Omega FMA-7100E Owner Manual
Below you will find brief information for Flow controller FMA-7000E. The FMA-7000E is a mass flow measurement device that is designed for accurately measuring and rapidly controlling flows of gases. The device is also capable of providing a slow injection of the gas for processes that cannot tolerate rapid flow transitions.
A E FMA-7000E {x Flow Controller © ¡Sd XvW | SuSEWAN TvitsS OGASE =/# 39YL10A DNIVY3dO x OGAS-0 HVANITNON| Evan INd1INO EN "001-0 |. Wo5S SVD ESE [—_ s1mnn FEOLZ-VNZ ON T30ON IN “ONIYIINIONI VINO 1CCCCCCCCCECEE T = с = 5 9 o. O el © = O с An OMEGA Technologies Company fo: OMEGA An OMEGA Technologies Company Servicing USA and Canada: Call OMEGA Toll Free USA Canada One Omega Drive, Box 4047 976 Bergar Stamford, CT 06907-0047 Laval (Quebec) H7L 5A1 Telephone: (203) 359-1660 Telephone: (514) 856-6928 FAX: (203) 359-7700 FAX: (514) 856-6886 Sales Service: 1-800-826-6342 / 1-800-TC-OMEGAM Customer Service: 1-800-622-2378 / 1-800-622-BEST* Engineering Service: 1-800-872-9436 / 1-800-USA-WHEN* TELEX: 996404 EASYLINK: 62968934 CABLE OMEGA Servicing Europe: United Kingdom Sales and Distribution Center 25 Swannington Road, Broughton Astley, Leicestershire LE9 6TU, England Telephone: 44 (0455) 285520 FAX: 44 (0455) 283912 The OMEGA Complete Measurement and Control Handbooks & Encyclopedias K Temperature Mm Data Acquisition Systems m Pressure, Strain & Force m Electric Heaters # Flow and Level K Environmental Monitoring vw” pH and Conductivity and Control Call for Your FREE Handbook Request Form Today: (203) 359-RUSH TABLE OF CONTENTS FMA-7000E Flow Controller Section 1 Section 2 Section 3 Operation Section 4 Maintenance Section 5 Introduction 1.1 Purpose...................e.0emeeene eee Deere eee 1-1 1.2 DescriptiOn..…....…...…..……eeeseneennennennennnnnnnmnnmnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnmnnnn 1-1 1.3 Specifications .….….….…..…..……ennnnennnnnnnnnemnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnennnnnn 1-3 Installation 2.1 Unpacking Instructions...…..…..…..….….…..…..…esenmensnmnenennnnnnnnnnnbnnmnnnnnbnünnnûn 2-1 2.2 Recommended Storage Practice .…….…...…...…...….….……rrerereescencençensennenmne 2-1 2.3 Gas Connections ............. ee... e... eee reee eee eee ee 2-1 24 Installation ........................eerere eee Deere econo eee nene 2-2 2.5 In-Line Filter...........................emeem ie een er rene encore enero nceone nene 2-6 2.6 бо y de) 1-1 y TS 2-7 2.7 Remote Setpoint (Command) Input) .…….…..…..…….…cneeeennennnsnnennnnn 2-8 2.8 Valve Override@ coccinea 2-8 2.9 Valve Test Point/Purge …..…..….…eeenereneneneentennnnnnnnnnnnnnnnne 2-8 ATEN LO): ES 2-9 2.11 Volt Reference Output/ Valve Drive Configuration ....................... 2-9 3.1 Theory of Operation ….…….…….……seeeennenennnnsnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn 3-1 3.2 Operating Procedure ………..…..…..…...….…..enecsenenneenmnmnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnns 3-4 3.3 Zero Adjustment …….….…..…useesnnçnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnns 3-4 3.4 Calibration Procedure ...............e.mrevsiceric ne een en ee 3-6 3.5 Response...............eeeeeeneee eee eee eee eee eee 3-11 4.1 General ……...…...........……creenreenerenmenmeencenencanercencenacennesss cena meenecen cena cesser 4-1 4.2 Troubleshooting ....................eeeeeee ne nee nee 4-1 4.3 Sensor Tube.....................rieenn ree ene ne ere ren rene econo rones 4-5 4.4 Disassembly and Assembly .....................e00+-eresmeieeenenDe eee 4-5 4.5 Using the Conversion Tables... EEE EEE EEE EEE 4-13 4.6 Using the Orifice Sizing Nomograph seen 4-18 4.7 Restrictor Sizing …………iseresseniemnnennnmmnmentnmnnnennnnennnnnnnnnennnnm+mn+tnnnnnn"nnnn 4-22 Parts List 51 General .....................cereorecceereroooccenerenocerocenararcenconeoncecacarorenecanoocoree 5-1 И О РМА-7000Е Flow Controller List of Illustrations Figure Page Number Title Number 1-1 Command Step, Soft Start Disabled…….………….…….…….….….….… eno 1-2 12 Command Step, Soft Start Enabled seen 1-2 2-1 FMA-7000E Dimensions ae Deere 2-2 2-2 FMA-7000E Card Edge Connector Comparison Guide ................... 2-4 2-3 FMA-7000E Card Edge Connector Hook-up Diagram .................... 2-5 3-1 Flow Sensor Operational Diagram ................c.mreemeeren00e 3-2 3-2 Flow Control System Block Diagramme 3-3 3-3 Card Edge PC Board Jumper Location & Function .......................... 3-5 34 FMA-7000E Calibration Connections .................c.....000000 EEE 3-6 3-5 Adjustment Potentiometer Location.....................0.00... EEE 3-8 3-6 Fast Response Adjustment …………….….………eermesennenennsnnnn 3-12 4-1 Torque Sequence for the Valve Retainer Plate …………………………… 4-8 4-2 Valve Adjusting Spacer LOCAtiONS ………….….………………secerermeenenennns 4-11 4-3 Voltmeter Connections for Valve Adjustment ………………………… 4-14 4-4 Example NOMOGraph ……………rssersesenennennennnnnnentennennennnnsnnnn 4-20 51 FMA-7000E Parts DrAWiNg.…..………………eersesserserrernennsensensenseneencenrreervenre 5-1 List of Tables Table Page Number Title Number 2-1 Recommended Filter Size........................ no rre ee ee ere ee 2-6 4-1 Bench Troubleshooting .................... e... eee ere RER 4-3 4-2 Sensor TroubleshOOting ……………….….…+ssesennenseenmenmçennäennnnnnmnennnn 4-6 4-3 Conversion Factors …………………….…………… eecavencareneo oo eocooeccecreen 4-16 & 4-17 44 Qrifice Sizing Nomograph ..................... eee eee 4-21 4-5 FMA-7000E Restrictors ........................eene nene eererare ere raión 4-21 5-1 Replacement Parts List ....................e..enenenee ee 5-2 & 5-3 5-2 FMA-7000E Tool and Spare Parts Kits... een 5-4 SAFETY ac Read this publication in its entirety before performing any operation. Failure to understand and follow these instructions could result in serious personal injury and/or damage to the equipment. Should this equipment require repair or adjustment, contact OMEGA. lt is important that servicing be performed only by trained and qualified service personnel. If this equipment is not properly serviced, serious personal injury and/or damage to the equipment could result. This instrument contains electronic components that are susceptible to damage by static electricity. Observe proper handling procedures during the removal, installation, or other handling of internal circuit boards or devices. Handling Procedure: 1. Remove power to the unit. 2. Ground personnel, via a wrist strap or other safe, suitable means, before installing, removing or adjusting any printed circuit card or other internal device. 3. Transport printed circuit cards in a conductive bag or other conductive container. Do not remove boards from protective enclosure until the immediate time of installation. Immediately place removed boards in protective container for transport, storage, or return to factory. Ser Ca This instrument is not unique in its content of ESD (electrostatic discharge) sensitive components. Most modern electronic designs contain components that utilize metal oxide technology (NMOS, CMOS, etc.). Experience has proven that even small amounts of static electricity can damage or destroy these devices. Damaged components, even though they appear to function properly, exhibit early failure. Introduction 1.1 Purpose The OMEGA® FMA-7000E Mass Flow Controller is a mass flow measurement device designed for accurately measuring and rapidly controlling flows of gases. This instruction manual is intended to provide you with all the information necessary to install, operate and maintain the mass flow controller. This manual is organized into five sections: Section 1 - Introduction Section 2 - Installation Section 3 - Operation Section 4 - Maintenance Section 5 - Replacement Parts Read this manual in its entirety before attempting to operate or repair the unit. 1.2 Description The FMA-7000E Mass Flow Controller is used widely in the Semiconductor industry as well as many others, where manual, electronic or computer controlled gas handling occurs. The instrument consists of three basic units: a flow sensor, a control valve and an integral electronic control system. This combination produces a stable gas flow, which eliminates the need to continuously monitor and readjust gas pressures. Standard features include: FAST RESPONSE CONTROL permits rapid gas setting times with little or no over /undershoot. Refer to Figure 1-1. SOFT START provides a flow ramping function which slows down the introduction of the process gas for those processes which cannot tolerate rapid flow transition. Refer to Section 2.6 and Figure 1-2. * VALVE OVERRIDE permits you to fully open and close the control valve independent of the command setting. Refer to Section 2.8. о SETPOINT (Command) permits you to program the mass flow controller with an external 0-5 V dc command voltage in lieu of a command potentiometer. Refer to Section 2.7. о LOW COMMAND VALVE INHIBIT (Auto Shutoff) prevents the valve from opening whenever the setpoint is less than 2% of full scale. * REMOVABLE CLEANABLE SENSOR permits you to clean or replace the sensor. Refer to Section 4.4. * OUTPUT LIMITING prevents possible damage to delicate data acquisition devices by limiting the output to +6.8 V dc and -0.7 V dc. Ser Сай | 1-2 "Introduction 100. Ww 90- À 5 80- En + 104 u] Э 0 COMMAND STEP CHANGES u 7 1 SLPM, NITROGEN u INLET PRESSURE=25PSIG o S04 —— = 40- ww F E 304 y) a 20 À COMMAND = = = лает вот 1 1 re ACTUAL FLOW ———— 104 If | MFC OUTPUT --------- + | , 0 ju T i F 1 | 1 T 1 q i 1 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 TIME (SECONDS) Figure 1-1. Command Steps, Soft Start Disabled 100 — Г. "| ! SOFT START ENABLED 80 | 1 SLPM, NITROGEN | INLET PRESSURE=25PSIG wo yp «L 1 a ' _ 80 | — = ; us COMMAND —---—--— E 40— | ACTUAL FLOW = MFC OUTPUT --------- E 3% | 20 — | 10 — I 1 0 i | i | | | { 1 | | | | | i 0 2 4 8 8 12 м 9 0 20 22 24 26 10 TIME (SECONDS) Figure 1-2. Command Steps, Soft Start Enabled VALVE OFF is accessed via terminal J on the card edge or pin 4 on the D-connector version. This feature allows you to close the control valve independently of the command signal by supplying a TTL level low signal to the proper terminal. This function is useful when performing repetitive flow operations or as a safety shutdown. Refer to Section 2.11. Introduction о VALVE TEST POINT/PURGE is accessed via terminal D on the card edge or pin 7 on the D-connector version. This feature allows you to monitor the control valve voltage during operation. Also, grounding this terminal will cause the control valve to fully open independent of the command signal. Refer to Section 2.10. 