Mitsubishi Electric PAC-SE51CRA Installation manual
Mitsubishi Electric PAC-SE51CRA is a remote controller for building air-conditioning control systems. It enables precise temperature control and monitoring of up to 16 indoor units connected via M-NET transmission line. Installation requires professional expertise and must be done in accordance with the provided instruction manual to ensure safety and proper functionality.
Building Air-Conditioning Control System
Remote Controller PAC-SE51 CRA lnstallation Manual
This manual contains only the lnstallation procedure for the remote controller. For informatlon about how to wlre and lnstall alr conditionlng
For your safety, thoroughly read (11 Safety Precautlons) descrlbed below before lnstalllng the remote controller correctly.
( 1
Safety Precautions )
• The following two symbols are used to denote dangers that may caused lncorrect use:
Thls symbol denotes what could lead to serlous lnjury or death lf the remote controller is mlsused.
This symbol denotes what could lead to personal lnjury or property damage lf the remote controller ls mlsused.
• After reading thls lnstallation manual, keep it in а
Make sure that thls manual ls forwarded to the next user.
Aak your dealer or technlcal repreaentatlve to lnatall the unlt.
Any deflclency caused Ьу your own lnstallatlon may result ln an electrlc shock or flre. lnatall ln а place whlch la atrong enough to wlthatand the welght of the PAC-SE51CRA.
Any lack of strength may cause the PAC-SE51 CRA to fall down, resultlng ln personal lnjury.
Flrmly connect the wlrlng ualng the apeclfled саЫеа. Carefully check that the саЫеа the termlnala. lmproper wlrlng connectlons may produce heat and posslЫy а flre.
Never modlfy or repalr the PAC-SE51CRA Ьу
Any deflclency caused Ьу trlc shock or tlre.
Consult wlth your dealer about repalrs.
Enaure that lnatallatlon work la done correctly followlng thla lnatallatlon manual.
Any deflclency caused Ьу electrlcal work muat Ье performed Ьу а Jlcenaed technlclan, accordlng to local regulatlona and tha lnatructlona glven ln thla manual.
Any lack of electrlc clrcult or any deflclency cauaed Ьу lnstallatlon may result ln an electrlc shock or flre.
Do not move and re-lnatall the PAC-SE51 CRA youraelf.
Any deflclency caused Ьу lnstallatlon may result ln an electrlc shock or flre.
Ask your dlstrlbutor or speclal vendor for movlng and lnstallatlon.
Do not lnatall ln any place expoaed to flammaЫe
Flammable gases accumulated around the body of PAO-SE51CRA may cause an exploslon.
Do not lnatall ln any ateamy place auch а bathroom or kltchen.
Avold any place where molsture ls condensed lnto dew. Dolng so may cause an electrlc shock or а malfunctlon.
Do not uae ln any apeclal envlronment.
Uslng ln any place exposed to oll (lncludlng machlne oll), steam and sulfurlc gas may deterlorate the performance slgnlflcantly or glve damage to the component parts.
Wlre ао
Tenslon may cause wlre breakage, heatlng or flre.
Do not lnatall ln any place where acldlc or alkallne aolutlon or apeclal apray are often uaed.
Dolng so may cause an electrlc shock or malfunctlon.
Uae atandard wlre• ln compllanoe wlth the current capaclty. fallure to thls may result ln an electrlc leakaga. heatlng or flre.
Do not touch any РСВ toola. Do not allow duat to collect on the РСВ.
Dolng so may cause flre or an electrlc shock.
Completely aeal the wlre lead-ln port wlth putty etc.
Any dew, molsture. cockroaches, lnsects enterlng the unlt may cause an electrlc shock or а maltunctlon.
Do not waah wlth water.
Dolng so may cause an .electrlc shock or а malfunctlon.
Do not lnatall ln any place at а temperature of more than 40"С or leaa than О 0 or axpoeed to dlrect aunllght.
Do not touch any control button wlth your wat handa.
Dolng so may cause an electrlc shock or а malfunctlon.
Do not preaa any control button ualng а aharp objact.
Dolng so may cause an electrlc shock or а maltunctlon.
Never contact the powar aupply wlth the control wlrlng termlnala.
Dolng so wlll certalnly cause the controller to catch flre.
Specification )
Source power requlrement lnterface condition for transmission line
Number of M-NET controlled indoor unlt controlled Ьу PAC-SE51 САА
Envlronmental condition lnput voltage DC17 V DСЗО А
Power recelved from outdoor unlt via M-NET transmlsslon llne.
