Andover Controls Infinity Network Configuration Guide
Infinity Network - is a high-performance, token-passing local area network (LAN) for Andover Controls controllers and workstations. It can connect up to 254 nodes and uses a combination bus and star topology called “distributed star” topology.
Infinity Network
Configuration Guide
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Controlling Tomorrow’s World
Version B
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1993–1997 by Andover Controls.
Subject to change without notice.
Order No. 30-3001-169
Andover Controls Corporation
300 Brickstone Square
Andover, Massachusetts 01810
All Rights Reserved.
This product is subject to change without notice. This document does not constitute any warranty, express or implied. Andover Controls Corporation reserves the right to alter capabilities, performance, and presentation of this product at any time.
The following trademarks are used in this manual:
CROSSTALK is a registered trademark of Digital Communications Associates, Inc.
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ARCNET is a trademark of Datapoint Corporation.
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The Infinity Network Configuration Guide presents instructions for planning and installing an ARCNET- or Ethernet-EnergyNet and multiple Infinets.
It first presents basic information on local area networks (LANs), then introduces the ARCNET-EnergyNet and how to set up an EnergyNet configuration. Next, it introduces the Ethernet-EnergyNet. It then presents information on Infinets, the smaller networks that branch off of the
Finally, it presents how to interpret the LEDs on EnergyLinks and InfiLinks and how to interpret errors that may be related to the network on the keypads of 900 or
810 controllers.
At the end is a glossary of LAN terminology that encompasses both ARCNET and
Ethernet concepts.
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Chapter 1—Introducing Local Area Networks
What Is a Local Area Network? ......................................................................... 1-2
What Is a Controller? .................................................................................... 1-2
What Is a Workstation? ................................................................................. 1-2
What Is a File Server? ................................................................................... 1-2
What Is a Node? ............................................................................................ 1-2
What Is Network Topology? ............................................................................... 1-3
What Is Bus Topology? ................................................................................ 1-4
What Is Star Topology? ................................................................................ 1-4
What Is Ring Topology? ............................................................................... 1-6
What Are the Types of Active Hubs? ................................................................. 1-7
Modular Active Hubs .................................................................................... 1-7
Non-modular Active Hubs ............................................................................ 1-7
Active Links .................................................................................................. 1-7
EnergyNet Active Hubs ................................................................................ 1-7
What Types of Cables Form LANs? ................................................................... 1-9
What Is Coaxial Cable? ................................................................................ 1-9
What Is Twisted Pair Cable? ........................................................................ 1-9
What Is Fiber Optic Cable? .......................................................................... 1-9
How Fast Is Data Transmitted? .................................................................. 1-10
How Is Data Transmitted on LANs? ................................................................ 1-11
What Is Token Passing? .............................................................................. 1-11
What Is CSMA/CD? ................................................................................... 1-11
What Are Signaling Methods? .................................................................... 1-12
What Is Baseband? ...................................................................................... 1-12
What Is Broadband? .................................................................................... 1-13
What Is Carrierband? .................................................................................. 1-13
Advantages of Baseband Over Broadband ................................................. 1-13
How Do You Establish Communication on LANs? ......................................... 1-14
What Are Software Drivers? ....................................................................... 1-14
What Is a Network Operating System? ....................................................... 1-14
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Chapter 2—Understanding ARCNET-EnergyNet
What Is ARCNET-EnergyNet? .......................................................................... 2-2
What Are the Nodes on ARCNET-EnergyNet? ........................................... 2-2
Why Is Token Passing Effective? ................................................................. 2-3
What Is the Hub of ARCNET-EnergyNet? ........................................................ 2-4
What Are Components of EnergyLink 2000? .............................................. 2-4
What Is the Active Link/Repeater of ARCNET-EnergyNet? ............................. 2-7
What Is the ARCNET-EnergyNet Network Interface Card? .............................. 2-8
Chapter 3—Selecting a Cabling Arrangement for ARCNET-EnergyNet
Preparing Coaxial Cables .................................................................................... 3-2
Forming Simple Bus Configurations .................................................................. 3-4
Point-to-Point Connections with Coaxial Cable ........................................... 3-4
A Simple Coaxial Cable Bus Topology ........................................................ 3-5
A Coaxial Cable Bus Topology with Workstations ...................................... 3-6
Rules for All Coaxial Cable Bus Topology Networks ................................. 3-7
A Simple Coaxial Cable Star Topology ....................................................... 3-9
Switching Cable Types with EnergyLink 2000s .............................................. 3-10
Fiber Optic Bus Topology with EnergyLink 2000s and 2101s ..............................3-10
Rules for Fiber Optic Networks .................................................................. 3-11
Employing EnergyLink 2000s in Complex Configurations ............................. 3-12
Distributed Star Topology with EnergyLink 2000s .................................... 3-12
Expanding the Network with EnergyLink 2000s ....................................... 3-14
Rules When Using EnergyLink 2000s in a Distributed Star Topology ...... 3-14
Cascading EnergyLink 2000s ..................................................................... 3-15
Extending a Bus with an EnergyLink 2000 ................................................ 3-16
Planning Your Cabling Configuration .............................................................. 3-17
Measuring Cable Lengths ........................................................................... 3-17
Selecting a Cable Type ............................................................................... 3-17
Calculating Total Delays on Long Networks ............................................. 3-18
Summary of Node Connection Rules for All ARCNET-
EnergyNet Topologies ...................................................................................... 3-19
Chapter 4—Understanding Ethernet-EnergyNet
What Is Ethernet-EnergyNet? ............................................................................. 4-2
What Are the Nodes on Ethernet-EnergyNet? .............................................. 4-3
Why Is the CSMA/CD Access Method Effective? ....................................... 4-4
What Is the Hub of Ethernet-EnergyNet? ........................................................... 4-4
What Are Components of EnergyLink 2500? .............................................. 4-6
What Is the Ethernet-EnergyNet Network Interface Card? ................................ 4-9
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Chapter 5—Selecting a Cabling Arrangement for Ethernet-EnergyNet
Understanding Cable Types ................................................................................ 5-2
Characteristics of Unshielded Twisted Pair Cable ....................................... 5-2
Characteristics of Thick Coaxial Cable ........................................................ 5-3
Characteristics of Thinnet Coaxial Cable ..................................................... 5-4
Characteristics of Fiber Optic Cable ............................................................. 5-5
Summary of Characteristics of Cable Types ................................................ 5-7
Forming a Simple Point-to-Point Configuration with Twisted Pair Cable ......... 5-9
Twisted Pair (10Base-T) Ethernet-EnergyNet .............................................. 5-9
Forming a Star Configuration with Twisted Pair Cable ................................... 5-11
Forming a Distributed Star Configuration with Twisted Pair Cable ................ 5-12
Rules for Twisted Pair Networks ................................................................ 5-15
Understanding Thin Coaxial Cable ................................................................... 5-16
Using Coaxial Cables .................................................................................. 5-16
Forming a Simple Two-Node Bus with Thin Coaxial Cable
Using T Connectors .......................................................................................... 5-17
Expanding the Simple Bus with Thin Coaxial Cable Using T Connectors ...... 5-20
Lengthening the Thin Coaxial Cable Bus ......................................................... 5-21
Forming a Simple Bus with Thin Coaxial Cable Using Cable Taps ................ 5-23
Forming a Star or Distributed Star Configuration with
Thin Coaxial Cable Using EnergyLink 2500 ................................................... 5-27
EnergyLink 2500 as a Node on Each Bus .................................................. 5-31
Rules for Thin Coaxial Cable Distributed Star Topology Networks .......... 5-32
Forming a Two-Node Bus Configuration with Fiber Optic Cable ................... 5-34
Lengthening the Fiber Optic Bus ...................................................................... 5-36
Forming a Star Configuration with Fiber Optic Cable ..................................... 5-37
Connecting Fiber Optic Cable to EnergyLink 2500 ................................... 5-40
Cascading EnergyLink 2500s Using Fiber Optic Cable ............................. 5-42
Calculating Total Signal Loss ..................................................................... 5-43
