11-01 (20) Air cleaner—all Models Attention to the air cleaner is extremely important, especially under dusty condi- tions, as engine wear generally will be seriously affected if the vehicle is run with an excessive amount of sludge in the cleaner oil bath. In cases where the vehicle is operated under dusty road or field conditions, atten- tion must be more frequent, even to the extent of a daily oil change; under ex- tremely bad conditions, cleaning twice daily may be called for. Proceed as follows: 1 Slacken wing nut and release the clamping strap securing the complete air cleaner. 2 Disconnect the outlet elbow from the carburetter intake pipe and remove the cleaner from the vehicle. 3 Remove the oil bowl from the bottom of the cleaner by releasing the three securing clips. 4 Clean all dirty oil and sludge from the bowl and refill with fresh engine oil to the level indicated by a ring formed in the pressing; the capacity is approxi- mately 0,85 litre (1.5 Imperial pints). 5 Clean the filter in the cleaner body by swilling the complete body in petrol or paraffin and shake off the surplus. 6 Replace the bowl and refit the com- plete unit in the vehicle. 21) Flywheel housing drain plug The flywheel housing can be com- pletely sealed to exclude mud and water under severe wading conditions, by means of a plug fitted in the bottom of the housing. 2 The plug is screwed into a hole adjacent to the drain hole and should only be fitted when the vehicle is expected to do wading or very muddy work. 3 When the plug is in use it must be removed periodically and all oil allowed to drain off before the plug is replaced. RAGGA —— -—— A, AR RY RTA TE (22) Check injectors for burst pressure, and spray NOTE: Absolute cleanliness is essential when handling any component of the fuel injection system. The use of a test pump is essential when servicing injectors; it is recom- mended therefore, that servicing of in- jectors is carried out by a Rover Distributor or Dealer or CAV Agent. WARNING: Great care should be taken to prevent the hands getting into contact with the spray, as the working pressure will cause the fuel to penetrate the skin with ease. IGNITION (23) & (24) Sparking plugs—Petrol models The sparking plugs are fitted with plastic covers. To gain access to the plugs for cleaning and gap-setting, pull up the plug covers without detaching them from the high tension leads. 3 Check or replace the sparking plugs as applicable. If the plugs are in good condition, they should be cleaned, preferably using an approved spark plug cleaning machine. 4 Test the plugs in accordance with the plug cleaning machine manufacturer’s recommendations. 5 If satisfactory set the electrode gap to 0,75 to 0,80 mm (0.029 to 0.032 in.) and replace. It is important that only the recommended sparking plugs are used for replacements: 4-cylinder models 8,0:1, use Cham- pion UN12Y 4-cylinder models 7,0: 1 (optional), use Champion N8 6-cylinder models, use Champion №5 La 21-01 (25) Distributor contact points Check and adjust the contact points clear- ance as follows. (4-cylinder distributor illustrated) t2 Remove the distributor cap and rotor arm; then turn the engine, using the starting handle, until the contacts are fuily open. The clearance should be 0,35 to 0,40 mm (0.014 to 0.016 in.) with the feeler gauge a sliding fit between the contacts. If necessary, slacken the screw which secures the adjustable contact. Adjust by the adjuster slot until the clearance is correct; re-tighten the retaining screw. Replace the rotor arm and distributor cap. {26) Distributor maintenance Lubricate as follows: ] 2 3 Remove the distributor cap and rotor arm. Lightly smear the cam with clean engine oil. Add a few drops of thin machine oil to lubricate the cam bearing and distri- butor shaft. Add a few drops of thin machine oil through the side of the contact breaker base plate, to lubricate the automatic timing control. Removing the plastic clip (4-cylinder models) or the nut (6-cylinder models) on the terminal block and lift off the spring and moving contact, also remove adjustable contact secured with a screw. Ensure that the contacts are free from grease or oil; if they are burned or blackened, clean with a fine carborundum stone and wipe with a petrol-moistened cloth. Add a smear of grease to contact pivot before replacing the contacts. Then adjust as detailed in previous opera- tion. Wipe the inside and outside of the cap with a soft dry cloth; ensure that the small carbon brush works freely in its holder. Replace rotor arm and distributor cap. High tension leads 1 bo A careful examination should be carried out on all high tension leads including the coil to distributor lead. Look for any signs of corrosion, insulation cracking or deterioration, particulariy of the end contacts. Renew any faulty leads. (27) Ignition timing— Petrol models ] Should the distributor have been dis- turbed, the ignition timing must be reset as follows: Set the contact breaker point gap to 0,35 to 0,40 mm (0.014 to 0.016 in.) with the points fully open. 3 244 litre Petrol models The timing pointer represents 6° B.T.D.C., 3% B.T.D.C. and T.D.C. respectively. Rotate the engine until the mark on the crankshaft pulley is in line with the pointer as follows: Note that three types of timing marks are in use, either a multiple pointer with a single mark on the pulley or single pointer with a scale of marks on the pulley. The multiple pointers represent 6° B.T.D.C., 3° B.T.D.C., T.D.C. and 6% A.T.D.C. respectively. The scale on the pulley represents 6° B.T.D.C., 3% B.T.D.C., T.D.C., 3% A.T.D.C. and 6% A.T.D.C. See page 86— 19 for an alternative timing mark and pointer. 8.0: 1 compression ratio T.D.C. when using 90 octane fuel 3° A.T.D.C.* when using 85 octane fuel 7.0: 1 compression ratio (optional) 3° B.T.D.C. when using 83 octane fuel T.D.C. when using 75 octane fuel * Estimate this position on pulley on 3- point pointer. 2.6 litre 6-cylinder models 5 Rotate the engine until the appropriate mark on the crankshaft pulley is in line with the pointer as follows: 7.8: 1 compression ratio 2° A.T.D.C. when using 90 octane fuel 7.0: 1 compression ratio (optional) 2° B.T.D.C. when using 83 octane fuel T.D.C. when using 80 octane fuel 2° A. T.D.C. when using 78 octane fuel The distributor rotor will now cor- respond with No. 1 cylinder high tension lead terminal. Slacken the pinch bolt at the base of the distributor head, rotate the distri- butor bodily in the opposite direction to the arrow on the side of the distributor (4 cylinder models) or on the rotor arm (6-cylinder models) until the contact breaker points are just opening with the fibre cam follower on the leading side of the cam; re- tighten the pinch bolt. TRA5SA £1—01 TRANSMISSION (28) Check for oil leaks; rectify as necessary (29) Clutch fluid reservoir 1 Check fluid level in reservoir by removing cap. 2 Top up if necessary to bottom of filler neck. Use Castrol Girling Brake and Clutch Fluid ‘Crimson’ (Specification J. 1703). If significant topping-up is required, check for leaks at master cylinder, slave cylinder and connecting pipe. (30) Check tightness of all propeller shaft coupling bolts (31) Propeller shaft lubrication 1 Apply one of the recommended greases at the lubrication nipple on the sliding portion of the rear propeller shaft. 2 To the lubrication nipples fitted to the universal joints of both front and rear shafts. Front propeller shaft sliding portion Lubricate the sliding spline on the front propeller shaft, with one of the recom- mended greases, as follows: 1 Disconnect one end of the propeller shaft. 2 Remove plug in sliding spline and fit a suitable grease nipple. 3 Important. Compress propeller shaft at sliding joint to avoid overfilling, then apply grease. 4 Replace grease nipple with plug and reconnect propelier shaft. / © (32) Main gearbox oil level Check oil level daily or weekly when operating under severe wading conditions. 1 The main gearbox and clutch with- drawal mechanism are lubricated as one unit. Check oil level and top up if necessary to the bottom of the filler- level plug hole. 2 If significant topping up is required check for oil leaks at drain and filler plugs, all joint faces and through drain hole in bell housing. (33) Transfer box oil level Check oil level daily or weekly when operating under severe wading conditions. 1 The transfer box and front wheel drive housing are lubricated as one unit. 2 Check oil level and top up if necessary to the bottom of the filler-level plug hole. The filler-level plug is in the rear face of the transfer box. 3 If significant topping up is required check for oil leaks at drain and filler plugs, all joint faces and through drain hole in bell housing. (34) Front differential oil level 1 Check oil level and top up if necessary to the bottom of the filler plug hole located at the front of the axle casing. A second plug fitted at the rear of the axle casing can be disregarded. 2 If significant topping up is required check for oil leaks at plugs, joint faces and oil seals adjacent to axle shaft flanges and propeller shaft driving flange. (35) Rear differential oil level 1 Check oil level and top up if necessary to the bottom of the filler plug hole. 2 If significant topping up is required check for oil leaks at plugs, joint faces and oil seals adjacent to axle flanges and propeller shaft driving flange. (36) Check hydraulic clutch pipes and hoses visually for cracks, leaks and chafing (37) Axle case breathers 1 Clean exterior of breathers. 2 Unscrew breathers from their tapered threads in axle and wash in petrol. 3 Shake breather to ensure ball valve is free. 4 Lubricate balls with engine oil. 1 | | À | | | | — e << й M | > „EM. = ай MU 1 | | E 16 | a Ц , RE E | 1 1 7 IRATIA === IRA72A À AU DD Sn 1540 #101 STEERING AND SUSPENSION (38) Steering ball joints 1 Check rubber boots daily when operat- ing under arduous conditions. 2 The steering joints have been designed to retain the initial filling of grease for the normal life of the ball joints; however, this applies only if the rubber boot remains in the correct position. Check to ensure that the rubber boots have not become dis- lodged or damaged, and check for wear in the joint. 3 This can be done by moving the ball joint vigorously up and down. Should there be any appreciable free move- ment the complete joint must be replaced. (39) Suspension fixings—Check security of all suspension fixings, rectify as necessary (40) Wheel alignment Special equipment is required to check wheel alignment and this work should be carried out by a Rover Distributor or Dealer. For those owners who have suitable equip- ment, the alignment should be 1,2 to 2,4 mm (0.046 to 0.093 in.) toe-in. To adjust | 1 Set the vehicle on level ground with the road wheels in the straight ahead position and push it forward a short distance. 2 Slacken the clamps securing the ball joints at each end of the track rod. 3 Turn the track rod to decrease or increase its effective length as neces- sary until the toe-in is correct. 4 Push the vehicle rearwards turning the steering wheel from side to side to settle the ball joints, then with the road wheels in the straight ahead position, push the vehicle forward a short distance. 5 Recheck the toe-in, if necessary carry out further adjustment. IRA 109A 6 LA A = A o LT When the toe-in is correct, lightly tap the track rod ball joints towards the rear of the vehicle to the maximum of their travel. This ensures full un- restricted movement of the track rod. Then secure the ball joint clamps. (41) Check steering for oil leaks—investigate and rectify as necessary (42) Check shock absorbers for leaks and rectify as necessary (43) Steering relay unit Check oil level and top-up if necessary until the oil is visible at the base of the filler and breather holes. If significant topping-up is required, check joints for leakage and fit new joint washers as neces- sary. To check oil level and top up, proceed as follows: 1 Remove the fixings and withdraw radiator grille. 2 Remove two of the bolts securing the relay top cover. 3 Using one of the holes as an oil filler (the other acting as a breather hole) fill the relay unit with the correct grade of lubricating oil to the bottom of the filler hole. 4 Whilst filling, it is probable that oil will eject through the breather hole. If this occurs do not assume that the relay unit is full. Time must be given to allow the oil to find its way to the main chamber. Wait a few moments until the breather hole is clear of oil, then continue filling. 5 As the unit fills up, air is forced out usually in the form of an oil bubble, escaping through the breather hole, again giving the impression that the unit is full. Wait for the bubble to subside, then continue filling in this manner until the oil is clearly visible at the base of the filler and breather holes. 6 Replace the two top cover bolts. Refit the radiator grille and name plate. (44) Steering box oil level 1 Check oil level and top up if necessary to the bottom of the filler-plug hole on the top of the cover plate. Access to the plug is gained by lifting the bonnet panel. 2 If significant topping up is required check for oil leaks at joint faces and rocker shaft oil seal. IRA GIA 51-01 (45) Steering box Check steering box mountings for security and steering box for backlash. Rectify as necessary. (46) Swivel pin housing oil level 1 The front wheel drive universal joints, swivel pins and front hubs receive their lubrication from the swivel pin hous- ings. Check oil level and top up if necessary to the bottom of the filler- level plug holes at the rear of the housings. 2 If significant topping up is required check for oil leaks at plugs, joint faces and oil seals. BRAKES (47) Check visually hydraulic pipes and unions for chafing, leaks and corrosion—rectify as necessary (48) Brake fluid reservoir 1 Check fluid level in brake reservoir by removing cap. 2 Top up if necessary to level mark on reservoir. Use Castrol Girling Brake and Clutch Fluid ‘Crimson’ (Specification J. 1703). If significant topping-up is required, check master cylinder, wheel cylinders and brake pipes for leakage; any leakage must be rectified immediately. ARC 3968 (49) Transmission brake adjustment If hand brake movement is excessive, adjust as follows: 1 Release the hand brake. The adjuster protrudes from the front of the brake backplate. 2 During rotation of the adjuster a click will be felt and heard at each quarter revolution. Rotate adjuster in a clockwise direction until the brake shoes contact the drum. Then unscrew the adjuster two clicks and give the hand brake a firm application to centralise the shoes. 1RA B5A nia (50) Foot and hand brake 1 Check operation of foot and hand brake, ensure that the brake pedal travel is not excessive and maintains a satisfactory pressure under normal working load. 2 Excessive pedal travel indicates worn brake linings ог the necessity for adjustment. 3 If the brakes feel spongy this may be caused by air in the hydraulic system and must be removed by bleeding the system at each wheel cylinder. 4 Prior to this operation, all hydraulic hoses, pipes and connections should be checked for leaks and any leaks rectified. S Check operation of hand brake and ensure that it holds the vehicle satis- factorily. Wheel brake adjustment When the vehicle is used in deep muddy conditions the brake drums must be periodically removed and cleaned, at the same time the brake shoes and anchor plate should be thoroughly cleaned. When used continuously under excep- tionally wet and muddy conditions this operation may be advisable once, or even twice a week, to prevent the abrasive action of packed mud rapidly wearing out brake linings and drums. When lining wear has reached the point where the pedal travel becomes excessive, it is necessary to adjust the brake shoes in closer relation to the drum. Proceed as follows: 88 Models | Jack up each wheel in turn. 2 On the back face of the brake anchor plate will be found a hexagon adjust- ment bolt which operates a snail cam bearing on the leading shoe. Only one of these is fitted to each wheel brake unit, thereby providing single-point adjustment. + + 7 2 IRA 84A у с В 3 Spin the wheel and rotate the adjuster bolt until the brake shoe contacts the drum, then ease the adjuster until the wheel again rotates freely. 