Eaglesoft Money Finder, Trends, Snapshot, Revenue Opportunities User Manual
Below you will find brief information for Money Finder, Trends, Snapshot, Revenue Opportunities.
Money Finder
Money finder is a reporting method in Eaglesoft that finds hidden money in your practice. The Money
Finder queries your patient base and produces a concise list of patients who fit the user defined criteria.
It performs this function by accessing a variety of areas in your system such as:
• Appointment status
• Insurance status
• Treatment plan status
Accessing The Money Finder
Go to
Activities │Practice Management │The Money Finder.
You can also add the Money Finder to your toolbar. This can be accomplished by right clicking on the toolbar and then click customize. On the left are all of the items available for you to add to the toolbar.
Highlight Money Finder and click on add, and then click on close.
Money Finder Categories
Money Finder gives you the flexibility of choosing your own criteria or choosing from a variety of preset patient base queries. To view these preset categories, simply click on the down-arrow at the end of the
Category’s box. To choose a specific category, simply click on one. When you choose one of these preset queries, the related information necessary to run the query is automatically placed in the appropriate field boxes for you. If you so choose, you can modify any of the preset information as you see fit.
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Here is what the preset criteria will give you:
Maximize Insurance – filters for patients with insurance who have more than $200.00 in benefits remaining and who have been seen in the last 2 years.
Master List – All patients seen in the last 2 years
Short Notice VIP - Filters for patients on short notice, with insurance, 200+ remaining benefits, and has been seen in the last 2 years (Brings up patients on the maximize insurance list who are marked short notice)
Dual Insurance List – Filters for patients with both primary and secondary insurance who have been seen in the last 2 years
Treatment Plan VIP’s – Filters for patients with insurance, 200+ in benefits, seen in the last 2 years, and have a specific planned service in a tx plan.
Treatment Plan Master – Filters for patients seen in the last 2 years and have a specific planned service in a tx plan.
Treatment Plan Short Notice List – Filters for patients with insurance, 200+ in benefits, seen in the last
2 years, marked as short notice, and have a specific planned service in a tx plan.
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Treatment Plan Dual Insurance – Filters for patients with dual insurance, 200+ in benefits, seen in the last 2 years, and have a specific planned tx plan service.
Scheduled Short Notice List – Filters for patients on short notice, seen in the last 2 years, and who have a scheduled regular appointment during the next 30 days
Past Due Master – Filters for patients who have been seen in the last 2 years but have a recall date in the past.
Past Due VIP's – Past due recall date, seen in the last 2 years
Past Due, Dual Insurance – Filters for patients with dual insurance, seen in the last 2 years, and have a recall date in the past.
Current Due, Unscheduled – Filters for patients seen in the last 2 years, due for recall in next 30 days, but who have not scheduled a preventive appointment.
Scheduled Prophy – Filters for patients seen in the last 2 years, due for recall in the next 30 days, and have a scheduled preventive appointment in the next 30 days.
Current Monthly Call List – Filters for patients seen in the last 2 years
Past Due Call List – Have cancelled/failed appointments, regular scheduled appointment, seen in the last 2 years
Failed and Cancelled Appointments – Filters for patients seen in the last 2 years who have a failed/cancelled appt. on record.
Sealants List – Filters for patients between the ages of 6 and 18 who have been seen in the last 2 years.
You can change the age to 14 or to whatever age you want to filter to.
Last Visit Date – Filters for patients who have been seen in the office prior to a year ago…haven’t been seen in the last year.
Customize your own by selecting from the following criteria:
• Patients who have a certain insurance status or who have no insurance
• Time Preference
• Provider preference
• Or use your recall note to group patients together for marketing purposes. Select Only Patients
Who: This section is split into check box options; drop-down list boxes and an entry field. Click the Select Only Patients who check boxes to search for patients who:
Are on Short Notice
Have deductibles that do not apply to preventive
Have cancelled or failed appointments
Have appointment time preference
Have insurance status
Have preferred dentist of
Recall Note Includes
Recall Note
The recall note field is used to group patients together for marketing or education purposes. The recall note is found in the Edit Patient screen.
