Patterson 15.00 EagleSoft, imaging software, Advanced Imaging, Cosmetic Imaging User Guide
Below you will find brief information for EagleSoft 15.00. This guide contains information on how to acquire, edit, and save images using EagleSoft's advanced imaging interface. You can also learn how to use the software to create templates and manage image documents.
Imaging – Un it 5
The Imaging unit contains the following cha pters:
Advanced Imaging
Cosmetic Imaging
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Advanced Imaging
EagleSoft’s imaging interface enables the user to acquire, edit and save any type of image, al l from one window. Create a template in a few easy steps without ever having to leave the exam.
The Imaging unit guides you th rough how to use Imaging. The section is broken down into areas based on a typical order of using Advanced Imaging.
• Accessing Advanced Imaging
• Opening Advanced Imaging for the First Time
• Acquiring New Images
Using Advanced Imaging – Functiona lity
• Ima ge Document Window
Accessing Advanced Ima ging
Open the Advanc
ed Imaging window from several places in EagleSoft.
• From
the Integra
ted Mode window, click on the Advanced Imaging icon
• Go t o Activities | Imaging, and select any of the options on the subm enu
• From
the Clinical Operatory window, cl ick on the icon that repr esents that module
• From
any of the Integration menus in Clinical, click on any of the imagi ng options
• Advanced Imaging
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Opening Advanced Imaging for the First Time
This section provides information on the basic elements of the Advanced Imaging window, including the toolbar, icons and so on. When you first open Advanced
Imaging, you will notice that the window is split into three areas: Toolbar, Exam Bar and Exam View. The toolbar is along the top part of the window and displays various functions for acquiring, editing and viewing images. On the far left of the window is the Exam Bar. This window displays three exam bars: Exams By Date,
New Exams and Exams By Type. Each area displays shortcut icons to exams or images. When you click on the shortcut icon, the image appears to the right in Exam
The Adv e the toolbar.
You can cust omize the layout of the toolbars, add or remove buttons and more.
Usabi lity Modes
There are t o di fferent toolbar modes: Standard and Advanced. The Standard mode offers ba sic toolbar buttons with text descriptions on each button. The Advanced
Mode offers all available toolbar buttons without the te xt.
rd – By default, the standard mode appears when you first open Advanced
Imaging. If y ou need to change to the Standard Mode, go to View | Usabili
Modes and c hoose Standa
Advanced – Choose this option to view all the advanced imaging buttons. To view these toolbar buttons, go to View | Usa
bility Modes and choose Advanced.
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• Advanced Imaging
Custom izing the Toolbar Area
Customize the toolbar by adding or removing toolbars, buttons or text.
Toolbar Options
To add a particular toolbar to the toolbar areas, go to Views | Toolbars and choose one of the following: File, View, Effects functions are available from the Adva
, Tools or Standard. All these toolbar
nced Imaging window menus.
Advanced Toolbar Options
Right-click on the toolbar to add or remove buttons or text.
For more information on customizing the Advanced Imaging toolbar, see the
Advanced Toolbar section in the Using EagleSoft chapter.
Exam Bar
The Exam Bar is d i vided into three sectio ns: Exams by Date, Exams by Type and
New Ex
ams. From this a rea, the icons represent the source of the template or exam.
You can also right-click on an icon and choose to remove, rename or mod ify the exams or templates. Right-click in the gray area of the Exam Bar window t o switch to small or large icons.
New E m
If you are no t already viewing the new exams area, cl ick the New Exams button, and the exam and template shortcuts are displayed. A small icon displayed on each shortcut denotes the type of template. For example, a wand represents a video template, a sensor represents a sensor template and so on.
Using the New Exams Area
To use the icons, click on a template. You now have two options for acquiring images.
Click Acquire on the Advanced Imaging toolbar, or right-click on a template, choose Acquire From and select a source.
Depending on your installation, you have different image sources available from this menu; however, the following sources appear at all times:
• Defau
lt Source – Select this to acquire an image from your predetermined default source
Sensor – Choose this option to acquire an image from a sensor
Scanner – Choose this option to acquire an image from a flatbed scanner or another TWAIN-compliant device
Video C apture
– Choose this option to acquire an image from an intraoral camera
• DenOptix – Select multiple images, right-click and choose t his option to acquire a DenOptix image. From the DenOptix Acquisition window, assign correspon ding carousel positions to the template positions selected
Other Exam
– Select this to acquire an image from a previous exam
Patterson EagleSoft Overview 15.00
• File – Select this option to import an image file from a location outside of EagleSoft
• Clipboard – Select this option to paste an image you have copied into the clipboard
Exams by Date
The Exams by Date area stores shortcuts to the exams. Just click the Exams by
Date bar on the left and exam icons appear. To view a recent exam, click on the exam icon and it appears in the window to the right.
Using the Exams by Date Area
To use the Exams by Date area, click on an icon and the images in the selected exam appear in the Exam View.
Right-click on an exam to rename or delete the exam.
Right-click to resize the icon.
Exams by Type
This area contains all of your saved exams. The Exams by Type area is divided into subsections according to types of images. Click the plus (+) next to IntraOral
Image icon to view IntraOral Image exams. The dates are listed next to each exam.
1. To view an image, click on the plus (+) next to the Radiography
Images icon. This expands Radiography Images category.
2. Click on the plus (+) next to Full Mouth Series. This expands the exam to display the images. Double-click on an exam to view all of the images in that exam.
3. Click on the Full Mouth Series icon and the image appears in the
Exam Window.
Single-Click Preview
While the Image View option is available in the Exam View window, you can preview exams while browsing in the Exams by Date area of the Exam Bar window. Click once to preview the image.
Right-Click Menu on an Exam
Right-click on an exam and the following options are available:
Rename – Rename the exam.
Transfer Exam – Transfer the exam to another patient.
Delete Exam – Delete the exam.
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U pdates Patient Last Bitewings, Updates Patient Last Full Mouth Series,
pdates Patient Last Panoramic – Select one of these options to update the patient’s last bitewings, full mouth series or last panoramic exam in the Clinical
Exam area.
Exam View
The default Exam View window displays images from any exam or document selected in the Exam Bar. From the Exam View, there are various functions available, such as the Image Document window or the right-click menu.
Image Document Window
Double-click on any image in the Exam View window to open the image in the
Image Document window.
• Advanced Imaging
For more information on using the Image Do cument window, see the Image
Document section later in this chapter.
Using e
The right-click menu in the Exam View has various advanced imaging functions.
