Yamaha CS6X User manual
DATA LIST DATEN-LISTE LISTE DE DONNÉES DATA LIST Contents CS6x/CS6R Voice List ............................................4 Drum Voice List......................................................10 Wave List................................................................13 Performance List ..................................................14 Control List ............................................................15 Arpeggio Type List ................................................16 Effect Type List ......................................................17 Effect Parameter List ............................................17 About MIDI ............................................................26 MIDI Data Format ..................................................26 MIDI Data Table ......................................................30 MIDI Implementation Chart ..................................38 3 CS6x/CS6R Voice List Preset 1 (MSB=63, LSB=0) No. Voice Name Category Reverb Type Chorus Type Insertion1 Type Insertion2 Type MW PB AT FC BC FS RB Kn1 Kn2 1 Grand Pf Hall 1 Chorus 1 Thru Thru ChoSend off off off off off FLT-Frq FLT-Frq RevSend 2 Ivories Pf Hall 1 Chorus 1 3band EQ Thru CLFO-D1 off off off off off ChoSend ChoSend RevSend 3 For Ballad Pf Hall 1 Delay LR Thru Chorus 4 ELM-Lvl off off off off off Volume RevSend ChoSend 4 BasicRoadz Pf Hall 2 Chorus 1 3band EQ Auto Pan ChoSend, ChoSend off off off off off ChoSend InsL prm2 InsL prm1 5 DF Roadz Pf Hall 1 Chorus 1 3band EQ Pitch Change 1 ChoSend off off off off off ChoSend InsS prm2 InsS prm7 6 RT Roadz Pf Stage 1 Chorus 1 Auto Pan Phaser 1 InsS prm1, InsS prm2 off off off off off InsL prm1 InsL prm10 RevSend 7 SunShine Pf Stage 1 Chorus 1 Auto Pan Compressor InsS prm1 off off off off off InsS prm1 InsS prm2 RevSend 8 Club Daz Pf Room 1 Phaser Overdrive Thru InsS prm10 off off off off off ELFO-AM InsS prm1 ChoSend, RevSend 9 Fusion Pf Hall 1 Phaser Touch Wah 3Band EQ CLFO-D1 off off off off off InsS prm1 RevSend ChoSend 10 CP2000 Pf Hall 1 Flanger 3 3band EQ Thru ChoSend off off off off off ELM-Pan CLFO-D1 FLT-Frq 11 DXAtacky Pf Hall 1 Celeste 1 Chorus 3 Thru CLFO-D1 off off off off off InsS prm1 RevSend ChoSend 12 Dark DX Pf Hall 1 Chorus 1 Thru Thru CLFO-D1 off off off off off FLT-Frq FLT-Frq ChoSend, RevSend 13 Wurli Pf Plate Chorus 2 AMP Simulator Tremolo InsL prm2, InsL prm1 off off off off off ChoSend RevSend InsS prm1 14 Clavint Pf Stage 2 Phaser Thru Thru ChoSend, Volume off off off off off FLT-Rez FLT-Frq FEG-D1 15 Clav Wah Pf Stage 2 Phaser Touch Wah Thru off off off off FLT-Rez FLT-Frq FEG-D1 Full Or Hall 1 Chorus 1 3band EQ 2Way Rotary Speaker 3 off off off off off ELM-Lvl ELM-Lvl ELM-Lvl 17 Perc Org Or Hall 1 Chorus 1 3band EQ 2Way Rotary Speaker 3 ChoSend, Volume InsL prm16, ChoSend, ELM-Lvl InsL prm16, ChoSend, ELM-Lvl off 16 off off off off off InsL prm12 InsL prm9 RevSend 18 E Bird Or Hall 1 Chorus 4 Thru Rotary Speaker 1 InsL prm1 off off off off off ELM-Lvl ELM-Lvl ELM-Lvl 19 4 Bars Or Hall 1 Chorus 1 Overdrive Rotary Speaker 1 InsL prm1 off off off off off InsS prm10 InsS prm10 ELM-Lvl 20 Jazz Or Room 1 Chorus 1 Overdrive Rotary Speaker 1 InsL prm1 off off off off off FLT-Rez InsL prm9 InsL prm1 21 Swish Or Hall 1 Chorus 1 Thru 2Way Rotary Speaker ELM-Lvl, ChoSend off off off off off FLT-Frq ELM-Lvl ELM-Lvl, InsL prm1 22 Vox Or Stage 1 Chorus 1 AMP Simulator Thru ELFO-PM off off off off off ChoSend FLT-Frq InsS prm1 off off off off off ELM-Lvl InsS prm1 InsL prm9, FLT-Frq off off off off off InsS prm5 InsL prm9 InsL prm1 23 Tube Or Hall 1 Chorus 3 AMP Simulator 2Way Rotary Speaker 3 24 Gospel Or Hall 1 Chorus 4 Overdrive Rotary Speaker 1 InsL prm16, InsL prm9 InsL prm1, ChoSend, ELM-Lvl 25 ClickOrgan Or Hall 1 Chorus 1 Overdrive off off off off off InsL prm1 ELM-Lvl ELM-Lvl Jimmy Or Hall 1 Chorus 1 3band EQ Rotary Speaker 1 Amp Simu + 2Way Rotary Speaker InsL prm1 26 InsL prm1 off off off off off InsL prm1 InsL prm14 InsS prm2 27 Accordion Or Hall 1 Ensemble Thru Thru ChoSend off off off off off FLT-Frq HPF-Frq FLT-Frq 28 Monica Rd Stage 1 Ensemble AMP Simulator Touch WAH ELFO-PM FLT-Frq ELFO-PM off off off FLT-Frq InsL prm2 ELFO-AM 29 18 String Gt Hall 2 Chorus 1 3band EQ 2Band EQ CLFO-D1 off off off off off PCH-Crs ChoSend FLT-Frq 30 New Nylon Gt Hall 1 Chorus 1 3band EQ Thru CLFO-D1 off off off off off CLFO-D1 ELM-Lvl ELM-Lvl, FLT-Frq 31 JazzGtmelo Gt Hall 1 Chorus 1 3band EQ 3Band EQ CLFO-D1 off off off off off PCH-Crs InsS prm4 ChoSend 32 Elec-Acous Gt Hall 1 Delay LR Chorus 1 Comp Distortion ELFO-PM off off off off off InsS prm1 ELM-Lvl, ELM-Lvl ChoSend 33 Acoustic Gt Hall 1 Chorus 1 Thru Thru ELFO-PM off off off off off FLT-Frq FEG-D1 ChoSend 34 ChorStrat Gt Hall 1 Chorus 4 3band EQ AMP Simulator CLFO-D1 off off off off off PCH-Crs ChoSend InsS prm2 35 Cry Gt Hall 1 Chorus 1 Auto Wah Comp+Dist+Delay ELFO-PM off off off off off InsS prm3 InsS prm1 ChoSend, Volume 36 Blood Gt Hall 1 Delay LR AMP Simulator 2Band EQ ELM-Lvl off off off off off PCH-Crs RevSend ChoSend 37 Birdy Gt Room 3 Phaser 3band EQ V-Distortion ELFO-PM off off off off off InsL prm4 InsL prm1, Volume InsL prm11 38 Mute Gt Room 3 Phaser Thru Compressor ELFO-PM, ChoSend off off off off off HPF-Frq FLT-Frq FLT-Rez 39 Feedback Gt Room 3 Chorus 4 3band EQ V-Distortion ELFO-PM off off off off off InsL prm4 InsL prm11 InsL prm1 40 100 Watts Gt Room 3 Phaser 3band EQ V-Distortion ELFO-PM off off off off off InsL prm4 InsL prm11 InsL prm1 41 Prec Bass Ba Hall 1 Chorus 1 AMP Simulator 3Band EQ CLFO-D1 off off off off off PCH-Crs ChoSend InsL prm1 42 Fing Sting Ba Hall 1 Chorus 1 Exciter 3Band EQ CLFO-D1 off off off off off PCH-Crs ChoSend InsL prm1 43 Fretless Ba Hall 1 Chorus 1 3band EQ Thru ELFO-PM off off off off off ChoSend FLT-Frq RevSend 44 Slap Ba Room 1 Chorus 1 Compressor Thru ELFO-PM off off off off off ChoSend FLT-Frq RevSend 45 Upright Ba Room 1 Chorus 1 3band EQ Thru ELFO-PM off off off off off ChoSend FLT-Frq, FLT-Frq ELM-Lvl 46 Lately Ba Room 3 Control Delay1 Compressor AMP Simulator ELFO-PM off off off off off InsL prm3 InsL prm10 ELFOSpd 47 Mini Ba Room 1 Chorus 1 3band EQ Pitch Change 1 FLT-Frq off off off off off ELM-Lvl ChoSend ELM-Lvl 48 Dry Syn Ba Hall 1 Chorus 1 Thru Thru CLFO-D1 off off off off off FLT-Frq FEG-D1 ChoSend 49 Dark Ba Stage 2 Chorus 1 Thru Thru FLT-Frq off off off off off FLT-Frq FEG-Atk, FEG-D1 ChoSend, ELM-Lvl 50 Deep Rez Ba Hall 1 Flanger 1 Thru Thru CLFO-D1 off off off off off PCH-Crs FLT-Frq FLT-Rez 51 Background St Hall 2 Chorus 1 3band EQ 3Band EQ CLFO-D1 off off off off off FLT-Frq ChoSend AEG-Atk 52 CelloSmall St Hall 1 Chorus 1 Thru Thru CLFO-D1, CLFO-D2 off off off off off Volume ELM-Lvl RevSend 53 Big String St Hall 1 Chorus 1 Thru Thru ELFO-PM off off off off off ELM-Lvl RevSend FLT-Frq, FLT-Rez 54 Cello Big St Hall 1 Chorus 1 Thru Thru CLFO-D1, CLFO-D2 off off off off off FLT-Frq ELM-Lvl RevSend 55 Mellow Str St Hall 2 Chorus 4 3band EQ Thru CLFO-D1 off off off off off PCH-Crs RevSend ChoSend 56 Pizzicato St Hall 1 Chorus 3 Thru Thru ChoSend off off off off off FLT-Rez FLT-Frq AEG-D1 57 Small Anna St Hall 1 Ensemble Thru Thru ChoSend, Volume off off off off off FLT-Frq FLT-Frq AEG-Atk, AEG-Rel 58 ObiStrings St Hall 2 Chorus 5 Exciter Cross Delay FLT-Frq, FLT-Rez off off off off off FLT-Frq InsS prm1 ChoSend 59 AnaStrings St Hall 2 Ensemble Chorus 1 Cross Delay CLFO-D1, FLT-Frq off off off off off FLT-Rez, FLT-Frq InsS prm10 ChoSend 60 Soft Syn St Hall 2 Chorus 5 Exciter Cross Delay FLT-Frq, FLT-Rez off off off off off FLT-Frq InsS prm1 ChoSend 61 Violin St Hall 1 Chorus 1 Thru Thru CLFO-D1, CLFO-D2 off off off off off Volume ChoSend 62 Agitato St Hall 1 Chorus 1 3band EQ Thru ChoSend off off off off off FLT-Frq FLT-Frq RevSend ELFO-AM, ELFO-FM, CLFOSpd 63 Harp St Hall 1 Celeste 2 3band EQ Thru off off off off off FLT-Frq RevSend ChoSend 64 Aah Choir Vo Hall 2 Chorus 5 Exciter Thru ELFO-PM FLT-Frq, ELM-Lvl, ELM-Lvl off off off off off HPF-Frq AEG-Atk InsS prm1 4 No. Voice Name Category Reverb Type Chorus Type Insertion1 Type Insertion2 Type MW PB AT FC BC FS RB Kn1 Kn2 65 Ooh Choir Vo Exciter Thru FLT-Frq, ELM-Lvl off off off off off HPF-Frq AEG-Atk InsS prm1 66 Choir Tak En Hall 1 Chorus 1 Exciter 3Band EQ ELFO-PM, ELFO-AM off off off FLT-Frq, FLT-Rez FLT-Frq FLT-Rez Med Brass Br Stage 2 Chorus 1 Thru Thru ELFO-FM, ELFO-PM off off Volume, FLT-Frq off 67 off off off off FLT-Frq ChoSend 68 Combi Br Hall 1 Ensemble Thru Thru ChoSend off off off off off HPF-Frq FLT-Frq PCH-Crs 69 Fanfare Br Hall 1 Chorus 1 3band EQ Thru CLFO-D1 off off off off off PCH-Crs ELM-Lvl RevSend 70 Dark Brass Br Hall 1 Chorus 1 Thru Thru ELFO-FM, ELFO-PM off off off off off PCH-Crs FLT-Frq ChoSend, Volume 71 Trombones Br Hall 2 Chorus 1 2band EQ Cross Delay CLFO-D1 off off off off off FLT-Frq ChoSend FLT-Frq 72 Trumpet Br Hall 1 Ensemble Thru Delay LCR ELFO-PM, ELFO-FM off off off off off FLT-Frq RevSend ChoSend, FLT-Rez 73 Mute Tpt Br Hall 1 Chorus 1 3band EQ Thru ELFO-PM ELFO-AM off off off off FLT-Frq RevSend HPF-Frq 74 Fr Horns Br Hall 1 Chorus 1 Thru Delay LCR ELFO-PM, ELFO-AM off off off off off FLT-Frq RevSend ChoSend 75 Oberhorns Br Hall 1 Chorus 4 Thru Cross Delay CLFO-D1 off off off off off FLT-Frq FEG-Atk ChoSend 76 PowerSynth Br Hall 1 Chorus 1 3band EQ Harmonic Enhancer CLFO-D1 off off off off off PCH-Crs InsL prm3 RevSend 77 Fat Brazz Br Hall 1 Chorus 4 Thru Cross Delay ELFO-PM off off off off off FLT-Frq FEG-Atk ChoSend 78 J Stabs Br Hall 1 Delay LR Thru Ensemble Detune ELFO-PM off off off off PCH-Crs RevSend ChoSend 79 Moon Br Hall 1 Chorus 1 3band EQ Harmonic Enhancer CLFO-D1 off off FLT-Frq, Volume off off off FLT-Frq PCH-Crs RevSend 80 M Brass Br Hall 2 Delay LR 3band EQ Chorus 4 CLFO-D1 off off off off off FLT-Frq RevSend ChoSend 81 Tenor Sax Rd Hall 1 Chorus 1 3band EQ Thru ELFO-PM, ELFO-AM off off off off off FLT-Frq FLT-Frq ChoSend 82 Alto Sax Rd Hall 1 Chorus 1 3band EQ Thru ELFO-PM, ELFO-AM off off off off off FLT-Frq FLT-Frq ChoSend 83 Soprano Rd Hall 1 Delay LR 3band EQ Thru ELFO-PM off off off off off ELFO-PM RevSend ChoSend 84 Clarinet Rd Hall 1 Chorus 1 3band EQ Thru ELFO-PM, ELFO-AM off off off off off FLT-Frq RevSend FLT-Frq, FLT-Rez 85 Oboe Rd Hall 1 Chorus 1 Thru Thru ELFO-PM, ELFO-AM off off off off off FLT-Frq RevSend FLT-Frq 86 Bassoon Rd Hall 1 Chorus 1 Thru Thru ELFO-PM ELFO-AM off off off off FLT-Frq RevSend FLT-Frq 87 Pan Flute Pi Hall 1 Chorus 1 Thru Thru ELFO-AM, ELFO-FM off off off off FLT-Frq FLT-Frq, FLT-Rez AEG-Atk 88 Breathy Pi Hall 1 Chorus 1 Thru Thru CLFO-D1, CLFO-D2 off off off off off FLT-Frq FLT-Frq 89 Smooth Saw Ld Hall 1 Delay LR Thru Thru ELFO-PM off off off off off FLT-Frq FLT-Frq ELM-Lvl ChoSend, Volume, RevSend 90 Europe Ld Hall 1 Ensemble Distortion Cross Delay ELFO-PM, ELM-Lvl off ELFO-PM off off off FLT-Frq PCH-Fin PCH-Fin 91 Lucky Ld Hall 1 Chorus 3 Thru Thru ELFO-PM off off off off off FLT-Frq FLT-Frq ChoSend, Volume 92 Sneaky Ld Hall 1 Chorus 1 Thru Thru ELFO-PM off off off off off FLT-Frq Phazefilt Ld Hall 1 Tempo Phaser Chorus 1 Ensemble Detune ELFO-PM off off off off off PCH-Crs FEG-Dpt InsS prm10, InsL prm10, InsS prm2 FLT-Rez 93 94 Mini Pulse Ld Hall 2 Chorus 2 Compressor Tempo Cross Delay ELFO-PM off off off off off FLT-Frq ChoSend PEG-Dpt RevSend, InsL prm10 95 BreathSaw Ld Hall 1 Delay LR 2band EQ Ambience ELFO-PM, ELFO-AM off off off off off FLT-Frq, FLT-Rez ELM-Lvl RevSend 96 Lovely Ld Hall 1 Ensemble Distortion Cross Delay CLFO-D1 off off off off off FLT-Frq 97 Swan Pd Hall 2 Symphonic Chorus 3 Harmonic Enhancer PCH-Fin off off off off off FLT-Frq ELM-Lvl InsS prm3, InsS prm10, InsS prm6 InsL prm2 98 Nuages Pd Hall 1 Chorus 1 Tremolo Delay LR ELFO-PM, FLT-Frq off ELFO-PM off off off FLT-Rez FEG-Atk InsL prm10 99 Sleep Pd Hall 1 Celeste 1 Thru Thru ELFO-PM off off off off FLT-Frq FLT-Rez 100 Brassy Pd Hall 1 Delay LR Chorus 1 V-Flanger ELM-Lvl off off off off off PCH-Crs FLT-Frq ChoSend InsL prm14, InsL prm2 101 5th Breath Pd Hall 2 Ensemble Exciter Cross Delay CLFO-D1 off off off off off FLT-Frq FLT-Frq, FLT-Rez InsL prm10 102 The Pad! Pd Hall 1 Chorus 1 Exciter Thru ELFO-PM, FLT-Frq off ELFO-PM off off off ChoSend FLT-Frq FLT-Rez 103 Kemistry Pd Hall 1 Chorus 1 Celeste 1 Hall 1 FLT-Frq off off off off off PCH-Crs RevSend AEG-Atk 104 JM Pad Pd Hall 2 Chorus 1 Thru Phaser 2 CLFO-D1 off off off off off FLT-Frq InsL prm1 ChoSend Hall 2 Chorus 5 off off FEG-Atk, AEG-Atk 105 Starlight Fx Hall 1 Chorus 1 Thru Pitch Change 2 ELFOSpd off off off off off ELM-Lvl FLT-Frq ChoSend 106 Sitar Et Hall 1 Flanger 1 3band EQ Ensemble Detune ELFO-PM off off off off off FLT-Frq ChoSend RevSend 107 Steel Drum Et Hall 1 Chorus 1 Thru Thru ChoSend off off off off off FLT-Frq, FLT-Rez FLT-Frq RevSend 108 Cyba Whip Pc Stage 2 Chorus 1 Thru V-Flanger InsL prm2 off off off off off FLT-Rez FLT-Frq AEG-Atk 109 ChimeTree Pc Hall 2 Celeste 2 Thru Thru ELFO-AM off off off off off ChoSend PCH-Crs RevSend 110 Glocken Cp Hall 2 Celeste 2 Thru Thru ChoSend off off off off off FLT-Frq RevSend ELFO-PM 111 Marimba Cp Hall 1 Celeste 2 Thru Thru ELFO-AM off off off off off FLT-Frq RevSend, ChoSend FLT-Frq, FLT-Rez 112 Eastern Cp Hall 1 Celeste 1 Chorus 1 Thru ChoSend off off off off off PCH-Crs FLT-Frq PCH-Crs 113 Gamelan Cp Hall 1 Symphonic Thru Thru ChoSend off off off off off PCH-Crs FLT-Frq AEG-Atk, AEG-Rel 114 Vibes Cp Hall 1 Celeste 2 Thru 3Band EQ ChoSend off off off off off FLT-Frq ELFO-AM ELFOSpd 115 Fingerbell Cp Hall 1 Celeste 2 Thru Thru ELFO-PM, ELFO-AM off off off off off FLT-Frq RevSend ChoSend 116 Tiny Bell Cp Hall 1 Chorus 1 Chorus 1 Thru ChoSend off off off off off ELFO-AM FLT-Frq AEG-Atk 117 Pulsate Sc Hall 1 Phaser 3band EQ Cross Delay ELFO-PM off off off off off FLT-Rez, FLT-Frq ChoSend RevSend 118 TX 802 Sc Hall 2 Celeste 3 3band EQ Pitch Change 1 off off off off off ChoSend FLT-Frq, FEG-D2 InsL prm10 119 Power Keys Sc Room 1 Chorus 1 3band EQ Phaser 2 ELFO-PM, ELFO-FM InsL prm2, InsL prm4, InsL prm10 off off off off off ChoSend InsL prm1 RevSend 120 Arena Syn Sc Hall 1 Chorus 1 Exciter Thru ELFO-PM, FLT-Frq off ELFO-PM off off off ChoSend FLT-Frq FLT-Rez 121 Strat Pad Co Hall 1 Chorus 1 Compressor V-Distortion off off off off off FLT-Frq ELM-Lvl, ELM-Lvl ChoSend 122 Wind Orch Co Hall 1 Ensemble 3band EQ Thru ELFO-PM CLFO-D1, CLFO-D2, ELFO-PM, ELFO-FM off off off off off off FLT-Frq ELM-Lvl 123 Soft Dream Co Hall 2 Symphonic Celeste 4 Thru CLFO-D1, ChoSend off off off off off FLT-Frq FLT-Frq ChoSend 124 Amandla Co Stage 1 Delay LR 2band EQ Celeste 4 ELFO-PM off ELFO-PM off off off FLT-Frq RevSend ChoSend 125 Turntables Se Hall 1 Chorus 1 Thru LO-FI ELFO-PM, ELFO-FM off off off off off PCH-Crs ChoSend PCH-Crs 126 Rainstorm Se Hall 1 Chorus 3 Thru Thru FLT-Frq off off off off off ChoSend PCH-Crs ELM-Lvl 127 Sirens Se Hall 1 Chorus 1 Thru Thru RevSend off off off off off ChoSend ELFOSpd ChoSend 128 Helicopta Se Hall 1 Phaser Thru Auto Pan FLT-Rez, FLT-Frq ELFOSpd off off off off PCH-Crs ELM-Lvl RevSend 5 Preset 2 (MSB=63, LSB=1) No. Voice Name Category Reverb Type Chorus Type Insertion1 Type Insertion2 Type MW PB AT FC BC FS RB Kn1 Kn2 1 BriteGrand Pf Hall 1 Chorus 1 3band EQ Flanger 3 InsL prm10 off off off off off PCH-Crs ChoSend RevSend 2 Slamming Pf Room 3 Tempo Delay2 Compressor Voice Cancelar AEG-D1 off off off off off FLT-Frq InsL prm11 InsL prm12 3 Danzze Pf Room 1 Control Delay1 Overdrive Thru ChoSend, RevSend off off off off off AEG-D1 ELM-Pan FLT-Frq 4 House Pf Room 2 Control Delay2 Compressor Ambience RevSend off off off off off AEG-D1 InsL prm10 ChoSend, FLT-Frq 5 M25 Pf Hall 1 Tempo Delay1 Exciter Pitch Change 1 InsL prm10 off off off off off FEG-D1 PCH-Fin ChoSend 6 AcidFly Pf Stage 1 Delay LR AMP Simulator Digital Scratch ChoSend, RevSend off off off off off FLT-Frq InsL prm5 7 Garage Rds Pf Hall 1 Delay LR Chorus 1 Auto WAH InsL prm2 off off off off off FLT-Frq InsL prm1 InsL prm11 InsL prm2, InsL prm10 8 Road Case Pf Hall 1 Tempo Delay2 Compressor Auto Pan InsL prm2 off off off off off InsL prm1 ChoSend 9 Amp Wurli Pf Room 1 Celeste 1 Overdrive Tremolo InsL prm2, Volume off off off off off FLT-Frq InsS prm10 FLT-Frq, FEG-Dpt InsS prm1, RevSend ChoSend 10 Ibiza Co Hall 1 Tempo Delay1 Compressor Celeste 4 FLT-Frq off off off off off ELM-Lvl RevSend 11 Meltpiano Co Plate Chorus 1 Thru Symphonic ELM-Lvl off off off off off FLT-Frq ELM-Lvl ELM-Lvl 12 Ritzy Or Hall 2 Chorus 1 Thru Thru AEG-D1, ChoSend off off off off off ELM-Pan, ELM-Pan RevSend FLT-Frq 13 Old Skool Or Plate Tempo Delay1 Compressor Harmonic Enhancer ChoSend off off off off off AEG-D2 ELM-Lvl ELM-Lvl 14 Fluffy Or Room 1 Chorus 1 Overdrive Rotary Speaker 1 InsL prm1 off off off off off InsS prm1 InsL prm9 InsL prm1 15 Orbital Or Hall 1 Delay LR Thru Thru ELFO-PM off off off off off FLT-Frq RevSend ChoSend 16 Vox Conti Or Plate Chorus 1 AMP Simulator Rotary Speaker 1 off off off off off InsS prm1 ELM-Lvl InsL prm1 17 First Bars Or Hall 1 Chorus 1 Overdrive Rotary Speaker 1 InsL prm1, InsL prm2 InsL prm1, ChoSend, ELM-Lvl off off off off off InsS prm10 ELM-Lvl ELM-Lvl 18 RhoBassFiz Or Room 1 Chorus 1 AMP Simulator Rotary Speaker 1 InsL prm1, InsL prm2 off off off off off InsS prm1 RevSend InsL prm1 19 Miles Gt Hall 1 Chorus 2 Thru Delay LR ELM-Lvl, ELM-Lvl off off off off off PCH-Crs RevSend InsL prm10 20 Sad Guitar Gt Hall 1 Symphonic AMP Simulator ELFO-PM off off off off off FLT-Frq ChoSend 21 P.F. Echo Gt Room 3 Delay LR 3band EQ Pitch Change 1 Dist + 2Way Rotary Speaker ELFO-PM off off off off off InsL prm1 ChoSend RevSend InsL prm14, Volume 22 Trancy Ba Hall 1 Chorus 4 Thru Delay LR ChoSend, ELM-Lvl off off off off off FLT-Rez FEG-Atk InsL prm10 23 Mutiny Ba Room 1 Chorus 1 Thru Thru ELFO-PM, Volume off off off off off FLT-Frq FEG-D1, FEG-Atk 24 Bassline Ba Hall 1 Flanger 2 Distortion Delay LCR ChoSend, ELM-Lvl off off off off off FLT-Frq FEG-Atk FLT-Rez InsS prm10, InsL prm10 25 DX100 Ba Room 3 Chorus 1 Thru Thru FLT-Frq off off off off off ELM-Pan RevSend ELFO-FM 26 Modular Ba Hall 2 Chorus 1 Thru Thru FEG-Dpt off off off off off PCH-Crs, FLT-Frq RevSend ChoSend 27 Strobe Ba Hall 1 Chorus 1 Thru Harmonic Enhancer ELFO-FM off off off off off ELFOSpd FEG-Dpt, FLT-Frq InsL prm3, Volume 28 D-sub Ba Hall 1 Flanger 1 Thru Thru ELFO-PM off off off off off PCH-Crs 29 Sine Sub Ba Stage 2 Phaser 2band EQ Distortion InsL prm10, AEG-Rel off off off off off InsL prm10 FLT-Frq InsL prm10, AEGRel InsL prm1 30 Compton Ba Room 2 Symphonic Compressor Low Resolution off off off off FLT-Frq, ChoSend ELM-Lvl AEG-Rel Velo Ba Stage 2 Chorus 1 Thru Auto WAH AEG-D1, RevSend InsL prm10, RevSend, ELM-Lvl off 31 off off off off off FLT-Rez FEG-Atk ChoSend 32 Boom Bass Ba Room 3 Symphonic Compressor Voice Cancelar PEG-Atk off off off off off InsL prm11 ELFO-PM ELFOSpd 33 Network Ba Room 2 Delay LR Thru Thru RevSend off off off off off FLT-Frq 34 Sonicbass Ba Hall 1 Tempo Delay2 Chorus 1 Thru off off off off off off off FEG-D1 ELFOSpd, PCH-Crs, FLT-Frq ChoSend PCH-Crs, ELM-Lvl, ChoSend 35 Snoop Ba Hall 1 Thru ELFO-PM off off off off off PCH-Crs Ba Hall 1 Flanger 1 Thru ELFO-FM, ELM-Lvl off off off off off InsS prm2 FLT-Frq InsS prm10, ChoSend ChoSend, RevSend Biscuit Phaser Tempo Cross Delay 3band EQ 36 37 Monty Ba Room 3 Symphonic Compressor PEG-Atk off off off off off PCH-Fin ELFO-PM ELFOSpd 38 Downright Ba Hall 2 Control Delay1 Compressor Voice Cancelar Odrv + 2Way Rotary Speaker off off off off off HPF-Frq InsL prm4 InsL prm1 39 Drone Ba Hall 2 Chorus 2 Compressor Tempo Delay 2 InsL prm14 FLT-Frq, CLFOSpd, FLT-Rez off ChoSend 40 Additive Ba Stage 1 Chorus 1 Chorus 1 Low Resolution 41 FM Perko Ba Room 1 Chorus 2 Compressor V-Flanger 42 Mediale St Hall 2 Chorus 1 Compressor 43 Big Syn St Hall 2 Chorus 5 Exciter 44 Chocolate St Hall 1 Chorus 1 45 Chorus Pd Plate 46 Richchoir Vo Plate 47 Chandelier Vo 48 Topia 49 Sutra 50 ChoSend InsS prm3 off off off off ELM-Pan RevSend off off off off off InsL prm1 InsL prm7 FEG-D1 off off off off off FLT-Frq RevSend FLT-Frq Delay LCR ELFO-FM ChoSend, ELM-Lvl, Volume FLT-Frq, ChoSend, Volume off off off off off AEG-Atk InsL prm10 ChoSend Cross Delay FLT-Frq, FLT-Rez off off off off off FLT-Frq ELM-Lvl ELM-Lvl 3band EQ Cross Delay FLT-Frq, ELM-Lvl off off off off off FLT-Frq CLFO-D1 ChoSend off Chorus 3 Talking Modulator CLFO-D1, CLFO-D2 off off off off off FLT-Frq InsL prm1 InsS prm3 Chorus 1 3band EQ Thru off off off off off FLT-Frq CLFOSpd ChoSend Hall 2 Ensemble Exciter Chorus 4 CLFO-D1, CLFO-D2 InsS prm1, ELM-Lvl, FLT-Frq off off off off off FLT-Frq InsS prm1 FLT-Frq Vo Room 3 Tempo Delay1 3band EQ Ambience CLFO-D1, CLFO-D2 off off off off off FLT-Frq CLFOSpd InsL prm10 Vo Canyon Chorus 2 Chorus 2 Talking Modulator InsL prm1 off off off off off InsL prm1 CLFO-D1, CLFO-D2 CLFOSpd Panmonks Vo Plate Delay LR Tremolo Ensemble Detune off off off off FLT-Frq InsS prm2, ELM-Lvl InsS prm1 51 Voicey Vo Hall 2 Chorus 1 Compressor Hall 2 PCH-Fin off ELM-Lvl, ELM-Lvl, FLTFrq off off off off off FLT-Rez RevSend ELM-Pan 52 TekkBrass Br Hall 1 Chorus 4 Distortion Cross Delay ChoSend, ELM-Lvl off ELFO-PM off off off FLT-Frq PCH-Fin ChoSend 53 CS80 Br Hall 1 Delay LR Thru Thru off off off off PCH-Crs FLT-Frq, FLT-Rez PEG-Dpt, AEG-Atk 54 One Horn Br Hall 2 Chorus 1 Compressor Tempo Cross Delay FLT-Rez 55 T-Eight Br Hall 1 Delay LR Chorus 1 Compressor 56 EgoSix Br Hall 2 Chorus 2 Compressor Early Ref 1 ELFO-PM FLT-Frq, ChoSend, RevSend ELFO-PM, CLFOSpd, InsS prm10 ChoSend, RevSend, FLT-Frq 57 HausBrass Br Stage 2 Chorus 4 AMP Simulator Compressor PEG-Dpt off off off off off FLT-Frq InsS prm3 PCH-Fin 58 MX Sax Rd Room 3 Tempo Delay1 3band EQ Ambience CLFO-D1, CLFO-D2 off off off off off FLT-Frq CLFOSpd InsL prm10 59 Hoppy Sax Rd Hall 1 Chorus 2 Auto Wah LO-FI ELFO-PM, ELFOSpd off InsS prm9 off off off InsS prm3 InsL prm2 InsS prm1 60 Tech Lead Ld Hall 1 Ensemble Auto Wah Delay LR ELFO-PM off off off off off FLT-Frq InsS prm9 InsS prm1 61 Rap Lead 1 Ld Hall 1 Chorus 1 Thru Thru ELFO-PM off off off off off ChoSend FLT-Frq FLT-Rez 62 Rap Lead 2 Ld Hall 1 Chorus 1 Thru Thru ELFO-PM off off off off off ChoSend FLT-Frq FLT-Rez 63 Rap Lead 3 Ld Hall 1 Chorus 1 Thru Thru ELFO-PM off off off off off PCH-Crs FLT-Frq FLT-Rez 64 1 is more Ld Hall 1 Ensemble Thru Delay LR CLFO-D1 off off off off off FLT-Frq ChoSend AEG-Atk 6 off off off off off off FEG-Atk InsL prm10 off off off off off PCH-Crs FLT-Frq FEG-Atk off off off off off FEG-Atk InsL prm10 ChoSend No. Voice Name Category Reverb Type Chorus Type Insertion1 Type Insertion2 Type MW PB AT BC FS RB Kn1 Kn2 65 EchoSaw Ld Hall 1 Tempo Delay2 2band EQ Phaser 2 CLFO-D1 off CLFO-D1 off FC off off FLT-Frq RevSend ChoSend 66 Sync Lead Ld Hall 1 Delay LR Exciter Ensemble Detune ELFO-PM off off off off off FLT-Frq InsS prm1 ELM-Lvl 67 X-File Ld Stage 1 Delay LR Thru V-Flanger ELFO-PM off off off off off PCH-Crs PorTime RevSend 68 Oasis Pd Hall 2 Celeste 4 Auto Pan Cross Delay ELFO-PM, ELFO-FM off off off off off FLT-Rez, FLT-Frq InsS prm1 PCH-Crs 69 Fat Sweep Pd Hall 2 Symphonic Chorus 4 Cross Delay ELFO-PM off off off off off ChoSend InsL prm10 70 Luminosity Pd Hall 1 Chorus 1 Flanger 2 Delay LCR off off off off RevSend ChoSend 71 Sartori Pd Canyon Chorus 2 Phaser Auto Pan ELFO-AM off ELM-Lvl, ELM-Lvl, FLTFrq off FLT-Frq InsS prm3, InsS prm10 off off off off FLT-Frq InsL prm1 ChoSend 72 Jupiter Pd Hall 1 Chorus 1 Thru Celeste 2 ELFO-AM off off off off off FLT-Frq ELFOSpd InsL prm10 73 Wahbrass Pd Hall 2 Chorus 4 Exciter Tempo Phaser CLFO-D1 off off off off off FLT-Frq ELM-Lvl ELM-Lvl 74 Sine Pad Pd Hall 2 Chorus 1 Thru Symphonic CLFO-D1 off off off off off InsL prm1 ChoSend RevSend 75 RoundGlass Pd Stage 1 Celeste 1 Phaser Auto Pan ELFO-AM off off off off off PCH-Crs RevSend 76 White Pad Pd Hall 2 Chorus 4 Chorus 5 off off off off ChoSend InsL prm1, InsL prm2 Pd Tunnel Celeste 3 Thru FLT-Frq off off off off FLT-Frq InsS prm3, InsS prm1 FLT-Frq Dark Angel CLFO-D1 FLT-Rez, FLT-Frq, ELM-Lvl off 77 Delay LR Tempo Cross Delay off off 78 Warmer Pd Hall 1 Chorus 1 Thru Thru CLFO-D1 off off off off off FLT-Frq RevSend ChoSend 79 Dazed Pd Hall 1 Chorus 1 Phaser Hall 1 FLT-Frq off off off off off RevSend ChoSend 80 CM Pad Pd Hall 1 Symphonic Flanger 1 Cross Delay ELFO-PM off off off off off PCH-Crs FLT-Frq, AEG-Atk, FLT-Rez ELM-Lvl InsS prm3 81 Panorama Pd Hall 1 Echo ELFO-PM off off off off off FLT-Frq ELM-Lvl ChoSend Glacier Pd Stage 1 Celeste 4 Harmonic Enhancer InsS prm1 off off off off off PCH-Crs Sunnydaze Pd Stage 1 Chorus 1 Chorus 1 ELFO-AM, ELM-Lvl off off off off off InsL prm2 ELM-Lvl InsL prm10, InsS prm10 ChoSend 83 Chorus 1 Tempo Cross Delay Tempo Cross Delay Thru 82 ELFOSpd 84 Cronen Pd Plate off Chorus 3 Rotary Speaker 1 InsL prm1, InsL prm9 off off off off off InsS prm2 ELM-Lvl, ELM-Lvl InsS prm3 85 Sprinkler Pd Hall 1 Thru V-Flanger ChoSend, Volume off off off off off PCH-Crs ELM-Lvl AEG-Atk, AEG-Rel 86 Nush Pd Room 3 Chorus 1 Tempo Cross Delay Celeste 3 Harmonic Enhancer ELFO-FM, ELFOSpd off off off off off ELFO-AM InsL prm1 InsL prm2 87 Ethereal Pd Plate Symphonic Thru Thru CLFO-D1 off off off off off FLT-Frq CLFOSpd ChoSend 88 HPFx Fx Hall 2 Ensemble Exciter Cross Delay CLFO-D1, ELM-Lvl off off off off off FLT-Frq FEG-Dpt InsL prm10 89 Sleep Fx Tunnel Chorus 5 Exciter Delay LR ELFO-FM off off off off off FLT-Frq InsL prm10 InsS prm2 90 Chlorophyl Fx Hall 2 Auto Pan Talking Modulator ELM-Lvl off off off off off FLT-Frq InsS prm1 ChoSend 91 Mayflower Fx Canyon Symphonic Tempo Cross Delay Flanger 3 Compressor ELFO-AM, PCH-Fin off off off off off PCH-Crs ELFOSpd, ELFO-PM InsS prm1 92 Light Ray Fx Hall 1 Chorus 1 Phaser Flanger 2 FLT-Frq off off off off off ELFOSpd PCH-Crs ELFO-AM 93 Algae Fx Stage 1 Symphonic Exciter Voice Cancelar InsS prm3, InsS prm2 off off off off off CLFO-D2 InsS prm1 CLFOSpd 94 So Deep Fx Hall 2 Symphonic Thru Thru FLT-Frq off off off off off PCH-Crs ELM-Lvl ChoSend 95 Jets Se Thru Phaser 2 ELFO-FM off off off off off InsL prm1 ChoSend FLT-Frq, PCH-Crs Plukker Sc Hall 1 White Room Phaser 96 Celeste 3 Thru Thru ELFO-PM off off off off off PCH-Crs FLT-Frq RevSend 97 G-na-G Sc Hall 2 Celeste 4 Chorus 2 Thru PCH-Fin, PCH-Fin off off off off off FLT-Frq, FLT-Rez RevSend FEG-D1 98 Del Mar Sc Stage 1 Chorus 1 Thru Delay LR FLT-Frq off off off off off FLT-Rez InsL prm10 ELM-Lvl 99 Pulse Clav Sc Hall 1 Phaser Thru Thru off off off off FLT-Frq FLT-Rez RevSend, ChoSend Hall 2 Flanger 1 Compressor Control Delay1 ELFO-PM FLT-Frq, ChoSend, FLT-Rez off Sc off off off off off FLT-Frq FLT-Rez RevSend 100 Rezzo 101 Sebastian Sc Hall 2 Chorus 1 3band EQ Delay LCR ELFO-PM, ELFO-FM off off off off off FLT-Frq, FEG-D2 InsL prm10 ELM-Lvl 102 Saw Perc Sc Hall 1 Ensemble Flanger 1 Cross Delay ChoSend off off off off off FLT-Frq InsS prm10 InsL prm10 103 PolyPoly Sc Hall 1 Ensemble Auto Wah Delay LR off off off off FLT-Rez AEG-D2, FEG-Dpt InsS prm9 Sc Hall 1 Chorus 4 Thru Delay LR FLT-Frq FLT-Rez, FLT-Frq, ChoSend off 104 Portachord off off