1.3 Specifications A CAUTION Do not operate this instrument in excess of the specifications. Standard Ranges 3 seem to 30 slpm* (nitrogen equivalent) Accuracy +1% full scale including linearity at calibration conditions. +1.5% full scale including linearity for flow ranges greater than 20 slpm. Repeatability 0.25% of rate Response Time Less than 3 seconds response to within 2% of full scale final value with a O to 100% command step. | Power Requirements +15 V de +5%, 35 mA —15 V de +5%, 180 mA 3.5 watts power consumption Ambient Temperature Limits Operating: 5 to 65°C (40 to 150°F) Non-Operating: -25 to 100°C (-13 to +21 2°F) Working Pressure 1500 psi (10.342 MPa) maximum у introduction Differential Pressure 5 to 50 psi (minimum pressure drop depends on gas and range). Refer : Orifice Sizing. Section 4.6. Output Signal 0-5 V de into 2000 ohms or greater. Maximum ripple 3 mV. 5 Volt Reference Output Serv 5 Volts +0.2%. Maximum load 1k ohms. Temperature Sensitivity Zero: less than +0.075% FS. per degree С. Span: less than +1.0% F.S. Shift over 10-50%C range Power Supply Sensitivity +0.09% full scale per % power supply voltage variation Mounting Attitude Sensitivity +0.5% maximum full scale deviation after re-zeroing Command Input 0-5 V de. Input resistance 200 k ohm Leak Integrity 1 x 107 Atm. scc/sec Helium Control Range 50 to 1 Mechanical Connection Compatible with most popular mass flow controllers. Refer to Figure 2-1. Electrical Connection Card edge, 20 terminals, gold over low stress nickel plated copper. "Standard temperature and pressure in accordance with SEMI [Semiconductor Equipment and Materials International) standard: 0°C and 101.3 kPa {760 Torr). Call Installation 2.1 Unpacking Instructions Remove the Packing List and verify that you have received all equipment. If you have any questions about the shipment, please call the OMEGA Customer Service Department at 1-800-622-2378 or (203) 359-1660. When you receive the shipment, inspect the container and equipment for any signs of damage. Note any evidence of rough handling in transit. Immediately report any damage to the shipping agent. The carrier will not honor any claims unless all shipping material is saved for their examination. After examining an removing contents, save packing material and carton in the event reshipment is necessary. 2.2 Recommended Storage Practice Provide intermediate or long-term storage for the equipment as follows: 1. Store in the original shipping container. 2. Store in a sheltered area, with the following conditions. о Ambient temperature 21°C (70°F) nominal, 32°C (90°F) maximum/7°C minimum (45°F). * Relative humidity 45% nominal, 60% maximum /25% minimum. Upon removal from storage, a visual inspection should be conducted to verify the condition of the equipment as “as received”. If the equipment has been in storage for an excess of ten (10) months or in conditions in excess of those recommended, all pressure boundary seals should be replaced and the device subjected to a pneumatic pressure test in accordance with applicable vessel codes. 2.3 Gas Connections Standard inlet and outlet connections supplied on the unit are 14” compression fittings for flow rates up to 10 slpm, and 38” compression fittings for higher flow rates. 2-1 TA TA A Fa TEA 7 Sr AE GATT py NC A gpg 0 tan QE SO 0 AE 0 A 2 EEE cE wma yt о MP Installation Se CARD EDGE Span & IZ an оч Zero Adjustments 8 г Inlet Outlet I = mE 9716-18 UNF {Both Ends) ae = 9-32 UNC x 3/16 0P Mig. Holes (7) 71 18 Connection 00" Dim, Î 1/4" Compression 5.02 .14 | | 2.72 _ 1 Fitting 127.5 38 es 9 2.9 Bottom View 3/8" Compression 5,14 Fitting 130.5 Figure 2-1. FMA-7000E Dimensions 2.4 Installation (Refer to Figures 2-1 through 2-3) Follow these guidelines when installing the unit: A 2-2 Cal Locate the FMA-7000E in a clean dry atmosphere relatively free from shock and vibration. Leave sufficient room for access to the electrical components. Install in such a manner that permits easy removal if the instrument requires cleaning. When installing the controller, take care that no foreign materials enter the inlet or outlet of the instrument. Do not remove the protective end caps until time of installation. Installation A BRAIN Hh CAUT ION When used with a reactive {sometimes toxic) gas, contamination or corrosion may occur as a result of plumbing leaks or improper purging. Check plumbing carefully for leaks and purge the controller with dry Nitrogen before USE. The mass flow controller can be installed in any position. However, mounting orientations other than the original factor calibration (see data sheet) will result in a +0.5% maximum full scale shift after re-zeroing. When installing controllers with full scale flow rates of 10 sipm or greater, be aware that sharp abrupt angles in the system piping directly upstream of the controller may cause a small shift in accuracy. If possible have at least 10 pipe diameters of straight tubing upstream of the mass flow controller. The control valve in the FMA-7000E provides precision control and is not designed for positive shut off. If positive shut off is required, install a separate shut-off valve in-line. ; Installation CIRCUIT SIDE OF PC BOARD Ser COMPONENT SIDE OF PC BOARD Terminal FMA-7000E Edge FMA-7000E Chassis 1 A Command Ground Input 0-5 Volt Signal 218 Commana Common Common 0-5 volt Signal lc Supply Voltage Qutput Common Valve Teast * 15 vac 4 D Point/Purge Supply Not used 5 |E Not used Not used 6 | Е - 15 vde Supply Slot 7 |H — Siot Not used 8 I Not used Valve Override 9 | Not Used * 5\ Rel. ‘" or Vaive Return 10 | L- e or Not used Unit designates Pins 14. J K. & Las G. HJ. & J. Jumper Selectable Figure 2-2. FMA-7000E Card Edge Connector Comparison Guide 2-4 Cal Installation e1qej2ajaS зэдшпр.. MORI HO SAIRA 02 7 UM «WIN SAIEA JO ..(.MI.. J0d puewwo9) inding aouasajay A G+ 6l OL ARI) pasn ¡ON gl A 19|0IA эризелО BABA Li 6 ang pasn ION 91 r uUdaJO) pasn JON GL 8 MOH3A 1015 Pl H abue. 1015 Et L pay indu; pA SI- el 3 UMOJG pes) ION Li 9 DEI pas) ION OL 3 SUM pasn ¡ON 6 с 3:71 5) abingnuilog 150,4 9AJBA 8 О 1BI0IA Arddns 2pA SL+ L $ ang uowwo?) abeyop Анапе 9 7) u39J9) INdinQ ¡eubIS A S-0 с € MOJIDA (MIO. 10d PUEWWOI) VOWWOI pPUEWWOI $ 8 obuBJO uowwo? jeubis A 5-0 € 2 рен (.S. 10d puewwo)) Indu; puewwo” 2 \ UMOJO punoJo) sisseyo L L 3p09 10109 UOIJOUN-4 "ON Ulg J0)98UL07 'ON 99d | (ou) omg L — SB = (penddns) A Ко) юрешю:) 20>0UL0 — | (194) umosg Figure 2-3. FMA-7000E Card Edge Connector Hook-Up Diagram 2-5 Se Ce E Installation р: Since the FMA-7000E control valve is not a positive shut-off, a separate solenoid valve may have been installed for that urpose. It should be noted that a small amount of gas may he trapped between the downstream side of the mass flow controller and the solenoid resulting in a surge upon actuation of the controller, This surge can be reduced in magnitude by locating the controller and solenoid valve close together or by moving the solenoid valve upstream of the controller. 2.5 In-Line Filter 2-6 We recommend that an in-line filter be installed upstream from the controller to prevent the possibility of any foreign material entering the flow sensor or control valve. Periodically replace or ultrasonically clean the filtering element. | MAXIMUM FLOW RATE RECOMMENDED FILTER SIZE 100 sccm 1 micron 500 sccm 2 micron 1 to 5 slpm 7 micron 10 to 30 sipm 15 micron Table 2-1 Recommended Filter Size The table above lists the maximum recommended porosity for each flow range. We recommend that you use the minimum micron porosity that does not limit the full scale flowrate due to excessive pressure drop through the filter. Installation Electrical Interfacing To insure proper operation, connect the unit per Figure 2-3 and configure according to Sections 2.6 to 2.13. As a minimum, make the following connections for new installations: Chassis Ground 0-5 Volt Signal Common 0-5 Volt Signal Output +15 V dc Supply —15 V dc Supply Command Input Command Common Supply Voltage Common Valve Return (Refer to Section 2.12 for jumper configuration) For installations which will be connected to OMEGA secondary electronics, the card edge version must have the 5 volt reference enabled on pin 10. Refer to Section 2.11. y To obtain access to the jumpers for the following options, the electronics cover can must be removed. Remove the can by removing the three screws and the valve connector. Replace the can before returning the unit to service. 2.6 Soft Start Refer to Figures 3-3, 3-4. To enable soft start, place the red jumper on the controller printed circuit board at J2 in the right hand (ss) position. To disable soft start, place the red jumper on the controller printed circuit board at J2 in the left hand (n) position. 2-7 Se Ca ` с e ASF Installation 2.7 Remote Setpoint (Command) Input It the mass flow controller is to be commanded by an external 0-5 V dc signal, the command potentiometer is not used. Hook up the command input as follows: Card Edge Connector: Connect the external command voltage to terminal A, and external command return to terminal B. Refer to Figures 2-2 and 2-3. 2.8 Valve Override The valve override function allows full opening and closing of the valve independent of the command setting. The unique command reset feature prevents flow overshoot when the controller goes from valve override closed to normal control. The valve override for the mass flow controller is as follows: 1. To open the valve apply +15 V dc to the valve override terminal. 2. To close the valve apply -15 V dc to the valve override terminal. 3. To return the controller to normal operation, isolate the valve override terminal. Card Edge: Access the valve override function from terminal 9. Refer to Figure 2-3. For normal operation, leave terminal 9 open (floating). 2.9 Valve Test Point/ Purge 2-8 Refer to Figures 2-2 and 2-3. The valve voltage can be monitored on pin D of the card edge version. This voltage relative to circuit common is proportional to the valve voltage per the following equation: Valve Voltage = —14.2-Voltage at the valve voltage test point (TP) Grounding the valve test point pin will cause the valve to open fully regardless of command input voltage. installation 2.10 Valve Off Refer to Figures 2-2 and 2-3. The control valve can be forced closed regardless of command input signal by applying a TTL level low (<.4 V dc) to terminal L of the card edge version. A TTL level high or floating at this pin has no effect. А Ро по! ‚ground terminal 10 when 5 volt reference output is enabled. Irreparable damage to the PC Board may result. 