Right-click on any image and the following functions are available:
• View Fullscreen – Choose th is to view images using the entire screen. Click anywhere on the scree n to return to normal view
• Original View – Choose this to toggle between the last enhanced image and the original image
• Acquire
From – Choose this option to acquire over an image. From this menu, you can select different methods of acquisition
• Mirror – Choose this option to rotate the image on the vertical axis
• Flip – Choose this option to rotate the image on the hori zontal axis
• Rotate 90, 180, 270 – Choose this to rotate the image according to the select ed degrees
• Exam Information – This updates the last exam date of the patient
’s last bitewing, panoramic or full mouth series. This information appears on the Summary window in the Clinica
l Exam module
• Image Information
– Choose the Image Informati
on window to selector, document group and example group
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• Description – Enter or edit a description of the image
Exam Group – Displays the Exam Group that the image belongs to, the source of the image and the location
Document Group – Choose a Document Group where you wish to assign the image. The Document Groups are classifications of types of images, such as Medical Histories,
Lower Arch, Patient Identification, and so on. The Full
Smile, Upper Arch, Lower Arch and Patient Photo groups update the images on the Summary screen of the Clinical
Example Group – The Example Group images are samplings of various images, such as amalgams, perio, before and after and so on. Example Groups can be accessed under Exam s By
Tooth Selector Area – Assign the selected image to specific teeth, quadrants or areas of the mouth
displays technical information ab out the image. Click Details to view only the top por tion of the window
• Image History – Select this option to view or apply past image modifications to the select ed image. Click a previous modification to view the image at that point. Click Undo to delete the selected modification. Click Go Back to return the image to the selected state
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• E-mail – Select this optio n to e-mail the image to a referral, hygienist and others
• Copy to Clipboard – Choose t his option to copy the selected image to the clipboard. You can then use the Paste button in the image’s window, if one is provided, or press Ctrl
+ V to paste the image
Advanced Imaging
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• Send to SmartDoc – Choose this option to move the selected image to SmartDoc
Image View
To use the Image View option, go to the View menu and choose Image View.
Double-click on the image in the Image View and it is opened in the Image
Document window.
The Image View window appears as follows:
• Advanced Imaging
The Image Vi
ew window gives you minimal editing functions, such as brightness and contrast adjustment, colorize and more. These features are the blue underline d hyperlinks to the right of the im age. These functions are also available from the menu and too lbar.
For more inf ormation on these functions and their use, see the Advanced Imaging
window – F
unctionality chapter.
Enter a name for the selec ted image in the text box. You can also assign the image to specific te eth, quadrants or areas of the mouth.
Image In formation View
To use the Im
age Information View window, go to the View menu a nd choose
Image Info View
. To view information about an image in the exam, cl ick on an image and th e information appears in the bottom of the screen.
T he Exa m View window appears as follows.
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Only exams in templates can be compared.
Image Desc (Image Description)
This displays the image description for the selected image. Click in the field to enter or edit the tex t.
This disp lays the source where the image was acquired (for example, Schick Sensor,
Scanner, r
Docum ent Group
This di s dropdown list box or the hyperlink to change the Document Group assignment.
Acq By (A cquired By)
This di splays who acquired the image by EagleSoft. Imported images will display the date the i mage was imported.
Acq On (A cquired On)
This di splays the date when the image was acquired.
This di splays the Example Group where an image has been assigned. To change the assignm ent, click the dropdown list box or the hyperlink and select a different group.
Tooth Se lector
The To oth Selector enables you to assign the selected ima ge to a tooth, quadrant or an area of the mouth. The Tooth Selector box is also available from other places throughout E
Viewing Open Images
EagleSoft gives you four new opt ions for viewing open images in Advanced
Imaging. Select a pa tient and click into Advanced Imaging to use these options. To use the new Viewing Open Images options, you must uncheck the Clinical preference Open one image document for each template. This preference is located under File
| Preferences | Images.
Browse Images: Clicking
| Browse Images
enables you to open a menu of all images for this patient from all available exams. Now you can see all your patient's images displayed by name in a single menu.
Open As Document:
Clicking File
| Open As Document allows you to open a selected image directly into the Document View window.
Open Cascaded: Clicking File
| Open Cascaded displays your open images stacked one on top of the other in Document View.
Comparison and/or Tiling Vertically – Tile vertically will work similar to tiling horizontally except that it will add new rows before adding new columns as the number of windows increases. Once the number of tiled image w indows causes the window height to shrink to 350 pixels, a new column of windows will be added.
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In Advanced Imaging:
1. Select the desired exams.
2. Next, right-click the exam folder in the Exams by Date bar or the Exams
By Type bar.
To Tile Vertically:
1. Select multiple images.
2. Select
ically. The number of images selected will determine the number of tiles.
Acquiring New Image s
Acquirin g images from the Advanced Imaging window is easy and ef ficient. Select an exam type from the Exam Bar and acquire an image from the selected exam type’s imaging sour ce. Note: When using the Gendex GX-S sensor, the status bar
must be visible. The green icon in the status bar will flash when the sensor is rea dy.
• Advanced Imaging
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1. Click n the Exam Bar window.
2. Choose
Sensor Exam Image Template shortcut. The Sensor Exam shortcuts are indicated by small Sensor icons on each shortcut.
3. Click to the exam, or right-click on the template position and choose Acquire From | Sensor or Default
If you are using Schick Sensor USB, you only need to have the Auto
Take checkbox selected in Clinical preferences.
2. Choose shortcuts are indicat ed by small DenOptix Exam icons on each shortcut. positions, press the Ctrl key and right-click on a template position.
Then, choose Acquire From | DenOptix or Default Source. template and choose a carousel position. The carousel row and column numbers appear in each template position window. When you have filled the template, click Scan to acquire the images.
Eagle Soft Scanner Interface
New Exams in the Exam Bar window.
2. Choose
Scanner Exam Image Template shortcut. The Scanner shortcuts are indicated by small Scanner ico ns on each shortcut. the exam or right-click on the template position and choose Acquire
From | Scanner or Default Source.
4. Under d like to use for this scan.
support all formats.
The higher the resolution, the more disk space that will be required for storing this image.
7. Select the Reduction percentage from the dropdown list. This option is a multiplier of the resolution option. For example, if the image resolution is set to 50 dpi and th e reduction is set to 50%, the resulting image will have a resolution of 25 dpi.
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images simultaneously, such as a digital camera. The dropdown list will include a list of all the available images on the device. attachment. Note: This option is not available on all devices.
