Bang & Olufsen Beogram 3000 record player User's Guide
The Beogram 3000 is a record player designed for the Beosystem 3000, a Bang & Olufsen one-touch hi-fi system. It is also compatible with other Beomaster models with Datalink. If you are connecting the Beogram to a receiver or amplifier without Datalink, you must first remove the two grooved pins from the 7-pin DIN plug. The Beogram 3000 automatically registers the size of the record and determines the speed at which to play it. The tonearm automatically lowers the stylus into the lead-in groove of the record and returns to its resting position at the end.
000€ INVYDO039 BANG & OLUFSEN a ee CE tis User's Guide for record player . Placing the Beogram . Setting up . Adjusting stylus pressure . Cleaning record before play ‚ Start playing a record . Setting speed manually . Pause during play . Moving to another track . Stop play 10. 11. 12. . Cleaning the record player 14. 15. 16. Hepeating a record Operating with dust cover closed Cleaning the stylus Record care Glossary of buttons and terms Technical specifications Congratulations How to use this guide We congratulate you on your pur- chase of the Beogram 3000, which is one of the componenis of the Beosystem 3000, a Bang & Olufsen one-touch hi-fi system. The other components in the Beo- system 3000 are the Beomaster 3000, the Terminal 3000 (a remo- te-control unit), and the Beocord 2000. Like the other components in the Beosystem 3000, the Beogram 3000 is fitted with the Bang & Olufsen Datalink system. This means that within the Beosystem 3000 you can switch from one source to the other, e.g. from lis- tening to a record to playing a tape or the radio, just with one single touch. If you connect your Heogram fo another Beomaster with Datalink, you will of course have the same benefits. if you connect the Beogram to a receiver or an amplifier with a 5- pin DIN socket, you must first remove the two pins with grooves in the 7-pin DIN plug attached to the Beogram. Hold the booklet in one hand. Use vour index finger to keep the flap open, or let the booklet lie open on a flat surface. In this way, you will always be seeing the drawing of the Beogram's operation facili- ties and the Table of Contents, The Table of Contents lists activ- ities you may want to carry out. We recommend you start from no. 1 and go through the instructions in numerical order. It won't take long and is a good way of getting to know all the functions. After- wards, if in doubt about some- thing, you only have to glance at the Table of Contents to know where to find an answer to your questions. ASK OS ELECYRIE BHOCH DO NOT CAUTION: To reduce the risk of electric shock, do not remove cover (or back}. Ne user-serviceable paris inside. Refer servicing fo qualified service personnel. WARNING: To prevent fire or electric shock, do not expose this appliance to rain or moisture. This symbol indicates that a dangerous voltage constitut- ing a risk of electric shock is — present within this unit. This symbol indicates that there are important operat- ing and maintenance instruc- tions in the literature accom- panying this unit. 1 Placing the Beogram Position your Becgram record player horizontally on a flat, stable surface or on the WBBG 30, a special Bang & Olufsen bracket for hanging the Beogram on the wail (optional accessory, see соу- er illustration), it must be well away from sun-filled windows, and direct heat from fireplaces and radiators. and not further than 1 metre away from the receiver it is connected to. Leave at least 30 cm of free space above the record player to be able to open the dust cover all the way up. Setting up The Beogram is provided with so- called transport screws in order to protect it against damage dur- ing transport. After unpacking the Beogram you have to loosen theses screws before vou can play a record. The three transport screws are accessible from the bottom of the Beogram and can be loosened with a screwdriver or a coin. Place the Beogram on a table and loosen the transport screws one by one, letting the Beogram stand out beyond the edge of the table and turning it to gain access to each of the three transport screws, Turn each screw anti- clockwise (note the drawing next to each screw indicating the transport and play positions) until it comes loose (Several turns). You do not have to worry about unscrewing the screws completely - they cannot come off. Now carefully remove the two pieces of foam rubber protecting the tonearm. Make sure to remove the foam rubber from the left so that you avoid touching the stvius, Place the turntable platter on the turntable platform. If the turntable can now move freely with a kind of springy movement, the Beogram is ready for playing. Remember to raise the stylus guard on the cartridge before playing a record. Whenever you have to transport your Beogram, we strongly recommend that you remove the turntable platter, tighten the trans- port screws and pack the Beogram in its original packing. Adjusting stylus pressure The stylus pressure must be adjusted to match the Bang & Olufsen MMC cartridge filled on the Seogram, The stylus pressure can be read on the righthand side of the tonearm on a scale from 1.8 10 0.8 grammes. Set the slider with the red marker in the position required for your cartridge (see the table below: Recommended siylus pressure: MMC 1 190 MMC 2 10 MMC 3 1,2 VMC À 12 MMCS 15 If vou want to check the stylus pressure, you can do so by using a stylus pressure gauge, Place the gauge underneath the stylus and more than two seconds. The tonearm will rest on the gauge, and the pressure can be read on the gauge. 