2.11 5 Volt Reference Output/Valve Drive Configuration Card Edge: Refer to Figures 2-3 and 3-3. Terminal 10 can be jumper selected as 5 volt reference output, external valve return or “not used”. The 5 volt reference output is required by OMEGA secondary electronics, or if a potentiometer is to be used to generate the command signal. To enable the 5 volt reference output on terminal 10, place the yellow jumper at J1 in the D-E position. To disable the 5 volt reference output, place the yellow jumper at J1 in the E-F position. Fy Do not ground terminal 10 when 5 volt reference output is enabled Irreparable damage to the PC Board may result. To minimize the effect of resistance in the connection wiring, a separate “external valve return” can be accessed on pin 10. To enable this feature, place the black jumper at J1 in the B-D position and connect terminal 10 to power supply common. If the “external valve return” is not enabled, place the black jumper at J1 in the B-C position. $ If the “external valve return” feature is not enabled, the valve voltage is returned internally on the printed circuit board and the connection wiring resistance must be less than 0.2 ohms. 2-9 S Ce ps AP Installation Notes Operation 3.1 Theory of Operation The thermal mass flow sensing technique works as follows: A precision power supply provides a constant power heat input (P) at the heater, which is located at the midpoint of the sensor tube. Refer to Figure 3-1. At zero, or no flow conditions the heat reaching each temperature sensor is equal. Therefore the temperatures T1 and T2 are equal. When gas flows through the tube the upstream sensor is cooled and the downstream sensor is heated, producing a temperature difference. The temperature difference T2-11, is directly proportional to the gas mass flow. The equation is: AT=AePeCpem Where: AT = Temperature difference T2-T1 (*K) Cp = Specific heat of the gas at constant pressure (kJ/kg-°K) P = Heater power (kJ/s) m = Mass flow (kg/s) A = Constant of proportionality (S2-K2/kJ2) A bridge circuit interprets the temperature difference and a differential amplifier generates a linear 0-5 V dc signal directly proportional to the gas mass flow rate. The flow restrictor shown in Figure 3-1 performs a ranging function similar to a shunt resistor in an electrical ammeter. The restrictor provides a pressure drop that is linear with flow rate. The sensor tube has the same linear pressure drop/flow relationship. The ratio of the restrictor flow to the sensor tube flow remains constant over the range of the meter. Different restrictors have different pressure drops and produce controllers with different full scale flow rates. The span adjustment in the electronics affects the fine adjustment of the controllers full scale flow. In addition to the mass flow sensor, the FMA-7000E Mass Flow Controller has an integral control valve and control circuit, as shown in Figure 3-2. The control circuit senses any difference between the flow sensor signal and adjusts the current in the modulating solenoid valve to increase or decrease the flow. y Operation Ty Upstream Temperature Sensor To Power Supply То | Downstream | | Temperature Sensor A ne | | Flow ‘A’ = Approx. 10 scem Max. , AB” — LE LE АУ Flow ‘B’ = Full Scale Less 10 scem 3d ó s | pans 8 à à à à à 227 Ns Neem | RESTRICTOR FLOW 8° Figure 3-1. Flow Sensor Operational Diagram The FMA-7000E has the following features incorporated in the integral control circuit: * Fast Response, adjusted by the anticipate potentiometer. This circuit, when properly adjusted, allows the high frequency information contained in the sensor signal to be amplified to provide a faster responding flow signal for remote indication and use by the control valve. * Soft Start, enabled by moving a jumper on the PC Board. This circuit provides a slow injection of the gas as a protection to the process, particularly those using a volatile reactive gas. Full gas flow is achieved in approximately 15 seconds. Refer to Section 2.6. * Precision 5 Volt Reference allows the direct connection of a command potentiometer to a 0-5 volt command signal to the controller. A precision 10-turn 2K ohm potentiometer with an integral turn counter is recommended; this will permit repeatable adjustments of command to 1 part in 1000. Refer to Section 2.13 for activation. Operation REMOTE VALVE TEST POINT/ PURGE INPUT FLOW SENSOR ) TRANSDUCER | FMA-7000E COMMAND INPUT COMPARISON CMPUIFIER VALVE DRIVE — — EEE |] CONTROL VALVE | E VALVE OFF VALVE OVERRIDE LOGIC VAL OVERRIDE COMMAND POT. ‘ 8 ‘ г ' Г | | E m 5 VOLT REFERENCE J Figure 3-2. Flow Control System Block Diagram Valve Override allows full opening and closing of the control valve independent of the command setting. Refer to Section 2.8. Valve Off is accessed via terminal J on the card edge version. This feature allows you to close the control valve independently of the command signal by supplying a TTL level low signal to the proper terminal. This function is useful when performing repetitive flow operations or as a safety shutdown. Refer to Section 2.12.” Valve Test Point/Purge is accessed via terminal D on the card edge version of the FMA-7000E only. This feature allows you to monitor the control valve voltage during operation. Also, grounding this terminal will cause the control valve to fully open independent of the command signal. Refer to Section 2.11.* 3.2 Operation Operating Procedure 1. Apply power to the controller and allow approximately 45 minutes for the instrument to warm up and stabilize its temperature, Turn on the gas supply. 3. Command 0% flow and observe the controller's output signal. If the output is not O mV de (+10 mV del, check for leaks. If none are found, refer to the re-zeroing procedure in Section 3.3. 4. Set the command for the desired flow rate to assume normal operation. 3.3 Zero Adjustment 3-4 Each unit is factory adjusted to provide a 0 + 10 mV dc signal at zero flow. The adjustment is made in our calibration laboratory which is temperature controlled to 21.1°C (70°F + 2°F). After initial installation and warm-up in the gas system, the zero flow indication may be other than the factory setting. This is primarily caused by changes in temperature between our calibration laboratory and the final installation. The zero flow reading can also be affected to a small degree by changes in the line pressure and mounting attitude. To check zero, always mount the controller in its final configuration and allow a minimum of 20 minutes for the temperature of the controller and its environment to stabilize. Using a suitable voltmeter check the controller output signal. If it differs from the factory setting, adjust it by removing the lower pot hold plug (which is located closest to the controller body). Adjust the zero potentiometer (refer to Figure 3-6) until the desired output signal is obtained. Operation A J1-Black Oo N , J1-Yellow Test Points: Me! Circuit Common * $5 Valve Connector TP4 = J7-Green TP3 Valve Voltage TP2 Lin. Voltage TP1 Sensor Voltage — (Times-100) | ¥ Span Linearity Anticipate Zero > AAA Con Connector J1 Configuration ABC Standard E D F Figure 3-3. Card Edge PC Board Jumper Location € Function J Operation CARD EDGE CIRCUIT COMPONENT SIDE OF | PC BOARD Figure 3-4. FMA-7000E Calibration Connections 3.4 Calibration Procedure Ki NOTE y If the valve has been disassembled and any of the following parts have been replaced the contro! valve adjusting procedure in Section 4.4.3 must be performed before the unit is calibrated. orifice valve stem plunger lower guide spring valve seat Calibration of the mass flow controller requires the use of a digital voltmeter (DVM) and a precision flow standard calibrator. We recommend that the calibration be performed only by trained and qualified service personnel. Operation If the mass flow controller is to be used on a gas other than the calibration gas, apply the appropriate sensor conversion factor. Size the orifice for actual operating conditions. С For the card edge model, do not ground pin 10 with the 5 volt reference enabled. Irreparable damage to the PC Board will result. IF OMEGA's secondary electronics are being used as a power supply during the calibration, the 5V reference must be enabled on the card edge version for proper operation. Remember to de-activate the 5V reference before installing the calibrated mass flow controller in the system where terminal 10 is grounded. 1. With the controller installed in an unpressurized gas line, apply power and allow approximately 45 minutes for warm up. During the warm-up, adjustment and calibration check procedures do not allow the control valve to open when gas flow is not present. This situation is not a normal operating mode; it will cause the control valve to heat up abnormally. A meter with an abnormally warm valve will be difficult to calibrate. This situation can be prevented by switching the valve override “closed” when there is no gas flow, or setting the command to less than 1%. Also avoid unnecessary periods with the valve override “open”. 3-7 Д Operation _ FLOW > “ = ое = # * # Ly - Figure 3-5. Adjustment Potentiometer Location Adjust the anticipate potentiometer fully clockwise (20 turns). Then adjust the anticipate potentiometer 10 turns counterclockwise to center the potentiometer. This will provide a rough adjustment of the circuit and make the flow more stable for calibration. Connect the DVM positive lead to the 0-5 V signal output [terminal 3 card edge) and the negative lead to signal common (TP4). Adjust the zero potentiometer to an output of 0 mV +2 mV. Apply pressure to the system and insure that the zero signal repeats within 2 mV of the voltage set in Step 3 above. If the zero does not repeat, check for leakage. Operation Controllers supplied with special all-metal valve seats do not provide tight shut-off. A 0 to 8% leak through is picar For metal seat controllers, close a downstream shut-off valve and observe the zero signal. Set the command potentiometer (connected to terminals A, B and 10 of the card edge connector for 100% of flow (5.000 V). Connect the DVM positive lead to TP2 (linearity voltage) and the negative lead to TP4 (signal common). Adjust the linearity potentiometer for an output of 0.0 V (zero volts). Connect the DVM positive lead to TP1 (-100x sensor voltage) and the negative lead to TP4 (circuit common). The command potentiometer should still be set at 100% flow (5.000 У). Measure the flow rate using suitable volumetric calibration equipment. To adjust the controller to he proper full scale How, calculate a new TP1 voltage using the following equation. measured TPI voltage measured flow rate x desired flow rate New TPI voltage = Adjust the span potentiometer until the voltage at TP1 is equal to the value calculated above. Recheck the flow rate after the flow is stable (at least 2 minutes). Repeat this check and adjustment procedure until the measure flow rate is within 1% of the desired flow rate. The voltage at TP1 is -100 times the output voltage of the sensor. This voltage can range from —1.2 to —12 voltage; however we recommend that this voltage stay between —2.0 and -9.0 volts for proper operation. If the recommended voltage range exceeds the desired accuracy and/or signal, stability may not be achieved. If one of the limits is reached, check the orifice and restrictor sizing procedures. Refer to Sections 4.6 and 4.7, respectively. Set the command potentiometer for 0% of flow. Connect the DVM positive lead to flow signal output (terminal 3 card edge) and the negative lead to TP4. Readjust the zero potentiometer for an output of 0 mV +2 mV as necessary. TRIE EIA RNE UE e A В =» че дала Eb dan eut : “e 3-10 ES Operation 10. 