FUZZYSCAN FAMILY Quick Start Guide BARCODE SCANNER Getting Familiar with Your FuzzyScan Thank you for choosing Cino FuzzyScan Bar Code Scanner. All FuzzyScan scanners deliver world-class performance for a broad range of applications to unleash your productivity. In order to fulfill your various requirements, the options of Vibrator, PDF Readability and Disinfectant-ready Housing are available upon request. For more details, please visit our website or contact your supplier. This document provides an easy reference for installation and operation purpose. The complete documentation is available at F700/L700 Series F600/L600 Series F500 Series F400 Series Power Indicator Scan Window Status Indicator Beeper Trigger Cable Release Hole 1 Connecting to Your Host FuzzyScan scanners support USB, PS/2(DOS/V) Keyboard Wedge and RS-232 Serial interfaces. Please choose your desired interface cable, then plug it into the cable interface port of the scanner and connect it to the host. If you would like to remove the cable, please straighten one end of a paper clip, then insert it into the cable release hole to pull out the cable. RS232 Serial PS/2(DOS/V) Keyboard Wedge USB HID & USB COM USB HID (Human Interface Device) The scanner works as a generic USB keyboard. USB COM Port Emulation The scanner works as a legacy RS232 serial device. Please note that you have to install the USB Virtual COM software driver before using. 2 Using Accessories You can enhance productivity of your workforce by using various accessories to fulfill a wide variety of application demand. Universal Holder The stylish Universal Holder is designed for storing your scanner when not in use. It serves to protect the scanner from lens-scratched or falling. Moreover, its artistic-design enhances the entire value of the scanner. Hand-free SmartStand SmartStand is specifically designed for hand-free applications to maximize user’s comfort and productivity. You can adjust the scanner holder to desired position for optimized scanning. But please note that the SmartStand is not applicable for F400 series scanner. Thanks to the auto-sense design, the scanner is capable of switching between presentation scanning and hand-held scanning automatically while working with SmartStand. But please note that this feature is not available for F400 and F500 series scanners. In presentation mode, the barcode may not be detected by the scanner in an environment with very dim ambient lighting. You can select higher sensitivity level through the setting of Presentation Sensitivity to increase scanner’s sensitivity. Level 3 Level 1 Level 6 Level 4 Level 2 Level 7 Level 5 3 ◆ Operation Modes Both F series Linear Imager and L series Laser Imager are available in FuzzyScan family. Both series support different operation mode which are listed below for reference. The F series supports nine operation modes, including trigger, presentation, alternative, level, flash, force, toggle, diagnostic and low power modes. The L series supports five operation modes, including trigger, presentation, alternative, level and low power modes. Trigger Mode When trigger mode is selected, the scanner goes into standby state after scanning the bar code. You must press the trigger switch to turn on the light source of the scanner before scanning the bar code. Presentation Mode When presentation mode is selected, the scanner will turn on the light source and start scanning operation automatically if it detects an image similar to a bar code. In case the scanner can’t detect a bar code, it will turn off the light source when the preset light source on time is up. Alternative Mode When alternative mode is