• Advanced Imaging
Scan New Images
Auto Preview option to automatically preview scanner images. contained within a standard X-ray mount. This option enables the scanner to locate and select each image and scan them all as individual images. scanned images.
6. To delete scanned images in the Scanner window, right-click on a scanned image and select Delete. Click and drag on a scanned image to reposition.
7. Edit a selected image by dragging any side of the image.
Video Capture
2. Choose
Video Capture shortcut. The Video Capture shortcuts are indicated by small Video Capture icons on each shortcut. template position and choose Acquire From | Video Capture or
Default Source.
Click Unfreeze to search for another image. To open the image in a template within Advanced Imaging, click Save. The image appears in the Advanced Imaging window.
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options. Consult your hardware provider for more information about your video capture card capabilities.
6. Under Image Size, select the size of the image. Select the checkbox,
Output Enabled.
7. Select the checkbox Flip Image to automatically turn the image on the horizontal axis.
8. Select the checkbox Mirror Im
age to automatically turn the image on the vertical axis.
9. Select the checkbox Do Not Preview to disable the preview function.
10. Under Input, select from Composite, Aux and S-Video.
11. Under Output, select from the available selections.
12. Use the slider to control the Brightness, Contrast, Hue, Saturation,
Sharpness, Gamma, White Balance and Gain.
13. Select the Auto checkboxes to au tomatically enable these settings.
14. Select the Backlight Compensation checkbox to adjust backlight for use.
15. Select the checkbox Color Enable to transform black and white, grayscale and color on certain cards.
16. Select OK to finish.
17. Select Cancel to close the window without saving your chan ges.
18. Select the Default button to reset the defaulted values.
The average video size is about ten MB per minute of video. The average video length is five minutes.
Live Video Exam
This fea ture allows you to record live streaming video in Advanced Imaging an d save them as movies.
To acqui re Live Video:
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1. Select the camera icon on the Clinical interface or select the Acquire button on the Advanced Imaging toolbar.
2. In
w will indicate that the image is a movie file.
3. In the Image View, a player will be avail able from which the movie file can be viewed.
Select Freeze to capture a still image and discard the recording.
Import and export video files into Advanced Imaging as easily as you ca n import still images. Note: Video will be exported in the format in which it was originally
saved. This cannot be changed.
• Advanced Imaging template position and choose Acquire From | ScanX or Default
2. Choose
Panoramic Exam Image Template shortcut. lick on the template position and choose Acquire From | Panoramic or Default
Other Exam
the shortcut.
3. Click
ire to acquire images into the exam or right-click on the template po sition and choose Acquire From | Other Exam or Default
Source. (See the section Drag and Drop for more information)
template position and choose
Acquire From | File
Default Source
4. Browse to the file that contains the image.
The images are saved in a compression format of the original file type. For example, a .jpg image will be saved in EagleSoft as a .jpg compression.
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template position and choose Acquire From | Clipboard or Default
4. The item that you have copied onto the clipboard will be imported.
Drag and Drop Images
In Advanced Imaging , a new exam can be created or an existing exam can be edited by dragging and dropping images. Now, rearrange an imported exam or com bine a
DenOptix Full Mouth Series or ScanX exam with a click of the mouse.
To create a new exam from existing images:
1. In
|View Images, click New Exam and selec t an exam template. which you wish to drag the images.
Move your cursor to the desired location and release the left-mouse button to drop the image.
Tree, on the list of named images associated with the exam you have opened, left-click the name of the image and drag it to the location on the blank template where you would li ke the image to appear. Release the left-mouse button to p osition. A cur
ved green arro
drop the image in a new
w will appear when movin g images from an existing template to a new t emplate.
5 . T he image will no longer be ass ia l exam once it appears in the template.
6 . E xam will autosav e.
To rearrange imag es within an existing exam:
L eft-click the image you wish to o t to the new location.
2. Release the left-mouse button to drop the im age into the new location on the template.
3. The existing image will reloca
red and blue doub
te to the vacant frame on the template. A
le-headed arrow will appear when dragging images within the sam e template.
4. Exam will autosave.
To accommodate the latest in technology, EagleSoft has created a three-dimensional image viewer for use with 3-D imaging devices.
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• Advanced Imaging
Patterson 3-D Viewer
To accommodate the latest in technology, EagleSoft has created a three-dimensional image viewer for use with 3-D imaging devices.
Sagittal View
Coronal View
Window Width
Window Center
Coronal – Front to back Sagittal – Left to right
Axial View 3D or MIP View
Axial – Top to bottom
Viewer Options
OK – Select this option to save and close the Patterson 3-D Viewer.
Save As Exam – Select this option to save the current images as an exam.
Print – Select this option to print the current images.
Window Center – Use the slider to adjust the brightness of the Coronal, Sagittal,
Axial and MIP views. This option does not affect the 3-D rendering.
Window Width –
Use the slider to adjust the contrast of the Coronal, Sagittal,
Axial and MIP views. This option does not affect the 3-D rendering.
Slice Th
ickness – Use the slider to adjust the thickness or number of slices viewed in the Co na l, Sagittal and Axial views. The Bilinear option is the same as selecting only one slic e, but it used bilinear interpolation to provide a higher quality image.
Interpolation m eans replacing variables and literal characters with th e appropriate values. B
ilinear interpolation is an extension of linea r interpolation between two variables .
– Select this option to toggle the orientation lines in t he Coronal,
Sagittal and A xial views.
Hide Slices
– Select this option to hide the Coronal, Sagittal and Axial views a nd resize the 3-D or MIP view to fill the window.
Reset View
s – Select this opt ion to reset the orientation, window center, window width, transparency, and threshold values to the defaults.
Patterson EagleSoft Overview 15.00
Show MIP/
3-D Render – Select this option to toggle between Three Dimensional and MIP view s. Maximum Intensity Projection (MIP) as a computer visualization method for 3 -D data that projects in the visualization plane rendered from the viewpoint to the plane of projection. Animat ions are usually rendered of several
MIP frames c reating the illusion of rotation.
Sagittal plane – Select this option to toggle the Sagittal plane in the 3-D view.
The Sagittal plane divides the image into left and right.
Coronal plane – Select this option to toggle the Coronal plane in the 3-D view.
The Coronal plane divides the image into back to front.
Axial plane – Select this option to toggle the Axial plane in the 3-D view. The
Axial plane d ivides the image into top to bottom portions
3-D bounda
ries – Select th is option to toggle the yellow box in the 3-D view.
