Condair JetSpray JS60, JS600, JS600DS, JS600M Atomising Nozzle System Technical Manual
The JetSpray JS60, JS600, JS600DS and JS600M Atomising Nozzle Systems are designed for direct air, or in-duct humidification in industrial applications. Each system is pre-commissioned at the factory and every control panel includes PureFlo Ag+ with Argentosan™ for hygienic humidification. The systems use air and water under pressure to produce finely atomised sprays which rapidly evaporate to raise the relative humidity to the desired level. Operation is fully automatic and regulated by a humidity sensor, humidistat or external controls. The system is designed for use with potable mains or treated water and is completely sealed and with no open tanks, ensuring freedom from contamination and a healthy working environment.
VERSION 1.37 (UK) 01.03.16 TECHNICAL MANUAL Installation, Commisioning, Operation and Maintenance JetSpray Atomising Nozzle System JS60 / JS600 / JS600DS / JS600M Humidification and Evaporative Cooling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¿FDWLRQVUHVHUYHG JetSpray Atomising Nozzle System | 2 1 Introduction: Safety Foreword This manual has been written to ensure the safe use, performance and longevity of the equipment and is intended for use by engineers and properly trained technical personnel. Please read this manual thoroughly before specifying, designing or installing a JetSpray system. Retain for reference. Condair plc reserves the right to amend, without notice, the specifications provided in this document. Condair plc does not guarantee, or accept liability for, the accuracy of information in this document. 1.1 Health and Safety: Installation, maintenance, repair work or de-commissioning should only be carried out by appropriately qualified and properly trained technical personnel. It is the customers responsibility to ensure their suitability. The customer is responsible for ensuring that the installation of the equipment complies with all local regulations. Any risks or hazards relating to the system, including during installation and maintenance, should be identified by a competent Health & Safety representative who shall be responsible for introducing effective control measures as necessary. ! WARNING: Always isolate all supplies to the system before commencing any maintenance or repair. COSHH and Personal Protective Equipment: Refer to HSE for information on the Control Of Substances Hazardous to Health and recommendations with regard to Personal Protective Equipment including Respiratory Protective Equipment. Hygiene: Your attention is drawn to the local Health & Safety Executive’s technical guidance on the control of Legionellosis in water systems. If inadequately maintained, water systems, of which any humidifier is a part, can support the growth of micro-organisms, including the bacterium that causes Legionnaires’ disease. All aspects of this equipment have been considered to reduce as far as possible the risk of Legionnaires’ disease and other similar conditions, but it is important that users are aware of their responsibilities under the ACoP in reducing the risk of Legionellosis. To prevent the growth of Legionella, users are required to: 1. Carry out a risk assessment of the water system using a competent person, and implement an appropriate monitoring and control regime. 2. Avoid water temperatures which favour the growth of Legionella. 3. Avoid water stagnation. 4. Clean and disinfect the system in accordance with the Health & Safety Executives technical guidance and instructions in this manual. 5. The JetSpray humidification system MUST be connected to a clean, potable mains water supply. It is the responsibility of the user to ensure that the water system complies with local regulations and bylaws, particularly those for the control of Legionella bacteria (such as the HSE ACoP L8, The control of Legionella bacteria in water systems). The use of mains water fed tanks and reservoirs is only permitted as part of a managed water treatment system. 3 | JetSpray Atomising Nozzle System Introduction: Safety Cont. ! ! WARNING: This humidifier must be installed, operated and maintained in accordance with this manual. Failure to do so could result in contamination that might cause Legionnaires’ disease, which can be fatal. Correct Use: The JetSpray humidification system is intended for adiabatic humidification and cooling. Any other, or further, application is not considered use for the intended purpose. Condair plc cannot be made liable for any damage or injury attributable to inattentive, inappropriate, negligent or incorrect operation of the equipment whether or not caused deliberately. CAUTION: To prevent water stagnation and bacterial contamination, this humidifier should be left switched on continuously. If the system is switched off for prolonged periods, typically greater than one week (subject to risk assessment) the pipework should be disinfected as per instructions and a full risk assessment undertaken to ensure safe operation. Warranty: JetSpray parts are warranteed for 1 year from invoice date with the exception of replacement items listed in the routine maintenance section. Failure to observe the manufacturers installation and maintenance recommendations and instructions will invalidate the warranty. Condair plc cannot be made liable for damage or injury attributable to failure to observe the manufacturers installation and maintenance recommendations and instructions. JetSpray Atomising Nozzle System | 4 Contents 1.0 1.1 Introduction Health and Safety 2.0 Contents 3.0 System Overview and Specification 4.0 Principle of operation 5.0 Installation: 5.1 Installation Overview Overall Sizes and Pipe Positions 5.1.1 Stage 1 - Positioning the Unit 5.1.2 Stage 2 - Incoming Water Supply 5.1.3 Stage 3 - Incoming Compressed Air Supply 5.1.4 Stage 4 - Drain Water Outlet 5.1.5 Stage 5 - Water Outlet 5.1.6 Stage 6 - Compressed Air Outlet 5.2 Nozzle Line Assembly and Fittings 5.2.1 Stage 7a - Direct Air Layout 5.2.2 Stage 7b - AHU Layout 5.2.3 Stage 8 - Electrical Installation 5.2.4 Stage 8a - Controls Wiring - JS60 / JS600 5.2.5 Stage 8b - Controls Wiring - Timer Option 5.2.6 Stage 8c - Controls Wiring - Microprocessor Option 6.0 Commissioning: 6.1 Pre Commissioning checks and Commissioning 6.2 JS60 / JS600 Settings 6.3 JS600DS / JS600M Programming 7.0 Maintenance: 7.1 Maintenance... 7.2 Routine Water Sampling and Testing 7.3 Routine Maintenance Schedules 7.4 Recommended Spares List 7.5 Frequency Asked Questions 7.6 Cleaning and Disinfection 7.7 Descaling 8.0 Identification: 8.1 Line Identification 8.2 JS60 Water Line 8.3 JS60 Air Line 8.4 JS600 / JS600DS Water Line 8.5 JS600M Water Line 8.6 JS600 / JS600DS / JS600M Air Line 5 | JetSpray Atomising Nozzle System 3 3 5 7 9 11 12 15 16 19 22 23 24 25 27 30 33 34 35 36 39 39 43 45 49 50 51 52 56 57 62 65 66 66 67 68 69 70 71 Contents Cont. 9.0 9.1 9.2 9.3 9.4 9.5 9.6 9.7 9.8 9.9 Component Identification and Maintenance: JS60 Water / Air Line Components.. JS600 / JS600DS / JS600M Water Line Components JS600 / JS600DS / JS600M Air Line Components PureFlo Ag+ and Air Filter Nozzle Component JS60 / JS600 Timer Loom . JS600DS / JS600M Microprocessor Loom JS60 / JS600 With Timer Wiring Diagram JS600DS / JS600M With Programmer Wiring Diagram 72 72 73 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 JetSpray Atomising Nozzle System | 6 3.0 Typical System Overview Nozzle End Of Line JetSpray Direct Air Version Air Out External Display Water Out JetSpray Air Handling Unit (AHU) Version Power In Air In Water In 7 | JetSpray Atomising Nozzle System Instrumentation and controls PureFlo Ag+ Anti-bacterial Cartridge and 5 micron filter Drain Typical System Overview Cont. Specification JS60 JS600 JS600DS JS600M Output Range 0-60l/h 0-600l/h 0-600l/h 0-600l/h Control Tolerance +/-4%rH +/-4%rH +/-3%rH +/-2%rH Microprocessor & Remote Interface No No Yes Yes Modulating Control No No No Yes Sensor/Analogue Control (0-10V, 2-10V) On/Off Control No No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Service Interval Counter No No Yes Yes Dimensions (Width x Height x Depth) 380x535 x160 520x750x200 520x750x200 520x750x200 mm Weight 15kg 30kg 30kg 30kg Nozzle Output (Litres/hr) 2.5 9.0 12.0 15.0 SCFM Air Consumption per nozzle @ 2.2bar 0.38 0.53 0.68 0.83 0.98 1.35 1.8 2.25 0.83 1.16 1.49 1.82 2.15 2.97 3.96 4.95 1.40 1.96 2.52 3.08 3.65 5.05 6.73 8.41 CFM Air Consumption per nozzle. Free Air Delivery (0.33CFM/l) M3/hr Air Consumption per nozzle. Free Air Delivery (0.56M3/hr/l) 3.5 4.5 5.5 6.5 All JetSpray control panels are rated to IP54 (External Display IP44). For outdoor use, an appropriate weatherproof rated enclosure is required. Contact the distributor for details. Humidity tolerance is subject to temperature control. All JetSpray systems incorporate the PureFlo Ag+ anti bacterial silver dosing system. JetSpray Atomising Nozzle System | 8 4.0 JS60 / JS600 / JS600DS / JS600M Principle of Operation The JetSpray™ Humidification System consists of the required number of JetSpray atomising nozzles of appropriate output, together with a JetSpray control panel. The system is designed for direct air, or in-duct humidification in industrial applications; being installed by the manufacturer or distributor, or supplied in a form suitable for installation by in-house technical staff or contractors. Each system is pre-commissioned at the factory and every control panel includes PureFlo Ag+ with Argentosan™ for hygienic humidification. All systems use air and water under pressure to produce finely atomised sprays which rapidly evaporate to raise the relative humidity to the desired level. Pressure and flow regulation is via the control panel which also incorporates fail safe devices. Operation is fully automatic and regulated by a humidity sensor, humidistat or external controls. The system is designed for use with potable mains or treated water and is completely sealed and with no open tanks, ensuring freedom from contamination and a healthy working environment. Other water sources may be used, including a de-mineralised water supply. If using demineralised water purer than 60 ppm, then stainless steel pipes and nozzles should be used. Demineralised water quality should not exceed 2 meg ohm. Maintenancefree diaphragm Security back screw Air Dust resistant air cap Automatic self-cleaning pin Adjustable balancing system Non-drip stop valve Water 9 | JetSpray Atomising Nozzle System Maintenance-free no-block water jet JS60 / JS600 / JS600DS / JS600M Principle of Operation Cont. JetSpray atomising nozzles are fabricated in nickel plated brass, incorporating a stainless steel cleaning pin and diaphragm, with water seal. Air and water under pressure do not mix until they reach the nozzle where they mix at the nozzle tip and atomise to produce a finely atomised spray. When the relative humidity drops below the set level, the air solenoid valve within the control panel opens in response to a humidity demand. When air pressure is at a sufficient level to cause atomisation, a pressure switch activates the water solenoid valve, allowing water to flow to the nozzles. Water cannot flow, therefore, without adequate air pressure. Air and water valves close when the desired level of relative humidity has been achieved, preventing air and water flow to the nozzles. Whenever the system switches off, pressure within the water line is immediately relieved via the drain line while compressed air continues to flow through the nozzle. This allows the water valves in the nozzles to shut off cleanly, preventing drips. After the air run-on period, a stainless steel cleaning pin is pushed through the orifice of the water jet, removing any mineral deposits. The JS600M includes a modulating valve and flow sensor which monitor and control the output of the system. The JS600M modulates its output up to a preset limit in the software to achieve close control. During prolonged periods where humidity is not required the humidifier will use periodic purge and nozzle flush cycles to prevent water stagnation and inhibit any bacterial growth. The control panel MUST be left powered on at all times for these safety features to function. The control panel is supplied with a PureFlo Ag+ silver cartridge which must be installed in the water line prior to the control panel. PureFlo Ag+ with Argentosan™ has been developed to inhibit the growth of bacteria, moulds and fungi in concentrations normally found in potable water supplies. Argentosan is not a disinfectant and will not kill all microbes in contaminated water. It is therefore important that the quality of the water supplying the humidifier is monitored and controlled regularly according to the risk assessment for your building. The cleaning cycle is the periodic function of relieving the water pressure in the nozzle to allow the cleaning pin to push forward and clear any foreign matter or scale from the water jet. The frequency of the cleaning cycles is set dependent upon the quality of the incoming water supply. The air run on cycle ensures the nozzles do not drip or expel water when the JetSpray system switches off. This is achieved by leaving the air on to the nozzles until the water line has been completely relieved of water pressure. The duration should be set depending upon the length of the water nozzle line. During periods of low humidity demand the Nozzle flush cycle will periodically initiate a humidity demand to bring the system on and keep the JetSpray clear of any possible water stagnation. The default frequency is set at every 4 hours the duration is set at 5 mins. This frequency must not be changed without consultation with the distributor. During commissioning it must be checked that this is sufficient time to fill the system pipework and spray through the nozzle for 2 minutes or more. If necessary increase this time accordingly as per the programming instructions in this manual. Periodically the humidifier will purge water to drain to ensure the feed water supply is kept fresh and clear of any water stagnation. The duration of this purge should be set dependent upon the length of supply water pipe-work as described in the commissioning section of the manual. JetSpray Atomising Nozzle System | 10 5.0 Installation Installation Overview Installation Service: Condair plc offers an installation and commissioning service. Services available include: • Site surveys. • Turnkey packages. • Contract management. • Management of site health & safety. • Risk management. • Preparation of operation & maintenance documentation & drawings. • Client demonstration and hand over. In accordance with the Health & Safety at Work Act 1974 and subsidiary regulations, only trained operatives meeting the health and safety standards dictated by Construction Skills Certification Scheme (CSCS) are used on Condair Contracts. Condair plc is compliant with the government’s “Contractors Health & Safety Assessment Scheme“ (CHAS), and meet the requirements of “SAFE”, the contractor accreditation scheme for business. For further information, please contact your local distributor. 