too low.
• Deceleration time is too short.
• Improper DBR setup information.
• Defective IGBT7 (or IGBT7 ckt.).
• 3-phase input voltage is above specification.
• Deceleration time is too short.
• Improper DBR setup information.
• Improper Stall setup information.
• EEPROM write malfunction.
• EEPROM read malfunction.
Encoder Signal-
Loss Error
External Fault
• Output signal from the ASD is terminated and a brake may be applied if so configured.
• Stop-Reset pressed twice at the EOI.
• EOFF command received remotely.
• ASD reset required.
• ASD is configured to receive a signal from a shaft-mounted encoder and no signal is being received while running.
• Disconnection at the Encoder circuit.
• Motor is stopped and is generating torque via torque limit control.
• ASD is not configured properly.
• In a multiple-ASD configuration, this is the fault screen display of an
ASD that is not the cause of the fault, but is unable to continue with normal operations.
ACE-tronics G9 ASD Installation and Operation Manual 255
LCD Screen LED Screen
External Overheat OH2
Possible Causes
• Excessive-heat signature received at the TB3 – TH1(+) and TH1(-) terminals. See
• Flash memory malfunction.
Flash Memory
Gate Array Fault
Ground Fault
Input Phase
Key Failure
Logic Input
Voltage Error
Low Current
Main Power
• Main Gate Array is defective.
• Ground fault at the motor.
• Ground fault at the output of the ASD.
• Current leakage to Earth Ground.
• 3-phase input to the ASD is low or missing at the R, S, or T input terminals.
• Same key input for 20 seconds or more.
• Incorrect voltage applied to the discrete input terminals.
Motor Overload OL2
• Improper Low-Current Detection level settings at F609 – F612
• Input 3-phase voltage is too low.
• Momentary power failure longer than the time setting of
• Improper V/f setting.
• Motor is locked.
• Continuous operation at low speed.
• Load requirement exceeds ability of the motor.
• Startup frequency setting adjustment required.
• No active faults.
• Optional Expansion Input Terminal Board 1 is defective.
No Errors
Expansion Input
Terminal Board 1
Expansion Input
Terminal Board 2
Option Device
Output Phase
• Optional Expansion Input Terminal Board 2 is defective.
• Check installation, connections, and option device manual.
• 3-phase output from the ASD is low or missing at the U, V, or W output terminals or at the input to the motor.
256 ACE-tronics G9 ASD Installation and Operation Manual
LCD Screen LED Screen
OC1 Over-Current
During Run
Overheat During
Possible Causes
• Improper V/f setting.
• Restart from a momentary power outage.
• The ASD is starting into a rotating motor.
• ASD/Motor not properly matched.
• Phase-to-phase short (U, V, or W).
• Accel time too short.
• Voltage Boost setting is too high.
• Motor/machine jammed.
• Mechanical brake engaged while the ASD is running.
• ASD current exceeds 340% of the rated FLA on ASDs that are 100 HP or less during acceleration. On ASDs that are greater than 100 HP, this fault occurs when the ASD current exceeds 320% of the rated FLA during acceleration.
• Phase-to-phase short (U, V, or W).
• Deceleration time is too short.
• Motor/machine jammed.
• Mechanical brake engaged while the ASD is running.
• ASD current exceeds 340% of the rated FLA on ASDs that are 100 HP or less during deceleration. On ASDs that are greater than 100 HP, it occurs when the ASD current exceeds 320% of the rated FLA during deceleration.
• Load fluctuations.
• ASD is operating at an elevated temperature.
• ASD current exceeds 340% of the rated FLA on ASDs that are 100 HP or less during a fixed-speed run or if during a fixed-speed run the ASD overheats. On ASDs that are greater than 100 HP, it occurs when the
ASD current exceeds 320% of the rated FLA on a fixed-speed run.
• Cooling fan inoperative.
• Ventilation openings are obstructed.
• Internal thermistor is disconnected.
• Cooling fan inoperative.
• Ventilation openings are obstructed.
• Internal thermistor is disconnected.
• Acceleration time is too short.
• Improper V/f setting.
• ASD or the motor is improperly matched to the application.
ACE-tronics G9 ASD Installation and Operation Manual 257
LCD Screen LED Screen
Overheat During
Overheat During
Possible Causes
• Cooling fan inoperative.
• Ventilation openings are obstructed.
• Internal thermistor is disconnected.
• Deceleration time is too short.
• DC Injection current is too high.
• ASD or the motor is improperly matched to the application.
• Cooling fan inoperative.
• Ventilation openings are obstructed.
• Internal thermistor is disconnected.
• Improper V/f setting.
• ASD or the motor is improperly matched to the application.
• A torque requirement by the load in excess of the setting of
for a time longer than the setting of
• The ASD is improperly matched to the application.
• The load is obstructed.
• Motor running during restart.
During Run
RAM Fault
ROM Fault
Speed Error
Step Out
(for PM Motor
• Deceleration time is too short.
