Parts Ultra® Max II Ultimate Mx II 311362R EN - For application of architectural paints and coatings. This manual covers every series Korean patent 10-0579681 3300 psi (228 bar, 22.8 MPa) Maximum Working Pressure Ultra® Max II Vac 120V North America Model Type 695 Standard 255130 249642 Premium 255131 249644 795 1095 1595 Lo-Boy Standard 255132 249646 Premium 255133 249648 Standard 249651 Premium 249653 Standard 253060 Premium 253059 Standard 249658**† Premium 249659**† Mark V 1595 120V North America Hi-Boy 249904† Mark V 249903**† Ultimate Mx II Vac 120V Sherwin Williams Model Type 695 Standard 826093 826067 Premium 826094 826069 795 1095 1595 120V Sherwin Williams 1595 **Not ETL Approved. All models not available in all countries. Lo-Boy Hi-Boy Standard 826071 Premium 826072 Standard 826073 Premium 826074 Standard 826082 Premium 826081 Standard 826075 Premium 826076 Parts Drawing - Lo-Boy Sprayer Parts Drawing - Lo-Boy Sprayer UltraMax II 695 & 795: 255130, 255131, 255132, 255133 Ultimate Mx II 695: 826093, 826094 58 160 72 110 110 126 124 123 164 84 36 90a 28 127 90 6 51 37 28 71 89 6 30 18 31 103 85 44 99 163 43 104 107 83 12 14 161 105 108 11 95 162 55 94 41 106 8 22 56 19 10 91 62 109 93 138 17 139 141 140 695 Series B 795 Series B See page 12 87 130 76 129 77 695 Series A 795 Series A See Page 10 2 ti12976b 48 311362R Parts List - Lo-Boy Sprayer Parts List - Lo-Boy Sprayer UltraMax II 695 & 795: 255130, 255131, 255132, 255133 Ultimate Mx II 695: 826093, 826094 1 Ref 6 8 10 11* 12 14 17 18 19 22 28 30 31 36 37 41 43 44 48 51 Part 15C753 15E891 156306 119420 106115 107210 15C871 109032 112746 116038 114672 114699 118444 116191 100057 162453 176817 176818 189920 287291 55 56 58 16C457 192723 287281 287282 62 71 288898 15K374 15D068 824995 72 76 15K381 15D069 824996 248216 77 83 15D000 240523 84 85 287197 257185 287198 257186 241008 311362R Description Qty SCREW, mach, torx, hex 5 CLIP, retaining 2 WASHER, flat 2 WHEEL, pneumatic 2 WASH, lock, spring 4 SCREW, cap, socket hd 4 CAP, leg 2 SCREW, mach, pnh 4 NUT, hex, flanged 8 WASHER, wave spring 2 WASHER, thrust 2 WASHER, thrust 1 SCREW, machine, hex washer hd 4 WASHER, thrust 1 SCREW, cap, hex hd 4 FITTING, (1/4 NPSM x 1/4 NPT) 1 SPRING, retaining 1 PIN, str, hdls 1 STRAINER, (1-11 1/2 NPSM) 1 COVER, drive, plastic, painted; 1 includes 31, 95 HANGER, pail 1 NUT, retaining 1 695 SHIELD, motor, painted; 1 includes 31 795 SHIELD, motor, painted; 1 includes 31 FRAME, cart 1 LABEL 1 Ultra 695 Ultra 795 Ultimate 695 LABEL 1 Ultra 695 Ultra 795 Ultimate 695 HOSE, suction; 1 includes 109, 138, 134, 140, 141 CLIP, drain line 1 HOUSING, bearing; 1 includes 162, 55 MOTOR, electric; includes 126, 127 1 695 Series A 695 Series B 795 Series A 795 Series B ROD, connecting; includes 43 1 Ref 87 89 Part Description 241920 DEFLECTOR, threaded 287289 GEAR, combination; includes 28, 30 90 HOUSING, drive, M1; includes 6, 36, 90a 287283 695 287284 795 90a 107089 WASHER, race, thrust 91 248204 PUMP, displacement 695/795; includes 109 93 248217 HOSE, drain; includes 87 94 15D049 HOSE, coupled, 1/4 x 15.75 95 114000 SCREW, control housing 99 288448 HANDLE, cart 103 287253 