Omega SV-350/360 Series Owner Manual
Omega SV-350/360 Series are 2-way solenoid valves that are used to control the flow of fluids in a piping system. They are internally piloted valves with diaphragm and forced lifting which open fully from 0 PSI pressure differential. The valves feature brass or stainless steel body with high flow rates, Viton seal material, and a temperature range from -10 to 130°C (14 to 266°F). The valves are ideal for neutral media such as water, compressed air, and hydraulic oil. The valves are available in a variety of port sizes and connection types, and can be operated with a variety of voltages.
E OMEGA An OMEGA Techuologles Company SV-350/360 Series 2-Way Solenoid Valves TRG M2188/0695 SHEET Unpacking Instructions Remove the Packing List and verify that you have received all equipment, including the following (quantities in parentheses): SV-350/360 Series Solenoid Valve (1) Cperator’s Manual (1) If ycu have any questions about the ship- ment, please call the OMEGA Customer Service Department. When you receive the shipment, inspect the container and equipment for signs of damage. Note any evidence of rough handling in transit. Immediately report any damage to the shipping agent. * The carrier will not honor damage Description The SV-350 Series 2-way solenoid valves are internally piloted valves with diaphragm and forced lifting which open fully from 0 PSI pressure differential. The valves feature brass or stainless steel body with high flow rates, Viton seal material, and a temperature range from -10 to 130°C (14 to 266°F). The valves are ideal for neutral media such as water, compressed air, and hydraulic oil (viscosity approx. 2.3 x 10* ft/sec). Electrical connection is by conduit plug. Seal Materials and Fluids Handled claims unless all shipping material is saved for inspection. After examining and removing contents, save packing material and carton in the event reshipment is necessary. See Table 1. Fluid and Ambient Temperature See Table 1. Table 1 Seal Materials Fluids Tempera- | Buna "N" (B) | Ethylene (A) | Viton (F) tures [°F] Propylene air Fluid T. +14 to +194 -22 to +266 +32 to +266 Ambient | +14to+130 | +14to+130 | +14to +130 water Fluid T. +50 to +194 +50 to +194 +50 to +194 Ambient +32 to +130 +32 to +130 +32 to +130 neutral gas | Fluid T. | +14to+194 | -22to+266 | +32 to +266 Ambient +14 to +130 +14 to +130 +14 to +130 light oil Fluid T. +50 to +194 N/A +50 to +194 Ambient +14 to +130 +14 to +130 LP-gas Fluid T. +14 to +140 N/A | +14 to +140 Ambient +14 to +130 +14 to +130 Available Models Port Orifice Part Connection Cy Range Diameter Body Weight Number | (NPT) (PSI) (in) Material | (Ibs) SV-351 1/2 3.3 0-230 7/16 BR 2.2 SV-352 1/2 3.3 0-230 7/16 SS 2.2 SV-353 3/4 5.8 0-230 3/4 BR 3.1 Sv-354 3/4 5.8 0-230 3/4 SS 3.1 SV-355 1 11.7 0-230 1 BR 4.0 SV-356 1 11.7 0-230 1 SS 4.0 SV-357 1-1/4 18 0-170 1-1/4 BR 5.3 SV-358 1-1/2 18 0-170 1-1/2 BR 6.8 SV-359 2 44 0-170 2 BR 14.3 SV-360 2-1/2 44 0-170 2-1/2 BR 16.7 ” Also suitable for vacuum down to 38 Torr. Options Ordering Suffix Description -24VDC 24 Vdc operation -12VDC 12 Vdc operation -240VAC 240 Vac operation -BUNA Buna-N sea! -EPDM EPDM seal Pressure Range Maximum inlet pressure: see the label on the valve. A pressure differential between inlet port and outlet port is not required. Installation Before installing valve make sure that piping etc. is free of foreign matter (metal filings, seal materials, welding scale etc.). Teflon tape is recommended for sealing ports. The arrow on the valve body gives flow direction. Installation as required but preferably with the coil at the top. Installing in this position tends to prevent foreign matter remaining in pilot valve (increased life). A strainer upstream of valve, protects against effects of foreign matter. Do not put any load on coil unit. Pipework should be supported such that valve body is not under strain. Do not allow a pipe end or sealing material block the pilot bore within the valve outlet. Inlet and outlet of valve must be fullbore and pipework unrestricted. Electrical Connection Make sure the supply voltage /frequency corresponds with what is on the valve nameplate. Voltage