Rules for Fiber Optic Networks .................................................................. 5-44
Employing Multiple Cable Types in Long/Complex Networks .......................... 5-45
Determining Total Network Length ...................................................................... 5-45
Calculating Total Delay on Long Networks ......................................................... 5-46
Employing Bridges in Long Networks ................................................................. 5-48
Using Local Bridges .............................................................................................. 5-48
Using Remote Bridges ........................................................................................... 5-48
Planning and Setting Up a Long Network ............................................................ 5-50
General Guidelines for Mixed-Cable Distributed Star
Topology Ethernet-EnergyNets ............................................................................. 5-60
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Chapter 6—Understanding and Cabling Infinet
What Is Infinet? .................................................................................................. 6-2
What Are the Nodes on Infinet? ................................................................... 6-2
Why Is Token Passing Effective? ................................................................. 6-3
What Is the Twisted Pair Hub of Infinet? ........................................................... 6-4
What Is the Fiber Optic Link of Infinet? ............................................................ 6-5
Forming Twisted Pair Infinet Configurations ..................................................... 6-6
Extending the Infinet with InfiLink 200 ....................................................... 6-6
Employing InfiLink 200 in Star Configurations ................................................. 6-7
Using Modems with InfiLink 200 ................................................................ 6-7
Forming Mixed Fiber Optic and Twisted Pair Infinet Configurations ............... 6-9
Extending the Infinet with InfiLink 210 ....................................................... 6-9
Employing InfiLink 210 in an Extended Daisy-Chain ..................................... 6-11
Employing InfiLink 210 in Star Configurations ............................................... 6-12
Limiting Cable Signal Loss Over Fiber Optic Cable .................................. 6-15
Planning Your Cabling Configuration .............................................................. 6-16
Infinet Map Drawing Conventions ............................................................. 6-16
Selecting a Cable Type ............................................................................... 6-17
Chapter 7—Interpreting LEDs on EnergyLinks and InfiLinks
Understanding EnergyLink 2000 LEDs ............................................................. 7-2
Interpreting Normal LED Responses ............................................................ 7-3
Interpreting Flashing Lights .......................................................................... 7-3
Responding When +PWR and –PWR LEDs Do Not Light Up .......................... 7-4
Understanding InfiLink 200 LEDs ..................................................................... 7-6
Interpreting Normal LED Responses ............................................................ 7-6
Baud Rate Setting on InfiLink 200 ............................................................... 7-7
Checking Fuse on InfiLink 200 .................................................................... 7-7
Understanding EnergyLink 2500 LEDs ............................................................. 7-8
Interpreting LED Responses ......................................................................... 7-8
Responding to Excessive Collisions ........................................................... 7-10
Understanding InfiLink 210 LEDs ................................................................... 7-11
Interpreting Normal LED Responses .......................................................... 7-11
Baud Rate Setting on InfiLink 210 ............................................................. 7-12
Understanding Keypad Errors on 900 or 810 ................................................... 7-13
Error 1 ......................................................................................................... 7-13
Error 2 ......................................................................................................... 7-13
Error 3 ......................................................................................................... 7-13
Error 4 ......................................................................................................... 7-13
Error 5 ......................................................................................................... 7-13
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Appendix A—RS-232 Port Pinouts for Controllers and Workstations
Appendix B—Using Thick Coaxial Cable for Ethernet-EnergyNet
Forming a Simple Bus Configuration with Thick Coaxial Cable ..........................B-2
Using a Transceiver to Tap into Ethernet-EnergyNet ..................................B-4
Tapping Directly into Ethernet-EnergyNet ...................................................B-5
Installing Thick Coaxial Transceivers ..........................................................B-5
Lengthening the Thick Coaxial Cable Backbone ...............................................B-7
Rules for Thick Coaxial Cable Bus Topology Networks .............................B-8
Appendix C—Totaling Propagation Delays for Ethernet-EnergyNet
Appendix D—Mapping Conventions for Andover Networks
ARCNET-EnergyNet Map Drawing Conventions ............................................ D-2
Ethernet-EnergyNet Map Drawing Conventions ............................................... D-4
Glossary—LAN Terminology
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Local Area Networks
Chapter 1
Local Area Networks
This chapter covers the following:
• What Is a Local Area Network?
• What Is Network Topology?
• Active Hub Types
• LAN Cable Types
• LAN Data Transmission
• LAN Communications
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Infinity Network Configuration Guide 1-1
Local Area Networks
What Is a Local Area Network?
A local area network (LAN) is a minimum of two controllers or a controller and a workstation connected with cabling and running software.
The LAN lets multiple workstations and controllers communicate with (“talk to”) one another, sharing data, storage space, programs, printers, terminals, other software, and other equipment.
A LAN transmits data much faster than a point-to-point link, such as one over an
RS-232C cable. Where RS-232C usually cannot transmit data faster than 19,200 baud, a LAN can transmit data at the rate of 1 to 10 Mb/sec, hundreds of times faster.
With a LAN you can also connect many different types of equipment, which is why a LAN is the perfect method for connecting a building control, process control, or security system network.
Also, while LANs do not usually extend beyond a mile in length, they can extend much further than an RS-232C connection.
What Is a Controller?
A controller is a computerized piece of equipment that you use to control an HVAC system, building access, or process.
What Is a Workstation?
A workstation is a computer complete with a screen and a built-in storage disk that you use to access and modify the controller or controllers on your network.
What Is a File Server?
A file server is a workstation that stores files for other workstations or controllers on the network. You can store all your controllers’ programs on the file server if you choose.
What Is a Node?
Each workstation, file server, or controller of the LAN is called a “node.”
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Local Area Networks
What Is Network Topology?
Network “topology” is the way you arrange the nodes of the network and connect them with the cables. Three types of topology available on most LANs are as follows:
• Bus Topology
• Star Topology
• Ring Topology
What Is Bus Topology?
Bus topology is an arrangement of nodes on a single cable (also called a “bus”). Each node is connected to the bus with a connector. A bus sends each message to all nodes at once. This system of transmission is called a “broadcasting” system.
Figure 1-1. Bus Topology LAN. This is a “standard” EnergyNet configuration.
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Local Area Networks
What Is Star Topology?
Star topology is an arrangement where all nodes are connected to a central hub that is a communications device.
You can add nodes to the network by connecting them to the central hub. After the
LAN becomes active, you can still add another node. You can configure an
EnergyNet in this topology.
Figure 1-2. Star Topology LAN
Controller Workstation
Central Hub
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Local Area Networks
What Is a Central Hub?
A central hub in a star topology LAN is either a series of wires connected at one location (passive hub) or a communications device that transmits data to all nodes connected to it (active hub).
In simple terms, an active hub requires power to function, whereas a passive hub is merely a location where multiple wires connect.
An “active hub” is one that acts like a “network repeater,” an electronic device that retransmits signals that have traveled a long distance. It regenerates signals over distances of up to 6,561 ft (2,000 m). Active hubs let you isolate network nodes so that if an error occurs on one node or noise interferes with the functioning of one cable, the rest of the network is minimally affected.
A “passive hub” is one that merely connects several nodes, but does not retransmit signals. In a passive hub, you must use all ports on the hub, or properly terminate them.
If one node or one port on a passive hub is not terminated, the entire network is disrupted. Under such a system, you could not isolate a network node. Problems on one node would reverberate over the network.
So that you can easily remove nodes from the network, Andover
Controls supports only active hubs.
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Local Area Networks
What Is Ring Topology?
Ring topology is an arrangement of nodes in a single continuous loop. Data transmits from node to node in one particular direction. The ring topology is not
supported by EnergyNet because if a single node fails, the entire network fails.
Figure 1-3. Ring Topology LAN
Never attempt to form a ring topology with EnergyNet.
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Local Area Networks
Active Hubs Types
The following are the most common types of active hubs used in star topology networks:
• Modular Active Hubs
• Nonmodular Active Hubs
• Active Links
Modular Active Hubs
Also called “variable port hubs,” modular active hubs let you determine how many ports you want connected to them. You insert a module with the number and type of ports you want into one of the connectors on the hub.
The modules can be for various types of cables, so you can have fiber optic cable on one module, coaxial cable on another, and so on—all connected at one hub.