11. 12. Set the command potentiometer for 50% of flow (2.500 V) and measure the flow rate. Calculate the error as a percentage of full scale. measured desired flow flow rate rate full scale flow rate full scale error = 100% Example: What is the percent of full scale error when full scale is equal to 100 sccm? Measured flow rate = 48.5 sccm Desired How rate = 50.0 seem (48.5 — 50) 100 full scale error = 100 =—1.5% Calculate the TP2 correction voltage: (error recorded in step 8) x 0.450 volts Example: Error =—1.5% TP2 correction voltage = —1.5 x 0.450 = -0.675 volts New TP2 voltage = O volts + (-0.675) = -0.675 volts Set the command potentiometer for 100% flow (5.000. V}. Connect the DVM positive lead to TP2 and the negative lead to TP4. Adjust the linearity potentiometer for an output equal to the new calculated TP2 voltage. Repeat steps 6, 7 and 8. 1, Ifthe error recorded in step 8 is less than 0.5%, then the calibration procedure is complete. 2. If the error is greater than 0.5% set the command potentiometer for 100% (5.000 V). Connect the DVM positive lead to TP2 (linearity voltage) and the negative lead to TP4 (circuit common). Calculate a new TP2 voltage as follows: error measured New TP2 voltage = recorded inx0.450V + TP2 step 9 voltage Example: Controller error = 0.7% Measured TP2 voltage = —0.567 volts Operation TP2 correction = 0.7 x 0.450 = 0.315 volts New TP2 correction = 0.315 + (-0.567) = -0.252 volts Adjust the linearity potentiometer for an output equal fo the new TP? voltage and then repeat steps 6, 7 and 8. The voltage at TP2 can range from —10 to +3 volts, however, it is recommended that this voltage stays between -2.5 and +2.5 volts for proper operation. If the recommended voltage range is exceeded the desired accuracy and/or signal stability may not be achieved. If one of the limits is reached, check the restrictor sizing. Refer to Section 4.7. 3.5 Response (Fast Response Adjustment) Two methods of adjusting the step response of the mass flow controller can be used. The method described in Section 3.5.1 will get the step response close to optimum quickly and without any flow measuring equipment. This method should be used when the response time of the flow controller is not critical to overall system performance. The method described in Section 3.5.2 will allow adjustment of your mass flow controller to optimum step response performance. This method is the preferred way to adjust the step response. Adjustment of the fast response circuit will not affect the accuracy of the flow controller as adjusted in Section 3.4. 3.5.1 Fast Response Adjustment . (3 seconds response specification not guaranteed) This procedure requires an oscilloscope, chart recorder or a DVM with a sample speed of three samples per second or greater to monitor the rate of change of the output signal. 1. Set the command potentiometer for 100% of flow (5.00 V) and wait about 45 seconds for the flow output signal to stabilize. 2. Step the command signal to 0% or activate valve override closed to stop the flow. Observe the flow signal output as it decays. 3-11 . i X - + ^ - a a + + 1 a Sr Ито 4117400 see rt, + À dr is =» NECIO EL. Ро éd Operation 3. The behavior of the flow signal during this transition between 100% and 0% flow indicates the adjustment required of the anticipate potentiometer. Refer to Figure 3-7. * Ifthe flow signal decays to —.05 to —.5 V then rises to 0 V the anticipate potentiometer is properly adjusted. * Ifthe flow signal decays rapidly and goes below —.5 V before rising to O V the anticipate potentiometer must be adjusted clockwise and steps T and 2 repeated. * Ifthe flow signal decays slowly and does not go below —.05 V the anticipate potentiometer must be adjusted counterclockwise and steps 1 and 2 repeated. : : : 2 ADJUST 5 ADJUSTMENT - ADJUST > СОСКИ! ЗЕ $ CORRECT > COUNTER CLOCKWISE 5 + Y 5 1 5 1% Las . Lai * 8 441 Woy | y T 3! e al < ay 8 ad! 8 2: 3 24 | > 1 À | : > 1 ~ | = - i - | ol E 8 rT O 5 8 1 —eeov = 0 | RAA TT I PTT TO ear eT ed! & 4 0! = | .... 5 | = 2 ! 8 8 8 TIME TIME TIME Figure 3-6. Fast Response Adjustment 3.5.2 Fast response adjustment _ 3 second response specification guaranteed) Adjustment of the anticipate potentiometer to obtain a flow rate performance to be within 2% of flow rate commanded in less than 3 seconds after setpoint change requires the use of a fast response flowmeter (500 millisecond response to be within 0.2% of final value or better) in series with the mass flow controller and a storage oscilloscope or recorder. 1. Make a step in command to the controller from 0 to 100% of full scale flow and record the output signal of the fast response flowmeter. 2. If this signal shows more than 4% overshoot, adjust the anticipate potentiometer 12 to 1 turn counterclockwise. If the signal does not show overshoot, but is not within 2% full scale of final value after 3 seconds, adjust the anticipate potentiometer 1/2 to 1 turn clockwise. Set command potentiometer for 0% of ow. Operation 3. Repeat steps 1 and 2 until the fast response flowmeter output signal meets the specified response requirements. With the above equipment, the anticipate potentiometer can be adjusted to give optimum response characteristics for any process. 3-13 a Тена - <=? AE 2. Ma TA | | | | Ff’ Operation Notes y Maintenance 4.1 General No routine maintenance is required on the mass flow controller other than an occasional cleaning. If an in-line filter is used, the filtering element should periodically be replaced or ultrasonically cleaned. 4.2 Troubleshooting А CAUTION " | It is important that this controller be serviced only by properly trained and qualified personnel. PE I A A CN ee Tn TE e 4.2.1 System Checks The mass flow controller is generally used as a component in gas handling systems which can be quite complex. This can make the task of isolating a malfunction in the system a difficult one. An incorrectly diagnosed malfunction can cause many hours of unnecessary downtime. If possible, make the following system checks before removing a suspected defective mass flow controller for | bench troubleshooting or return, especially if the system is new. 1. Verify a low resistance common connection and that the correct power supply | voltage and signals are reaching and leaving the controller. 2. Verity that the process gas connections have been correctly terminated and leak checked. air lad PR EEE 3. If the mass flow controller appears to be functioning but cannot achieve set- point, verify that sufficient inlet pressure and pressure drop are available at the controller to provide the required flow. 4. Verify that all user selectable jumpers are in their desired positions. Refer to Figures 3-3 and 3-4. 1 PP A og a NENA = BEE gi AE EE“ Fe Maintenance WARNING If it becomes necessary to remove the controller from the system after exposure to toxic, pyrophoric, flammable, or corrosive gas, purge the controller thoroughly with a dry inert gas such as nitrogen before disconnecting the gas connections. Failure to correctly purge the controller could result in fire, explosion, or death. Corrosion or contamination of the mass flow controller upon exposure to air may also occur. Bench Troubleshooting 1. Properly connect the mass flow controller to a +15 V de power supply, command voltage source and connect an output signal readout device (4-1/2 digit voltmeter recommended) to terminals 2 and 3 (refer fo Figures 2-2 and 2- 3). Apply power, set the command voltage to zero, and allow the controller to warm up for 45 minutes. Do not connect to a gas source at this time. Observe the output signal and, if necessary perform the zero adjustment procedure (Section 3.3). If the output signal will not zero properly, refer to the sensor troubleshooting section and check the sensor. If the sensor is electrically functional, the printed circuit board is defective and will require replacement. 2. Connect the controller to a source of the gas on which it was originally calibrated. Command 100% flow and adjust the inlet and outlet pressures to the calibration conditions. Verify that the output signal reaches and stabilizes at 5.00 volts. Vary the command voltage over the 2 to 100% range and verify that the output signal follows the setpoint. Apply +15 volts to the valve override input, (refer to Figure 2-3 for terminal assignments) and verify that the output exceeds 5.00 V. Apply ~15 V fo the valve override terminal and verify that the output signal falls below 0.100 V. If possible, connect a flow measurement device in series with the mass flow controller to observe the actual flow behavior and verify the accuracy of the mass flow controller. If the mass flow controller functions as described above, it is functioning properly and the problem may lie elsewhere. Table 4-1 lists possible malfunctions which may be encountered during bench troubleshooting. 