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Example One: Enter XMAS in the recall note field for patients you wish to send a Christmas card to.
When it comes time to send cards, go to the Money Finder to get a list of all the patients with that recall note and print labels for your cards.
Example Two: Enter the type of patient they are such as HMO, Ortho, Perio, etc. You could pull a list of patients for each category and send marketing or educational material.
NRA stands for Next Regular Appointment which is any services / treatments that do not include cleanings.
NPA stands for Next Preventive Appointment that will update the patients next cleaning. Examples of
NPA’s would be - adult prophylaxis, child prophylaxis and periodontal maintenance.
A Planned Service is a service code that has been entered into the treatment plan.
Adding Service Codes for Efficiency
You can add service codes to the system to help you with tracking a patient's status. For instance you can add a service code that represents each specialist you might refer to. You can walk out a service code when the letter of completion arrives at your office. You can use this information one of several ways:
1. It can help you visually see what you are accomplishing & what a specialist is accomplishing within you patients chart.
It can help you bring up a list of patients that you have referred to a certain specialist but have not completed your recommended treatment.
Another case might be creating a service code that represents x-rays from a previous dentist. For example, walking out a service code for an FMX or Pano taken at another office will allow you to track these by service code as well.
Tracking Treatment / Maximizing Treatment Plans
Please note the following possible treatment search options:
• Has a planned service
• Lacks a planned service
• Has a completed service
• Lacks a completed service
• Has any planned service
• Lacks any planned service
• Has any completed service
• Lacks any completed service
You can use the F2 key to bring up your service code list if you don’t have all of the service codes memorized.
You can also use the F5 key to repeat the last code. For instance, bring up patients who have had a
Prophy six months ago who is not scheduled and lacks a proposed Prophy.
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Various Scenarios for Using the Money Finder
1. Send a letter to all patients who have a completed root canal but have not been scheduled for a crown.
2. Increase the treatment plan acceptance rate. Find patients with proposed treatment that has not been scheduled.
3. Obtain a list of all patients who have not been seen in the last year.
See Example Below:
Patient's who have a completed root canal but have not been scheduled for a crown.
More examples:
Patient's who have planned services but no scheduled appointments. In this example we will look for patients who have a planned crown.
A. Select patients not scheduled for NRA
B. Add your service codes – choose has a planned service from the drop-down list and enter your crown service codes (02740, 02750, etc.).
Patients who have not been seen in the last year.
A. Select patients not scheduled for NRA or NPA
B. Pull up a list of patients who have cancelled or failed appointments or just a list of patients who have not been seen in the last year.
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C. Leave appointment time preference as all
D. Leave insurance status as all
E. Mark the preferred dentist as all or choose a preferred dentist.
F. Select OK
Note: If you are walking out a code for patients who cancel or fail appointments, this does not pull from that code. The information is pulled from the schedule when you delete the appointment and then choose
Failed, Cancelled or Neither
Check for Patients who are scheduled tomorrow in hygiene that are due for a Pano or FMX series
A. NRA: Not scheduled
B. NPA: Scheduled
C. Next Preventive Date To: Enter tomorrow's date
D. Next Preventive Date From: Enter tomorrow's date
E. Add 2 codes: Lacks a Completed 00330 or 00210
F. From: 3 years before current date (or 5 years – your preference)
G. To: No date (00/00/0000)
Patients who are on short notice and have planned services (to fill an opening on your Schedule)
