Sinclair MULTI SYSTEM SERIE MS-P09AI, MS-P12AI, MS-P18AI split-system air conditioners Service Manual
Below you will find brief information for MULTI SYSTEM SERIE MS-P09AI, MULTI SYSTEM SERIE MS-P12AI, MULTI SYSTEM SERIE MS-P18AI. Sinclair MULTI SYSTEM SERIE MS-P09AI, MULTI SYSTEM SERIE MS-P12AI, and MULTI SYSTEM SERIE MS-P18AI split-system air conditioners are designed to provide efficient and effective cooling and heating solutions. These units feature a range of advanced technologies and features to ensure optimal performance and comfort.
SERVICE MANUAL MULTI SYSTEM SERIE MS-P09AI, MS-P12AI, MS-P18AI 6HUYLFH0DQXDO 3DUWĉ 7HFKQLFDO,QIRUPDWLRQ 6XPPDU\ ,QGRRU8QLW 5HPRWH&RQWUROOHU <$$)% 7HFKQLFDO,QIRUPDWLRQ 6HUYLFH0DQXDO 6SHFL¿FDWLRQV 6SHFL¿FDWLRQ6KHHW &RQVROH 0RGHO 5DWHG9ROWDJH 5DWHG)UHTXHQF\ 3KDVHV &RROLQJ&DSDFLW\ +HDWLQJ&DSDFLW\ $LU)ORZ9ROXPH6++0/ 'HKXPLGLI\LQJ9ROXPH )DQ7\SH )DQ'LDPHWHUKHLJKW )DQ0RWRU6SHHG6++0/&RRO )DQ0RWRU6SHHG6++0/+HDW )DQ0RWRU3RZHU2XWSXW )DQPRWRUUXQQLQJFXUUHQW MS-P09AI FROGSODVPD 9a +] : : PK /K PP USP USP : $ (YDSRUDWRU0DWHULDO (YDSRUDWRU3LSH'LDPHWHU (YDSRUDWRU1XPEHURI5RZV (YDSRUDWRU)LQ3LWFK (YDSRUDWRU/HQJWK/;+HLJKW+;:LGWK: 0RWRU0RGHO 2YHUORDG3URWHFWRU 0RWRU)XOO/RDG$PS)/$ 6RXQG3UHVVXUH/HYHO6++0/ 6RXQG3RZHU/HYHO6++0/ 2XWOLQH'LPHQVLRQ:;+;' 3DFNDJH&DUWRQ'LPHQVLRQ/;:;+ 3DFNDJH'LPHQVLRQ/;:;+ 1HW:HLJKW *URVV:HLJKW /LTXLGSLSH *DV3LSHWRLQGRRUXQLW PP PP PP $ G%$ G%$ PP PP PP NJ NJ PP PP &HQWULIXJDO ĭ; $OXPLQXP)LQFRSSHU 7XEH ;; )1$=/ ;; ;; ;; ĭ ĭ MS-P12AI FROGSODVPD MS-P18AI FROGSODVPD &HQWULIXJDO &HQWULIXJDO ĭ; ĭ; $OXPLQXP)LQFRSSHU $OXPLQXP)LQFRSSHU7XEH 7XEH ;; ;; )1$=/ )1$=/ ;; ;; ;; ;; ;; ;; ĭ ĭ ĭ ĭ 7KHDERYHGDWDLVVXEMHFWWRFKDQJHZLWKRXWQRWLFH3OHDVHUHIHUWRWKHQDPHSODWHRIWKHXQLW 7HFKQLFDO,QIRUPDWLRQ 6HUYLFH0DQXDO 1RLVH&ULWHULD&XUYH7DEOHVIRU%RWK0RGHOV 60 18K Noice/dB(A) 50 12K 9K 40 30 20 10 0 Low Middle High Super Indoor Fan Motor Rotating Speed 7HFKQLFDO,QIRUPDWLRQ High 6HUYLFH0DQXDO 2XWOLQH'LPHQVLRQ'LDJUDP ,QGRRU8QLW 700 600 215 205 22 398 8QLWPP 7HFKQLFDO,QIRUPDWLRQ 6HUYLFH0DQXDO 5HIULJHUDQW6\VWHP'LDJUDP outdoor indoor filter A heat exchanger A3 A1 filter B heat exchanger fan A2 outdoor heat exchanger 4-way valve B3 B1 SP filter B2 high pressure switch Note: Not available for 14K/18K model discharge silencer C heat exchanger C3 C1 filter D3 C2 D1 filter D2 gas -liquid separator Note: Not available for 14K/18K model A1:A-unit electronic expansion valve B1:B-unit electronic expansion valve C1:C-unit electronic expansion valve D1:D-unit electronic expansion valve A2:A-unit gas pipe temperature sensor B2:B-unit gas pipe temperature sensor C2:C-unit gas pipe temperature sensor D2:D-unit gas pipe temperature sensor A3:A-unit liquid pipe temperature sensor B3:B-unit liquid pipe temperature sensor C3:C-unit liquid pipe temperature sensor D3:D-unit liquid pipe temperature sensor 7HFKQLFDO,QIRUPDWLRQ inverter compressor D heat exchanger discharge temperature sensor 6HUYLFH0DQXDO (OHFWULFDO3DUW :LULQJ'LDJUDP Ɣ,QVWUXFWLRQ 6\PERO 6\PERO&RORU 6\PERO 6\PERO&RORU 6\PERO 1DPH :+ :KLWH *1 *UHHQ &$3 -XPSHUFDS <( <HOORZ %1 %URZQ &203 &RPSUHVVRU 5' 5HG %8 %OXH <HOORZ*UHHQ %. %ODFN 9LROHW 2* 2UDQJH <(*1 97 *URXQGLQJZLUH 1RWH-XPSHUFDSLVXVHGWRGHWHUPLQHIDQVSHHGDQGWKHVZLQJDQJOHRIKRUL]RQWDOORYHUIRUWKLVPRGHO Ɣ,QGRRU8QLW ROOM TEMP. TUBE TEMP. RECEIVER AND SENSOR DISPLAY BOARD SENSOR M3 AP2 DISPLAY 0 RT1 RT2 ROOM MAGNETIC RING TUBE L2 DC-MOTOR DISP1 DISP2 AP1 PRINTED CIRCUIT BOARD N COM-OUT CAP AC-L JUMP SWING-DOWN SWING-UP CN8 E HEALTH-L HEALTH-N M1 STEPPING MOTOR Please don't touch any electronic component or terminal when the machine is running,stopping or has been powered off for less than 3 minutes to prevent electric shock ! BU L1 BK L1 L1 BN YEGN XT N(1) 2 3 BU BK BN YEGN YEGN YEGN RD BU PE X1 X2 EVAPORATOR M2 RD BU AP3 S COLD PLASMA STEPPING GENERATOR SELECT MOTOR SWITCH TERMINAL BLOCK OUTDOOR UNIT 0 WARNING FAN MOTOR PE ELECTRIC BOX 7HFKQLFDO,QIRUPDWLRQ 6HUYLFH0DQXDO 3&%3ULQWHG'LDJUDP Ɣ7RSYLHZ 2 3 4 6 5 1R 7 1 8 13 12 11 10 9 1DPH &RQQHFWHDUWKLQJZLUH ,QSXWRIOLYHZLUH :LULQJWHUPLQDOIRUKHDOWK IXQFWLRQRSWLRQDO ,QSXWRIQHXWUDOZLUH &RQWUROWKHZLULQJWHUPLQDORI GRZQVZLQJ &RPPXQLFDWLRQLQWHUIDFHIRU LQGRRUXQLWDQGRXWGRRUXQLW 7HUPLQDORIGLVSOD\LQWHUIDFH 1HHGOHVWDQGRIMXPSHUFDS :LULQJWHUPLQDORILQGRRUWXEH WHPSHUDWXUHVHQVRU :LULQJWHUPLQDORILQGRRU DPELHQWWHPSHUDWXUHVHQVRU :LULQJWHUPLQDORIXSVZLQJ :LULQJWHUPLQDORIGRZQVZLQJ :LULQJWHUPLQDORI'&PRWRU Ɣ%RWWRPYLHZ 7HFKQLFDO,QIRUPDWLRQ 6HUYLFH0DQXDO )XQFWLRQDQG&RQWURO 5HPRWH&RQWUROOHU,QWURGXFWLRQ Buttons on Remote Controller 1 ON/OFF button 2 +/- button 3 MODE button 4 5 FAN button SWING button 6 I FEEL button 1 2 7 / button 8 SLEEP button 3 4 9 TEMP button 5 6 10 QUIET button 11 ClOCK button 12 T-ON / T-OFF