Installation and Configuration Guide
Data Synchronizer 1.2
Connector for Mobility
August 22, 2012
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About This Guide 5
1 Mobility Connector Product Overview
2 Mobility Connector Installation
3 Mobility Connector Configuration
4 Synchronization Monitoring and Management
Contents 3
A Mobility Connector Troubleshooting 39
B Documentation Updates 43
4 Mobility Connector Installation and Configuration Guide
About This Guide
The Novell Data Synchronizer Connector for Mobility is a bidirectional connector for synchronizing data between GroupWise and mobile devices. It is provided as a component of the Data Synchronizer
Mobility Pack, which consists of Data Synchronizer, the GroupWise Connector, and the Mobility
Chapter 1, “Mobility Connector Product Overview,” on page 7
Chapter 2, “Mobility Connector Installation,” on page 11
Chapter 3, “Mobility Connector Configuration,” on page 17
Chapter 4, “Synchronization Monitoring and Management,” on page 27
Appendix A, “Mobility Connector Troubleshooting,” on page 39
Appendix B, “Documentation Updates,” on page 43
This guide is intended for Data Synchronizer system administrators who want to provide connectivity between GroupWise and mobile devices.
We want to hear your comments and suggestions about this manual and the other documentation included with this product. Please use the User Comments feature at the bottom of each page of the online documentation.
Additional Documentation
Novell Data Synchronizer Mobility Pack documentation is available at the Novell Data Synchronizer
Documentation Web site ( :
Novell Data Synchronizer Mobility Pack Readme
Novell Data Synchronizer installation and administration guides
Novell Data Synchronizer connector documentation is available at the Novell Data Synchronizer
Connector Documentation Web site (
Connector Readmes
Connector Quick Starts
Connector installation and configuration guides
In addition to the Data Synchronizer product documentation, the following resources provide additional information about Data Synchronizer:
Novell Support and Knowledgebase (
Data Synchronizer Support Forum (
Data Synchronization Cool Solutions ( datasynchronizer)
About This Guide 5
Data Synchronizer Mobility Connector Devices Wiki ( groupwise_mobility_devices)
Data Synchronizer Connector Marketplace (
6 Mobility Connector Installation and Configuration Guide
Mobility Connector Product Overview
Section 1.1, “What Is the Mobility Connector?,” on page 7
Section 1.2, “Mobility Connector System Requirements,” on page 8
What Is the Mobility Connector?
The Novell Data Synchronizer Connector for Mobility transfers user data between GroupWise and mobile devices through a Synchronizer system. It is provided as a component in the Data
Synchronizer Mobility Pack, which consists of Data Synchronizer, the GroupWise Connector, and the
Mobility Connector.
Section 1.1.1, “Mobility Connector Capabilities,” on page 7
Section 1.1.2, “Mobility Connector Components,” on page 7
Section 1.1.3, “Mobility Connector Configurations,” on page 8
Mobility Connector Capabilities
The Mobility Connector is one of several connectors that synchronize user data through a
Synchronizer system in a hub-and-spoke configuration that allows any of the following applications to synchronize data with mobile devices:
Novell GroupWise ( (
SharePoint (
SugarCRM (
For instructions about using your mobile device to synchronize GroupWise data through the
Mobility Connector, see the Mobility Connector Quick Start ( datasync_connectors1) .
For more general information, see “ Data Synchronizer vs. the Mobility Pack ” in “ Mobility Pack
Product Overview ” in the Novell Data Synchronizer Mobility Pack Installation Guide .
Mobility Connector Components
The Mobility Connector consists of the following components:
“Connector Software” on page 8
“Connector Database” on page 8
Mobility Connector Product Overview 7
Connector Software
When you install the Data Synchronizer Mobility Pack, the Mobility Connector software is installed within the Synchronizer software directory structure:
The Mobility Connector interacts with the Synchronizer system through the Synchronizer Connector
Manager, which connects it to the Sync Engine.
The Mobility Connector performs the following functions:
Converting application-neutral formatted data received by the Sync Engine from other applications into a format for mobile devices
Converting mobile device formatted data into application-neutral formatted data for use by the
Sync Engine.
You manage the Mobility Connector through Synchronizer Web Admin, as described in
“ Synchronizer Web Admin ” in the Novell Data Synchronizer System Administration Guide .
Connector Database
The Mobility Connector uses its own database named mobility, in addition to the standard
Synchronizer database named datasync. The Mobility Connector database contains mobile device settings and images that are not needed by other connectors. It is used for caching user data when the connection to mobile devices is not available.
Mobility Connector Configurations
As described in “ Data Synchronizer Configurations ” in “ Mobility Pack Product Overview ” in the
Novell Data Synchronizer Mobility Pack Installation Guide , you might need to set up multiple
Synchronizer servers for a variety of reasons. For the Mobility Connector, the most critical reason is quality of service. For example, you might want to set up a separate Synchronizer system with a
Mobility Connector specifically for executives in your organization or for other high-profile mobile device users where timely data synchronization is crucial for a specific set of users.
Mobility Connector System Requirements
You, as the Synchronizer administrator, must ensure that your system meets Mobility Connector system requirements, so that your Synchronizer system and Mobility Connector can function properly.
Section 1.2.1, “Data Synchronizer System Requirements,” on page 8
Section 1.2.2, “Mobile Device Requirements,” on page 9
Data Synchronizer System Requirements
For Synchronizer system requirements, see “ Data Synchronizer System Requirements ” in “ Mobility
Pack Product Overview ” in the Novell Data Synchronizer System Administration Guide .
8 Mobility Connector Installation and Configuration Guide
Mobile Device Requirements
The Mobility Connector communicates with mobile devices by using the Microsoft ActiveSync (http:/
/ protocol version 2.5. If a mobile device uses a later version of
ActiveSync, the device can still successfully communicate with the Mobility Connector because later versions of ActiveSync are backward compatible with version 2.5.
Supported mobile device operating systems include:
Android 2.x, 3.x, and 4.1.x
Apple iOS 4.x, 5.x, and 6.0
Palm webOS
Symbian 9.x
Windows Mobile 6.x
Windows Phone 7
In addition, your mobile device can be used with the Mobility Connector if it can:
Connect to Microsoft Exchange 2003 SP2 or later
Support WAP (
Your mobile device communicates directly with the Mobility Connector to synchronize data. Some mobile devices require a data plan to accomplish this. Others work successfully with a Wi-Fi connection. Some mobile devices can be configured to use either method to communicate with the
Mobility Connector. Your mobile device carrier is not involved in the synchronization process.
NOTE: The Mobility Connector does not work with POP, IMAP, SMTP, or other message transfer protocols. The Mobility Connector does not support BlackBerry devices. Instead, you must use
BlackBerry Enterprise Server for GroupWise, as described in “ BlackBerry Enterprise Server ” in
“ Mobile Devices ” in the GroupWise 2012 Interoperability Guide .
A user can synchronize data to multiple mobile devices as needed and can use multiple synchronization solutions as needed. For example, the Mobility Connector and BlackBerry Enterprise
Server can both synchronize data from the same GroupWise mailbox without conflict.