A. NRA: Scheduled and Unscheduled
B. NPA: Scheduled and Unscheduled
C. Are on Short Notice: box should be checked
D. Add: Has any Planned Service
Patients seen for an emergency visit but have not scheduled a complete exam
A. NRA: Not Scheduled
B. NPA: Not Scheduled
C. First Visit Date To: 2 years ago
D. First Visit Date From: No Date
E. Add: Has a Completed 00140
F. Add: Lacks a Completed: 00150 and enter the date range you are looking for.
Patients who started but have not completed their Perio treatment
A. NRA: Not Scheduled
B. NPA: Not Scheduled
C. Has a Completed Service: 04341
D. Has a Planned Service: 04910
As you can see, the possibilities are almost endless! Once your search fields are complete for the information you are looking for, select OK. At this point, the Print Options box appears (see below)
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Here you can choose:
Report – Print a report of the patients who match the criteria
Letter – Select and print a letter for patients who match the criteria
Label – Print mailing labels for patients who match the criteria
Laser Label – Print laser-mailing labels for patients who match the criteria
Postcard – Print postcards for patients who match the criteria
Laser Postcard – Print laser postcards for patients who match the criteria
Export to InContact – Exports the list of patients to InContact
Envelopes – Print envelopes for patients who match the criteria
SmartDoc - Send patient's to SmartDoc as a batch (details below)
Please note the description to appear on report. You may want to change the generic description to something more descriptive such as: 'Patients who need to schedule for their crown'.
Printing a Batch (utilizing SmartDoc option)
When printing or saving a batch, a progress window will display showing the current patient name and the total number of files to be printed or saved. Select Cancel to stop processing a batch and return to
Please note, when processing letters, you have the option to Include Header Info. Uncheck to print the letter minus the header information.
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You can save the information to SmartDoc without printing if you choose and you will get the following message:
Click OK to continue.
Use the Money Finder to generate a list of all new patients who are scheduled today. Use
SmartDoc to pull up the HIPAA form – save to the patient's SmartDoc w/out printing. When they come in, you can open up SmartDoc and the HIPAA form will be there for the patient to sign!
Once you click OK, you will receive the document information screen. The document name will default to the name of your letter (can be changed) and you can also choose to save to a document group.
Also note that you can check to update the Notice of Privacy Practice date on the edit patient screen directly from here! It will insert today's date.
If you do choose to print the documents you will get the following prompt. If you choose No, it will print the documents but not save them to SmartDoc.
Note: This will override the preference that has been set up to automatically save Letters into SmartDoc.
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Also note, when selecting a method you also have a Sort By option which could be helpful when printing.
These options include:
Patient Name
Next Prev. Appt.
Next Regular Appt.
Next Recall Date
Zip Code
Here is an example Money Finder Prospect list:
Money Finder and InContact
Example: Use the Money Finder to bring up a list of patients who have a treatment plan but no appointment scheduled. Export the list to InContact and send a Letter reminding them to come in for treatment.
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From InContact, Filter your list to show just the Money Finder patients. Select Print and under Form to
Print choose Letter and All Contacts. At the following screen, choose Patient or Account Letter. This determines which Letters will be available in your drop-down list.
The next screen will be the InTouch window. Here you will choose the Provider that the Letter will be from, which Letter to Print, if you want to send e-mail, etc. This screen also tells you how many letters will be printed. As soon as you select Process, the patient information (name, address, salutation) automatically merges and your letters begin to print!
“Trends” is a Practice Management feature in the software that allows you to view office totals according to specified criteria. From Trends, you can import and enter data according to month or year, and then print the information. Trends is a perfect example of how the Eaglesoft Practice Management software helps you manage your office and money.
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Accessing Trends
Go to
Activities │Practice Management │Trends.
You can also add Trends to your toolbar. This can be accomplished by right clicking on the toolbar and then click customize. On the left are all of the items available for you to add to the toolbar. Highlight
Trends and click on add, and then click on Close.
Updating Trends
• To update the data in Trends, first select the month and year for the current trends data. This is how your Trends data will be labeled and saved.
• Select Import and choose a date range for importing Trend values.
• Select OK.
Note: Trends data must be saved before you can print the report. Saved Trends reports can be found under Reports │Financial │Trends Practice Management.
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There are three ways fields can be populated in Trends:
1. Data imported from Eaglesoft. This data is highlighted in
to indicate the import. Although imported, all fields can be manually edited. If these fields are changed, the data will be highlighted in
to indicate the change.
2. Data manually entered by the user. These fields are used for tracking office information that is not imported by Eaglesoft (i.e. number of hygiene days) and there is no requirement to enter a value into every field – track only what you need to. Note: if any fields are left empty, some of the calculated fields may not populate.