Nonmodular Active Hubs
Also called “fixed port hubs,” nonmodular active hubs have a fixed number of ports, usually eight. To connect more than eight nodes to a network using nonmodular active hubs, you cascade other hubs from a port on one hub to a port on another.
Active Links
You can use an active link as either a repeater or as an interface to switch to another type of cabling.
When you’ve reached your maximum cable length on a bus, you can use a repeater to extend the cabling a further distance.
You can use another type of active link to switch from fiber optic cabling to coaxial cabling or twisted pair cabling. (For more on cabling, see the next section, What
Types of Cables Form LANs?)
EnergyNet Active Hubs
Andover Controls has two active hubs, one for an ARCNET-EnergyNet and the other for an Ethernet-EnergyNet.
EnergyLink 2000 (ARCNET-EnergyNet)
EnergyLink 2000 is the Andover Controls modular active hub for an ARCNET-
EnergyNet networking 9000 and 9500 controllers. It can have up to four modules
and up to 16 ports. You use EnergyLink 2000 as either an active hub or a multiport cable-switching active link. To use it as a cable-switching active link, you would replace some of the modules with modules for a different cable type.
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Local Area Networks
You can also extend the network length with an EnergyLink 2100 as a network repeater. Or you can purchase EnergyLink 2101(for both coaxial and fiber optic cable) as either a network repeater or an active link for cable switching.
Essentially, EnergyLink 2100 and 2101 are active hubs with only four ports.
You’ll find out more about EnergyLink 2000, EnergyLink 2100, and EnergyLink
2101 in the next chapter.
EnergyLink 2500 (Ethernet-EnergyNet)
EnergyLink 2500 is the Andover Controls modular active hub for an Ethernet-
EnergyNet networking 9200 and 9300 controllers. It can have up to seven modules,
each with a single port. You use EnergyLink 2500 as both an active hub and a multiport cable-switching hub. To use it as a cable-switching hub, you use modules for various different cable types.
You’ll find out more about EnergyLink 2500 in subsequent chapters.
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Local Area Networks
LAN Cable Types
Three types of cable form LAN connections:
• Coaxial
• Twisted Pair
• Fiber Optic
The type of cable you should use often changes with the particular circumstances of your installation.
What Is Coaxial Cable?
Coaxial cable is a shielded cable and is the most commonly used cabling for LANs because its shield protects data being transmitted from outside noise. Shielding is necessary when running cables through equipment rooms where HVAC controllers reside. It offers the best noise protection at the lowest cost.
What Is Twisted Pair Cable?
Twisted pair cable is an unshielded and less expensive cable than coaxial. It is sometimes the choice in a low noise environment or for use with Ethernet networks.
However, data transmits less reliably over twisted pair cabling and the controller must often retransmit the data. Although it is perfectly acceptable for Ethernet-
EnergyNet, because it is less reliable than other types of cable, we do not recom-
mend or support twisted pair cabling for ARCNET-EnergyNet.
What Is Fiber Optic Cable?
Fiber optic cable is a shielded cable and often used where the LAN requires outdoor cables. Fiber optic cable is used to protect against lightning damage and other electrical disturbances. It offers the best noise protection possible, but at a high cost.
Table 1-1. Compared Characteristics of Coaxial, Fiber Optic, and Twisted Pair
Characteristic Coaxial
Installed Cost
Noise Immunity
Star, Bus
Outdoor Use Good
Transmit Speed Medium
Twisted Pair Fiber Optic
Star, Bus
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Local Area Networks
How Fast Is Data Transmitted?
Each of the three types of cables transmits data at different rates:
• Coaxial—Between 1 and 15Mb/sec.
• Twisted Pair—Maximum of 10Mb/sec.
• Fiber Optic—200 Mb/sec.
ARCNET-EnergyNet transmits data at a rate of 2.5Mb/sec. Ethernet-EnergyNet transmits data at 10 Mb/sec. Although one may appear to have obvious advantage over the other, you may want to consider some of the other differences between
ARCNET and Ethernet before you choose which one to use in your installation.
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Local Area Networks
LAN Data Transmission
Each node on the network accesses the network to transmit and receive data. The method of access is a set of rules called “protocols.” Two types of protocols used on LANs are as follows:
• Token Passing
• Carrier-Sense Multiple Access with Collision Detection
What Is Token Passing?
The token is an electronic signal. Token passing access sends a single token to each node. The token checks to see if the node has data to transmit. The network passes the token sequentially, from node to node.
One node receives the token and immediately transmits any data it wants to submit.
The data broadcasts over the network to all other nodes, but only the node that should receive it responds to it. The network then passes the token along to the next node where the process repeats. If a node has no data to transmit, it merely passes the token to the next node.
Under the token passing system, each node on the network is an equal. No single central controller or workstation is required. For this reason, the length of time required to pass a piece of data through the token passing system is always consistent for a given data size. For example, all messages that are 10 bytes transmit in the same number of seconds. If the message is longer, it takes more time, shorter, it takes less time. Heavy network traffic (network activity) does not slow down the rate data transmits at.
Another advantage to token passing is that should a node fail, the network automatically skips it when passing the token, so that communication continues among all nodes that are functioning.
Similarly, when you add a new node to the network, the network automatically recognizes that node and passes the token to it at its time in the sequence.
If you cut the network into two parts, each automatically becomes a separate network. Breaking the network becomes a useful tool when troubleshooting.
Both ARCNET-EnergyNet and Infinet are token passing access networks. For the most efficient token-passing network, Andover recommends you use up to 50 controllers on ARCNET-EnergyNet.
What Is CSMA/CD?
CSMA/CD networks bring messages onto a cable “highway.” Just as on an automobile highway, as long as traffic is normal, cars (nodes) can cut into the flow easily.
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Local Area Networks
As long as the quantity of traffic is correct for that network highway, information moves readily along the network paths from node to node.
However, when traffic builds up, as in downtown rush hour, the cars must compete to be the first in line. The same happens on a CSMA/CD network when the traffic builds up. Whenever the active node (car) pauses, another node must cut it off and force its way in to gain access to the network. Thus, when traffic is heavy, CSMA/
CD network nodes compete for access to the network.
In extreme cases, cars become bottlenecked trying to get into the same narrow street and it becomes impossible to get in. The same can occur on a CSMA/CD network, so that in excessively heavy network traffic, some messages may not transmit as quickly as they ought to.
Also, in traffic jams there are sometimes collisions. The same can occur on the network. Network collisions are not fatal, and after they occur, the nodes whose data collide simply pause and try once again to get onto the network highway.
As you have probably figured out, in heavy traffic, you might have a hard time estimating the time required to transmit a piece of data over a CSMA/CD access network. However, on this type of network, the size of the data does not influence the rate at which it is transmitted. Since network traffic increases as you add nodes to the network, CSMA/CD access networks are practical as long as the volume of traffic is not extremely high. The highest traffic networks might achieve better results using token passing.
Ethernet-EnergyNet is a CSMA/CD network that you might choose for EnergyNets with up to 50 controllers.
One of the best reasons to choose Ethernet, as discussed earlier, is speed. At 10 Mb/ sec, Ethernet is considerably faster than an ARCNET operating at 2.5 Mb/sec. In the right installation, Ethernet is a reasonably priced alternative, because you can form it using twisted pair cable, the lowest-priced cable available for a LAN.
What Are Signaling Methods?
Three methods of transmitting data on LANs are as follows:
• Baseband
• Broadband
• Carrierband
Each method uses a different type of signal.
What Is Baseband?
Baseband networks transmit either analog or digital signals over the cabling system on a single channel. The baseband system encodes digital signals in pulse form be-
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Local Area Networks
fore entering the cable and decodes them back to their digital form when they reach the destination node. EnergyNet is a baseband network.
What Is Broadband?
Broadband networks send data over totally separate channels depending on the type of data it is. They can transmit voice over one channel and video over another, using digital and analog signals as required.
Before a broadband network sends a signal, it modulates the signal into noninterfering frequencies through a radio frequency (RF) modem. When it the signal reaches its destination, the broadband demodulates the signals back to their digital or analog form.
