Paxton Easyprox compact Ins-30100-US keypad Инструкции
Below you will find brief information for keypad Easyprox compact Ins-30100-US. This document will guide you through the installation and operation of this system, which is known for its reliability and user-friendliness. This system integrates a keypad and proximity reader for access control. It provides features such as setting up user codes, programming the operation modes, and managing user cards.
01/30/2012 Paxton Ins-30100-US Easyprox compact keypad Technical Support 1.800.672.7298 [email protected] Technical help is available: Monday - Friday from 02:00 AM - 8:00 PM (EST) Documentation on all Paxton products can be found on our web site - This unit is for Indoor use only 1) Front Lock Assembly Parts list 2 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 * 0 # 3 2) Rear Lock Assembly 4 3) Rubber Escutcheon x2 4) Left and Right Handles 5) Battery Pack 6) Tubular Mortice Lock 7) Square Drive Bar 5 8) 8 mm and 5/16" Sleeves 9) 2 mm Allen Key 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 10) 8 mm Spanner 11) Strike Plate Backbox 12) Strike Plate 13 14 13) Long Mounting Screws x4 14) Short Mounting Screws x4 Tools List Power Drill Drill bits 3/8", 1". Philips screwdriver Hacksaw for cutting bolts Hammer / Mallet Chisel 1 inch Stanley knife Adhesive tape Pencil Tape measure 8 mm spanner (supplied) 2 mm Allen key (supplied) PAGE 1 Installing the hardware Step 1 - Marking out Decide on the lock height and mark this on the door. Fold the template along one dotted line and tape it to the door with the 'Centreline of Latch' at the required height. Mark the 4 x 3/8" and 1 x 1" holes. Remove the template, fold along the other dotted line and apply it to the other side of the door at the same height. Mark the holes as before. Step 2 - Drilling 3¼” 1” 2¼” Drill a 1" hole in the door edge at least 3 1/4" deep to accept the latch. Drill the 4 x 3/8" holes for the mounting screws and a 1" hole for the square bar. To ensure accuracy you should drill these holes from both sides of the door towards the centre. This also avoids the risk of damaging the door face when the drill breaks through. Step 3 - Fitting the latch Slide in the latch and draw around the faceplate. Remove the latch and score the outline with a Stanley knife to avoid splitting the wood when chiselling. Chisel a rebate allowing a flush fit for the latch. Re-fit the latch with the plunger facing away from the door frame and secure with two latch screws. Cut the square bar to length (Door thickness + 3/4") and slide into the latch. Step 4 - Fitting the battery pack Remove the access plate at the rear of the unit by removing the top standoff screws. Push the battery pack lead onto the white power plug. Fit the battery pack and replace the access plate. To wake up the unit, briefly depress the external handle. The unit will click twice and commence to beep regularly. The Easyprox must now be initialised. Please refer to Initialising a new system. The unit will stop beeping and is now active. PAGE 2 Step 5 - Mounting on the door 1 4 7 * 2 5 8 0 Select the short (doors thinner than 1 3/4") or long mounting screws and cut to length if required. (door thickness + 3/16") 3 6 9 # 7 Fit the rubber escutcheons to the front and back plates. Present the front and rear lock assembly to the door, locating the square drive in its recess and join the two parts together with 4 mounting screws. Step 6 - Fitting the handles Fit the two handles, positioning the screw holes to the underside and secure with the grub screws provided. Check the operation of the lock - See Commissioning checks. Step 7 - Marking out the strike plate Fig A Fig B Fig C Fig D Fig A - Vertical position of the strike plate - Close the door and mark the top and bottom position of the latch horizontally across the frame. Fig B - Horizontal position of the strike plate - Measure the distance from the back edge of the door to the flat face of the latch. (NOT the plunger.) Fig C - Mark this distance on the frame to show how far back the plate needs to be to hold the door closed. Fig D - Position the strike plate within these guide lines. Mark the positions of the fixing screws and draw around the 'cut-out' in the strike plate. Step 8 - Fitting the strike plate Chisel out a 5/8" aperture to receive the latch bolt. Fix the strike plate with one latch screw to the surface of the frame. FROM THE INSIDE: Gently close the door and check that the latch enters the aperture easily with no additional 'play' in the frame. Small adjustments can be made by moving the plate slightly. When satisfied, draw around the outline of the strike plate, remove it. Score around the outline and then cut the rebate to enable the strike plate to lie flush with the surface. Fix the strike plate using two latch screws and check the lock operation. Remove the strike plate and increase the aperture to accept the strike plate backbox. Now re-fix the strike plate and check the operation of the 'anti-shim' plunger and the door. The unit is now fully operational and should be enrolled as soon as possible to preserve battery life. PAGE 3 INITIALISING A NEW SYSTEM Choose a 6 digit Programming Code and load this into the unit as follows: DO NOT USE 123456 - The default User Code will open the door before the Programming Code had been fully entered. 