Blue House BH 020 KM Vacuum Cleaner User and Maintenance Manual
Below you will find brief information for Vacuum Cleaner BH 020 KM. This vacuum cleaner is designed for easy use and features a range of accessories to tackle different cleaning tasks. Its telescopic suction tube allows you to comfortably reach high areas, while the dust bag filling indicator alerts you when it's time for a replacement. The vacuum cleaner also features a cable winding device for convenient storage.
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4D TARMAN TARMAN DIS TICARET A.S. Giz 2000 Plaza Ayazaga Caddesi No: 7 34398 Maslak - istanbul Tel : +90 ( 212 ) 365 44 44 Fax: +90 ( 212 ) 365 44 55 Tüketici Danisma Hatti 0800 211 62 62 BH 020 KM Elektrikli Súpúrge / Vacuum Cleaner Parçalarin genel goriiniimii Overview the components 1 2. . Acma/kapama düÿmesi On/off switch Filtre kapaëdi - Hepa Cikis filtresi Filter cover - Hepa Outlet filter . Zemin fircasi icin kanca Hook for floor brush . Tasima kulbu Carrying handle . Kablo sarma tusu Cable-winding key . Vakum gücü düzenleyicisi Vacuum power regulator . Toz torbasi dolum gôstergesi Dust bag filling display . Toz torbasi bôlümü açma kapagi Handle for opening the dust . Toz torbasi bólmesi (ón yúuz) Dust bag compartment (front cover) 10. Hortum baglantisi Hose connection 11. Paslanmaz celik teleskopik boru Stainless steel telescopic tube 12. Zemin bashg Floor brush HOS Home Appliances Elektrikli Süpürge Vacuum Cleaner BH 020 KM Kullanma ve Bakim Kitabi User and Maintenance Manual TEKNIK OZELLIKLER TECHNICAL FEATURES Voltaj / Voltage : AC 220-240 V Frekans / Frequency : 50-60 Hz Güç / Power : 2000 W Elektrik Süpürgesi Kullanım Talimatı Genel Güvenlik Talimatları: * Cihazi kullanmaya baslamadan ónce lútfen kullanma talimatlarin: dikkatle okuyunuz ve talimatlari, garanti belgesini ve mümkünse ic ambalajiyla beraber kutusunu da saklayiniz. * Cihaz ózel olarak kisisel kullanima ve belirtilen amaca yónelik tasarlanmistir. Bu cihaz ticari amaclar dogrultusunda kullanima uygun dedildir. Açik alanlarda kullanmayiniz (eder açik alanda kullanima yônelik tasarlanmamis ise). Cihazi i1s1, dogrudan glines 15191, rutubet (kesinlikle bir svi igine batirmayiniz) ve keskin kenarlardan uzak tutunuz. Cihazi islak ellerle kullanmayiniz. Cihaz nemli veya islak durumda ise derhal fisini prizden cikariniz. Cihazi suyun icine koymayiniz. Cihaz1 temizlerken veya kaldirirken ônce cihazin elektrigini kapatiniz ve eger kullanmayacak iseniz daima fisini prizden cekiniz (kabloyu cekmeden, fisten cekiniz) ve Uzerinde takili aksesuarlari ¢ikariniz. Cihaz calisirken yanindan ayrilmayiniz. Eger cihaz calisiyorken yanindan ayrilmaniz gerekiyorsa, daima cihazin elektrigini kapatiniz veya fisini prizden ¢ekiniz (kabloyu degil, fisin kendisini cekiniz). Cocuklari elektrikli cihazlarin olusturabilecegi tehlikelerden korumak icin kablonun fazla sarkmamasina ve bóylece cocuklarin erisemeyecegi bir noktada yer almasina dikkat ediniz. * Cihazi ve kablosunu, hasar olusma ihtimaline karsi dúzenli araliklarla kontrol ediniz. Cihaz hasarli durumda ise kullanmayiniz. * Cihazi kendi basiniza tamir etmeye calismayiniz. Daima yetkili bir teknisyen ile irtibata geciniz. Herhangi bir tehlike olusmamas! icin arizali kablonun yenisiyle degisiminin mutlaka imalatci, músteri servisimiz veya yetkili bir kisi tarafindan yapilmasi gerekir. * Sadece orijinal yedek parca kullaniniz. * Asagidaki "Ozel Gúvenlik Talimatlar:" basliói altindakilere dikkatle ózen gósteriniz. Ozel Giivenlik Talimatlan e Cihazin icine sivi cekmeyiniz! e Kizgin külleri, sivri veya sert nesneleri cekmeyiniz! * Cihazi rutubetli odalarda kullanmayiniz! e Cihaz1 asla filtresiz kullanmayiniz. Filtrenin dogru takilip takilmadigini kontrol ediniz! o Kullanim esnasinda cihazin vakumlu ucunu sac, giysi ve vúcut bólgelerinize yaklastirmayiniz! * Elektrik süpürgesini radyatôr, firin gibi 151 kaynaklarindan uzak tutunuz! Cihazin Calistirilmasi e Hava emis hortumunun baglanti ucunu, hortum konektôrüne (10) kenetleyerek takiniz. Bunu yapmak icin digmelere ayni anda basiniz. Hortumu tekrar ¢ikarmak icin baglanti noktasindaki düÿmelere bir kez daha bastiriniz. e Düÿmelere basili halde tutarak hortumu cekiniz. e Lütfen teleskopik emis borusunu kulpun ucuna ekleyiniz (bkz " Emis Borusu " bólúmú). * Ardindan zemin basligini ve/veya aksesuarlari monte ediniz. Cihazin Kullanimi 1. Gereken uzunluktaki kabloyu côzünüz. 