What Is Carrierband?
Carrierband is like a single channel on a broadband network. It requires a modem and modulates the signal when it sends it out, but does not demodulate the signal when it reaches its destination.
Advantages of Baseband Over Broadband
Although broadband networks are flexible in transmitting signals, they are difficult to add a node to. You must reengineer the portion of the broadband network you want to add the node to.
Baseband networks, on the other hand, are easy to install and add nodes to. You never need to reengineer the network when adding a node.
Also, baseband networks require only a few components that almost anyone can assemble, while broadband networks require many more components and engineering expertise to install.
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Local Area Networks
LAN Communications
After you have connected your network with the appropriate cables, how do you actually get the controllers and workstations talking? You use two types of software:
• Software Drivers
• Network Operating System
What Are Software Drivers?
Software drivers provide the instructions to transmit data over the network. The
ARCNET-EnergyNet software driver is a NETBIOS compatible driver. The Ethernet-EnergyNet software driver is a NETBEUI compatible driver. NETBIOS and
NETBEUI are standard drivers used by common network operating systems.
What Is a Network Operating System?
The network operating system is the software that lets workstations and controllers on a network share hardware resources, such as disk drives and printers.
Two types of environments exist in the operating system: shared resource and peerto-peer.
A shared resource environment has a file server that distributes data as required to the nodes on the network. The software on each node accepts requests from the users and sends those requests to the file server whenever required. EnergyNet has the
Microsoft OS/2 LAN Manager for its network operating system whenever workstations are on the network.
When two controllers communicate with each other (without a workstation), they use the peer-to-peer environment. They do not have a central file server. Instead, nodes access files through Andover network protocols. Protocols are rules that govern communication on the network.
Andover Controls combines shared resources and peer-to-peer communication forming a unique environment for building control. Andover Controls equipment uses shared resources for graphics and long term storage and peer-to-peer for controller to controller data exchange.
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Chapter 2
This chapter covers the following:
• What Is ARCNET-EnergyNet?
• What Is the Hub of ARCNET-EnergyNet?
• What Is the Active Link/Repeater of ARCNET-EnergyNet?
• What Is the ARCNET-EnergyNet Network Interface Card?
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What Is ARCNET-EnergyNet?
The ARCNET EnergyNet
is a high-performance, token-passing local area network
(LAN) of Andover Controls controllers and workstations and the network software that makes them communicate. Over a million ARCNET nodes are currently installed worldwide.
The ARCNET-EnergyNet network drivers are NETBIOS. The workstations on the network communicate through the operating system, the Microsoft OS/2 LAN
Manager software. The LAN Manager uses a shared resource environment, with a file server serving all other workstations on the network.
ARCNET-EnergyNet has a minimum of two controllers or a controller and a workstation, usually connected with RG-62/u coaxial cable. It can connect up to 254 nodes. Data transmits over the ARCNET-EnergyNet at a rate of 2.5 Mb/sec when you use coaxial cable. Depending on your particular installation, you may want to use fiber optic combined with coaxial cabling instead. You can use both types to construct ARCNET-EnergyNet.
Although ARCNET-EnergyNet has a token-passing data access system, it has a combination bus and star topology called “distributed star” topology.
ARCNET-EnergyNet is a baseband network, connected by up to 4 miles (6.4 km) of coaxial cabling. The number of nodes on the network influences the length of cable that connects the entire network, but the maximum distance you can have between two nodes is 1,428 ft (435 m) with coaxial cabling and 6,000 ft (1,828.8 m) with fiber optic cabling.
As with any baseband network, ARCNET-EnergyNet is easy to install. It requires only cabling and interface modules. You may also use EnergyLink 2100 or 2101, electronic repeaters, to extend the amount of cabling beyond the limit for a given number of nodes. EnergyLink 2100 (or 2101) amplifies and retransmits signals so that they can travel further on the network.
What Are the Nodes on ARCNET-EnergyNet?
The two types of nodes on ARCNET-EnergyNet are controllers and workstations.
The 9000 and 9500 controllers are ARCNET-EnergyNet controllers. (Other controllers, called Infinet controllers, are not directly connected to the ARCNET-
EnergyNet. See Chapter 6 for more on the Infinet controller network.) Each 9000
controller counts as a single node on ARCNET-EnergyNet. You give an ID to each controller by setting a DIP switch inside it. How to set the EnergyNet ID is in the installation guide for the 9000 controllers.
1. ARCNET-EnergyNet is ARCNET, developed by Datapoint Corporation, combined with Andover
Controls software.
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The 8000 workstation is a user-friendly IBM PC workstation with detailed color graphics that connects to the network. The 8000 workstation can also be a file server, storing files for other workstations on the ARCNET-EnergyNet. You can program all your controllers from a single workstation that operates as a file server, if you choose. Each workstation or server counts as a single node on ARCNET-
EnergyNet. You give each workstation an ID by setting a switch on its network in-
terface card. How to set the switch is detailed in the instructions you received with the card.
Each active hub is also considered a node on the network. You set the ID of the hub as described in the EnergyLink Installation Guide.
Why Is Token Passing Effective?
Token passing, as discussed in Chapter 1, is one of the best methods for real-time building control systems because data of a particular length is always transmitted in a given amount of time. Token passing allows ARCNET-EnergyNet to not only accept data of any length, but also automatically acknowledge receiving data and automatically check for errors, giving all nodes equal access to the network.
ARCNET-EnergyNet handles all network control so that 9000 and 8000 software can ignore network control and operate more efficiently.
If you remove a controller or workstation from the network, the ARCNET-
EnergyNet automatically reconfigures itself and continues operating without
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What Is the Hub of ARCNET-EnergyNet?
The hub of ARCNET-EnergyNet is EnergyLink 2000.
EnergyLink 2000 is a 16-port modular active hub that retransmits messages to the
spokes (arms) of the hub just the way an electronic network repeater would.
The hub has four modules, with four ports each. You can have coaxial, fiber optic, or mixed coaxial and fiber optic modules on the EnergyLink 2000. Because you can interchange modules, you can have EnergyLink 2000 function as a cable switching center, if you connect the appropriate modules to it.
You do not have to terminate unused ports on the EnergyLink 2000. Because the ports are always properly terminated, you can later disconnect one node from the network without interrupting the building control system.
When EnergyLink 2000 connects several nodes, it controls communication on two fronts:
• Between the nodes in the star.
• Between the nodes in the star and the other hubs on the network.
Because each node has a separate transceiver, you do not encounter problems with cable loading.
See also the EnergyLink 2000 Installation Guide supplied with the unit.
What Are Components of EnergyLink 2000?
Figure 2-1. EnergyLink 2000 Before Modules are Connected
6 inches
(15.24 cm)
Where Four
Modules Connect
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You can mount the EnergyLink 2000 inside another NEMA enclosure or mount it on a wall as is.
When you first see EnergyLink 2000, you see four slots. You insert a module with four ports in each those slots. Then you have 16 ports in all. If you need only 12 ports, you need only use three modules.
When you order EnergyLink 2000, you order at least one module with either all four ports coaxial, all four ports fiber optic, or two ports coaxial and two ports fiber optic. To order EnergyLink 2000 and the modules, use the following Andover
Controls model numbers:
• Andover Controls Model # 2000—16 port hub (115/230V 50/60 Hz)
• Andover Controls Model # 2001— Module with 4 coaxial ports
• Andover Controls Model # 2002— Module with 2 coaxial ports,
2 fiber optic ports
• Andover Controls Model # 2003—Module with 4 fiber optic ports
You can order a maximum of four modules per hub.
Figure 2-1 shows ports on the modules. Each coaxial port connects to the male end of a BNC connector and each fiber optic port connects to the end of a fiber optic cable.
Figure 2-2. Ports for Different Cables on Various Modules
Four Coaxial Ports on Module
Two Coaxial,
Two Fiber Optic
Ports on Module
Four Fiber Optic
Ports on Module
Although the hub behaves the way a repeater would, you would not want to use it as a repeater, because you would not take advantage of the 16 ports. Andover Controls has a repeater with four coaxial ports called EnergyLink 2100. If you want to
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Infinity Network Configuration Guide 2-5
switch from coaxial to fiber optic cable, you can purchase the EnergyLink 2101 active link, with two coaxial and two fiber optic cable ports.