6 digit Programming Code 6 digit Programming Code The factory User Code is now set to 1234 You can now set up the user codes and features using the programming chart. Example: - Setting a user code to unlock the door under Normal condition Enter 6 digit Programming Code 8 Enter user code 4-8 digits Re-enter user code 4 Hold for 3 secs Normal TOUCHLOCK MODE START - Enter the 6 digit Programming Code and hold down a function key for 3 seconds. - The unit beeps and the LED flashes faster. Continue the key sequence to set the option - The keypad returns to operating mode. Set a user code 8 Enter user code 4-8 digits 4 = Normal OR 6 = Toggle OR 2 = Delete Re-enter user code Combined Card & Keypad modes 1 Door open time (seconds) 5 X Single or multiple codes 2 2 One code only OR 6 Multiple codes allowed Silent operation 3 2 Beep on OR 6 Silent 20 wrong keystrokes = 60 second lockout 4 2 OFF OR 6 ON Backlight 0 2 OFF OR 6 ON Change Programming Code 6 Enter 6 digit Programming Code Data Reset (except Programming code) 9 Enter 6 digit Programming Code See PROXIMITY with TOUCHLOCK X Enter time in seconds (default = 03, max = 60) Re-enter 6 digit Programming Code 9 Function keys = Hold down for 3 secs PAGE 4 This box can be used to write down the Programming Code for future reference. Ensure that this information is stored in a secure place. PROXIMITY with TOUCHLOCK mode (i) The unit must first be initialised in TOUCHLOCK mode: See TOUCHLOCK section (ii) Set up the required operating mode, as follows: Enter 6 digit Programming Code 1 1 Card plus PIN Hold for 3 secs 2 OR 3 OR Card plus code Card or Code (iii) Present enrolment card RD CA de ON rTdY arto th ckis TI It McaI t isccardthenis tpathlidthatise the NC OeXn eseennt kethn,nsprines prtoesvaenckwet. d byken, ern pallo to rd e R olm pr e to FU rPolm ca ke fo n, th tio ad n nr tio atealla e reto theris user t th Enrolment card e e er ad en by la al lidinst thus in re a lm 4 st e a in to va ro/7 wed th ate fo At attoe to ns in llo At rd ke id n.en 1. ader 1. caalid rd is fo to al to -v t ca -v t ax e th er re re th /p en n re en To :/ read tp ke To es 2. rolm 2. e ken. ht en er to fo:pr th ss us in to erceto e usAc Mor on xt Pa All tokens will now be validated. Tokens can now be issued to users Adding an additional Proximity card pack. You need to be in possession of a valid enrolment card for this system. Present this enrolment card to the reader and the Amber LED will flash with the Green & Red LEDs off. Present the Enrolment card from the new card pack. The reader will beep and all LEDS will be lit. The additional cards will now be valid. Repeat this with each reader and with any additional card packs. Any valid enrolment card can be used to add further packs. If an incorrect enrolment card is used to start the process, the Red LED will be lit and the reader will produce a squeak sound as it rejects the card. To bar a user: Present/swipe user's shadow card The user card is now barred A user can be re-validated by showing the enrolment card followed by the user card or re-entered if used in Card+PIN mode. Card plus Code.Access is granted by presenting a valid token and then entering a valid user code. Card or Code. Access is granted by presenting a valid token or entering a valid user code. Touchlock programming - Function 2 to enable multiple user codes, Function 8 to add user codes. (4 digits) Card plus PIN. A card requires a 4 digit PIN to be assigned to it before it will work, as follows: Present enrolment card RD CA de ON rTdY arto th ckis TI It McaI t isccardthenis tpathlidthatise the NC OeXn eseennt kethn,nsprines prtoesvaenckwet. d byken, ern pallo to rd e R olm pr e to FU rPolm ca ke fo n, th tio ad n nr tio atealla e reto theris user t th e e er ad en by la al lidinst thus in re a lm 4 st e a in to va ro/7 wed th ate fo At attoe to ns in llo At rd ke id n.en 1. ader 1. caalid rd is fo to al to -v t ca -v t ax e th er re re th /p en n re en To :/ read tp ke To es 2. rolm 2. e ken. ht en er to fo:pr th ss us in to erceto e usAc Mor on xt Pa Flashing Amber LED Present user card Enter PIN Flashing Yellow/Green LED Re-Enter PIN Flashing