selected, the scanner keeps the light source on till the preset light source on time is up. After the scanner turns off the light source, you must press the trigger switch to turn on the light source again. After each good read, the timer counter of light source on time is reset. You do not have to press the trigger frequently, it is very convenient for multiple scanning. Level Mode When level mode is selected, the scanner continues to turn on the light source till a bar code is decoded or preset light source on time is up. When a bar code is decoded successfully, the scanner turns off the light source immediately. After the scanner turns off the light source, you must press the trigger switch to turn on the light source again. If there is no scanning operation performed during the preset light source on time, the scanner will turn off the light source after the preset light source on time is up. 4 Flash Mode When flash mode is selected, the scanner flashes the light source without having to press the trigger switch. If the scanner detects an image which is similar to a bar code, it forces on the light source automatically and scans the bar code. Force Mode When force mode is selected, the light source of the scanner is forced on for continued operation without having to press the trigger switch. This mode is convenient for high speed bar code reading. Toggle Mode When toggle mode is selected, you must press the trigger switch to turn on the light source of the scanner to start scanning operation. The scanner keeps the light source on until you press the trigger switch again. This mode is very similar to alternative mode but without the preset light source on time concern. Diagnostic Mode When diagnostic mode is selected, the light source of the scanner is forced on without regard for other programmable parameters, such as reread delay, redundancy, and so on. Low Power Mode When low power mode is selected, the scanner goes into idle state after scanning the bar code. You must press the trigger switch to wake up the scanner for operation. 5 Keyboard Interface Quick Set - Record Suffix - None RETURN ◆ TAB SPACE ENTER - Keyboard Layout - USA ◆ France Germany United Kingdom-UK Canadian French Spain (Spanish) Spain (Latin America) Nertherlands Japan Sweden/Finland 6 Serial Interface Quick Set - Record Suffix - None TAB LF CR ◆ SPACE CRLF - Baud Rate – 115.2K BPS 4800 BPS 19.2K BPS 57.6K BPS 2400 BPS 9600 BPS ◆ 38.4 BPS 1200 BPS - Data Frame - 8, None, 1 ◆ 7, None, 2 8, None, 2 8, Odd, 1 7, Odd, 2 7, Odd, 1 8, Even, 1 7, Even, 2 7, Even, 1 8, Space, 1 7, Space, 2 7, Space, 1 8, Mark, 1 7, Mark, 2 7, Mark, 1 7 System Commands System Information Master Default PowerTool Host Link User Default Factory Default Save User Default Host Interface Quick Set RS232 Serial Keyboard Replacement PS/2 (DOS/V) KBW Standard Mode PS/2 (DOS/V) KBW Turbo Mode USB HID Standard Mode ◆ USB HID Turbo Mode USB Com Port Emulation 8 System Commands PROGRAM (Enter Programming Mode) END (Exit Programming Mode) Option Codes 0 A 6 1 B 7 2 C 8 3 D 9 4 E 5 F FIN (Finish) 9 Keyboard Interface Control Command Keyboard Layout Record Suffix Parameter Selection ◆ Latin America Italy Netherlands Denmark Belgium Switzerland-Germany Iceland Japan Czech 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 None RETURN TAB SPACE ENTER User define character 0 1 2 3 4 5 ◆ ◆ Preamble None 1-15 characters Postamble None 1-15 characters Intermessage Delay None 1-99 (x5) msec. Intercharacter Delay None 1-99 (x5) msec. Interfunction Delay None 1-99 (x5) msec. Caps Lock Control “Caps Lock On, Caps Off’’ “Caps Lock On, Shift Off’’ Auto Detect Caps Lock Release Control “Caps