How Do You Read EnergyLink 2000’s LEDs?
EnergyLink 2000 also has LED lights on top that correspond to each module. The
LEDs to the right of the rightmost module are for timing and reconfiguration. The timing light indicates ARCNET-EnergyNet is receiving and transmitting signals.
The reconfiguration light turns on to indicate that the network has been configured.
The network reconfigures itself when you remove a node.
The activity LEDs on the rest of the modules blink to indicate that ports on that module are receiving and transmitting data. See Chapter 7 or the EnergyLink Instal-
lation Guide for more details on how to interpret the LEDs.
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What Is the Active Link/Repeater of ARCNET-
A small-scale version of the EnergyLink 2000, the EnergyLink 2100 has a single module with four coaxial ports and acts as a network repeater. You can also use it as a hub for three or four nodes that all require coaxial cable.
EnergyLink 2101 has a single module with two coaxial and two fiber optic ports.
You often use it as a cable-switching active link. It can also be a network repeater for either a coaxial or fiber optic cable bus.
To order EnergyLink 2100 or 2101, use the following Andover Controls model numbers:
• Andover Controls Model # 2100—4 coaxial port active link/repeater
• Andover Controls Model # 2101—2 coaxial and 2 fiber optic port active link
In some instances, you can interchange EnergyLink 2100 with
EnergyLink 2000. It is, basically, a hub with fewer ports.
In other instances, such as when you switch cable types, you can interchange
EnergyLink 2000 with EnergyLink 2101. Both can also be the central hub of a star
with mixed cable types, but the EnergyLink 2101 would form only a three- or fourarm star.
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Infinity Network Configuration Guide 2-7
What Is the ARCNET-EnergyNet Network Interface
ARCNET-EnergyNet supports two network interface cards that let you connect workstations to the network:
• Andover Controls Model # 2020 for AT bus systems (IBM PC and Compaq computers)
• Andover Controls Model # 2040 for IBM PS/2 bus systems
See your Andover Controls Representative for specific hardware supported.
Because the network interface card is considered a node on the
ARCNET-EnergyNet, it must have an EnergyNet ID, just as all other nodes on the network have.
You select the EnergyNet ID by setting a DIP switch inside the controller cabinet.
You can assign each node an ID from 1 to 254. EnergyNet ID number 0 is reserved by ARCNET-EnergyNet to broadcast a message to all nodes. Otherwise, you can use any of the other ID numbers for any node or network interface card.
To assign the AT bus (Compaq) card an ID, set a DIP switch on it following the instructions provided with the card. To assign the PS/2 card an ID, you set it through the software. Details on how to set the PS/2 card ID are included in the computer’s documentation for the Reference disk.
EnergyNet IDs for 9000 controllers range from 1 to 223 and for 8000 workstation
range from 224 to 254.
When passing the token from node to node, ARCNET-EnergyNet starts with the node with the lowest EnergyNet ID number and proceeds to the one with the highest. When it reaches the highest ID number, ARCNET-EnergyNet returns to the lowest, proceeding in a cycle called a “logical ring.”
As shown in the figure on the next page, the logical ring is based on the EnergyNet
ID number, not on the physical placement of the nodes.
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Figure 2-3. Logical Ring vs. Physical Layout of Nodes
Logical Ring
Layout of Nodes on Network
8000 Workstation
8000 Workstation
9000 Controller
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Cabling Configuration for ARCNET
Chapter 3
Selecting a Cabling Arrangement for ARCNET-
We recommend you read all of the information in this chapter before designing your own ARCNET-EnergyNet configuration. This chapter covers the following:
• Preparing Coaxial Cables
• Forming Simple Bus Configurations
• Switching Cable Types with EnergyLink 2000s
• Employing EnergyLink 2000s in Complex Configurations
• Planning Your Cabling Configuration
• Summary of Node Connection Rules for All Topologies
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Infinity Network Configuration Guide 3-1
Cabling Configuration for ARCNET
Preparing Coaxial Cables
No matter which type of network topology you use, each length of coaxial cable connecting to a controller, workstation, EnergyLink 2000, EnergyLink 2100, or
EnergyLink 2101 must have a BNC male connector at both ends. If the cables are
not already premade, you prepare them by attaching the male connectors.
If possible, you should use premade cables, because when creating your own, you could inadvertently cut a single wire too short, or twist or break a wire. If a single wire is not properly connected, you later have communications problems that may be difficult to diagnose.
Figure 3-1 shows a single piece of prepared coaxial ARCNET-EnergyNet cable.
Each piece of coaxial cable from male connector to male connector must be at least
6 ft (1.82 m) long.
Figure 3-1. ARCNET-EnergyNet Coaxial Cable
6 ft. (1.82 m) minimum
Male Connectors on either end of Coaxial Cable
—Each connects directly to controllers at ends of bus
Figure 3-2 shows the ARCNET-EnergyNet coaxial T connector (Andover Controls
Model # 2070). This connector is required on most (but not all) controllers on a bus.
(More about buses later.)
Figure 3-2. ARCNET-EnergyNet Coaxial T Connector
Coaxial Cable
Coaxial Cable
Connects to coaxial connector on a controller
at end of bus
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Cabling Configuration for ARCNET
Figure 3-3 shows the coaxial ARCNET-EnergyNet cable connecting to the T connector.
Figure 3-3. ARCNET-EnergyNet Coaxial Cable Connections
Connects to Controller or Workstation
Male BNC
Male BNC
Prepared Cables
Connect to Another Node and Connects directly to controller at end of Bus
Plug the end of the coaxial T connector for the ARCNET-EnergyNet cable into the
ARCNET-EnergyNet connector just above and to the left of the uppermost RS-485 port on the controller board. (Or directly connect the male BNC connector to the controller if it is at the end of a bus. See the next section for details on buses.)
Every T connector on the network has three ends. The bottom of the T always connects to the coaxial connector on a controller or workstation on the network. The two sides of the T connector always connect to a coaxial cable.
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Infinity Network Configuration Guide 3-3
Cabling Configuration for ARCNET
Forming Simple Bus Configurations
Let’s look at a series of simple configurations first.
Point-to-Point Connections with Coaxial Cable
Suppose you want to connect two 8000 workstations, two 9000 controllers, or one of each. To connect two nodes point-to-point, you must first terminate the nodes.
Each controller is terminated when you purchase it, with a built-in removable 93
Ω terminator.
Figure 3-4 shows the built-in terminator in upper left corner of the printed circuit board inside the 9000 controller.
Figure 3-4. Built-in Terminator on 9000 Controller
Fuse for
Built-in Removable
Terminator in Pico Fuse Socket
Coaxial Cable
EnergyLink 2000
Each workstation can be terminated with a jumper on its network interface card. To form the two-node network, terminate the workstation (see the card instructions) and connect the two nodes. Connect the male BNC connector on the coaxial cable directly to the workstation’s network interface card.
Figure 3-5 shows a simple point-to-point connection with no hub in the simplest bus topology.
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Cabling Configuration for ARCNET
Figure 3-5. Two-Node Point-to-Point Connection
Has Jumpered
Interface Card
Has Built-in
A Simple Coaxial Cable Bus Topology
If you want to join three nodes, you could join three 9000 controllers in a bus topology, as long as you leave the terminator in tact at both ends of the bus and remove it from the node(s) in between.
The built-in 93
terminator is in a pico fuse socket. When you do not want to terminate a controller, remove the terminator from the socket.
Figure 3-6 shows three controllers in a bus topology network.
Figure 3-6. Three-Node Bus Topology with Terminators
With coaxial cabling, you can connect up to 19 controllers (9000s) on one continuous bus, as long as you terminate the network properly on both ends and keep the length requirements.
Rule for Using Connectors and Terminators on Coaxial ARCNET-EnergyNet:
Always direct connect controllers at the end of a bus with a male connector and leave the terminator on the board in tact.
Always connect controllers in the middle of a bus with a coaxial T connector and remove the terminator from the board.