Perspective – Select this opt ion to toggle between perspective and orthogonal rendering. Perspective de fau lts to Orthogonal. Orthogonal means perpendicular or
‘at right angles’.
The following is an example of Perspective rendering.
Transparency – Use the slider to adjust th e transparency of pixels in the 3-D rendering.
Threshold – Use the slider to adjust the thr eshold of the 3-D rendering. The threshold determines which pixel values disp lay in the image. Pixel values below the threshold are invisible.
Image Recycle Bin
The Image Recycle Bin requires security level access.
The Image Recycle Bin allows you to remove i mages without deleting them , so they do not appear in the patient’s file.
When opting to delete an image from an image file, the following warning will appear.
Select Yes to n
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Warning: Purged images cannot be recovered or restored.
To access the Image Recycle Bin, select Utilities | Image Recycle Bin.
Note: Save to File will not save the actual image files.
Save to File creates a .txt file
listing the image names.
To restore an image to the original exam, highlight the image and select Restore.
To permanently delete an image from the Recycle Bin, highlight the image and select Purge.
To save the list of images in the recycle bin to a text file, select Save to File. Select the location for storing the file and select OK. Files saved outside of EagleSoft will not be backed up with the rest of your database.
Use the Select All button to select all the images in the bin. Use the Clear All button to deselect any selected images in the bin. To select multiple images without selecting all images, depress the Ctrl key while you select.
Use the Print button to print a report of all images in the Recycle Bin. Select the
Close button to close the bin.
Using Advanced Imaging – Functionality
The Advanced Imaging and Image Document windows include many image editing and managing functions. The standard and advanced toolbar buttons are displayed under the name of the function. If available, the hyperlink in the Image
View window is listed as well.
An asterisk (*) denotes the feature is only available from the Advanced Imaging window.
• Advanced Imaging
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File Menu
Click New from the File menu and choose from the following:
IntraOral Images X-ray Sensor Images
Scanned Images
Panoramic Images
DenOptix Images
ScanX Images
When you select an option from this menu, the Exam Bar loads the New Exam and the image template appears in the Exam View window.
Open As Document
Choose O
pen As Document to open a selected ima ge directly into the Document
View window.
Open Cascaded
Choose Ope
n Cascaded to open images s tacked one on top of the other in
Document View.
Open Tiled Vertically
Choose Open Tiled to open images arranged side by side.
Open Tiled Horizontally
Choose Open Tiled to open images arranged stacked.
Browse Images
Choose Browse Images to open a menu of all images for this patient from all single m enu.
Choose Save to keep the cu rrent image and any modifications you’ve made to the image.
Choose Delete to remove an image.
Choose Import to intro duce an image into the Advanced Imaging module. You can im port the following file types: .PSD, .CAL, .PNG, .EOP, .CGM, .EPS, .IMG, .ICA,
.WPG an d .PCX.
Schick Images: Import *
If you are usi ng Schick CDR Version 2.6 Software, you can import Schick im ages into the A va nced Imaging module.
From the File menu, select Import Schick Images .
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Select Si
able to impor t only one image at a time. If you choose
Complete Exam, you will be
Single Ima ge
3. Select the folder t hat contains your exams and double-click or click
Open. The folders are labeled after the last and first
names of the patient to whom the exam belongs. For example, John Smith’s fold er is labeled Smithjoh.001.
An Explorer-style window similar to the foll owing appears.
4. Select the im age you want to view in Advanced Im aging.
5. Afte r you have imported an image, you can t hen select, clear, delete or reset the import window.
The Import Schick Images window appears.
C omplete Exam
When exporting X-rays, use the
8-Bit option when prompted.
When exporting video/camera images, use the 24-Bit option when prompted.
3. Select the folder that contains your exams. The exams are probably in the X-rays folder.
4. Select the exam folder and click OK.
5. Repeat steps 5-6, described previously.
Choose Export to export your image to a directory on your machine, saved as any of the following file types: .PSD, .JPG, .PCT, .TIF, .TGA, .BMP, .WMF or .PCX.
Export All
Choose Expor t All to export all selected images to a directory on your machine, saved as any o f the following file types: .PSD, .JPG, .PCT, .TIF, .TGA, .BMP,
.WMF or .PCX
• Advanced Imaging
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Your e-mail provider drives all e-mail features.
Choose E-mail to electronically send the selected image to a patient, a specialist and/or an employee in the office.
E-mail All*
Choose E-mail All to e-mail all images opened within the Exam View window.
Choose Print to print the selected image(s).
Print All*
Choose Print All to print all open images.
Print 1:1 (actual size)
This option will print the selected image in actual size centered on the page with patient and practice information as selected in Preferences. Depending on the size of the image, some clipping may occur.
P rint Custom*
Customize your print layout with the Print C
ustom option. This feature enables you to impro c d improve referrals to other doct rs. To use t his feature, select the exam you want to print and the im ages from the exa m. Multiple images can be selected using the Ctrl key.
Customize Print Layout
1. Choose any images you want to use in the Print Custom window.
2. Choose
tom from the File menu.
The Print Custom window appears. The exam images are on the left of
the window.
Review the section on Printer
Administration for more information on default printers.
For example, you can use Import to put your office logo on all Custom
printer and orientation you will be usin g to print your custom report.
Note: failure to choose a printer and orientation prior to attempting to
print could result in the loss of your custom report.
4. Choose a print template. In the Print Custom toolbar, click the
Template button and choose a template to use for your print layout.
5. Select an image and click Add Image to move an image to the blank sheet. You can also select an area in the template and double-click on
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the image to move it to the layout. Click Import to add an image from another location on your hard drive.
6. Once the images are on the layout page, you can place them anywhere on the page. Click on the image and drag the image to any location on the page. Resize images using the corner handles.
7. To add text, practice information, patient information or AutoNotes, click Text. Drag the cursor across to open the Text Properties window.
The Text Properties window appears.
The Patient and Practice address information is populated based on preferences selected in the Image
Preferences tab.
practice information, AutoNotes an d Referral Info. You can change the text color, the font type, the size an d the alignment of the text. Click
OK to insert the text.
When using the Spell Checking preference to Check Spelling While Typing in
Text Notes, you will notice a wavy line appears under any unrecognized word. You may right-click on the unrecognized word and choose Add to include the word in your Spell Check dictionary.
