John Deere TRAILFIRE, LX, SPORTFIRE, LIQUIFIRE Snowmobile User manual
Below you will find brief information for Snowmobile TRAILFIRE, Snowmobile TRAILFIRE LX, Snowmobile SPORTFIRE, Snowmobile LIQUIFIRE. This manual is written for John Deere dealers and customers who are experienced snowmobilers. It is not intended to provide detailed racing information, but does provide information on how to fine-tune a snowmobile for various altitudes and riding conditions. The information is presented in a cause and effect relationship to help you understand the effects of tuning on the performance of your snowmobile.
. . How .:To Fine Tune . Your 1982 AI FI~;:'s~8~f~~EE®~ Snowmobiles J&- JOHN DEERE ana ~I-'UH I t-IHI:.\!Y Snowmobiles Introd uction This manual is written for John Deere dealers and customers who are experienced snowmobilers. NOTE: This manual is not intended to provide detailed racing information; it is intended to provide the information necessary to fine tune a snowmobile for various altitudes and riding conditions. The information is presented in a cause and effect relationship to help you understand the effects of tuning on the performance of your snowmobile. The procedures are not recommendations unless specifically stated as such. This manual contains instructions for fine tuning the carburetor, power train , and suspension system. Adjust the carburetor first, then the power train, and finally the suspension system . Tuning is often a process of trial and error at the dealerIcustomer level due to a lack of sophisticated equipment. Improved performance in one area may be accompanied by degraded performance in another. The object of fine tuning is to obtain the best overall performance throughout the operating range. NOTE: The John Deere snowmobile is carefully tuned at the factory to provide peak performance for average operating conditions at altitudes of sea level to 4000 feet (1219 my. Fine tuning can improve performance to suit specific operating conditions and can also help compensate for the machine 's power loss at higher altitudes. Before performing any procedures in this manual, be sure you have read and understand the information in your Operator 's Manual. This manual does not contain assembly and disassembly instructions. If you need this information , get the appropriate Technical Manual through your John Deere dealer. NOTE: Some of the procedures require special tools. These tools are described in the Technical Manual. IMPORTANT: All obligations of John Deere warranty shall be terminated if products .1 I". "UU"".".. This manual is written for John Deere dealers and customers who are experienced snowmobilers. NOTE: This manual is not intended to provide detailed racina information: it is intended to orovide the 1 Contents , CARBURETION ;....... Principles of Operation General Tuning Procedure Starting System Float System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . Pilot/Air System. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Throttle Valve Jet Needle. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Needle Jet Main Jet System Power Jet System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Compensation for Altitude and Temperature Page 2-25 ... 2 6 7 ... 8 ... 9 11 12 14 15 . . .17 18 POWER TRAIN 26 Drive Sprocket Ratio 27 102C Drive Sheave 28 TR800 Drive Sheave 35 Driven Sheave .' .37 Drive Sheave and Driven Sheave ~Iignment .. .40 UQUIFIRE Chain Tensioner Adjustment ..... .41 Drive Belt Dimensions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .42 High Altitude Application .42 SUSPENSION Torsion Spring Adjustment Ski Alignment. Ski Steering Control Track Adjustments Track Studs 45 45 .46 .47 47 .48 , Page CARBURETION 2-25 Principles of Operation ; 2 General Tuning Procedure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Starting System 7 Float System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Pilot/Air System. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Carburetion PRINCIPLES OF OPERATION CARBURETORS Snowmobile TRAILFIRE TRAILFIRE LX SPORTFIRE UOUIFIRE PTO Side Mag Side John Deere Part No. Mikuni Part No. AM55053 AM55054 AM55055 VM34/192 VM34/232 VM34/231 AM55436 AM55435 VM36/122 VM36/121 The TRAILFIRE snowmobiles use a standard Mikuni Slide Valve carburetor. The UOUIFIRE and SPORTFIRE snowmobiles use a Mikuni Power Jet carburetor. See pages 22 and 23 to familiarize yourself with the components of each carburetor. The Mikuni carburetors use several fuel metering systems. Standard Slide Valve -Starting System - Float System - Pilot/Air System - Needle Jet and Jet Needle System - Throttle Valve - Main Jet System Power Jet Slide Valve -Starting System - Float System -Pilot/Air System -Needle Jet and Jet Needle System - Throttle Valve -Main Jet System -Power Jet System By carefully matching these fuel metering systems, the carburetor can be tuned for maximum performance and efficiency to suit operating conditions. These systems overlap to provide smooth transition as the throttle moves through its full range of positions. A change in one system can affect the performance of other systems. Any change to the carburetor must be evaluated to determine its effect on other fuel metering systems. The different fuel metering systems provide fuel at various throttle openings as shown in the diagrams on oaaes 3 and 4. PRINCIPLES OF OPERATION CARBURETORS Carburetion 3 THROTTLE VALVE OPENING WI DE ........ OPEN----+-+--....,.......,--.r___lri--f-- .. 3/4 ----+-tI_-fII!!!I!~+--~~ __I_+---__.~ __ 1/2 - - - -....""""~-+--~-I---...._...__.......- 1/81~/4~===~~~~~~~~ff==flt-'r CLOSED PILOT AIR SCREW THROTTLE VALVE-JET NEEDLE------~ NEEDLE JET ---------MAIN JET------------ M20857 M20857 Standard Slide Valve Carburetor 100 95 \ 90 \ 85 JI/I" \ 80 \ 75 ,- \ 70 3: 0 .....J u.. .....J w 60 :::::> 55 .....J 50 c:::e 0 45 u.. 40 I0 ~ , ~S'\ ." ~"\ ~~ """ " '-,- ..--'~ l\.. I' 35 / /" ""<, ~~I: <OJ' I' 30 ~SJ'S ~ ~ ~ 25 ,~ 20 15 , "' <, " .... ,J <, I 10 5 til" ~ s/- -, 65 u, I- \ St- ~" til" <, • I 0 IDLE 1/8 1/2 .. 3/ 4 1/8 1/4 CLOSE D 3/8 114 ,, 1/2 WOT 3/4 THROTTLE OPEN ING \ edit \. 1IDIrn t""'Il /' { "' \\ \ ~ ~ \m 1 J s: (0 0 J= ~ i.-, U J I // lIr J , r tl .. 4 Carburetion THROTTLE VALVE OPENING WI DE OPEN -==1Jj~!tC::S:~~=====::!=tI~=W:= 3/4 1/2 1/4 1/8 CLOSED PI LOT AI R SCREW THROTTLE VALVE-----JET NEEDLE NEEDLE JET---....J MAIN JET POWER JET _ _ ---....J M25733 M25733 Power Jet Carburetor PILOT SYSTEM r~AIN SYSTEtvl POWER SYSTE~1 100% 90 ' ...... " .. , 80 70 FLOH 60 50 " "''" 10 0 '/' / ' '-. 40 30 20 »: ~ ~ /' /' /' o , ~ ..... .. .. -'... .. ,.. .... ~ <, ., . . . ,. . ........ r-- _ _ _ _ . .. ... ""IIli "'-. 1/4 l/Z 3/4 WOT THROTTLE SETTING M29253 Power Jet Carburetor WI DE OPEN --+-+ -F~~-:::::-::::~~~----- ----._ 3/4 --+-\~el&.:J?---=:~~ii!-----..~__~ 1/2 1/4 -~~~~----J'---I-l~-\----,r--II~~f---it---+- 1/8 CLOSED ~\\1~~~~~§SIIa..-. Carburetion 1. The fuel level in the bowl of the float system is the base line. 2. The pilot/air system functions from the time the throttle is in the closed position until it is about 1/4 open. 3. The throttle valve functions from low throttle openings to near wide open throttle. 4. The jet needle and needle jet work together to control the midrange mixture (from approximately 1/4 to near wide open throttle). 5. The main jet system on the standard carburetor determines the mixture at wide open throttle. This system supplies fuel to all but the pilot/air system through the main jet. 6. The main jet system on the power jet carburetor determines the mixture supplied to the engine from 1/4 to wide open throttle. 7. The power jet system provides the additional fuel required from approximately 3/4 to wide open throttle. ." ~. I ne mrome valve runcnons from lOW tnrorne openings to near wide open throttle. 4. The jet needle and needle jet work together to control the midrange mixture (from approximately 1/4 to near wide open throttle). 5. The main jet system on the standard carburetor determines the mixture at wide open throttle. This system supplies fuel to all but the pilot/air system 5 6 Carburetion GENERAL TUNING PROCEDURE The best way to evaluate the tuning of a carbureto r is by operating the snowmobile. IMPORTANT: Operating an engine with too lean a fuel mixture may cause engine damage. Bogging , popping, or spitback during acceleration indicates a lean fuel/air mixture. Because the internal cooling of the engine depends on the fuel to some extent, a fuel/air mixture which is too lean can cause engine overheating. Excessive smoking or rough engine operation indicates a rich fuel/air mixture . If you cannot determine if the fuel/air mixture is too rich or too lean, assume a too lean condition and tune accordingly. When changing parts in a carburetor , keep dirt out of the system. Dirt can clog jets and destroy the performance of a well-tuned carburetor. Tune the carburetor by performing the following steps in the sequence given. Because a change in one system can affect the performance of other systems, checks of related fuel metering systems must be made frequently throughout the tuning procedure . For high altitude applications, refer to the charts on pages 18 and 19. IMPORTANT: All tuning on snowmobiles must be performed with the air intake silencer in place. If not, false readings will result which may cause serious engine damage. oy operating me snowmobi le. IMPORTANT: Operating an engine with too lean a fuel mixture may cause engine damage. Bogging, popping, or spitback during acceleration indicates a lean fuel/air mixture . Because the internal cooling of the engine depends on the fuel to some extent, a fuel/air mixture which is too lean can cause Carburetion Tuning the Carburetor 1. Check the position of starter plunger (see below). 2. Make sure floats are properly adjusted (page 9). 