TOOL BOX; includes 104 104 118852 SCREW, machine, hex washer 105 276975 CUP, drain 106 15F952 BRACKET, drain cup 107 114423 SCREW, mach, hex hd 108 15C859 SHIELD, pump rod 109 115099 WASHER, garden hose 110 16D585 LABEL, Ultra Premium, sides 117 187436 LABEL, torque 123 276980 GROMMET, cover 124 119250 SCREW, shoulder, hex washer 126 15D088 FAN, motor 127 115477 SCREW, mach, torx, pan hd 128▲ 222385 TAG, WARNING (not shown) 129 HOSE, cpld, 1/4 in. x 50 ft 240794 Ultra 826079 Ultimate 130 288422 GUN, contractor Manual 311861 138 117559 O-RING 139 118505 RING, retaining, external 140 15C980 NUT, jam 141 15C981 WASHER, suction swivel 160 15Y118 LABEL, Made in USA 161 124172 WASHER, retaining, nylon, 10-32 162 112746 NUT, hex 163 288899 SHELF, PEM assembly 164 278075 BAFFLE Qty 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 * 253132 KIT, repair, tube, 11 in. ▲ Extra Danger & Warning tags & labels available free. 3 Parts Drawing - Hi-Boy Sprayer Parts Drawing - Hi-Boy Sprayer UltraMax II 695 & 795: 249642, 249644, 249646, 249648 Ultimate Mx II 695 & 795: 826067, 826069, 826071, 826072 124 58 160 123 . . . 110 72 110 126 164 84 127 36 90a 90 99 6 51 28 37 71 89 18 103 6 . 30 163 28 31 104 85 43 106 44 83 105 162 11 12 14 117 See page 12 77 94 161 108 56 107 23 95 55 41 19 8 91 10 62 22 109 93 17 76 695 Series D 795 Series C See page 12 87 130 48 695 Series A - C 795 Series A, B See page 12 129 ti12977b 4 311362R Parts List - Hi-Boy Sprayer Parts List - Hi-Boy Sprayer UltraMax II 695 & 795: 249642, 249644, 249646, 249648 Ultimate Mx II 695 & 795: 826067, 826069, 826071, 826072 Ref No. 6 8 10 11* 12 14 17 18 19 22 23 28 30 31 36 37 41 43 44 48 51 55 56 58 62 71 Part No. 15C753 15E891 156306 119420 106115 107210 15C871 109032 112746 116038 110963 114672 114699 118444 116191 100057 162453 176817 176818 189920 287291 16C457 192723 287281 287282 288605 15K374 15D068 824995 824998 72 76 77 83 84 15K381 15D069 824996 824999 248214 278204 240523 287197 257185 311362R Description Qty SCREW, mach, torx, hex 5 CLIP, retaining 2 WASHER, flat 2 WHEEL, pneumatic 2 WASH, lock, spring 4 SCREW, cap, socket hd 4 CAP, leg 2 SCREW, mach, pnh 4 NUT, hex, flanged 8 WASHER, wave spring 2 SCREW, cap, flng hd 2 WASHER, thrust 2 WASHER, thrust 1 SCREW, machine, hex washer hd 4 WASHER, thrust 1 SCREW, cap, hex hd 4 FITTING, (1/4 NPSM x 1/4 NPT) 1 SPRING, retaining 1 PIN, str, hdls 1 STRAINER, (1-11 1/2 NPSM) 1 COVER, drive, plastic, painted; 1 includes 31, 95 HANGER, pail 1 NUT, retaining 1 SHIELD, motor, painted; includes 31 1 695 795 FRAME, cart 1 LABEL 1 Ultra 695 Ultra 795 Ultimate 695 Ultimate 795 LABEL 1 Ultra 695 Ultra 795 Ultimate 695 Ultimate 795 TUBE, intake; includes 109 1 CLIP, spring 1 HOUSING, bearing; includes 55, 162 1 MOTOR, electric 1 695 Series A - C 695 Series D Ref No. 85 87 89 Part No. 287198 257186 241008 241920 287289 90 287283 287284 90a 107089 91 248204 93 244240 94 15D049 95 114000 99 245245 103 287253 104 118852 105 15D281 106 15C982 107 114531 108 15C859 109 118494 110 16D585 117 187436 123 276980 124 119250 126 15D088 127 115477 128▲ 222385 129 240794 826079 130 288420 160 161 162 163 164 15Y118 