4-2 Maintenance Trouble Possible Cause Check/Corrective Action Actual flow overshoots setpoint by more than 5% full scale. Anticipate potentiometer out of adjustment. Adjust anticipate potentiometer. Refer to Section 3.5. Output stays at 0 Volts regardless of command and there is no flow through the controller. Clogged sensor Clogged control valve Card Edge Version Internal reference is being used as the command source and the yellow jumper is in the E-F position. -15 Volts applied to the valve override input. Defective printed circuit board Valve voltage not returned, pin L at common “Vaive-off” pin grounded Clean sensor. Refer to cleaning procedure, Section 4.4. Check TP3 with the command valve at 100%. if the voltage through the controller is more negative than -11V, disassemble and repair the control valve. Refer to Sections 4.4.3 and 2-9. Refer to Section 2.11. Check valve override input. Refer to Figure 2-3 for terminal assignments. Replace printed circuit board. Refer to Section 44. Check jumper for external vaive return. Refer to Section 2.11. Check “Valve-off” input. Refer to Figure 2-3 for terminal assignments. Output signal stays at +6.8V regard- less of command and there is flow through the controller. Valve stuck open or leaky +15V applied to the valve override input Detective printed circuit board Command input floating Pin O connected to common Clean and/or adjust control valve. Refer to cleaning procedure and/or Section 4.4.3. Check the vaive override terminal. Refer to Figure 2-3 for terminal assignments. Replace printed circuit board. Refer to Section 4.4. Connect command signal. Refer to Figure 2-3 for terminal assignments. Remove pin D from common. Output signal follows setpoint at higher commands but will not go to zero. Leaky control valve Excessive resistance in valve voltage return line Disassemble and repair valve. Refer to Section 443. Reduce wiring resistance or reconfigure controller for “External Valve Return”. Refer to Section 2.11. Output signal follows setpoint at lower commands but does not reach full scale. Insufficient inlet pressure or pressure drop. Partially clogged sensor Partially clogged valve Valve out of adjustment Valve guide spring failure Adjust pressures, inspect inline filters and clear/ replace as necessary. Check calibration. Refer to Section 3.4. Disassemble and repair control valve. Refer to Section 4.4. Adjust valve. Refer to Section 4.4. Controller oscillates (see below). Controller grossly out of cali- bration. Flow is higher than desired. Partially clogged sensor Clean sensor; refer to the cleaning procedure. Controller grossly out of cali- bration. Flow is lower than desired. Partially clogged restrictor Replace restrictor. Refer to Section 4.4. Controller oscillates. Pressure drop or excessive inlet pressure Oversized orifice Valve out of adjustment Anticipate potentiometer out of adjustment Faulty pressure regulator Defective printed circuit board. Adjust pressures. Check orifice size. Refer to Section 4.6. Adjust vaive. Refer to Section 4.4. Adjust anticipate potentiometer. Refer to Section 3.5. Check regulator output. Replace printed circuit board. Refer to Section 4.4. Table 4-1 Bench Troubleshooting 4-3 # Maintenance Sensor Troubleshooting If you suspect that the sensor coils are either open or shorted, troubleshoot using Table 4-2. If any of the steps do not produce the expected results, the sensor assembly is defective and must be replaced. Refer to Section 4.4 for the disassembly and assembly procedures to use when replacing the sensor. Do not attempt to disassemble the sensor. Cleaning Procedures Should the mass flow controller require cleaning due to deposition, use the following procedures: 1. Remove the unit from the system. 2. Refer to Section 4. 4 to disassemble the controller. Fy C Do not soak the sensor assembly in a cleaning solution. If solvent seeps info the sensor assembly, it will probably damage the sensor or at least significantly alter its operating characteristics. 3. Use a hemostat or tweezers to push a 0.007” diameter piano wire through the flow sensor tube to remove any contamination. For best results, push the wire into the downstream opening of the sensor tube (end closest to the control valve). The sensor tube can be flushed with a non-residuous solvent (Freon TF+ recommended). A hypodermic needle filled with solvent is a convenient means to accomplish this. An alternate method for flushing out the sensor is to replace the restrictor element with a low flow plug restrictor. This plug forces all the flow through the sensor and may dislodge any obstructions. With the valve orifice removed, subject the flow controller to a high differential pressure. Pressurizing the outlet of the MFC higher than the inlet may help force the obstruction upstream and out of the sensor tube. 4. Inspect the orifice for clogging by holding it in front of a light source and looking for light through the bore. Clean by soaking in a suitable non-residuous solvent and directing a stream of compressed dry nitrogen through the bore. Maintenance 5. Deposits of silicon dioxide may be removed by soaking the internal parts in solution of 5% of hydrofluoric acid (5 parts hydrofluoric acid (HF), 95 parts water (H20)] followed by Freon ТЕ. 6. Sintered type restrictor elements should be replaced, as it is not possible to adequately remove deposits from them. Wire mesh and A.C.L.EE. type restrictor elements can be cleaned in an ultrasonic bath. Refer to Section 4.7 for the correct restrictor to use. 7. Blow dll ports dry with dry nitrogen and reassemble. Refer to Section 4.4.2 (Assembly). Purge the assembled controller with dry nitrogen. Perform the calibration procedure in Section 3.4. 10. When the controller is re-installed in the system, the connections should be leak tested and the system should be purged with dry nitrogen for 30 minutes prior to startup to prevent the formation of deposits. 4.3 Sensor Tube The sensor tube is part of a calibrated flow divider that is designed to operate within a preset gas flow range. The sensor assembly may be removed or replaced by referring to Section 4.4, Disassembly and Assembly. If the sensor assembly is cleaned and reinstalled, a calibration check should be performed. Refer to Section 3.4. 4.4 Disassembly and Assembly You may disassemble the mass flow controller in the field for cleaning, rearranging or servicing. Disassemble and assemble the controller as follows: Disassemble the mass flow controller in a clean environment to prevent particulate contamination. 4-5 > Maintenance sensor (Sd) SENSOR SCHEMATIC WIRE PIN White 4 Sensor common — Yellow 1 Heater T— Blue 5 Heater common Upstream H — Red 2 temperature sensor (Su) Su Downstream > — Black 3 temperature Sd 12345 00000 Sensor Connector | ==> ag Flex Circuit Wire Numbers OHMMETER CONNECTION RESULT IF ELECTRICALLY FUNCTIONAL (ground) (Pin 1 or 4 to body) Yellow and white to body Open circuit on ohmmeter. If either heater (yellow), or sensor common (white) are shorted, an ohmmeter reading will be obtained. White to red (Pin 4 to Pin 2) White to black (Pin 4 to Pin 3) Nominal 1100 ohms reading. Depending on temperature and ohmmeter current. Blue to yellow (Pin 5 to Pin 1) Nominal 1200 ohms reading Note: Remove the sensor connector from the PC Board for this procedure. 4-6 Table 4-2 Sensor Troubleshooting Maintenance 4.4.1. Disassembly The numbers in () refer to the spare parts exploded view in Figure 5-1. Do not attempt to disassemble the mass flow controller until pressure has been removed and purging has been performed. Hazardous gas may be trapped in the valve assembly which could result in explosion, fire, or serious injury. Remove the jam nut (1) on top of the valve assembly. 2. Unplug the valve connector from the electronics cover and remove the coil assembly (2). 3. Remove the hex socket screws (3) securing the valve retaining plate (4) attaching the valve stem assembly (6). A When performing the following procedure the valve stem must be removed without cocking it to prevent damage to the valve spring. 4. Carefully remove the valve stem assembly (6). 5. Remove the plunger assembly (7, 8,9, 11). 6. Remove and note the position of the valve spring spacers (10), which may be located above and/or below the lower valve springs (8). | Unscrew the orifice (12) from the flow controller body (14). 8. Carefully unscrew the valve seat {11) from the plunger (7). Note the position and number of spacers (9) and springs (8) that are stacked on the threaded end of the valve seat. 9. Remove the three screws (20) attaching the electronics cover. Remove the electronics cover (23). i’ Maintenance A Be careful not to stress the sensor lead wire to sensor assembly junction when removing the sensor connector from the PC Board. If the sensor lead wires are stressed, an open in the sensor wiring could result. 10. Unplug the sensor connector from the PC Board. Remove the two screws securing the bracket (24) and PC Board (15). Remove the bracket and PC Board. (TOP VIEW) > Figure 4-1. Torque Sequence for the Valve Retainer Plate 11. Remove the two screws (18) and washers.(19) securing the sensor assembly (16). Remove the sensor assembly. Do not attempt to disassemble the sensor assembly. 4-8 Maintenance Do not scratch the O-Ring sealing surface. 12. Remove the sensor assembly O-rings (17) from the flow controller body (14). Using the proper O-ring removal tool will help prevent scratching the sealing surface. 13. Remove the adapter fittings (27) from the flow controller body (14). 14. Remove the restrictor assembly (21) from the inlet side of the flow controller body (14) using the restrictor tool (part of the service tool kit listed in Section 5, Table 5-2). 4.4.2. Assembly Do not get Halocarbon lubricant on the restrictor element (21) or hands. This is a special inert lubricant which is not easily removed. We recommend that you replace all O-rings during controller assembly. Lubricate all O-rings lightly with Halocarbon lubricant (part of O-ring kit, Section 5) prior to their installation. Examine all parts for signs of wear or damage, replace as necessary. 2. Place the restrictor O-ring on the restrictor assembly. Screw the restrictor assembly (21) into the inlet side of the flow controller body using the restrictor tool, tighten hand tight. 4-10 Ff’ Maintenance 10. 11. 