For the latest information about supported mobile devices, see the Data Synchronizer Mobility
Connector Devices Wiki ( .
Mobility Connector Product Overview 9
10 Mobility Connector Installation and Configuration Guide
Mobility Connector Installation
Section 2.1, “Installing the Mobility Connector,” on page 11
Section 2.2, “Monitoring the Mobility Connector,” on page 11
Section 2.3, “Managing Initial Synchronization from GroupWise to the Mobility Connector,” on page 13
Section 2.4, “Configuring Your Mobile Device to Connect to the Mobility Connector,” on page 13
Section 2.5, “Starting and Stopping the Mobility Connector,” on page 14
Section 2.6, “Adding Users to the Mobility Connector,” on page 14
Installing the Mobility Connector
The Mobility Connector is automatically installed as part of the Data Synchronizer Mobility Pack. For instructions, see the Novell Data Synchronizer Mobility Pack Installation Guide .
Monitoring the Mobility Connector
When you install the Data Synchronizer Mobility Pack, the Mobility Connector starts automatically.
You can monitor its functioning by using Synchronizer Web Admin or by using the Mobility
Connector log file.
Section 2.2.1, “Using Synchronizer Web Admin,” on page 11
Section 2.2.2, “Using the Mobility Connector Log File,” on page 12
Using Synchronizer Web Admin
All customization of the Mobility Connector is done through Synchronizer Web Admin:
1 Access Synchronizer Web Admin at the following URL: https://data_synchronizer_server:8120
Replace data_synchronizer_server with the IP address or DNS hostname of the Synchronizer server.
Mobility Connector Installation 11
2 Specify the Synchronizer administrator user name (such as admin) and password that were established during installation, then click Login.
The Mobility Connector should display a status of Running. If it is not running, refer to
Appendix A, “Mobility Connector Troubleshooting,” on page 39 for assistance.
3 To monitor initial data flow between your GroupWise system and your Synchronizer system,
continue with Section 2.2.2, “Using the Mobility Connector Log File,” on page 12
To monitor mobile device synchronization, see Chapter 4, “Synchronization Monitoring and
Using the Mobility Connector Log File
You can use the Mobility Connector log file (default.pipeline1.mobility-AppInterface.log) to verify that a message sent from a mobile device is received by your Synchronizer system.
1 Monitor Mobility Connector activity in the Mobility Connector log file:
1a In a terminal window, enter su - to become the root user, then enter the root password.
1b Change to the following directory:
1c Display the end of the Mobility Connector log file: tail -f default.pipeline1.mobility-AppInterface.log
1d Observe the messages that the Mobility Connector writes out.
2 Press Enter several times to create a break in the flow of log messages.
3 On your mobile device, send a message to yourself.
4 Observe the messages that are being written to the Mobility Connector log file.
You should be able to identify messages that include your user name and indicate that a mail message was received by the Sync Engine.
This test shows that the mobile device is successfully synchronizing data to the Sync Engine. If
the message does not appear to be received, refer to Appendix A, “Mobility Connector
Troubleshooting,” on page 39 for assistance.
5 In the terminal window where the log file is being displayed, press Enter several times to create a break in the flow of log messages.
6 Log in to your GroupWise mailbox, then send a message or other item to yourself.
7 Observe the messages that are being written to the Mobility Connector log file.
12 Mobility Connector Installation and Configuration Guide
You should be able to identify messages that include your user name and indicate that a message or other was detected by the Sync Engine.
This test shows that the Mobility Connector is successfully synchronizing application data from
the GroupWise Connector. If the message does not appear to be received, refer to Appendix A,
“Mobility Connector Troubleshooting,” on page 39 for assistance.
For more information about tracking data through your Synchronizer system, see “ Flatfile
Connector Troubleshooting ” in “ Synchronizer System Management ” in the Novell Data
Synchronizer System Administration Guide .
Managing Initial Synchronization from GroupWise to the
Mobility Connector
From your point of view as the Synchronizer administrator, initial synchronization means that
GroupWise data has been synchronized to the Mobility Connector and is ready to be synchronized to users’ mobile devices as soon as users configure their mobile devices to connect to the Synchronizer system. By default, two weeks of past calendar items, all future calendar items, and all personal address books except the Frequent Contacts address book are automatically synchronized. Three days of past email is also synchronized from the GroupWise Mailbox folder to the In Box on mobile devices.
When you have added several users to the Mobility Connector at the same time, the Mobility
Connector performs initial synchronization for four users at once. First it initializes the user, then it synchronizes GroupWise items, then it synchronizes contacts from personal address books. When it finishes with one of the four users, it starts on another user.
You should complete this initial synchronization before you notify users to configure their mobile devices. Initial synchronization can take a substantial amount of time, depending on the amount of data to synchronize. Occasionally, initial synchronization fails, and troubleshooting is required.
For more information about managing user synchronization and device synchronization, see:
Section 4.1, “Monitoring Mobility Connector Synchronization Status,” on page 27
Section 4.2, “Managing Mobile Devices (Resynchronize, Delete, Block, Reset),” on page 31
Section 4.3, “Monitoring User Synchronization Status,” on page 32
Configuring Your Mobile Device to Connect to the Mobility
Set up an account on your mobile device to synchronize with the Mobility Connector. For assistance, see the Mobility Connector Quick Start on the Novell Data Synchronizer Connectors Documentation
Web site ( .
Mobile device configuration for users depends on the type of mobile device in use. For devicespecific instructions, see the Data Synchronizer Mobility Connector Devices Wiki (https:// .
As mobile devices connect and synchronize with the Mobility Connector, they are listed on the
Mobility Connector Monitoring page in Synchronizer Web Admin, as described in Section 4.1,
“Monitoring Mobility Connector Synchronization Status,” on page 27
Mobility Connector Installation 13
Starting and Stopping the Mobility Connector
You cannot stop and start the Mobility Connector from the command line. You must use
Synchronizer Web Admin.
1 Log in to Synchronizer Web Admin .
2 On the Mobility Connector line under Manage Connectors, click (Stop) to stop the Mobility
The (Start).
IMPORTANT: Make sure that the GroupWise Connector is running before you start the
Mobility Connector. After you have added users, the GroupWise Connector must be running when the Mobility Connector starts in order for initial synchronization to function properly. In addition, the Mobility Connector needs to access the GroupWise Address Book through the
GroupWise Connector.
3 Click
Adding Users to the Mobility Connector
When you add users to the GroupWise Connector, users’ mailbox data synchronizes through the
GroupWise Connector to the Sync Engine. When you add users to the Mobility Connector, users’ mailbox data synchronizes from the Sync Engine through the Mobility Connector to users’ mobile devices.