off off off FLT-Frq FEG-Atk ChoSend 105 Play Hip Sc Room 1 Chorus 3 AMP Simulator Tempo Delay 2 FLT-Frq, RevSend off off off off off FLT-Rez ChoSend RevSend 106 Thin Man Sc Hall 2 Ensemble Compressor Cross Delay FLT-Frq off off off off off AEG-Atk, AEG-Rel ChoSend, ELM-Lvl 107 Spitter Sc Hall 1 Chorus 1 3band EQ Flanger 1 ELFO-PM off off off off off FLT-Frq FLT-Frq, FLT-Rez, FLT-Rez ELM-Lvl RevSend 108 Straight Sc Hall 1 Ensemble Celeste 4 Cross Delay off off off off FLT-Frq FLT-Rez ELM-Lvl Sc Hall 1 Chorus 1 Compressor Hall 2 ELFO-PM FLT-Frq, ELM-Lvl, ELM-Pan off 109 Arabesque off off off off off FLT-Frq InsL prm13 110 Tranzkor Sc Room 3 Chorus 2 Compressor Talking Modulator InsL prm1 off off off InsL prm1 ELM-Lvl 111 Percolator Sc Basement Tempo Delay1 Thru Thru ELFO-PM off off off ELFO-PM, ELFOSpd off AEG-D1 InsS prm3, InsS prm5 off off PCH-Crs RevSend ChoSend 112 AnalogSplt Co Hall 1 Phaser Tempo Delay 2 ELFO-PM off ELFO-PM off off off FLT-Frq InsS prm1 113 Opener Sq Hall 1 Chorus 1 Tempo Cross Delay Chorus 4 Tempo Phaser FLT-Frq, InsL prm10 off off off off FLT-Frq FEG-Atk InsL prm10 ChoSend, InsL prm10 114 Collusion Sq Stage 1 Delay LR FLT-Frq off off off off off ELM-Pan PCH-Crs Double Arp Sq Hall 1 Chorus 1 Tempo Cross Delay Thru 115 Thru Ensemble Detune off off off off off FLT-Rez FEG-Atk ELFO-AM ChoSend, InsL prm10 116 DX Flangi Sq Room 2 Tempo Delay1 Compressor Tempo Flanger off off off off off FLT-Frq ELM-Lvl RevSend 117 Circle Sq Hall 2 Phaser Compressor Tempo Delay 2 off off off off off FLT-Frq FLT-Rez RevSend 118 Laizer Sq Hall 2 Chorus 2 Compressor Tempo Delay 2 FLT-Frq, InsL prm10 ChoSend, InsL prm10, AEG-D1 ELM-Lvl, AEG-D1, ChoSend ELM-Lvl, FLT-Frq, ChoSend off off off off off ELM-Lvl ELM-Dly InsL prm10 119 Healer InsL prm10 off Sq Room 1 Delay LR ELFO-PM off off off off off PorTime RevSend Sq Hall 1 Ensemble Tempo Cross Delay Phaser 120 Chips Thru Ensemble Detune off off off off off FLT-Frq FEG-D1, FLT-Frq InsL prm10 121 3D Light Sq Hall 2 Tempo Delay1 Phaser Hall 2 FLT-Frq, FEG-D1 ELM-Lvl, FLT-Frq, RevSend off off off off off ELM-Pan AEG-Atk 122 Chordal Sq Hall 1 Thru Delay LR AEG-D2, FLT-Frq off off off off off FLT-Frq PEG-Dpt 123 Soft Attck Sq Hall 1 Chorus 4 Tempo Cross Delay ELM-Pan InsL prm10, ChoSend Thru Ensemble Detune off off off off off FLT-Frq ELM-Lvl, FLT-Frq InsL prm10 124 Orgmatic Sq Hall 2 Phaser Compressor Tempo Delay 2 AEG-D2, FEG-D1 InsL prm10, ELM-Lvl, ELM-Lvl off off off off off FLT-Frq FLT-Rez RevSend 125 Short Cut Sq Hall 1 Delay LR Thru Thru FLT-Frq off off off off off FLT-Rez FEG-Atk FEG-Dpt, ELM-Lvl 126 StepSeq Sq Room 1 Phaser Thru InsS prm10 off off off off off PCH-Crs RevSend ChoSend 127 Alone Sq Compressor Ensemble Detune FLT-Frq FEG-D1 off off off off FLT-Frq ELM-Lvl InsL prm10 128 Spectral Sq Hall 1 White Room Ensemble Tempo Cross Delay Ensemble Compressor Tempo Delay 1 AEG-D1, ChoSend ELM-Pan off off off off FLT-Frq FLT-Frq RevSend 7 Internal (MSB=63, LSB=8) No. Voice Name Insertion2 Type MW PB AT FC BC FS RB Kn1 Kn2 Generation Category Reverb Type Chorus Type Tempo Cross Sq Hall 2 Delay Insertion1 Type 1 Exciter Ensemble Detune FLT-Rez, FLT-Frq off off off off off FLT-Frq FLT-Rez InsS prm1 2 Champ Fx Hall 2 Delay LR Chorus 1 Ensemble Detune FLT-Rez, ELM-Lvl off off off off off FLT-Frq FEG-Atk InsL prm10 3 Puppy Sq Hall 2 Chorus 5 Auto Wah V-Distortion off off off off off RevSend InsL prm1 PCH-Crs 4 DontLetGo Fx Hall 1 Control Delay1 Chorus 4 Delay LR off off off off off FLT-Frq PCH-Crs RevSend 5 Berlin Sc Hall 2 Chorus 4 Cross Delay off off off off off FLT-Frq FLT-Frq PEG-Dpt 6 Frequencyz Sq off Flanger 3 Tempo Cross Delay ELM-Lvl ELFO-PM, ELFO-FM, ELFOSpd ChoSend, ELM-Lvl, FLT-Frq Thru Gate Reverb ChoSend off off off off off FLT-Frq, FLT-Frq FLT-Frq, FLT-Frq InsL prm10 7 1001 Sub Ba Stage 2 Ensemble Thru Echo ChoSend, ELM-Lvl off off off off off FLT-Frq FLT-Frq, FEG-D1 InsL prm10 8 Oberweich Pd Hall 1 Chorus 1 Thru Thru CLFO-D1 off off off off off FLT-Frq RevSend ChoSend 9 Hard road Sq Hall 1 Flanger 2 AMP Simulator Delay LR off off off off off FLT-Frq FEG-Atk, FLT-Frq InsS prm6 10 Protection Fx Plate Symphonic Compressor Auto Synth FEG-Atk, FLT-Frq InsL prm10, AEG-Atk, FEG-Atk off off off off off PCH-Fin InsL prm12 InsL prm3 11 Nodes Sq Room 3 InsL prm1 off off off off off InsL prm10 InsL prm2 PEG-Atk Flangefilt Ld Tempo Flanger InsS prm10 off off off off off FLT-Frq InsL prm2, InsS prm3 InsS prm1, InsS prm2 13 FormaWheel Ba Hall 1 White Room Control Delay1 Compressor Tempo Cross Delay Celeste 1 LO-FI 12 Celeste 3 Compressor Talking Modulator off off off off FLT-Frq, FLT-Frq AEG-Atk RevSend Ambi Star Fx Hall 2 Ensemble Flanger 3 Cross Delay InsL prm1, ChoSend FLT-Frq, FLT-Rez, ChoSend off 14 off off off off off PCH-Crs InsS prm1 InsS prm10 15 Assembly Fx Hall 2 Celeste 4 3band EQ Talking Modulator InsL prm1, ELFO-FM off off off off off FLT-Frq InsL prm1 ELM-Lvl 16 Topnotched Fx Hall 1 Thru Thru ChoSend off off off off off ELFO-AM ELFOSpd FLT-Frq, FLT-Frq 17 Foundation Sq Hall 1 Tempo Delay2 Tempo Cross Delay Exciter Ensemble Detune FLT-Frq off off off off off FLT-Frq InsS prm1 ChoSend 18 Sweepy Ba Hall 2 Chorus 4 Thru Delay LR off off off off off FLT-Rez FEG-Atk InsL prm10, ChoSend 19 Roxy Fx Hall 2 Ensemble Chorus 4 Thru FLT-Frq, ChoSend CLFO-D1, CLFO-D2, ELM-Lvl off off off off off FLT-Rez FEG-Dpt CLFOSpd 20 Quartz Sq Tunnel Control Delay1 Flanger 3 Voice Cancelar ELM-Lvl off off off off off InsS prm10 InsL prm11 InsL prm12 21 No-Tech Sq Ensemble Phaser Pitch Change 2 InsS prm1 off off off off off PCH-Crs ELM-Lvl InsS prm10 22 Atom Sq Hall 1 White Room Phaser Thru Talking Modulator ELFOSpd off off off off off ELM-Lvl InsL prm1 PCH-Crs 23 Mistubishi Ld Plate Chorus 2 Exciter Tech Modulation off off off off off PCH-Fin InsS prm3 InsL prm2 24 Les Lee Fx Plate Ensemble Phaser Auto Pan off off off off off InsS prm9 ELFOSpd InsL prm1 25 Synfonic Sq Chorus 1 Thru Tempo Cross Delay off off off off off FLT-Frq InsL prm10 RevSend 26 Bones Sc Hall 2 White Room CLFO-D1, ELFO-FM ELFO-FM, FLT-Frq, ELFO-AM InsL prm10, ChoSend, FLT-Frq Tempo Phaser Thru Noisy AEG-D1, ChoSend off off off off off FLT-Frq AEG-Atk, FLT-Frq ELM-Pan 27 Gleam Pd Hall 1 Delay LR Chorus 1 Thru ELFO-AM off off off off off PCH-Crs RevSend InsS prm10 28 Fuzzline Ba Hall 1 Phaser Distortion Delay LR off off off off off InsS prm4 InsS prm10, ELM-Lvl InsL prm10 29 Filtopia Sc Hall 1 Chorus 1 Compressor Hall 2 ChoSend, ELM-Lvl ELM-Lvl, ChoSend, FLT-Frq off off off off off ELM-Pan FEG-Atk FLT-Frq 30 Perfecto Pd Hall 1 Delay LR Chorus 1 Thru CLFOSpd FLT-Frq off off off off FLT-Frq CLFO-D1 FLT-Frq, FLT-Frq 31 Let’s Goa Ba Tempo Flanger Phaser Tempo Cross Delay off off off off InsS prm2 ELM-Lvl, ELM-Lvl PCH-Crs X-Talk Sq Compressor Talking Modulator off off off off off AEG-D1 Shine Seq Sq Hall 1 Chorus 1 Ensemble Detune FLT-Rez off off off off off FLT-Rez ELM-Lvl FLT-Frq, ELM-Lvl, CLFO-D1 RevSend 33 34 Alphawaves Fx Canyon Celeste 3 Tempo Cross Delay Tempo Cross Delay ChoSend, RevSend InsL prm1, ChoSend, Volume off 32 Plate White Room Phaser Flanger 3 ELFO-AM off off off off off CLFOSpd ELFOSpd, ELFOSpd ELFO-PM, CLFO-D2 35 Sheen Sc Hall 1 Chorus 1 Auto Wah Cross Delay InsS prm2 off off off off off FLT-Frq ChoSend InsL prm10 36 Vector Fx Hall 1 Celeste 1 Flanger 1 InsS prm1 off off off off off PCH-Crs ELM-Lvl ChoSend 37 Hacker Se Hall 1 Ensemble Tempo Cross Delay Compressor Gate Reverb ELFO-FM off off off off off ELFOSpd CLFO-D1 CLFO-D2 Thru FLT-Rez 38 Leftfield Sq Stage 1 Chorus 1 Delay LR FEG-D1 off off off off off FLT-Frq ChoSend RevSend 39 Insomnia Sc Hall 1 Tempo Phaser Compressor Thru off off off off off PCH-Crs RevSend ELM-Lvl 40 ChimzArt Fx Hall 1 Chorus 1 Compressor Hall 2 FLT-Frq ELM-Lvl, ELM-Lvl, Volume off off off off off FLT-Frq ChoSend ELM-Pan 41 Frontline Ld Hall 1 Ensemble Distortion Cross Delay ChoSend, ELM-Lvl off off off off off FLT-Frq PCH-Fin ChoSend 42 Kickwheel Sq Hall 1 Tempo Flanger Distortion Delay LR off off off off off FLT-Frq InsL prm10, ELM-Lvl HPF-Frq 43 Fat Four Sq Hall 2 Chorus 1 Touch Wah Overdrive off off off off off ELM-Pan FEG-Atk AEG-Rel 44 D-tune Ld Hall 1 Tempo Delay1 Tempo Cross Delay ELM-Lvl, ChoSend ELM-Lvl, FLT-Frq, RevSend Thru Thru CLFO-D1 off off off off off CLFOSpd ELFOSpd, ELFO-FM PCH-Fin, PCH-Fin 45 Eb drone Fx Hall 1 Flanger 1 Thru Hall 1 AEG-D1, Volume off off off off off PCH-Crs FLT-Rez, FLT-Frq InsL prm15 46 Dreamscape Sq Plate Tempo Delay1 Thru Ensemble Detune FLT-Rez, FLT-Frq off off off off off FLT-Frq FEG-Atk, ChoSend InsL prm10 47 Hades Fx Hall 1 Delay LR Thru Celeste 2 ELFO-PM off off off off off FLT-Frq RevSend ChoSend 48 Manufactur Se Room 1 Ensemble Phaser Delay LR off off off off CLFO-D1 ELM-Pan, ELM-Pan RevSend Liquito Sc Hall 1 Chorus 1 Compressor V-Flanger off off off off off FLT-Frq FLT-Rez RevSend 50 Kustom Br Hall 2 Chorus 1 Compressor Tempo Cross Delay ELFO-PM AEG-Rel, FLT-Frq, AEG-D1 FLT-Frq, RevSend, ChoSend off 49 off off off off off FLT-Frq ELM-Lvl InsL prm10 51 S-E Se Stage 2 Chorus 1 Flanger 3 Tempo Cross Delay ELFO-PM off off off off off InsS prm3, FLT-Frq InsS prm1 InsS prm3 52 Dew Drop Fx Stage 1 Tempo Delay1 Phaser InsS prm1 off off off off off PCH-Crs ELM-Lvl InsL prm10, ChoSend 53 Talitha Fx Room 3 Delay LR Auto Wah Pitch Change 2 2Way Rotary Speaker 2 PCH-Fin off off off off off InsS prm3 InsL prm9 InsS prm2 54 Thruster Ld Hall 1 Ensemble Distortion Cross Delay FLT-Frq off off off off off FLT-Frq InsS prm10, FEG-Atk InsL prm10, ChoSend 55 Polystar Sq Hall 1 Ensemble Thru Delay LR AEG-D2, FEG-D1 off off off off off FLT-Frq FEG-D1, FLT-Frq 56 Syntax Ld Hall 1 Ensemble Flanger 3 Delay LCR FLT-Frq off off off off off FLT-Frq InsS prm10 ChoSend 57 Supersnap Sq Hall 1 Phaser Compressor Delay LR ELM-Lvl off off off off off FLT-Frq ELM-Lvl ChoSend, InsL prm10 58 Noire Fx Plate Ensemble Chorus 4 Ensemble Detune ELFO-PM off off off off off FLT-Frq InsS prm3, InsS prm2 PCH-Crs 59 Shadow Pd Flanger 1 Celeste 4 Jump InsL prm2, ChoSend off off off off off InsL prm9 Vortex Pd Chorus 1 Flanger 3 Thru ELFO-PM, ELFO-FM off off off off off FLT-Frq InsS prm3, InsS prm2, InsS prm1 FLT-Frq 60 Hall 2 White Room PCH-Crs off 61 BPFx Fx Hall 2 Ensemble Chorus 4 Cross Delay off off off off FLT-Frq FEG-Dpt InsL prm10 Wazzo Ba Room 3 Chorus 4 Compressor Harmonic Enhancer CLFO-D1, ELM-Lvl AEG-Atk, AEG-Rel, Volume off 62 off off off off off FEG-Dpt ELM-Lvl InsL prm1 63 Andromeda Fx Stage 1 Delay LR Phaser Flanger 1 InsS prm1 off off off off off PCH-Crs RevSend ChoSend 64 Squeezer Sq Hall 1 Ensemble Phaser Pitch Change 2 InsS prm1 off off off off off InsS prm4 ELM-Lvl RevSend 8 InsL prm10 No. Voice Name Insertion1 Type Insertion2 Type AT FC BC FS RB Kn1 Kn2 Ensemble Detune MW FLT-Frq, FLT-Rez, ELM-Lvl PB Thru off off off off off FLT-Rez FLT-Frq FLT-Rez Banshee Category Reverb Type Chorus Type Tempo Cross Sq Hall 1 Delay White Se Room Phaser Flanger 1 WAH+Dist+Delay InsL prm12 off off off off off FLT-Frq InsL prm13 InsL prm2 Sputnik Fx Hall 1 Chorus 1 Thru AEG-Atk, AEG-Rel off off off off off PCH-Crs PCH-Crs ELFOSpd, CLFOSpd 68 Massacre Ba Room 3 Symphonic Compressor Thru Odrv + 2Way Rotary Speaker ELM-Lvl off off off off off FLT-Frq PEG-Dpt InsL prm4 69 NuAcid Sq Auto Pan Delay LR off off off off ELM-Pan, ELM-Pan FEG-Dpt InsL prm5 Sc Chorus 2 Compressor Tempo Delay 1 FLT-Frq AEG-D1, ChoSend, FLT-Frq off DigJee Hall 2 White Room Chorus 1 70 off off off off off FLT-Frq RevSend AEG-Rel 71 Scabs Se Canyon Delay LR Thru Reverse Gate ELFOSpd, ELFO-FM off off off off off PCH-Crs ChoSend RevSend 72 Big Wing Pd Stage 1 Celeste 4 Harmonic Enhancer ELM-Lvl off off off off off PCH-Crs InsL prm3 RevSend 73 Techbass Ba Room 1 Ensemble Tempo Cross Delay Compressor Reverse Gate ChoSend off off off off off RevSend FEG-D1, FLT-Frq ELM-Lvl, ELM-Lvl 74 Kane Ld Hall 1 Chorus 4 Distortion Cross Delay FLT-Frq off off off off off FLT-Frq InsS prm3, ELM-Lvl InsS prm1 75 Voltage Se Hall 2 Flanger 2 AMP Simulator Auto Synth off off off off off InsL prm3 InsL prm1 ChoSend, ELM-Lvl 76 Rabbit Sq Hall 1 Tempo Flanger Distortion Delay LR off off off off off FLT-Frq FEG-Atk InsS prm4 77 Lenanshee Fx Symphonic Auto Pan Auto Synth off off off off off PCH-Fin InsL prm12 78 ShineWave Pd Hall 1 White Room InsL prm13 FEG-Atk, InsS prm9, InsS prm1 InsL prm10, AEG-Atk, FEG-Atk Phaser V-Flanger InsL prm1 off off off off off ELFO-FM FLT-Frq 79 Mr. Hook Sq Hall 1 Ensemble Tempo Cross Delay InsL prm3 InsL prm10, InsL prm14 Thru Celeste 4 FLT-Frq off off off off off FLT-Frq 80 Creature Se Hall 1 81 Rezorgan Sq 82 Popcorn 83 Shanti 84 FullHouz 85 86 65 Watergate 66 67 InsL prm10, ELM-Lvl ChoSend Pitch Change 2 FLT-Frq off off off off off PCH-Crs RevSend ChoSend Hall 1 Control Delay1 Thru Tempo Cross Delay Compressor Chorus 1 ELFO-FM off off off off off FLT-Frq, FLT-Frq PCH-Crs, InsL prm10 ELFOSpd Sq Hall 1 Chorus 1 Chorus 1 Delay LR CLFO-D1 off off off off off FLT-Frq RevSend Vo Tempo Delay2 Tempo Cross Delay Flanger 1 Tempo Cross Delay off off off off ELM-Lvl ELFOSpd InsS prm3 Auto Pan Noisy ELFO-AM, Volume ELM-Lvl, ChoSend, AEG-D1 off Sc Hall 1 White Room off off off off off FLT-Frq ChoSend RevSend Brown Eyes Fx Plate Symphonic Exciter Auto Synth off off off off FLT-Frq, FLT-Frq InsL prm12 InsL prm3 Sq Hall 2 Chorus 2 Compressor Tempo Cross Delay InsL prm10, FEG-Atk FLT-Frq, RevSend, ChoSend off MGul off off off off off ELM-Pan FLT-Frq InsL prm10 InsL prm15, ELFO-PM InsS prm10 87 Knobmod Se Tunnel off Thru Auto Synth ELFO-PM off off off off off InsL prm3 InsL prm1, CLFOSpd 88 90th Jimi Fx Hall 1 AMP Simulator Jump ChoSend, FLT-Frq off off off off off FLT-Frq FEG-Atk, FLT-Frq InsS prm6 89 Twilight Fx Canyon Flanger 2 Tempo Cross Delay Celeste 4 Pitch Change 1 off off off off off PCH-Crs ELFOSpd, CLFOSpd PCH-Crs 90 Wheels Fx Hall 1 3band EQ Auto Synth off off off off off PCH-Crs InsL prm1 off 91 Seal Sq Hall 2 Flanger 1 Tempo Cross Delay ELFO-AM, ELFOSpd ELFO-AM, ELFO-PM, InsL prm4, FLT-Rez Chorus 4 Ensemble Detune FLT-Rez, ELM-Lvl off off off off off FLT-Rez, ELM-Lvl ELM-Lvl ChoSend 92 Rndm Gruv Fx Hall 2 Chorus 4 Cross Delay off off off off off FLT-Frq ChoSend, ELM-Lvl CLFO-D2 93 Molecule Fx Hall 1 Phaser Ensemble Detune CLFO-D1, ChoSend ELFO-FM, InsS prm1, InsS prm2 off off off off off off ELFOSpd ELM-Lvl, ELM-Lvl 94 Big Wave Pd Hall 1 Delay LR Auto Pan Chorus 1 InsL prm1 off off off off off PCH-Crs RevSend ChoSend 95 Gunman Ba Hall 1 Chorus 1 Compressor Thru AEG-Atk, FLT-Frq off off off off off PCH-Fin, PCH-Fin ChoSend RevSend 96 Drumnotize Se Hall 1 Chorus 1 3band EQ AMP Simulator FLT-Frq off off off off off InsL prm10 ELFO-PM PCH-Crs 97 Capacitor Ld Plate Tempo Delay1 Compressor V-Distortion PEG-Atk ELFO-PM ELM-Lvl off off off FLT-Frq InsL prm1 InsL prm4 98 Answers Pd Hall 1 Chorus 1 Thru Delay LR PCH-Fin, PCH-Fin off off off off ELM-Pan ELM-Dly RevSend 99 Fun(k:-) Sq Room 1 100 Android Sq Hall 1 Control Delay2 Compressor Tempo Cross Delay Compressor 101 Teardrops Fx Compressor Sc Room 3 White Room Control Delay1 Phaser 102 DJ Vox Chorus 2 Compressor 103 QuietEarth Pd Hall 1 Flanger 3 104 Blackhole Sq Plate Ensemble Tempo Cross Delay off Low Resolution ChoSend, RevSend off off off off off FLT-Frq AEG-D2 FLT-Frq Ensemble Detune off off off off off ChoSend ELM-Lvl InsS prm3, InsS prm5 off off off off off FLT-Frq InsS prm10 InsS prm1 Low Resolution ELM-Lvl, InsL prm10 InsS prm4, AEG-Atk, Volume InsL prm1, ChoSend, ELM-Lvl off off off off off FLT-Frq RevSend FLT-Frq Phaser Harmonic Enhancer PCH-Fin, PCH-Fin off off off off off FLT-Frq, InsS prm9 ChoSend InsS prm1 Phaser Thru Beat Change InsL prm1 off off off off off InsL prm2 InsL prm4 Exciter Delay LR CLFO-D1 off off off off off FLT-Frq InsL prm3 InsS prm2, ELM-Lvl, ELM-Lvl InsL prm10 Thru Ensemble Detune FLT-Frq off off off off off FLT-Rez FEG-Atk ChoSend 105 Drifting Fx Plate 106 Navigator Sq Hall 2 Chorus 5 Tempo Cross Delay 107 Binary Sq Stage 1 Chorus 1 Thru Tempo Phaser off off off off FLT-Frq RevSend ELM-Lvl Sq Hall 1 Delay LR Thru Hall 1 PCH-Crs FLT-Frq, FLT-Frq, ChoSend off 108 Blu off off off off off ELM-Lvl AEG-Rel ELM-Lvl 109 Rosy Sq Hall 1 Ensemble Thru Delay LR FLT-Frq off off off off off FLT-Frq FEG-Atk InsL prm10 110 Psycho Fx Hall 1 Chorus 1 Thru Harmonic Enhancer ELFO-PM off FLT-Rez off off off FLT-Frq, ELM-Lvl RevSend PCH-Crs 111 Dog Ba Stage 2 Chorus 1 AMP Simulator Delay LR HPF-Frq, FLT-Frq off off off off off FLT-Frq HPF-Frq InsL prm10 112 Pneumatic Sq Hall 1 Delay LR Overdrive Delay LR off off off off PCH-Crs AEG-Rel InsS prm10 SpaceWhirl Ld Tunnel Tempo Delay2 Compressor Tempo Phaser FLT-Frq InsL prm10, FLT-Frq, AEG-Rel off 113 off off off off off FLT-Frq RevSend ChoSend 114 Phantom Fx Hall 1 Delay LR Chorus 1 Reverse Gate InsS prm10 off off off off off PCH-Crs InsL prm10, ChoSend ELFO-FM, CLFO-D2 115 Millennium Se Hall 1 Flanger 1 Exciter Hall 2 ELFO-PM, ELFO-FM off off off off off PEG-Dpt, FLT-Frq InsS prm1 PCH-Crs 116 Auto Saw Fx Hall 2 Chorus 4 Thru Thru off off off off off FLT-Frq ELM-Lvl ELM-Lvl 117 Bel Air Fx Hall 2 Exciter Flanger 3 off off off off off FLT-Frq InsL prm10 ChoSend 118 Magnetic Ba Canyon Chorus 4 Tempo Cross Delay ELFOSpd InsS prm1, FLT-Rez, FLT-Frq Thru Compressor off off off off off ChoSend FLT-Frq, FLT-Frq CLFOSpd, ELFOSpd 119 Phalaxi Sq Hall 1 Tempo Phaser Compressor off off off off off ELM-Pan FLT-Rez InsL prm10 Hall 2 ELM-Lvl ChoSend, RevSend, FLT-Frq 120 Atlantis Pd Hall 2 Ensemble Phaser Flanger 3 CLFO-D1, CLFO-D2 off off off off off FLT-Rez FLT-Frq InsS prm10 121 Slipmat Ld Hall 1 Ensemble 3band EQ Delay LR off off off off off FLT-Rez PCH-Crs ELM-Lvl RevSend 122 DigiSweep Pd Hall 2 Chorus 5 Compressor Tempo Cross Delay InsL prm10 FLT-Frq, FEG-Dpt, RevSend off off off off off InsL prm10 ChoSend 123 4000 Volts Fx Hall 1 Chorus 1 Chorus 3 Flanger 1 FLT-Frq off InsL prm3 off off off ELFO-AM PEG-Dpt FEG-Atk 124 Nusic Se Hall 1 Delay LR Auto Pan Thru CLFOSpd off off off off PCH-Crs RevSend ChoSend 125 Sahara Pd Hall 1 Chorus 1 Flanger 1 Hall 1 126 2 Friends Sq Hall 2 Tempo Delay2 Phaser Hall 2 ELM-Lvl ELM-Lvl, ChoSend, AEG-D1 127 Modsound Se Canyon Tempo Delay2 Thru Touch WAH Distortion 128 Machinhead Sq Stage 1 Flanger 1 Phaser Auoto WAH Overdrive off off off off off off PCH-Crs AEG-Atk ChoSend off off off off ELM-Pan InsS prm10 FLT-Frq ELFOSpd off InsL prm10 off off off off RevSend InsL prm1 PEG-D2, PEG-Atk InsL prm1 off off off off off InsL prm14 InsL prm10 ChoSend 9 Drum Voice List Preset (MSB=63, LSB=32) 1 Rock Kit Note ElmAsgn Wave No. on C0 378 on C#0 389 on D0 391 on D#0 392 on E0 376 on F0 405 on F#0 382 on G0 400 on G#0 408 on A0 377 on A#0 389 on B0 374 on C1 371 on C#1 407 on D1 387 on D#1 358 on E1 380 on F1 418 on F#1 423 on G1 418 on G#1 425 on A1 418 on A#1 426 on B1 417 on C2 417 on C#2 433 on D2 417 on D#2 429 on E2 435 on F2 431 on F#2 354 on G2 434 on G#2 340 on A2 434 on A#2 356 on B2 432 on C3 336 on C#3 335 on D3 339 on D#3 338 on E3 337 on F3 345 on F#3 344 on G3 341 on G#3 341 on A3 349 on A#3 352 on B3 435 on C4 434 on C#4 355 on D4 101 on D#4 350 on E4 348 on F4 348 on F#4 113 on G4 113 on G#4 355 on A4 355 on A#4 353 on B4 357 on C5 370 on C#5 394 on D5 382 on D#5 387 on E5 392 on F5 393 on F#5 396 on G5 383 on G#5 398 on A5 388 on A#5 372 on B5 372 on 373 C6 2 House Kit Wave Name Dr BdVar5 Dr SdPcBH Dr SdWdH Dr SdVar1 Dr BdVar3 Dr SdRoll Dr SdBldH Dr SdDry Dr Stick Dr BdVar4 Dr SdPcBH Dr BdVar1 Dr BdPop Dr C.Rim2 Dr SdHvy Pc Clap Dr SdGM Dr Tom2L Dr HHCl5 Dr Tom2L Dr HHPdl2 Dr Tom2L Dr HHOpn Dr Tom2H Dr Tom2H Dr Crash Dr Tom2H Dr Ride Dr China Dr Cup Pc Tmborn Dr Crash2 Pc Cowbel Dr Crash2 Pc VbSlp Dr Cup2 Pc BongoH Pc BongoL Pc CngSlp Pc CongaH Pc CongaL Pc TmblsH Pc TmblsL Pc AgogoL Pc AgogoL Pc Cabasa Pc Maracs Dr China Dr Crash2 Pc TrangL Cp FngCym Pc Claves Pc Wdblck Pc Wdblck Cp Timpni Cp Timpni Pc TrangL Pc TrangL Pc Shaker Pc JnglBl Dr BdStd Dr SdRim1 Dr SdBldH Dr SdHvy Dr SdVar1 Dr SdVar2 Dr SdAmb1 Dr SdFsnH Dr SdAmb3 Dr SdPclH Dr BdHby Dr BdHby Dr BdLoJz Note ElmAsgn Wave No. C0 off C#0 off D0 off D#0 off E0 on 433 F0 on 373 F#0 on 367 G0 on 382 G#0 on 367 A0 on 476 A#0 on 437 B0 on 457 C1 on 458 C#1 on 466 D1 on 460 D#1 on 444 E1 on 463 F1 on 467 F#1 on 470 G1 on 468 G#1 on 471 A1 on 469 A#1 on 472 B1 on 469 C2 on 473 C#2 on 474 D2 on 475 D#2 on 465 E2 on 362 F2 on 456 F#2 on 389 G2 on 369 G#2 on 362 A2 on 367 A#2 on 361 B2 on 368 C3 on 366 C#3 on 367 D3 on 452 D#3 on 452 E3 on 452 F3 on 452 F#3 on 449 G3 on 447 G#3 on 448 A3 on 355 A#3 on 455 B3 on 355 C4 on 353 C#4 on 361 D4 on 361 D#4 on 454 E4 on 365 F4 on 477 F#4 on 449 G4 on 357 G#4 on 354 A4 on 354 A#4 on 322 B4 on 322 C5 on 319 C#5 on 328 D5 on 328 D#5 on 328 E5 on 439 F5 on 359 F#5 on 388 G5 on 437 G#5 off A5 off A#5 off B5 off C6 off 4 Trance Kit 3 Hip Kit Note ElmAsgn Wave No. C0 on 477 C#0 on 378 D0 on 377 D#0 on 437 E0 on 456 F0 on 382 F#0 on 388 G0 on 390 G#0 on 439 A0 on 399 A#0 on 404 B0 on 437 C1 on 379 C#1 on 407 D1 on 394 D#1 on 445 E1 on 389 F1 on 409 F#1 on 420 G1 on 409 G#1 on 447 A1 on 410 A#1 on 426 B1 on 411 C2 on 412 C#2 on 433 D2 on 413 D#2 on 430 E2 on 435 F2 on 432 F#2 on 354 G2 on 434 G#2 on 367 A2 on 434 A#2 on 356 B2 on 429 C3 on 331 C#3 on 332 D3 on 339 D#3 on 338 E3 on 337 F3 on 345 F#3 on 344 G3 on 362 G#3 on 362 A3 on 353 A#3 on 352 B3 on 363 C4 on 438 C#4 on 368 D4 on 383 D#4 on 465 E4 on 393 F4 on 357 F#4 on 470 G4 on 355 G#4 on 471 A4 on 355 A#4 on 472 B4 on 329 C5 on 325 C#5 on 474 D5 on 435 D#5 on 318 E5 on 319 F5 on 255 F#5 on 354 G5 on 364 G#5 on 475 A5 on 325 A#5 on 327 B5 on 323 C6 on 323 Wave Name Dr Crash Dr BdLoJz Pc CONG Dr SdBldH Pc CONG Dr EuroBD Dr T8BdBm Dr T9BD2 Dr T9BD3 Dr T9Rim Dr T9SD2 Dr T8Rmst Dr T9SD5 Dr T9TomL Dr T9HHC1 Dr T9TomM Dr T9HHC2 Dr T9TomH Dr T9HHO1 Dr T9TomH Dr T9HHO2 Dr T9Crsh Dr T9Ride Dr T9Clap Pc AnvlPp Dr T9BD1 Dr SdPcBH Pc WdBlk Pc AnvlPp Pc CONG Pc AnvlHt Pc StlClp Pc Ripper Pc CONG Dr T8CngH Dr T8CngH Dr T8CngH Dr T8CngH Dr T8Crsh Dr T8HHCl Dr T8HHOp Pc TrangL Dr T8Mrcs Pc TrangL Pc Shaker Pc AnvlHt Pc AnvlHt Dr T8Clve Pc VoxDrm Dr DstKik Dr T8Crsh Pc JnglBl Pc Tmborn Pc Tmborn Fx BigSyn Fx BigSyn Fx Melow Fx VxAlk Fx VxAlk Fx VxAlk Dr T8SD1 Pc Whistl Dr SdPclH Dr T8BdBm 10 Wave Name Dr DstKik Dr BdVar5 Dr BdVar4 Dr T8BdBm Dr T9BD1 Dr SdBldH Dr SdPclH Dr SdPrmH Dr T8SD1 Dr SdBkBt Dr SdBrsL Dr T8BdBm Dr BdAna Dr C.Rim2 Dr SdRim1 Dr T8Clap Dr SdPcBH Dr TomF Dr HHCL2 Dr TomF Dr T8HHCl Dr TomL Dr HHOpn Dr TomM Dr TomHL Dr Crash Dr TomHH Dr Ride2 Dr China Dr Cup2 Pc Tmborn Dr Crash2 Pc CONG Dr Crash2 Pc VbSlp Dr Ride Fx AHoseL Fx AHoseR Pc CngSlp Pc CongaH Pc CongaL Pc TmblsH Pc TmblsL Pc AnvlPp Pc AnvlPp Pc Shaker Pc Maracs Pc Scrch1 Dr T8Bd Pc StlClp Dr SdFsnH Dr T9Clap Dr SdVar2 Pc JnglBl Dr T9HHC1 Pc TrangL Dr T9HHC2 Pc TrangL Dr T9HHO1 Fx HiLo Fx Eery Dr T9Crsh Dr China Fx VoxBel Fx Melow Wv MogBs1 Pc Tmborn Pc Scrch2 Dr T9Ride Fx Eery FX HH Hit Fx TrnCho Fx TrnCho Note ElmAsgn Wave No. C0 on 437 C#0 on 451 D0 on 438 D#0 on 452 E0 on 457 F0 on 457 F#0 on 367 G0 on 459 G#0 on 367 A0 on 476 A#0 on 476 B0 on 457 C1 on 458 C#1 on 466 D1 on 459 D#1 on 477 E1 on 462 F1 on 467 F#1 on 470 G1 on 468 G#1 on 471 A1 on 469 A#1 on 472 B1 on 469 C2 on 473 C#2 on 474 D2 on 475 D#2 on 465 E2 on 362 F2 on 456 F#2 on 389 G2 on 369 G#2 on 362 A2 on 366 A#2 on 361 B2 on 368 C3 on 437 C#3 on 367 D3 on 452 D#3 on 452 E3 on 452 F3 on 452 F#3 on 449 G3 on 447 G#3 on 448 A3 on 355 A#3 on 455 B3 on 355 C4 on 320 C#4 on 321 D4 on 322 D#4 on 326 E4 on 327 F4 on 328 F#4 on 328 G4 on 329 G#4 on 329 A4 on 318 A#4 on 318 B4 on 325 C5 on 258 C#5 on 258 D5 on 258 D#5 on 258 E5 on 258 F5 on 258 F#5 on 258 G5 on 258 G#5 on 258 A5 on 258 A#5 on 258 B5 on 258 C6 on 258 Wave Name Dr T8BdBm Dr T8CngM Dr T8Bd Dr T8CngH Dr T9BD2 Dr T9BD2 Pc CONG Dr T9SD1 Pc CONG Dr EuroBD Dr EuroBD Dr T9BD2 Dr T9BD3 Dr T9Rim Dr T9SD1 Dr DstKik Dr T9SD4 Dr T9TomL Dr T9HHC1 Dr T9TomM Dr T9HHC2 Dr T9TomH Dr T9HHO1 Dr T9TomH Dr T9HHO2 Dr T9Crsh Dr T9Ride Dr T9Clap Pc AnvlPp Dr T9BD1 Dr SdPcBH Pc WdBlk Pc AnvlPp Pc Ripper Pc AnvlHt Pc StlClp Dr T8BdBm Pc CONG Dr T8CngH Dr T8CngH Dr T8CngH Dr T8CngH Dr T8Crsh Dr T8HHCl Dr T8HHOp Pc TrangL Dr T8Mrcs Pc TrangL Fx WndChm Fx BelAir Fx BigSyn Fx Electr FX HH Hit Fx VxAlk Fx VxAlk Fx HiLo Fx HiLo Fx VoxBel Fx VoxBel Fx Eery Wv FMBs1 Wv FMBs1 Wv FMBs1 Wv FMBs1 Wv FMBs1 Wv FMBs1 Wv FMBs1 Wv FMBs1 Wv FMBs1 Wv FMBs1 Wv FMBs1 Wv FMBs1 Wv FMBs1 5 Nasty Kit Note ElmAsgn Wave No. 438 on C0 377 on C#0 337 on D0 379 on D#0 458 on E0 397 on F0 395 on F#0 439 on G0 441 on G#0 403 on A0 398 on A#0 476 on B0 458 on C1 329 on C#1 462 on D1 445 on D#1 369 on E1 314 on F1 423 on F#1 314 on G1 470 on G#1 314 on A1 472 on A#1 418 on B1 417 on C2 474 on C#2 417 on D2 325 on D#2 435 on E2 432 on F2 354 on F#2 433 on G2 255 on G#2 434 on A2 356 on A#2 429 on B2 328 on C3 327 on C#3 345 on D3 338 on D#3 337 on E3 321 on F3 326 on F#3 362 on G3 362 on G#3 353 on A3 352 on A#3 360 on B3 438 on C4 318 on C#4 397 on D4 465 on D#4 394 on E4 330 on F4 447 on F#4 361 on G4 471 on G#4 361 on A4 448 on A#4 325 on B4 325 on C5 474 on C#5 435 on D5 318 on D#5 449 on E5 209 on F5 354 on F#5 366 on G5 475 on G#5 450 on A5 451 on A#5 416 on B5 448 on C6 6 Brush Kit Wave Name Dr T8Bd Dr BdVar4 Pc CongaL Dr BdAna Dr T9BD3 Dr SdAmb2 Dr SdRim2 Dr T8SD1 Dr T8SD3 Dr SdBrsH Dr SdAmb3 Dr EuroBD Dr T9BD3 Fx HiLo Dr T9SD4 Dr T8Clap Pc WdBlk Wv Noise Dr HHCl5 Wv Noise Dr T9HHC1 Wv Noise Dr T9HHO1 Dr Tom2L Dr Tom2H Dr T9Crsh Dr Tom2H Fx Eery Dr China Dr Cup2 Pc Tmborn Dr Crash Wv MogBs1 Dr Crash2 Pc VbSlp Dr Ride Fx VxAlk FX HH Hit Pc TmblsH Pc CongaH Pc CongaL Fx BelAir Fx Electr Pc AnvlPp Pc AnvlPp Pc Shaker Pc Maracs Pc Bltree Dr T8Bd Fx VoxBel Dr SdAmb2 Dr T9Clap Dr SdRim1 Fx MltPno Dr T8HHCl Pc AnvlHt Dr T9HHC2 Pc AnvlHt Dr T8HHOp Fx Eery Fx Eery Dr T9Crsh Dr China Fx VoxBel Dr T8Crsh En VxNoiz Pc Tmborn Pc Ripper Dr T9Ride Dr T8CngL Dr T8CngM Dr TmJzH Dr T8HHOp Note ElmAsgn Wave No. on 350 C0 on 404 C#0 on 401 D0 on 403 D#0 on 401 E0 on 405 F0 on 351 F#0 on 404 G0 on 408 G#0 on 376 A0 on 403 A#0 on 377 B0 on 373 C1 on 403 C#1 on 404 D1 on 358 D#1 on 402 E1 on 414 F1 on 422 F#1 on 414 G1 on 424 G#1 on 414 A1 on 426 A#1 on 415 B1 on 416 C2 on 433 C#2 on 416 D2 on 429 D#2 on 430 E2 on 431 F2 on 354 F#2 on 434 G2 on 340 G#2 on 434 A2 on 429 A#2 on 432 B2 on 336 C3 on 335 C#3 on 339 D3 on 338 D#3 on 337 E3 on 345 F3 on 344 F#3 on 341 G3 on 341 G#3 on 349 A3 on 352 A#3 on 359 B3 on 359 C4 on 343 C#4 on 342 D4 on 350 D#4 on 348 E4 on 348 F4 on 346 F#4 on 347 G4 on 355 G#4 on 355 A4 on 353 A#4 on 357 B4 on 360 C5 off C#5 off D5 off D#5 off E5 off F5 off F#5 off G5 off G#5 off A5 off A#5 off B5 off C6 7 Pop Kit Note ElmAsgn Wave No. C0 on 350 C#0 on 404 D0 on 401 D#0 on 403 E0 on 401 F0 on 405 F#0 on 351 G0 on 400 G#0 on 408 A0 on 376 A#0 on 389 B0 on 377 C1 on 372 C#1 on 406 D1 on 380 D#1 on 358 E1 on 380 F1 on 410 F#1 on 423 G1 on 410 G#1 on 425 A1 on 411 A#1 on 427 B1 on 411 C2 on 412 C#2 on 433 D2 on 413 D#2 on 429 E2 on 435 F2 on 431 F#2 on 354 G2 on 434 G#2 on 340 A2 on 434 A#2 