3. Calculated fields. These fields will auto populate as information is entered into the imported and manually entered fields.
There are five columns that represent data for the indicators. Importing will change the data accordingly:
1. Goal – manually entered based on office goals and should be entered prior to import.
2. Actual – calculated by Eaglesoft based on information entered into Eaglesoft during the selected timeframe
3. Variance – the difference between the office goals and actual totals
4. YTD Actual – calculated by Eaglesoft based on information entered into Eaglesoft
5. YTD Goal – manually entered based on year to date goals for the office
The Trends window is broken down into two main areas:
1. Practice Values
2. Provider Values
Trends Indicator Definitions
Total Office Production - Goal & YTD Goal should be keyed in by user. The Actual and YTD Actual are imported as what the production would have been if no fee schedules were used. No report can be used to tie with this amount. The variance is calculated as Actual/Goal.
*Total office production = all posted production using the standard fee (ideal full fee)*
Adjusted Production - Goal & YTD Goal should be keyed in by user. The Actual and YTD Actual are imported as the sum of all production for the Trend timeframe. When imported, this amount should tie with the coinciding Production Reconciliation or Day Sheet Production column. The variance is calculated as
*This will illustrate what the practice produces under a reduced fee program (i.e. HMO or PPO contracts) compared to what they could have reduced, which is the Total Office Production. This adjusted
Production number will be determined based on any fee schedules, discounts or adjustments set to
impact production.*
Number of Doctor Days - Total Office - All fields are non imported fields to be keyed in by user. The variance is calculated as Actual/Goal.
*The number of days this month the dentist(s) are scheduled to see patients*
Avg. Daily Production - Total Office - All fields including Goal and YTD Goal are imported as Adjusted
Production/Number of Doctor Days - Total Office. The variance is calculated as Actual/Goal.
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Number of Doctor Hours - Total Office - All fields are non imported fields to be keyed in by user. The variance is calculated as Actual/Goal.
*The number of hours this month the dentist(s) are scheduled to see patients. Hint: Want an easy way to
determine this number? Have the doctors clock in and out using the time clock each day.*
Production Per Hour - Total Office - All fields including Goal and YTD Goal are imported as Adjusted
Production/Number of Doctor Hours - Total Office. The variance is calculated as Actual/Goal.
Production - Hygiene - Goal & YTD Goal should be keyed in by user. The Actual and YTD Actual are imported as the sum of all production for all Hygienists for the Trend timeframe. When imported, this amount should tie with the coinciding Production Reconciliation (only Hygienists' totals) along with any of the Hygienists at the bottom of trends. The variance is calculated as Actual/Goal.
Number of Hygiene Days - All fields are non imported fields to be keyed in by user. The variance is calculated as Actual/Goal.
Production Per Day - Hygiene - All fields including Goal and YTD Goal are imported as Production -
Hygiene/Number of Hygiene Days. The variance is calculated as Actual/Goal.
Collections (Adjusted) - Goal & YTD Goal should be keyed in by user. The Actual and YTD Actual are imported as the sum of all collection for the Trend timeframe. When imported, this amount should tie with the coinciding Collection Reconciliation or Day Sheet Collection column. The variance is calculated as
*This number will be impacted based on adjustments set to impact collections (i.e. patient or insurance
Collection % - All fields including Goal and YTD Goal are imported as Collections (Adjusted)/Adjusted
Production. The variance is calculated as Actual% - Goal%.
Accounts Receivable - The Goal, Variance, YTD Actual, and YTD Goal are not used for this field. The
Actual is calculated as the current accounts receivable for the Trend timeframe. When imported, this amount should tie with the coinciding Day Sheet Ending A.R. amount. The A/R by Responsible Party report (Total A/R column) will also tie with this amount when the current month and year is imported.
*In most cases, the work has been done and the money has not yet been collected however, in some cases offices will have their patients pre-pay or they pre-charge for work that still needs to be done.
