ICOM IC-M126DSC Owner Manual
Below you will find brief information for VHF Marine Transceiver IC-M126 DSC, DSC Decoder Unit UX-112, Voice Scrambler Unit UT-74, Voice Scrambler Unit UX-110, Relay Interface Unit UX-95, Audio Amplifier UA-1. The IC-M126DSC VHF Marine Transceiver is a compact, versatile and powerful transceiver that is ideal for use on a variety of vessels. It is also compatible with the UX-112 DSC decoder unit, which allows the transceiver to meet U.S. Coast Guard proposal SC-101. This unit allows the transceiver to receive DSC signals in addition to other functions. The transceiver comes standard with DSC Class C capability, meaning it can transmit a distress call, containing your vessel's DSC ID and position (when NMEA navigation equipment is connected) using DSC signalling on channel 70. The UT-74 and UX-110 are optional voice scrambler units that can be used to encrypt your communications. The UX-95 is a relay interface unit that is needed to control the UA-1 audio amplifier. The UA-1 is an audio amplifier that can be used to boost the output power of the hailer function.
VHF MARINE TRANSCEIVER (U.S.A. version) C—M126DSC Icom Inc. IN CASE OF EMERGENCY hannel 16 ICE ON C tress call by voi IS transmit your d , Or contact other vessels istance, res ass If your vessel requ ing digital tress call usi IS d ing a and the Coast Guard by send hannel 70 ingonc ive call select TABLE OF CONTENTS IN CASE OF EMERGENCY ------------—i TABLE OF CONTENTS 0000000000200022008 il ; IMPORTANT 060002000040 000000000021200000000 Mi EXPLICIT DEFINITIONS -=----=--==-=--"- i CAUTIONS onsccenrcaocanrracacoonarenccaces li 1 OPERATING RULES oconcroceroracanmaroe 1 2 PANEL DESCRIPTION ------------- 2-5 E Front panel 020000000000000222200000000088 2 = Function display cevsessssenssessanncens 4 3 BASIC OPERATION ---------------- 6-9 | N Channel selection 2.0.0... 02.2000002..00 6 a Receiving 20002200008000000005020200205088 8 a Transmitting 000000000000000220200080000008 8 4 SCANS 000020000 0000040200020008 но... 10-13 Ш General 000000002000000000402000020000000 10 N Weather alert 12 E Dualwatch/tri-watch-------====-===-- 13 5 DIGITAL SELECTIVE CALLING -------e=e=ee0erererenoneco> 14-19 B General en... 00000004000000000400050000008 14 HM Distress call (without UX-112) +++ 15 HM Distress call (with UX-112) ++--===-- 16 E Al! ships call (TX)--==-=eee=eeeeenoe— 17 E All ships call (RX) {UX-112 required) ++<<<"""""## 18 M Sensor distress cali (TX)------===- 19 M Individual call (RX) | (UX-112 required) +++" 19 HN Distress call (RX) (UX-112 required) Pp 19 HM Distress relay call (RX) (UX-1 12 required) ....00002000000000000000 7 9 6 MEMORY AND CALL CHANNEL PROGRAMMING -----=--=--==e==....- 20 Hu Memory channels --.-<<<<<"<><..-- 20 E Call channel: ооелеооооеоолеооео оо 20 7 OTHER FUNCTIONS -----=--=-- *21-25 Ш Hailer орегайоп FE. 21 MM Intercom operation +----========="=-- 22 E Automatic fog horn--=-=============- 24 M internal speaker ON/OFF-=-=----- 25 EM Backlight intensity --=-=-==-======-=-- 25 8 SET MODE -+---<<=e000ncerecooonnoo> 26-30 EN Entering SET mode... 26 9 CONNECTIONS AND | MAINTENANCE - -------=e==-=e.... 31-37 NE Unpacking +.orocereocencacansonuanccces 31 E Additional requirements ----------- 31 EH Connections--+……>----->-> 32 . E Mounting the transceiver------=--- 36 H Antenna + 36 E Resetting the CPU ----========-==-=- 37 E Cleaning e eroccooororcocarecacacarereraes 37 E Fuse replacement 0000020000000200002 37 a Backup battery e reesccsanerancancanos 37 10 OPTIONAL UNIT INSTALLATIONS ---============- 38-39 - M Removing/replacing the case---- 38 M UX-112 (DSC DECODER UNIT) -------38 EH UT-74/UX-110 | (VOICE SCRAMBLER UNITS) -=-=<=-==-- 39 № UX-95 (RELAY INTERFACE UNIT) --+- 39 11 TROUBLESHOOTING -----+---- 40 12 VHF MARINE CHANNEL LIST ---41 13 SPECIFICATIONS -----------ee.e...- 42 14 OPTIONS --------=ece0000ocoareononaca. 43 IMPORTANT READ ALL INSTRUCTIONS carefully and com- pletely before using the transceiver. SAVE THIS INSTRUCTION MANUAL - This instruction manual contains important safety and operating instructions for the IC-M126DSC. YOU MUST HAVE a DSC vessel ID in order to operate the DSC functions of the transceiver. See your Dealer for details. EXPLICIT DEFINITIONS The following explicit definitions apply to this instruction manual. Equipment damage may occur. If disregarded, inconvenience only. No risk of personal injury, fire or electric shock. | CAUTIONS NEVER connect the transceiver to more than a 16 V DC power source or an AC outlet. This will ruin the transceiver. AVOID using or placing the transceiver in direct sunlight or in areas with temperatures below — 20 °C (= 4 °F) or over + 60°C (+140°F). KEEP the transceiver out of the reach of children. KEEP the antenna cable and DC power cable as far away as possible from electrical pumps, generators and other electronic instruments to prevent instrument malfunctions. KEEP the transceiver and microphone at least 1 meter away from your vessel's magnetic navigation compass. BE CAREFUL! The heatsink will become hot when trans- mitting continuously for long periods. | DO NOT use any thing other than your fingertips to push the front panel switches, as the switches could be dam- aged. e PRIORITIES 1) Read all rules and regulations pertaining to priorities and keep an up-to-date copy handy. Safety and distress calls take priority over all others. 2) You must monitor channel 16 when you are not oper- ating on another channel. 3) False or fraudulent distress calls are prohibited under law. | | * PRIVACY 1) Information overheard but not intended for you cannot lawfully be used in any way. 2) Indecent or profane language is prohibited. * RADIO LICENSES (1) SHIP STATION LICENSE When your craft is equipped with a VHF FM transceiver, you must have a current radio station license before using the transceiver. It is unlawful to operate a ship station which is not licensed. | OPERATING RULES Inquire through your dealer or the appropriate government agency for a Ship-Radiotelephone license. This license includes the call sign which is your craft's identification for radio purposes. (2) OPERATOR'S LICENSE A Restricted Radiotelephone Operator Permit is the license most often held by small vessel radio operators when a radio is not required for safety purposes. You can usually obtain this permit by mail. The Restricted Radiotelephone Operator Permit must be posted near the transceiver or be kept with the operator. Only a licensed radio operator may operate a transceiver. However, non-licensed individuals may talk over a trans- ceiver if a licensed operator starts, supervises, ends the call and makes the necessary log entries. A current copy of the applicable government rules and regulations is only required to be on hand for vessels in which a radiotelephone is compulsory. However, even if you are not required to have these on hand it is your responsibility to be thoroughly acquainted with all pertinent rules and regulations. 