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Cabling Configuration for ARCNET
A Coaxial Cable Bus Topology with Workstations
You can also have a bus topology network with an 8000 workstation on either end.
In this configuration, whether or not you need a terminator on the end of the bus depends on the kind of network interface card each workstation has:
• With the AT card, you can terminate the connection by jumpering the appropriate terminal on the card to form a terminator right there on the card. (See the card instructions.)
• With the PS/2 card, you must terminate the bus by connecting a
terminator to the open end of the T connector.
If you have all IBM or Compaq workstations on an AT bus, you can select those that terminate the network and jumper their cards. When you do this, connect the male BNC connector on the coaxial cable directly to the network interface card.
You terminate the workstation with a PS/2 card by attaching a 93
connector to the open end of the coaxial T connector.
Figure 3-7 shows the terminated T connector on a PS/2 card.
Figure 3-7. Coaxial T Connector Terminated for PS/2 Card
Coaxial Cable
Terminator connects to a coaxial
T connector to terminate PS/2 card
Connects to coaxial connector on controller
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Cabling Configuration for ARCNET
Figure 3-8 shows how two workstations with jumpered terminators form the ends of a three-node bus topology network.
Figure 3-8. Three-Node Bus Topology with Jumpered Terminators on Workstations
Workstation with Jumpered
with Jumpered
Rules for All Coaxial Cable Bus Topology Networks
You must adhere to the following when creating an all coaxial cable bus topology
• Terminate the bus at both ends by leaving the 93
terminator in tact on the controllers. You can terminate a workstation by setting the jumper on the workstation network interface card.
• Connect male connectors directly to the network interface card on workstations without a T connector if terminated on a jumper on the card.
• Use only Andover Controls T connectors (Andover Controls Model # 2070).
• Keep the length of a bus connection at a maximum of 1,000 ft
(304.8 m) for eight nodes and decrease or increase it proportionally for more or fewer nodes (see table on next page).
• Keep the maximum number of nodes to 19 with a length of the bus cable limited to 200 ft (60.96 m).
• Be sure each piece of cable from node to node is a minimum of 6 ft (1.82 m) long.
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Cabling Configuration for ARCNET
We do not recommend using more than 19 nodes on a single bus.
Table 3-1 shows the amount of cable allowed for from two to 19 nodes. Remember, the general rule is eight nodes per 1,000 ft (304.8 m) of cable.
Table 3-1. ARCNET-EnergyNet Bus Cable Length vs. Number of Nodes
Nodes Maximum Cable Length
2 1,428 ft (435.25 m)
3 1,356 ft (413.30 m)
4 1,285 ft (391.66 m)
5 1,213 ft (369.72 m)
6 1.141 ft (347.77 m)
7 1,070 ft (326.13 m)
8 998 ft (304.19 m)
9 926 ft (282.24 m)
10 855 ft (260.60 m)
11 783 ft (238.65 m)
12 711 ft (216.71 m)
13 640 ft (195.07 m)
14 568 ft (173.12 m)
15 496 ft (151.18 m)
16 425 ft (129.54 m)
17 353 ft (107.59 m)
18 281 ft (85.64 m)
19 210 ft (64 m)
You can extend the length of cable for a particular number of nodes using
EnergyLink 2100.
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Cabling Configuration for ARCNET
A Simple Coaxial Cable Star Topology
If you try to form a three-node network by tying the three nodes together at one point in a star topology, you add a passive hub or either an EnergyLink 2100 or an
EnergyLink 2000.
Figure 3-9 shows a three-node star topology with a hub. In this configuration, where you use an EnergyLink 2000 or EnergyLink 2100, you must terminate all workstations or controllers, because the hub acts as a node at the end of a bus. So all nodes on this network must have terminators.
Figure 3-9. Three-Node Star Topology with a Hub
Length Bus
Cable Is
200 ft.
(50.96 m) for Passive
Hub, 1428 ft.
(435.25 m) for
Link 2000
Link 2100
Each Arm
Off the Hub
Is Like a Bus
Hub or
Because after three nodes, the passive hub becomes extremely unreliable, Andover
does not recommend you use passive hubs.
Also, since the maximum length cables you should use with a passive hub is between 100 and 200 ft, using a passive hub would restrict your network. If you use an EnergyLink 2000 instead, you can extend cable 1428 ft (435.25 m) between nodes. Remember, if you remove a node from a passive hub, the entire network is disrupted. So, even in a simple star topology where long cabling is not required, we recommend EnergyLink 2000s or EnergyLink 2100s for the greatest flexibility and reliability. See the section called Employing EnergyLink 2000s in Complex
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Infinity Network Configuration Guide 3-9
Cabling Configuration for ARCNET
Switching Cable Types with EnergyLink 2000s
Fiber Optic Bus Topology with EnergyLink 2000s and 2101s
Andover Controls recommends you use glass fiber optic cable for running ARC-
NET-EnergyNet cable outdoors or through a high-noise environment. You may choose to form an entire bus of fiber optic cable or merely extend a coaxial network between buildings with fiber optic cable.
How do you connect fiber optic cable to a controller with coaxial connector on its board? You use EnergyLink 2000 with modules for both coaxial and fiber optic cable. Or you use an EnergyLink 2101 because it has two coaxial and two fiber optic ports. You’ll need one EnergyLink 2000 or EnergyLink 2101 for each controller or workstation on the fiber optic bus. Connect each as follows:
1. Connect one end of a prepared coaxial cable to a coaxial port on the EnergyLink
2000 or EnergyLink 2101.
2. Connect the other end of the prepared coaxial cable to one side of the T connector on the controller or to the network interface card of a workstation.
Be sure to run a minimum of 6 ft (1.82 m) of coaxial cable from the controller or workstation to the EnergyLink 2101 (or EnergyLink 2000).
3. Be sure the built-in terminator is in place on each controller and that each workstation’s network interface card is jumpered to terminate it.
4. Run glass fiber optic cable from a port on one EnergyLink 2101
(or EnergyLink 2000) to a port on the next EnergyLink 2101 (or EnergyLink
Figure 3-10 shows a three-node fiber optic bus topology with EnergyLink 2101s.
Figure 3-10. Three-Node Fiber Optic Bus Topology
Fiber Optic Cable
EnergyLink 2101
Minimum 6 ft. (1.82 m)
Coaxial Cable
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Cabling Configuration for ARCNET
Rules for Fiber Optic Networks
If you choose to employ fiber optic cable be sure you meet the following criteria:
• Follow National Electrical Code (NEC) restrictions if running cable through
HVAC plenums or ducts. You can use Teflon-coated cable in this situation if the code requires it.
• Be sure the amount of cable between nodes does not exceed
6,000 ft. (1,828.8 m) (See also the table at the end of this chapter.)
• If cable between nodes must exceed 6,000 ft (1,828.8 m), then use EnergyLink
2101 as a repeater. See the section called Extending a Bus with an EnergyLink
2000 later in this chapter.
• Be sure the overall network does not exceed 20,000 ft (6,096 m).
An EnergyLink 2000 is somewhat like a network repeater because it retransmits signals, so you can also use it to extend the length of the fiber optic bus.
You can also use other EnergyLink 2000s to expand the number of nodes on the network. For more information on using EnergyLink 2000s, see the section called
Employing EnergyLink 2000s in Complex Configurations.
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Infinity Network Configuration Guide 3-11
Cabling Configuration for ARCNET
Employing EnergyLink 2000s in Complex
Distributed Star Topology with EnergyLink 2000s
The most flexible way to add 8000 workstations or 9000 controllers to ARCNET-
EnergyNet is through an EnergyLink 2000 or similar model.
EnergyLink 2000s allow you to expand your network much further than buses or
passive hubs would allow.
You use several EnergyLink 2000s for groups of nodes and cascade the hubs together, forming “buses” between them. Each single arm of the star is also a bus and can have up to seven nodes on 1,000 ft (304.8 m) of coaxial cable (EnergyLink 2000 is the eighth node). This combination of bus and star topology for ARCNET-
EnergyNet is called a “distributed star” topology.
Figure 3-11 shows an all coaxial cable distributed star topology.