4 Repeat for the other three wheels. 109 Models 5 Each shoe is independently set by means of a hexagon adjustment bolt operating through a serrated snail cam. 6 Apply the brakes and set the snail cam adjusters so that the brake shoes are in firm contact with the drums. 7 Slacken off each adjuster just suf- ficiently for the drum to rotate freely. 8 Repeat for the other wheels in turn. NOTE: The rear brake shoes should be adjusted individually to obtain the best results. 91—01 (51) Inspect brake linings for wear, drums for condition, replace worn parts as necessary (52) Handbrake linkage The hand brake operates a mechanical brake unit mounted on the output shaft from the transfer box. Lubricate the hand brake linkage and check for worn parts. Take care not to contaminate the hand brake linings with oil. (53) Servo hose(s) — check hose(s) for security and condition, replace as necessary ELECTRICAL (54) Electrical and interior equipment 6 Check operation of all lamps, direction indicators, warning lights, horn, instru- ments and other equipment. (55) Battery acid level Check weekly when operating under severe conditions. The battery is located under the bonnet at the front right-hand side. The specific gravity of the electrolyte should be checked at every maintenance inspection. Readings should be; Temperate climate below 26.5 C (80°F) as commissioned for service, fully charged 1.270 to 1.290 specific gravity. As expected during normal service, three- quarter charged 1.230 to 1.250 specific gravity. If the specific gravity should read between 1.190 to 1.210, half-charged, the battery must be bench charged and the electrical equipment in the car should be checked. Tropical climate above 26. 5°C (80°F) as commissioned for service, fully charged 1.210 to 1.230 specific gravity. As expected during normal service, three- quarter charge 1.170 to 1.190 specific gravity. If the specific gravity should read between 1.130 to 1.150, half-charged, the battery must be bench charged and the electrical equipment on the car should be checked. Check acid level as follows: 1 Wipe all dirt and moisture from the battery top. 2 Remove the filler plugs or manifold lid. If necessary add sufficient distilled water to raise the level to the top of separators. Replace the filler plugs or manifold lid. 3 Avoid the use of a naked light when examining the cells. 4 In hot climates it will be necessary to ton up the battery at more frequent intervals. 5 In very cold weather it is essential that the vehicle is used immediately after topping up, to ensure that the distilled water is thoroughly mixed with the electrolyte. Neglect of this precaution may result in the distilled water freez- ing and causing damage to the battery. IRA TTA 5 (56) Battery terminals 6 Remove battery grease and refit. 7 Replace terminal screw; do not over- tighten. Do not use the screw for pulling down the terminal. 8 Do NOT disconnect the battery cables while the engine is running or damage to alternator semiconductor devices may occur. It is also inadvisable to break or make any connection in the alternator charging and control circuits while the engine is running. 9 It is essential to observe the polarity of connections to the battery, alternator and regulator, as any incorrect connec- tions made when reconnecting cables may cause irreparable damage to the semiconductor devices. terminals, clean, (57 Headlamp beam setting This operation requires special equip- ment and should be carried out by a Rover Distributor or Dealer. 2 In an emergency each headlamp can be adjusted by means of a headlamp horizontal adjusting screw. 3 The headlamp vertical adjusting screw. The adjusting screws are accessible through slots in the headlamp bezel. (58) Windscreen wiper blades Examine condition of wiper blades, replace as necessary: 1 Pull wiper arm forward. 2 Lift spring clip and withdraw blade from wiper arm. 3 To fit new blade reverse removal pro- cedure. EXHAUST AND FUEL PIPES (59) & (60) Exhaust system, fuel, clutch and brake pipes 1 Check exhaust system fixings for security, paying particular attention to heat shields, flexible mounting plates and clamps. 2 Examine the system for signs of leakage and blowing. Any silencers or pipes found to be leaking or badly corroded should be replaced: 3 At the same time check all fuel, clutch and brake pipes, unions and hoses for signs of leakage, corrosion, chafing or damage. 21-01 WHEELS AND TYRES (61) Check that tyres comply with manufac- turer’s specification (62) Tyre pressures Maximum tyre life and performance will only be obtained if the tyres are main- tained at the correct pressures. (63) & (65) Whenever possible check with the tyres cold as the pressure is about 0,1 kg/cm? (2 1b/sq. in.) 0,14 bars higher at running temperature. Always replace the valve caps as they form a positive seal on the valves. 3 Any unusual pressure loss in excess of 0,05 to 0,20 kg/cm? (1 to 3 Ib/sq. in.) 0.07 to 0 ,21 bars per week should be investigated and corrected. 4 Always check the spare wheel so that it is ready for use at any time. 5 At the same time remove embedded flints etc. from the tyre treads with the aid of a penknife or similar tool and check that the tyres have no breaks in the fabric or cuts to sidewalls etc. Clean off any oil or grease on the tyres using white spirit sparingly. 6 Check that there are no lumps or bulges in the tyres or exposure of the ply or cord structure. 7 “Butyl” synthetic innertubes are fitted and all repairs must be vulcanised. 8 It is an offence to run tyres when the tread pattern of the tyre does not have a depth of at least 1 mm throughout at least three-quarters of the breadth of the tread and round the entire outer circumference of the tyre. 9 It is advisable to run-in new tyres by driving at reasonable speeds for the first 400 km (250 miles) or so before driving at higher speeds. | (64) Road wheel nuts Check road wheel nuts, tighten as neces- sary. (66) Changing wheel positions The road wheels should be changed round as illustrated to equalise tyre wear. When cross-country tyres are used, the ‘V’ tread should be directed to the front at the top. WARNING: Do not touch the outer ring of nuts on divided type wheels (optional equipment) unless the wheel is removed and the tyre fully deflated, or severe personal injury may result. IMPORTANT: As the Land Rover is fitted with a transmission brake, it is necessary before removing a road wheel to apply the hand brake and engage four-wheel drive. This will ensure that the hand brake is operative on all four wheels. Remember to engage two-wheel drive when the road wheel has been replaced. BODY (67) (70) & (71) Door locks and mechanisms 9 Check operation of all door locks and mechanisms, window controls, safety catches, bonnet catch etc.; apply a few spots of oil as necessary. (68) (69) & (72) Seats, safety belts and rear view mirrors 7 Check all seat fixings for security and examine condition of safety harness. Safety harness which have been used in an accident or are frayed or cut, must be replaced. 8 Check rear view mirror(s) for security and examine mirror face for signs of cracks or crazing. (73) Check cleanliness of controls, door handles and steering wheel GENERAL (74) Road or roller test Give the vehicle a roller or road test and carry out any further adjustments required including brakes, clutch, throttle linkage etc. Check steering and all gears in high and low range including the high range four-wheel drive control. Check operation of all lights and instruments. After test check for oil, fuel and fluid leaks at all plugs, flanges, joints and unions. PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE In addition to the recommended periodical inspection of brake components it is advisable as the vehicle ages, and as a precaution against the effects of weat and deterioration, to make a more searching inspection and renew parts as necessary. It is recommended that: Brake linings, hoses and pipes should be exam- ined at intervals no greater than those laid down in the Maintenance Summary. Rubber seals in brake system— Every 60 000 km (36,000 miles) or 36 months. Renew all rubber seals in master cylinder, wheel cylinders and servo until where applicable. This should be done every three years if mileage travelled is less than 60 000 km (36,000 miles). Refill with correct fluid. Fluid changing, brake system— Every 30 000 km (18,000 miles) or 18 months. All brake fluid absorbs moisture from the air and as a result its boiling point is lowered with a conse- quent deterioration in performance. In a sealed brake system, water absorption takes place over a period and can, if not remedied reduce brake performance to a dangerous level. All the fluid in the brake system should be changed every 30 000 km (18,000 miles) or 18 months. lt should also be changed before touring in mountainous areas, if not done in the previous nine months. Use only fluid recommended in Section 09. Care must be taken always to observe the fol- lowing points: a al times use the recommended brake uid. b Never leave fluid in unsealed containers. it absorbs moisture quickly and can be dangerous if used in your braking system in this condition. 81-01 ¢ Fluid drained from the system or used for bleeding is best discarded. d The necessity for absolute cleanliness throughout cannot be over-emphasized. Replacing Brake-Shoes When it becomes necessary to renew the brake shoes, it is essential that only genuine shoes, with the correct grade of lining are used. Always fit new shoes as complete axle sets, never individually or as a single wheel set. Serious consequences could result from out-of-balance braking due to mixing of linings. Bleeding the brake system When the fluid in the hydraulic system has been changed or any components replaced it will be necessary to remove the air by bleeding the hydraulic system at each wheel cylinder. Bleeding must always be carried out at all wheels. Proceed as follows: 1 Slacken the adjusters off on all brake shoes. 2 Attach a length of rubber tubing to the bleed screw on the wheel cylinder furthest from the brake pedal and place the lower end of the tube in a glass jar containing brake fluid. 3 Slacken the bleed screw and depress the brake pedal and release slowly. Pause at each end of the return stroke to allow the master cylinder to re- cuperate. Continue pumping in this manner until the fluid issuing from the tube shows no signs of air bubbles when the. tube is held below the surface of the fluid in the jar. The fluid in the reservoir should be re- plenished throughout the operation. Hold the tube under the fluid surface and, with the foot brake fully de- pressed, tighten the bleed screw. Do not overtighten. Repeat for the other three wheels in turn, finishing at the one nearest the brake pedal. Pump brake pedal until rear shoes are in firm contact with the brake drums. While holding pedal depressed, adjust rear adjuster up to the shoes. Release pedal and slacken rear adjusters until shoes are just clear of the drums. Adjust front shoes in the normal manner. 61-01 SPECIAL OPERATING CONDITIONS When the vehicle is operated on dusty, wet or muddy terrain, more frequent attention, depending on the conditions, should be paid to the following: Daily or Weekly Check/top up engine oil Empty, clean and refill air cleaner oil bath Check/top up cooling system Check/top up gearbox oil Check/top up transfer box oil Check/top up battery electrolyte Check steering rubber boots for security and damage Clean out brake drums and adjust to manufacturer’s instructions Lubricate front and rear propeller shaft grease points and front sliding joint Clean fuel sedimentor (diesel) Monthly Renew gearbox oil Renew transfer box oil 6 months: Renew air cleaner elements Stationary Running If the vehicle is used exclusively in low transfer ratio or for stationary work, maintenance intervals must be based on either fuel consumption or hours running time. Refer to the chart. CONVERSION CHART Kilometres and miles, fuel consumption and hours’ running time Fuel consumption Hours’ Kilometres Miles Petrol Diesel Running Litres Gallons Litres Gallons time 5000 3000 680 150 455 100 120 10000 6000 1,363 300 909 200 240 | 5000 9000 2,045 450 1,363 300 360 20000 12000 2,727 600 1,818 400 480 25000 15000 3,409 750 2,272 500 600 30000 18000 4,091 900 2,727 600 720 35000 21000 4,773 1.050 3,182 700 840 40000 24000 5,455 1.200 3,636 800 960 1-71 2% Litre— Three Main Bearing—4 Cylinder Petrol Engine c-cl 24 Litre—Three Main Bearing— 4 Cylinder Diesel Engine €E—Cl 2% litre — 4 cylinder Pétrol and Diesel CAMSHAFT Remove and refit 12.13.01 Service tools: 507231 Chainwheel extrac- tor 530101 Camshaft extractor Removing 1 Remove the bonnet. 76.16.01. 2 Remove the air cleaner. 19.10.04. 3 Remove the radiator and front panel assembly. 26.40.01. 4 Remove the external oil filter assembly. 12.60.01. Petrol Engines: Remove the distribu- tor and drive gear. 86.35.20. Diesel Engines: Remove the fuel injec- tion pump. 19.30.07. Remove the valve gear. 12.29.34. Remove the cylinder head. 12.29.10. Remove the tappets. 12.29.57. 0 Remove the timing gear cover. 12.65.01. 11 Remove the timing chain tensioner. 12.65.28. 12 Withdraw the timing chain. 13 Remove the fixings from the camshaft chainwheel. 14 Extract the chainwheel from the cam- shaft. 507231. 15 Remove the thrust plate from the cam- shaft. Tab washers deleted on later engines. 16 Extract the camshaft. 530101. NOTE: For details of camshaft bearings, refer to 12.13.13. Refitting 17 Insert the camshaft into the cylinder block. 18 Fit the thrust plate. 19 Fit the chainwheel to the camshaft but do not engage the lockwasher at this stage. 20 Mount a dial test indicator to read off the end of the camshaft. 21 Check the camshaft end float. The correct end float limits are 0,06 mm to 0,13 mm (0.0025 in. to 0.0055 in.). If the end float is excessive, fit a new thrust plate and/or camshaft. 22 Remove the dial test indicator. 23 Reset the valve timing. 12.65.22. 24 Reverse 1 to ll. = NO CO 1 aN wn 1RC301 CAMSHAFT BEARINGS Remove and refit 12.13.13. Service tools: 605975 Bearing drift and adaptor assembly compris- ing: 274388 Bearing drift 531760 Adaptor 274389 Reamer for bearings includes: 274394 Guide plug NOTE: Prior to removing the camshaft bearings, the engine must be removed from the vehicle and be completely dismantled until only the camshaft bearings remain in the cylinder block. Removing 1 Drift out the front and rear bearings and withdraw them through the side cover apertures. 274388. CU TT я e o rs A Mun” 2 4 и A NN esos | 2 Drift the two centre bearings into the distributor drive chamber and collapse them to enable withdrawal. 274388. Refitting NOTE: The two centre and rear bearings are of the same width, whereas the front bearing is wider and has an additional oil feed hole. 3 Position the cylinder block vertical, rear face down. 4 Place a new bearing into the front camshaft chamber and position it so that it is above the second bearing housing, counting from the front of the block. 5 The chamfer on the bearing edge must be towards the housing bore. continued MA AN v—Cl 10 Align the oil hole in the bearing with the innermost oil feed drilling in the housing bore. Accuracy is essential otherwise misalignment of the oil holes may result and once the bearing is in place it cannot be rotated to correct any error. Add pencil marks to the bearing outer diameter and the cylinder block adjacent to the housing to assist in checking alignment. Having visually aligned the bearing, place inside it the adaptor. 531760. Maintain the bearing in a level posi- tion. Pass the drift through the front bearing housing into the camshaft chamber so that it rests on top of the adaptor. Commence drifting the bear- ing into the block. Ensure that the bearing is not drifted in too far, and that the oil feed holes are correctly aligned. Repeat 5 to 9 for the front bearing. Note that the front bearing is wider and has a small hole in addition to the large oil feed hole. This small hole aligns with a vertical drilling in the block, which in turn feeds a horizontal drilling for the tappet mechanism. Drift this bearing in so that the outer edge is just below the machined sur- face of the front face. This is to ensure that when the camshaft thrust plate is fitted it will not stand proud on the bearing edge. 11 Turn the cylinder block over so that the rear face is uppermost. 