LG ez-Attendant Attendant Installation and User Guide

LG ez-Attendant Attendant Installation and User Guide

Below you will find brief information for Attendant ez-Attendant. The ez-Attendant is a software application designed to enhance the attendant functionality of the IP LDK by visualizing the Attendant call handling and control functions. The user interfaces with the ez-Attendant screen using the mouse (point and click) or programmable ‘Hot Keys’ to select features and functions available. A pop-up Incoming Call window notifies the user of incoming calls while working with other applications (word processor, spread sheet, etc.).


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LG ez-Attendant Installation and User Guide | Manualzz
Installation and User Guide
Issue 2.0b
Issue 1.0a
Initial Description
Issue 1.0b
Added about Log-view, information window.
Issue 1.0c
Issue 1.0d
Unscreened transfer, SMS to GSM Modem function added. Search option,
trace save option function added.
Use of ms-outlook schedule.
Issue 1.0e
Issue 2.0a
Issue 2.0b
Issue 2.0c
Recall History, Display stations by ascending logical number, small button
Scheduler auto loading time interval, log view delete, speed bin data for
600 hotel, scrolling station list, phonebook list when find matched item,
group call window display, co line display window , hot desk function.
Sorting station buttons by logical number/user name, Prepaid call function,
Display selected stations, CO line outgoing disable/enable, Account code
Wake Up/Recorder Icon Selection.
LDK-20 system added, co line drop function
LG reserves the right to make changes to the specifications and other information in this
document at any time and without prior notice. While the information furnished in this
document is believed to be reliable and accurate, LG makes no warranty express or implied that
it is true and accurate in all cases.
Need general trademark & copyright statement here for LG, MS and perhaps Intel.
Sept. ‘04
Issue 2.0b
Introduction ...........................................................................................................................1-1
Overview ...............................................................................................................................2-1
Installation .............................................................................................................................3-1
3.1 PC Requirements...........................................................................................................3-1
3.2 Host Telephone System.................................................................................................3-1
3.3 ez-Attendant Application Installation ...........................................................................3-2
3.4 ez-Attendant Configuration...........................................................................................3-5
3.4.1 Display Window.....................................................................................................3-7 Station Type and Window Size.......................................................................3-7 Station View....................................................................................................3-8 Button View Number/Name Sort..................... Error! Bookmark not defined. Call Park Display ............................................. Error! Bookmark not defined. Keypad Display................................................ Error! Bookmark not defined. Wake Up/Recorder Icon Change ..................... Error! Bookmark not defined. Language Selection .......................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
3.4.2 Settings Window ..................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined. Log On Information ......................................... Error! Bookmark not defined. SMS Information.............................................. Error! Bookmark not defined. System Speed Dial Editor ................................ Error! Bookmark not defined. Forward Information ........................................ Error! Bookmark not defined. Group Setting Information ............................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
3.4.3 Station Window Display Groups............................. Error! Bookmark not defined.
3.4.4 Hot-Key Map Configuration ................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
3.4.5 Customize Environment .......................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
3.4.6 External Call Dial Codes......................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
3.5 ez-Attendant PC to Host Connection ............................. Error! Bookmark not defined.
ez-Attendant Operation .......................................................................................................4-24
4.1 Operation Overview ....................................................................................................4-24
4.2 Log on .........................................................................................................................4-26
4.3 Answering Incoming Calls..........................................................................................4-28
4.3.1 ez-Attendant Minimized.......................................................................................4-28
4.3.2 ez-Attendant Screen Active..................................................................................4-28
4.3.3 Call Pick-Up.........................................................................................................4-30
4.4 Attendant Call Processing ...........................................................................................4-31
Issue 2.0b
4.4.1 Transferring an Active Call ..................................................................................4-31
4.4.2 Camp-on ...............................................................................................................4-32
4.4.3 Intrusion................................................................................................................4-33
4.4.4 Call park and retrieve ...........................................................................................4-33
4.4.5 Paging...................................................................................................................4-34
4.5 Placing a Call ..............................................................................................................4-35
4.5.1 Station Window Station Field...............................................................................4-35
4.5.2 Station Window Phone Book tab .........................................................................4-36
4.5.3 Station Window Log View ...................................................................................4-37
4.5.4 Keypad Window...................................................................................................4-38
4.6 Message Wait/Call Back .............................................................................................4-39
4.7 Lower Tool bar ............................................................................................................4-39
4.7.1 Hold Call ..............................................................................................................4-39
4.7.2 Conference............................................................................................................4-40
4.7.3 Call Forward.........................................................................................................4-40
4.7.4 Mute .....................................................................................................................4-41
4.7.5 End .......................................................................................................................4-41
4.8 Tools Menu..................................................................................................................4-41
4.8.1 Station Name Change...........................................................................................4-42
4.8.2 Date/Time Change................................................................................................4-42
4.8.3 Text Messaging, Preselected & Custom...............................................................4-43 Activating Text Messages.............................................................................4-43 Entering/Editing Customize Messages .........................................................4-45
4.8.4 COS ......................................................................................................................4-46 Class Of Service Assignment........................................................................4-46 Temporary COS (Phone Lock) .....................................................................4-46
4.8.5 Attendant Cancel ..................................................................................................4-47
4.8.6 BGM (Background Music) Selection...................................................................4-47
4.9 Upper Tool bar Functions............................................................................................4-48
4.9.1 Wakeup Call Registration/Cancel.........................................................................4-48
4.9.2 SMS (Short Message Service)..............................................................................4-49 Internal SMS .................................................................................................4-49 External SMS ................................................................................................4-51
4.9.3 My Status Ring Mode Control .............................................................................4-52
4.9.4 Send E-mail ..........................................................................................................4-53
4.10 CO Line Display window............................................................................................4-54
4.11 Hunt Group Information Window...............................................................................4-56
Issue 2.0b
4.12 Phone book..................................................................................................................4-57
4.12.1 Phone Book Description.................................................................................4-57
4.12.2 Add/Edit Phone Book Entries ........................................................................4-58
4.12.3 Phone Book Database Link ............................................................................4-60
4.12.4 System Speed Dial Window...........................................................................4-62
4.13 Log View.....................................................................................................................4-64
4.14 General ........................................................................................................................4-66
4.14.1 Tool Tip Display.............................................................................................4-66
4.14.2 Record VMIB .................................................................................................4-67
4.14.3 Multiple ez-Attendants ...................................................................................4-67
4.14.4 Flexible Button Programming........................................................................4-67
4.14.5 Networking & BLF Manager Integration.......................................................4-69
4.15 Alarm information window.........................................................................................4-69
4.16 Prepaid call..................................................................................................................4-70
4.17 Input Account Code ....................................................................................................4-71
5 Shared MS Outlook Schedules............................................................................................5-71
5.1 General ........................................................................................................................5-71
5.2 Outlook set-up in Exchange Server.............................................................................5-72
Appendix A Local Language, pcatdlls.txt file........................................................................... A-1
Appendix B Log on Error Messages ......................................................................................... B-1
Appendix C Alarm Messages.................................................................................................... C-1
Appendix D ez-Attendant Icons ................................................................................................ D-1
Issue 2.0b
This document provides installation and user operating instructions for the LG ez-Attendant PC
based software application. The document includes an overview of ez-Attendant, as well as
detailed directions for installation of the ez-Attendant application in a PC, connecting the PC to
the host LG telephone system and an operational guide for the ez-Attendant user.
Several terms used in this manual are defined below for clarity:
• Select: with the mouse, move pointer to object and click on the left button of the mouse,
• Enter: type the input, characters or digits, using the keyboard or in the Keypad window,
click on digits with the mouse.
Issue 2.0b
ez-Attendant is a software application designed to enhance the attendant functionality of the IP
LDK by visualizing the Attendant call handling and control functions. ez-Attendant works in
conjunction with the Attendant’s multi-button phone providing enhanced attendant functionality
and efficiency. The user interfaces with the ez-Attendant screen, Figure 2, using the mouse
(point and click) or programmable ‘Hot Keys’ to select features and functions available. A popup Incoming Call window notifies the user of incoming calls while working with other
applications (word processor, spread sheet, etc.).
ez-Attendant incorporates a database for internal users and external contacts and shares the
System Speed Dial data with the IP LDK. The database entries can be searched and used to
place calls. The external contact database can be linked to a private or shared PIM (Personal
Information Management) database including Outlook, Goldmine or ACT!. Also schedules of
internal extension users in public Outlook files can be shared with and displayed on the ezAttendant screen.
Figure 2 ez-Attendant Screen
Issue 2.0b
Installation is a 3 step process; install the ez-Attendant application in the desired PC, configure
ez-Attendant and connect the ez-Attendant PC to the host IP LDK. Note that after configuring
ez-Attendant, the ez-Attendant PC should be restarted to assure all configuration information is
available in active memory.