1 нии — В BE ©? PANEL DESCRIPTION E Front panel WEATHER CHANNEL SWITCH [WX-WX ALERT] Selects weather channels. (p. 7) Activates weather alert as the secondary function. (p. 12) DUAL/TRI-WATCH SWITCH [DUAL-SCAN] Activates dual or tri-watch. (p.13) Activates a scan as the secondary function. (p. 11) | _ EHHH - (1 A — Ll | ‘Сом VHF_ MARIN |TRAN: HAILER/INTERCOM SWITCH [HL/IC-A. FOG] и `` Toggles between the hailer and intercom function. (p. 21) 1 / N a Activates the auto fog horn as the secondary function. - (p. 25) | FUNCTION SWITCH [F] a | | Asloc sch — WXALEAT Activates the secondary function of switches. | | a ) DUAL (wx ) Push other switches within 5 secs. of pushing [F]. \ / | / LOCK OUT MW | @ (mo) (mn) HIGH/LOW POWER SWITCH [HI/LO-LOCK OUT] 1 d (©) (pe) СО ‘Toggles between high and low output powers. (p. 8) = — Locks out the selected channel as the secondary func- tion. (p. 11) | MEMORY CHANNEL SWITCH [MR-MW] | Selects memory channels. (p.7) Programs channels into memory as the secondary func- tion. (p. 20) PANEL DESCRIPTION 2 __| Toggles between international and USA channels. (р. 6) INT/USA CHANNEL SWITCH [INT/USA-SCRM] Activates an optional voice scrambler unit as the second- ary function. (p. 8) : ex =) ISCEIVER |IC-M126 DSC WA en. ON SQUELCH CONTROL [SQUELCH] | Rotate clockwise to eliminate audio noise. (p. 8) Activates built-in attenuator when rotated deep clockwise. VOLUME CONTROL [VOLUME](PWR PUSH-ON) Push to turn power ON and OFF. (p. 8) Rotate to adjust the audio output level. (p. 8) scan INTUSA ( + ) gi EMERGENCY SWITCH [EMER] Selects channel 70 instantly; transmits a distress call when pushed and held for 5 secs. (p. 15) € С 2% DIMMER CALL ( Chae ) CHANNEL SELECTOR [CHANNEL] Selects an operating channel. (pgs. 6—7) CHANNEL 16 SWITCH [CH16-DsC] Selects the channel 16 mode. (p. 6) Sends an “all ships call” as the secondary function. (Р. 17) CALL CHANNEL SWITCH [CALL-DIMMER] Selects the call channel. (p. 7) | Adjusts the display and control/switch backlighting inten- sity as the secondary function. (p. 25) | - | 2 PANEL DESCRIPTION Ш Function display LOW POWER INDICATOR Shows that low output power is selected. (p. 8) LOCKOUT CHANNEL INDICATOR Shows the selected channel is a lockout channel. (p. 11) TRANSMIT INDICATOR Appears while transmitting. (p. 8) CHANNEL INDICATOR Shows the operating channel. CALL CHANNEL INDICATOR Appears when the call channel is selected. (p. 7) S/RF INDICATOR Shows the relative signal strength while receiving. (p. 8) Shows high, or low output power selection while trans- mitting. (p. 8) | WEATHER ALERT INDICATOR Indicates the weather alert function is activated. (p. 12) FUNCTION INDICATOR Appears when [F] is pushed, and indicates a secondary function can be activated. MODE INDICATORS “USA” shows USA channels are selected. (p. 6) “INT” shows international channels are selected. (p. 6) VOICE SCRAMBLER INDICATOR Appears while the optional voice scrambler is activated. “WX” shows weather channels are selected. (p. 7) No indicator appears when the channel 16 mode or channel 70 mode is selected. (pas. 6, 15) PANEL DESCRIPTION 2 DUPLEX INDICATOR Shows the selected channel is a duplex channel. “ACK” appears when acknowledgement is received in DSC INDICATORS “REL” appears when a distress relay call is received. (p. 19) response to a distress call. (p. 16) “RCV” appears to indicate reception of a DSC signal. (pgs. 18-19) MEMORY INDICATOR Appears while in memory mode. (p. 7) DUAL/TRI-WATCH INDICATORS Blink while dual/tri-watch is activated. (p. 13) “DUAL” blinks during dualwatch. “DUAL” and “ W ” blink during tri-watch. [REL ACK REVIT EDUAL 7: Nd EA <a, av, > SCAN INDICATOR Blinks while a scan is activated. (p. 11) AUTO FOG HORN INDICATORS Show the auto fog horn function is activated. The number of indicators shows the selected fog horn type. (p. 24) NMEA INDICATOR Appears when NMEA devices are connected. (p. 35) TIME/DISTRESS INDICATORS Indicate the time. (p. 28) “4ST” or “ALL” appear for some of the DSC function operations. (pgs. 14-19) | MEMORY NUMBER INDICATOR Shows the selected memory number. (p. 7) “b” is indicated when the connected battery capacity is exhausted. | E 3 | H Channel selection © CHANNEL 16 Channel 16 is the distress and calling channel. It is used for establishing initial contact with another station and for emergency communications. While standing by you are required to monitor channel 16. Push [CHANNEL] is deactivated. / «у «р». «т, Er, 641 (| i JL | j Only “16” Local time appears when appears when [CH16] is an optional pushed. UX-112 is installed. BASIC OPERATION {USA CHANNELS There are 58 USA channels. Estab- lish initial contact on channel 16, then move to an agreed upon channel for communications. Some channels can only transmit at low power (see the channel list, p. 41). Push nce or INT/ USA twice, then rotate [CHANNEL] to select a channel, LILA * JL]! | = indicates that a channel in the U.S.A. channel group is selected. {INTERNATIONAL CHANNELS There are 85 international channels. As with the USA channels, establish initial contact on channel 16, then move to an agreed upon channel for communications. Some channels can only transmit at low power (see the channel list, p. 41) о опсе ог INT/USA ) — twice, then, rotate [CHANNEL] to select a channel. Indicates that a channel in the international channel group is selected. O WEATHER CHANNELS In North American waters, there are 10 NOAA weather channels which broadcast local weather forecasts and issue weather advisories. These channels are for receive ONLY. then, rotate [CHANNEL] to select a channel. II и (МЫ | Indicates that a weather channel is selected. {CALL CHANNEL The call channel is used to store your most often-used channel for quick recall. In addition, the call channel is monitored during tri-watch. The de- fault for the call channel is channel 9 (the non-commercial calling channel). Push Indicates that the call channel is selected. BASIC OPERATION 3 {MEMORY CHANNELS 24 memory channels are used to store often-used channels for easy recall and scanning. After resetting the CPU (p. 37) only memory channel O is programmed. Push then, rotate [CHANNEL] to select a memory channel. INT (Г — == uu Indicates that a memory channel is selected. >| | NNW 3 BASIC OPERATION MM Receiving (M Push [VOLUME] to turn power ON. @ Rotate [SQUELCH] fully counterclockwise. @ Adjust [VOLUME] to a suitable listening level. @ Rotate [SQUELCH] clockwise until the audio noise disap- pears. © Select the desired channel. See pgs. 6-7 for details. 7 NOTE: When speaker OFF is selected in SET mode, the front panel speaker is disengaged. e When a signal is received: - The squelch opens. - = Ir - Audio is emitted from the speaker. = ; - The S/RF indicator shows relative signal strength. < RECEIVING A SCRAMBLED SIGNAL In order to understand scrambled signals, an optional UT-74 or UX-110 must be installed (see pgs. 38-39). Push [F], then [INT/USA*SCRM] to turn the voice scram- bler ON. e “SCRM” appears in the display. * See p. 27 for details on setting a scramble code. e Repeat the above step to turn the function OFF. NM Transmitting Before transmitting a signal, read cail procedures on p. 9. (1) Select an operating channel. See p. 6-7 for details. (9) Push [HI/LO] to select transmit output power. - e “LOW” appears when low output power is selected. e Transmission is restricted on some channels. See p. 9. e For privacy activate the optional voice scrambler function (see left below) and set a scramble code (p. 27). (3) Push and hold the PTT switch to transmit. e “EJY” andthe RF indicator appear. (4) Speak into the microphone at your normal voice level. e Do not hold the microphone too closely to your mouth or speak too loudly. This may distort the transmit signal. © Release the PTT switch to receive. CALL PROCEDURES You must identify yourself when you transmit and you | must respect time limits. 