button 13 TURBO button 14 X-FAN button 15 LIGHT button 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Introduction for Icons on Display Screen I feel Quiet Operation mode Auto mode Cool mode Set fan speed Turbo mode Send signal Healthy mode Scavenging functions 8 heating function Set temperature X-FAN function Dry mode Fan mode Heat mode Set time TIMER ON /TIMER OFF Clock Sleep mode Light Child lock Up & down swing Left & right swing Temp. display type :Indoor ambient temp. :Outdoor ambient temp. :Set temp. Introduction for Buttons on Remote Controller 1 ON/OFF button Press this button to turn on the unit. Press this button again to turn off the unit. 2 - button Press this button to decrease set temperature. Holding it down above 2 seconds rapidly decreases set temperature. In AUTO mode, set temperature is not adjustable. + button Press this button to increase set temperature. Holding it down above 2 seconds rapidly increases set temperature. In AUTO mode, set temperature is not adjustable. 7HFKQLFDO,QIRUPDWLRQ 6HUYLFH0DQXDO 3 MODE button Each time you press this button , a mode is selected in a sequence that goes from AUTO,COOL, DRY, FAN, and HEAT * , as the following: *Note:Only for models with heating function. After energization, AUTO mode is defaulted. In AUTO mode, the set temperature will not be displayed on the LCD, and the unit will automatically select the suitable operation mode in accordance with the room temperature to make indoor room comfortable.(As for cooling only unit,it won’t have any action when it receives the signal of heating operation.) 4 FAN button This button is used for setting Fan Speed in the sequence that goes from AUTO, , , , , then back to to Auto. Auto Low speed Low-Medium speed Medium-High speed 5 Medium speed High speed SWING button Press this button to set up &down swing angle, which circularly changes as below: This remote controller is universal. If any command , or is sent out, the unit will carry out the command as indicates the guide louver swings as: 6 I FEEL button Press this button to turn on I FEEL function. The unit automatically adjust temperature according to the sensed temperature. Press this button again to cancel I FEEL function. 7 / button (Only applicable for some models) Press this button to achieve the on and off of healthy and scavenging functions in operation status. Press this button for the ". Press the button for the second time to start healthy and scavenging first time to start scavenging function; LCD displays " functions simultaneously; LCD displays " " and " ". Press this button for the third time to quit healthy and scavenging functions simultaneously. Press the button for the fourth time to start healthy function; LCD display " to repeat the operation above.Air function is applicable for some models. 8 ". Press this button again SLEEP button Press this button, can select Sleep 1 ( ), Sleep 2 ( ),Sleep 3 ( ) and cancel the Sleep,circulate between these, after electrified, Sleep Cancel is defaulted. Sleep 1 is Sleep mode 1, in Cool mode: after run for one hour in sleep mode, the main unit setting temperature will increase 1 after 2 hours, the setting temperature will increase 2 , but the maximal setting temperature is 30 , , then the unit will run at this setting temperature all along; In Heat mode: after run for one hour in sleep mode, the setting temperature will decrease 1 after 2 hours the setting temperature will decrease 2 , but the minimal setting temperature is 16 , then the unit will run at this setting temperature all along. Sleep 2 is sleep mode 2, that is air conditioner will run according to the presetting a group of sleep temperature curve. Sleep 3- the sleep curve setting under Sleep mode by DIY: 7HFKQLFDO,QIRUPDWLRQ 6HUYLFH0DQXDO (1) Under Sleep 3 mode, press "Turbo" button for a long time, remote control enters into user individuation sleep setting status, at this time, the time of remote control will display "1hour ",the setting temperature "88" will display the corresponding temperature of last setting sleep curve and blink (The first entering will display according to the initial curve setting value of original factory); (2) Adjust "+" and "-" button, could change the corresponding setting temperature, after adjusted, press "Trubo "button for confirmation; (3) At this time, 1hour will be automatically increased at the timer postion on the remote control, (that are "2hours " or "3hours " or "8hours "), the place of setting temperature "88" will display the corresponding temperature of last setting sleep curve and blink; (4) Repeat the above step (2) (3) operation, until 8hours temperature setting finished,sleep,curve setting