• DBR value is too high.
• DBR required (DBR setup required).
• Stall protection is disabled.
• 3-phase input voltage is out of specification.
• Input reactance required.
• Load fluctuations.
• 3-Phase input voltage out of specification.
• DBR required or DBR setup is incomplete.
• Internal RAM malfunction.
• Internal ROM malfunction.
• Result of a motor speed that is greater than the commanded speed when using an encoder for speed control.
• Improper encoder connection or setup information.
• Defective encoder.
• Motor shaft is locked.
• Output phase is open.
• Operating a reciprocating load.
258 ACE-tronics G9 ASD Installation and Operation Manual
LCD Screen LED Screen
Stop Position
Retaining Error
Torque Proving
Typeform Error
Possible Causes
• Load movement while stopped.
setting is too low.
• Encoder malfunction.
• Creep speed is too high.
• The output torque level setting of
was not reached in the time
to allow for the brake release.
• Firmware information (typeform) loaded into the Gate Driver board is inconsistent with the device in which the firmware is being used.
• The Gate Driver board has been replaced.
• The Gate Driver board is defective.
• Internal low impedance at the U lead of the ASD.
U, V, or W
V/f Control Error E-20
• External low impedance at the U, V, or W lead of the ASD output.
• Torque processing error.
• Make service call.
• Internal low impedance at the V lead of the ASD.
OCA3 • Internal low impedance at the W lead of the ASD.
ACE-tronics G9 ASD Installation and Operation Manual 259
Viewing Trip Information
In the event that the condition causing an Alarm does not return to the normal operating level within a specified time, the ASD Faults and a Trip is incurred.
When a Trip occurs, the resultant error information may be viewed either from the LED screen, LCD
Fault screen ( Table 15 on pg. 254
), Monitor screen, or the Trip History
screen (Program
Trip Record at Monitor Screen
The at-trip condition of the last four incurred trips may be viewed on the Monitor screen. The Monitor screen displays the records of up to four trips and catalogs each trip as Past Trip #1 through Past Trip #4
powered up or since the last reset, None is displayed for each trip record.
The Monitor screen at-trip record is erased when the ASD is reset.
Note: An improper ASD setup may cause some trips — reset the ASD to the Factory Default settings before pursuing a systemic malfunction (Program
Utilities Type Reset
Reset to Factory Settings).
Trip History
The Trip History screen records the system parameters for up to 20 trips. The recorded trips are numbered from zero to 19. Once the Trip History record reaches trip number 19, the oldest recorded trip will be deleted with each new record stored (first-in first-out). The Trip # field may be selected and scrolled through to view the recorded trip information for a given trip number. The monitored parameters
are listed in Table 16 as At-Trip Recorded Parameters (parameter readings at the time that the trip
Table 16. Trip History Record Parameters.
At-trip Recorded Parameters
1) Trip Number
2) Trip Type
3) Time and Date
4) Frequency at Trip
5) Output Current
8) Frequency Reference
9) Bus Voltage
10) Discrete Input Status
11) OUT1/OUT2/BRAKE Status
12) Timer
15) Feedback (1 sec.)
16) Torque
17) Torque Reference
18) Torque Current
19) Excitation Current
6) Output Voltage
7) Direction
13) Post Compensation Frequency
14) Feedback (inst.)
20) PID Value
21) Motor Overload
Trip records are comprised of the full list of monitored parameters (28).
22) ASD Overload
23) DBR Overload
24) Motor Load
25) ASD Load
26) DBR Load
27) Input Power
28) Output Power
Clearing a Trip
Once the cause of the trip has been corrected, performing a
re-enables the ASD for normal operation.
The trip may also be cleared using either of the following methods:
• Cycling power (trip info may be saved via
if desired),
• Pressing the Stop-Reset key twice,
• Remotely via the communications channel,
• Momentarily activating the RES terminal of the ACE G9-120V-PCB, or
• Via Program
Utilities Type Reset Clear Past Trip (clears Monitor screen records only).
ACE-tronics G9 ASD Installation and Operation Manual
Enclosure Dimensions and Conduit Plate
The part numbering convention is shown below. Use this information for ordering and to identify the ASD typeform.
The enclosure dimensions for the available models (typeforms) are listed in Tables 17 and
plates referenced are shown in
G9 Part Numbering Convention.
Note: The Type 1 enclosed versions of these drives meet or exceed the specification
UL 50- 1995, the Standard for Heating and Cooling Equipment, and complies with the applicable requirements for installation in a compartment handling conditioned air.
Note: All ACE-tronics ASD enclosures carry an IP20 rating.
ACE-tronics G9 ASD Installation and Operation Manual 261
Enclosure Dimensions
Table 17. 230-Volt ACE-tronics G9 ASD Systems.