Yellow/Green (faster) LED If Card plus PIN is selected, the total number of users that may be enrolled is limited to the maximum number of PIN's. (see Specification table) IMPORTANT: Before presenting a PROXIMITY card to the reader, you must first press the POWER - - key or briefly depress the handle. The reader is then active for 5 seconds. This time limit helps to ensure maximum battery life. PAGE 5 Enrolment Card - must be presented when the system is first powered on 2 1 1 2 3 3 9 7 8 9 * # * 0 # 5 enrolment card 1. At installation, present this card to the reader to validate the tokens in this pack en 6 5 RD CA N rdY rdto the ks IT cad pacthi TIOIM t ca t s car this t lidt thiates the va by , X ent thiensprinesento sen NC Oen . sen , r pre ow cked en lm tok R FU roPlm pa tok card en foll , pre ion de F ro 4 3 2 4 8 0 RD CA N the IO card card tos pack s thi s CT ent t thiby the t thi in sen ed sen ens pre UN lm FUNCTION CARD 1 6 7 4 ! EP BE P! BEE RD CA N rd the k to TIOt ca s cardthis pac t this the by t thi in NC en sen ed ens FU rolm ion, prethesentok token prefollow te r der en ro thelat r tokthiders user nt the en entallationidainstetal theuserea rea a me ed by in a s ins val rol ow tok en foll , pre ion te the r tok der lat use rea tal ida a ins to val the te ida d to 1. der val car rea reent To 2. olm en enr r tok use to the ate te en to At At rd ida d to lid s en follow 1. der 1. ca val cartok va thi r rea re- the re- t de ent To en rea . 2. olm 2.enTo es en pr the enr r tok use to er tok At lat use rea tal ida a /74 ins to val the te nfo At ida d to n.i 1. der val car xto rea re/pa ent To 2. olm en http:/ : enr r tok info use re Mo us 2. To re-validate a user token present this enrolment card to the reader followed by the user token 1. 2. 3. 4. Take the enrolment card from the new pack of user cards Present the enrolment card to the reader The reader will beep as the enrolment card is acknowledged All cards in the pack are now valid. The enrolment card can now be returned to it's pack. Issuing tokens 1. 2. 3. 4. 3 2 1 4 Across each double page there are 'pairs' of cards - a 'User card' and a corresponding 'Shadow card'. Write the name of the user on the shadow card. Issue the matching user card to the user. Keep the card pack containing the shadow cards in a safe place. Bar a user 1 2 3 1 4 1. 2. 3. 4. 2 5 3 6 7 8 9 * 0 # When a card is lost or stolen it is important to bar the card from your system to avoid unauthorized access. To bar a card or token take it's corresponding shadow card from the card pack. Present the shadow card to the reader. This will remove the lost card or token from your system. A barred card can re-validated by presenting the enrolment card followed by the user card to the reader. Door held open 1 2 3 1 4 FUNCTION CARD fail open release This card is used with systems where a fail open electric release is used for the safe operation in the event of a fire. Present the card to the reader to drive a fail open release or a maglock. Present the card again to revert to the fail closed operation RD en e op in th CA e il to e fa a ation er t th s e ad er oper re esen ON a TI rele ms ewhsafe to thek. opPr eration NC en th systefor the cardmaglocsed FU il op used wiis usesedentseth or ea fail clo fa is se Pr lea to th re rd lea e. rt ca re fir en is ic a op reve Th ctr t of fail to ele en a ev ive again dr rd ca 2 5 4 3 1 6 7 8 9 * 0 # 4 P! E BE 2 5 3 6 7 8 9 * 0 # ! P BEE RD en e op in th CA e il to e fa a ation er t th s e ad er oper re esen ON a TI rele ms ewhsafe to thek. opPr eration NC en th systefor the cardmaglocsed FU il op used wiis usesedentseth or ea fail clo fa is se Pr lea to th re rd lea e. rt ca re fir en is ic a op reve Th ctr t of fail to ele en a ev ive again dr rd ca The 'Fail open release card' has the same functions as a door held open card. 1. Take the fail open release function card from the starter pack. 2. Present the card to the reader. The reader will give a short beep. 3. The door is now set to be permanently unlocked. 4. To relock the door, present the card again, the reader will beep once and return to normal operation. A button on the inside allows the internal handle to be held in the unlocked position. PAGE 6 Door open time 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 d door open time card The period that the door is unlocked for when a valid token is presented is set as follows: 1 4 2 5 3 6 7 8 9 7 8 9 * 0 # * 0 # RD a CA rd when N e ca ked forlows: m p sto TIOn ti is unloct as fol ll NC pe doord is se d eping wi the nte rio be FUoor o that pre se pe the FUNCTION CARD 4 ! EP BE P! BEE RD a CA rd when N e ca ked forlows: m p sto TIOn ti is unloct as fol ll NC pe doord is se d eping wi the nte rio be FUoor o that pre se pe the , d is rd ed rio ca uir again s pe en e tok thi req rd Th lid nt the ca se for this va Pre it nt 1. Wa se 2. Pre 3. d , d is rd ed rio ca uir again s pe en e tok thi req rd Th lid nt the ca se for this va Pre it nt 1. Wa se 2. Pre 3. 