3. Operate snowmobile at wide open throttle and check operation of main jet system (page 15) and power jet system (page 17). If main jet or power jet is changed by several sizes, recheck jet needle and needle jet. 4. Operate engine between idle and 1/4 throttle and check engine operation . Flip choke lever momentarily to provide excess fuel. If engine operation improves, more fuel is needed. If engine operation becomes worse, less fuel is needed. When carburetor is properly tuned there will be very little effect. If adjustment is necessary, perform Step 5 (also see page 10). 5. Check and adjust air screw setting (page 10). If required, change pilot jet (page 10) and readjust air screw. 6. Use air screw adjustment to check for proper throttle valve selection (page 11). IMPORTANT: Except for extreme running conditions, the needle jet should not be changed. 7. Operate snowmobile at mid-throttle settings and check operation of jet needle (page 12) and needle jet (page 14). B. Operate snowmobile through all throttle settings. Check for smooth operation. STARTING SYSTEM Principles of Operation When raised, the starter plunger allows fuel to be metered through starter jet and mixed with air. This fuel/air mixture flows into plunger area, mixes with more air from air intake port used for starting, and is then drawn into engine. The throttle must be closed for this starting system to operate. Adjusting Starter Plunger 1. Inspect starter plunger to make sure it is seated when choke lever (on dash) is in the off (or down) position. Choke cable should have a 0.060 to O.OBO-inch (1 .524 to 2.032 mm) end play. 2. Adjust starter plunger so it rises approximately 1/2 of bore. diameter when choke lifted Jo the power jet system (page 17). If main jet or power jet is changed by several sizes, recheck jet needle and needle jet. 4. Operate engine between idle and 1/4 throttle and check engine operation . Flip choke lever momentarily to provide excess fuel. If engine operation improves, more fuel is needed. If engine operation becomes worse, less fuel is needed. When carbuI &. _ .&.1 • __ ~II L-. _ . ~ I ~.&..I.'_ -.U _ _ .a. 7 8 Carburetion FLOAT SYSTEM Principles of Operation The float system maintains the correct fuel level in the float bowl under all engine operating conditions . The float system uses two floats to counteract side-toside movement and high and low operating angles of the snowmobile . When the fuel level drops in the float bowl, the floats and float arm with actuating tab also drop, opening the needle valve. The fuel pump forces fuel from the fuel tank past the needle valve into the float bowl. As the fuel in the float bowl approaches the correct level, the floats rise, causing the needle valve to seat, shlJtting off the fuel flow. Under operating conditions, the needle valve and floats position themselves so that inward flow of fuel to the carburetor float bowl is equal to the outward flow of fuel to the engine. M25734 " float bowl under all engine operating conditions. The float system uses two floats to counteract side-toside movement and high and low operating angles of the snowmobile. When the fuel level drops in the float bowl, the floats and float arm with actuating tab also drop, opening the needle valve. The fuel pump forces fuel from the fuel tank past the needle valve into the float bowl. As the fuel in the float bowl approaches the corraot lAVAl thp. fln~tc: ric:o 1"'~IIc:inn tho noorUo \I~I\lO Carburetion ~~~aL I Checking and Adjusting Float System 1. Invert the carburetor and check the alignment between the float arm and the base of the carburetor. The float arm should be parallel to the base. .-..r"'" ...... 2. Bend the actuating tab as required to make the float arm parallel to the base . Be careful not to bend the float arm. NOTE: Incorrect float adjustment can prevent proper tuning of a carburetor. Always make sure the float is properly adjusted before attempting adjustment of the other fuel metering systems. ::f::~ HI PARA'LLEL I~ HIGH FLOAT SETTING I o WILL RESULT IN HARD I -t- - STARTING -=..!!CH RUNNIJG LOW FLOAT SETTING o WILL RESULT IN HARD STARTING - LEAN RUNNING I I ~ M25?35 I~ lJ\-~~r-~~ PILOT I AIR SYSTE M Principles of Operation The pilot/air system controls the fuel mixture between idle and approximately the 1/4 throttle position. As the throttle is opened wider for low speed operation, the pilot outlet cannot supply adequate fuel, and the fuel then enters the carburetor bore from the bypass as well as the pilot outlet. The pilot/air system is tuned by first adjusting the air screw: then, if necessary, by replacing the pilot jet (page 10). M27423 (111" IJ(1r(1I1~1 lV 1I1~ U(1:)~. D~ l;dl~IUI IIVL LV U~IIU 1I1~ float arm. NOTE: Incorrect float adjustment can prevent proper tuning of a carburetor. Always make sure the float is properly adjusted before attempting adjustment of the other fuel metering systems. II I -t- .. , -;IG;F~ATI Sm¥NG ~ o WILL RESULT IN HARD STARTING -=..!!CH RUNNIJG LOW FLOAT SETTING o WILL RESULT IN HARD STARTING - LEAN RUNNING I I~ 9 10 Carburetion PILOT/AIR SYSTEM-Continued Adjusting Air Screw NOTE: This procedure may be performed for single and dual carburetors. On dual carburetors, both air screws must be adjusted exactly the same. Never adjust the screws more than 1/4 turn at a time. 1. Turn idle stop screw in until screw contacts throttle valve. Then turn idle stop screw in 2 additional turns . 2. Start and warm up engine . Adjust idle stop screw to 500 rpm above normal idle speed. See pages 18 and 19. M20863 NOTE: Set idle speed at 3500 rpm on UOUIFIRES with speed limiter systems. 3. Turn air screw in or out using 1/4-turn increments until engine rpm peaks or reaches its maximum rpm. 4. Readjust idle stop screw to return engine to normal idle speed. See pages 18 and 19. 5. Repeat Steps 3 and 4 until engine operates at normal idle speed and air screw is peaked. 6. When air screw is adjusted stop engine. Note the setting of air screw and turn it all the way in. If it takes less than 1 turn, the pilot jet is too small and a larger one must be installed. If it takes more than 2-1/2 turns to seat air screw , the pilot jet is too large and must be replaced by a smaller one. Replacing Pilot Jet ~~ IPILOT JET " Pilot jets are numbered from No. 15 (the smallest) to No. 80 (the largest). The number corresponds to fuel flow and not necessarily to drill size or through-hole diameter. After changing the pilot jet, check and adjust air screw as described above. NOTE: Since the pilot/air system provides some fuel up to wide open throttle, changes in this system will affect the throttle valve, jet needle/ needle jet, and main jet metering systems . and dual carburetors. On dual carburetors, both air screws must be adjusted exactly the same. Never adjust the screws more than 1/4 turn at a time. 1. Turn idle stop screw in until screw contacts throttle valve . Then turn idle stop screw in 2 additional turns . 2. Start and warm up engine. Adjust idle stop screw to Carburetion THROTTLE VALVE Principles of Operation The throttle valve is cut away on the air inlet side to help control the fuel/air mixture at low and intermediate throttle settings. The size of the cutaway also affects acceleration. ~ Throttle valves are numbered from 0.5 to 4.5 in 0.5 increments based on the size of the cutaway. The most commonly used configurations are 1.5 to 3.5. The higher the number, the greater the cutaway and the larger the air flow. -1-- J_ Tlie throttle valve functions in about the same range as the pilot/air system. After the air screw is adjusted, it can be used to check the throttle valve selection. -2.0 3.0 -f-f- Checking and Selecting Throttle Valve 1. Operate engine at low throttle settings, accelerating from idle to 1/4 throttle. THROTTLE VALVE M25737 2. If engine bogs during acceleration, there is probably insufficient fuel. Turn in air screw about 1/4 turn at a time. If engine acceleration is improved, after adjusting air screw, the throttle valve cutaway needs to be decreased. 3. If engine runs rough or smokes excessively during acceleration, there is probably too much fuel. Turn out air screw 1/4 turn at a time. If engine operation is improved, the throttle valve cutaway needs to be increased. NOTE: Illustration at right indicates fuel flow by throttle valve size and the amount throttle valve is opened. 4. Increase or decrease throttle valve cutaway size in 0.5 steps. 5. Return air screw to its original setting and operate engine at low throttle settings. Accelerate engine from idle to 1/4 throttle; engine should accelerate smoothly. 6. As a final check, change the position of the air screw. If this does not significantly affect engine performance (as in Steps 2 and 3), the throttle valve is correct. 5 M27230 15 25 50 15 Throttle valve opening (%) acceleration. THROTTLE ~ VALVE Throttle valves are numbered from 0.5 to 4.5 in 0.5 increments based on the size of the cutaway. The most commonly used configurations are 1.5 to 3.5. The higher the number, the greater the cutaway and the larger the air flow. Tlie throttle valve functions in about the same range as the oilot/air svstem. After the air screw is adiusted. it 100 /' ./ /' -1-- J_ ?n 3.0 11 12 Carburetion JET NEEDLE Principles of Operation ~2 "'. The jet needle works with the needle jet to increase the amount of fuel as the throttle valve is raised. ~3 Although the jet needle and needle jet function in the 1/4 to 3/4 throttle range, they also affect the amount of fuel present at wide open throttle. When tuning the jet needle, also check main jet system operation (page 15). . 