These factors need to be considered when viewing the total accounts receivable*
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Accounts Receivable Ratio - Goal & YTD Goal should be keyed in by user. The Actual and YTD Actual are calculated as accounts receivable/Adjusted Production. The variance is calculated as Actual% -
*As a guideline, growing practices should have an A/R ratio of 1.5 to 3 % of total office production (or adjusted production) – on a three month average. If the office is attempting to limit growth, this number
should be less than 1.5%.*
Credit Adjustments - The Goal & Variance are not used for this field. The YTD Goal should be keyed in by the user. When imported, this amount is the total of all credit adjustments regardless of the impact of the production, collection, or adjustment. Deleted items are not included in the total. This will not tie with the adjustment reconciliation or the Day Sheet.
*Some consultants will recommend this number be less than 2%.*
Credit Adjustments % - Goal & YTD Goal should be keyed in by user. The Actual and YTD Actual are calculated as Credit Adjustments/Adjusted Production. The variance is calculated as Actual% - Goal%.
Accounts Receivable 0 - 30 - The Goal, Variance, YTD Actual, and YTD Goal are not used for this field.
The Actual is calculated as the current accounts receivable with aging from 0 - 30 days for the current month. This number may be negative since it comes from the Current - Estimated Insurance. Since we do not store this information for previous months, if a user attempts to import for a Trend timeframe other than current, any previously imported amounts for the same timeframe will not be overwritten. When imported, this amount should tie with A/R by Resp Party report (current column - estimated insurance column). NOTE: This amount is only imported based on the current month and year selected in Trends. It is NOT based on a current range chosen from the Import button.
Current Collection % - Goal & YTD Goal should be keyed in by user. The Actual and YTD Actual are calculated as Accounts Receivable 0 - 30/Adjusted Production. The variance is calculated as Actual% -
Goal%. NOTE: This amount is only imported based on current month and year selected in trends, NOT based on importing something current.
Accounts Receivable 90+ - The Goal, Variance, YTD Actual, and YTD Goal are not used for this field.
The Actual is calculated as the current accounts receivable with aging from 90 days or higher for the current month. Since we do not store this information for previous months, if a user attempts to import for a Trend timeframe other than current, any previously imported amounts will not be overwritten. When imported, this amount should tie with the A/R by Responsible Party report (90 Days column). NOTE: This amount is only imported based on the current month and year selected in trends. It is NOT based on a current range chosen from the Import button.
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Accounts Receivable % - 90+ - Goal & YTD Goal should be keyed in by user. The Actual and YTD
Actual are calculated as Accounts Receivable 90+/Adjusted Production. The variance is calculated as
Actual% - Goal%. NOTE: This amount is only imported based on the current month and year selected in trends. It is NOT based on a current range chosen from the import button.
*Goal: Keep this number between 18 and 20% of total A/R owed to the practice.*
Accounts Receivable - Insurance - The Goal, Variance, YTD Actual, and YTD Goal are not used for this field. The Actual is calculated as the total of estimated insurance for the current month. Since we do not store this information for previous months, if a user attempts to import for a Trend timeframe other than current, any previously imported amounts will not be overwritten. When imported, this amount should tie with the A/R by Responsible Party report (estimated insurance column). NOTE: This amount is only imported based on the current month and year selected in trends. It is NOT based on a current range chosen from the import button.
Accounts Receivable % - Insurance - Goal & YTD Goal should be keyed in by user. The Actual and
YTD Actual are calculated as Accounts Receivable - Insurance/Accounts Receivable. The variance is calculated as Actual% - Goal%. NOTE: This amount is only imported based on the current month and year selected in trends. It is NOT based on a current range chosen from the import button.
New Patients - Goal & YTD Goal should be keyed in by user. The Actual and YTD Actual are calculated as all patients with a date entered for the Trend timeframe. This amount will not tie with the coinciding new persons report because the report is all new persons and the trend total is only those that are active and a patient_status of 'Y'. The variance is calculated as Actual/Goal.
New Patients Internal - Goal & YTD Goal should be keyed in by user. The Actual and YTD Actual are calculated as patients referred by other patients with a date entered for the Trend
timeframe. This amount will not tie with any other report. The variance is calculated as Actual/Goal.