Lock On, Caps Off” “Caps Lock On, Shift Off” Function Key Emulation Option Code USA France Germany United Kingdom-UK Canadian French Spain Sweden/Finland Portugal Norway FIN [00-7F], [FIN] ◆ FIN [00-7F], [FIN] ◆ FIN (2 digits) ◆ FIN (2 digits) ◆ FIN (2 digits) ◆ ◆ Enable ASCII 00-31 as KB function code output Enable ASCII 00-31 as Ctrl-xx output ◆ Key Pad Emulation Disable key pad emulation Enable numeric output as key pad output Upper/Lower Case Normal case Inverse case Upper case Lower case ◆ 0 1 2 0 1 ◆ 0 1 0 1 0 1 2 3 10 Serial Interface Control Command Parameter Selection STX/ETX Control Disable STX/ETX transmission Enable STX/ETX transmission Record Suffix None CR LF CRLF Option Code ◆ 0 1 TAB SPACE User define character ◆ 0 1 2 3 ◆ Preamble None 1-15 characters Postamble None 1-15 characters FIN [00-7F], [FIN] ◆ Handshaking Protocol FIN [00-7F], [FIN] ◆ None RTS/CTS ACK/ NAK Xon/Xoff 0 1 2 3 ◆ Intermessage Delay None 1-99 (x5) msec. Intercharacter Delay None 1-99 (x5) msec. Interfunction Delay None 1-99 (x5) msec. Serial Response Time-out FIN (2 digits) ◆ FIN (2 digits) ◆ None 200 msec. 500 msec. 800 msec. 1 sec. 2 sec. FIN (2 digits) 3 sec. 4 sec. 5 sec. 8 sec. 10 sec. 15 sec. ◆ 0 1 2 3 4 5 ◆ NAK Retry Count 4 5 6 3 times 0~255 times 6 7 8 9 A B FIN (3 digits) Message String Breakdown Keyboard interface output (PS/2, DOS/V, USB HID) Preamble Data Length Prefix ID Scanned Data Suffix ID Postamble Record Suffix 1-15 char. 2-3 digits 1 or 2 char. Variable 1 or 2 char. 1-15 char. 1 char. Serial interface output (RS-232, USB COM Port Emulation) STX Preamble Data Length Prefix ID Scanned Data Suffix ID Postamble ETX Record Suffix 1 char. 1-15 char. 2-3 digits 1 or 2 char. Variable 1 or 2 char. 1-15 char. 1 char. 1 char. 11 Operation and Output Control Command Inverse Reading Disable Enable Redundancy None Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5 Parameter Selection ◆ Option Code 0 1 0 1 2 3 4 5 ◆ To prevent potential miss reading. Dollar Sign Control Presentation Control Dollar sign output as “ $ “ Dollar sign output as “ “ Dollar sign output as “ € “ Dollar sign output as “ £ “ Dollar sign output as “¢ “ ¥ Presentation mode Flash mode Force mode ◆ ◆ 0 1 2 3 4 0 1 2 L series laser imaging scanner doesn’t support this function. Presentation Auto-sense Disable Enable Presentation Sensitivity Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5 Level 6 Level 7 0 1 ◆ 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 ◆ Power On Indicator Disable (LED off) LED steady on LED flash 0 1 2 Good Read Indicator Disable Enable ◆ 0 1 Vibrator Control Disable Enable ◆ 0 1 ◆ Optional function, only available for vibrator model. Buzzer Tone Adjust Buzzer tone – mute Buzzer tone – low Buzzer tone – medium Buzzer tone – high Buzzer tone – extremely high Power–on beep No Power–on beep ◆ ◆ 12 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 Operation and Output Control Command Trigger Control Parameter Selection Enable left trigger, disable right trigger Enable right trigger, disable left trigger Enable left and right triggers ◆ Option Code 0 1 2 Only available for FuzzyScan F460/F468. ◆ Scan Rate Control Dynamic Fixed Good Read Delay None 200 msec. 500 msec. 1 sec. 1.5 sec. 2 sec. 3 sec. Reread Delay 0 1 ◆ 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 Disable Immediate time out Short time out Medium time out Long time out Force verification ◆ 0 1 2 3 4 5 Good Read Duration Short Medium Long Extremely long Extremely short Hand Free Time-out Short Medium Long Extremely long Disable 0 1 2 3 4 Light Source On Time Short Medium Long Extremely long 0 1 2 3 0 1 2 3 4 ◆ ◆ ◆ Time Delay to Low Power Mode 1 sec 3 secs 5 secs 7 secs 9 secs Immediate Flash Duty Cycle ◆ 1/2 duty cycle 2/3 duty cycle 3/4 duty cycle 4/5 duty cycle 0 1 2 3 4 5 ◆◆ 0 1 2 3 L series laser imaging scanner doesn’t support this function. Laser Aiming Control Disable Enable 0 1 ◆ Only available for L series laser imaging scanner PDF scanning. 