7a 5.1.1 5.1.2 5.1.3 5.1.4 5.1.5 5.1.6 5.2.1 5.2.2 5.2.3 5.2.4 5.2.5 5.2.6 7b Positioning the unit Water In Compressed air In Drain out Water out Compressed air out Direct air layout AHU layout Electrical installation Controls wiring (JS60 / JS600) Controls wiring (JS600DS) Controls wiring (JS600M) 6 5 8 1 3 2 11 | JetSpray Atomising Nozzle System 4 8a / 8b / 8c JetSpray Dimensions JS60 Overall Dimensions and Pipe Positions 4 2 5 45 170 215 3 45 215 550 1 76.5 76.5 380 380 166.5 JS600 / JS600DS / JS600M Over All Sizes and Pipe Positions 750 750 1 3 95 95 95 95 5 240 240 2 330 330 4 330 330 5.1 76.5 76.5 76.5 76.5 201.5 201.5 520 520 1 - Air Inlet 2 - Water Inlet 3 - Air Outlet 4 - Water Outlet 5 - Drain JS60 15mm 15mm 15mm 15mm 15mm JS600/JS600DS/JS600M 28mm 15mm 28mm 15mm 22mm JetSpray Atomising Nozzle System | 12 Pipe Sizes Air Nozzle Line Output Pipe size l/hr mm 0 - 60 15 60 - 300 22 300 - 600 22 Air Feed Line Output Pipe size l/hr mm 0 - 60 15 60 - 300 22 300 - 600 28 Water Nozzle Line Output Pipe size l/hr mm 0 - 60 15 60 - 300 15 300 - 600 15 Air Riser Line Output Pipe size l/hr mm 0 - 60 15 60 - 300 22 28 300 - 600 Water Riser Line Water Feed Line Output Pipe size l/hr mm 0 - 60 15 60 - 300 15 300 - 600 15 Output l/hr Pipe size mm 0 - 60 60 - 300 300 - 600 15 15 15 Drain Output Pipe size l/hr mm 0 - 60 15 60 - 300 22 300 - 600 22 Image indicates recommended UK pipe sizes. EU and US pipework adaptors (available from distributor) may be required if installing overseas. Please see table opposite. 13 | JetSpray Atomising Nozzle System Installation Kits (Option) Kit Number OPTION60EU OPTION60US OPTION600EU OPTION600US Image Description Quantity 15mm - 16mm Adaptor 5 15mm - 1/2" BSP Adaptor 5 15mm - 16mm Adaptor 2 15mm - 1/2" BSP Adaptor 2 28mm - 1" BSP Adaptor 2 22mm - 3/4" BSP Adaptor 1 NB: Connection points are pipe spigots unless adaptor kits for EU / US are purchased separately. JetSpray Atomising Nozzle System | 14 60mm 380mm 50mm 280mm 300mm 500mm 750mm 400mm 300mm ! 30kg > 300mm < 1200mm JS60 > 300mm < 1200mm JS600 / JS600DS/ JS600M ! 15kg Fixing part 2 Fixing part 1 CAUTION: Ambient Conditions: Temperature Humidity 5-45 °C < 85% rH mm 60 NB: Ensure that the JetSpray system is accessible for maintenance. The JetSpray system should not be installed where it will be subjected to continuous vibration. 15 | JetSpray Atomising Nozzle System 535mm 300mm 520mm 345mm 300mm 300mm 1 - Positioning the Unit 300mm 5.1.1 5m m 5.1.2 2 - Incoming Water Supply 1 5 2 1 1 2 3 4 5 - Compression Fitting Ball Valve PureFlo Ag+ Anti-Bacterial Cartridge 5 micron filter Support bracket 4 3 Connection Size JS60 Standard 15mm EU (OPTION60EU) 16mm US (OPTION60US) 1/2” BSP F JS600 / JS600DS / JS600M Standard EU (OPTION600EU) 15mm 16mm US (OPTION600US) 1/2” BSP F NB: Connection points are pipe spigots unless adaptor kits for EU / US are purchased separately. CAUTION: 1. Before connecting the water line to the control panel purge the line to ensure any flux or foreign matter left over from the installation is removed. Failure to do so could cause component failure or result in water damage. 2. The PureFlo Ag+ is an anti-bacterial cartridge which uses silver to inhibit bacterial growth. To ensure the hygiene of the JetSpray system, The PureFlo Ag+ must be fitted and maintained in accordance with this manual. ! WARNING: Please note: Argentosan has been developed to inhibit the growth of bacteria, moulds and fungi in concentrations normally found in potable water supplies. Argentosan is not a disinfectant and will not kill all microbes in contaminated water. It is therefore important that the quality of the water supplying the humidifier is monitored and controlled regularly according to the risk assessment for your building. The JetSpray MUST be connected to a clean, potable mains water supply. The use of mains fed tanks or reservoirs is only permitted as part of a managed water treatment system. 3. A WRAS approved double check valve (OPTION) must be installed on the water inlet to comply with WRAS guidelines in the United Kingdom. 4. It is recommended that an additional isolator and tee point is fitted before the JetSpray panel to allow the water supply line to be flushed, or for routine water sampling and cleaning / disinfection. JetSpray Atomising Nozzle System | 16 5.1.2 2 - Supply Water Requirements Pressure (Min/Max): 4 - 7 Bar (58 - 102 PSI) without significant fluctuation. Water Supply:The JetSpray humidification system MUST be connected to a clean, potable mains water supply. It is the responsibility of the user to ensure that the water system complies with local regulations and bylaws, particularly those for the control of Legionella bacteria (such as the HSE ACoP L8, the control of Legionella bacteria in water systems). The use of mains water fed tanks and reservoirs is only permitted as part of a managed water treatment system. Purity: Reverse osmosis/demineralised water must have maximum resistivity of 2 megohm-cm. Temperature:Water supply must run at 20 Degrees Centigrade or less within 2 minutes of switching on the supply. Turbidity:Less than 2 NTU (Additional filtration will be required if turbidity exceeds this level). Pipe-work Materials:Copper is the preferred material for the JetSpray system. PVC-U plastic or stainless steel are suitable alternatives. NB: When using reverse osmosis or demineralised water with purity better than or equal to 60ppm, stainless steel pipes must be used. DO NOT USE IRON, STEEL OR GALVANISED PIPE as they are susceptible to scaling, flaking and corrosion. They also provide an excellent habitat that will support microbiological growth. Materials such as natural rubber, hemp, linseed oil based jointing compounds and fibre washers should not be used. Materials and fittings acceptable for use in water systems are listed in the directory published by the Water Research Centre. 17 | JetSpray Atomising Nozzle System 2 - Supply Water Requirements Cont. x 5m Ma ins Ma x Wa te rS up ply Ma Ma 5m ins r Wa te rS up ply te Wa s ly in Ma Supp r te Wa s in ply Ma Sup Ma Wa ins Su ter pp ly ! WARNING: To minimise the risk of dead leg, ensure that the distance between the existing water supply and the panel does not exceed 5m. Ensure the water system is so designed and constructed that it will be safe and without risks to heath when used. CAUTION: If the distance between the existing mains water supply and the panel exceeds 5m, additional pipework should be installed to bring the supply closer to minimise the risk of a dead leg. JetSpray Atomising Nozzle System | 18 5.1.3 3 - Incoming Compressed Air Supply 3 4 2 1 - Ball Valve (Not Supplied) 1 Air Filter Option 2 - Ball Valve 3 - Air Filter 4 - Compression Fitting NB: Where an air filter is fitted, the oil collector should be connected to an oil drain. CAUTION: Before connecting the air line to the control panel, purge the line to ensure any flux or foreign matter left over from the installation is removed. Failure to do so could cause component failure. Connection Size JS60 Standard 15mm EU (OPTION60EU) 16mm US (OPTION60US) 1/2” BSP F JS600 / JS600DS / JS600M Standard EU (OPTION600EU) 28mm 28mm US (OPTION600US) 1” BSP F NB: Connection points are pipe spigots unless adaptor kits for EU / US are purchased separately. 19 | JetSpray Atomising Nozzle System Supply Air Requirements Pressure (Min/Max): Purity: 4.5 - 10 Bar (65 - 145 PSI) Air supply should be clean, dry and free from oil. If this cannot be guaranteed an air filter and oil separator should be used. Where an air filter is fitted, the oil collector should be connected to an oil drain. Pipe-work Materials: To prevent bacterial growth, pipework must be non-corrosive and any jointing material used must be free of nutrients that could cause microbial growth. Air Consumption: 0.15scfm/litre 0.33cfm/litre 0.068 scfm/lbs 0.255 m3/h/lbs-1 Nozzle Output (Litres/hr) 2.5 SCFM Air Consumption per nozzle @ 2.2bar 0.38 0.53 0.68 0.83 0.98 1.35 CFM Air Consumption per nozzle Free Air Delivery (0.33CFM/Litre) M3/hr Air Consumption per nozzle Free Air Delivery (0.56m3/hr/Litre 3.5 4.5 5.5 6.5 9.0 12.0 15.0 1.8 2.25 0.83 1.16 1.49 1.82 2.15 2.97 3.96 4.95 1.40 1.96 2.52 3.08 3.65 5.05 6.73 8.41 Air Compressor Sizing Minimum CFM Air Compressor Supply *per nozzle Free air delivery (0.36CFM/ 0.90 1.26 1.62 1.98 2.34 3.24 4.32 5.40 litre) Minimum m3/litre Air Compressor Supply *per nozzle Free Air Delivery (0.56m3/ 1.53 2.14 2.75 3.37 3.98 5.51 7.34 9.18 litre) *Note: System Compressor Air Supply is greater than nozzle consumption to allow for variation of output from compressors, ACFM varies due to changes in site ambient conditions. JetSpray Atomising Nozzle System | 20 Supply Air Requirements Cont. Attention should be paid to BCAS (British Compressed Air Society) guide to selection and installation of compressed air systems. Particular attention should be paid to compressor location, air intake location, noise considerations, and discharge considerations. Notice should be taken of condensate piping requirements and discharge considerations to ground or sewers. 1. It is important that the air supply to the control panel is clean and dry. Oil must also be removed from the compressed air through the use of oil removal filters. 2. All air compressors will produce moisture. Excessive amounts of water in the air lines will reduce nozzle performance, and in extreme cases will prevent the nozzle from producing any mist. A receiver is recommended which must be drained daily to ensure moist air does not enter the humidification system. As this condensate may be dirty or even oily, it is important to consider its effect on the environment, including Legionnaires’ disease. 3. Current legislation places responsibility on the user to ensure that condensate passing into the drainage system is as clean as possible. Suitable treatment equipment is available from the distributor. The distributor recommends the use of filters both after the receiver and before the humidifier (OPTION). 4. When sizing a screw compressor it is recommended that a maximum safety margin of 20% is added. 5. Most good quality screw compressors incorporate an after-cooler. If not fitted, however, one should be used when the air consumption exceeds 85m3/hr (50cfm), or if it is recommended by the air compressor manufacturer. All air consumption figures quoted relate to ISO1217, the free air delivery. 6. A dryer is not usually necessary. However, where there is a high risk that condensation might form in the pipework, (for example, in an un-insulated pipe run outside a building or in low temperature environments), a dryer may be needed. If a desiccant dryer is used, this can reduce effective air supply by up to 20%. (Check with your supplier). 7. Air pressure loss can be managed by reduction in the air pipe length, elimination of unnecessary elbows, valves and any flow restrictions, increasing the diameter of the primary delivery pipe to the zones and elimination of leaks. 21 | JetSpray Atomising Nozzle System 4 - Drain Water Outlet Drain Outlet > 35mm Ø > 200mm 5.1.4 NB: Swept fittings should be used to prevent splashing ! ! WARNING: An air gap must be incorporated to prevent any back contamination of the JetSpray system. CAUTION: 1. Observe water regulations 2. A minimum of 200mm up-stand is recommended to prevent any splashing when draining. 3. Where a gravity drain cannot be ensured (e.g. if the nozzle line is lower than the panel) an EOL BLOWDOWN must be fitted. This is a compressed air assisted drain via a pressure relief valve fitted at the end of the nozzle water line. Connection Size JS60 Standard 15mm EU (OPTION60EU) 16mm US (OPTION60US) 1/2” BSP F JS600 / JS600DS / JS600M Standard EU (OPTION600EU) 22mm 22mm US (OPTION600US) 3/4” BSP F NB: Connection points are pipe spigots unless adaptor kits for EU / US are purchased separately. JetSpray Atomising Nozzle System | 22 5 - Water Outlet To 7a or 7b 5.1.5 Water Outlet Connection Size JS60 Standard 15mm EU (OPTION60EU) 16mm US (OPTION60US) 1/2” BSP F JS600 / JS600DS / JS600M Standard EU (OPTION600EU) 15mm 16mm US (OPTION600US) 1.2” BSP F NB: Connection points are pipe spigots unless adaptor kits for EU / US are purchased separately. 23 | JetSpray Atomising Nozzle System 6 - Compressed Air Outlet To 7a or 7b 5.1.6 Air Outlet. Air Riser Line Output Pipe size l/hr mm 0 - 60 60 - 300 300 - 600 15 22 28 Connection Size JS60 Standard 15mm EU (OPTION60EU) 16mm US (OPTION60US) 1/2” BSP F JS600 / JS600DS / JS600M Standard EU (OPTION600EU) 28mm 28mm US (OPTION600US) 1” BSP F NB: Connection points are pipe spigots unless adaptor kits for EU / US are purchased separately. JetSpray Atomising Nozzle System | 24 5.2 Nozzle Line Assembly Introduction The number of nozzles required will have been calculated by the distributor and the system designed to maintain the desired level of relative humidity. Each system is custom designed to suit each application, always consult the distributor for details of nozzle layout. Although minor changes (e.g. moving a nozzle assembly a little to avoid the spray hitting an obstruction) are tolerated by the system, complete changes of the layout could result in an unbalanced system that will not perform correctly. Ensure that all parts supplied are used in their correct order and direction of flow. Do not leave out any parts as they have a definite function in the operation of the system. Re n me m co d de 0 50 m 1.5 mm 1m CAUTION: Observe spacing recommendations. Ensure black hoses are fitted without any deadlegs. The hose must have a continual fall to drain. Installation 1. Copper is the preferred material for the JetSpray system. If using demineralised water purer than 60ppm, PVC- U plastic or stainless steel are suitable alternatives. DO NOT USE IRON, STEEL OR GALVANISED PIPE as they are susceptible to scaling, flaking and corrosion. They also provide an excellent habitat that will support microbiological growth. Materials such as natural rubber, hemp, linseed oil based jointing compounds and fibre washers MUST not be used. Materials and fittings acceptable for use in water systems are listed in the directory published by the Water Research Advisory Scheme. 