Section 2.6.1, “Adding Users in Synchronizer Web Admin,” on page 15
Section 2.6.2, “Adding Users with LDAP Groups,” on page 15
IMPORTANT: Add users to the GroupWise Connector before adding them to the Mobility
14 Mobility Connector Installation and Configuration Guide
Adding Users in Synchronizer Web Admin
After installation, additional user information might have been obtained from your LDAP directory by configuring Synchronizer Web Admin to search additional LDAP containers, as described in
“ Searching Multiple LDAP Contexts for Users and Groups ” in “ Synchronizer System Management ” in the Novell Data Synchronizer System Administration Guide .
If only a few users want to synchronize data with mobile devices, you can add these users individually to the Mobility Connector, as described in “ Adding a User to a Connector in
Synchronizer Web Admin ” in “ Connector and User Management ” in the Novell Data Synchronizer
System Administration Guide .
IMPORTANT: Be sure to add users to the GroupWise Connector before adding them to the Mobility
Adding Users with LDAP Groups
If you added users to the Mobility Connector by adding LDAP groups, as recommended in
“ Planning How to Add Users ” in “ Mobility Pack Installation ” in the Novell Data Synchronizer Mobility
Pack Installation Guide , simply add users to the LDAP group in your LDAP directory and the users are automatically added to the Mobility Connector.
Mobility Connector Installation 15
16 Mobility Connector Installation and Configuration Guide
Mobility Connector Configuration
After you have tested the Mobility Connector’s ability to communicate with a mobile device and the
Sync Engine, you are ready to refine the configuration of the Mobility Connector to meet your
Synchronizer system’s needs.
Section 3.1, “Using Synchronizer Web Admin,” on page 17
Section 3.2, “Blocking/Unblocking Incoming Devices before Initial Synchronization,” on page 18
Section 3.3, “Using GroupWise Authentication Instead of LDAP Authentication for Mobile
Section 3.4, “Enabling a Device Password Security Policy,” on page 20
Section 3.5, “Controlling the Maximum Number of Devices per User,” on page 21
Section 3.6, “Controlling Maximum Attachment Size,” on page 21
Section 3.7, “Binding to a Specific IP Address,” on page 22
Section 3.8, “Enabling and Disabling SSL for Device Connections,” on page 22
Section 3.9, “Changing the Address Book User,” on page 23
Section 3.10, “Changing the Mobility Connector Database Password,” on page 23
Section 3.11, “Customizing General Connector Configuration Settings for the Mobility
Section 3.12, “Maintaining the Mobility Connector Database,” on page 24
Using Synchronizer Web Admin
All configuration of the Mobility Connector is done through Synchronizer Web Admin:
1 Access Synchronizer Web Admin at the following URL: https://data_synchronizer_server:8120
Replace data_synchronizer_server with the IP address or DNS hostname of the Synchronizer server.
Mobility Connector Configuration 17
2 Specify the Synchronizer administrator user name (such as admin) and password that were established during installation, then click Login.
The Monitor Connector should display a status of Running. If you cannot start the Monitor
Connector by clicking (Start), refer to
Appendix A, “Mobility Connector Troubleshooting,” on page 39 for assistance.
For more information about Synchronizer Web Admin, see “ Configuring Synchronizer Web Admin ” in “ Synchronizer System Management ” in the Novell Data Synchronizer System Administration Guide .
Blocking/Unblocking Incoming Devices before Initial
Initial synchronization of GroupWise data to users’ mobile devices is more efficient if the GroupWise data is completely synchronized to the Mobility Connector before users start connecting their mobile devices to the Synchronizer system. To prevent users from connecting their devices before the
Mobility Connector has received all of their GroupWise data, you can block devices from connecting to the Synchronizer system.
If you used the Block Incoming Devices option in the Mobility Pack Installation program to prevent users from connecting their mobile devices to your Synchronizer system until you are ready to do so, you must deselect the corresponding option in Synchronizer Web Admin when you are ready for users to connect.
If you did not use the Block Incoming Devices option in the Mobility Pack Installation program, you can block and unblock devices at any time in Synchronizer Web Admin.
1 In Synchronizer Web Admin , click the Mobility Connector to display the Mobility Connector
Configuration page.
2 Select or deselect Block Devices, as needed.
3 Click Save Custom Settings.
4 Click Home on the menu bar to return to the main Synchronizer Web Admin page.
5 In the Actions column for the Mobility Connector, click (Stop) to stop the Mobility Connector, then click (Start) to start the Mobility Connector.
The Mobility Connector no longer allows users to connect.
18 Mobility Connector Installation and Configuration Guide
Monitor the initial synchronization process, as described in Section 4.1, “Monitoring Mobility
Connector Synchronization Status,” on page 27 .
7 When the GroupWise data for all users has successfully synchronized to the Mobility Connector, deselect Block Devices, then restart the Mobility Connector.
8 Notify users that they can now connect to the Synchronizer system.
After initial synchronization, you might encounter synchronization problems with specific users or devices. For example, a problem with a specific user or device might start to consume an inappropriately large amount of system resources on your Synchronizer server. If this occurs, see
Section 4.5, “Blocking Specific Users and Devices after Initial Synchronization,” on page 35
for assistance with resolving the problem.
Using GroupWise Authentication Instead of LDAP
Authentication for Mobile Devices
By default, the Mobility Pack Installation program configures your Synchronizer system to use LDAP
(network) passwords when mobile devices connect to GroupWise mailboxes. After installation, you can configure the Mobility Connector to use GroupWise mailbox passwords instead.
GroupWise authentication can be more intuitive for users. It is especially convenient when users’
LDAP passwords are set to expire regularly, which requires reconfiguration of mobile devices each time LDAP passwords expire. GroupWise passwords do not expire. Device reconfiguration becomes necessary only when users manually change their own GroupWise passwords.
1 In Synchronizer Web Admin , click the Mobility Connector to display the Mobility Connector
Configuration page.
2 In the Authentication Type field, select GroupWise.
3 In the GroupWise POA SOAP URL field, specify the same URL that you used when configuring the GroupWise Connector, as described in “ GroupWise Post Office Agent ” in “ Planning a Data
Synchronizer System ” in the Novell Data Synchronizer Mobility Pack Installation Guide .
The Mobility Connector communicates with the GroupWise Post Office Agent to authenticate mobile devices using users’ GroupWise mailbox passwords.
4 Click Save Custom Settings.
5 Click Home on the menu bar to return to the main Synchronizer Web Admin page.
6 In the Actions column for the Mobility Connector, click (Stop) to stop the Mobility Connector, then click (Start) to start the Mobility Connector.
The Mobility Connector now uses GroupWise authentication instead of LDAP authentication.
7 (Conditional) If any users have already configured their mobile devices to use LDAP authentication, notify these users to reconfigure their mobile devices to use their GroupWise mailbox passwords.
Mobility Connector Configuration 19
Enabling a Device Password Security Policy
As an administrator, you can control several aspects of the behavior of mobile devices that connect to your Synchronizer system. By establishing a security policy for the passwords that users set on their mobile devices, you help prevent unauthorized access to your Synchronizer system from lost or misplaced devices.
1 In Synchronizer Web Admin , click the Mobility Connector to display the Mobility Connector
Configuration page.
