The World Models E330 Super Taiji EP (40) Instruction Manual
THE WORLD MODELS E330 is a high-performance electric-powered precision model aircraft designed for experienced flyers. Its impressive 450W motor system, coupled with an 11x8E propeller, provides ample power for exhilarating flights. The aircraft's lightweight construction, achieved through the use of TOUGHLON STLE330000 and STL 100 WHITE covering, ensures both durability and agility. With a 4.5-inch C.G. position behind the leading edge, the E330 offers optimal balance and control during flight.
(Ud INSTRUCTION MANUAL SUPER TAlJI EP (40) SVREADY., - an A y y —— 450W Motor System ——# Requires: 4-channel radio w/ 4 mini servos, Outrunner Motor KM0374810, w/ Propeller Adaptor HW2340300, 40A Brushless ESC, 11x8E propeller, 4 cells 14.8V 3200 mAh Li - Po battery & charger. = _= Specifications Wing Span 52 in / 1320 mm Wing Area 490 sq in / 31.6 sq dm Flying Weight 3.9 Ib / 1770 g Fuselage Length 53.5 in / 1350 mM “Specifications are subject to change without notice.” Warning ! This model is nota toy. lt is designed for maximum performance. Please seek advice if one is not familiar with this kind of electric powered precision model. Operating this model without prior preparation may cause injuries. Remember, safety is the most important thing. Always keep this instruction manual at hand for quick reference. FWA FACTORY PRE-FABRICATED Lo = Ol Id, e. “ada _ ALMOST-READY-TO-FLY{ARF)SERIES MADE IN CHINA E330XMPO26131105 SUPER TAIJI EP (40) INDEX BEFORE YOU BEGIN ----==========cnneccnneocanancnane—o P.1 PARTS LIST-=====c=naeecaaaaacananacananacanananananenna P.2 ASSEMBLY=========ecaaacacaaaconaaanecaaaaonaanacanaa. P.3-P.10 SAFETY PRECAUTIONS -===-======enneccnaacananannnnne P.10 BEFORE YOU BEGIN O Read through the manual before you begin, so you will have an overall idea of what to do. O Check all parts. If you find any defective or missing parts contact your local dealer. Please DRY FIT and check for defects for all parts that will require CA or Epoxy for final assembly. Any parts you find to be defective after the gluing process may be difficult to remove for warranty replacement. The manufacturer will replace any defective parts, but will not extend to the parts that are good before gluing to defective parts during assembly. Warranty will not cover any parts modified by customer. O Symbols used throughout this instruction manual comprise of the following :- Apply instant glue Apply epoxy glue. (C.A.glue, super glue.) x H Assemble left and right sides the same way. Ensure smooth non-binding movement while assembling. maa; = Apply thread locker mn Must be purchased separately! Peel off shaded portion covering film. Cut off shaded portion. == I = = = Pierce the shaded portion E o Drill holes with the specified ки a 3mm diameter (here: 3mm). covering film. Pay close attention here! Warning! Do not overlook this symbol ! E330XMPO26131105 P.1 Parts List 1. MAIN WING -- 1 pair 2 SCREW PB2x18mm -- 4 pcs SCREW PA1.7x8mm -- 8 pes STRAPER PL4112106 —- 2pcs FUEL TUBE d2xD4x4rmm -- 4 pes CLEVIS PL4112105 -- 2 pes HORN PL4113102 -- 2 sets PUSHROD ©1.4x67mm w/ Threads (For Aileron) - 2 pes SERVO MOUNTING PANEL PL5310030 -- 1 pair 3. STABILIZER & ELEVATOR -- 1 set FUSELAGE - 1 pc. STABILIZER TUBE @8x168mm -- 1 po. SCREW PA26x10mm -- 2 pes WASHER d3xD7mm -- 2 pcs 4. VERTICAL FIN & RUDDER -- 1 set 5. TAIL LANDING GEAR -- 1 set TAIL WHEEL ©23mm -- 1 pc. COLLAR @21mm w/ set screw -- 1 pc. SCREW PA2.6x10mm -- 2 pes 6. SCREW PB2x16mm -- 4 pes CLEVIS PL4112105 -- 2 pes FUEL TUBE d2xD4xdmm -- 2 pcs HORN -- 2 sets PUSHROD O1.4x810mm w/ Threads (For Elevator) -- 2 pes 7. SCREW PB2x18mm -- 2 pcs CLEVIS PL4112105 -- 1 pe. FUEL TUBE d2xD4x4mm -- 1 pc. HORN -- 1 set PUSHROD ©1.4x865mm w/ Threads (For Rudder) -- 1 pc. 8. SOCKET HEAD SCREW M3x12mm -- 4 pes WASHER d3xD7mm -- 4 pcs COWLING -- 1 pc. SPINNER @62mm PL2111062 -- 1 set E330XMPO26131105 SCREW PWA2.6x8mm -- 4 pcs 9. MAIN LANDING GEAR -- 1 set MAIN WHEEL O50mm -- 2 pes WHEEL PANTS -- 1 pair SOCKET HEAD SCREW M2.5x12mm - 4 pes SCREW HM3x35m m -- 2 pes WASHER d2.5xD8mm -- 4 pcs WASHER d3xD7mm -- 4 pcs QUICK RELEASE NYLON RIVET PL1208042 -- 4 pes M3 NUT -- 2 pes COLLAR @3.1mm w/ Set Screw -- 4 sets ALUMINUM PLATE1mm -- 2 pes 10. STRAPER -- 2 pcs FUEL TUBE d2xD4x4mm -- 2 pes BATTERY TIE 270mm -- 2 pcs SPONGE 10x50x150mm -- 2 pcs DOUBLE-SIDED TAPE 30x35mm -- 1 pc. PUSHROD @1.4x42mm (For Elevator) -- 1 pc. PUSHROD CONNECTOR PL4410020 -- 1 set 11. WING TUBE 916x438mm -- 1 pc. SELF-TIGHTENING LATCHING PIN PLS120010 -- 2 pes WIRE ©0.6mm -- 1 pair M3x6mm SET SCREW -- 2 pcs 12. COCKPIT - 1 pe. ® COVERING: TOUGHLON STLE330000 TOUGHLON STL 100 WHITE P.2 1 Main Wing ) © Apply instant type CA glue to both sides of each hinge. — Alleron Servo Lead o] Le O Bottom View : ® ©1mm pilot holes for World Models tri-horn are pre-drilled. 2 Aileron Servo) Please look for pin-hole marks at under side of control surfaces. PB2x18mm Screw A PA1 .7x8mm Screw TWMPLa210010 —G.. В CLEVIS WRENCH @ Bottom View / | a Mg 7 a Straper carbs NF PAT. 7xBrmm Pe2x1 em m Fuel Tuba d2xDax4mm dexDaxtmm E330XMPO26131105 ds Stabilizer & Elevator) PAZ2.6x10mm Screw — 2? dixD7mm Washer 2 @ Temporary install the main wing, adjust leveling of the stabilizer _ to make it as parallel to the main wing as possible. E O Drill Y2 mm pilot holes on the stabilizer tube before applyIng the @ Bottom View PA2.6 mm screw. @ Bottom View @ Bottom View @ Completed QJ Vertical Fin & Rudder) O Apply instant type CA glue to both sides of each hinge. O Completed P.4 @Taii Landing Gear) PAZ 6x10mm Screw N Cies 2 PAZ 6x 10mm 2 imm Collar 2 1mm Collar © ee 3Mmm set screw 7 A @ Bottom View @ 21mm pilot holes for World Models horn are pre-drilled. a Elevator Push rod) Please look for pin-hole marks at under side of control surfaces. PB2x16mm Screw 4 TWM PL8210010 CLEVIS WRENCH Fuel Tube PB2x 10mm d2xD4x4mm (31 4x810mm , т € Bottom View Ne @ J 1mm pilot holes for World Models horn are pre-drilled. Rudder Pushrod) Please look for pin-hole marks at under side of control surfaces. PB2x18mm Screw 2 TWM PL8210010 CLEVIS WRENCH Pushrod (31 4x865mm d2xDa4x4mm @ Bottom View \. E330XMPO26131105 не a Outrunner Motor / Cowling / Spinner) Maxim