2. Elektrik fisini dogru bir prize takiniz. Acma/kapama dúgmesine (1) bastirarak cihazi calistriniz. 3. Emis gúcú dúzenleyicisini (6) dóndúrerek emis gücünü ayarlayınız. 4. Sabit bir hızda vakum yaptırınız. Basınc uygulamanıza gerek yoktur. 5. Dikkat: Kablo boyunun kapsadid1 mesafeye dikkat ediniz. Vakum gücü düzenleyicisi Düsük vakum gúci: Perdeler ve hassas kumaslar icin Orta vakum gúcú: Uzun havli halilar ve yer dokumalari için Yüksek vakum gücü: Sert kilimler ve zeminler icin Teleskopik Emis Borusu: 1. Bu islem yúksekligi kendi boyunuza góre ayarlamaniza olanak tanir. Emis borusunun genis bólúmúnú sola cevirerek baglanti kilidini aciniz. 2. Emis borusunu gereken sekilde hareket ettiriniz. Baglantiy: kilitlemek icin emis borusunun genis kismini saÿa dôndürünüz. Aksesuarlar: "2'si bir arada" baslik (oluklu ve fircali baslik) Kablo sarma aparati: Kabloyu sari renk ile gôsterilen maksimum uzunluga kadar cekiniz. Asla kabloyu kirmizi renge kadar cekmeyiniz, kablo sarimi hasar górebilir. Bu tarz hasarlar garanti kapsamina girmez. Sarim: Kablo sarma dúgmesine (5) basarak kabloyu kontrollú sekilde cekiniz. Dolanma olmamasi icin kabloyu tutunuz. Basligin Takilmas:: Kenar kóse aparati/ Firca baslig1 Dôseme, perde, kôseler ve çatlak yerlerin alinmasi için "2'si 1 arada" baslik: Bu baslik katlandiginda ayni zamanda kenar kdse aparati olarak ta kullanilabilmektedir. Firça basligini kullanmak istediginiz zaman firca bólúmúnú yerine oturana kadar ok yónúnde cekiniz. Zemin basligi: Halilarin ve pürüzsüz yüzeylerin temizligi icin. Púruzsuz zeminler: Uzerinde firca sembolú bulunan kola ayaginizla basiniz Firca simdi gôrünecektir. Halilar: Diger taraftaki kola basiniz. Basliklarin cikarilmasi: Yavasca dóndúrerek basliklari cikariniz. Hava Sürgüsu: Hortum tutma sapinin üzerindeki hava sürgüsünü acarak hava akimini kontrol edebilir ve basliga yapisan herhangi bir parcacigi temizleyebilirsiniz. Toz torbasi degistirme gôstergesi (7): Hortumu yukari dogru kaldiriniz. Eger toz torbasi dedistirme góstergesi yanarsa, torba dolmus demektir. Lütfen torbay1 degistirin. Toz torbasinin degistirilmesi: e Fisi prizden cikariniz. * Toz torbast bólmesinin kapagini (8) tutarak aciniz (yerine oturana kadar cekiniz). * Torbaya daha kolay ulasabilmek icin sabitleme aparatini dikkatle geriye dogru cekiniz. Ardindan toz torbasini yukari dogru cekerek cikariniz. * Yeni bir torba koyunuz. Torbayi yataginin icine dogru bicimde yerlestiriniz. Filtre: Cihazinizda ¡ki adet filtre bulunmaktadir. Giris filtresi (Motor koruma filtresi): Giris filtresi toz torbasi bólmesinde yer almaktadir. Filtre, toz yuvasinin arka bólúmúnde dikey olarak uzanir. Yukari doru kaldirarak filtreyi cikariniz. Toz torbasi degisimlerinin ardindan motor koruma filtresini temizleyiniz. Gerekiyorsa filtreyi herhangi bir kimyasal madde kullanmadan ilik suda yikayabilirsiniz. Yikadiktan sonra tamamen kurudugunda yerine yeniden takiniz. Cikis filtresi: Cihazda ayrica bir cikis filtresi de bulunur. Bu filtre cihazinizin kenarindaki havalandirma Izgarasinin arkasinda yer almaktadir. Filtre kapagini cevirerek havalandirma izgarasini aginiz Ardindan Izgaray1 ône doÿru çekip çikariniz. Filtreyi cikariniz ve yukarida anlatilan sekilde temizleyiniz. Filtreyi dogru bir sekilde yeniden takiniz ve havalandirma izgarasini kapatiniz. Temizlik: * Temizlik óncesinde fisi prizden cikarimniz! * Kuru bir bezle góvdeyi siliniz. Saklama: e Cihazin tamamen soÿumasini bekleyiniz. * Kabloyu tamamen sariniz. * Zemin basliginin üzerindeki kancay1 cihazin arka veya alt kismindan park yuvasina dogru uzatip takarak cihazi