Frame Model Number
Mounting Hole Dimensions
(in/mm) Conduit
D E R1 R2
5.2/132 11.2/285 6.1/155
6.1/155 12.4/315
4 ACEG92007
5A ACEG92010
6.9/175 15.0/381
8.3/211 15.1/384
9.1/231 19.3/490
6 ACEG92025
11.1/283 25.9/658 13.2/335 25.0/635 8.0/203 0.188/4.8
14.3/363 33.1/841 15.0/381 32.3/820 8.0/203 0.188/4.8
9 ACEG92075
10 ACEG92100
14.6/371 51.7/1313
15.7/399 53.1/1349
50.2/1275 9.2/234
51.7/1313 9.9/252
0.344/8.7 0.670/17.0
262 ACE-tronics G9 ASD Installation and Operation Manual
Table 18. 460-Volt ACE-tronics G9 ASD Systems.
Frame Model Number
Mounting Hole Dimensions
(in/mm) Conduit
D E R1 R2
ACEG94005 6.1/155 12.4/315
6.9/175 15.0/381
5A ACEG94015
6 ACEG94030
5.2/132 11.2/285 6.1/155 8.7/220
8.3/211 15.1/384
9.1/231 19.3/490
25.9/658 13.2/335
30.8/782 14.3/363 29.7/754
ACEG94075 14.3/363 36.1/917 15.3/389 35.3/897 8
9 ACEG94120 14.6/371 51.7/1313 50.2/1275
10 ACEG94150
11 ACEG94200
12 ACEG94250
15.7/399 53.1/1349 51.7/1313
15.0/381 63.1/1603
18.9/480 68.5/1740
67.0/1701 13.8/351
13 25.6/650 70.0/1778 68.5/1740 21.3/541
ACE-tronics G9 ASD Installation and Operation Manual 263
Figure 33. See
for Actual Dimensions.
264 ACE-tronics G9 ASD Installation and Operation Manual
Figure 34. See
for Actual Dimensions.
ACE-tronics G9 ASD Installation and Operation Manual 265
Figure 35. See
for Actual Dimensions.
266 ACE-tronics G9 ASD Installation and Operation Manual
Figure 36. See
for the Associated Device. Dimensions are in in/cm.
ACE-tronics G9 ASD Installation and Operation Manual 267
Figure 37. See
for the Associated Device. Dimensions are in in/cm.
268 ACE-tronics G9 ASD Installation and Operation Manual
Figure 38. See
for the Associated Device. Dimensions are in in/cm.
ACE-tronics G9 ASD Installation and Operation Manual 269
Current/Voltage Specifications
Table 19. 230-Volt UL Type-1/IP-20 Chassis Standard Ratings Table.
ACEG92000 3.5/4.0 A
ACEG92001 4.2/4.8 A
ACEG92002 6.9/7.9 A
ACEG92003 10.0/11.5 A
ACEG92005 15.2/17.5 A
ACEG92007 23.8/27.4 A
ACEG92010 28.6/32.9 A
ACEG92015 46.8/53.8 A
ACEG92020 57.2/65.8 A
ACEG92025 76.3/87.8 A
ACEG92030 90.0/103.5 A
ACEG92040 104.0/119.6 A
ACEG92050 152.5/175.4 A
ACEG92060 176.0/193.6 A
ACEG92075 221.0/243.1 A
ACEG92100 285.0/313.5 A
Output Current
100/115% Cont.
(110% Cont.
60 HP)
Overload Current
150% for 60
Overload Current
150% for 120
Input Voltage
3-Ph 50/60
±2 Hz
5.3 A
6.3 A
10.4 A
15.0 A
22.8 A
35.7 A
42.9 A
70.2 A
85.8 A
114.5 A
135.0 A
156.0 A
228.8 A
200 – 240 VAC
264.0 A
331.5 A
427.5 A
Output Voltage
3-Ph Variable
Motor HP
Input Voltage
Level (Max.)
270 ACE-tronics G9 ASD Installation and Operation Manual
Table 20. 460-Volt UL Type-1/IP-20 Chassis Standard Ratings Table.
Output Current
100/115% Cont.
(110% Cont.
125 HP)
Overload Current
150% for 60
Overload Current
150% for 120
Input Voltage
3-Ph 50/60
±2 Hz
Output Voltage
3-Ph Variable
Motor HP
2.7/3.1 A
3.6/4.1 A
5.0/5.8 A
9.1/10.5 A
12.4/14.3 A
15.3/17.6 A
24.0/27.6 A
28.6/32.9 A
35.7/41.1 A
42.0/48.3 A
57.2/65.8 A
68.5/78.8 A
81.5/93.7 A
100.8/115.9 A
138.7/159.5 A
179/196.9 A
215/236.5 A
259/284.9 A
314/345.4 A
387/425.7 A
427/469.7 A
268.5 A
322.5 A
388.5 A
471.0 A
580.5 A
640.5 A
4.1 A
5.4 A
7.5 A
13.7 A
18.6 A
23.0 A
36.0 A
42.9 A
53.6 A
63.0 A
85.8 A
102.8 A
122.3 A
151.2 A
208.1 A
380 – 480 VAC
Input Voltage
Level (Max.)