on 356 B2 on 432 C3 on 336 C#3 on 335 D3 on 339 D#3 on 338 E3 on 337 F3 on 345 F#3 on 344 G3 on 341 G#3 on 341 A3 on 349 A#3 on 352 B3 on 359 C4 on 359 C#4 on 343 D4 on 342 D#4 on 350 E4 on 348 F4 on 348 F#4 on 346 G4 on 347 G#4 on 355 A4 on 355 A#4 on 353 B4 on 357 C5 on 360 C#5 on 399 D5 on 381 D#5 on 392 E5 on 386 F5 on 394 F#5 on 391 G5 on 382 G#5 on 389 A5 on 384 A#5 on 371 B5 on 372 C6 on 378 Wave Name Pc Claves Dr SdBrsL Dr SdSwep Dr SdBrsH Dr SdSwep Dr SdRoll Pc Castnt Dr SdBrsL Dr Stick Dr BdVar3 Dr SdBrsH Dr BdVar4 Dr BdLoJz Dr SdBrsH Dr SdBrsL Pc Clap Dr SdBrsS Dr TmJzL Dr HHCl4 Dr TmJzL Dr HHPdl Dr TmJzL Dr HHOpn Dr TmJzM Dr TmJzH Dr Crash Dr TmJzH Dr Ride Dr Ride2 Dr Cup Pc Tmborn Dr Crash2 Pc Cowbel Dr Crash2 Dr Ride Dr Cup2 Pc BongoH Pc BongoL Pc CngSlp Pc CongaH Pc CongaL Pc TmblsH Pc TmblsL Pc AgogoL Pc AgogoL Pc Cabasa Pc Maracs Pc Whistl Pc Whistl Pc GiroCl Pc GuiroL Pc Claves Pc Wdblck Pc Wdblck Pc CuicaL Pc CuicaH Pc TrangL Pc TrangL Pc Shaker Pc JnglBl Pc Bltree 11 8 8o8 Kit Wave Name Pc Claves Dr SdBrsL Dr SdSwep Dr SdBrsH Dr SdSwep Dr SdRoll Pc Castnt Dr SdDry Dr Stick Dr BdVar3 Dr SdPcBH Dr BdVar4 Dr BdHby Dr C.Rim1 Dr SdGM Pc Clap Dr SdGM Dr TomL Dr HHCl5 Dr TomL Dr HHPdl2 Dr TomM Dr HHOpn2 Dr TomM Dr TomHL Dr Crash Dr TomHH Dr Ride Dr China Dr Cup Pc Tmborn Dr Crash2 Pc Cowbel Dr Crash2 Pc VbSlp Dr Cup2 Pc BongoH Pc BongoL Pc CngSlp Pc CongaH Pc CongaL Pc TmblsH Pc TmblsL Pc AgogoL Pc AgogoL Pc Cabasa Pc Maracs Pc Whistl Pc Whistl Pc GiroCl Pc GuiroL Pc Claves Pc Wdblck Pc Wdblck Pc CuicaL Pc CuicaH Pc TrangL Pc TrangL Pc Shaker Pc JnglBl Pc Bltree Dr SdBkBt Dr SdBldS Dr SdVar1 Dr SdSonD Dr SdRim1 Dr SdWdH Dr SdBldH Dr SdPcBH Dr SdLdwH Dr BdPop Dr BdHby Dr BdVar5 Note ElmAsgn Wave No. on 350 C0 on 404 C#0 on 401 D0 on 403 D#0 on 401 E0 on 405 F0 on 351 F#0 on 442 G0 on 444 G#0 on 379 A0 on 441 A#0 on 437 B0 on 438 C1 on 443 C#1 on 439 D1 on 445 D#1 on 440 E1 on 446 F1 on 447 F#1 on 446 G1 on 448 G#1 on 446 A1 on 448 A#1 on 446 B1 on 446 C2 on 449 C#2 on 446 D2 on 449 D#2 on 435 E2 on 431 F2 on 354 F#2 on 434 G2 on 453 G#2 on 434 A2 on 356 A#2 on 430 B2 on 336 C3 on 335 C#3 on 452 D3 on 451 D#3 on 450 E3 on 345 F3 on 344 F#3 on 341 G3 on 341 G#3 on 349 A3 on 455 A#3 on 359 B3 on 359 C4 on 343 C#4 on 342 D4 on 454 D#4 on 348 E4 on 348 F4 on 346 F#4 on 347 G4 on 355 G#4 on 355 A4 on 353 A#4 on 357 B4 on 360 C5 off C#5 off D5 off D#5 off E5 off F5 off F#5 off G5 off G#5 off A5 off A#5 off B5 off C6 Wave Name Pc Claves Dr SdBrsL Dr SdSwep Dr SdBrsH Dr SdSwep Dr SdRoll Pc Castnt Dr T8SD4 Dr T8Rmst Dr BdAna Dr T8SD3 Dr T8BdBm Dr T8Bd Dr T8Side Dr T8SD1 Dr T8Clap Dr T8SD2 Dr T8Tom Dr T8HHCl Dr T8Tom Dr T8HHOp Dr T8Tom Dr T8HHOp Dr T8Tom Dr T8Tom Dr T8Crsh Dr T8Tom Dr T8Crsh Dr China Dr Cup Pc Tmborn Dr Crash2 Dr T8Cwbl Dr Crash2 Pc VbSlp Dr Ride2 Pc BongoH Pc BongoL Dr T8CngH Dr T8CngM Dr T8CngL Pc TmblsH Pc TmblsL Pc AgogoL Pc AgogoL Pc Cabasa Dr T8Mrcs Pc Whistl Pc Whistl Pc GiroCl Pc GuiroL Dr T8Clve Pc Wdblck Pc Wdblck Pc CuicaL Pc CuicaH Pc TrangL Pc TrangL Pc Shaker Pc JnglBl Pc Bltree Internal (MSB=63, LSB=32) 1 HipHop Kit Note ElmAsgn Wave No. 437 on C0 440 on C#0 439 on D0 441 on D#0 442 on E0 462 on F0 327 on F#0 460 on G0 444 on G#0 438 on A0 463 on A#0 458 on B0 456 on C1 406 on C#1 459 on D1 465 on D#1 461 on E1 467 on F1 471 on F#1 467 on G1 473 on G#1 468 on A1 472 on A#1 468 on B1 469 on C2 474 on C#2 469 on D2 475 on D#2 449 on E2 475 on F2 354 on F#2 449 on G2 453 on G#2 474 on A2 477 on A#2 449 on B2 452 on C3 450 on C#3 451 on D3 255 on D#3 266 on E3 399 on F3 399 on F#3 453 on G3 341 on G#3 349 on A3 455 on A#3 329 on B3 329 on C4 361 on C#4 366 on D4 454 on D#4 454 on E4 351 on F4 363 on F#4 364 on G4 355 on G#4 355 on A4 353 on A#4 357 on B4 360 on C5 394 on C#5 388 on D5 358 on D#5 390 on E5 379 on F5 447 on F#5 457 on G5 423 on G#5 374 on A5 448 on A#5 476 on B5 372 on C6 2 Urbanguard Wave Name Dr T8BdBm Dr T8SD2 Dr T8SD1 Dr T8SD3 Dr T8SD4 Dr T9SD4 FX HH Hit Dr T9SD2 Dr T8Rmst Dr T8Bd Dr T9SD5 Dr T9BD3 Dr T9BD1 Dr C.Rim1 Dr T9SD1 Dr T9Clap Dr T9SD3 Dr T9TomL Dr T9HHC2 Dr T9TomL Dr T9HHO2 Dr T9TomM Dr T9HHO1 Dr T9TomM Dr T9TomH Dr T9Crsh Dr T9TomH Dr T9Ride Dr T8Crsh Dr T9Ride Pc Tmborn Dr T8Crsh Dr T8Cwbl Dr T9Crsh Dr DstKik Dr T8Crsh Dr T8CngH Dr T8CngL Dr T8CngM Wv MogBs1 Wv Late-S Dr SdBkBt Dr SdBkBt Dr T8Cwbl Pc AgogoL Pc Cabasa Dr T8Mrcs Fx HiLo Fx HiLo Pc AnvlHt Pc Ripper Dr T8Clve Dr T8Clve Pc Castnt Pc Scrch1 Pc Scrch2 Pc TrangL Pc TrangL Pc Shaker Pc JnglBl Pc Bltree Dr SdRim1 Dr SdPclH Pc Clap Dr SdPrmH Dr BdAna Dr T8HHCl Dr T9BD2 Dr HHCl5 Dr BdVar1 Dr T8HHOp Dr EuroBD Dr BdHby Note ElmAsgn Wave No. Wave Name Dr BdVar5 378 on C0 Dr SdBrsL 404 on C#0 Dr SdSwep 401 on D0 Dr SdBrsH 403 on D#0 Dr SdSwep 401 on E0 Dr SdRoll 405 on F0 Wv Noise 314 on F#0 Dr SdSonA 385 on G0 Dr Stick 408 on G#0 Dr BdVar5 378 on A0 Dr SdPcBH 389 on A#0 Dr BdVar2 375 on B0 Dr BdLoJz 373 on C1 Dr C.Rim2 407 on C#1 Dr SdGM 380 on D1 Pc Clap 358 on D#1 Dr SdWdH 391 on E1 Dr TomF 409 on F1 Dr HHCl1 419 on F#1 Dr TomL 410 on G1 Dr HHPdl 424 on G#1 Dr TomL 410 on A1 Dr HHOpn 426 on A#1 Dr TomM 411 on B1 Dr TomHL 412 on C2 Dr Crash 433 on C#2 Dr TomHH 413 on D2 Dr Ride 429 on D#2 Dr China 435 on E2 Dr Cup 431 on F2 Pc Tmborn 354 on F#2 Dr Crash2 434 on G2 Dr T8Cwbl 453 on G#2 Dr Crash2 434 on A2 Pc VbSlp 356 on A#2 Dr T8Crsh 449 on B2 Pc BongoH 336 on C3 Pc BongoL 335 on C#3 Pc CngSlp 339 on D3 Pc CongaH 338 on D#3 Pc CongaL 337 on E3 Pc TmblsH 345 on F3 Pc TmblsL 344 on F#3 Pc AgogoL 341 on G3 Pc AgogoL 341 on G#3 Pc Cabasa 349 on A3 Pc Maracs 352 on A#3 Pc Whistl 359 on B3 Pc Whistl 359 on C4 Pc GiroCl 343 on C#4 Pc GuiroL 342 on D4 Pc Claves 350 on D#4 Pc Wdblck 348 on E4 Pc Wdblck 348 on F4 Pc CuicaL 346 on F#4 Pc CuicaH 347 on G4 Pc TrangL 355 on G#4 Pc TrangL 355 on A4 Pc Shaker 353 on A#4 Pc JnglBl 357 on B4 Pc Bltree 360 on C5 Dr DstKik 477 on C#5 Dr DstKik 477 on D5 Dr DstKik 477 on D#5 Dr DstKik 477 on E5 Dr DstKik 477 on F5 Dr DstKik 477 on F#5 Dr DstKik 477 on G5 Dr DstKik 477 on G#5 Dr DstKik 477 on A5 Dr DstKik 477 on A#5 Dr DstKik 477 on B5 Dr DstKik 477 on C6 12 Wave List No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 Cat./WaveName Pf Grand Pf Grand+ Pf GrandPf Brit Pf Brit+ Pf BritPf CP80 Pf CP80+ Pf CP80Pf Rho1P Pf Rho1P+ Pf Rho1PPf Rho1L Pf Rho1L+ Pf Rho1LPf Rho2S Pf Rho2S+ Pf Rho2SPf Rho2M Pf Rho2M+ Pf Rho2MPf Rho2H Pf Rho2H+ Pf Rho2HPf Rho3 Pf Rho3+ Pf Rho3Pf Rho4 Pf Rho4+ Pf Rho4Pf Wurli Pf Wurli+ Pf WurliPf DX1 Pf DX2 Pf DX3 Pf Clav1 Pf Clav1+ Pf Clav1Pf Clav2 Pf Clav2+ Pf Clav2Pf Clav3 Pf Clav3+ Pf Clav3Pf Hrpscd Or JmPrc Or JmPrcOr Jazz Or Jazz+ Or JazzOr Rock Or Rock+ Or RockOr Argent Or BowVb Or BowNv Or Gospel Or Green Or Santana Or Farfis Or FarfiOr VoxOrg Or VxOrgOr Swish Or SwishOr Dw1+3 Or Dw1+3+ Or Dw1+3Or Dw2+4 Or Dw2+4+ Or Dw2+4Or DrwEv Or DrwEv+ Or DrwEvOr DrwOd Or DrwOd+ Or DrwOdOr D16 Or D5 1/3 Or D8 Or D4 Or D2 2/3 Or D2 Or D1 3/5 No. 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 Cat./WaveName Or D1 1/3 Or D1 Or LesGrt Or LesGr2 Or Rotar Or Clack Or LesWho Or SftTmp Or Perc Or Perc+ Or PercOr Harmnc Or Acrdn Or Acrdn+ Or AcrdnCp FngCym Cp Hibasi Cp StoneH Cp StoneS Cp Gamln1 Cp Gamln2 Cp Glock Cp Marimb Cp Vibra Cp Xylo Cp HndBel Cp Crotls Cp Timpni Br SectnL Br SectnR Br SctnSt Br SctnLBr SctnRBr SctStBr Sctn2L Br Sctn2R Br Sct2St Br Sct2L+ Br SctnR+ Br Sct2S+ Br Sct2LBr Sct2RBr Sct2SBr Trmbn Br TrmbnBr SftTrb Br SftFlg Br SftFlBr Hermn Br Strgt Br TrpMed Br TrpSft Br Trmpt Br Trmpt+ Br TrmptBr PiclTp Br F.Horn Br Combi1 Br Combi2 Br Combi3 Br Combi4 St Vln St Vln2 St Cello St EnsMx St EnsMxSt SmlEns St SmlEn+ St SmlEnSt Pizz St Pizz2 St Harp Gt Nylon Gt NylnHi Gt Nylhrm Gt Steel Gt StelHi Gt StelLo Gt JzGtr Gt Strt Gt StrtN Gt StrtSl Gt StrtSp Gt StrtMt Gt Front No. 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 Cat./WaveName Gt Single Gt SnglHi Gt StrtF Gt ES335 Gt DistCl Gt DistMt Gt FeedBk Gt StlHrm Gt StrHrm Gt Dist2 Ba Acstic Ba Acstc+ Ba AcstcBa Fing Ba Fing+ Ba FingBa Harmnc Ba Precsn Ba Prcsn+ Ba PecsnBa PrsRw Ba PrsRw+ Ba PrsRwBa Pick Ba Slap Ba Slap+ Ba SlapBa Slap2 Ba Slap2+ Ba Slap2Ba Frtl1 Ba Frtl1+ Ba Frtl1Ba Frtl2 Ba Frtl2+ Ba Frtl2Ba SyBass En SynVox En VxNoiz En Aah En Aah+ En AahEn Oooo En Oooo+ En OoooEn Itopia Rd Alto Rd Alto+ Rd AltoRd Tenor Rd Tenor+ Rd TenorRd Bari Rd BigSx1 Rd BigSx2 Rd SxBrth Rd Soprn Rd Soprn+ Rd SoprnRd Clari Rd Clari+ Rd ClariRd Oboe Rd Oboe+ Rd OboeRd Basoon Rd Basoon+ Rd BasoonPi Flute Pi Flute+ Pi FlutePi PnFlt Pi PnFltWv ModSaw Wv ObStr Wv JpStr Wv SyzStr Wv Padd Wv ObBrs Wv SyncLd Wv CS80Br Wv 3o3Saw Wv 3o3Sw2 Wv 3o3Squ Wv MogBs1 No. 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 331 332 333 334 335 336 337 338 339 340 Cat./WaveName Wv MogBs2 Wv MogBs3 Wv FMBs1 Wv FMBs2 Wv FMBs3 Wv FMBs4 Wv FMBs5 Wv FMBs6 Wv FMFnk Wv FMGtr Wv Late-S Wv Late-L Wv P5Saw Wv Saw2 Wv 1o1Saw Wv 1o1Sub Wv SawSqu Wv SquSaw Wv MgRamp Wv P10-1 Wv P10-2 Wv P10-3 Wv P25-1 Wv P25-2 Wv P50-1 Wv P50-2 Wv Tri Wv Digi01 Wv Digi02 Wv Digi03 Wv Digi04 Wv Digi05 Wv Digi06 Wv Digi07 Wv Digi08 Wv Digi09 Wv Digi10 Wv Digi11 Wv Digi12 Wv Bel1Wv Wv Bel2Wv Wv DgVox1 Wv DgVox2 Wv DgVox3 Wv DgVox4 Wv DgVox5 Wv VoxG2 Wv VoxE3 Wv Ep1 Wv Ep2 Wv Ep3 Wv Ep4 Wv Ep5 Wv EP6 Wv Org1Wv Wv Org2Wv Wv Org3Wv Wv Sin Wv Noise Wv PnoNP Wv EPNP Wv VibeNP Fx VoxBel Fx Melow Fx WndChm Fx BelAir Fx BigSyn Fx TrnCho Fx HanSol Fx Eery Fx Electr FX HH Hit Fx VxAlk Fx HiLo Fx MltPno Fx AHoseL Fx AHoseR Et StlDrm Et Sitar Pc BongoL Pc BongoH Pc CongaL Pc CongaH Pc CngSlp Pc Cowbel 13 No. 341 342 343 344 345 346 347 348 349 350 351 352 353 354 355 356 357 358 359 360 361 362 363 364 365 366 367 368 369 370 371 372 373 374 375 376 377 378 379 380 381 382 383 384 385 386 387 388 389 390 391 392 393 394 395 396 397 398 399 400 401 402 403 404 405 406 407 408 409 410 411 412 413 414 415 416 417 418 419 420 421 422 423 424 425 Cat./WaveName Pc AgogoL Pc GuiroL Pc GiroCl Pc TmblsL Pc TmblsH Pc CuicaL Pc CuicaH Pc Wdblck Pc Cabasa Pc Claves Pc Castnt Pc Maracs Pc Shaker Pc Tmborn Pc TrangL Pc VbSlp Pc JnglBl Pc Clap Pc Whistl Pc Bltree Pc AnvlHt Pc AnvlPp Pc Scrch1 Pc Scrch2 Pc VoxDrm Pc Ripper Pc CONG Pc StlClp Pc WdBlk Dr BdStd Dr BdPop Dr BdHby Dr BdLoJz Dr BdVar1 Dr BdVar2 Dr BdVar3 Dr BdVar4 Dr BdVar5 Dr BdAna Dr SdGM Dr SdBldS Dr SdBldH Dr SdFsnH Dr SdLdwH Dr SdSonA Dr SdSonD Dr SdHvy Dr SdPclH Dr SdPcBH Dr SdPrmH Dr SdWdH Dr SdVar1 Dr SdVar2 Dr SdRim1 Dr SdRim2 Dr SdAmb1 Dr SdAmb2 Dr SdAmb3 Dr SdBkBt Dr SdDry Dr SdSwep Dr SdBrsS Dr SdBrsH Dr SdBrsL Dr SdRoll Dr C.Rim1 Dr C.Rim2 Dr Stick Dr TomF Dr TomL Dr TomM Dr TomHL Dr TomHH Dr TmJzL Dr TmJzM Dr TmJzH Dr Tom2H Dr Tom2L Dr HHCl1 Dr HHCL2 Dr HHCl3 Dr HHCl4 Dr HHCl5 Dr HHPdl Dr HHPdl2 No. 426 427 428 429 430 431 432 433 434 435 436 437 438 439 440 441 442 443 444 445 446 447 448 449 450 451 452 453 454 455 456 457 458 459 460 461 462 463 464 465 466 467 468 469 470 471 472 473 474 475 476 477 478 479 Cat./WaveName Dr HHOpn Dr HHOpn2 Dr HHTip Dr Ride Dr Ride2 Dr Cup Dr Cup2 Dr Crash Dr Crash2 Dr China Dr China2 Dr T8BdBm Dr T8Bd Dr T8SD1 Dr T8SD2 Dr T8SD3 Dr T8SD4 Dr T8Side Dr T8Rmst Dr T8Clap Dr T8Tom Dr T8HHCl Dr T8HHOp Dr T8Crsh Dr T8CngL Dr T8CngM Dr T8CngH Dr T8Cwbl Dr T8Clve Dr T8Mrcs Dr T9BD1 Dr T9BD2 Dr T9BD3 Dr T9SD1 Dr T9SD2 Dr T9SD3 Dr T9SD4 Dr T9SD5 Dr T9SD6 Dr T9Clap Dr T9Rim Dr T9TomL Dr T9TomM Dr T9TomH Dr T9HHC1 Dr T9HHC2 Dr T9HHO1 Dr T9HHO2 Dr T9Crsh Dr T9Ride Dr EuroBD Dr DstKik Dr Bd Kit Dr Sn Kit Perfromance List Internal (MSB=63, LSB=64) No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 Performance Name Rap Round Scatter Megahook Millennium Aquarium Pizzi 2000 Del Mar Neonist Front&Back Nu House AceFlair Silver SnowFlakes Space Pitz Nasty Superstrgs Transfer Fighter E-Motion MagmaSweep PozitiveSP WaveTable Mythology Pacific404 Keltic AcidJz Kit NewHorizon Enterprise Mr Squidge Clean&Dist ChunkyStak Fat Analog Automatic NightRythm DJ Finger Galaxy Perpetual Stab Boy Night Byte Ambitrance Invisible HipHop Kit Minor Rhythlog Mirage ModernGirl Toro 2000 Euro Split SilentMoon Night Beat TranxTron Pearl Dream Gruv Soft Cream Analous Bell&Str Egypt House Kit Chartz Melomatic Waterflow Strg&Arpg Killa Trip Split Category Co Co Ld Pd Fx Sc Sq Gt Co Dr Pf Sq Fx Sq Ba St Co Co Pd Fx Ld Sc Fx Co Co Co Co Fx Fx Sq Ba Br Co Co Ld Fx Sq Sc Sq Co Co Co Pf Sq Pd Co Ba Co Co Co Ld Fx Sq Sc Sq Co Co Co Pf Sq Fx Sq Ba Co Note See*1 No. 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 Performance Name Infinity Street Oktavian Obi Pad MoonChild Block Torture Alpine Soul Set Mission ChoirPiano Electron Whirl Summer Bass Menu AppleSplit Beatnik Continent Brother Harmony House Menu Pizz it! R&B Menu Nylonspher R&B Set Trance Kit Quintus Stab Menu Fat Stack Seq Layer Final Worm Small Orch Pops Ballad 1 Ballad 2 Unplugged 80's Disco Funk Rock Hard Rock HeavyMetal ProgreRock Blues Rock West Coast BritishRck Big Band Combo Jazz JazzBallad Fusion Club Jazz House Techno Trance Big Beat Drum'nBass HipHop Reggae R&B India Salsa Gamelan Ambient Tango SoundTrack Master KB Category Co Co Sc Co Fx Sc Fx Pd Co Co Co Sq Sc Co Ba Co Co Co Sc Co Co Sc Co Co Co Co Sc Co Sc Fx Fx En --------------------------------- *1 Performances suitable for playing on the keyboard. *2 Performances suitable for multi-part playback using sequencer function. *3 Performances suitable for master keyboard settings. 14 Note See*1 See*2 See*3 Control List System Controller Destination Parameter Control Set Destination Parameter No. 00 01 02 03 04 : 13 14 : 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 LCD off Volume RevSend ChoSend INS1-P1:EF1 : INS1P10:EF1 INS2-P1:EF2 : INS2P16:EF2 CLFOSpd CLFO-D1 CLFO-D2 PorTime ELM-Lvl ELM-Pan ELM-Dly ELFOSpd ELFO-PM ELFO-AM ELFO-FM PCH-Crs PCH-Fin PEG-Dpt PEG-Hld PEG-Atk PEG-D1 PEG-D2 PEG-Rel AEG-Atk AEG-D1 AEG-D2 AEG-Rel FEG-Dpt FEG-Hld FEG-Atk FEG-D1 FEG-D2 FEG-Rel FLT-Frq FLT-Rez HPF-Frq No. 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 : 25 26 27 28 : 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 Parameter :off Voice Volume Reverb Send Chorus Send Insertion Effect 1 Parameter 1 : Insertion Effect 1 Parameter 10 Insertion Effect 2 Parameter 1 : Insertion Effect 2 Parameter 16 Common LFO Speed Common LFO Depth1 Common LFO Depth2 Common Portamento Time Element Level Element Pan Element Key On Delay Element LFO Speed Element LFO Pitch Modulation Depth Element LFO Amplitude Modulation Depth Element LFO Filter Modulation Depth Element Pitch Coarse Element Pitch Fine Element Pitch EG Depth Element Pitch EG Hold Time Element Pitch EG Attack Time Element Pitch EG Decay1 Time Element Pitch EG Decay2 Time Element Pitch EG Release Time Element Amplitude EG Attack Time Element Amplitude EG Decay1 Time Element Amplitude EG Decay2 Time Element Amplitude EG Release Time Element Filter EG Depth Element Filter EG Hold Time Element Filter EG Attack Time Element Filter EG Decay1 Time Element Filter EG Decay2 Time Element Filter EG Release Time Element Filter Cutoff Frequency Element Filter Resonance Element Filter HPF Cutoff Frequency LCD off EQLow-G EQLow-F EQLow-Q EQLoM-G EQLoM-F EQLoM-Q EQMid-G EQMid-F EQMid-Q EQHiM-G EQHiM-F EQHiM-Q EQHi-G EQHi-F EQHi-Q REV-P1 : REV-P10 REV-Rtn REV-Pan CHO-P1 : CHO-P10 CHO-Rtn CHO-Pan Cho>Rev ARP-Typ ARP-Unt ARP-Vel ARP-Gat Tempo EG-Atck EG-Decy EG-SusL EG-Rele Cutoff Reso Parameter off MEQ Low Gain MEQ Low Frequency MEQ Low Q MEQ Low Mid Gain MEQ Low Mid Frequency MEQ Low Mid Q MEQ Mid Gain MEQ Mid Frequency MEQ Mid Q MEQ High Mid Gain MEQ High Mid Frequency MEQ High Mid Q MEQ High Gain MEQ High Frequency MEQ High Q ReverbParameter 1 : Reverb Parameter 10 Reverb Return Reverb Pan Chorus Parameter 1 : Chorus Parameter 10 Chorus Return Chorus Pan Send Chorus To Reverb Arpeggio Type Arpeggio Unit Multiply Arpeggio Velocity Rate Arpeggio Gate Time Rate Arpeggio/Sequencer Tempo QED EG Attack Time QED EG Decay Time QED EG Sustain Level QED EG Release Time QED Cutoff Frequency QED Resonance As to the parameters 16 - 25 and 28 - 37, the effective parameter type differs depending on the currently selected effect type. If the destination parameter is effective, it's actual parameter name will be displayed on the LCD. For example, “REV-P10” of the number 25 will be replaced with the actual parameter name. If not, the LCD displays the one like “REV-P10” shown in the above list in the Controller Set function, and “-----” in the Play mode. The destionation parameters 00 - 29 can be used for all Controller Sets. However, in the case of the Plug-in voices, only the parameters 00 - 13 are available. The parameters 30 - 61 are available for the Normal voices except for the Plug-in voices. The parameters 04 - 29 are available only when Insertion effect is applied to the voice, and the effective parameter type differs depending on the currently selected effect type. If the destination parameter is effective, it's actual parameter name will be displayed on the LCD. For example, “INS1P10” of the number 13 will be replaced with the actual parameter name. If not, the LCD displays the one like “INS1P10” shown in the above list in the Controller Set function, and “-----” in the Play mode. 15 Arpeggio Type List Control Change Number List CONTROLLER Name PB:PITCH BEND MW:MODULATION WHELL AT:AFTER TOUCH BC:BREATH CONTROLLER RB:RIBBON CONTROLLER FC:FOOT CONTROLLER FS:FOOT SWITCH FV:FOOT VOLUME SUS:SUSTAIN No. 1 (2) (22) (4) (88) (11) (64) No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 Remarks Pitch Bend Modulation After Touch Set in the Utility or Performance Mode Set in the Utility or Performance Mode Set in the Utility or Performance Mode Set in the Utility Mode Set in the Utility Mode (7 or 11) Sustain(Hold 1) SOUND CONTROL KNOB Name [CUTOFF] [RESONANCE] [REVERB] [CHORUS] [ATTACK] [DECAY] [SUSTAIN] *1 [RELEASE] [PAN] [PORTAMENTO TIME] [ARPEGGIO GATE TIME] [PHRASE CLIP PITCH] [TEMPO] [SCENE KNOB] [KNOB A] [KNOB B] [KNOB C] [KNOB 1] [KNOB 2] No. 74 71 91 93 73 75 31 72 10 5 (14) (18) (19) (20) (16) (17) Remarks Cutoff Freq Resonance Reverb Send Chorus Send Attack Time Decay Time Sustain Level Release Time Panpot Portamento Time Parameter Change Parameter Change No MIDI output/input Set in the Utility Mode Set in the Utility Mode Set in the Utility Mode Set in the Utility Mode Set in the Utility or Performance Mode Set in the Utility or Performance Mode SOUND CONTROL SW Name [ARPEGGIO SW] [ARPEGGIO HOLD] [PORTAMENTO SW] [SCENE 1] [SCENE 2] No. (90) (89) 65 Remarks Set in the Utility Mode Set in the Utility Mode Portamento Switch Same as [SCENE KNOB] = Minimum Same as [SCENE KNOB] = Maximum *1: Use the control change message when MIDI Control Mode is mode 2, and the parameter change message when mode 1. The control numbers in the parentheses are the defaults. 16 Name UpOct1:Sq UpOct2:Sq UpOct4:Sq DownOct1:Sq DownOct2:Sq DownOct4:Sq U/DAOct1:Sq U/DAOct2:Sq U/DAOct4:Sq U/DBOct1:Sq U/DBOct2:Sq U/DBOct4:Sq RndmOct1:Sq RndmOct2:Sq RndmOct4:Sq Oct2Up:Sq Oct4Up:Sq UnisonUp:Sq Up&Down1:Sq Up&Down2:Sq Up&Down4:Sq Up&Alt1:Sq Up&Rndm1:Sq Up&Rndm2:Sq Up&Rndm4:Sq ChdAltB1:Sq ChdAltB2:Sq ChdAltB4:Sq ChdRndm1:Sq ChdRndm2:Sq ChdRndm4:Sq TechnoA:Ph TechnoB:Ph TechnoC:Ph DAHouse:Ph SyncopaA:Ph SyncopaB:Ph SyncpEco:Ph TekEchoA:Ph TekEchoB:Ph PulsLine:Ph SeqS&H1:Ph SeqS&H2:Ph CleanGt1:Ph CleanGt2:Ph CleanGt3:Ph CleanGt4:Ph Pno16Bt:Ph PnoLatin:Ph CrvBass:Ph Ocean:Ph Orbit:Ph X-Sweep1:Ph X-Sweep2:Ph X-Sweep3:Ph Lamb:Ph Thips:Ph Hardcore:Ph Harmo:Ph Ascorbic:Ph Doves:Ph Chodal:Ph Simple:Ph Waggle:Ph No. 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 Name SuperArp:Ph MuteArp1:Ph MuteArp2:Ph VelGruv1:Ph VelGruv2:Ph SpaceArp:Ph MuteLine:Ph StepLine:Ph AcidLine:Ph SplitArp:Ph Step Seq:Ph PolyArp1:Ph PolyArp2:Ph Ana Seq:Ph Planet:Ph Rosync:Ph StrumArp:Ph Guit1Arp:Ph RolliArp:Ph Guit2Arp:Ph Guit3Arp:Ph Guit4Arp:Ph Harp Arp:Ph BigBeat1:Dr BigBeat2:Dr BigBeat3:Dr BigBeat4:Dr Rock1:Dr Rock2:Dr Rock3:Dr BigBeat5:Dr BigBeat6:Dr BigBeat7:Dr BigBeat8:Dr BigBeat9:Dr BrkTrnce:Dr House1:Dr House2:Dr House3:Dr Garage:Dr House4:Dr House5:Dr HipHop:Dr JazzHop:Dr Abstract:Dr LoBeat1:Dr LoBeat2:Dr LoBeat3:Dr LoBeat4:Dr LoBeat5:Dr LoBeat6:Dr Drm&Bs1:Dr Drm&Bs2:Dr Linear:Dr 08beat1:Cl 08beat2:Cl 08beat3:Cl 16beat1:Cl 16beat2:Cl 1Bar:Cl 1BarRndm:Cl GateCut1:Ct GateCut2:Ct GateCut3:Ct Effect Parameter List Effect Type List Effect Category 1. Reverb Effect Name LCD MIDI No. ----- NO EFFECT THRU off Thru MSB LSB 00 00 00 00 REV REV REV REV REV REV REV REV REV REV REV REV HALL 1 HALL 2 ROOM 1 ROOM 2 ROOM 3 STAGE 1 STAGE 2 PLATE WHITE ROOM TUNNEL BASEMENT CANYON Hall1 Hall2 Room1 Room2 Room3 Stage1 Stage2 Plate WhiteRm Tunnel Basement Canyon 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 00 01 10 11 12 20 21 30 40 41 42 43 DELAY L,C,R DELAY L,R ECHO CROSS DELAY CONTROL DELAY1 (MONO) CONTROL DELAY2 (STEREO) TEMPO DELAY1 (MONO) TEMPO DELAY2 (STEREO) TEMPO CROSS DELAY DelayLCR DelayLR Echo CrossDly CtrlDly1 CtrlDly2 TempDly1 TempDly2 TempCDly 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 00 10 20 30 40 48 50 58 60 EARLY REFLECTION 1 EARLY REFLECTION 2 GATE REVERB REVERSE GATE ER 1 ER 2 GateRev RvrsGate 03 03 03 03 00 01 10 20 18 19 20 21 KARAOKE 1 KARAOKE 2 KARAOKE 3 Karaoke1 04 Karaoke2 04 Karaoke3 04 00 01 02 22 23 24 (HEX) REV 0 CHO InsEF1 InsEF2 0 0 0 [1] HALL1 ~ [8] PLATE No. REVERB 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Value LCD Reverb Time 0.3s~30.0s RevTime 1 2 Initial Delay 0.1ms~200.0ms InitDly 3 3 Reverb Delay 0.1ms~200.0ms RevDly 6 4 HPF Cutoff Frequency 20Hz~8.0kHz HPF 4 Ø 5 LPF Cutoff Frequency 1.0kHz~20.0kHz LPF 5 Ø 6 Diffusion 0~10 Diffuse 2 7 Density 0~4 Density 7 8 ER / Rev Balance E63>R ~ E=R ~ E<R63 ER/Rev 8 9 Feedback High Damp 0.1~1.0 FBHiDmp 9 Feedback Level -63~+63 FBLevel 10 10 DELAY DLY DLY DLY DLY DLY DLY DLY DLY DLY EARLY REFLECTION ER ER ER ER KARAOKE KAR KAR KAR CHORUS CHO CHO CHO CHO CHO CHO CHO CHO CHO CHO CHO FLANGER FLG FLG FLG FLG FLG PHASER PHA PHA PHA MODULATION MOD MOD MOD MOD MOD MOD MOD MOD MOD MOD MOD MOD DISTORTION DST DST DST DST DST DST DST DYNAMIC DYN DYN DYN DYN PITCH CHANGE PCH PCH WAH WAH WAH WAH WAH WAH WAH WAH WAH LO-FI L-F L-F L-F L-F L-F TECH TEC TEC TEC TEC MISC MSC MSC MSC MSC MSC MSC MSC Parameter 1 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 Chorus1 Chorus2 Chorus3 Chorus4 Chorus5 Celeste1 Celeste2 Celeste3 Celeste4 Symphonc Ensemble 05 05 05 05 05 05 05 05 05 05 05 00 01 02 08 09 10 11 12 18 20 30 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 FLANGER 1 FLANGER 2 FLANGER 3 V-FLANGER TEMPO FLANGER Flanger1 Flanger2 Flanger3 V-Flange TempFlng 06 06 06 06 06 00 01 08 10 50 12 13 14 PHASER 1 PHASER 2 TEMPO PHASER TREMOLO AUTO PAN ROTARY SPEAKER1 DISTORTION+ROTARY SPEAKER1 OVERDRIVE+ROTARY SPEAKER1 AMP SIM.+ROTARY SPEAKER1 ROTARY SPEAKER2 DISTORTION+ROTARY SPEAKER2 OVERDRIVE+ROTARY SPEAKER2 AMP SIM.+ROTARY SPEAKER2 ROTORY SPEAKER3 ROTORY SPEAKER4 Phaser1 07 Phaser2 07 TempPhas 07 Tremolo AutoPan RotrySp1 Dt+RSp1 Od+RSp1 Amp+RSp1 RotrySp2 Dt+RSp2 Od+RSp2 Amp+RSp2 RotrySp3 RotrySp4 08 08 08 08 08 08 08 08 08 08 08 08 00 08 50 00 10 50 51 52 53 60 61 62 63 70 71 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 15 16 12 17 13 14 No. 15 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 Parameter Value LCD Reverb Time 0.3s~30.0s RevTime 2 Initial Delay 0.1ms~200.0ms InitDly 3 3 Reverb Delay 0.1ms~200.0ms RevDly 10 4 HPF Cutoff Frequency 20Hz~8.0kHz HPF 4 Ø 5 LPF Cutoff Frequency 1.0kHz~20.0kHz LPF 5 Ø 6 Diffusion 0~10 Diffuse 2 7 Width 0.5m~30.2m Width 6 8 Height 0.5m~30.2m Height 7 9 Depth 0.5m~30.2m Depth 8 Wall Vary 0~30 Wall 9 00 01 10 20 30 40 41 COMPRESSOR1 NOISE GATE COMP+DIST+DELAY COMP+OVERDRIVE+DELAY Comp1 NoisGate CmpDtDly CmpOdDly 0A 0A 0A 0A 00 20 40 41 PITCH CHANGE 1 PITCH CHANGE 2 PchChng1 PchChng2 0B 00 0B 01 AUTO WAH AUTO WAH + DIST AUTO WAH + OVERDRIVE TOUCH WAH TOUCH WAH + DIST TOUCH WAH + OVERDRIVE WAH+DIST+DELAY WAH+OVERDRIVE+DELAY AutoWah AWah+Dt AWah+Od TouchWah TWah+Dt TWah+Od WahDtDly WahOdDly 0C 0C 0C 0C 0C 0C 0C 0C 00 01 02 10 11 12 40 41 LO-FI LOW RESOLUTION NOISY ATTACK LOFI DIGITAL TURNTABLE Lo-Fi LowReso Noisy AtkLoFi DTurnTbl 0D 0D 0D 0D 0D 00 10 20 30 50 77 78 79 80 81 DIGITAL SCRATCH AUTO SYNTH TECH MODULATION JUMP DScratch AutoSyn TechMod Jump 0E 0E 0E 0E 00 10 20 30 82 83 84 85 3BAND EQ 2BAND EQ HARMONIC ENHANCER VOICE CANCEL AMBIENCE TALKING MODULATOR BEAT CHANGE 3BandEQ 2BandEQ Enhancer VceCancl Ambience TalkMod BeatChng 0F 0F 0F 0F 0F 0F 0F 00 01 10 20 30 40 50 16 17 18 19 No. 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 09 09 09 09 09 09 09 21 22 23 24 The parameters marked with “Ø” can be controlled using the Chorus Control. Parameter Value LCD 1 LFO Frequency 0.0Hz~39.70Hz Speed MIDI Parameter Number Controller 1 2 LFO Depth 0~127 Depth 2 3 EQ Low Frequency 32Hz~2.0kHz L.Freq 5 Ø 4 EQ Low Gain -12dB~+12dB L.Gain 6 Ø 5 EQ High Frequency 500Hz~6.0kHz H.Freq 7 Ø 6 EQ High Gain -12dB~+12dB H.Gain 8 Ø 7 Delay Offset 0.0ms~50.0ms DlyOfst 4 8 Feedback Level -63~+63 FBLevel 3 Ø Ø [10] SYMPHONIC No. 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 Parameter Value LCD 1 LFO Frequency 0.0Hz~39.70Hz Speed MIDI Parameter Number Controller 1 2 LFO Depth 0~127 Depth 2 3 Delay Offset 0.0ms~50.0ms DlyOfst 3 4 EQ Low Frequency 32Hz~2.0kHz L.Freq 4 Ø 5 EQ Low Gain -12dB~+12dB L.Gain 5 Ø 6 EQ High Frequency 500Hz~16.0kHz H.Freq 6 Ø 7 EQ High Gain -12dB~+12dB H.Gain 7 Ø Ø [11] ENSEMBLE DETUNE 63 64 65 66 No. 67 68 20 MIDI Parameter Number Controller 1 2. Chorus 41 42 43 Dist Comp+Dt V-Dist OverDrv AmpSim Dist+Dly Odrv+Dly Ø 1 [1] CHORUS1~[5] CHORUS5 [6] CELESTE1~[9] CELESTE4 36 37 38 39 40 DISTORTION COMP DISTORTION V-DISTORTION OVER DRIVE AMP SIMULATOR DIST+DELAY OVERDRIVE+DELAY Ø [9] WHITE ROOM ~ [12] CANYON 10 CHORUS 1 CHORUS 2 CHORUS 3 CHORUS 4 CHORUS 5 CELESTE 1 CELESTE 2 CELESTE 3 CELESTE 4 SYMPHONIC ENSEMBLE DETUNE MIDI Parameter Number Controller 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 Parameter Value LCD 1 Detune -50cent~+50cent Detune MIDI Parameter Number Controller 1 2 Initial Delay Lch 0.0ms~50.0ms DelayL 2 3 Initial Delay Rch 0.0ms~50.0ms DelayR 3 [12] FLANGER1 ~ [14] FLANGER3 No. 