When using the Spell Checking option to Check When Done Typing, clicking the
Process or Cancel button will launch the Spelling Error window. In the Spelling
Error window, choose from the following options:
• Click the Change button to retype the unrecognized word. Click into the Misspelled Word box and retype the word
• To use one of the Spell Checker’s suggested words, highlight the word and click the Change button
• Click Change All to apply the suggested or corrected word to all occurrences of the unrecognized word
• Click Ignore to skip the word
• Click Ignore All to skip all occurrences o f this word
• Click the Add button to add a word to t he Spell Checker’s lexicon
• Click Cancel to close the window
9. The remaining buttons on the top toolbar enable you to draw lines, add tim e stamps, rotate images and more.
10. Use the right toolbar for size and alignm ent adjustments. Select all of your images by holding down the Ctrl key and clicking on each im age with the mouse pointer. When you’ve selected the images, clic k any of the following to adjust the images:
• Advanced Imaging
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This aligns the left edges of the images.
This aligns the right edges of the images.
This aligns the top edges of the images.
This aligns the bottom edges of the images.
This centers the images vertically.
This centers the images horizontally.
This spaces the images equidistant from each other running horizontally.
This spaces the images equidistant from each other running vertically.
If there are images of different widths, this changes all of them to the same width of the last image selected.
If there are images of different heights, this changes all of them to the same height of the last image selected.
This changes all the images to the same size of the last image selected.
Patterson EagleSoft Overview 15.00
The image orientation buttons can be found on the right-hand menu of but ton options. These options allow you to flip, mirror and rotate im ages.
This button allows you to scale the existing images to fit within the n.
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Print Custom Image Templates
Create, e dit and use an unlimited number of customizable templates for Custom
Image Printin g.
Using the blank layout, arrange your images as desired and select
Template | Save As to create a new template.
• Advanced Imaging
In Custom Print,
List. Select the e
Use button to use the selected template. Select the New button to reset the current template. Select the Edit button to make changes to the current template. Selec t Delete to delete the current template. Select the Close button to close the window .
In the Image
Preferences tab, use the drop arrow to select a default template
ge Printing.
Using Prin u
To save your pri nt layout for later use, make sure you hav
printouts as a
e the Save custom image
im ges preference checked on the Image tab in C
linical Preferences.
If this is selected , each custom image layout is saved.
1. To view or use the custom image layout, open the Advanced Imaging window. buttons.
A Custom
Image Printout icon is available in either folder. Click the icon to display the image in the Exam View.
The Close option is only available from the Image Document window.
Edit Menu
Choose Undo to undo your last manipulation of an image.
Image History
Choose Image History to view, revert or apply the previous changes made to the image.
Patterson EagleSoft Overview 15.00
Choose Copy to duplicate the selected image or the selected part of an image to the clipboard .
Paste As New Image
Choose Paste As New Image to paste the selected image, or the selected part of an image, into an exam as a new image.
Image Pre ferences
Choose Image
to specify your Advanced Imaging preferences for
Label Tools, Text Tools and Measurements.
Label Tools
1. Select
Label Tool from the dropdown list box. The Label Tools are used to select or point out areas of an image.
2. Adjust the Pen Size, Color Scheme, Pen Color or Fill Color.
Text Tools
From this tab, modify the annotation or text/date tools.
1. Click the dropdown list box and choose Annotation. The words
Sample Text appear in the preview box.
2. Along the bottom of the preview window are four buttons that change the color and frame of the text on your screen.
3. Adjust the Pen Size, Color Scheme, Pen Color or Fill Color.
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• Advanced Imaging
1. Click the dropdown list box and choose Text/Date.
2. Along the bottom of the preview window are four buttons that change the alignment and color of the text on your screen.
3. Adjust the Color Scheme, Text Color and Fill Color Size. appears with the Text/Date stamp.
This enables you to modify the appearance of measurements in the Advanced
Imaging window. measurement for the entire distance. measurements in between points.
4. Choose colors for the specific area from the color dropdown list boxes.
Label Properties
Choose Label Properties to modify the properties of a label you assigned to an image (for example, Da te and Time Stamp).
Patterson EagleSoft Overview 15.00
View Menu
1:1 View
Choose 1:1 View to view the image in its original size.
Fit To Window
Choose Fit To Window to stretch the image to fit the size of a window that has been resized.
Full Screen
Choose Full Screen to view the selected image in its original size with many of the elements of the window, such as toolbars, removed so you can focus on the image.
Original View
Choose Original View to view the image as it was o riginally acquired.
Show Annotations
Choose Show Annotations to view any annotations attached to the selected image.
Show Measurements
Choose Show Measurements to view any measurements related to the selected image.
Show Labels
Choose Show Labels to view any labels related to the selected image.
Measurement Detail
Choose Measurement Detail to view any measurements taken for the selected image.
Image View*
Choose Image View to view the image in a separate window with image editin g capability.
Image Info View
C ho ose Image Info View to view image information for the selected image in the
Exam View window.
Usability Mode
Choose Usability Mode to modify the mode in which you use Advanced Imaging .
Choose Standard for a basic toolbar with general tools or Advanced for the full toolbar with all available imaging tools.
Choose Toolbars to modify the toolbars displayed on your window.
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• Advanced Imaging
Image Menu
Choose Acquire to obtain an image from the selected source of that exam.
Click Retake to acquire a new image over an existing one.
Use the Region Selector to choose a portion of the image. Choose Crop to resize the selected portion of the image.
Choose Mirror to turn the selected image horizontally.
Choose Flip to turn the selected image vertically.
Choose a Rotate button to turn the selected image 90, 180, or 270 degrees. Click
Custom to rotate the image to your own customized specifications.
Choose Swap to exchange images within an open template. To use swap images, select an image in the Exam View and press the Ctrl key. Select the images you want to exchange and click Swap.
Choose Information to view or modify Image Information, including:
Description – Specify a description of the image.
Exam Group – View the exam group for the image, if applicable.
Date Acquired – View the date the image was acquired.
Acquired By – View the provider/staff member who acquired the image.
Acquired From – View the image acquisition source.
Image Type – View the Image Type.
Tooth Info – Specify a tooth number or range of teeth for the selected image. This is helpful when viewing images “By Tooth Number” in the Open Images dialogue, in Chart or within the Perio Exam window.
Image File Information – View specifications for the selected image, such as
Format, Dimensions, Image Size, Resolution and File Size.
Exam Information
This area updates the patient’s last bitewing, panoramic or full mouth series.
Patterson EagleSoft Overview 15.00
Effects Menu
Clarify is an adaptive contrast enhancement tool designed to brighten, sharpen, normalize and contrast an image for maximum clarity.
Clarify Setup
Use Clarify Setup to establish the parameters for the Clarify feature.