New Patients External - Goal & YTD Goal should be keyed in by user. The Actual and YTD Actual are calculated as patients referred by a provider with a date entered for the Trend timeframe. This amount will not tie with any other report. The variance is calculated as Actual/Goal.
New Patients Advertisement - Goal & YTD Goal should be keyed in by user. The Actual and YTD
Actual are calculated as patients referred by other sources with a date entered for the Trend timeframe.
This amount will not tie with any other report. The variance is calculated as Actual/Goal.
Amount Diagnosed - New Patients - Goal & YTD Goal should be keyed in by user. When imported, the amount is the total for all treatment plan items that have a date planned that falls within the Trend Month
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& Year chosen AND the patient is considered a new patient for the same Trend Month and Year chosen.
The Detailed Treatment Plan report can be used along with the date entered field for each patient to verify these totals.
Amount Accepted - New Patients - Goal & YTD Goal should be keyed in by user. When imported, the amount is the total for all treatment plan items that have a status of accepted or completed and a date planned that falls within the Trend Month & Year chosen AND the patient is considered a new patient for the same Trend Month and Year chosen. The Detailed Treatment Plan report can be used along with the date entered field for each patient to verify these totals.
Accept Rate - New Patients - All fields including Goal and YTD Goal are imported as Amount Accepted -
New Patients/Amount Diagnosed - New Patients. The variance is calculated as Actual% - Goal%.
New Patient Potential - All fields including Goal and YTD Goal are imported as Amount Diagnosed -
New Patients/New Patients. The variance is calculated as Actual / Goal.
New Patient Value - All fields including Goal and YTD Goal are imported as Amount Accepted - New
Patients/New Patients. The variance is calculated as Actual/Goal.
Amount Diagnosed - Patients of Record - Goal & YTD Goal should be keyed in by user. When imported, the amount is the total for all treatment plan items that have a date planned that falls within the
Trend Month & Year chosen AND the patient is NOT considered a new patient for the same Trend Month and Year chosen. The Detailed Treatment Plan report can be used along with the date entered field for each patient to verify these totals.
Amount Accepted - Patients of Record - Goal & YTD Goal should be keyed in by user. When imported, the amount is the total for all treatment plan items that have a status of accepted or completed and a date planned that falls within the Trend Month & Year chosen AND the patient is NOT considered a new patient for the same Trend Month and Year chosen. The Detailed Treatment Plan report can be used along with the date entered field for each patient to verify these totals.
Accept Rate - Patients of Record - All fields including Goal and YTD Goal are imported as Amount
Accepted - Patients of Record/Amount Diagnosed - Patients of Record. The variance is calculated as
Actual% - Goal%.
Preventive Maint. Compliance - Goal & YTD Goal should be keyed in by user. When imported, the amount is all patients that have a date entered from the trend month/year chosen or before and have a next_recall_date greater than the Trend month and year chosen and have been walked out in the Trend
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month and year chosen timeframe. There is no report to use for verifying the amount. The variance is calculated as Actual% - Goal%. NOTE: This YTD amount is always calculated based on the calendar year January 1st through December 31st regardless of when the client ran EOY.
% of Practice in Preventive Maintenance - All fields including Goal and YTD Goal are imported as
Preventive Maintenance Compliance/total active patients in database that have a date entered from the
Trend month/year chosen or before. The variance is calculated as Actual/Goal.
Production - Doctor (each staff member will be listed once) - Goal & YTD Goal should be keyed in by user. The Actual and YTD Actual are imported as the sum of all production for the displayed provider's
Trend timeframe. When imported, this amount should tie with the coinciding Production Reconciliation
(individual provider total). The variance is calculated as Actual/Goal.
Number of Doctor Days - Doctor (each staff member will be listed once) - All fields are non imported fields to be keyed in by user. The variance is calculated as Actual/Goal.
Production Per Day - Doctor (each staff member will be listed once) - All fields including Goal and
YTD Goal are imported as Production - Doctor/Number of Doctor Days. The variance is calculated as
Actual/ Goal.
