Documents can be scanned into SmartDoc in .jpg (single-page only) or .pdf (multiple-page files allowed) formats. (PDF scanning is available on Eaglesoft Version14.00 and higher.)
Documents scanned into SmartDoc cannot be cropped or edited in any way once they are acquired. (Items stored in .jpg format cannot be rotated.) (FAQ 2766)
TWAIN Compliant Scanner: (FAQ 2136)
TWAIN is the standard interface between software programs and image-capturing devices such as scanners and digital cameras. Nearly all scanners contain a TWAIN driver known as the
Data Source, but only TWAIN-compatible software can use the technology.
Recommended Install:
The Scanner will be installed on the local machine. A hardware technician will be responsible for the installation and the scanner functioning outside of Eaglesoft.
Scanner Preferences in Eaglesoft:
Offices with Advanced Imaging will set the scanner up under File | Preferences | XRay tab.
Click on the Scanner button, highlight the correct scanner from the list (if the scanner is not listed, it has not been installed), click on Select. If you want to be able to do multi-page scanning then uncheck the option for Use Scanner Default Interface. Click on OK to save the preferences.
Offices with Practice Management only will go to File | Preferences | General tab. Click on the Scanner button, select the correct scanner listed, and click on Select. Click on OK to save the preferences.
Scan Settings:
• From SmartDoc, click on File | Acquire from Twain Device or click on the Scanner button on the toolbar. o **If the driver detected belongs to a multi-feed scanner the auto preview option is grayed out.
• Select the Type: (The colors the scanner is going to use to make the image.) o 24-bit color: 24-bit color images are composed of three 8-bit color channels.
Each color channel, similar to an 8-bit grayscale image, contains up to 256 colors. When combined, the red, green and blue channels provide up to 16.7 million colors. 24-bit color is also known as True Color and Photo-realistic Color. o 8-bit color: 3 bits of red, 3 bits of green and 2 bits of blue. o 8-bit grayscale: Images that contain 256 possible shades of gray. o Black and White
• Select the Resolution: (The quality of the image being scanned in, the higher the resolution the better the quality and the larger the file size.) If you choose to scan in at
150 resolutions then decide to scan in at 300, it makes the file size 4 times the size.
(FAQ 4138)
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• Select the Reduction: (The amount the file size is reduced to.) o Recommended: If you are using the Eaglesoft Scanner Interface then leave the type at 24 Bit Color, the resolution at 50, and reduction at 100% when scanning documents. The reduction can be changed per Dr’s request.
• Tolerance: (Used with the X-Ray Mount button in order for the interface to determine what it considers to be an x-ray). Sliding the bar changes the value depending on where it is. Values range from 1 – 255. o Use Backlight: (Used when scanning in x-rays and used in Conjunction with 8
Bit Gray Scale). (FAQ 8448)
• Select Get Preview if the auto scan is unchecked.
• Click on Scan once you have the preview the way you want.
• Choose Get Images in order to preview the file in SmartDoc. o Save Images as PDF Document will allow Multipage scanning o Enable Multi Page will pull from the auto feed tray. o Auto Preview will automatically provide a preview of the item currently on the scanner bed .
o Auto Scan will automatically select the previewed item and move it to the right column .
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Once the preview is displayed, either:
1. Crop a section of that page and click Scan to get just that selection, or
2. Click Scan to get the entire page.
Regular Preview (no Cropping)
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Preview with Cropping (cropping begins in the upper-left corner)
3. Click Scan.
4. Click Get Images.
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Flatbed Scanner: (FAQ 6232)
If the Auto Scan option is checked, this makes the preview occur automatically. A preview of the entire page is automatically placed on the right side and a second page can be scanned or the image can be saved.
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When Auto Scan is selected but Auto Preview is not selected, you will need to click on Get
Preview to have the image appear in the preview pane as well as have it appear to the right side.
Auto Preview and Auto Scan are selected here which will automatically show the preview and automatically place it over to the right.
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To scan a new page of the document, place it on the scanner bed next. Check the box to Save
Images as PDF Document, and click Get Preview again. Then, either crop and click Scan, or just click Scan to get the entire page.
To delete an undesired preview, right click on it and choose Delete.
Once all pages of the document have been scanned, are the way you like and are in right side of the TWAIN screen, click on Get Images to save them into SmartDoc.
Multi Page - Auto Feed Scanning: (FAQ 6232)
When using the auto-feed tray, select the option for Enable Multi-Page so that it grabs the document from the auto-feed tray.
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When feeding multiple pages thru the auto feed tray, select Auto Scan to automatically place the preview of each page on the right side.
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Do not choose the Scan option when scanning multiple pages at a time with an auto – feed driver.
This will rescan the last page of the document, adding it in twice.
Items can be removed from the document. Right-click on the preview and select Delete.
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Click on Get Images to save them to SmartDoc.
Cropping with an auto-feed driver can only be done to the last page scanned in.
Use your mouse to crop the selection you want, and then click on Scan. If cropping is needed on all pages of the document, they would need to be fed through one page at a time.
Cropped in the preview and then scanned as only having the cropped view.
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This message will appear when the option for Save Images as PDF Document is unchecked and you clicked on Get Images when you have multiple images to save. If you click on Yes then it will save the last page/image scanned. If you click No, it will take you back to the scanning screen, click on Save Images as PDF Document and then click on Get Images.
More Information about Scanners:
FAQ 12049: Auto Feed Scanners with Eaglesoft Multi Page Scanning Functionality – Why some work and some don’t.
FAQ 8995: Epson V300 Scanner information
FAQ 4892: Epson Expression 10000XL Scanner Information
All Scanners on the Hardware requirements will do the Auto-feed but the only one that will do the auto feed and work as a multi functional machine is the HP M2727.
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