2 Select Enable Device Security Policy.
When you enable the security policy, users are informed of the specific security settings that are in effect when they create their mobile device accounts and set their device passwords. Users are prevented from configuring their mobile devices to connect to the Synchronizer system without following the security policy you establish.
3 Set the security policy options as needed for the level of device password security that you want for your Synchronizer system:
Require Both Letters and Numbers: Select this option to require device passwords that include at least one letter, one number, and one special character. Without this security setting, any combination of characters is permitted in device passwords.
Minimum Password Length: Enable this option to specify the minimum number of characters required in device passwords. The minimum value is 1; the maximum value is 18. Without this security setting, the user can set a device password of any length.
Inactivity Time: Enable this option to specify the number of minutes after which a mobile device locks itself when no user activity occurs. Without this security setting, the mobile device does not lock itself in the absence of user activity.
Reset Device after Failures: Enable this option to specify the number of failed password attempts after which the mobile device resets itself to factory default settings. Without this security setting, an external reset command must be sent to the mobile device in order to wipe personal data from it.
4 Click Save Custom Settings.
5 Click Home on the menu bar to return to the main Synchronizer Web Admin page.
6 In the Actions column for the Mobility Connector, click (Stop) to stop the Mobility Connector, then click (Start) to start the Mobility Connector.
The Mobility Connector now uses the security policy you established whenever a user configures a mobile device to connect to the Synchronizer system.
IMPORTANT: After you enable or change the device password security policy, synchronization stops on Droid X and Droid 2 mobile devices. Removing the existing account from the mobile device and re-adding it puts the device password security policy into effect. This is an issue with the
Android 2.2 operating system only on those specific devices.
20 Mobility Connector Installation and Configuration Guide
Controlling the Maximum Number of Devices per User
When a single user has multiple devices, the user’s data is duplicated in your Synchronizer system.
To control data duplication and improve performance, you can control the number of devices that each user is allowed to connect to your Synchronizer system.
By default, each user can connect with as many devices as he or she wants. When you set the maximum limit, a user who is above the limit is not prevented from connecting with existing devices.
However, the user cannot connect with any additional devices until the number of devices is within the limit that you have set.
1 In Synchronizer Web Admin , click the Mobility Connector to display the Mobility Connector
Configuration page.
2 In the Maximum Devices per User field, set the maximum number of devices that each user can connect with.
To remove an existing limit, specify -1 for an unlimited number of devices.
3 Click Save Custom Settings.
4 Click Home on the menu bar to return to the main Synchronizer Web Admin page.
5 In the Actions column for the Mobility Connector, click (Stop) to stop the Mobility Connector, then click (Start) to start the Mobility Connector.
The Mobility Connector now limits the number of devices that each user can connect with.
Controlling Maximum Attachment Size
Synchronizing large attachments to other applications and mobile devices can put a substantial load on the Mobility Connector. To decrease the amount of data that is synchronized to mobile devices, you can control the maximum size of attachments. By default, attachments larger than 500 KB are not synchronized to mobile devices.
When a user receives an item for which attachments have not been synchronized, the item includes a list of the attachments that are on the original item but not on the synchronized item.
1 In Synchronizer Web Admin , click the Mobility Connector to display the Mobility Connector
Configuration page.
2 In the Maximum Attachment Size field, adjust the maximum attachment size as needed to meet the needs of your Synchronizer system.
3 Click Save Custom Settings.
4 Click Home on the menu bar to return to the main Synchronizer Web Admin page.
5 In the Actions column for the Mobility Connector, click (Stop) to stop the Mobility Connector, then click (Start) to start the Mobility Connector.
The Mobility Connector now uses the adjusted size for restricting synchronization of attachments.
Mobility Connector Configuration 21
NOTE: The GroupWise Connector also has a setting to control maximum attachment size, as described in “ Controlling Maximum Attachment Size ” in “ GroupWise Connector Configuration ” in the GroupWise Connector Installation and Configuration Guide .
Binding to a Specific IP Address
By default, the Mobility Connector uses all available IP addresses on the Synchronizer server. You can reconfigure the Mobility Connector to use only one specific address.
1 In Synchronizer Web Admin , click the Mobility Connector to display the Mobility Connector
Configuration page.
In the Connector Server Address field, indicates that the Mobility Connector is not bound to a specific IP address.
2 Specify the IP address that you want to bind the Mobility Connector to.
3 Click Save Custom Settings.
4 Click Home on the menu bar to return to the main Synchronizer Web Admin page.
5 In the Actions column for the Mobility Connector, click (Stop) to stop the Mobility Connector, then click (Start) to start the Mobility Connector.
The Mobility Connector now uses only the specified IP address on the server.
Enabling and Disabling SSL for Device Connections
During Mobility Pack installation, you chose whether to use SSL for connections between the
Mobility Connector and mobile devices. The default is to use SSL. You can change the setting after installation as needed.
1 In Synchronizer Web Admin , click the Mobility Connector to display the Mobility Connector
Configuration page.
The Secure field under Connector Server Address indicates whether SSL is currently in use.
2 Click the check box in the Secure field to change the setting.
3 Click Save Custom Settings.
4 Click Home on the menu bar to return to the main Synchronizer Web Admin page.
5 In the Actions column for the Mobility Connector, click (Stop) to stop the Mobility Connector, then click (Start) to start the Mobility Connector with the new setting in effect.
22 Mobility Connector Installation and Configuration Guide
Changing the Address Book User
The Mobility Connector accesses the GroupWise Address Book to obtain contact information for synchronization to mobile devices. The Mobility Connector can obtain the information it needs by logging in as any valid GroupWise user. An initial Address Book user was specified during installation. You might want to change to a different user for whom either more or fewer contacts are visible in the GroupWise Address Book.
NOTE: The Mobility Connector uses this user name only to access and search the GroupWise
Address Book. It does not use this user name to access any personal aspects of the specified user’s mailbox.
1 In Synchronizer Web Admin , click the Mobility Connector to display the Mobility Connector
Configuration page.
2 In the Address Book User field, specify the GroupWise user ID of the user whose view of the
GroupWise Address Book best meets the needs of your mobile device users.
The Address Book Connector field indicates the application from which contact information is being synchronized.
3 Click Save Custom Settings.
4 Click Home on the menu bar to return to the main Synchronizer Web Admin page.
5 In the Actions column for the Mobility Connector, click (Stop) to stop the Mobility Connector, then click (Start) to start the Mobility Connector.
The Mobility Connector now uses the specified GroupWise user’s access to the GroupWise
Address Book when providing contact information on mobile devices.
Changing the Mobility Connector Database Password
To change the Mobility Connector database password, you must change the password for datasync_user in two places:
PostgreSQL (command on the command line)
Mobility Connector (setting in Synchronizer Web Admin)
1 Reset the password for the PostgreSQL database:
1a In a terminal window on the Synchronizer server, log in as the root user.
1b Enter the following command: psql --user datasync_user mobility
1c Enter the current password for the Mobility Connector database.
1d Enter the following command at the datasync> prompt:
ALTER USER datasync_user WITH PASSWORD 'password';
Replace password with the new password for the Mobility Connector database.