12. Perform the following steps as written. Placing the O-rings on the sensor before it is installed will result in damage to the O-rings, causing a leak. Press the lubricated sensor O-rings (17) into the flow controller body (14). Install the sensor assembly and secure with two screws (18) and washers (19) tightened to 15 in/Ibs. Install the orifice (12) and its O-ring (13), using a 38 nut driver. Insure that the orifice is fully seated, but do not overtighten. Insert the valve preload spacers (10), if used, into the valve cavity in the flow controller body (14). Use care to preserve the correct order. Place the spacers (9) and springs (8) on the valve seat (11) in the same order as noted in Step 8 of the disassembly. Screw the valve seat (11) into the plunger (7). Tighten the assembly until there is no looseness, but do not overtighten. Install the valve plunger assembly (7, 8, 9 and 11) on the preload spacers (10). Install air gap spacers (10), if used, on top of the valve springs. Install the valve stem assembly (6). Secure with the valve retaining plate (4) and four hex socket screws (3). When installing the screws, they should first make light contact with the plate. Check the plate to insure that it makes full contact around the stem assembly. Torque the screws securing the valve retaining plate in a diagonal pattern (refer to Figure 4-1) to 15 in/Ibs. Install the coil assembly (2) over the valve stem assembly (6) and secure with ¡am nut (1). Install the printed circuit (PC) board (15), secure with the bracket (24) and two screws. Plug the connector from the sensor assembly onto the PC Board. The flow arrow on the connector should be pointing toward the valve assembly. Install the electronics cover (23) on the controller. Secure with three screws (20). Plug the connector from the valve coil into the PC Board through the hole in the electronics cover. Prior to installation, leak and pressure test to any applicable pressure vessel codes. Maintenance 4.4.3 Adjusting the Control Valve The control valve has been factory adjusted to insure proper operation. Readjustment is only required if any of the following parts have been replaced: orifice (12) valve stem (6) plunger (7) lower guide springs (8) valve seat (11) The valve is adjusted in the mass flow controller by adding spacers (9 and 10) to the control valve assembly to vary the air gap and initial preload. Spacers are used to affect the proper adjustment because they provide a reliable and repeatable means for adjustment. Screw type adjustment mechanisms can change with pressure or vibration and introduce an additional dynamic seal that is a potential leak site and source for contamination. Refer to Figure 4-2 for spacer locations. AIR GAP \ UPPER GUIDE SPRING = / VA PLUNGER COI so STEM TS 7 Da AIR GAP SPACER | (SMALL DIA.) “ DECREASES AIR GAP PRELOAD SPACER To (SMALL DIA.) A INCREASES PRELOAD VALVES HAVE 2 GROOVES IN THE PLUNGER AND A e , CURVED SURFACE EL | ON THE BOTTOM e OF THE STEM. = & Y LOWER GUIDE FLOW SPRINGS 7 (2 USED PRELOAD SPACER / WITH ORIFICES (LARGE DIA.) .014 AND DECREASES PRELOAD SMALLER) ORIFICE VALVE SEAT Figure 4-2. Valve Adjusting Spacer Locations 4-11 ES Maintenance The preload determines the initial force that is required to raise the valve seat off the orifice and start gas flow. If the preload is insufficient the valve will not fully close and gas will leak through. If the preload is excessive, the magnetic force generated between the plunger and stem will be insufficient to raise the plunger and the valve will not open. The airgap is the space between the top of the plunger and stem. The airgap determines the force between the plunger and stem at a given voltage and the total travel of the valve. If the airgap is too small, the plunger travel may be insufficient to fully open the valve; also, the magnetic force may be too high for a given valve cell voltage. If the airgap is too large, the magnetic force will be insufficient to raise the plunger and the valve will not open. Prior to starting the valve adjustment procedure, check to insure that the orifice is properly seated and that the valve parts are not bent or damaged. 1. Adjustment Procedure (Refer to Section 5, Spare Parts for the spacer kit) a. Remove the electronics cover (23) from the controller. Insure that the connector from the coil assembly (2) is properly reconnected to the PC Board after the electronics cover is removed. b. Perform the electrical and gas connections to the controller following the instructions in Section 2 of this manual. Use a clean dry inert gas, such as nitrogen, for this procedure. Do not apply gas pressure to the controller at this time. c. Disassemble the control valve following the procedure given in Section 4.4.1, above. Note the number, locations and thickness of all spacers (9 and 10). а. Decrease the preload of the valve by 0.005 inches by either removing a 0.005 inch small preload spacer or by adding a 0.005 inches large preload spacer. Refer to Figure 4-2. e. Reassemble the valve following the assembly procedure in Section 4.4. f. Command 0% flow, apply normal operating pressure and check for valve leak-through by observing the output signal. g. If the valve leaks through, increase the preload by 0.005 inch and go to Step h. If the valve does not leak through, repeat steps d, e, f and g. h. Арр\у the normal operating gas pressure and command 100% flow (5.000 volts on terminal A, pin 2). Maintenance Due to possible heat capacity and density differences between the test gas and actual process gas for which the MFC was sized, it may be necessary to increase the inlet pressure fo obtain proper control at 100% flow. i. Measure the valve voltage by connecting a voltmeter between test point 3 (TP3) and test point 4 (TP4). Refer to Figure 4-3. Valve Voltage = -1 4.2 voltage at TP3. i1. If the flow controller output signal is 100% (5.0 V) and the valve voltage is less than 11.5 V, the valve adjustment is complete. i2. If the flow controller output signal is 100% (5.0 V) and the valve voltage is greater than 11.5 V, decrease the air gap with a small 0.005 inch. air gap spacer. Refer to Figure 4-2. Repeat steps h and i. ¡3. If the flow controller output signal is less than 100% (5.0 V) and the valve voltage is greater than 11.5 V. This condition indicates that the inlet pressure is too low and or the orifice size is too small. First check Section 4.6 to insure that the orifice size is correct. k. Proceed to Section 3 and perform 3-4 Calibration Procedure, if required. 4.5 Using the Conversion Tables If a mass flow controller is operated on a gas other than the gas it was calibrated with, a scale shift will occur in the relationship between the output signal and the mass flow rate. This is due to the difference in heat capacities between the two gases. This scale shift can be approximated by using the ratio of the molar specific heat of the two gases, or sensor conversion factor. A list of sensor conversion factors is given in Table 4-3. To change to a new gas, multiply the output reading by the ratio of the gas factor for the desired gas to the gas factor for the calibration gas. Actual gas _ Output factor of the new gas flow rate reading factor of the calibrated gas Example: The controller is calibrated for nitrogen. The desired gas is carbon dioxide. 4-13 Maintenance The output reading is 75 sccm when carbon dioxide is flowing. Then 75 x 0.78 = 58.50 sccm To calculate the conversion factor for a gas mixture, use the following formula: Sensor Conversion 100 Factor P; P, P, Mixture sensor sensor sensor conversion conversion conversion factor 1 factor 2 factor n __— VOLTMETER | = = = hl Test Points: Circuit Common TP2 Lin. Vollage + I. TPt Sensor Vollage — (X-100) Span Linearity Sensor Anticipate Connector Zero о ===> Figure 4-3. Voltmeter Connections for Valve Adjustment Maintenance Where: P1 = percentage (%) of gas 1 (by volume) P2 = percentage (%) of gas 2 (by volume) Pn = percentage (%) of gas n (by volume) Example: The desired gas is 20% Helium (He) and 80% Chlorine (Cl) by volume. The desired full scale flow rate of the mixture is 20 slpm. Sensor conversion factor for the mixture is: Mixture _ 100 Factor 20 , 80 1.39 .83 =.903 Air equivalent flow = 20/.903 = 22.15 slpm air It is generally accepted that the mass flow rate derived from this equation is only accurate to +5%. The sensor conversion factors given in Table 4-3 are calculated based on a gas temperature of 21°C and a pressure of one atmosphere. The specific heat of most gases is not strongly pressure and temperature dependent; however gas conditions that vary widely from these reference conditions may cause an additional error due to the change in specific heat due to temperature and/or pressure. 4-15 7 Maintenance [ Specific Heat Sensor | Specific Orifice Gas Symbol Cp at 25° C and Toxic Flammable | Conversion Gravity (SG)| Conversion 1 Atm. J/mole K . Factor" | at21.1°C | Factor /SC Acetylene CoH, 44 308 No Yes 0.66 0.908 0.953 Air (Mixture) 29.13 No No 1.00 1.000 1.000 Allene Сан, 60.84 No Yes 0.48 1.385 1.177 Ammonia NHa 36.953 Yes Yes 0.79 .588 .767 Argon Ar 20.83 No No 1.40 1.376 1.173 Arsine Agha 38.522 Yes Yes 0.76 2.660 1.631 Boron Trichloride BCL, 65.655 Yes No 0.44 4.028 2.007 Boron Trifluoride BF, 50.242 Yes No 0.58 2.375 1.541 Bromine Pentafluoride BrFs 101.4 Yes Yes 0.29 6.037 2.4570. at 21° € Bromine Trifluoride BrFa 66.65 Yes Yes 0.44 4.726 2.174 Liq. at 21° € Butane CaH1o 100.365 No Yes 0.29 2.076 1.44 Butene CaHg 87.329 No Yes 0.33 1.985 1.409 Carbon Dioxide CO, 37.564 No No 0.78 1.518 1.232 Carbon Monoxide co 29.204 Yes Yes 0.99 0.964 0.982 Carbon Tetracloride CCL4 84.438 Yes No 0.35 5.304 2.303 Carbon Tetrafluoride CF, 61.27 Yes No 0.48 3.021 1738 | Carbonyl Fluoride COF, 108.5 Yes Yes 0.27 2.332 1527 | Carbonyl Suifide COS 42.752 Yes Yes 0.68 2.065 1.437 "Chlorine cL, 35.317 Yes Yes 0.83 2.462 1.569 Chloroform CHCL, 65.756 Yes Yes 0.44 4.117 2.029 Chlorine Trifluoride CLF, 67.117 Yes Yes 0.43 3.165 1.779 Cyanogen CaNo 38.338 Yes Yes 0.50 1.798 1.341 Cyctopropane CaHg 57.559 Yes Yes 0.51 1.445 1.202 Deuterium Do 29.204 No Yes 1.00 0.1385 0.372 Diborane BoHg 53.346 Yes Yes 0.55 0.964 0.982 Dichlorosilane SiH2CL» 65.73 Yes Yes 0,44 3.471 1.863 Dimethylamine (CHa)>NH 43.428 Yes Yes 0.67 1.545 1.243 Dimethylether (CH3)50 49.40 Yes Yes 0.59 1.583 1.258 Ethane CoHg 53.346 No Yes 0.55 1.038 1.019 Ethyl Chloride CoHsCL 102.090 Yes Yes 0.29 2.217 1489 | Ethylene CoHy 43.428 No Yes 0.62 0.964 0.982 | Ethylene Oxide CoH40 49.40 Yes Yes 0.59 1.514 1.231 Fluorine Fo 31.449 Yes Yes 0.93 1.304 1.142 Flucroform CH Fa 51.557 Мо Мо 0.57 2.418 1.555 НЕ 11 CCLaF 77.613 No No 0.38 4858 [2204 @ 238°C Freon 12 CCLoF, 74.469 No No 0.39 4.248 2.061 Freon 13 CCLF4 67.655 No No 0.43 3.799 1.949 | Freon 13 81 CBrF, 70.590 No . No 0.41 5.117 2.262 | Freon 14 CF, 61.271 No No 0.475 3.021 1.738 Freon 21 CHCL,F 60.994 Yes No 0.46 3.799 1949 | | Freon 22 CHCLF, 57.524 No No 0.51 3021 1.738 | Freon 23 CHF, 51.56 No No 0.57 2.418 1.555 Freon 113 CCI9F-CCIF, 126.10 No No 0.23 6.126 2.475 Freon 114 CCloF4-CCIF, 112.992 No No 0.258 5.784 2.405 Freon 115 CCIF,-CF5 105.86 Yes No 0.274 5.541 2.354 | Freon 116 CF3-CF3 126.65 No No 0.23 4.748 2179 | “Air equals 1.000 for Conversion factors. Note: The information given in they should not be solely the toxicity and flammability columns is intended as a rehed upon for establishing approp Table 4-3 Conversion Factors general guide. The accuracy is not guaranteed and rate procedures for your operation. Maintenance Spec fic Heat Sensor Specific Orifice Gas Symbo! Cp at 25° C and Toxic Flammable | Conversion ¡Gravity 1SGI| Conversion 1 Atm J mole K Factor’ at 211°C | Factors’ 3G Germane Сен, 45 020 Yes Yes “ 065 2.634 1623 Helium He 20 967 No No 139 0.138 0.371 | Hexamethvidisizane HMDS 208 1 — — 014 5.574 2.361 Hydrogen Но 28.851 Мо Yes 1.01 0070 0.264 Hydrogen Bromide HBr 29 791 Yes No 0.98 2769 1.664 Hydrogen Chlorige :Dry) HCL 29.576 Yes No 0.89 1254 1120 Hydrogen Fluoride HF 16 155 Yes No 100 0.689 0.830 Hydrogen locide HI 30 497 Yes Yes 0.06 