124172 112746 288899 278075 Description Qty 795 Series A, B 795 Series C ROD, connecting; includes 43 1 DEFLECTOR, threaded 1 GEAR, combination; 1 includes 28, 30 HOUSING, drive, M1; 1 includes 6, 36, 90a 695 795 WASHER, race, thrust 1 PUMP, displacement; includes 109 1 HOSE, coupled; includes 87 1 HOSE, coupled, 1/4 x 15.75 1 SCREW, control housing 1 HANDLE, cart 1 TOOLBOX, includes 104 1 SCREW, hex washer hd 3 HANGER, stand, cart 1 CAM, cart 2 SCREW, mach, hex washer 4 SHIELD, pump rod 1 PACKING, o-ring 1 LABEL, Ultra Premium, sides 2 LABEL, torque 1 GROMMET, cover 2 SCREW, shoulder, hex, washer 2 FAN, motor 1 SCREW, mach, torx, pan, hd 1 TAG, WARNING (not shown) 1 HOSE, cpld, 1/4 in. x 50 ft 1 Ultra Ultimate GUN, contractor 1 Manual 311861 LABEL, Made in USA 1 WASHER, retaining, nylon, 10-32 1 NUT, hex 2 SHELF, PEM assembly 1 BAFFLE 1 ▲ Extra Danger and Warning tags and labels available free. * 253132 KIT, repair, tube 5 Parts Drawing - Hi-Boy Sprayer Parts Drawing - Hi-Boy Sprayer UltraMax II 1095 & 1595: 249651, 249653, 253060, 253059, 249658, 249659 Ultimate Mx II 1095 & 1595: 826073, 826074, 826082, 826081, 826075, 826076 123 58 . 160 . 110 124 72 . 110 126 164 84 36 90a 127 90 6 99 28 51 37 18 89 30 103 163 71 28 . 85 104 31 83 105 12 14 106 See page 12 43 107 19 94 23 20 11 55 62 8 41 10 93 44 91 22 87 109 17 76 ti12978b 48 Series B See page 12 Series A See page 10 129 130 6 311362R Parts List - Hi-Boy Sprayer Parts List - Hi-Boy Sprayer UltraMax II 1095 & 1595: 249651, 249653, 253060, 253059, 249658, 249659 Ultimate Mx II 1095 & 1595: 826073, 826074, 826082, 826081, 826075, 826076 Ref No. 6 8 10 11* 12 14 17 18 19 20 22 23 28 30 31 36 37 41 43 44 48 51 Part No. 15C753 15E891 156306 119509 106115 114666 276974 108795 110838 111457 116038 110963 114672 114699 118444 116192 100057 15E802 119778 15F110 189920 287292 55 58 119790 287282 62 71 288663 15D071 15D074 825011 825014 72 76 83 84 15D072 15D075 825012 825015 248215 287523 287199 257187 287200 257188 311362R Description Qty SCREW, mach, torx, hex 5 CLIP, retaining 2 WASHER, flat 2 WHEEL, pneumatic 2 WASH, lock, spring 4 SCREW, cap, socket hd 4 CAP, leg 2 SCREW, mach, pnh 4 NUT, hex, flanged 8 O-RING 1 WASHER, wave spring 2 SCREW, cap, flng hd 2 WASHER, thrust 2 WASHER, thrust 1 SCREW, machine, hex washer hd 4 WASHER, thrust 1 SCREW, cap, hex hd 4 FITTING, pump, quick disc 1 SPRING, retaining 1 PIN, pump 1 STRAINER, (1-11 1/2 NPSM) 1 COVER, drive, plastic, painted; 1 includes 31 PACKING, o-ring 1 SHIELD, motor, painted; 1 includes 31 FRAME, cart 1095/1595 1 LABEL, UltraMax 1 Ultra 1095 Ultra 1595 Ultimate 1095 Ultimate 1595 LABEL, UltraMax II 1095/1595 1 Ultra 1095 Ultra 1595 Ultimate 1095 Ultimate 1595 TUBE, intake; includes 109 1 HOUSING, bearing 1 MOTOR, electric; 1 includes 126, 127 1095 Series A 1095 Series B 1595 Series A 1595 Series B Ref No. 85 87 89 Part No. 287472 241920 287290 90 90a 91 93 94 99 103† 104† 105 106 107 109 110 123 124 126 127 128▲ 129 287294 287295 107089 287513 287952 288658 245245 287253 118852 15C858 15C982 114531 118494 16D585 276980 119250 15D088 115477 222385 130 240794 826079 288420 160 163 164 15Y118 