Figure 3-11. Coaxial Distributed Star Topology Network
EnergyLink 2000
Coaxial Buses
Each Arm ("Spoke") of
EnergyLink 2000
Is Like a Bus
Each Arm ("Spoke") of
EnergyLink 2000
Can Have up to Seven
Nodes on 1,000 ft.
(304.8 m) (Eight including the
EnergyLink 2000
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Cabling Configuration for ARCNET
Figure 3-12 shows a fiber optic cable distributed star topology.
Figure 3-12. Fiber Optic Distributed Star Topology Network
EnergyLink 2000
Fiber Optic
Each Arm ("Spoke")
EnergyLink 2000
Is Like a Bus
Each Spoke
Is Coaxial
Cable and Can Have up to Seven Nodes on
1,000 ft. (304.8 m) of Cable
(Eight Nodes including the EnergyLink 2000)
Distributed star topology is the most common configuration of ARCNET-
EnergyNet. You can form it with a variety of types of cabling, from coaxial cabling
to fiber optic to twisted pair. Coaxial cabling is still the one that connects all nodes to the network, but you may switch to other types of cabling using EnergyLink 2000 or EnergyLink 2101 and following the criteria under the rules for each type of network given earlier in this chapter.
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Infinity Network Configuration Guide 3-13
Cabling Configuration for ARCNET
Expanding the Network with EnergyLink 2000s
A single EnergyLink 2000 can have up to 16 ports. Either a single node or a bus of up to seven nodes (the EnergyLink 2000 becomes the eighth) can connect to a single port. The prepared coaxial cable male BNC connector attaches to a standard port without a T connector or terminator.
The other models of EnergyLink 2000 offer up to four ports. You can use them as hubs if you plan to form smaller stars.
The EnergyLink 2000s offers the following expansion options:
• You can have more than four nodes without losing reliability.
• You need not terminate unused ports.
• A fault on one cable or node does not affect other cables or nodes on the network.
• You can add or remove nodes without reconfiguring the network.
• You can use a cable length of up to 1,000 ft (304.8 m) between low impedance nodes.
• You can have a coaxial bus off each EnergyLink port with up to seven nodes on it. Since EnergyLink 2000 (or other models of EnergyLink 2000) is considered a node of each bus it connects to, you can have only seven more nodes on 1,000 ft (304.8 m) of cable.
• The total cable cascading EnergyLink 2000s (or other models of EnergyLink
2000) can be up to 4 miles (6.4 km) long.
• You can cascade up to eight EnergyLink 2000s.
• You can easily switch cable types at any time by inserting a module with the number and type of ports you want into one of the connectors on the EnergyLink
2000. Or you can switch cable types with EnergyLink 2101.
• You can have multiple modules for various cable types, so you can have fiber optic cable on one module, coaxial cable on another, and so on—all connected at one EnergyLink 2000.
Each port on the EnergyLink 2000 has a transceiver that matches that of the controller or the network interface card of the workstation.
Rules When Using EnergyLink 2000s in a Distributed Star Topology
When using a distributed star topology, you must adhere to the following:
• For all types of cabling, you must terminate every controller or workstation at the end of a spoke on a hub—either by leaving the
terminator in the controller in tact or by jumpering the card on the workstation.
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Cabling Configuration for ARCNET
• All of the restrictions given earlier for each type of cabling also apply in the distributed star configuration.
• Only one end of a bus may connect to an EnergyLink 2000.
• For every 1,000 ft (304.8 m) of cabling with seven nodes on the same bus, you must install one EnergyLink 2000 as a repeater.
Cascading EnergyLink 2000s
You can cascade EnergyLink 2000s by connecting a prepared coaxial cable to an open port on each one.
Figure 3-13 shows three cascaded EnergyLink 2000 hubs.
Figure 3-13. Stacked EnergyLink 2000 Hubs Cascaded with Coaxial Cable
Coaxial Cable
Stacking EnergyLink 2000s dramatically increases the number of nodes you can have connected in one area.
You can also cascade and stack other members of the EnergyLink 2000 family, but when you do, you reduce their already limited number of ports, so they are not as practical a choice for connecting multiple stars.
Refer to the EnergyLink 2000 manual for further information on stacking your
EnergyLink 2000s.
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Infinity Network Configuration Guide 3-15
Cabling Configuration for ARCNET
Extending a Bus with an EnergyLink 2000
To increase the number of feet of coaxial cable between two controllers, you use an
EnergyLink 2000, as follows:
Remember that every EnergyLink 2000 series link counts as a node on the network.
Each one reduces the total number of workstations and controllers you can have on the network.
1. Disconnect one male end of a connected coaxial cable from the last controller and connect it to the first open port of the EnergyLink.
2. Connect the end of a new prepared coaxial cable to a second open port of the
Figure 3-14 shows how the EnergyLink 2000 connection looks.
Figure 3-14. Connecting an EnergyLink 2000 to Extend a Bus
EnergyLink 2000
T Connector for
Workstation with
PS/2 Card
Connect to the
Next Controller on the Network
3. Connect the new coaxial cable to the next controller or workstation on the network.
4. Be sure that the workstation is properly terminated if it is at the end of the bus.
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Cabling Configuration for ARCNET
Planning Your Cabling Configuration
When you plan your configuration, decide first how many controllers you want on the network. How are they situated? Would it be best to put them on hubs? If you have more than a few, for the best reliability and simplest troubleshooting, you should go with a star or distributed star topology.
Andover Controls strongly recommends that you draw a system map, showing all cables, controllers, workstations, hubs, and other elements of each ARCNET-
EnergyNet at your installation. You should draw a separate map of each ARCNET-
EnergyNet. You should use the conventions described in Appendix D. When you
contact our Technical Services Department for assistance, you will be required to show us a map that uses these conventions.
Measuring Cable Lengths
Refer to your ARCNET-EnergyNet map.
For each star on the distributed star network, measure the distance from the hub to each controller, workstation, or other EnergyLink 2000, 2100, or 2101. Record the distance on the map.
For a bus network, measure the distances between nodes and record them.
Now add up the total and refer to the table on cable lengths and information on cabling requirements for coaxial or fiber optic cables earlier in this chapter.
Selecting a Cable Type
If you exceed the lengths acceptable for coaxial cable you may want to use fiber optic cable.
Be sure you meet the requirements of all local ordinances and of the National Electrical Code (NEC), article 725, where flame resistance and smoke emissions standards are stated. Plenum rated cable, although more costly, does meet these regulations.
Table 3-2 shows a selection of cable types and their order numbers. You can choose from two types of either coaxial or fiber optic cable for both plenum and nonplenum.
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Infinity Network Configuration Guide 3-17
Cabling Configuration for ARCNET
Table 3-2. Coaxial and Fiber Optic Cables for ARCNET-EnergyNet
Cable Type NonPlenum Plenum
RG-62/u Coaxial
#RG 62 #RG 62
62.5/125 Fiber Optic
#HF062T2ZL Belden 225812
Andover Controls recommends RG-62/u as the standard cable for ARCNET-
Be sure you have a BNC T connector for every controller.
Calculating Total Delays on Long Networks
On long networks sometimes signal delay occur between nodes. The total delay cannot exceed 31
µ s on ARCNET-EnergyNet.
Each node and cable on the network adds to the total delay of the network.
Table 3-3 gives the amount of delays produced by cables and EnergyLink 2000s.
You can add up the amounts to predict the delay on your network.
Table 3-3. Network Delay Produced by Network Parts
Node or Cable Delay (
EnergyLink 2000s
0.12/100 ft
0.15/100 ft
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Cabling Configuration for ARCNET
Summary of Node Connection Rules for All ARCNET-EnergyNet Topologies
You can connect a terminated workstation or controller to one of the following:
• Another workstation or controller (point-to-point connection).
• Any of the EnergyLink 2000s.
• Either end of a bus.
You can connect a workstation or controller that is not terminated to one of the following:
• Anywhere on the bus except the ends.
• Any of the EnergyLink 2000 series links (if controller is first node on arm of star).
You can connect any of the EnergyLink 2000 series links to one of the following:
• A single terminated workstation or controller.