4 431 2.105 Hydrogen Selenide HoSe 34 752 Yes Yes 084 2.769 1664 Hydrogen Sulfide HoS 34 218 Yes Yes 0 85 1.184 1.088 Isobutane C4H10 94 163 No Yes 0 31 2.045 1.430 isobutylene CaHg 86.883 No Yes 034 1.985 1 409 Krypton Kr 21 037 No No 1.39 2.883 1.698 Methane CH4 35.941 No Yes 081 0.561 0.749 Methylamine CHaNH> 51460 Yes Yes 0 57 1.080 1.048 Methyl Bromide CH4Br 45.020 Yes No 065 3.244 1.801 Methyt Chloride CHaCL 42.326 Yes Yes 0.69 1.750 1.323 Methyt Fluoride CH3F 38.171 No Yes 0.76 1171 1.082 Methyl Mercaptan CH45 49 491 Yes Yes 0.59 1663 1.289 Neon Ne 20 789 No No 140 0.692 0.832 Nitric Oxide NO 29.227 Yes No 1.00 1.022 1.011 Nitrogen No 28 98 No No 1.005 0.964 0.982 Nitrogen Dioxide NO» 36.974 Yes No 0.760 2.829 1.682 Nitrogen Trioxide NoO4 65.618 Yes No 0.44 2.621 1.619 Nitrogen Trifluoride NF 53 371 Yes No 055 2.462 1.569 Nitrous Oxide NO 38.635 No No 075 1.528 1.236 Oxygen Os 29 427 No No 0.99 1.098 1.048 Ozone Оз 39.238 Yes Yes 0.74 1.654 1.286 Pentaborane BgHg 100.372 — — 0.29 2.177 1.475 n Pentane CsH49 120 146 — — 0.24 2.488 1577 Perchlory! Fluoride CLO4F 64 733 Yes No 045 3.501 1871 Phosgene COCL, 57 693 Yes No 0.51 3.411 1.847 Phosphine PH3 37.126 Yes Yes 079 1.166 1.080 Phosphorus Pentafluonde РЕ; — Yes No 0.35 à 289 2.071 Propane CaHg 74 01 No Yes 0.39 1.565 1.251 Propylene (Propene) CaHg 62.345 No Yes 0.47 1.468 1.212 Silane SiH, 42 844 Yes Yes 0.68 1.105 1.051 Silicon Tetrachloride ~~ SiC, 90.186 Yes — 0.32 5.861 2421 | Sikcon Tetrafluoride SiF4 73.492 Yes No 0.40 3.595 1 896 Sulfur Dioxide $0» 39 884 Yes No 0.73 2.253 1.501 Sulfur Hexafluoride SFg 97 152 No No 0.30 5.318 2.306 Trichiorosiiane SICH 88.27 — — 0.33 4.670 2.161 Trimethytamine (CH313N 91 931 Yes Yes 0.32 2.076 1.441 Tungsten Hexatluoride WFg 100.939 — — 0.29 10.270 3.205 Uranium Hexafluonde UFg 130.789 — — 0.22 12.139 3.484 Vinyl Bromide Сонг 55.531 Yes Yes 0.53 3.799 1.949 Vinyl Chtoride CoHzCL 53 607 Yes Yes 0.54 2.146 1.465 |_ Vinyl Fluoride CoHaF 50 459 No Yes 0.58 1.583 1.258 Xenon Xe 21012 No No 1.39 4 584 2.141 I Table 4-3 (Continued) 4-17 - NE AAA "EA Ao pr Maintenance 4.6 Using the Orifice Sizing Nomograph The Orifice Sizing Nomograph, Table 4-4, is used to calculate the contro] valve's orifice size when changing any or all of the following factors from the original factory calibration. gas Operating pressure (inlet & outlet) flow range The flow controller's orifice is factory-sized to a preselected gas operating pressure and flow range. Note that the orifice is marked with its size in thousandths of an inch. When changing the aforementioned factors, calculate the new orifice size by following the procedure and example outlined below. Example: Determine the orifice size for the following conditions: Gas Hydrogen Flow Rate: 2000 scem Outlet Pressure: — 30 psig Inlet Pressure: 50 psig I." Determine air equivalent flow rate (Refer to Table 4-3) D О. = © | 988 or alr gas D,, Q SG air = Qgas y where SG. = 100 О, = Air equivalent flow rate (sccm) Qu, = Desired flow rate of the gas (sccm) (Based on 0°C standard temperature) D. = Density of air at 70°F Da = Density of the gas (taken at customer temperature) SCoos = Specific gravity of the gas (taken at customer temperature) Refer to Table 4-3 for specific gravities Example: What is the air equivalent flow rate of 2000 sccm Hydrogen? Qgas = 2000 seem SGgas =.264 Qair = Ода SGpas = 2000 x.264 = 528 sccm air 4-18 Maintenance To calculate the orifice conversion factor when using a gas mixture, use the following formula: ‘ orifice Y orifice Y orifice orifice |P, conversion | +P,| conversion | +P,| conversion conversion factor 1 factor 2 factor n factor 100 - mixture Where P, Po Pa percentage by volume of gas 1 percentage of volume of gas 2 percentage by volume of gas n Example: Find the air equivalent flow for 20 slpm of a 20% Helium and 80% Chlorine gas mixture. orifice conversion _ 2 (-371) +80(1.573) factor 100 mixture =1.417 Q Air Q gas (orifice conversion factor) 20 x 1.417 28.34 slpm air 2. Ifinlet and outlet pressures are given in gauge pressure (psig) add 14.7 to convert to absolute pressure (psia). Outlet Pressure—30 psig = 14.7 = 44.7 psia Inlet Pressure—50 psig = 14.7 = 64.7 psia 3. Determine Critical Pressure Drop | Critical pressure drop occurs when the outlet pressure (psia) is less than half the <P inlet inlet pressure (psia) or P outlet If these conditions exist, calculate the pressure drop (Ap) as follows: Р Ap = 2 P= Ap = Pressure drop (psi) Pin = Inlet pressure (psia) If these conditions do not exist, pressure drop equals the inlet pressure minus the outlet pressure. 4-19 OA ELA GALA ENLACE DELE aN E Maintenance Is 44.7 psia < No. 64.7 psia > > Then Ap = 64.7 — 44.7 = 20 psi 4. Using the nomograph, locate the pressure drop (psi) on the vertical line marked Ap, (point A). 5. Locate the air equivalent flow rate [seem air) on the vertical line marked Quir (point B). 6. Draw a line connecting Ap and Qui, and extend it to the baseline. Mark this рот! (С). Locate inlet pressure (psia) on the vertical line marked P,, (point D). 8. Draw a line connecting P;, (point D) and baseline (point С) and then extend this line to the vertical line marked D, (orifice diameter, inches), (point E). 9. This point on the D, line is the minimum orifice size for the given conditions. If this point is between two orifice sizes, select the next largest size orifice to ensure adequate flow. If the orifice selected falls below .0013, choose .0013 size orifice. For this example, the .007 size orifice would be selected. 4-20 914 == 010 adem 004 ——— 003 —3— wl Do (In! BASE Pin tpsial AP psi) 20 re 1560 50 1200 as 09 — 1000 00 076 —pu В 052 — 10 00 048 =r 25 450 100 20 932 — += ® 200 "5 020 — CAUTION REPRODUCTION OF THIS CHART MAY SERIOUSLY AFFECT ITS ACCURACY. Figure 4-4. Example Nomograph Co tin) BASE Pinipsial Ap psi) 1200 45 008 —. 1000 40 an — 35 ‚0062 — зо 0 — 500 . 25 Q AIR 400 tsccml 300 2 032 — 30000 20000 200 а 020 —+ 19000 5000 014 — 9000 00 » 2000 00 — 06s 50 500 007 —+ 200 4 200 30 5 wo 20 004 — 30 20 e 063 — 5 2 002 — 0018 —- #_ Table 4-4 Orifice Sizing Nomograph SCCM Ан Бану! Flow Standard Part Number Standard Size Low High Sintered ACLFE Wire Mesh D 8.022 11.36 5-110-2-296° $-110-2-275" Е 11.23 15.90 S-110-2-297 $-110-2-276 F 15.72 22.26 S-110-Z-298 S-110-Z-277 G 22.01 31.17 S-110-2-299 S-110-Z-278 H 30.82 43.64 S-110-Z-300 S-110-Z-279 J 4314 61.09 5-110-2-301 $-110-2-280 K 60.40 85.53 S-110-2-302 S-110-Z-281 L 84.56 119.7 S-110-Z-303 S-110-2-282 M 1184 1676 S-110-2-304 S-110-Z-283 N 165.7 234.7 5-110-7-305 S-110-2-284 Р 232.0 328.6 $-110-2-306 $-110-7-285 O 324.8 460.0 S-110-Z-307 S-110-2-286 R 454.8 644.0 S-110-2-308 S-110-Z-287 5 636.7 901.6 S-110-2-309 $-110-7-288 T 8914 1262. S-110-2-310 S-110-Z-289 U 1248. 1767. S-110-Z-311 5-110-7-290 у 1747. 2474. S-110-2-312 5-110-7-291 w 2446. 3464. $-110-2-313 5-110-7-292 X 3424. 4849. 5-110-2-319' Y 4794. 6789. 5-110-2-321 1 6711. 9504. $-110-2-317 2 9396. 13310. S-110-Z-228 3 13150. 18630. “ S-110-Z-226 4 18420 30000. S-110-Z-224 "Materrals: BMT = 316 Stainless Steel {ACLFE only) Note: For flow rates less than 8 sccm use the low flow plug, P/N 618-K-019-BMT in place of a restrictor assembly and install a low flow filler ring P/N 724-2-363-BMT in the valve cavity alter the orifice 1s CVA = Hastelloy C (ACLFE and sintered) DCA = Monel R (ACLFE and sintered) BMA = Sintered 316 Stainless Steel (wire mesh and sintered) installed. Table 4-5 FM A-7000E Restrictors 4-21 RER a EPA ath AAA ALEA Jarl Mea adem wn FY LIE TUN Ll AA FP’ Maintenance 4.7 Restrictor Sizing The restrictor assembly is a ranging device for the sensor portion of the controller. It creates a pressure drop which is linear with flow rate. This diverts a sample quantity of the process gas flow through the sensor. Each restrictor maintains the ratio of sensor flow to restrictor flow; however, the total flow through each restrictor is different. Different restrictors (micron porosity and active area) have different pressure drops and produce controllers with different full scale flow rates. For a discussion of the interaction of the various parts of the controller, review Section 3.1 (Theory of Operation). If the restrictor assembly has been contaminated with foreign matter, the pressure drop versus flow characteristics will be altered and it must be cleaned or replaced. It may also be necessary to replace the restrictor assembly when the mass flow controller is to be calibrated to a new flow rate. Restrictor assembly replacement should be performed only by trained personnel. The tools required for the removal/replacement procedure are as follows: Appropriate size wrench for the removal of the inlet process connection Restrictor removal tool (contained in service tool kit P/N S-778-D-017-AAA) Restrictor O-ring (refer to Spare Parts Section 5 for the correct part number) 4.7.1 Restrictors The mass flow controller uses three types of restrictor assemblies depending on full scale flowrate and expected service conditions. * Porous sintered metal for air equivalent flow rates up to and including 9.5 sipm. The porosity ranges from 1-40 microns. This type of assembly is least expensive and should be used when the gas stream will not contain any particulate matter. * Sintered wire mesh for air equivalent flow rates above 3.5 sipm. These restrictor assemblies are made from a cylinder of sintered wire mesh and are easily cleaned if they become contaminated in service. * Anti-Clog Laminar Flow Element (ACLFE). This type of restrictor assembly is used for air equivalent flow rates less than 3.4 sipm. The ACLFE is much more tolerant to particulate contamination than the sintered metal assembly. This is especially important when handling semiconductor gases that tend to precipitate particles. The ACLFE will also improve accuracy when operating at very low pressures. The ACLFE can be field-installed to replace a sintered restrictor. After installation, we recommend recalibrating the unit. Without recalibration accuracy will be from 3-6% of full scale. 