288899 278075 Description ROD, connecting; includes 43, 44 DEFLECTOR, threaded GEAR, combination; includes 28, 30 HOUSING, drive, M1; includes 6, 36, 90a 1095 1595 WASHER, race, thrust PUMP, displacement; includes 41, 76, 109 HOSE, drain; includes 87 HOSE, coupled HANDLE, cart TOOLBOX; includes 104 SCREW, hex washer hd HANGER, stand, cart CAM, cart SCREW, mach, hex washer PACKING, o-ring LABEL, Ultra Premium, sides GROMMET, cover SCREW, shoulder, hex, washer FAN, motor SCREW, mach, torx, pan, hd TAG, WARNING (not shown) HOSE, cpld, 1/4 in. x 50 ft Ultra Ultimate GUN, contractor Manual 311861 LABEL, Made in USA SHELF, PEM assembly BAFFLE Qty 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 2 4 1 2 2 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ▲ Extra Danger and Warning tags and labels available free. * 253131 KIT, repair, tube † Premium Sprayers 7 Parts Drawing - Hi-Boy Sprayer Parts Drawing - Hi-Boy Sprayer UltraMax II Mark V: 249903, 249904 58 160 72 123 . 124 164 126 84 36 28 127 90a 90 99 16 6 25 46 51 37 18 89 71 30 163 28 . 85 83 31 105 106 12 14 94 See page 14 19 107 43 23 62 11 21 55 8 10 41 93 22 44 91 87 17 ti12982b 109 48 Series B See page 12 Series A See page 10 173 172 8 129 174 130 311362R Parts List - Hi-Boy Sprayer Parts List - Hi-Boy Sprayer UltraMax II Mark V: 249903, 249904 Ref No. 6 8 10 11* 12 14 17 18 19 21 22 23 28 30 31 36 37 41 43 44 48 51 55 58 62 71 72 83 84 85 87 Part No. 15C753 15E891 156306 119509 106115 114666 276974 108795 110838 109450 116038 110963 114672 114699 118444 116192 100057 15G880 119778 15F110 189920 287292 C20195 287282 288663 15G804 15G805 287523 287200 257188 287472 241920 311362R Description Qty. SCREW, mach, torx, hex 5 CLIP, retaining 2 WASHER, flat 2 WHEEL, pneumatic 2 WASH, lock, spring 4 SCREW, cap, socket hd 4 CAP, leg 2 SCREW, mach, pnh 4 NUT, hex, flanged 8 O-RING 1 WASHER, wave spring 2 SCREW, cap, flng hd 2 WASHER, thrust 2 WASHER, thrust 1 SCREW, machine, hex washer hd 4 WASHER, thrust 1 SCREW, cap, hex hd 4 FITTING, pump, quick disc 1 SPRING, retaining 1 PIN, pump 1 STRAINER, (1-11 1/2 NPSM) 1 COVER, drive, plastic, painted 1 PACKING, o-ring 1 SHIELD, motor, painted 1 FRAME, cart 1 LABEL, Mark V 1 LABEL, Mark V 1 HOUSING, bearing 1 MOTOR, electric; 1 includes 126, 127 Series A Series B ROD, connecting; includes 43, 44 1 DEFLECTOR, threaded 1 Ref No. 89 Part No. Description Qty. 287290 GEAR, combination; 1 includes 28, 30 90 287295 HOUSING, drive; 1 includes 6, 36, 90a 90a 107089 WASHER, race, thrust 1 91 287929 PUMP, displacement; 1 includes 41, 109 93 287952 HOSE, drain; includes 87 1 94 287792 HOSE, coupled 1 99 245245 HANDLE, cart 1 105 15C858 HANGER, stand, cart 1 106 15C982 CAM, cart 2 107 114531 SCREW, mach, hex washer 4 123 276980 GROMMET, cover 2 124 119250 SCREW, shoulder, hex, washer 3 126 15D088 FAN, motor 1 127 115477 SCREW, mach, torx, pan, hd 1 128▲ 222385 TAG, WARNING (not shown) 1 129 240797 HOSE, cpld, 3/8 in. x 50 ft 1 130 241705 GUN, spray, texture 1 160 15Y118 LABEL, Made in USA 1 163 288899 SHELF, PEM assembly 1 164 278075 BAFFLE 1 172 241735 HOSE, cpld, 1/4 in. x 3 ft 1 173 159841 ADAPTER, 1/4 npt (f) x 3/8 npt (m) 1 174 189018 SWIVEL, 1/4 npsm (f) x 1/4 1 npsm (m) ▲ Extra Danger and Warning tags and labels available free. * 253131 KIT, repair, tube 9 Parts Drawing Parts Drawing 695/795 Lo-Boy Series A; 695 Hi-Boy Series A - C; 795 Hi-Boy Series A, B; 1095/1595/Mark V Series A (Models with only TWO large capacitors on control board) Screw 148 23 29 69 26 26 Nut 118 96 47 70 101 27 65 59 143 52 39 60 . 