Connevans Hearing Aid Direct Input Shoes Guide
Hearing Aid Direct Input Shoes are designed to connect hearing aids to a range of audio equipment, including FM systems, personal stereos, and other devices. They come in a variety of styles to fit different hearing aid models, and are compatible with a range of ear level receivers.
Connevans Guide to Hearing Aid Direct Input Shoes ‒ 1
Some hearing aids have a direct connection facility, usually referred to as direct input.
This facility allows the direct connection of the hearing aid to other audio equipment via a connector usually referred to as a shoe; thus the name ʻHearing aid direct input shoeʼ.
Connevans is able to provide, usually from stock, a wide range of hearing aid direct input shoes; many customers find the number of options overwhelming!
You can put your shoe against the page and identify most shoes without difficulty, making re-ordering easier for you and us!
If you require further help, please do phone our radio aid helpline for assistance when ordering. Please note that although we have usually shown two shoes in the picture to give different views, the shoes are all sold as singles.
VAT All direct input shoes: VAT relief is permitted subject to the receipt of a valid VAT declaration form.
OTICON 300P, DigiFocus II Super Power &
Spirit 700 SuperPower
Ear level receiver shoe AP201
Information on compatibility with ear level receivers
By each shoe we indicate whether it is compatible for use with
ʻear level receiversʼ such as MicroMLxS, MLx, MLxS, Lexis, Amigo,
Scola and fmGenie WDI units.
For use with an MLxS, we also show whether the MLxS needs to be set to a crosswise or lengthwise orientation.
For use with fmGenie WDI and MicroMLxS units the orientation is irrelevant.
Crosswise Lengthwise
Suitable for use with ear level receivers.
Shoes not suitable for use with ear level receivers.
OTICON Personic, Primofocus, MultiFocus Compact, DigiLife and DigiFocus
Audio i/p shoe AP401 Ear level receiver shoe FM4
Compatibility with direct input leads
By each shoe we also indicate if it is compatible for use with direct input leads.
Suitable for use with direct input leads.
Not suitable for use with direct input leads.
April 2008
OTICON DigiFocus II V2, Adapto, Atlas Plus Direct, GO Direct, Gaia & Spirit II Direct
Audio i/p shoe AP501 Ear level receiver shoe FM5
Lengthwise Lengthwise
ID Marks: AP201 Oticon
Contacts: 2 fine contact pins set approx. 1mm apart, beside a black plastic lug
Colour: beige
Manfr. no: 399-50-360-05
Comment: there is a small volume control on one side which should be set to no. 3 when used with CRM220 and no. 4 with fmGenie equipment.
Connevans Pt.No.
Price each:
£ 17.55
ID Marks: AP401 Oticon
Contacts: 2
Colour: translucent
Manfr. no: 399-50-276-02
Comment: there is a small volume control which should be set to no. 3 when used with CRM220 and no. 4 with fmGenie equipment.
Connevans Pt.No.
Price each:
£ 17.55
ID Marks: Compact FM4 Oticon
Contacts: 2 pins, exactly the same as the DAP401, plus a sprung battery contact pin requiring modification of battery door using tool supplied.
Colour: translucent
Manfr. no: 399-51-130-08
Comment: this shoe fits all Oticon compact aids for use with Phonak
MLxS units, with the exception of Primofocus Pro2 which is not MLxS compatible.
Connevans Pt.No.
Price each:
£ 18.20
Supplied with battery door hole tool
ID Marks: AP501 DAI V2 Oticon
Contacts: 1 side contact and 1 sprung pin in base
Colour: translucent
Manfr. no: 399-51-440-03
Comment: there is a small volume control which should be set to no. 3 when used with CRM220 and no. 4 with fmGenie equipment.
Connevans Pt.No.
Price each:
Supplied with battery door hole tool
£ 21.45
ID Marks: Compact FM5 V2 Oticon
Contacts: 2 side contact and 1 sprung pin in base
Colour: translucent
Manfr. no: 399-51-170-07
Comment: Non suffix V2 & DigiFocus II require factory retro-modification for use with MLx.