2. All nozzles supplied by a single control panel MUST be installed at the same height otherwise unequal spray will be produced. The nozzle line pipework should be horizontal and straight. Pipework from the control panel to the nozzle line should be below the level of the nozzles. Avoid bends in pipework. 3. All nozzles must be installed above the control panel and at the same height to allow water to gravity drain. 4. Where pipe clips are used, the air line must be installed above the water line. The pipe clips require M10 (or equivalent) studding. The M10 studding is not supplied. 5. Do not mix nozzles of differing output capacities on the same nozzle line otherwise uneven and heavy sprays will result. 6. End of line valves should be installed at the ends of the air and water lines immediately after the final nozzles, (to avoid long dead legs), for purging during commissioning. Also included are pressure gauges for the air and water pipes to be installed at the same level as the nozzles. Pressures can then be monitored accurately as they will differ from those at the control panel. See “End of line detail” 25 | JetSpray Atomising Nozzle System Type G Fitting Assembly Details Installation Cont'd 7. Where using Type G (FITG) pipe fittings, air and water pipes should be drilled to 4.5mm (3/16") on the upper surface of the air pipe and side of the water pipe at the point where the nozzles are to be installed. Ensure that the hole is clean and free of burrs. Type G fittings are supplied in component form and should be assembled only using A131 liquid pipe thread sealant (consult the distributor). Do not use jointing pastes and PTFE tape as fragments can break off and block nozzles. Do not over tighten the clamp assembly when fitting. Liquid pipe thread sealant should 8 be used where indicated (*). 11 * 8 * 7 * * 7 7 7 9 12 9 10 * 6 10 6 5 3 * 2 * 3 2 2 1 1 5 5 2 1 4 4 4 Stock Code 01590 FITSEAL 01590 02228 02227 01073 6 3 5 1 Item 1 2 3 4 5 6 * 12 6 3 11 Description Bottom Bracket Seal Top Bracket Nuts Bolt Adaptor Item 7 8 9 10 11 12 Stock Code 01348 01363 01366 01369 01345 HOSEID 4 Description 3/8” Ball Valve 3/8” M/F Elbow Swivel Union Nozzle Side Washer 3/8”-6mm M/F Tube Elbow 6mm x 250mm Water Hose Directions • • • • • • Ensure components are clean and dry. Apply sealant to the first two threads of the male fitting. Connect the fittings together, a minimum of hand tight plus half a turn with a tool. Do not over tighten. Do not make adjustments more than five minutes after making the connection. Allow curing time of one hour before pressurising the system. Safety Permabond A131 is not considered hazardous by EEC standards, however, skin and eye contact should be avoided. In case contact is made, the following first aid measures should be observed. Eyes: Wash with clean water. Skin: Wash with soap and water. Inhalation: Remove to fresh air. Ingestion: DO NOT induce vomiting. Drink milk or water to dilute stomach contents, seek prompt medical attention. JetSpray Atomising Nozzle System | 26 5.2.1 7a - Direct Air Layout The following diagrams show different nozzle line configurations. Recommended maximum nozzle line lengths and nozzle outputs are included. NB: Please contact the local distributor to assist in the design of a suitable line layout if your application cannot be accommodated by the examples shown. Refer to the tables of pipe sizes to correctly size riser and nozzle line pipe diameters. 5m <3 NOZZLE LINE RISER 5m <3 ) (D1 NOZZLE LINE 5m <3 2) (D RISER CAUTION: D1 = D2 Maximum Output = 100 l/h D1 Maximum Output = 100 l/h D2 Maximum Output = 100 l/h < 5m <3 ) (D1 m 35 ) (D2 NOZZLE LINE RISER 27 | JetSpray Atomising Nozzle System CAUTION: D1 = D2 D1 Maximum Output = 100 l/h D2 Maximum Output = 100 l/h 7a - Direct Air Layout 7a - Direct Air Layout Typically any obstructions in front of the nozzles should be a minimum distance of 5m away to avoid wetting. For applications where low temperature or high ambient conditions may occur, increase distance according to the table below. 5m <3 ) (D2 NOZZLE LINE 5m 3 < ) (D1 5m 3 < 5m <3 4) (D 3) (D RISER CAUTION: D1 = D2 = D3 = D4 D1 D2 D3 D4 Maximum Maximum Maximum Maximum output output output output = = = = 100 100 100 100 6.5 5.4 1.2 3.9 5.0 6.2 9.0 6.8 1.6 4.6 6.0 7.3 l/h l/h l/h l/h Access to the nozzles must be provided to allow cleaning and disinfection. Nozzle size Recommended installed height (m) Maximum spray diameter (m) Typical spray length (20-24°C @ <45%rH) (m) Typical spray length (20-24°C @ 45-60%rH) (m) Typical spray length (20-24°C @ >60%rH) (m) 2.5 3.1 0.6 2.8 3.5 4.2 3.5 3.6 0.8 3.0 3.9 4.7 4.5 4.2 0.9 3.3 4.3 5.2 5.5 4.8 1.0 3.6 4.6 5.7 12.0 15.0 8.6 10.3 2.0 2.4 5.5 6.4 7.1 8.3 8.8 10.2 The distributor recommends that 9.0, 12.0, and 15.0 l/hr nozzles are not used where temperatures are below 21°C. NB: Please contact your local distributor to assist in the design of a suitable nozzle line layout if your application cannot be accommodated by the above examples. JetSpray Atomising Nozzle System | 28 End Of Line Detail ! WARNING: 6 To avoid dead leg and possible water stagnation, ensure that the distance between the last Nozzle and the End of Line Valves is as short as possible. 5 7 8 1 3 4 2 EOL1515 (Used on JS60) - Parts List Item 1 2 3 4 Stock Code 01389 01389 01045 01045 Important - At the point of installation it is recommended to close all the nozzle isolation valves ready for commissioning. Description Drain Cock Drain Cock Pressure Gauge C/W 15mm Clamp Assembly Pressure Gauge C/W 15mm Clamp Assembly JS60 End Of Line Component Identification Item 5 6 Stock Code CLIP1515 NOZ*** + FITG Description Air and Water Clamp Assembly Nozzle and Bracket Assembly EOL1522 (Used on JS600 / JS600DS / JS600M) - Parts List Item 1 2 3 4 Stock Code 01389 01389 + 01390 01045 01045 Description Drain Cock Drain Cock Pressure Gauge C/W 15mm Clamp Assembly Pressure Gauge C/W 22mm Clamp Assembly JS600 / JS600DS / JS600M End Of Line Component Identification Item 5 6 Stock Code CLIP1522 NOZ*** + FITG Description Air and Water Clamp Assembly Nozzle and Bracket Assembly EOLFastfill (Optional) EOL Blowdown (Optional) Item Stock Code Description Item Stock Code Description 7 EOLFASTFILL End of Line Automatic AirVent 8 EOLBLOWDOWN End of Line Air Assisted Drain Valve 29 | JetSpray Atomising Nozzle System 5.2.2 7b - AHU Layout Air Flo w AHU & Duct Requirements CAUTION: A drain pan with provision for running water to waste should be installed within the humidification section to allow for wetting that might occur during installation, commissioning, operation or servicing. Ideally, this should be equal to the visible spray length from the nozzle and any item which might suffer wetting, such as baffle or separator, should drain into it. Where drain pans are required to drain under gravity, ensure that the drains are trapped and primed and have enough head to overcome the pressure of the system and for hygiene reasons completely drain down. On commissioning the system, drainage of the humidification section should be tested. The drain pan MUST drain fully and should be accessible for cleaning and disinfection as part of routine maintenance of the system. A Droplet Separator must be installed a minimum of 1m downstream from the nozzle manifold. The droplet separator should be installed in such a way to ensure that water will drain away from the separator. Typically water losses are 5% at 1m. The area surrounding the Separator should be blanked off to prevent air bypass. The structure supporting it MUST be of sufficient rigidity to support it when the fans are running, and when the Separator is wet. 1. A perforated plate 60/40 is recommended before the nozzles, (allow at least 300mm before the nozzles), if the air flow is uneven. 2. An access door or panel with viewing window should be fitted to the side of the air handling unit or duct to allow maintenance of the nozzle manifold and to allow observation during operation. 3. Where demineralised or RO water is used, consideration should be given to the selection of materials used and particularly any coils that the spray may impinge onto, because of the aggressive nature of RO water. 4. Ensure no frames, sensors etc. are positioned in the path of the spray. 5. Duct air temperature must not exceed 50°C. 6. The duct should be illuminated using an exterior grade light. JetSpray Atomising Nozzle System | 30 7b - AHU Installation Separator Fixing Angles Separator Restraints Separator Separator Restraints >1 Blanking Plate 0 00 Separator Support Channel Nozzle Manifold Waterproof Air Handling Unit Section Complete With Drain JS600M Manifold 1. Ensure that the nozzle manifold(s) are located in the correct position within the air handling unit/ duct. Consult project drawings to determine exact position and orientation. IF IN ANY DOUBT CONSULT THE DISTRIBUTOR. 2. Where the nozzle system is installed on both the top and bottom of the duct, a NOZBALANCE air regulator balancing kit should be installed in the interconnecting manifold airline. This will balance the air pressure which compensates for the difference in water pressure caused by the difference in height of the nozzles. During commissioning, the pressure regulator should be adjusted to ensure that the spray pattern is balanced between the upper and lower nozzle manifold. 3. Where the nozzle manifold is installed after a heating coil or filter bank, allow sufficient space (min 500mm) for access to the nozzle for commissioning/service. 31 | JetSpray Atomising Nozzle System 7b - AHU Installation Cont. 4. The final connection of the air and water to the manifold should always be a “union” type connection, to allow easy removal and adjustment of the manifold. 5. The nozzle line can be rotated through an arc of up to 90 degrees to give the optimum spray pattern. As standard the angle is 30 degrees. Manifold End Of Line Detail 4 8 6 3 7 1 5 2 JS600M Manifold Identification and EOL1522P Standard Parts List Item 1 2 3 4 5 6 Stock Code 01389 01389 + 01390 01045 01045 MAN*** NOZ*** + BRACKET Description Drain Cock Drain Cock Pressure Gauge C/W 15mm Clamp Assembly Pressure Gauge C/W 22mm Clamp Assembly Manifold Plate C/W Nuts, Bolts and Washers Nozzle and Bracket Assembly EOLFastfill Item Stock Code 7 EOLFASTFILL Description End of Line Automatic Air Vent EOL Blowdown Item Stock Code 8 EOLBLOWDOWN Description End of Line Air Assisted Drain Valve JetSpray Atomising Nozzle System | 32 5.2.3 8 - Electrical Installation < 100 0m m E L N INCOMING FUSED POWER SUPPLY 230V Version (Check CE Label) Power Supply Power Consumption Fuse Rating Recommended Conductor Size JS60 230V/50Hz 0.17kW 2A >0.75mm JS600 230V/50Hz 0.19kW 2A >0.75mm JS600DS 230V/50Hz 0.2kW 2A >0.75mm JS600M 230V/50Hz 0.21kW 2A >0.75mm JS600DS 110V/60Hz 0.2kW 4A >0.75mm JS600M 110V/60Hz 0.21kW 4A >0.75mm 110V Version (Check CE Label) Power Supply Power Consumption Fuse Rating Recommended Conductor Size ! JS60 110V/60Hz 0.17kW 4A >0.75mm JS600 110V/60Hz 0.19kW 4A >0.75mm WARNING: All work concerned with electrical installation must only be performed by skilled and qualified technical personnel (e.g. electrician or technicians with appropriate training). The customer must be responsible for ensuring their suitability. Please observe the local regulations concerning the provision of electrical installations. 33 | JetSpray Atomising Nozzle System 5.2.4 8a - Controls Wiring - JS60 / JS600 CAUTION: It is recommended that a high-limit humidistat is installed as shown to prevent water damage in the event of humidistat failure. Option 1 - Humidistat Option 2 - Sensor control HRO20 HUMIDITY SENSOR 1 2 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 PUREFLO UV EXTERNAL ENABLE DISABLE 1 2 3 24VAC HUMIDITY SENSOR / CONTROLLER + - N/O C JetSpray Atomising Nozzle System | 34 5.2.5 8b - Controls Wiring - JS600DS Humidity Sensor Control 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 ~ EXTERNAL ENABLE DISABLE SAFETY INTERLOCK - rH T JS HUMIDITY & TEMPERATURE SENSOR CAUTION: It is recommended that a high-limit humidistat is installed using the safety interlock terminals to prevent water damage in the event of sensor failure. 35 | JetSpray Atomising Nozzle System 5.2.6 8c - Controls Wiring - JS600M External Signal Control 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 ~ EXTERNAL ENABLE DISABLE SAFETY INTERLOCK Humidity Sensor Control - rH T JS HUMIDITY & TEMPERATURE SENSOR 1 2 0-10V 2-10V 4-20mA (inc. 500 Ohms load resistor) 3 4 5 6 7 8 ~ EXTERNAL ENABLE DISABLE SAFETY INTERLOCK - rH T JS HUMIDITY & TEMPERATURE SENSOR CAUTION: It is recommended that a high-limit humidistat is installed using the safety interlock terminals to prevent water damage in the event of sensor failure. JetSpray Atomising Nozzle System | 36 JS60 / JS600 / JS600DS Sensor Positioning The following positioning instructions apply to either humidity sensors or humidistats: 1. Mount the sensor where there is free air circulation preferably in the centre of the controlled area but out of the direct path of the nozzle spray. 2. Do not mount the sensor in a position where it is exposed to direct sunlight. 3. Do not mount the sensor in a position where it is exposed to heat from radiators, motor cooling fans, spotlights etc. 4. Mount the sensor on a plate with the minimum of thermal mass suspended in free air. 5. Do not mount sensors directly to a wall surface or building support column as this will cause an error in readings due to temperature effects of the wall structure. 6. Do not mount the sensor in a position where it is exposed to draughts. 7. Wire the sensors with multi-core screened cable, with the screen wire grounded at one end only. This will minimise any induced voltages in the signal wires. 8. DO NOT run sensor cable adjacent to any 3 phase or high voltage cables. 