User's Guide for record player
1. Belting up after unpacking
2. Fitting cartridge and adjusting
stylus pressure
. Where can you place your
Beogram record player?
4. Cleaning the record before
. Start playing a record
. Setting speed manually
. Pause during play
. Moving to another track
. Stop play
10. Cleaning the stylus
11. Cleaning the record player
12. How to handle records
13. Balancing the tonearm
14. Adjusting antiskating
15. Glossary of buttons and terms
16. Technical specifications
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How to use this guide
Beogram RX2 is one of the record
players in a new generation of
radial-tracking record players
developed by Bang & Olufsen. AH
radial-tracking Beograms are
equipped with anti-skating, which
prevents distortion by increasing
tracking ability,
Your Beogram RX2 should be fit-
ted with one of the pick-ups in
Bang á Olufsen's new MMC pick-
up series. The MMC pick-ups are
based on the patented Moving
Micro Cross principle which offers
minimal record wear and perfect
sound reproduction.
Bang & Olufsen has combined
three very important features in
the Beogram RX2: a lightweight
tonearm, a pick-up of extremely
low weight and a patented pendu-
lum suspension of the chassis.
Thanks to these features you may
dance right beside the record
player. The tonearm won't jump
even if you do, and even if the
tonearm is made to jump by some
accident, the total weight of the
arm and the pick-up is so low thai
the record won't be scratched.
Hold the booklet in one hand. Use
your index finger to keep the flap
open, or let the booklet lie open
on a flat surface. In this way, you
will always be seeing the drawing
of the Beogram’s operation facili-
ties and the Table of Contents.
The Table of Contents lists activ-
ities vou may want to carry out,
We recommend vou start from no.
1 and go through the instructions
in numerical order. It won't take
long and is a good way of getting
to know all the functions. After-
wards, if in doubt about some-
thing, vou only have to glance at
the Table of Contents to know
where to find an answer to your
CAUTION: To reduce the risk
of electric shock, de nat
remove cover (or back).
No user-serviceable parts
inside. Refer servicing Io
qualified service personnel.
WARNING: To prevent fire or
electric shock, do not expose
this appliance to rain or
This symbol indicates that a
dangerous voltage constitut-
ing a risk of electric shock is
present within this unit.
This symbol indicates that
there are important operat-
ing and maintenance instruc-
tions in the literature accom-
panying this unit.
Setting up after unpacking
Great care has been taken to pro-
tect the record player against
damage during transportation. In
1. The turntable platform is pre-
vented from rotating by three rim-
2. The inner chassis, which is
mounted on a pendulum soring
suspension, is locked rigidly and
thus prevented from moving by
three transport screws.
You can see that the rim-brakes
and transport screws are infact
When locked, a rim-brake will
look like this:
When locked, a transport screw
will look like this:
You can also check, by trying fo
rotate the turntable platform and
by pressing it. if the transport
safety devices are intact, the turn-
table platform will not rotate and
the system will be rigid and will
not move freely up and down.
The three rim-brakes ano the
three transport screws must be
uniocked before you put the turn-
table platter onto the turntable
platform, Here's how:
The rim-brakes
Using a screwdriver, turn the
brake clockwise, until the brake-
stot for the screwdriver is parallel
to the rim of the turntable plat-
form, and there is complete free
space between the turntable plat-
form and the rest of the chassis,
{For geometricians: you will have
turned the screwdriver 90
Repeat until all three rim-brakes
have been unlocked. To check,
rotate the turntable platform with
your hand. !t will move freeiy.
The transport screws
Using a screwdriver, turn the
screw counter-clockwise until H
loosens. {2 or 3 turns)
Push the protective plate aside, s0
that the head of the screw can go
down through the hole.
Using a screwdriver, turn the
screw clockwise down through
the hole until if tightens. (Several
Repeat until all three transport
screws have been unlocked, and
then locked into their new posi-
To check, press the turntable
platiorm. The entire turntable
mechanism will move freely up
and down, with a »springy« action.
Place the turniabie platter on the
turntable platform.
If you aver need to transport your
Beogram record player make sure
the rim-brakes and transport
screws are locked in their trans-
port positions.
First, remove the turntable platter.
To do this, lift the spindle in the
middie of the turntable platter
until you can insert the tips of
your fingers under the rim of the
ptatter. Then lift off the platter,
The rim-brakes and transport
screws are now visible. Secure
them, using the reverse of the
procedures described above.
For safe transportation, always
transport your Beogram in lts ori-
ginal packing and carton.
Beogram RX2 is provided with
prono plugs: L for left channel
and R for right channel. The
separate lead should be connect-
ed to the earth screw on the
Fitting cartridg
e and adiusting stylus pressure
The Beogram must be fitted with
one of the following Bang & Oluf-
sen cartridges:
Recommended siyius pressure
MMC 1 1.0 gram
MMC 2 1.0 grams
ММС 3 1.2 grams
ММС 4 1.2 grams
MMC 5 1.5 grams
Adjust the sivius pressure to cor
respond to your cartridge accord-
ing to the table above.