15 M27231 75 Throttle valve opening (%) 50 100 The jet needle raises and lowers with the throttle valve which changes jet needle position in the needle jet. Because the jet needle is tapered from top to bottom, an increasing amount of fuel is delivered through the needle jet whenever the throttle valve is raised. Increased or decreased air flow, by the throttle valve position, regulates the amount of fuel through the needle jet and around the jet needle. The jet needle works on a combination of length, taper, and E-ring position. Each jet needle has a number and letter series stamped on the body. __ ._ , __ •• ._ .. ~ •• ,,'" ... ~ . . . . .'" IlvvUlv JvL LV 1I1"'1t::c1~~ UJ~ amount of fuel as the throttle valve is raised. Although the jet needle and needle jet function in the 1/4 to 3/4 throttle range, they also affect the amount of fuel present at wide open throttle. When tuning the jet needle, also check main jet system operation (page 15). Carburetion Example: 60H7 6 ...."",•.-.._ 1 ....--- -2 4--1iiii:i::::r-- - Basic length of needle. 3 OH - A single letter would indicate a single taper of the needle, double letter a double taper. o - Amount of taper o at top of needle. H - Amount of taper at bottom of needle. 7 T 5 ~ • - Material, type of coating and start of second taper on needle. I NOTE: Letter designation of the jet needle indicates the angle of taper. Each letter (starting with A) is 0.25° greater than preceding letter. Example: 0 = 1°, E = 1-1/4°, F = 1-1/2°, G = 1-3/4°, and H = 2°. This applies to both single and double taper needles. At the top of the jet needle are five grooves numbered 1 through 5 from top to bottom-the number 3 or middle groove being the starting point for the E-ring. The E-ring position on any jet needle determines the rich or lean part throttle or mid-range carburetor operation. H I M27233 Moving E-ring to position 1 or 2 lowers jet needle into needle jet and leans out the fuel/air mixture. Similarly, moving E-ring to position 4 or 5 raises jet needle in needle jet and enriches the fuel/air mixture. , Positioning E-Ring LEAN 1. Check for a rich or lean setting by examining the muffler ball joint (page 15). A very light brown or white color indicates a lean mixture. A very dark brown or black color indicates a rich mixture. The proper color is tan. 2. Move E-ring one groove at a time to correct the fuel/air mixture. 3. If proper operation is obtained at all but the 3/4 throttle setting after the main jet has been tuned, operation may be improved by changing the jet needle taper. Do not, however, change the jet needle until main jet and E-ring position have been thoroughly checked. 4. If the E-ring is in the number 5 position and operation is still lean, a needle jet with a larger orifice may be installed. This may be done only after thoroughly checking the main jet, jet needle, and E-ring positions. RICH NUMBER STAMPED HERE E-RING WASHER M25739 NOTE: Make sure washer is installed under E-ring. H - Amount of taper at bottom of needle. 7 - Material, type of coating and start of second taper on needle. NOTE: Letter designation of the jet needle indicates the angle of taper. Each letter (starting with A) is 0.25° greater than preceding letter. Example: 0 = 1°, E = 1-1/4°, F = 1-1/2°, G = 1-3/4°, __ -J l.J "'0 T ....: 1: __ 4-_ '-_"'l-. _:__ 1 -1 • .-L I H I 13 Carburetion 14 NEEDLE JET Principles of Operation ~ The needle jet works in combination with the jet needle to meter the fuel flow in the midrange. Changes to the needle jet should be made only if the results of changing the jet needle position are unsatisfactory. In stock applications, except for specific calibration changes necessary at high altitudes, the needle jet should not be changed. Selection of the proper needle jet requires much care and experience. Decreasing the needle jet size can prevent the main jet from metering the proper amount of fuel at wide open throttle. I M20868 t c..!' 3Z 01-0--4 --J V") LL.c:::e W --J 0:::: wu ::::> Z LL. 1-0--4 I I--------r---------~~ MAJOR J CHANGE MINOR CHANGE- -T-- 6 M20869 t. - INCREAS ING-----... NEEDLE JET SIZE (X) ci.. o " Needle jets are stamped with an alphanumeric code. The letter indicates a major change in fuel flow. P-2, for example, indicates low flow; P-4, greater flow, and so on. The number indicates minor adjustments in fuel flow. The diagram at left shows the relationship between the alphanumeric needle jet size number and fuel flow. NOTE: Needle jets carry the numbers 166, 159 or 169 in addition to the P-2 or P-4 and are not interchangeable. Be sure correct needles are used as specified per snowmobile. The needle jet works in combination with the jet needle to meter the fuel flow in the midrange. Changes to the needle jet should be made only if the results of changing the jet needle position are unsatisfactory. In stock applications, except for specific calibration changes necessary at high altitudes, the needle jet should not be changed. Selection of the proper needle jet requires much care and experience. De- Carburetion MAIN JET SYSTEM Principles of Operation The main jet system starts to function when the throttle is approximately 1/4 open. The midrange fuel is supplied by the main jet and regulated by the needle jet/jet needle combination. The main jet meters the fuel when the throttle is in the wide open position. The main jets are available in sizes from number 50 to number 500. The size number corresponds to flow and not necessarily to hole size. When experiencing erratic operation or overheating, check the main jet for dirt which can plug the orifice . Tuning Main Jet System Before operating the snowmobile, make sure all parts, including clutch and drive belt, are in good operating condition. 1. Operate snowmobile at wide open throttle for several minutes on a flat, well-packed surface. Change main jet if snowmobile fails to achieve maximum rpm or labors at high rpm. 2. Continue to operate at wide open throttle and shut off ignition before releasing throttle. Remove muffler and inspect inside of ball joint area for correct color (tan) which indicates correct mixture. M208?O Standard Carburetor ------------+20-22(%) +8-10(%) -8-10(%) -20-22(%) NOTE: Do not change jet sizes by more than one increment (step) at a time. 3. If ball joint is dark brown or black, the fuel/air mixture is too rich. Decrease jet size. 4. If the ball joint is very light in color, the fuel/air mixture is too lean. Increase jet size. 47.5 50 75 100 Throttle valve opening (%) M27235 , -- --.- y - . _ -- - - --..- plied by the main jet and regulated by the needle jet/jet needle combination. The main jet meters the fuel when the throttle is in the wide open position. The main jets are available in sizes from number 50 to number 500. The size number corresponds to flow and not necessarily to hole size. When experiencing erratic operation or overheating, check the main iet for dirt which can olua the orifice. NEEDLE JET II I JET NEEDLE ~ METERED I HERE,-,AI R 15 16 Carburetion MAIN JET SYSTEM-Continued 5. If you cannot determine the color, proceed as if fuel/air mixture is too lean and increase jet size. If operation improves, continue to increase jet size to obtain peak performance. If operation becomes worse, decrease jet size to obtain peak performance. 6. After proper main jet is selected, recheck jet needle and needle jet. MAIN JET M25?40 M25 740 Power Jet Carburetor iuerz arr mixture IS too lean and Increase jet size. If operation improves, continue to increase jet size to obtain peak performance. If operation becomes worse, decrease jet size to obtain peak performance. 6. After proper main jet is selected, recheck jet needle and needle jet. Carburetion POWER JET SYSTEM Principles of Operation The power jet system is similar to and works in conjunction with the main system. The power jet system starts to function at engine speeds of approximately 5000 rpm and above. High velocity air moving through the venturi, past the power jet outlet, creates a vacuum to pull fuel through the power jet and out the outlet. At the same time air is drawn through the power air jet to mix with and help atomize fuel from the power jet. When the power jet system is functioning, it supplies approximately 40 per cent of the fuel requirement while the main jet supplies 60 per cent. POWER JET_~\l,"""\.\, \-\~?~~~=1!1 FUEL LINE M27236 POWER JET Power jets are available in sizes from number 60 to number 200. The size number corresponds to flow and not necessarily to hole size. NOTE: Never change the power jet by more than one size at a time. Make minor changes to both the power jet and main jet at the same time. Follow the main jet system tuning procedure for the power jet system. When experiencing erratic operation or overheating, check the power jet and power jet outlet for dirt and the external fuel line for leakage. The power jet system starts to function at engine speeds of approximately 5000 rpm and above. High velocity air moving through the venturi, past the power jet outlet, creates a vacuum to pull fuel through the power jet and out the outlet. At the same time air is drawn through the power air jet to mix with and help atomize fuel from the power jet. When the Dower iet svstem is functionino. it suoolies POWER JET_~\,,",,,,\.\, FUEL LINE \-\~?