finished, at this time, the remote control will resume the original timer display;temperature display will resume to original setting temperature. Sleep3- the sleep curve setting under Sleep mode by DIY could be inquired: The user could accord to sleep curve setting method to inquire the presetting sleep curve,enter into user individuation sleep setting status, but do not change the temperature, press "Turbo" button directly for confirmation.Note: In the above presetting or enquiry procedure,if continuously within10s, there is no button pressed, the sleep curve setting within 10s, there is no button pressed , the sleep curve setting status will be automatically quit and resume to display the original displaying. In the presetting or enquiry procedure, press "ON/OFF" button, "Mode" button, "Timer"button or "Sleep" button, the sleep curve setting or enquiry status will quit similarly. 9 TEMP button Press this button, you can see indoor set temperature, indoor ambient temperature on indoor unit’s display. The setting on remote controller is selected circularly as below: no display When selecting " selecting " " with remote controller or no display, temperature indicator on indoor unit displays set temperature; When " with remote controller, temperature indicator on indoor unit displays indoor ambie nt temperature; 3s later or within 3s it receives other remote control signal that will return to display the setting temperature. Caution: This model hasn't outdoor ambient temperature display function. While remote controller can operate " " and indoor unit displays set temperature. It’s defaulted to display set temperature when turning on the unit. Only for the models with temperature indicator on indoor unit. 10 QUIET button Auto Press this button, the Quiet status is under the Auto Quiet mode (display " OFF (there is no signal of " " singal) and Quiet "displayed),after powered on, the Quiet OFF is defaulted. Note: the Quiet function cannot be set up in Fan and Dry mode;Under the Quiet mode (Display" 11 "signal )and Quiet mode (display " " Under the Quiet mode) the fan speed is not available. ClOCK button Within 5 seconds, pressing + or - button adjusts the present time. Holding down either button above Press CLOCK button,blinking. 2 seconds increases or decreases the time by 1 minute every 0.5 second and then by 10 minutes every 0.5 second. During blinking after setting, press CLOCK button again to confirm the setting, and 12 then will be constantly displayed. T-ON / T-OFF button Press T-ON button to initiate the auto-ON timer. To cancel the auto-timer program, simply press this button again. After press of this button, disappears and "ON "blink s . 00:00 is displayed for ON time setting. Within 5 seconds, press + or - button to adjust the time value. Every press of either button changes the time setting by 1 minute. Holding down either button rapidly changes the time setting by 1 minute and then 10 minutes. Within 5 Seconds after setting, press TIMER ON button to confirm. Press T-OFF button to initiate the auto-off timer. To cancel the auto-timer program, simply press the button again.TIMER OFF setting is the same as TIMER ON. 13 TURBO button Press this button to activate / deactivate the Turbo function which enables the unit to reach the preset temperature in the shortest time. In COOL mode, the unit will blow strong cooling air at super high fan speed. In HEAT mode, the unit will blow strong heating air at super high fan speed. 7HFKQLFDO,QIRUPDWLRQ 6HUYLFH0DQXDO 14 X-FAN button Pressing X-FAN button in COOL or DRY mode, the icon is displayed and the indoor fan will continue operation for 2 minutes in order to dry the indoor unit even though you have turned off the unit. After energization, X-FAN OFF is defaulted. X-FAN is not available in AUTO, FAN or HEAT mode. 15 LIGHT button Press LIGHT button to turn on the display's light and press this button again to turn off the display 's light. If the light is turned on , displayed. If the light is turned off, is disappears. Combination of "+" and "-" buttons: About lock Press "+" and "-" buttons simultaneously to lock or unlock the keypad. If the remote controller is locked, is displayed. In this case, blinks three times. pressing any button, Combination of "MODE" and "-" buttons:About switch between Fahrenheit and centigrade At unit OFF, press "MODE" and "-" buttons simultaneously to switch between °C and °F. Combination of "TEMP" and "CLOCK" buttons:About Energy-saving Function Press "TEMP" and "CLOCK" simultaneously in COOL mode to start energy-saving function.Nixie tube on the remote controller displays "SE". Repeat the operation to quit the function. Combination of "TEMP" and "CLOCK" buttons:About 8°C Heating Function Press "TEMP" and "CLOCK" simultaneously in HEAT mode to start 8°C Heating Function Nixie tube on the remote controller displays " and a selected temperature of "8°C".