1. Present this card 2. Wait for the required period 3. Present this card again, the beeping will stop 1. 2. 3. 4. Take the door open time function card from the starter pack. Present the card to the reader. The reader will start beeping. Wait for the required period you wish the door to remain open. Present the card again at the end of the period to set the open time. The beeping will stop. Silent operation card 1 2 4 2 5 3 3 4 6 7 8 9 * 0 # FUNCTION CARD sil 2 5 ! EP BE P! BEE 3 6 7 8 9 * 0 # RD s ise to CA no ain ing ag n ON o beepcard TI erati ce thet this NC op to silenPresenises FU nt card ader. ing no e N op to silenPres ises FU ent is cardreaderep. ing no Present this card to silence the beeping noises made by the reader. Present this card again to re-enable the beeping noises 1 4 ! EP BE RD s ise to CA no N n eping again IO tio the beis card CT era ce ent th silent operation 1. 2. 3. 4. 1 sil t th the e be en by th es Pr ade ble m -ena re is re ep t th the e be th en by es Pr ade ble m -ena re Take the silent operation function card from the starter pack. Present the card to the reader. The reader will beep. The reader is now in silent operation mode. Present the card again to disable silent operation mode. The reader will beep twice. Color zone cards 1 2 1 rd ca e th to . rd D ca LE f. of is n th ee ed is g gr low D n to s g tin e al LE ai rd in s. en f th be 's ag ca ild ur es of t er rd ne bu colo e pr rn no ad ca or tu ill re e . Zo th rd g ill s w the t th D of n ca in LE s ip er w rd n en n rt rtai ca he es ee pa Sw ad ce w re reen ss or pr e gr to to G ce e th ss d ac ip on acce ricte Sw rn le st tu ab re en be to en re G ne zo 2 3 3 1 2 4 8 9 7 8 9 * 0 # * 0 # 5 rd ca 6 e th to . rd D ca LE f. of is n th ee ed is g gr low D n to s g tin e al LE ai rd in s. en f th be 's ag ca ild ur es of t er rd ne bu colo e pr rn no ad ca or tu ill re e . Zo th rd g ill s w the t th D of n ca in LE s ip er w rd n en n rt rtai ca pa he es ee Sw ad ce w re reen ss or pr e gr to to G ce e th ss d ac ip on acce ricte Sw rn le st tu ab re en be to en re G 5 ne zo 4 3 6 7 4 ! EP BE P! BEE rd ca e th to rd D. ca LE f. of is n th ee ed is to g gr ow D s g tin e all LE ain rd in rs. en f th be 's ag ca ild lou es of t er rd bu co pr rn no ad ca Zone e th rd or tu ll re e g ll s wi the t th D. of ca in LE in ip er wi rd en en n rts rta Sw ad n ca wh pres ee pa ce re ee ss or e gr to to Gr ce e th ss d ac ip on acce ricte Sw rn le st tu ab re en re G ne zo en be to Green zone card Swiping or presenting this card to the reader will turn off the green LED. Green cards will not be allowed access when the reader's LED is off. Swipe or present the card again to turn on the green LED. Zone cards enable access to parts of the building to be restricted to certain card colours. 1. You require a function card pack. 2. To bar green users from this door present the green zone card. 3. The LED's will briefly display the color zones that are still active. 4. To reverse this process, present the green zone card again. This may also be done with red and amber zone cards. Normal Operation - LED Indications The external handle is only engaged once access has been granted. The inside handle is always engaged. A valid user card will cause the Green LED to flash briefly and the handle will then engage. This time period can be changed with the 'door open time' card but should be kept to a minimum to preserve battery life. LED indications Green flash A valid user card has been presented and the handle is engaged Red flash + low beep An invalid user card has been presented - No access granted Amber constant flashing A valid user card has been presented - the handle is not horizontal and so the latch cannot release Red constant flashing The handle is being held down - The latch cannot relock Alarm sounder The alarm is activated when the door fails to re-lock itself. The alarm will sound for 60 seconds during which time the unit will try to lock the door once every 10 seconds. After 60 seconds the unit will then shut down. When the unit is woken up, it will immediately try to lock the door. If it fails, the alarm cycle will start again. Failure to relock will substantially reduce battery life. PAGE 7 Commissioning checks With the product fixed securely to the door: 1) Hold the door unlocked by presenting the fail open release card. 2) Check that the handles are running smoothly. This is best done by depressing the handle all the way to the bottom and then releasing it as slowly as possible. If the handle is left behind at any point, it is likely that the product has not been installed squarely enough. Check the handle on both sides of the door. 3) If your finger is able to leave the handle, remove the unit from the door (or slacken the four mounting screws) and see if the problem goes away. If it does, the installation onto the door is at fault and the drilling of the mounting holes should be checked for alignment. 