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 17 Parameter Value LCD 1 LFO Frequency 0.0Hz~39.70Hz Speed MIDI Parameter Number Controller 1 Ø 2 2 LFO Depth 0~127 Depth 3 LFO Phase Difference -180deg~+180deg Phase 5 4 EQ Low Frequency 32Hz~2.0kHz L.Freq 6 Ø 5 EQ Low Gain -12dB~+12dB L.Gain 7 Ø 6 EQ High Frequency 500Hz~16.0kHz H.Freq 8 Ø 7 EQ High Gain -12dB~+12dB H.Gain 9 Ø 8 Delay Offset 0.0ms~50.0ms DlyOfst 4 9 Feedback Level -63~+63 FBLevel 3 Ø [21] TEMPO DELAY1(mono) [15] TEMPO FLANGER No. Parameter Value LCD 1 Delay Time 2~14 Time 2 2 Lag -63ms~+63ms Lag 5 6 3 L/R Diffusion -63ms~+63ms Diffuse 4 off(free run), KeyOnReset, SEQ Start Reset Reset 5 4 Feedback Level -63~+63 FBLevel 2 EQ Low Frequency 32Hz~2.0kHz L.Freq 7 Ø 5 Feedback High Damp 0.1~1.0 FBHiDmp 3 Ø 6 EQ Low Gain -12dB~+12dB L.Gain 8 Ø 6 EQ Low Frequency 32Hz~2.0kHz L.Freq 6 Ø 7 EQ High Frequency 500Hz~16.0kHz H.Freq 9 Ø 7 EQ Low Gain -12dB~+12dB L.Gain 7 Ø 8 EQ High Gain -12dB~+12dB H.Gain 10 Ø 8 EQ High Frequency 500Hz~16.0kHz H.Freq 8 Ø 9 Delay Offset 0.0ms~50.0ms DlyOfst 4 9 EQ High Gain -12dB~+12dB H.Gain 9 Ø Feedback Level -63~+63 FBLevel 3 No. Parameter Value LCD 1 LFO Frequency 5~21 Speed 2 LFO Depth 0~127 Depth 3 LFO Phase Difference -180deg~+180deg Phase 4 LFO Phase Reset 5 10 MIDI Parameter Number Controller Ø 1 MIDI Parameter Number Controller 1 Ø [22] TEMPO DELAY2(stereo) [16] PHASER1 No. Parameter Value LCD 1 Delay Time 2~14 Time 2 Lag -63ms~+63ms Lag 5 3 L/R Diffusion -63ms~+63ms Diffuse 4 Ø 4 Feedback Level -63~+63 FBLevel 2 7 Ø 5 Feedback High Dump 0.1~1.0 FBHiDmp 3 Ø L.Gain 8 Ø 6 EQ Low Frequency 32Hz~2.0kHz L.Freq 6 Ø 500Hz~16.0kHz H.Freq 9 Ø 7 EQ Low Gain -12dB~+12dB L.Gain 7 Ø EQ High Gain -12dB~+12dB H.Gain 10 Ø 8 EQ High Frequency 500Hz~16.0kHz H.Freq 8 Ø 8 Stage 4, 5, 6 Stage 5 Ø 9 EQ High Gain -12dB~+12dB H.Gain 9 Ø 9 Phase Shift Offset 0~127 PhShift 3 Feedback Level -63~+63 FBLevel 4 No. Parameter Value LCD 1 LFO Frequency 0.0Hz~39.70Hz Speed 2 LFO Depth 0~127 Depth 3 Diffusion mono/stereo Diffuse 6 4 EQ Low Frequency 32Hz~2.0kHz L.Freq 5 EQ Low Gain -12dB~+12dB 6 EQ High Frequency 7 10 MIDI Parameter Number Controller Ø 1 Ø 2 MIDI Parameter Number Controller 1 [23] TEMPO CROSS DELAY No. [17] TEMPO PHASER No. MIDI Parameter Number Controller Parameter Value LCD 1 Delay Time L>R 2~14 TimeL>R MIDI Parameter Number Controller 1 2 Delay Time R>L 2~14 TimeR>L 2 3 Input Select L, R, L&R Input 5 Parameter Value LCD 1 LFO Frequency 5~21 Speed 1 2 LFO Depth 0~127 Depth 2 4 Lag -63ms~+63ms Lag 6 3 LFO Phase Reset off(free run), KeyOnReset, SEQ Start Reset PhaseReset 6 5 Feedback Level -63~+63 FBLevel 3 4 EQ Low Frequency 32Hz~2.0kHz L.Freq 7 Ø 6 Feedback High Dump 0.1~1.0 FBHiDmp 4 Ø 5 EQ Low Gain -12dB~+12dB L.Gain 8 Ø 7 EQ Low Frequency 32Hz~2.0kHz L.Freq 7 Ø 6 EQ High Frequency 500Hz~16.0kHz H.Freq 9 Ø 8 EQ Low Gain -12dB~+12dB L.Gain 8 Ø 7 EQ High Gain -12dB~+12dB H.Gain 10 Ø 9 EQ High Frequency 500Hz~16.0kHz H.Freq 9 Ø 8 Stage 4, 5, 6 Stage 5 Ø 10 EQ High Gain -12dB~+12dB H.Gain 10 Ø 9 Phase Shift Offset 0~127 PhShift 3 10 Feedback Level -63~+63 FBLevel 4 Parameter Value LCD 1 Delay Time L 0.1ms~740.0ms TimeL 1 2 Delay Time R 0.1ms~740.0ms TimeR 2 3 Feedback Time 1 0.1ms~740.0ms FBTime1 3 4 Feedback Time 2 0.1ms~740.0ms FBTime2 4 No. Parameter Value LCD 5 Feedback Level -63~+63 FBLevel 5 1 LFO Frequency 0.0Hz~39.70Hz Speed 1 Ø 6 Feedback High Damp 0.1~1.0 FBHiDmp 6 Ø 2 LFO Depth 0~127 Depth 2 Ø 7 EQ Low Frequency 32Hz~2.0kHz L.Freq 7 Ø 3 Input Mode mono/stereo Input 9 Ø Ø 3. Insertion Effect 1 [18] DELAY L,R(stereo) No. [0] THRU (None) MIDI Parameter Number Controller [1]~[4]CHORUS1~4 [5]~[8]CELESTE1~4 MIDI Parameter Number Controller 8 EQ Low Gain -12dB~+12dB L.Gain 8 Ø 4 EQ Low Frequency 32Hz~2.0kHz L.Freq 5 Ø 9 EQ High Frequency 500Hz~16.0kHz H.Freq 9 Ø 5 EQ Low Gain -12dB~+12dB L.Gain 6 Ø 10 EQ High Gain -12dB~+12dB H.Gain 10 Ø 6 EQ High Frequency 500Hz~16.0kHz H.Freq 7 Ø 7 EQ High Gain -12dB~+12dB H.Gain 8 Ø 8 Delay Offset 0.0ms~50.0ms DlyOfst 4 9 10 Feedback Level -63~+63 FBLevel 3 Ø Dry / Wet Balance D63>W ~D=W ~D<W63 Dry/Wet 10 Ø [19] CONTROL DELAY1(mono) No. Parameter Value LCD MIDI Parameter Number Controller 1 Ø 2 1 Delay Time 0.1ms~1480.0ms Time 2 Delay Transition Rate 1~48 Trnsitn 3 Feedback Level -63~+63 FBLevel 3 Ø 4 Feedback High Damp 0.1~1.0 FBHiDmp 4 Ø No. Parameter Value LCD 5 EQ Low Frequency 32Hz~2.0kHz L.Freq 5 Ø 1 LFO Frequency 0.0Hz~39.70Hz Speed 1 Ø 6 EQ Low Gain -12dB~+12dB L.Gain 6 Ø 2 LFO Depth 0~127 Depth 2 Ø 7 EQ High Frequency 500Hz~16.0kHz H.Freq 7 Ø 3 LFO Phase Difference -180deg~+180deg Phase 9 8 EQ High Gain -12dB~+12dB H.Gain 8 Ø 4 EQ Low Frequency 32Hz~2.0kHz L.Freq 5 Ø 5 EQ Low Gain -12dB~+12dB L.Gain 6 Ø 6 EQ High Frequency 500Hz~16.0kHz H.Freq 7 Ø 7 EQ High Gain -12dB~+12dB H.Gain 8 Ø 8 9 10 Delay Offset 0.0ms~50.0ms DlyOfst 4 Feedback Level -63~+63 FBLevel 3 Ø Dry / Wet Balance D63>W ~ D=W ~ D<W63 Dry/Wet 10 Ø [9]~[11] FLANGER1~3 [20] CONTROL DELAY2(stereo) No. Parameter Value LCD MIDI Parameter Number Controller 1 Ø 2 1 Delay Time 0.1ms~740.0ms Time 2 Delay Transition Rate 1~48 Trnsitn 3 Feedback Level -63~+63 FBLevel 3 Ø 4 Feedback High Damp 0.1~1.0 FBHiDmp 4 Ø 5 EQ Low Frequency 32Hz~2.0kHz L.Freq 5 Ø 6 EQ Low Gain -12dB~+12dB L.Gain 6 Ø 7 EQ High Frequency 500Hz~16.0kHz H.Freq 7 Ø 8 EQ High Gain -12dB~+12dB H.Gainl 8 Ø 18 MIDI Parameter Number Controller [12] PHASER1 No. [20] AUTO WAH Parameter Value LCD MIDI Parameter Number Controller Ø 1 Ø 2 1 LFO Frequency 0.0Hz~39.70Hz Speed 2 LFO Depth 0~127 Depth 3 EQ Low Frequency 32Hz~2.0kHz L.Freq 6 Ø 4 EQ Low Gain -12dB~+12dB L.Gain 7 5 EQ High Frequency 500Hz~16.0kHz H.Freq 6 EQ High Gain -12dB~+12dB 7 Stage 8 9 10 No. Parameter Value LCD 1 LFO Frequency 0.0Hz~39.70Hz Speed MIDI Parameter Number Controller Ø 1 Ø 2 2 LFO Depth 0~127 Depth 3 Cutoff Frequency Offset 0~127 Cutoff 3 Ø Ø 4 Resonanse 1~12.0 Reso 4 Ø 8 Ø 5 EQ Low Frequency 32Hz~2.0kHz L.Freq 5 Ø H.Gain 9 Ø 6 EQ Low Gain -12dB~+12dB L.Gain 6 Ø 4, 5, 6 Stage 5 Ø 7 EQ High Frequency 500Hz~16.0kHz H.Freq 7 Ø Phase Shift Offset 0~127 PhShift 3 8 EQ High Gain -12dB~+12dB H.Gain 8 Ø Feedback Level -63~+63 FBLevel 4 Ø 9 Dry / Wet Balance D63>W ~ D=W ~ D<W63 Dry/Wet 9 Ø Dry / Wet Balance D63>W ~ D=W ~ D<W63 Dry/Wet 10 Ø [21] TOUCH WAH [13] TREMOLO Parameter Value LCD MIDI Parmeter Number 1 Controller Ø 1 Sensitive 0~127 Sens 2 Cutoff Frequency Offset 0~127 Cutoff AMDepth 2 Ø 3 Resonanse 1~12.0 Reso 3 Ø 0~127 PMDepth 3 Ø 4 EQ Low Frequency 32Hz~2.0kHz L.Freq 4 Ø LFO Phase Difference -180deg~+180deg Phase 4 5 EQ Low Gain -12dB~+12dB L.Gain 5 Ø 5 EQ Low Frequency 32Hz~2.0kHz L.Freq 5 Ø 6 EQ High Frequency 500Hz~16.0kHz H.Freq 6 Ø 6 EQ Low Gain -12dB~+12dB L.Gain 6 Ø 7 EQ High Gain -12dB~+12dB H.Gain 7 Ø 7 EQ High Frequency 500Hz~16.0kHz H.Freq 7 Ø 8 Dry / Wet Balance D63>W ~ D=W ~ D<W63 Dry/Wet 8 Ø 8 EQ High Gain -12dB~+12dB H.Gain 8 Ø Input 9 No. No. Parameter Value LCD 1 LFO Frequency 0.0Hz~39.70Hz Speed 2 AM Depth 0~127 3 PM Depth 4 9 Input Mode mono/stereo MIDI Parameter Number Controller Ø 1 Ø 2 [22] 2BAND EQ No. [14] AUTO PAN No. Parameter Value LCD MIDI Parameter Number Controller Ø 1 Ø 2 1 LFO Frequency 0.0Hz~39.70Hz Speed 2 L/R Depth 0~127 L/RDpth 3 F/R Depth 0~127 F/RDpth 3 Ø Parameter Value LCD 1 EQ Low Frequency 32Hz~2.0kHz L.Freq MIDI Parameter Number Controller Ø 1 Ø 2 2 EQ Low Gain -12dB~+12dB L.Gain 3 EQ High Frequency 500Hz~16.0kHz H.Freq 3 Ø 4 EQ High Gain -12dB~+12dB H.Gain 4 Ø 4 PAN Direction L<>R, L>>R, L<<R, Lturn, Rturn, L/R (0 ~5) Directn 4 5 EQ Low Frequency 32Hz~2.0kHz L.Freq 5 Ø 6 EQ Low Gain -12dB~+12dB L.Gain 6 Ø 7 EQ High Frequency 500Hz~16.0kHz H.Freq 7 Ø No. Parameter Value LCD 8 EQ High Gain -12dB~+12dB H.Gain 8 Ø 1 EQ Low Frequency 50Hz~2.0kHz L.Freq 2 EQ Low Gain -12dB~+12dB L.Gain 3 EQ High Frequency 500Hz~16.0kHz H.Freq 6 Ø 4 EQ High Gain -12dB~+12dB H.Gain 7 Ø 5 EQ Mid Frequency 100Hz~10.0kHz M.Freq 3 Ø 6 EQ Mid Gain -12dB~+12dB M.Gain 4 Ø 7 EQ Mid Width 0.1~12.0 M.Width 5 Ø 8 Input Mode mono/stereo Input 8 Ø [23] 3BAND EQ [15] DISTORTION [16] OVERDRIVE No. Parameter Value LCD 1 Drive 0~127 Drive 2 Edge 0~127 Edge 3 Output Level 0~127 OutLvl 9 Ø 4 EQ Low Frequency 32Hz~2.0kHz L.Freq 2 Ø 5 EQ Low Gain -12dB~+12dB L.Gain 3 Ø 6 LPF Cutoff Frequency 1.0kHz~20.0kHz LPF 7 Ø 7 EQ Mid Frequency 100Hz~10.0kHz M.Freq 4 Ø No. Parameter Value LCD 8 EQ Mid Gain -12dB~+12dB M.Gain 5 Ø 1 HPF Cutoff Frequency 500Hz~+16.0kHz HPF 9 EQ Mid Width 0.1~12.0 M.Width 6 Ø 2 Drive 0~127 Drive Dry / Wet Balance D63>W ~ D=W ~ D<W63 Dry/Wetl 10 Ø 3 Mix Level 0~127 Mix Lvl 10 MIDI Parameter Number Controller Ø 1 Ø 8 MIDI Parameter Number Controller Ø 1 Ø 2 [24] HARMONIC ENHANCER MIDI Parameter Number Controller Ø 1 Ø 2 3 Ø [17] AMP SIMULATOR No. Parameter Value 1 AMP Type off, stack, combo, tube AmpType LCD MIDI Parameter Number Controller 2 Drive 0~127 Drive 1 Ø 3 Edge 0~127 Edge 4 Ø 4 Output Level 0~127 OutLvl 5 Ø 5 LPF Cutoff Frequency 1.0kHz~20.0kHz LPF 3 Ø 6 Dry / Wet Balance D63>W ~ D=W ~ D<W63 Dry/Wet 6 Ø 2 4. Insertion Effect 2 [0] THRU (None) [1] HALL1 ~ [8] PLATE No. [18] COMPRESSOR No. Parameter Value LCD 1 Attack 1ms~40ms Attack MIDI Parameter Number Controller 1 Ø 2 Release 10ms~680ms Release 2 Ø 3 Threshold -48dB~-6dB Thrshld 3 Ø 4 Ratio 1~20.0 Ratio 4 Ø 5 Output Level 0~127 OutLvl 5 Ø [19] NOISE GATE No. Parameter Value LCD 1 Attack 1ms~40ms Attack MIDI Parameter Number Controller Ø 1 Ø 2 2 Release 10ms~680ms Release 3 Threshold -72dB~-30dB Thrshld 3 Ø 4 Output Level 0~127 Out Lvl 4 Ø 19 Parameter Value LCD 1 Reverb Time 0.3s~30.0s RevTime MIDI Parameter Number Controller 2 Initial Delay 0.1ms~99.3ms InitDly 3 3 Reverb Delay 0.1ms~99.3ms RevDly 11 4 Dry / Wet Balance D63>W ~ D=W ~ D<W63 Dry/Wet 10 Ø 5 HPF Cutoff Frequency 20Hz~8.0kHz HPF 4 Ø 6 LPF Cutoff Frequency 1.0kHz~20.0kHz LPF 5 Ø 7 Diffusion 0~10 Diffuse 2 8 Density 0~4 Density 12 9 10 ER / Rev Balance E63>R ~ E=R ~ E<R63 ER/Rev 13 Ø Feedback Level -63~+63 FBLevel 15 Ø 11 Feedback High Damp 0.1~1.0 FBHiDmp 14 1 [14] CONTROL DELAY2(stereo) [9] DELAY L,C,R Parameter Value LCD No. Parameter Value LCD 1 Delay Time L 0.1ms~1486.0ms TimeL 1 1 Delay Time 0.1ms~743.0ms Time 1 Ø 2 Delay Time R 0.1ms~1486.0ms TimeR 2 2 Delay Transition Rate 1~48 Trnsitn 2 Ø 3 Delay Time C 0.1ms~1486.0ms TimeC 3 3 Dry / Wet Balance D63>W ~ D=W ~ D<W63 Dry/Wet 10 Ø 4 Dry / Wet Balance D63>W ~ D=W ~ D<W63 Dry/Wet 10 Ø 4 Control Type normal, scratch CtrType 11 Ø 5 Delay Level C 0~127 LevelC 6 Ø 5 Feedback Level -63~+63 FBLevel 3 Ø 6 Feedback Time 0.1ms~1486.0ms FBTime 4 6 Feedback High Damp 0.1~1.0 FBHiDmp 4 Ø 7 Feedback Level -63~+63 FBLevel 5 Ø 7 EQ Low Frequency 32Hz~2.0kHz L.Freq 6 Ø 8 Feedback High Damp 0.1~1.0 FBHiDmp 7 Ø 8 EQ Low Gain -12dB~+12dB L.Gain 7 Ø 9 10 EQ Low Frequency 32Hz~2.0kHz L.Freq 13 Ø EQ High Frequency 500Hz~16.0kHz H.Freq 8 Ø EQ Low Gain -12dB~+12dB L.Gain 14 Ø 9 10 EQ High Gain -12dB~+12dB H.Gain 9 Ø 11 EQ High Frequency 500Hz~16.0kHz H.Freq 15 Ø 12 EQ High Gain -12dB~+12dB H.Gain 16 Ø No. MIDI Parameter Number Controller MIDI Parameter Number Controller [15] TEMPO DELAY1(mono) [10] DELAY L,R No. MIDI Parameter Number Controller No. Parameter Value LCD 1 Delay Time 2~14 Time MIDI Parameter Number Controller 2 Dry / Wet Balance D63>W ~ D=W ~ D<W63 Dry/Wet 10 3 Lag -63ms~+63ms Lag 6 4 L/R Diffusion -63ms~+63ms Diffuse 5 5 Feedback Level -63~+63 FBLevel 1 Ø Parameter Value LCD 1 Delay Time L 0.1ms~1486.0ms TimeL 2 Delay Time R 0.1ms~1486.0ms TimeR 3 Dry / Wet Balance D63>W ~ D=W ~ D<W63 Dry/Wet 10 3 Ø 4 Feedback Time 1 0.1ms~1486.0ms FBTime1 3 6 Feedback High Dump 0.1~1.0 FBHiDmp 4 Ø 5 Feedback Time 2 0.1ms~1486.0ms FBTime2 4 7 EQ Low Frequency 32Hz~2.0kHz L.Freq 13 Ø 6 Feedback Level -63~+63 FBLevel 5 Ø 8 EQ Low Gain -12dB~+12dB L.Gain 14 Ø 7 Feedback High Damp 0.1~1.0 FBHiDmp 6 Ø EQ High Frequency 500Hz~16.0kHz H.Freq 15 Ø 8 EQ Low Frequency 32Hz~2.0kHz L.Freq 13 Ø 9 10 EQ High Gain -12dB~+12dB H.Gain 16 Ø 9 10 EQ Low Gain -12dB~+12dB L.Gain 14 Ø EQ High Frequency 500Hz~16.0kHz H.Freq 15 Ø 11 EQ High Gain -12dB~+12dB H.Gain 16 Ø 1 2 Ø [16] TEMPO DELAY2(stereo) [11] ECHO No. MIDI Parameter Number Controller No. Parameter Value LCD 1 Delay Time 2~14 Time MIDI Parameter Number Controller 2 Dry / Wet Balance D63>W ~ D=W ~ D<W63 Dry/Wet 10 3 Lag -63ms~+63ms Lag 6 1 Ø Parameter Value LCD 1 Delay Time L1 0.1ms~743.0ms TimeL1 1 4 L/R Diffusion -63ms~+63ms Diffuse 5 2 Delay Time R1 0.1ms~743.0ms TimeR1 3 5 Feedback Level -63~+63 FBLevel 3 Ø 3 Dry / Wet Balance D63>W ~ D=W ~ D<W63 Dry/Wet 10 Ø 6 Feedback High Dump 0.1~1.0 FBHiDmp 4 Ø 4 Feedback Level L -63~+63 FBLvlL 2 Ø 7 EQ Low Frequency 32Hz~2.0kHz L.Freq 13 Ø 5 Feedback Level R -63~+63 FBLvlR 4 Ø 8 EQ Low Gain -12dB~+12dB L.Gain 14 Ø 6 Feedback High Damp 0.1~1.0 FBHiDmp 5 Ø EQ High Frequency 500Hz~16.0kHz H.Freq 15 Ø 7 Delay Time L2 0.1ms~743.0ms TimeL2 6 9 10 EQ High Gain -12dB~+12dB H.Gain 16 Ø 8 Delay Time R2 0.1ms~743.0ms TimeR2 7 9 10 Delay Level 0~127 Level2 8 Ø EQ Low Frequency 32Hz~2.0kHz L.Freq 13 Ø 11 EQ Low Gain -12dB~+12dB L.Gain 14 Ø No. Parameter Value LCD 12 EQ High Frequency 500Hz~16.0kHz H.Freq 15 Ø 1 Delay Time L>R 2~14 TimeL>R 1 13 EQ High Gain -12dB~+12dB H.Gain 16 Ø 2 Delay Time R>L 2~14 TimeR>L 2 3 Input Select L, R, L&R Input 4 Dry / Wet Balance D63>W ~ D=W ~D<W63 Dry/Wet 10 5 Lag -63ms~ +63ms Lag 8 [17] TEMPO CROSS DELAY [12] CROSS DELAY No. MIDI Parameter Number Controller MIDI Parameter Number Controller 6 Ø Parameter Value LCD 6 Feedback Level -63~+63 FBLevel 4 Ø 1 Delay Time L>R 0.1ms~743.0ms TimeL>R 1 7 Feedback High Dump 0.1~1.0 FBHiDmp 5 Ø 2 Delay Time R>L 0.1ms~743.0ms TimeR>L 2 8 EQ Low Frequency 32Hz~2.0kHz L.Freq 13 Ø 3 Input Select L, R, L&R Input 4 EQ Low Gain -12dB~+12dB L.Gain 14 Ø 4 Dry / Wet Balance D63>W ~ D=W ~ D<W63 Dry/Wet 10 Ø 9 10 EQ High Frequency 500Hz~16.0kHz H.Freq 15 Ø 5 Feedback Level -63~+63 FBLevel 3 Ø 11 EQ High Gain -12dB~+12dB H.Gain 16 Ø 6 Feedback High Damp 0.1~1.0 FBHiDmp 5 Ø 7 EQ Low Frequency 32Hz~2.0kHz L.Freq 13 Ø 8 EQ Low Gain -12dB~+12dB L.Gain 14 Ø 9 10 EQ High Frequency 500Hz~16.0kHz H.Freq 15 Ø No. Parameter Value LCD EQ High Gain -12dB~+12dB H.Gain 16 Ø 1 Type S-hall, L-hall, random, Type reverse, plate, spring 2 Room Size 3 Dry / Wet Balance 4 Diffusion Size 0.1~20.0 D63>W ~ D=W ~ D<W63 Dry/Wet Diffuse 0 ~ 10 [18]~[19] EARLY REF1~2 [13] CONTROL DELAY1(mono) MIDI Parameter Number Controller MIDI Parameter Number Controller 1 2 10 Ø 3 No. Parameter Value LCD 1 Delay Time 0.1ms~1486.0ms Time 1 Ø 5 Initial Delay 0.1ms~200.0ms InitDly 4 2 Delay Transition Rate 1~48 Trnsitn 2 Ø 6 Liveness 0 ~ 10 Livenss 11 3 Dry / Wet Balance D63>W ~ D=W ~ D<W63 Dry/Wet 10 Ø 7 Density 0~3 Density 12 4 Control Type normal, scratch CtrType 11 Ø 8 HPF Cutoff Frequency 20Hz~8.0kHz HPF 6 Ø 5 Feedback Level -63~+63 FBLevel 3 Ø LPF Cutoff Frequency 1.0kHz~20.0kHz LPF 7 Ø 6 Feedback High Damp 0.1~1.0 FBHiDmp 4 Ø 9 10 Feedback Level -63~+63 FBLevel 5 Ø 7 EQ Low Frequency 32Hz~2.0kHz L.Freq 6 Ø 11 Feedback High Damp 0.1~1.0 FBHiDmp 13 8 EQ Low Gain -12dB~+12dB L.Gain 7 Ø 9 10 EQ High Frequency 500Hz~16.0kHz H.Freq 8 Ø EQ High Gain -12dB~+12dB H.Gain 9 Ø 20 [20] GATE REVERB [21] REVERSE GATE No. [36]~[38] FLANGER1~3 Parameter Value LCD 1 Type Type-A, Type-B Type 1 2 Room Size 0.1~20.0 Size 2 3 Dry / Wet Balance D63>W ~ D=W ~ D<W63 Dry/Wet 10 4 Diffusion 0 ~ 10 Diffuse 3 5 Initial Delay 0.1ms~200.0ms InitDly 4 6 Liveness 0 ~ 10 Livenss 11 7 Density 0~3 Density 12 8 HPF Cutoff Frequency 20Hz~8.0kHz HPF 6 Ø 9 10 LPF Cutoff Frequency 1.0kHz~20.0kHz LPF 7 Ø Feedback Level -63~+63 FBLevel 5 Ø 11 Feedback High Damp 0.1~1.0 FBHiDmp 13 No. MIDI Parameter Number Controller Ø Parameter Value LCD 1 LFO Frequency 0.0Hz~39.70Hz Speed MIDI Parameter Number Controller 1 Ø 2 LFO Depth 0~127 Depth 2 Ø 3 LFO Phase Difference -180deg~+180deg Phase 14 4 EQ Low Frequency 32Hz~2.0kHz L.Freq 6 Ø 5 EQ Low Gain -12dB~+12dB L.Gain 7 Ø 6 EQ High Frequency 500Hz~16.0kHz H.Freq 8 Ø 7 EQ High Gain -12dB~+12dB H.Gain 9 Ø 8 EQ Mid Frequency 100Hz~10.0kHz M.Freq 11 Ø 9 10 EQ Mid Gain -12dB~+12dB M.Gain 12 Ø EQ Mid Width 0.1~12.0 M.Width 13 Ø 11 Delay Offset 0.0ms~50.0ms DlyOfst 4 12 Feedback Leve -63~+63 FBLevel 3 Ø 13 Dry / Wet Balance D63>W ~ D=W ~ D<W63 Dry/Wet 10 Ø [22]~[24] KARAOKE1~3 No. Parameter Value LCD 1 Delay Time 0.1ms~400.0ms DlyTime MIDI Parameter Number Controller 2 Feedback Level -63~+63 FBLevel 2 Ø 3 Dry / Wet Balance D63>W ~ D=W ~ D<W63 Dry/Wet 10 Ø 4 HPF Cutoff Frequency 20Hz~8.0kHz HPF 3 Ø 5 LPF Cutoff Frequency 1.0kHz~20.0kHz LPF 4 Ø [39] V-FLANGER 1 No. [25]~[29] CHORUS1~5 [30]~[33] CELESTE1~4 No. 1 MIDI Parameter Number Controller Ø 1 Parameter Value LCD 1 LFO Frequency 0.0Hz~39.70Hz Speed MIDI Parameter Number Controller 1 Ø 2 LFO Depth 0~127 Depth 2 Ø 3 LFO Wave Triangle, Sine, Random Wave 3 4 Modulation Phase -180~+180 Phase 5 5 EQ Low Frequency 32Hz~2.0kHz L.Freq 6 Ø 6 EQ Low Gain -12dB~+12dB L.Gain 7 Ø 7 EQ High Frequency 500Hz~16.0kHz H.Freq 8 Ø 8 EQ High Gain -12dB~+12dB H.Gain 9 Ø 9 10 EQ Mid Frequency 100Hz~10.0kHz M.Freq 11 Ø EQ Mid Gain -12dB~+12dB M.Gain 12 Ø Parameter LFO Frequency Value 0.0Hz~39.70Hz LCD Speed 2 LFO Depth 0~127 Depth 2 3 Input Mode mono/stereo Input 15 11 EQ Mid Width 0.1~12.0 M.Width 13 Ø 4 EQ Low Frequency 32Hz~2.0kHz L.Freq 6 Ø 12 Analog Feel 0~10 Analog 16 Ø 5 EQ Low Gain -12dB~+12dB L.Gain 7 Ø 13 Feedback Gain -100~+100% FBLevel 14 Ø 6 EQ High Frequency 500Hz~16.0kHz H.Freq 8 Ø 14 Feedback High Damp 0.1~1.0 FBHiDmp 15 Ø 7 EQ High Gain -12dB~+12dB H.Gain 9 Ø 15 Delay Offset 0.09~36.21ms DlyOfst 4 8 EQ Mid Frequency 100Hz~10.0kHz M.Freq 11 Ø 16 Dry / Wet Balance D63>W ~ D=W ~ D<W63 Dry/Wet 9 10 EQ Mid Gain -12dB~+12dB M.Gain 12 Ø EQ Mid Width 0.1~12.0 M.Width 13 Ø 11 Delay Offset 0.0ms~50.0ms DlyOfst 4 12 Feedback Leve -63~+63 FBLevel 3 Ø 13 Dry / Wet Balance D63>W ~ D=W ~ D<W63 Dry/Wet 10 Ø Ø 10 Ø [40] TEMPO FLANGER No. [34] SYMPHONIC Parameter Value LCD 1 LFO Frequency 5~21 Speed MIDI Parameter Number Controller 1 Ø 2 LFO Depth 0~127 Depth 2 Ø 3 LFO Phase Difference -180deg~+180deg Phase 14 4 LFO Phase Reset off(free run), KeyOnReset, SEQ Start Reset Reset 5 Parameter Value LCD 5 EQ Low Frequency 32Hz~2.0kHz L.Freq 6 Ø 1 LFO Frequency 0.0Hz~39.70Hz Speed 1 Ø 6 EQ Low Gain -12dB~+12dB L.Gain 7 Ø 2 LFO Depth 0~127 Depth 2 Ø 7 EQ High Frequency 500Hz~16.0kHz H.Freq 8 Ø 3 Delay Offset 0.0ms~50.0ms DlyOfst 4 8 EQ High Gain -12dB~+12dB H.Gain 9 Ø 4 EQ Low Frequency 32Hz~2.0kHz L.Freq 6 Ø EQ Mid Frequency 100Hz~10.0kHz M.Freq 11 Ø 5 EQ Low Gain -12dB~+12dB L.Gain 7 Ø 9 10 EQ Mid Gain -12dB~+12dB M.Gain 12 Ø 6 EQ High Frequency 500Hz~16.0kHz H.Freq 8 Ø 11 EQ Mid Width 0.1~12.0 M.Width 13 Ø 7 EQ High Gain -12dB~+12dB H.Gain 9 Ø 12 Delay Offset 0.0ms~50.0ms DlyOfst 4 8 EQ Mid Frequency 100Hz~10.0kHz M.Freq 11 Ø 13 Feedback Level -63~+63 FBLevel 3 Ø 9 10 EQ Mid Gain -12dB~+12dB M.Gain 12 Ø 14 Dry / Wet Balance D63>W ~ D=W ~ D<W63 Dry/Wet 10 Ø EQ Mid Width 0.1~12.0 M.Width 13 Ø 11 Dry / Wet Balance D63>W ~ D=W ~ D<W63 Dry/Wet 10 Ø No. MIDI Parameter Number Controller [41] PHASER1 No. Parameter Value LCD 1 LFO Frequency 0.0Hz~39.70Hz Speed 1 Ø 2 LFO Depth 0~127 Depth 2 Ø 3 Diffusion mono/stereo Diffuse 12 4 EQ Low Frequency 32Hz~2.0kHz L.Freq 6 Ø 5 EQ Low Gain -12dB~+12dB L.Gain 7 Ø Ø 6 EQ High Frequency 500Hz~16.0kHz H.Freq 8 Ø 11 Ø 7 EQ High Gain -12dB~+12dB H.Gain 9 Ø L.Gain 12 Ø 8 Stage 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 Stage 11 Ø 500Hz~16.0kHz H.Freq 13 Ø 0~127 PhShift 3 H.Gain 14 Ø 9 10 11 Phase Shift Offset -12dB~+12dB Feedback Level -63~+63 FBLevel 4 Ø Dry / Wet Balance D63>W ~ D=W ~ D<W63 Dry/Wet 10 Ø [35] ENSEMBLE DETUNE No. Parameter Value LCD MIDI Parameter Number Controller 1 Detune -50cent~+50cent Detune 1 2 Initial Delay Lch 0.0ms~50.0ms DelayL 2 3 Initial Delay Rch 0.0ms~50.0ms DelayR 3 4 Dry / Wet Balance D63>W ~ D=W ~ D<W63 Dry/Wet 10 5 EQ Low Frequency 32Hz~2.0kHz L.Freq 6 EQ Low Gain -12dB~+12dB 7 EQ High Frequency 8 EQ High Gain 21 MIDI Parameter Number Controller [47] DISTORTION+ROTARY SPEAKER1 [48] OVERDrive+ROTARY SPEAKER1 [42] PHASER2 No. Parameter Value LCD Parameter Value LCD 1 LFO Frequency 0.0Hz~39.70Hz Speed MIDI Parameter Number Controller 1 Ø 1 LFO Frequency 0.0Hz~39.70Hz Speed 1 Ø 2 LFO Depth 0~127 Depth 2 Ø 2 LFO Depth 0 ~ 127 Depth 2 Ø 3 LFO Phase Difference -180deg~+180deg Phase 13 3 Dist. Drive 0 ~ 127 Drive 14 Ø 4 EQ Low Frequency 32Hz~2.0kHz L.Freq 6 Ø 4 Dist. LPF Cutoff Freq 1.0kHz~18.0kHz, thru LPF 15 Ø 5 EQ Low Gain -12dB~+12dB L.Gain 7 Ø 5 Dist. Output Level 0 ~ 127 DrivOut 16 Ø 6 EQ High Frequency 500Hz~16.0kHz H.Freq 8 Ø 6 EQ Low Frequency 32Hz~2.0kHz L.Freq 6 Ø 7 EQ High Gain -12dB~+12dB H.Gain 9 Ø 7 EQ Low Gain -12dB~+12dB L.Gain 7 Ø 8 Stage 3, 4, 5, 6 Stage 11 Ø 8 EQ High Frequency 500Hz~16.0kHz H.Freq 8 Ø 9 10 Phase Shift Offset 0~127 PhShift 3 9 EQ High Gain -12dB~+12dB H.Gain 9 Ø Feedback Level -63~+63 FBLevel 4 Ø 11 Dry / Wet Balance D63>W ~ D=W ~ D<W63 Dry/Wet 10 Ø No. MIDI Parameter Number Controller [49] AMP SIMULATOR+ROTARY SPEAKER1 No. [43] TEMPO PHASER No. Parameter Value LCD 1 LFO Frequency 5~21 Speed 2 LFO Depth 0~127 3 LFO Phase Difference -180deg~+180deg 4 LFO Phase Reset 5 MIDI Parameter Number Controller Parameter Value LCD 1 LFO Frequency 0.0Hz~39.70Hz Speed MIDI Parameter Number Controller 1 Ø 2 LFO Depth 0 ~ 127 Depth 2 Ø 1 Ø 3 AMP Type off, stack, combo, tube AmpType 3 Depth 2 Ø 4 AMP Drive 0 ~ 127 Drive 14 Ø Phase 13 5 AMP LPF Cutoff Freq 1.0kHz~18.0kHz, thru LPF 15 Ø off(free run), KeyOnReset, SEQ Start Reset Reset 5 6 AMP Output Level 0 ~ 127 AmpOut 16 Ø EQ Low Frequency 32Hz~2.0kHz L.Freq 6 Ø 7 EQ Low Frequency 32Hz~2.0kHz L.Freq 6 Ø 6 EQ Low Gain -12dB~+12dB L.Gain 7 Ø 8 EQ Low Gain -12dB~+12dB L.Gain 7 Ø 7 EQ High Frequency 500Hz~16.0kHz H.Freq 8 Ø EQ High Frequency 500Hz~16.0kHz H.Freq 8 Ø 8 EQ High Gain -12dB~+12dB H.Gain 9 Ø 9 10 EQ High Gain -12dB~+12dB H.Gain 9 Ø 9 10 Stage 3, 4, 5, 6 Stage 11 Ø Phase Shift Offset 0~127 PhShift 3 11 Feedback Level -63~+63 FBLevel 4 Ø 12 Dry / Wet Balance D63>W ~ D=W ~ D<W63 Dry/Wet 10 Ø [50] ROTARY SPEAKER2 No. [44] TREMOLO No. MIDI Parameter Number Controller Parameter Value LCD 1 Rotor Speed 0.0Hz~39.70Hz Speed MIDI Parameter Number Controller Ø 1 2 Drive Low 0~127 DriveLo 2 Ø 3 Drive High 0~127 DriveHi 3 Ø 4 Low / High Balance L63>H ~ L=H ~ L<H63 Low/Hi 4 Ø Parameter Value LCD 1 LFO Frequency 0.0Hz~39.70Hz Speed 1 Ø 5 Mic L-R Angle 0deg~180deg MicAngl 5 2 AM Depth 0~127 AMDepth 2 Ø 6 Divide Frequency 100Hz~10.0kHz CrosOvr 11 3 PM Depth 0~127 PMDepth 3 Ø 7 EQ Low Frequency 32Hz~2.0kHz L.Freq 6 Ø 4 LFO Phase Difference -180deg~+180deg Phase 14 8 EQ Low Gain -12dB~+12dB L.Gain 7 Ø 5 EQ Low Frequency 32Hz~2.0kHz L.Freq 6 Ø 9 EQ High Frequency 500Hz~16.0kHz H.Freq 8 Ø 6 EQ Low Gain -12dB~+12dB L.Gain 7 Ø 10 EQ High Gain -12dB~+12dB H.Gain 9 Ø 7 EQ High Frequency 500Hz~16.0kHz H.Freq 8 Ø 8 EQ High Gain -12dB~+12dB H.Gain 9 Ø 9 10 EQ Mid Frequency 100Hz~10.0kHz M.Freq 11 Ø EQ Mid Gain -12dB~+12dB M.Gain 12 Ø 11 EQ Mid Width 0.1~12.0 M.Width 13 Ø 12 Input Mode mono/stereo Input 15 [51] DISTORTION+ROTARY SPEAKER2 [52] OVERDrive+ROTARY SPEAKER2 No. [45] AUTO PAN No. MIDI Parameter Number Controller Parameter Value LCD 1 Rotor Speed 0.0Hz~39.70Hz Speed MIDI Parameter Number Controller 1 Ø 2 Drive Low 0 ~ 127 DriveLo 2 Ø 3 Drive High 0 ~ 127 DriveHi 3 Ø 4 Low/High Balance L63>H ~ L=H ~ L<H63 Low/Hi 4 Ø 5 Mic L-R Angle 0deg~180deg MicAngl 12 Parameter Value LCD 6 Divide Frequency 100Hz~10.0kHz CrosOvr 11 1 LFO Frequency 0.0Hz~39.70Hz Speed 1 Ø 7 Dist.Drive 0 ~ 127 Drive 14 Ø 2 L/R Depth 0~127 L/RDpth 2 Ø 8 Dist. LPF Cutoff Freq 1.0kHz~18.0kHz, thru LPF 15 Ø 3 F/R Depth 0~127 F/RDpth 3 Ø 0 ~ 127 DrivOut 16 Ø PAN Direction L<>R, L>>R, L<<R, Lturn, Rturn, L/R(0~5) Directn 4 9 10 Dist. Output Level 4 EQ Low Frequency 32Hz~2.0kHz L.Freq 6 Ø 5 EQ Low Frequency 32Hz~2.0kHz L.Freq 6 Ø 11 EQ Low Gain -12dB~+12dB L.Gain 7 Ø 6 EQ Low Gain -12dB~+12dB L.Gain 7 Ø 12 EQ High Frequency 500Hz~16.0kHz H.Freq 8 Ø 7 EQ High Frequency 500Hz~16.0kHz H.Freq 8 Ø 13 EQ High Gain -12dB~+12dB H.Gain 9 Ø 8 EQ High Gain -12dB~+12dB H.Gain 9 Ø 9 10 EQ Mid Frequency 100Hz~10.0kHz M.Freq 11 Ø EQ Mid Gain -12dB~+12dB M.Gain 12 Ø 11 EQ Mid Width 0.1~12.0 M.Width 13 Ø [53] AMP SIM.