ACE-tronics G9 ASD Installation and Operation Manual 271
Cable/Terminal/Torque Specifications
Installation should conform to the 2008 National Electrical Code Article 110 (NEC) (Requirements for
Electrical Installations), all regulations of the Occupational Safety and Health Administration, and any other applicable national, regional, or industry codes and standards.
Note: The following ratings are guidelines and shall not be the sole determining factor of the lug or wire size used with the ACE-tronics G9 ASD. Application-specific applicables, wire insulation type, conductor material, and local and regional regulations are but a few of the considerations when selecting the actual lug and wire type to be used with the
Note: Cable/Terminal specifications are based on the rated current of the ASD.
The specifications Do Not include the 10% Service Factor.
Note: Use only 75° C copper wire/cable for motor and power connections.
For additional installation information see the section titled
Installation and Connections on pg. 14
Table 21. 230-Volt ACE-tronics G9 ASD Cable/Terminal/Torque Specifications.
Typical Wire/Cable
Lug Size Range
MCP Rating
AWG or kcmil
Input/Output Power
Wire-Size/Lug-Capacity for
Input/Output Power
Recommended Maximum 3Ø-Input 3Ø-Output
12 to 1/0
6 to 250
14 to 8
12 to 8
10 to 4
8 to 3
6 to 250
4 to 1/0
2 to 300
TB1 – 4
(3-core shield)
3Ø-Input 3Ø-Output
275/31 168/19
Note: (*) Indicates that the item is one of a set of two parallel cables.
ACE-tronics G9 ASD Installation and Operation Manual 272
Table 22. 460-Volt ACE-tronics G9 ASD Cable/Terminal/Torque Specifications.
Typical Wire/Cable
Lug Size Range
MCP Rating
AWG or kcmil
Input/Output Power
Wire-Size/Lug-Capacity for
Input/Output Power
Recommended Maximum 3Ø-Input 3Ø-Output
12 to 1/0
6 to 250
0 to 500
14 to 8
12 to 8
10 to 4
8 to 3
6 to 250
4 to 350
4 to 1/0
1 to 300
6 to 350
TB1 – 4
(3-core shield)
3Ø-Input 3Ø-Output
275/31 168/19
Note: (*) Indicates that the item is one of a set of two parallel cables.
Note: (**) Indicates that the item is one of a set of three parallel cables.
ACE-tronics G9 ASD Installation and Operation Manual 273
Dynamic Braking Resistor Specifications
3-phase power input circuit (see Figure 40. on pg. 275 ) to the ASD in the event that a DBR over-
temperature condition occurs is a requirement. If a DBR failure occurs or should a power source overvoltage condition occur the DBR thermal protection circuitry will prevent hazardous DBR temperatures.
To use the Dynamic Braking function the following requirements must be met:
• Enable the DBR function.
• Select a Resistance Value.
• Set the Continuous Braking Wattage value at
, respectively.
Set the Braking Resistance Overload Time at parameter
to establish how long the braking resistor is allowed to sustain the overload condition before a trip is incurred (the factory default setting is 5 seconds).
Light-duty and heavy-duty resistors vary from a few ohms to several hundred ohms. The appropriate resistance size will be typeform-specific and application-specific. Contact the ACE World Companies
Customer Support Center for more information on your specific DBR requirements.
Heavy-duty DBRs should be wired using the same gauge wire as the motor leads. Light-duty DBRs may use one wire size smaller (AWG or kcmil) than the motor leads.
Because the heat generated by the DBR will affect the cooling capacity of the heat sink, the resistor pack should be mounted above or to the side of the ASD — Never below the ASD. Maintain a minimum of six inches between the resistor pack and the ASD.
The total wire length from the ASD to the DBR should not exceed 10 feet.
The wiring from the ASD to the DBR should be twisted approximately two twists per foot throughout the length of the wire.
If EMI/RFI noise is of concern, the DBR wiring should be 3-core screened cable. The screen should connect to the ASD enclosure and the resistor enclosure.
Though the in-line DBR fuse and the thermal relay are designed into the system to prevent a catastrophic
DBR over-current condition, they are both intended to be used as backup protection ONLY.
A proper typeform-specific and application-specific system setup that includes using the appropriate
Dynamic Braking Resistor and Overload settings will be required.
274 ACE-tronics G9 ASD Installation and Operation Manual
Figure 39. DBR Configurations.
Braking Resistor circuit with a thermal fuse.
Figure 40. Shown below is a typical connection diagram using an MCCB with a Trip Coil (TC) in lieu of an input contactor. A control transformer is required for 400-Volt models only. The primary MC is opened in the event of a DBR over-current detection. With no power supplied to the ASD the failure will not be displayed on the EOI; see the Trip History for failure information once restarted.
ACE-tronics G9 ASD Installation and Operation Manual 275
Short Circuit Protection Recommendations
Table 23. 230/240 and 400/480-Volt ASD Recommended Circuit Breaker Selection.