~~~=1!1 17 18 Carburetion COMPENSATION FOR ALTITUDE AND TEMPERATURE An engine loses about 3-1/2 per cent of its power for each 1000-foot (304.8 m) increase in elevation. Although this power loss cannot be regained, tuning the carburetor will insure peak performance at operating altitude . Adjustments to the drive train will also help improve operation . At high altitudes or high temperatures, the carburetor must be tuned for less fuel throughout most of the throttle range. The following tables provide guidelines for tuning the carburetor for high altitude. Refer to pages 24 and 25 for related part numbers . TRAILFIRE CARBURETION RECOMMENOATIONS * Temperature Component Sea Level to 4000 ft. (1 219 m) (Factory Installed) Below OaF (-18°C) Above OaF (-18°C) Main Jet Main Jet Jet Needle Needle Jet Throttle Valve Pilot Jet Air Screw Idle Speed 200 190 6F27-3 166-06 3.0 30 1-1/2 Turns Open 1800-2300 rpm All Temperatures 4000 ft. (1 219 m) to 6000 ft. (1 829 m) 6000 ft. (1 829 m) and above 190 180 6F27-3 166-06 3.0 30 1-1/2 Turns Open 2000-2500 rpm 170 160 6F27-3 166-06 3.0 30 1-1/2 Turns Open 2000-2500 rpm TRAILFIRE LX CARBURETION RECOMMENDATIONS * Temperature Component Sea Level to 4000 ft. (1 219 m) (Factory Installed) Below OaF (-18°C) Above OaF (-18°C) Main Jet Main Jet Jet Needle Needle Jet Throttle Valve Pilot Jet Air Screw Idle Speed 240 230 6F27-3 166-00 3.5 25 1 Turn Open 1800-2300 rpm All Temperatures 4000 ft. (1 219 m) to 6000 ft. (1 829 m) 6000 ft. (1 829 m) and above 230 220 6F27-3 166-00 3.5 25 1 Turn Open 2700-3200 rpm 210 200 6F27-3 166-00 3.5 25 1 Turn Open 2700-3200 rpm *These are suggested carburetor component changes from stock to altitude and temperature requirements. See pages 2 through 18 and 24 and 25 for explanations and details of optional fine tune components. OCl~1l IVVV-IVV~ \.:Jv..... O III) Illlilt::d::>t:: III t::1t::VClllon. Al- though this power loss cannot be regained , tuning the carburetor will insure peak performance at operating altitude . Adjustments to the drive train will also help improve operation. At high altitudes or high temperatures, the carburetor must be tuned for less fuel throughout most of the throttle range. The follow ing tables provide guidelines for tuning the carburetor for high altitude. Refer to Carburetion 19 SPORTFIRE CARBURETION RECOMMENDATIONS* Temperature Below OaF (-18°C} Above OaF (-18°C) All Temperatures Component Sea Level to 4000 ft. (1 219 m) (Factory Installed) 4000 ft. (1 219 m) to 6000 ft. (1 829 m) 6000 ft. (1 829 m) and above Main Jet 210 200 180 Main Jet Power Jet Jet Needle Needle Jet Throttle Valve Pilot Jet Air Screw Idle Speed 200 170 6F27-3 159-00 3.0 25 1-1/2 Turns Open 2400-2700 rpm 190 170 6F27-3 159-00 3.0 25 1-1/2 Turns Open 2600-3000 rpm 170 170 6F27-3 159-00 3.0 25 1-1/2 Turns Open 2600-3000 rpm *These are suggested carburetor component changes from stock to altitude and temperature requirements. See pages 2 through 18 and 24 and 25 for explanations and details of optional fine tune components. L1QUIFIRE CARBURETION RECOMMENDATIONS TEMPERATURES ABOVE O°F ( -18°C) Carburetor Main Jet Power Jet PTa Carbo Mag. Carbo Jet Needle Needle Jet Throttle Valve Pilot Jet Air Screw (Turns Open) Idle Speed (RPM'S) Sea Level to 4000 ft. (1 219 m) 4000 to 8000 ft. (1 219 to 2 438 m) 8000 ft. and up (2438 m) 150 130 100 110 105 6DH22-3 159 (P4) 3.5 40 1-1/2 2000 - 2500 90 85 6DH22-3 159 (P4) 3.5 40 1-1/2 2000 - 2500 85 80 6DH22-3 159 (P4) 3.5 40 1-1/2 2000 - 2500 TEMPERATURES BELOW O°F ( -18°C) Carburetor Main Jet Power Jet PTa Carbo Mag. Carbo Jet Needle Needle Jet Throttle Valve Pilot Jet Air Screw (Turns Open) Idle Speed (RPM'S) Sea Level to 4000 ft. (1 219 m) 4000 to 8000 ft. (1 219 to 2 438 m) 8000 ft. and up (2438 m) 160 140 110 115 110 6DH22-3 159 (P4) 3.5 40 1-1/2 2000 - 2500 90 85 6DH22-3 159 (P4) 3.5 40 1-1/2 2000 - 2500 85 80 6DH22-3 159 (P4) 3.5 40 1-1/2 2000 - 2500 tion on page 20 and use the graph provided to further fine tune your carburetor. IMPORTANT: The carburetion recommendations shown in the LlaUIFIRE charts are based on general conditions and will not necessarily provide optimum performance in all operating '" I \ IV'-'l Above OaF (-18°C) All Temperatures IVlall. \,Iv' Main Jet Power Jet Jet Needle Needle Jet Throttle Valve Pilot Jet Air Screw IrHo ~nooti ,"' v ,"vv 'vv 200 170 6F27-3 159-00 3.0 25 1-1/2 Turns Open ?AnrL ?7nn rnrn 190 170 6F27-3 159-00 3.0 25 1-1/2 Turns Open 170 170 6F27-3 159-00 3.0 25 1-1/2 Turns Open ?~nn_ ~nnn rnrn .,~nn_~nnn rnrn 20 Carburetion Carburetion Explanation Temperature , altitude and even humidity affect the amount of oxygen supplied to the engine combustion chamber . . Basically, as temperature, altitude and humidity increase, the amount of oxygen in the atmosphere decreases . As oxygen decreases, the amount of fuel delivered to the engine combustion chamber must be decreased or a loss of performance will result. . For example, if you consistently operate the snowmobile at the upper end of the 4000 to 8000-foot (1 219 to 2438 m) range, say 7000 feet (2 134 m) (at temperatures of O°F [ -18°C]), you may wish to install a 120 main jet and leave the 90 and 85 power jets alone. IMPORTANT: Avoid installing jet sizes that are too lean (small) as piston seizure may result. Normally the number 40 pilot jet will provide good starting characteristics at the 4000 to 8000-foot (1 219 to 2 438 m) range. In some instances it may be necessary to richen the pilot system to make up for fuel that is lost by leaning (reducing main jet size) in the main carburetor system. The graph gives an indication of specific jet sizes to be used at given altitudes and temperature. However, keep in mind that temperature and humidity levels will also affect engine output, especially when temperatures are at one extreme or the other. Many different factors affect snowmobile performance. To receive ultimate performance from your snowmobile all factors must be considered . Using the base line jet sizes listed in the chart and the graph, you should have a good performance level from which to fine tune your snowmobile. Basically, as temperature, altitude and humidity increase, the amount of oxygen in the atmosphere decreases. As oxygen decreases, the amount of fuel delivered to the engine combustion chamber must be decreased or a loss of performance will result. . For example, if you consistently operate the snowmobile at the upper end of the 4000 to 8000-foot (1 219 to 2438 m) range, say 7000 feet (2 134 m) (at tempera- 21 Carburetion CARBURETION GRAPH 160...---..-----..."...-----------------------------, - - 0° F (-18° C) AND ABOVE - - - 00F(-180C) AND BELOW 150~---~~-----=~-----------------------1 1401----------~---~------------------l 130~------------~~--~~--------------; <, ", LoU <, MAIN JET !::! 120~........ -----------------~---~----I-\---------i VOl ........ ........ .... .., LoU ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ .................. 1001-----------..:::::!IIIIo,..,--~r-----'·---------~---~ 90~-----------------~~~~--------~ 80~-------------------------~~;;:::-----1 o 2 4 6 8 ALTITUDE x 1000 M29254 1401----------~---~-------------------l 1301--------------~~--~~-------------l <, LoU N'I~I' ", MAIN JET ,,_ . f\ 22 Carburetion MIXING CHAMBER TOP THROTTLE VALVE-'~ ~ SPRING ~ JET NEEDLE NEEDLE VALVE THROTTLE VALVE NEEDLE JET STABILIZER RING MAIN JET r:J MIXING CHAMBER TOP , I O-IHNr, - ,.,~ I AIR SCREW ~, ~I J~ /1 AIR JET I Carburetion ~35 \-34 r--------, \ ~ I : I I 9 ~(?A I I I I ~-8 M25231 ~-13 c:ssnID 10' ~In-':-""'11 I I I o I I I I I L m-14 /v.qp, I I I I \ J e-16 @-15 I \ I O'~\ : 27\ 26 I II i- 2829 I 0 L- 1-Top 2-Spring 3-Plate 4-E-Ring 5-Washer 6-Jet Needle 7-Throttle Valve 8-Needle Jet 9-Screw 10-Spring 11-Spring 12-Screw 13-Starter Valve 14-Spring 15-Washer 16-Cap 17-Baffle Plate 18-Needle Valve ..... 19-Float Arm 2Q-Floats 21-Main Jet 22-Machine Screw 23-Float Bowl 24-Power Jet 25-Cap 26-Pin 27-Pilot Jet 28-Needle Jet Holder 29-0-Ring 3o-Gasket . 31-Clip 32-Plate 33-Tube 34-Washer 35-Machine Screw 36-Washer Exploded View of Power Jet Carburetor r--' I 1/3 I ~_4 I -6 : '--5 I I :A-7 12 23 24 Carburetion POWER JETS M25744 §rD Temp. Altitude HOT HIGH MAIN JETS Mikuni No. 70 75 80 85 90 95 100 105 110 115 120 125 130 135 140 145 150 155 160 165 170 175 180 185 190 195 200 210 220 230 240 250 260 270 280 290 300 310 320 330 340 350 360 370 380 390 400 410 420 430 440 450 460 470 480 Temp. Altitude HOT HIGH John Deere No. M66899 M66900 M66901 M66902 M66903 M66904 M66905 M68789 M66906 M68790 M65336 M68791 M65335 M68792 M65332 M68793 M65333 M68013 M65334 M68794 M65468 M68277 M65469 M68795 M65470 M68276 M65471 M65472 M65852 M65882 M65853 M65854 M65855 M65883 M65884 M66324 M66325 M66326 M66327 M66328 M66329 M66330 M66331 M66332 M66333 M66334 M66335 M66336 M66497 M66498 M66500 M66824 M66907 M66908 Temp. AltItude Mlkunl No. John Deere No. HOT HIGH COLD SEA LEVEL 60 65 70 75 80 85 95 100 105 110 120 140 145 150 155 160 165 170 175 180 185 190 195 200 M68765 M68766 M68767 M68768 M68769 M68770 M68771 M68772 M68773 M68774 M68775 M68776 M68777 M68778 M68779 M68780 M68781 M68782 M68783 M68784 M68785 M68786 M68787 M68788 RICH John Deere No. Fuel Mixture Fuel Mixture LEAN M25745 Fuel Mixture LEAN PILOT JETS Temp. Altltude Mlkuni No. HOT HIGH 15 17.5 20 22.5 25 27.5 30 ~ M22346 4 COLD M~~~g~ HOT Mikuni No. Deere No. Fuel Mixture 70 75 80 85 90 95 100 105 M66899 M66900 M66901 M66902 M66903 M66904 M66905 M68789 LEAN M25745 SEA LEVEL HIGH 45 50 55 60 60 65 70 75 80 85 95 100 105 110 120 140 M66912 M66913 M66745 M68796 M66929 M68797 M66844 M66914 M65355 M66746 M66663 M66672 M66915 M68765 M68766 M68767 M68768 M68769 M68770 M68771 M68772 M68773 M68774 M68775 M68776 LEAN RICH LEAN Carburetion THROTIlE VALVES Mikuni No. 25 JET NEEDLES John Deere Snowmobile and Part No. Fuel Mix. Trailfire RICH Temp. Altitude HOT HIGH Fuel Mixt ure E·Ring Position LEAN M68278 M68279 3.0 3.5 LEAN 0 -> M22341 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 Sportfire M66880 M66881 M66882 M66344 M66743 M66744 M66883 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 Liquifire M68798 M68799 M68667 M68800 M68801 RICH ! RICH M22345 M22344 LEAN SEA LEVEL COLD NOTE: Throttle valves are not interchangeable between snowmobiles. RICH JET NEEDLE PART NO. NEEDLE JETS Alti· tude Temp. Mikuni John Fuel Deere No. Mixture (159) ~ 1."