MLx: for Oticon WTC compact aids
Connevans Pt.No.
Price each:
£ 24.69
Supplied with battery door hole tool
OTICON 300P, 380P, 390PL, DigiFocus II
SuperPower & Spirit 700 Superpower
Ear level receiver shoe FM3
OTICON Atlas, Atlas Plus, GO (not Direct), Ergo, Swift, Spirit II, Spirit II VC, Spirit II Power, Spirit VC
Audio i/p shoe AP600 Ear level receiver shoe FM6
OTICON Sumo DM, Sumo XP, Sumo E, Spirit 3 Superpower, Swift 120+
Audio i/p shoe AP700 Ear level receiver shoe FM7
ID Marks: WTC Classic Oticon or Oticon FM3
Contacts: 2 fine contact pins set approx. 2mm apart beside a black plastic lug, plus a sprung battery contact pin requiring modification of battery door using tool supplied.
Colour: translucent
Manfr. no: 399-51-180-09
Comment: this shoe fits all current Oticon classic aids for use with
Phonak MLxS units.
Connevans Pt.No.
Price each:
£ 18.20
Supplied with battery door hole tool
ID Marks: AP-ED01 Oticon
Contacts: a fine contact array
Colour: translucent with grey base
Manfr. no: 399-50-460-06
Comment: there is a small volume control which should be set to no. 3 when used with CRM220 and no. 4 with fmGenie equipment.
Also has a HI-LO control which should be set to LO.
Connevans Pt.No.
Price each:
£ 27.30
Supplied with adaptor tool
ID Marks: Oticon FM6
Contacts: a fine contact array
Colour: translucent with grey base
Manfr. no: 399-50-450-04
Although the DOFM6 shoe version looks identical to the DOFM8, there are internal wiring differences.
Does NOT fit Spirit 700 Superpower
Connevans Pt.No.
Price each:
Supplied with adaptor tool
£ 32.50
ID Marks: Oticon DAI AP-700
Contacts: 3 contacts on top
Colour: grey
Manfr. no: 399-50-900-08
Comment: there is a small volume control which should be set to no. 3 when used with CRM220 and no. 4 with fmGenie equipment. Also has a HI-LO control which should be set to LO.
This shoe attaches to the hearing aid by sliding onto the battery door.
Connevans Pt.No.
Price each:
£ 17.55
ID Marks: Oticon FM7
Contacts: 3 contacts on top
Colour: grey
Manfr. no: 399-50-920-02
This shoe attaches to the hearing aid by sliding onto the battery door.
Connevans Pt.No.
Price each:
£ 17.55
Digital Hearing Aids for Beginners
‒ a powerpoint presentation on Connevans CD, free if requested with order.
OTICON Spirit 3, Spirit 3 Direct, Spirit 3 VC & Spirit 3 Power, Syncro, Safran,Tego Pro & Tego PHONAK Superfront
Audio i/p shoe AP800
ID Marks: Oticon AP800
Contacts: a fine contact array
Colour: translucent with grey base
Manfr. no: 399-51-480-00
Comment: there is a small volume control which should be set to no. 3 when used with CRM220 and no. 4 with fmGenie equipment. Also has a HI-LO control which should be set to LO.
Connevans Pt.No.
Price each:
£ 21.97
Does NOT fit Spirit 3 Superpower which requires DOAP700 shoe.
Supplied with adaptor tool
Ear level receiver shoe FM8
ID Marks: Oticon FM8
Contacts: a fine contact array
Colour: translucent with grey base
Manfr. no: 399-51-470-00
Connevans Pt.No.
Price each:
£ 18.20
Although the DOFM8 shoe version looks identical to the DOFM6, there are internal wiring differences.
Does NOT fit Spirit 3 Superpower which requires DOFM7 shoe.
Supplied with adaptor tool
Audio i/p shoe AS3
Contacts: 3 on one side.