To access Clarify Setup, select Effects | Clarify Setup in Advanced Imaging.
Choose from the following options:
• Clarify Type – Select Clarify 1 or Clarify 2. Clarify 1 is the current
Clarify settings. Clarify 2 runs much more quickly, but is just as effective.
Selecting a different Clarify Type will automatically reset the Intensity,
Gain, Radius and Adjust Histogram values to their defaults
• Defaults – Select this button to reset the settings to the default values for
Clarify 1
• Apply Clarify – Select this option to apply the current Clarify settings to the original image. The resulting image will be displayed on the right
• Intensity – Use the arrows or slide the bar to determine the Intensity setting. This is available for Clarify 1 and 2
• Gain – Use the arrows or slide the bar to determine the Gain setting. This is available for Clarify 1 only
• Radius – Use the arrows or slide the bar to determine the Radius setting.
This is available for Clarify 1 and 2
• Adjust Histogram – Select the checkbox to apply a histogram adjustment after applying Clarify. This checkbox is selected by default when using
Clarify 1
• Pan – Select to manually move the view of the preview boxes
• Zoom – Select to zoom in or out on either the original or the resulting image
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• Zoom To Fit – Select to fit both the original and resultin g image into the preview boxes
• 100% – Select to zoom in or out on either the original
or the resulting image
• OK – Sele ct to save the Clarify settings and apply them to the currently selected image. Changing these settings will affect any image where
Clarify has been applied
Choose Enlighten to adjust overexposure or underexposure of the image.
Choose Bright/Cont to adjust the brightness and contrast levels on the selected image. When the hyperlink is clicked, the mouse pointer changes into an L-shaped cursor.
To change the contrast in the image, left-click on the mouse and move the pointer left or right, or adjust both simultaneously by moving the cursor in a diagonal direction. Release the left-click when finished.
A sub-menu of options is available from the Brightness/Contrast menu.
Increase Brightness
Choose this option to increase the intensity in the selected image.
Decrease Brightness
Increas e Contrast
Choose this option to decrease the intensity in the selected image.
Choose t his option to increase the disti nction within the image.
Decrea se Contrast
Choose t his option to decrease the distinction within the imag e.
Choose t his option to customize the brightness and contras t of the image. Select this option an d an L-shaped cursor appears. Hold down the left-mouse button and drag the curso r up or down to increase or decrease the bright ness. Drag the cursor left or right to i ncrease or decrease the amount of contrast.
Normal ize
Readjusts the contrast balancing the darkest/lightest areas.
• Advanced Imaging
Patterson EagleSoft Overview 15.00
Readjusts the contrast to spread uniformly throughout the image.
Dynamic Range Darken/Dynamic Range Lighten
Both Dynamic Range functions perform dynam ic range compression (a non-linear brightness/contrast adjustment) on the selected image.
Histogram Adjustment
Choose Histogram to adjust the image properties.
Click and slide the black arrows or select the specific box and enter a new value to adjust the Maximum, Minimum, Low, Gamma and High settings. Select the
Open button to select a Custom Histogram Adjustment. Select the Save button t o save the current settings as a Custom Histogram Adjustment.
The following appears:
Enter a name for the Histogram Adjustment Description and select OK.
Select the Reset button to return to the original settings for this image. Select the
OK button to save th e settings for this image. Select the Cancel button to close this window without sav ing.
Choose Smooth to make edges appear less distinct in the selected image.
Sharp en
to make edges appear more distinct in the selected image.
Noise Reduction
Choose N
oise Reduction to clear up any video static in the selected image.
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Custom Filter
Choose Custom Filter to adjust the image properties. Please contact Patterson
EagleSoft Support for assistance prior to using this feature.
• Advanced Imaging
From the Effect menu in Advanced Imaging, select Custom Filter. Enter a name for the Filter.
• Pan – Select the button to reposition the image
• Zoom – Select the button to magnify a specific area
• Arrow – Select the button to resize the image
• 100% – Select the button to return the image to its original size
Click into the boxes to assign a value to the Filter Matrix. Enter a value for the
Division Factor and Bias.
Select OK to apply these adjustments to this image. Select Cancel to close the window without accepting the changes. Select
to save these settings as a
Custom Filter. Select Delete to delete a Custom Filter option.
Click Colorize to toggle colorization on and off.
Choose Invert to reverse the existing colors of the image to their opposite color, creating a “negative” of the selected image.
Hue/Light ness/Saturation
Choose Hue/Lightness/Saturation to modify these elements of the selected image.
Extract Color
Choose Ext. Red, Ext. Blue or Ext. Green to remove red, blue or green from the selected image.
Choose Emboss to add a textured look to your image.
Patterson EagleSoft Overview 15.00
Emboss 3-D
Choose Emboss 3-D to add a textured, three-dimensional look to your image.
Edge Enhancement
Choose Edge Enhancement to create a darkened, flattened image with highlighted edges.
Laplace Edge Enhancem ent
Choose Laplace Edge Enhancement to create a texturized, flattened image with highly defined edges.
Use the Highlight feature to demonstrate the spreading of a condition on X-ray images. This feature enables the user to enhance gray areas in an X-ray image with the color of their choice. By highlighting a region and adjusting the tolerance, this enhancement can be an effective tool for cas e presentation. image, the mouse cursor appears as a dropper.
2. Click in an area of the image and choose a color from the Color palette window.
Patterson EagleSoft Overview 15.00
The color appears in the image.
3. Click in another area of the image and choose a different color from t he color palette window. T hat color also appears in the image.
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4. When both colors are applied, right-click and drag the pointer in the le ft or right direction to increase or diminish highlighted areas. This shows where the affected area will spread next.
5. To reset the image, right-click on the image in the Exam View and choose Original View or just click on another image.
6. To stop using the Highlight, select the Arrow option from the toolbar, menu or the hyperlink in the Image View window.
Custom Image Effects
Choose from previously created enhancements. To create image enhancements for
Advanced Imaging, follow these instructions.
1. To create image enhancements, go to Lists | Clinical Lists | Custom
Image Enhancements.
• Advanced Imaging
3. Type the description of your enhancement.
4. Select enhancements and, if available, a degree of modification for each one.
Using Custom Image Effects
2. To apply the Custom Image Enhancements, go to the Effects menu and choose Custom Image Effects.
3. Choose an image enhancement.
4. The image enhancement is applied to the image.
Tools Menu
EagleEye is a diagnostic tool that enables you to view areas of the image in high contrast, colorized or inverted w ays. Instead of applying broad changes to an entire image, EagleEye gives you the ability to choose specific areas of the image.