--" ~ M22343 • •• HOT ~ COLD HIGH SEA LEVEL HOT HIGH COLD SEA LEVEL 3.0 3.5 P-4 P-6 P-8 0-0 0-2 0-4 M66894 M66741 M66895 M66740 M66896 M66897 LEAN M68699 M68273 M68698 M68308 • LEAN T LEAN Soorttire M22341 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 M66880 M66881 M66882 M66344 M66743 M66744 6DH3 6DH2 6FL14 6DP1 6DH7 6DP5 6DH8 6F27 6DH22 M65354 M66656 M66422 M66926 M66927 M66941 M67634 M68280 M69074 AIR SCREWS RICH M68278 M68279 John Deere Part No. RICH (166) 0-6 P-O 0-0 0-2 Mikuni No. RICH ! ~ Temp. Altitude HOT HIGH COLD SEA LEVEL M22342 Turns Open Fuel Mixt ure 2-1/2 2 1-1/2 1 1/2 LEAN RICH Power Train The drive train must govern the engine rpm at its peak power point for maximum performance. The drive train components are carefully matched at the factory. In stock applications, except for specific calibration changes necessary at high altitudes, John Deere recommends you do not change the power train components. Tuning instructions in this section enable you to adjust the power train shift pattern to agree with the rpm at which maximum horsepower is delivered. Power train components which can be tuned are the drive and driven sheaves, drive sprocket, drive belt, and, on the UQUIFIRE, the chain tensioner. IMPORTANT: Use the parts recommended in the carburetion and clutching charts for good overall snowmobile performance. If sharp acceleration is desired a stronger primary clutch spring may be used to increase clutch engagement rpm's. However, harsh engagement may result and belt life may be shortened. On some snowmobiles, top-end performance may be increased by installing higher gear ratios in the chain case, but, low-end acceleration may be reduced. At higher elevations, the decrease in air density reduces the horsepower output of naturally aspirated engines. Higher elevation also involves deep snow operation and additional hill climbing. Because the engine develops less horsepower, the drive train components and carburetion must be changed to achieve optimum performance. For exampie; the clutch weights in the TRBOO primary clutch (L1QUIFIRE) and clutch arms in the 102C primary clutch (TRAILFIRE and SPORTFIRE) must be of lighter weight to maintain governed engine rpm's. A stronger spring in the primary clutch may be used to increase clutch engagement rpm's and help maintain governed engine rpm's. Carburetor parts must also be changed. Because the engine receives less oxygen at higher elevations, the fuel flow must be reduced to maintain the orooer The drive train must govern the engine rpm at its peak power point for maximum performance. The drive train components are carefully matched at the factory. In stock applications, except for specific calibration channas np.~A~~::Ir\l ::It "'in'" ~ltitl u'foc 'nhn Power Train 27 DRIVE SPROCKET RATIO The sprocket ratios are carefully selected after all operational data is known. Operating rpm, horsepower curve, clutch ratio, and weight are used to calculate the sprocket ratio that will produce the best overall performance. Extensive field testing in various snow conditions is conducted before a final selection is made. The drive and driven sheaves can be matched to the snowmobile only after the sprocket ratio is determined. The chart lists available drive sprocket ratios. NOTE: In some cases where the sprocket ratio is increased (geared down), peak performance is obtained by decreasing the spring tension on the driven sheave (pages 38 and 39). For example, when changing from a 24/40 to 21/39 gear ratio, change the driven sheave spring from hole NO.2 to hole No. 1 and see if performance is improved. In some cases, performance may improve at high altitudes. AVAILABLE DRIVE SPROCKET RATIOS Upper Sprocket Lower Sprocket TRAILFIRE and SPORTFIRE Chain 105 25 (M67970) 39 (M65693) 68 (M66321) 70 (M68634) NA 103 22 (M68551) 35 (M65809) NA 66 (M66122) 74 80 99 22/38 71 77 96 24 (M67727) 22 (M68551) 40 (M66804) 38 (M67898) 68 (M66321) 66 (M66122) 70 (M68634) 68 (M66321) 1.77:1 22/39 NA NA 92 22 (M68551) 39 (M65693) NA 68 (M66321) 1.86:1 21/39 67 72 88 21 (M66121 ) 39 (M65693) 66 (M66122) 68 (M66321) 1.91:1 22/42 NA NA 86 22 (M68551 ) 42 (M65810) NA 70 (M68634) 1.95:1 20/39 NA NA 84 20 (M69404) 39 (M65693) NA 66 (M66122r 2.05:1 19/39 NA NA 80 19 (M69403) 39 (M65693) NA 66 (M66122) 2.06:1 17/35 60 65 79 17 (M66302) 35 (M65809) 62 (M66123) 64 (M69026) 2.19:1 16/35 55 60 75 16 lM65811 ) 35 lM6580Q) 62 62 (M661?~\ (Mn61?~\ SPORTFIRE and TRAILFIRE mph at mph at 7000 rpm 6500 rpm (Ideal) (Ideal) Ratio Sprockets UpperILower 1.56:1 25/39 79 86 1.59:1 22/35 NA 1.67:1 24/40 1.72:1 LIQUIFIRE mph at 8000 rpm (Ideal) . ::) p rocxe I rano mal WII p roauce me nest overall performance . Extensive field testing in various snow conditions is conducted before a final selection is made. The drive and driven sheaves can be matched to the snowmobile only after the sprocket ratio is determined. The chart lists available drive sprocket ratios. NOTE: In some cases where the sprocket ratio is increased (geared down), peak performance is obtained by decreasina the sorina tension on LIQUIFIRE Chain 28 Power Train 102C DRIVE SHEAVE Principle of Operation The 102C drive sheave, mounted on the PTO side of the engine, is a centrifugally-operated clutch. The drive sheave contains three centrifugal weights attached by pins to the movable face. As the drive sheave rotates, these weights provide an outward centrifugal force . For the clutch to engage, this centrifugal force must overcome the force of the drive sheave spring which holds the movable face in position. As the movable face approaches the fixed face , the tension on the drive belt increases, which starts the snowmobile in motion. Tuning When properly tuned, the clutch engagement and shift pattern will be matched with the engine rpm at which maximum horsepower is delivered at wide open throttle. This will result in maximum performance . There are three drive sheave components which may be changed to modify drive sheave performance: drive sheave spring, centrifugal weights , and spacer washers. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ~ ~ M HEIGHT ~, 150 (/) co ~ W ~ o .J 100 ... , ..J... ~ r;ii~ ~ ~ .' . ,, - ~~. ~ ~t L." ~ ..::>~ - ':Q' ~ ~ Y. , ~~" ... 1/ -J The drive sheave spring controls engagement speed. If a heavier spring' is installed, a higher speed will be required to overcome the spring force for engagement. Similarly, if a lighter spring is installed, a lower speed will be required for engagement. ~ 200 - INSTALLED ~ Drive Sheave Spring ," / 1'.,0.... ~ ~ NOTE: With standard weights, heavier springs tend to cause rough, jack-rabbit starts . Lighter springs cause smoother starts . , _ .~ -, ~ The following table lists the available springs and their free lengths. The chart shows the required compressing force for each of these springs . J .1 FULL SHIFT 50 ~ ~ 'b-v/ AVAILABLE DRIVE SHEAVE SPRINGS AND FREE LENGTHS I I o 0 II) ('II I o o o o,... COMPRESSED HEIGHT-INCHES N o ~ ,... Light M29255 I Heavy Color Part Number Blue M66024 Brown M66692 Black M65684 Silver M66541 Free Length 3.000" (76.2 mm 2.875" (73.0 mm 3.030" (77.0 mm 3.475" (88.3 mm ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± 0.061/ 1.5 mm) 0.06" 1.5 mm) 0.06" 1.5 mm) 0.06" 0.5 mm) The 102C drive sheave, mounted on the PTO side of the engine, is a centrifugally-operated clutch. The drive sheave contains three centrifugal weights attached by pins to the movable face. As the drive sheave rotates, these weights provide an outward centrifugal force . For the clutch to engage, this centrifugal force must overcome the force of the drive sheave spring which holds the movable face in position. As the .. . Power Train 29 Centrifugal Weights· The centrifugal weights are available in various shapes and weights. When a lighter weight is installed, the centrifugal force is less and the clutch takes longer to upshift. This causes shifting at a higher engine rpm. The effects of shape are more difficult to understand. For the standard weight, the total distance that the weight contacts the rollers during the shift pattern is about 1-3/16 inches (30.2 mm). . M25747 M25747 By varying the profile (shape) of the weight, the governed engine rpm and engagement speed can be increased or decreased. The illustration at right shows how the weight profile affects engagement speed. A Assume, for example, that the ramp of weight (A) allows the clutch to engage at 3500 rpm. Notice the point where the movable face roller contacts the steep incline of the weight. B On weight (B), the angle of incline is much steeper, making it necessary for the engine to develop higher rpm before engagement takes place. Weight (B) would therefore provide an engagement speed of more than 3500 rpm. On weight (C), the angle of incline at engagement is less than that of weight (A). Because it is easier for centrifugal force to cause the movable face to move up ramp of weight (C), the clutch will engage at less than 3500 rpm. M27238 M27238 I he effects of shape are more difficult to understand . For the standard weight, the total distance that the weight contacts the rollers during the shift pattern is about 1-3/16 inches (30.2 mm). SHIFT . M25747 M25747 30 Power Train 102C DRIVE SHEAVE-Continued The illustration at left shows the profiles and positions of the same three weights when the clutch has completed its shift pattern. ° Again note the angles of incline. Assume that the engine with weight (A) is running at 6500 rpm and is fully upshifted. The profile of weight (B) is cut back, providing a smaller angle of incline toward the top. It is therefore easier for centrifugal force to move the movable face, and engine speed is less than 6500 rpm. Weight (C) is not cut back as far as weight (A), and engine speed will therefore be greater than 6500 rpm for the weight to complete the shift pattern. The weight kits available are identified in the table below and illustrated in the drawings on pages 31 through 33. DRIVE CLUTCH WEIGHTS KIT NO. Ught AM54284* AM55325 AM54285 AM54286 AM53003 AM54290* AM54283 AM54282* AM54287* AM54288 AM54280 AM53949 AM54920* AM55159 AM54289 AM54279 AM54281 M27239 M27239 Heavy *These arms have increased engagement speeds because of flats or notches. They tend to increase slip or allow the engine to accelerate through a bog area. These arms will also cause increased belt wear because of additional slip. ,....,"" .."'"". ......., ~ ... I ... tJU"Lvlll. Again note the angles of incline. Assume that the engine with weight (A) is running at 6500 rpm and is fully upshifted. The profile of weight (B) is cut back, providing a smaller angle of incline toward the top. It is therefore easier for centrifugal force to move the movable face, and engine speed is less than 6500 rpm. ,~B Weight (C) is not cut back as far as weight (A), and AnninA ~n,u:lrl \Alill thorofl"\p O " h" ,.......,..