To do this, hold the tonearm firmly
with your left hand,
Using your right hand, gently turn
the black section of the tonearm’s
counterweight clockwise until you
see 0.5 (grams) on its calibrated
Now turn the counterweight anti-
clockwise until vou see the appro-
priate mark on the scale (1.0, 1.1
etc), Turning the counterweight
down to 0.5 and then up again
ensures precise adiustment,
To fine adjust, align the appropri-
ate mark with the white mark on
the tonearm pearing. See 14 10
adjust antiskating.
Mhere can you place your Beogram record player?
Position your Beogram record
player horizontally on a flail, siabie
surface In any convenient loca-
tion, providing it is well away from
direct heat from sun-filied win-
dows, fires and radiators,
The Beogram should be сюзе 10,
and not further than | metre away
from the receiver 16 which it is 10
ре connected.
Leave al least 40 cm free space
above the record player if you
want to be able to open the dust
cover all the way.
4 Cleaning the record before play
A record should be cleaned
before play in order to remove
any dust.
Holding the rim of the record wilh
both hands carefully place it on
the platter. Press [CUE] The turn-
table slaris rotating and the
tonearm moves towards the lead-
in groove of the record. While the
turntable is rotating ihe tonearm
will be hovering just above the
first track of the record,
You can now clean the record
using a good record cleaner
according to the instructions of
the manufacturer. MAKE SURE
The record will be played and you
can close the dust cover.
Start playing a record
Remember to raise the stylus
guard on the cartridoe before
playing a record.
Carefusy place the record on the
clatter holding the rim of the
record with both hands. Press
The record plaver automatically
registers the size of the record
and determines the speed al
which the recard is ta be played.
Setting speed manuaily
rntable starts rotating and
ne tu
he à tonearm automatically lowers
the stylus into the lead-in groove
of the record,
At the end of ne record the
tonearm automa Пу returns to
its resting posit lon and the
Beogram goes Into stand-by.
If vou want to p day a maxi-single
record, Le. a record of LP-size DUl
requiring 45 rpm, you have lo
order the Becgram lo play the
record at the right speed.
Put the record on the pater
> PLAY at nd then [45
record will now be played at the
right speec,
Е уси Wa int to playa
no 33 rom, you also have to
order the Beogram to play the
record at the right speed,
Put th e > record on the platter.
sme о
record wi Mm now be Slave at the
right speed.
single requir-
7 Pause during play
You can make a pause white nlay-
ing a record without having to
stop the ram uu press
the record and ое помет ing above
the groove ners was lifted. The
turntable will still be rotating and
o resume play ing the record VOR
The Beogram automatically goes
into stand-by after a pause of 27
minutes, This is your guarantee
that the Beogram cannot be left
rotating for many hours on end
with vou forgetiing everything
about it
the e reco ога. “The rec ord continues
Gently move the tonearm to the
track you want. The arm is now
The arm lowers the stylus into the
track. Within seconds you will
hear the music.
record before the end of the
record, press 8. The tonearm will
Cleaning the stylus
Ct nd dust can build up on he
tip of the stylus and cause distor-
tion during play. The sivius should
therefore be cleaned every now
and then to remove such fluff and
В Jou want to - op " avin ; . ; В
resting position and the Веодгат
will go into stand-by.
Us na he re - . brush supp e
make three or four gentle sweep-
ing strokes FROM THE BACK of
the cariridge towards the front,
We recommend you avoid using
any chemical fluids to clean the
siy us.
11 Cleaning the record player
How to handie records
The turntable piatier anc the
chassis can be wiped with a dry
cloth. Grease glans, if any, can
be removed with a firmly wrung
cloth dipped in a detergent solu-
tion, Mind the sivius and be саге-
ful not to wet the cartridge,
We recommend window cleaner
for cleaning the dust cover.
Note: Never use denalured alco-
hol to clean any parts of the
record player.
Hecords should be treated with
great care lo ensure optimum
sound reproduction and a long
What can you do to treat the
records propery!
- Always keep the records in their
proper covers,
- Always keep the records in an
upright position away from heat.
- Never place a record on top of
an apparatus that gets warm,
e.g. the Beomasler.
- Never touch the playing surface
of a record with your fingers.
Always avoid rubbing the record
too much against the record
sleeve {10 avoid static
Always hold only the rim of the
record and touch only the
record label with your fingers.
Balancing the tonearm
The tonearm balance is factory-
adjusted for the MMC 4 cartridge.
Since all the cartridges in the new
lowmass MMC range have identi-
cal weioht and mass, it is nof
necessary to adiust tonearm bal-
ance even if vou upgrade to an
MMC 2 or an MMC 1. in this case,
adjust stylus pressure (See 2),
and anti-skating (see 14).
if vou think someone might have
interferred with the counterweight
and that the tonearm is not in bal-
ance, you can check and adjust
balance in the following way:
(Read all the instructions before
vou start).
Press the cartridge's transparent
stylus guard down. This protects
your diamond stylus.
