DIG LEIT-2ET Weather Based Irrigation System, LEIT WWS Wireless Weather Station, LEIT RC2ET Wireless Handset User manual

Below you will find brief information for Weather Based Irrigation System LEIT-2ET LEIT-2ET, Wireless Weather Station LEIT WWS LEIT WWS, Wireless Handset LEIT RC2ET LEIT RC2ET. The LEIT-2ET System is for use with any brand valve and uses weather data to automatically adjust irrigation schedules, saving water, time and money. The Wireless Weather Station LEIT WWS LEIT WWS measures rainfall, temperature, wind speed, humidity and solar radiation and transmits this data to the LEIT-2ET System. The Wireless Handset LEIT RC2ET LEIT RC2ET controls the LEIT-2ET System from the user’s location, sets irrigation schedules, monitors system status, and allows the user to override the system with a manual run.

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LEIT-2ET System User Manual | Manualzz




Key features

  • Wireless communication
  • Solar powered
  • Water Conservation
  • Weather-Based Irrigation
  • Easy-to-use interface
  • Adjustable settings
  • Monitoring and reporting
  • Remote control
  • Rain delay

Frequently asked questions

The LEIT-2ET System is easy to set up. First, install the LEIT WWS Wireless Weather Station near your irrigation system. Then, connect the LEIT-2ET Controller to your valves and power it up. Finally, configure the LEIT RC2ET Wireless Handset by selecting the desired settings and downloading them to the controller.

The LEIT-2ET System saves water by using real-time weather data to adjust irrigation schedules. This ensures that your lawn and plants receive the right amount of water, without overwatering or underwatering.

The LEIT-2ET System is compatible with Unimax S-305DC solenoids and most brand name valves using one of seven valve adapters.

You can adjust irrigation schedules using the LEIT RC2ET Wireless Handset. The handset allows you to create custom programs based on your watering needs and preferences.

Yes, the LEIT-2ET System can monitor and receive signals from up to five weather stations. The system uses the daily average data from all weather stations for evapotranspiration (ET) calculations.
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