PC Requirements
The ez-Attendant application software requires a PC with the minimum configuration defined
Pentium III
800 MHz clock
256 M Bytes of DRAM
100 M Bytes of HDD storage
17” monitor with a resolution of 1024 x 768
Microsoft Windows 2000 or XP operating system
10/100 Base T NIC (Network Interface Card)
CD ROM drive
Standard Keyboard
Standard Mouse
Host Telephone System
ez-Attendant is designed to work with the IP LDK which must be equipped with a LAN port for
connection to the ez-Attendant. ez-Attendant is compatible with all IP LDK systems below:
IP LDK 20,LAN port is standard
IP LDK 50 with LAN option board
IP LDK 100 with LAN option board
IP LDK 300, LAN port is standard
IP LDK 600, LAN port is standard
The IP LDK MPB (Main Processor Board) must be equipped with the software version 2.2Fi or
later. In addition, the IP LDK must have a fixed (static) IP address. For security purposes, a
private IP address is recommended. The ez-Attendant PC will support static or dynamic IP
ez-Attendant will operate in a networked environment where several IP LDK systems are
Issue 2.0b
interconnected. In the networked environment, the BLF Manager server, which runs on a
separate PC, provides status information on up to 50 extensions of each network node to ezAttendant.
ez-Attendant Application Installation
The ez-Attendant application is installed on the PC using the supplied CD. Installation uses an
Auto Run program that will start when the CD is placed in the PC’s CD ROM drive. Once
started, the InstallShield Wizard, Figure 3.3a, will begin preparation and the DAO (Database
Access Object) installation dialog box will appear.
Figure 3.3a DAO Install
Select Yes to install the DAO files, the DAO setup screen, Figure 3.3b, will appear, and click
Next. The DAO Components screen will appear, 3.3c.
Issue 2.0b
Figure 3.3b DAO Setup
Figure 3.3c DAO Components
Select the desired components, and click Next. Note both components can be installed if there is
doubt about which components to install. After selecting Next, if the Jet component was chosen,
the Jet component screen will appear, Figure 3.3d.
Figure 3.3d Jet Components
Issue 2.0b
Click the desired components. Again, if there is doubt, select all the components. After
completing installation of the DAO components, the ez-Attendant Wizard will appear, Figure
Figure 3.3e ez-Attendant Wizard
Click Next; the install progress screen will appear followed by the install complete screen,
Figure 3.3f.
Figure 3.3f ez-Attendant Install Complete
Issue 2.0b
Click Finish, and the windows desk top will appear with the ez-Attendant short-cut on the
Windows desk top, circled in red in Figure 3.3g.
Figure 3.3g ez-Attendant Short-cut
Once completed, the ez-Attendant is operational; however, for proper communication with the
IP LDK, it is necessary to install a “software lock-key” in the host IP LDK system. For
instructions regarding Lock-key installation, refer to the IP LDK Lock-key installation guide.
ez-Attendant Configuration
There are several mandatory configuration items, which must be input to ez-Attendant for
proper operation. Specifically, the IP address of the host IP LDK LAN port and the Attendant
extension number must be properly set. These items as well as a number of other configuration
items are set in the tabbed pair of windows, Display and Settings, Figures 3.4a and 3.4b.
Issue 2.0b
Figure 3.4a Display Window
Figure 3.4b Setting Window
As shown, these windows are divided into sections for various characteristics which are
Issue 2.0b
described in the following paragraphs in the order displayed above. Additional configuration
items from other dialog boxes are also covered in this section.
Display Window Station Type and Window Size
The Station Window in the ez-Attendant main screen is intended primarily for use as a status
display of the host and, if assigned, networked IP LDK stations. Note that the Station Window is
also used to display the ez-Attendant Phone Book and to view call logs by selecting the
appropriate tab to the right of the window. When used in the Station Field view, the display
indicates the status of internal stations and allows the Attendant to call individual stations by
selecting the desired station button.
For convenience, under the Station Field tab, the stations can be displayed in one of three
‘Types’ or views: Large Icon button, Small Icon button and List view, Figure In the
Large Icon view each station is displayed with the station name and number and a phone Icon
which is used to indicate status of the extension. The Small Icon view displays the station
number and a smaller phone Icon, again used to indicate extension status. In the List view,
extensions are shown in a simple list with the name, number and other user related phone
numbers as well as the small phone Icon for status.
Figure Station Button and List view display
Issue 2.0b
The size of the Station Window can be adjusted for Small, Medium or Large to increase the
number of button rows or list items displayed. The number of rows displayed is based on the
Window size and Type selected as in Table below for the default resolution (1024 by 768
XGA). In both the Large and Small Icon view seven columns of icons are displayed.
Table Station Window Size
Displayed Rows/buttons
Large Icon
Small Icon
The view and size are configured in the Station Type and Station Window Size sections of the
Display Window, Figure To access these sections of the Display Window;
• select Setting from the Menu bar,
• select Option from the Setting Menu,
• select the Display tab from the Display and Settings Window.
Click on the ‘radio button’ for the view desired; for a Large Icon display select Button Type, for
the Small Icon display select Small Button Type and for the List display select List Type. For
the Station Window Size select the radio button desired, Small, Middle or Large. Refer to
Table for the number of rows that will be displayed for each selection. Select Apply
which will save the selection and allow further entries or OK which will save the selection and
return to the ez-Attendant main screen.
Figure Station Window Display Mode
• As the size of the Station Window is increased, the size of the System Text Message,
Schedule and SMS (Short Message Service) windows will be decreased. Station View
The Station Window displays stations by groups. The active group display is selected from the
Issue 2.0b
tabs at the top of the Station Window. Groups available are based on the group (department)
name in the internal Phone Book or a single group of “selected stations”. The user can select to
view stations by group name or by selected station. Selecting View by Group name, will
display stations by the department name registered on the Phone Book, refer to section 3.4.3 to
add/edit Group names members. Choosing View by selected stations, the ez-Attendant
displays stations selected by user as below.
To display selected stations;
• select Setting from the Main Menu,
• select Option from the Setting Menu,
• select the Display tab from the Display and Settings Window,
• click the radio button with View by Selected stations text to display selected stations,
Figure station view tab
After selecting View by Select Station, stations can then be assigned to the selected stations
To select stations for monitoring;
• select Setting from the Main Menu,
• select Selected Station View from the Setting Menu ,Figure,
• select stations for monitoring and select
• Select the Close button to store the selection and exit.
Issue 2.0b
Figure Select station window
When complete, the Station Window will display the “ALL Group” and “Selected Stations” tabs
as shown in Figure and will not display stations by the Group(department)name.
Figure Select station view
Issue 2.0b Button View Number/Name Sort
When the Button Type view is selected, the buttons can be displayed sorted by extension
number or names. When sorted by number, the lowest station number is shown in the upper left
and the highest is shown in the lower right, Figure When sorted by name, the buttons
are sorted in the alphabetic order of the first name as shown in Figure To change the
sorting option;
• Right click using the mouse with the pointer in the Station Window,
• Click Sort By name or Sort By Number.
Figure Popup Menu on the station window
Figure Station window sorted by name
The default sort order is by Number..
Issue 2.0b Call Park Display
The Call Park Window displays information on calls that are “parked” by ez-Attendant.
Included information is the Park Zone and the caller Id for the parked call. The window will be
shown just above the Lower Tool bar. As a default the Call Park Window is not displayed. ezAttendant may be configured to show this window from the Park Call Display section in the
Display Window, Figure To access this section;
• select Setting from the Menu bar,
• select Option from the Setting menu
• select the Display tab from the Display and Settings Windows.
Click the desired ‘radio button’ to select Show or Hide the Call Park Window. Select Apply
which will save the selection and allow further entries or OK which will save the selection and
return to the ez-Attendant main screen.
Figure Park Call Display Keypad Display
ez-Attendant can display a ‘telephone keypad” which the attendant can use to place internal or
external calls in place of the Attendant’s multi-button phone. The keypad can be displayed in
either the Information or Queue Window based on the option selected in the Keypad Display
section of the Display Window, Figure To access the Keypad Display section;
• select Setting from the Menu bar,
• select Option from the Setting menu,
• select the Display tab from the Display and Settings Windows.
Click the desired ‘radio button’ to show the keypad in the Information or Queue Window. Select
Apply which will save the selection and allow further entries or OK which will save the selection
and return to the ez-Attendant main screen.
Figure Keypad Display option
• It is recommended that the Keypad be displayed in the Information Window.
• Hunt Groups can not be assigned a button in the Station Window therefore; the keypad is
Issue 2.0b
used to place a call to a station Hunt Group. Wake Up/Recorder Link Icon Change
The ez-Attendant Upper Toolbar can be assigned with either a Wake Up icon or a Recorder link
icon. With the Wake Up icon the user can quickly set a “wake-up call’ or alarm to an extension,
refer to section 4.9.1. With the Recorder icon the user can quickly activate the Conversation
Recording application. To employ the Recording application, the Attendant must use an LDP7024 or 7024LD Multi-button phone equipped with the USB option board, the ez-Attendant PC
must have the Recording application installed and the ez-Attendant PC must be connected to the
Multi-button phone USB port. For operation of the Conversation Recording feature refer to the
Recorder Application User Guide.
As a default the ez-Attendant is configured with the Wake Up icon. To change Wake
Up/Recorder icon;
• select Setting from the menu bar,
• select Option from the Setting menu,
• select the Display tab from the Display and Settings Windows. Figure
• click the desired ‘radio button’ to activate wake up icon or recording icon on Tool Up Bar.
• select Apply or OK button to save the selection.
Figure Toolbar ICON display
Issue 2.0b Activated with Recorder Icon Activate with Wake Up Icon Language Selection
ez-Attendant can support either of two languages for the Menu, Tool bar and Window
designations. The default language is English. The second language is defined as the Local
Language which must be entered in the pcatdlls.txt file located in the ez-Attendant main
directory, default LG Electronics/ez Attendant/. Prior to selecting the Local Language, it is
necessary to edit this file which can be accomplished with any common text file editor, MS
Notepad, Word, etc. The desired Local Language text is translated from the English text shown
in this file, refer to Appendix A. After accessing the file, you may edit the local language text.
The language is selected in the Language Selection section of the Display Window, Figure To access this section;
• select Setting from the Menu bar,
• select Option from the Setting menu,
• select the Display tab from the Display and Settings Windows.