61 . . 13 35 7 64 15 15 96 38 . 113 122 66 9 142 63 102 74 144 . 45 92 82 68 75 98 75 33 67 49 147 82 34 42 115 40 114 ti7354a 39 68 86 97 20 97A 50 21 10 81 80 73 125 311362R Parts List Parts List 695/795 Lo-Boy Series A; 695 Hi-Boy Series A - C; 795 Hi-Boy Seris A, B; 1095/1595/Mark V Series A Ref. 7 9 13 15 20 21 23 26 27 29 33 34 35 38 39 40 42 45 47 49 50 52 59▲ 60▲ 61 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 73 74 75 Part 100721 117285 C19817 107505 111457 15C972 110963 114391 113045 15D087 15C979 116167 105510 116252 112381 15D033 164672 162485 119541 186620 195428 15C780 287941 15D523 195833 15G953 15G700 198648 15D063 15K394 15D609 196843 15B705 287285 15C838 15C947 15G627 15C840 15D036 248314 15C766 15H064 15H066 311362R Description PLUG, pipe PACKING, o-ring SCREW, cap, socket PACKING, o-ring PACKING, o-ring PIN, grooved SCREW, cap, flng SCREW, grounding SCREW, sems, mach, phillips GROMMET SWITCH, rocker KNOB, potentiometer WASHER, lock, spring SCREW, #10 taptite phillips SCREW, mach, pan hd GROMMET, transducer NIPPLE, adapter 695, 795, 1095, 1595 Mark V SWITCH, toggle LABEL, symbol, ground BOOT, toggle HANDLE CONTROL, board; (2 capacitor) includes 27, 102 LABEL, warning LABEL, warning BOX, control 695, 795, 1095 1595, Mark V LABEL, LCD LABEL, instruction LABEL, ctrl, box cover Ultra Premium Digital Display Ultra Standard Ultimate Premium Digital Display Ultimate Standard CAP, filter; includes 9, 74 BASE, filter PANEL, control Mark V 695, 795, 1095, 1595 PLATE, power bar GASKET, control box PLUG, Autoclean; includes 125 TUBE, diffusion CORD, power 695, 795, 1095 1595, Mark V ETLC Qty. 1 1 3 2 2 1 2 1 5 1 1 1 3 4 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Ref. 80 81 82 86 Part 15H065 257352 224807 256219 243222 92 244071 244067 244068 244069 96 15D456 287286 825026 97 287293 97a 98 15F950 101 102 113 114 115 118 244346 15D160 114420 15F844 104813 15C973 120185 116793 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 118896 122 125 142 143 115478 15D541 120059 15G935 144 116171 147 148 172 173 174 15G769 287943 241735 159841 189018 Description Qty. 1595, Mark V VALVE, prime 1 BASE, valve 1 POTENTIOMETER, assembly 1 TRANSDUCER, pressure control; 1 includes 20 FILTER, fluid 1 30 mesh 1 60 mesh, original equipment 1 100 mesh 1 200 mesh COVER, control Ultra Standard 1 Ultra Premium; includes 38, 63, 1 64, & 65 Ultimate Premium; includes 38, 63 64, & 65 VALVE, Autoclean 1 Premium Models; includes 97a GASKET 1 KIT, repair, clamp, trigger 1 Premium Models STUD, board 5 SCREW, mach, pmh, sems 1 SPACER, manifold 1 PLUG, pipe 1 GASKET 1 FITTING, hydraulic 1 FITTING, hydraulic Mark V FITTING, elbow, hydraulic 695, 795, FITTING, elbow, hydraulic 1095, 1595 SCREW, mach torx/slt 1 