1e Enter /q to quit.
Mobility Connector Configuration 23
2 Reconfigure the Mobility Connector to use the new password:
2a In Synchronizer Web Admin , click the Mobility Connector.
2b In the Administrator Password field, specify the new Mobility Connector database password.
2c Click Save Custom Settings.
3 Restart the Synchronizer services: rcdatasync restart
4 (Conditional) If you want to change the Synchronizer database password to match the Mobility
Connector database password, follow the instructions in “ Changing the Synchronizer Database
Password ” in “ Synchronizer System Management ” in the Novell Data Synchronizer System
Administration Guide .
Customizing General Connector Configuration Settings for the Mobility Connector
All Synchronizer connectors have some general configuration settings in common. The default general settings are typically appropriate for an initial installation of the Mobility Connector. After your Mobility Connector is up and running, you can modify the general connector configuration settings as needed to meet the needs of your Synchronizer system. For instructions, see “ Customizing
General Connector Configuration Settings ” in “ Connector and User Management ” in the Novell Data
Synchronizer System Administration Guide .
Maintaining the Mobility Connector Database
The Mobility Connector database is named mobility. The default user for accessing the Mobility
Connector database is datasync_user.
Database maintenance activities for the Mobility Connector database ensure satisfactory performance for mobile device users.
Section 3.12.1, “Performing General PostgreSQL Database Maintenance,” on page 24
Section 3.12.2, “Configuring Automatic Nightly Maintenance,” on page 25
Performing General PostgreSQL Database Maintenance
The Mobility Connector database is a PostgreSQL database. As with any database, the Mobility
Connector database requires regular maintenance in order to perform reliably. If you are new to managing a PostgreSQL database, see “Routine Database Maintenance Tasks” (http:// on the PostgreSQL Documentation Web site for assistance.
24 Mobility Connector Installation and Configuration Guide
Configuring Automatic Nightly Maintenance
Most items synchronize automatically from GroupWise mailboxes to the Mobility Connector database. As a result, they are readily available when users want to manually synchronize the contents of specific folders. Over time, older items must be cleaned up on a regular basis to prevent degradation in Mobility Connector synchronization performance.
By default, the Mobility Connector automatically cleans up outdated items from the Mobility
Connector database between midnight and 6:00 a.m. every day. It cycles through all users and all folders once each day. It checks the user-selected settings for each mobile device to determine the maximum age after which users no longer want items retained on their mobile devices.
You can adjust the time period during which the Mobility Connector performs nightly maintenance, and you can turn off nightly maintenance, if necessary.
1 In Synchronizer Web Admin , click the Mobility Connector to display the Mobility Connector
Configuration page.
2 Click Edit XML Source.
3 To adjust the time when nightly maintenance occurs:
3a Locate the following lines:
3b Using the 24-hour clock, change the start hour and stop hour as needed for your
Synchronizer system.
4 (Optional) To turn off nightly maintenance:
4a Locate the following line:
4b Change 1 to 0.
IMPORTANT: This is not recommended. Without nightly maintenance, items accumulate in the Mobility Connector database indefinitely and reduce Mobility Connector performance over time.
5 Click Save Custom Settings.
6 Click Home on the menu bar to return to the main Synchronizer Web Admin page.
7 In a terminal window, restart the Synchronizer services: rcdatasync restart
8 (Conditional) If the Mobility Connector is not configured to restart automatically along with the
Synchronizer services:
8a In the Actions column for the Mobility Connector, click (Stop) to stop the Mobility
8b Click in effect.
You can see what the Mobility Connector is doing as it performs its nightly maintenance by searching for MaintenanceMonitor in the Mobility Connector log file:
Mobility Connector Configuration 25
If logging is set to Debug, the Mobility Connector logs each item that it deletes. This can result in a very large log file. Without the Debug log level, the Mobility Connector lists the users as it performs nightly maintenance for them. For more information about log levels, see “ Controlling Connector
Logging ” in “ Connector and User Management ” in the Novell Data Synchronizer System Administration
Guide .
26 Mobility Connector Installation and Configuration Guide
Synchronization Monitoring and
When you install the Data Synchronizer Mobility Pack, the Mobility Connector starts automatically.
You can monitor the synchronization of data to and from mobile devices using Synchronizer Web
Section 4.1, “Monitoring Mobility Connector Synchronization Status,” on page 27
Section 4.2, “Managing Mobile Devices (Resynchronize, Delete, Block, Reset),” on page 31
Section 4.3, “Monitoring User Synchronization Status,” on page 32
Section 4.4, “Monitoring User Synchronization Activity,” on page 34
Section 4.5, “Blocking Specific Users and Devices after Initial Synchronization,” on page 35
Section 4.6, “Resetting a Device to Factory Default Settings,” on page 36
See also Section 2.2.2, “Using the Mobility Connector Log File,” on page 12
Monitoring Mobility Connector Synchronization Status
Mobility Connector synchronization status indicates how well data is flowing from the Sync Engine to the Mobility Connector, from the Mobility Connector to mobile devices, from mobile devices to the
Mobility Connector, and from the Mobility Connector back to the Sync Engine. The Mobility
Connector synchronization status includes statistics for all users.
Synchronization Monitoring and Management 27
IMPORTANT: If you have blocked incoming devices, as described in Section 3.2, “Blocking/
Unblocking Incoming Devices before Initial Synchronization,” on page 18 , you must unblock the
devices before synchronization can begin.
, click (Monitoring) in the Actions column for the Mobility
Connector to display the Connector Monitoring Information page.
NOTE: If your Synchronizer system services a large number of mobile device users, you might need to wait for this page to display.
Mobility Connector Status Section
In the Mobility Connector Status section, statistics are provided for events and items. Items are
GroupWise messages, appointments, contacts, and so on. Events are what happens to
GroupWise items, such as being added, modified, moved, or deleted.
Statistic Explanation
Events from Sync Engine
Pending Conversion
The total number of events that have been received from the Sync Engine that are awaiting conversion from GroupWise format into mobile device format by the Mobility Connector. Typically, the number of events should be low, or zero. If the number is high, it indicates that the Mobility Connector is backlogged for some reason.
Converted Events Synching to Device
The total number of events that have been converted from GroupWise format into mobile device format. A single GroupWise item can have multiple events associated with it.
Items Synched to Device
Many waiting events transfer to users’ mobile devices when the devices connect to the Synchronizer system. However, some events do not transfer to users’ mobile devices until users request them, such as by opening a particular folder. Therefore, there are typically a number of events waiting to transfer. After a period of time, depending on device-specific settings, the waiting events are dropped.
The total number of items that are transferred from the Mobility Connector to users’ mobile devices. This number indicates the amount of traffic that is passing through the Mobility Connector to users’ mobile devices.
28 Mobility Connector Installation and Configuration Guide
Statistic Explanation
Pending Events from
The total number of events that have been transferred from users’ mobile devices to the Mobility Connector that are currently waiting for processing by the Sync Engine. Typically, the number of events should be low, or zero. If the number is high, it indicates that the Sync Engine is backlogged for some reason.