+ROTARY SPEAKER2 No. [46] ROTARY SPEAKER1 No. MIDI Parameter Number Controller Parameter Value LCD 1 Rotor Speed 0.0Hz~39.70Hz Speed MIDI Parameter Number Controller 1 Ø 2 Drive Low 0 ~ 127 DriveLo 2 Ø 3 Drive High 0 ~ 127 DriveHi 3 Ø Ø Parameter Value LCD 4 Low/High Balance L63>H ~ L=H ~ L<H63 Low/Hi 4 1 LFO Frequency 0.0Hz~39.70Hz Speed 1 Ø 5 Mic L-R Angle 0deg~180deg MicAngl 12 2 LFO Depth 0~127 Depth 2 Ø 6 Divide Frequency 100Hz~10.0kHz CrosOvr 11 3 EQ Low Frequency 32Hz~2.0kHz L.Freq 6 Ø 7 AMP Type off, stack, combo, tube AmpType 13 4 EQ Low Gain -12dB~+12dB L.Gain 7 Ø 8 AMP Drive 0 ~ 127 Drive 14 Ø 5 EQ High Frequency 500Hz~16.0kHz H.Freq 8 Ø AMP LPF Cutoff Freq 1.0kHz~18.0kHz, thru LPF 15 Ø 6 EQ High Gain -12dB~+12dB H.Gain 9 Ø 9 10 AMP Output Level 0 ~ 127 AmpOut 16 Ø 7 EQ Mid Frequency 100Hz~10.0kHz M.Freq 11 Ø 11 EQ Low Frequency 32Hz~2.0kHz L.Freq 6 Ø 8 EQ Mid Gain -12dB~+12dB M.Gain 12 Ø 12 EQ Low Gain -12dB~+12dB L.Gain 7 Ø 9 10 EQ Mid Width 0.1~12.0 M.Width 13 Ø 13 EQ High Frequency 500Hz~16.0kHz H.Freq 8 Ø Dry / Wet Balance D63>W ~ D=W ~ D<W63 Dry/Wet 10 Ø 14 EQ High Gain -12dB~+12dB H.Gain 9 Ø 22 [54] ROTARY SPEAKER3 [55] ROTARY SPEAKER4 No. [60] AMP SIMULATOR Parameter Value LCD 1 Speed Control sLow, fast Speed MIDI Parameter Number Controller 16 Ø 2 SLow-Fast Time of R 0~127 Trans:Rotor 5 Ø 3 SLow-Fast Time of H 0~127 Trans:Horn 6 Ø 4 Rotor Speed SLow 0.0Hz~2.65Hz Rotor-Slw 1 Ø 5 Horn Speed SLow 0.0Hz~2.65Hz Horn-Slw 2 Ø 6 Rotor Speed Fast 2.69Hz~39.70Hz Rotor-Fst 3 Ø 7 Horn Speed Fast 2.69Hz~39.70Hz Horn-Fst 4 Ø 8 9 Mic L-R Angle 0deg~180deg MicAngl 15 Drive Low 0~127 DriveLo 7 Ø 10 Drive High 0~127 DriveHi 8 Ø 11 Low/High Balance L63>H ~ L=H ~ L<H63 Low/Hi 9 Ø 12 EQ Low Frequency 32Hz~2.0kHz L.Freq 11 Ø 13 EQ Low Gain -12dB~+12dB L.Gain 12 Ø 14 EQ High Frequency 500Hz~16.0kHz H.Freq 13 Ø 15 EQ High Gain -12dB~+12dB H.Gain 14 Ø Parameter Value 1 AMP Type off, stack, combo, tube AmpType LCD MIDI Parameter Number Controller 2 Drive 0~127 Drive 1 Ø 3 Edge 0~127 Edge 11 Ø 4 Output Level 0~127 OutLvl 4 Ø 5 LPF Cutoff Frequency 1.0kHz~20.0kHz LPF 3 Ø 6 Dry / Wet Balance D63>W ~ D=W ~ D<W63 Dry/Wet 10 Ø 2 [61] DIST+DELAY [62] OVERDRIVE+DELAY [56] DISTORTION No. No. MIDI Parameter Number Controller MIDI Parameter Number Controller No. Parameter Value LCD 1 Dist. Drive 0~127 Drive 6 Ø 2 Dist. EQ Low Gain -12dB~+12dB EQ-Low 8 Ø 3 Dist. EQ Mid Gain -12dB~+2dB EQ-Mid 9 Ø 4 Dist Output Level 0~127 DrivOut 7 Ø 5 Delay Time L 0.1ms~1486.0ms DelayL 1 6 Delay Time R 0.1ms~1486.0ms DelayR 2 7 Delay Feedback Time 0.1ms~1486.0ms FBTime 3 8 Delay Feedback Leve -63~+63 FBLevel 4 Ø 9 Delay mix 0~127 DlyMix 5 Ø 10 Dry / Wet Balance D63>W ~ D=W ~ D<W63 Dry/Wet 10 Ø Parameter Value LCD 1 Drive 0~127 Drive 1 Ø 2 Edge 0~127 Edge 11 Ø 3 Output Level 0~127 OutLvl 5 Ø 4 EQ Low Frequency 32Hz~2.0kHz L.Freq 2 Ø No. Parameter Value LCD 5 EQ Low Gain -12dB~+12dB L.Gain 3 Ø 1 Attack 1ms~40ms Attack 1 Ø 6 LPF Cutoff Frequency 1.0kHz~20.0kHz LPF 4 Ø 2 Release 10ms~680ms Release 2 Ø 7 EQ Mid Frequency 100Hz~10.0kHz M.Freq 7 Ø 3 Threshold -48dB~’-6dB Thrshld 3 Ø 8 EQ Mid Gain -12dB~+12dB M.Gain 8 Ø 4 Ratio 1~20.0 Ratio 4 Ø 9 10 EQ Mid Width 0.1~12.0 M.Width 9 Ø 5 Output Level 0~127 OutLvl 5 Ø Dry / Wet Balance D63>W ~ D=W ~ D<W63 Dry/Wet 10 Ø [63] COMPRESSOR1 MIDI Parameter Number Controller [64] NOISE GATE [57] COMP DISTORTION Parameter Value LCD 1 Attack 1ms~40ms Attack 1 Ø Ø 2 Release 10ms~680ms Release 2 Ø 13 Ø 3 Threshold -72dB~’-30dB Thrshld 3 Ø Thrshld 14 Ø 4 Output Level 0~127 OutLvl 4 Ø 1~20.0 Ratio 15 Ø EQ Low Frequency 32Hz~2.0kHz L.Freq 2 Ø EQ Low Gain -12dB~+12dB L.Gain 3 Ø 7 Drive 0~127 Drive 1 Ø No. Parameter Value LCD 8 Output Level 0~127 OutLvl 5 Ø 1 Comp. Attack 1ms~40ms Attack 11 Ø 9 10 EQ Mid Frequency 100Hz~10.0kHz M.Freq 7 Ø 2 Comp. Release 10ms~680ms Release 12 Ø EQ Mid Gain -12dB~+12dB M.Gain 8 Ø 3 Comp. Threshold -48dB~-6dB Thrshld 13 Ø 11 EQ Mid Width 0.1~12.0 M.Width 9 Ø 4 Comp. Ratio 1~20.0 Ratio 14 Ø 12 Edge 0~127 Edge 11 Ø 5 Dist. Drive 0~127 Drive 4 Ø 13 LPF Cutoff Frequency 1.0kHz~20.0kHz LPF 4 Ø 6 Dist. EQ Low Gain -12dB~+12dB EQ-Low 6 Ø 14 Dry / Wet Balance D63>W ~ D=W ~ D<W63 Dry/Wet 10 Ø 7 Dist. EQ Mid Gain -12dB~+12dB EQ-Mid 7 Ø 8 Dist Output Level 0~127 DrivOut 5 Ø 9 10 Delay Time 0.1ms~1486.0ms DlyTime 1 Delay Feedback Level -63~+63 FBLevel 2 Ø 11 Delay Mix 0~127 DlyMix 3 Ø 12 Dry / Wet Balance D63>W ~ D=W ~ D<W63 Dry/Wet 10 Ø No. No. Parameter Value LCD MIDI Parameter Number Controller 1 Attack 1ms~40ms Attack 12 2 Release 10ms~680ms Release 3 Threshold -48dB~'-6dB 4 Ratio 5 6 MIDI Parameter Number Controller [65] COMP+DIST+DELAY [66] COMP+ODRV+DELAY [58] V-DISTORTION MIDI Parameter Number Controller MIDI Parameter Number Controller No. Parameter Value LCD 1 Over Drive 0 ~ 100% OverDr 1 2 Device Transister, Vintage Tube,Dsitortion1, Dsitortion2, Fuzz Device 2 3 Speaker Type Flat, Stack, Combo, Twin, Radio, Megaphone Speaker 3 4 Presence -10 ~ 10 Presenc 4 5 Delay Time L 0.1ms~1486.0ms DelayL 6 No. Parameter Value LCD 6 Delay Time R 0.1ms~1486.0ms DelayR 7 1 Pitch -24~+24 Pitch 1 7 Feedback Time 0.1ms~1486.0ms FBTime 8 2 Initial Delay 0.1ms~248.9ms InitDly 2 8 Feedback Level -63~+63 FBLevel 9 Ø 3 Feedback Level -63~+63 FBLevel 5 Ø 9 10 Feedback High Damp 0.1~1.0 FBHiDmp 12 Ø 4 Dry / Wet Balance D63>W ~ D=W ~ D<W63 Dry/Wet 10 Ø Output Level 0 ~ 100% DistLvl 5 Ø 5 Fine1 -50~+50 Fine1 3 11 Delay Mix 0 ~ 127 DlyMix 11 Ø 6 Fine2 -50~+50 Fine2 4 12 Dry/Wet Balance D63>W ~ D=W ~ D<W63 Dry/Wet 10 Ø 7 Pan1 L63~C~R63 Pan1 11 Ø 8 Output Level1 0~127 OutLvl1 12 Ø 9 10 Pan2 L63~C~R63 Pan2 13 Ø Output Level2 0~127 OutLvl2 14 Ø Ø [67] PITCH CHANGE1 [68] PITCH CHANGE2 Ø [59] OVERDRIVE No. Parameter Value LCD MIDI Parameter Number Controller 1 Drive 0~127 Drive 1 Ø 2 Edge 0~127 Edge 11 Ø 3 Output Level 0~127 OutLvl 5 Ø 4 EQ Low Frequency 32Hz~2.0kHz L.Freq 2 Ø 5 EQ Low Gain -12dB~+12dB L.Gain 3 Ø 6 LPF Cutoff Frequency 1.0kHz~20.0kHz LPF 4 Ø 7 EQ Mid Frequency 100Hz~10.0kHz M.Freq 7 Ø 8 EQ Mid Gain -12dB~+12dB M.Gain 8 Ø 9 10 EQ Mid Width 0.1~12.0 M.Width 9 Ø Dry / Wet Balance D63>W ~ D=W ~ D<W63 Dry/Wet 10 Ø MIDI Parameter Number Controller In [68] PITCH CHANGE 2, the unit of Fine 1 and Fine 2 (numbers 5 and 6) is cent. [69] AUTO WAH No. 23 Parameter Value LCD 1 LFO Frequency 0.0Hz~39.70Hz Speed MIDI Parameter Number Controller 1 Ø 2 LFO Depth 0~127 Depth 2 Ø 3 Cutoff Frequency Offset 0~127 Cutoff 3 Ø 4 Resonance 1~12.0 Reso 4 Ø 5 EQ Low Frequency 32Hz~2.0kHz L.Freq 6 Ø 6 EQ Low Gain -12dB~+12dB L.Gain 7 Ø 7 EQ High Frequency 500Hz~16.0kHz H.Freq 8 Ø 8 EQ High Gain -12dB~+12dB H.Gain 9 Ø 9 Dry / Wet Balance D63>W ~ D=W ~ D<W63 Dry/Wet 10 Ø [78] LOW RESOLUTION [70] AUTO WAH + DIST [71] AUTO WAH + OVERDRIVE No. Parameter Value LCD 1 Mod Depth 0~127 ModDpth 1 Ø 2 Mod Delay Offset 1~127 ModDly 2 2 Ø 3 Mod Mix Balance 0~127 ModMix 5 3 Ø 4 Resolution 1,1/2~1/128 Resoltn 4 Reso 4 Ø 5 Mod Feedback -63~+63 ModFB 3 L.Freq 6 Ø 6 Phase Inverse R off, wet, wet+dry PhasInv 6 -12dB~+12dB L.Gain 7 Ø 7 Dry/Wet Balance D63>W ~ D=W ~ D<W63 Dry/Wet 7 500Hz~16.0kHz H.Freq 8 Ø EQ High Gain -12dB~+12dB H.Gain 9 Ø Dist Low Gain -12dB~+12dB Drive:EQ-Low 12 Ø Dist Mid Gain -12dB~+12dB Drive:EQ-Mid 13 Ø No. Parameter Value LCD 11 LPF Cutoff Frequency 1.0kHz~20.0kHz LPF 14 Ø 1 Mod Depth 0~10 ModDpth 2 Ø 12 Drive 0~127 Drive 11 Ø 2 Mod Speed 0~127 ModSpd 3 Ø 13 Output Level 0~127 DrivOut 15 Ø 3 Mod Feedback -63~+63 ModFB 4 Ø 14 Dry / Wet Balance D63>W ~ D=W ~ D<W63 Dry/Wet 10 Ø 4 Mod Mix Balance 1~127 ModMix 7 Ø 5 Drive 0~127 Drive 1 Ø 6 AM Speed 0.00Hz~39.7Hz AMSpeed 5 Ø 7 AM Depth 0~127 AMDepth 6 Ø 8 LPF Frequency 1.0kHz~20.0kHz Cutoff 8 Ø LPF Resonance 1.0~12.0 Reso 9 Ø EQ Frequency 100Hz~10.0kHz EQFreq 10 Ø No. Parameter Value LCD MIDI Parameter Number Controller 1 LFO Frequency 0.0Hz~39.70Hz Speed 1 2 LFO Depth 0~127 Depth 3 Cutoff Frequency Offset 0~127 Cutoff 4 Resonance 1~12.0 5 EQ Low Frequency 32Hz~2.0kHz 6 EQ Low Gain 7 EQ High Frequency 8 9 10 Ø Ø Ø Ø [79] NOISY [72] TOUCH WAH No. MIDI Parameter Number Controller MIDI Parameter Number Controller Ø 1 MIDI Parameter Number Controller Parameter Value LCD 1 Sensitive 0~127 Sens 2 Cutoff Frequency Offset 0~127 Cutoff 2 Ø 9 10 3 Resonance 1~12.0 Reso 3 Ø 11 EQ Gain -12~+12dB EQGain 11 Ø 4 EQ Low Frequency 32Hz~12.0kHz L.Freq 6 Ø 12 EQ Width 1.0~12.0 EQWidth 12 Ø 5 EQ Low Gain -12dB~+12dB L.Gain 7 Ø 13 Dry/Wet Balance D63>W ~ D=W ~ D<W63 Dry/Wet 13 Ø 6 EQ High Frequency 500Hz~16.0kHz H.Freq 8 Ø 7 EQ High Gain -12dB~+12dB H.Gain 9 Ø 8 Dry / Wet Balance D63>W ~ D=W ~ D<W63 Dry/Wet 10 Ø [80] ATTACK LOFI No. [73] TOUCH WAH + DIST [74] TOUCH WAH + OVERDRIVE Parameter Value LCD 1 Sensitive 0~127 Sens MIDI Parameter Number Controller 1 2 Resolution 1,1/2~1/32 Resoltn 2 Ø Parameter Value LCD 3 Peak Frequency 100Hz~10.0kHz PeakFrq 3 Ø 1 Sensitive 0~127 Sens 1 Ø 4 LPF Frequency 1.0kHz~20.0kHz LPF 4 Ø 2 Cutoff Frequency Offset 0~127 Cutoff 2 Ø 5 Flanger Speed 0.00Hz~39.7Hz FlgSpd 5 Ø 3 Resonance 1~12.0 Reso 3 Ø 6 Flanger LFO Wave tri, sine, saw up, saw down FlgWave 6 4 EQ Low Frequency 32Hz~2.0kHz L.Freq 6 Ø 7 Flanger Depth 0~127 FlgDpt 7 Ø 5 EQ Low Gain -12dB~+12dB L.Gain 7 Ø 8 Fln Depth Ofst R -63~+63 FlgDptR 8 Ø 6 EQ High Frequency 500Hz~16.0kHz H.Freq 8 Ø Flanger Delay 0.1~650.0ms FlgDly 9 7 EQ High Gain -12dB~+12dB H.Gain 9 Ø 9 10 Fln Delay Ofst R 0~884 FlgDlyR 10 8 Dist Low Gain -12dB~+12dB Drive:EQ-Low 12 Ø 11 Flanger Feedback -63~+63 Flg FB 11 Ø 9 10 Dist Mid Gain -12dB~+12dB Drive:EQ-Mid 13 Ø 12 Flanger FB Ofst R -63~+63 FlgFB R 12 Ø LPF Cutoff Frequency 1.0kHz~20.0kHz LPF 14 Ø 13 Flanger FB HiDamp 0.1~1.0 FBHiDmp 13 Ø 11 Drive 0~127 Drive 11 Ø 14 FB HiDamp Ofst R -0.9~+0.9 FBHiDmR 14 Ø 12 Output Level 0~127 DrivOut 15 Ø 15 Fln Mix Balance 1~127 FlgMix 15 Ø 13 Dry / Wet Balance D63>W ~ D=W ~ D<W63 Dry/Wet 10 Ø 16 Dry/Wet Balance D63>W ~ D=W ~ D<W63 Dry/Wet 16 Ø No. MIDI Parameter Number Controller [75] WAH + DIST + DELAY [76] WAH + OVERDRIVE + DELAY [81] DIGITAL TURNTABLE Parameter Value LCD Parameter Value LCD 1 Wah sensitive 0~127 WahSens 11 Ø 1 Click Density 0~5 Density 1 2 Wah Cutoff Frequency 0~127 Cutoff 12 Ø 2 Click Level 0~127 Click 2 3 Wah Resonance 1~12.0 Reso 13 Ø 3 Noise Tone 0~6 NoisTon 3 4 Wah release 10ms~680ms Release 14 Ø 4 Dry Send to Noise 0~127 DryNois 6 Ø 5 Dist. Drive 0~127 Drive 4 Ø 5 Noise Mod Speed 0.00Hz~39.7Hz ModSpd 4 Ø 6 Dist. EQ Low Gain -12dB~+12dB EQ-Low 6 Ø 6 Noise Mod Depth 0~127 ModDpth 5 Ø 7 Dist. EQ Mid Gain -12dB~+12dB EQ-Mid 7 Ø 7 Noise LPF Freq 1.0kHz~20.0kHz NoisLPF 7 Ø 8 Dist Output Level 0 ~127 DrivOut 5 Ø 8 Noise LPF Q 1.0~12.0 NoiseQ 8 Ø 9 10 Delay Time 0.1ms~1486.0ms Delay 1 9 Noise Level 0~127 NoisLvl 9 Ø Delay Feedback Leve -63~+63 FBLevel 2 Ø 10 Dry LPF Frequency 1.0kHz~20.0kHz DryLPF 10 Ø 11 Delay mix 0~127 DlyMix 3 Ø 11 Dry Level 0~127 DryLvl 11 Ø 12 Dry / Wet Balance D63>W ~ D=W ~ D<W63 Dry/Wet 10 Ø No. No. MIDI Parameter Number Controller MIDI Parameter Number Controller Ø [82] DIGITAL SCRATCH [77] LO-FI No. No. Parameter Value LCD 1 Input Level 0~127 Input 1 Ø 2 Initial Delay 0.1~460.0ms Delay 2 2 Ø 3 Scratch Speed 1~127 ScrSpd 3 Ø 3 Ø 4 Scratch Depth 0~127 ScrDpth 4 Ø 5 HPF Frequency 20Hz~8.0kHz HPF 10 Ø Ø 6 Auto Pan Speed 0.00Hz~39.7Hz PanSpd 5 Ø Ø 7 Auto Pan Depth 0~127 PanDpth 6 Ø 7 8 EQ Frequency 100Hz~10.0kHz EQFreq 7 Ø Emphasi 8 EQ Gain -12~+12dB EQGain 8 Ø Input 15 9 10 11 EQ Width 1.0~12.0 EQWidth 9 Ø Dry/Wet Balance D63>W ~ D=W ~ D<W63 Dry/Wet 11 Ø Parameter Value LCD MIDI Parameter Number Controller 1 Sampling Freq. Control 44.1KHz~344Hz SmplFrq 1 2 Word Length 1~127 WordLen 3 Output Gain -6dB~+36dB OutGain 4 Filter Type thru, PowerBass, Radio, Telephone, Clean, Low FltType 5 5 Pre-LPF Cutoff Frequency 63Hz~20.0kHz Cutoff 4 6 Pre-LPF Resonance 1~12.0 Reso 6 7 Bit Assign 0~6 BitAsgn 8 9 Emphasis off/on Input Mode mono/stereo 10 Dry / Wet Balance D63>W ~ D=W ~ D<W63 Dry/Wet 10 Ø 24 MIDI Parameter Number Controller Ø [83] AUTO SYNTH [89] VOICE CANCELAR No. Parameter Value LCD MIDI Parameter Number Controller 1 Mod Speed 0~127 ModSpd 2 Mod Wave Type TypeA, TypeB, TypeC, TypeD ModWave 2 3 Mod Depth 0~127 ModDpth 3 Ø 4 Mod Depth Ofst R -63~+63 ModDpth-R Ofst 4 Ø 5 HPF Frequency 20Hz~8.0kHz HPF 6 Ø 6 LPF Frequency 1.0kHz~20.0kHz LPF 5 Ø 7 Dry Mix Level 0~127 DryMix 7 Ø 8 Delay Level 0~127 DlyLvl 12 Ø 9 10 Delay Time 0.1~370.0ms Delay 8 Delay Time Ofst R 0~884 Delay-R Ofst 9 11 Feedback Level -63~+63 FBLevel 10 Ø 12 FB Level Ofst R -63~+63 FBLevel-R Ofst 11 Ø 13 AM Speed 0.00Hz~39.7Hz AMSpeed 13 Ø 14 AM Wave tri, sine, saw up, saw down AM Wave 14 15 AM Depth 0~127 AMDepth 15 16 AM Inverse R normal, inverse AM InvR 16 1 Ø No. 1 Parameter Low Adjust Value 0~26 LCD LowAdj 2 High Adjust 0~26 HighAdj MIDI Parameter Number Controller Ø 11 12 Ø [90] AMBIENCE No. Parameter Value LCD 1 Delay Time 0.0ms~50.0ms DlyTime MIDI Parameter Number Controller 2 Wet Output Phase normal/inverse WetPhase 2 Ø 3 Dry / Wet Balance D63>W ~ D=W~ D<W63 Dry/Wet 10 Ø 4 EQ Low Frequency 32Hz~2.0kHz L.Freq 6 Ø 5 EQ Low Gain -12dB~+12dB L.Gain 7 Ø 6 EQ High Frequency 500Hz~16.0kHz H.Freq 8 Ø 7 EQ High Gain -12dB~+12dB H.Gain 9 Ø 1 Ø [91] TALKING MODULATOR No. [84] TECH MODULATION MIDI Parameter Number Controller Parameter Value LCD 1 Vowel a/i/u/e/o Vowel MIDI Parameter Number Controller 1 Ø 2 Move Speed 1~ 62 Speed 2 Ø 3 Drive 0~127 Drive 3 Ø 4 Output Level 0~127 OutLvl 4 Ø No. Parameter Value LCD 1 Mod Speed 0~127 Speed 1 Ø 2 Mod Depth 0~127 Depth 2 Ø 3 Mod Gain -12~+12dB Gain 4 Ø 4 Mod Mix Balance D63>W ~ D=W ~ D<W63 ModMix 7 Ø 5 Pre Mod HPF Freq 20Hz~8.0kHz HPF 3 Ø 6 Mod LPF Frequency 1.0kHz~20.0kHz LPF:Cutoff 5 Ø No. Parameter Value LCD 7 Mod LPF Resonance 1.0~12.0 LPF:Reso 6 Ø 1 Beat Change -63~+63 BeatChg 8 Delay Time 0.1~740.0ms Delay 8 2 Beat Range 0~12 BeatRng 2 Ø 9 10 1 Delay Time Ofst R 0~884 Delay-R Ofst 9 3 Pitch Change -63~+63 PchChg 3 Ø Feedback Level -63~+63 FBLevel 10 Ø 4 Pitch Range 0~12 PchRng 4 Ø 11 FB Level Ofst R -63~+63 FBLevel-R Ofst 11 Ø 5 EQ Frequency 32Hz~2.0kHz EQFreq 6 Ø 12 Feedback Hi Damp 0.1~1.0 FBHiDmp 12 Ø 6 EQ Gain -12dB~+12dB EQGain 7 Ø 13 FB Hi Damp Ofst R -0.9~+0.9 FBHiDmp-R Ofst 13 Ø 7 EQ Width 1.0~12.0 EQWidth 8 Ø 14 Dry/Wet Balance D63>W ~ D=W ~ D<W63 Dry/Wet 14 Ø 8 9 Accuracy Type sound4~normal~rythm4 AccType 5 Dry/Wet Balance D63>W ~ D=W ~ D<W63 Dry/Wet 10 [92] BEAT CHANGE [85] JUMP No. Parameter Value LCD 1 Depth 0~127 Depth MIDI Parameter Number Controller 1 Ø 2 Speed 0~127 Speed 2 Ø 3 Direction L<>R,L>>R Directn 3 4 Type TypeA,TypeB,TypeC Type 4 5 Jump Wave Type TypeA, TypeB, TypeC, TypeD JumpWave 5 6 Resolution 1,1/2~1/256 Resolution 6 7 HPF Frequency 20Hz~8.0kHz HPF 8 Ø 8 LPF Frequency 1.0kHz~20.0kHz LPF 7 Ø 9 Dry/Wet Balance D63>W ~ D=W ~ D<W63 Dry/Wet 9 Ø [86] 2BAND EQ No. Parameter Value LCD 1 EQ Low Frequency 32Hz~2.0kHz L.Freq MIDI Parameter Number Controller 1 Ø 2 EQ Low Gain -12dB~+12dB L.Gain 2 Ø 3 EQ High Frequency 500Hz~16.0kHz H.Freq 3 Ø 4 EQ High Gain -12dB~+12dB H.Gain 4 Ø [87] 3BAND EQ No. Parameter Value LCD 1 EQ Low Frequency 50Hz~2.0kHz L.Freq MIDI Parameter Number Controller 6 Ø 2 EQ Low Gain -12dB~+12dB L.Gain 1 Ø 3 EQ High Frequency 500Hz~16.0kHz H.Freq 7 Ø 4 EQ High Gain -12dB~+12dB H.Gain 5 Ø 5 EQ Mid Frequency 100Hz~10.0kHz M.Freq 2 Ø 6 EQ Mid Gain -12dB~+12dB M.Gain 3 Ø 7 EQ Mid Width 0.1~12.0 M.Width 4 Ø 8 Input Mode mono/stereo Input 15 [88] HARMONIC ENHANCER No. 1 Parameter HPF Cutoff Frequency Value 500Hz~16.0kHz LCD HPF MIDI Parameter Number Controller Ø 1 2 Drive 0~127 Drive 2 Ø 3 Mix Level 0~127 MixLvl 3 Ø 25 MIDI Parameter Number Controller Ø 1 Ø About MIDI MIDI Data Format MIDI is an acronym that stands for Musical Instrument Digital Interface, which allows electronic musical instruments to “communicate” with each other, by sending and receiving compatible Note, Control Change, Program Change and various other types of MIDI data, or messages. The CS6X/CS6R can control a MIDI device by transmitting note related data and various types of controller data. The CS6x/CS6R can be controlled by the incoming MIDI messages which automatically select MIDI channels, voices and effects, change parameter values, and of course play the voices specified for the various Parts in a Performance. Many MIDI messages listed in the MIDI Data Format section are expressed in hexadecimal or binary numbers. Hexadecimal numbers may include the letter “H” as a suffix. The letter “n” indicates a certain whole number. The chart below lists the corresponding decimal number for each hexadecimal/binary number. MIDI Messages Transmitted/Received by the CS6x/CS6R The MIDI messages can be divided into two groups: the Channel Messages and System Messages. Below is a brief explanation of the various types of MIDI messages which the CS6x/CS6R can receive/transmit. CHANNEL MESSAGES The Channel Messages are the data related to the performance on the keyboard for the specific channel. •Note On/Note Off (Key On/Key Off) Messages which are generated when the keyboard is played. Each message includes a specific note number which corresponds to the key which is pressed, plus a velocity value based on how hard the key is struck. •Control Change Control Change messages let you select a voice bank (Bank Select), control volume, panning, modulation, portamento time, brightness and various other controller parameters, through specific Control Change numbers which correspond to each of the various parameters. •Program Change Messages which voice to select for each Part. With a combination of Bank Select, you can select not only basic voice numbers, but also variation voice bank numbers. •Channel Aftertouch Messages which let you control the sounds by the pressure you apply to the keys after the initial striking of the keys, over the entire channel. •Polyphonic Key Pressure Messages which let you control the sounds by the pressure you apply to the keys after the initial striking of the keys, for each individual key. The internal sequencer (CS6x/CS6R) can send this message. •Pitch Bend Pitch Bend messages are continuous controller messages that allow the pitch of designated notes to be raised or lowered by a specified amount over a specified duration. SYSTEM MESSAGES The System Messages are the data related to the overall system of the device. •Exclusive Messages Exclusive messages control various functions of the CS6x/CS6R, including bulk dump, master volume and master tuning, effect type and various other parameters. •Realtime Messages Messages which control the sequencer including Start, Stop, Continue, MIDI clock and Active Sensing messages. •Common Messages Messages which also control the sequencer including Song Select and Song Position Pointer messages. Decimal Hexadecimal 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 0A 0B 0C 0D 0E 0F 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 1A 1B 1C 1D 1E 1F 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 2A 2B 2C 2D 2E 2F 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 3A 3B 3C 3D 3E 3F Binary 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0001 0001 0001 0001 0001 0001 0001 0001 0001 0001 0001 0001 0001 0001 0001 0001 0010 0010 0010 0010 0010 0010 0010 0010 0010 0010 0010 0010 0010 0010 0010 0010 0011 0011 0011 0011 0011 0011 0011 0011 0011 0011 0011 0011 0011 0011 0011 0011 0000 0001 0010 0011 0100 0101 0110 0111 1000 1001 1010 1011 1100 1101 1110 1111 0000 0001 0010 0011 0100 0101 0110 0111 1000 1001 1010 1011 1100 1101 1110 1111 0000 0001 0010 0011 0100 0101 0110 0111 1000 1001 1010 1011 1100 1101 1110 1111 0000 0001 0010 0011 0100 0101 0110 0111 1000 1001 1010 1011 1100 1101 1110 1111 Decimal Hexadecimal 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 4A 4B 4C 4D 4E 4F 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 5A 5B 5C 5D 5E 5F 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 6A 6B 6C 6D 6E 6F 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 7A 7B 7C 7D 7E 7F Binary 0100 0100 0100 0100 0100 0100 0100 0100 0100 0100 0100 0100 0100 0100 0100 0100 0101 0101 0101 0101 0101 0101 0101 0101 0101 0101 0101 0101 0101 0101 0101 0101 0110 0110 0110 0110 0110 0110 0110 0110 0110 0110 0110 0110 0110 0110 0110 0110 0111 0111 0111 0111 0111 0111 0111 0111 0111 0111 0111 0111 0111 0111 0111 0111 0000 0001 0010 0011 0100 0101 0110 0111 1000 1001 1010 1011 1100 1101 1110 1111 0000 0001 0010 0011 0100 0101 0110 0111 1000 1001 1010 1011 1100 1101 1110 1111 0000 0001 0010 0011 0100 0101 0110 0111 1000 1001 1010 1011 1100 1101 1110 1111 0000 0001 0010 0011 0100 0101 0110 0111 1000 1001 1010 1011 1100 1101 1110 1111 Additional Notes • For example, 144 - 159(Decimal)/9nH/1001 0000 - 1001 1111(Binary) indicate the note-on messages for the channels 1 through 16 respectively. 176 - 191/BnH/1011 0000 - 1011 1111 indicate the control change messages for the channels 1 through 16 respectively. 192 207/CnH/1100 0000 - 1100 1111 indicate the program change messages for the channels 1 through 16 respectively. 240/F0H/1111 0000 is positioned at the beginning of data to indicate a system exclusive message. 247/F7H/1111 0111 is positioned at the end of the system exclusive message. • aaH(Hexadecimal)/0aaaaaaa(Binary) indicates the data addresses. The data address consists of High, Mid and Low. • bbH/0bbbbbbb indicates byte counts. • ccH/0ccccccc indicates tcheck sums. • ddH/0ddddddd indicates data/value. 26 2) RECEIVE FLOW SYNTHESIZER/SEQUENCER PART MIDI > -[SW11]+--- NOTE OFF 8nH | | | +--- NOTE ON/OFF 9nH | | | +--- CONTROL CHANGE | | MODULATION BnH,01H | | PORTAMENTO TIME BnH,05H | | DATA ENTRY MSB BnH,06 | | DATA ENTRY LSB BnH,26H | | MAIN VOLUME BnH,07H | | PAN BnH,0AH | | EXPRESSION BnH,0BH | | SUSTAIN SWITCH BnH,40H | | PORTAMENTO SWITCH BnH,41H | | SOSTENUTO BnH,42H | | HARMONIC CONTENT BnH,47H | | EG RELEASE TIME BnH,48H | | EG ATTACK TIME BnH,49H | | BRIGHTNESS BnH,4AH | | EG DECAY TIME BnH,4BH | | EFFECT1 DEPTH BnH,5BH | | EFFECT3 DEPTH BnH,5DH | | DATA ENTRY INC BnH,60H | | DATA ENTRY DEC BnH,61H | | ASSIGNABLE CONTROLLER BnH,(00H .. 5FH) | | RPN | | PITCH BEND SENS BnH,64H,00H,65H,00H,06H,mmH | | FINE TUNING BnH,64H,01H,65H,00H,06H,mmH,26H,llH *1 | | COARSE TUNING BnH,64H,02H,65H,00H,06H,mmH *1 | | RPN RESET BnH,64H,7FH,65H,7FH | | ALL SOUND OFF BnH,78H | | RESET ALL CONTROLLERS BnH,79H | | ALL NOTE OFF BnH,7BH | | OMNI MODE OFF BnH,7CH | | OMNI MODE ON BnH,7DH | | MONO MODE BnH,7EH | | POLY MODE BnH,7FH | | | +-[SW2]--EG SUSTAIN LEVEL BnH,1FH | | | +-[SW8]--BANK SEL MSB BnH,00H | | BANK SEL LSB BnH,20H | | | +-[SW9]--PROGRAM CHANGE CnH | | | +--------CHANNEL AFTER TOUCH DnH | | | +--------PITCH BEND CHANGE EnH | | +------+ SYSTEM EXCLUSIVE MESSAGE | | IDENTITY REQUEST F0H 7EH 0nH 06H 01H F7H | | REMOTE SWITCH F0H 43H 10H 64H 0AH 00H alH ddH F7H | | | +-[SW12]- GM MODE ON F0H 7EH 7FH 09H 01H F7H | +[SW5]- + SYSTEM EXCLUSIVE MESSAGE | | MIDI MASTER VOLUME F0H 7FH 7FH 04H 01H llH mmH F7H | | | +-[SW6]--SAMPLE DUMP STANDARD | | DUMP HEADER F0H 7EH nnH 01H ssH ssH ddH....ddH F7H | | DATA PACKET F0H 7EH nnH 02H kkH ddH....ddH ccH F7H | | CANCEL F0H 7EH nnH 7DH ppH F7H | | | +-[SW10]-<BULK DUMP> F0H 43H 0nH 64H bhH blH ahH amH alH ddH....ddH ccH F7H | | | +-[SW7]--<PARAMETER CHANGE> F0H 43H 1nH 64H ahH amH alH ddH.....ddH F7H | | | +-[SW7]--<BULK DUMP REQUEST> F0H 43H 2nH 64H ahH amH alH ddH.....ddH F7H | | | +-[SW7]--<PARAMETER REQUEST> F0H 43H 3nH 64H ahH amH alH F7H | | | +-[SW12]-XG SYSTEM ON F0H 43H 1nH 4CH 00H 00H 7EH 00H F7H | +[SW3]--------- SYSTEM REALTIME MESSAGE | TIMING CLOCK F8H | +[SW4]--------- SYSTEM REALTIME MESSAGE | START FAH | CONTINUE FBH | STOP FCH | | +-------------- ACTIVE SENSING FEH 1) TRANSMIT FLOW MIDI <-[SW1]-+--- NOTE ON/OFF OUT | | | +--- CONTROL CHANGE | | MODULATION | | PORTAMENTO TIME | | PAN | | SUSTAIN SWITCH | | PORTAMENTO SWITCH | | FILTER RESONANCE | | EG RELEASE TIME | | EG ATTACK TIME | | FILTER CUTOFF FREQ | | EG DECAY TIME | | REVERB SEND | | CHORUS SEND | | ASSIGNABLE CONTROLLER | | FOOT VOLUME | | | +-[SW8]--BANK SEL MSB | | BANK SEL LSB | | | |-[SW2]--EG SUSTAIN LEVEL | | | +--- PROGRAM CHANGE | | | +--- CHANNEL AFTER TOUCH | | | +--- PITCH BEND CHANGE | |-[SW3,4]--SYSTEM REALTIME MESSAGE | TIMING CLOCK | |-[SW4]---- SYSTEM REALTIME MESSAGE | START | CONTINUE | STOP | | +[SW5]-+--- SYSTEM EXCLUSIVE MESSAGE | | | |-[SW6]-SAMPLE DUMP STANDARD | | DUMP REQUEST | | ACK | | NAK | | CANCEL | | WAIT | | | |-[SW7]-<BULK DUMP> | | | |-[SW7]-<PARAMETER CHANGE> | |---------- SYSTEM EXCLUSIVE MESSAGE | IDENTITY REPLY | |---------- ACTIVE SENSING 9nH BnH,01H BnH,05H BnH,0AH BnH,40H BnH,41H BnH,47H BnH,48H BnH,49H BnH,4AH BnH,4BH BnH,5BH BnH,5DH BnH,(00H .. 5FH) BnH,(07H or 0BH) (CS6x only) (CS6x only) (CS6x (CS6x (CS6x (CS6x (CS6x (CS6x (CS6x (CS6x only) only) only) only) only) only) only) only) BnH,00H BnH,20H BnH,1FH (CS6x only) CnH DnH EnH F8H FAH FBH FCH F0H F0H F0H F0H F0H 7EH 7EH 7EH 7EH 7EH nnH nnH nnH nnH nnH 03H 7FH 7EH 7DH 7CH ssH ppH ppH ppH ppH ssH F7H F7H F7H F7H F7H F0H 43H 0nH 64H bhH blH ahH amH alH ddH....ddH ccH F7H F0H 43H 1nH 64H ahH amH alH ddH.....ddH F7H F0H 7EH 7FH 06H 02H 43H 00H 41H 2DH 02H 00H 00H 00H 01H F7H FEH [SW1] MIDI Transmit Channel Master Keyboard Mode = on: complies with Zone Transmit Channel. Master Keyboard Mode = off: complies with Keyboard Transmit Channel. The data played back using Sequencer Part will be output through the channels set for the sequence data, ignoring [SW1] settings. CS6R transmits BC and A-C/1-2 of ASSIGNABLE CONTROLLER, and the data from the Sequencer Part. [SW2] MIDI Control Mode [SW3] MIDI Sync [SW4] MIDI Control [SW5] MIDI Device Number When set to all, data will be output through the channel 1. [SW6] PHRASE CLIP MODE JOB only. Not available on S80. [SW7] In the VOICE MODE, VOICE related data only. In the PERFORMANCE MODE, PERFORMANCE related data only. SYSTEM data will be transmitted/received in all modes. [SW8] SYSTEM Bank Select Switch [SW2] [SW3] [SW4] [SW5] MIDI Control Mode MIDI Sync MIDI Control MIDI Device Number When set to the number other than off, MIDI MASTER VOLUME will be received. [SW6] PHRASE CLIP MODE JOB only. Not available on S80. [SW7] In the VOICE MODE, VOICE related data only. In the PERFORMANCE MODE, PERFORMANCE related data only. SYSTEM data will be transmitted/received in all modes. [SW8] SYSTEM Bank Select Switch [SW9] SYSTEM Program Change Switch (Received only in the Play Mode when Voice Mode or Phrase Clip Mode is selected.) [SW10] SYSTEM Bulk Protect and the conditions mentioned in SW7 above. [SW11] MIDI Receive Channel and Receive Filter. In Performance Mode, complies with Part Receive Channel and Part Receive Switch. In the modes other than Performance Mode, complies with Basic Receive Channel. [SW12] SYSTEM Receive GM/XG On *1 Performance Mode only. 27 3) TRANSMIT/RECEIVE DATA (3-1-4) PROGRAM CHANGE STATUS 1100nnnn(CnH) PROGRAM NUMBER 0ppppppp (3-1) CHANNEL VOICE MESSAGES (3-1-5) CHANNEL AFTER TOUCH CS6R transmits BC and A-C/1-2 of ASSIGNABLE CONTROLLER, and the data from the Sequencer Part. STATUS VALUE (3-1-1) NOTE OFF STATUS 1000nnnn(8nH) NOTE NUMBER 0kkkkkkk VELOCITY 0vvvvvvv Receive only. 1001nnnn(9nH) 0kkkkkkk 0vvvvvvv(v≠0) 0vvvvvvv(v=0) STATUS 1110nnnn(EnH) LSB 0vvvvvvv MSB 0vvvvvvv Transmitted with a resolution of n = 0 ~ 15 CHANNEL NUMBER v = 0 ~ 127 AFTER TOUCH VALUE n = 0 ~ 15 CHANNEL NUMBER PITCH BEND CHANGE LSB PITCH BEND CHANGE MSB 7 bits. (3-2) CHANNEL MODE MESSAGES n = 0 ~ 15 CHANNEL NUMBER k = 0 (C-2) ~ 127 (G8) NOTE ON NOTE OFF STATUS 1011nnnn(BnH) CONTROL NUMBER 0ccccccc CONTROL VALUE 0vvvvvvv (3-2-1) ALL SOUNDS OFF (3-1-3) CONTROL CHANGE STATUS 1011nnnn(BnH) CONTROL NUMBER 0ccccccc CONTROL VALUE 0vvvvvvv 1101nnnn(DnH) 0vvvvvvv (3-1-6) PITCH BEND CHANGE n = 0 ~ 15 CHANNEL NUMBER k = 0 (C-2) ~ 127 (G8) ignores "v" (3-1-2) NOTE ON/OFF STATUS NOTE NUMBER VELOCITY n = 0 ~ 15 CHANNEL NUMBER p = 0 ~ 127 n = 0 ~ 15 CHANNEL NUMBER c = CONTROL NUMBER v = DATA VALUE (CONTROL NUMBER = 78H , DATA VALUE = 0) All the sounds currently played including the channel messages such as note-on and hold-on in a certain channel are muted when receiving this message. n = 0 ~ 15 CHANNEL NUMBER (3-2-2) RESET ALL CONTROLLERS (CONTROL NUMBER = 79H , DATA VALUE = 0) * TRANSMITTED c = 0 c = 32 c = 1 c = 5 c = 7 c = 10 c = 11 c = 31 c = 64 c = 65 c = 71 c = 72 c = 73 c = 74 c = 75 c = 91 c = 93 c = 0..95 The Sequencer * c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c Resets the values set for the following controllers. PITCH BEND CHANGE 0 (center) CHANNEL AFTER TOUCH 0 (minimum) MODULATION 0 (minimum) EXPRESSION 127 (maximum) BREATH CONTROLLER 127 (maximum) FOOT CONTROLLER 127 (maximum) RIBBON CONTROLLER 0 (center) KNOB 1 0 (center) KNOB 2 0 (center) SUSTAIN SWITCH 0 (off) SOSTENUTO SWITCH 0 (off) RPN Not assigned; No change CONTROL NUMBER BANK SEL MSB ; v = 0,63,127 *3 BANK SEL LSB ; v = 0,1,8,9,24,25,32,40,41,64,65 *3 MODULATION ; v = 0 - 127 PORTAMENTO TIME ; v = 0 - 127 *4 MAIN VOLUME ; v = 0 - 127 PAN ; v = 0 - 127 *4 EXPRESSION ; v = 0 - 127 EG SUSTAIN LEVEL ; v = 0:-64 - 64:0 - 127:+63 *4,*5 SUSTAIN SWITCH ; v = 0, 127 PORTAMENTO SWITCH ; v = 0-63:OFF , 64-127:ON *4 FILTER RESONANCE ; v = 0:-64 - 64:0 - 127:+63 *4 EG RELEASE TIME ; v = 0:-64 - 64:0 - 127:+63 *4 EG ATTACK TIME ; v = 0:-64 - 64:0 - 127:+63 *4 FILTER CUTOFF FREQ ; v = 0:-64 - 64:0 - 127:+63 *4 EG DECAY TIME ; v = 0:-64 - 64:0 - 127:+63 *4 REVERB SEND ; v = 0 - 127 *4 CHORUS SEND ; v = 0 - 127 *4 ASSIGNABLE CONTROLLER ; v = 0 - 127 *6 Part will play back all the recorded control change messages. RECEIVED CONTROL NUMBER = 0 BANK SEL MSB = 32 BANK SEL LSB = 1 MODULATION = 5 PORTAMENTO TIME = 6 DATA ENTRY MSB = 38 DATA ENTRY LSB = 7 MAIN VOLUME = 10 PAN = 11 EXPRESSION = 31 EG SUSTAIN LEVEL = 64 SUSTAIN SWITCH = 65 PORTAMENTO SWITCH = 66 SOSTENUTO = 71 HARMONIC CONTENT = 72 EG RELEASE TIME = 73 EG ATTACK TIME = 74 BRIGHTNESS = 75 EG DECAY TIME = 91 EFFECT1 DEPTH = 93 EFFECT3 DEPTH = 96 DATA ENTRY INC = 97 DATA ENTRY DEC = 0..95 ASSIGNABLE CONTROLLER = 0..95 ARPEGGIO SW = 0..95 ARPEGGIO HOLD Doesn’t reset the following data: PROGRAM CHANGE, BANK SELECT MSB/LSB, VOLUME, PAN. HARMONIC CONTENT, SUSTAIN LEVEL, RELEASE TIME, ATTACK TIME, DECAY TIME, BRIGHTNESS EFFECT SEND LEVEL 1, EFFECT SEND LEVEL 3, PORTAMENTO SWITCH PITCH BEND SENSITIVITY, FINE TUNING, COARSE TUNING ASSIGNABLE CONTROLLER (3-2-3) ALL NOTES OFF ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = 0 - 127 0 - 127 0 - 127 0 - 127 0 - 127 0 - 127 0 - 127 0 - 127 0 - 127 0:-64 0-63:OFF 0-63:OFF 0-63:OFF 0:-64 0:-64 0:-64 0:-64 0:-64 0 - 127 0 - 127 127 127 0 - 127 0-63:OFF 0-63:OFF *2 *1 *1 (3-2-4) OMNI MODE OFF (CONTROL NUMBER = 7CH , DATA