SEAL, washer 1 SWITCH, rocker 1595, Mark V 1 CONNECTOR, electrical 1595, 1 Mark V BUSHING, strain relief 1595, 1 Mark V LABEL 1 KIT, repair, coil; includes Nut & Screw 1 HOSE, cpld, 1/4 in. x 3 ft 1 ADAPTER, 1/4 npt(f) x 3/8 npt(m) 1 SWIVEL, 1/4 npsm(f) x 1/4 npsm(m) 1 ▲ Extra Danger and Warning tags and labels available free. 11 Parts Drawing Parts Drawing 695/795 Lo-Boy Series B; 695 Hi-Boy Series D; 795 Hi-Boy Series C; 1095/1595/Mark V Series B (Models with SIX large capacitors on control board) 148 Screw 23 29 69 26 26 118 Nut 143 39 60 65 47 70 96 . 27 101 61 13 . . 52 59 35 64 15 142 96 38 7 15 122 . 113 66 9 63 74 144 . 45 92 82 68 75 98 75 33 67 49 82 34 115 42 40 114 86 39 97 20 97a 50 ti12979a 81 73 80 125 21 12 311362R Parts List Parts List 695/795 Lo-Boy Series B; 695 Hi-Boy Series D; 795 Hi-Boy Series C; 1095/1595/Mark V Series B Ref. 7 9 13 15 20 21 23 26 27 29 33 34 35 38 39 40 42 45 47 49 50 52 59▲ 60▲ 61 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 73 74 75 80 Part 100721 117285 C19817 107505 111457 15C972 110963 114391 113045 15V996 15C979 116167 105510 116252 112381 15D033 164672 162485 119541 186620 195428 15C780 257448 15D523 195833 15G953 15G700 198648 15D063 15K394 15K384 196843 15B705 287285 15C838 15C947 15G627 15V937 15D036 248314 15C766 15H064 15H066 15H065 24A381 311362R Description Qty. PLUG, pipe 1 PACKING, o-ring 1 SCREW, cap, socket 3 PACKING, o-ring 2 PACKING, o-ring 2 PIN, grooved 1 SCREW, cap, flng 2 SCREW, grounding 1 SCREW, sems, mach, phillips 6 GROMMET 1 SWITCH, rocker 1 KNOB, potentiometer 1 WASHER, lock, spring 3 SCREW, #10 taptite phillips 4 SCREW, mach, pan hd 4 GROMMET, transducer 1 NIPPLE, adapter 1 695, 795, 1095, 1595 Mark V SWITCH, toggle 1 LABEL, symbol, ground 1 BOOT, toggle 1 HANDLE 1 CONTROL, board; includes 27, 102 1 LABEL, warning 1 LABEL, warning 1 BOX, control 1 695, 795, 1095 1595, Mark V LABEL, LCD 1 LABEL, instruction 1 LABEL, ctrl, box cover 1 Ultra Premium Digital Display Ultra Standard Ultimate Premium Digital Display Ultimate Standard CAP, filter; includes 9, 74 1 BASE, filter 1 PANEL, control 1 Mark V Panel Control 1 695, 795, 1095, 1595 Panel Control 1 PLATE, power bar 1 GASKET, control box 1 PLUG, Autoclean; includes 125 1 TUBE, diffusion 1 CORD, power 1 695, 795, 1095 1595, Mark V ETLC 1595, Mark V VALVE, prime 1 Ref. 80a 80b 81 82 86 Part 277364 15E022 244807 256219 243222 92 244071 244067 244068 244069 96 15D456 287286 825026 97 287293 97a 98 15F950 101 102 113 114 115 118 244346 15V938 114420 15F844 104813 15C973 120185 116793 118896 122 125 142 143 115478 15D541 120059 15G935 144 116171 148 172 173 174 287943 241735 159841 189018 Description Qty. GASKET, seat, valve SEAT, valve BASE, valve 1 POTENTIOMETER, assembly 1 TRANSDUCER, pressure control; 1 includes 20 FILTER, fluid 1 30 mesh 1 60 mesh, original equipment 1 100 mesh 1 200 mesh COVER, control Ultra Standard 1 Ultra Premium; includes 38, 63, 1 64, & 65 Ultimate Premium; includes 38, 63 64, & 65 VALVE, Autoclean 1 Premium Models; includes 97a GASKET 1 KIT, repair, clamp, trigger 1 Premium Models STUD, board 6 SCREW, mach, pmh, sems 2 SPACER, manifold 1 PLUG, pipe 1 