4 Cleaning the record before play A record should be cleaned before piay in order to remove any dust, Holding the rim of the record with both hands carefully place it on turniable staris rotating and the tonearm moves towards the lead- in groove of the record. While the turniabie is rotating the tonsarm will be hovering just above ihe first track of the record. You can now clean the record using a good record cleaner according to the instructions of the manufacturer, Make sure {hat the stylus guard is raised and piaved and you can ciose the dust cover. Start playing a record Carefully place the record on the piatier holding the rim of the record with both hands. Press The record player automaticaliy registers the size of the record and determines the speed at which the record is to be played. You can check the speed on the indicator arm next to the tonearm - either 33 or 45 will be displayed. The turntable starts rofating and the tonearm automatically lowers the stylus into the lead-in groove of the record. if vour Geogram is connected to a Reomaster 3000 or another Beo- master with Datalink, the record will de played immediately. if the Beogram is connected to an amplifier or receiver nol provided with Datalink, e.g. of makes other than Bang & Olufsen, you first have to switch on that receiver or amplifier and select record player as input At the end of the record the tonearm automatically returns to its resting position and the Beogram goes into stand-by mode. 6 Setting speed manually If vou want to play a maxi-single record, Le, a record of LP-size but requiring 45 rpm, you have to order the Beogram to play the record at the right speed. Fut the record on the platter, press [PLAY] and then [45] to the left on the Beogram. The record will now be played at the right speed. You can check the speed on the indicator arm next to the tonearm - 45 should be displayed. 7 Pause during play if vou want to play a single requir- ing 33 rom, you also have to order the Beogram to play the record at the right speed. Put the record on the platter, left on the Beooram The record ii now be played ai the right speed. You can check the speed on the indicator arm next to the tonearm - 33 should be displayed. You can make a pause while play- ing a record without having to stop the Beogram. Just prose [LIFT>] and the tonearm will lift off the record and be varie above the groove ипего it was lifted. The turntable will still be rotating and to resume playing the record you just have to press PLAY again The Beogram automatically goes into stand-by after a pause of 7 minutes. This is your guarantee that the Beogram cannot be left rotating for many hours on end with vou forgetting everything about it Moving to another track White playing a record you may want to listen to a track further ahead or back on the record. Just press, < <TUAN| and the tonearm lift off the record. While pres- sino a [TURN] you can steer the tonearm across the record towards the middie. When reach- ing the beginning of ne track you Beogram wi m tar olay ing. Stop play if vou want to listen to a track fur- ther back on the record, vou press [LIFT> and the tonearm lifts off the record. While pressing LIFT>] you can steer the tonearm towards the beginning of the record. When reaching the begin- ning of the track you want press PLAY] again and the Beogram will start playing. Note the tiny beam of light during these functions. It is there to help vou locate the tracks on the record. if you want to stop playing a record before the end of the ий automatically and return to to resting position and the Beogram will go into stand-by mode. If the Beogram is connected 10 the Beomaster 3000 or another Beomaster with Datalink, you can switch off the whole system by pressi no e $ for more than two seconds. Repeating a record 12 Cleaning the stylus if you press [PLAY] again while playing a record, the record will be repeated the number of times the end of the last track, the tonearm will automatically return to the start of the record and play the record again, The display on the indicator arm (33 or 45) will Diink to indicate that the record will be repeated. 11 Operating with dust cover closed Operating with the dust cover closed is the best way of prevent- ing dust from gathering on the record. Once you have placed the record on the platter, you close the dust cover and procesd 10 play the record. Press PLAY to start playing the record, and press 6 to stop piay- ing. [<] and [>] are used to make the turniable rotate, lifi the tonearm and move it across the record to find a Certain track (see 8). Their functions are ideniical to the buttons [<TURN, [LIFT>|, PLAY| 6 | under the dust cover. if vou want to set the speed manually (cf. 6), you nave to start playing the record before closing the dust cover, Fluff and dust can build up on the tip of the stylus and cause distor- tion during play. The stylus should therefore be cleaned every now and then to remove such fluff and dust. Using the little brush supplied, make three or four gentle sweep- ing strokes FROM THE BACK of the cartridge towards the front, We recommend you avoid using any chemical fluids to clean the stylus. 