Number of Doctor Hours - Doctor (each staff member, doctors and hygienists will be listed once) -
All fields are non imported fields to be keyed in by user. The variance is calculated as Actual/Goal.
Production per Hour - Doctor (each staff member, doctors and hygienists will be listed once) - All fields including Goal and YTD Goal are imported as Production - Doctor / Number of Doctor Hours. The variance is calculated as Actual/Goal.
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The Snapshot tool is a great way to see how your practice is doing at any time during the month. Use
Snapshot to view practice performance and create graphs to show trends or compare months.
Accessing Snapshot
Go to
Activities │Practice Management │Snapshot or add Snapshot to your Toolbar.
• Graph What
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View Current Monthly Totals for all Providers
Current Monthly Totals – Graph. Left click on a graph to display the actual dollar amount.
• Graph Method
Select Production/Collection, Patient Production or Accounts Receivable to enable the Graph
Method tab. Once enabled, select the Graph Method tab to Show a Trend (i.e. January – June) or Compare Months (i.e. March of this year to March of last year). After making your selection, click the Graph button to display the graphed data.
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Production / Collections – showing a Trend and Comparing Months
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• Show What
Use the Show What button to display one of the following options:
Customizing your Graph
Once you have determined the information to display in your graph, the graph can be customized to best fit the needs of your practice. To customize your graph, right-click on the graph and choose:
• Type – bar graph, line graph, pie graph, etc.
• Copy – copy the graph and paste it into another program (i.e. Word document or Power Point presentation)
• Color – select the color(s) you wish to use in your graph
• Fill Style – solid fill, square, diagonal or vertical lines
Report – Use this button to print your graph
Setup – Use this button to setup your printer (do you want all of your graphs to print to a color printer in the office?)
Info. – Use this button to be re-directed to FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions website). Search FAQ
Answer ID 14704 to find more information on the powerful marketing tools and reports available in
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Revenue Opportunities
The Revenue Opportunities option highlights areas that are typically overlooked but full of revenue potential: recalls not scheduled, overdue recalls, patients without recalls, planned treatments not yet scheduled and several others. Use this option often to determine potential sources of revenue. It also allows you to perform some "what if" scenarios by specifying the percentage of patients who you believe are likely to comply with the proposed area of opportunity.
Accessing Revenue Opportunities
Go to
Activities │Practice Management │Revenue Opportunities or add Revenue Opportunities to your Toolbar.
Accounts Receivables – Current A/R by category
Overdue Recalls – All patients who have a past due recall
Unscheduled Future Recalls – All patients who are due for a recall but lack an appointment
Patients w/out Recalls – All patients who do not have a recall date (have never had a cleaning to generate a recall date)
Patients Coded not to Receive Recalls – All patients who have their preference set to not receive recalls
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7229.1.Rev001 12.17.2014
Quick Fill List – All patients who have a cancelled or failed appointment in the Quick Fill list (they have cancelled but not yet re-scheduled)
Planned Treatments – Number of services that are planned for patients
Accepted Treatments – Amount of services that have been proposed and accepted (scheduled)
e-Claims – Calculates savings on e-Claims vs. paper claims
e-Statements - Calculates savings on e-Statements vs. paper statements
To Review the Potential Revenue to Practice:
1. Enter the information that is requested by the Revenue Opportunities Finder. For example, if you are interested in the number of patients in your database overdue for
Recall, click on the radio button next to Overdue Recall.
2. Enter the Percentage of Patients to Comply. For example, if you send a letter to all patients who are overdue on their recall, enter the percentage you believe would come to your office as a result.
3. Enter the Average Amount Spent per Visit. This is defaulted to last month's average
walkout statement but feel free to modify the amount if you believe that it would be higher or lower for the particular area.
You can return to the virtual screen at any time by clicking Cancel.
Printed copies of this document are considered uncontrolled.
7229.1.Rev001 12.17.2014
Key features
- Finds hidden money in your practice
- Queries patient base
- Accesses appointment, insurance and treatment plan status
- Provides various preset criteria
- Tracks practice performance.
- Creates graphs to show trends
- Customizable graphs
- Highlights revenue opportunities
- Calculates potential revenue