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) Give your call sign each time you call another vessel or a coast station. If you have no call sign, identify the station by giving the vessel name and the name of the license. Give your call sign at the end of each transmission that lasts more than 3 minutes. You must pause and give your call sign at least once every 15 minutes during long ship-to-shore calls. Keep your calls short (less than 30 sec.). Wait 2 minutes before repeating a call. Unnecessary transmissions are not allowed. BASIC OPERATION 3 TRANSMITTER RESTRICTIONS | Momentary Co 13 high power* No restriction 15 Receive only Low power only 17 Low power only Momentary сле 67 | high power* No restriction 70 Low power only (no voice) Weather channels Receive only *Momentary high power On these channels, transmissions using high power are mo- mentarily possible. To transmit using high power, push and hold [HI/LO] and [PTT]. TIME-OUT TIMER (TOT) The transceiver has a TOT to prevent continuous, long transmissions. The transceiver automatically returns to re- ceive when you transmit for more than 3 min. continuously. CAUTION: When “€E3” blinks during transmission at high output power, there is an antenna problem. Stop the transmission immediately; then, check the fol- lowing: - Is an antenna connected? - Is the antenna connector properly tightened? - ls the cable between the antenna and the transceiver free of cuts or shorts? - Is the antenna correctly installed? - Is the antenna free from bends or cuts? © | I | — KC SCANS EN General The IC-M126DSC has normal and priority scans (selectable 8 different scans (with or without lockout channels) are in SET mode) for each group of channels. In addition, — possible with the transceiver as follows: lockout channels can be set for any of these scans. | USA normal scan International normal scan Weather normal scan Memory normal scan zZ | < 3 - ( ch2 ) ( M23 ) = e Ceh3) (CM 22 ) progam- o » > “EY D International priority scan Weather priority scan Memory priority scan «= M 23 has © prog u med. E Y @ © -- с | D) о e = / o. “(L) ” shows that the channel is a lockout channel. e Normal scan pauses on a signal until it disappears. + Transmitting (pushing PTT) cancels the scan. e Priority scan becomes dual watch while receiving a signal and pauses for any signals on channel 16. * SCAN START/STOP Select normal or priority scan in SET mode, then: (D Select the desired channel group. e To select U.S.A. or international channels, push [INT/USA] once or twice. | e To select weather channels, push [WX]. e To select memory channels, push [MR]. @ Lock out or unlock channels depending on your pref- erence. (See below.) @ Rotate [SQUELCH] clockwise until the audio noise disappears. : SCANS 4 (4) Push [F]; then, push [DUAL*SCAN] to start the scan. e The scan indicator (a dot) blinks while scanning. ® When a signal is received, scan pauses until it disap- pears. ) e When priority watch is selected in SET mode, dualwatch starts. | | ® Push [F] twice to stop the scan and remain in the same channel group. | e Push [CH16] to stop the scan and select channel 16. e Transmitting (pushing [PTT]) also stops the scan. PROGRAMMING A LOCKOUT CHANNEL (D Select the desired channel group. O) Select the channel to be locked out using the channel selector. — (3 Push [F]; then, push [HI/LO*LOCK OUT] to lockout the channel. e “[0)" appears. @ To cancel the lockout, repeat step 3). e “ [)" disappears. [EXAMPLE]: Locking out USA channel 06. | LOCK OUT (@ + FÉ | nC = LIL = LIL [EXAMPLE]: Locking out memory 15. LOCK QUT (@) + (io) =, o E, 4 SCANS E Weather alert When the IC-M126DSC catches a weather alert tone on a weather channel while scanning, the transceiver sounds an alert beep to indicate that an emergency weather report is on the air. * TURNING THE FUNCTION ON AND OFF (M Push [F]. e “ F)" appears. @ Push [WX-WX ALERT] to turn the func- 4 tion ON. y Г e “ ¥ "(weather alert indicator) appears. @ To turn the function OFF, repeat steps weather alert “ ® and @® indicator e “ Y” disappears. — The weather alert function is available only while scanning channels which include weather channels. The weather alert does not function while scanning non-weather chan- nels, even when * Y” appears. * ACTIVATING THE FUNCTION (D Turn the weather alert function ON. e See left for details. (2) Push [WX] to select weather channels, then, push [F] and [DUAL-eSCAN] to start weather scan. e Memory scans can also be used. See CONVENIENT below. | (® When the transceiver catches an alert tone on a weather channel, a 1 sec. beep sounds and the scan automat- ically stops on the channel to receive the emergency weather report. @ To cancel the scan manually, push [F] twice. NOTE: While scanning on the weather channels with the weather alert function ON, the scan does not pause for normal signals (except for signals on ch 16 during priority | scan). What is the weather alert tone? The NOAA weather radio broadcasts are continuous, pre-recorded broadcasts. In case of a local weather emergency, the broadcast becomes live. Before this live broadcast, a warning tone (1050 Hz) is transmitted. CONVENIENT If weather channels have been programmed into memory channels, use a memory scan with the weather function ON. The scan pauses for signals on USA or international channels and stops with a beep for an alert tone on weather channels. | E Dualwatch/tri-watch Dualwatch monitors ch 16 while you are receiving another channel; tri-watch monitors ch 16 and the call channel while receiving another channel. Select dual watch or tri-watch in advance using SET mode (see p. 27). DUALWATCH/TRI-WATCH SIMULATION Dualwatch ti (Ci | Tri-watch _ Call channel (programmable) j [a Lu Pe = ! Lf l IC Ll co ELIT e |f a signal is received on channel 16, dualwatch/tri-watch pauses on channel 16 until the signal disappears. e if a signal is received on the call channel during tri-watch, tri-watch becomes dualwatch until the signal disappears. e To transmit on the selected channel during dualwatch/tri- watch, push and hold [PTT]. SCANS 4 M Select the desired operating channel. @ Push [DUAL] to start dualwatch/tri-watch. e “DUAL” blinks during dualwatch; “DUAL” blink during tri-watch. e Tri-watch becomes dualwatch when receiving a signal on the call channel. (3) To cancel dualwatch/tri-watch, push [DUAL] again. e “DUAL” or “DUAL W ” disappears. [EXAMPLE]: Operating tri-watch on USA channel O7A. Tri-watch starts. Push ( DUAL DT ue (DUAL) USA Li IE! _ il Г our Signal received 5 uy 11 on call