Socket Head Screw Motor Mount м. Optional Parts Janna 4 PL5404000 eue = Ourumer37MsDeluxe — d3xD7mm Washer |= KM0374840 4 js ва ны EE EE EE N Sr e e O Ew is вн ны Em Ew PWA2 6x8mm Screw -— Oo passe “| O Make sure the rotating ET” motor casing is not in contact with wirings or Propeller Set (11x8E) i 00000 al (11x8E) anything. TT M2.5x12mm ANA LEC 0000 ga on m M2.5x12mm Socket Head Screw += M3x8mm Socket Head Screw da xD 7mm Washer Brushless ESC Im 1% ©? mad KPO011310 Solder Solder UNA TTR 2mm PA3x1 2mm Be Ч. ® Completed E330XMPO26131105 i a Main Landing Gear) M2 5x12mm Screw ñ Fo ——— 4 d? axD8mm Washer © i HM3x35mm Screw — u TO M2? 5x12m m d>? axDemm MI Nut @E——— 31mm Collar OB —: d3xD7mm Washer e Completed J Quick Release Nylon Rivet 4 d2xUD8mm Quick Release Nylon Rivet d2xD8emm — — 4 KAZ 3x8mm Screw | KAZ 3x8mm | — | [emacs 7 mr HMax3smm dsxC7mm Washer Set Screw MS Nut \_ Plate 1mm Fée J LR 10 Radio Equipment) ® Install and arrange the servo as shown in the diagram. Front Battery Tie AA Receiver | "AA Rudder Servo Straper — \ | \ Elevator Samo Pushrod Connector J) f Elevator Pushrod 21 4x42mm N.L B Fuel Tube attery Sponge doxDax4mm | +1(Fushrod 81 Ахат) { ] m Elevator Servo J2(Pushrod 21 4x51 0mm | If Tr P.7 E330XMPO26131105 a Main Wing ) FWAZ x 12mm Screw 4 3xemm Set Screw 0 2 LR 1 amm Wire 30. 6mm Sof Cara a 572 i= cog e Completed Set Screw MSXemm self Tightening Win Зи Wing Tube — A e А ns Wing Tube EM 6x438mm pr - i \ ; | | e E Lead to Ailleron Servo eCompleted PA Cockpit eCompleted E330XMPO26131105 P.8 Ewing Setting ) ® Adjust the wing and fuselage configuration as shown in the diagrams. A=A" B=B’ C=C’ E330XMPO26131105 a Control Th rows) Adjust the control throws as shown in the diagram. These throws are good for general flying. You can adjust according to your personal preference. Rudder pat T aoe { es es | 3S0MM Elevat e TT ‘ evator poet Tay en, A 2MM Aleron CC a 12mm eee 12mm C.G.) The ideal C.G. position is 114mm (4.5 in.) behind the leading edge measured at where the wing meets the fuselage. In order to obtain the C.G. specified, add weight to the fuselage or move the battery position. Check the C.G. before flying. 114mm par Ja Li 7 Atte theworld models com/dparadinstruction/instructionManuals. php Г Warning! Important Safety Precautions # First time flyer should never fly by himself / herself. Assistance from experienced flyer is absolutely necessary. # Pre-flight adjustment must be done betore flying, it is very dangerous to fly a badly pre-adjusted aircraft. # SUPER TAIJI EP (40) is specially designed to be powered by KM0374810 Outrunner Motor. # Make sure the air field is spacious, never fly the plane too close to people and never get too close to a running propeller. Extreme caution should be exercised when working with electric powered models. Make sure the propeller is cleared of all objects, COPS your hands before connecting the battery to the model. Make sure you understand the operation of the ESC (Electronic Speed Control) by studying the ESC manual. Once you plug in the battery for electric powered model, always treat the propeller as a