Using your left hand index finger,
press down the center adaptor
until the notches at the bottom are
no longer visible.
Keep your index finger on the
Now release the center adaptor.
The tonearm will move lo the edge
of the turntable piatter. The dia-
mond wilt not be damaged if the
stylus guard 15 down,
Now disconnect the record player
from the AC power.
The turntable platter stops rotat-
ing and the tonearm remains at
the edge of the platter.
Hold the tonearm with your left
Using your right hand, gently turn
the black section of the counter-
weight clockwise until the front
end of the lonearm flicks up and
the tonearm is out of balance.
Now turn the black section of the
counterweight counter-clockwise
until the tonearm »floats« That's
when it is in balance or in
Look at the calibrated scale on
the counterweight. Where is the 0
gram position? it should be
aligned with the white mark on the
tonearm bearing.
if il is not, hold the black section
of the counterweight with your
right hand and turn the calibrated
scale with your left hand until »0«
faces upward and is alighed cor-
The calibrated scale for setting
stvius pressure is at the zero
To set stylus pressure, hold the
tonearm in your left hand. Using
your right hand, gently turn the
black section of the counterweight
counterclockwise until you see
the required stylus pressure. For
example, 1 (gr). Align it with the
white mark on the tonearm bear-
Connect the record player to the
AC power. Press el Flip the car-
tridge’s siyius guard up. The
record plaver is ready for
Adjusting antiskaling
Any Bang & Olufsen MMC pickup
cartridge calls for a specific siy-
lus pressure. The antiskating
device must sul the pickun/syius
pressure combination you have
opted for.
Your Beogram is set to fit an
MMC 4 or 3. 11 vour cartridge 15
an MMC 1, 2 or 5, you should
adjust the antiskaling device
To do this, disconnect the record
player from the AC power supply,
The screw for adjusting the anti-
skating device is placad on the
underside of the Beogram.
Holding the platier in place and
keeping the dust cover down with
your left hand, lift the record play-
er up and let if rest on its back
Locate the antiskating screw and
the cartridge indicator al the low-
er right corner Using a sorewdriv-
er, turn the antiskating screw until
the arrow points to the appronri-
ate cartridge, That's all if takes,
Gently lower the record player
Connect it to the AC power
, Combined bution on
front panel for playing and stop-
ping a record (see 4, 5 and 9).
ate so that vou can clean the
record before play (see 4). Lifls
the tonearm off the record during
play 50 that you can pause (see
7) or move {(»cue« the arm over
another track (see 8).
* Antiskatino, a device designed
to counteract the tendency of the
tonearm to drift toward the center
of the record. The amount of skat-
ing force or tendency to drift will
vary according to the stylus pres-
sure applied. Thus if vou change
sivius pressure you should also
readiust the antiskating,
* Pickup cartridge, the device al
the end of the tonearm which
convertis the sound vibrations
impressed on a record into an
electrical vibration or signal
Glossary of buttons and terms
“ Stylus, also called needie. The
part of a pickup cartridge which
picks up the Information in the
record groove. it is the only ele-
ment thai should touch the
record’s surface.
” Stylus pressure, also called
tracking force. The amount of
Dressure necessary to ensure thai
the stylus keeps contact with the
record groove, Expressed in mN
(milliNewions) or grams.
* Tonearm, also called pickup
arm. {is job is 10 hold the pickup
cartridge and guide it across the
record so that it can execute Its
> Turntable piatter, the round
metal disc which supports the
record and rotates at constant
* Counterweight, device on the
tonearm for counterbalancing or
offsetting the weight of the pickup
Sp eci ficati ons
<+0.0365% В
Rumble DIN unweighted
33-45 rpm.
Speed deviati ion
Power supply
Type No. 5831: 220-240 V
Power frequency
Туре №. 5833: 110- 120 vo
—50-60 Hz
Power consumpti ion
Dimensions W x H x D
Weight | |
<10 watts
Subject to change without notice
This Beogram fulfils the condi-
tons stated in the CEC directive
76/889 concerning radio frequ-
ency interference.
international guarantee
This Bang & Ciufsen product
carries a guarantee against
defects in workmanship and
materials. it is a national
guarantee, extended by Bang &
Olufsen in the country in which
the product was bought, The
terms of the guarantee apply
orincipaliy to the country of
purchase but will be met oy
authorized Bang & Oluisen
dealers in other countries
For the UK market oniy.
The wires in the mains lead sup-
plied with the Beogram 3000 are
coloured in accordance with the
follow ing code:
ue: Neutral
Brown: Live
As the colours of the wires in the
mains lead cf this apparatus may
not correspond with the coloured
markings identifying the terminals
in your plug proceed as follows:
The wire which is coloured blue
must be connected to the terminal
which is marked with the letter N
or coloured black The wire which
is coloured brown must be con-
nected to the terminal which is
marked with the letter L or
coloured red.
Ensure that your equipment 18
connected correctly. If you are in
any doubt, consult a qualified
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