Click on the ‘radio button’ for the language, English or Local Language. Select Apply which
will save the selection and allow further entries or OK which will save the selection and return to
the ez-Attendant main screen.
Figure Language Selection dialog box
• The default Local Language is Korean.
• Local Language words significantly longer than the English equivalent may cause unusual
displays of the affected area. To minimize any difficulties in the display, the Local
Language words should be approximately the same character length as the English
nomenclature shown in the pcatdlls.txt file of Appendix A.
Issue 2.0b
Setting Window Log On Information
The IP Address of the host IP LDK and the Attendant extension number are mandatory data and
are assigned in the Log On Information section of the Settings Window, Figure To
access this section;
• select Setting from the Menu bar,
• select Options from the Setting menu,
• select the Settings tab of the Display and Settings Windows,
Enter the IP address of the host IP LDK and the extension number of the Attendant station
associated with ez-Attendant. Select Apply which will save the selection and allow further
entries or OK which will save the selection and return to the ez-Attendant main screen.
Fig Log On Information in Option Window
• The “Port” entry in the Log On Information section is the fixed UDP port used for
communication between ez-Attendant and the IP LDK.
• ez-Attendant supports the Hot-Desk feature of the IP LDK.
In this case, enter the
appropriate Hot Desk extension number for the Attendant No in this section. Then, to logon, the Attendant must enter the associated Hot-Desk password.
• Each ez-Attendant in an IP LDK system, maximum five, must have a separate extension
number based on the IP LDK Attendant assignments (PGM 164 or 120 of the IP LDK). SMS Information
ez-Attendant can send short text messages (48 characters) to other ez-Attendants, ez Phones, LG
multi-button display telephones and LG DECT phone displays. In addition, when ez-Attendant
has access to a GSM modem, SMS (Short Message Service) to GSM phones can be supported.
The GSM modem can be for exclusive use of an ez-Attendant PC or can be shared by multiple
Issue 2.0b
ez-Attendants and ez Phones with a GSM modem installed in a ‘Master PC’. The Master will
function as the SMS server. The SMS function for GSM access is configured in the SMS
Information section of the Setting Window, Figure The configuration includes
selection of the SMS server (Master PC), the IP address of the Master PC (PC with the GSM
modem), SMS file path and file extension. To access the SMS Information section;
• select Setting from the Menu bar,
• select Options from the Setting menu,
• select the Settings tab of the Display and Settings Windows,
In the SMS Information section, select either the Master or Client PC box as appropriate. For
Client PCs, enter the IP address of the Master or SMS server PC. For the Master PC, click on
the Configuration button to access the Folder Setting dialog box, Figure and enter the
path to the GSM modem “server/out/” files as well as the SMS file extension.
Figure SMS Information dialog box
Figure Master PC File Share Configuration Dialog Box
• To receive SMS messages the LG DECT phone (Model GDC34X).
• The “/Server/Out” path is the path to the GSM modem server/out directory; enter only that
portion of the path leading to /server/out.
• The “/Server/In” path is the path to the GSM modem /server/in directory; enter only that
Issue 2.0b
portion of the path leading to server/in.
The ‘Given ID Code” is used as the SMS file extension and is used by the GSM modem
software as a validation of user. System Speed Dial Editor
The ez-Attendant user can view and edit the host IP LDK System Speed Dial database. The
database is downloaded from the host system to the ez-Attendant on demand and requires
several minutes to download. This setting configures the ez Attendant database for the number
of records in the host IP LDK. The configuration is set under the System Setting for Speed
section of the Settings Window, Figure To access this section;
• select Setting from the Menu bar,
• select Option from the Setting menu,
• select the Settings tab of the Display and Settings Windows,
Using the drop down selection menu, select the applicable IP LDK model. Select Apply, which
will save the selection and allow further entries, or OK, which will save the selection and return
to the ez-Attendant main screen.
Figure System setting for Speed
• The model of the host IP LDK can only be changed when no user is logged on to the ezAttendant. Forward Information
When required, the Attendant may forward calls to another Attendant or extension in the host
system without the need to Log-Off. The extension to receive calls is predefined in ezAttendant. When activated by selecting Forward on the Lower Tool bar, all ez-Attendant calls
are forward to the extension assigned in the Forward Information section of the Setting
Window, Figure To access this section;
• select Setting from the Menu bar,
• select Option from the Setting menu,
• select the Settings tab from the Display and Settings Windows.
Enter the extension number to receive calls forwarded from ez-Attendant in the Forward No
Issue 2.0b
box. Select Apply, which will save the selection and allow further entries, or OK, which will
save the selection and return to the ez-Attendant main screen.
Figure Forward Information
• The ez-Attendant extension must be allowed to activate Call Forward in the host IP LDK
system database and is subject to the conditions of the IP LDK. Group Setting Information
When groups are defined as departments, the company name can be defined. The company
name is defined in the Group Setting Information section of the Setting Window, Figure
To access this section;
• select Setting from the Menu bar,
• select Option from the Setting menu,
• select the Settings tab from the Display and Settings Windows
• enter the company name in the Company box.
Figure Group Setting Information
Station Window Display Groups
When the ez-Attendant is assigned to display stations by group name, see section, the
Station Window will provide tabs at the top of the window for each group from the internal
Phone Book. When a tab is selected, the stations assigned to that group are displayed as shown
in Figure 3.4.3a. Commonly, the groups are used to identify departments: Sales, Human
Resources, Stockroom, etc. Also, when ez-Attendant is used in a networked environment with
the DSS/BLF Manager, special groupings are assigned for stations of network nodes.
Issue 2.0b
Station Window Group Tabs
Figure 3.4.3a Station Window Group Tabs
Display Group assignments are made in the Group Setting dialog box, Figure 3.4.3b. To access
this dialog box;
• select Setting from the Menu bar,
• select Group Setting from the Setting menu, to view the dialog box, Figure 3.4.3b.
Group Edit Box
Member Edit Box
Group Window
Member Window
Figure 3.4.3b Group Setting dialog box
Groups are shown in the left window; members (system users) are shown in the right window.
In the Group box the Group name can be entered or edited. Group details can be expanded in
the Group Window to show group members or hidden, displaying only the group name. In the
Member Window, the member names can be searched by entering characters in the Member box.
The Member Window can be sorted by the station number or the user name by selecting the
appropriate column header (Stn No or Name).
Issue 2.0b
To enter or remove a member for a group;
• enter the group name in the Group box or select a group in the Group Window,
• select a member name in the Member Window,
• select
to add the selected member to the group or
to remove the member.
• When Group Names are added or edited, the change is automatically updated in the
internal Phone Book.
• There is no limit to the number of groups that can be defined.
• When networked, separate Groups are be defined for network stations. A network group
may contain stations from any combination of network nodes.
• When the Group Setting dialog box is closed, Groups that have no members assigned will
be deleted automatically.
Hot-Key Map Configuration
The Attendant may use keyboard short-cuts or ‘Hot Keys’ in place of the mouse for many ezAttendant call processing functions. Hot Keys, which involve 2 keys pressed at the same time,
are mapped to each feature under the Key Map item of the Setting menu.
The default mapping is shown in Table 3.4.4.
Call Back
Hot Keys
Alt + A
Alt + B
Place Call
Hot Keys
Alt + I
Camp On
Alt + O
Alt + X
Alt + M
Alt + P
Alt + C
Alt + E
Alt + R
Ctrl + “Enter”
Alt + F
Ctrl + K
Alt + H
Display Key
Shift + “Enter”
Search Next
Call Pick-up
Hunt Group
CO Line
Input Account
Hot Keys
Ctrl + Ctrl + Alt + U
Alt +
Ctrl + P
Ctrl + G
Alt + S
Table 3.4.4 Hot Key default Map
To access the Hot Key mapping configuration;
select Setting from the menu bar,
select Key Map from the Setting Menu.
Issue 2.0b
• Duplicate Hot Key mapping is not allowed.
• The Space bar and the Numeric keys can not be employed in a Hot Key map.
Customize Environment
Using the Customize dialog box, Figure 3.4.5, operation of the ez-Attendant may be optimized
for the user. There are three categories under the Customize dialog box including settings for
Outlook, Search options and enabling call logs and trace records. To access the Customize
dialog box;
• select Setting from the Menu bar,
• select Customize from the Setting menu.
Figure 3.4.5 Customize Dialog box
In the Outlook Setting section, select Outlook Auto Start to activate Outlook when the ezAttendant starts. Outlook will be started and minimized allowing the ez-Attendant quick access
to the Outlook database. Schedule Auto Load will automatically update the ez-Attendant
schedule files for other users at increments in the Time box using the path entered in the Path
The Search Order in the Search Setting section determines the order in which the ez-
Issue 2.0b
Attendant will search for a phone number when the ez-Attendant user attempts to place a call
from a Phone Book entry. The user may search through the several ez-Attendant databases. The
characteristics of the search are defined in Search Option of the Search Setting section.
Characters : and Phone number can be set to perform a search for a given text/digit string in
the search field from either the beginning of the field or contained anywhere within the field
(sub characters). Use the drop down selection menu to select the desired search option.
The Log View Setting and Trace Setting enable or disable storing call records and trace
records for the ez-Attendant. Select the desired option.
External Call Dial Codes
For proper operation of external calls, ez-Attendant must be assigned dial codes for CO Line
access, International access, Local country code, etc. These codes are input in the Code Setting
dialog box, Figure 3.4.6. To access this dialog box;
• select Setting from the Menu bar,
• select Code Setting from the Setting menu to view the Code Setting dialog box,
• select the appropriate box and enter the local codes.