37 | JetSpray Atomising Nozzle System JS600DS Averaging Sensor It is recommended that in large areas or where there can be temperature variations across the floor area, that averaging humidity sensors are installed, and the averaging function of the controller must be enabled. This will then allow control on an average value of the whole production facility. Up to three humidity sensors can be installed. NB: The averaging sensor capability must be enabled within the software. Refer to the programming section for details. Averaging sensors should be wired as per the following diagram. (See programming section to enable averaging.) NB: The averaging capability is available for the humidity reading only. Temperature display will be from sensor 1. As a result, the temperature terminal of the averaging sensors should not be wired. JS600DS / JS600M Remote Interface Extension Cable Option As standard, the JS600DS and JS600M systems are supplied with a 10m cable for connecting the remote interface and display. In certain applications it may be necessary to mount the remote interface further from the JetSpray control panel. In these cases an extension kit is available from the distributor. This amplifies the control signal, allowing the interface to be mounted up to 100m from the control panel. The kit includes 100m of cable. Refer to the instruction sheet supplied with the cable extension kit for wiring instructions. 21 22 23 + - rH HUMIDITY AVERAGING SENSOR 2 (OPTION) 24 Vdc 24 25 26 + - rH HUMIDITY AVERAGING SENSOR 3 (OPTION) 24 Vdc JetSpray Atomising Nozzle System | 38 6.0 6.1 Commissioning JS60 / JS600 / JS600DS / JS600M Pre-Commissioning Checks 1. Ensure the water system in the building has been subject to a Risk Assessment. The JetSpray humidification system MUST be connected to a clean, potable mains water supply. It is the responsibility of the user to ensure that the water system complies with local regulations and bylaws, particularly those for the control of Legionella bacteria (such as the HSE ACoP L8, The control of Legionella bacteria in water systems). The use of mains water fed tanks and reservoirs is only permitted as part of a managed water treatment system. 2. Ensure the water supply has been completely flushed prior to connection to the control panel as per the installation instructions. The water supply must be flushed to prevent water stagnation and to clear any flux or foreign matter. This must be done carefully without creating splashing or aerosols. 3. Ensure the air supply has been completely flushed of any flux or foreign matter before connection to the humidifier as per the installation instructions. 4. Ensure that the power supply is compatible with the CE label and is both fused and isolated within 1 meter of the control panel. Check wiring connections are secure. 5. Check the water pressure is between 4.0 - 7.0 Bar (58 - 102 PSI), without significant fluctuation. 6. Check the air pressure is between 4.5 - 10 Bar (65 - 145 PSI), without significant fluctuation. 7. Check that the relevant controls connections have been made. 8. Ensure safe access is available to the nozzle line. 9. Before putting the system into operation, disinfection must be carried out. Ensure that the relevant chemicals, equipment and Personal Protective Equipment are available to carry out disinfection as per the method statement in the cleaning and disinfection section of this manual. JS60 / JS600 / JS600DS / JS600M Commissioning The commissioning of the JetSpray humidifier requires appropriately trained technical personnel. Please pay attention to local regulations regarding working at heights and electrical work. Part of this commissioning process is a full disinfection of the control panel and nozzle line. Please refer to the commissioning section of the manual in full before commencing any work. 1. Isolate the air supply to the control panel. Isolate the water supply to the control panel. 2. Each nozzle has its own individual isolation valve for air and for water. All the nozzle isolation valves must be isolated. 3. Switch on the power to the humidifier. 4. Create a demand for humidity by either adjusting the set-point or overriding the humidity controls. 39 | JetSpray Atomising Nozzle System JS60 / JS600 / JS600DS / JS600M Commissioning Con't. 5. Flush the air line by opening the end of line air isolation valve. Temporarily connect this to a drain point. Open the air supply isolation valve to the control panel. Adjust the air regulation valve to sufficiently flush the entire air line of any foreign matter. 6. Pressure test the air line by closing the end of line air valve and adjust the air regulator to pressure test the air line up to 4.5 bar. Pressure test for 5 minutes. Check for air leaks and repair if necessary. When complete, set the air pressure at 2.2bar at the end of the nozzle line, by adjusting the air regulator in the control panel. 7. Flush the water line by opening the end of line water valve and connect a temporary hose to drain. Open the water supply isolation valve to the control panel. Adjust the water regulator to sufficiently flush the entire water line of any foreign matter. 8. Pressure test the water line by closing the end of line water valve and adjust the water regulator to pressure test thewater line at 4 bar. Pressure test for 15 minutes. Check for water leaks and repair if necessary. 9. IMPORTANT. Carry out a full disinfection of the JetSpray system as laid out in the cleaning and disinfection method statement in this manual. 10. Once the disinfection process is complete, switch on the system. Starting with the nozzle furthest away from the control panel, open the air isolation valve then the water isolation valve to the nozzle. Adjust angle of spray if necessary. As each nozzle is switched on the pressures at the control panel may vary. The air regulator should be adjusted if necessary to give a pressure of 2.2bar at the end of the nozzle line. The water pressure should be adjusted to achieve a satisfactory spray using the nozzle pressures as a guide. 11. Make final adjustments. Spray length varies with nozzle capacity, ambient temperature and relative humidity. Visible spray is also affected by background colour and lighting. If it is difficult to regulate spray visually, water pressure should be increased up to the point where fine droplets are noticed, and then reduced until no more fall. As a general principle, nozzle spray can be increased by increasing water pressure or decreasing air pressure. The spray can be reduced by reducing water pressure or increasing air pressure. Nozzle output (l/h) Guideline air pressure (bar) Guideline water pressure (bar) 2.5 2.2 2.4 3.5 2.2 2.55 4.5 2.2 2.65 5.5 2.2 2.75 6.5 2.2 2.9 9.0 2.2 2.0 12.0 2.2 2.1 15.0 2.2 2.3 NB:Quoted pressures refer to the reading at the end of the nozzle line and not in the control panel. 12. If the spray pattern of a particular nozzle is either particularly heavy or light it maybe necessary to adjust the balancing screw at the back of the nozzle. This can be done by removing the back nut and turning the screw clock wise to decrease the spray or by turning the screw anti-clockwise to increase the spray. As a default, the back screw will be set at 9mm from the back edge of the nozzle body. It should not be necessary to adjust the back screw by more than one or two turns in either direction. JetSpray Atomising Nozzle System | 40 JS60 / JS600 / JS600DS / JS600M Commissioning Con't. 13. The humidifier should be switched on and off a minimum of 10 times using the humidity setpoint or humidity controls. This is to check and adjust if necessary the consistency of the nozzle spray pattern. Note. A new system may require some re-adjustment of both the air and water regulators during the running-in period until all parts are properly seated. This period may last about two weeks, but after that further adjustments should not be required. Typically a quarter turn should be sufficient. 14. Set humidity setpoint at the required level. Re-connect any humidity controls that have disconnected during commissioning. If a sensor is used then check the calibration of this sensor. 15. Set up the “Air Run On” duration as per the table. Refer to the relevant programming instructions for JS600DS / JS600M in this manual. Refer to the relevant timer adjustment instructions for the JS60 / JS600 in this manual. ater riser and nozzle W line total length 1-20m 20m+ Duration (secs) 120 (Default value) 300 16. JS600DS/JS600M only. Set up the “Cleaning Cycle” duration and frequency as per the tables below. Refer to relevant programming instructions in this manual. Water quality (ppm) 1000 800 600 400 200 0 Recommended Frequency 1hr 2hr 3hr (Default value) 4hr 8hr 24hr Water Line Duration total length (secs) 1-20m 20 (Default value) 20+ 30 17. Check the purge to drain interval is set to 12 hours and duration to 10secs. These may be increased during periods of low use or if the temperature of the supply water has a tendency to rise above 20°C. ! WARNING: The purge to drain is an essential function to prevent stagnation of the water in the lines occurring. NEVER completely disable the purge function as this could result in contamination that might lead to Legionnaires disease, which can be fatal. 18. Check, and adjust if necessary, the duration of the “Nozzle Flush Cycle”. The Nozzle Flush Cycle duration must be long enough for all the nozzles to spray. The default nozzle flush duration is 5 minutes at 6hr intervals (i.e. 4 flushes per 24hr period of inactivity). Do this as follows: 41 | JetSpray Atomising Nozzle System JS60 / JS600 / JS600DS / JS600M Commissioning Con't. a. Adjust the humidity setpoint to a low setting and wait for the humidifier to drain fully. This ensures that the panel starts from a fully empty condition. b. Adjust the humidity setpoint to create a humidity demand. Time how long is needed from the moment the control panel switches on until all the nozzles are spraying. This is the minimum duration that will be required to ensure that water flows through all the nozzles, to prevent stagnation of any residual water in the pipework. It is recommended that the duration is set 2 mins higher than the time witnessed to ensure that all nozzles are flushed. c. Repeat this procedure several times to ensure that the duration is sufficient for all nozzles to spray. Adjust the Nozzle Flush Cycle duration if necessary by referring to relevant programming instructions in this manual. ! WARNING: The nozzle flush cycle is an essential function and should not be adjusted by anyone other than a fully trained technician. Always consult with the distributor if unsure. 19. Additional commissioning procedure for JS600M with NOZBALANCE option. 20. Override the humidity demand signal to 100%. Adjust the NOZBALANCE air regulator and ensure the spray pattern on both the upper and lower nozzle manifolds are equal. 21. Override the humidity demand signal to 10%. Adjust the NOZBALANCE air regulator and ensure the spray pattern on both the upper and lower nozzle manifolds are still equal. Repeat procedure to fine tune settings. 20. Additional commissioning procedure for the EOLBLOWDOWN option. 1. Set the “Air Run On” duration to 60 seconds. Create a humidity demand by either increasing the humidity setpoint or overriding the external demand. 2. Initiate an “Air Run On” cycle by ending the demand for humidity. 3. Adjust the “EOLBLOWDOWN” regulator until air starts to flow through the valve and into the water line. This air flow can be detected on the water outlet pressure gauge. Ensure the pressure is no more than 0.5 bar. Adjust the regulator again if necessary. 4. Return the “Air Run On” duration and the humidity controls to their previous settings. 1 month and 6 monthly commissioning review It is strongly recommended that 1 month after commissioning, and 6 months after commissioning, an inspection and review of the system is made by a suitably qualified engineer. This is necessary in order to check that the unit is functioning correctly and to make any minor adjustments that maybe required. These checks will also enable you to work out how often servicing will be required. JetSpray Atomising Nozzle System | 42 6.2 JS60 / JS600 Setting MLR1 Nozzle Flush Timer MCR1 Air Run On Timer MAR1 Purge Timer Time Range 0.1s - 100 h 43 | JetSpray Atomising Nozzle System JS60 / JS600 Setting Cont. Air Run On Purge Nozzle Flush Timer When the humidifier switches off the air will remain on for a period of time to ensure the water pressure is relieved and the nozzles do not drip. This period of time is factory set at 120 seconds. This can be adjusted if necessary on the timer marked MCR1. When the humidifier switches on it will purge water to drain for a period of time. This is to send any possible stagnant water to drain before starting humidification.This period is factory set at 10 seconds. This can be adjusted if necessary on the timer MAR1. During periods of low humidity demand the humidifier will automatically switch on irrespective of humidity demand to ensure the system is kept clean and free of any water stagnation. The frequency of this nozzle flush is factory set at 4 hours (T-off). The duration of the nozzle flush is factory set at 5 minutes (T-on). This can be adjusted if necessary on the timer MLR1. 1-10min 3 2 1 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 2 } 120s 6-10s 3 2 1 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 10 } 10s 1-10min 3 2 1 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 5 T on T off MCR1 MAR1 3 2 1 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1-10h 4 MLR1 } } 5 min 4 hours CAUTION: Only adjust these timers if you have had training on the operation of the JetSpray system. If in doubt, always contact the distributor for advice on adjustment. ! WARNING: The flush and purge cycles are essential functions to prevent stagnation of the water in the lines occurring. NEVER completely disable the purge function as this could result in contamination that might lead to Legionnaires disease, which can be fatal. JetSpray Atomising Nozzle System | 44 6.3 JS600DS / JS600M - Programming The JS600DS and JS600M JetSpray systems include a microprocessor with an intuitive programme structure. Principle of Navigation HUMIDIFIER OFF 55% rH @ 21ºC Panel Switch Open Flush Cycle The display will default to the status page. If no button is pressed for 60 seconds, or if left arrow key is pressed at any time, the display will return to the default status page. Use the up/down arrow keys to scroll through pages . OK To change a value, press the “OK” button and use the up/down arrow keys to scroll between the options or to cycle through numbers. Pressing the left arrow key at any time during changes will return the controller to the default status page and changes will be disregarded. To reset counters, press the right arrow key for 10 seconds. It is not possible to reset the total hours run value. At any time, pressing a button other than those specified to navigate will have no effect. 