Comment: supplied with a small 3 legged contact plate which may need to be fitted to the hearing aid
Hearing aid microphone live
ID Marks: AS3
Colour: clear with very dark blue base
Manfr. no: 054-0066
Connevans Pt.No. (Standard)
Price each:
£ 9.69
Ear level receiver shoe AS3-MLx
Hearing aid microphone muted
ID Marks: MO3
Colour: clear with black base
Manfr. no: 054-0096
Connevans Pt.No. (Muted)
Price each:
£ 9.69
ID Marks: AS3-MLx
Colour: clear with a light grey base
Manfr. no: 052-0305
Contacts: 3 contacts on one side, plus an additional battery contact pin for use with MLxS receivers.
Connevans Pt.No.
Price each:
£ 11.70
PHONAK Audinet, Varionet, Classica & Supero PHONAK Pico, Pico-Forte, Aero, PowerMAXX & Solo T+
Audio i/p shoe AS4
Contacts: 3 on one side
Comment: supplied with a small 3 legged contact plate which may need to be fitted to the hearing aid.
Hearing aid microphone live
ID Marks: AS4
Colour: clear with very dark blue base
Manfr. no: 054-0067
Connevans Pt.No. (Standard)
Price each:
£ 9.69
Hearing aid microphone muted
ID Marks: MO4
Colour: clear with black base
Manfr. no: 054-0097
Connevans Pt.No. (Muted)
Price each:
£ 9.69
Ear level receiver shoe AS4-MLx
ID Marks: AS4-MLxS
Colour: clear with a light grey base
Manfr. no: 052-0306
Contacts: 3 contacts on one side, plus an additional battery contact pin for use with MLxS receivers.
Connevans Pt.No.
Price each:
£ 11.70
Audio i/p shoe AS5A
BOTH MODELS Contacts: 3 on one side
Hearing aid microphone live
ID Marks: AS5A
Colour: clear with very dark blue base
Manfr. no: 054-0092
Connevans Pt.No.
Price each:
Hearing aid microphone muted
ID Marks: MO5A
Colour: clear with black base
Manfr. no: 054-0098
Connevans Pt.No.
Price each:
£ 9.69
£ 9.69
Ear level receiver shoe AS5-MLx
PHONAK Savia, Eterna, eXtra, Eleva & Una
Audio i/p shoe AS9
General d/i use & MLxS
ID Marks: AS9-MLxS
Colour: beige or palladium (silver)
Manfr. no: 052-3363-00001 (beige)
052-3363-00040 (palladium)
Connevans Pt.No.
Connevans Pt.No.
Price each:
ID Marks: AS5-MLx
Colour: clear with a light grey base
Manfr. no: 052-0307
Contacts: 3 contacts on one side, plus an additional battery contact pin for use with MLxS receivers.
Connevans Pt.No.
Price each:
£ 11.70
Th e AS9 shoe is suitable for both
MLxS and general direct input use.
There is also a specific ML9s MLxS with an integral receiver module for these aids, but which does not allow general direct input use ‒ please see our website for details.
£ 12.80
Supplied with 2 battery drawers and fitting tool
Audio i/p shoe AS6A
PHONAK Piconet & Sono-Forte P3 (PICS series)
Ear level receiver shoe AS6-MLx Audio i/p shoe AS7
PHONAK Nova Forte & P4 Power Zoom
Ear level receiver shoe AS7-MLx
PHONAK Naída & Exélia
Audio i/p shoe AS10
Lengthwise Crosswise Crosswise
ID Marks: AS6
Contacts: 3 on one side
Colour: clear with dark blue base
Manfr. no: 054-0111
Apart from their markings, the difference from the AS5A shoe is in the internal wiring.
Connevans Pt.No.
Price each:
£ 9.69
ID Marks: AS6-MLx
Colour: clear with a light grey base
Manfr. no: 052-0308
Contacts: 3 contacts on one side, plus an additional battery contact pin for use with MLxS receivers.
Connevans Pt.No.
Price each:
£ 11.70
ID Marks: AS7
Contacts: 4 contacts, 2 either end of the shoe.
Colour: clear with dark blue base
Manfr. no: 054-0113
Connevans Pt.No.