Figure 3.4.6 Code Setting dialog box
• The Prefix code is also called the city or office code.
Issue 2.0b
ez Attendant PC to Host Connection
ez-Attendant is connected to the host IP LDK by way of the LAN (Local Area Network). It is
recommended that each ez-Attendant and the IP LDK be connected to a 10/100 Base T Ethernet
switch port. The connection should use Category 5 straight through cable terminated in
appropriate connectors, typically an RJ-45 connector, wired as shown below.
Gateway & Hub UPLINK
EIA 568B (MDI)
ez-Attendant Operation
Operation Overview
Issue 2.0b
ez-Attendant is a software application designed to visualize attendant call processing and
handling for the IP LDK system. The ez-Attendant application resides on the attendant’s desktop and is accessed by the ez-Attendant short-cut icon on the windows desktop. Opening the
application, the Attendant logs on, establishing the link to the IP LDK over the LAN. The IP
LDK configuration, station status, and other information are downloaded.
The ez-Attendant screen provides visual status of registered IP LDK users in the Station Window
with the Station Field View showing DSS/Status buttons. These buttons provide more detailed
information on the status of users then available from the DSS/BLF buttons and LCD of normal
multi-button phones by employing icons to denote status: Forward, DND, etc., combined with
station name and number information. The alternative List View includes status icons for all
users in a spreadsheet like list which can be viewed, edited, searched and used for placing calls.
Incoming calls to ez-Attendant are displayed in the Queue window with Caller ID and queue
time. When answered, the call information is shown in the Active Call Window with additional
information from comparison to the ez-Attendant Phone Book database. ez-Attendant can run in
background, allowing the Attendant to employ other PC applications for word processing, etc.
When a call is received while “minimized”, ez-Attendant delivers the call in a pop-up window,
the user can answer and activate the ez-Attendant screen by ‘clicking’ the pop-up.
Transferring the call can be as simple as ‘clicking’ a button in the Station Window or, entering a
station number or name in the search box. Matches to the search entry displays detail from the
Internal User Phone Book database and status from the IP LDK in the Information Window. The
Schedule Window displays schedule information for the station from a public MS Outlook
database and any active Text Message is displayed in the System Text Message Window.
Selecting the arrow button places a call to the selected user for transfer.
On screen buttons give easy access to commonly needed Attendant features such as Park,
Paging, Camp on, Forward, Hold, Conference, etc. ez-Attendant affords access through the IP
LDK to send SMS (Short Message Service) messages to other system users with an LCD multibutton phone, LG DECT phone, ez-Phone or ez-Attendant. Incorporating a GSM modem in the
PC, ez Attendant can send and receive text messages over GSM mobile networks supporting
SMS service. The ez-Attendant user can select recipients from the ez-Attendant databases
(Phone Book, Log View or System Speed Dial) or, with the Keypad pop-up window, dial a
number for ad-hoc calling.
Issue 2.0b
ez-Attendant gives graphical access for Attendant system control functions commonly available
through the multi-button phone including: Day/Night ringing activation, Attendant Cancel
control, Call Forward, DND and System Text Messaging for other users, Temporary COS
(Phone Lock), Date/Time, Wake-Up or Conversation recording, etc. For each control function a
dialog box is provided, allowing ez-Attendant user input. In addition, ez-Attendant can share,
via the upload/download utility, the IP LDK System Speed Dial database which permits the user
to add or modify entries as well as search and place calls from the database.
ez-Attendant maintains a database of External contacts which is accessed in the Station Window
Phone Book View. Entries in the Phone Book can be added, edited, search and used to place
calls. The Phone Book is stored as either an MS Access file and is linked to the user Outlook,
Goldmine or ACT! database using the import/export Tool.
ez-Attendant monitors and can log all external call activity of the IP LDK as well as internal
calls to/from the ez-Attendant. This Log is shown in the Station Window as the Log View in
place of the Station Field or Phone Book View. As with other ez-Attendant databases, entries
can be searched and used to place calls.
These and other operations are detailed in the following paragraphs referencing the ez-Attendant
screen as shown in Figure 4.1 below. This figure provides call-outs for each of the ez-Attendant
screen windows, tool bars, etc.
Issue 2.0b
Display Tabs
Menu bar
Upper Tool
View Tabs
Active Call
Queue Call
Search Box
SMS & Hunt
Group window
System Text
Message window
Lower Tool
Figure 4.1 ez-Attendant Screen
Log on
Before starting Log on, ez-Attendant must be the active application. To start ez-Attendant
‘double-click’ the ez-Attendant shortcut icon on the Windows desk-top, Figure 4.2a.
Figure 4.2a ez-Attendant Shortcut
To log on ez-Attendant, with ez-Attendant as the active screen, click the
on the right side of the Upper Tool bar of the ez Attendant screen. The log on process can also
be started with the Log On selection in the File menu, the Log-on Process Window, Figure 4.2b,
will appear. The log on process includes download of various data files and configurations from
the IP LDK and will require several minutes. The log on process may require additional time
depending on traffic in the IP LDK and the LAN.
Issue 2.0b
Once complete, the
icon will change to allowing easy log off.
Figure 4.2b Log-on Process Window
If the log on process is not successful, the LogOn Fail pop-up window, Figure 4.2c will appear
with an error message indicating the cause of failure. Refer to Appendix B for error messages.
Fig 4.2c LogOn Fail Error Message window
When ez-Attendant is used with the IP LDK Hot Desk feature, the user must follow the Hot
Desk log on procedure. The Hot Desk Password dialog box, Figure 4.2d, will appear for
password entry. When the password is correctly entered, select OK to proceed with the log on
Fig 4.2d Hot Desk Password dialog box
Issue 2.0b
Answering Incoming Calls
ez-Attendant can answer calls in several ways depending on the state of the ez-Attendant
application, active or minimized, and the extension receiving the call, ez-Attendant or another
extension in the system.
ez-Attendant Minimized
When ez-Attendant receives an incoming call with the application minimized, the Incoming Call
Pop-Up Window, Figure 4.3.1, will appear. Selecting this window will answer the call and
activate the ez-Attendant screen for further call processing. For further call processing options
refer to section 4.4 Attendant Call Processing.
Figure 4.3.1 ez-Attendant Incoming Call Pop-Up Window
ez-Attendant Screen Active
When ez-Attendant receives a call with the application active, the call information is displayed
in the Queue Window. Information provided depends on the Caller Id received with the call and
may include the calling party name, number and length of time in queue.
Issue 2.0b
Active Call Window
Queued Call Window
Figure 4.3.2a Incoming Call Queue Window
The ez-Attendant user may answer a queued call by selecting the desired call using the mouse or
using the Call Answer Hot Keys (default ‘Alt + A’). Using the Hot Keys will answer the queued
call shown at the top of the Queue Window.
Once answered, information on the call is moved from the Queue Window to the Active Call
Window just above the Queue Window, Figure 4.3.2b, and audio is sent to the Attendant’s multibutton phone. In addition to the Caller name, number and call duration, when CLI is provided
and the call is from a caller registered in the Phone book, the Company name will be displayed.
In addition, for recalls, the Active Call Window will display the origin of the recall.
Issue 2.0b
Active Call
Figure 4.3.2.b Active Call Window
• Up to 20 calls can be queued to an Attendant in the IP LDK.
• If the Attendant is using another PC application when a new call arrives, the Incoming Call
pop-up window will be displayed and can be used to activate the ez-Attendant and answer
the call. Refer to section 4.3.1.
• The ez-Attendant user may answer a call in the traditional manner using the multi-button
phone associated with ez-Attendant.
• When a call is answered by the ez-Attendant, a cursor appears in the Search box of the ezAttendant main screen in preparation for the Call Transfer operation, refer to section 4.4.1.
Call Pick-Up
The ez-Attendant user can answer calls ringing at other extensions using Call Pick-Up. Tone
ringing intercom calls, incoming CO line calls, recalling CO line calls and transferred CO line
calls may be answered using the Pick-Up feature.
To answer a call using Pick-Up;
• in the Station Window, select the extension button with the incoming call or,
• in the Search box, enter the extension number,
• press the Pick-Up Hot Keys (default Ctrl + P).
• Call Pick-Up is subject to the conditions of the host IP LDK system.
Issue 2.0b
Attendant Call Processing
Transferring an Active Call
ez-Attendant can send an active call to another extension or station group in the host IP LDK
system. The transfer operation allows the ez-Attendant user to announce the call to the receiver
and await a response. This is known as “Screened Call Transfer”. The Attendant need not
announce or await a response, which is known as “Unscreened Call Transfer”.
Calls may be Transferred using the Station Window buttons or entering search criteria in the
Search entry box. A match to the entry is displayed in the Information Window with user
information as shown in Figure 4.4.1. In addition the user’s schedule and text messages are
displayed in the appropriate window. This information may be employed by the ez-Attendant
user to more efficiently handle the call. ez-Attendant may also access the search function by
pressing the “F2” keyboard button which will place the cursor in the search box.
If the intended receiver is busy, ez-Attendant may camp the call on the busy user, see 4.4.2
Camp-On, or use Intrusion, see 4.4.3 Intrusion, to announce the call.
To transfer an active call;
• select the desired station button in the Station Window,
• to screen the transfer, await answer and announce call,
• select
to complete the transfer,
Or, using the search function
• enter the search criteria,
• select the
button or enter the search Hot Keys (default Ctrl + “Enter”) to view match
• to transfer the call, select the
• to screen the transfer await answer and announce call,
• select
to complete the transfer.
Issue 2.0b
Busy state Icon.
Busy state Icon.