channel. Signal received = i on ch 16 takes = T priority. Tri-watch resumes after the sighal disappears. E EE D DIGITAL SELECTIVE CALLING | H General Digital Selective Calling (or DSC) is a method of radio communications involving digital signals rather than the more conventional method of voice communications. The advantage of using digital communications over voice communications is that information (especially useful for distress calls and other urgent matters) can be pre- programmed into a radio and transmitted quickly and accurately. For example, at the push of a switch, a vessels identity, position (latitude and longitude) and the time, etc. can be transmitted. Because of the digital nature of the communications, future implementations of DSC could in- volve much more detailed information transmission. The IC-M126DSC comes standard with DSC Class C capability. This means that the transceiver can transmit a distress call, containing your vessel's DSC ID and position (when NMEA navigation equipment is connected) using DSC signalling on channel 70. | With the installation of an optional UX-112 DSC DECODER UNIT, the IC-M126DSC meets U.S. Coast Guard proposal SC-101, and can receive DSC signals in addition to other functions. The table at right illustrates the differences between the IC-M126DSC's capabilities with and without the optional UX-112. Distress call (Tx) O PC TE тет тсч ое вечен еее «ототтот.=.. сосен евеоне вл ы Чавеса тент оные щ =. а еее отн о о ве еее ее етом Я = AE === == ово Бове тот ое вон с ты ны мч | Sensor distress call (Tx)t All ships call (Tx) © © Distress call (Rx) | — Distress call acknowl- edgement (Rx) All ships call relay (Rx) — All ships call (Rx) — Individual call (Rx) — @ = Yes — = No *When NMEA equipment is connected. See pgs. 32, 33, 35. tWhen sensors (eg. for fire, water, etc.) are connected. See pgs. 32, 35. J Distress call (without UX-112) In a distress situation, use the transceiver's built-in DSC capability to transmit a digital distress call on channel 70 to a shore station. (M Push and hold [EMER] for 5 secs. e The transceiver automatically selects channel 70 and an alert beep sounds 5 times. e After 5 secs. have elapsed, the transmit indicator briefly appears to indicate that your signal is being transmitted and, “dST” appears. (2) Release [EMER]. e Channel 16 is automatically selected. @ Wait for a reply on channel 16. @ While pushing [PTT], transmit your distress message to the responding party. oe When [PTT] or [CH16] is not pushed within 3.5 mins. of sending a DSC distress call, channel 70 is automatically selected and your DSC signal is retransmitted. DIGITAL SELECTIVE CALLING 5 NOTE: When à navigation receiver with NMEA0183 output capability is connected, your vessel's position is automatically transmitted with your DSC distress signal. See p. 35 for connection details. [EXAMPLE]: Transmitting a DSC distress call. Push and | il hold wo fA for 5 secs y “II Distress call is (Е Mí 157 transmitted on Noreply | E -t I 8 channel 70. and [PTT] : is not : Y pushed. Ти Channel 16 is | - - 7 | automatically / Ll d 5! | selected. Y = { Г When a reply is Pushand |B (EU JT | PES hold [PTT]. | / i Distress message = - - is transmitted b E IO 457 | vi ; © To remove “dST” from the function display, turn power OFF, then ON again. 5 DIGITAL SELECTIVE CALLING Hl Distress call (with UX-112) When transmitting a DSC distress call to a shore station with an optional UX-112 installed, the IC-M126DSC reacts in the following manner. (M Push and hold [EMER] for 5 secs. e The transceiver automatically selects channel 70, the time is displayed, an alert beep sounds 5 times and any con- nected external alarm devices are activated. @ Release [EMER]. e When a shore station (or another vessel with DSC encod- ing/decoding capability) receives your distress call, an acknowledement is transmitted back to you and "ACK" and “RCV” appear momentarily. After that, the transceiver automatically selects channel 16. o If no acknowledgement is received after 25 secs., the transceiver automatically selects channel 186. @ Wait for a voice reply on channel 16. @ While pushing [PTT], transmit your distress message to ‘the responding party. e When [PTT] or [CH16] is not pushed within 3.5 mins. of sending a DSC distress call, and no “ACK" is received, ch 70 is automatically selected and your DSC signal is retransmitted. © To remove “dST” from the function display, turn power — OFF, then ON again. Push and hold for 5 secs. No repiy ‘and [PTT] : is not pushed. Push and hold [PTT]. ny) В = À = = = = = = = «= = = = = © = = = ny = 1 HE - $i [EXAMPLE]: Transmitting a DSC distress call. - Distress call is transmitted on channel 70. When a DSC acknowledgement is received. Channel 16 is automatically selected. When a voice reply is received. Distress message is transmitted by voice. DIGITAL SELECTIVE CALLING 9 Ш А! ships call (TX) Large ships use channel 70 as their “listening channel.” When you want to contact one of these ships, use the “all ships call” function. then [EXAMPLE]: “All ships call” (TX) using U.S.A. ch 11. Simplex channel (Select a simplex channel to communicate on. Y AN usa ! ! is selected. e Some ‘A’ channels (eg. channel 88A) cannot be used. | | @ Rotate [SQUELCH] clockwise until the audio noise {3 disappears. @ Push [F], then push and hold [CH16+DSC] for 5 secs. psc e poi 70 is automatically selected, “ALL” appears on the (e) and = >” in _ All ships call S display and the channel data you selected in (1) is trans- lor E” Jul HLL - mitted at low power. ; e When channel 70 is busy, the transceiver waits until the Push and hold channel clears, and then sends the "all ships call”; when [PTT] you want to cancel the function, push any key. / Voice call on the specified channel. USA т — ne X e After transmission, the previous channel is selected. @ Push and hold [PTT] to communicate your message to the responding party. NOTE: An “all ships call, " after transmitting a distress call, includes emergency data. In this case, the “all ships call” acts as a distress call and alerts other NV essels to your situation. PS 5 DIGITAL SELECTIVE CALLING E All ships call (RX) ue When an optional UX-112 is installed, the IC-M126DSC is [EXAMPLE]: “Ali ships call” (RX). able to receive an “all ships call” transmission. However, to | do so, channel 70 must be monitored. | then Low == а Channel 70 is (1) Select channel 70. | | O USA IL ! | selected. @ When receiving an “all ships call,” a specified channel and “ALL"/“RCV” appear on the function display. | | * The transceiver automatically selects the specified channel. (9) Wait for a voice call on the specified channel. when receiving mir @ If you are contacted by voice, push [PTT] to reply. all.” Ships wr LE e “RCV” and “ALL" disappear. e Some other switches also remove "RCV" and “ALL” from wv] The specified channel appears. the display. ” <= av] Voice 7 NOTE: When receiving an “all ships call” from a = y 5 o communication 77 = NT Ly Li MLL received on the 7 vessel that has previously transmitted a DSC distress specified 7 call, emergency beep alerts sound. PTT and hoid | channel. ir ‘Transmitting in = reply to the voice ni LIE communication. HM Sensor distress call (TX) When sensors are connected (see p. 35), the ¡C-M126DSC will alert you to abnormal conditions eg. fire, water ingress, etc. When a sensor detects an abnormal condition, the trans- ceiver emits alert beeps for 25 secs. After 30 secs. have elapsed, a DSC distress call is transmitted on channel 70. See pgs. 15-16 for DSC distress call details. e When connected, external alarm devices are activated. UX-112 E Individual call (RX) Ux-112 The IC-M126DSC is capable of receiving DSC signals addressed to your vessel's DSC ID, while you are moni- toring channel 70. | © “RCV” and “Ind” appear. e The transceiver automatically sends an acknowiedgement and selects the specified channel. 