Price each:
£ 9.69
ID Marks: AS7-MLx
Contacts: 4 contacts, 2 either end of the shoe.
Colour: clear with light grey base
Manfr. no: 052-0309
Although the FM shoe version looks identical there are internal wiring differences.
Connevans Pt.No.
Price each:
General d/i use & MLxS
ID Marks: none
Colour: beige, black or taupe
Manfr. no: 052-0022-01 (beige)
052-0022-06 (black)
052-0022-35 (taupe)
Connevans Pt.No.
Connevans Pt.No.
Connevans Pt.No.
Price each:
£ 14.14
£ 11.70
Supplied with a replacement battery door unit (shown in taupe) which locks the shoe securely in place.
Connevans Limited
54 Albert Road North, Reigate, Surrey RH2 9YR, United Kingdom
Switchboard: 01737 247571 Minicom: 01737 243134 Fax: 01737 223475
Information website
Online shopping website
Connevans Guide to Hearing Aid Direct Input Shoes ‒ 2
Some hearing aids have a direct connection facility, usually referred to as direct input.
This facility allows the direct connection of the hearing aid to other audio equipment via a connector usually referred to as a shoe; thus the name ʻHearing aid direct input shoeʼ.
Connevans is able to provide, usually from stock, a wide range of hearing aid direct input shoes; many customers find the number of options overwhelming!
You can put your shoe against the page and identify most shoes without difficulty, making re-ordering easier for you and us!
If you require further help, please do phone our radio aid helpline for assistance when ordering. Please note that although we have usually shown two shoes in the picture to give different views, the shoes are all sold as singles.
VAT All direct input shoes: VAT relief is permitted subject to the receipt of a valid VAT declaration form.
SIEMENS Select & Prisma 2M
Audio i/p shoe
SIEMENS Signia & Prisma 2VC+
Audio i/p shoe
Information on compatibility with ear level receivers
By each shoe we indicate whether it is compatible for use with
ʻear level receiversʼ such as MicroMLxS, MLx, MLxS, Lexis, Amigo,
Scola and fmGenie WDI units.
For use with an MLxS, we also show whether the MLxS needs to be set to a crosswise or lengthwise orientation.
For use with fmGenie WDI and MicroMLxS units the orientation is irrelevant.
SIEMENS Swing S1, AMD12+, Selectra,
Prisma 2, 2P & Power
Audio i/p shoe
Crosswise Lengthwise
Suitable for use with ear level receivers.
SIEMENS Swing S3 & Prisma 2SP
Audio i/p shoe
Compatibility with direct input leads
By each shoe we also indicate if it is compatible for use with direct input leads.
Suitable for use with direct input leads.
Shoes not suitable for use with ear level receivers.
Not suitable for use with direct input leads.
April 2008
SIEMENS Triano SP, Infiniti Pro SP, Music Pro
SP, Prisma 2DSP & Prisma 2DSP+
Audio i/p shoe
Crosswise Crosswise Crosswise Lengthwise
ID marks: Labelled A1 inside shoe
Contacts: 3 long fingers
Colour: beige
Manfr. no: 7163178
Comment: distinctive angular shape
Note: Factory retro-modification of the hearing aid may be required for use with MLxS receivers.
Connevans Pt.No.
Price each:
£ 13.00
ID Marks: none on the outside, but ʻfor FMʼ or ʻF3ʼ is marked inside in the bottom.
Contacts: four
Colour: translucent
Manfr. no: 5630350
Connevans Pt.No.
Price each:
£ 16.09
ID marks: C1 inside shoe
Contacts: 3 long fingers
Colour: beige
Manfr. no: 2943970
Note: Factory retro-modification of the hearing aid is required for use with MLxS receivers.
Helpful note: some shoes have a slot in them.
Connevans Pt.No.
Price each:
£ 10.73
ID marks: E1 inside shoe
Contacts: 3 long fingers
Colour: beige
Manfr. no: 2940307
Connevans Pt.No.
Price each:
£ 13.00
ID marks: T-SP or H5 inside
Contacts: 4 contact pins
Colour: translucent
Manfr. no: 7213296
Connevans Pt.No.
