Rite-Hite FasTrax High Performance Modular Door Owner's Manual

The FasTrax High Performance Modular Door is a unique fabric door that can be transformed to fit most opening configurations while helping to keep different atmospheres separate. This manual will allow you to operate and maintain the door in a manner which will insure maximum life and trouble free operation.

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Rite-Hite FasTrax Owner's Manual | Manualzz




Key features

  • No Springs, Pulleys or Weights
  • Thermal Air™ System
  • Soft-Edge™ Technology
  • Virtual Vision
  • Flexible “You Build It” Track Design
  • Adjustable Speeds
  • DuraMax Curtain w/Auto Re-feed™
  • InsulMax Curtain w/Auto Re-feed™
  • High Pressure Capability
  • I-Zone™ Area Detection System

Frequently asked questions

RITE-HITE DOORS, INC. warrants that its FasTrax door will operate or perform in conformance with the published specifications when subjected to normal, proper and intended usage and be free from defects in material and workmanship for a period of one (1) year from the date of shipment.

RITE-HITE DOORS, INC. warrants that the FasTrax 60 and 100 mil curtain fabric integrity only, shall be free from material defects for a period of five (5) years.

To adjust the open position, use the “Open Pos. Adjust” option in the controller menu. To adjust the close position, use the “Close Pos. Adjust” option. The controller will display a coded value and a relative change in inches on the right.

The Thermal Air Seal system helps to prevent air transfer and improve energy efficiency.

The Virtual Vision system provides a visual barrier that helps to prevent accidents.
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