Figure 4.4.1b Information Window Call Transfer
• The search function will not provide information on the status of a Hunt Group and only
unscreened transfers can be made to a Hunt Group.
• If multiple matches are found, the number of matches is shown and the user may review
each match using the Search Hot Keys (default Ctrl + for Search Previous, and Ctrl + for Search Next).
When transferring a call to or calling a busy extension, ez-Attendant can Camp the call on the
Issue 2.0b
busy extension sending a call camp-on tone to the user.
To Camp-on a call;
• receive busy signal on an internal call,
• press the
button below the Information Window.
• Camp-on is subject to the conditions of the host system.
When calling a busy extension, ez-Attendant may Intrude into the extension user’s conversation
to announce an important call, etc. Intrusion must be allowed in the host IP LDK system.
To Intrude on a conversation;
• receive busy on an internal call,
• press the
button below the Information Window.
• Intrusion is subject to the conditions of the host system.
Call park and retrieve
ez-Attendant may place a call into a Park state where the call is on hold and internal users can
retrieve the call by dialing the Park Zone or orbit. This feature is often employed by an
Attendant to Park a call and then page a user to pick-up the call from the Park Zone.
To Park a call;
• press the
button on the Lower Tool bar.
• the call is placed on hold in the next available Park Zone and the Zone number is displayed
in the optional Park Window, Figure 4.4.4a.
Figure 4.4.4a Park Window display
Issue 2.0b
To retrieve a Parked call;
• activate the Keypad Window (default Ctrl K),
• dial the Park Zone.
• select the desired Park Zone from the Park Window.
Figure 4.4.4b Parked Call Access with Keypad Window
• Call Park is subject to the conditions of the host system.
ez-Attendant can make announcements over the speakers of idle extensions and/or external
announcement speakers. Extensions and speakers are arranged in groups called Page Zones.
Extensions are arranged in Internal Page Zones, audio speakers are arranged in External Page
In the Paging Window, Figure 4.4.5, ez-Attendant can select an individual zone, groups of zones
or all zones to page simultaneously.
Issue 2.0b
To place a page announcement;
• press the
button on the Upper Tool bar,
• select the desired zones in the Paging Window, Figure 4.4.5,
• make announcement into the Attendant multi-button phone handset,
• hang-up.
Figure 4.4.5 Page Zone dialog box
• Paging is subject to the conditions of the host system.
Placing a Call
The ez-Attendant user has a number of mechanisms available to place calls. In addition to
placing calls in the traditional manner from the Attendant multi-button phone, outgoing calls
from ez-Attendant can be placed using any of the Station Window tabs (Station Field, Phone
Book and Log View) from the Search box, or from the Keypad Window.
Station Window Station Field
To place a call from the Station Field view, merely click on the desired station button or, in the
List view, double click on the desired user record. ez-Attendant places the call with the audio to
Issue 2.0b
the Attendant multi-button phone.
Figure 4.5.1 Station Button and List View display
Station Window Phone Book tab
The Phone Book view, Figure 4.5.2, gives different views for each ez-Attendant database
(Internal parties, External parties) and System Speed Dial numbers. Each or all ez-Attendant
database groups can be displayed and searched for the desired number.
To place a call;
• select the radio button for the desired view,
• search the database using the ‘Enter text here’ cell at the top of each field by entering text
or digits,
• double click on the field with the desired phone or Speed Dial bin number, company, home,
etc., or
• double click the user name. ez-Attendant will search the selected record for a phone
number based on the search priority set in the Searching Order defined in the Customize
dialog box, section 3.4.5.
Issue 2.0b
Place calls using these fields
Figure 4.5.2 Phone Book Internal and Speed Dial fields
Station Window Log View
The Log View selects a log of external calls made or attempted by or to users of the host IP LDK
system as well as internal calls from or to the ez-Attendant. ez-Attendant can view, search and
select a call to any logged called or calling party.
To place a call;
• search the database using the ‘Enter text here’ box at the top of each field by entering text
or digits,
• double click the field with the desired phone number, caller or called.
Issue 2.0b
Figure 4.5.3 Log View fields
Keypad Window
ez-Attendant can make calls as if dialed from the Attendant’s multi-button phone. To place a
call using the Keypad;
• press the ‘show Keypad’ Hot keys (default Ctrl K), to view the Keypad Window, Figure
• dial (click or keyboard) the desired number including any Line group access code required,
• select or Call to place the call.
Figure 4.5.4 Keypad Window
• The conditions associated with placing a call from the Attendant’s multi-button phone
apply to calls made from the Keypad Window.
Hunt Groups can not be assigned a station button. Thus, to call a hunt group, the ezAttendant must use the Keypad Window.
Issue 2.0b
The Keypad Window can be used to call the last ez-Attendant dialed number, ‘Redial’, by
selecting the Redial button in the Keypad Window.
The Clean button will remove the entire number should an error be made in the dialed
Message Wait/Call Back
When calling an extension that is busy, ez-Attendant may request a Call Back.
If the extension is idle or in DND, the ez-Attendant can leave a Message Wait indication to the
called extension.
To activate Message Wait or Callback
• call an extension,
• if no answer, busy signal or DND signal is received, press the
If the extension is busy, Call Back is activated. When the called extension returns to idle, the
system will notify the ez-Attendant with a Call Back. When ez-Attendant responds to the Call
Back, the previously busy station is called.
If the called extension is idle but does not answer or is in DND, the host IP LDK will activate
Message Waiting. When the called extension responds to the Message Wait indication, a call is
placed to the ez-Attendant extension.
• Message Wait/Call Back is subject to the conditions of the host system.
Lower Tool bar
The Lower Tool bar gives the ez-Attendant user convenient access to other call processing
features of the host system including Hold, Conference, Call Forward, Mute and End.
Hold Call
ez-Attendant can place calls on hold. The call will be placed on the preferred hold mode in the
host system database. Held calls are displayed in the Queue Window with the hold Icon, Figure
4.7.1a. After expiration of the Recall timer, the call recalls to ez-Attendant and the Recall Icon
is displayed, Figure 4.7.1b.
Issue 2.0b
To place a call on hold
select the
button on the Lower Tool bar or ‘Hold’ Hot Keys (default Alt + H).
Figure 4.7.1a & b Hold and Recall Icons
• Recall timers for Hold are assigned in the host IP LDK system.
The ez-Attendant user can join several parties in a conference call. A maximum of five parties
can be joined with the ez-Attendant’s multi-button phone in a conference. To establish a
• place first call,
• press the
button, the first call is placed on hold,
• place second call,
• press the
button, the second call is placed on hold,
• repeat process for additional parties,
• press the
button, all parties in conference.
• Conference is subject to the conditions of the host system.
Call Forward
ez-Attendant can activate Call Forward, forwarding all calls to a pre-defined extension. The
extension is assigned under the Setting menu, refer to section To activate Call Forward
from ez-Attendant;
Issue 2.0b
select the
button on the Lower Tool bar to activate ez-Attendant Call Forward
• select the
on the Upper Tool bar
• select the Forward box from the My Status dialog box, Figure 4.7.3, to activate ezAttendant Call Forward.
Figure 4.7.3 My Status dialog box
• Call Forward is subject to the conditions of the IP LDK host system.
While on an active call, ez-Attendant can mute the user’s microphone so that the connected
party can not hear the user. By activating Mute, all audio transmission from the user’s phone is
To activate Mute;
• select the
button on the Lower Tool bar, the ez-Attendant multi-button phone is muted.
ez-Attendant can terminate an active call by selecting the
button on the Lower Tool bar.
This action will terminate the call as if the handset on the multi-button phone were returned to
the cradle.
Tools Menu
The Tools menu allows ez-Attendant easy access to features generally programmable by the
Attendant position including:
Station Name
Issue 2.0b
Date and Time
BGM source selection
Station COS
Temporary COS
Pre-selected & Customized Messages.
Station Name Change
ez-Attendant can assign or change the name associated with extensions in the host IP LDK
system. This name is displayed in the LCD of other extensions when placing or receiving a call
from the extension.
To assign an extension name;
• select Tools from the Menu bar,
• select Station Name from the Tools menu to view the Station Name dialog box, Figure
• enter the desired extension number in the Station No box using the keyboard,
• enter the name in the Station Name box using the keyboard,
• select Apply or OK.
Figure 4.8.1 Station Name dialog box
• Only English is supported for the Station Name.
• The Station Name may be up to 11 characters.
Date/Time Change
If required, ez-Attendant can change the host system date and time in the Date/Time dialog box.
To access this dialog box;
Issue 2.0b
select Tools from the Menu bar,
select Date/Time from the Tools menu to display the Date/Time dialog box, Figure 4.8.2,
select the month and date from the Calendar area,
select the date display mode (day/month/year or month/day/year) in the Date area,
enter the time and time display mode (12 or 24 hour) in the Time area,
select OK.
Figure 4.8.2 Date/Time dialog box
• The Date/Time assignments are for the host IP LDK system and will not affect the ezAttendant PC.
Text Messaging, Preselected & Custom Activating Text Messages
ez-Attendant can activate the host System Text Messages (Preselected or Custom) for other
extensions. When activated internal callers to the extension will receive the text message in the
LCD of their multi-button phone. Many of the Preselected (Fixed) Messages provide for the
entry of additional characters to specify time, date, etc.
Text Messaging is activated from the Message Type Window, Figure To activate Text
• select Tools from the Menu bar,
• select Select Message Type from the Tools menu to view the Message Type Window,
Issue 2.0b
select the desired message type tab (Preselected or Customized),
select the desired text message radio button or Remove Message button,
enter the extension range in the Station boxes,
select Apply or OK to activate.