There are six different EagleEye effects available from the EagleEye submenu: Spot
Enlighten, Spot Colorize, Spot Fire, Spot Ice, Spot Invert and Spot Zoom. You can also customize the spot size and the zoom level (magnification of the selected area of the image).
Patterson EagleSoft Overview 15.00
When you click the EagleEye hyperlink in the Image View window, you can rightclick and access the EagleEye submenu.
1. To use the EagleEye on an image in the Image View window, click the
EagleEye hyperlink.
2. Move the mouse pointer over the image. A spot appears with an icon that symbolizes the type of spot enhancement, such as the following: a candle represents Spot Enlighten, a small flame represents the Spot
Fire and so on.
3. Hold down the left-mouse button and move the mouse cursor around the image to use the spot enhancement.
The following is an example of the Spot Fire in use.
4. To change the type of enhan cement, choose the EagleEye submenu or right-click on the image.
5. To increase the size of the enhancement, choose the EagleEye submenu o r right-click on the image. From the menu, select one of these spot sizes: Small, Medium, Large or Extra Large. The size difference is applied when the enhancement is used.
6. If you are using the Spot Zoom en hancement, choose the EagleEye submenu or right-click on the image t o change the degree of magnification. From the menu, you have three Zoom Level options:
ow, Normal and High.
Choose Selector to utilize the selector tool.
Region Selector
Choose the Region Selector to select regions of the image.
Choose Zoom, then left-click anywhere on the image to zoom in on that image. To zoom out, right-click on the image.
After clicking the Zoom option, choose Pan, then simply click and drag the pa n tool on your image to move it in the direction you desire.
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Choose Text to add text to the selected image. Click and drag the Text cursor t o open the Text Properties window.
• Advanced Imaging
The following options are available from the Text Properties window:
These buttons enable you to align the text with the left margin, center the text or align the text with the right margin.
Click this button to change the font type, style and size.
Enter the text you want to appear on your image. View how the text will appear in the Preview window.
Color Scheme – Choose Color to change the color of the text and the background of the text. Choose Watermark to modify the watermark levels. Choose Invert to invert the fill and text colors.
Spell Checking – If you have the preference checked to use both options in Spell
Checker, the following are available in the Spelling Error window:
• Click the Change button to retype the unrecognized word. Click into the Misspelled Word box and retype the word
• To use one of t he Spell Checker’s suggested words, highlight the word and click the Change button
• Click
Change All to apply the suggested or corrected word to all occurrences o f the unrecognized word
• Click Ignore to skip the word
• Click Ignore All to skip all occurrences of the word
• Click the Add To Dictionary button to add a word to the Spell
Checker’s lexicon
• Click Cancel to close the window
Choose Line to draw a line on the selected image.
Patterson EagleSoft Overview 15.00
Choose Circle to draw a circle on the selected image.
Choose Square to draw a square on the selected image.
P encil
Advanced Imaging window.
Images acquired using Schick sensors are ‘precalibrated’ and can be measured immediately after acquisition.
Non-Schick images will require a measurement standard such as a Tooth File.
C hoose Measure to take measurements of any area on your image. With your
Measure cursor, move to the point where you want to begin taking the measurement double-click. The Measurement Information window (see the following image) is
Enter a Description for the measurement.
Modify the units used for the measurement: Inches, Millimeters or Centimeters.
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If you are using the Measurement tool and the measurement tool has not been calibrated, the Calibrate Measurements window appears.
Calibrate Measurements
Choose Calibrate Measurements to enter your own precise measurement to be used by the Advanced Imaging module.
With your m easurem ent cursor, move to the poi nt where y ou want to begin taking the measurement and left-click. Drag the line to the po int you want to measure and left-click again. The Calibrate Measurements window (see the following image) is displayed.
• Advanced Imaging
The Reported Distance is displayed. Enter the Actual Distance from your own measurements. The measurement(s) you enter in the Actual Distance field(s) is used in calculating any future measurements on this same image.
Activities Menu
Change Patient
Choose Change Patient to select a different patient from the Person List without closing Advanced Imaging.
Patient Photo
Choose Patient Photo to view the current patient’s photo, if available.
To assign a patient photo to a pati ent, see Image Information under the Image
Menu section earlier in this chapter.
Patient Alerts
Choose Alerts to view any alerts for the current patient, if applicable.
Clinical Exam
C hoose Clinical Exam to access the patient’s clinical exam.
Choose C
hart to access the patient’s chart.
Choose Perio to ac cess th e patient’s Perio exam.
Choose PSR to acce ss th e patient’s PSR exam.
Patterson EagleSoft Overview 15.00
Medical History
Choose Medical History to access the patient’s medical history.
Practice Management
Choose Practice Management to switch to the EagleSoft Practice
Management application.
Choose Notes to create a new text, audio or scribble note or to view Note History for the current patient.
Choose OnSchedule to start OnSchedule, Practice Management’s scheduling tool, or to access areas of OnSchedule such as Day-at-a-Glance or Week-at-a-
Task List
Choose Task List to create, edit and view scheduled tasks.
Choose SmartDoc to launch the SmartDoc feature.
Choose Messenger to open the Messenger window.
Image Document Window
Anywhere an image is available in EagleSoft, you can double-click on the image and open it in the Image Document window. This window gives you all the
Advanced Imaging tools, and you can also change the image or example group settings. A thumbnail, a smaller version of an image, is available to the left of the larger image. If you open an image within a template, the template m ap (a collection of all the images within that template) is also available to the left of the image.
Thumbnail Map
The Thumbnail Map displays a smaller version of the image. When you zoom in on a part of the actual image, a green box appears on the thumbnail in t he location you are viewing.
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You can also use the green box in the thumbnail to navigate to different areas of the larger image. To do this, move the mouse pointer over the green box. The mouse pointer turns into a hand (see the following image). Hold down the left-mouse button and drag the green box to different areas of the image.
Customizable Toolbar
The customizable toolbar is available from the Image Document window.
Template Map
When you view an image attached to a template, the other images are loaded into a template map located in the bottom left of the Image Document wi ndow. This feature enables you to browse all the images in the template from the Im
Document window. To browse images in the template, click on differe
nt thumbnail im ag es on the Template Map to view different images.
• Advanced Imaging
Image Document Viewing
Use the View menu to maximize your viewing area. In the Image Document, select
View. Deselect the Thumbnail view and/or Image Detail View. This will increase the size of the viewing area for the image.