VALUE = 0) Performs the same function as when receiving ALL NOTES OFF. Sets VOICE RECEIVE CHANNEL to "OMNI OFF," channel 1. (3-2-5) OMNI MODE ON 64:0 - 127:+63 *2,*5 , 64-127:ON *2 , 64-127:ON *2 , 64-127:ON *2 64:0 - 127:+63 64:0 - 127:+63 64:0 - 127:+63 64:0 - 127:+63 64:0 - 127:+63 *2 , 64-127:ON , 64-127:ON (CONTROL NUMBER = 7BH , DATA VALUE = 0) All the notes currently set to on in certain channel(s) are muted when receiving this message. However, if Sustain or Sostenuto is on, notes will continue sounding until these are turned off. *3 *3 (CONTROL NUMBER = 7DH , DATA VALUE = 0) Performs the same function as when receiving ALL NOTES OFF. Sets VOICE RECEIVE CHANNEL to "OMNI ON." (3-2-6) MONO (CONTROL NUMBER = 7EH , DATA VALUE = 0..16) Performs the same function as when receiving ALL SOUNDS OFF. If the 3rd byte (mono) is within 0 through 16, the channel will be Mode4(m = 1). In VOICE MODE, the mode can be Mode2(m=1) according to VOICE RECEIVE CHANNEL. (3-2-7) POLY (CONTROL NUMBER = 7FH , DATA VALUE = 0) Performs the same function as when receiving ALL SOUNDS OFF. The channel will be Mode3. In VOICE MODE, the mode can be Mode1 according to VOICE RECEIVE CHANNEL. *1 *1 *6 *6 *6 (3-3) REGISTERED PARAMETER NUMBER STATUS LSB RPN LSB MSB RPN MSB DATA ENTRY MSB DATA VALUE DATA ENTRY LSB DATA VALUE *1 Used only when a value is set using RPN. *2 Invalid with Drum Voices. *3 Relation between BANK CHANGE and PROGRAM is as follows: Displayed on LCD CATEGORY |MSB |LSB |PROGRAM No ----------------------------------+--------+--------+--------------------------Normal Voice Internal |0 |0 |0..127 (1..128) Drum Voice Internal |127 |0 |0..1 (1..2) Normal Voice Preset 1 |63 |0 |0..127 (1..128) Preset 2 |63 |1 |0..127 (1..128) Internal |63 |8 |0..127 (1..128) External |63 |9 |0..127 (1..128) Plug-in Voice Plug-in 1 |63 |24 |0..63 (1..64) Plug-in 2 |63 |25 |0..63 (1..64) Drum Voice Preset |63 |32 |0..7 (1..8) Internal |63 |40 |0..1 (1..2) External |63 |41 |0..1 (1..2) Performance Internal |63 |64 |0..127 (1..128) External |63 |65 |0..63 (1..64) Phrase Clip Internal |63 |104 |0..3 (1..4) 1011nnnn(BnH) 01100100(64H) 0ppppppp 01100101(65H) 0qqqqqqq 00000110(06H) 0mmmmmmm 00100110(26H) 0lllllll n = 0 ~ 15 CHANNEL NUMBER p = RPN LSB(Refer to the table as shown below) q = RPN MSB(Refer to the table as shown below) m = Data Value l = Data Value First, designate the parameter using RPN MSB/LSB numbers. Then, set its value with data entry MSB/LSB. *4 CS6x only. *5 Transmitted/received only when MODE2 is selected in CONTROL CHANGE MODE. *6 The default CONTROL NUMBERs of ASSIGNABLE CONTROLLER are as follows: BREATH CONTROLLER 2 FOOT CONTROLLER 4 (Transmit: CS6x and S80 only) SCENE CONTROL 14 (Transmit/Receive: CS6x only) KNOB 1 16 KNOB 2 17 KNOB A 18 KNOB B 19 KNOB C 20 RIBBON CONTROLLER 22 (Transmit: CS6x only) CONTROL SLIDER 7 (Transmit/Receive: S80 only) FOOT SWITCH 88 (Transmit: CS6x, S80 only) ARPEGGIO HOLD 89 (Transmit: CS6x only) ARPEGGIO SWITCH 90 (Transmit: CS6x only) RPN LSB MSB MSB LSB D.ENTRY PARAMETER NAME DATA RANGE 00H 00H mmH --01H 00H mmH llH PITCH BEND SENSITIVITY MASTER FINE TUNE 02H 00H mmH --7FH 7FH --- --- MASTER COARSE TUNE RPN RESET 00H - 18H (0 - 24 semitones) {mmH,llH}={00H,00H}-{40H,00H}-{7FH,7FH} (-8192*100/8192) - 0 - (+8192*100/8192) 28H - 40H - 58H (-24 - 0 - +24 semitones) RPN numbers will be left not designated. The internal values are not affected. (3-4) NON-REGISTERED PARAMETER NUMBER There are no applicable parameters. (3-5) SYSTEM REAL TIME MESSAGES (3-5-1) ACTIVE SENSING STATUS 11111110(FEH) Transmitted at every 200 msec. Once this code is received, the instrument starts sensing. When no status nor data is received for over approximately 350 ms, MIDI receiving buffer will be cleared, and the sounds currently played and the sustain switch are forcibly turned off. In this case, each control data will be reset to a certain value. PORTAMENTO TIME sets the time it takes for the pitch to reach the next note played when PORTAMENTO SWITCH is set to on. PAN position relatively changes according to the preset value for each voice. EFFECT1 DEPTH controls reverb send level. EFFECT3 DEPTH controls chorus send level. HARMONIC CONTENT adjusts the resonance preset for each voice. Setting a value adds to or subtracts from the center value, 64, since it is an offset parameter. The larger the value more resonant sound will be produced. The effective range may be narrower than the range you can designate depending on the selected voice. The parameters, EG ATTACK TIME, EG DECAY TIME, EG SUSTAIN LEVEL, EG RELEASE TIME adjust the envelopes preset for each voice. Setting these values add to or subtract from the center value, 64, since these are offset parameters. BRIGHTNESS adjusts the cutoff frequency preset for each voice. Setting a value adds to or subtracts from the center value, 64, since it is an offset parameter. The smaller the value the cutoff frequency will be lowered. The effective range may be narrower than the range you can designate depending on the selected voice. Bank Select will be actually executed when the Program Change message is received. Bank Select and Program Change numbers that are not supported by Yamaha will be ignored. (3-6) SYSTEM EXCLUSIVE MESSAGE (3-6-1)UNIVERSAL NON REALTIME MESSAGE (3-6-1-1)GENERAL MIDI MODE ON F0H 7EH 7FH 09H 01H F7H Received only when SYSTEM Receive GM/XG on is set to on in PERFORMANCE MODE. The Part values will be reset according to the SYSTEM Internal Part settings. 28 (3-6-1-2)IDENTITY REQUEST(Receive only) (3-6-7)SAMPLE DUMP STANDARD F0H 7EH 0nH 06H 01H F7H ("n" = Device No.However, this instrument receives under "omni.") Receives sample dump headers and those data, and executes dump request. Doesn’t send sample dump headers and those data. DUMP REQUEST F0 7E nn 03 ss ss F7 Requests to send by designating the sample number of the source device. (3-6-1-3)IDENTITY REPLY (Transmit only) F0H 7EH 7FH 06H 02H 43H 00H 41H ddH ddH 00H 00H 00H 01H F7H dd;Device Number Code CS6x: 5C 03 CS6R: 5D 03 S80: 5E 03 ACK F0 7E nn 7F pp F7 Requests to send the following data after receiving the last packet of data. NAK F0 7E nn 7E pp F7 Requests to send the remaining data after failing to receive the last packet of data. CANCEL F0 7E nn 7D pp F7 Reports the cancellation of sample dump. (3-6-2)UNIVERSAL REALTIME MESSAGE WAIT (3-6-2-1) MIDI MASTER VOLUME F0H 7FH 7FH 04H 01H llH mmH F7H DUMP HEADER F0 7E nn 01 ss ss ee ff ff ff gg gg gg hh hh hh ii ii ii jj F7 Header of the data. Sets the MASTER VOLUME value. The value "mm" is used to set the master volume (the value "ll" should be ignored). DATA PACKET F0 7E nn 02 kk < data 120 bytes > cc F7 Sample data. (3-6-3)PARAMETER CHANGE nn ss pp ee ff gg hh ii jj (3-6-3-1) XG SYSTEM ON 11110000 1000011 0001nnnn 1001100 0aaaaaaa 0aaaaaaa 0aaaaaaa 0 11110111 F0 43 1n 4C 0 0 7E 0 F7 F0 7E nn 7C pp F7 Orders the source device not to send packets until an alternative order is given. To resume the operation, send "ACK" or "CANCEL." Exclusive status YAMAHA ID device Number Model ID Address High Address Mid Address Low Data End of Exclusive ss ff gg hh ii ff gg hh ii Channel Number Requested Sample, LSB First Packet Number Sample Format Sample Period in Nanoseconds Sample Length in Words Sustain Loop Start Point Word Number (LSB First) Sustain Loop End Point Word Number (LSB First) Loop Type 4) SYSTEM OVERVIEW (Keyboard, Sequencer and Tone Generator) Received only when SYSTEM Receive GM/XG on is set to on in PERFORMANCE MODE. The Part values will be reset according to the SYSTEM Internal Part settings. Be aware that executing this message takes ca. 170ms and that, therefore, a certain interval before executing the following message is needed. SEQ HOST MODE = MIDI KBD To Host (3-6-3-2) NATIVE PARAMETER CHANGE, REMOTE SWITCH 11110000 01000011 0001nnnn 01100100 0aaaaaaa 0aaaaaaa 0aaaaaaa 0ddddddd | 11110111 F0 43 1n 64 aaaaaaa aaaaaaa aaaaaaa ddddddd | F7 Exclusive status YAMAHA ID device Number Model ID Address High Address Mid Address Low Data From Host Local Sw MIDI Out MIDI In End of Exclusive For parameters with data size of 2 or more, the appropriate number of data bytes will be transmitted. See the following MIDI Data Table for Address and Byte Count. Always received no matter which device number is selected, in the case of REMOTE SWITCH. TG (3-6-4)BULK DUMP 11110000 01000011 0000nnnn 01100100 0bbbbbbb 0bbbbbbb 0aaaaaaa 0aaaaaaa 0aaaaaaa 0 | 0ccccccc 11110111 F0 43 0n 64 bbbbbbb bbbbbbb aaaaaaa aaaaaaa aaaaaaa 0 | ccccccc F7 Exclusive status YAMAHA ID device Number Model ID Byte Count Byte Count Address High Address Mid Address Low Data SEQ KBD To Host From Host Local Sw Check-sum End of Exclusive See the following MIDI Data Table for Address and Byte Count. The Check sum is the value that results in a value of 0 for the lower 7 bits when the Byte Count, Start Address, Data and Check sum itself are added. F0 43 2n 64 aaaaaaa aaaaaaa aaaaaaa F7 TG Exclusive status YAMAHA ID device Number Model ID Address High Address Mid Address Low End of Exclusive Although three types of note on/note off data, received via MIDI, played by the internal sequencer and played on the keyboard will be distinguished, the other controllers (channel messages) equally affect the entire notes. ALL SOUNDS OFF clears all the sounds in the specific channel(s) played by both the keyboard and the data via MIDI. ALL NOTES OFF received via MIDI clears the sounds in the specific channel(s) played via MIDI. See the following MIDI Data Table for Address and Byte Count. (3-6-6) PARAMETER REQUEST 11110000 01000011 0011nnnn 01100100 0aaaaaaa 0aaaaaaa 0aaaaaaa 11110111 F0 43 3n 64 aaaaaaa aaaaaaa aaaaaaa F7 MIDI Out MIDI In (3-6-5) DUMP REQUEST 11110000 01000011 0010nnnn 01100100 0aaaaaaa 0aaaaaaa 0aaaaaaa 11110111 HOST MODE = PC1/PC2/MAC Exclusive status YAMAHA ID device Number Model ID Address Hig Address Mid Address Low End of Exclusive See the following MIDI Data Table for Address and Byte Count. 29 MIDI Data Table < Table 2 > Bank Select Bulk Dump Block Available Bank Select/Program Change MSB (HEX) LSB (HEX) Program No. Type Memory 0 127 00 7F 0 0 00 00 0 - 127 0-1 Normal Voice Internal Drum Voice User(Internal) 63 3F 0 1 8 9 24 25 32 40 41 00 01 08 09 18 19 20 28 29 0 - 127 0 - 127 0 - 127 0 - 127 0 - 63 0 - 63 0-7 0-1 0-1 Normal Voice Preset 1 Preset 2 User(Internal) User(External) Plug-in Voice User(Plug-in 1) User(Plug-in 2) Drum Voice Preset User(Internal) User(External) 63 3F 64 65 40 41 0 - 127 0 - 127 Performance User(Internal) User(External) 63 3F 104 68 0-3 Clip Kit User ● “Top Address” indicates the top address of each block designated by bulk dump operation. ● “Byte Count” indicates the data size contained in each block designated by bulk dump operation. ● All blocks, from Bulk Header through Bulk Footer, of PERFORMANCE/VOICE can be received even though they are not sent in order and/or not all of them are sent. However, squeezing a differnt block in those blocks causes the operation invalid. ● To execute 1 Performance/1 Voice bulk dump request, designate its corresponding Bulk Header address. ● For the information about “mm” and “nn” shown in the following list, refer to MIDI PARAMETER CHANGE TABLE (BULK CONTROL) below. Description Bank Select/Program Change made here may be ineffective depending on the Bank Select setting in Utility Mode. For more information refer to the Owner's Manual. Ignored in Phrase Clip Mode. Parameter Block SYSTEM Effective only in Phrase Clip Mode and Phrase Clip Part of Performance Mode. Bulk Header COMMON Common Reverb Chorus Insertion 1 (for A/D Part) Insertion 2 (for A/D Part) Controller (for A/D Part) Master EQ Native (for InsEF Plug-in) PART Part1 : Part16 A/D PART A/D Part PHRASE CLIP PART Phrase Clip Part PLUG-IN PART Plug-in 1 Part Plug-in 2 Part MASTER KEYBOARD ZONE Zone1 : Zone4 Bulk Footer Plug-in Voice Bank Display Program No. 0 - 63 0 - 127 0 - 127 0 - 127 0 - 127 0 - 127 Type Internal XG Normal XG SFX XG SFX kit XG Drum kit others LCD Display PLG_INT NORM/LLL NORM/SFX KIT/SFX KIT/DRM MMM/LLL System Plug-in Board Native System Master EQ (for Voice Mode) PERFORMANCE Available Bank Select/Program Change of the Plug-in Boards (Before selecting a number, a Plug-in Board should be installed and PLG1 or PLG2 has to be selected in Voice Mode.) MSB (HEX) LSB (HEX) 18 - 19 63 3F 00 - 7F 0 00 00 - 7F 64 40 00 - 7F 126 7E 00 - 7F 127 7F 00 - 7F *** ** Description LSB = 24H: Plug-in 1, 25H: Plug-in 2 LLL: Bank LSB MMM: Bank MSB, LLL: Bank LSB Only the banks that can be received by Plug-in Board are shown. VOICE (NORMAL) <Table1> Parameter Base Address Parameter Block Description Top Address H M L 00 00 00 00 0A 0E 0F 00 10 20 70 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 System Plug-in Board Native System Master EQ Panel Knob Remote Switch Header Footer PERFORMANCE COMMON PERFORMANCE PART 30 31 00 00 00 00 PERFORMANCE ZONE 31 31 31 31 31 32 0F 40 50 60 61 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 SYSTEM REMOTE SWITCH BULK CONTROL VOICE COMMON VOICE ELEMENT GROUP1 VOICE ELEMENT GROUP2 VOICE ELEMENT GROUP3 VOICE ELEMENT GROUP4 KIT COMMON (DRUM VOICE & CLIP KIT) KIT ELEMENT GROUP1 KIT ELEMENT GROUP2 KIT ELEMENT GROUP3 KIT ELEMENT GROUP4 VOICE PLUGIN 32 03 00 Performace Common Part1 : Part16 A/D Part Phrase Clip Part Plug-in 1 Part Plug-in 2 Part Zone1 : Zone4 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 41 42 43 44 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 47 48 49 4A 4C 4C 4C 4C 4C 4C 4C 4C 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 70 ee ee ee ee 00 01 02 03 04 05 70 71 ee ee ee ee 00 01 02 03 05 10 20 70 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 Common Reverb Chorus Insertion 1 Insertion 2 Controller LFO Extra ee : Element No. ee : Element No. ee : Element No. ee : Element No. Common Reverb Chorus Insertion 1 Insertion 2 Controller Extra Extra Phrase Clip ee : Element No. ee : Element No. ee : Element No. ee : Element No. Common Reverb Chorus Insertion 1 Controller Plug-in Element Native Extra Description VOICE (DRUM) 30 Bulk Header COMMON Extra Common Reverb Chorus Insertion 1(S) Insertion 2(L) Controller LFO ELEMENT 1 Oscillator Amplitude Pitch Filter EQ LFO ELEMENT 2 Oscillator Amplitude Pitch Filter EQ LFO ELEMENT 3 Oscillator Amplitude Pitch Filter EQ LFO ELEMENT 4 Oscillator Amplitude Pitch Filter EQ LFO Bulk Footer Bulk Header COMMON Extra Common Reverb Chorus Insertion 1(S) Insertion 2(L) Controller KEY C 0 Oscillator Amplitude Pitch Filter EQ : KEY C 6 Oscillator Amplitude Pitch Filter EQ Bulk Footer Byte Count Top Address Dec Hex H M L 60 3C 32 20 20 14 00 00 00 00 10 20 00 00 00 0 00 68 44 24 18 25 19 22 16 34 22 10 0A 20 14 68 44 37 25 16 Blocks 37 25 37 25 37 25 37 25 37 25 16 10 4 Blocks 16 10 0 00 0E 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 31 : 31 31 31 31 31 32 : 32 0F mm 00 01 02 03 04 05 10 20 00 : 0F 40 50 60 61 00 : 03 mm nn 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 : 00 00 00 00 00 00 : 00 nn 1B 30 08 06 0D 1D 1B 30 08 06 0D 1D 1B 30 08 06 00 0E 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 41 41 42 43 44 44 41 41 42 43 44 44 41 41 42 43 44 44 41 41 42 43 44 44 0F mm 70 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 00 00 00 00 00 00 01 01 01 01 01 01 02 02 02 02 02 02 03 03 03 03 03 03 mm nn 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 20 00 00 00 40 00 20 00 00 00 40 00 20 00 00 00 40 00 20 00 00 00 40 nn 0 00 56 38 7 07 24 18 25 19 22 16 34 22 30 1E 18 12 12 0C 3 03 8 08 8 08 73 Blocks 18 12 12 0C 3 03 8 08 8 08 0 00 0E 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 47 47 48 49 4A : 47 47 48 49 4A 0F mm 70 00 01 02 03 04 05 00 00 00 00 00 : 48 48 48 48 48 mm nn 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 20 00 00 00 : 00 20 00 00 00 nn 0 56 13 24 25 22 34 30 14 13 29 27 48 8 6 13 29 27 48 8 6 13 29 27 48 8 6 13 29 27 48 8 6 0 00 38 0D 18 19 16 22 1E 0E 0D 1D 1B 30 08 06 0D 1D VOICE (PLUG-IN) Bulk Header COMMON Extra Common Reverb Chorus Insertion 1(S) Controller Plug-in Element Native Bulk Footer 0 56 13 24 25 22 10 35 68 0 00 38 0D 18 19 16 0A 23 44 00 0E 4C 4C 4C 4C 4C 4C 4C 4C 0F mm 70 00 01 02 03 05 10 20 mm <Table 3> nn 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 nn MIDI PARAMETER CHANGE TABLE (SYSTEM) Address Size Data Range(HEX) 00 00 00 1 00 - 7F 28 - 58 01 1 00 - 0F 02 4 00 - 0F 00 - 0F 00 - 0F Parameter Change F0, 43, 1n, id, ah, am, al, dt, ... F7 n: id: ah: am: al: dt: Device Number Model ID Parameter Address High Parameter Address Middle Parameter Address Low Data Parameter Request F0, 43, 3n, id, ah, am, al F7 n: id: ah: am: al: Device Number Model ID Parameter Address High Parameter Address Middle Parameter Address Low Bulk Dump F0, 43, 0n, id, bh, bl, ah, am, al, dt, ..., cc, F7 n: id: bh: bl: ah: am: al: dt: cc: Device Number Model ID Byte Count High Byte Count Low Parameter Address High Parameter Address Middle Parameter Address Low Data Check Sum of Data Bulk Dump Request F0, 43, 2n, id, ah, am, al, F7 n: id: ah: am: al: Device Number Model ID Parameter Address High Parameter Address Middle Parameter Address Low Description 0 - 127 -24 - +24[semitones] -102.4 - +102.3[cent] → bit15-12 1st bit3-0 2nd bit3-0 → bit11-8 → bit7-4 3rd bit3-0 → bit3-0 4th bit3-0 Controller Reset hold, reset Master Transpose -11 - +11(semitones) Master Octave Shift -3 - +3 Local Switch off,on Basic Receive Channel 1 - 16,omni,off Keyboard Transmit Channel 1 - 16,off MIDI Sync int,MIDI MIDI Control off,on Plug-in Board 1 MIDI Sync/Control off,on Plug-in Board 2 MIDI Sync/Control off,on reserved BC Curve (for TG) thru, soft, hard, wide Keyboard Velocity Curve norm, soft, hard, wide, fixed Keyboard Fixed Velocity 1 - 127 Receive GM/XG On off,on Receive/Transmit Bank Select off,all,part,perform Receive Program Change off,on mode1, mode2 MIDI Control Mode Thru Port 1-8 MIDI Input MIDI,mLAN off,on Effect Bypass Reverb Effect Bypass Chorus off,on off,on Effect Bypass Insertion reserved GM/XG Receive Mode all-part, layer-part, all-off Power on Mode Performance, Voice(INT), Voice(PRE1), last reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved off,1 - 95 Scene Control Number off,1 - 51 Knob A Destination off,1 - 51 Knob B Destination off,1 - 51 Knob C Destination off,1 - 95 Knob A Control Number off,1 - 95 Knob B Control Number off,1 - 95 Knob C Control Number volume, express FV Assign off,1 - 95, Arp Sw, Arp Hold, SMF Play, PC FS Assign Inc, PC Dec Default(HEX) Notes 7F MIDI Master Volume 40 00 04 00 00 (0400) MIDI Master Tuning 06 07 08 09 0A 0B 0C 0D 0E 0F 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 1A 1B 1C 1D 1E 1F 20 21 22 23 24 25 29 2A 2B 2C 2D 2E 2F 30 31 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 00 - 01 35 - 4B 3D - 43 00 - 01 00 - 10,7F 00 - 0F,7F 00 - 01 00 - 01 00 - 01 00 - 01 32 33 1 1 00 - 5F 00 - 5F ARP Switch Control Number ARP Hold Control Number off,1 - 95 off,1 - 95 5A 59 34 35 36 37 38 39 3A 3B 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 00 - 01 00 - 0F 00 - 5F 00 - 5F 00 - 5F 00 - 5F 00 - 5F 00 - 01 ARP MIDI Out Switch ARP MIDI Out Channel KN1 Control Number KN2 Control Number BC Control Number FC Control Number RB Control Number RB Mode off,on 1 - 16 off,1 - 95 off,1 - 95 off,1 - 95 off,1 - 95 off,1 - 95 hold,reset 00 00 10 11 02 04 16 00 TOTAL SIZE = 60 00 10 00 10 16 16 TOTAL SIZE = 32 00 20 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 08 09 0A 0C 0D 0E 10 11 12 13 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 TOTAL SIZE = 20 00 70 00 31 Prameter Name Master Volume Master Note Shift Master Tune 1 00 - 03 00 - 04 01 - 7F 00 - 01 00 - 03 00 - 01 00 - 01 00 - 07 00 - 01 00 - 01 00 - 01 00 - 01 00 - 02 00 - 03 00 - 5F 00 - 33 00 - 33 00 - 33 00 - 5F 00 - 5F 00 - 5F 00 - 01 00 - 64 00 40 40 01 00 00 00 01 00 00 02 00 00 40 01 01 00 00 00 00 01 01 00 00 02 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 0E 01 07 0D 12 13 14 01 58 CS6x, S80 only CS6x, S80 only CS6x, S80 only CS6x, S80 only CS6x only for Voice Mode : : : : : : :(CS6x only) 3C (HEX) 00 - 7F 00 - 7F Plug-in 1 Native System Parameter depends on Plug-in Board Plug-in 2 Native System Parameter depends on Plug-in Board depends on Plug-in Board depends on Plug-in Board EQ Gain1 EQ Frequency1 EQ Q1 EQ Shape1 EQ Gain2 EQ Frequency2 EQ Q2 NOT USED EQ Gain3 EQ Frequency3 EQ Q3 NOT USED EQ Gain4 EQ Frequency4 EQ Q4 NOT USED EQ Gain5 EQ Frequency5 EQ Q5 EQ Shape5 -12 - +12[dB] 32 - 2000[Hz] 0. 1 - 12.0 shelv, peak -12 - +12[dB] 100 - 10.0[kHz] 0.1 - 12.0 40 0C 07 00 40 1C 07 -12 - +12[dB] 100 - 10.0[kHz] 0. 1- 12.0 40 22 07 -12 - +12[dB] 100 - 10.0[kHz] 0.1 - 12.0 40 2E 07 -12 - +12[dB] 0.5 - 16.0[kHz] 0.1 - 12.0 shelv, peak 40 34 07 00 0 - 127 -- 20 (HEX) 34 -4C 04 - 28 01 - 78 00 - 01 34 - 4C 0E - 36 01 - 78 34 -4C 0E - 36 01 - 78 34 - 4C 0E - 36 01 - 78 34 - 4C 1C - 3A 01 - 78 00 - 01 for Voice Mode : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 14 (HEX) 00 - 7F Phrase Clip Pitch Knob CS6x,CS6R only <Table 5> MIDI PARAMETER CHANGE TABLE (PERFORMANCE COMMON) MIDI PARAMETER CHANGE TABLE (BULK CONTROL) Address Size Data Range(HEX) Prameter Name 0E 08 nn 0 Bulk Header 09 nn 0 0F nn 0 18 nn 0 19 nn 0 1F nn 0 28 nn 0 29 nn 0 2F nn 0 40 nn 0 41 nn 0 4F nn 0 68 nn 0 6F nn 0 Description Normal Voice INT (nn = 0 - 127) Normal Voice EXT (nn = 0 - 127) Normal Voice Edit Buffer (nn = 0) Plug-in Voice PLG1 (nn = 0 - 63) Plug-in Voice PLG2 (nn = 0 - 63) Plug-in Voice Edit Buffer (nn = 0) Drum Voice INT (nn = 0 - 1) Drum Voice EXT (nn = 0 - 1) Drum Voice Edit Buffer (nn = 0) Performance INT (nn = 0 - 127) Performance EXT (nn = 0 - 63) Performance Edit Buffer (nn = 0) Phrase Clip Kit INT (nn = 0 - 3) Phrase Clip Kit Edit Buffer (nn = 0) Default(HEX) Notes - 0F 08 09 0F 18 19 1F 28 29 2F 40 41 4F 68 6F Normal Voice INT (nn = 0 - 127) Normal Voice EXT (nn = 0 - 127) Normal Voice Edit Buffer (nn = 0) Plug-in Voice PLG1 (nn = 0 - 63) Plug-in Voice PLG2 (nn = 0 - 63) Plug-in Voice Edit Buffer (nn = 0) Drum Voice INT (nn = 0 - 1) Drum Voice EXT (nn = 0 - 1) Drum Voice Edit Buffer (nn = 0) Performance INT (nn = 0 - 127) Performance EXT (nn = 0 - 63) Performance Edit Buffer (nn = 0) Phrase Clip Kit INT (nn = 0 - 3) Phrase Clip Kit Edit Buffer (nn = 0) - nn nn nn nn nn nn nn nn nn nn nn nn nn nn 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 - Bulk Footer Address Size Data Range(HEX) 30 00 00 1 20 - 7E 30 00 01 1 20 - 7E 30 00 02 1 20 - 7E 30 00 03 1 20 - 7E 30 00 04 1 20 - 7E 30 00 05 1 20 - 7E 30 00 06 1 20 - 7E 30 00 07 1 20 - 7E 30 00 08 1 20 - 7E 30 00 09 1 20 - 7E 30 00 0A 1 30 00 0B 1 30 00 0C 1 00 - 16 30 00 0D 1 00 - 7F 30 00 0E 1 00 - 02 30 00 0F 1 00 - 7F 30 00 10 1 00 - 10 30 00 11 1 00 - 01 30 00 12 1 00 - 10 30 00 13 1 00 - 7F 30 00 14 1 00 - 01 30 00 15 1 00 - 02 30 00 16 1 00 - 06 30 00 17 1 00 - 7F 30 00 18 1 00 - 7F 30 00 19 1 00 - 02 30 00 1A 1 00 - 01 30 00 1B 2 0000 - 00C8 <Table 4> MIDI PARAMETER CHANGE TABLE (REMOTE SWITCH) Address Size Data Range(HEX) 00 00 1 00 - 01 00 - 01 01 1 00 - 01 02 1 00 - 01 03 1 00 - 01 04 1 00 - 01 05 1 00 - 01 06 1 07 1 00 - 01 08 1 00 - 01 09 1 0A 1 0B 1 0C 1 0D 1 0E 1 0F 1 00 - 01 10 1 00 - 01 11 1 00 - 01 12 1 00 - 01 13 1 00 - 01 14 1 00 - 01 15 1 00 - 01 16 1 00 - 01 17 1 00 - 01 18 1 00 - 01 19 1 00 - 01 1A 1 00 - 01 1B 1 00 - 01 1C 1 00 - 01 1D 1 00 - 01 1E 1 00 - 01 1F 1 00 - 01 20 1 00 - 01 21 1 00 - 01 22 1 00 - 01 23 1 00 - 01 24 1 00 - 01 25 1 26 1 00 - 01 27 1 00 - 01 28 1 00 - 01 29 1 00 - 01 2A 1 00 - 01 2B 1 00 - 01 2C 1 00 - 01 2D 1 00 - 01 2E 1 00 - 01 2F 1 00 - 01 30 1 00 - 01 31 1 00 - 01 32 1 00 - 01 33 1 00 - 01 34 1 00 - 01 35 1 00 - 01 36 1 00 - 01 37 1 00 - 01 38 1 00 - 01 39 1 00 - 01 3A 1 00 - 01 3B 1 00 - 01 3C 1 00 - 01 3D 1 00 - 01 3E 1 3F 1 00 - 01 Prameter Name OCT DOWN OCT UP SCENE1 SCENE2 ARP HOLD ARP ON/OFF PORTAMENTO ON/OFF reserved PHRASE CLIP PHRASE CLIP REC reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved PERFORM VOICE SEQ PLAY UTILITY CARD PLAY/STOP EDIT JOB SHIFT EF BYPASS MASTER KEYBOARD DEC/NO INC/YES EXIT ENTER STORE PRE1 PRE2 INT EXT PLG1 PLG2 reserved QUICK ACCESS A B C D E F G H 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Description off,on off,on off,on off,on off,on off,on off,on off,on off,on off,on off,on off,on off,on off,on off,on off,on off,on off,on off,on off,on off,on off,on off,on off,on off,on off,on off,on off,on off,on off,on off,on off,on off,on off,on off,on off,on off,on off,on off,on off,on off,on off,on off,on off,on off,on off,on off,on off,on off,on off,on off,on off,on off,on off,on off,on off,on Default(HEX) ----------------------------------------------------------------- Notes CS6x only CS6x only CS6x only CS6x only CS6x only CS6x only CS6x only CS6x,CS6R only CS6x,CS6R only CS6x,S80 only 30 00 1D 2 0000 - 00C8 30 00 1F 2 0019 - 012C 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 2A 2B 2C 2D 2E 2F 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 3A 3B 3C 3D 3E 3F 40 41 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 01 - 7F 30 00 42 1 60 - 7F Insertion Effect Part for Plug-In 30 00 43 1 00 - 7F Insertion Plug-in Part 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 TOTAL SIZE = 68 S80 only CS6x,S80 only CS6x,S80 only CS6x,S80 only CS6x,S80 only CS6x,S80 only CS6x,S80 only CS6x,S80 only CS6x,S80 only CS6x,S80 only CS6x,S80 only CS6x,S80 only CS6x,S80 only CS6x,S80 only CS6x,S80 only CS6x,S80 only CS6x,S80 only CS6x,S80 only CS6x,S80 only CS6x,S80 only CS6x,S80 only CS6x,S80 only CS6x,S80 only CS6x,S80 only CS6x,S80 only 30 01 00 2 30 01 02 2 30 01 04 2 30 01 06 2 30 01 08 2 30 01 0A 2 30 01 0C 2 30 01 0E 2 30 01 10 2 30 01 12 2 30 01 14 2 30 01 16 1 30 01 17 1 TOTAL SIZE = 24 32 Prameter Name Performance Name1 Performance Name2 Performance Name3 Performance Name4 Performance Name5 Performance Name6 Performance Name7 Performance Name8 Performance Name9 Performance Name10 reserved reserved Performance Category Phrase Clip Pitch Master Keyboard Mode Master Keyboard Split Point Layer Channel ARP MIDI Out Switch ARP MIDI Out Channel ARP Type ARP Switch ARP Hold ARP Unit Multiply ARP Note Limit Low ARP Note Limit High ARP Key Mode ARP Vel Mode ARP Velocity Rate MSB ARP Velocity Rate LSB ARP Gate Time Rate MSB ARP Gate TIme Rate LSB ARP Tempo MSB ARP Tempo LSB QED Pan reserved QED Chorus Control QED Release Time QED Sustain Level QED Portamento Time QED Portamento Switch QED KnobA QED KnobB QED KnobC QED/Scene 1 Knob1 QED/Scene 1 Knob2 QED/Scene 1 Cutoff Frequency QED/Scene 1 Resonance QED/Scene 1 Attack Time QED/Scene 1 Decay Time Scene 2 Knob1 Scene 2 Knob2 Scene 2 Cutoff Frequency Scene 2 Resonance Scene 2 Attack Time Scene 2 Decay Time Scene Control QED Volume QED Reverb Send QED Chorus Send KN1 Control Number KN2 Control Number BC Control Number FC Control Number RB Control Number RB Mode Insertion Effect Part for Normal/ AD/Phrase Clip 00 - 7F 00 - 7F 00 - 7F 00 - 7F 00 - 01 00 - 7F 00 - 7F 00 - 7F 00 - 7F 00 - 7F 00 - 7F 00 - 7F 00 - 7F 00 - 7F 00 - 7F 00 - 7F 00 - 7F 00 - 7F 00 - 7F 00 - 7F 00 - 7F 00 - 7F 00 - 7F 00 - 7F 00 - 5F 00 - 5F 00 - 5F 00 - 5F 00 - 5F 00 - 01 00 - 7F Description 32..126(ASCII) 32..126(ASCII) 32..126(ASCII) 32..126(ASCII) 32..126(ASCII) 32..126(ASCII) 32..126(ASCII) 32..126(ASCII) 32..126(ASCII) 32..126(ASCII) Default(HEX) Notes I n i t 00..22(--..Sq) -64..