Figure Message and Type Selection Window
When ez-Attendant calls a station with Text Messaging active, the message will display in the
System Text Message Window, Figure
Issue 2.0b
Figure System Text Message Window display
• Text messaging is subject to the conditions of the host IP LDK.
• Selecting the Remove Button in the Message Type Window will deactivate Text Message
forward. Entering/Editing Customize Messages
ez-Attendant can access and edit the host IP LDK system’s Customized Message table to enter
or edit the Custom Messages. When activated, Custom Messages are sent to the LCD of callers’
multi-button phones, ez Phone user’s screen and the ez-Attendant screen. Custom Messages are
edited in the Custom Message Window under the Setting menu. To access the window;
• select Setting from the Menu bar,
• select Customized Messages from the Setting menu to view the Custom Message
Window, Figure,
• enter message text string using the keyboard,
• select OK.
Figure Custom Message Window
Text Messaging is subject to the conditions of the host IP LDK system.
Issue 2.0b
COS Class Of Service Assignment
ez-Attendant can access the host IP LDK database to modify the COS (Class of Service)
assignments of the system extensions. COS controls the external call dialing privileges for
extensions. COS assignments are modified in the Change COS dialog box, Figure To
access this dialog box;
• select Tools from the Menu bar,
• select Attendant from the Tools menu,
• select Change COS to view the Change COS dialog box, Figure,
• enter the desired station range in the Station Range area,
• select the desired Day and/or Night COS desired in the COS Setting area,
• select Apply or OK to change the COS.
Figure Change COS dialog box
• Extensions in the host IP LDK are subject to the COS dialing restrictions assigned. Temporary COS (Phone Lock)
Temporary COS is employed to temporarily block non-authorized outgoing external calls. ezAttendant can activate Temporary COS for other extensions which assigns the extension a COS
level of 7. This effectively locks the phone by denying the extension the ability to access or dial
on an outside CO Line. Temporary COS is activated in the Temporary COS dialog box, Figure To access the Temporary COS dialog box;
• select Tools from the Menu bar,
• select Attendant from the Tools menu,
• select Temporary COS to view the Temporary COS dialog box, Figure,
• enter the desired station range in the Station Range area,
select COS Down (Class 7) to activate Temporary COS or COS Restore to restore the
extension’s normal COS level,
Issue 2.0b
select Apply or OK.
Figure Temporary COS dialog box
Attendant Cancel
ez-Attendant can ‘cancel’ certain features that may be active at one or more stations. Station
features that are deactivated by Attendant Cancel include DND (Do Not Disturb), Call Forward,
System Text Messaging and Wake-Up call. Attendant Cancel is located in the Attendant Cancel
dialog box, Figure 4.8.5. To access the dialog box;
• select Tools from the Menu bar,
• select Attendant from the Tools menu,
• select Attendant Cancel to view the Attendant Cancel dialog box, Figure 4.8.5,
• enter the desired station range in the Station Range area,
• select Apply or OK.
Fig 4.8.5 Attendant Cancel dialog box
• The Attendant Cancel feature is subject to the conditions of the host IP LDK.
BGM (Background Music) Selection
The host IP LDK may provide multiple channels or sources for BGM (Background Music)
which is played over the speakers of idle multi-button phones. ez-Attendant may select the
source channel for BGM. This selection is made in the ICM BOX BGM Selection dialog box.
Issue 2.0b
To access this dialog box;
• select Tools from the Menu bar,
• select Music Selection from the Tools menu, to view the ICM BOX BGM Selection dialog
box, Figure 4.8.6,
• select the desired channel from the pull-down selection menu in the Music Channel area,
• select OK to change the Music Selection.
Figure 4.8.6 ICM BOX BGM Selection dialog box
• Music channels available are dependent on the host IP LDK system and installation.
Upper Tool bar Functions
Wakeup Call Registration/Cancel
When the Upper Toolbar is assigned with the Wake Up icon, ‘Wake-up call’ or alarm can be set
for an extension that will cause the system to ring the extension at the assigned time of day. The
Wake-up can be a one-time event or may be repeated on a daily basis. ez-Attendant can set a
Wake-up time for other extensions in the system in the Wake-Up dialog box Figure 4.9.1. To
access the Wake-Up dialog box and set a Wake-up time;
• select the
button from the Upper Tool Bar to view the Wake-Up dialog box,
• select the desired user from the Category area,
• select the
button to select a user, multiple users may be selected or
enter a extension number in the Entry box,
• enter the desired time in the Time Setting area,
• select the appropriate radio button in the Alarm Type area, one-time, continue or remove,
• select Apply or OK.
Issue 2.0b
Entry area
Figure 4.9.1 Wake-Up dialog box
• The maximum number of extensions that can be assigned to receive a Wake-Up signal at
one time is based on limits of the host IP LDK.
SMS (Short Message Service) Internal SMS
ez-Attendant can send short messages, up to 48 characters to other internal system users
equipped with a multi-button phone with display, LG wireless DECT phone (Model GDC34X)
or ez-Phone. When sent, the extension is notified of the message and the LCD or ez-Phone
screen will display the message. ez-Attendant can also receive short messages from other ezAttendants or ez Phone users. Internal SMS messages are sent or received in the SMS to Keyset
Window, Figure To access this window and send short messages;
• select Tools from the Menu,
• select SMS from the Tools menu,
• select Private SMS from the selection menu to view the SMS to Keyset Window, Figure,
• select the radio button for SMS Send Window,
• select the desired user from the Category area,
• select the
button to select a user, multiple users may be selected or
enter an extension number in the Entry area box,
enter the text message string in the Message Text Window,
press the Send button.
Issue 2.0b
Entry area
Figure SMS to Keyset Window
Received SMS messages are displayed in the SMS Window of the ez-Attendant main screen and
can also be viewed in SMS to Keyset Window. To view the SMS messages from the SMS to
Keyset Window;
• select the radio button for SMS Receive Window to view received messages, Figure,
• use the Navigation buttons to review messages.
To delete a received message in the SMS Receive Window;
• select the desired message in the Message Text Window
• select Delete.
Issue 2.0b
Fig SMS to Keyset, Receive Message Window
• Internal SMS messages can be up to 48 characters in length.
• The ez-Attendant can store up to 30 received messages. Additional ‘received messages’
will automatically delete the oldest stored message. External SMS
ez-Attendant will support GSM SMS (Short Message Service) when properly equipped with a
GSM modem; refer to section SMS Information. SMS messages can be sent to one or
more GSM subscribers simultaneously. An ez-Attendant user can send SMS messages through
several means including through the Tools menu, SMS on the Upper Tool bar or directly from
the Station Window List Display, Phone Book or Log View. The basic steps are; enter the
message, select a mobile subscriber and send the message.
Mobile SMS is managed through the Mobile SMS Window, Figure To access the Mobile
SMS Window;
• select the
button on the Upper Tool bar,
or select the SMS option from the Tools menu,
or ‘right click” the mouse on any Station Window List Display, Phone Book, or Log View
• select Mobile SMS from the selection menu to view the Mobile SMS Window, Figure,
• if not already selected, select the desired user from the Category
or enter a user name or mobile number in the Entry box,
select the Insert button,
enter the text message string in the Message Text Window,
Issue 2.0b
Entry area
press the Send button.
Figure Mobile SMS Window
• ez-Attendant must be properly configured and equipped for access to a GSM modem, refer
to section
My Status Ring Mode Control
ez-Attendant can control the Day/Night Ring mode of the host IP LDK system, placing the
system in the Day, Night, Weekend or Auto Ring Selection mode. Ring assignments for the
mode selected are then enforced by the system. The Auto Ring Selection mode employs the
system clock to shift from Day, Night and Weekend Ring modes based on the schedule assigned
in the system database.
The Ring mode is controlled by the ez-Attendant in the My Status dialog box, Figure 4.9.3. To
access this dialog box;
• select the
button on the Upper Tool bar to view the My Status dialog box,
• select the radio button for the desired Ring mode.
Issue 2.0b
Figure 4.9.3 My Status dialog box
• Ring assignments for the Day, Night and Weekend ring modes are made in the host IP LDK
system database.
• The schedule for the Auto Ring mode is assigned in the host IP LDK system Database.
Send E-mail
The ez-Attendant user may send e-mails from the ez-Attendant screen using their normal e-mail
client. E-mail recipients can be manually entered or selected from the Station Window List
Display or Phone Book entries. After selecting recipients, the user’s normal e-mail client is
invoked with the selected addresses entered automatically. The user may then enter the e-mail
text and send the mail in the normal manner. Recipients are entered from the E-Mail Window,
Figure 4.9.4. To access this window;
• select the
button from the Upper Tool bar,
or select Send Mail from the Setting menu,
or right click on any entry in the Station Window List Display or Phone Book with an email address,
• select or enter the desired recipients
• select Send to activate the e-mail client and proceed as normal for the e-mail client.
Issue 2.0b
Figure 4.9.4 E-Mail Window
• The ez-Attendant supports Outlook or Outlook Express as the e-mail client.
• To improve execution speed, the e-mail client application should be running but
4.10 CO Line Display window
The ez-Attendant user has access to a CO Line Display pop-up window, Figure 4.10a using Hot
Keys (default Alt + S). In this window, ez-Attendant displays the status of all CO lines and
permits the user to access a CO Line to answer or place external calls. To access this window
and answer or place a call;
• enter the “show CO Line” Hot Keys (default Alt + S)
• select the desired CO Line to answer the call,
for placing a call, the Phone Number dialog box, Figure 4.10b will appear if the CO Line is idle,
• enter the phone number,
• press “Enter”.