5. “fi - г Eu w 01 tad DIGITAL SELECTIVE CALLING 5 HM Distress call (RX) e When the UX-112 is installed and you are monitoring channel 70, the IC-M126DSC can receive DSC distress calls sent from shore (or ship) stations. =. > “ul — Ir Rev E” IL (Наб Г e When receiving a DSC distress call, emergency beep alerts sound. Hl Distress relay call (RX) 7? When the UX-112 is installed and you are monitoring channel 70, the IC-M126DSC can receive DSC distress relay calls which have been relayed through a shore (or ship) station. In this case, the following display appears briefly before channel 16 is automatically selected. =" “i IE” RCV =" (Li | (LS d5 E * When receiving a DSC distress relay call, emergency beep ‘alerts sound. I HEN O MEMORY AND CALL CHANNEL PROGRAMMING Hl Memory channels © To program: © Push [F] + [MReMW]. e “CEI” blinks. wa (Ц 7 e [MR-MW] must be pushed within 5 secs. of pushing [F] . “NI/, 9 Rotate the channel selector to a EBC select the desired memory. и ® Select channel group (U.S.A, A F- international, weather). (See “+ pgs. 6-7) - 71 e The channel number blinks. @ Rotate the channel selector to > > 4 (17 es select the channel you wish to wg” (a 3 program. 7 — ® Push [MR] to complete the “1 | co programming. USA Г I= 3 e Memory mode is automatically selected. ® To program additional memo- ries, repeat from step M. NOTE: Output power can be programmed in a memory. Push [HI/LO] while the channel number blinks to program. E Call channel © To program: (M Push [F] + [MR] (the same as memory programming step D). @ Rotate the channel selector to select the call channel. e “C” appears in the display. e The call channel appears be- tween memory channels 0 and 24, @ Push [INT/USA] once or twice to select international or USA channels; push [WX] to select weather channels. e The channel number blinks. @ Rotate the channel selector to select the channel you wish to program. ©Push [MR] to complete the programming and select the call channel. «=, “NED, SW, a, NS (El све INT Li E | H Hailer operation The IC-M126DSC has a 2-way hailer function for voice amplification and reception over the loudspeaker, making it unnecessary to leave the bridge to hear a hailing party. Di) Operating channel w PA cif (the decimal point indicates “A” = LLL «—— of the operating channel.) | | o The external speaker emits your amplified voice and receives an answer from another vessel. e Transmitting is impossible during hailer operation. e The hailer function can be operated during dual/tri-watch. OTHER FUNCTIONS / * PREPARATION (M) Connect an external speaker as illustrated on p. 33. @ When you need to have more power (up to 30 W), connect an optional UA-1 AUDIO AMPLIFIER. (p. 34) e In this case, an optional UX-95 RELAY INTERFACE UNIT must be installed to control the UA-1 power synchronized with transceiver's power. * OPERATION | | (M) Turn the transceiver and UA-1 (when connected) powers ON. @ Push [HL/IC] once or twice. _ e “HL” appears. @ Push and hold the PTT switch on the microphone and speak at a normal voice level into the microphone. e The S/RF indicator shows the hailer output level. To adjust the level, rotate the channel selector while [PTT] is pushed. ® After releasing the PTT switch you can hear the re- sponse through the hailer speaker. | (6) Push any channel group switch (мух, [MR], [USA/INT], [CALL], [EMER], [CH16]) to cancel the hailer function. 7 OTHER FUNCTIONS E Intercom operation The intercom function allows you to talk to the deck from the cabin. When you do not require the hailer function, you can use 2 separate intercoms. Operating channel Un (the decimal point indicates “A” wm | LILI, æ—— of the operating channel.) Odo Ne e The external speaker functions as a speaker and a micro- phone. e Transmitting is impossible during intercom operation. e The intercom function can be operated during dual/tri-watch. PREPARATION Connect an external speaker and an intercom switch as illustrated on p. 34. | * OPERATION FROM THE TRANSCEIVER M Turn power ON. @ Push [HL/IC] once or twice. e “IC” appears. @ Push and hold the PTT switch on the microphone and speak at a normal voice level into the microphone. e The S/RF indicator shows the intercom output level. To adjust the level, rotate the channel selector while [PTT] is pushed. e To adjust the IC-M126DSC's internal speaker output level, rotate [VOLUME]. (4 Release the PTT switch to hear a response through the Intercom speaker. se The S/RF indicator disappears. © Push any channel group switch ([WX], [MR], [USA/I NT], [CALL], [EMER], [CH16]) to cancel the intercom function. ¢ "IC" disappears. * OPERATION FROM THE INTERCOM SPEAKER (M Push and hold the intercom switch and speak into the speaker. | @ Keep pushing the intercom switch to receive an answer. (3) Release the intercom switch to return the IC-M126DSC to cabin control of the intercom function. NOTE: While the intercom switch is pushed, “IC” is indicated in the IC-M126DSC’s function display and only the intercom function can be used with the IC-M126DSC. OTHER FUNCTIONS / « OPERATION WITH 2 SEPARATE INTERCOMS ~ When you connect two intercom switches and two intercom speakers to the IC-M126DSC, you can talk to two separate places such as the deck and the fly bridge. Connect switches and speakers as illustrated on p. 34 before operating with 2 speakers. TO OUTPUT FROM INTERCOM-1 SPEAKER (D Push [HL/IC] once or twice to turn the intercom ON. (2) Push and hold the PTT switch and speak into the mic. TO OUTPUT FROM INTERCOM-2 SPEAKER @ Push [HL/IC] once or twice to turn the hailer ON. @ Push and hold the PTT switch and speak into the mic. WHEN SPEAKING FROM THE INTERCOM SPEAKERS Push and hold intercom switch 1 or 2, then speak into the speaker as described at left. NOTE: The hailer function CANNOT be used when you connect the two intercom speakers. 