(46°F if Fahrenheit is adopted). Repeat the operation to quit the function. " About Back-lighting Function The unit lights for 4s when energizing for the first time, and 3s for later press. Replacement of Batteries in Remote Controller 1.Press the back side of remote controller marked with“ of battery box along the arrow direction. ”as shown in the fig, and then push out the cover 2. Replace two 7# (AAA 1.5V) dry batteries, and make sure the position of “+” polar and “-“ polar are correct. 3. Reinstall the cover of battery box. Note: ● During operation, point the remote control signal sender at the receiving window on indoor unit. ● The distance between signal sender and receiving window should be no more than 8m, and there should be no obstacles between them. ● Signal may be interfered easily in the room where there is fluorescent lamp or wireless telephone; remote controller should be close to indoor unit during operation. ● Replace new batteries of the same model when replacement is required. ● When you don’t use remote controller for a long time, please take out the batteries. ● If the display on remote controller is fuzzy or there’s no display, please replace batteries. battery reinstall remove Cover of battery box 7HFKQLFDO,QIRUPDWLRQ 6HUYLFH0DQXDO %ULHI'HVFULSWLRQRI0RGHVDQG)XQFWLRQV &RROLQJPRGH 8QGHUWKLVPRGHWKHIDQDQGWKHXSVZLQJZLOORSHUDWHDWVHWWLQJVWDWXV7KHWHPSHUDWXUHVHWWLQJUDQJHLVać 7KHXQLWLVVWRSSHGEHFDXVHRIPDOIXQFWLRQRIRXWGRRUXQLWRUSURWHFWLRQ7KHLQGRRUXQLWNHHSVRULJLQDORSHUDWLRQVWDWXVDQGWKH 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6ROGHULQJDSSOLDQFHUHIULJHUDQWFRQWDLQHU ,QVWDOODWLRQDQG0DLQWHQDQFH 6HUYLFH0DQXDO ,QVWDOODWLRQ &KRRVLQJDQ,QVWDOODWLRQ6LWH Before choosing the installation site,obtain user approval. Indoor unit The indoor unit should be sited in a place where: 1) the restrictions on installation specified in the indoor unit installation drawings are met. 2) both air intake and exhaust have clear paths met. 3) the unit is not in the path of direct sunlight. 4) the unit is away from the source of heat or steam. 5) there is no source of machine oil vapour (this may shorten indoor unit life). 6) cool(warm) air is circulated throughout the room. 7) the unit is away from electronic ignition type fluorwscent lamps (inverter or rapid stert type) as they may shorten the remote controller range. 8) the unit is at least 1 metre away from any television or radio set(unit may cause interference with the picture or sound). ,QGRRU8QLW,QVWDOODWLRQ'UDZLQJV The indoor unit may be mounted in any of the three styles shown here. Exposed Half conceated Concealed Mounting plate Molding Grid(field supply) Floor lnstallation ,QVWDOODWLRQDQG0DLQWHQDQFH Wall Installation 6HUYLFH0DQXDO Location for securing the installation panel. 700 120 200 17 0 600 220 220 120 570 644 16 0 30 30 Unit:mm 150cm or more Front grille Front panel 150cm or more 150cm or more ,QVWDOODWLRQDQG0DLQWHQDQFH 6HUYLFH0DQXDO ,QVWDOODWLRQ7LSV 1.Removing and installing front pane Removal method 1)Slide until the 2 stoppers click into place 2)Open the front panel forward and undo the string 3)Remove the front panel Installation method 1)Attach the front grille and front panel after pulling the string around them. 2)Close the front panel and slide until the stoppers click outside. 3 tabs 2.Removing and installing front grille Casing Removal method 1).Open the front panel. 2)Remove the 4 screws and remove the front grille while pulling it forward(3 tabs). Installation method 1)Secure the front grille with the 4 installation screws (3 tabs) Front grille Front panel Remove front grille 2)Return the front panel to the original position. 3.How to set the different addresses Remove 4 screws Open the front panel When two indoor units are installed in one room, the two wireless remote controllers can be set for different addresses. 1)Remove the front grille. 2)Live the sensor securing plate and remove the front metal plate cover. 3)Remove the electric box(1 screw). ADRESS JA 4)Remove the thermistor. EXIST 1 JA 5)Remove the side metal plate cover(7 tabs). CUT 2 2)Sensor securing plate 6)Cut the address jumper(JA )on the printed circuit board. 3)Remove 1 screw 4)Thermistor 2)Front metal plate cover 5)Side metal plate cover ,QVWDOODWLRQDQG0DLQWHQDQFH 6HUYLFH0DQXDO ,QGRRU8QLW,QVWDOODWLRQ 1.Refrigerant piping 1)Drill a hole ( 65mm in diameter ) in the spot indicated by the symbol in the illustration ad below . 2)The location of the hole is different depending on which side of the pipe is taken out . 