In-Line Chemical Feeder
CMP# 25280-100/110
- No special venting required. - No equipment damage.
- Completely enclosed - no escaping gases. - Feeds sanitizer directly.
- Positive external no-clog control valve. - All parts replaceable.
- To prevent over chlorination during use, completely close
the control valve and the built in check valve will prevent
chemical from being fed into the pool or spa.
Your CMP POWERclean Feeder is the best automatic feeder that you can buy, however it can be dangerous! Please follow the instructions exactly and note all warnings. Your safety and the protection of your system are at stake!!
Read all information before proceeding with any installation. The information will help you install your feeder properly and avoid problems.
This will damage the feeder. NOTE: If heaters are used, and Fireman’s
Switch or equivalent must be installed to prevent possible damage and improper operation of Check Valve and other equipment subject to heat damage.
NOTE: Feeder should be installed above the water level.
Make sure all pumps and timer switches are OFF. The feeder is designed for permanent installation in the return line of the pool or spa and must always be installed after the heater, pool cleaner, valves, etc.
If there is no heater then install the feeder after the filter and all other equipment. Note: Heater and other equipment may be damaged by highly chlorinated water.
If the pool/spa is plumbed with 2” PVC pipe, make sure the pump, heater, and filter all have 2” inlet and outlet fittings. If any equipment uses less than 2” fittings, use a minimum of 6” x 1.5” reducer bushings installed directly into the inlet side of the feeder using 2” x 1.5” reducer bushings.
This will build pressure directly into the feeder ensuring proper operation.
Continue with 2” PVC pipe on the outlet side.
When plumbing a pool/spa combo where the plumbing and equipment is
2” and the feeder is installed on the pool return line after the diverter valve with a portion of the water going to the spa, install a minimum section of
6” x 1.5” PVC pipe directly into the inlet side of the feeder using 2” x 1.5” reducer bushings. Continue with 2” PVC pipe on the outlet side of the feeder. This will compensate for the water being diverted.
When plumbing 90 degree elbows directly into the feeder inlet, it may cause turbulence inside the elbow which prevents water from entering the feeder. A minimum of 6” PVC pipe should be installed between the elbow and the inlet of the feeder.
When using 2” PVC pipe, glue the feeder to the return line using PVC cement. Make sure arrows on feeder point the direction of the water flow returning to the pool/spa.
When using 1.5” PVC pipe, glue 2” x 1.5” reducer bushings into 2” slip tee on the bottom of the feeder. Then glue into 1.5” return line making sure arrows on feeder point the direction of the water flow returning to the pool/spa. Use only PVC cement. Follow the directions on the cement label. Allow to dry.
Fill the feeder with water making sure to bleed out any entrapped air in any of the lines. Before starting the feeder, to ensure maximum effectiveness of the feeder the pool should be properly conditioned and the residual should be 1.0 to 1.5 ppm. Consult your local dealer for water conditioning information in your area.
1. Remove cap of feeder and fill with proper size tablets. (For pools: 1” or 3” diameter tablets. For spas: 1” tablets)
2. Replace cap making sure o-ring is clean, lubricated, and in place.
3. Turn on pump and timer switches for a minimum of 6 to 8 hours.
4. Adjust the control valve according to the size of the pool/spa. Use a test kit to determine the chemical residual. It is recommended that the chemical residual be checked daily for the first five days. Note: Hot weather, high water, and increased use will cause the pool/spa to use more chemical. Increase the feed rate a few days in advance when possible. The valve settings may require changes depending on the conditions.
1. Turn control valve to the closed position. SHUT OFF PUMP.
2. Wait one minute allowing the water and fumes to drain from the feeder.
3. Leave the control valve closed and turn on the pump. (The check valve will prevent water from entering the feeder).
4. Remove cap and fill with tablets.
5. Replace cap making sure o-ring is clean, lubricated, and in place.
(Hand tighten only).
6. Open control valve to original setting. Inspect the inlet line below the control valve wach time the feeder is recharged. Replace the lines yearly if needed.
If the feeder does not provide enough chemical residual when using 3” tablets, switch to 1” tablets. Smaller tablets erode faster producing more residual.
This feeder is designed to use only Trichlor-s-triazinetrione OR Bromine tablets- slow dissolving type.
UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES MIX Trichlor or Bromine with Calcium Hydrochlorite, with other forms of concentrated chlorine or with other chemicals. FIRE AND/OR EXPLOSION MAY RESULT. NEVER use oils or grease to lubricate o-ring. Oil in contact with Trichlor OR Bromine may result in FIRE. Lubricate o-ring with approved silicone o-ring lubricant only. If you are not the original owner of this feeder, or not sure which chemical was used, be SAFE and flush thoroughly with fresh water. CAUTION SHOULD BE USED
C U S T O M M O L D E D P R O D U C T S , L L C w w w . c - m - p . c o m
1 4 0 C E L T I C B L V D .
T Y R O N E , G A 3 0 2 9 0
7 7 0 . 6 3 2 . 7 1 1 2
1) 25280-100-005 Grate
2) 25280-000-920 Check Valve Assembly
3) 21023-000-000 2” Union
4) 25280-100-950 Flow Meter Assembly
5) 26203-021-250 O-ring, Upper Flow Meter
6) 26202-115-020 O-ring, Lower Flow Meter
7) 26100-100-330 O-ring, Dial Assembly
8) 25280-100-930 Dial Assembly
9) 25280-100-001 Cover Nut
10) 25280-109-002 Cover. Clear
10) 25280-100-002 Cover, White
11) 26101-060-530 O-ring, Cover
CAUTION: Do not install feeder into copper plumbing. Pipe damage may occur. Never install feeder before the heater. Heater damage may occur.
C U S T O M M O L D E D P R O D U C T S , L L C w w w . c - m - p . c o m
1 4 0 C E L T I C B L V D .
T Y R O N E , G A 3 0 2 9 0
7 7 0 . 6 3 2 . 7 1 1 2