7 OTHER FUNCTIONS Hl Automatic fog horn The automatic fog horn function sounds a horn repeatedly until the function is turned OFF. 4 horn patterns can be selected depending on your needs. The fog horn outputs from the hailer speaker. To use this function, the hailer speaker must be connected to the transceiver. See pgs. 33 and 34 for connection details. TYPE DISPLAY PATTERN USAGE 1 'h В One 5-second blast every 100 seconds. Motor vessel under way. 2 b = Two 5-second blasts every 100 seconds. Motor vessel at anchor. | Ea a flowed BO | Saitpoat or ing bot under vay. , Ба [oma sem eres 09 | vesclundrton NS 7 # The audio frequency of the fog horn is selectable. See | р. 30 for details on selecting the audio frequency. —* TURNING AUTO FOG HORN ON AND OFF M Push [F]. e “ F)” appears. (2 Push [HL/IC:A.FOG]. e One or more “ m4" appear depending on the fog horn pattern. | | ВЕ G To cancel the function, repeat steps (7) and O. * SELECTING A FOG HORN PATTERN (M) Push [F]. e “ F) " appears. @ While pushing [HL/IC*A.FOG], rotate the channel selector to select the desired fog horn pattern. e The number of “ meq " shows the selected fog horn pattern. (3) Release [HL/IC:A.FOG]. | Hl Internal speaker ON/OFF When you connect an external speaker and the IC-M126DSC's internal speaker is not required, the internal speaker can be deactivated. The internal speaker is turned ON and OFF in SET mode. For details see p. 29. OTHER FUNCTIONS 7 M Backlight intensity — The backlight can be turned ON and OFF, and the intensity can be selected from 3 levels. e TURNING OFF THE BACKLIGHTING O Push [F]. | e “ (F) ” appears. (9 Push [CALL+DIMMER] to turn the backlighting OFF. @ To turn the backlighting ON again, repeat steps @ and @. e ADJUSTING THE BACKLIGHT INTENSITY LEVEL M Push [F]. e “ F)” appears. | @ While pushing [CALL*DIMMER], rotate the channel selec- tor to select the desired level of backlight intensity. @ Release [CALL*DIMMER]. um 5 SET MODE E Entering SET mode SET mode is used to customize operation of the transceiver to suit your operating needs. © To enter SET mode: (M While pushing [F], turn power ON. e Keep pushing [F] until the initial SET mode display ap- pears. -e SET mode is selected. @ To exit SET mode, push [16] or turn power OFF, then ON again. O To select an item: There are up to 11 items in SET mode (depending on options installed) that may be adjusted to suit your oper- ating needs. M Enter SET mode as above. @ Push [F] to select the desired item; then rotate [CHAN- NEL] to select the desired condition. ~ e See the following pages for details on each SET mode item. The diagram at right shows SET mode item and the order of selection. N the default settings for each Each push of [F] selects a SET mode item in order < ° ay SET MODE ITEMS SCAM |) 1X | с с = | = ны «ть 9 € > rm 1 oy, y 3 Ci + oe = = any || "Sam, LJ Lx ‘=, À ‘y, ad чт = че, тт >> = ‘=, = с с Cc e: с - | “a ca E En Vo Ci ny y wap ¡o Lt = | с > an vou, | | dt May, eno, = to, PES or RAS es г $ cu Lo =) \ 2 vn ma =, + ее ‘ет, = UU, =) Scramble code (p. 27) (UT-74/UX-110 required.) Dualwatch/tri-watch (p. 27) Normal/priority scan (p. 27) Time — hrs. (p. 28) (UX-112 required.) Time — mins. (p. 28) (UX-112 required.) Time difference — hrs. (p. 28) (UX-112 required.) Time difference — mins. (p. 29) (UX-112 required.) Beep tones ON/OFF (p. 29) Internal speaker ON/OFF (p. 29) Display contrast (p. 30) Auto fog horn frequency (p. 30) SET MODE 8 <> SCRAMBLE CODE When an optional voice scrambler unit is installed, the scramble code item appears as the last selectable item in SET mode. When communicating using the voice scrambler function, remember that all members of your group must have the scrambler func- tion ON, and the same scramble code set. e 128 codes are available with UT-74 and 16 codes are available with SC-20-450 plus UX-110, SCAM E J fi с cu Rotate [CHANNEL] a SCRM L / ‘=, pa с - Md «т Rotate [CHANNEL] == "Ч = = = = = = = = SCAM Г. — ze Mu © DUAL/TRI-WATCH Depending on your preference, you can select dualwatch or tri-watch. When dualwatch is selected, [DUAL] activates dualwatch; when tri-watch is selected, [DUAL] activates tri-watch. See p. 13 for details. Tri-watch (default) A | - Livy 3 Rotate [CHANNEL] A $ ova - LiL с Dualwatch | Depending on your preference, you © PRIORITY/ NORMAL SCAN can select scanning to function as a normal scan or as a priority scan. See p. 10 for the differences between priority and normal scans. Normal scan (default) Ny «в - mor Li Rotate [CHANNEL] JC Sy “=, с ' hod Priority scan 8 SET MODE © UTC TIME (HRS.) When an optional UX-112 unit is in- stalled, the IC-M126DSC transmits the time when a DSC distress call is made. Set the time in UTC (Universal Time Coordinated — previously called Green- wich Meantime). charts or ask your local Icom Dealer for the UTC in your area. Local time appears on the function display when [EMER] is pushed or when channel 16 mode is selected. LL) { NI E L060 Rotate [CHANNEL] I J | IZ СЫ :00 A 1 ‘ Rotate [CHANNEL] Y E ? A Зил E 2500 — SC JUL Refer to marine O UTC TIME (MINS.) After setting the hours (previous box), set the minutes. e Pushing [MR], sets the minutes to “O ” =r "— — “am Rotate [CHANNEL] - N Me - Rotate [CHANNEL] yy ay [eee =r < TIME DIFFERENCE - (FROM UTC — HRS.) The time that is sent along with your DSC distress call is in UTC. Since the time appearing on the function display is local time, the transceiver must | convert UTC time to local time for display purposes. +13 hrs. | A A ра Г. от A Rotate ; [CHANNEL] Y I | Zu F Ll Lili A | Rotate : [CHANNEL] Y L 0 —13 hrs NOTE: If no value is assigned to the time difference, the time ap- pearing on the function display is in UTC. NN SET MODE 8 < TIME DIFFERENCE (FROM UTC — MINS.) After setting the time difference from UTC in hours, it may be necessary in some areas to set the time difference in minutes also. L o LL GUL | 2 Rotate [CHANNEL] Lo IZ KO 5015 a : Rotate : [CHANNEL] Y CEN 859 {> BEEP TONES ON/OFF Beep tones provide convenient audi- ble confirmation when switches are pushed. However, if you wish to turn the beep tones off, you can do so in SET mode as follows Beep tones ON (default) [1 Ion y Rotate [CHANNEL] LEN .. LIN FF Beep tones OFF 7 NOTE: DSC alert tones and the 7 WX alert tone CANNOT be turned 7 OFF. {> INTERNAL SPEAKER ON/OFF When you select an external speaker and the IC-M126DSC's internal speak- er is not required, the internal speaker can be deactivated. Speaker ON (default) CCl fl on Rotate [CHANNEL] LE _- MI grr Speaker OFF NOTE: DSC alert tones and the 7 WX alert tone CANNOT be turned 7 OFF. 8 SET MODE © FUNCTION DISPLAY CONTRAST For maximum readability in varying ambient light conditions, the function .display's contrast is adjustable. Lowest contrast (default) г Ly / Rotate [CHANNEL] | Ly c Rotate [CHANNEL] Pe Ly 3 Highest contrast © AUTO FOG HORN FREQUENCY The audio frequency of the auto fog | horn can be adjusted to suit your preference. Experiment with the fre- quencies available until you find one you like. | * The fog horn outputs from the hailer speaker while [PTT] is pushed. 200 Hz LIL __- Hr CO. Rotate [CHANNEL] 250 Hz LIL __- HIT CHU A 50 Hz Rotate [CHANNEL] steps : Y EN HE 550 850 Hz CONNECTIONS AND MAINTENANCE О пн Hl Unpacking E Additional requirements (M) Mounting bracket ...... aanassran sara none anne caen mancrrssssesnasenaneranne 1 © FOR GENERAL OPERATION @ DC power cable with microphone hanger* ................... 1 * Marine VHF antenna @ Mounting bolts (M6 x 50) AI 4 * Coaxial cable Mounting screws (AO 6 x 30) ......................eenerecanenenennes 4 ® Microphone hanger screws (AO 3.5 x 30) ..................... 