3)For piping ,see6.Connecting the refrigerant pipe ,under Indoor Unit Installation(1). 4)Allow space around the pipe for a easier indoor unit pipe connection. (Unit : mm) 60 45 Wall Left bottom piping 75 Right bottom piping 75 45 Right back piping Left/right piping 45 75 45 75 45 Left back piping CAUTION Min.allowable length The suggested shortest pipe length is 2.5m,in order to avoid noise from the outdoor unit and vibration. (Mechanical noise and vibration may occur depending on how the unit is installed and the environment in which it is used.) See the installation manual for the outdoor unit for the maximum pipe length. For multi-connections ,see the installation manual for the multi-outdoor unit. 350 wall 45 Refrigerant pipe 75 Floor ,QVWDOODWLRQDQG0DLQWHQDQFH 6HUYLFH0DQXDO 2. Boring a wall hole and installing wall embedded pipe For walls containing metal frame or metal board ,be sure to use a wall embedded pipe and wall cover in the feed-through hole to Be sure to caulk the gaps around the pipes with caulking material to prevent Inside Wall embedded pipe (field supply) water leakage. 1)Bore a feed-through hole of 65mm in the wall so it has a down slope toward the Caulking Φ65 Wall hole cover (field supply) outside. 2)Insert a wall pipe into the hole. Outside Wall embedded pipe (field supply) 3)Insert a wall cover into wall pipe . 4)After completing refrigerant piping, wiring, and drain piping, caulk pipe hole gap with putty. 3. Drain piping 1)Use commercial regid polyvinyl chloride pipe general VP 20 pipe, outer diameter 26mm, inner diameter 20mm for the drain pipe. 2)The drain hose (outer diameter 18mm at connecting end, 220mm long)is supplied with the indoor unit. Prepare the drain pipe picture below position. 3)The drain pipe should be inclined downward so that water will flow smoothly without any accumulation.(Should not be trap.) 4)Insert the drain hose to this depth so it won’t be pulled out of the drain pipe. 5)Insulate the indoor drain pipe with 10mm or more of insulation material to prevent condensation. 6)Remove the air filters and pour some water into the drain pan to check the water flows smoothly. 150 Must be no trap 100 Do not touch water 100 Drain hose Reducer 50mm or more Vinyl chloride drain pipe CAUTION Use polyvinyl chloride adhesive agent for gluing. Failure to do so may cause water leakage. ,QVWDOODWLRQDQG0DLQWHQDQFH 6HUYLFH0DQXDO 4. Installing indoor unit 3 tabs 4-1.Preparation Open the front panel, remove the 4 screws and dismount the front grille while pulling it forward. Casing Front grille Follow the arrows to disengage the clasps on the front case to remove it. Follow the procedure below when removing the slit Front panel Remove front grille portions. For Moldings Remove 4 screws Open the front panel Remove the pillars. (Remove the slit portions on the bottom frame using nippers.) 2)Upper casing For Side Piping Remove the pillars. 1)Remove the 7screws. 2)Remove the upper casing (2 tabs). 3)Remove the left and right casings (2 tabs on each side ). 4)Remove the slit portions on the bottom frame and casings using nippers . 5)Return by following the steps in reverse order(3>2>1). 3)Side casings 3)Side casings Remove 7 screws Casing Remove the pillar Bottom frame Casing Remove the pillar Remove the pillar 4-2.Installation Secure using 6 screws for floor installations.(Do not forget to secure to the rear wall.) For wall installations, secure the mounting plate using 5 screws and the indoor unit using 4 screws. ,QVWDOODWLRQDQG0DLQWHQDQFH 6HUYLFH0DQXDO The mounting plate should be installed on a wall which can support the weight of the indoor unit. 1) Temporarily secure the mounting plate to the wall, make sure that the panel is completely level, and mark the boring points on the wall. 2) Secure the mounting plate to the wall with screws. Floor Installation Wall Installation Casing 200m m Molding 6screws 6screws 3) Once refrigerant piping and drain piping connections are complete, fill in the gap of the through hole with putty. A gap can lead to condensation on the refrigerant pipe, and drain pipe, and the entry of insects into the pipes. 4) Attach the front panel and front grille in their original positions once all connections are complete. 5. Flaring the pipe end 1)Cut the pipe end with a pipe cutter. 2)Remove burrs with the cut surface facing downward so that the chips do not enter the pipe. 3)Fit the flare nut on the pipe. 4)Flare the pipe. 5)Check that the flaring is properly made. WARNING 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) DO not use mineral oil on flared part. Prevent mineral oil from getting into the system as this would reduce the lifetime of the units. Never use piping which had been used for previous installations. Only use parts which are delivered with the unit. Do never install a drier to this R410A unit in order to guarantee its lifetime. The drying material may dissolve and damage the system. 