4) Return the door to normal operation by presenting the fail open release card again. This test confirms the correct and free operation of the mechanical lock and also ensures that the electronic circuits will shut down correctly preserving battery life. Low battery warning When the battery voltage falls below 4V, the user will see a delay between the card being read and access being granted. This delay provides a warning that the battery pack should be replaced. The warning delay starts at 5 seconds, increasing up to 25 seconds as the battery discharges with use. The door open time should be kept to a minimum to preserve battery life. Recovery from a flat battery Should the battery pack become discharged, the latch will no longer function. This could be in the locked or unlocked state. Holding a PP3 9V battery up to the contacts on the bottom of the unit will allow the circuitry to operate normally. A valid user card can then be used to open the door to access the batteries. -ve +ve Battery replacement 1. Remove the unit from the door by removing the 4 securing screws on the rear lock assembly. 2. Remove the top two standoff screws - Fig 1. 3. Remove the access plate to reveal the battery pack. - Fig 2. 4. Unplug the lead and replace the pack with a new Paxton Access battery pack. - Fig 3. (The unit will retain its settings and should not be manually reset). 5. Refit the access plate and secure. 6. Refit the unit to the door. Fig 1 Fig 2 Fig 3 PAGE 8 Full System Reset The unit is returned to its Factory settings and will require initialising again. There are two possible methods: 1. Remove Easyprox from the door by removing the 4 securing screws on the rear lock assembly. 2. Remove the plastic access plate at the rear of the front lock assembly. (top two standoff screws) 3. Locate the reset push button at the lower right corner of the circuit board. 4. Hold the button down and press the power button on the front of the keypad. - The unit will beep 3 times. 5. Press and release the reset button 4 more times - The unit will beep and display a flashing GREEN LED. 6. Remove and replace the battery plug. - The unit will beep and display a flashing AMBER LED - IT NOW REQUIRES RE-ENROLLING 7. Replace the access plate. 8. Refit the lock to the door with the 4 fixing screws. - OR 1. Wake up the unit by pressing the power button. 2. Present Enrolment card. 3. Present Door open time card twice. 3. Present Enrolment card again. 4. Present Door open time card twice. 5. WAIT FOR 5 SECONDS Specifications Features Min Max Number of Users 1 10,000 Number of Card Packs 1 100 1 sec 60 sec 1 3 Min Max 0°C (-32°F) +55°C (+131°F) 5,000 Number of PIN's Door open time Access levels (Color Zones) Silent operation Environment Operating temperature - Battery limits Yes Paxton Battery Pack Battery Type 30,000 operations Typical Battery Life Waterproof No Low Vandal resistance Read Range Dimensions Reader/Keypad module (Required space on Door) Total outside dimensions (includes handle clearance) Token Keyfob 2 inch 1 inch Width Height Depth 2 3/8 inch 7 5/8 inch 1 inch 6 inch 7 5/8 inch 2 7/8 inch FCC Compliance This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) this device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation. Changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could void the user's authority to operate the equipment. PAGE 9 ">
Key Features
- Keypad and proximity reader
- User code setup
- Programming operational modes
- User card management
- Alarm and battery management
Frequently Answers and Questions
How do I set up a user code on the keypad?
Refer to the "INITIALISING A NEW SYSTEM" section of the manual, which outlines the process to set a user code for accessing the system.
How do I add a new proximity card to the system?
Follow the "PROXIMITY with TOUCHLOCK mode" section in the manual to learn how to add a new proximity card to the system. You will need a valid enrolment card to perform this action.
What should I do if the battery is low?
The manual explains that when the battery voltage falls below 4V you will notice a delay between the card being read and access being granted. This is a warning that the battery pack should be replaced. You can refer to the "Battery replacement" section of the manual for detailed instructions.