yatay veya dikey sekilde park edebilirsiniz. Bu cihaz elektromanyetik uyumluluk ve düsük voltaj yônergeleri gibi ilgili tüm mevcut CE esaslari geregince test edilmis olup en yeni güvenlik yonetmelikleri dogrultusunda imal edilmistir.. Onceden haber verilmeksizin cihaz üzerinde teknik degisiklikler yapilabilir! Vacuum Cleaner Instruction Manual General Safety Instructions: * Read the operating instructions carefully before putting the appliance into operation and keep the instructions including the warranty, the receipt and, if possible, the box with the internal packing. The appliance is designed exclusively for private use and for the envisaged purpose. This appliance is not fit for commercial use. Do not use it outdoors (except if it is designed to be used outdoors). Keep it away from sources of heat, direct sunlight, humidity (never dip it into any liquid) and sharp edges. Do not use the appliance with wet hands. If the appliance is humid or wet, unplug it immediately. Do not put it in water. When cleaning or putting it away, switch off the appliance and always pull out the plug from the socket (pull on the plug, not the cable) if the appliance is not being used and remove the attached accessories. Do not operate the machine without supervision. If you should leave the workplace, always switch the machine off or remove the plug from the socket (pull the plug itself, not the lead). To protect children from the dangers posed by electrical appliances, make sure that the cable is hanging low and that children do not have access to the appliance. Check the appliance and the cable for damage on a regular basis. Do not use the appliance if it is damaged. * Do not try to repair the appliance on your own. Always contact an authorized technician. To avoid the exposure to danger, always have a faulty cable be replaced only by the manufacturer, by our customer service or by a qualified person and with a cable of the same type. * Use only original spare parts. * Pay careful attention to the following “Special Safety Instructions”. Special Safety Instructions * Do not suck up liquids! * Do not suck up hot ashes or pointed or sharp objects! * Do not use the appliance in humid rooms! * Never use without the filter. Check that the filter is inserted correctly! * Hair, clothing and body parts away from the vacuum nozzle during use! e Keep the vacuum cleaner away from sources of heat like radiators, ovens, etc.! Start-up * Insert the connection head of the suction hose into the hose connector (10) until it locks in place. To do so, please press the buttons simultaneously. In order to release the hose again, please press the buttons once more on the connection head. * Keep the buttons pressed down and then pull out the hose. * Please attach the telescopic suction tube to the grip end (see section " Suction Tube"). * Then assemble the floor nozzle and/or the accessories. Using the Appliance 1. Unwind the length of cable you require. 2. Insert the mains plug into a correct socket. Turn on the device with the on/off switch (1) by pushing it downwards. 3. Adjust the suction power by turning the suction power regulator (6). 4. Vacuum at a steady speed. There is no need to exert pressure. 5. Attention: pay attention to the range that can be covered with the cable length. Vacuum power regulator Low vacuum power: For curtains and delicate fabrics Medium vacuum power: For long-pile carpets and textile flooring High vacuum power: For sturdy rugs and floors Telescopic Suction Tube: 1. This makes it possible to adapt the height to your individual body size. Unlock the coupling by turning the wide section of the suction tube to the left. 2. Move the suction tube as required. To lock the coupling, turn the wide suction tube to the right.GB Accessories: "2-in-1" nozzle(groove and brush nozzle) Cable winding device: Pull out the cable up to the maximum length indicated with the yellow mark. Never pull the cable out up to the red mark as the cable winding can