Model Number HP
Continuous Output Current
Circuit Breaker Part Number
Consult NEC
276 ACE-tronics G9 ASD Installation and Operation Manual
ACE-tronics G9 ASD Optional Devices
The ASD may be equipped with several options which are used to expand the functionality.
lists the available options and their functions.
Table 24. G9 ASD Optional Devices and Functions.
Part Identifier Device Name Device Function
G9/G7 USB Communication Cable
Display Module Docking Station
9-Series EOI Remote Mounting Kit
ASD Input/Output Signal Simulator
DeviceNet Module
Expansion I/O Board 1
Expansion I/O Board 2
ProfiBus DP Module
USB-to-Serial Converter
PG Vector Feedback Board
PG Vector Feedback Board
PG Vector Feedback Board
PG Vector Feedback Board
Used to connect the ASD to a PC via the PC USB port.
Used to flash the 9-Series display module.
Hardware used to mount 9-Series ASD EOI remotely.
Used to simulate the ASD I/O monitor and control signals.
Allows the ASD to communicate via DeviceNet with other DeviceNet-supported equipment including a host computer.
Expands the Input/Output functionality of the ASD.
Expands the Input/Output functionality of the ASD.
Allows the ASD to communicate via ProfiBus with other
ProfiBus-supported equipment including a host computer.
Allows for the USB port of a computer to be used as a communications port for monitoring and controlling the
Allows for the use of Vector Control using a sensor (for use with a 5-Volt encoder).
Allows for the use of Vector Control using a sensor (for use with a 12-Volt encoder).
Allows for the use of Vector Control using a sensor (for use with a 15-Volt encoder).
Allows for the use of Vector Control using a sensor (for use with a 24-Volt encoder).
Note: See the user manual of the applicable option for additional information on each item.
ACE-tronics G9 ASD Installation and Operation Manual 277
24-Volt I/O Terminal Board, 23
Abnormal Speed Detection Time, 180
Accel/Decel Operation After Torque Limit, 162
Accel/Decel Switching Frequency 1, 172
Acceleration Suspend Frequency, 147
Acceleration Suspend Time, 147
Acceleration/Deceleration Switching Frequency 2, 174
Acceleration/Deceleration Switching Frequency 3, 175
AI2 (Option V/I) Input Bias, 166
Alternate I/O Terminal Board, 23
AM Output Gradient Characteristic, 189
AM Output Terminal Adjustment, 187
AM Output Terminal Function, 186
Analog Function Assigned Object 11, 223
Analog Function Assigned Object 21, 223
Analog Input Function Target 11, 222
Analog Input Function Target 21, 223
Analog Input Over-Voltage, 254
Annual Average Ambient Temperature, 183
ASD Disposition at ST Deactivation, 193
ASD Input Phase Failure Detection, 177
ASD Operation at Disconnect, 205
ASD Output Phase Failure Detection, 177
ASD/Motor connection diagram, 17
ASD-side Switching Wait Time, 150
At-trip Recorded Parameters, 260
Automatic Acceleration/Deceleration, 79
Automatic Express-Speed Operation Frequency, 145
Automatic Function Selection, 89
Bearing Greaser (Alarm) Time, 180
Bearing Greaser Speed Multiplier, 167
BIN Input Point 1 Frequency, 124
BIN Input Point 1 Setting, 123
BIN Input Point 2 Frequency, 124
BIN Input Point 2 Setting, 124
ACE-tronics G9 ASD Installation and Operation Manual
BRAKE A, B, and C switching relationship, 28
Brake Release Mechanical (Delay) Time, 232
Brake Sequence Response Error, 254
Brake-Release Torque (Proving) Time, 232
Brake-Release Torque Reference, 232
Brake-Release Torque Stable Time, 232
Brake-Seized Pulse Check Time, 233
Brake-Set Mechanical (Delay) Time, 232
Braking Resistance Overload Time (10x rated torque),
Cable/Terminal Specifications, 272
Carrier Frequency Control Mode, 142
Changed From Default screen, 41
Circuit breaker configuration, 15
Circuit Breaker Part Number, 276
Command Control Selections, 50
Command Mode and Frequency Mode Control, 47
Commercial Power Switching Freq. Hold Time, 150
Commercial Power Switching Wait Time, 150
Commercial Power/ASD Output Switching, 149
Commercial Power/ASD Switching Frequency, 150
Communications Option (DeviceNet/Profibus) Setting
Communications Option (DeviceNet/Profibus) Setting
Communications Option (DeviceNet/Profibus) Setting