Patterson EagleSoft Overview 15.00
Cosmetic Imaging
EagleSoft provides a cosmetic imaging tool to enhance and modify images. These features give you the best imaging tools offered in most expensive cosmetic programs. Applying cosmetic enhancements to your images with the Cosmetic
Imaging tool saves you money and time.
Accessing Cosmetic Imaging
To access the Cosmetic Imaging tool, make sure you are viewing a recent or saved video exam.
When you are ready, select an image and click the underlined word Cosmetic .
Click Cosmetic Imaging on the toolbar.
Choose Cosmetic Imaging from the Window menu in Advanced Imaging.
The Cosmetic Imaging window appears.
On the left, there are various cosmetic tools divided into five sections according to the type of adjustment or enhancement.
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Using Cosmetic Imaging
Use Select Area to outline a specific tooth or to highlight a selection of teeth.
The Size slider applies to each of these functions. Move the Size slider up to decrease the size of the paintbrush. Move the Size slider down to increase the size of the paintbrush.
This brush acts as if the user is smudging a selected portion of the image.
Whitener: This brush demonstrates the outcome of bleaching or whitening teeth.
Adjust the levels of whitening with the Whitener slider in the Levels section of the window.
Eraser: Use this brush to restore an area of the image to its original state.
Defocus: Use this brush to sharpen or smooth areas of the image. When you are finished adjusting the Defocus level, hold down the left-click mouse button and drag the mouse cursor over an area of the image.
Adjust the Defocus slider to change the Defocus level. Move the slider above center to smooth the image. Move the slider below center to sh arpen the image.
Use this to paint freely anywhere on the image. Click the underlined word.
Set Color:
Use to change the paint color. Right-click on the image to change the paint color.
Magnify: Use this brush to zoom in on specific areas of the image.
Match Color: Click in a specific area of the image, and the paintbrush matches the color of that area.
Circle: Click the circle to make circular-shaped impressions.
Diamond: Click the diamond to create diamond-shaped impressions.
Square: Click the square to create square-shaped impressions.
For these functions, use the Transparency slider to increase or decrease the density of the selected area of the image.
Copy Area: This enables you to create a copy of the selected area and move, rotate or resize the copied area.
Select Area: Click this option to enable you to select an area of the image. Select the area by clicking and dragging the mouse from point to point. You can also clic k points on the image to select an area of the image. Double-click when finished selecting the area. To deselect a point you have selected, right-click and move the mouse backward to the last click. To continue deselecting, continue right-clicking around the selected area.
Flip Area: This vertically flips the selected area.
Add to Lib: Click this to add the selected area to the Example Groups folder.
You can also assign descriptions and groups to the new images.
Mirror Area: This flips the selected area horizontally.
Match Color: Click this to change the color of the selected area to match the adjacent colors in the image.
• Cosmetic Imaging
Patterson EagleSoft Overview 15.00
Use Select Teeth and the
Whitening slider to whiten all teeth at the same time.
Lorin Library users can access those images using the Library link.
EagleSoft recommends saving your work often when using the
Cosmetic module.
Select Teeth: Click this link to modify only the teeth on an image. After you’ve clicked the link, use the mouse to draw a box arou nd the patient’s mouth. Release the left-mouse button. You can also click points on th e image to select an area of the image. Double-click when finished selecting the area. The teeth are automatic ally highlighted in blue.
Edit Selection: When the Select Teeth option is being used, right-click in the selected area to remove portions of the selected area. Left-click to add area. You can also adjust the Focus slider to increase or decrease the selected area.
Try In
Clipboard: This enables the user to fill the selected area with an image from the c lipboard. When you click this option, you can then paste in whatever is currently in the clipboard.
Import File:
This enables you to import an image from your hard drive into the selected area. When you click the option, a Windows Explorer box appears. You can then browse through your folders and choose an image.
Library: Click this feature to add images from the Library to the selected area of the current image. Use the mouse cursor to select an area of the image. Click
Library and a Select Image(s) window appears. Ch oose the image you want to insert by selecting the checkbox and click OK.
Add to Lib: This feature enables you to add the current image or selected area of an image into the Library. Use the orientation boxes and the Level sliders to adjust the inserted image.
Basic Operations
This closes the Cosmetic Imaging window.
Save: Click save to save the cosmetically enhanced image.
Print: Click print to print the cosmetically enhanced image.
: Click zoom to magnify the entire image. Use the left-mouse button to zoom in and the right-mouse button to zoom out.
This deletes a floating image that was inserted or imported into the original image. Note: Once the imported or inserted image is no longer a floating selection,
Reload must be used to remove it. Reload will restore the image to its original state.
Comparison: This feature enables you to open a before, during and after view of the images called the Cosmetic Comparison Simulator. In this window, the original image is compared to the cosmetically enhanced image (as seen in the following
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The Simulator shows you the original and enhanced image, as well as the steps used to enhance the image. Use the slide level to adjust the speed of the simulation.
Click Stop to stop the simulation.
Click Close to end the simulation.
Click the Print button to open the Cosmetic Comparison in Custom Report
Printing. Use any of the Custom Print features to further enhance your cosmetic image. Click Print to print this report.
Print: Click to print the image.
Reload: Click to reload the image to its original state.
Undo: This cancels the last action performed. Undo will not remove a floating selection.
Defocus: Move the defocus slider up to increase the smoothness of the image, or move the slider down to sharpen the image. Using it with the Select Teeth option increases or decreases the selected area.
Whiten: Slide this bar to change the level of whitening on the selected teeth.
Transparency: This increases or decreases the density of a floating image.
Size: This enables you to increase or decrease the size of any of the brushes.
Lorin Library
EagleSoft offers the ability to interface fully with the Lorin Library of images to further enhance your cosmetic imaging experience.
The Lorin Library is an integrated product that can be purchased separately.
After loading the Lorin Library compact disc, select the Library hyperlink in
Cosmetic Imaging.
You must have an area selected in Cosmetic Imaging prior to clicking into Library
In the Select Images window, the Lorin Smile images will be listed in numerical order. Clicking on the name of any Lorin Smile image w ill display a preview in this window.
1. Check the box next to the image you want to Try In.
• Cosmetic Imaging
Patterson EagleSoft Overview 15.00

Public link updated
The public link to your chat has been updated.
Key features
- Acquire, edit, and save images
- Create templates
- Manage image documents
- Use various image sources
- Customize toolbar
- View images in different modes
- Edit images with advanced features
- Export images in various formats
- Print images in custom layouts
- Manage image recycle bin