+,......... ,..- ~~"" - --- Power Train WEIGHT KITS .246 11 (6.25 mm) AM53003 M66955(C)(44.7~.5 GRAMS) M27268 M27271 M66950(K)(54.~.5 GRAMS) .315 11 .305 11 AM53949 M66947(F)(55.~.5 AM54281 GRAMS) M27269 M66951(U)(64.~.5 GRAMS) M27272 .246" (6.25 1l1Tl)===r- .380" 9.65 nlTl) .370" 9.40 mm) AM54279 M66949(R)(59.6+.5 GRAMS) .24611 (6.25 mm)---J ••,.. r- t"\ r- '" I u \ , ",. n. ,... ~ n " ...,... \ 31 32 Power Train WEIGHT KITS ~_-...-----l .250" 6.35 mm) _ _T_ . 248" 6.30 nun) .246" AM54286 M66957(D)(42.3~.5 M27274 M66953 (B) (44.0:.. 5 GRA1~S) GRAMS) M27277 .315" .305" M154287 M66878(HE-1)(53.3~.5 GRAMS) M66954(L)(38.6~.5 GRAMS) M27278 M27275 4= I~ .246" (6.25 mm)~ 'T_ .250" (6.35 mm) _ _ . 248" 6.30 nun) d= i ,--.1T .315" 8.0nvn) .305" 7.75 mm) .246" (6.25 mm)=.T ,. 33 Power Train WEIGHT KITS .375" .380" .370" =r- AM54920 AM54289 M66877(W)(59.~.5 !U6 :l M68361(HE- 4 ) ( 5 5.~.5 GRAMS) M27280 GRAMS) M27282 "127282 "127280 -----.~I-.L . 246" (6.25111l1)~ .380" .370 11 AA54290 M66958(HE-3)(45.~.5 AM55is9 M68749(R-l)(57.7~.5 GRAMS) GRAMS) M27284 M27281 "127281 "127284 I .375" (9.52 nm)_..-..J .380" .370" !U6 :l I =r- 34 Power Train CAM ARM FIXED FACE SHEAVE BUSHING (LIQUIFIRE) / NUT ,) ,'~CAP SCREW ~CER SPIDER SPRING COVER o ;jHER MOVEABLE SHEAVE --7 CAP SCREW M27289 M27289 Exploded View of 102C Drive Sheave Spacer Washers Spacer washers between the shoulder of the fixed face post and the spider assembly change the position of the weight's center of gravity. Thi affects the engagement speed and also has some influence on the effective force of the weights . Removing spacers increases engagement and slightly increases governed rpm. If using less than two spacers, check for proper disengagement. Make sure the movable face contacts the spider assembly in the hub area with the weights installed . 2 WASHERS M~~-_~-~ M25754 ~.~ ~CER BUTI~ SPIDER COVER ~NG Power Train 35 TR800 DRIVE SHEAVE Principle of Operation The TR800 drive sheave, mounted on the PTO side of the engine, is a centrifuga lly-operated clutch. The drive sheave contains six centrifugal weights attached by pins to the roller arms of the movable face. As the drive sheave rotates, these weights provide an outward centrifugal force. For the clutch to engage, this centrifugal force must overcome the force of the drive sheave primary spring which holds the movable face in position. As the movable face approaches the fixed face, the tension on the drive belt increases and starts the snowmobile in motion. Tuning When properly tuned, clutch engagement and shift pattern will be matched with the engine rpm at which maximum horsepower is delivered at wide open throttle. This will result in maximum performance. There are three drive sheave components which may be changed to modify drive sheave performance: drive sheave spring, centrifugal weights and ramps. Drive Sheave Spring The drive sheave spring (green) controls engagement speed. If a heavier spring (red) is installed, a higher speed will be required to overcome the spring force for engagement. 250 ~ 200 I -l The following table lists the springs and their free lengths. The chart shows the required compressing force for each spring. PART COLOR NUMBER STD. Green M69314 HVY. lilt: t:llyll Red t~, M69331 t::s d Rt..\) W u 2S INSTALLED HEIGHT 150 S?R\~G GRt..t..~ S?\l.\~G LL. FULL -SHIFT -: 100 FREE LENGTH 4.125" (104.8 mm 4.000" (1 01.6 mm ± ± ± ± \';~lllIIIUYClIlY-U~t:1 Cll~U 0.020" 0.508 mm) 0.020" 0.508 mm) \,;tUl\,;1 r. The drive sheave contains six centrifugal weights attached by pins to the roller arms of the movable face. As the drive sheave rotates, these weights provide an outward centrifugal force. For the clutch to engage, this centrifugal force must overcome the force of the drive sheave primary spring which holds the movable face in position. As the movable face approaches the fixed face, the tension on the drive belt increases and starts 50 2 .50 I I I I II I I I I I I I I I I I 2 .00 1.50 1.00 COMPR ESS ED HEI GHT-I NCHES M292 56 36 Power Train TR800 DRIVE SHEAVE-Continued Centrifugal Weights and Ramps When lighter weights and heavier clutch spring (red) are installed, the centrifugal force is less and the clutch takes longer to upshift. This causes shifting at a higher engine rpm. For the standard weights, clutch spring (green) and No. 1 ramp, the total angle that the roller arm swings when the roller travels up the ramp during the shift pattern is from about 15 to 45 degrees. By varying the weights, clutch spring and angle of the ramp the governed engine rpm and engagement speed can be increased. The shift pattern remains about 15 to 45 degrees. The illustrations show how centrifugal weights, spring and ramp angle affects engagement speed. Assume, for example, that the standard weights, spring (green) and NO.1 ramp allow the clutch to engage at approximately 4400 rpm. Notice the point where the roller contacts the initial angle of the NO.1 ramp. TR 800 CLUTCH RAMPS RAMP 1 : 1982 PRODUCTION RAMP 2 : 1982 HIGH ELEVATION With lighter weights, heavier spring (red) and No. 2 ramp the engine must develop higher rpm before engagement takes place. Lighter weights, heavier spring and NO.2 ramp would provide an engagement speed of approximately 5100 rpm. M2925 7 When lighter weights and heavier clutch spring (red) are installed, the centrifugal force is less and the clutch takes longer to upshift. This causes shifting at a higher engine rpm. For the standard weights , clutch spring (green) and No. 1 ramp, the total angle that the roller arm swings when the roller travels up the ramp during the shift pattern is from about 15 to 45 degrees. By varying the weights , Power Train 37 The illustration shows the position of the roller on the ramp when the clutch has completed the shift pattern. IMPORTANT: The angle on the ramps is very critical. DO NOT under any circumstances attempt to alter the ang.le of the ramps. DRIVEN SHEAVE Principles of Operation The driven sheave works with the drive sheave to provide a smooth transition from low speed to high speed ratio. The driven sheave is torque sensitive. If an increased load or high torque requirement occurs after snowmobile is up to speed, the cam bracket in the driven sheave forces the sheave halves together. The snowmobile then travels at a slower speed while maintaining high engine rpm. Because the driven sheave can sense load and shift into the proper ratio, engine rpm remains at peak output at wide open throttle. If the driven sheave did not downshift, the engine would run below its maximum power rpm. me ramps. M25756 M25756 38 Power Train DRIVEN SHEAVE-Continued Tuning If there is a loss of snowmobile performance or if the drive belt appears too loose , remove "anti-creep" shims .from the driven sheave until snowmobile just starts to "creep" at engine idle speed. Then add one shim to tighten the drive belt. This holds the belt tighter in the drive sheave and allows clutch engagement at the lowest drive ratio. M25?5? Driven Sheave Spring The spring tension determines engine speed during the shift pattern. Spring tension is adjusted by selecting one of four numbered holes in the cam. A CAUTION: When changing spring tension, . . be sure governed speed is not exceeded (pages 43 and 44). Decreasing spring tension allows the driven sheave to shift into a higher ratio under the same load and thus decreases engine speed. M25758 Decrease spring tension: -If the engine is operating at speeds above the peak power curve. -Under light load conditions, such as a lightly snowcovered lake. Increasing spring tension prevents the driven sheave from shifting up and thus increases engine speed. Increase spring tension: ~ ~f _~~~ ~r.iy~n. ~b~a_~e_i.~_~~.i~LnJ1.ln~o_~ _~i.g.'1~r_cat!,<? ~,h?r,", drive belt appears too loose, remove "anti-creep" shims .from the driven sheave until snowmobile just starts to "creep" at engine idle speed. Then add one shim to tighten the drive belt. This holds the belt tighter in the drive sheave and allows clutch engagement at the lowest drive ratio. BUSHING I BEARING / r-,, ~ ~HEAVE AND POST Power Train Cam Angle The cam angle works with the spring tension to determine how easily the driven sheave will shift up. If spring tension remains the same and cam angle is increased, the driven sheave will shift to a higher ratio under the same load and will lower the engine rpm. If cam angle i decreased, engine rpm will increase. For example, a 38° cam angle will provide more engine rpm and shift up slower than a 44° cam angle . COMPOUND CAM PRETENSION CHART Insert spring tang into cam hole number- Place cam and spring over fixed-face hub with spring tang in hole of fixed face. Rotate cam clockwise past ramp indicated. 1 2 (std.) 3 4 - - -- -- - - - - _ .. - 1 1 1 2 _ .