The ez-Attendant user can also place CO Lines In or Out-of-Service. When Out-of-Service, the
CO line LED will Flash rapidly at the ez-Attendant and Attendant Multi-button phone and the
CO Line will appear busy at all other extensions. To place a CO Line In or Out-of-Service;
place the mouse pointer on the desired CO Line button, Figure 4.10.c, ,
click the right mouse button, the service state will toggle between In-Service and Out-of-
Issue 2.0b
Fig 4.10a CO line Display Window
Fig 4.10b CO line Display Window w/Phone Number dialog box
Fig 4.10c CO line Display Window/ outgoing disable for a CO line.
Issue 2.0b
When an internal user is talking with external party ,ez Attendant user can drop the CO Line.
To place a CO Line drop;
• place the mouse pointer on the desired CO Line button in used state, Figure 4.10d,
• click the right mouse button, the popup menu will be shown.
Fig 4.10d CO line Display Window/CO Line drop
• Access to CO Lines is subject to the host IP LDK database.
• The Tool Tip window will display when the mouse pointer is moved over a CO Line icon.
4.11 Hunt Group Information Window
The ez-Attendant SMS Window is shared with the Hunt Group Information Window. The Hunt
Group Information Window, Figure 4.11, shows the Hunt Group Number, number of incoming
calls, and the CO Line number.
To toggle between the SMS Window and the Hunt Group Information Window;
• enter the “show Hunt Group” Hot Keys (default Ctrl + G).
Issue 2.0b
Figure 4.11 Hunt Group Information Window]
This display shows Hunt Group 620 has one incoming call on CO Line 38 and CLI will be
shown when provided.
4.12 Phone book
4.12.1 Phone Book Description
The ez-Attendant Phone Book gives the user an extension database, external (customer)
database. It also gives access to the host IP LDK System Speed Dial database. The ezAttendant user databases are stored in an *.mdb format. Other database formats (Outlook,
Excel, Goldmine and ACT!) are supported via the Import/Export utility. The Phone Book
database can be used with a number of other ez-Attendant features, thus an accurate timely
database is important for efficiency.
Fields in the database include the following:
STN (extension number) or blank for an external contact
First Name
Last Name
Home (Telephone number)
Mobile phone number
Job title (Ex: manager, Engineer, etc)
Fax number
Business telephone number (Office telephone number)
E-mail address
Nick name
System Speed Dial bin number from host IP LDK system
Issue 2.0b
To access the Phone Book Window, Figure 4.12.1;
• select the Phone Book tab in the Station Window,
• or press “F4”.
To search for a Phone Book entry;
• enter the search text for the appropriate field in the “Enter text here” cell.
To delete entry;
• select an entry,
• select the
Figure 4.12.1 Phone Book Window
• The ez-Attendant user may add (register) or edit Phone Book entries, refer to section 4.12.2
• The “All” radio button option in the Phone Book Window applies to the internal and
external databases and does not include the host IP LDK System Speed Dial database.
4.12.2 Add/Edit Phone Book Entries
Issue 2.0b
The ez-Attendant user can add (register) or edit Phone Book entries with the Register and Edit
dialog box, Figure 4.12.2a. To access the Register and Edit dialog box;
• select the Register or Edit button from the Phone Book Window, see Figure 4.12.1, to view
the Register and Edit dialog box, Figure 4.12.2a,
• enter data for the contact,
• after completing entry, select Apply to save the data and continue entering data or OK to
save the data and return to the ez-Attendant main screen.
Figure 4.12.2a Register/Edit Phone Book Entry Window
Phone numbers should be entered in the following format;
the number should begin with a “+” followed by the country code,
the country code should be followed by a space,
the area code should be enclosed in parenthesis.
To assist the user in proper entry, the Check Phone Number dialog box can be accessed by
double clicking on the desired entry box in the Register and Edit dialog box. This will reveal
the Check Phone Number dialog box, Figure 4.12.2b.
Issue 2.0b
Figure 4.12.2b Check Phone Number dialog box
• For proper interpretation and operation, phone numbers must be entered in the correct
• The Speed No in the Register and Edit dialog box is the System Speed Dial bin number, if
any, associated with the contact.
4.12.3 Phone Book Database Link
The Phone Book database employs the Microsoft Access format and an Import/Export facility is
provided to employ other formats including Goldmine, ACT!, Outlook and Excel. The database,
ATD.mdb, must exist in the ez-Attendant folder along with the ez-Attendant executable file in
order to view and modify the contents. The file can be generated under the file menu as follows;
• select File from the Main Menu,
• select New DB from the File menu to generate a blank Phone Book.
The process for importing or exporting the database is dependent on the type of database
involved, Outlook, GoldMine or ACT!. Import/Export is accomplished through the Import DB
or Export DB items under the File menu. To import a Microsoft Outlook contact database;
• select File from the Menu,
• select Import DB from the File menu,
• select the proper file type from the Import DB menu, one of the windows as in Figure
4.12.3a will appear,
• select the desired contact database file from the window, if required change the path to
locate the file.
Issue 2.0b
Access Database
Outlook Database
Excel Database
GoldMine/ACT! Database
Figure 4.12.3a Contact Database window
In addition to the contact database, the Outlook Schedule file can be imported manually.
Normally, this file is downloaded periodically as described in section 3.4.5. To import the
schedule file manually;
• select File from the Menu,
• select Import DB from the File menu,
• select Microsoft Outlook Schedule from the Import DB menu, Outlook Setting window,
Figure 4.12.3b, will appear,
• select the desired schedule (calendar) file from Outlook Setting Window, if required change
the path to locate the file.
Issue 2.0b
Figure 4.12.3b Outlook Setting window – calendar
• To use the Import/Export facility, the database can not be in use by another application.
Attempts to import or export will return an Operating System error message.
• Import or export to a GoldMine or ACT! Database file can only be accomplished if there is
no user logged on the ez-Attendant.
• The file extension for each file type is:
Outlook – not shown
GoldMine or ACT! - *.DBF
Access - *.mdb
Excel - *.xls
• When importing a Microsoft Outlook Schedule, only schedules for users registered in the
Phone Book will be imported.
4.12.4 System Speed Dial Window
ez-Attendant allows the user access to the host IP LDK System Speed Dial database. The user
can download the database from the host system, add or modify entries and upload selected
entries. In addition the user can search the database and use entries to place calls. To access the
System Speed Dial database; in the Phone Book Window, select the Speed radio button to view
the Speed Dial database, Figure
Issue 2.0b
Figure Speed Dial Database
The database must be downloaded before it can be viewed. To download the System Speed Dial
database to the ez-Attendant, select the Download button. The IP LDK will send the System
Speed Dial database to the ez-Attendant. The transfer will require several minutes and will be
affected by the number of Speed Dials in use, LAN and IP LDK traffic, etc.
During the download process ez-Attendant displays the download status and cancel button,
Figure Selecting this button during the download will terminate the download
Figure Download Status/Cancel button
To add or edit an entry;
• select the desired entry,
• enter data in the Register/Edit area, lower section of the window,
• select upload to send the modification to the IP LDK database.
To delete a System Speed Dial number;
Issue 2.0b
select the desired entry,
select Delete to delete the record.
To search the database;
• enter characters/digits in the ”Enter text here” cell,
• IP LDK supports only one download process at a time. A second request will return the
“You cannot do up/download now.” error message.
• Multiple records can be selected for upload or download using “shift” or “ctrl” buttons.
• If the data entered in the System Setting for Speed does not agree with the actual connected
IP LDK, upload/download is not allowed. The System Setting for Speed, section
must be corrected. This may only be accomplished with the ez-Attendant in the logged off
4.13 Log View
ez-Attendant maintains a log of all external call activity from the host IP LDK. The Log View
data can be searched, filtered, printed, saved and records deleted. Each Log View record
contains the following fields:
Status, type of call (incoming/outgoing, internal/external)
Caller, caller identification
Called, called number
Date, date call was made
Time, time call was placed
Duration, duration of the call in minutes and seconds 00:00
Queue, duration the call rang into the IP LDK system prior to answer/disconnect
Caller Name, name of the calling party
Called Name, name of the called party
DID, for DID calls, the dialed DID number
DID Name, name associated with the DID number
Ext/Int, External or Internal call
Ans/Noans, Answered or not answered
The Log view is selected in the Station Window by selecting the Log View tab.
Issue 2.0b
Figure 4.13 Log View Station Window
To filter the Log View data
• to assure accuracy of the database, first select the All Logs button,
• enter a FROM and TO date, these are needed for proper search operation,
• select filter items from list, enter phone number for Caller/Called number, if selected.
To search the Log View;
• enter text in the “Enter text here” cell,
To place a call using an entry,
• Double click on the Caller or Called entry.
To delete a Log View record;
Issue 2.0b
select the desired record,
press “Del” button.
To print a Log View;
• select Print from the Upper Tool bar,
• select File on the Menu bar,
• select Print from the File menu.
• All external calls placed or received by the system as well as internal calls to or from the
ez-Attendant are recorded.
• Records in the Log View are stored in the ATD.mdb file. When the records are saved using
the Save as function, the records are deleted from the ATD.mdb file and stored as an *.xls
file in the file name entered.
• Using the File menu for print allows access to the Print Setup menu.
• The ez-Attendant log will store up to 10,000 call records; additional records overwrite the
oldest records.
4.14 General
4.14.1 Tool Tip Display
When the mouse pointer is moved over an Upper or Lower Tool bar Icon, the Tool Tip Window
will open indicating the Hot Key combination which will activate the associated feature.