M-NET transmlsslon line ; DСЗО
1 - 16
Temperature 1 Operating
Non operatlng о 40°С о 70°С
Humlditv 1 30 - 90%RH (No condensation)
120 (Hloh) х 8<41> (Depth) mm Dlmenslons
Checklng the Supplied Parts )
Check that the
Remote Controller Model Name
Enclosed Parts
(1) Remote controller .........•.. " ............ "" ........................................ " ................ " ................................. 1
(2) Cross-recessed pan-head screws ........... " ................................................ " .................. " .. " ........... 2
(З) Operatlon manual ..... " ...........................•.............. " ... " " ..•.•......•.................. ". .... .. . ... ...... .. ..... .. .. . .. .. 1
NOTE: The parts llsted below must
Ье purchased separately.
(1) СаЫе
Use the саЫе
1 СаЫе tvpe
VCTF or CW (2-core): 0.75 - 1.25 mm• or equlvalent
* CVV ls а control саЫе rlde wlth polyvlnyl insulated wires inslde.
NOTE: lf you need to use а саЫе О meters, select an electrlc wire that meets the followlng speclflcations:
Wire specification ..... VCTF or CVV (2-core):
1 .25 mm 2 or equlvalent
(2) The swltch Ьох ls пecessary for mouпtlпg. Use the swltch Ьох speclfled iп the right.
lnstalling the Remote Controller
1. Mount the swltch
(1) lпstall the swltch Ьох explalпed below.
Ьох ~гФ=-11
,, controller -
L _ ,
Projectlng object such as astud
NOTE: • Ве lпstal/ the switch Ьох with the clearaпce showп lп the lllustratioп at the left. (Check the space betweeп the uпit апd апу projectloп such as stud.)
• Leave а coпtroller so that the screwdrlver сап Ье
• Slnce the remote coпtroller ls equipped wlth а temperature seп sor, lпstall the remote coпtroller lп а locatloп where the average room temperature сап Ье detected апd whlch ls поt directly affected Ьу some heat source, dlrect suпllght or alr Ыоwп ап alr coпdltloпer.
(2) Purchase the thlп-copper wlrlпg plpe апd lockпuts апd bushlпgs separately.
2. lnatall thf!t remote controller.
(1) Pull out about 80 mm of саЫе remove the lnsulatioп from its епd.
(2) Use putty to seal the саЫе lead-lп hole lп order to preveпt lпsects from damagiпg wirlпg апd preveпt alr from coпdeпslпg оп remote coпtroller circult board. lf the hole ls поt sealed well, the remote coпtroller clrcult Ьoard may Ье
11 10
Leadlng lnsulawlre tlon
(З) Соппесt the to the termlпal board iп the bottom rear of the remote coпtroller uпit.
~---~~=.":..... The саЫе поt have polarity.
Wheп соппесtlпg straпded саЫе, hold dowп buttoп оп termlпal board whlle iпsertlпg the саЫе.
The саЫе соппесts to the malп termlпal board wheп lпserted lпto the bottom termlпal.
Wheп discoппectiпg the саЫе, hold the buttoп whlle pulllпg out the саЫе.
Atter lпsertiпg the саЫе, sllghtly tug on it to check that lt does поt easlly dlscoппect. lf the саЫе поt securely short-circult or malfuпctloп may occur.
(4) Remove the remote coпtroller uslпg а staпdard screwdrlver, theп coпtroller uпlt to the swltch Ьох usiпg eпclosed cross-recessed paп-head screws. Use screwdrlver wlth that is 4 mm or wlder to remove the _cover.
Remote controller cover iЪCAUTION:
• Forclпg off the cover uslпg а screwdrlver that ls less thaп 4 mm wlde may result lп damage to the equlpmeпt or lпjurles.
• Attach the remote coпtroller to а поt overtlghteп the screws, otherwlse the case may become deformed or break.
(5) Set the remote coпtroller address.
[й] ~
Rotary awltchea
Set the remote coпtroller address uslпg SW2 оп the front of the remote coпtroller.
• Settlпg raпge: 1 01 to 200
Rotary switch SW1 lпdlcates the teпs dlglt апd lпdlcates the diglt. lп addltlon. 100 is automatlcally added to the settlng as shown below.
Rotary swltch settlng
Remote controller address
01 - 99
101 - 199
The address ls set to 01 wheп coпtroller ls shlpped from the maпufacturer. iЪCAUTION: The address must Ье coпtroller а а multluпit system. Set the address accordlпg to lts posltloп iп the system. lп addltion, refer to the air coпdltioпer lпstallatioп Maпual formore lпformatioп
(6) Atter settlпg the remote controller address, attach the remote controller cover. attachlng the remote controller cover, set the top of the cover the two top hooks, then push ln on the bottom of the cover untll lt snaps into place. lf the bottom of the cover ls attached first, the top of the cover cannot be.attached. Forcefully pushlng ln the top of the cover to attach lt may break the hooks. iЪCAUTION:
• Press ln оп uпtll it sпaps lnto place.
• When attachiпg the remote controller cover, Ье careful not to move
1О.11О.1 ture sensor the room temperature sensor out of place. Movlng the seпsor place or plпching lt whlle attachlng the cover may result ln the seпsor malfunctionlng or belng damaged. · c:::J о
(7) When the lndoor unlt must Ье а а dlffereпt refrigerants are used, refer to(5\ Reglsterlng the indoor Onlt Wlth the Remote Controller).