2 <> FOR ENHANCED DSC OPERATION - (6) Flat washers (M6) .....................eerccccceorerocnces ensennenerenenos 8 * Navigation receiver with NMEA0183 output (such as (7 Spring washers (M6) ........... Mneenorecrenas ercenicenermenerenvarenares 4 Loran-C or GPS) for sending positioning data with a Mounting bracket keys cnineneneanenenenrenereeereeere enero ceceeee 2 distress call (9 Nuts (M6) ...................e.000cccccencerenenenceareorecerenenccanee eee 4 * UX-112 DSC DECODER UNIT for the function described (9 Fuse (10 A) -................recenenecernereoreececere nene nene. 1 on p. 14 | {D ACC connector plug (8-pin)...................—...eeessecirecernenas 1 * One or more external alarm devices to alert you when (29 ACC connector plug (7-pin)....................... envenena 1 you are away from the transceiver (3 Screws for scrambler unit installation (M3 X 6) .......... 2 « One or more sensors for sensor distress calls © FOR HAILER OPERATION DIS = = | © * External speaker с с DI * UA-1 AUDIO AMPLIFIER and UX-95 RELAY INTERFACE UNIT if you require 30 W of output power | ® | | | © © © © © FOR INTERCOM OPERATION 9900 * External speaker | | | (7) 0009 0060 (9 * Non-locking switch for intercom operation: ® | ey) of oF ef О CONNECTIONS AND MAINTENANCE E Connections @ HAILER/INTERCOM CONNECTOR - 8-pin plug connects speaker and switches for the hailer, intercom and fog horn functions. With an optional UA-1 AUDIO AMPLIFIER, 30 W output is possible from the speaker for the hailer of fog horn function. Dintercom switch E @ Ground (O Intercom switch E @ Intercom © (instead of the hailer) ®@ intercom © O) Hailer O UA-1— (4) Hailer Y A DSC CONNECTOR 7-pin plug connects a navigation receiver for trans- mission of position data, sensor(s) for the sensor distress call and/or emergency alarm device(s). @ Sensor® M Test data out ® © Sensor 9 (ground) @Alarm © ® NMEA N® © Alarm © (Max. 60 V/1 A) @NMEA INO © DC POWER CONNECTOR Connects the supplied DC power cable from this connec- tor to an external 12 V DC power source. The mic hanger and external speaker outputs are also included in this connector. Microphone hanger ОС ЖФ Ext. speaker ® - DCINO Relay control when UX-95 is installed. Ext. speaker O © ANTENNA CONNECTOR Connects a marine VHF antenna with a PL-259 connec- tor to the transceiver. CAUTION: Transmitting without an antenna will damage the transceiver. CONNECTIONS AND MAINTENANCE 9 Intercom switch \ Microphone speaker External speaker (42/5 W) 12 V battery IC-M126DSC Hailer speaker (40/10 W) DSC external device (p. 35) Intercom speaker (4 02/5 W) 34 9 CONNECTIONS AND MAINTENANCE WHEN USING THE UA-1 (OPTIONAL) Hailer speaker ПН (30 W) IC-M126DSC UA-1 (plug modification necessary) OPC-198 cable \ (optional) nge N Y Intercom A speaker DOSE CONOR ONE OO 000 RON the UX-95). К ROA] LEDO N Pin number Impedance 1,4 16Q 2,4 8Q | | Z The UX-95 MUST be installed % when using the UA-1, 7 otherwise self-oscillation may \_ 7 occur. | DC cable ay (supplied with WHEN USING TWO SEPARATE INTERCOMS Intercom-2 speaker Intercom-2 switch Intercom-1 switch Intercom-1 switch Intercom-2 Intercom-1 switch speaker _ intercom 1 Intercom-2 Speaker | speaker Ne J * The hailer function cannot be used when 2 intercoms are used. CONNECTIONS AND MAINTENANCE 9 CONNECTIONS FOR ENHANCING DSC FUNCTIONS Navigation receiver _ 7 . © Sensor Audio/visual alarm devices Sensor NMEA input NN 9 CONNECTIONS AND MAINTENANCE Ш Mounting the transceiver The universal mounting bracket supplied with your trans- ceiver allows overhead or dashboard mounting. Please read the following instructions carefully. e Mount the transceiver securely with bolts and nuts or it may come loose as a result of wave shocks or vibration. e Mount the transceiver so that the face of the transceiver is at 90 degrees to your line of sight when operating it. CAUTION: KEEP the transceiver and microphone at least 1 meter away from your vessel's magnetic navi- gation compass. NOTE: Check the installation angle; the function display may not be easy-to-read at some angles. E Antenna One of the most important items that influences the per- formance of any communication system is an antenna. Ask your dealer about antennas and the best places to mount them. DASHBOARD MOUNTING An optional MB-33 is available for mounting the transceiver as above. OVERHEAD MOUNTING == € A — р 1 fr xD Г — — Hl Resetting the CPU If the function display occasionally displays erroneous information when the power is turned ON or while oper- ating, reset the CPU. CAUTION: After resetting the CPU, all information you CONNECTIONS AND MAINTENANCE 9 Hl Fuse replacement Two fuses are installed in the supplied DC power cable. If a fuse blows or the transceiver stops functioning, track down the source of the problem, if possible, and replace the damaged fuse with a new, rated fuse. e Fuse rating : 10 A have programmed into memories is erased. M Turn power OFF. | @ Push and hold [F] and [CH16] until step ©. (3) Turn power ON. — e The function display shows all characters for a second. (4) Release [F] and [CH16]. e Now the CPU is reset completely. H Cleaning If the transceiver becomes dusty or dirty, wipe it clean with a dry, soft cloth. AVOID the use of solvents such as benzene or alcohol, as they may damage transceiver surfaces. IE Backup battery The IC-M126DSC has no backup battery. Memory channel contents, etc. are maintained by EEPROM. The normal life of this EEPROM is over 100 years and therefore should never need replacing. If you have reason to believe the EEPROM may be faulty, have a qualified Icom Dealer or Service Technician look at it. However, the optional UX-112 has a backup battery to maintain the time. 37 a ° М 0 OPTIONAL UNIT INSTALLATIONS Ш Removing/replacing the case BN UX-112 (Dsc DECODER UNIT) © TO REMOVE THE CASE: M Turn the transceiver power OFF and disconnect the DC power connector. @ Remove the 6 screws located on the rear panel as shown in the diagram above; then, slide the case free of the transceiver. (3) Replace the transceiver case; then, replace the 6 screws on the rear panel when you are finished. e 10 to 12 kg of torque MUST be applied to insure water resistance. | O TO INSTALL THE UX-112: (M) Remove the transceiver case as at left. (3) Install the UX-112 as shown above. @ Connect the 11-pin and 5-pin plugs to J14 and J2, respectively. | e When installing both the UX-112 and UT-74 (or UX-110), the UT-74 (or UX-110) should be installed under the UX-112. (4) Change the jumper connector positions of J12 to the 2 pins on the rear side as shown above. 6) Replace the case with the 6 screws as at left. E UT-74/UX-110 (voice scramsLER UNITS) | © TO INSTALL THE UT-74/UX-110: (1) Remove the transceiver case as shown on the previous page. O Install the UT-74/UX-110 with the 4 screws (2 screws supplied with the unit and 2 screws with the transceiver), then plug the connector from the UT-74/UX-110 into J1 as shown above. Cut off the jumper leads of W2 and W3, then cut the diode, D30. (4) Replace the transceiver case. OPTIONAL UNIT INSTALLATIONS 10 BN UX-95 (RELAY INTERFACE UNIT) MIO 3. 