GASKET 1 FITTING, hydraulic 1 FITTING, hydraulic Mark V FITTING, elbow, hydraulic 695, 795, FITTING, elbow, hydraulic 1095, 1595 SCREW, mach torx/slt 1 SEAL, washer 1 SWITCH, rocker 1595, Mark V 1 CONNECTOR, electrical 1595, 1 Mark V BUSHING, strain relief 1595, 1 Mark V KIT, repair, coil; includes Nut & Screw 1 HOSE, cpld, 1/4 in. x 3 ft 1 ADAPTER, 1/4 npt(f) x 3/8 npt(m) 1 SWIVEL, 1/4 npsm(f) x 1/4 npsm(m) 1 ▲ Extra Danger and Warning tags and labels available free. 13 Parts Drawing - Bearing Housing 287523 Parts Drawing - Bearing Housing 287523 161 117 83 24 141 77 139 162 31 56 ti6338e Parts List - Bearing Housing 287523 Ref No. 24 31 56 77 83 117 139 141 161 162 14 Part No. 15F116 119250 15F498 278204 187437 15E625 111040 15F503 100985 Description LATCH, handle SCREW, machine, hex washer SCREW, adjustment CLIP, spring HOUSING, bearing LABEL, torque PIN, housing, bearing NUT, lock, insert, nylock SCREW, set, socket head WASHER, lock ext Qty 1 5 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 311362R Wiring Diagram Wiring Diagram 695/795 Lo-Boy Series A; 695 Hi-Boy Series A - C; 795 Hi-Boy Series A, B; 1095/1595/Mark V Series A (Models with only TWO large capacitors on control board) Motor ti7346a green/ground ON/OFF Switch Black + Digital Display Power Plug white Black green/ground Pressure Transducer 20A 15A Switch 1595/MARK V Potentiometer Watchdog 311362R 15 Wiring Diagram Wiring Diagram 695/795 Lo-Boy Series B; 695 Hi-Boy Series D; 795 Hi-Boy Series C; 1095/1595/Mark V Series B (Control board is not rectangular and has SIX large capacitors) Digital Display Potentiometer Motor Pressure Transducer ON Black Dip Switch Watchdog 20A 15A 1595 Switch ti12980b green/ground ON/OFF Switch Black white Black + Power Plug green/ground 16 311362R Notes Notes 311362R 17 Graco Standard Warranty Graco warrants all equipment referenced in this document which is manufactured by Graco and bearing its name to be free from defects in material and workmanship on the date of sale to the original purchaser for use. With the exception of any special, extended, or limited warranty published by Graco, Graco will, for a period of twelve months from the date of sale, repair or replace any part of the equipment determined by Graco to be defective. This warranty applies only when the equipment is installed, operated and maintained in accordance with Graco’s written recommendations. This warranty does not cover, and Graco shall not be liable for general wear and tear, or any malfunction, damage or wear caused by faulty installation, misapplication, abrasion, corrosion, inadequate or improper maintenance, negligence, accident, tampering, or substitution of non-Graco component parts. Nor shall Graco be liable for malfunction, damage or wear caused by the incompatibility of Graco equipment with structures, accessories, equipment or materials not supplied by Graco, or the improper design, manufacture, installation, operation or maintenance of structures, accessories, equipment or materials not supplied by Graco. This warranty is conditioned upon the prepaid return of the equipment claimed to be defective to an authorized