Communications Option Speed Switch Monitor
Communications Option Station Address Monitor, 205
Communications setting changes, 41
Conduit Plate Information, 261
Continuous Dynamic Braking Capacity, 141
Continuous Monitoring Brake-Fail Pulse-Count, 233
Control Power Under-Voltage, 255
Current Control Proportional Gain, 163
Current/Voltage Specifications, 270
Current/Voltage Units Setup, 191
DC (Injection) Braking Current, 127
DC (Injection) Braking Start Frequency, 127
DC (Injection) Braking Time, 128
Deceleration Suspend Frequency, 148
Deceleration Suspend Time, 148
Disconnection Detection Extended Time, 205
Discrete Input Terminal Assignment, 236
ACE-tronics G9 ASD Installation and Operation Manual 279
Drooping Insensitive Torque, 144
Dynamic Braking Resistance, 141
Dynamic Braking Resistor Over-Current, 255
Dynamic Braking Resistor Overload, 255
Dynamic Braking Stall Prevention Mode, 163
Dynamic Braking Torque Limit 1, 161
Dynamic Braking Torque Limit 1 Level, 161
Dynamic Braking Torque Limit 2 Level, 161
Dynamic Braking Torque Limit 3 Level, 162
Dynamic Braking Torque Limit 4 Level, 162
Electronic Operator Interface, 32
Electronic Operator Interface features, 33
Emergency Off DC Injection Application Time, 176
Emergency Off Mode Settings, 176
Emergency-Lift Lower Speed Limit, 185
Emergency-Lift Maximum Speed, 185
Emergency-Lift Torque Compare Time, 185
Encoder Error Detection Time, 234
EOI Installation Precautions, 37
EOI Remote Mounting using the ASD-MTG-KIT, 39
EOI Remote Mounting w/o the ASD-MTG-KIT, 38
Exciting Strengthening Coefficient, 156
Express Stop Acceleration/Deceleration Pattern, 174
Express-Speed Learning Function, 145
Express-Speed Operation Detection Time, 146
Express-Speed Operation Heavy-Load Detection Time,
Express-Speed Operation Load Wait Time, 145
Express-Speed Operation Switching Lower-Limit
External Fault Stopping Method, 135
ACE-tronics G9 ASD Installation and Operation Manual
FM Output Gradient Characteristic, 189
FM Output Terminal Adjustment, 81
FM Output Terminal Function, 81
FM Voltage/Current Output Switching, 189
Forward Run/Reverse Run Disable, 142
Forward Speed Limit Input, 158
Forward Speed Limit Level, 158
Forward/Reverse DC Injection Braking Priority, 128
Forward/Reverse Run Selection, 82
FP Terminal Pulse Output Function, 188
Free Unit Display Gradient Characteristic, 192
Free Unit Multiplication Factor, 191
Frequency Command Screen, 35, 40
Frequency Control Selections, 50
Frequency Mode Priority Switching Frequency, 111
Frequency Point Selection, 199
Frequency Priority Selection, 107
G9 Part Numbering Convention, 261
ACE-tronics G9 ASD Installation and Operation Manual
Heavy-Load Torque During Fixed-Speed Power
Heavy-Load Torque During Power Running, 146
I/O Circuit Configurations, 29
Initial UP/DOWN Frequency, 132
Initial UP/DOWN Frequency Rewriting, 132
Input Function Command 1, 210, 212, 213, 217, 219,
Input Function Command 2, 211, 212, 213, 218, 219,
Input Function Target 1, 210, 212, 213, 217, 218, 220,
Input Function Target 2, 211, 212, 213, 218, 219, 220,
Input Function Target 3, 211, 212, 214, 218, 219, 220,
Input Phase Failure Detection, 177
Input Terminal 1 (F) Function, 92
Input Terminal 1 (F) Response Time, 99
Input Terminal 10 (LI2) Function, 94
Input Terminal 11 (LI3) Function, 94
Input Terminal 12 (LI4) Function, 94
Input Terminal 13 – 20 Response Time, 100
Input Terminal 13 (LI5) Function, 95
Input Terminal 14 (LI6) Function, 95
Input Terminal 15 (LI7) Function, 95
Input Terminal 16 (LI8) Function, 96
Input Terminal 17 (B12) Function, 100
Input Terminal 18 (B13) Function, 100
Input Terminal 19 (B14) Function, 100
Input Terminal 2 (R) Function, 92
Input Terminal 2 (R) Response Time, 99
Input Terminal 20 (B15) Function, 100
Input Terminal 3 (I1) Function, 92
Input Terminal 3 (ST) Response Time, 99
Input Terminal 4 (I2) Function, 92
Input Terminal 4 (RES) Response Time, 99
Input Terminal 5 – 12 Response Time, 99
Input Terminal 5 (I3) Function, 93
Input Terminal 6 (I4) Function, 93
Input Terminal 7 (I5) Function, 93
Input Terminal 8 (I6) Function, 93
Input Terminal 9 (LI1) Function, 93
Installation and Connections, 14
Jump Frequency 1 Bandwidth, 134