• _ - _. _- -- -;;:1". ' - ramp ramp ramp ramps - _ • •• -'.;;:;1'- i decreased, engine rpm will increase. For example, a 38° cam angle will provide more engine rpm and shift up slower than a 44° cam angle. Degrees of Rotation to Pass Ramp 50° 80° 110° 140° Pounds of Spring Tension Measured at Sheave Rim 5 6 8 10 lb. lb. lb. lb. (22.2 (26.7 (35.6 (44.5 N) N) N) N) 39 40 Power Train DRIVE SHEAVE AND DRIVE-N SHEAVE ALIGNMENT The drive and driven sheaves must be aligned for peak performance and maximum belt life. TRAILFIRE and SPORTFIRE I ------, I laD I I I em ' rml I I aD I \ ..... - I -_/ ROTATE PRIMARY CLUTCH 1200 WHEN CHECKING ALIGNMENT TO ALLOW FOR SHEAVE RUNOUT I I J JDM-81 CLUTCH ALIGNING TOOL 11.47" 1~------~(291.33 n m ) - - - - - - - - _ I M27286 NOTE: Remove drive belt and driven sheave. Use JDM-81 Clutch Aligning Tool to make the following adjustments. Center Distance Alignment Hub of drive sheave should fit fully into notch in JDM81 Clutch Aligning Tool. If not, loosen engine mounting bolts and move engine as required. Driven Sheave Offset Alignment Rotate drive sheave and check for offset alignment every 120 degrees (three places). Ears on JDM-81 Clutch Aligning Tool should align with inside of stationary face on drive sheave. If not, add or remove shims on driven sheave shaft. Drive Sheave Alignment Rotate and check drive sheave for alianment everv 120 ,....._ •• _ •••• _,._'-' ........ "'" ••• "'-'&"IIIIUIII '-' 'Cill. IIlv. TRAILFIRE and SPORTFIRE I ------, laD ' aD: Power Train LIQUIFIRE Driven Sheave Offset Alignment NOTE: On the LlQUIFIRE, center distance and drive sheave alignment cannot be adjusted. Secondary sheave offset is adjustable. 41 L~====:;7 T A 1. Remove belt. 2. Separate driven sheave and insert 3/8-inch (9.5 mm) keystock. Measure distances A and B every 120 degrees '(three places) on the clutch. M29259 IMPORTANT: Do not allow the bar stock to contact the rivet heads securing the driven sheave to the hub. 3. Use the following formula to calculate offset. A+B -2- = OFFSET 4. If offset is not between 1.44 inches (37 mm) to 1.48 inches (38 mm), add or remove spacers from driven sheave as necessary. LIQUIFIRE CHAIN TENSIONER ADJUSTMENT 1. Loosen jam nut, and turn adjusting screw in fingertight. 2. Turn the driven sheave 1/2 turn forward, check adjusting screw again. Turn driven sheave another 1/2 turn and check adjusting screw a second time. \ 3. Back off adjusting screw 1/4 turn, and tighten jam nut. M25761 I. Hemove belt. 2. Separate driven sheave and insert 3/8-inch (9.5 mm) keystock. Measure distances A and B every 120 degrees '(three places) on the clutch. IMPORTANT: Do not allow the bar stock to contact the rivet heads securing the driven sheave to the hub. 3. Use the followina formula to calcLlI~tA ()ff~At ~\ . KEYSTOCK M29259 42 Power Train DRIVE BELT DIMENSIONS The drive belt dimensions are carefully calibrated when the drive system is matched to the machine at the factory. Dimensions critical to the performance of the machine are the outside circumfe rence of the belt and the width of the belt. Circumference and width both affect the shifting characteristics of the clutch. A drive belt that is not to specification will not perform well. A drive belt that is too long will decrease top speed and raise engagement speed, and one that is too short will increase top speed but reduce engagement speed. A drive belt that is worn affects performance similar to a long belt. A drive belt worn to less than 1-1/8 inches (28.6 mm) wide should be replaced . Snowmobile Belt No. Outside Circumference TRAILFIRE M66345 46.3" (1 176 mm) ± 0.12" (3.0 mm) SPORTFIRE Width 1-1/4" (32 mm) M66345 46.3" (1 176 mm) ± 0.12" (3.0 mm) 1-1/4" (32 mm) L1QUIFIRE M69170 46.8" (1 190 mm) ±0.25" (6.4 mm) 1-3/8" (35 mm) HIGH ALTITUDE APPLICATION At higher altitudes , the carburetor must be tuned to provide peak performance. The drive train must govern the engine rpm at its peak power point for maximum performance . This means that after the carburetor is tuned, the drive train should also be tuned to agree with the new carburetor performance. The tables on pages 43 and 44 provide guidelines for tuning the power train for high altitude operation. factory. Dimensions critical to the performance of the machine are the outside circumference of the belt and the width of the belt. Circumference and width both affect the shifting characteristics of the clutch. A drive belt that is not to specification will not perform well. A drive belt that is too long will decrease top speed and raise engagement speed, and one that is too short will increase top speed but reduce engage- Power Train 43 Clutch Recommendations - TRAILFIRE - 102C Clutch * Primary Clutch Secondary Clutch Chain Case Clutch Engagement (rpm) Governed Speed (rpm) Spacers in Clutch Clutch Spring Arm Kit Spring Positon Cam Gearing Sprockets Chain (Pitch) Sea Level to 4000 Ft. (0 to 1 219 m) 3600 to 3800 6200 to 6700 2 Silver AM55159 NO.2 38° 17 Tooth 35 Tooth 62 4000 Ft. (1 219 m) and up 4300 to 4500 6200 to 6700 2 Silver AM54287 No. 2 Compound AM55127 17 Tooth 35 Tooth 62 Altitude Clutching Recommendations - TRAILFIRE LX - 102C Clutch* Primary Clutch Secondary Clutch Chain Case Clutch Engagement (rpm) Governed Speed (rpm) Spacers in Clutch Clutch Spring Arm Kit Spring Position Cam Gearing Sprockets Chain (Pitch) Sea Level to 4000 Ft. (0 to 1 219 m) 3600 to 3800 6200 to 6700 2 Silver AM54281 No. 2 44° 21 Tooth 39 Tooth 66 4000 Ft. (1 219 m) and up 3700 to 3900 6200 to 6700 2 Silver AM54920 No. 2 44° 21 Tooth 39 Tooth 66 Altitude *These are suggested clutch component changes from stock to altitude requirements. See pages 26 through 42 for explanations and details of optional fine tune components. ' -r ---' ' -r---, _._---- -,.. •••• '11' ...... . -_ .._.. -_... -"._--_.- Sea Level to 4000 Ft. (0 to 1 219 m) 3600 to 3800 6200 to 6700 2 Silver AM55159 No. 2 38° 17 Tooth 35 Tooth 62 4000 Ft. (1 219 m) and up 4300 to 4500 6200 to 6700 2 Silver AM54287 No. 2 Compound AM55127 17 Tooth 35 Tooth 62 ----- - - ,_ .•VI., 44 Power Train HIGH ALTITUDE APPLICATION-Continued Clutching Recommendations - SPORTFIRE - 102C Clutch* Primary Clutch Secondary Clutch Chain Case Clutch Engagement (rpm) Governed Speed (rpm) Spacers in Clutch Clutch Spring Arm Kit Spring Position Cam Gearing Sprockets Chain (Pitch) Sea Level to 4000 Ft. (0 to 1 219 rn) 3800 to 4000 6700 to 7200 2 Silver AM55195 No. 2 Compound AM55127 21 Tooth 39 Tooth 66 4000 Ft. 4300 to 4500 Compound AM55127 21 Tooth 39 Tooth 66 Altitude (1 219 m) and up 6700 to 7200 2 Silver AM54287 No. 1 Clutching Recommendations - LIQUIFIRE - TR800 Clutch* Primary Clutch Altitude Clutch Governed Spacers Engagement Speed In (rpm) (rpm) Clutch Clutch Spring Secondary Clutch Ramp Kit Spring Position Cam AM55477 No. 2 44 21 Tooth 39 Tooth 68 3-AM55476 No. 2 3-AM55478 AM55479 No. 2 44 20 Tooth 39 Tooth 66 3-AM55476 No. 2 3-AM55478 AM55479 No. 2 44 19 Tooth 39 Tooth 66 Weight Kit Sea Level to 4000 Ft. (0 to 1 219 m) 4400 to 4600 8000 to 8200 2 Green M69314 4000 to 8000 Ft. (1 219 to 2 438 m) 5100 to 5300 8000 to 8200 2 Red M69331 8000 Ft. (2438 m) and up 5100 to 5300 8000 to 8200 2 Red M69331 Chain Case Gearing Chain Sprockets (Pitch) No. 1 6-AM55476 *These are suggested clutch component changes from stock to altitud requirements. See pages 26 through 42 for explanations and details of optional fine tune components. NOTE: In many cases, at altitudes of 4000 to 6000 feet (1 219 to 1 829 m), satisfactory performance can be obtained on the TR800 clutch by using a green spring (M69314), 20/39 gearing, 66 pitch chain, No. 2 ramps, 3(AM55476) and 3-(AM55478) weights. , Altitude Sea Level to 4000 Ft. (0 to 1 219 m) 4000 Ft - . --- - · · - -· 1 - -- _._-_ .. _...-... ---- Clutch Engagement (rpm) Governed Speed (rpm) Spacers in Clutch Clutch Spring Arm Kit Spring Position Cam Gearing Sprockets Chain (Pitch) 3800 to 4000 6700 to 7200 2 Silver AM55195 No. 2 Compound AM55127 21 Tooth 39 Tooth 66 .4~nn f:7nn 45 Suspension The slide rail suspension system allows the weight to transfer to the rear during acceleration for better traction and ski lift. The following adjustments are provided to tune the suspension to the rider: - Front and rear torsion spring preload -Ski alignment -Ski steering control - Track tension TORSION SPRING ADJUSTMENT Before adjusting the front and rear torsion springs, ride the snowmobile to determine adjustment requirements. Front and rear torsion spring tension can be adjusted to suit the weight and riding style of the operator. Front Torsion Springs NOTE: In deep snow at high speeds, increased tightening of front torsion springs will help provide additional ski lift. A deep snow suspension kit for the LIQU/FIRE is available from your John Deere dealer. If the front torsion springs are tightened too much, the ride will be stiff and the front of the snowmobile will seem light and lift up when power is applied. Added lift is fine for deep snow but makes the ride choppy on rough surfaces. The front torsion spring is not the only adjustment for ski lift, but it does contribute. M23799 To reduce the spring tension, turn adjusting nuts counterclockwise. Be sure that at least 1/2 inch (12.7 mm) of the adjusting screws protrudes through the nuts. Rear Torsion Springs If the suspension bottoms frequently, increase spring tension. If the ride is stiff, decrease spring tension. To increase preload, move the springs from the bottom position to the top position. The slide rail suspension system allows the weight to transfer to the rear during acceleration for better traction and ski lift. The following adjustments are provided to tune the suspension to the rider: -Front and rear torsion spring preload -Ski alignment -Ski steering control 46 Suspension SKI ALIGNMENT ~ I 1-5/16 11 ~ .34mm) The illustrations at left show the proper positioning of the skis in relationship to the steering arms, tie rods, and steering column. To align the skis: 1. Raise the front of sled slightly to remove weight from skis. 2. Position handlebars straight ahead. 3. Measure distances (A and B) between front and rear wear rod nuts. The two dimensions should be equal. 