rotating one, as accidental movement of the throttle stick will spin the propeller and could cause injuries. # If you find wrinkles on the covering as a result of weather changes, you can use hot iron to remove the wrinkles. Please begin with lower temperature setting and gradually raise the temperature until the wrinkles are gone. Too hot an iron may damage the covering. Don't use hot iron near the seams or edges, hot iron will melt the glue and shrink the covering at the same time, causing the seams to pull away. # Check and re-tighten up all factory assembled screws, use thread locker if necessary. P.10 E330XMPO26131105 LINKAGE CONNECTOR HW7111050 & HW7111060 egg ri 2mm hole at servo horn. en | Insert linkage connector — "7 | a 7 l into servo horn. Lo o Tr r= Make sure shoulder of = РЕГ screw is cleared from — ea ES horn. Add washer to reduce play if necessary. Shoulder т Tighten up the round nut against the shoulder. Apply 1 CA or permanent thread locker. After fastening the round nut, make sure that the linkage connector can rotate freely. E330XMPO26131105 Product Registration Form (US Customers) We would like to share with you any relevant information regarding your model, including product news and free upgrade parts when applicable. Please fill inthe following and send to Arrborne Models, 4749-K, Bennett Drive, Livermore, CA 94551 USA. 1. Name: 2. Address: 3. Phone #: E-mail: 4. Model: Wing QG# Fuselage QG# (QG numbers are stamped on wing and fuselage) 5. Date of Purchase: 6. Store Name: Please call AirBorne Models at 225 371 0922 for any assistance In filling this form. Thank you very much for purchasing our product. E330XMPO26131105 Optional Parts 3 - Pin EZ Connector CN ize Package | KP0011310 404 Max. Current 1 set == es) в Ш 19899 -ideal for electric models 2 - Pin EZ Connector Code No. Size Package | KP0011210 404 Max. Current 1 set w @ HB Nor -ideal for electric models 40A Brushless ESC Size | KC2040A02 55 x 28 x12mm 1 pc -Current : 40A continuous -Burst current ( < 10 seconds) : 554 -Welght : 33g (with wires) -BEC output : 34 -Input : Li-ion / Li - poly ? - 5 cells; Nimh / Nicd 5 - 15 cells Clevis Wrench Code No. Size Package | Pl8210010 1 set Small: Clevis Larges Clevis = Звания Special tool for clevis installation. Suitable for standard and small (EP) clevis. (PWM ACCESSORIES) Radial Mount Adaptor Set CO ee] HW2340300 1 sel Propeller Adaptor Wrench 24mm CodeNo. EE Package | HW311 2400 1 pc es à e | HWEELL2400 —> as Outrunner 37 / 48 Deluxe Package] KM0374810 1 pc -Kv (rpm / V): 770 -Operating Power: 450 W -Operating Voltage: 8.5 - 18 Y -Operating Current: 30 A -Peak Current: 384 (max. 15 sec.) -Intemal Resistance: 34 m ohms -Diameter: 37.2 mm -Lengih: 48.5 mm -Weight: 172 g -shaft Diameter: 5 mm -Shaît Length: 21 mm -Mounting Screw: -M3 (Front) and M2.5 (Back) -Distance of Mounting Holes: 25mm (Front) and 15.5mm (Back) E330XMPO26131105 E330XMPO26131105 Ducted Fan Pattern Warbirds Funfly Scale Electric Sports Glider Trainer Boat Accessories Covering {Lightex /Toughlon) The World Models Manufacturing Co., Ltd. www theworldmodels com E330XMPO26131105 ">