13 Keyboard Function Code Table No. ANSI ASCII Key Function No. ANSI ASCII Key Function 00 NUL 00H RESERVED 16 DLE 10H F7 01 SOH 01H CTRL (Left) 17 DC1 11H F8 02 STX 02H ALT (Left) 18 DC2 12H F9 03 ETX 03H SHIFT 19 DC3 13H F10 04 EOT 04H CAPS LOCK 20 DC4 14H F11 05 ENQ 05H NUM LOCK 21 NAK 15H F12 06 ACK 06H ESC 22 SYN 16H INS (Insert) (Edit) 07 BEL 07H F1 23 ETB 17H DEL (Delete) (Edit) 08 BS 08H BACK SPACE 24 CAN 18H HOME (Edit) 09 HT 09H TAB 25 EM 19H END (Edit) 10 LF 0AH F2 26 SUB 1AH PAGE UP (Edit) 11 VT 0BH F3 27 ESC 1BH PAGE DOWN (Edit) 12 FF 0CH F4 28 FS 1CH UP (Edit) 13 CR 0DH ENTER (CR) 29 GS 1DH DOWN (Edit) 14 SO 0EH F5 30 RS 1EH LEFT (Edit) 15 SI 0FH F6 31 US 1FH RIGHT (Edit) HEX/ASCII Reference Table H 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 0 NUL DLE SPACE 0 @ P ` p 1 SOH DC1 ! 1 A Q a q 2 STX DC2 " 2 B R b r 3 ETX DC3 # 3 C S c s L 7 4 EOT DC4 $ 4 D T d t 5 ENQ NAK % 5 E U e u 6 ACK SYN & 6 F V f v 7 BEL ETB ' 7 G W g w 8 BS CAN ( 8 H X h x 9 HT EM ) 9 I Y i y A LF SUB * : J Z j z B VT ESC + ; K [ k { C FF FS , < L \ l | D CR GS - = M ] m } E SO RS . > N ^ n ~ F SI US / ? O _ o DEL → HEX “41” ; ASCII “a”→ “61” Example: ASCII “A” : High Byte of HEX Value : Low Byte of HEX Value 14 FuzzyScan Barcode Scanner Quick Start Guide International Edition, Rev. B2 P/N: YMAUB00010030R0 Disclaimer Cino makes no warranty of any kind with regard to this publication, including, but not limited to, the implied warranty of merchantability and fitness for any particular purpose. Cino shall not be liable for errors contained herein or for incidental consequential damages in connection with the furnishing, performance, or use of this publication. This publication contains proprietary information that is protected by copyright. All rights are reserved. No part of this publication may be photocopied, reproduced or translated into any language, in any forms, in an electronic retrieval system or otherwise, without prior written permission of Cino. All product information and specifications shown in this document may be changed without prior notice. © COPYRIGHT CINO GROUP • PC WORTH INT’L CO., LTD. ALL RIGHT RESERVED. Warranty Cino warrants its products against defects in workmanship and materials from the date of shipment, provided that the product is operated under normal and proper conditions. The warranty provisions and durations are furnished by different warranty programs. The above warranty does not apply to any product which has been (i) misused; (ii) damaged by accident or negligence; (iii) modified or altered by the purchaser or other party; (iv) repaired or tampered by unauthorized representatives; (v) operated or stored beyond the specified operational and environmental parameters; (vi) applied software, accessories or parts are not supplied by Cino; (vii) damaged by circumstances out of Cino’s control, such as, but not limited to, lightning or fluctuation in electrical power. Any defective product must follow the warranty program and RMA procedures to return Cino for inspection. Regulatory Part 15 Subpart B EN55022, EN55024 EN61000-3-2, EN61000-3-3, EN60950-1 EN61000-6-3, EN61000-6-2 CNS13438 AS/NZS CISPR 22:2009 Class B KN22, KN24 (KN61000-2,-3, -4,-5, -6,-8,-11) LED Eye Safety IEC62471 Exempt group Laser Eye Safety IEC60825-1 Class 1 ">

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