Device Events Sent to Sync
The total number of events that users perform on their mobile devices that need to be synchronized to their GroupWise mailboxes through the Sync
Engine and the GroupWise Connector. This number indicates the amount of traffic that is passing from users’ mobile devices to the Sync Engine.
Device Events Failed in
Send to Sync Engine
The number of events that have failed to transfer from the Mobility
Connector to the Sync Engine. Make sure that the Sync Engine is running.
Check the Sync Engine log ( engine.log
) for details.
User Status Section
In the User Status section, the User Stat column includes a bar that represents the percentage of
Mobility Connector processing that each individual is using. Users with the longer bars are using more processing in your Synchronizer system. Mouse over the bar to see the actual percentage for each user. The number indicates the percentage of the total number of events processed during the current up-time that are for the specific user and device.
The Sync State column indicates the status of initial synchronization between GroupWise and the Mobility Connector.
Sync State
Sync State
The initial synchronization process has not yet started for this user.
The initial synchronization process is in progress. As many as 4 users can be synchronizing at once. As one user is finished, synchronization for the next user starts.
After initial synchronization, users can request email in addition to the default of three days.
The initial synchronization process is complete.
The initial synchronization process has failed. For failed users, the
Sync Engine automatically retries as many as 4 times after all other users have been synchronized. For assistance, see
Appendix A, “Mobility Connector Troubleshooting,” on page 39
Synchronization Monitoring and Management 29
Sync State
Sync State
The user is in the process of being deleted from your
Synchronizer system. If the user has a large amount of data and attachments in the system, the deletion process can take some time.
The user is in the process of being reinitialized. If the user has a large amount of GroupWise data and attachments, the reinitialization process can take some time.
The user’s device is currently blocked from connecting. This can happen if all devices were blocked during installation or if you blocked individual devices at a later time.
2 (Condition) For users in the Queued (black) state, be patient until the status progresses from
Queued (black) to Synching (yellow) to Synched (green).
3 (Conditional) For users in the Synching (yellow) state, refresh the Mobility Connector
Configuration page until the status changes to Synched (green), then notify users to configure their mobile devices to connect to the Synchronizer system.
4 (Conditional) For users in the Synched (green) state, notify the users to configure their mobile devices to connect to the Synchronizer system.
5 (Conditional) For users in the Failed (red) state, click (Reinitialize User) in the Actions column to reinitialize the user.
Reinitialization deletes the user from the Mobility Connector, adds the user again, then starts the synchronization process over from the beginning.
If reinitializing the user does not solve the problem, see
Appendix A, “Mobility Connector
Troubleshooting,” on page 39 .
6 (Conditional) For users in the Blocked state:
If you blocked devices during installation, unblock them, as described in
Unblocking Incoming Devices before Initial Synchronization,” on page 18
If you blocked individual devices, unblock them, as described in
Devices (Resynchronize, Delete, Block, Reset),” on page 31 .
For more details about the statistics available on this page, see TID 7007285: User Stat and Device Stat
/ Colored Bars in the Mobility Monitoring Page in the Novell Knowledgebase (http:// .
After users have configured their mobile devices to connect to the Synchronizer system, they can
“Managing Initial Synchronization from GroupWise to the Mobility Connector,” on page 13
. For such users, their green status can change to yellow as additional synchronization is performed, return to green when the additional synchronization is finished.
30 Mobility Connector Installation and Configuration Guide
Managing Mobile Devices (Resynchronize, Delete, Block,
After users have configured their mobile devices and connected to the Synchronizer system, additional options are available on the Connector Monitoring Information page.
, click (Monitoring) in the Actions column for the Mobility
Connector to display the Connector Monitoring Information page.
NOTE: If your Synchronizer system services a large number of mobile device users, you might need to wait for this page to display.
Synchronization Monitoring and Management 31
2 Use the options in the Device column to manage devices where synchronization is already active:
Device Option Description
Resynchronizes the mobile device, so that synchronization starts over from the beginning. Use this option when the data on a user’s mobile device does not match the contents of the user’s GroupWise mailbox.
A user can accomplish the same thing by removing the account from the mobile device and re-adding it, so that the GroupWise data resynchronizes from the mailbox to the mobile device.
Prevents the mobile device from connecting to the Synchronizer system. Use this option when a mobile device is temporarily disrupting your Synchronizer system. See
Resets the mobile device to factory default settings. Use this option when a user has lost a mobile device.
The Mobility Connector sends the Reset command to the mobile device, but different devices respond to the Reset command in different ways. On some mobile devices, this functionality is known as a “kill pill.” Regardless of the device-specific functionality, this is a very serious step to take with a mobile device. See
Section 4.6, “Resetting a Device to
Factory Default Settings,” on page 36
for complete instructions.
Deletes the mobile device from the Mobility Connector. Use this option when a user is no longer using a particular mobile device.
3 Mouse over a device ID to display a description of the mobile device, along with the date and time when the device last connected to the Synchronizer system.
Monitoring User Synchronization Status
User synchronization status indicates how well a specific user’s data is flowing from the Sync Engine to the Mobility Connector, from the Mobility Connector to the user’s mobile device, and from the user’s mobile device to the Mobility Connector.
, click (Monitoring) in the Actions column for the Mobility
32 Mobility Connector Installation and Configuration Guide
NOTE: If your Synchronizer system services a large number of mobile device users, you might need to wait for this page to display.
2 Click a user name to display statistics for a particular user.
3 Review the statistics for the selected user.
The User Status section provides statistics for various events that occur as GroupWise items are added, modified, moved, or deleted on the mobile device.
Statistic Explanation
Events from Sync Engine
Pending Conversion
The number of events for the selected user that have been converted from
GroupWise format into mobile device format. A single GroupWise item can have multiple events associated with it. The waiting events transfer to the user’s mobile device when the user connects the device to the Synchronizer system.
Converted Events Synching to Device
The number of events that are transferring from the Mobility Connector to the user’s mobile device. A single GroupWise item can have multiple events associated with it.
Items Synched to Device
Pending Events from
Many waiting events transfer to users’ mobile devices when the devices connect to the Synchronizer system. However, some events do not transfer to users’ mobile devices until users request them, such as by opening a particular folder. Therefore, there are typically a number of events waiting to transfer. After a period of time, depending on device-specific settings, the waiting events are dropped.
The number of items that have been transferred from the Mobility Connector to the selected user’s mobile device. This number should be equal to the total number of items listed in the Synched Items column of the Folder List section. This number indicates the amount of traffic that is passing through the Mobility Connector to this user’s mobile device.
The number of events that have been transferred from the selected user’s mobile device to the Mobility Connector that are currently waiting for processing by the Mobility Connector. This number should be approximately equal to the total number of items listed in the Pending Items column of the
Folder List section.
Synchronization Monitoring and Management 33
Statistic Explanation
Device Events Sent to Sync
The number of events that the selected user has performed on the mobile device that need to be synchronized to the user’s GroupWise mailbox through the Sync Engine and the GroupWise Connector. This number indicates the amount of traffic that is passing from this user’s mobile device to the Sync Engine.