Price each:
£ 13.00
Hearing aids can be used for pleasure too!
You can use a direct input shoe and a personal stereo direct input lead anywhere you see a headphone socket to link into your hearing aids
‒ see 2008
Catalogue page 189.
SIEMENS Prisma 2M+
Audio i/p shoe
SIEMENS Infiniti Pro
Audio i/p shoe
SIEMENS Prisma Pro & 2 Pro
Audio i/p shoe
SIEMENS Acuris S & P, Cielo 2, Artis 2S, Artis
2SVC, Centra P, S & SVC, Triano S & SL
Audio i/p shoe
SIEMENS Chroma VC & P, Centra HP, Artis S, P &
2P, Cielo P & 2P, Prisma 2 Pro P & DP & Reflex DP
Audio i/p shoe
ID Marks: Prisma 2M+ outside shoe
A5 inside shoe
Contacts: 3 long fingers
Colour: beige
Manfr. no: 8775590
Comment: distinctive angular shape, physically the same as the DAMSELECT shoe but not compatible.
Note: When fitting this shoe a firm push to click fully home is required.
Connevans Pt.No.
Price each:
£ 13.00
ID Marks: G5 inside shoe
Contacts: a fine array of 4 contacts
Colour: translucent
Manfr. no: 7770584
Comment: this shoe is identical to DSIEC (you will notice they are both ID'd G5), except for the colour coded contact covers for the hearing aid which are model specific.
Connevans Pt.No.
Price each:
£ 13.00
ID marks: G5 inside shoe
Contacts: a fine array of 4 contacts
Colour: translucent
Manfr. no: 10056036
Comment: this shoe is identical to DSIEB (you will notice they are both ID'd G5), except for the colour coded contact covers for the hearing aid which are model specific.
Connevans Pt.No.
Price each:
£ 13.00
ID marks: None
Contacts: four
Colour: translucent
Manfr. no: 7220424
Connevans Pt.No.
Price each:
SIEMENS Prisma 2 Pro DSP & SP, Artis SP & 2SP,
Centra SP, Cielo 2SP, Intuis SP DIR & Chroma SP
Audio i/p shoe
GN ReSound Canta 780D, 280D,
Danalogic 283D
Audio i/p shoe DA11
GN ReSound Danalogic6 (6060 & 4060), Azure
(AZ60), Metrix (MX60), Pixel (PL60) & Plus5 (RP60)
Audio i/p shoe
£ 20.80
Even more shoes available online...
In addition to the shoes shown here,
Connevans also has stocks of many shoes for non current hearing aids and the website is regularly updated with details of newly available shoes.
Use the search engine to find the correct shoe for your aid
‒ fill in the make or model of your hearing aid.
ID Marks: L5 inside shoe
Contacts: 4 on one side
Colour: translucent
Manfr. no: 10054830
Connevans Pt.No.
Price each:
£ 13.00
ID marks: M5 inside shoe
Contacts: 4 on one side
Colour: translucent
Manfr. no: 10054617
Connevans Pt.No.
Price each:
£ 13.00
ID Marks: GN ReSound DAI 11
Contacts: 4 in two pairs
Colour: translucent
Manfr. no: 15072200
Connevans Pt.No.
Price each:
£ 10.14
ID Marks: none
Contacts: 4 finger contacts on one side
Colour: translucent
Manfr. no: 15832600
Connevans Pt.No.
Price each:
£ 10.14
UNITRON ICON, Sound FX & BE39FX series
Audio i/p shoe
Audio i/p shoe
UNITRON Unison 3HP, Unison 6HP
& Essential HP
Audio i/p shoe
UNITRON Unison 3 & 3P, 6 & 6P,
Essential Standard & Essential P
Audio i/p shoe
UNITRON 2, 4, Unison 2P & Conversa
Audio i/p shoe AS5A
Crosswise Lengthwise Lengthwise
ID Marks: none, but there is a Unitron trademark.
Contacts: 4
Colour: translucent
Manfr. no: 054-5031-13
Comment: there is a microphone mute switch on the edge of the shoe.