4. If adjustment is necessary, remove exhaust silencer for access to tie rods. 5. Loosen jam nut on end of tie rod. Rotate tie rod until skis are parallel, and tighten jam nuts. IMPORTANT: DO NOT exceed 1-5/16 inches (33.34 mm) between tie rod and center of tie rod end. 6. To realign handlebars, loosen jam nuts on both sides of adjuster on drag link. Rotate adjuster until handlebars are aligned. Tighten jam nuts. 7. After aligning the skis, be sure all jam nuts are tight, and install exhaust silencer. TRAILFIRE and SPORTFIRE -J 1_ 1- 5/1 611 ~3.34mm) ~ ...... """v III 'VIU .. Vli..,IIltJ LV UI'I;; "L'I;;'I;;IIII~ allll;:), U~ IVU::S, and steering column. To align the skis: 1. Raise the front of sled slightly to remove weight from skis. 2. Position handlebars straight ahead. 3. Measure distances (A and B) between front and rear wear rod nuts. The two dimensions should be equal. Suspension 47 SKI STEERING CONTROL Adjusting Steering Column (TRAILFIRE and SPORTFIRE) 1. Remove engine with base. 2. Loosen bracket hardware . Position bracket 0.4 inch (10.16 mm) above ledge in pan. Tighten hardware. 3. Install engine with base. Tighten hardware . 4. Move steering handlebars full left and full right. Check steering for smooth operation . NOTE: Clearance must exist between drag link bolt head and pan when steering is in a full left turn. If bolt head hits pan, move bracket up. Clearance must exist between drag link slotted nut and engine when steering is in a full right turn. If slotted nut hits engine, move bracket down. M25661 Both clearances should be approximately equal. Readjust if clearances are obviously unequal. TRACK ADJUSTMENTS Snowmobile TRAILFIRE SPORTFIRE UaUIFIRE Track Molded rubber with 29 low profile cleats Molded rubber with 29 low profile cleats Molded rubber with replaceable wear clips Check track tension and alignment frequently. A track that is too loose causes excessive slap which can damage the track, tunnel, or slide assembly. A track that is too loose or too tight requires additional power to operate . Adjusting Track 1. Suspend rear of sled . 2. Loosen jam nuts on two track adjusting screws. 3. Tension the track so the dimension between the bottom of the slide wear bar and inside of track band is as shown in chart above. Measure this dimension below lower shock absorber mount. 4.' . Tiohten iam nuts. ,'l'CIIIVVl:: t::IlYllle Willi . . UC1~e. 2. Loosen bracket hardware . Position bracket 0.4 inch (10.16 mm) above ledge in pan. Tighten hardware. 3. Install engine with base . Tighten hardware. 4. Move steering handlebars full left and full right. Check steering for smooth operation. NOTE: Clearance must exist between drag link bolt Tension 3/8" (9.5 mm) slack max. 3/8" (9.5 mm) slack max. 1/2" (12.7 mm) slack max . 48 Suspension TRACK ADJUSTMENTS-Continued After Adjustment 1. Start engine and idle track slowly so it rotates several times. Turn off engine and allow track to coast to a stop. Do not brake. 2. Check alignment by seeing where rear idler wheels run with respect to drive lugs. The rear idler wheels should run in center of drive lugs . 3. Look under track and see if slide rail wear strip is directly in the middle of each slide rail opening on track. 4. Repeat tensioning procedure if necessary . :M25764 M25764 NOTE: A track always runs to the loose side. For proper tensioning , tighten adjusting screw on loose side. For example, if track is too far to the left, tighten screw on left side to move track to the right. TRACK STUDS Installing Wear Strips • o Performance can often be improved by adding studs to the tracks. NOTE: Wear strips must be added to TRAILFIRE, SPORTFIRE, and UQUIFIRE snowmobiles when studs are added to the track. o o o o Use only the kit indicated for each snowmo bile. Do not substitute. AM55180 - TRAILFIRE and SPORTFIRE Wear Strip Kit AM55182 - UQUIFIRE Wear Strip Kit 1. Remove seat and fuel tank. A CAUTION: Gasoline is dangerous. Avoid . . fire due to smoking or careless maintenance practices. o o 2. Remove slide suspension. 3. Install wear strips (see illustration at left). o o NOTE: Drilling holes for wear strips is necessary for 1982 snowmobiles. Install rivets from the top side of tunnel. 1. Start engine and idle track slowly so it rotates several times. Turn off engine and allow track to coast to a stop. Do not brake . 2. Check alignment by seeing where rear idler wheels run with respect to drive lugs. The rear idler wheels should run in center of drive lugs . 3. Look under track and see if slide rail wear strip is directly in the middle of each slide rail ooenino on Suspension 49 Installing Studs on TRAILFIRE and SPORTFIRE Snowmobiles Trail Riding and Normal Snowmobili g The stud kit should be installed in a staggered pattern, using the number 4 and number 7 holes in the grouser bar as shown at right. M23804 NOTE: All studs are mounted in the center band only. ~. M23804 Turn snowmobile on its side. 2. Use a cold chisel to remove the number 4 and number 7 rivets from the grouser bars, using the pattern at right as a guide. 3. Install stud through rivet hole. 4. Apply a small amount of John Deere Loctite to stud threads. 5. Place "star" claw over stud, and tighten lock nut securely. t FRONT M23805 M23805 _ - _. _- ~. _ - -- - _ . - ---._- - :;:;1.----- bar as shown at right. NOTE: All studs are mounted in the center band only. 1. Turn snowmobile on its side. 2. Use a cold chisel to remove the number 4 and number 7 rivets from the arouser bars. usinn thA M23804 M23804 50 Suspension TRACK STUDS-Continued Lake or Hardpack Running NOTE: Do not use this pattern for trail riding. Carbide ski wear rods should be used with this pattern. The stud kit should be installed in a staggered pattern , using the number 9,7,4, and 2 holes in the grouser bar as shown at left. M23806 M23806 NOTE: The studs are mounted on each outer band and the center band. 1. Turn snowmobile on its side. 2. Use a cold chisel to remove the number 9, 7,4, and 2 rivets from the grouser bars, using the pattern at left as a guide. 3. Install stud through rivet hole. 4. Apply a small amount of John Deere Loctite to stud threads. t FRONT 5. Place "star " claw over stud, and tighten lock nut securely. M23807 M23807 2 NOTE: Do not use this pattern for trail riding. Carbide ski wear rods should be used with this pattern. The stud kit should be installed in a staggered pattern , using the number 9,7,4, and 2 holes in the grouser bar as shown at left. M23806 M23806 NOTE: The studs are mounted on each outer band and the center band. 1 Suspension Stud Kits for LIQUIFIRE Snowmobiles Two 18-stud kits and two track patterns are available . I. I I 51 The stud kits are: AM55177 - Steel Stud Kit AM55178 - Carbide Stud Kit • One stud pattern consists of 18 studs and is used for normal snowmobiling and trail riding. The other pattern consists of 36 studs and is used for hardpack and lake running. Use two like kits for the 36-stud pattern. DO NOT use steel and carbide studs together. L NOTE: Carbide wear rods must be used on the skis when using the 36-stud pattern. t 1- 1/8 IMPORTANT : Upper tunnel wear strips must be installed whenever the track is studded. • 11 (28. 6 nun) I 45° SIDE OF BAR I I \ 7/8 II (22.2 mm) 5-1/ 211 {139.7 mm) - 1\ T t'" - T I I • M257$6 M25766 18-Stud Pattern I • One stud pattern consists of 18 studs and is used for normal snowmobiling and trail riding. The other pattern consists of 36 studs and is used for hardpack and lake running. Use two like kits for the 36-stud pattern. DO NOT use steel and carbide studs together. L NOTE: Carbide wear rods must be used on the skis J • 52 Suspension TRACK STUDS-Continued . I Installing Studs on LIQUIFIRE Snowmobile I • 1. Remove suspension bolts. 2. Turn snowmobile on its side, and swing track and suspension out. • L 3. Drill 5/16-inch (7.9 mm) holes in rubber track, using appropriate pattern as a guide.. Holes for studs should be centered between fiberglass rods of track. • NOTE: Holes can be made in track by heating a 5/16-inch (7.9 mm) rod or awl and pushing it through the track. • 1 1- 1/8" (28. 6 mm) 4. Place T-nut on inside of track and washer on outside of track. • 5. Install stud through washer, and tighten T-nut to lock stud in place. Do not squash or flatten rubber track when tightening T-nut. Stud should be at least flush with T-nut. I 45° 51 DE OF BAR "• ~ , 5-1 /2" 6. Put track and suspension back in place, and install suspension bolts. • 1 {139.7 mm) I •I 7/8 " ---. {22.2 mm) t- - • • M25?6? M257 67 36-Stud Pattern Due • • • 1. Remove suspension bolts. 2. Turn snowmobile on its side, and swing track and suspension out. 3. Drill S/16-inch (7.9 mm) holes in rubber track, using appropriate pattern as a guide. Holes for studs should be centered between fiberglass rods of track. ">
Key Features
- Fine tune snowmobile for various altitudes
- Provides detailed information on snowmobile tuning
- Explains the effects of tuning on performance
- Carburetion
- Power Train
- Suspension
- Detailed instructions for fine tuning the carburetor, power train and suspension system
- Information is presented in a cause and effect relationship
Frequently Answers and Questions
What is the purpose of this manual?
This manual is written for John Deere dealers and customers who are experienced snowmobilers. It is not intended to provide detailed racing information, but does provide information on how to fine-tune a snowmobile for various altitudes and riding conditions.
What information is provided in this manual?
This manual provides information on how to fine-tune a snowmobile for various altitudes and riding conditions. The information is presented in a cause and effect relationship to help you understand the effects of tuning on the performance of your snowmobile.
What are the sections covered in this manual?
This manual contains instructions for fine tuning the carburetor, power train, and suspension system.
What are the effects of tuning on the performance of a snowmobile?
Tuning can improve performance to suit specific operating conditions and can also help compensate for the machine's power loss at higher altitudes.