Additional information is also provided when the mouse pointer is placed over an extension
button in the Station Window, Figure 4.14.1. The information shown includes extension status,
Wake-up setting, active Text message, Call forward state, and active call information.
Figure 4.14.1 Tool Tip Window
Issue 2.0b
The Tool Tip Window is only provided with the button icon display views of the Station
4.14.2 Record VMIB
ez-Attendant can be used to access the host system VMIB so that the user may record an OGM
(Outgoing Message) for the Attendant extension. This message is played to callers who are
connected to the VMIB to leave a voice mail message for the Attendant. Once connected to the
VMIB, the user employs the Attendant multi-button phone handset to record the greeting
(OGM). To record a greeting;
• select Setting from the Menu bar,
• select Record VMIB from the Setting menu,
• with the multi-button phone handset, record the greeting.
4.14.3 Multiple ez-Attendants
The IP LDK can support up to 5 ez-Attendants which are assigned in the Attendant Group or
ICM Tenant Group programs of the IP LDK, PGMs 164 and 120 respectively. When multiple
Attendants are assigned, separate ez-Attendants can be logged on to each Attendant extension
assigned in the host database.
• The maximum number of Attendant positions and thus ez-Attendants is 5.
4.14.4 Flexible Button Programming
Using the Setting menu, the ez-Attendant user can assign functions to the Flex buttons of multibutton phones connected to the IP LDK system. Flex button assignment is similar to the IP
LDK Admin Program 115 and is managed in the Flex Buttons Setting dialog box, Figure
4.14.4 To assign Flex buttons;
• select Setting from the Main Menu,
• select Flex Buttons Setting from the Setting menu to view the dialog box, Figure 4.14.4a,
• enter the desired Station Range,
• select Read to download the Flex button data,
• select the desired Flex Button,
• select Setting to view the Flex Button assignment dialog box, Figure 4.14.4b,
• enter the button Type from the drop selection menu,
enter any required Data required for the button type assigned,
select Apply or OK, to store the new data.
Issue 2.0b
Figure 4.14.4a Flex Buttons Setting dialog box
Figure 4.14.4b Flex Button assignment
• The Flex button data shown in the Flex Buttons Setting dialog box is representative of the
lowest station number in the range entered.
The conditions of the IP LDK system apply to Flex Button assignments by the ezAttendant.
Issue 2.0b
4.14.5 Networking & BLF Manager Integration
ez-Attendant can operate in a network environment where multiple IP LDK systems are
interconnected over an IP network. When the BLF manager is also installed and connected to
the LAN with ez-Attendant and the local IP LDK, ez-Attendant can monitor and display the
status of stations connected to the remote systems as well as the local IP LDK. In this case, ezAttendant will treat the networked stations registered in the ez-Attendant Phone Book as any
other locally connected station.
ez-Attendant may also call unregistered networked stations by including “n” as a prefix to the
networked station number when using the Search box to place the call.
Networked stations may also be assigned to a ‘network group’. A network group is assigned
under the Group Setting dialog box with the prefix “N_”, refer to section 3.4.3. For example, a
network group would be assigned the group name “N_Labs”, as shown in Figure 4.14.5. Any
networked station can then be assigned to the network group including stations from different
nodes of the network.
Figure 4.14.5 Network station group
• A maximum of 50 stations for each network node can be registered in ez-Attendant.
• The BLF manager provides an idle status to ez-Attendant when a registered network station
is ringing.
• The BLF manager must be operated on a server other than the ez-Attendant PC.
4.15 Alarm information window
Alarms from the host IP LDK are sent as a pop-up, Figure 4.15, to ez-Attendant as well as the
LCD of the Attendant multi-button phone. The various Alarm messages are given in Appendix
Issue 2.0b
Figure 4.15 Alarm Information Window
When received, the ez-Attendant user may send the Alarm message to another extension or
Mobile user as an SMS message.
Alarm messages are subject to the conditions of the host IP LDK system.
4.16 Prepaid call
The ez-Attendant incorporates PrePaid calling services, guests can pre-pay for calling services
from the guest station. As calls are placed, the guest station account is reduced based on the call
costing algorythms of the IP LDK system. At expiration of the account, the station’s external
calling capabilities are terminated, COS 7 is applied. If the account expires during a
conversation, warning tone is received and the call terminated. The ez-Attendant has control of
the guest station account. To open or edit a guest account;
• select Tools from the Main Menu,
• select Prepaid Call from Tools menu to view dialog box, Figure 4.16,
• enter the desired station Range,
• select Read to download the guest station account data,
• enter/edit the guest station account credit in the PrePaid Money box,
• select Apply, to store the new data, or Cancel to exit the account.
Issue 2.0b
Figure 4.16 Prepaid Call Window
• The Guest Account can have maximum credit to the account of 999999 units based on the
IP LDK costing algorythms in “PrePaid Money”.
4.17 Input Account Code
While on an outside call, user can enter a series of digits that will be included in SMDR call
record. This Account Code, which can be up to 12 digits, can be used to allocate cost or time for
the call. To enter an Account Code;
• press the ‘Input Account Code’ Hot keys (default ALT D),to view the Input Account Code
dialog. Figure 4.17,
• enter the Account code (up to 12 digits),
• press “Enter” to send the Account Code to the system.
Figure 4.17 Account Code Window
• The number of maximum digits in an Account Code is 12.
Shared MS Outlook Schedules
ez-Attendant can display the schedules of registered users maintained in a shared Outlook
database. The Outlook database must be located in an Exchange server. The schedule
Issue 2.0b
information is shown in the Schedule Window when a user name is input in the Search box on
the ez-Attendant main screen and selects the Search icon, Figure 5.
Figure 5.1 User Schedule display
The shared database can be imported to the ez-Attendant database manually as described in
section 4.12.3 or the database may be imported automatically on a periodic basis based on the
settings as described in section 3.4.5. In either case, all schedules in the path defined will be
imported for all registered users for both attendees and hosts.
Outlook set-up in Exchange Server
To operate properly, users must maintain schedules in a Public folder in an Exchange Server.
The following provides one possible scenario for set-up of the Outlook Public folders in the
Exchange server.
• run MS Outlook program,
• create a folder named “Schedulers” to contain appointments, Figure 5.2a and 5.2b,
Issue 2.0b
Figure 5.2a Schedulers Folder
Figure 5.2b Create New Folder
Issue 2.0b
under the schedulers folder, create folders for each user.
After creating folders for each user, the Schedulers folder tree will appear as in Figure 5.2c
Figure 5.2c Schedulers Tree
Issue 2.0b
Appendix A Local Language, pcatdlls.txt file
Below is a view of the text file used for display of menus, tool bars, etc. Using a text editor, a
Local Language can be supported.
Issue 2.0b
Appendix B Log on Error Messages
The following messages may appear should the log on process, section 4.2, fail.
No Lock key for ez-Attendant. Please Contact to your local dealer!
LDK System is initializing.
Same attendant number already logged on by another one.
ATD port is no more available: There is no available attendant. All attendants
are logged on.
The number sent is not valid ATD number: Check the PGM 164
"This agent attendant is not logon to dummy station."-> the station to use agent
attendant is not logged on.
"This dummy station can not be logon to the system." The dummy station
number cannot be log on.
Issue 2.0b
Appendix C Alarm Messages
The following messages may appear should an error occur in the host IP LDK system, section
"Station capacity overflow!!"
"CO Line capacity overflow!!"
"Hiway / time slot full!!"
"DCOB fault at xx slot number"
"SMDR full!!"
"DVU memory full warning!!"
"VM memory full warning!!"
"DTMF Receiver time slot full!!"
Issue 2.0b
Appendix D ez-Attendant Icons
Station Window Icons:
DKTU-Busy (blue)
DKTU-Idle (white)
SLT-Busy (blue)
SLT-Idle (white)
WHTU-Busy (blue)
WHTU-Idle (white)
DND State
Forward State
Network STN-Busy (blue)
Network STN-Idle (white)
Network STN-DND
Pre-selected Message,
(Button Icon only)
Queue Window Icons:
ICM Incoming (yellow)
CO Incoming (green)
Attendant Recall (red)
Hold Recall (green)
Park Recall (orange)
Transfer Recall (blue)
Hold State
CO Line Status Icons:
Invalid CO line
Idle CO line
Busy CO line
Transfer hold CO line


Key Features

  • Visualize Attendant call handling
  • Enhanced attendant functionality
  • Programmable ‘Hot Keys’
  • Pop-up Incoming Call window
  • Internal/external contact database
  • System Speed Dial
  • Shared MS Outlook Schedules
  • SMS (Short Message Service)
  • Wake Up/Recorder Link
  • Hot desk function

Frequently Answers and Questions

What is the ez-Attendant?
It is a software application designed to enhance the attendant functionality of LG IP LDK systems, by visualizing the Attendant call handling and control functions.
How do I connect my PC to the IP LDK?
The ez-Attendant PC must be connected to the IP LDK LAN port, using a network cable.
How do I place a call using ez-Attendant?
You can place a call by selecting the desired station button in the Station Window, or by entering the number in the Keypad Window.
Can I send text messages from ez-Attendant?
Yes, you can send text messages (SMS) to other ez-Attendants, ez Phones, LG multi-button display telephones and LG DECT phone displays. You can also send SMS to GSM phones if you have a GSM modem connected to your PC.
What are Hot Keys?
Hot Keys are keyboard shortcuts that allow you to perform actions in ez-Attendant without using the mouse. Each feature can be mapped to a Hot Key combination. For example, Alt+A for Answer, Alt+B for Call Back, Alt+P for Park and Alt+E for End.

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