45 | JetSpray Atomising Nozzle System When the required value is selected, press the “OK” button to enter the value. The next available digit/variable will automatically flash ready to be adjusted. This process is repeated until all variables on the page have been entered. By pressing the red button, the controller will display the fault page showing active faults and the time at which they were detected. JS600DS / JS600M - Programming Cont. Initial Power Up Switch on the power to the humifidier. SELECT LANGUAGE ENGLISH ACTIVATION CODE --CALL YOUR LOCAL DISTRIBUTOR Switch on the power to the humidifier. Select the language required. Humidifier Off Purge In Progress -------------------JetSpray System Condair plc -------------------- Humidifier Off Purge In Progress OK -------------------JetSpray System Condair plc -------------------- Subsequent Power Up Welcome page (displays for 5 seconds) System purge Welcome page (displays for 5 seconds) System purge JS600DS/JS600M - Status Page HUMIDIFIER OFF 55% rH @ 21ºC Panel Switch Open Flush Cycle SERVICE SCHEDULE Interval: 200 h Due in: 125 h Total Run: 75 h The main status page will show the operator the current status of the humidifier. Where applicable the humidity and temperature readings from the sensor will be displayed. Also any alarms or cycles will be shown. View the time remaining until the next service is due, and the total running hours of the humidifier. NB: None of the values can be reset in the status pages. PUREFLO CARTRIDGE Interval: 3 Months Replace in: 57 Days ANALOGUE INPUT #1: 78 % #2: 76 % #3: 71 % WATER TEMPERATURE Temperature: 16ºC View the time remaining until the PureFlo Ag anti-bacterial cartridge is due for replacement. View the value of each analogue input. Analogue input 1 will be from either the humidity sensor or external control signal. Analogue input 2 and 3 are only applicable if multiple averaging sensors are used. View the temperature of the water inlet of the humidifier. This is only applicable if the water temperature function is installed and enabled. JetSpray Atomising Nozzle System | 46 JS600DS / JS600M - Programming Cont. The controller is pre-set to the most commonly used parameters, however, each JetSpray application is different and may require parameters to be adjusted. The following section shows the default settings and the method used to adjust them. HUMIDIFIER OFF 55% rH @ 21ºC Panel Switch Open Flush Cycle SOFTWARE VERSION 1.6 Enter Access Code --- Press arrow right Enter access code 234 to view and edit the programming section. 1. JS600DS / JS600M - Programming - Humidifier Control 1:HUMIDIFIER CONTROL ON/OFF Select the required method of humidifier control. Check selected method of control is as per control wiring in sections 8b and 8c. In ON/OFF mode, the humidifier is switched on and off by the external enable, the panel switch or the integrated occupancy timer. 1a. JS600DS -Programming - Humidifier Control - (Default Humidity Sensor) 1:HUMIDIFIER CONTROL Humidity Sensor -> 1:HUMIDIFIER CONTROL <- 1 Sensor -> 1:CONTROL PARAMETERS <- SetPoint: 50 % Hysteresis: 2 % In Humidity Sensor mode, the humidifier will switch on if the rH is below the set point and it will switch off if the rH is above the setpoint. To avoid switching too often the Hysteresis is adjusted (e.g. SetPoint 50%, Hysteresis 2%, the humidifier will switch off at 51% rH and switch back on at 49% rH). 1b. JS600M - Programming - Humidifier Control - (Default External Signal) 1:HUMIDIFIER CONTROL Humidity Sensor -> 1:HUMIDIFIER CONTROL <- 1 Sensor -> 1:CONTROL PARAMETERS <- SetPoint: 50 % PropBand: 10% In Humidity Sensor mode, the humidifier modulates the water output depending on the rH read by the sensor. At low humidity level the humidifier will have full output. As the humidity approaches SetPoint, the output will be reduced. (e.g. SetPoint 50%, PropBand 10%, full output below 40% rH proportionally decreased between 40% rH and 50% rH and no output above 50% rH). 1:HUMIDIFIER CONTROL External Signal -> 1:EXTERNAL SIGNAL <- 0-10 V DC In External Signal mode, the output of the system will be directly proportional to the external signal. (e.g. 0-10V 0V No output 10V Max output 2-10V <2V No output 10V Max output 4-20mAconfigured in 2-10V with a 500 Ohm load resistor. 47 | JetSpray Atomising Nozzle System 2. JS600DS / JS600M - Programming - Pressure Faults 2:PRESSURE FAULT Low Air: 10 sec Low Water: 5 min Select the time-out before low air or low water pressure is alarmed. Note: Low water alarm only applicable if the water pressure switch option is used. Default values are shown. 3. JS600DS / JS600M - Programming - Air Run On 3: Air Run On Duration: 30 sec Select the period of time the air will continue to run after the humidifier switches off. This is to allow the water pressure to be relieved without the nozzles dripping. Default value is shown. 4. JS600M - Programming - No Demand Delay 4: NO DEMAND DELAY Duration: 2 min Select the period of time before the humidifier drain down is activated when there is no demand for humidity to maintain close control. JS600M default value - 2 mins. Although this page is visible on the JS600DS it is only a function on the JS600M. 5. JS600DS / JS600M - Programming - Cleaning Cycle 5: CLEANING CYCLE Interval: 2 h Duration: 10 sec During continuous operation the humidifier will periodically relieve the pressure in the water line to push the cleaning pin through the water jet to remove any scale or deposits.The default values are shown. 6. JS600DS / JS600M - Programming - Nozzle Flush Cycle 6:NOZZLE FLUSH CYCLE Interval: 4 h Duration: 5 min ! Periodically the humidifier will switch on irrespective of any humidity demand. This is for the purposes of hygiene. The default value (as shown), will mean the humidifier will spray every 4 hours for 5 minutes. WARNING: The nozzle flush cycle is an essential function and should not be adjusted by anyone other than a fully trained technician. Always consult with the distributor if unsure. 7. JS600DS / JS600M - Programming - Purge to drain 7.PURGE TO DRAIN Interval: 12 h Duration: 10 sec Periodically the humidifier will purge water in the supply pipework to drain for hygiene purposes and to reduce the risk of water inlet stagnation. The default values are shown. 8. JS600DS / JS600M - Programming - Service Schedule 8.SERVICE SCHEDULE Interval: 200 h Due In: 181 h Total Run: 7519 h ! The humidifier will monitor and record the hours of operating time and raise a soft alarm when a service is due. The default service interval is shown. To reset the “Due In” counter after a service, depress the right arrow key for 10 secs. WARNING: The purge to drain is an essential function to prevent stagnation of the water in the lines occurring. NEVER completely disable the purge function as this could result in contamination that might lead to Legionnairesdisease, which can be fatal. JetSpray Atomising Nozzle System | 48 9. JS600DS / JS600M Programming - PureFlo Ag Cartridge Replacement Schedule 9.PUREFLO CARTRIDGE Interval: 3 Mths Replace In: 21 Days The humidifier will monitor and record the hours of operating time of the PureFlo Ag silver dosing cartridge and raise an alarm when a replacement is due. Default Value for <100 l/h system - Replace every 2 years Default Value for 100-300 l/h system - Replace every 1 year Default Value for >300 l/h system - Replace every 6 months Once replaced, press arrow right for 10 seconds to reset the counter. 10. JS600DS / JS600M - Programming - To reset the time, date and day 10.TIME DATE AND DAY YY:MM:DD 07:12:15 HH:MM: 12:15 FRIDAY Change as necessary the time date and day. Note that the format of the date is YY:MM:DD (i.e. 15th December, 2007 would be entered as 07:12:15). 11. JS600DS / JS600M - Programming - Occupancy 11.OCCUPANCY Mode: Always On Select periods of occupancy of the application to be humidified. Choose between Always On, Every Day, Weekdays or Weekends. When a mode is selected, use the right arrow to specify the switch on/off times. Default value is Always On. 11.OCCUPANCY 11.OCCUPANCY Mode: Every Day -> <- Switch On: 09:00 Switch Off: 17:00 12. JS600DS / JS600M - Programming - Modulating Valve operating range 12.RESTORE DEFAULTS NO 7.0 To restore all default values select Yes. JS60 / JS600 / JS600DS / JS600M Maintenance schedule ! WARNING: This humidifier must be installed, operated and maintained in accordance with this manual. Failure to do so could result in contamination that might cause Legionnaires’ disease which can be fatal. Although the JetSpray Humidification System requires very little maintenance, it does require servicing. The procedure for this is outlined in this maintenance section and service schedule tables. Maintenance of the compressed air and water treatment systems should be carried out as per the 49 | JetSpray Atomising Nozzle System instructions supplied with that equipment. Comprehensive maintenance contracts are available from Condair plc. Services include: • • • • • Planned maintenance contracts Breakdown response Technical advice and back up Product training Spares on demand Contact the your local distributor for more information. 7.1 Service Schedule (JS600DS/JS600M Only) The service schedule should be determined at commissioning. This will depend on the application, the water quality and the system usage. The default is 200 hrs operation. The programming section contains details of how to adjust the service schedule to suit the applications. Refer to the software overview section for details on how to access this page. The “Interval” is the required frequency of service. The “Due in” is the time left until the next service is due. The “Total run” is the total hours run of the humidifier. After the humidifier has been serviced the “Due in” hours can be reset by pressing and holding the right arrow button for 10 seconds. ! WARNING: The JetSpray system should not be electrically isolated for periods exceeding 24hrs as automatic flush and purge cycles will be disabled. If the JetSpray system is turned off for prolonged periods, water stagnation might occur and bacterial contamination result, so the system, including any storage tanks or vessels should be drained and left dry. Before putting the system back into service, a full risk assessment should be undertaken to ensure safe operation, with particular attention paid to water supply quality. The water pipe-work supplying the JetSpray should be purged carefully, avoiding the creation of aerosols by splashing, and a water sample should be taken to ensure cleanliness. In the event that the humidifier contains any residual water or has remained damp, and the temperature exceeded 20°C, the JetSpray should be cleaned and disinfected. Refer to the cleaning, disinfection and descaling instructions in this manual. Always call the distributor for advice on water sampling and analysis, disinfection of systems, service and maintenance contracts. JetSpray Atomising Nozzle System | 50 7.2 JS60 / JS600 / JS600DS / JS600M Routine water sampling and testing On commissioning and at regular intervals thereafter, test for possible water contamination using Dipslides. Take samples from the water supply to the JetSpray control panel and the from the end of the nozzle line. (If access to the end of the nozzle line is difficult, the sample should be taken at some point between the control panel and the nozzle line). The Dipslides should be incubated for 2 days at 30°C. 1. If the microbial count from the nozzle line exceeds 103cfu/ml, the system should be turned off and disinfected using a 50 ppm chlorine solution for one hour before being put back into use. 2. If the microbial count in the water supply to the control panel exceeds 103 cfu/ml, this suggests contamination of the water system within the building. The system should be turned off and you should seek specialist advice on cleaning your water supply. 3. If the water temperature anywhere in the system regularly exceeds 20°C, increase the frequency of water sampling. The frequency may be reduced if successive tests show a consistent level below 103 cfu/ml. Health and Safety Requirements Every 6 months, users are required by the Health & Safety Executive, Approved Code of Practice (ACoP) to take samples for Legionnella analysis. Samples should be taken from the same places as described above, and the analysis carried out by a UKAS accredited laboratory which is part of the Legionnella AQS Scheme. In the event that the Legionnella content exceeds 102 cfu/l, the humidifier should be switched off and specialist advice sought regarding its disinfection. 1. If biofilm (a slimy or gel-like deposit when wet, which might be dry and crisp in a dry system) is found during any inspection of the humidifier or water system, the humidifier MUST be switched off and not put back into operation until the system has been thoroughly cleaned with a suitable biocide with biofilm penetrating qualities such as 50mg/l chlorine dioxide solution. This work should only be carried out by fully trained specialist organisations or individuals. 2. The JetSpray Humidifier must be left powered on. If the JetSpray system is powered off for prolonged periods, water stagnation might occur and contamination result, so the system, including any storage tanks or vessels should be drained and left dry. Before putting the system back into service, the water pipework supplying the JetSpray control panel should be purged carefully, avoiding the creation of aerosols by splashing, and a water sample should be taken to ensure cleanliness. In the event that the humidifier pipework contains any residual water or has remained damp, and the temperature exceeded 20°C, the JetSpray control panel and nozzle lines should be chlorinated using 50 ppm chlorine solution for 1 hour. Call the distributor for advice on water sampling and analysis, disinfection of systems, service and maintenance contracts. 