Jump Frequency 2 Bandwidth, 134
Jump Frequency 3 Bandwidth, 134, 231, 233
Keypad ASD-MTG-KIT Dimensions (mounting), 39
LCD Screen Installation Note, 36
Lead Length Specifications, 20
LED Character/Font Information, 34
LED/LCD Screen Information, 34
LED/LCD Screen Installation Note, 36
Limit-Switch Stopping Method, 135
Load-produced Negative Torque, 12
Low-Current Detection Current Hysteresis Width, 178
Low-Current Detection Threshold, 178
Low-Current Trip Threshold Time, 178
Low-Speed Signal Output Frequency, 90
Main Monitor Selections, 56, 65
Manual Torque Limit Settings, 72
Maximum Up Speed At Brake Fail, 233
MON 1 Output Gradient Characteristic, 190
MON 1 Voltage/Current Output Switching, 190
MON 2 Output Gradient Characteristic, 190
MON 2 Voltage/Current Output Switching, 190
MON1 Terminal Meter Selection, 187
MON2 Terminal Meter Selection, 188
Monitor Output Function 11, 224
ACE-tronics G9 ASD Installation and Operation Manual
Monitor Output Function 21, 224
Monitor Output Function 31, 225
Monitor Output Function 41, 225
Monitor Output Function Command 11, 224
Monitor Output Function Command 21, 224
Monitor Output Function Command 31, 225
Monitor Output Function Command 41, 225
Motor 150% Overload Time Limit, 177
Motor Overload Protection Configuration, 86
Motor Overload Protection Level 1, 175
Motor Overload Protection Level 2, 102
Motor Overload Protection Level 3, 103
Motor Overload Protection Level 4, 104
Motor Shaft Fixing Control, 128
Multiplying Input Selection, 186
My Function Frequency Data 1, 215
My Function Frequency Data 2, 215
My Function Frequency Data 3, 215
My Function Frequency Data 4, 215
My Function Frequency Data 5, 216
My Function Percent Data 1, 214
My Function Percent Data 3, 214
My Function Percent Data 4, 215
My Function Percent Data 5, 215
ACE-tronics G9 ASD Installation and Operation Manual
My Function Selection, 74, 227
Network Option Reset Settings, 210
No-Load (Torque) Detection Time, 207
Number of PG Input Phases, 153
Number of PG Input Pulses, 153
Operation Panel Parameters, 70
Operational and Maintenance Precautions, 9
Option V/I Terminal Voltage/Current Selection, 91
Output Function Assigned, 211, 213, 214, 218, 219, 221,
Output Phase Failure Detection, 177
Output Terminal 1 (OUT1) Function, 96
Output Terminal 10 (R3) Function, 101
Output Terminal 11 (R4) Function, 101
Output Terminal 2 (OUT2) Function, 96
Output Terminal 3 (BRAKE) Function, 96
Output Terminal 4 (OUT3) Function, 97
Output Terminal 5 (OUT4) Function, 97
Output Terminal 6 (R1) Function, 97
Output Terminal 7 (OUT5) Function, 98
Output Terminal 8 (OUT6) Function, 98
Output Terminal 9 (R2) Function, 98
Over-Current During Acceleration, 257
Over-Current During Deceleration, 257
Over-Heat During Acceleration, 257
Over-Heat During Deceleration, 258
Overload Reduction Starting Frequency, 177
Over-Speed Detection Frequency Lower Band, 180
Over-Speed Detection Frequency Upper Band, 180
Over-Torque Detection Hysteresis, 179
Over-Torque Detection Level (Negative Torque), 179
Over-Torque Detection Level (Positive Torque), 179
Over-Torque Detection Time, 179
Over-Voltage During Acceleration, 258
Over-Voltage During Deceleration, 258
Over-Voltage Limit Operation, 140
Over-Voltage Limit Operation Level, 181
Panel Override Multiplication Gain, 194
Panel Tension Torque Bias, 194
Permanent Magnet (PM) Motor Constant 2, 168
PG Disconnection Detection, 154
PG Input Point 1 Frequency, 125
PG Input Point 2 Frequency, 126
PID Deviation Lower Limit, 152
PID Deviation Upper Limit, 151
PID Feedback Delay Filter, 151
PID Feedback Differential (D) Gain, 152
PID Feedback Integral (I) Gain, 151
PID Feedback Proportional (P) Gain, 151
Plugging Acceleration Time, 174
Plugging Acceleration/Deceleration Pattern, 175
Plugging Deceleration Time, 175
284 ACE-tronics G9 ASD Installation and Operation Manual
Power Running Stall Continuous Trip Detection Time,
Power Running Torque Limit 1, 160
Power Running Torque Limit 1 Level, 160
Power Running Torque Limit 2 Level, 161
Power Running Torque Limit 3 Level, 161
Power Running Torque Limit 4 Level, 162
Preset Speed Operation Selection, 205
Program Mode Menu Navigation, 57