Device Events Failed in
Send to Sync Engine
The number of events that have failed to transfer from the Mobility
Connector to the Sync Engine. Make sure that the Sync Engine is running.
Check the Sync Engine log ( engine.log
) for details.
4 Review the folder list for the selected user, scrolling as needed to view all of the folders where items are synchronizing to the device.
5 (Conditional) If any of the statistics seem to indicate a problem with synchronization for the
selected user, see Appendix A, “Mobility Connector Troubleshooting,” on page 39
Monitoring User Synchronization Activity
You can check to see when each user last connected to the Mobility Connector. For instructions, see
“ Auditing User Synchronization Activity ” in “ Connector and User Management ” in the Novell Data
Synchronizer System Administration Guide .
If a user has not connected to the Mobility Connector for 30 days, the nightly maintenance process automatically removes the inactive mobile device from your Synchronizer system. For more
information, see Section 3.12.2, “Configuring Automatic Nightly Maintenance,” on page 25 .
34 Mobility Connector Installation and Configuration Guide
Blocking Specific Users and Devices after Initial
As you monitor your Synchronizer system, you might notice that a device or user starts to consume an inappropriately large amount of system resources on your Synchronizer server. This can impact synchronization performance for all Synchronizer users. If this occurs, you can prevent the problem device or user from connecting to the Synchronizer system while you resolve the problem.
, click (Monitoring) in the Actions column for the Mobility
Connector to display the Connector Monitoring Information page.
2 In the line for the mobile device, click (Block Device) in the Device column.
If you click (Block User) in the Action column, it blocks all devices for the user. This is convenient when the user has multiple mobile devices, or when the user’s mobile device has multiple device IDs.
You receive the following prompt:
Block this device from communicating with the Mobility Connector?
3 Click Block Device to block the device so that it can no longer connect to your Synchronizer system.
You receive the following confirmation:
The device "device_id" is now blocked.
4 Click OK.
At this point, Normal turns to Blocked for the device ID, and (Block Device) turns to (Unblock
5 Resolve the problem with the mobile device.
6 To unblock the device so that it can connect to your Synchronizer system again, click (Unblock
Synchronization Monitoring and Management 35
You receive the following prompt:
Allow this device to communicate with the Mobility Connector?
7 Click Unblock Device.
You receive the following confirmation:
The device "device_id" is now unblocked.
8 Click OK.
The user can again connect to the Synchronizer system.
Resetting a Device to Factory Default Settings
If a user loses a mobile device, it is important to wipe all personal data from the lost device as quickly as possible. If the device is recovered, it can be reset and used again.
, click (Monitoring) in the Actions column for the Mobility
Connector to display the Connector Monitoring Information page.
2 In the line for the mobile device to reset, click (Device Reset).
You receive the following prompt:
When you reset the device, all data will be removed.
Are you sure you want to reset the device "device_id" to its factory default state?
3 Click Reset Device to wipe the user’s personal data from the device and reset the device to factory default settings.
You receive the following confirmation:
The reset command has been sent to the device.
When the device "device_id" tries to connect, it will be reset to its factory default state.
4 Click OK.
36 Mobility Connector Installation and Configuration Guide
At this point, the device ID turns yellow and is marked with the Resetting status. Regardless of how many times the mobile device tries to connect, it always receives the reset command.
However, the (Device Reset) changes to (Device Reset Clear), indicating that the Resetting status can be cleared.
5 (Conditional) To put the device back into service, click (Device Reset Clear).
You receive the following prompts:
When you clear the reset command, the device will be allowed to connect.
Are you sure you want to allow the device "device_id" to connect?
6 Click Allow Device.
You receive the following confirmation:
The device "device_id" is now allowed to connect.
7 Click OK.
The user must now start over from the beginning and reconfigure the device to connect to the
Synchronizer system and start synchronizing data.
Synchronization Monitoring and Management 37
38 Mobility Connector Installation and Configuration Guide
Mobility Connector Troubleshooting
“The Mobility Connector does not start” on page 39
“Initial device synchronization fails” on page 40
“Data does not transfer between the Mobility Connector and a mobile device” on page 40
“Some items never synchronize to the mobile device” on page 40
“Data does not match between the GroupWise mailbox and the mobile device” on page 41
“Address book synchronization fails” on page 41
“Synchronization stops” on page 41
“The specific actions suggested above have not resolved a synchronization problem” on page 41
“Status information on the Mobility Connector Monitoring Information page in Synchronizer
Web Admin is not correct” on page 42
See also:
“ Working with Synchronizer Log Files ” in “ Synchronizer System Management ” in the Novell
Data Synchronizer System Administration Guide
The Mobility Connector does not start
Possible Cause: The GroupWise Connector is not running.
Action: Start the GroupWise Connector.
Possible Cause: The Synchronizer services are not running.
Action: Check the current status of the Synchronizer services. If needed, start or restart the Synchronizer services, as described in “ Synchronizer Services ” in Novell Data
Synchronizer System Administration Guide . Then start the Mobility Connector.
Possible Cause: A Web server is running on the Synchronizer server. Web servers typically use ports 80 and 443. These ports need to be available for use by the Mobility
Connector for communicating with mobile devices.
Action: Stop and disable the existing Web server or other application that is using ports
80 and 443 on the Synchronizer server.
Possible Cause: You manually modified the following configuration file:
You introduced an error in the XML coding.
Action: Review the changes you made to the connectors.xml file to make sure that they are correctly coded.
Action: Revert to a backup of the connectors.xml file that works correctly, then try the modifications again.
Mobility Connector Troubleshooting 39
Initial device synchronization fails
Possible Cause: The mobile device fails to connect to the Synchronizer server because you have configured it for a secure SSL connection and the certificate is not working properly.
Action: Try using a non-secure connection. If a non-secure connector works and a secure connection does not work, make sure that the certificate is correctly set up, as described in “ Securing Communication between the Mobility Connector and
Mobile Devices (Mobility Pack Only) ” in “ Synchronizer System Security ” in the
Novell Data Synchronizer System Administration Guide .
Action: See Data Synchronizer Mobility Connector SSL Issues ( index.php/Data_Synchronizer_Mobility_Connector_SSL_Issues) .
Possible Cause: The Mobility Connector is not getting the information it needs from the
GroupWise Connector.
Action: Make sure that the user has already been added to the GroupWise Connector.
Action: Make sure that the user has a valid GroupWise account.
Possible Cause: The user’s GroupWise user ID is different from the user’s LDAP user name.
Action: Set the user’s application user name in the GroupWise Connector to match the user’s LDAP user name. For information about application user names, see
“ Adding a User to a Connector in Synchronizer Web Admin ” in “ Connector and
User Management ” in the Novell Data Synchronizer System Administration Guide .
Possible Cause: Varied.
Action: Remove the user from the Mobility Connector and the GroupWise Connector, then add the user to both connectors again.