51 | JetSpray Atomising Nozzle System 7.3 JS60 / JS600 / JS600DS / JS600M Routine Maintenance Please note that the information given below is only to act as a guide and the frequency of maintenance may depend upon the unit's age, usage and water quality. Correct maintenance is vital to ensure optimum output and reliability. All humidifiers will form part of your hot and cold water system and as such require you to undertake certain duties with regards to "The control of Legionella bacteria in water systems" (L8). Your water sampling/ testing and disinfection regime must be based on details in this manual and from results of a site specific risk assessment. For this type of atomising humidifier, it is recommended that disinfection is undertaken at least twice a year. If any further assistance is required or you are interested in a planned maintenance quote, please contact your local distributor. JetSpray Atomising Nozzle System | 52 JS60 / JS600 Component AIRLINE 01041 01041 01035 01035 03002 01044 WATERLINE 01042 RO6WATER 01035 01035 01044 02091 01069 NOZZLELINE NOZX.X EOL1522 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A HYGIENE Operations Visually inspect and clean air pressure regulator Minimum pressure: 4.5 Bar (65 PSI) Maximum pressure: 10.0 Bar (145 PSI) Replace air pressure regulator Visually inspect and clean air solenoid valve Visually inspect and clean air solenoid valve coil Visually inspect air pressure switch Visually inspect air outlet pressure gauge Visually inspect and clean water pressure regulator Minimum pressure: 4.0 Bar (58 PSI) Maximum pressure: 7.0 Bar (102 PSI) Replace water pressure regulator kit Visually inspect and clean water solenoid valve Visually inspect and clean water solenoid valve coil Visually inspect water outlet pressure gauge Visually inspect and clean water solenoid valve Visually inspect and clean water solenoid valve coil Clean nozzle air cap(s) Flush end of line valves Visually inspect spray pattern Balance nozzle spray (if required) Visually inspect installation for leaks and damage Visually inspect and clean control stat / sensor Check air run on duration Check nozzle flush duration Check water supply pipework duration Check water flow rates Visually inspect electrical connections Check stat / sensor calibration Check rH set-point Record air and water pressure gauge readings Update Service Log Book Collect and test water sample at nozzle line for bacteria levels NB: Frequency may vary according to individual site water maintenance program Clean and Disinfect the system inc. nozzle line Replace PureFlo Ag+ cartridge Replace 5 micron sediment filter OPTIONFILTER60 Air Filter Option Clean air filter housing Clean air filter element Replace air filter element (recommended 6 months) Clean air auto-drain Replace air auto drain (recommended 12 months) EOLBLOWDOWN Forced Drain Option Check operation of End of Line blow down valve Replace End of Line blow down valve EOLFASTFILL Fast Nozzle Line Fill Option Check operation of End of Line fast fill valve Replace End of Line fast fill valve 1 Month 3 Month 6 Month Annual √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √* √** √ √* √ √ √* √ √ √* √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ *PureFlo Ag+ replacement Intervals: <100l/h = 2yrs, 100-300l/h = 1yr, >300l/h = 6 months ** Sediment filter needs changing EVERY 3 months. 53 | JetSpray Atomising Nozzle System 2 Yearly √ √ √ √ √ √ JS600DS Component AIRLINE 01043 01067 20AG3/4000 01065 2WAY4000 01065 03002 01044 WATERLINE 01043 01042 R43 01033 2WAY 01033 01044 01069 2WAYD 01069 NOZZLELINE NOZX.X EOL1522 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A HYGIENE Operations 1 Month 3 Month 6 Month Annual 2 Yearly Visually inspect inlet air pressure gauge Minimum pressure: 4.5 Bar (65 PSI) Maximum pressure: 10.0 Bar (145 PSI) Visually inspect and clean air pressure regulator Replace air pressure regulator kit Visually inspect and clean air solenoid valve Replace air solenoid valve kit Visually inspect 2-way solenoid coil Visually inspect air pressure switch Visually inspect outlet air pressure gauge √ √ √ Visually inspect inlet water pressure gauge Minimum pressure: 4.0 Bar (58 PSI) Maximum pressure: 7.0 Bar (102 PSI) Visually inspect and clean water pressure regulator Replace water pressure regulator kit Visually inspect and clean inlet water solenoid valve Replace inlet water solenoid valve kit Visually inspect water inlet solenoid valve coil Visually inspect water outlet pressure gauge Visually inspect and clean water drain solenoid valve Replace water drain solenoid kit Visually inspect drain water solenoid valve coil √ √ Clean nozzle air cap(s) Flush end of line valves Visually inspect spray pattern Balance nozzle spray (if required) Visually inspect installation for leaks and damage Visually inspect and clean control stat / sensor Check air run on duration Check nozzle flush duration Check water supply pipework duration Check water flow rates Visually inspect electrical connections Check stat / sensor calibration Check rH set-point Record air and water pressure gauge readings Update Service Log Book Collect and test water sample at nozzle line for bacteria levels NB: Frequency may vary according to individual site water maintenance program Clean and Disinfect the system inc. nozzle line Replace PureFlo Ag+ cartridge Replace 5 micron sediment filter OPTIONFILTER600 Air Filter Option Clean air filter housing Clean air filter element Replace air filter element (recommended 6 months) Clean air auto-drain Replace air auto drain (recommended 12 months) NOZBALANCE In Duct Nozzle Balance System Option Visually inspect and clean manifold balancing air pressure regulator Replace manifold balancing air pressure regulator EOLBLOWDOWN Forced Drain Option Check operation of End of Line blow down valve Replace End of Line blow down valve EOLFASTFILL Fast Nozzle Line Fill Option Check operation of End of Line fast fill valve Replace End of Line fast fill valve √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √* √ √ √* √ √ √* √ √ √* √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ PureFlo Ag+ replacement Intervals: <100l/h = 2yrs, 100-300l/h = 1yr, >300l/h = 6 months JetSpray Atomising Nozzle System | 54 JS600M Component AIRLINE 01043 01067 20AG3/4000 01065 2WAY4000 01065 03002 01044 WATERLINE 01043 01033 2WAY 01033 01044 01069 2WAYD 01069 03004 03012 DPM1150 NOZZLELINE NOZX.X EOL1522 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A HYGIENE Operations 1 Month 3 Month 6 Month Annual 2 Yearly Visually inspect inlet air pressure gauge Minimum pressure: 4.5 Bar (65 PSI) Maximum pressure: 10.0 Bar (145 PSI) Visually inspect and clean air pressure regulator Replace air pressure regulator kit Visually inspect and clean air solenoid valve Replace air solenoid valve kit Visually inspect 2-way solenoid coil Visually inspect air pressure switch Visually inspect outlet air pressure gauge √ √ √ Visually inspect inlet water pressure gauge Minimum pressure: 4.0 Bar (58 PSI) Maximum pressure: 7.0 Bar (102 PSI) Visually inspect and clean inlet water solenoid valve Replace inlet water solenoid valve kit Visually inspect water inlet solenoid valve coil Water outlet pressure gauge checked Visually inspect and clean water drain solenoid valve Replace water drain solenoid kit Visually inspect drain water solenoid valve coil Visually inspect and clean water modulating valve/ actuator Replace water modulating valve kit Check and verify flow sensor readings √ √ Clean nozzle air cap(s) Flush end of line valves Visually inspect spray pattern Balance nozzle spray (if required) Visually inspect installation for leaks and damage Visually inspect and clean control stat / sensor Check air run on duration Check nozzle flush duration Check water supply pipework duration Check water flow rates Visually inspect electrical connections Check stat / sensor calibration Check rH set-point Record air and water pressure gauge readings Update Service Log Book Collect and test water sample at nozzle line for bacteria levels NB: Frequency may vary according to individual site water maintenance program Clean and Disinfect the system inc. nozzle line Replace PureFlo Ag+ cartridge Replace 5 micron sediment filter OPTIONFILTER600 Air Filter Option Clean air filter housing Clean air filter element Replace air filter element (recommended 6 months) Clean air auto-drain Replace air auto drain (recommended 12 months) NOZBALANCE In Duct Nozzle Balance System Option Visually inspect and clean manifold balancing air pressure regulator Replace manifold balancing air pressure regulator EOLBLOWDOWN Forced Drain Option Check operation of End of Line blow down valve Replace End of Line blow down valve EOLFASTFILL Fast Nozzle Line Fill Option Check operation of End of Line fast fill valve Replace End of Line fast fill valve √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √* √ √ √* √ √ √* √ √ √* √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ PureFlo Ag+ replacement Intervals: <100l/h = 2yrs, 100-300l/h = 1yr, >300l/h = 6 months 55 | JetSpray Atomising Nozzle System √ √ √ 7.4 JS60 / JS600 / JS600DS / JS600M Recommended spares list Please note that the information provided should be used as a guide. Additional parts may be required periodically subject to equipment age, patterns of use and water quality. Failure to correctly maintain equipment, including the replacement of consumable spares, could result in contamination that might cause Legionnaires Disease, which can be fatal. Failure to correctly maintain equipment, including the replacement of consumable spares, may reduce reliability and performance and invalidate product warranty. To ensure the correct spare parts are supplied, please provide the model and serial number for your product. Recommended Spares List JetSpray Adiabatic Atomising Nozzle Humifidier: Critical Application Additional Spares Item Code Description Quantity Required JetSpray System Model JS60 JS600 JS600DS JS600M JETSPRAYMC JetSpray Microprocessor 1 1 JETSPRAYMCDISP JetSpray Microprocessor Remote Display 1 1 01044 0-4 Bar Glycerine Pressure Gauge 1 01035 JS60 Solenoid Valve (N/C) 1 02091 JS60 Solenoid Valve (N/O) 1 03002 Air Pressure Switch 1 01043 0-10 Bar Glycerine Pressure Gauge 03004 Water Modulating Valve 3-051-084020 Transformer 105VA 88826115 88826135 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Purge Timer 1 1 Air Run On Timer 1 1 88826155 Nozzle Flush Timer 1 1 DPM1150 Water Flow Sensor (0 to 300 ltr/hr) DFT1116 Water Flow Sensor (300 to 600 ltr/hr) 1 1 1 JetSpray Atomising Nozzle System | 56 Recommended Spares List cont'd... JetSpray Adiabatic Atomising Nozzle Humifidier: Consumable Spares Item Code Description Quantity Required JetSpray System Model JS60 7.5 JS600 JS600DS JS600M RO6WATER 1/4" Water Regulator 1 01041 1/4" Air Regulator 1 PUREFLOAG PureFlo Ag+ Silver Dosing Cartridge 2 2 2 2 1555014-44 5 Micron Sediment Filter 1 1 1 1 R43 Water Regulator Kit 1 2WAY Water Solenoid Valve Kit 1 1 1 2WAYD Drain Solenoid Valve Kit 1 1 1 20AG3/4000 Air Regulator Kit 1 1 1 03012 Modulating Valve Actuator 03013 Modulating Valve Kit 2WAY4000 Air Solenoid Valve Kit ELEMENT 1500 Air Filter Element for OPTIONFILTER60 1 DRAIN1500 Air Filter Auto-Drain and Bowl for OPTIONFILTER 60 1 ELEMENT600 AUTODRAIN600 1 1 1 1 1 Air Filter Element for OPTIONFILTER600 1 1 1 Air Filter Auto-Drain and Bowl for OPTIONFILTER600 1 1 1 Frequently Asked Questions Installation, maintenance, commissioning, repair work and de-commissioning should only be carried out by appropriately qualified and properly trained technical personnel. It is important that the person following these guidelines has a good understanding of the humidifier, this can be found under the section ‘principle of operation’. ! WARNING: This humidifier must be installed, operated and maintained in accordance with the current manual to prevent damage or injury. For more information or any spares or replacements, please contact your local distributor Basic Problems: 1. I have only just had a JetSpray installed, what does it mean when it asks for the 'release code'? • A product activation code is required to enable the unit to work, and this needs to be entered into the software. Please contact your distributor (which is displayed on your control panel display) with unit details (model No and serial No), site address, contact name, email and telephone details. 57 | JetSpray Atomising Nozzle System Frequency Asked Questions Cont'd 2. What should I do when there are no lights and no display? This could mean that you do not have a power supply or have the incorrect voltage. The corrective action for this is as follows: • Check that the green light is lit on the side of the control panel. This indicates that there is a power supply connected. • Check the power supply for correct electrical voltages including Neutral and Earth. Refer to CE label for correct voltage. • Check that the electrical power isolator is switched on. • Check that the JetSpray control panel on/off switch is enabled. • Check the internal cables are fixed correctly and the power supply fuse. 3. My unit is on, but it's not operating, what should I check? i) Check: • The panel enable switch on top left hand side. Make sure it's on. • The signal from the sensor on terminals 6 and 7. The panel should be set for 0-10V dc read voltage at terminals 6 and 7. Multiply voltage reading by 100 to give humidity valve. • The interlock on terminals 1 and 2, 3 and 4. Use a wire link to short out terminals. If the panel starts, fault is external to the panel. ii) This may be that the JetSpray has an incorrect humidity demand. Make sure that: • The control parameters are correct, see ‘programming’ in the 'commissioning section' of the current manual. • Check the set point demand for humidity, Is the ambient humidity above set point? If not, adjust set point so it's set for the designed condition. • Test for the control signal at terminals 6 & 7 of the humidifier. • Check for the correct polarity of the signal against the wiring diagram which can be found in the 'component identification and maintenance' section. • Check the water supply has not been isolated and is at the correct pressure of 4-7bar. iii) Or the JetSpray is disabled by an external interlock, or is outside occupation times. Check the display for alarm indication and correct by: • Checking terminals 1 & 2 and 3 & 4 for closed circuit in the JetSpray control panel. • Checking occupancy settings on the JetSpray controller, see ‘Programming the controller’ (step 11). • Check air flow switch or pressure sensor in AHU or duct (if applicable). • Check humidity is not greater than high level set point. • Temporarily place hard wire links across terminals 1 & 2 and 3 & 4 to enable system. 