3 © ® ГЛ Об ® ХЕ Top side Bottom side © TO INSTALL THE UX-95: (1) Remove the transceiver case as shown on the previous page. O Install the UX-95 on the bottom side of the IC-M126DSC as shown above. | (3) Connect the red and orange cables. @ Pass the 3-pin connector through an opening in the right/rear of the transceiver to the MAIN UNIT location (top side) as shown above. ® Replace the transceiver case. I a HE 1 1 TROUBLESHOOTING 40 - rectly. No power comes ON. e Power cord has been connected incorrectly. e Check the power cord connection. p. 33 e Blown fuse. e Check the polarity of the power connection, | p. 37 - then, replace the fuse. No sound comes from the | e The hailer or intercom function is activated. e Push [INT/USA] to turn the function OFF. p. 21 speaker. e Speaker-off is selected in SET mode. e Select speaker-on in SET mode. — e Handset is out of the cradle (when an optional | ® Set the handset into the cradle. p. 29 handset is used). Sensitivity is low and only | e [SQUELCH] is rotated too far clockwise. ¢ Rotate [SQUELCH] counterclockwise to a suit- — strong signals are audible. able position. Transmitting is impossible, or | e Transmission is restricted on some channels. * Change channels. p. 41 high power cannot be se- | e The transceiver is in hailer or intercom opera- | ® Turn the function OFF. p. 21 lected. tion. The displayed channel can- | e The channel 16 mode has been selected. e Select another mode. p. 6 not be changed. * The emergency channel 70 mode has been | * Select another mode. p. 6 selected. | e Dual/triwatch has been activated. e Push [DUAL] to cancel dual/tri-watch. p. 13 e Scan has been activated. * Push [F] 2 times to cancel the scan. p. 11 The memory number cannot | e Other memories have not been programmed. e Program at least 2 memories. p. 20 be changed. Scanning or dualwatch/tri- | e The channel 16 mode has been selected. e Select another mode. p. 6 watch does not function. * The squelch is open. e Rotate [SQUELCH] clockwise. p. 8 Scan does not pause on | e The weather alert function has been turned ON. | e Turn the function OFF. p. 12 weather channels | Receive signal cannot be | e Voice scrambler has been turned OFF. e Push [F] + [INT/USA+SCRM] to turn it ON. p.8 understood. * Voice scrambler code has not been set cor- | e Reset the scramble code in SET mode. p. 27 160.650 — VHF MARINE CHANNEL LisT 12 lll 161.550 160.875 157.125 01 156.050 19 156.950 65 156.275 83 157.175| 161.775 01A 01A |156:050 | 156.050 19A 19A [156.950] 156.950 65A 65A |156.275/156.275 83A 83A |157.175} 157.175 02 156.100 | 160.700 20 20 |157.000| 161.600 66 156.325 160.925 84 84 157.225| 161.825 02A 02A |156.100 | 156.100 20A 20A [157.000] 157.000 ESA ESA |156.325| 156.325 84A 157.225| 157.225 03 156.150 | 160.750 21 157.050 | 161.650 67 67 *3 | 156.375 | 156.375 85 85 157.275] 161.875 03A 03A |156.150|156.150 21A 21A |157.050| 157.050 68 88 156.425 | 156.425 85A 157.275 | 157.275 | 04 156.200 | 160.800 22 157.100 | 161.700 69 69 156.475 | 156.475 86 86 157.325 | 161.925 04A 04A : | 156.200 | 156.200 22A 22A 157.100} 157.100 70 *1 70 *t 1156.525}156.525 86A 868A 157.325} 157.325 05 156.250 | 160.850 23 157.150| 161.750 71 71 156.575 | 156.575 87 87 157.375} 161.975 OSA 05A |156.250| 156.250 23A 23A [157.150] 157.150 72 72 156.625 | 156.625 87A 157.375] 157.375 06 06 156.300 | 156.300 24 24 |157.200| 161.800 73 73 156.675} 156.675 88 88 157.425] 162.025 07 156.350 | 160.950 25 25 1157.250| 161.850 74 74 156.725 | 156.725 88A 88A (157.425| 157.425 O7A 07A |158.350| 156.350 26 26 157.300| 161.900 75 75 Guard | Guard 08 08 156.400 | 156.400 27 27 |157.350| 161.950 76 78 Guard | Guard 09 09 156.450 | 156.450 28 28 |157.400| 162.000 77 77 156.875 | 156.875 10 10 156.500 | 156.500 60 156.025] 160.825 78 156.925 | 161.525 01 RX only 162.550 11 11 156.550 | 156.550 680A 60A [156.025] 158.025 78A 78A |156.925 | 156.925 02 RX only 162.400 12 12 156.600 | 156.600 61 -— 1156.075| 160.675 79 156.975 | 161.575 03 RX only 182.475 13 13*3 156.650 | 156.650 61A 61A |156.075| 156.075 79A 79A ¡156.975 | 156.975 04 RX only | 162.425 14 14 156.700 | 156.700 62 156.125| 160.725 80 157.025 | 161.625 05 RX only 162.450 15*1 15*2 |156.750|156.750 682A 62A |156.125| 156.125 80A 80A |157.025|157.025 06 RX only 182.500 16 16 156.800 | 156.800 63 156.175| 160.775 81 157.075 | 161.675 07 RX only 182.525 17 *1 17 *1 [156.850] 156.850 63A 63A [156.175] 156.175 81A 81A |157.075| 157.075 08 RX only 161.650 18 156.900 | 161.500 64 156.225 | 160.825 82 157.125 | 161.725 09 RX only 161.775 18A 18A |156.900 | 156.900 84A 64A [156.225] 156.225 82A 82A 157.125 10 RX only 163.275 *1 Low power only *2 Transmit is inhibited *3 Momentary high power. a НН 13 SPECIFICATIONS GENERAL e Frequency coverage e Mode * Number of memory channels * Power supply requirement e Current drain (at 13.8 V DC) e Frequency stability e Usable temperature range: e Dimensions e Weight | 42 : Transmit 156.025-157.425 MHz Receive 156.025—163.275 MHz : 16KOG3E, 16K0G2B 25 (24 regular memories and 1 call) channel : 13.8 V DC + 15% : Transmit, high power 6.3 A low power 1.7 A Receive, standby 400 mA max. audio output 1.5A : + 0.0005% — 20°C to +60 °C; —4°F to + 140°F : 228(W) x 78(H) x 192(D) mm; 9.0(W) x 3.1(H) x 7.6(D) in (projections not included) : 2.4 kg/5.3 Ib TRANSMITTER e Output power e Modulation system e Max. frequency deviation e Spurious emissions + Microphone impedance RECEIVER e Receive system e Intermediate frequencies e Sensitivity e Squelcn sensitivity ¢ Adjacent channel selectivity e Spurious response rejection e intermodulation rejection e Audio output power « Audio output impedance :1st 21.8 MHz : High 25 W Low 1W : Variable reactance phase modulation : 5 kHz ; Less than — 70 dB : 600 Q : Double-conversion superheterodyne 2nd 455 kHz : 0.3 ui V for 12 dB SINAD : 0.3 uV at threshold :—70 dB : — 70 аВ :— 70 dB :5 W with a 4 Q load (10W for the hailer function) :4 © All stated specifications are subject to change without notice or obligation. | | OPTIONS 14 MI O INTERNAL UNITS e UT-74 VOICE SCRAMBLER UNIT Provides private communications. Analog-type voice scrambling unit with 128 scramble codes available. e UX-110 VOICE SCRAMBLER INTERFACE BOARD Interface board to install a digital voice scrambler unit IC-HS2 HANDSET KIT*' IC-HS3 HANDSET KIT* *'Black *White For mounting the (SC-20-450*). 16 highly confidential scramble codes are available with the SC-20-450*. *SC-20-450 is not available from Icom. MB-33 FLUSH MOUNT IC-M126DSC to a panel. | Available in black or white. + UX-95 RELAY INTERFACE UNIT Remotely controls the UA-1 power switch. e UX-112 DECODER UNIT Enhances the DSC capability of the IC-M126DSC. When the UX-112 is installed, the transceiver conforms to U.S. Coast Guard proposal SC-101 for marine digital commu- nications. | PS-66 DC-DC CONVERTER Input voltage: 19 to 32 V DC Output voltage: 13.6 V DC UA-1 AUDIO AMPLIFIER Boosts hailer output to 30 W. Can be used separately as a paging amplifier. ount on us! A-5274S-1US | Icom Inc. Ани 0 1993 by Icom Inc. 6-9-16, Kamihigashi, Hirano-ku, Osaka 547, Japan ">
Key Features
- DSC Class C capability
- compatible with UX-112 DSC decoder unit
- 2-way hailer function
- intercom function
- automatic fog horn function