+63 split,4zone,layer C-2..G8 1..16,BasicCh off,on 1..16,kbd-ch UpOct1 - GateCut3 off,on sync-off,off,on 50%,66%,75%,100%,133%,150%,200% C-2..G8 C-2..G8 sort,thru,direct original,thru 0...200% 00(--) 40 01 3C 10 00 00 00 00 01 03 00 7F 01 01 64 0...200% 64 25..300 78 L63..C..R63 40 40 40 40 40 40 00 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 00 7F 7F 7F 10 11 02 04 16 00 00 -64..+63 -64..+63 -64..+63 -64..+63 off,on -64..+63 -64..+63 -64..+63 -64..+63 -64..+63 -64..+63 -64..+63 -64..+63 -64..+63 -64..+63 -64..+63 -64..+63 -64..+63 -64..+63 -64..+63 0..127 0..127 0..127 0..127 off,1 - 95 off,1 - 95 off,1 - 95 off,1 - 95 off,1 - 95 hold,reset 0 - 15: Part1 ... 16 64: PartAD 80: PartCL 127: off 96 - 97: PartP1,PartP2 127: off 0 - 15: Part1 ... 16 64: PartAD 80: PartCL 127: off P e r f 60 7F 44 (HEX) 00 - 7F 00 - 7F 00 - 7F 00 - 7F 00 - 7F 00 - 7F 00 - 7F 00 - 7F 00 - 7F 00 - 7F 00 - 7F 00 - 7F 00 - 7F 00 - 7F 00 - 7F 00 - 7F 00 - 7F 00 - 7F 00 - 7F 00 - 7F 00 - 7F 00 - 7F 00 - 7F 01 - 7F 18 (HEX) Reverb Type MSB Reverb Type LSB Reverb Parameter 1 MSB Reverb Parameter 1 LSB Reverb Parameter 2 MSB Reverb Parameter 2 LSB Reverb Parameter 3 MSB Reverb Parameter 3 LSB Reverb Parameter 4 MSB Reverb Parameter 4 LSB Reverb Parameter 5 MSB Reverb Parameter 5 LSB Reverb Parameter 6 MSB Reverb Parameter 6 LSB Reverb Parameter 7 MSB Reverb Parameter 7 LSB Reverb Parameter 8 MSB Reverb Parameter 8 LSB Reverb Parameter 9 MSB Reverb Parameter 9 LSB Reverb Parameter 10 MSB Reverb Parameter 10 LSB Reverb Return Reverb Pan Refer to Effect Parameter List Depends On Effect Type " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " -∞ dB...0dB...+6dB(0...96...127) L63...C...R63 7F 40 Address Size Data Range(HEX) 30 02 00 2 00 - 7F 00 - 7F 30 02 02 2 00 - 7F 00 - 7F 30 02 04 2 00 - 7F 00 - 7F 30 02 06 2 00 - 7F 00 - 7F 30 02 08 2 00 - 7F 00 - 7F 30 02 0A 2 00 - 7F 00 - 7F 30 02 0C 2 00 - 7F 00 - 7F 30 02 0E 2 00 - 7F 00 - 7F 30 02 10 2 00 - 7F 00 - 7F 30 02 12 2 00 - 7F 00 - 7F 30 02 14 2 00 - 7F 00 - 7F 30 02 16 1 00 - 7F 30 02 17 1 01 - 7F 00 - 7F 30 02 18 1 TOTAL SIZE = 25 19 (HEX) Prameter Name Chorus Type MSB Chorus Type LSB Chorus Parameter 1 MSB Chorus Parameter 1 LSB Chorus Parameter 2 MSB Chorus Parameter 2 LSB Chorus Parameter 3 MSB Chorus Parameter 3 LSB Chorus Parameter 4 MSB Chorus Parameter 4 LSB Chorus Parameter 5 MSB Chorus Parameter 5 LSB Chorus Parameter 6 MSB Chorus Parameter 6 LSB Chorus Parameter 7 MSB Chorus Parameter 7 LSB Chorus Parameter 8 MSB Chorus Parameter 8 LSB Chorus Parameter 9 MSB Chorus Parameter 9 LSB Chorus Parameter 10 MSB Chorus Parameter 10 LSB Chorus Return Chorus Pan Send Chorus To Reverb 30 03 00 2 2 30 03 04 2 30 03 06 2 30 03 08 2 30 03 0A 2 30 03 0C 2 30 03 0E 2 30 03 10 2 30 03 12 2 30 03 14 2 Insertion-1 Type MSB (for A/D Part) Refer to Effect Parameter List Insertion-1 Type LSB Insertion-1 Parameter1 MSB Insertion-1 Parameter1 LSB Insertion-1 Parameter2 MSB Insertion-1 Parameter2 LSB Insertion-1 Parameter3 MSB Insertion-1 Parameter3 LSB Insertion-1 Parameter4 MSB Insertion-1 Parameter4 LSB Insertion-1 Parameter5 MSB Insertion-1 Parameter5 LSB Insertion-1 Parameter6 MSB Insertion-1 Parameter6 LSB Insertion-1 Parameter7 MSB Insertion-1 Parameter7 LSB Insertion-1 Parameter8 MSB Insertion-1 Parameter8 LSB Insertion-1 Parameter9 MSB Insertion-1 Parameter9 LSB Insertion-1 Parameter10 MSB Insertion-1 Parameter10 LSB Depends On Effect Type 30 03 02 00 - 7F 00 - 7F 00 - 7F 00 - 7F 00 - 7F 00 - 7F 00 - 7F 00 - 7F 00 - 7F 00 - 7F 00 - 7F 00 - 7F 00 - 7F 00 - 7F 00 - 7F 00 - 7F 00 - 7F 00 - 7F 00 - 7F 00 - 7F 00 - 7F 00 - 7F 16 (HEX) 00 - 7F 00 - 7F 00 - 7F 00 - 7F 00 - 7F 00 - 7F 00 - 7F 00 - 7F 00 - 7F 00 - 7F 00 - 7F 00 - 7F 00 - 7F 00 - 7F 00 - 7F 00 - 7F 00 - 7F 00 - 7F 00 - 7F 00 - 7F 00 - 7F 00 - 7F 00 - 7F 00 - 7F 00 - 7F 00 - 7F 00 - 7F 00 - 7F 00 - 7F 00 - 7F 00 - 7F 00 - 7F 00 - 7F 00 - 7F 22 (HEX) Insertion-2 Type MSB (for A/D Part) Insertion-2 Type LSB Insertion-2 Parameter 1 MSB Insertion-2 Parameter 1 LSB Insertion-2 Parameter 2 MSB Insertion-2 Parameter 2 LSB Insertion-2 Parameter 3 MSB Insertion-2 Parameter 3 LSB Insertion-2 Parameter 4 MSB Insertion-2 Parameter 4 LSB Insertion-2 Parameter 5 MSB Insertion-2 Parameter 5 LSB Insertion-2 Parameter 6 MSB Insertion-2 Parameter 6 LSB Insertion-2 Parameter 7 MSB Insertion-2 Parameter 7 LSB Insertion-2 Parameter 8 MSB Insertion-2 Parameter 8 LSB Insertion-2 Parameter 9 MSB Insertion-2 Parameter 9 LSB Insertion-2 Parameter 10 MSB Insertion-2 Parameter 10 LSB Insertion-2 Parameter 11 MSB Insertion-2 Parameter 11 LSB Insertion-2 Parameter 12 MSB Insertion-2 Parameter 12 LSB Insertion-2 Parameter 13 MSB Insertion-2 Parameter 13 LSB Insertion-2 Parameter 14 MSB Insertion-2 Parameter 14 LSB Insertion-2 Parameter 15 MSB Insertion-2 Parameter 15 LSB Insertion-2 Parameter 16 MSB Insertion-2 Parameter 16 LSB 00 - 09 00 00 - 1D 00 - 7F Controller Set1 Source (for A/D Part) Controller Set1 Destination MSB Controller Set1 Destination LSB Controller Set1 Depth reserved Controller Set2 Source Controller Set2 Destination MSB Controller Set2 Destination LSB Controller Set2 Depth reserved PB, MW1, ---, AT, FC, FS, RB, BC, KN1, KN2 00 0 - 29 00 -64 - +63 40 00 EQ Gain1 EQ Frequency1 EQ Q1 EQ Shape1 EQ Gain2 EQ Frequency2 EQ Q2 Not Used EQ Gain3 EQ Frequency3 EQ Q3 Not Used EQ Gain4 EQ Frequency4 EQ Q4 Not Used EQ Gain5 EQ Frequency5 EQ Q5 EQ Shape5 -12 - +12[dB] 32 - 2000[Hz] 0. 1 - 12.0 shelv,peak -12 - +12[dB] 100 - 10.0[kHz] 0.1 - 12.0 40 0C 07 00 40 1C 07 -12 - +12[dB] 100 - 10.0[kHz] 0. 1- 12.0 40 22 07 -12 - +12[dB] 100 - 10.0[kHz] 0.1 - 12.0 40 2E 07 -12 - +12[dB] 0.5 - 16.0[kHz] 0.1 - 12.0 shelv,peak 40 34 07 00 Plug-in Board Native System Parameter Plug-in Board Native Parameter Plug-in Board Type MSB Plug-in Board Type LSB Plug-in Board Version Number reserved (for InsEF Plug-in) (for InsEF Plug-in) (for InsEF Plug-in) depends on Plug-in Board depends on Plug-in Board depends on Plug-in Board TOTAL SIZE = 22 30 04 00 2 30 04 02 2 30 04 04 2 30 04 06 2 30 04 08 2 30 04 0A 2 30 04 0C 2 30 04 0E 2 30 04 10 2 30 04 12 2 30 04 14 2 30 04 16 2 30 04 18 2 30 04 1A 2 30 04 1C 2 30 04 1E 2 30 04 20 2 TOTAL SIZE = 34 30 05 00 30 05 01 1 2 30 30 30 30 1 1 1 2 05 05 05 05 03 04 05 06 30 05 08 1 30 05 09 1 TOTAL SIZE = 10 00 - 09 00 00 - 1D 00 - 7F 34 - 4C 04 - 28 01 - 78 00 - 01 34 - 4C 0E - 36 01 - 78 30 20 00 16 30 20 10 48 30 20 40 3 00 - 7F 00 - 7F 00 - 7F 00 - 7F 00 - 7F 00 - 7F 44 (HEX) 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 43 1 TOTAL SIZE =68 Default(HEX) Notes Depends On Effect Type " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " -∞ dB...0dB...+6dB(0...96...127) L63...C...R63 - ∞dB ... 0dB(0...127) 7F 40 00 " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " Refer to Effect Parameter List Depends On Effect Type " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " <Table 6> MIDI PARAMETER CHANGE TABLE (PERFORMANCE PART) Address Size Data Range(HEX) 31 pp 00 1 00 - 7F 31 pp 01 1 00 - 7F 31 pp 02 1 00 - 7F 31 pp 03 1 00 - 0F, 7F 31 pp 04 1 00 - 01 31 pp 05 1 01 - 7F 31 pp 06 1 01 - 7F 31 pp 07 1 00 - 7F 31 pp 08 1 00 - 7F 31 pp 09 1 10 - 58 31 pp 0A 1 10 - 58 31 pp 0B 1 00 - 7F 31 pp 0C 1 00 - 7F 31 pp 0D 1 00 - 7F 31 pp 0E 1 01 - 7F 31 pp 0F 1 31 pp 10 2 00 - 0F 00 - 0F 34 - 4C 0E - 36 01 - 78 34 - 4C 0E - 36 01 - 78 34 - 4C 1C - 3A 01 - 78 00 - 01 14 (HEX) 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 1A 1B 1C 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 00 - 7F 00 - 7F 31 pp 1D 1 00 - 7F 31 pp 1E 1 00 - 7F 31 pp 1F 1 00 - 7F 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 pp pp pp pp pp pp pp pp pp pp pp 31 pp 20 1 31 pp 21 1 31 pp 22 1 31 pp 23 1 31 pp 24 1 TOTAL SIZE =37 pp = 28 - 58 00 - 7F 00 - 7F 00 - 01 00 - 7F 00 - 01 00 - 7F 00 - 7F 00 - 7F 00 - 7F 00 - 7F 25 (HEX) part number 00 - 0F 40 50 60 61 Prameter Name Bank Select MSB Bank Select LSB Program Number Receive Channel Part Mode Velocity Limit Low Velocity Limit High Note Limit Low Note Limit High Pitch Bend Range Upper Pitch Bend Range Lower Velocity Sense Depth Velocity Send Offset Volume Pan reserved Detune MSB Detune LSB Reverb Send Chorus Send reserved Note Shift Filter Cutoff Frequency Filter Resonance/Width reserved Portamento Switch Portamento Time Portamento Mode Output Select Description 0 - 127 0 - 127 1 - 128 1..16,off(7F) mono,poly 1 - 127 1 - 127 C-2 - G8 C-2 - G8 -48 - +24 -48 - +24 0 - 127 0 - 127 0 - 127 L63 - C - R63 -12.8 - +12.7[Hz] 1st bit3-0 2nd bit3-0 0 - 127 0 - 127 Default(HEX) 00 00 00 Part No. 01 01 7F 00 7F 40 40 40 40 64 40 40 08 00 (80) Notes Part1-16, P1/2 Part1-16,CL,P1/2 Part1-16,CL,P1/2 Part1-16,CL,P1/2 Part1-16,CL,P1/2 Part1-16,CL,P1/2 Part1-16,CL Part1-16,CL,P1/2 Part1-16,CL,P1/2 Part1-16,CL,P1/2 → bit7-4 → bit3-0 -24 - +24[semitones] -64 - +63 -64 - +63 off,on 0 - 127 fingered,fulltime 0: L&R 8: ind1&2 64 - 69: ind1 - ind6 127: drum bit0: Layer Sw off,on Layer Sw bit1: Arpeggio Sw off,on Arpeggio Sw bit2: off,on Control Change Receive Control Change bit3: off,on Bank Select Receive Bank Select bit4: off,on Program Change Receive Program Change bit5: off,on AT Receive AT bit6: off,on PB Receive PB bit0: off,on Volume/Expression Receive Volume/Expression bit1: off,on Pan Receive Pan bit2: reserved bit3: off,on Sustain/Sostenute Receive Sustain/Sostenute bit4: reserved bit5: off,on MW Receive MW bit6: reserved bit0: off,on FC Receive FC bit1: off,on FS Receive FS bit2: off,on RB Receive RB bit3: off,on BC Receive BC bit4: off,on KN1 Receive Knob1 bit5: off,on KN2 Receive Knob2 bit6: reserved AEG Decay2 Level (EG Sustain Level) -64 - +63 AEG Attack Time (EG Attack Time) -64 - +63 reserved AEG Decay2 Time (EG Decay Time) -64 - +63 AEG Release Time (EG Release Time) -64 - +63 28 00 00 40 40 40 40 00 40 00 00 7C Part1-16,CL,P1/2 Part1-16,CL,P1/2 Part1-16,CL,P1/2 Part1-16,P1/2 Part1-16,P1/2 Part1-16 Part1:on, Other:off Part1-16,CL,P1/2 7F 7F 40 40 40 40 40 Part1-16,CL Part1-16,CL,P1/2 Part1-16,CL,P1/2 Part1-16,CL,P1/2 Part 1 - 16 Part A/D Part Phrase Clip Part Plug-in 1 Part Plug-in 2 <Table 7> MIDI PARAMETER CHANGE TABLE (MASTER KEYBOARD ZONE) CS6x, S80 only Address Size Data Range(HEX) Prameter Name Description 32 nn 00 1 00 - 3F Transmit Channel, MIDI/TG Switch bit0-3: Ch1..16 bit4: MIDI off,on bit5: TG off,on Transpose (Octave) -3..+3 3D - 43 32 nn 01 1 Transpose (Semitone) -11..+11(semitones) 35 - 4B 32 nn 02 1 Note Limit Low 00 - 7F C-2..G8 32 nn 03 1 Note Limit High C-2..G8 00 - 7F 32 nn 04 1 reserved 32 nn 05 1 reserved 32 nn 06 1 00 - 7F 0..127 MIDI Volume 32 nn 07 1 00 - 7F 0..127 MIDI Pan 32 nn 08 1 00 - 7F 0..127 MIDI Bank MSB 32 nn 09 1 00 - 7F 0..127 MIDI Bank LSB 32 nn 0A 1 1..128 00 - 7F MIDI Program Number 32 nn 0B 1 00 - 7F bit0: off,on FV (Volume/Expression) Transmit Volume/FV 32 nn 0C 1 bit1: off,on Pan Transmit Pan bit2: off,on Sustain Transmit Sustain bit3: off,on Bank Select Transmit Bank Select bit4: off,on Program Change Transmit Program Change bit5: off,on AT Transmit AT bit6: off,on PB Transmit PB 00 - 7F 32 0D 1 bit0: off,on FC Transmit FC bit1: off,on FS Transmit FS bit2: off,on RB Transmit RB bit3: off,on BC Transmit BC bit4: off,on MW Transmit MW Transmit Assignable Knob (A/B/C) bit5: off,on Assignable KnobA,B,C bit6: off,on Assignable Knob1,2 Transmit Assignable Knob (1/2) 00 - 5F 32 nn 0E 1 off,1 - 95 Control Slider Control Number 32 nn 0F 1 reserved TOTAL SIZE = 16 10 (HEX) -64 - +63 40 00 PB, MW1, ---, AT, FC, FS, RB, BC, KN1, KN2 00 0 - 29 00 0A (HEX) 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 30 10 08 1 30 10 09 1 30 10 0A 1 1 30 10 0C 1 30 10 0D 1 30 10 0E 1 1 30 10 10 1 30 10 11 1 30 10 12 1 30 10 13 1 TOTAL SIZE = 20 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 Description Refer to Effect Parameter List nn 33 = zone number 00 - 03 Default(HEX) Notes Zone1:30, Other:00 40 40 00 7F 01 7F 64 40 00 00 00 7F 7F 07 00 S80 only <Table 8> Address Size Data Range(HEX) Prameter Name MIDI PARAMETER CHANGE TABLE (NORMAL VOICE COMMON) 40 03 00 Address Size Data Range(HEX) Prameter Name 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 0A 0B 0C 0D 0E 0F 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 1A 1B 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 00 - 7F 00 - 01 00 - 02 00 - 06 00 - 7F 00 - 7F 00 - 02 00 - 01 0000 - 00C8 40 70 1D 2 0000 - 00C8 40 70 1F 2 0019 - 012C 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 20 - 7E 20 - 7E 20 - 7E 20 - 7E 20 - 7E 20 - 7E 20 - 7E 20 - 7E 20 - 7E 20 - 7E 00 - 16 Description Default(HEX) Notes Voice Name1 Voice Name2 Voice Name3 Voice Name4 Voice Name5 Voice Name6 Voice Name7 Voice Name8 Voice Name9 Voice Name10 reserved reserved Voice Category reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved ARP Type ARP Switch ARP Hold ARP Unit Multiply ARP Note Limit Low ARP Note Limit High ARP Key Mode ARP Vel Mode ARP Velocity Rate MSB ARP Velocity Rate LSB ARP Gate Time Rate MSB ARP Gate TIme Rate LSB ARP Tempo MSB ARP Tempo LSB QED Pan reserved QED Chorus Control QED Release Time QED Sustain Level reserved reserved QED KnobA QED KnobB QED KnobC QED/Scene 1 Knob1 QED/Scene 1 Knob2 QED/Scene 1 Cutoff Frequency QED/Scene 1 Resonance QED/Scene 1 Attack Time QED/Scene 1 Decay Time Scene 2 Knob1 Scene 2 Knob2 Scene 2 Cutoff Frequency Scene 2 Resonance Scene 2 Attack Time Scene 2 Decay Time Scene Control 32..126(ASCII) 32..126(ASCII) 32..126(ASCII) 32..126(ASCII) 32..126(ASCII) 32..126(ASCII) 32..126(ASCII) 32..126(ASCII) 32..126(ASCII) 32..126(ASCII) I n i t 00..22(--..Sq) 00(--) V o i c e UpOct1 - GateCut3 off,on sync-off,off,on 50%,66%,75%,100%,133%,150%,200% C-2..G8 C-2..G8 sort,thru,direct original,thru 0...200% 00 00 01 03 00 7F 01 01 64 0...200% 2 40 04 0E 2 40 04 10 2 40 04 12 2 -64..+63 -64..+63 -64..+63 -64..+63 -64..+63 -64..+63 -64..+63 -64..+63 -64..+63 -64..+63 -64..+63 -64..+63 -64..+63 -64..+63 -64..+63 0..127 40 04 14 2 40 04 16 2 40 04 18 2 40 04 1A 2 40 04 1C 2 40 04 1E 2 40 04 20 2 " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " -∞ dB...0dB...+6dB(0...96...127) L63...C...R63 40 40 00 - 7F 00 - 7F 00 - 7F 00 - 7F 00 - 7F 00 - 7F 00 - 7F 00 - 7F 00 - 7F 00 - 7F 00 - 7F 00 - 7F 00 - 7F 00 - 7F 00 - 7F 00 - 7F 00 - 7F 00 - 7F 00 - 7F 00 - 7F 00 - 7F 00 - 7F 00 - 7F 01 - 7F 00 - 7F 19 (HEX) Chorus Type MSB Chorus Type LSB Chorus Parameter 1 MSB Chorus Parameter 1 LSB Chorus Parameter 2 MSB Chorus Parameter 2 LSB Chorus Parameter 3 MSB Chorus Parameter 3 LSB Chorus Parameter 4 MSB Chorus Parameter 4 LSB Chorus Parameter 5 MSB Chorus Parameter 5 LSB Chorus Parameter 6 MSB Chorus Parameter 6 LSB Chorus Parameter 7 MSB Chorus Parameter 7 LSB Chorus Parameter 8 MSB Chorus Parameter 8 LSB Chorus Parameter 9 MSB Chorus Parameter 9 LSB Chorus Parameter 10 MSB Chorus Parameter 10 LSB Chorus Return Chorus Pan Send Chorus To Reverb 2 40 01 16 1 40 01 17 1 TOTAL SIZE = 24 40 02 00 2 40 02 02 2 40 02 04 2 40 02 06 2 40 02 08 2 40 02 0A 2 40 02 0C 2 40 02 0E 2 40 02 10 2 40 02 12 2 40 02 14 2 40 02 16 1 40 02 17 1 40 02 18 1 TOTAL SIZE = 25 2 40 04 0C " 40 01 14 40 03 14 40 40 40 40 40 40 00 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 00 " 2 2 L63..C..R63 Depends On Effect Type 40 01 12 40 03 12 2 " 2 2 40 04 0A 0100 2 40 03 10 8A Refer to Effect Parameter List 40 01 10 2 25..300 Reverb Type MSB Reverb Type LSB Reverb Parameter 1 MSB Reverb Parameter 1 LSB Reverb Parameter 2 MSB Reverb Parameter 2 LSB Reverb Parameter 3 MSB Reverb Parameter 3 LSB Reverb Parameter 4 MSB Reverb Parameter 4 LSB Reverb Parameter 5 MSB Reverb Parameter 5 LSB Reverb Parameter 6 MSB Reverb Parameter 6 LSB Reverb Parameter 7 MSB Reverb Parameter 7 LSB Reverb Parameter 8 MSB Reverb Parameter 8 LSB Reverb Parameter 9 MSB Reverb Parameter 9 LSB Reverb Parameter 10 MSB Reverb Parameter 10 LSB Reverb Return Reverb Pan 40 01 0E 40 03 0E 2 00 - 7F 00 - 7F 00 - 7F 00 - 7F 00 - 7F 00 - 7F 00 - 7F 00 - 7F 00 - 7F 00 - 7F 00 - 7F 00 - 7F 00 - 7F 00 - 7F 00 - 7F 00 - 7F 00 - 7F 00 - 7F 00 - 7F 00 - 7F 00 - 7F 00 - 7F 00 - 7F 01 - 7F 18 (HEX) 2 2 40 04 08 2 40 01 0C 40 03 0C 64 2 2 2 2 40 01 02 40 01 0A 40 03 0A 40 04 06 40 01 00 2 2 2 64 01 01 01 00 42 3E 00 00 00 00 00 00 40 01 08 40 03 08 40 04 04 0 - 127 BIT3:EL4, BIT2:EL3, BIT1:EL2, BIT0:EL1 single, multi mono,poly Equal - Indian -48 - +24[semitones] -48 - +24[semitones] fingered,fulltime off,on 0 - 127 1|2(Pararel), 1->2, 2->1 -∞ dB...0dB -∞ dB...0dB 2 2 2 Volume Element Switch Same Note Number Key On Assign Mono/Poly Mode Micro Tuning Pitch Bend Range Upper Pitch Bend Range Lower Portamento Mode Portamento Switch Portamento Time Insertion Connect Type Reverb Send Chorus Send 2 40 03 06 2 00 - 7F 00 - 0F 00 - 01 00 - 01 00 - 1F 10 - 58 10 - 58 00 - 01 00 - 01 00 - 7F 00 - 02 00 - 7F 00 - 7F 0D (HEX) 40 01 06 2 40 04 02 40 00 00 1 40 00 01 1 40 00 02 1 40 00 03 1 40 00 04 1 40 00 05 1 40 00 06 1 40 00 07 1 40 00 08 1 40 00 09 1 40 00 0A 1 40 00 0B 1 40 00 0C 1 TOTAL SIZE = 13 40 01 04 2 40 03 04 40 04 00 01 - 7F 00 - 7F 00 - 7F 00 - 7F 00 - 7F 00 - 7F 00 - 7F 00 - 7F 00 - 7F 00 - 7F 00 - 7F 00 - 7F 00 - 7F 00 - 7F 00 - 7F 00 - 7F 00 - 7F 38 (HEX) 40 03 02 TOTAL SIZE = 22 40 70 21 1 40 70 22 1 40 70 23 1 40 70 24 1 40 70 25 1 40 70 26 1 40 70 27 1 40 70 28 1 40 70 29 1 40 70 2A 1 40 70 2B 1 40 70 2C 1 40 70 2D 1 40 70 2E 1 40 70 2F 1 40 70 30 1 40 70 31 1 40 70 32 1 40 70 33 1 40 70 34 1 40 70 35 1 40 70 36 1 40 70 37 1 TOTAL SIZE = 56 00 - 7F 00 - 7F 00 - 7F 2 -64..+63 -64..+63 -64..+63 Refer to Effect Parameter List 0500 " Depends On Effect Type " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " -∞ dB...0dB...+6dB(0... 96...127) L63...C...R63 -∞ dB...0dB(0...127) 40 40 00 TOTAL SIZE =34 40 05 00 40 05 01 1 2 40 40 40 40 05 05 05 05 03 04 05 06 1 1 1 2 40 40 40 40 05 05 05 05 08 09 0A 0B 1 1 1 2 40 40 40 40 05 05 05 05 0D 0E 0F 10 1 1 1 2 40 40 40 40 05 05 05 05 12 13 14 15 1 1 1 2 40 40 40 40 05 05 05 05 17 18 19 1A 1 1 1 2 40 05 1C 1 40 05 1D 1 TOTAL SIZE =30 Description Default(HEX) Notes 00 - 7F 00 - 7F 00 - 7F 00 - 7F 00 - 7F 00 - 7F 00 - 7F 00 - 7F 00 - 7F 00 - 7F 00 - 7F 00 - 7F 00 - 7F 00 - 7F 00 - 7F 00 - 7F 00 - 7F 00 - 7F 00 - 7F 00 - 7F 00 - 7F 00 - 7F 16 (HEX) Insertion-1 Type MSB Insertion-1 Type LSB Insertion-1 Parameter1 MSB Insertion-1 Parameter1 LSB Insertion-1 Parameter2 MSB Insertion-1 Parameter2 LSB Insertion-1 Parameter3 MSB Insertion-1 Parameter3 LSB Insertion-1 Parameter4 MSB Insertion-1 Parameter4 LSB Insertion-1 Parameter5 MSB Insertion-1 Parameter5 LSB Insertion-1 Parameter6 MSB Insertion-1 Parameter6 LSB Insertion-1 Parameter7 MSB Insertion-1 Parameter7 LSB Insertion-1 Parameter8 MSB Insertion-1 Parameter8 LSB Insertion-1 Parameter9 MSB Insertion-1 Parameter9 LSB Insertion-1 Parameter10 MSB Insertion-1 Parameter10 LSB Refer to Effect Parameter List 0000 " Depends On Effect Type 00 - 7F 00 - 7F 00 - 7F 00 - 7F 00 - 7F 00 - 7F 00 - 7F 00 - 7F 00 - 7F 00 - 7F 00 - 7F 00 - 7F 00 - 7F 00 - 7F 00 - 7F 00 - 7F 00 - 7F 00 - 7F 00 - 7F 00 - 7F 00 - 7F 00 - 7F 00 - 7F 00 - 7F 00 - 7F 00 - 7F 00 - 7F 00 - 7F 00 - 7F 00 - 7F 00 - 7F 00 - 7F 00 - 7F 00 - 7F 22 (HEX) Insertion-2 Type MSB Insertion-2 Type LSB Insertion-2 Parameter 1 MSB Insertion-2 Parameter 1 LSB Insertion-2 Parameter 2 MSB Insertion-2 Parameter 2 LSB Insertion-2 Parameter 3 MSB Insertion-2 Parameter 3 LSB Insertion-2 Parameter 4 MSB Insertion-2 Parameter 4 LSB Insertion-2 Parameter 5 MSB Insertion-2 Parameter 5 LSB Insertion-2 Parameter 6 MSB Insertion-2 Parameter 6 LSB Insertion-2 Parameter 7 MSB Insertion-2 Parameter 7 LSB Insertion-2 Parameter 8 MSB Insertion-2 Parameter 8 LSB Insertion-2 Parameter 9 MSB Insertion-2 Parameter 9 LSB Insertion-2 Parameter 10 MSB Insertion-2 Parameter 10 LSB Insertion-2 Parameter 11 MSB Insertion-2 Parameter 11 LSB Insertion-2 Parameter 12 MSB Insertion-2 Parameter 12 LSB Insertion-2 Parameter 13 MSB Insertion-2 Parameter 13 LSB Insertion-2 Parameter 14 MSB Insertion-2 Parameter 14 LSB Insertion-2 Parameter 15 MSB Insertion-2 Parameter 15 LSB Insertion-2 Parameter 16 MSB Insertion-2 Parameter 16 LSB Refer to Effect Parameter List 0000 " Depends On Effect Type " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " 00 - 09 00 00 - 3D 00 - 7F 00 - 0F 00 - 09 00 00 - 3D 00 - 7F 00 - 0F 00 - 09 00 00 - 3D 00 - 7F 00 - 0F 00 - 09 00 00 - 3D 00 - 7F 00 - 0F 00 - 09 00 00 - 3D 00 - 7F 00 - 0F 00 - 09 00 00 - 3D 00 - 7F 00 - 0F 1E (HEX) Controller Set1 Source Controller Set1 Destination MSB Controller Set1 Destination LSB Controller Set1 Depth Controller Set1 Element Switch Controller Set2 Source Controller Set2 Destination MSB Controller Set2 Destination LSB Controller Set2 Depth Controller Set2 Element Switch Controller Set3 Source Controller Set3 Destination MSB Controller Set3 Destination LSB Controller Set3 Depth Controller Set3 Element Switch Controller Set4 Source Controller Set4 Destination MSB Controller Set4 Destination LSB Controller Set4 Depth Controller Set4 Element Switch Controller Set5 Source Controller Set5 Destination MSB Controller Set5 Destination LSB Controller Set5 Depth Controller Set5 Element Switch Controller Set6 Source Controller Set6 Destination MSB Controller Set6 Destination LSB Controller Set6 Depth Controller Set6 Element Switch PB, MW, ---, AT, FC, FS, RB, BC, KN1, KN2 00 0 - 61 00 40 06 00 40 06 01 1 1 00 - 05 00 - 0B LFO Phase LFO Wave 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 0A 0B 0C 0D 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 00 - 50 00 - 7F 00 - 7F 00 - 7F 00 - 7F 00 - 02 00 - 05 00 - 7F 00 - 0F 00 - 05 00 - 7F LFO Speed LFO Delay Time LFO Fade In Time LFO Hold Time LFO Fade Out Time LFO Key On Reset LFO Box1 Destination LFO Box1 Depth LFO Box1 Element Switch LFO Box2 Destination LFO Box2 Depth 1 00 - 0F LFO Box2 Element Switch 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 06 06 06 06 06 06 06 06 06 06 06 06 TOTAL SIZE =14 " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " -64 - +63 BIT0:EL1, BIT1:EL2, BIT2:EL3, BIT3:EL4 PB, MW, ---, AT, FC, FS, RB, BC, KN1, KN2 0 - 61 40 00 00 00 -64 - +63 BIT0:EL1, BIT1:EL2, BIT2:EL3, BIT3:EL4 PB, MW, ---, AT, FC, FS, RB, BC, KN1, KN2 0 - 61 40 00 00 00 -64 - +63 BIT0:EL1, BIT1:EL2, BIT2:EL3, BIT3:EL4 PB, MW, ---, AT, FC, FS, RB, BC, KN1, KN2 0 - 61 40 00 00 00 -64 - +63 BIT0:EL1, BIT1:EL2, BIT2:EL3, BIT3:EL4 PB, MW, ---, AT, FC, FS, RB, BC, KN1, KN2 0 - 61 40 00 00 00 -64 - +63 BIT0:EL1, BIT1:EL2, BIT2:EL3, BIT3:EL4 PB, MW, ---, AT, FC, FS, RB, BC, KN1, KN2 0 - 61 40 00 00 00 -64 - +63 BIT0:EL1, BIT1:EL2, BIT2:EL3, BIT3:EL4 40 00 0,90,120,180,240,270 tri,tri+,sawup,sawdwn,squ1/4,squ1/3,squ, squ2/3,squ3/4,trpzd,S/H1,S/H2 0 - 63,16th ---4thx8 0 - 127 0 - 127 0 - 127 0 - 127 off,each-on,1st-on 00 AMD, PMD, FMD, RESO, PAN, ELEMENT LFO SPEED 0 - 127 BIT0:EL1, BIT1:EL2, BIT2:EL3, BIT3:EL4 AMD, PMD, FMD, RESO, PAN, ELEMENT LFO SPEED 0 - 127 BIT0:EL1, BIT1:EL2, BIT2:EL3, BIT3:EL4 00 20 00 00 7F 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 0E (HEX) MIDI PARAMETER CHANGE TABLE (NORMAL VOICE ELEMENT) Address Size Data Range(HEX) Prameter Name 41 ee 00 2 00 - 7F Wave Number LSB 00 - 7F Wave Number MSB 41 ee 02 1 01 - 7F Pan 41 ee 03 1 00 - 7F Random Pan Depth 41 ee 04 1 00 - 7F Alternate Pan Depth 41 ee 05 1 00 - 7F Scaling Pan Depth 41 ee 06 1 00 - 7F Note Limit Low 41 ee 07 1 00 - 7F Note Limit High 41 ee 08 1 01 - 7F Velocity Limit Low 41 ee 09 1 01 - 7F Velocity Limit High 41 ee 0A 1 00 - 7F Key On Delay 41 ee 0B 1 00 - 01 reserved 41 ee 0C 1 00 - 02 Insertion Effect Switch TOTAL SIZE = 13 0D (HEX) 34 Description 1st bit6-0 → bit13-7 0(off),1 - 479(CS6x,CS6R) 2nd bit6-0 → bit6-0 0(off),1 - 553(S80) L63 - C - R63 0 - 127 L64 - 0 - R63 -64 - +63 0 - 127 0 - 127 1 - 127 1 - 127 0 - 127 thru,ins1,ins2 Default(HEX) Notes 00 01 40 00 40 40 00 7F 01 7F 00 00 00 ( ) Address Size Data Range(HEX) Prameter Name 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 2A 2B 2C 2D 2E 2F 30 31 32 33 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 41 ee 35 2 41 ee 37 2 41 ee 39 2 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 ee ee ee ee ee ee ee ee ee ee ee ee ee ee ee ee ee ee ee ee 41 ee 3B 1 41 ee 3C 1 TOTAL SIZE = 29 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 42 ee 0B 2 42 ee 0D 2 42 ee 0F 2 42 ee 11 2 00 - 7F 00 - 7F 00 00 - 7F 00 - 7F 00 - 7F 00 - 7F 00 - 7F 00 00 - 7F 00 - 7F 00 00 - 01 00 - 7F 00 - 7F 00 - 7C 01 - 7D 02 - 7E 03 - 7F 00 - 01 00 - 7F 00 - 01 00 - 7F 00 - 01 00 - 7F 00 - 01 00 - 7F 00 - 7F 00 - 7F 1D (HEX) Description Default(HEX) Notes 0 - 127 -64 - +63 attack,all -64 - +63 -200% - +200% C -2 - E8 C#-2 - F8 D -2 - F#8 D#-2 - G8 -128 - +127 64 40 00 00 00 00 40 00 00 7F 7F 00 01 40 40 24 30 3C 48 01 00 Level Scaling Offset 2 -128 - +127 01 00 Level Scaling Offset 3 -128 - +127 01 00 Level Scaling Offset 4 -128 - +127 01 00 Element Level Level Velocity Snesitivity reserved AEG Attack Time AEG Decay1 Time AEG Decay2 Time AEG Release Time AEG Init Level reserved AEG Decay1 Level AEG Sustain Level reserved AEG Time Velocity Segment AEG Time Velocity Sensitivity Level Key Follow Sensitivity Level Scaling Break Point 1 Level Scaling Break Point 2 Level Scaling Break Point 3 Level Scaling Break Point 4 Level Scaling Offset 1 0 - 127 0 - 127 0 - 127 0 - 127 0 - 127 0 - 127 0 - 127 AEG Time Key Follow Sensitivity -64 - +63 AEG Time Key Follow Center Note C-2 - G8 42 ee 13 1 42 ee 14 1 42 ee 15 1 42 ee 16 1 42 ee 17 1 42 ee 18 1 42 ee 19 1 42 ee 1A 1 TOTAL SIZE = 27 43 ee 00 1 00 - 0C Filter Type LPF12+HPF,LPF24D,LPF24A,LPF18,LPF18s, LPF6+HPF,HPF24D,HPF12,BPF6,BPF12D BPFw,BEF6,THRU 02 43 ee 01 2 00 - 01 00 - 7F 00 - 7F 00 - 1F 00 - 7F 00 - 01 00 - 7F 40 00 00 00 - 01 00 - 7F 00 - 7F 00 - 7F 00 - 7F 00 - 7F 00 - 7F 00 - 01 00 - 7F 00 - 01 00 - 7F 00 - 01 00 - 7F 00 - 01 00 - 7F 00 - 01 00 - 7F 00 - 7F 00 - 01 00 - 7F 00 - 7F 00 - 7F 00 - 7C 01 - 7D 02 - 7E 03 - 7F 00 - 01 00 - 7F 00 - 01 00 - 7F 00 - 01 00 - 7F 00 - 01 00 - 7F 00 - 7F 00 - 7F 00 - 7F Filter Cutoff Frequency 0 - 255 01 7F ee ee ee ee ee ee ee ee ee ee 03 04 05 06 1 1 1 2 43 ee 08 43 ee 09 43 ee 0B 1 2 2 43 43 43 43 43 43 1 1 1 1 1 2 43 43 43 43 ee ee ee ee ee ee ee ee ee ee 0D 0E 0F 10 11 12 43 ee 14 2 43 ee 16 2 43 ee 18 2 43 ee 1A 2 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 1C 1D 1E 1F 20 21 22 23 24 25 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 43 ee 27 2 ee ee ee ee ee ee ee ee ee ee 43 ee 29 43 ee 2B 43 ee 2D 43 ee 2E 43 ee 2F 2 2 1 1 1 TOTAL SIZE = 48 44 ee 00 44 ee 01 44 ee 02 1 1 2 44 ee 04 44 ee 05 1 2 -48 - +48 -64 - +63 0 - 127 0 - 127 0 - 127 0 - 127 0 - 127 0 - 127 -128 - +127 (-4800 - +4800[cent]) 