Connevans Pt.No.
Price each:
£ 13.81
ID Marks: Unitron trademark.
Contacts: 4
Colour: translucent
Manfr. no: 054-5026-13
Comment: there is a microphone mute switch on the edge of the shoe.
Connevans Pt.No.
Price each:
£ 16.25
ID Marks: Unitron hearing 384-0A
Contacts: 2 contact, 1 pin
Colour: translucent
Manfr. no: 054-5119-13
Comment: This is a combined audio i/p shoe and battery tray. The user requires average DIY as this ʻshoeʼ replaces the existing battery drawer with this battery tray which incorporates the sockets for the d/i or ear level receiver.
Connevans Pt.No.
Price each:
£ 13.81
Supplied with fitting tool
ID Marks: Unitron hearing 384-0A
Contacts: 2 contact, 1 pin
Colour: translucent
Manfr. no: 054-5123-13
Comment: the user requires average DIY as this ʻshoeʼ replaces the existing battery drawer with this battery tray which incorporates the sockets for the d/i or ear level receiver.
Connevans Pt.No.
Price each:
£ 13.81
Supplied with fitting tool
These Unitron Hearing aids use the three variations (same MLxS compatibility etc.) of Phonak AS5A shoe ‒ please see Connevans
Catalogue 2008 page 69 for pricing and part numbers.
Visit the website!
New direct input shoes updated regularly plus some older shoes are still available for online ordering.
We even have video clips showing what to do with some of the extra bits and bobs and tools!
WIDEX Senso Diva SD-19, Inteo IN-19 and
Vita SV-19
Audio i/p shoe Widex 5
WIDEX for Senso Vita SV-38, P37/P38,
Bravissimo BV-38, Bravo B32 and Logo L32
Audio i/p shoe Widex 6
WIDEX Senso Diva SD9, Senso P7/P8,
Inteo IN-9E Bravo B1/B2 & Vita SV-9
Audio i/p shoe Widex 7
WIDEX Logo Senso C series and
Bravo B11/B12 and Logo L6-L12
Audio i/p shoe Widex 8
Go to
select Hearing Aid Direct Input Shoes and follow the link to watch video clips.
ID Marks: Widex 5
Contacts: 5
Colour: translucent
Manfr. no: 295 W5
Comment: First of the new style Widex shoes which have a slide on/off connection for the Widex SCOLA fm receiver
Connevans Pt.No.
Price each:
£ 14.63
ID Marks: Widex 6
(previously Widex 4, 3II, 3 and before that Logo Senso FM)
Contacts: 3 on one side, 1 on the other
Colour: translucent
Manfr. no: 295 DW6
Comment: Has small catch on one side to lock shoe in place. (size
675 battery hearing aid) With a slide on/off connection for the Widex SCOLA fm receiver
Connevans Pt.No.
Price each:
£ 14.63
ID Marks: Widex 7
(previously Widex 1)
Contacts: 4, the centre left pin is offset and angled
Colour: translucent
Manfr. no: IN9
Comment: Size 13 battery hearing aid. With a slide on/off connection for the Widex SCOLA fm receiver
Connevans Pt.No.
Price each:
£ 14.63
ID Marks: Widex 8
Contacts: 3 on one side, 1 on the other
Colour: translucent
Manfr. no: 295 W8
Comment: Fits Senso C8+ - C19+. Has small catch on one side to lock shoe in place. (size 13 battery hearing aids). With a slide on/off connection for the Widex SCOLA fm receiver
Connevans Pt. No.
Price each:
£ 14.63
Connevans Limited
54 Albert Road North, Reigate, Surrey RH2 9YR, United Kingdom
Switchboard: 01737 247571 Minicom: 01737 243134 Fax: 01737 223475
Information website
Online shopping website

Public link updated
The public link to your chat has been updated.
Key features
- Direct connection to audio equipment
- Wide range of styles and models
- Compatibility with ear level receivers
- Compatibility with direct input leads
- Easy identification and ordering
- VAT relief available