6) Incomplete flaring may cause refrigerant gas leakage. Flaring Set exactly at the position shown below Flare tool for R410A A Cut exactly at right angles Die Renove burrs ,QVWDOODWLRQDQG0DLQWHQDQFH A Conventional flare tool Clutch-type Clutch-type (Rigid-type) Wing-nut type (lmperial-type) 0-0.5mm 1.0-1.5mm 1.5-2.0mm Flare’s inner surface must be scratch-free The pipe end must be evenly flared in a perfect circle Make sure that the flare nut is fitted 6HUYLFH0DQXDO 6.Connecting the refrigerant pipe 1)Use torque wrenches when tightening the flare nuts to prevent damage to the flare nuts and gas leaks. Open-end wrench (fixed) Coat here with refrigeration oil Flare nut Wrench Connection pipe Indoor unit tubing 2)Align the centres of both flares and tighten the flares and tighten the flare nuts 3 or 4 turns by hand. Then tighten them fully with the torque wrenches. 3)To prevent gas leakage, apply refrigeration oil on both inner and outer surfaces in the flare. (Use refrigeration oil fo r R410A.) Flare nut tightening torque Gas side Liquid side 25/35 class 50 class 25/35/50 class 3/8 inch 1/2 inch 1/4 inch 32.7-39.9 N.m ( 49.5-60.3 N.m ( 14.2-17.2 N.m ( Be sure to place a cap. 6-1.Caution on piping handling 1)Protect the open end of the pipe against dust and moisture. 2)All pipe bends should be as gentle as possible. Use a pipe bender for bending. If no flare cap is available,cover the flare mouth with tape to keep dirt or water out. (Bending radius should be 30 to 40mm or larger.) Inter-unit wiring 6-2. Selection of copper and heat insulation materials When using commercial copper pipes and fittings, observe the following: 1)Insulation material: Polyethylene foam Heat transfer rate:0.041 to 0.052W/mK(0.035 to 0.045kca/(mh Refrigerant gas pipe’s surface temperature reaches 110 max. Choose heat insulation materials that will withstand this temperature. Gas pipe Liquid pipe Liquid pipe insulation Gas pipe insulstion Finising tape 2)Be sure to insulate both the gas and liquid piping and to provide insulation dimensions as below. Gas side 25/35 class O.D. 9.55mm Liquid side 50class O.D. 12.7mm Thickness 0.8mm Gas pipe thermal insulation 25/35 class O.D. 6.4mm I.D. 12-15mm Liquid pipe thermal insulation 50class I.D. 14-16mm I.D. 8-10mm Thickness 10mm Min. 3)Use separate thermal insulation pipes for gas and liquid refrigerant pipes. ,QVWDOODWLRQDQG0DLQWHQDQFH 6HUYLFH0DQXDO 7.Checking for gas leakage 1)Check for leakage of gas after air purging 2)See the sections on air purges and gas leak checks in the installation manual for the outdoor unit. Check for leakage here Apply soapy water and check carefully for leaking gas. wipe soapy water off after the check is complete. 8.Attaching the connection pipe Attach the pipe after checking for gas leakage, described above. 1)Cut the insulated portion of the on-site piping, matching it up with the connecting portion. 2)Secure the slit on the refrigerant piping side with the butt joint on the auxiliary piping using the tape, making sure there are no gaps. 3)Wrap the slit and butt joint with the included insulation sheet, making sure there are no gaps. Refrigerant pipe Slit Refrigerant pipe Refrigerant pipe Slit Insulation sheet Tape Auxiliary pipe CAUTION 1)Insulate the joint of the pipes securely. Incomplete insulation may lead to water leakage. 2)Push the pipe inside so it does not place undue force on the front grille. 9.Connecting the drain hose Insert the supplied C drain hose into the socket of the drain pan. Fully insert the drain hose until it adheres to a seat of the socket. Drain pan Seal Drain hose Drain pan Seal ,QVWDOODWLRQDQG0DLQWHQDQFH 6HUYLFH0DQXDO 10.Wiring With a Multi indoor unit, install as described in the installation manual supplied with the Multi outdoor unit. Live the sensor securing plate, remove the front metal plate cover, and connect the branch wiring to the terminal block. 1)Strip wire ends (15mm) 2)Mach wire colours with terminal numbers on indoor and outdoor unit’s terminal blocks and firmly screw wires to the corresponding terminals. 3)Connect the earth wires to the corresponding terminals. 4)Pull wires to make sure that they are securely latches up, then retain wires with wire retainer. 5)In case of connecting to an adapter system, Run the remote controller cable and attach the S21. (Refer to 11. When connecting go an system.) Sensor securing plate Front metal plate cover Firmly secure wire retainer so that wires sustain no external stress. 