40 40 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 01 00 -128 - +127 (-4800 - +4800[cent]) 01 00 -128 - +127 (-4800 - +4800[cent]) 01 00 -128 - +127 (-4800 - +4800[cent]) 01 00 -128 - +127 (-4800 - +4800[cent]) 01 00 -64 - +63 attack,all -64 - +63 -64 - +63 -200% - +200% C-2 - G8 -64 - +63 C-2 - G8 40 01 40 40 60 3C 40 3C Filter Cutoff Velocity Sensitivity Filter Resonance/Width/Band Filter Resonance Velocity Sensitivity HPF Cutoff Frequency -64 - +63 0 - 31 -64 - +63 0 - 255 40 04 40 00 00 reserved reserved Filter Gain 0 - 255 40 00 00 01 7F FEG Hold Time FEG Attack Time FEG Decay1 Time FEG Decay2 Time FEG Release Time FEG Hold Level FEG Attack Level FEG Decay1 Level FEG Sustain Level FEG Release Level 0 - 127 0 - 127 0 - 127 0 - 127 0 - 127 -128 - +127 (-9600 - +9600[cent]) -128 - +127 (-9600 - +9600[cent]) -128 - +127 (-9600 - +9600[cent]) -128 - +127 (-9600 - +9600[cent]) -128 - +127 (-9600 - +9600[cent]) 01 00 -200% - +200% -64 - +63 C-2 - G8 0019 - 012C 46 70 21 1 46 70 22 1 46 70 23 1 46 70 24 1 46 70 25 1 46 70 26 1 46 70 27 1 46 70 28 1 46 70 29 1 46 70 2A 1 46 70 2B 1 46 70 2C 1 46 70 2D 1 46 70 2E 1 46 70 2F 1 46 70 30 1 46 70 31 1 46 70 32 1 46 70 33 1 46 70 34 1 46 70 35 1 46 70 36 1 46 70 37 1 TOTAL SIZE = 56 46 00 00 1 46 00 01 1 40 00 02 1 40 00 03 1 46 00 04 1 46 00 05 1 46 00 06 1 TOTAL SIZE = 7 46 01 00 2 46 01 02 2 46 01 04 2 46 01 06 2 46 01 08 2 46 01 0A 2 46 01 0C 2 46 01 0E 2 46 01 10 2 46 01 12 2 46 01 14 2 01 00 -128 - +127 HPF Cutoff Key Follow Sensitivity FEG Time Key Follow Sensitivity FEG Time Key Follow Center Note 0000 - 00C8 2 01 00 Filter Cutoff Scaling Offset 2 -128 - +127 2 46 70 1F 01 00 40 00 40 40 40 24 30 3C 48 01 00 Filter Cutoff Scaling Offset 4 46 70 1D 01 00 -64 - +63 attack,all -64 - +63 -64 - +63 -200% - +200% C -2 - E8 C#-2 - F8 D -2 - F#8 D#-2 - G8 -128 - +127 -128 - +127 BP1<BP2<BP3<BP4 BP1<BP2<BP3<BP4 BP1<BP2<BP3<BP4 BP1<BP2<BP3<BP4 00 00 00 00 00 01 00 FEG Depth FEG Time Velocity Segment FEG Time Velocity Sensitivity FEG Level Velocity Sensitivity Filter Cutoff Key Follow Sensitivity Filter Cutoff Scaling Break Point 1 Filter Cutoff Scaling Break Point 2 Filter Cutoff Scaling Break Point 3 Filter Cutoff Scaling Break Point 4 Filter Cutoff Scaling Offset 1 Filter Cutoff Scaling Offset 3 Address Size Data Range(HEX) 20 - 7E 46 70 00 1 20 - 7E 46 70 01 1 20 - 7E 46 70 02 1 20 - 7E 46 70 03 1 20 - 7E 46 70 04 1 20 - 7E 46 70 05 1 20 - 7E 46 70 06 1 20 - 7E 46 70 07 1 20 - 7E 46 70 08 1 20 - 7E 46 70 09 1 46 70 0A 1 46 70 0B 1 00 - 16 46 70 0C 1 46 70 0D 1 46 70 0E 1 46 70 0F 1 46 70 10 1 46 70 11 1 46 70 12 1 00 - 7F 46 70 13 1 00 - 01 46 70 14 1 00 - 02 46 70 15 1 00 - 06 46 70 16 1 00 - 7F 46 70 17 1 00 - 7F 46 70 18 1 00 - 02 46 70 19 1 00 - 01 46 70 1A 1 0000 - 00C8 46 70 1B 2 40 3C 10 - 70 Coarse Tune 00 - 7F Fine Tune 00 reserved 00 - 7F Random Pitch Depth 00 - 7F PEG Hold Time 00 - 7F PEG Attack Time 00 - 7F PEG Decay1 Time 00 - 7F PEG Decay2 Time 00 - 7F PEG Release Time 00 - 01 PEG Hold Level 00 - 7F 00 - 01 PEG Attack Level 00 - 7F 00 - 01 PEG Decay1 Level 00 - 7F 00 - 01 PEG Sustain Level 00 - 7F 00 - 01 PEG Release Level 00 - 7F 00 - 7F PEG Depth 00 - 01 PEG Time Velocity Segment 00 - 7F PEG Time Velocity Sensitivity 00 - 7F PEG Level Velocity Sensitivity 00 - 7F Pitch Key Follow Sensitivity 00 - 7F Pitch Key Follow Center Note 00 - 7F PEG Time Key Follow Sensitivity 00 - 7F PEG Time Key Follow Center Note 1B (HEX) 42 42 42 42 42 42 42 42 42 42 <Table 9> MIDI PARAMETER CHANGE TABLE (DRUM VOICE COMMON) 46 01 16 1 46 01 17 1 TOTAL SIZE = 24 BP1<BP2<BP3<BP4 BP1<BP2<BP3<BP4 BP1<BP2<BP3<BP4 BP1<BP2<BP3<BP4 46 02 00 2 46 02 02 2 46 02 04 2 46 02 06 2 46 02 08 2 46 02 0A 2 46 02 0C 2 46 02 0E 2 46 02 10 2 46 02 12 2 46 02 14 2 01 00 01 00 40 40 3C 30 (HEX) EQ L/H, P.EQ, Boost6, Boost12, Boost18, thru 00 0 - 31 00 EQ L/H: 46-182, P.EQ: 83-251 00 53 44 ee 07 1 TOTAL SIZE = 8 00 - 05 EQ Type 00 - 1F EQ Resonance 00 - 01 EQ 1 Frequency 00 - 7F 20 - 60 EQ 1 Gain 00 - 01 EQ 2 Frequency 00 - 7F 20 - 60 EQ 2 Gain 08 (HEX) 44 ee 40 1 44 ee 41 1 44 ee 42 1 44 ee 43 1 44 ee 44 1 44 ee 45 1 TOTAL SIZE =6 00 - 02 LFO Wave 00 - 01 LFO Key On Sync 00 - 3F LFO Speed 00 - 7F LFO AMod Depth 00 - 7F LFO PMod Depth 00 - 7F LFO FMod Depth 06 (HEX) saw,tri,squ off,on 0 - 63 0 - 127 0 - 127 0 - 127 -32 - +32 EQ L/H:131-241 40 01 71 -32 - +32 40 46 02 16 1 46 02 17 1 46 02 18 1 TOTAL SIZE = 25 00 00 20 00 00 00 ee = Element Number (00..03: Element1..4) 35 01 - 7F 00 - 7F 00 - 7F 00 - 7F 00 - 7F 00 - 7F 00 - 7F 00 - 7F 00 - 7F 00 - 7F 00 - 7F 00 - 7F 00 - 7F 00 - 7F 00 - 7F 00 - 7F 00 - 7F 00 - 7F 38 (HEX) 00 - 7F 10 - 58 10 - 58 00 - 02 00 - 7F 00 - 7F 07 (HEX) Prameter Name Voice Name1 Voice Name2 Voice Name3 Voice Name4 Voice Name5 Voice Name6 Voice Name7 Voice Name8 Voice Name9 Voice Name10 reserved reserved Voice Category reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved ARP Type ARP Switch ARP Hold ARP Unit Multiply ARP Note Limit Low ARP Note Limit High ARP Key Mode ARP Vel Mode ARP Velocity Rate MSB ARP Velocity Rate LSB ARP Gate Time Rate MSB ARP Gate TIme Rate LSB ARP Tempo MSB ARP Tempo LSB QED Pan reserved QED Chorus Control reserved reserved reserved reserved QED KnobA QED KnobB QED KnobC QED/Scene 1 Knob1 QED/Scene 1 Knob2 QED/Scene 1 Cutoff Frequency QED/Scene 1 Resonance QED/Scene 1 Attack Time QED/Scene 1 Decay Time Scene 2 Knob1 Scene 2 Knob2 Scene 2 Cutoff Frequency Scene 2 Resonance Scene 2 Attack Time Scene 2 Decay Time Scene Control Description 32..126(ASCII) 32..126(ASCII) 32..126(ASCII) 32..126(ASCII) 32..126(ASCII) 32..126(ASCII) 32..126(ASCII) 32..126(ASCII) 32..126(ASCII) 32..126(ASCII) Default(HEX) Notes I n i t 00..22(--..Sq) 00(--) UpOct1 - GateCut3 off,on sync-off,off,on 50%,66%,75%,100%,133%,150%,200% C-2..G8 C-2..G8 sort,thru,direct original,thru 0...200% 57 00 01 03 00 7F 01 01 64 0...200% 64 25..300 8A L63..C..R63 40 40 40 40 40 40 00 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 00 Volume reserved Pitch Bend Range Upper Pitch Bend Range Lower Insertion Connect Type Reverb Send Chorus Send 0 - 127 00 - 7F Reverb Type MSB 00 - 7F Reverb Type LSB 00 - 7F Reverb Parameter 1 MSB 00 - 7F Reverb Parameter 1 LSB 00 - 7F Reverb Parameter 2 MSB 00 - 7F Reverb Parameter 2 LSB 00 - 7F Reverb Parameter 3 MSB 00 - 7F Reverb Parameter 3 LSB 00 - 7F Reverb Parameter 4 MSB 00 - 7F Reverb Parameter 4 LSB 00 - 7F Reverb Parameter 5 MSB 00 - 7F Reverb Parameter 5 LSB 00 - 7F Reverb Parameter 6 MSB 00 - 7F Reverb Parameter 6 LSB 00 - 7F Reverb Parameter 7 MSB 00 - 7F Reverb Parameter 7 LSB 00 - 7F Reverb Parameter 8 MSB 00 - 7F Reverb Parameter 8 LSB 00 - 7F Reverb Parameter 9 MSB 00 - 7F Reverb Parameter 9 LSB 00 - 7F Reverb Parameter 10 MSB 00 - 7F Reverb Parameter 10 LSB 00 - 7F Reverb Return 01 - 7F Reverb Pan 18 (HEX) 00 - 7F Chorus Type MSB 00 - 7F Chorus Type LSB 00 - 7F Chorus Parameter 1 MSB 00 - 7F Chorus Parameter 1 LSB 00 - 7F Chorus Parameter 2 MSB 00 - 7F Chorus Parameter 2 LSB 00 - 7F Chorus Parameter 3 MSB 00 - 7F Chorus Parameter 3 LSB 00 - 7F Chorus Parameter 4 MSB 00 - 7F Chorus Parameter 4 LSB 00 - 7F Chorus Parameter 5 MSB 00 - 7F Chorus Parameter 5 LSB 00 - 7F Chorus Parameter 6 MSB 00 - 7F Chorus Parameter 6 LSB 00 - 7F Chorus Parameter 7 MSB 00 - 7F Chorus Parameter 7 LSB 00 - 7F Chorus Parameter 8 MSB 00 - 7F Chorus Parameter 8 LSB 00 - 7F Chorus Parameter 9 MSB 00 - 7F Chorus Parameter 9 LSB 00 - 7F Chorus Parameter 10 MSB 00 - 7F Chorus Parameter 10 LSB 00 - 7F Chorus Return 01 - 7F Chorus Pan 00 - 7F Send Chorus To Reverb 19 (HEX) -64..+63 -64..+63 -64..+63 -64..+63 -64..+63 -64..+63 -64..+63 -64..+63 -64..+63 -64..+63 -64..+63 -64..+63 -64..+63 -64..+63 -64..+63 -64..+63 0..127 V o i c e -48 - +24[semitones] -48 - +24[semitones] 1|2(Pararel), 1->2, 2->1 -∞ dB...0dB -∞ dB...0dB 7F 00 42 3E 00 28 00 Refer to Effect Parameter List 0100 " Depends On Effect Type " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " -∞ dB...0dB...+6dB(0...96...127) L63...C...R63 40 40 Refer to Effect Parameter List 0500 " Depends On Effect Type " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " -∞ dB...0dB...+6dB(0...96...127) L63...C...R63 -∞ dB...0dB(0 -127) 40 40 00 Address Size Data Range(HEX) Prameter Name Description 46 03 00 2 46 03 02 2 46 03 04 2 46 03 06 2 46 03 08 2 46 03 0A 2 46 03 0C 2 46 03 0E 2 46 03 10 2 46 03 12 2 46 03 14 2 TOTAL SIZE = 22 46 04 00 2 46 04 02 2 46 04 04 2 46 04 06 2 46 04 08 2 46 04 0A 2 46 04 0C 2 46 04 0E 2 46 04 10 2 46 04 12 2 46 04 14 2 46 04 16 2 46 04 18 2 46 04 1A 2 46 04 1C 2 46 04 1E 2 46 04 20 2 TOTAL SIZE = 34 46 05 00 46 05 01 1 2 46 46 46 46 05 05 05 05 03 04 05 06 1 1 1 2 46 46 46 46 05 05 05 05 08 09 0A 0B 1 1 1 2 46 46 46 46 05 05 05 05 0D 0E 0F 10 1 1 1 2 46 46 46 46 05 05 05 05 12 13 14 15 1 1 1 2 46 46 46 46 05 05 05 05 17 18 19 1A 1 1 1 2 46 05 1C 46 05 1D 1 1 TOTAL SIZE = 30 Default(HEX) Notes 00 - 7F 00 - 7F 00 - 7F 00 - 7F 00 - 7F 00 - 7F 00 - 7F 00 - 7F 00 - 7F 00 - 7F 00 - 7F 00 - 7F 00 - 7F 00 - 7F 00 - 7F 00 - 7F 00 - 7F 00 - 7F 00 - 7F 00 - 7F 00 - 7F 00 - 7F 16 (HEX) Insertion-1 Type MSB Insertion-1 Type LSB Insertion-1 Parameter1 MSB Insertion-1 Parameter1 LSB Insertion-1 Parameter2 MSB Insertion-1 Parameter2 LSB Insertion-1 Parameter3 MSB Insertion-1 Parameter3 LSB Insertion-1 Parameter4 MSB Insertion-1 Parameter4 LSB Insertion-1 Parameter5 MSB Insertion-1 Parameter5 LSB Insertion-1 Parameter6 MSB Insertion-1 Parameter6 LSB Insertion-1 Parameter7 MSB Insertion-1 Parameter7 LSB Insertion-1 Parameter8 MSB Insertion-1 Parameter8 LSB Insertion-1 Parameter9 MSB Insertion-1 Parameter9 LSB Insertion-1 Parameter10 MSB Insertion-1 Parameter10 LSB Refere to Effect Parameter List 0000 " Depends On Effect Type " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " 00 - 7F 00 - 7F 00 - 7F 00 - 7F 00 - 7F 00 - 7F 00 - 7F 00 - 7F 00 - 7F 00 - 7F 00 - 7F 00 - 7F 00 - 7F 00 - 7F 00 - 7F 00 - 7F 00 - 7F 00 - 7F 00 - 7F 00 - 7F 00 - 7F 00 - 7F 00 - 7F 00 - 7F 00 - 7F 00 - 7F 00 - 7F 00 - 7F 00 - 7F 00 - 7F 00 - 7F 00 - 7F 00 - 7F 00 - 7F 22 (HEX) Insertion-2 Type MSB Insertion-2 Type LSB Insertion-2 Parameter 1 MSB Insertion-2 Parameter 1 LSB Insertion-2 Parameter 2 MSB Insertion-2 Parameter 2 LSB Insertion-2 Parameter 3 MSB Insertion-2 Parameter 3 LSB Insertion-2 Parameter 4 MSB Insertion-2 Parameter 4 LSB Insertion-2 Parameter 5 MSB Insertion-2 Parameter 5 LSB Insertion-2 Parameter 6 MSB Insertion-2 Parameter 6 LSB Insertion-2 Parameter 7 MSB Insertion-2 Parameter 7 LSB Insertion-2 Parameter 8 MSB Insertion-2 Parameter 8 LSB Insertion-2 Parameter 9 MSB Insertion-2 Parameter 9 LSB Insertion-2 Parameter 10 MSB Insertion-2 Parameter 10 LSB Insertion-2 Parameter 11 MSB Insertion-2 Parameter 11 LSB Insertion-2 Parameter 12 MSB Insertion-2 Parameter 12 LSB Insertion-2 Parameter 13 MSB Insertion-2 Parameter 13 LSB Insertion-2 Parameter 14 MSB Insertion-2 Parameter 14 LSB Insertion-2 Parameter 15 MSB Insertion-2 Parameter 15 LSB Insertion-2 Parameter 16 MSB Insertion-2 Parameter 16 LSB Refer to Effect Parameter List 0000 " Depends On Effect Type " " 00 - 09 00 00 - 1D 00 - 7F Controller Set1 Source Controller Set1 Destination MSB Controller Set1 Destination LSB Controller Set1 Depth reserved Controller Set2 Source Controller Set2 Destination MSB Controller Set2 Destination LSB Controller Set2 Depth reserved Controller Set3 Source Controller Set3 Destination MSB Controller Set3 Destination LSB Controller Set3 Depth reserved Controller Set4 Source Controller Set4 Destination MSB Controller Set4 Destination LSB Controller Set4 Depth reserved Controller Set5 Source Controller Set5 Destination MSB Controller Set5 Destination LSB Controller Set5 Depth reserved Controller Set6 Source Controller Set6 Destination MSB Controller Set6 Destination LSB Controller Set6 Depth reserved 00 - 09 00 00 - 1D 00 - 7F 00 - 09 00 00 - 1D 00 - 7F 00 - 09 00 00 - 1D 00 - 7F 00 - 09 00 00 - 1D 00 - 7F 00 - 09 00 00 - 1D 00 - 7F " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " MIDI PARAMETER CHANGE TABLE (DRUM VOICE KEY) Address Size Data Range(HEX) 00 - 01 47 ee 00 1 47 ee 01 1 00 - 03 47 ee 02 1 00 47 ee 03 1 00 - 01 47 ee 04 1 00 - 01 47 ee 05 1 00 - 7F 47 ee 06 2 00 - 7F 00 - 7F 47 ee 08 3 00 - 7F 00 - 7F 00 - 7F 47 ee 0B 1 01 - 7F 47 ee 0C 1 00 - 7F 47 ee 0D 1 00 - 7F 47 ee 0E 1 00 - 7F 47 ee 0F 1 00 - 7F 47 ee 10 1 00 - 02 00 - 45 47 ee 11 1 Description off,on wave , vce 12 (HEX) 47 ee 20 1 47 ee 21 1 47 ee 22 1 47 ee 23 1 47 ee 24 1 47 ee 25 1 47 ee 26 1 47 ee 27 1 47 ee 28 1 47 ee 29 1 47 ee 2A 1 47 ee 2B 1 TOTAL SIZE = 12 00 - 7F 00 - 7F 00 00 - 7F 00 - 7F 00 - 7F 00 00 00 00 - 7F 00 00 0C (HEX) Element Level Level Velocity Sensitivity reserved AEG Attack Time AEG Decay1 Time AEG Decay2 Time reserved reserved reserved AEG Decay1 Level reserved reserved 0 - 127 -64 - +63 48 ee 00 1 48 ee 01 1 48 ee 02 1 TOTAL SIZE = 3 10 - 70 Coarse Tune 00 - 7F Fine Tune 00 - 7F Pitch Velocity Sensitivity 03 (HEX) 49 ee 00 49 ee 01 1 2 03 04 05 06 1 1 1 2 00 reserved 00 - 01 LPF Cutoff Frequency MSB 00 - 7F LPF Cutoff Frequency LSB 00 - 7F LPF Cutoff Velocity Sensitivity 00 - 1F LPF Resonance 40 reserved 00 - 01 HPF Cutoff Frequency MSB 00 - 7F HPF Cutoff Frequency LSB 08 (HEX) 49 49 49 49 ee ee ee ee TOTAL SIZE = 8 1 1 2 PB, MW, ---, AT, FC, FS, RB, BC, KN1, KN2 00 00 0 - 29 4A ee 04 4A ee 05 1 2 40 -64 - +63 00 PB, MW, ---, AT, FC, FS, RB, BC, KN1, KN2 00 00 0 - 29 4A ee 07 1 TOTAL SIZE = 8 00 - 05 EQ Type 00 - 1F EQ Resonance 00 - 01 EQ 1 Frequency MSB 00 - 7F EQ 1 Frequency LSB 20 - 60 EQ 1 GAIN 00 - 01 EQ 2 Frequency MSB 00 - 7F EQ 2 Frequency LSB 20 - 60 EQ 2 GAIN 08 (HEX) ee = Element Number (00...48: C0 - C6) 40 00 PB, MW, ---, AT, FC, FS, RB, BC, KN1, KN2 00 00 0 - 29 -64 - +63 40 -64 - +63 00 PB, MW, ---, AT, FC, FS, RB, BC, KN1, KN2 00 00 0 - 29 40 -64 - +63 00 PB, MW, ---, AT, FC, FS, RB, BC, KN1, KN2 00 00 0 - 29 40 -64 - +63 00 PB, MW, ---, AT, FC, FS, RB, BC, KN1, KN2 00 00 0 - 29 40 00 1E (HEX) 36 Default(HEX) 00 00 00 01 off,on 01 single,multi 00 0:off, 1 - 127 1st bit6-0 → bit13-7 0(off),1 - 479(CS6x,CS6R) 00 00 2nd bit6-0 → bit6-0 0(off),1 - 553(S80) 00 0 - 127 00 0 - 127 00 0 - 127 40 L63 - C - R63 00 0 - 127 40 L64 - 0 - R63 28 0 - 127 00 0 - 127 00 thru,ins1,ins2 00 0: L&R 8: ind1+2 64 - 69: ind1 - ind6 TOTAL SIZE = 18 4A ee 00 4A ee 01 4A ee 02 -64 - +63 Prameter Name Element Assign Wave Type reserved Receive Note Off Assign Mode Alternate Group Wave Number MSB Wave Number LSB Voice Bank Number MSB Voice Bank Number LSB Voice Number Pan Random Pan Depth Alternate Pan Depth Reverb Send Level Chorus Send Level Insertion Effect Switch Output Select Notes *1 *1 *1 *1 *1 *1 *1 *1 *1 *1 *1 64 40 00 00 00 7E 00 00 00 7F 00 00 *1 -48 - +48 -64 - +63 -64 - +63 40 40 40 *1 *1 0 - 255 00 01 7F 0 - 127 0 - 127 0 - 126,hold 0 - 127 -64 - +63 0 - 31 0 - 255 40 04 40 00 00 EQ L/H, P.EQ, Boost6, Boost12, Boost18, thru 00 0 - 31 00 EQ L/H: 46-182, P.EQ: 83-251 00 53 -32 - +32 EQ L/H:131-241 40 01 71 -32 - +32 40 *1: Only this parameter is abailable when Wave/Voice type is set to “vce” in the OSC wave screen. <Table 10> MIDI PARAMETER CHANGE TABLE (PLUGIN VOICE) Address Size Data Range(HEX) 4C 70 00 1 20 - 7E 4C 70 01 1 20 - 7E 4C 70 02 1 20 - 7E 4C 70 03 1 20 - 7E 4C 70 04 1 20 - 7E 4C 70 05 1 20 - 7E 4C 70 06 1 20 - 7E 4C 70 07 1 20 - 7E 4C 70 08 1 20 - 7E 4C 70 09 1 20 - 7E 4C 70 0A 1 4C 70 0B 1 4C 70 0C 1 00 - 16 4C 70 0D 1 4C 70 0E 1 4C 70 0F 1 4C 70 10 1 4C 70 11 1 4C 70 12 1 4C 70 13 1 00 - 7F 4C 70 14 1 00 - 01 4C 70 15 1 00 - 02 4C 70 16 1 00 - 06 4C 70 17 1 00 - 7F 4C 70 18 1 00 - 7F 4C 70 19 1 00 - 02 4C 70 1A 1 00 - 01 4C 70 1B 2 0000 - 00C8 4C 70 1D 2 0000 - 00C8 4C 70 1F 2 0019 - 012C 4C 70 21 1 4C 70 22 1 4C 70 23 1 4C 70 24 1 4C 70 25 1 4C 70 26 1 4C 70 27 1 4C 70 28 1 4C 70 29 1 4C 70 2A 1 4C 70 2B 1 4C 70 2C 1 4C 70 2D 1 4C 70 2E 1 4C 70 2F 1 4C 70 30 1 4C 70 31 1 4C 70 32 1 4C 70 33 1 4C 70 34 1 4C 70 35 1 4C 70 36 1 4C 70 37 1 TOTAL SIZE = 56 01 - 7F 4C 00 00 1 4C 00 01 1 4C 00 02 1 4C 00 03 1 4C 00 04 1 4C 00 05 1 4C 00 06 1 4C 00 07 1 4C 00 08 1 4C 00 09 1 4C 00 0A 1 4C 00 0B 1 4C 00 0C 1 TOTAL SIZE =13 00 - 7F 4C 01 00 2 4C 01 02 2 4C 01 04 2 4C 01 06 2 4C 01 08 2 4C 01 0A 2 4C 01 0C 2 4C 01 0E 2 4C 01 10 2 4C 01 12 2 4C 01 14 2 00 - 7F 00 - 7F 00 - 7F 00 - 7F 00 - 7F 00 - 7F 00 - 7F 00 - 7F 00 - 7F 00 - 7F 00 - 7F 00 - 7F 00 - 7F 00 - 7F 00 - 7F 00 - 7F 00 - 7F 00 - 7F 00 - 7F 00 - 7F 00 - 7F 00 - 7F 00 - 7F 01 - 7F 18 (HEX) 4C 01 16 1 4C 01 17 1 TOTAL SIZE = 24 4C 02 00 2 4C 02 02 2 4C 02 04 2 4C 02 06 2 4C 02 08 2 4C 02 0A 2 4C 02 0C 2 4C 02 0E 2 4C 02 10 2 4C 02 12 2 4C 02 14 2 1 4C 02 16 1 4C 02 17 1 4C 02 18 TOTAL SIZE = 25 00 - 7F 00 - 7F 00 - 7F 00 - 7F 00 - 7F 00 - 7F 00 - 7F 00 - 7F 00 - 7F 00 - 7F 00 - 7F 00 - 7F 00 - 7F 00 - 7F 00 - 7F 00 - 7F 00 - 7F 00 - 7F 38 (HEX) 00 - 01 00 - 01 28 - 58 00 - 01 00 - 7F 00 - 7F 00 - 7F 0D (HEX) Prameter Name Voice Name1 Voice Name2 Voice Name3 Voice Name4 Voice Name5 Voice Name6 Voice Name7 Voice Name8 Voice Name9 Voice Name10 reserved reserved Voice Category reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved ARP Type ARP Switch ARP Hold ARP Unit Multiply ARP Note Limit Low ARP Note Limit High ARP Key Mode ARP Vel Mode ARP Velocity Rate MSB ARP Velocity Rate LSB ARP Gate Time Rate MSB ARP Gate TIme Rate LSB ARP Tempo MSB ARP Tempo LSB QED Pan reserved QED Chorus Control QED Release Time reserved reserved reserved QED KnobA QED KnobB QED KnobC QED/Scene 1 Knob1 QED/Scene 1 Knob2 QED/Scene 1 Cutoff Frequency QED/Scene 1 Resonance QED/Scene 1 Attack Time QED/Scene 1 Decay Time Scene 2 Knob1 Scene 2 Knob2 Scene 2 Cutoff Frequency Scene 2 Resonance Scene 2 Attack Time Scene 2 Decay Time Scene Control Description 32..126(ASCII) 32..126(ASCII) 32..126(ASCII) 32..126(ASCII) 32..126(ASCII) 32..126(ASCII) 32..126(ASCII) 32..126(ASCII) 32..126(ASCII) 32..126(ASCII) Default(HEX) Notes - 00..22(--..Sq) 00(--) Volume reserved Same Note Number Key On Assign Mono/Poly Mode reserved Pitch Bend Range reserved reserved Portamento Switch Portamento Time reserved Reverb Send Chorus Send 0 - 127 UpOct1 - GateCut3 off,on sync-off,off,on 50%,66%,75%,100%,133%,150%,200% C-2..G8 C-2..G8 sort,thru,direct original,thru 0...200% 00 00 01 03 00 7F 00 00 64 0...200% 64 25..300 8A L63..C..R63 40 40 40 40 40 40 00 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 00 -64..+63 -64..+63 -64..+63 -64..+63 -64..+63 -64..+63 -64..+63 -64..+63 -64..+63 -64..+63 -64..+63 -64..+63 -64..+63 -64..+63 -64..+63 -64..+63 -64..+63 0..127 single,multi mono,poly -24 - +24[semitones] off,on 0 - 127 -∞ dB... 0dB -∞ dB... 0dB Address Size Data Range(HEX) 4C 03 00 00 - 7F 2 00 - 7F 4C 03 02 00 - 7F 2 00 - 7F 4C 03 04 00 - 7F 2 00 - 7F 4C 03 06 2 00 - 7F 00 - 7F 4C 03 08 00 - 7F 2 00 - 7F 4C 03 0A 2 00 - 7F 00 - 7F 4C 03 0C 2 00 - 7F 00 - 7F 00 - 7F 4C 03 0E 2 00 - 7F 4C 03 10 00 - 7F 2 00 - 7F 4C 03 12 00 - 7F 2 00 - 7F 4C 03 14 00 - 7F 2 00 - 7F TOTAL SIZE = 22 16 (HEX) Prameter Name Insertion Type MSB Insertion Type LSB Insertion Parameter1 MSB Insertion Parameter1 LSB Insertion Parameter2 MSB Insertion Parameter2 LSB Insertion Parameter3 MSB Insertion Parameter3 LSB Insertion Parameter4 MSB Insertion Parameter4 LSB Insertion Parameter5 MSB Insertion Parameter5 LSB Insertion Parameter6 MSB Insertion Parameter6 LSB Insertion Parameter7 MSB Insertion Parameter7 LSB Insertion Parameter8 MSB Insertion Parameter8 LSB Insertion Parameter9 MSB Insertion Parameter9 LSB Insertion Parameter10 MSB Insertion Parameter10 LSB 4C 05 00 4C 05 01 1 2 4C 4C 4C 4C 1 1 1 2 Controller Set1 Source Controller Set1 Destination MSB Controller Set1 Destination LSB Controller Set1 Depth reserved Controller Set2 Source Controller Set2 Destination Controller Set2 Destination MSB Controller Set2 Depth reserved PB, MW, ---, AT, FC, FS, RB, BC, KN1, KN2 00 0 - 13 00 00 -64 - +63 40 00 PB, MW, ---, AT, FC, FS, RB, BC, KN1, KN2 00 0 - 13 00 00 -64 - +63 40 00 Voice Bank MSB Voice Bank LSB Voice Number Note Shift Velocity Sense Depth Velocity Sense Offset (Vibrato Rate) LFO Speed (Vibrato Depth) LFO Pitch Depth (Vibrato Delay) LFO Delay MW Filter Control reserved MW LFO Pitch Modulation Depth MW LFO Filter Modulation Depth MW LFO Amplitude Modulation Depth CAT Pitch Control CAT Filter Control reserved CAT LFO Pitch Modulation Depth CAT LFO Filter Modulation Depth CAT LFO Amplitude Modulation Depth AC1 Controller Number AC1 Filter Control reserved AC1 LFO Pitch Modulation Depth AC1 LFO Filter Modulation Depth AC1 LFO Amplitude Modulation Depth Pitch EG Initial Level Pitch EG Attack Time Pitch EG Release Level Pitch EG Release Time EQ Low Gain EQ High Gain EQ Low Frequency EQ High Frequency HPF Cutoff Frequency 0..127 0..127 0..127 -24...0...+24[semitones] 0..127 0..127 -64..+63 -64..+63 -64..+63 -64..+63 0 0..127 0..127 0..127 -24..+24[semitones] -64..+63 -64..+63 0..127 0..127 0..127 0..95 -64..+63 -64..+63 0..127 0..127 0..127 -64..+63 -64..+63 -64..+63 -64..+63 -64..+63(-12 - +12[dB]) -64..+63(-12 - +12[dB]) 32...2.0k[Hz] 500...16.0k[Hz] -64...0...+63 depends on plug-in board depends on plug-in board depends on plug-in board 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 0A 00 00 40 40 40 00 00 00 10 40 40 00 00 00 40 40 40 40 40 40 0C 36 40 Plug-in Board Native Parameter Plug-in Board Type MSB Plug-in Board Type LSB Plug-in Board Version Number reserved depends on Plugin Board 00 depends on plug-in board depends on plug-in board depends on plug-in board 00 05 05 05 05 03 04 05 06 4C 05 08 1 4C 05 09 1 TOTAL SIZE = 10 4C 10 00 1 4C 10 01 1 4C 10 02 1 4C 10 03 1 4C 10 04 1 4C 10 05 1 4C 10 06 1 4C 10 07 1 4C 10 08 1 4C 10 09 1 4C 10 0A 1 4C 10 0B 1 4C 10 0C 1 4C 10 0D 1 4C 10 0E 1 4C 10 0F 1 4C 10 10 1 4C 10 11 1 4C 10 12 1 4C 10 13 1 4C 10 14 1 4C 10 15 1 4C 10 16 1 4C 10 17 1 4C 10 18 1 4C 10 19 1 4C 10 1A 1 4C 10 1B 1 4C 10 1C 1 4C 10 1D 1 4C 10 1E 1 4C 10 1F 1 4C 10 20 1 4C 10 21 1 4C 10 22 1 TOTAL SIZE =35 64 01 01 01 00 42 3E 00 00 40 00 00 00 4C 20 00 64 4C 20 40 3 Reverb Type MSB Reverb Type LSB Reverb Parameter 1 MSB Reverb Parameter 1 LSB Reverb Parameter 2 MSB Reverb Parameter 2 LSB Reverb Parameter 3 MSB Reverb Parameter 3 LSB Reverb Parameter 4 MSB Reverb Parameter 4 LSB Reverb Parameter 5 MSB Reverb Parameter 5 LSB Reverb Parameter 6 MSB Reverb Parameter 6 LSB Reverb Parameter 7 MSB Reverb Parameter 7 LSB Reverb Parameter 8 MSB Reverb Parameter 8 LSB Reverb Parameter 9 MSB Reverb Parameter 9 LSB Reverb Parameter 10 MSB Reverb Parameter 10 LSB Reverb Return Reverb Pan 00 - 7F Chorus Type MSB 00 - 7F Chorus Type LSB 00 - 7F Chorus Parameter 1 MSB 00 - 7F Chorus Parameter 1 LSB 00 - 7F Chorus Parameter 2 MSB 00 - 7F Chorus Parameter 2 LSB 00 - 7F Chorus Parameter 3 MSB 00 - 7F Chorus Parameter 3 LSB 00 - 7F Chorus Parameter 4 MSB 00 - 7F Chorus Parameter 4 LSB 00 - 7F Chorus Parameter 5 MSB 00 - 7F Chorus Parameter 5 LSB 00 - 7F Chorus Parameter 6 MSB 00 - 7F Chorus Parameter 6 LSB 00 - 7F Chorus Parameter 7 MSB 00 - 7F Chorus Parameter 7 LSB 00 - 7F Chorus Parameter 8 MSB 00 - 7F Chorus Parameter 8 LSB 00 - 7F Chorus Parameter 9 MSB 00 - 7F Chorus Parameter 9 LSB 00 - 7F Chorus Parameter 10 MSB 00 - 7F Chorus Parameter 10 LSB 00 - 7F Chorus Return 01 - 7F Chorus Pan 00 - 7F Send Chorus To Reverb 19 (HEX) Refer to Effect Parameter List 0100 " init value for hall1 " init value for hall1 " init value for hall1 " init value for hall1 " init value for hall1 " init value for hall1 " init value for hall1 " init value for hall1 " init value for hall1 " init value for hall1 -∞ dB...0dB...+6dB(0...96...127) L63...C...R63 40 40 Refer to Effect Parameter List 0500 " init value for chorus1 " init value for chorus1 " init value for chorus1 " init value for chorus1 " init value for chorus1 " init value for chorus1 " init value for chorus1 " init value for chorus1 " init value for chorus1 " init value for chorus1 -∞ dB...0dB...+6dB(0...96...127) L63...C...R63 -∞ dB...0dB(0...127) 40 40 00 43 1 TOTAL SIZE = 68 37 00 - 09 00 00 - 0D 00 - 7F 00 - 09 00 00 - 0D 00 - 7F Description Refer to Effect Parameter List Default(HEX) Notes 0000 " 0000 " 0000 " 0000 " 0000 " 0000 " 0000 " 0000 " 0000 " 0000 " 0040 0A (HEX) 00 - 7F 00 - 7F 00 - 7F 28 - 58 00 - 7F 00 - 7F 00 - 7F 00 - 7F 00 - 7F 00 - 7F 40 00 - 7F 00 - 7F 00 - 7F 28 - 58 00 - 7F 40 00 - 7F 00 - 7F 00 - 7F 00 - 5F 00 - 7F 40 00 - 7F 00 - 7F 00 - 7F 00 - 7F 00 - 7F 00 - 7F 00 - 7F 00 - 7F 00 - 7F 04 - 28 1C - 3A 00 - 7F 23 (HEX) 00 - 7F 00 - 7F 00 - 7F 00 - 7F 00 - 7F 44 (HEX) YAMAHA [ Music Synthesizer --- synth. part ] Model CS6x/CS6R MIDI Implementation Chart Function... Transmitted Recognized Basic Channel Default Changed 1 - 16 1 - 16 1 - 16 1 - 16 Mode Default Messages Altered 3 ˛ 1 1 - 4(m=1) ************** ˛ 0 - 127 *3 ************** 0 - 127 0 - 127 Note Number : True voice Velocity Note ON Ø Note OFF ˛ After Touch Key's Ch's Pitch Bend 0,32 1,7,11 5,10 6,38 64 65 66 71-75 91,93 96-97 100-101 1-95 Control Change Prog Change Ø ˛ Remarks Memorised Memorised *2 Transpose v=1-127 ˛ Ø *3 ˛ Ø *1 Ø *3 Ø *1 Ø Ø Ø Ø Ø Ø Ø Ø Ø Ø Ø Ø *1 *1 *1 *1 *1 *1 *1 *1 *1 *1 *1 *1 Ø Ø Ø ˛ Ø Ø ˛ Ø Ø ˛ ˛ Ø *3 *3 *3 *3 *3 *3 0 - 127 *1 ************** Ø Ø Ø : Song Pos. ˛ : Song Sel. ˛ ˛ : Tune ˛ ˛ ˛ True # System Exclusive Common 9nH,v=1-127 9nH,v=0 Ø : Date :13-JUL-1999 Version : 1.0 ˛ ˛ Ø ˛ : : : Mes- : sages: : ˛ ˛ ˛ ˛ Ø ˛ Ø (120,126,127) Ø (121) ˛ Ø (123-125) Ø ˛ Notes: All Sound Off Reset All Cntrls Local ON/OFF All Notes OFF Active Sense Reset Data Entry Sustain Sw Portamento Sw Sosutenuto Sound Controller Effect Depth RPN Inc,Dec RPN LSB,MSB Assignable Cntrl 0 - 127 0 - 127 System : Clock Real Time : Commands Aux Bank Select *1 receive if switch is on. *2 m is always treated as "1" regardless of its value. *3 CS6x only. Mode 1 : OMNI ON , POLY Mode 3 : OMNI OFF, POLY Mode 2 : OMNI ON ,MONO Mode 4 : OMNI OFF,MONO 38 Ø ˛ : Yes : No YAMAHA [ Music Synthesizer --- seq. part ] Model CS6x/CS6R MIDI Implementation Chart Function... Basic Channel Default Changed Mode Default Messages Altered Note Number : True voice Transmitted 1 - 16 ************** ˛ ˛ ˛ 0 - 127 ************** ˛ ˛ ˛ ˛ Note ON Ø Note OFF ˛ After Touch Key's Ch's ˛ ˛ Ø ˛ Ø ˛ Ø 0 - 127 ************** ˛ Ø ˛ : Song Pos. ˛ : Song Sel. ˛ ˛ : Tune ˛ ˛ ˛ 0-121 Control Change : True # System Exclusive System : Clock Real Time : Commands Ø Ø : : : Mes- : sages: : Ø Ø Ø Ø Ø ˛ Aux Notes: ˛ ˛ Ø Ø Pitch Bend Common 9nH,v=1-127 9nH,v=0 All Sound Off Reset All Cntrls Local ON/OFF All Notes OFF Active Sense Reset *2 *2 Remarks Memorised ˛ ˛ ˛ Velocity Prog Change Recognized Date :13-JUL-1999 Version : 1.0 Ø Ø *1 *2 *2 ˛ ˛ ˛ ˛ ˛ ˛ *1 if MIDI sync is midi *2 if MIDI control in is on Mode 1 : OMNI ON , POLY Mode 3 : OMNI OFF, POLY Mode 2 : OMNI ON ,MONO Mode 4 : OMNI OFF,MONO 39 Ø ˛ : Yes : No This document is printed on chlorine free (ECF) Paper. M.D.G., EMI Division, Yamaha Corporation © 1999 Yamaha Corporation V484990 910MWCP2.3-01A0 Printed in Japan ">

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