4. A message saying: SERVICE INTERVAL has appeared and common fault is activated, what should I do? The run hours have exceeded the service counter. • Service to be completed as explained in the 'maintenance' section of the manual. • Contact your local distributor to arrange a service visit. • Reset service counters. Refer to the commissioning section of the manual. JetSpray Atomising Nozzle System | 58 Frequency Asked Questions Cont'd Detailed Problems: 1. Why is the panel of my Humidifier not operating? • Check that the mains supply is available at terminals L and N, 230V 50Hz or 110V 60Hz must be supplied. • Check the fuse in the live terminal, replace if blown. It should be a 20mm fuse at 5 amps or 110V fuse at 10amp. • Check the output from the transformer, 24Vac. Also check at terminals of the transformer. 2. What should I do when the panel is on but the humidifier still won't operate? • Check if Pureflo Ag has expired on time. If this is the case, replace Pureflo Ag and refer to instruction sheet supplied with replacement cartridge. • If a UV is fitted, check operation of UV. See display on UV for alarm code and repair as detailed in current manual. • Check supply voltage to air solenoid. Are the LEDs on? If LEDs are not lit, open plug connector on solenoid and check wiring. • Voltage present but solenoid will not operate. Check coil of solenoid. Service solenoid with service kit, 2WAY4000. • Check and adjust air pressure on discharge gauge. Pressure must be above 2bar. Adjust as necessary. • Adjustment of air regulator does not change pressure. Service air regulator with service Kit 20AG3/4000. • Check wiring and setting pressure of pressure switch. Adjust pressure switch setting to 1.9bar. If adjustment is necessary, after adjustment raise and lower air pressure with air regulator to ensure switch activates above 2bar and deactivates below 2bar. Set air pressure to 2.2bar on each of line gauges. 3. The air has been set up correctly but there is no water spray, what does this mean? • Check the inlet water pressure. The water pressure must be between 4-7bar on the inlet gauge. • NB: UK panels have a different stated pressure. Please refer to the 'installation section' of the manual. 4. The inlet water pressure is below 4bar or keeps becoming unstable, how can this be fixed? The supply pump needs to be checked. This can be done by: • Increase setting to a minimum of 5bar output pressure on the pump. • Check inlet water filter and replace filter cartridge. Call distributor. • Press air release on top of filter housing to release air lock in filter. 5. The supply water pressure is above 4bar but there is still no spray? • Check the setting of the water regulator. • Increase the water pressure by adjusting water regulator. The discharge pressure should increase to 2.4bar or above. Nozzles spraying, adjust to correct pressure setting as explained in the current technical manual. 59 | JetSpray Atomising Nozzle System Frequency Asked Questions Cont'd 6. Why is the water regulator not adjusting the discharge pressure? Check the water inlet solenoid, is the solenoid valve open? If so: • Check LEDs lit on water inlet solenoid. • Check wiring of solenoid plug connector. • Check coil of solenoid valve. • Service solenoid with service kit 2WAY. 7. Why is the inlet solenoid open but there is no discharge pressure? You will need to check the water regulator. • Increase the water pressure by adjusting water regulator. The discharge pressure should increase to 2.4bar or above. Nozzles spraying, adjust to correct pressure setting as explained in the current technical manual. • Check that the piston in the lower half of the regulator is not stuck. Clean and grease with a small amount of silicon grease* and reassemble. Service water regulator with service kit R43. *Do NOT use silicon grease if the system is being used on a painting, pharmaceutical or medical device. 8. The regulator and inlet solenoid have both been serviced but there is still no spray. What can I do? You need to check the drain solenoid. Is the drain solenoid stuck open or is the debris stuck in the valve preventing it from shutting? • Check LEDs lit on water inlet solenoid. • Check wiring of solenoid plug connector. • Check coil of solenoid valve. • Service solenoid with service kit 2WAYD. • Disconnect drain connection and check there is no drain bypass. 9. The nozzle spray is so heavy it's forming droplet formation. How can this be solved? You'll need to: • Check line pressures. The minimum supply pressure should be 4.5bar and the maximum should be 7.5. Reset air and water regulators to give correct operating pressures on end of line valves. • Check and clean air caps. Scale or dust formation blocking air cap or reducing hole size. Clean as necessary. • Check that the isolation valve on each nozzle is not partly shut. Open isolation valve fully. • Check room temperature. Has the room temperature reduced risen as higher temperature will increase the spray length. 10. The nozzle spray is very light, why? • Check the line pressure (min. 4.5bar, max. 7.5bar). Reset air and water regulators to give correct operating pressures on end of line valves. 11. Only some of the nozzles are spraying, why? • Check the back nut adjustment. The back nut should be set 8-10mm in from the edge of the nozzle. JetSpray Atomising Nozzle System | 60 Frequency Asked Questions Cont'd 12. Why are some of the nozzles over spraying on shut down? • Check air run on setting. Increase the air run on time. Refer to step 1b & 3 of the programming section, which can be found in the 'commissioning' section of the current manual. • Check drain solenoid operation. Drain solenoid not operating, check and service with 2WAYD kit. Drain pipe work too long or blocked, check that drain is pressure-less and clear. 13. There is water dripping from the nozzle top when the unit is shut down, why? • Water is not draining from line. Check drain. Check drain solenoid valve • Damage to the cleaning pin seal. Replace cleaning pin seal. 14. How come there is water dripping from the centre joint of the nozzle? • Leakage is due to poor sealing, damage to the diaphragm, sealing washer damaged or missing. Return to the manufacturer for repair ONLY. 15. The display doesn't read correctly, what can I do? • Check configuration set up. Check the plug connectors on the display module and controller. 61 | JetSpray Atomising Nozzle System 7.6 Cleaning, Disinfection and Descaling Introduction Cleaning and Disinfection Atomising humidifiers must be regularly cleaned and maintained, to prevent contamination especially in industrial environments. All surfaces requiring disinfection or cleaning must be in contact with the appropriate concentration of disinfection solution for at least one hour. The method statement for disinfection may need to be adapted depending on the layout of the humidifier pipe-work, for example, where system pipe-work splits into ‘H or U’ shape, ensure that disinfection solution reaches all pipe-work end-of-lines. Additional procedures will be required for supply water system pipe-work or water treatment systems prior to the humidifier. Condair plc recommends that routine disinfection should take place in the following situations: • • • • • At initial commissioning. Where routine monitoring and control regime or risk assessment shows it to be necessary. At six monthly intervals. If the system or part of it has been shutdown and/or substantially altered creating a risk of contamination. During or following an outbreak or suspected outbreak of Legionellosis. This recommendation is in accordance with the HSE’s Approved Code of Practice (ACoP) L8. Ideally the routine disinfection should be carried out using a disinfection pumpset with a reservoir, connected in-line before the control panel. Droplets are prevented from being sprayed from the nozzles by increasing the air pressure to a minimum of 4 bar, thereby causing a back pressure within the Nozzles and preventing chemicals from being sprayed. Descaling Atomising humidifiers may use water where a high level of mineral content causes deposits to form on the Nozzle Air cap. Unless they are regularly cleaned and maintained, deposits of scale and other airborne particles may result, especially in industrial environments. It is therefore recommended that the nozzle air caps are unscrewed, removed, de-scaled and rinsed with clean water. Do not use metal objects to clean the air cap. This should be done 3 months after commissioning and then annually thereafter. JetSpray Atomising Nozzle System | 62 Recommended Disinfection Equipment Recommended Descaling Equipment 1 Disinfection solution in accordance with 1 Suitable descaler (DS-3) manufacturers guidelines 2 Descaler neutraliser 2 Disinfection neutraliser (only if necessary) 3 Mixing vessel 3 Disinfection solution test kit (to measure strength) 4 Dosing pump set 5 Bucket of fresh water 6 Braided hose (for flushing at end of line 7 Measuring container / Syringe 8 Clean Cloths 9 Mixing vessel 10 Risk assessment / Test Record Sheets 11 Standard Tools Cleaning and Disinfection Method Statement Step 1 - Refer to the Risk Assessment. • • • Refer to the manufacturers instructions and safety advice. Ensure the area is well ventilated. Ensure the Jetspray system is OFF and isolated from external controls. Step 2 - Mix Disinfection Solution • • Disinfection solution following the manufacturers instructions. L8 recommends 50ppm Chlorine solution used for 1 hour. Calculate the total water volume of the system (15mm pipe = 0.18 Ltrs per Meter 22mm pipe = 0.33 Ltrs) and allow for addition water purged from the end of line. Note: - Solution loses strength over time. Step 3 - Pipe-work adaptions • • • • Flush water to drain. Isolate and disconnect the water supply to the control panel before the PufeFlo Ag+. Ensure all Nozzle lines are fully drained. Connect dosing pump supply pipe to the PureFlo Ag+ connection point. Step 4 - Panel adjustment • • • Increase Nozzle Flush by 5 hrs. Note the humidification sensor set-point setting and set the humidification sensor set-point to maximum value to keep the system operating and avoid automatic drain down. Important! Set air pressure to maximum by turning air regulator adjustment handle fully clockwise. Air pressure should be greater then 4 bar/ 58 psi gauge to prevent chlorinated water from spraying through the nozzles through air back pressure. Step 5 - Panel enable • Switch on control panel to open the air solenoid ensuring that the air pressure is 4bar minimum in pipe-work. 63 | JetSpray Atomising Nozzle System Step 6 - Add disinfection solution • • • Pump disinfection solution into the Jetspray system water line ensuring that no water is sprayed from the nozzle, then carefully bleed from the end line water valve until air is fully purged. (A braided hose connected to the EOL is recommended). Measure the strength of the disinfection solution at each end of line valve and check it is the correct strength in accordance with manufacturers guidelines. Note the strengths of the disinfection solution at 15 minute intervals and record on a Record of Cleaning & Disinfection sheet for future reference. Adjust solution strength as required. Step 7 - Pressurise disinfection solution within system • Allow to remain at pressure for a period of time in accordance with the manufacturers guidelines. Humidifier power and air supply must remain on and stable. Step 8 - Drain unit • • • After the time period has elapsed, drain system fully, into appropriate container and neutralise if necessary before disposing into appropriate drain. Calculate the required strength of neutraliser required from the manufacturers information sheet. Disconnect pump and re-connect fresh water supply. Ensure fresh water supply is clean. Step 9 - Flush pipe-work • Flush pipe work with fresh cold water as per commissioning procedure without producing a spray, and test until chlorine is completely flushed. Step 10 - Descale if required or on completion of the work: • • • • • Maintain unit if required. Reset panel as per normal operation specification including all drain Nozzle flush, clean and bleed cycles. Return control to automatic condition. Test spray to ensure that there are no traces of disinfection solution. Always leave work area clean, dry and tidy. Before Commencing Disinfection and Descaling: 1. Risk assess the situation. This should include but is not limited to observance of COSHH, L8 and the use of PPE, working from heights and ensuring a full understanding of the JetSpray System. 2. Coordinate with relevant responsible persons. 3. Check records (i.e sample results of microbiological control) for system history. 