1 2 3 Terminal block Electrical component box Wire retainer Use the specified wire type. Indoor unit Shape wires so that the front metal plate cover will fit securely. Firmly fix the wires with the terminal screws Outdoor unit When wire length exceeds 10m, use 2.0mmdiameter wires H05VV Firmly fix the wires with the terminal screws CAUTION 1)Do not use tapped wires, stranded wires, extensioncords, or starburst connections, as they may cause overheating, electrical shock, or fire. 2)Do not use locally purchased electrical parts inside the product. (Do not branch the power for the drain pump, etc, from the terminal block.) Doing so may cause electric shock or fire.) ,QVWDOODWLRQDQG0DLQWHQDQFH 6HUYLFH0DQXDO 0DLQWHQDQFH 0DOIXQFWLRQ'LVSOD\RI,QGRRU8QLW ,QVWDOODWLRQDQG0DLQWHQDQFH 6HUYLFH0DQXDO ,QVWDOODWLRQDQG0DLQWHQDQFH 6HUYLFH0DQXDO +RZWR&KHFN6LPSO\WKH0DLQ3DUW 7URXEOHVKRRWLQJIRUPDOIXQFWLRQRIWHPSHUDWXUHVHQVRU PDLQFKHFNSRLQW :KHWKHUWKHWHPSHUDWXUHVHQVRULVEURNHQRUGDPDJHG :KHWKHUWKHWHPSHUDWXUHVHQVRUWHUPLQDOLVORRVHQHGRUQRWFRQQHFWHG :KHWKHUWKHPDLQERDUGLVGDPJHG &KHFNIORZFKDUW 6WDUWWKHWURXEOHVKRRWLQJIRU WHPSHUDWXUHVHQVRU &KHFNZKHWKHUWKH WHPSHUDWXUHVHQVRUDQGZLULQJWHUPLQDO LVORRVHQHGRUSRRUO\FRQQHFWHG" <HV ,QVHUW WKH WHPSHUDWXUH VHQVRU ZHOO 1R 1R &KHFNZKHWKHUWKH WHPSHUDWXUHVHQVRULVQRUPDOE\ UHIHULQJWKHUHVLVWDQFHYDOXHRI WHPSHUDWXUHVHQVRU <HV 5HSODFHWKHFRQWUROOHZLWK WKHVDPHPRGHO (QG ,QVWDOODWLRQDQG0DLQWHQDQFH 1R ,VPDIXQFWLRQHOLPLQDWHG" <HV 5HSODFHWHPSHUDWXUHZLWK WKHVDPHPRGH 1R ,VPDIXQFWLRQHOLPLQDWHG" <HV 6HUYLFH0DQXDO 7URXEOHVKRRWLQJIRUFRPPXQLFWLRQPDOIXQFWLRQ 0DLQFKHFNSRLQW &KHFNZKHWKHUWKHFRQQHFWLRQZLUHIRULQGRRUDQGRXWGRRUXQLWVDQGWKHZLUHV LQVLGHWKHLQGRRUXQLWLVFRQQHFWHGZHOO &KHFNZKHWKHUWKHPDLQERDUGVRILQGRRUXQLWRURXWGRRUXQLWDUHGDPDJHG &KHFNIORZFKDUW &RPPXQLFDWLRQPDOIXQFWLRQ IRUVRPHLQGRRUXQLW 'LVFRQQHFWWKHSRZHUDQGFKHFN FRQQHFWLRQ ZLUH IRU LQGRRU DQG RXWGRRU XQLWV DQG ZLUHV LQVLGH HOHFWULF ER[ DUH FRQQHFWHGFRUUHFWO\ :LUHVDUHFRQQHFWHG FRUUHFWO\" 1R &RQQHFWZLUHVDFFRUGLQJ WRZLULQJGLDJUDP ,VPDOIXQFWLRQ HOLPLQDWH" <HV 1R <HV 'HHQHUJL]HWKHXQLWH[FKDQJHWKHFRPPXQLFDWLRQZLUH IRUWKHLQGRRUXQLWZLWKQRUPDOFRPPXQLFDWLRQDQGWKH LQGRRUXQLWZLWKPDOIXQFWLRQHQHUJL]HWKHXQLWDQGWKHQ ZDLWIRUPLQV :KHWKHUWKHLQGRRUXQLW UHVXPHVQRUPDO" <HV 5HSODFHPDLQERDUGRI RXWGRRUXQLW 1R 5HSODFHPDLQEDRUGRILQGRRUXQLW ZLWKPDOIXQFWLRQ (QG ,QVWDOODWLRQDQG0DLQWHQDQFH 6HUYLFH0DQXDO $OOLQGRRUXQLWVDODUPV FRPPXQLFDWLRQPDOIXQFWLRQ 'LVFRQQHFWWKHSRZHUDQGFKHFN FRQQHFWLRQ ZLUHIRU LQGRRU DQG RXWGRRU XQLWVDQG ZLUHVLQVLGH HOHFWULFER[ DUH FRQQHFWHGFRUUHFWO\ :LUHVDUH FRQQHFWHGFRUUHFWO\" &RQQHFWZLUHFRQQHFWO\ DFFRUGLQJWRZLULQJ 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0HDVXUHWKHFDSDFLW\RIIDQFDSDFLWRUZLWKDQ &DSDFLW\RIWKH2'8IDQPRWRULV XQLYHUVDOPHWHUDQG¿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¿UPO\ 0HDVXUHWKHFDSDFLW\RIIDQFDSDFLWRUZLWKDQ XQLYHUVDOPHWHUDQG¿QGWKDWWKHFDSDFLW\LVRXWRI 5HSODFHWKHFRPSUHVVRUFDSDFLWRU WKHGHYLDWLRQUDQJHLQGLFDWHGRQWKHQDPHSODWHRI IDQFDSDFLWRU 3RZHUYROWDJHLVDOLWWOHORZRU 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,IDGGWRRPXFKUHIULJHUDQWGXULQJPDLQWHQDQFH SOHDVHUHGXFHUHIULJHUDQWSURSHUO\5HSODFH FRPSUHVVRUIRURWKHUFLUFXPVWDQFHV 6HUYLFH0DQXDO 5HPRYDO3URFHGXUH &DXWLRQGLVFKDUJHWKHUHIULJHUDQW FRPSOHWHO\EHIRUHUHPRYDO 5HPRYDO3URFHGXUHRI,QGRRU8QLW Steps Procedure 1. Remove panel Pull sliding clasps at both sides of panel, pull out the panel outwards and then move the panel upwards to remove it. panel sliding clasps 2. Remove filter sub-assy Pull the damping clasps at upper/lower side of filter sub-assy, and then move the filter sub-assy outwards to remove it. filter sub-assy damping clasps 3. Remove front case Remove 4 screws fixing the front case, and then pull the front case outwards to remove it. ,QVWDOODWLRQDQG0DLQWHQDQFH screws front case 6HUYLFH0DQXDO 4. Remove swing parts swing parts screw Remove 2 screws fixing the swing parts, and then pull the swing parts outwards to remove it. 5. Remove water tray Remove 2 screws fixing water tray, and then pull the water tray outwards to remove it. water tray screws 6. Remove electric box Remove one screw fixing the electric screws box, and then pull the electric box outwards to remove it. electric box ,QVWDOODWLRQDQG0DLQWHQDQFH 6HUYLFH0DQXDO 7. Remove fixer of piping Pry out the clasps connecting fixer of piping and bottom case, and then pull the fixer of piping outwards to remove it. clasps fixer of piping 8. Remove evaporator Pry out the clasps connecting evaporator and bottom case, and then pull the evaporator clasps evaporator outwards to remove it. 9. Remove guide ring Remove 4 screws fixing guide ring, and then pull the guide ring outwards to guide ring remove it. screws ,QVWDOODWLRQDQG0DLQWHQDQFH 6HUYLFH0DQXDO 10. Remove centrifugal blade Remove one nut fixing the centrifugal blade, and then pull the centrifugal blade nut outwards to remove it. centrifugal blade 11. Remove fixing bracket of motor Remove 3 nuts on fixing bracket of motor, and then pull the fixing bracket of motor fixing bracket of motor outwards to remove it. nuts 12. Remove press plate of motor wire Loosen clasps between press plate of motor wire and bottom case, and then pull the press plate of motor wire outwards to remove it. clasps press plate of motor wire ,QVWDOODWLRQDQG0DLQWHQDQFH 6HUYLFH0DQXDO $SSHQGL[ $SSHQGL[5HIHUHQFH6KHHWRI&HOVLXVDQG)DKUHQKHLW &RQYHUVLRQIRUPXODIRU)DKUHQKHLWGHJUHHDQG&HOVLXVGHJUHH7I 7F[ 6HWWHPSHUDWXUH )DKUHQKHLW )DKUHQKHLW GLVSOD\ &HOVLXV˄ć˅ WHPSHUDWXUH ˄̧˅ ˄̧˅ )DKUHQKHLW )DKUHQKHLW GLVSOD\ &HOVLXV˄ć˅ WHPSHUDWXUH ˄̧˅ ˄̧˅ )DKUHQKHLW )DKUHQKHLW GLVSOD\ &HOVLXV˄ć˅ WHPSHUDWXUH ˄̧˅ ˄̧˅ )DKUHQKHLW GLVSOD\ )DKUHQKHLW &HOVLXV˄ć˅ WHPSHUDWXUH ˄̧˅ ˄̧˅ )DKUHQKHLW )DKUHQKHLW GLVSOD\ &HOVLXV˄ć˅ WHPSHUDWXUH ˄̧˅ ˄̧˅ $PELHQWWHPSHUDWXUH )DKUHQKHLW )DKUHQKHLW GLVSOD\ &HOVLXV˄ć˅ WHPSHUDWXUH ˄̧˅ ˄̧˅ $SSHQGL[&RQ¿JXUDWLRQRI&RQQHFWLRQ3LSH 6WDQGDUGOHQJWKRIFRQQHFWLRQSLSH ƔPPP 0LQOHQJWKRIFRQQHFWLRQSLSHLVP 0D[OHQJWKRIFRQQHFWLRQSLSHDQGPD[KLJKGLIIHUHQFH 7KHDGGLWLRQDOUHIULJHUDQWRLODQGUHIULJHUDQWFKDUJLQJUHTXLUHGDIWHU SURORQJLQJFRQQHFWLRQSLSH Ɣ$IWHUWKHOHQJWKRIFRQQHFWLRQSLSHLVSURORQJHGIRUPDWWKHEDVLV RI VWDQGDUG OHQJWK \RX VKRXOG DGG PO RI UHIULJHUDQW RLO IRU HDFK DGGLWLRQDOPRIFRQQHFWLRQSLSH Ɣ7KHFDOFXODWLRQPHWKRGRIDGGLWLRQDOUHIULJHUDQWFKDUJLQJDPRXQWRQ WKHEDVLVRIOLTXLGSLSH 0D[OHQJWKRI FRQQHFWLRQSLSH %WXK: P %WXK: P %WXK: P %WXK: P %WXK: P %WXK: P %WXK: P %WXK: P %WXK: P %WXK: P &RROLQJFDSDFLW\ 0D[KHLJKW GLIIHUHQFH P P P P P P P P P P Ɣ:KHQWKHOHQJWKRIFRQQHFWLRQSLSHLVDERYHPDGGUHIULJHUDQWDFFRUGLQJWRWKHSURORQJHGOHQJWKRIOLTXLGSLSH7KHDGGLWLRQDO UHIULJHUDQWFKDUJLQJDPRXQWSHUPHWHULVGLIIHUHQWDFFRUGLQJWRWKHGLDPHWHURIOLTXLGSLSH6HHWKHIROORZLQJVKHHW Ɣ$GGLWLRQDOUHIULJHUDQWFKDUJLQJDPRXQW SURORQJHGOHQJWKRIOLTXLGSLSH;DGGLWLRQDOUHIULJHUDQWFKDUJLQJDPRXQWSHUPHWHU $GGLWLRQDOUHIULJHUDQWFKDUJLQJDPRXQWIRU55&5$DQG5D 'LDPHWHURIFRQQHFWLRQSLSH 2XWGRRUXQLWWKURWWOH /LTXLGSLSHPP *DVSLSHPP &RROLQJRQO\JP &RROLQJDQGKHDWLQJJP Ɏ ɎRUɎ ɎRUɎ ɎRUɎ Ɏ ɎRUɎ Ɏ ɎRUɎ Ɏ Ɏ ,QVWDOODWLRQDQG0DLQWHQDQFH 6HUYLFH0DQXDO $SSHQGL[3LSH([SDQGLQJ0HWKRG Pipe 1RWH Pipe cutter ,PSURSHU SLSH H[SDQGLQJ LV WKH PDLQ FDXVH RI UHIULJHUDQW OHDNDJH3OHDVH H[SDQGWKHSLSHDFFRUGLQJWRWKHIROORZLQJVWHSV Leaning Uneven Burr $&XWWKHSLS Ɣ&RQ¿UPWKHSLSHOHQJWKDFFRUGLQJWRWKHGLVWDQFHRILQGRRUXQLWDQGRXWGRRUXQLW Ɣ&XWWKHUHTXLUHGSLSHZLWKSLSHFXWWHU %5HPRYHWKHEXUUV Ɣ5HPRYHWKHEXUUVZLWKVKDSHUDQGSUHYHQWWKHEXUUVIURPJHWWLQJLQWRWKHSLSH Pipe Shaper Downwards &3XWRQVXLWDEOHLQVXODWLQJSLSH Union pipe '3XWRQWKHXQLRQQXW Ɣ5HPRYHWKHXQLRQQXWRQWKHLQGRRUFRQQHFWLRQSLSHDQGRXWGRRUYDOYHLQVWDOO Pipe WKHXQLRQQXWRQWKHSLSH (([SDQGWKHSRUW Ɣ([SDQGWKHSRUWZLWKH[SDQGHU 1RWH Expander Hard mold Ɣ$LVGLIIHUHQWDFFRUGLQJWRWKHGLDPHWHUSOHDVHUHIHUWRWKHVKHHWEHORZ 2XWHUGLDPHWHUPP Ɏ Ɏ´ Ɏ´ Ɏ´ $PP 0D[ Pipe 0LQ ),QVSHFWLRQ Ɣ&KHFNWKHTXDOLW\RIH[SDQGLQJSRUW,IWKHUHLVDQ\EOHPLVKH[SDQGWKH SRUWDJDLQDFFRUGLQJWRWKHVWHSVDERYH Smooth surface Improper expanding leaning damaged surface crack uneven thickness The length is equal ,QVWDOODWLRQDQG0DLQWHQDQFH 6HUYLFH0DQXDO $SSHQGL[/LVWRI5HVLVWDQFHIRU$PELHQW7HPSHUDWXUH6HQVRU 5HVLVWDQFH7DEOHRI$PELHQW7HPSHUDWXUH6HQVRUIRU,QGRRUDQG2XWGRRU8QLWV. 7HPSR& 5HVLVWDQFHNȍ 7HPSR& 5HVLVWDQFHNȍ 7HPSR& 5HVLVWDQFHNȍ ,QVWDOODWLRQDQG0DLQWHQDQFH 7HPSR& 5HVLVWDQFHNȍ 6HUYLFH0DQXDO 5HVLVWDQFH7DEOHRI$PELHQW7HPSHUDWXUH6HQVRUIRU,QGRRUDQG2XWGRRU8QLWV. 7HPSR& 5HVLVWDQFHNȍ 7HPSR& 5HVLVWDQFHNȍ 7HPSR& 5HVLVWDQFHNȍ 7HPSR& 5HVLVWDQFHNȍ ,QVWDOODWLRQDQG0DLQWHQDQFH 6HUYLFH0DQXDO 5HVLVWDQFH7DEOHRI$PELHQW7HPSHUDWXUH6HQVRUIRU,QGRRUDQG2XWGRRU8QLWV. 7HPSR& 5HVLVWDQFHNȍ 7HPSR& 5HVLVWDQFHNȍ 7HPSR& 5HVLVWDQFHNȍ 7HPSR& 5HVLVWDQFHNȍ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Key features
- Efficient cooling and heating
- Advanced technologies and features
- Multiple operation modes
- Quiet operation
- Easy-to-use remote control
- Sleek and stylish design
- Energy-saving features
Frequently asked questions
Remove the front grille, live the sensor securing plate and remove the front metal plate cover. Remove the electric box (1 screw). Remove the thermistor. Remove the side metal plate cover (7 tabs). Cut the address jumper (JA) on the printed circuit board.
The suggested shortest pipe length is 2.5m,in order to avoid noise from the outdoor unit and vibration. See the installation manual for the outdoor unit for the maximum pipe length.
Check for leakage of gas after air purging. See the sections on air purges and gas leak checks in the Service Manual for your outdoor unit.