Reglstering the lndoor Unlt Wlth the Remote Controller
(lnltlal reglstratlon mode operatlon)
Ап lпdoor uпit must Ье coпtroller lп а or а system where dlffereпt refrlgeraпts are used. Reglster the lпltlal reglstratloп mode as showп lп addltioп, the lпltlal reg/stratloп mode сап Ье unlt reglstered to the group or to delete а reglstratloп.
Thls remote coпtroller саппоt Ье used to perform ап lпterlocklпg reglstratloп of lпterlocked uпlts. The ceпtral coпtroller (MJ-103MTRA) or пetwork remote coпtroller (PAR-F25MA) must Ье used to make lпterlocklпg reglstratloпs.
Settlng Procedure
Q) Turп off the uпlt.
(Perform the followlпg operatloп "НО" оп
® Hold dowп both ТЕМР.
апd СУ::> for more thaп 2 secoпds.
Thls starts the lпitlal registratloп mode апd coпtrol ler address flashes оп the dlsplay.
/П /
_. IU
/ / \
~' ""==~------
Press ТЕМР. ~ lпdoor uпlt that you wlsh to register wlth thls remote coпtroller.
After the butloп is pressed опсе, the remote coпtroller address, апd theп the lпdoor uпit address ls dlsplayed. Afterwards, each press of the butlon lпcreases the lпdoor unlt address Ьу 1 as showп below. Holdlпg down the buttoп chaпges the address more qulckly.
[101) -+ [- - -] -+ [001] -+ [002) -+
(Set remote controller address)
-+ [049]
@ Wheп iпdoor uпlt that you wlsh to reglster ls dlsplayed, press ~ lf the reglstratloп ls completed correctly, the dlsplay appears as showп
Conflrmatlon of reglstered address
Dlsplay the addresses of the lпdoor uпlts that are reglstered wlth thls remote controller.
Each press of ТЕМР. СУ::> lп step
or @ dlsplays the address of а lts type, "IC". lf no lndoor uпlt ls reglstered, "- - -" appears ln the address dlsplay апd по type ls dlsplayed.
Address delectlon
(j) Delete the address of ап lndoor unlt reglstered wlth thls remote controller.
Hold down [ON/OFF] twlce for 2 seconds each tlme elther ln step @ or after the reglstratlon ls complete to delete the registratloп of the lndoor unlt that ls curreпtly dlsp/ayed. пп
/ пп ии
IL The lndoor unlt type, "IC", ls dlsplayei:t.
When the dlsplay appears as showп
OFF] twlce for 2 secoпds each tlme.
J, lf the reglstratloп ls not completed correctly, "88" flashes ln the dlsplay. Check that the selected lndoor unlt address or the wirlng are correct.
Up to 16 lndoor uпlts can Ье reglstered.
® After reglsterlng, hold dowп both
ТЕМР. ~ СУ::> for more thaп 2 secoпds to епd the normal dlsplay appears.
/ lf the reglstratlon ls deleted correctly, "- - " appears lп the dlsplay. lf the reglstratlon ls not deleted correctly, "88" flashes in the dlsplay. Check that the selected lndoor unlt address and the wlring are correct.
NOTE: • Up to 16 lndoor uпlts сап Ье reglstered.
• lf the reglstratloп cannot Ье reglstratlon you wlsh to add or delete may Ье lncorrect. Check the wlrlng and the address that ls set.
6 Operatlng Durlng the Test Run
1 . How to Use the Test Run
The test run свпnоt Ье test run, thls remote controller appears as shown below. After two hours, the test run stops automat/cally.
2. Press [ON/OFF] durlng the test run to сапсеl lt and turn off the uпlt. The room temperature cannot Ье set durlпg а ruп; only the alr speed сап Ье adJusted. lndoor unlt address of the dlsolaved оlов temoerature
The address of the lndoor unlt reglsterad wlth thls remote controller ls dlsplayed. lf more than one lndoor unlt ls reglstered, the addresses of the other unlts oan Ье dlsplayed Ьу presslng ТЕМР. ~Dlsplay range: 001 to 050 lndoor unlt plpe temperature
DJ 1
Dlsplay range: -99°С to 99°с lf the temperature exceeds thls range, "-99°С" f\ashes on the dlsplay.
Remalnlng tlme of the test run
The amount of tlme remalnlng for the test run ls dlsplayed.
Dlsplay range: 2:00 to 0:01
Thls product ls deslgned and lnteпded for use ln а resldentlal, commerclal or llght-lndustrlal envlronment.
The product at hand ls based on the follow/ng EU regulatlons:
Low Voltage Defectlve 73/23/ЕЕС
Electromagпetlc Compatlbllity Dlrectlve 89/336/ЕЕС