Graco distributor for verification of the claimed defect. If the claimed defect is verified, Graco will repair or replace free of charge any defective parts. The equipment will be returned to the original purchaser transportation prepaid. If inspection of the equipment does not disclose any defect in material or workmanship, repairs will be made at a reasonable charge, which charges may include the costs of parts, labor, and transportation. THIS WARRANTY IS EXCLUSIVE, AND IS IN LIEU OF ANY OTHER WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY OR WARRANTY OF FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. Graco’s sole obligation and buyer’s sole remedy for any breach of warranty shall be as set forth above. The buyer agrees that no other remedy (including, but not limited to, incidental or consequential damages for lost profits, lost sales, injury to person or property, or any other incidental or consequential loss) shall be available. Any action for breach of warranty must be brought within two (2) years of the date of sale. GRACO MAKES NO WARRANTY, AND DISCLAIMS ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, IN CONNECTION WITH ACCESSORIES, EQUIPMENT, MATERIALS OR COMPONENTS SOLD BUT NOT MANUFACTURED BY GRACO. These items sold, but not manufactured by Graco (such as electric motors, switches, hose, etc.), are subject to the warranty, if any, of their manufacturer. Graco will provide purchaser with reasonable assistance in making any claim for breach of these warranties. In no event will Graco be liable for indirect, incidental, special or consequential damages resulting from Graco supplying equipment hereunder, or the furnishing, performance, or use of any products or other goods sold hereto, whether due to a breach of contract, breach of warranty, the negligence of Graco, or otherwise. FOR GRACO CANADA CUSTOMERS The Parties acknowledge that they have required that the present document, as well as all documents, notices and legal proceedings entered into, given or instituted pursuant hereto or relating directly or indirectly hereto, be drawn up in English. Les parties reconnaissent avoir convenu que la rédaction du présente document sera en Anglais, ainsi que tous documents, avis et procédures judiciaires exécutés, donnés ou intentés, à la suite de ou en rapport, directement ou indirectement, avec les procédures concernées. Graco Information For the latest information about Graco products, visit TO PLACE AN ORDER, contact your Graco distributor or call 1-800-690-2894 to identify the nearest distributor. All written and visual data contained in this document reflects the latest product information available at the time of publication. Graco reserves the right to make changes at any time without notice. 2ULJLQDOLQVWUXFWLRQV This manual contains English. MM 311362 Graco Headquarters: Minneapolis International Offices: Belgium, China, Japan, Korea GRACO INC. AND SUBSIDIARIES • P.O. BOX 1441 • MINNEAPOLIS MN 55440-1441 • USA Copyright 2011, Graco Inc. All Graco manufacturing locations are registered to ISO 9001. Revised 8/2011 ">

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