tolerance is + 10%. Available Electrical Connections and wiring diagrams are on the reverse side. Troubleshooting Check port connections, minimum operating pressure differential and supply voltage. Make sure pilot hole in diaphragm is clear and pilot bore in the valve outlet is not obstructed. If the core does not pull in, check for short circuit, coil burn-out or foreign matter impeding core movement. À jammed or missing core causes the coil to overheat in the case of ac supply. SMS0695FVRA SV-350/360 Series Two Way Solenoid Valves M2188/0695 Wiring Diagram Electrical Connection Type H Power* Ground (green dot) Power" Electrical Connection Type A Power" (black) | Ground (green/yellow) Power" (black) * Orientation is not important Specifications Mounting Position: Max. Ambient Temp.: Operating Voltage: Voltage Tolerance: Power Consumption: Opening Time (msec): Closing Time (msec): Cycling Rate: Duty Cycle: Dimensions: Any (preferably with solenoid system upright) 54°C (130°F) 120 Vac Standard +10% Orifice Size Inrush Hold 1/2" . 80W 6 W 3/4"to 1-1/2" 100W 9W 2"to 2-1/2" 28W 28W 100-1000 700-4000 (Switching times are measured using water and are dependent on valve orifice size and fluid pressure and viscosity.) Approx. 10-20 cpm Continuous (100%) See below Orifice SW Width Dia. A B D (NPT) F E L }Across Fiats 1/2* 4.29 4.84 1/2 0.54 1.57 2.56 1.06 3/4** 4.53 5.16 1/2 0.54 2.36 3.94 1.26 3/4 4.53 5.16 3/4 0.55 2.36 3.94 1.26 1 4.74 5.55 1 0.66 2.76 4.53 1.61 1 1/4 4.80 5.73 1 1/4 0.68 3.35 4.96 1.97 11/2 4.96 6.14 11/2 0.68 3.35 4.96 2.36 2 5.61 6.99 2 0.69 4.53 6.46 2.76 2 1/2* 5.61 7.28 2 1/2 1.05 453 7.09 3.35' LEOMEGA” OMEGAnet“ Online Service Internet e-mail [email protected] Servicing North America: Servicing Europe: U.S. A.: One Omega Drive, Box 4047 Czech Republic: Frystatska 184, 733 01 Karviná, Czech Republic ISO 9001 Certified Stamford, CT 06907-0047 Tel: +420 (0)59 6311899 Tel: (203) 359-1660 FAX: +420 (0)59 6311114 FAX: (203) 359-7700 Toll Free: 0800-1-66342 e-mail: [email protected] e-mail: [email protected] Canada: 976 Bergar Germany/Austria: Daimlerstrasse 26, D-75392 Deckenpfronn, Germany - | 7 | Tel: +49 (0)7056 9396-0 Laval bec) H71. 5A1, Canad ; as) 856.008 Aad FAX: +49 (0)7056 9398-29 FAX: (514) 856-6886 Tol! Free in Germany: 0800 639 7678 e-mail: [email protected] United Kingdom: One Ornega Drive, River Bend Technology Centre e-mail: [email protected] For immecliate technical or application assistance: ISO 9002 Certified Northbank, Irlam, Manchester U.S.A. and Canada: Sales Service: 1-800-826-6342 /1-800-TC-OMEGA” M44 58D United Kingdom Customer Service: 1-800-622-2378 /1-800-622-BEST® Tel: +44 (0)161 777 6611 Engineering Service: 1-800-872-9436/1-800-USA-WHEN* FAX: +44 (0)161 777 6622 Mexico: En Español: (001) 203-359-7803 Toll Free in United Kingdom: 0800-488-488 FAX: (001) 203-359-7807 e-mail: [email protected] e-mail:[email protected] [email protected] It is the policy of OMEGA Engineering, Inc. to comply with all worldwide safety and EMC/EMI regulations that apply. OMEGA is constantly pursuing certification of its products to the European New Approach Directives. OMEGA will add the CE mark to every appropriate device upon certification. The information contained in this document is believed to be correct, but OMEGA accepts no liability for any errors it contains, and reserves the right to alter specifications without notice. WARNING: These products are not designed for use in, and should not be used for, human applications. ET A A ST SE ООО ОЛ e REE AER TN ns Poe ee ПЕНЫ НЕЕ OMEGA ENGINEERING, INC. warrants this unit to be free of defects in materials and workmanship for a period of 13 months from date of purchase. OMEGA's WARRANTY adds an additional one (1) month grace period to the normal one (1) year product warranty to cover handling and shipping time. This ensures that OMEGA's customers receive maximum coverage on each product. Y the unit malfunctions, it must be returned to the factory for evaluation. OMEGA's Customer Service Department will issue an Authorized Return (AR) number immedia-ely upon phone or written request. Upon examination by OMEGA, if the unit is found to be defective, it