12 Repeat the foregoing procedures for the two remaining camshaft bearings. Reaming the camshaft bearings NOTE: No lubricant is necessary for the reaming operation, best results are obtained when the bearings are cut dry. 13 Locate the guide plug 274394, into the front camshaft bearing and retain using the thrust plate screws, but do not tighten the screws at this stage. 14 Insert the reamer 274389 from the rear of the cylinder block, locating it through the guide plug at the front. 15 Locate the guide collar immediately in front of the reamer cutter into the rearmost bearing, then secure the screws retaining the guide plug at the front. 16 Position the cylinder block vertical, rear face uppermost. 17 Ream the rear and two centre bear- ings. As each bearing is cut the reamer should be held steady by the operator whilst an assistant, using a high pres- sure airline, blows away the white metal cuttings, before allowing the reamer to enter the next bearing. 18 Remove the guide plug 274394, before reaming the front bearing. 19 Ream the front bearing. 20 Remove the reamer handle and bolt. 21 Remove the reamer, turning it in the same direction as for cutting. 22 Remove the plugs from the ends of oil gallery passage and clean the gallery and oil feed passages to camshaft and crankshaft bearings, using compressed air. Refit the plugs and lock in posi- tion. 23 The hexagon-headed plugs at the rear of the block should have new washers fitted, and their threads coated with a suitable jointing compound. 24 Clean the cylinder block ready for engine reassembly. 1RC308 ON Laa Y — CONNECTING RODS AND PISTONS Remove and refit 12.17.01 Removing Remove the bonnet. 76.16.01. Remove the air cleaner. 19.10.04. Remove the valve gear. 12.29.34. Remove the cylinder head. 12.29.10. Remove the oil sump. 12.60.44. With two pistons at bottom dead centre (BDC) remove the connecting rod cap fixings. 7 Remove the caps and withdraw the connecting rod bearing halves. Retain the caps and bearings in related sets. 1RC274 8 Withdraw the pistons and attached connecting rods from the top of the bore. 9 Position the remaining pistons at BDC and repeat the removal procedure. 10 Retain the removed components in related sets. The correct cap for each connecting rod is denoted by the number stamped near the joint faces. This number also indicates the crank- shaft journal to Which it must be fitted. Refitting : NOTE: If replacement components are to be fitted, the checks detailed in 12.17.10 must be carried out. 11 Position the crankshaft with two crankpins at BDC. 12 Insert the appropriate connecting rod and piston assemblies into their respec- tive bores, noting that the oil hole in the connecting rods must be towards the camshaft. 13 Petrol engines: Position the piston rings so that their gaps are staggered around the piston thrust face (cam- shaft side of the engine). IRC 275 14 Diesel engines: Position the piston compression rings so that their gaps are staggered around the piston thrust face (camshaft side of the engine). 15 Diesel engines: Position the oil control ring so that the ends of the expander butt, but do not overlap and are in line with the gudgeon pin. Position the gap in each rail 25 mm (1 in.) to the left of the butted ends of the expander. 16 Using a piston ring compressor, locate the pistons into the cylinder bores. — TT IRC 365 17 Lubricate the journals and bearing halves and fit the appropriate bearing halves to the connecting rods and caps. 18 Fit the connecting rod caps using NEW securing nuts. Torque 3,5 kgf. m (24 Ibf. ft.). 19 Repeat 11 to 19 for the remaining connecting rod and piston assemblies. 20 Reverse 1 to 5. CONNECTING RODS AND PISTONS-— Petrol Overhaul 12.17.10 Dismantling | NOTE: During the following procedures retain all components in related sets to facilitate subsequent assembly. If the same pistons are to be refitted, add location marks to ensure reassembling in the same relative position. 1 Remove the connecting rods and pistons. 12.17.01. 2 Remove the piston rings. 3 Remove the circlips from the gudgeon pin bosses. 4 Withdraw the gudgeon pins from the pistons. ‘Overhauling pistons Original pistons 5 Remove the carbon and deposits, particularly from the ring grooves. 6 Examine the pistons for damage or excessive wear — see under ‘New pistons’ for clearance dimensions — fit new replacements as necessary. New Pistons Original pistons fitted to new engines at the fac- tory are specially graded to facilitate assembly. The grading letter on top of the piston crown must be ignored when ordering new pistons. Genuine Land-Rover service standard size pistons are supplied 0,025 mm (0.001 in) over- size to allow for production tolerances on new engines. When fitting a new piston to a stan- dard size cylinder block the bore must be honed to accommodate the piston with the correct clearances. The clearance limits with new standard size pistons and a new cylinder block are 0,058 mm to 0,068 mm (0.0023 in. to 0.0027 in.). The clearance limits with new oversize pistons and a newly rebored cylinder block are 0,043 mm to 0,055 mm (0.0017 in. to 0.0022 in.). The temperature. of the piston and cylinder block must be the same to ensure accurate measurements. 7 Check the piston diameter at the bottom of the skirt at right angles to the gudgeon pin. 8 Check the bore diameter at approxi- mately half way down. 9 If gauge equipment is not available, the piston clearance can be assessed using long feeler gauges. 10 to 12. 10 Insert a long suitably sized feeler gauge down the right hand side of the cylinder bore. 11 Insert the correct piston, inverted, into the cylinder bore and position it with the gudgeon pin parallel with the axis of the crankshaft. 12 Push the piston down the cylinder until the piston reaches its tightest point in the bore, at this point with- draw the feeler gauge — a steady resistance should be felt. IRC 7 > 13 If service standard size pistons are being fitted, check the diameter of the piston, as already described, and hone the cylinder bore, as necessary, to obtain the correct clearance. continued 9-71 14 If new piston rings are to be fitted without reboring, deglaze the cylinder walls with a hone, without increasing the bore diameter. A deglazed bore must have a cross-hatch finish. 15 Check the compression and oil control ring gaps in the applicable cylinder, held square to the bore with the piston. Gap limits: 0,38 mm to 0,5 mm (0.015 in. to (0.020 in.). Use a fine cut flat file to increase the gap if required. Select a new piston ring if the gap exceeds the limit. ED IRC279 \ “№5 16 Fit the oil control ring to the piston. 17 Check the oil control ring clearance in the piston groove. Clearance limits: 0,038 mm to 0,089 mm (0.0015 in. to 0.0035 in.). 18 Fit the two compression rings to the piston with the sides marked “T” or ‘Top’ uppermost. 19 Check the compression ring clearance in the piston grooves. Clearance limits: 0,046 mm to 0,097 mm (0.0018 in. to 0.0038 in.). 19 1RC280 Where maximum permitted boring tole- rance is not sufficient to reclaim the bores, cylinder liners must be fitted. Fitting the cylinder liners conforms to normal practice. Machine the cylinder block bores to 94,425 mm + 0,012 mm (3.7175 in. + 0.0005 in.) diameter. This will provide the liner with 0,076 mm to 0,114 mm (0.003 in. to 0.0045 in.) inter- ference fit. Press the liners into the cylinder block. The liners must not be proud of, or more than 0,254 mm (0.010 in.) below, the top face of the cylinder block. Cylinder liners should be bored to standard size of 90,47 mm (3.562 in.) diameter. Liners may be rebored to a maximum of 1,01 mm (0.040 in.) oversize. | Connecting rods 20 Check the alignment of the connecting rod. 21 Check the gudgeon pin clearance in the connecting rod. Clearance limits: 0,007 mm to 0,015 mm (0.0003 in. to 0.0006 in.). 22 If a new connecting rod small! end bush is required, ensure that the oil holes are aligned when pressing in the replacement, then ream the bush to obtain the correct clearances, as above. 1RC373 23 Check the fit of the gudgeon pin in the piston, the pin must not fall through either boss but be capable of being fitted by hand at normal room tem- perature 20 C (68 F.). 24 Select the correct cap for each con- necting rod as denoted by the number stamped near the joint faces. This number also indicates the crankshaft journal to which it must be fitted. 25 Assemble the caps, less bearing halves, to the respective connecting rods. Torque 3,5 kgf. m (25 1bf. ft.). 26 Slacken the fixing on one side of the cap only and check that there is no clearance at the joint face. If there is clearance, a new assembly must be fitted. Connecting rod bearing nip and clearance NOTE: New bearing halves are supplied with a protective coating and must be degreased, prior to fitting, to remove the coating. 27 Fit the bearing halves to the connect- ing rod and cap, and secure the assem- bly. Torque 3,5 kgf. m (25 1bf. ft.). 28 Slacken the fixing on one side of the cap only and check the clearance between the joint faces. The clearance must be 0,10 mm to 0,20 mm (0.004 in. to 0.008 in.). The bearing nip can be corrected by selective assembly of the bearing shells; these are available in slightly varying thicknesses. Do not file or machine the caps or connecting rods to vary the bearing nip. 26827 nn PE ENE 26828 27 24 IRC 281 | 29 Make a final check to prove the bearing clearance, using a 0,063 mm (0.0025 in.) shim paper. The connect- ing rod should resist rotation when fitted to the crankshaft with the shim paper fitted between the journal and one half of the bearing shell, and move freely by hand with the shim paper removed. NOTE: As an alternative, Plastigauge may be used to check the connecting rod bearing clearance. 30 to 36. Do not rotate the connecting rod or crankshaft while the Plastigauge is fitted, or the reading will be impaired. 30 Place a piece of Plastigauge across the centre of the lower half of the crank- shaft journal. 605238. 31 Fit the connecting rod complete with bearings to the applicable journal. Torque 3,5 kgf. m (25 Ibf. ft.). 32 Remove the connecting rod cap and lower half bearing. 33 Using the scale printed on the Plasti- gauge packet, measure the flattened Plastigauge at its widest point. The graduation that most closely cor- responds to the width of the Plasti- gauge indicates the bearing clearance. 34 The correct clearance with new or over- hauled components is given in DATA at the end of this operation. 35 If a new bearing is being fitted, use selec- tive assembly to obtain the correct clearance. L—el 36 Wipe off the Plastigauge with an oily rag. DO NOT scrape it off. Connecting rod end float 37 Fit the connecting rods complete with bearings to their applicable journals. Torque 3,5 kgf. m (25 Ibf. ft.). 38 Check the end float between the end face of the connecting rod and the journal shoulder. End float limits: 0,20 mm to 0,30 mm (0.007 in. to 0.012 in.). 39 Remove the connecting rods from the crankshaft and retain all parts in related sets. Assembling 40 Assemble the pistons to their respec- tive connecting rods. DATA Pistons Clearance in bore, measured at bottom of skirt at right angles to gudgeon pin. Standard size pistons ............ Oversize pistons. ............... Piston Rings Compression (2) Gapinbore.................... Clearance in groove . . . . . .. oo... .. Oil control Сар тм Боге... ................. Clearance in groove ..........e... Gudgeon pin Clearance in connectingrod ......... Fit in piston ..................... Connecting Rods Clearance, bearing to crankpin .......... End float on crankpin .................. Ww ~ Au А y 41 Fit new circlips to retain the piston gudgeon pins. 42 Refit the connecting rods and pistons 12.17.01. 0,058 mm to 0,068 mm (0.0023 in. to 0.0027 in.) 0,043 mm to 0,055 m (0.0017 in. to 0.0022 in.) 0,38 mm to 0,50 mm (0.015 in. to 0.020 in.) 0.046 mm to 0.097 mm (0.0018 in. to 0.0038 in.) 0,38 mm to 0,50 mm (0.015 in. to 0.020 in.) 0,038 mm to 0,089 mm (0.0015 in. to 0.0035 in.) 0,007 mm to 0,015 mm (0.0003 in. to 0.0006 in.) Push fit by hand “a 19 mm to 0,068 mm (0.00075 in. to 0.0027 in. 0,20 mm to 0,30 mm (0.007 in. to 0.012 in.) CONNECTING RODS AND PISTONS — Diesel Overhaul 12.17.10 Dismantling NOTE: During the following procedures retain all components in related sets to facilitate subsequent assembly. If the same pistons are to be refitted, add location marks to ensure reassembling in the same relative position. 1 Remove the connecting rods and pistons. 12.17.01. 2 Remove the piston rings. 3 Remove the circlips from the gudgeon pin bosses. 4 Withdraw the gudgeon pins from the pistons. Overhauling Pistons Original Pistons 5 Remove the carbon and deposits, particularly from the ring grooves. 6 Examine the pistons for damage or excessive wear — see under ‘New pistons’ for clearance dimensions — fit new replacements as necessary. New Pistons Original pistons fitted to new engines at the fac- tory are specially graded to facilitate assembly. The grading letter on top of the piston crown must be ignored when ordering new pistons. Genuine Land-Rover Service standard size pistons are supplied 0,025 mm (0.001 in) over- size to allow for production tolerances on new engines. When fitting a new piston to a stan- dard size cylinder block the bore must be honed to accommodate the piston with the correct clearances. The clearance limits with new standard size pistons and a new cylinder block are 0,111 mm to 0,134 mm (0.0044 in. to 0.0053 in.). The clearance limits with new oversize pistons and a newly rebored cylinder block are 0,111 mm to 0,157 mm (0.0044 in. to 0.0062 in.). The temperature of the piston and cylinder block must be the same to ensure accurate measurements. | 7 Check the piston diameter at the extreme bottom and at right angles to the gudgeon pin. 8 Check the bore diameter at approxi- mately half way down, at right angles to the gudgeon pin. continued IRC 368 8—cCl 10 11 14 15 If gauge equipment is not available, the piston clearance can be assessed using long feeler gauges. 10 to 12. Insert a long, suitably sized feeler gauge down the right hand side of the cylinder bore. Insert the correct piston, inverted, into the cylinder bore and position it with the gudgeon pin parallel with the axis of the crankshaft. La Push the piston down the cylinder until the piston reaches its tightest point in the bore, at this point with- draw the feeler gauge — a steady resistance should be felt. If service standard size pistons are being fitted, check the diameter of the piston, as already described, and hone the cylinder bore, as necessary, to obtain the correct clearance. If new piston rings are to be fitted without reboring, deglaze the cylinder with a hone, without increasing the bore diameter. A deglazed bore must have a cross-hatch finish. Check the compression and oil control ring gaps in the applicable cylinder, held square to the bore with the piston. Gap limits: Upper compression ring (chromed): 0,35 mm to 0,50 mm (0.014 in. to 0.019 in.). Middle and lower compression rings: 0,25 mm to 0,38 mm (0.010 in. to 0,015 in.). Oil control ring, upper and lower rail: 0,38 mm to 1,14 mm (0.015 in. to 0.045 in.). IRC279 NS 16 Fit the expander for the oil control ring into the groove immediately above the gudgeon pin. The ends of the expander must butt but not over- lap and be in line with the gudgeon pin. 17 Fit the lower rail from the bottom of the piston and locate it into the groove, beneath the expander. Position the ring gap 25 mm (1 in.) to the left of the butted ends of the expander. 18 Fit the upper rail from the top of the piston and locate it into the groove, above the expander. Position the ring gap 25 mm (1 in.) to the left of the butted ends of the expander. IRC 369 19 Check the oil control ring clearance in the piston groove. Clearance limits: 0,038 mm to 0,064 mm (0.001 5 in. to 0.0025 in.). 20 Fit the compression rings marked “T” or “TOP” with the marking uppermost to the middle two grooves. 