4-22 Maintenance 4.7.2 Sizing All FMA-7000E Series Restrictor Assemblies are factory adjusted to provide a 115 mm water column pressure drop for a specific flow rate. This corresponds to the desired full scale flow rate. A list of restrictor assemblies used in the FMA-7000E Series Mass Flow Controllers is shown in Table 4-5. Example: The desired gas is Silane (SiH4). The desired full scale flow rate is 200 sccm. Sensor conversion factor is 0.68 from Table 4-3. Air equivalent flow = 200/0.68 = 294.1 sccm air. In the example above, a size P restrictor would be selected. Both the sintered metal and ACLFE are available for this size. Either type will work; however, since Silane is known to precipitate silicon dioxide particles when contaminated, an anti-clog laminar flow element should be selected for this application. If the calculated flow rate is such that two different size restrictors could be used, always select the larger size. If a mixture of two or more gases is being used, the restrictor selection must be based on the air equivalent flow rate of the mixture. Example: The desired gas is 20% Helium (He) and 80% Chlorine (Cl) by volume. The desired full scale flow rate of the mixture is 20 slpm. Sensor conversion factor for the mixture is: Mixture _ 100 Factor 20 _ 80 1.39 .83 =.903 Air equivalent flow = 20/.903 = 22.15 slpm air. In this example, a size 4 wire mesh assembly would be selected. 4-23 Notes 4-24 5.1 General When ordering parts, please specify: OMEGA Serial Number, Model Number, Part Description, Part Number, and Quantity. (Refer to Figure 5-1 and Tables 5-1 and 5-2). Figure 5-1. FMA-7000E Parts Drawing 5-1 5-2 A Parts List No Qty. Description Part Number 1 1 Jam Nut 573-8-027-ACK 2 1 Coil Assembly S-185-Z-271-AAA 3 4 Screw, Valve 751-C-322-AWA 4 1 Retaining Plate 715-27-169-С2% 5 1 O-Ring, Valve Stem, Size 016 375-B-016--.. 6 1 Valve Stem, Corrosion Resistant* 949-Z-203-QOA 6A 1 Valve Plug 953-Z-068-BMT 6B 1 Vaive Ring 763-Z-064-+++ 6C 1 Vaive O-ring 375-В-016-*** 7 1 Valve Plunger Assy., Corrosion Resistant’ S-622-Z-165-AAA 8 1or2 | Lower Guide Spring, see Section 4-4C 820-Z-083-BMA 9 AR Small Vaive Spacer, 0.005” Thick 810-A-362-BMA 9 AR Smail Valve Spacer, 0.010" Thick 810-A-363-BMA 10 AR Large Valve Spacer, 0.005” Thick 810-A-368-BMA 10 AR Large Valve Spacer, 0.010" Thick 810-A-361-BMA Valve Seat with Vitont Insert S-715-Z-051-AAA 11 1 Valve Seat with Bunat Insert S-715-Z-050-AAA Vaive Seat with Kairezt insert S-715-Z-163-AAA Valve Seat Solid 316 Stainless Steel 715-2-181-BNT Stainless Hastalloy 1D 0.0013" 577-Z-375-BMT 577-2-404-CVA ID 0.002” 577-Z-376-BMT 577-Z-405-CVA ID 0.003” 577-2-377-BMT 577-Z-406-CVA ID 0.004” 577-Z-378-BMT 577-Z-407-CVA ID 0.007” 577-Z-381-BMT 577-Z-410-CVA ID 0.010" 577-2-383-BMT 577-2-412-CVA 12 1 Orifice ID 0.014” 577-2-385-BMT 577-Z-414-CVA 1D 0.020" 577-Z-387-BMT 577-Z-416-CVA ID 0.032" 577-Z-391-BMT 577-Z-420-CVA ID 0.048” 577-Z-393-BMT 577-2-422-CVA ID 0.062" 577-Z-395-BMT 577-Z-424-CVA ID 0.078” 577-Z-397-BMT 577-Z-426-CVA (Refer to Section 4-6 ID 0.093” 577-Z-398-EMT 577-2-427-CVA for sizing) ID 0,116” 577-Z-399-BMT 577-Z-428-CVA ID 0.120" 577-Z-400-BMT 577-Z-429-CVA 13 1 O-ring, Orifice, Size 008 375-8-008-=.- 14 1 Controller Body 092-Z-768-BM% 15 1 PC Board Assembly (Card Edge) S-097-Y-824-AAA (D-connector) S-097-Y-847-AAA 16 1 Sensor Assembly S-774-Z-607-AAA 17 2 O-ring, Sensor, Size 004 375-В-004-+** 18 2 Screw Sensor-Body 753-B-269-AWA 19 2 Lock Washer, Sensor 962-D-006-AWA 20 5 Screw, Sensor-PC Board-Cover 753-L-056-AWZ 21 1 Restrictor Assembly and Components (Refer to Section 4-7 for sizing) 22 1 O-Ring, Restrictor, Size 109 375-B-109-... 23 1 Electronics Cover Can (Card Edge) 219-Z-376-EA% (D-Connector) 219-Z-377-EA% 23A 1 Cover Plate (D-Con. Version Only) 852-Z-209-EA% 24 1 PC Board Mounting Bracket 079-Z-135-EAA 25 1 Centrating Ring (Card Edge Only) 106-D-073-MDQ 106-D-072-MDQ 26 2 Pot Hole Plug 620-Z-434-SXA *** QTA-Viton, SUA-Buna, TTA-Kalrez AR As required NS Not shown Table 5-1 Replacement Parts List Parts List QTA-Viton, SUA-Buna, TTA-Kalrez AR As required NS Not shown em Qty. Description Part Number Fittings: 1/4" Compression, Swagelok 320-B-136-BMA 27 2 28 2 O-ring, Fitting, Size 906 375-B-906- «.. Interconnecting Cables: Length Card Edge Connector on one end 5 Feet S-124-Z-469-AAA with no termination 10 Feet S-124-Z-470-AAA NS on other end 25 Feet S-124-Z-471-AAA 1 50 Feet | S-124-Z-472-AAA Card Edge Connector on one end 5 Feet S-124-Z-669-AAA NS with Connector for 5870 10 Feet S-124-Z-539-AAA Series Secondary 25 Feet | S-124-Z-562-AAA Electronics on other end 50 Feet S-124-Z-670-AAA 29 2 8-32 Mounting Screw Customer Supplied Table 5-1 Replacement Parts List (Continued) 5-3 TRL LR EARS a UN AMIA. aa = wa a FAL: re E 7 ru at CA E oT E ы Po ag” Ot И E CO FA te pre LES ky ven e E a 5-4 FO Parts List Ma Ll > se ВЫ “a + oC . TEN TS e a A Aw: › 7 - - ! Satin 9” , > бол . a! LR yy as Msn Era TET ‘ run au cay Uy Ne - sf ihr te o HPC t $ * Sy wal e 359 Lid ald # x * “ ol . NOR kw "id DI ee Baye : # FMA-7000E Service Tool Kit P/N 5-778-D-017-AÑA Permits the complete disassembly of the unit for servicing Contains: 1 — O-Ring Removal Tool 1 — Potentiometer Adjustment Tool 1 — Bait Point Allen Wrench 1 — Phillips Screw Driver 1 — Nut Driver for Orifice 1 — Restrictor Removal Tool 1 — Common Screw Driver FMA-7000E O-Ring Service P/N S-375-Z-278-""" Contains: 1 — Orifice O-Ring 1 — Restrictor O-Ring 1 — Valve O-Ring 2 — Sensor O-Rings 2 — Adapter O-Rings 1 — Syringe with Halocarbon Grease 1 — Information Sheet FMA-7000E Break Out Board Assembly P/N S-273-Z-649-AAA Card Edge Version Instalis directly between mass flow controller and interconnecting cable. Allows convenient access to all signals for easy troubleshooting of system Contains: 1 — Break Out PC Board 1 — 5 foot Extension Cable 1 — Terminal PC Board FMA-7000E Valve Shim Kit P/N S-810-A-372-BMA Contains: 1 — .010” Large Spacer 2 — .005” Large Spacers 1 — .010" Smait Spacer 2 — 005" Small Spacers FMA-7000E Calibration Cover - Edge Card P/N 909-Z-011-EAD QTA-Viton. SUA-Buna, TTA-Kalrez Table 5-2 FMA-7000E Tool and Spare Parts Kit ELA © WARRANTY : i OMEGA warrants this unit to be free of defects in materials and workmanship and to give satisfactory service for a period of 13 months from date of purchase. OMEGA Warranty adds an additional one (1) month grace period to the normal one (1) year product warranty to cover handling and shipping time. This ensures that our customers receive maximum coverage on each product. If the unit should malfunction, it must be returned to the factory for evaluation. Our Customer Service Department will issue an Authorized Return (AR) number immediately upon phone or written request. Upon examination by OMEGA, if the unit is found to be defective it will be repaired or replaced at no charge. However, this WARRANTY is VOID if the unit shows evidence of having been tampered with or shows evidence of being damaged as a result of excessive corrosion; or current, heat, moisture or vibration; improper specification; misapplication; misuse or other operating conditions outside of OMEGA's control. Components which wear or which are damaged by mis- use are not warranted. These include contact points, fuses, and triacs. We are glad to offer suggestions on the use of our various products. Nevertheless, OMEGA only warrants that the parts manufactured by it will be as specified and free of defects. OMEGA MAKES NO OTHER WARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS OF ANY KIND WHATSOEVER, EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, EXCEPT THAT OF TITLE AND ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES INCLUDING ANY WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE HEREBY DISCLAIMED. LIMITATION OF LIABILITY: The remedies of buyer set forth herein are exclusive and the total lia- bility of OMEGA with respect to this order, whether based on contract, warranty, negligence, indemnification, strict liability or otherwise, shall not exceed the purchase price of the compo- nent upon which liability is based. In no event shall OMEGA be liable for consequential, inciden- tal or special damages. Every precaution for accuracy has been taken in the preparation of this manual; however, OMEGA ENGI- NEERING, INC. neither assumes responsibility for any omissions or errors that may appear nor assumes lia- bility for any damages that result from the use of the products in accordance with the information contained in the manual. SPECIAL CONDITION: Should this equipment be used in or with any nuclear installation or activity, buyer will indemnify OMEGA and hold OMEGA harmless from any liability or damage whatsoever arising out of the use of the equipment in such a manner. , * RETURN REQUESTS / INQUIRIES irect all warranty and repair requests/inquiries to the OMEGA ENGINEERING Cust Service Department. Call toll-free in the USA and Canada: 1-800-622-2378, FAX: 203-359-7811; International: 203- 359-1660, FAX: 203-359-7807. BEFORE RETURNING ANY PRODUCTIS) TO OMEGA, YOU MUST OBTAIN AN AUTHORIZED RETURN (AR) NUMBER FROM OUR CUSTOMER SERVICE DEPARTMENT (IN ORDER TO AVOID PROCESSING DELAYS). The assigned AR number should then be marked on the outside of the return package and on any correspon - dence. FOR WARRANTY RETURNS, please have the fol- FOR NON-WARRANTY REPAIRS OR CALIBRATION, lowing information available BEFORE contacting consult OMEGA for current repair/calibration charges. OMEGA: Have the following information available BEFORE con- 1. P.O. number under which the product was tacting OMEGA: PURCHASED, 1. Your P.O. number to cover the COST of the repair/ 2. Model and serial number of the product under calibration, warranty, and 2. Model and serial number of product, and 3. Repair instructions and/or specific problems 3. Repair instructions and/or specific problems you you are having with the product. are having with the product. OMEGA's policy is to make running changes, not model changes, whenever an improvement is possible. This affords our customers the latest in technology and engineering. OMEGA is a registered trademark of OMEGA ENGINEERING, INC. © Copyright 1994 OMEGA ENGINEERING, INC. All rights reserved. This documentation may not be copied, photocopied, reproduced, translated, or reduced to any electronic medium or machine-readable form, in whole or in part, without prior written consent of OMEGA ENGINEERING, INC. + TRADEMARKS BUNA nenes E.I. 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Key features
- Fast response control
- Soft start
- Remote setpoint
- Valve override
- Removable cleanable sensor
Frequently asked questions
Allow approximately 45 minutes for the instrument to warm up and stabilize its temperature.
The power requirements for the FMA-7000E are a +15 V de +5%, 35 mA and a —15 V de +5%, 180 mA.
The maximum working pressure for the FMA-7000E is 1500 psi (10.342 MPa).
The response time of the FMA-7000E is less than 3 seconds response to within 2% of full scale final value with a O to 100% command step.
The FMA-7000E has the following features incorporated in the integral control circuit: Fast Response, adjusted by the anticipate potentiometer; Soft Start, enabled by moving a jumper on the PC Board; Precision 5 Volt Reference allows the direct connection of a command potentiometer to a 0-5 volt command signal to the controller.