13 Cleaning the record player The turntable platter and the chassis can be wiped with a dry cloth. Grease stains, if any, can be removed with a firmly wrung cloth dipped in a detergent solu- tion, Mind the stylus and be care- fui not to wet the cartridge. We recommend window cleane for cleaning the dust cover, Note: Never use denatured alco- hol to ciean any parts of the record player. How to handle records Records should be treated with What can you do to treat the great Care to ensure optimum records properly! sound reproduction and a long - не. i Always keep the records in their proper covers. Always keep the records in an upright position away from heat Never piace a record on top of an apparatus that gets warm, e.g. the Beomaster. Never touch the playing surface of a record with your fingers. Always avoid rubbing the record too much against the record sleeve (to avoid static electricity). Always hold only the rim of the record and touch only the record label with you fingers. setting speed manually (see 6). Speed can be sel by pressing Trama anar naar can also set the speed by pres- sing [33] (or [45)) and then PLAY). in that case [PLAY should be pressed within 7 seconds after pressing [33] (or [34) in order for the soeed request to be remem- bered. premiar ton for making the turntable turn, checking stylus pressure, lifting the tonearm and moving it across the record (see 3, 4 and 8). A stand-by switches on the light for about 7 seconds. playing, stopping and repeating a record, also accessible with dust cover closed (see 5, 9 and 10). Requests for repetition can be cancelled by pressing down PLAY for anout 2 seconds. Giossary of buttons and terms accessible with dust cover closed, for lifting the tonearm and moving it across the record {see 8 and 11. * Beosysiem 3000, corporate name for the following Bang á Olufsen products designed to work together as a complete sys- tem: Beomaster 3000, Terminal 3000, Beogram 3000 and Beocord 2000, All the components in the Beosys- tem 3000 are fitted with the Bang & Olufsen Datalink system. * WBBG 30, a specially designed Bang & Olufsen wall bracket for hanging the Beogram 3000 on the wall. * Tonearm, that part of the Beogram on which the pickup cartridge is fitted. * Indicator arm, parallel to the tonearm, moves along with the tonearm. The display on the end of the arm indicates the speed at which the record is being played. A blinking display indicates that the record will be repeated auto- matically. * Datalink, an electronic system built into many Bang & Olufsen products, which allows the indivi- dual components to interact by one-touch operation, The Beosys- tem 3000 incorporates the Data- link system. So do the Beosys- tems 2000, 5000, 6000 and 8000. Products from these hi-fi systems in any combination therefore offer the convenience of one-touch operation. 16 Technical € ecifications Type No. To 5901-5903-5904-5905 Wow and flutter, DIN < 0.06% Wow and flutter, WHMS —<0.03% —80 dB Rumble DIN unweighted >55d8 Speeds — = 33-45 rpm. Speed deviation <+0.2% Power supply Type no. 5901: 220-240 V “Type ño. 5003-1720 Y в: Туре ho. 5904: 140 Type no. 5905: 2400 V — 50-60 Hz <10 watts Dimensions WxHxD 42 x 7.5 x 32.5 em Weight xx Subject to change without notice ~~ Guarantee International guarantee This Bang & Olufsen product carries a guarantee against defects in workmanship and materials, it is a national guarantee, extended by Bang & Olufsen in the country in which the product was bought. The terms of the guaraniee apply principally {o the country of purchase but will be met by authorized Bang & Olufsen dealers in other countries. This apparatus fulfils the condi- tions stated in the EEC Directive 82/499 concerning radio frequ- ancy interference. For the UK market only, The wires in the mains lead sup- plied with the Beogram 3000 are coloured in accordance with the following code: Blue: Neutral Brown: Live As the colours of the wires in the mains lead of this apparatus may not correspond with the coloured markings identifying the terminalis in your plug proceed as follows: The wire which is coloured blue must be connected to the terminal which is marked with the letter N or coloured black. The wire which is coloured brown must be con- nected to the terminal which is marked with the letter Lor coloured red. Ensure that vour equipment is connected correctly. If vou are in any doubt, consult a qualified electrician. 3505392 10-86 ">

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Key features
- Automatic speed detection
- Datalink system
- Automatic tonearm return
- Dust cover for protection
- Repeats records
- Manual speed setting
- Pause during playback
Frequently asked questions
To play a maxi-single record at 45 rpm, you need to manually set the speed. Put the record on the platter, press PLAY, then press the 45 button on the Beogram. You can verify the speed by checking the indicator arm next to the tonearm, which should display 45.
To clean the stylus, use the small brush provided and make three or four gentle sweeping strokes from the back of the cartridge towards the front. Avoid using any chemical fluids to clean the stylus.
Press PLAY again while a record is playing to repeat it. The tonearm will automatically return to the start of the record and play it again. The display on the indicator arm will blink to indicate that the record is being repeated.