21 Fit the chrome edged compression ring to the top groove. 22 Check the compression ring clearance in the piston grooves. Clearance limits: 0,06 mm to 0,11 mm (0.0025 in. to 0.0045 in.). 22 1RC373 Where the maximum permitted boring tole- rance is not sufficient to reclaim the bores, cylinder liners may be fitted. Fitting the cylinder liners conforms to normal prac- tice. Machine the cylinder block bores to 94,425 mm + 0,012 mm (3.7175 in. + 0.0005 in.) diameter. This will provide the liner with 0,076 mm to 0,0114 mm (0.003 in. to 0.0045 in.) interference fit. Press the liners into the cylinder block. The liners must not be proud of, or more than 0,05 mm (0.002 in.) below the top face of the cylinder block. | Cylinder liners should be bored to standard size of 90,47 mm (3.562 in.) diameter. Liners may be rebored to a maximum of 1,01 mm (0.040 in.) oversize. Connecting rods 23 Check the alignment of the connecting rod. 24 Check the gudgeon pin clearance in the connecting rod. Clearance limits: 0,002 mm to 0,02 mm (0.0001 in. to 0.0009 in.). 25 If a new connecting rod small end bush is required, ensure that the oil holes are aligned when pressing in the replacement, then ream the bush to obtain the correct clearance, as above. 26 Check the fit of the gudgeon pin in the piston, the pin must not fall through either boss but be capable of being fitted by hand at normal room tem- perature 20 C (68 F). 27 Select the correct cap for each con- necting rod as denoted by the number stamped near the joint faces. This number also indicates the crankshaft journal to which it must be fitted. 28 Assemble the caps, less bearing halves, to the respective connecting rods. Torque 3,5 kgf. m (25 1bf. ft.). 29 Slacken the fixing on one side of the cap only and check that there is no clearance at the joint face. If there is clearance, a new assembly must be fitted. Connecting rod bearing nip and clearance NOTE: New bearing halves are supplied with a protective coating and must be degreased prior to fitting to remove the coating. 30 Fit the bearing halves to the connect- ing rod and cap and secure the assem- bly. Torque 3,5 kgf. m (25 1bf. ft.). 31 Slacken the fixing on one side of the cap only and check the clearance between the joint faces. The clearance must be 0,10 mm to 0,20 mm (0.004 in. to 0.008 in.). The bearing nip can be corrected by selective assembly of the bearing shells; these are available in slightly varying thicknesses. Do not file or machine the caps or connecting rods to vary the bearing nip. 28130 ——. ER IRC 370 6-C1 32 Make a final check to prove the bearing clearance, using a 0,063 mm (0.0025 in.) shim paper. The connect- ing rod should resist rotation when fitted to the crankshaft with the shim paper fitted between the journal and one half of the bearing shell, and move freely by hand with the shim paper removed. NOTE: As an alternative, Plastigauge may be used to check the connecting rod bearing clearance. Do not rotate the connecting rod or crankshaft while the Plastigauge is fitted, or the reading will be impaired. 33 Place a piece of Plastigauge across the centre of the lower half of the crank- shaft journal. 605238. 34 Fit the connecting rod complete with bearings to the applicable journal. Torque 3,5 kgf. m (25 Ibf. ft.). 35 Remove the connecting rod cap and lower half bearing. 36 Using the scale printed on the Plasti- gauge packet, measure the flattened Plastigauge at its widest point. The graduation that most closely cor- responds to the width of the Plasti- gauge indicates the bearing clearance. 37 The correct clearance with new or over- hauled components is given in the DATA at the end of this operation. 38 If a new bearing is being fitted, use selective assembly to obtain the correct clearance. 39 Wipe off the Plastigauge with an oily rag. DO NOT scrape it off. Connecting rod end float 40 Fit the connecting rods complete with bearings to their applicable journals. Torque 3,5 kgf. m (25 tbf. ft.). 41 Check the end float between the end face of the connecting rod and the journal shoulder. End float limits: 0,20 mm to 0,30 mm (0.007 in. to 0.012 in.). == 1RC372 42 Remove the connecting rods from the crankshaft and retain all parts in related sets. Assembling 43 Assemble the pistons to their respec- tive connecting rods. 44 Fit new circlips to retain the piston gudgeon pins. 45 Refit the connecting rods and pistons. 12.17.01. DATA Pistons Clearance in bore measured at bottom of skirt at right angles to gudgeon pin. Standard size pistons ............ Oversize pistons ............... Piston rings Compression No. 1 TyDE Gapinbore.................... Clearance in groove . ............. Compression Nos. 2 and 3 TYPE eG Gapinbore.................... Clearance in groove .............. Oil control No. 4 TYPE «oo ieee ee eee Gapinbore.................... Clearance ingrove ............... Gudgeon pin Clearance in connectingrod ............ Fitinpiston ................. 0... Connecting rods Clearance, bearing tocrankpin .......... End floatoncrankpin .................. 0,111 mm to 0,134 mm (0.0044 in. to 0.0053 in.) 0,111 mm to 0,157 mm (0.0044 in. to 0.0062 in.) Square friction edge — chromium plated 0,35 mm to 0,50 mm (0.014 in. to 0.019 in.) 0,06 mm to 0,11 mm (0.0025 in. to 0.0045 in.) Bevelled friction edge. Marked ‘T or “TOP” on upper side. 0,25 mm to 0,38 mm (0.010 in. to 0.015 т.) 0,06 mm to 0,11 mm (0.0025 in. to 0.0045 in.) Expander and rails 0,38 mm to 1,14 mm (0.015 in. to 0.045 in.) 0,038 mm to 0,064 mm (0,0014 in. to 0.0025 in.) 0,002 mm to 0,020 mm (0.0001 in. to 0.0008 in.) Push fit by hand 0,019 mm to 0,068 mm (0.00075 in. to 0.0027 in.) 0,20 mm to 0,30 mm (0.007 in. to 0,012 in.) OI-CI CRANKSHAFT REAR OIL SEAL Remove and refit 12.21.20 Service Tools: 270304 Guides for oil seal 600963 Engine lifting sling Removing Remove the bonnet. 76.16.01. Remove the front floor. 76.10.12. Remove the engine assembly. 12.41.01. Remove the starter motor. 86.60.01. Remove the oil sump. 12.60.44. Remove the clutch assembly. 33.10.01. Remove the flywheel. 12.53.07. Remove the flywheel housing. Remove the oil seal ring. Ln Ba Ua bh — D 0 — 10 Remove the rear main bearing cap. 11 Remove the lower half of the oil seal retainer from the rear main bearing cap. 12 Remove the upper half of the oil seal retainer from the cylinder block, by rotating the crankshaft to align the cut-out with the fixings. 13 Remove the oil seal trom the crank- shaft. Refitting 14 Assemble the garter spring on the crankshaft journal by engaging the hook and eye. Do not stretch the spring. 15 Move the assembled spring along the journal until it is against the thrower flange. 16 Apply Silicone Grease MS4 to the crankshaft oil seal journal and to both end faces of the split oil seal. 17 Open the split seal sufficiently to allow it to be fitted over the crank- shaft oil seal journal. The recess in the oil seal must be towards the thrower flange and the garter spring. LR882 NOTE: The oil seal must not be repeatedly fitted and removed from the crankshaft, as this can damage the sealing lip. 18 Position the garter spring so that the hook and eye is located mid-way between the split and hinge of the oil seal. 19 Using a small screwdriver, ease the spring into the recess in the oil seal. 20 Rotate the oil seal until the split is on the vertical axis pointing towards the cylinder head and in its approximate running position on the journal; this position is important. NOTE: Do not degrease the seal retainer halves with trichlorethylene, but wipe clean with a dry cloth prior to applying Hylomar. 21 Apply Hylomar PL 32/M jointing com- pound, to the seal location diameter of both retainer halves. 22 Locate one half of the oil seal retainer onto the cylinder block dowels. The oil seal should be compressed to assist assembly, also ensure that it is cor- rectly located in the retainer recess. CAUTION: The seal must be held so that it does not rotate when the crankshaft is being rotated to fit the retainer securing bolts. 23 Secure the upper half of the oil seal retainer with the three inner bolts, leaving the outer bolt at each end finger tight at this stage. 24 Secure the lower half of the oil seal retainer to the rear main bearing cap in the same manner as described for the upper half. 25 Apply Silicone Grease MS4 to the ‘T° seals and fit them to the rear main bearing cap. 26 Trim the top edges of the ‘T’ seals to prevent them from fouling the cylin- der block when being fitted. 27 Fit the seal guides to the crankcase. 270304. “18 13 A 2726243 125 32 28 Fit the rear main bearing cap complete with the seal retainer, “T” seals and bearing shell to the crankcase until there is an 0,8 mm (0.030 in.) gap between the cap and the crankcase. 29 Check that the seal is correctly located in the retainer recess. 30 Tighten the bearing cap bolts ensuring that there is no buckling of the split seal or misalignment of the butt joint. Torque: Petrol engines: 11,5 kgf. m (85 Ibf. ft.). Diesel engines: 13,8 kgf. m (100 Ibf. ft.). 31 Fully tighten all the bolts securing the retainer halves. Turn the bolt heads so that the hexagon corners will not foul the flywheel housing seal when fitting. 32 Trim the ends of the ‘T’ seals to leave 0,8 mm (0.030 in.) protruding from the bearing cap. 33 Reverse | to9. [1-71 CRANKSHAFT Remove and refit 12.21.33 Removing 1 Remove the bonnet. 76.16.01. 2 Remove the air cleaner. 19.10.04. 3 Remove the radiator and front panel assembly. 26.40.01. 4 Remove the front floor. 76.10.12. 5 Remove the engine assembly. 12.41.01. 6 Remove the oil sump. 12.60.44. 7 Remove the oil pump. 12.60.26. 8 Remove the timing gear cover. 12.65.01. 9 Remove the timing chain and ten- sioner. 12.65.28. Remove the 33.10.01. Remove the flywheel. 12.53.07. Remove the flywheel housing. Remove the oil seal ring. Remove the connecting rod caps and bearing lower halves. Retain in related sets. [ < clutch assembly. jm um ju ju «Es LD FH 15 Remove the main bearing caps and lift the crankshaft clear. Retain the bear- ing halves in related sets. 16 Remove the oil seal from the crank- shaft. 17 Remove the upper half of the oil seal retainer from the cylinder block. 18 If required, remove the chainwheel and key from the crankshaft. Refitting NOTE: If replacement components are to be fitted, the checks detailed in 12.21.46 must be carried out. 19 Locate the upper main bearing halves into the cylinder block. 20 Lubricate the bearings and crankshaft journals with clean engine oil, and place the crankshaft in position. 21 Insert a thrust washer at each side of the centre main bearing shell with the unplated faces towards the cylinder block. 22 Locate the bearing lower halves into the front and centre main bearing caps. Fit the caps but do not fully tighten the fixings at this stage. 23 Fit the crankshaft rear oil seal. 12.21.20. 24 Tighten the front and centre main bearing cap fixings. Torque: Petrol engines: 11,5 kgf. m (85 lbf. ft.). Pe engines: 13,8 kgf. m (100 1bf. ft.). 25 Fit the appropriate bearing halves and caps to the connecting rods, using NEW securing nuts. Torque: 3,5 kgf. m (25 1bf. ft.). 26 Fit the oil seal ring to the flywheel housing. 27 Refit the flywheel housing. 128.27 1RC587 28 Refit the flywheel. 12.53.07. 29 Refit the clutch assembly. 33.10.01. 30 Reset the valve timing. 12.65.22. 31 Reverse 1 to 9. CRANKSHAFT Overhaul 12.21.46 CAUTION: DO NOT fit an undersize crankshaft to a Diesel engine. When a Diesel engine crankshaft is worn, a new standard size replacement must be fitted, carrying out the following checks (except item 3). 1 Remove the crankshaft. 12.21.33. Inspecting 2 Check each crankshaft journal for ovality. If ovality exceeds 0,040 mm (0.0015 in.), a reground or new crank- shaft should be fitted. 3 Petrol Engines: Bearings for the crank- shaft main journals and the connecting rod journals are available in the follow- ing undersizes: 0,25 (0.010 in.). 0,50 mm (0.020 in.). 0,76 mm (0.030 in.). 1,01 mm (0.040 in.). 4 Thrust washers for the crankshaft main journal, to control the crankshaft end float, are available in the following oversizes: 0,06 mm (0.0025 in.). 0,12 mm (0.005 in.). 0,18 mm (0.0075 in.). 0,25 mm (0.010 in.). 5 Fit the front main bearing cap, less bearing halves, to the cylinder block. Torque: Petrol engines: 11,75 kgf. m (85 Ibf. ft.). Diesel engines: 13,8 kgf. m (100 Ibf. ft.). 6 Slacken the fixing on one side of the cap only and check that there is no clearance at the joint face. If there is clearance, a complete new cylinder block must be fitted. 7 Repeat $ and 6 for the centre and rear main bearing caps. Main bearing nip and clearance NOTE: New bearing halves are supplied with a protective coating and must be degreased prior to fitting, to remove the coating. eT—cl 1RC 295 Locate the bearing halves into the front main bearing cap and the cylin- der block, and fit the cap to the block. Torque: Petrol engines: 11,75 kgf. m (85 1bf. ft.). Diesel engines: 13,8 kgf. m (100 Ibf. ft.). Slacken the fixing on one side of the cap only and check the clearance between the joint faces. The clearance must be 0,10 mm to 0,15 mm (0.004 in. to 0.006 in.). 10 The bearing nip can be corrected by 11 12 13 14 15 16 selective assembly of the bearing halves; these are available in slightly varying thicknesses. Do not file or machine the caps or cylinder block to vary the bearing nip. Repeat 8 to 10 for the centre and rear main bearings. When the bearing nip has been checked, remove the caps and bearing shell bottom halves. Position a standard size thrust washer each side of the centre main bearing shell, top half, with the unplated faces towards the cylinder block. The thrust washer thickness must agree within 0,08 mm (0.003 in.). Place the crankshaft in position on the cylinder block. Mount a dial test indicator to read off the end of the crankshaft. Check the crankshaft end float limits are 0,05 mm to 0,15 mm (0.002 in. to 0. 006 in.). 17 IRC 296 18 The crankshaft end float can be adjusted by fitting oversize thrust washers. The variation of thrust washer thickness at each side must not exceed 0.08 mm (0.003 in.) to ensure that the crankshaft remains centra- lised. Make a final check to prove the main bearing clearance, using a 0,063 mm (0.0025 in.) shim paper. Check each bearing in turn by fitting both bearing halves and the bearing cap, with the shim paper between the crankshaft and one half of the bearing. The crankshaft should resist rotation with the shim paper fitted, and move freely by hand with the shim paper removed. NOTE: As an alternative, Plastigauge may be used to check the main hearing clearance 19 to 26. Do not rotate the crankshaft while the Plastigauge is fitted, or the read- ing will be impaired. 19 20 21 22 Locate the crankshaft in position on the upper bearing halves in the cylin- der block. Place a piece of Plastigauge across the centre of the lower half of the crank- shaft journal. 605238. Fit the bearing cap complete with the lower bearing half. Torque: Petrol engines: 11,75 kgf. m (85 1bf. ft.). Diesel engines: 13,8 kgf. m (100 Ibf. ft.). Remove the bearing cap and lower half bearing. 23 Using the scale printed on the Plasti- gauge packet, measure the flattened Plastigauge at its widest point. The graduation that most closely cor- responds with the width of the Plasti- gauge indicates the bearing clearance. 1RC297 N DATA Crankshaft Journal diameter .................. Crankpin diameter ................. End float (controlied by thrust washers at centre bearing) . 4 #8 = = » = =: =» = = + = + = à Regrind sizes:- Petrol Engines only: Main bearing running clearance—Petrol .. Main bearing running clearance— Diesel Connecting rod bearing running clearance (Petroland Diesel) .................... 24 The correct clearance with new or overhauled components is 0,020 mm to 0,055 mm (0.0008 in. to 0.0028 in.). 25 If a new bearing is being fitted, use selective assembly to obtain the correct clearance. 26 Wipe off the Plastigauge with an oily rag. DO NOT scrape it off. 27 Retain all components in related sets. 28 Refit the crankshaft. 12.21.33. 