will be repaired or replaced at no charge. OMEGA's WARRANTY does not appiy to defects resulting from any action of the purchaser, including but not limited to mishandling, improper interfacing, operation outside of design limits, improper repair, or unauthorized modification. This WARRANTY is VOID if the unit shows evidence of havirg been tampered with or shows evidence of having been damaged as a result of excessive corrosion; or current, heat, moisture or vibration; improper specification; misapplication; misuse or other operating conditions outside of OMEGA's control. Components in which wear is not warranted, include but are not limited to contact points, fuses, and triacs. OMEGA is pleased to offer suggestions on the use of its various products. However, OMEGA neither assumes responsibility for any omissions or errors hor assumes liability for any damages that result from the use of its products in accordance with information provided by OMEGA, either verbal or written. OMEGA warrants only that the parts manufactured by the company will be as specified and free of defects. OMEGA. MAKES NO OTHER WARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS OF ANY KIND WHATSOEVER, EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, EXCEPT THAT OF TITLE, AND ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES INCLUDING ANY WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE HEREBY DISCLAIMED. LIMITATION OF LIABILITY: The remedies of purchaser set forth herein are exclusive, and the total liability of OMEGA with respect to this order, whether based on contract, warranty, negligence, indemnification, strict liability or otherwise, shall not exceed! the purchase price of the component upon which liability is based. In no event shall OMEGA be liable for consequential, incidental or special damages. CONDITIONS: Ecuipment sold by OMEGA is not intended to be used, nor shall it be used: (1) as a “Basic Component” under 10 CER 21 (NRC), used in or with any nuclear installation or activity; or (2) in medical applications or used on humans. Should any Productís) be used in or with any nuclear installation or activity, medical application, used on humans, or misused in any way, OMEGA assumes no responsibility as set forth in our basic WARRANTY/DISZLAIMER language, and, additionally, purchaser will indemnify OMEGA and hold OMEGA harmless from any liability or damage whatsoever arisir g out of the use of the Product(s) in such a manner. = ER 8 RETURN REQUESTS / INQUIRIES 1: NES Direct all warranty and repair requests/inquiries to the OMEGA Customer Service Department. BEFORE RETURNING ANY PRODUCTIS) TO OMEGA, PURCHASER MUST OBTAIN AN AUTHORIZED RETURN (AR) NUMBER FROM OMEGA'S CUSTOMER SERVICE DEPARTMENT (IN ORDER TO AVOID PROCESSING DELAYS). The assigned AR number should then be marked on the outside of the return package and on any correspondence. The purchaser is responsible for shipping charges, freight, insurance and proper packaging to prevent breakage in transit. FOR WARRANTY RETURNS, please have the following information FOR NON-WARRANTY REPAIRS, consult OMEGA for current repair charges. SAA E available BEFOR!: contacting OMEGA: Have the following information available BEFORE contacting OMEGA: 1. Purchase Order number under which the product was PURCHASED, | 1. Purchase Order number to cover the COST of the repair, 2. Model and serial number of the product under warranty, and 2. Model and serial number of the product, and 3. Repair instructions and/or specific problems relative to the product. ! 3. Repair instructions and/or specific problems relative to the product. OMEGA's policy is to make running changes, not model changes, whenever an improvement is possible. This affords our customers the latest in technology and engineering. OMEGA is a registered trademark of OMEGA ENGINEERING, INC. © Copyright 2008 OMEGA ENGINEERING, INC. All rights reserved. This document may not be copied, photocopied, reproduced, translated, or reduced to any electronic medium or machin:-readable form, in whole or in part, without the prior written consent of OMEGA ENGINEERING, INC. ">

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