Data does not transfer between the Mobility Connector and a mobile device
Possible Cause: Varied.
Action: Check the Mobility Connector application interface log file, as described in
Section 2.2.2, “Using the Mobility Connector Log File,” on page 12
Action: Check additional Synchronizer log files, as described in “ Working with
Synchronizer Log Files ”.
Action: Remove the user from the Mobility Connector and the GroupWise Connector, then add the user to both connectors again.
Some items never synchronize to the mobile device
Possible Cause: Some events automatically synchronize to mobile devices. Other events do not synchronize to mobile devices unless users request them. The user has not yet requested the optional events.
Action: None. This is normal. The unsynchronized events eventually expire.
Possible Cause: The Mobility Connector might not be transferring the events to the mobile device.
40 Mobility Connector Installation and Configuration Guide
Action: Check the user’s synchronization status, as described in Section 4.3, “Monitoring
User Synchronization Status,” on page 32
. Observe the Pending Events from
Device column and the Items Synched to Device column to see if progress is still being made.
If events are still transferring to the device, wait while the process completes.
If events are not transferring to the device, restart the Mobility Connector.
Possible Cause: The user’s GroupWise mailbox contains a damaged message, or the user’s mailbox is damaged. Mailbox damage can cause the GroupWise Connector to synchronize unusable data to the Mobility Connector.
Action: Repair the user’s mailbox, as described in “ Maintaining User/Resource and
Message Databases ” in “ Databases ” in the GroupWise 2012 Administration Guide .
Possible Cause: Varied.
Action: Remove the user from the Mobility Connector and the GroupWise Connector, then add the user to both connectors again.
Data does not match between the GroupWise mailbox and the mobile device
Possible Cause: Varied.
Action: Resynchronize the mobile device, as described in Section 4.2, “Managing Mobile
Devices (Resynchronize, Delete, Block, Reset),” on page 31
Action: Have the user remove the account from the mobile device and re-add the account on the mobile device.
Address book synchronization fails
Possible Cause: Varied.
Action: Resynchronize the mobile device, as described in Section 4.2, “Managing Mobile
Devices (Resynchronize, Delete, Block, Reset),” on page 31
Action: Have the user remove the account from the mobile device and re-add the account on the mobile device.
Synchronization stops
Possible Cause: Varied.
Action: Resynchronize the mobile device, as described in Section 4.2, “Managing Mobile
Devices (Resynchronize, Delete, Block, Reset),” on page 31
Action: Have the user remove the account from the mobile device and re-add the account on the mobile device.
The specific actions suggested above have not resolved a synchronization problem
Possible Cause: Varied.
Mobility Connector Troubleshooting 41
Action: Perform the following procedure to start over for a particular mobile device user, similar to rebooting a computer:
1 Remove the user’s account from the mobile device.
2 Remove the user from the Mobility Connector.
3 Restart the Synchronizer services.
4 Add the user to the Mobility Connector.
5 Add the user’s account to the mobile device.
Status information on the Mobility Connector Monitoring Information page in
Synchronizer Web Admin is not correct
Possible Cause: The Mobility Connector created during installation of the Mobility Pack was deleted and you manually re-added the Mobility Connector.
Action: Manually adding a connector is not currently supported, although Synchronizer
Web Admin does allow you to do it. Uninstall, then reinstall, the Mobility Pack, as described in “ Uninstalling the Mobility Pack ” in “ Mobility Pack Installation ” in the Novell Data Synchronizer Mobility Pack Installation Guide
42 Mobility Connector Installation and Configuration Guide
Documentation Updates
This section lists updates to the Mobility Connector Installation and Configuration Guide that have been made since the initial release of the Novell Data Synchronizer Mobility Pack. The information helps you to keep current on documentation updates and software updates.
The information is grouped according to the date when the Mobility Connector Installation and
Configuration Guide was republished. Within each dated section, the updates are listed by the section title.
The Mobility Connector Installation and Configuration Guide has been updated on the following dates:
Section B.1, “August 22, 2012 (Mobility Pack 1.2.4),” on page 43
Section B.2, “May 23, 2012 (Mobility Pack 1.2.3),” on page 43
Section B.3, “February 28, 2012 (Mobility Pack 1.2.2),” on page 44
Section B.4, “August 4, 2011 (Mobility Pack 1.2),” on page 44
Section B.5, “June 2, 2011 (Mobility Pack 1.1.2),” on page 44
Section B.6, “March 2, 2011 (Mobility Pack 1.1),” on page 45
August 22, 2012 (Mobility Pack 1.2.4)
Location Change
Mobility Connector Product
Updated the supported versions for several mobile device operating systems.
Synchronization Monitoring and
Section 4.1, “Monitoring Mobility
Connector Synchronization Status,” on page 27
Added the Sync-Validate state and the Blocked state.
May 23, 2012 (Mobility Pack 1.2.3)
Mobility Connector
Documentation Updates 43
Location Change
Synchronization Monitoring and
Added instructions for limiting the number of devices per user.
Section 4.1, “Monitoring Mobility
Connector Synchronization Status,” on page 27
Improved the explanation of the bar graphs.
Synchronization Activity,” on page 34
Explained that inactive devices are removed after 30 days.
Mobility Connector
“Address book synchronization fails” on page 41
Added a new troubleshooting strategy.
February 28, 2012 (Mobility Pack 1.2.2)
Location Change
Synchronization Monitoring and
Synchronization Activity,” on page 34
Explained that inactive devices are removed after 30 days.
August 4, 2011 (Mobility Pack 1.2)
Location Change
Mobility Connector Installation
Section 2.2.1, “Using Synchronizer
Updated the Synchronizer Web Admin URL.
June 2, 2011 (Mobility Pack 1.1.2)
Location Change
Mobility Connector Installation
Section 2.2.1, “Using Synchronizer
Updated the Synchronizer Web Admin URL.
44 Mobility Connector Installation and Configuration Guide
Location Change
Section 3.6, “Controlling Maximum
Emphasized that synchronizing large attachments can put a substantial load on the Mobility Connector.
March 2, 2011 (Mobility Pack 1.1)
Location Change
Mobility Connector
Authentication Instead of LDAP
Authentication for Mobile Devices,” on page 19
Introduced the new GroupWise authentication functionality.
Section 3.4, “Enabling a Device
Password Security Policy,” on page 20
Introduced the new security policy settings for controlling mobile device access to your Synchronizer system.
Section 3.6, “Controlling Maximum
Described how mobile device users are notified when an item has attachments that are not synchronized because they exceed the maximum attachment size.
Automatic Nightly Maintenance,” on page 25
Introduced the new Mobility database nightly maintenance functionality.
Synchronization Monitoring and
Section 4.1, “Monitoring Mobility
Connector Synchronization Status,” on page 27
Described the new User Stat column. Added a link to a TID that provides additional details.
Section 4.5, “Blocking Specific
Users and Devices after Initial
Described the improved functionality for preventing mobile devices from communicating with the Mobility Connector while synchronization issues are being resolved.
Documentation Updates 45
46 Mobility Connector Installation and Configuration Guide