63,5 mm — 0,012 mm (2.5 in. — 0.0005 in.) 58,7 mm (2.312 in.) 0,05 mm to 0,15 mm (0.002 to 0.006 in.) Undersize Journal dia. Crankpin dia. 0,25 mm 63,24 mm 58,47 mm (0.010 in.) (2,490 in) (2.302 in.) 0,50 mm 62,99 mm 58,22 mm (0.020 in.) (2.480 in.) (2.292 in.) 0,76 mm 62,73 mm 57,96 mm (0.300 in.) (2.470 in.) (2.282 in.) 1,01 mm 62,48 mm 57.70 mm (0.040 in.) (2.460 in.) (2.272 in.) 0,20 mm to 0,072 mm (0.0008 in. t0 0.00285 in.) 0,20 mm to 0,063 mm (0.0008 in. to 0.0025 in.) 0,019 mm to 0,068 mm (0.00075 to 0.0027 in.) ET—TI CY LINDER PRESSURES — Petrol Check 12.25.01 Checking 1 Run the engine until it attains normal operating temperature. Remove the sparking plugs. Secure the throttle in the fully open position. Check each cylinder in turn as follows: Insert a suitable pressure gauge into the sparking plug hole. Crank the engine with the starter motor for several revolutions and note the highest pressure reading obtain- able. 7 If the pressure is appreciably less than the correct figure, the piston rings or valves may be faulty. 8 Low pressure in adjoining cylinders may be due to a faulty cylinder head gasket. Compression ratio: Compression pressure ................. ON ‘л + Wha Crankingspeed ....................... CYLINDER PRESSURES— Diesel Check 12.25.01 See page 12—23. CY LINDER SIDE COVERS - Petrol Remove and refit Front side cover 1 to 6, 10 and 11 12.25.14 Rear side cover 1, 2, 7 to 10 and 12 to 14 12.25.16 Removing 1 Remove the bonnet. 76.16.01. 2 Remove theair cleaner. 19.10.04. 3 Release the oil filler pipe bracket from the cylinder block. 4 Remove the front side cover complete with oil filler pipe. Withdraw the baffle. Withdraw the joint washers. Disconnect the fuel pipes at the fuel pump. Withdraw the joint washer. © —2 OX Л 1RC378 7.0:1 10,2 kgf/cm? (145 1bf /1n*) 300 rev/min 80:1 11,2 kgf/cm? (160 1bf/in?) 300 rev/min Refitting 10 Smear both sides of a new joint washer with general purpose grease. 11 Reverse 1 to 6. When fitting front the side cover bolts first engage the tap- ping nearest to the oil filter pipe. 12 Reverse 7 to 9. 13 Prime the fuel pump by operating the hand prime lever until no resistance is felt. 14 Reverse 1 and 2. CYLINDER SIDE COVERS — Diesel Remove and refit Front side cover 1 to 6 and 10 to 12 12.25.14 Rear side cover 1,2, 7 to 10 and 13 to 15 12.25.16 Removing 1 Remove the bonnet. 76.16.01. 2 Remove the air cleaner. 19.10.04. 3 Release the oil filter pipe bracket from the cylinder block. 4 Remove the front side cover complete with oil filler pipe. 5 Withdraw the baffle. 6 Withdraw the joint washers. 7 Disconnect the fuel pipes at the fuel pump. 8 Remove the rear side cover complete with the fuel pump. 9 Withdraw the joint washer. Refitting 10 Smear both sides of a new joint washer with general purpose grease. 11 Reverse 1 to 6. When fitting the side cover bolts, first engage the tapping nearest to the oil filler pipe. 12 Align the timing pointer with the timing mark scribed on the flange of the fuel distributor pump. 13 Reverse 7 to 9. 14 Prime the fuel system. 19.50.01. 15 Reverse 1 and 2. vI—TI CY LINDER HEAD — Petrol Remove and refit 12.29.10 Removing ‘© 00 ~J ON LA > We ja — fd pd Ja Fa Ww в © J wn 16 17 18 19 20 21 Remove the bonnet. 76.16.01. Remove the air cleaner. 19.10.04. Disconnect the battery earth lead. Drain the cooling system. Disconnect the vacuum pipe at the distributor. Disconnect ihe distributor leads at the ignition coil. Disconnect the distributor leads from the sparking plugs. Remove the sparking plugs. Remove the fan cowl shroud. Disconnect the oil gallery pipe. Disconnect the coolant by-pass hose. Disconnect the coolant hoses from the thermostat housing. Disconnect the carburetter linkage at the ball joint. Disconnect the cold start cable at the carburetter. Disconnect the fuel inlet pipe at the carburetter and release the pipe clip at the cylinder head. Remove the heat shield from the manifold. Disconnect the exhaust pipe at the manifold. Remove the valve gear. 12.29.34. Slacken evenly and remove the remaining cylinder head fixings. Lift off the cylinder head. Withdraw the gasket. Refitting CAUTION: If a non-retorque fabric type cylin- der head gasket is being used it must be fitted dry, without grease or any sealing compound. 25 22 1f a copper—asbestos gasket is being used, smear clean engine oil on the cylinder block and cylinder head gasket joint faces. 26 23 Position the gasket on the cylinder block with the lettering ‘PETROL’ uppermost. 27 28 Place the cylinder head in position. Engage all the cylinder head fixing bolts except those also used to secure the rocker shaft assembly. NOTE: Plain washers are fitted between the cylinder head bolts and the cylinder head on later engines. Place the push rods into position and ensure that they bottom correctly into the spherical seats in the tappet slides. Fit the rocker shaft assembly and engage the fixings. Secure the cylinder head and rocker shaft fixings in the sequence illus- trated. Torque: 1/2 in. UNF bolts 8,9 kgf. m (65 Ibf. ft.). 5/16 in. UNF bolts 2,4 kgf. m (18 bf. ft.). 4 O o O O O O O O © 6 2 6 ° 3 \4 8 4 18 5 à Eb #4 К I 3 5 13 O O Or © FRONT > IRC228 ; 1-71 29 30 31 32 33 34 Set the tappet clearances to 0,25 mm (0.010 in.) for all valves as follows: Set No. 1 tappet with No. 8 valve fully open. Set No. 3 tappet with No. 6 valve fully open. Set No. 5 tappet with No. 4 valve fully open. Set No. 2 tappet with No. 7 valve fully open. Set No. 8 tappet with No. 1 valve fully open. Set No. 6 tappet with No. 3 valve fully open. Set No. 4 tappet with No. 5 valve fully open. Set No. 7 tappet with No. 2 valve fully open. Recheck the tappet clearances with the locknuts tightened, and readjust if necessary. Place the joint washer for the engine top cover in position. Fit the engine top cover. Reverse 1 to 17. After the initial engine run, that is with the engine at normal running temperature, check the cylinder head fixings to the correct torque load with the sparking plugs removed. \RC230 CYLINDER HEAD — Diesel Service tool: Remove and refit 12.29.10 606445 Spanner for cylin- der head bolts Removing 1 Remove the bonnet. 76.16.01. 2 Remove the air cleaner. 19.10.04. 3 Disconnect the battery earth lead. 4 Drain the cooling system. 5 Discoñnect the fuel spill pipes at the XD ÓN injector end. Disconnect the oil gallery pipe. Disconnect the electrical feed to the heater plugs. Disconnect the electrical lead from the water temperature transmitter. Disconnect the breather hose from the engine top cover. If a brake servo unit is fitted, dis- connect the vacuum pipe and the butterfly control rod from the induc- tion manifold. Disconnect the exhaust pipe at the manifold. continued 1RC 335 IRC337 — 91—CI 12 13 14 Disconnect the heater hoses if fitted. Disconnect the coolant hose from the thermostat housing. Disconnect the coolant by-pass hose. 15 Slacken the fuel injector feed pipes at the distributor pump and disconnect them from the injectors. 18 19 Remove the valve gear. 12.29.34. Slacken evenly and remove the remain- ing cylinder head fixings. Lift off the cylinder head. Withdraw the gasket. Refitting CAUTION: If a non-retorque fabric type cylin- der head gasket is being used it must be fitted dry, without grease or any sealing compound. Refitting 20 21 22 23 24 If a copper-asbestos type gasket is being fitted, thinly coat both sides of the gasket with Hylomar PL 32/M jointing compound. Position the gasket on the cylinder block with the lettering ‘DIESEL’ uppermost. Place the cylinder head in position. Engage all the cylinder head fixings except those that also secure the rocker shaft assembly. NOTE: Five main bearing engines and later three main bearing engines have plain washers fitted between the cylinder head bolts and the cylinder head. Place the push rods into their original bores and ensure that they bottom correctly into the spherical seats in the tappet slides. Fit the rocker shaft assembly and engage the fixings. IRC 340 25 26 Secure to 1/2 in. UNF cylinder head fixings. 606445. Torque 12,5 kgf. m (90 1bf. ft.). Secure the 5/16 in. UNF rocker shaft fixings. Torque 2,4 kgf. m (18 lbf. ft.). 7 26 & 33 © O O C À O 6/0 4 © ia O IO 2 8 18 | 6 8 8 5 13 © © 18341 27 28 Set the tappet clearances to 0,25 mm (0.010 in.) for all values, as follows: Set No. 1 tappet with No. 8 valve fully open. Set No. 3 tappet with No. 6 valve fully open. Set No. 5 tappet with No. 4 valve fully open. Set No. 2 tappet with No. 7 valve fully open. Set No. 8 tappet with No. 1 valve fully open. Set No. 6 tappet with No. 3 valve fully open. Set No. 4 tappet with No. 5 valve fully open. Set No. 7 tappet with No. 2 valve fully open. Recheck the tappet clearances with the locknuts tightened, and readjust if necessary. L1—T 29 Place the joint washer for the engine top cover in position. 30 Fit the engine top cover. Reverse 1 to 15. 31 32 Start and run the engine until it attains 33 normal operating temperature. Remove the engine top cover, and while the engine is hot, check/tighten all the 1/2 in. UNF cylinder head fixings in the order shown. 606445. Torque 12,5 kgf. m (90 Ibf. ft.). CY LINDER HEAD — Petrol Service tools: Overhaul 12.29.18 276102 Valve spring com- pressor 274400 Inlet valve guide remover 274401 Exhaust valve guide remover 600959 Exhaust valve guide replacer 601508 replacer MS627 Inlet valve seat cutter MS621 Exhaust valve seat cutter MS76 Hand set MS150—8 Adjustable pilot MS150—8.5 Adjustable pilot Inlet valve guide Dismantling 1 2 3 4 5 6 4 pr 7 IRC A Remove the cylinder head. 12.29.10. Remove the induction and exhaust manifold assembly. 30.15.01. Remove the thermostat housing com- plete. Remove the valve assemblies and retain the components in related sets. Compressor 276102. Withdraw the oil seals from the valve guides. Clean the combustion chambers and piston crowns with a soft wire brush. 7 8 Clean the valves. Clean the valve guide bores. IRC 236 10 11 12 13 Nu Regrind or fit new valves as necessary. The correct angle for the inlet valve face is 30 — % . The correct angle for the exhaust valve face is 45 — YA. The correct angle for the inlet valve seat is 30 +%4 . The correct angle for the exhaust vaive seat is 45 +4 . 12 a$+4 30°+ 4 Учим, 14 16 17 18 19 20 IRC238 TN CA Check the valve guides and fit replate- ments as necessary. 15 to 17. Drive out the old guides from the combustion chamber side. 274400 and 274401. Lubricate the new valve guides and drive them into position. 600959 and 601508. Check and if necessary, reface the valves and seats, as previously des- cribed. Inspect the valve springs which are provided as paired assemblies. The springs must be an interference fit with each other. Inspect the valve split cones and valve spring caps for general condition. Inspect the cylinder head for general condition and for damage to threads. continued ÍA мо nm. SIA NE ON a a A BEN 8I—Tl Assembling 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 Fit the oil seals, fitted with springs, to the inlet valve guides. Fit the oil seals, with external projec- tions, to the exhaust valve guides. Lubricate the valve stems and guides with engine oil and fit each valve as follows: Insert the valve into its respective guide. Place the valve springs in position. Locate the cap on the springs. Compress the springs and fit the valve collets. 276102. Reverse 1 to 3. After the initial engine run, that is with the engine at normal running temperature, check the cylinder head fixings to the correct torque load with the sparking plugs removed. Torque 1/2 UNF bolts 8,9 kgf. m (65 1bf. ft.). о UNF bolts 2,4 kgf. m (18 lbf. ft.). DATA Cylinder Head Inlet valve seat angle ............... Exhaust valve seat angle ............ Valves Inlet valve .........oomroornedare. Diameterofstem.................. Faceangle ....................... Exhaustvalve .................... Diameterofstem.................. Face angle ........ooerecorrecoreoo. Valve guides Inlet bore size, after fitting .......... Exhaust bore size after fitting ........ Valve Springs Inner Length, free ...................... Length, under 8,0 kg (17.7 1b) load . ... Outer Length, free. ................c.c.... Length, under 21 kg. (46 1b) load ..... 1RC240 30° +4 45° + 4° 7,88 mm to 7,90 mm (0.3107 in. to 0.3112 in.) 30° — 4° 8,65 mm to 8,67 mm (0.3410 in. to 0.3415 in.) 45 —% 7,93 mm to 7,97 mm (0.3125 in. to 0.3140 in.) 8,73 mm to 8,77 mm (0.3435 in. to 0.3450 in.) 42,67 mm (1.680 in.) 37,13 mm (1.462 in.) 46,28 mm (1.822 in.) 40,30 mm (1.587 in.) CYLINDER HEAD — Diesel Overhaul 12.29.18 Service tools: 276102 Valve spring com- pressor 274400 Inlet valve guide remover 274401 Exhaust valve guide remover 600959 Exhaust valve guide replacer 601508 Inlet valve guide replacer 530625 Exhaust seat insert replacer MS 621 Inlet and exhaust valve seat cutter MS 76 Hand set MS 150—8 Adjustable pilot MS 150—8.5 Adjustable pilot Dismantling A U BD FH ms AD CO — ON = © 13 Remove the cylinder head. 12.29.10. Remove the induction and exhaust manifold assembly. 30.15.01. Remove the injectors. 19.60.01. Remove the thermostat housing com- plete. Remove the valve assemblies and retain the components in related sets. Compressor 276102. Withdraw the oil seals from the valve guides. Clean the combustion chambers and piston crowns with a soft wire brush. Clean the valves. Clean the valve guide bores. Regrind or fit new valves as necessary. The correct angle for jnlet and exhaust valve faces is 45 — 4 . The correct angle for „the inlet and exhaust valve seats is 45 +4 . Check the valve guides and fit replace- ments as necessary. 14 to 16. 45% {RC IA non 61-21 14 Drive out the old guides from the combustion chamber side. 274400 and 274401. IRC 348 15 Lubricate the new valve guides and drive them into position. 600959 and 601508. 16 Check and if necessary, reface the valves and seats, as previously des- cribed. 17 Inspect the valve springs which are provided as paired assemblies. The springs must be an interference fit with each other. 18 Inspect the valve collets and valve springs caps for general condition. 19 Check the exhaust valve seats and fit replacements as necessary. 20 21 22 23 24 Remove the valve guides from the applicable exhaust ports. Remove the old seat inserts by grind- ing them away until they are thin enough to be cracked and prised out. Place the new seat insert in position. Locate the replacer tool 530625, onto the seat insert. Using a suitable nut and bolt, pull the insert into the recess in the cylinder head. Fit the valve guides as previously detailed. о о Cut the valve seats to 45 +% . Check the push rod tubes and seals and fit replacements as necessary. 28 to 32. Drive out the old push rod tubes from valve gear side. Using a suitable drift. 29 Fit new sealing rings to new push rod tubes and smear them with MS4 sili- cone grease. IRC 352 _ 30 Insert the new tubes, chamfered end first, from the combustion chamber side. 31 Align the flat on the push rod tube at right angles to an imaginary line between the centre of the push rod tube and the centre of the hot plug. — A „“ 32 Press the push rod tubes into position ensuring that the alignment is main- tained and that the chamfers on the tubes and in the cylinder head are fully engaged. Hot plugs (combustion chamber) and in- jector shrouds When carrying out normal top overhaul work on the cylinder it is not necessary to remove either the injector shrouds or the hot plugs. Small surface cracks in the hot plug, extending from the opening to approxi- mately 8,0 mm (0.312 in.) in length can be ignored. However if any severe cracks appear on the face of the hot plug, before attempting to remove it, closely inspect the cylinder head for signs of cracks, particu- larly between the inlet and exhaust valve seats. Such cracking indicates that the engine has overheated, usually through lack of coolant, and the cylinder head should be scrapped. continued Oc-—cl! 33 34 35 36 37 38 To remove a hot plug, insert a thin soft metal drift through the injector shroud throat and tap the hot plug from the inside. Once removed the hot plug is scrap. If the injector shroud is damaged, drift the shroud out towards the injector bore. Throughly clean out the combustion chamber. The hole in the side of the injector shroud is for manufacturing purposes only but at the same time can be used as a guide when refitting the shroud. Smear a little oil on the shroud and insert into the cylinder head with the hole pointing towards the centre of the cylinder head, and drift into position. 