be damaged. Said damages are not covered by the warranty. Winding: Press the cable (5) winding button and guide the cable. Hold the cable to avoid wrapping. Nozzle Attachment: Crevice nozzle/ Brush nozzle: For vacuuming upholstery, curtains and in corners and crevices etc. "2-in-1" nozzle: When this is folded together it can be used as a groove nozzle. If you would like to use the brush nozzle, pull the brush section in the direction of the arrow until it locks in place. Floor nozzle: To clean carpets or smooth surfaces. Smooth floors: Press down the lever with the brush symbol with your foot. The brush is now visible. Carpets: Press down the opposite lever. Releasing the nozzles: Pull these off while turning slightly. Air Slide: Open the air slide on the hose handle in order to regulate the airflow or to clear any articles sticking to the nozzle. Dust bag replacement display (7): Hold the hose up into air. If the dust bag change display lights up, the bag is full. Please change it. Changing the dust bag: e Pull the plug out of the socket. * Open the lid of the dust bag compartment by the handle (8) (until its locks in place). e Remove the bag by pulling the fixing device carefully towards the rear in order to make the bag more easily accessible. Then remove the dust bag by pulling it upwards. * Insert a new bag. Please ensure that the bag is located correctly in the guide Filter: Your appliance has two filters. Inlet filter (Motor protection filter): The inlet filter is located in the dust bag compartment. The filter is located vertically in the rear section of the dust housing. Remove the filter by pulling upwards. Clean the engine protection filter after dust bag changes. If necessary, the filter can also be washed in warm water without any additives. Place it back into place only once it is completely dry! Outlet filter: The appliance is also equipped with an outlet filter. This filter is to be found on the side of your device behind the ventilation grille. Open the ventilation grille by turning the filter cover Then pull the grille out towards the front. Remove the filter and clean as described above. Please reinsert the filter correctly and then close the ventilation grille. Cleaning: e Pull the plug out of the socket before cleaning! e Clean the casing with a dry cloth. Storage: e Let the iron cool down completely. e Wind the cable completely. e Position the device either horizontally or vertically in order to suspend the hook on the floor nozzle in the parking assistance on the rear or the bottom of the device. This device has been tested according to all relevant current CE guidelines, such as electromagnetic compatibility and low voltage directives, and has been constructed in accordance with the latest safety regulations. Subject to technical changes without prior notice! 10
Key Features
- Telescopic Suction Tube
- Dust bag filling indicator
- Cable winding device
- 2-in-1 nozzle
- Vacuum power regulator
- Floor brush
- Crevice nozzle
- Brush nozzle
Frequently Answers and Questions
How do I adjust the suction power?
You can adjust the suction power by turning the suction power regulator (6).
How do I change the dust bag?
Pull the plug out of the socket. Open the lid of the dust bag compartment by the handle (8). Remove the bag by pulling the fixing device carefully towards the rear. Then remove the dust bag by pulling it upwards. Insert a new bag and ensure that the bag is located correctly in the guide.
How do I clean the filters?
Clean the engine protection filter after dust bag changes. If necessary, the filter can also be washed in warm water without any additives. Place it back into place only once it is completely dry! The outlet filter is to be found on the side of your device behind the ventilation grille. Open the ventilation grille by turning the filter cover. Then pull the grille out towards the front. Remove the filter and clean it. Please reinsert the filter correctly and then close the ventilation grille.