SnapServer™ DX1
Sliding Rail Kit Instructions
This document describes how to install an optional DX1 Sliding
Rail Kit onto a SnapServer DX1 from Overland Storage,
replacing the standard fixed brackets.
WARNING: To reduce the risk of electric shock or damage to
equipment, always remove any power cords while working
with the unit.
AVERTISSEMENT: Pour réduire le risque de choc électrique ou
endommagement de l'équipement, retirez toujours les cordons
électriques en travaillant avec l'appareil.
CAUTION: While working with the unit, observe standard
Electrostatic Discharge (ESD) precautions to prevent damage
to micro-circuitry or static-sensitive devices.
Prepare the Unit
NOTE: If this is a new SnapServer that has not yet been installed
into a rack, go to the “Attach the Rails” section.
Power Off and Disconnect
1. Power off the unit using Web Management Interface.
Select System Maintenance > Reboot and Shutdown >
2. When all the LEDs are off, disconnect the power cord.
Data Cables
Power Socket
3. Disconnect all data cables from the unit.
Remove the Bezel
Carefully take hold of the front bezel and pull straight out from
the appliance until the magnets release. Set it aside.
Remove the Drives
IMPORTANT: Overland recommends that you remove the
drive assemblies to lessen the unit’s weight prior to removal.
The assemblies must be reinstalled in the same slots when done.
NOTE: Do not remove the disk drives from their carriers. Doing so
voids the drive warranty.
This process applies to both drive assemblies and blanks:
1. Press the release button on the right side of the carrier.
2. Using the handle, pull the assembly out.
3. Set the assembly on an ESD-safe surface.
4. Repeat Steps 1–3 for each remaining carrier.
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©2011 Overland Storage, Inc.
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Sliding Rail Kit Instructions
Remove Unit from Rack
Fixed Brackets
WARNING: It is recommended that a mechanical lifter (or at
least two people) be used during rack installation or removal
to prevent injury.
AVERTISSEMENT: Pour éviter toute blessure il est recommande
qu'un monte-charge (ou deux personnes au moins) soit utilisé lors
de l'installation ou de l'enlèvement du support.
1. Remove and retain the four screws from the front
flanges and move the unit onto the lifter.
2. Move the unit onto a secure ESD-safe surface.
ESD Surface
Attach the Rails
Remove Fixed Brackets
1. Facing the appliance, remove the three screws holding the
right-side bracket to the chassis. Set the bracket aside.
2. Remove the three screws holding the left-side bracket,
and set it aside.
Attach Inner Rails to Unit
NOTE: The inner rails are labeled “R” (right) and “L” (left).
1. Select a rail assembly and slide the inner rail out until it
2. Press the release latch and remove the inner rail.
3. Repeat Steps 1–2 for the other rail assembly.
4. Align the right inner rail (R) against the right side of the
server with the side with the notches up.
5. Using the supplied screws. to secure the rail.
6. Repeat Steps 4–5 for the left-side rail (L).
Size the Rails to Rack
The slide rails are adjustable to fit most racks. To determine if
they need to be resized:
1. Measure the distance between the insides of the front
and rear vertical rack rails.
2. Check that the outside distance between the outer rail
front and rear flanges is the same as the rack.
3. If necessary, remove the four screws holding the outer rail
rear component, slide it out the necessary distance, and
reinstall the screws.
NOTE: For some racks, only two screws can be used due to the
location of the slots. this does not impact the stability of the rails
4. Repeat Step 3 for the other rail.
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©2011 Overland Storage, Inc.
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Sliding Rail Kit Instructions
Attach Outer Rails to Rack
The new rails should be attached to the same rack holes that
the fixed bracket used.
1. Position the right-side rail between the right vertical
rack rails with the flanges on the inside edges.
2. At the rear, use two screws in the top and bottom holes
to secure the rear rail flange to the rack.
3. At the front, use two screws in the top and bottom holes
to secure the front rail flange to the rack.
4. For the left-side rail, repeat Steps 1–3.
Reinstall the Chassis
Reinstall in Rack
1. Using the mechanical lifter, position the appliance in
front of the rack.
2. Insert the inner rails into the outer rails and slide the
unit into the rack.
3. Using the two captive screws on the inner rail, secure
the SnapServer in the rack.
IMPORTANT: If this is a new appliance install, continue with
the SnapServer DX1 Quick Start Guide instructions.
Install Drives
1. Position a drive assembly in front of an empty slot.
2. Slide the assembly in until the latch clicks, locking it in
the slot.
3. Repeat Steps 1–2 for all remaining drive carriers.
IMPORTANT: To maintain proper airflow and cooling, a drive
assembly or a blank carrier must be installed in every slot. No
empty slots are allowed.
Attach the Bezel
1. Position the bezel with the top edge tabs aligned with the
top slots located on the front of the appliance.
Top Tab
2. Move the bezel toward the appliance until the magnets
make contact.
3. Verify that the bezel is aligned properly and that all the
LEDs are visible.
Attach Cables and Power Cords
1. Reattach all the cables (except the power cord).
2. Attach the power cord.
3. At the front, press the power switch to power it on.
Data Cables
Power Socket
You can get additional technical support on the Internet at the Overland Storage Support web page, or by contacting Overland Storage using
the information found on the Contact Us page on our web site.
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©2011 Overland Storage, Inc.
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