274399. Fit the hot plugs by tapping with a hide-faced mallet. : When fitted, the hot plugs must be checked with a dial test indicator to ensure that they do not protrude above the level of the cylinder head face more than 0,025 mm (0.001 in.) and are not recessed below the level of the cylinder head face more than 0,05 mm (0.002 in.). / 33, 37838 1RC354 NOTE: If the hot plugs are loose in the cylinder head they may be retained with a little grease. Assembling 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 Fit the oil seals, fitted with springs, to the inlet valve guides. Fit the oil seals, with external pro- jectors, to the exhaust valve guides. Lubricate the valve stems and guides with engine oil and fit each valve as follows: Insert the valve into its respective guide. Place the valve springs in position. Locate the cap on the springs. Compress the springs and fit the valve collets. 276102. 46 Reverse 1 to 4. 47 After the initial engine run, that is with the engine at normal running temperature, check the cylinder head fixings to the correct torque load. 606445. Torque: 1/2 in. UNF fixings 12,5 kgf. m (90 1bf. ft.). 5/16 in. UNF fixings 2,4 kgf. m (18.1bf. ft.). DATA Cylinder Head Inlet valve seat angle ............... Exhaust valve seat angle ............ Valves Inlet valve Diameterof stem ............... Faceangle ..................... Exhaust valve Diameter ofstem ............... Faceangle ..................... Valve guides Inlet guide bore size, after fitting ..... Exhaust guide bore, after fitting ...... Valve springs Inner Length, free ................... Length, under 8,0 kg (17.7 1b.) load . Outer Length, free ................... Length, under 21 kg (46 1b) load . .. 45° + 1° 45° + 44° 7,88 mm to 7,90 mm (0.3107 in. to 0.3112 in.) 45 —% 8,65 mm to 8,67 mm (0.3410 in. to 0.3415 in.) 45 — Ya 7,93 тт to 7,97 mm (0.3125 in. to 0.3140 in.) 8,73 mm to 8,77 m (0.3435 in. to 0.3450 in.) 42.67 mm (1.680 in.) 37,13 mm (1.462 in.) 46,28 mm (1.822 in.) 40,30 mm (1.587 in.) IC-Cl VALVE GEAR — Petrol Remove and refit 12.29.34 Removing > WN = Remove the bonnet. 76.16.01. Remove the air cleaner. 19.10.04. Remove the engine top cover. Slacken locknuts and turn tappet adjusting screws to disengage from push rods. Remove fixings from rocker shaft support brackets. Do not remove shaft assembly at this stage. Withdraw the rocker shaft assembly complete, using the engine top cover secured inverted to the rocker bracket studs to retain the assembly. Withdraw the tappet push rods and retain them in numbered sequence related to the tappet served. Refitting 8 1RC 218 Fit the tappet push rods to their original bores. Ensure that the bottom end of the push rods locate in the spherical tappet seats. Refit the rocker shaft assembly, located by spigots. Torque: 1/2 in. UNF bolts: 8,9 kgf. m (65 Ibf. ft.). 5/16 in. UNF bolts: 2,4 kgf. m (18 Ibf. ft.). 10 Check tighten all 1/2 in UNF cylinder head fixings in the order shown. Torque: 8,9 kgf. m (65 1bf. ft.). 10 / 707 2 5 % > © 6 5 Ó IRC217 DATA 11 12 13 14 Set the tappet clearances to 0,25 mm (0.010 in.) for all valves, as follows: Set No. 1 tappet with No. 8 valve fully open. Set No. 3 tappet with No. 6 valve fully open. Set No. 5 tappet with No. 4 valve fully open. Set No. 2 tappet with No. 7 valve fully open. Set No. 8 tappet with No. 1 valve fully open. Set No. 6 tappet with No. 3 valve fully open. Set No. 4 tappet with No. 5 valve fuily open. Set No. 7 tappet with No. 2 valve fully open. . Recheck the tappet clearances with the locknuts tightened, and readjust if necessary. Place the joint washer for the engine top cover in position. Reverse 1 to 3. 0,25 mm (0.010 in.) inlet and exhaust. CCC VALVE GEAR — Diesel Remove and refit 12.29.34 Service tool: 606445 Spanner for cylin- der head bolts Removing | Remove the bonnet. 76.16.01. 2 Remove the air cleaner. 19.10.04. 3 Disconnect the breather hose from the engine top cover. 4 Remove the engine top cover. 5 Slacken locknuts and turn tappet adjusting screws to disengage from push rods. 6 Remove fixings from rocker shaft support brackets. Do not remove shaft assembly at this stage. 7 Invert the engine top cover and secure it to the studs on the rocker brackets. Withdraw the rocker shaft assembly complete, using the engine top cover to retain the assembly. 8 Withdraw the tappet pushrods and retain them in numbered sequence related to the tappet served. Refitting 9 Fit the tappet pushrods to their original bores. Ensure that the bottom end of the push rods locate in the spherical tappet seats. 10 Fit the rocker shaft assembly, located by spigots. Torque: 1/2 in. UNF bolts: 12,5 kgf. m (90 lbf. ft.). 5/16 in. UNF bolts: 2,4 kgf. m (19 Ibf. ft.). IRC 330 11 Check tighten all the 1/2 in. UNF cvlinder head fixings in the order shown. 606445. Torque: 12,5 kgf. т (90 Ibf. ft). 11817 O 9 O FRONT msi IRCI32 O 575 O в 2 96/34 О | IRC 331 12 Set the tappet clearance to 0,25 mm (0.010 in.) for all valves, as follows: Set No. 1 tappet with No. 8 valve fully open. Set No. 3 tappet with No. 6 valve fully open. Set No. 5 tappet with No. 4 valve fully open. Set No. 2 tappet with No. 7 valve fully open. Set No. 8 tappet with No. 1 valve fully open. Set No. 6 tappet with No. 3 valve fully open. Set No. 4 tappet with No. 5 valve fully open. Set No. 7 tappet with No. 2 valve fully open. 13 Recheck the tappet clearances with the locknuts tightened, and readjust if necessary. E7—Tl 14 15 16 17 18 Place the joint washer for the engine top cover in position. Reverse | to 4. Start and run the engine until it is hot. Remove the engine top cover, and while the engine is hot, check/tighten all the 1/2 in. UNF cylinder head fixings in the order shown. 606445. Torque: 12,5 kgf. m (90 Ibf. ft.). Refit the engine top cover. DATA Tappet clearance .................. CYLINDER PRESSURES — Diesel Check 12.25.01 Checking 1 2 Run the engine until it attains normal run- ning temperature. Stop the engine and open the bonnet. Dis- connect the inlet pipe from the fuel distri- bution pump to prevent the engine starting during the following check. Remove the injector from the cylinder to be checked. The three remaining injectors must be securely fitted to the cylinder head. Secure the manifold butterfly valve (accelerator) in the fully open position. Insert a suitable pressure gauge into the injector hele in the cylinder head. Crank the engine with the starter motor for several revolutions and note the high- est pressure reading obtained. For a cylin- der in good condition the pressure should be 31,0 to 33,0 kgf/cm? If the pressure is considerably less than the minimum figure, the piston rings or valves may be faulty. 0,25 mm (0.010 in.) inlet and exhaust. 50 Refit the injector and repeat the foregoing check on the three remaining cylinders. Low pressure in adjoining cylinders may be due to a faulty cylinder head gasket. Reconnect the inlet pipe to the fuel distri- bution pump. ROCKER SHAFT ASSEMBLY Overhaul 12.29.55 Dismantling Remove the valve gear. 12.29.34. Remove the locating screw and washer from the intermediate rocker bracket. Withdraw all the components from the rocker shaft. Remove the tappet adjustment screws. Inspecting 5 10 11 Rocker brackets. Ensure the oil feed holes are clear. Inspect the locating dowel spigots; the spigots must be undamaged to ensure a correct fit on the locating dowels in the cylinder head. Valve rockers: a Valve rocker for 2% litre Petrol engines. b Valve rocker for 2% litre Diesel engines. c Visually inspect the rocker bushes for wear. If necessary, press re- placement bushes into the rockers and ream to 13,5 mm + 0,02 mm (0.530 in. + 0.001 in.). The oil holes in the rocker bushes are pre-drilled and must be aligned with the oil holes in the valve rocker when assembled. Check that all oil passage drillings are clear. Tappet adjusting screws and locknuts. Examine threads for damage. Check that the oil relief drilling is clear. Inspect the rocker shaft for wear and scores; check that the oil feed holes are clear. Examine the rocker shaft springs, spacing washers and the locating screw for soundness and general condition. Fit an intermediate rocker bracket to the rocker shaft and engage the locat- ing screw through the bracket and into the larger hole in the shaft. continued 2KC IN PCI 12 Petrol engines — Assemble the com- ponents to the rocker shaft as illus- trated and note the assembled position of the spacing washers and the handed valve rockers. 13 Diesel engines — Assemble the com- ponents to the rocker shaft as illus- trated and note the assembled position of the spacing washers and the handed valve rockers. 14 Refit the tappet adjustment screws. 15 Refit the valve gear. 12.29.34. 1RC224 DATA Rockers Bush internal diameter, reamed in posi- BOM. «ov PSN Shaft clearance in rocker bush: Petrolengines .................. Diesel engines .................. 13,40 mm to 13,42 mm (0.530 in. to 0.531 in.) 0,013 mm to 0,038 mm (0.0005 in. to 0.0015 in.) 0,013 mm to 0,062 mm (0.0005 in. to 0.0025 in.) TAPPETS Remove and refit 12.29.57 Service tool: 530101 Tappet Guide re- mover Removing 1 Remove the bonnet. 76.16.01. 2 Remove the air cleaner. 19.10.04. 3 Disconnect the battery earth lead. 4 Remove the valve gear. 12.29.34. 5 Remove the cylinder head. 12.29.10. 6 Remove the tappet guide locating bolts from the right hand side of the cylinder block. CAUTION: Do not remove the tappet guides before the rollers have been with- drawn, otherwise the rollers may fall behind the camshaft. 7 Using long nose pliers or a suitably made wire clip, withdraw the tappet slides and retain in sequence. 8 Withdraw the tappet rollers and retain with the related slides. 9 Withdraw the tappet guides and retain in sequence, with the other related parts. 10 If the guides are difficult to withdraw, use Service Tool 530101. : 4 , In “lunar 1RC 247 Refitting li Fit the tappet guides in the sequence removed, aligning the locating holes. 12 Engage the locating bolts sufficient to retain the guides. so 1RC246 13 Fit the tappet rollers with the larger chamfer towards the front of the engine. 14 Fit the tappet slides with the marking ‘FRONT’ towards the front of the engine. 15 Tighten the tappet guide locating bolts and secure in pairs by wire-locking. 16 Reverse I to 5. 1RC248 Sa-cl ENGINE ASSEMBLY — Petrol Remove and refit 12.41.01 Service tool: 600963 Engine sling Removing I Remove the bonnet. 76.16.01. 2 Remove the air cleaner. 19.10.04. 3 Remove the radiator and front panel assembly. 26.40.01. 4 Remove the bell housing cover. 76.10.71. 5 Disconnect the exhaust pipe at the manifold. 1RC 180A 6 Disconnect the heater hoses and trunion if fitted. 7 Disconnect the carburetter linkage at the ball joint. 8 Disconnect the cold start cable at the carburetter. 9 Disconnect the distributor leads from the coil. 10 Disconnect the engine earth cable. { Ny TE IRC185 11 Disconnect the fuel inlet pipe at the fuel pump. 12 Release the clutch fluid pipe from the clips at the rear of the engine. 13 Disconnect the starter motor leads at the solenoid. 14 Disconnect the electrical leads from the alternator. 15 Disconnect the engine electrical leads at the multi plug adjacent to the dash. IRCIBI / N Ш И y к E a N "oe N i! 8 Ц . <. i © E Hi i 1 J LS | ima 5 SS” ЦЕ f К J r | oH ” j й и = a я 16 Release the disconnected electrical leads from the retaining clips at the dash panel. 17 Release the speedometer drive cable from the clip at the engine. 18 Disconnect the vacuum pipe from the distributor where applicable. MY | 19 Remove the upper fixings from the engine mounting rubbers. 20 Attach a suitable lifting sling and hoist to the engine lifting hooks. 600963. 21 Remove the bottom fixing from the left hand engine mounting rubber. 22 Remove the support bracket fixings from the right hand engine mounting rubber. | 23 Tension the hoist sufficient to with- draw the engine mounting rubbers, then lower the engine to its original position to maintain alignment with the gearbox. IRC182 24 Remove the fixings securing the bell housing to the flywheel housing. 25 Move the clutch slave cylinder aside without disconnecting the fluid pipe. continued IRC184 97—51 26 Support the gearbox assembly by insert- ing a suitable piece of timber 25 mm thick between the gearbox and cross-member. 27 Draw the engine forward to release it from the dowelled location to the bell housing, and to clear the primary pinion from the clutch. 28 Lift the engine clear. Refitting 29 Attach a suitable lifting sling and hoist to the engine lifting hooks. 600963, and smear the splines of the primary pinion, the clutch centre, and the withdrawal unit abutment faces with Molybdenum disul- phide grease such as Rocol MTS 1000. 30 Lower the engine into position, locat- ing the primary pinion into the clutch and engage the bell housing dowels. 31 Secure the bell housing to the flywheel housing. 32 Tension the hoist sufficient to remove the timber support from the gearbox and insert the engine front mounting rubbers. 33 Lower the engine and secure the engine mounting upper and lower fix- ings. 34 Remove the engine lifting sling. 35 Reverse 1 to 18. 36 Check, and if necessary replenish the engine lubricating oil. 37 Check, and if necessary replenish the gearbox lubricating oil. 38 Start the engine. Check that the oil pressure warning light goes out, and check the cooling system for leaks. 39 Check, and if necessary adjust, the engine idle speed. 40 Check, and if necessary adjust, the ignition timing. 41 When the engine is cold, check the coolant level in the radiator and top up if necessary. ENGINE ASSEMBLY — Diesel Remove and refit 12.41.01 Service tool: 600963 Engine sling Removing 1 Remove the bonnet. 76.16.01. 2 Disconnect the battery earth lead. 3 Remove the air cleaner. 19.10.01. 4 Remove the radiator and front panel assembly. 26.40.01. 5 Remove the front floor. 76.10.12. 6 Disconnect the exhaust pipe at the manifold. \ N 0900 7 Disconnect the heater hoses, if fitted. 8 Disconnect the starter motor leads. 9 Disconnect the alternator leads. 7 IRC 318 10 Disconnect the engine earth cable. 11 Disconnect the electrical feed to the heater plugs. 12 Disconnect the fuel pipe to the fuel pump. 13 Disconnect the fuel inlet pipe from the distributor pump. 14 Disconnect the fuel spill pipe at No. 4 injector. A \ | IRCHE ii | 15 Disconnect the electrical lead from the oil pressure switch. IRC 319 LT—t1 18 19 Disconnect the electrical lead from the water temperature transmitter. Disconnect the accelerator linkage at the fuel distributor pump. If a brake servo unit is fitted, dis- connect the vacuum pipe and the butterfly control rod from the induc- tion manifold. Remove the upper fixings from the engine mounting rubbers. 20 21 22 23 Attach a suitable lifting sling and hoist to the engine lifting hooks. 600963. Remove the bottom fixing from the left hand engine mounting rubber. Remove the support bracket fixings from the right hand engine mounting rubber. Tension the hoist sufficient to with- draw the engine mounting rubbers, then lower the engine to its original position to maintain alignment with the gearbox. IRC 325 24 Remove the fixings securing the bell housing to the flywheel housing. 25 Move the clutch slave cylinder aside without disconnecting the fluid pipe. 1RC326 26 Support the gearbox assembly by insert- ing a piece of timber 25 mm thick (1.0 in) between the gearbox and cross-member. 27 Draw the engine forward to release it from the dowelled location to the bell housing, and to clear the primary pinion from the clutch. 28 Lift the engine clear. Refitting 29. 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 Clean the engine and bell housing mating faces of old sealant. Re-coat the faces with Hylomar PL.32 Sealant. Attach a suitable lifting sling and hoist to the engine lifting hooks. 600963, and smear the splines of the primary pinion, the clutch centre and the withdrawal unit abutment faces with Molybdenum disul- phide grease, such as Rocol MTS 1000. Lower the engine into position, locat- ing the primary pinion into the clutch and engage the bell housing dowels. Secure the bell housing to the flywheel housing. Tension the hoist sufficient to remove the timber support from the gearbox and insert the engine mounting rubbers. Lower the engine and secure the engine mounting upper and lower fix- ing. Remove the engine lifting sling. Reverse 1 to 18 and prime the fuel system. 