Understanding Security Access
To allow your office greater security and flexibility, EagleSoft has changed the way it
handles security access levels. Instead of large blanketed areas of the system to be
allowed or disallowed, you can customize each staff member or staff position’s security
clearance by item.
Security Administrator Changes
– Is is now possible to attach administration rights to staff members and eliminate the
need for a Security Administrator login.
– If Security Administrator rights have been assigned to a staff member, or multiple
staff members, you will no longer see the option of Security Administrator when
logging into EagleSoft.
• Any staff member who has been assigned administrator rights will be able to
setup and modify profiles for other staff members.
Understanding Security Access
Security Profile:
Is a set of security access items that can be applied to specific users, positions or as defaults
for new employees. Profiles can be centrally managed so a change to the profile can
change the access for all users assigned to the profile if desired.
– The purpose of Security Profiles is to:
• Predetermine the security needs of each staff position (Lists – General Setup- Staff
• Establish basic security profiles for staff positions and change them as needed
– Four Default profiles are provided (Lists- Security Profiles): Administrator, Basic User,
Clinical User and Practice Management User
– Custom Profile:
• If a user has used a default profile for a staff member, then modified the profile for the
individual staff member, the Security Profile description will change to (Custom)
Note: any customer that upgraded from a previous version of EagleSoft to 14.00
would have been assigned a custom profile to align with previously assigned security
Understanding Security Access
Security Zones:
– Are areas of the program broken down by focus and functionality allowing the
Security Administrator(s) to increase or decrease security user access to that
specific area of the program.
• 32 zone categories
• Over 700 security options within categories:
- Alerts- IntelliCare(20) - Clinical(52)
- Documents(39)
- Fees(22)
- Financials(33)
- Ins/Coverage(39)
- Labs(17)
- Lists Items/Setup(208) - OnSchedule(45)
- Patient Records(52)
- Prescription(10)
- Processing(13)
- Provider(37)
- Referral(13)
- Reports:All(209)
- Reports:Clinical(14)
- Reports:Financial(32)
- Reports:Ins(20)
- Reports:Patients(50)
- Reports:Providers(16) - Reports:Referrals(15)
- Images(35)
-Reports:Scheduler(12) - Reports:Services(16)
- Reports:Tx/Rx/Lab(10) –Services(30)
-Task Lists(11)
- Treatment Planning(8) - Utilities(46)
- Time Clock(11)
Understanding Security Access
Review: Lists- General Setup- Staff Positions
– Create new staff position and assign default Security Profile
– Lists- Provider/Staff- Position, show where to assign to provider/staff member on
main edit window
Review: EagleSoft login
– Show login with Security Administrator listed
– Login as user without security access and try to access Lists- Security Profiles
– Login as Security Administrator and assign provider access to Security Profiles
– Login as provider and show Security Administrator still in login window
– Review that user can now access Security Profiles area
– Review that user still cannot edit other staff member’s security
– Login as Security Administrator and give provider access to Assign Provider Security
– Logoff and show Security Administrator no longer available at login
– Login as provider and show how they can edit other staff members security
– Office can either leave Security Administrator login and use passwords set for Admin
login or assign 1 or multiple providers Assign Provider Security access which will
remove Security Administrator from Login window
Understanding Security Access
Review: assigning Security levels- Examples:
– Edit Provider/Staff and click on Security button
• Remove Dental Assistant access to View A/R by Provider Report (Under
• Remove Dental Associate access to View Patient Master Report (Under
• Remove Front Desk Staff access to Delete Payments/Adjustments
• Remove Front Desk Staff access to Edit Time Sheets
• Add Office Manager access to Edit Time Sheets
• Add Office Manager access to Edit Security Profiles
• Add Office Manager access to Mass Delete Appointments
Understanding Security Access
Importance of Passwords:
– It is HIGHLY recommended that each office staff assign their OWN password and
answer the 3 security questions in the Security area of the Provider/Staff list
– This will ensure that each staff member is logging on as themselves and using the
features that have been assigned to them by the Security Administrator
– In the event that a staff member forgets their password, they can utilize the 3
security questions to display their password which will prevent intervention by
EagleSoft’s customer support staff.
– It is also recommended that the staff members log off of EagleSoft whenever they
leave a workstation so the next user must login with their unique information in
order to properly track transactions by user.