Pulse Output Frequency (FP), 188
Regenerative Power Ridethrough Control Level, 181
Regenerative Power Ridethrough Mode, 138
Remote EOI Required Hardware, 37
Retain Trip Record at Power Down, 176
Reverse Speed Limit Input, 159
Reverse Speed Limit Input Level, 159
Rotation in Specified Direction ONLY, 160
RR Input Point 1 Frequency, 113
RR Input Point 2 Frequency, 114
RS485 2- and 4-wire Communications Time-Out Action,
RS485 2- and 4-wire Parity, 197
RS485 2-Wire and 4-Wire Communications Time Out,
RS485 2-wire ASD-to-ASD Communications, 199
RS485 2-wire Send Wait Time, 198
RS485 ASD-to-ASD Communications, 202
RS485 Protocol Selection (TSB/ModBus), 202
ACE-tronics G9 ASD Installation and Operation Manual 285
Rush Relay Current Activation Time, 183
RX Input Point 1 Frequency, 116
RX Input Point 2 Frequency, 117
RX2 (AI1) Input Point 1 Frequency, 120
RX2 (AI1) Input Point 1 Rate, 121
RX2 (AI1) Input Point 1 Setting, 119
RX2 (AI1) Input Point 2 Frequency, 120
RX2 (AI1) Input Point 2 Rate, 122
RX2 (AI1) Input Point 2 Setting, 120
Second Speed Loop Proportional Gain, 163
Second Speed Loop Stabilization Coefficient, 164
Short Circuit Detection At Start, 178
Simple Positioning Completion Range, 154
S-Pattern Acceleration Lower Limit Adjustment, 173
S-Pattern Acceleration Upper Limit Adjustment, 173
S-Pattern Deceleration Lower Limit Adjustment, 173
S-Pattern Deceleration Upper Limit Adjustment, 173
Special Protection Parameters, 66
Speed at 0% Drooping Gain, 143
Speed at F320 Drooping Gain, 143
Speed Limit (torque=0) Band, 160
Speed Limit (torque=0) Center Value, 159
Speed Limit (torque=0) Center Value Reference, 159
Speed Loop Proportional Gain, 163
Speed Loop Stabilization Coefficient, 163
Speed PID Switching Frequency, 164
Speed Reach Detection Band, 90
Stall Prevention Factor 1, 157
Startup Wizard Requirements, 42
Stepout Current Detection Level, 184
Stepout Current Detection Time, 184
Stopping Time at Stop Limit Switch UP, 135
Supply Voltage Correction, 141
Switching Load Torque During Dynamic Braking, 147
Switching Load Torque During Power Running, 146
Synchronized Acceleration Time, 143
Synchronized Deceleration Time, 142
System Configuration and Menu Options, 52
System Integration Precautions, 7
Tension Torque Bias Input, 157
Time Limit For Lower-Limit Frequency Operation, 128
ACE-tronics G9 ASD Installation and Operation Manual
Traverse Acceleration Time, 229
Traverse Deceleration Time, 229
Trip Record at Monitor Screen, 260
Under-Voltage Trip Detection Time, 181
UP/DOWN Frequency (down) Frequency Step, 132
UP/DOWN Frequency (down) Response Time, 132
UP/DOWN Frequency (up) Frequency Step, 132
UP/DOWN Frequency (up) Response Time, 131
UP/DOWN Frequency Accel Time, 83
UP/DOWN Frequency Decel Time, 83
UP/DOWN Frequency Functions, 67
Up/Down Frequency Operation, 133
ACE-tronics G9 ASD Installation and Operation Manual
V/f 5-Point Setting Frequency 1, 104
V/f 5-Point Setting Frequency 2, 105
V/f 5-Point Setting Frequency 3, 106
V/f 5-Point Setting Frequency 4, 106
V/f 5-Point Setting Frequency 5, 107
V/f 5-Point Setting Voltage 1, 105
V/f 5-Point Setting Voltage 2, 106
V/f 5-Point Setting Voltage 3, 106
V/f 5-Point Setting Voltage 4, 106
V/f 5-Point Setting Voltage 5, 107
V/I Analog Input Broken Wire Detection Level, 182
V/I Input Gain (AI2 Option Board Input), 166
V/I Input Point 1 Frequency, 109
V/I Input Point 1 Setting, 108
V/I Input Point 2 Frequency, 109
V/I Input Point 2 Setting, 109
Virtual Input Terminal 1 Selection, 226
Virtual Input Terminal 2 Selection, 226
Virtual Input Terminal 3 Selection, 226
Virtual Input Terminal 4 Selection, 226
ACE World Companies Corporation
10200 Jacksboro Highway, Fort Worth, TX 76135
TEL: (817) 237-7700 — FAX: (817) 237-2777
Toll Free: (800) 431-4223
Printed in the U.S.A.

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Key features
- True Torque Control2
- Vector Control Algorithm
- Digitally-controlled pulse width modulation
- Easy-to-use menu selections
- Direct Access Numbers
- High-performance software
- Unparalleled motor control and reliability
- Easy-to-read LCD screen
- Read-only LED screen
- User-friendly Electronic Operator Interface