19.50.01. Check, and if necessary replenish, the engine lubricating oil. Check, and if necessary replenish, the gearbox lubricating oil. Start the engine. Check that the oil pressure warning light goes out, and check the cooling system for leaks. Check, and if necessary adjust, the . engine speed settings. When the engine is cold, check the coolant level in the radiator and top: up if necessary. 8C—CI FLYWHEEL Remove and refit 12.53.07 Removing 1 Remove the front floor. 76.10.12. 2 Removetheseat base. 76.70.06. 3 Remove the engine assembly. 12.41.01. 4 Remove the clutch assembly. 33.10.01. 5 Remove the flywheel bolts with the aid of a flywheel trap. Refitting 6 Fit the flywheel to the crankshaft and tighten the securing bolts. Torque: 8,5 to 9,0 kgf. m (60 to 65 1bf. ft.). 7 Mount a dial test indicator to read off the flywheel face. 8 Check the run-out on the flywheel face, this must not exceed 0,05 mm (0.002 in.). 9 If the run-out is excessive, remove the flywheel and investigate the cause. 10 Reverse 1 to 4. Overhaul 12.53.10 Procedure 1 Remove the flywheel. 12.53.07. Wear or scoring on the flywheel pres- sure face may be corrected by machin- ing, providing that the overall thick- ness of the flywheel is not reduced below the following applicable dimen- sion. Petrol engines 34,72 mm (1.375 in.) Diesel engines 36,957 mm (1.455 in.) 2 Check the overall thickness of the flywheel, as it may have been pre- viously machined. 3 If the flywheel is above the minimum thickness, the clutch face can be — refacedas follows: 4 Remove the dowels. 5 Reface the flywheel over the complete surface. 6 Check the overall thickness of the flywheel to ensure that it is still above the minimum thickness. 7 Fit the dowels. 8 Refit the flywheel. 12.53.07. ARC 604A 286 IRC 310 STARTER RING GEAR Remove and refit 12.53.19 Removing 1 Remove the flywheel. 12.53.07. 2 Drill an 8,0 mm (0.312 in.) diameter hole axially between the root of any tooth and the inner diameter of the starter ring sufficiently deep to weaken the ring DO NOT allow the drill to enter the flywheel. 3 Secure the flywheel in a vice fitted with soft jaws. 4 Place a cloth over the flywheel to protect the operator from flying frag- ments. WARNING: Take adequate precautions against flying fragments as the starter ring may fly asunder when being spilt. 5 Place a chisel immediately above the drilled hole and strike it sharply to split the starter ring. Refitting 6 Heat the starter ring gear uniformly to between 225 C and 250 C (437 F and 482 F) but do not exceed the higher temperature. 7 Place the flywheel, flanged side down, on a flat surface. 8 Locate the headed starter ring gear in position on the flywheel with the square edge of the teeth against the flywheel flange. 9 Press the starter ring gear firmly against the flange until the ring con- tracts sufficiently to grip the flywheel. 10 Allow the flywheel to cool gradually DO NOT hasten cooling in any way. 11 Refit the flywheel. 12.53.07. 1 RC 309A SPIGOT BEARING Remove and refit 12.53.20 Removing 1 Remove the flywheel. 12.53.07. 2 Press the spigot bearing from the flywheel. 2—] DA Hi IRC 311 | Refitting 3 Press in the new spigot bearing flush with the clutch side of the flywheel. 4 Ream the spigot bearing to 22,237 mm to 22,242 mm (0.8755 in. to 0.8757 in.). 5 Refit the flywheel. 12.53.07. 67—€CI OIL FILTER ASSEMBLY — EXTERNAL Remove and refit 12.60.01 Removing 1 Prop open the bonnet. 2 Disconnect the electrical lead from the oil pressure switch. 3 Remove the oil filter. 4 Withdraw the joint washer. Refitting 5 Smear both sides of the joint washer with general purpose grease. 6 Place the joint washer in the correct posi- tion on the cylinder block and fit the filter, pehtening the bolts to 3,45 kgf m (25 Ibf t). 7 Reconnect electrical lead. 8 Check the sump oil level after a short engine run and top up as necessary to the ‘high’ mark on the oil level dipstick. OIL PUMP Remove and refit 12.60.26 Removing 1 Remove the oil sump. 12.60.44. 2 Remove the oil pump. 3 Withdraw the oil pump drive shaft. Refitting 4 Locate the longer splined end of the drive shaft into the oil pump. 5 Apply Hylomar Sealant to joint face of pump body and fit gasket. (Gasket fitted on later engines.) Offer up the pump and drive shaft and engage the drive splines at the engine. Secure the oil pump. Fit the oil sump. 12.60.44. Replenish the engine lubricating oil to the ‘high’ mark on the oil level dip- stick. 10 Check the sump oil level after a short engine run and top up as necessary to the ‘high’ mark on the oil level dip- stick. O00 —} CN 1RC207 OIL PUMP Overhaul 12.60.32 Dismantling Remove the oil pump. 12.60.26. Straighten the lockwasher for the oil filter union nut. Unscrew the oil filter union nut. Withdraw the oil filter. Withdraw the sealing ring. Remove the oil pump cover. Withdraw the pump gears. Remove the plug for the oil pressure relief valve. Withdraw the sealing washer. 0 Withdraw the oil pressure relief valve spring, plunger and ball. = NO 009 +3 ON tn A ND Inspecting 11 If necessary the idler gear bush may be renewed. Press the new bush into the gear, drill the lubrication hole 3,175 mm (0.125 in.) diameter and ream the bush to 12,7 mm (0.500 in.) diameter. 12 Inspect the pressure relief valve ball seating and renovate, if necessary, using a locally manufactured lapping tool consisting of a steel ball, Rover Part No. 3748, soldered to suitable tubing. 13 The lapping tool may be installed in a drilling machine or hand brace and the ball seating refaced, using coarse grind- ing paste. The tool may then be removed and used to ‘hand lap’ the ball seating with fine grinding paste to a good finish. The seat must then be thoroughly cleaned. continued IRC 263 IRC264 0€—C1 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 Check the end float of the oil pump gears, as follows 15 and 16, and fit new parts as necessary. Steel gear: 0,05 mm to 0,12 mm (0.002 in. to 0.005 in.). Aluminium gear: 0,07 mm to 0,15 mm (0.003 in. to 0.006 in.). Fit the pump gears to the body, with the plain portion of the drive gear bore uppermost. Smear the joint faces with suitable jointing compound and fit the pump cover to the pump body, locating on the dowels. Assemble the pressure relief valve com- ponents to the housing bore. When fitting the plunger, insert the end with the integral ball seating first. Fit the oil filter to the pump. Position the filter such that it will be square to the sump baffle plate when fitted and secure with the lock-washer. Fit the oil pump to the engine. 12.60.26. DATA Pump gear end float Steel gear ..................... Aluminiumgear ................ Relief valve spring free length ........ 0,05 mm to 0,12 mm (0.002 in. to 0.005 in.) 0,07 mm to 0,15 mm (0.003 in. to 0.006 in.) 67,82 mm (2,670 in.) OIL SUMP Remove and refit 12.60.44 Removing ÓN un > Y = > > [RC257 “+ Prop open the bonnet. Remove the oil filler cap. Remove the sump drain plug. Allow the oil to drain, then refit the drain plug and sealing washer. Remove the sump. Withdraw the joint washer. *. Refitting Place a new joint washer in position. Fit the sump, and tighten bolts to 1,65 kgf m (12 1bf ft). Replenish the engine lubricating oil to the ‘high’ mark on the oil level dipstick. Reverse | and 2. Check the sump oil level after a short engine run and top up as necessary to the ‘high’ mark on the oil level dipstick. After 1600 km (1000 miles) running, recheck sump bolts for correct torque as follows: Slacken each bolt in turn approximately one flat, then retighten to 1,65 kgf m (12 Ibf ft). TIMING GEAR COVER AND OIL SEAL Remove and refit Gear cover 1 to 14 and 18 to 24 12.65.01 Qil seal 1 to 24 12.65.05 Service tool: 530102 Spanner for starter dog for three-bearing engine only; 530102A for three- and five-bear- ing engines. NOTE: On initial assembly of the engine the mud shield around the oil seal is nvetted in position on the timing gear cover. If this has been removed in service however, the rivets may have been sub- stituted with self tapping drive screws. In this case the oil seal may be changed without removing the timing gear cover provided that on refitting the mud shield is allowed to finally pull the oil seal into position to ensure a positive location. Removing | Open and prop the bonnet. Remove the radiator and front panel assembly. 26.40.01. Slacken the alternator fixings and remove the fan belt. Remove the alternator adjusting link. “a WwW N — 5 With the vehicle in gear with hand- brake on,‘ slacken the starter dog. 1e—C1 10 11 12 13 Remove the starter dog. 530102. Withdraw the crankshaft pulley. If only the oil seal is to be changed, see NOTE above. Remove the fan blades and pulley. Disconnect the by-pass pipe from the thermostat housing. Remove the timing cover fixings, including those at the sump front flange. Withdraw the timing cover. NOTE: Slacken front side sump bolts for ease of timing cover removal. Withdraw the joint washer from the timing cover. Withdraw the joint washer from the water inlet. 14 15 16 Drill out the rivets and drive the oil seal from the timing cover. Smear the outside diameter of the new oil seal with Hylomar PL32/M jointing compound. Press the oil seal into the timing cover and substitute the rivets with the self tapping drive screws supplied. Refitting NOTE: It is of advantage temporarily to remove the fixing stud from the cylinder block front face. This will enable the front cover to be lifted sufficient to clear the edge of the sump gasket when offering the front cover to the engine. 17 18 19 20 21 22 Smear general purpose grease on both sides of the front cover and water inlet joint washers. Reverse 7 to 13. Fit the starter dog. Torque: Petrol engines: 20,5 kgf. т (150 ibf. ft). Diesel engines: 27,65 kgf. m (200 ibf. ft.). Fit the alternator adjusting link. Adjust the fan belt to give 6,5 to 9,5 mm (0.250 to 0.375 in.) free move- ment when checked midway between the fan and alternator pulleys. Reverse 1 to 3. IRC2458 E—cel TIMING GEARS — Petrol Service tool: Remove and refit 12.65.22 507231 Chainwheel extrac- tor Removing da WW DD -— eo - an // 18С253 Remove the bonnet. 76.16.01. Remove the radiator and front panel assembly. 26.40.01. Remove the timing gear 12.65.01. Remove the timing chain tensioner. 12.65.28. Withdraw the timing chain. Withdraw the chainwheel from the crankshaft. Remove the fixings from the camshaft chainwheel. Extract the chainwheel from the cam- shaft. 507231. Cover. Refitting Check that the key for the chainwheel is correctly located in the crankshaft slot. Fit the chainwheel, large shoulder first, to the crankshaft. 9 10 IRC 254 11 12 13 14 Locate the timing gear cover in posi- tion. Fit the timing pointer. Locate the crankshaft pulley in posi- tion. Rotate the crankshaft until the timing mark in the crankshaft pulley is aligned with the longest tongue on the timing pointer (No. 1 piston at TDC). Without the disturbing the crankshaft, remove the pulley, timing pointer and gear cover. Fit the camshaft chainwheel, using keyway marked “P”. Rotate the camshaft chainwheel until the groove marked ‘P’ is in line with the centre of the tapped hole, as illustrated. Retaining the chainwheels in the set positions, fit the timing chain ensuring that there is no slack chain on the driving side. 19 20 If it is not possible to obtain a taut fit on the driving side of the chain with the chainwheels in the set posi- tions, withdraw the camshaft chain- wheel without disturbing the set posi- tion of the camshaft, and refit the chainwheel using one of the alternative keyways. This procedure may be repeated until a taught chain is obtained on the driving side with the camshaft and crankshaft in their pre- viously set positions. Reverse 1 to 4. E£E—CI TIMING GEARS — Diesel Remove and refit 12.65.22 Service tool: 507231 Chainwheel extrac- tor Removing Remove the bonnet. 76.16.01. Remove the radiator and front panel assembly. 26.40.01. Remove the timing gear cover. 12.65.01. Remove the timing chain tensioner. 12.65.28. Withdraw the timing chain. Withdraw the chainwheel from the crankshaft. Remove the fixings from the camshaft chainwheel. Extract the chainwheel from the cam- shaft. 507231. HA w NM — O ~~ ANA Refitting 9 Check that the key for the chainwheel is correctly located in the crankshaft slot. 10 Fit the chainwheel to the crankshaft. CAUTION: When turning the crankshaft do not allow the pistons to foul the valves. If necessary, turn the camshaft to enable the crankshaft setting to be obtained. vé ¢ | 11 Turn the crankshaft in the direction of rotation until the EP mark on the flywheel is aligned with the timing pointer. IRC 254 / | fl As ти TEE й Л == di > =F y x AS ate RC357 — VS 12 Fit the chainwheel to the camshaft using any keyway. 13 Remove the engine top cover. 14 Turn the camshaft until No. 1 cylinder exhaust valve is fully closed and set the tappet clearance to 0,25 mm (0.010 in.). 15 Mount a dial test indicator to enable the ‘fully open’ position of the valve to be ascertained. 16 Turn the camshaft in the direction of rotation until the rocker pad has nearly opened the valve fully. Stop camshaft rotation. | Y 6 1RC 361 17 Suitably mark the chainwheel and rear casing relative to each other. 18 Note the reading on the dial test indicator, then continue turning the camshaft in the direction of rotation until the dial test indicator needle has reached the same position as pre- viously noted. Stop camshaft rotation. 19 Suitably mark the chainwheel adjacent to the mark previously made on the rear casing. 20 Make a third mark on the chainwheel to bisect the angle between the two previously made marks. IRC 358» |. br LE Nu 21 Turn the camshaft against the direc- tion of rotation and align the middle mark on the chainwheel with the mark on the rear casing. No. 1 exhaust valve is now fully open. 22 Retaining the chainwheels in the set positions, fit the timing chain ensuring that there is no slack chain on the driving side. continued er “А nd hy AA > CA A = F3 IRC362 vE—CI 23 If it is not possible to obtain a taut fit on the driving side of the chain ‘with the chainwheels in the set posi- tions, withdraw the camshaft chain- wheel without disturbing the set position of the camshaft, and refit the chainwheel using one of the alternative keyways. This procedure may be repeated until a taught chain is obtained on the driving side with the camshaft and crankshaft in their pre- viously set positions. IRC359 == 24 Secure the fixings for the camshaft chainwheel and engage the lockwasher. 25 Remove the dial test indicator. 26 Refit the engine top cover. 27 Reverse 1 to 4. TIMING CHAIN TENSIONER Remove and refit 12.65.28 Removing 1 Remove the bonnet. 76.16.01. 2 Remove the radiator and front panel assembly. 26.40.01. 3 Petrol engines: Turn the crankshaft in the direction of rotation until the timing mark on the crankshaft pulley is aligned with the centre tongue of the timing pointer. | 4 Diesel engines: Turn the crankshaft in the direction of rotation until the EP mark on the flywheel is aligned with the timing pointer. x 4823 A (и \ Y 7 // E fa Ц — NEC / y E el | | А 47 2 IRC 356 у 5 Remove the timing gear cover. 12.65.01. 6 Remove the tensioner ratchet and spring. 7 Remove the fixings from the piston housing. 8 Compress the tensioner spring by hand and withdraw the tensioner assembly complete. 9 Clean the tensioner components in clean fuel. 10 Fit a new piston and housing if unduly worn. 11 If the tensioner cylinder bush is unduly worn, fit a new cylinder and bush complete. 12 Fit a new idler wheel and ratchet arm if the bushes are unduly worn. 13 Fit a new chain vibration damper if the rubber pad is grooved. 14 Ensure that all oil passage drillings are clear. 15 Petrol engines: if required, remove the non-return valve plug, spring and ball. Refitting 16 Petrol engines: If removed, refit the non- return valve ball, spring and plug. NOTE: On later petrol engines the diesel type timing chain tensioner assembly is fitted. | 17 Assemble together, the piston housing, tensioner spring, cylinder and idler wheel. 18 Compress the assembly against the tensioner spring. 