Geokon 4855 Pile Tip Pressure Cell Instruction Manual

Below you will find brief information for Pile Tip Pressure Cell 4855. The Pile Tip Pressure Cell 4855 is designed to be installed at the bottom of a pile. It is comprised of two circular stainless steel plates welded together around their periphery, leaving a thin space between the plates filled with de-aired hydraulic oil. The oil filled space is connected via a pressure tube to two vibrating wire pressure sensors. The use of de-aired hydraulic oil guaranties that the modulus of the pile tip pressure cell is equal to or greater than the modulus of the surrounding concrete. This ensures that the pressure measured by the cell is characteristic of the pressure across the entire cross-section of the borehole and that there is no error created by a certain amount of the load being transmitted directly through the concrete around the edges of the pressure cell.

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Geokon Pile Tip Pressure Cell 4855 Instruction Manual | Manualzz




Key features

  • Measures end-bearing pressure of a pile
  • Comprised of two circular stainless steel plates
  • Uses de-aired hydraulic oil
  • Vibrating wire pressure sensors
  • Thermistor for temperature measurement
  • Re-inflation capability

Frequently asked questions

The Pile Tip Pressure Cell 4855 is designed to measure the end-bearing pressure of a pile, which is the pressure exerted by the ground on the bottom of the pile.

A pile tip pressure cell functions by measuring the pressure of the hydraulic oil inside a sealed chamber, which is directly proportional to the pressure it is subjected to.

Re-inflation is crucial to ensure that the pressure cell remains in perfect contact with the surrounding concrete, preventing voids and ensuring accurate pressure readings.
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