4. If possible, disinfection should be carried out when the building is unoccupied. JetSpray Atomising Nozzle System | 64 7.7 De-Scaling Method Statement Step 1 - Refer to the Risk Assessment • • Refer the manufacturers instructions and safety advice. Ensure the Jetspray system is OFF and the area well ventilated Step 2 - Mix de-scaling solution • • • • • Fill work container with fresh water to the required depth. Calculate the required de-scaling strength. Use warm water for an improved result if possible. From the manufacturers information sheet calculate the required strength of de-scaling solution. Mix the crystals with fresh water. • Remove Aircaps from nozzles. Without scratching the Aircap, try to remove as much scale as possible before submerging components. Repeat the process for the water jet if required. Pay attention not to damage the cleaning pin. Submerge components in the de-scaling solution. Keep components submerged for a minimum of 1 hour with regular checks. If a large number of components are required to be cleaned over a period of time, additional de-scaling chemicals may need to be added as the strength deteriorates over time. Step 3 - Submerge components • • • • Step 4 - Remove components • • • When scale build up is removed, extract components from the solution. Soak the nozzles or flush clean with fresh water. Add additional de-scaling solution if further de-scaling is required. Step 5 - Neutralise the de-scaling solution • • The de-scaling solution may require neutralising before disposal. Calculate the required strength of neutraliser required from the manufacturers information sheet. Step 6 - Dispose of neutralised solution • • Dispose of neutralised solution into appropriate drain. Put unit back into operation if required. • • • • Maintain unit if required. Reset all drain, flush, clean & bleed cycles. Return control to automatic condition. Always leave work area clean, dry and tidy. Step 6 - On completion of the work 65 | JetSpray Atomising Nozzle System 8.0 Identification 8.1 JS60 Line Identification Air Line Water Line JS600 Line Identification Air Line Water Line JetSpray Atomising Nozzle System | 66 8.2 JS60 Water Line 11 10 1 9 8 6 2 3 7 6 1 5 2 4 Standard Parts List Stock Code 1 01327 1/2” Male - 15mm Compression Fitting 7 01133 1/2” F/F/F Tee 2 05012 1/4” Male - 1/2” Female adaptor 8 02091 1/2” 2 Way Valve N/O 9 01334 3 Description R06WATER 1/4” Water Regulator Item Stock Code Description Item 4 01044 0-4 Bar Glycerine Gauge 10 N/A 1/2” Female - 15mm Compression Fitting 15mm Stainless Steel Pipe 5 01035 1/2” 2 Way Valve N/C 11 01332 15mm Compression Elbow 6 50030 1/2” M/F Adaptor 67 | JetSpray Atomising Nozzle System 8.3 JS60 Air Line 8 7 3 2 1 6 1 5 4 2 Standard Parts List Item Stock Code Description Item Stock Code Description 1 01327 1/2” Male - 15mm Compression Fitting 5 01035 1/2” 2 Way Valve N/C 2 05012 1/4” Male - 1/2” Female Adaptor 6 01133 1/2” F/F/F Tee 3 01041 1/4” Air Regulator* 7 01136 1/2” - 1/4” Hex Nipple 4 01044 0 - 4 bar Glycerine Gauge 8 03002 Air Pressure Switch JetSpray Atomising Nozzle System | 68 8.4 JS600 / JS600DS Water Line 13 1 6 11 3 12 6 17 16 8 15 2 14 10 9 7 1 6 5 3 4 Standard Parts List Item Stock Code Description Item Stock Code Description 1 01327 1/2” Male - 15mm Compression Fitting 7 01033 1/2” 2 Way Valve N/C 2 50039 1/2” M/F/F Tee (tapped 1/8” for options) 8 01138 1/2” M/M/F Tee 3 02093 1/2” - 1/8” Bush 9 01069 1/2” 2 Way Valve N/O 4 01043 0 - 10 bar Glycerine Gauge 10 01337 5 01042 1/2” Water Regulator 11 01133 1/2” Male - 22mm Compression Fitting 1/2” F/F/F Tee 6 01115 1/2” Hex Nipple 12 01044 0 - 4 bar Glycerine Gauge 13 01127 1/2” F/F Elbow JS600PRES Item Stock Code Description 14 01198 1/8” Hex Nipple 15 01199 1/4” - 1/8” Bush 16 03002 Water Pressure Switch 69 | JetSpray Atomising Nozzle System JS600TEMP Item Stock Code 17 Description H20TEMP Water Temperature Sensor MONITORING 8.5 14 1 5 3 2 9 5 13 8 6 17 16 12 10 15 2 7 5 11 7 1 3 18 19 4 JS600M Water Line Item Stock Code Description Item Stock Code Description 1 01327 1/2” Male - 15mm Compression Fitting 8 2 01133 1/2” F/F/F Tee (tapped 1/8” for options) 9 01033 1/2” 2 Way Valve N/C 3 02093 1/2” - 1/8” Bush 10 01138 1/2” M/M/F Tee 4 01043 0 - 10 bar Glycerine Gauge 11 01069 1/2” 2 Way Valve N/O 5 01115 1/2” Hex Nipple 12 01337 1/2” Male - 22mm Compression Fitting 6 03004 1/2“ Modulating Valve 13 01044 0 - 4 bar Glycerine Gauge 7 01136 1/2” - 1/4" Hex Nipple 14 01127 1/2” F/F Elbow Item Stock Code Description 01184 M/F Adaptor Item Stock Code Description 15 01198 1/8” Hex Nipple 18 16 01199 1/4” - 1/8” Bush 19 17 03002 Water Pressure Switch DPPM1150 Flow Sensor 0-300 L/Hr Water Temperature Sensor H20TEMP MONITORING JetSpray Atomising Nozzle System | 70 8.6 JS600 / JS600DS / JS600M Air Line 13 8 1 12 11 7 6 7 9 2 4 10 1 5 3 4 Standard Parts List Item Stock Code Description Item Stock Code Description 1 01336 28mm - 1” Female Compression Fitting 7 01050 1” Hex Nipple 2 02085 1” M/M/F Tee 8 01065 1” 2 Way Valve N/C 3 01339 1/2” - 1” Bush (Plated) 9 02085 1” M/M/F Tee (Tapped 1/8”) 4 02093 1/2” - 1/8” Bush 10 10144 0 - 4 bar Glycerine Gauge 5 01043 0-10 bar Glycerine Gauge 11 01198 1/8” Hex Nipple 6 01067 1” Air Regulator 12 01199 1/4” - 1/8 Bush 13 03002 Air Pressure Switch 71 | JetSpray Atomising Nozzle System 9.0 JS60 Water / Air Line Components 9.1 R06WATER (1/4” Water Regulator) Service Kit R06 * * * Maintenance * * * 1. Open regulator by unscrewing the top. 2. Visually inspect for damage, debris or wear. 3. Carefully clean the regulator housing and parts. 4. If fitting service kit R06, replace parts identified with ( ). 5. Reassemble parts and housing as shown. * 01041 (1/4” Air Regulator) Service Maintenance (diaphragm) 1. Open regulator by releasing the 4 screws. 2. Visually inspect diaphragm for damage, debris or wear. 3. Carefully clean the regulator housing and parts. 4. Reassemble parts and housing as shown. Maintenance (Valve and Seat) * 1. Open regulator by unscrewing bottom cap. 2. Visually inspect for damage, debris or wear. 3. Carefully clean the regulator housing and parts. 4. Reassemble parts and housing as shown. * Grease base of valve * * JetSpray Atomising Nozzle System | 72 9.2 JS600 / JS600DS Water Line Serviceable Components 01042 (1/2” Water Regulator) Service Kit R43 Maintenance (diaphragm) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Open regulator by unscrewing bonnet. Visually inspect diaphragm for damage, debris or wear. Carefully clean the regulator housing and parts. If fitting service kit R43, replace parts identified with (*). Reassemble parts and housing as shown. * Maintenance (Valve and Seat) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Open regulator by unscrewing bottom cap. Visually inspect for damage, debris or wear. Carefully clean the regulator housing and parts. If fitting service kit R43, replace parts identified with (*). Reassemble parts and housing as shown. * * Grease base of valve * * * 01033 (1/2” 2 Way Valve NC) Service Kit 2WAY Maintenance * * * 1. Disassemble Valve by removing retaining clip and releasing the 4 screws. 2. Visually inspect parts for damage, debris or wear. 3. Carefully clean the regulator housing and parts. 4. If fitting service kit 2WAY, replace parts identified with (*). 5. Reassemble parts and housing as shown. Note: Ensure small hole in diaphragm is positioned on the outward side of the valve. 73 | JetSpray Atomising Nozzle System JS600 / JS600DS / JS600M Water Line Serviceable Components 01069 (1/2” 2 Way Valve NO) Service Kit 2WAYD Maintenance * 1. Disassemble valve by removing retaining clip and releasing the 4 screws. 2. Visually inspect parts for damage, debris or wear. 3. Carefully clean the regulator housing and parts. 4. If fitting service kit 2WAYD, replace parts identified with (*). 5. Reassemble parts and housing as shown. Note: Ensure small hole in diaphragm is positioned on the outward side of the valve. * * * * Modulating Valve Service Kit 03012 * Maintenance 1. Remove actuator lid and unwire. 2. Remove actuator body by releasing screws located on its underside. 3. Open valve body by releasing the 4 screws. 4. Visually inspect parts for damage, debris or wear. 5. Carefully clean the valve housing and parts. 6. If fitting service kit 03012, replace parts identified with (*). 7. Reassemble parts and housing as shown. 8. Fit new actuator and wire in. * * * * * * * * * * * * * JetSpray Atomising Nozzle System | 74 9.3 JS600 / JS600DS / JS600M Air Line Serviceable Components 01067 (1” Air Regulator) Service Kit 20AG3/4000 Maintenance * * * 1. Disassembly Valve by removing retaining clip and releasing the 4 screws. 2. Visually inspect parts for damage, debris or wear. 3. Carefully clean the regulator housing and parts. 4. If fitting service kit 2WAY4000, replace parts identified with (*). 5. Reassemble parts and housing as shown. * 01033 (1/2” 2 Way Valve NC) Service Kit 2WAY * * * * * Maintenance (diaphragm) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Open regulator by releasing the 10 screws. Visually inspect diaphragm for damage, debris or wear. Carefully clean the regulator housing and parts. If fitting service kit 20AG3/4000, replace parts identified with (*). Reassemble parts and housing as shown. Maintenance (Valve and Seat) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Open regulator by unscrewing bottom cap. Visually inspect for damage, debris or wear. Carefully clean the regulator housing and parts. If fitting service kit 20AG3/4000, replace parts identified with (*). Reassemble parts and housing as shown. 75 | JetSpray Atomising Nozzle System * * Grease base of valve * * 9.4 Air Filter Service Kit: ELEMENT600/AUTODRAIN600 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Filter element Bowl gasket Auto-drain 1/8” Female BSP Bowl Circlip Maintenance 1. Shut off the air supply to the control panel and relieve the pressure. 2. Carefully unscrew the bowl and remove the air filter element by unscrewing the baffle disc. Replace the element and element gasket. 3. To clean the auto-drain assembly, first remove it from the bowl. Un-clip the cap from the strainer and remove the float and drain assembly. The strainer can be cleaned using compressed air and the bowl washed in soapy water. The float and drain assembly are unserviceable items and should be replaced. 4. Re-assemble the filter, ensuring that gaskets are correctly seated. PureFlo Ag+ Silver Cartridge with Argentosan PureFlo Ag+ with ArgentosanTM has been developed to inhibit the growth of bacteria, moulds and fungi in concentrations normally found in potable water supplies. Argentosan is not a disinfectant and will not kill all microbes in heavily contaminated water. It is therefore important that the quality of the water supplying the humidifier is monitored and controlled regularly according to the risk assessment for your building. Refer to instruction sheet supplied with replacement cartridge. PureFlo Ag+ PureSilver Flo Ag+ Cartridge Silver Cartridge 5 Micron Filter PureFlo Ag+ replacement Intervals: PureFlo Ag+ replacement Intervals: <100l/h = 2yrs 100-300l/h = 1yr >300l/hr = 6 months 3 months or more frequently if required 5 micron Filter JetSpray Atomising Nozzle System | 76 9.5 JetSpray Nozzle 15 17 13 11 9 10 14 7 12 5 16 3 8 1 6 Nozzle Air Cap Sizes Nozzle Output Stock Code 2.5 l/h 2.5 3.5 l/h 3.5 4.5 l/h 4.5 5.5 l/h 5.5 6.5 l/h 6.5 4 2 Standard Parts List Item Stock Code 1 01318 2 9.0 12.0 l/h 12.0 15.0 l/h 15.0 Item Stock Code Nozzle Back Nut 10 01303 Nozzle Cleaning Pin Seal 01321 Nozzle Back Nut Washer 11 01282 Nozzle Body Front 3 01312 Nozzle Balancing Screw 12 01291 Nozzle Water Jet Washer 4 01285 Nozzle Body Rear 13 01288 Nozzle Water Jet (2.5-5.5 l/h) 5 01315 Compression Spring 01289 Nozzle Water Jet (9.0-15.0 l/h) 6 01309 Nozzle Diaphragm Washer 14 01294 Nozzle Air Cap O Ring 7 01300 Nozzle Cleaning Pin Nut 15 See Table 8 01306 Nozzle Diaphragm 16 01192 1/8 x 6mm Push Fit 9 01297 Nozzle Cleaning Pin 17 01324 Air Inlet Side Nipple 77 | JetSpray Atomising Nozzle System Description 9.0 l/h Description Nozzle Air Cap 9.6 JS60 / JS600 Timer Loom 8 9 10 7 5 6 4 1 Standard Parts List Item Stock Code 1 01204 2 2 3 Description Item Stock Code Description Din Rail 6mm Slot 6 88826115 Purge Timer 01210 Earth Terminal 7 88826155 Nozzle Flush Timer 3 01212 Fuse Terminal 8 TRAF075S Transformer 75VA 4 01207 Plain Terminal 9 01257 Power Light 5 88826135 Air Run On Timer 10 01256 Power Switch JetSpray Atomising Nozzle System | 78 9.7 JS600DS / JS600M Microprocessor Loom 6 5 8 9 4 1 3 7 2 Standard Parts List Item Stock Code 1 01204 2 Item Stock Code Description Din Rail 6mm Slot 6 TRAF075S Transformer 75VA 01210 Earth Terminal 7 3 01212 Fuse Terminal 8 01257 Power Light 4 01207 Plain Terminal 9 01256 Power Switch 5 Description JETSPRAYMC JetSpray MC Controller 79 | JetSpray Atomising Nozzle System JETSPRAYMCDISP JetSpray Display + 10M Cable V YB Power On Neon 1 2 E 2A L YB YB N V V R R 0 2 Bu O Bu Humidistat 1 Gy 3 4 24 Gy On/Off switch 230 0 TRANSFORMER 3 Bu Br 2 R R R Br Br MAR1 Purge Timer O MLR1 Nozzle Flush Timer Water Solenoid Valve Bu Br 1 2 Bu Bu Br 2 Drain Solenoid Valve Bu 1 Bu 18 16 A2 18 16 A2 18 16 A2 MCR1 Air Run On Timer Air Solenoid Valve Bu 1 R Bu 3 1 A1 15 Y1 A1 15 Y1 A1 15 Y1 R Bu Br Air Press Switch Colour Key B = Black Bu = Blue Br = Brown P = Pink Gy = Grey R = Red O = Orange W = White YB = Yellow and Black V = Violet E = Earth 9.8 JS60 / JS600 With Timer Wiring Diagram JetSpray Atomising Nozzle System | 80 Bu Br Power On Neon 1 2 24 L 5A N Bu Incoming 230Vac 2Amp Power Supply E Br 230 0 TRANSFORMER 0 R 2 1 Bu G0 G 3 E AI4 Agd UI1 UI2 Agd UI3 UI4 O Gy O P Gy R B R W W Br YB V Enable Safety Disable Interlock rH or... T JS Humidity Sensor + + 0-10Vdc Control Signal 2 Common Fault N/C Volt Free Contact 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Gy Gy P R V B 4 3 Flow Sensor (JS600M) 1 11 12 13 Gy B A O P 4 2 Modulating Valve (JS600M) 1 N E 1 3 Water Pressure Switch (Optional) 17 18 Gy Bu YB 50 51 52 53 14 15 16 Gy B AI3 B Agd 40 41 42 43 44 45 AI2 30 31 32 33 34 35 4 AI1 Agd +C DI1 DI2 DI3 DI4 DI5 DI6 DI7 DI8 B 19 20 O 3 4 Water Temp Sensor (Optional) Gy W O P B 3 1 P YB - rH Humidity Sensor 2 (Optional) + 21 22 23 Gy Bu Br Br B R - rH Humidity Sensor 3 (Optional) + 24 25 26 Gy 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 W On/Off switch 81 | JetSpray Atomising Nozzle System Air Pres switch Agd AO1 AO2 AO3 AO4 AO5 C 1 2 3 4 5 5 6 6 7 7 P O Br 2 Air Solenoid Valve Bu 1 R Br Water Solenoid Valve Bu Br 1 2 Br Br Br 2 YB Colour Key Br B = Black Bu = Blue Br = Brown P = Pink Gy = Grey R = Red O = Orange W = White YB = Yellow and Black V = Violet E = Earth Drain Solenoid Valve Bu 1 Gy 90 91 92 93 94 95 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 9.9 JS600DS / JS600M With Programmer Wiring Diagram JetSpray Atomising Nozzle System | 82 © All rights reserved. No part of this document may be reproduced without the express permission of the printers. CONSULTING, SALES AND SERVICE Condair plc Artex Avenue, Rustington, LITTLEHAMPTON, West Sussex. BN16 3LN (United Kingdom) Phone +44 (0) 1903 850 200, Fax +44 (0) 1903 850 345 ">

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Key features
- Direct air or in-duct humidification
- Pre-commissioned at factory
- PureFlo Ag+ with Argentosan™ for hygiene
- Fully automatic operation
- Potable mains or treated water
- Sealed system with no open tanks
- Modulating control (JS600M only)