19 Fit the assembly to the engine, locat- ing the piston housing onto the dowels and the cylinder spigot into the slot. 20 Fit the ratchet and spring and allow the idler wheel to take up the timing chain slack. 21 If necessary, adjust the position of the chain vibration damper to allow 0,25 mm (0.010 in.) maximum clearance between the timing chain and the vibration pad. RC ‘Ho № их 22 Petrol engines: Temporarily, refit the timing gear cover, timing pointer and crankshaft pulley, and ensure that the timing marks are still correctly aligned. Then providing that ‘the camshaft has not been rotated, the engine valve timing should be correct. If there is any doubt, check the valve timing. 12.65.22. A Me) | tu < AN 3 IS Mm" Ч = в Ut tim = ч [А — Vs, 7 7 Ircam Ub A oo 23 Diesel engines: Check that the EP mark on the flywheel is still aligned with the timing pointer. Then provid- ing that the camshaft has not been rotated, the engine valve timing should be correct. If there is any doubt, check the valve timing. 12.65.22. 24 Fit the timing gear cover. 12.65.01. 25 Reverse 1 and 2. & 22 sE—cCl 2.6 litre — 6 cylinder Engine 9€—TI 2.6 litre — 6 cylinder Engine DISTRIBUTOR AND OIL PUMP DRIVE SHAFT Remove and refit 12.10.22 Removing 1 Remove the distributor and short drive shaft. 86.35.20. 2 Remove the side rocker cover. UY: 7 7 Cr p A . ~~ - a ШТ IE — — ¢ ‘ i ATEN >>; |= ON OT { TE Ts xy 1: » mI ISI ES ; eS j | À | nn d. ® IRC747 3 Remove the oil feed bolt and lock washer locating the distributor housing inside the rocker chamber. Lift out the distributor housing. Withdraw the drive shaft. E nda Refitting Rotate the engine in direction of rotation until the TDC mark on the crankshaft pulley aligns with the timing pointer, with both valves on No. 1 cylinder fully closed (i.e. No. 1 cylinder commencing firing stroke). К \ qi 5 Ps IRC 749 / y - ИИ ИМ Анти Fit the oil pump and distributor gear drive shaft to the engine with the lower splines engaged in the oil pump, and the skew gear engaged with the camshaft. Turn the drive shaft using a suitable screwdriver, until the offset drive slot in the end of the shaft is positioned as illustrated. Fit the distributor housing to the engine and locate and secure with the oil feed bolt and lock washer. Reverse 1 and 2. в, <= = qu | € NW — = ww 24 Pant A N a Fine = : o ; EH i к mm "CR IR y UNIDO 4 SITY . Wy © и : od AU METE! A # ET ) CAMSHAFT Remove and refit 12.13.01 Service tools: 530101 Extractor for cam- shaft 507231 Extractor for chain- wheel Removing 1 Remove the radiator and grille panel. 26.40.01. Remove the 30.15.10. 2 manifold. 3 Remove the 4 exhaust timing gear cover. 12.65.01. Remove the timing chain tensioner. 12.65.28. 5 Remove the camshaft chainwheel and timing chain. Extractor 507231. 6 Remove the camshaft thrust plate. 7 Remove the side rockers and shafts. 12.29.36. | 8 Remove the distributor and short drive shaft. 86.35.20. 9 Remove the oil pump and distributor gear drive shaft. 12.10.22. 10 Remove the six camshaft bearings locating screws. 11 Withdraw the camshaft until the bear- ings are clear of the housing. Extractor 530101. 12 Remove the bearings by separating the bearing halves. Keep the halves in related pairs as indicated by the figures marked on the end faces. 13 Withdraw the camshaft clear of the engine. 14 Withdraw the remaining bearing from the rear housing, utilising the oil relief holes for extraction purposes if re- quired. - Ч и ) Л и я Rh ) "Y fi Я В - = | и Le + THLE] N / ) A) x AZ a La ÿ DA [LA TA i В | Ib ix aa ae vto IRC808 LE—TI Refitting 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Before attempting to fit the camshaft bearings to the cylinder block, ensure that the bearing halves fit together correctly on the dowels by checking that no light is visible between the joint faces. The bearings must be fitted dry and should be a hand push fit in the cylinder block; they must always be renewed in paired halves and the numbers stamped on one of the end faces of the bearing halves must be adjacent. Insert the camshaft partly into the cylinder block, allowing the distri butor and oil pump drive gear to pass through the first and second inter- mediate housing webs. Assemble the front and intermediate bearings on to their respective journals on the camshaft. Ensure that the dowelled joint faces are tightly fitted together and the locating holes in the bearings are in line with the holes in the housing webs. Fit the rear bearing into the housing. Place a suitable distance between the first and second intermediate bearings. The width of the distance piece to be approximately the distance between the bearing housings but allowing suf- ficient clearance for withdrawal. Tap the camshaft rearwards until the bearings are fully home in their respec- tive housings and the locating holes are aligned. Remove the distance piece. Lubricate the bearings through the locating bolt holes then fit the bear- ings fixings. Fit the camshaft thrust plate. 1ЕС 811 DATA Camshaft end float + = + + & = + + 4&4 & 8 à + à = 2 + 4 ARE a 25 Temporarily fit the camshaft chain- wheel and check the camshaft end- float which must be 0,11 to 0,16 mm (0.0045 to 0.0065 in.). Replace the thrust plate if the end-float is exces- sive. fs >. - ” o U. FF . . To + ес ‚ i PESA ñ " sida a E = 7 ST E J RATITO + ni ME IRCB12 26 Temporarilv remove the camshaft chainwheel and “fit the side rocker shafts. 12.29.36. 27 Fit the camshaft chainwheel and timing chain and set the valve timing. 12.65.12. 28 Fit the oil pump and distributor gear. 12.10.22. 29 Fit the distributor and short drive shaft. 86.35.20. 30. Reverse | to 4. 0,11 to 0,16 mm (0.0045 in. to 0.0065 in.). CONNECTING RODS AND PISTONS Remove and refit 12.17.01 Removing NOTE: During the following procedures retain all components in related sets to facilitate re-assembly. If the pistons are not to be replaced, add location marks to ensure re-assembling in the same relative positions. 1 Remove the cylinder head. 12.29.10. 2 Remove the oil sump. 12.60.44. 3 With two pistons at bottom dead centre (BDC) remove the connecting rod cap fixings. IRC790 4 Remove the caps and withdraw the connecting rod bearing halves. Retain the caps and bearings in related sets. 5 Withdraw the pistons and attached connecting rods from the top of the bore. 6 Position the remaining pistons at BDC and repeat the removal procedure. continued 8E—TI Refitting NOTE: If replacement components are to be fitted, the checks detailed in ‘overhaul’ 12.17.10 must be carried out as necessary. 7 Position the piston rings so that the end gaps do not align with each other or with the gudgeon pin bore in the piston. 8 Enter the connecting rods into the appropriate cylinders and position the oil hole in the connecting rod and the flat on the piston crown away from the camshaft side of the engine. 9 Carefully insert the pistons into the cylinders, taking care not to damage the rings. 10 Lubricate the journals and bearing halves and fit the appropriate halves to the connecting rods and caps. The bearing halves are located by tongues, these to be positioned at the same side of the connecting rod in the grooves provided. | 11 Fit new bearing cap nuts and tighten to 2,8 kgf. m (20 Ibf. ft.). 12 Reverse ! and 2. CONNECTING RODS AND PISTONS Overhaul 12.17.10 Dismantling NOTE: During the following procedures retain all components in related sets to facilitate subsequent assembly. If the same pistons are to be refitted, add location marks to ensure reassembling in the same relative position. 1 Remove the connecting rods and pistons. 12.17.01. 2 Remove the piston rings. 3 Remove the circlips from the gudgeon pin bosses. 4 Withdraw the gudgeon pins from the pistons. <» 19 Г] Lg В | pre (0 irc >> fi 9 A tl < Overhauling pistons Original Pistons 5 Remove the carbon and deposits, particularly from the ring grooves. 6 [Examine the pistons for damage or excessive wear — see under ‘New pistons’ for clearance dimensions — fit new replacements as necessary. New Pistons Original pistons fitted to new engines at the fac- tory are specially graded to facilitate assembly. The grading letter on top of the piston crown must be ignored when ordering new pistons. Genuine Land-Rover service standard size pistons are supplied 0,025 mm (0.001 in) over- size to allow for production tolerances on new engines. When fitting a new piston to a stan- dard size cylinder block the bore must be honed to accommodate the piston with the correct clearances. The clearance limits between the pistons and cylinder bores are 0,048 mm to 0,060 mm (0.0019 in. to 0.0024 in.), measured as described subsequently. The temperature of the piston and cylinder block must be the same to ensure accurate measurements. 7 Check the piston diameter at the bottom of the skirt at right angles to the gudgeon pin. 8 Check the bore diameter at approxi- mately half way down. 9 If gauge equipment is not available, the piston clearance can be assessed using long feeler gauges, 10 to 12. 10 Insert a long, suitably sized feeler gauge down the thrust side of the cylinder bore. 11 Insert the correct piston, inverted, into the cylinder bore and position it with the gudgeon pin parallel with the axis of the crankshaft. TRL IRC795 6£-C1 12 13 14 15 Push the piston down the cylinder until the piston reaches its tightest point in the bore, at this point with- draw the feeler gauge — a steady resistance should be felt. If standard size pistons are being fitted, select pistons from the range available until the clearance is satisfac- tory. If new piston rings are to be fitted without reboring, deglaze the cylinder walls with a hone, without increasing the bore diameter. A deglazed bore must have a cross-hatch finish. Check the compression and oil control rings gaps in the applicable cylinder, held square to the bore with the piston. Compression rings gap: 0,38 mm to 0,50 mm (0.015 in. to 0.020 in.). Qil control ring gap: 0,40 mm to 0,80 mm (0.015 in. to 0.033 in.). Use a fine cut flat file to increase the gap if required. Select a new piston ring if the gap exceeds the limit. Reboring 16 17 18 19 20 The cylinder head is inclined at an angle of 22 ; standard boring equip- ment can be used in conjunction with a special jig block 261288. Where the maximum permitted boring tolerance is not sufficient to reclaim the bores, cylinder liners may be fitted. Fitting the cylinder liners conforms to normal practice. Machine the cylinder block bores to 81,28 mm + 0,025 mm (3.200 in. + 0.001 in.) which will provide the liner with 0,07 mm to 0,10 mm (0.003 in. to 0.004 in.) interference fit. Prior to pressing in the liner, allowance must be made for unavoidable rotation of up to 5 mm (0.187 in.), clockwise. To facilitate realignment should the liner not be positioned correctly at the first attempt, scribe lines down the sides of the liner from the two peaks, and make corresponding marks on the cylinder block. Press in the liner, using a special press block 246650, until the top edge is level with the bottom of the exhaust valve pocket. Bland to the shape of the cylinder block. Bore to the selected diameter to suit pistons. Liners may be bored to a maxi- mum of 1,01 mm (0.040 in.). Assembling 21 22 23 24 Fit the oil control ring to the piston. Check the oil control ring clearance in the piston groove. Clearance limits: 0,05 mm to 0,10 mm (0.002 in. to 0.004 in.). Fit the two compression rings to the piston with the sides marked “T” or ‘Top’ uppermost. Check the compression ring clearance in the piston grooves. Clearance limits: 0,046 mm to 0,097 mm (0.0018 in. to 0.0038 in.). 1RC799 Connecting rods 25 26 27 28 30 31 Check the alignment of the connecting rod. Check the gudgeon pin clearance in the connecting rod bush. Clearance mes: zero to 0,0241 mm (0.00095 in.). If a new connecting rod small end bush is required, ensure that the oil holes are aligned when pressing in the replacement, then ream the bush to obtain the correct clearance, as above. Check the fit of the gudgeon pin in the piston, the pin must not fall through either boss but be capable of being fitted by hand at normal room tem- perature 20 C (68 F). Gudeon pins of 0,025 mm and 0,076 mm (0.001 in. and 0.003 in.) oversizes are available. Select the correct cap for each con- necting rod as denoted by the number stamped near the joint faces. This number also indicates the crankshaft journal to which it must be fitted. Assemble the caps, less bearing halves, to the respective connecting rods. Torque 2,8 kgf. m (20 1bf. ft.). Slacken the fixing on one side of the cap only and check that there is no clearance at the joint face. If there is clearance, a new assembly must be fitted. continued Op CI Connecting rod bearing nip and clearance NOTE: New bearing halves are supplied with a protective coating and must be degreased, prior to fitting, to remove the coating. 32 Fit the bearing halves to the connect- ing rod and cap, and secure the assem- bly. Torque 2,8 kgf. m (20 bf. ft.). 33 Slacken the fixing on one side of the cap only and check the clearance between the joint faces. The clearance must be 0,05 mm to 0,10 mm (0.002 in. to 0.004 in.). The bearing nip can be corrected by selective assembly of the bearings shells; these are available in slightly varying thicknesses. Do not file or machine the caps or connecting rods to vary the bearing nip. GP 30 NY am. aX J 31 & 33 [pew] : A Ц | i Ct 32 re N | ; 4 7 a = 29 uE queno IRC 370A : 34 Make a final check to prove the bearing clearance, using selected shim papers fitted between the journal and one half of the bearing shell. As the bearing clearance is taken up, the connecting rod will become stiff to rotate about the journal. The correct bearing clearance is 0,0114 mm to 0,043 mm (0.00045 in. to 0.0017 in.). NOTE: As an alternative, ‘Plastigauge’ may be used to check the connecting rod bear- ing clearance. 35 to 41. Do not rotate the connecting rod or crankshaft while the Plastigauge is fitted, or the reading will be impaired. 35 Place a piece of ‘Plastigauge’ across the centre of the lower half of the crank- shaft journal. 605238. 36 Fit the connecting rod complete with bearings to the applicable journal. Torque 2,8 kgf. m (20 bf. ft.). 37 Remove the connecting rod cap and lower half bearing. 38 Using the scale printed on the “Plasti- gauge” packet, measure the flattened ‘Plastigauge’ at its widest point. The graduation that most closely cor- responds to the width of the “Plasti- gauge’ indicates the bearing clearance. 39 The correct clearance with new or overhauled components is 0.0114 mm to 0,043 mm (0.00045 in. to 0.0017 in.). 40 If a new bearing is being fitted, use selective assembly to obtain the correct clearance. 41 Wipe off the ‘Plastigauge’ with an oily rag. DO NOT scrape it off. Connecting rod end-float 42 Fit the connecting rods complete with bearings to their applicable journals. Torque 2,8 kgf. m (20 1bf. ft.). 43 Check the end float between the end face of the connecting rod and the journal shoulder. End float limits: 0,15 mm to 0,38 mm (0.006 in. to 0.015 in.). 44 Remove the connecting rods from the crankshaft and retain all parts in related sets. Assembling 45 Assemble the pistons to their respec- tive connecting rods. 46 Fit new circlips to retain the piston gudgeon pins. 47 Refit the connecting rods and pistons. 12.17.01. DATA Pistons Clearance in cylinder bore, measured at bottom of skirt at right angles to gudgeon pin. Standard size and oversize р15к00$. a sa a eu a» Piston rings Compression (2) Туре... ...................... Gap in Боге... ................. Clearanceingroove .............. Oil control Туре. ......................,. Gapinbore.................... Clearance ingroove .............. Gudgeon Pin Clearance in connectingrod ......... Fitinpiston ..................... Connecting rods Clearance, bearing to crankpin ....... End float on crankpin .............. IRC 806 (ur 0,048 mm to 0,060 mm (0.0019 in. to 0.0024 in.) Cast iron. Marked “T” or “TOP” on upper side. 0,38 mm to 0,50 mm (0.015 in. to 0.033 in.) 0,046 mm to 0,097 mm (0.0018 in. to 0.0038 in.) Slotted, square friction edge. 0,38 mm to 0,80 mm (0.015 in. to 0.033 in.) 0,05 mm to 0,10 mm (0.002 in. to 0.004 in.) Zero to 0,0241 mm (0.00095 in.) Push fit by hand 0,0114 mm to 0,043 mm (0.00045 in. to 0.0017 in.) 0,15 mm to 0,38 mm (0.006 in. to 0.015 in.) ">