• Another link in the EnergyLink 2000 series.
• Only one end of a given bus with up to 1,000 ft (304.8 m) of cable, using seven nodes.
Table 3-4 shows the maximum length of cable between nodes you can use for the various cable types on particular topologies.
Table 3-4. Maximum Lengths of Cable Segments for Coaxial and Fiber Optic Cabling of ARCNET-EnergyNet
Cable and Topology Maximum Cable Length
Coaxial RG-62/u Star
Coaxial RG-62/u Bus
1,428 ft (435.25 m)
1,428 ft (435.25 m) for 2 nodes
(minus 72 ft (21.94 m) for each extra node)
Glass Fiber Optic 62.5/125 Bus 6,000 ft (1,824.8 m)
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Cabling Configuration for ARCNET
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Chapter 4
This chapter covers the following:
• What Is Ethernet-EnergyNet?
• What Is the Hub of Ethernet-EnergyNet?
• What Is the Ethernet-EnergyNet Network Interface Card?
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What Is Ethernet-EnergyNet?
The Ethernet-EnergyNet
1 is a high-speed CSMA/CD local area network (LAN) of
Andover Controls controllers and workstations and the network software that makes them communicate.
The Ethernet-EnergyNet network drivers are NETBEUI-compatible. The workstations on the network communicate through the operating system, the Microsoft-OS/
2 LAN Manager software. The LAN Manager uses a shared resource environment, with a file server serving all other workstations on the network.
Ethernet-EnergyNet has a minimum of two controllers or a controller and a workstation, usually connected with RG-58 a/u coaxial cable. It can connect up to 254 nodes. Data transmits over the Ethernet-EnergyNet at a rate of 10 Mb/sec. Depending on your particular installation, you may want to use unshielded twisted-pair, fiber optic, or coaxial cabling in a variety of combinations. You can use all three types in combination to construct a single Ethernet-EnergyNet.
Ethernet-EnergyNet can be constructed as a bus or daisy chain or in a combination bus/daisy chain and star topology called “distributed star” topology.
Andover’s Ethernet-EnergyNet is a baseband network, connected by up to 1,635 ft
(500 m) of twisted pair cabling, 3,033 ft (925 m) of thin coaxial cable, and/or up to
19,683 ft (6,000 m) of fiber optic cable. You can have an entire network length of up 10,229 ft if you use all three types of cable (see the next chapter for more details on cabling arrangements). The number of nodes on the network depends on the type of cable you use. For each applicable segment2 of coaxial cable, you can have 30 nodes. Each segment of twisted pair or fiber optic cable connects two nodes in an arrangement called a “point-to-point” configuration.
As with any baseband network, Ethernet-EnergyNet is easy to install. It requires only cabling and interface modules. You may also use
EnergyLink 2500, an electronic repeater and/or cable switching box, to extend the
amount of cabling to its maximum, to form a distributed star topology, and to utilize every type of cable available. The EnergyLink 2500 amplifies and retransmits signals so that they can travel further on the network. It also has modules that allow you to change the type of cable. You learn more about the EnergyLink 2500 later in this chapter.
What Are the Nodes on Ethernet-EnergyNet?
The two types of nodes on Ethernet-EnergyNet are controllers and workstations.
1. Ethernet-EnergyNet is Ethernet, developed by Xerox Corporation, combined with Andover Controls software.
2. Note that you cannot have 30 nodes on every segment, because of Internetwork Repeaters, discussed in the next chapter.
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The 9200 controllers are Ethernet-EnergyNet controllers. (Other controllers, called Infinet controllers, are not directly connected to the Ethernet-
EnergyNet. See Chapter 6 for more on the Infinet controller network.) Each 9200
controller counts as a single node on Ethernet-EnergyNet. Each controller requires two types of IDs:
• EnergyNet ID—The ID you assign strictly for use by EnergyNet. You set this
ID by setting a DIP switch inside the controller.
• Ethernet ID—The ID assigned by Andover Controls that allows the unit to be used on not only your Ethernet, but on a world-wide Internet. The Ethernet ID is a number that is unique for every node in the entire world.
How to set the EnergyNet ID is in the installation guide for the 9200 controller. How to set the Ethernet ID is in the programmer’s guide for the Infinity or ICS controllers or in the programmer’s guide for the workstation.
The 8000 workstation is a user-friendly IBM PC workstation with detailed color graphics that connects to the network. The 8000 workstation can also be a file server, storing files for other workstations on the Ethernet-EnergyNet. You can program all your controllers from a single workstation that operates as a file server, if you choose. Each workstation or server counts as a single node on Ethernet-
EnergyNet. You give each workstation an ID by setting a switch on its network
interface card. How to set the switch is detailed in the instructions you received with the card.
Each active hub is also considered a node on the network. You set the ID of the hub as described in the EnergyLink 2500 Installation Guide.
Why Is the CSMA/CD Access Method Effective?
A CSMA/CD network, as discussed in Chapter 1, is one of the best methods for real-time building control systems. Ethernet-EnergyNet uses this data transmission system to transmit data rapidly, producing a highly responsive control system network.
Ethernet-EnergyNet handles all network control so that 9200 and 8000 software can ignore network control and operate more efficiently.
If you remove a controller or workstation from the network, the
Ethernet-EnergyNet automatically reconfigures itself and continues operating without interruption.
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What Is the Hub of Ethernet-EnergyNet?
The hub of Ethernet-EnergyNet is EnergyLink 2500.
EnergyLink 2500 is a seven-port modular active hub and cable-switching box that
retransmits messages to the spokes (arms) of the hub just the way an electronic network repeater would.
The hub can have up to seven modules, each with a single port. Each module can be for either coaxial, twisted pair, or fiber optic cable. Because you can interchange modules, you can have EnergyLink 2500 function as a cable switching center, if you connect the appropriate modules to it.
When EnergyLink 2500 connects several nodes, it controls communication on two fronts:
• Between the nodes in the star.
• Between the nodes in the star and the other hubs on the network.
Since fiber optic cable does not conduct electricity, when fiber optic cable connects two arms of the network, it isolates them electrically, which protects each arm from any electrical problems on another arm.
Because each node has a separate transceiver, you do not encounter problems with cable loading.
The EnergyLink 2500 has some other special characteristics. It detects collisions on any bus connected to it. When it detects more than 31 consecutive collisions on a single arm of a star, it automatically partitions the network at the port to that bus or star.
When it partitions the network at that port, that one bus or arm is temporarily unable to communicate with the others. This partitioning protects the rest of the network from those collisions until the situation is resolved.
Once the situation is resolved, the port to the bus or star begins functioning normally again.
If a bus or arm has been partitioned from the network, LEDs on the EnergyLink
2500 indicate that situation.
In the next few sections, you find out some basic information about the EnergyLink
2500. For more information, you can refer to the EnergyLink 2500 Installation
Guide supplied with the unit.
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What Are Components of EnergyLink 2500?
Figure 4-1 shows what the EnergyLink 2500 looks like before you connect the modules. (You always mount the EnergyLink 2500 inside a 9200 controller.)
Figure 4-1. EnergyLink 2500
Cutouts in Front of Enclosure for Modules
When you first see EnergyLink 2500, you see seven long narrow oval cutouts. You insert a module with a single port into the unit so that its LEDs display through the cutouts. You do not have to use all ports, only those that you need.
When you order EnergyLink 2500, you order at least one module. You can use various combinations of coaxial, twisted pair, or fiber optic modules in the ports. To order EnergyLink 2500 and the modules, use the following Andover Controls model numbers:
• Andover Controls Model # 2500—Seven-port Ethernet Hub
(+ 5 V, powered by the 9200 controller)
• Andover Controls Model # 2501—Twisted Pair Module (10BASE-T)
• Andover Controls Model # 2502—Thin Coaxial Module (10BASE-2)
• Andover Controls Model # 2503—Fiber Optic Module (10BASE-FL)
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Figure 4-2 shows a port on a fiber optic module. Each fiber optic port connects to the end of a fiber optic cable. Each coaxial port connects to the male end of a BNC connector. Each twisted pair port connects to an RJ 11 connector.
Figure 4-2. Port for Fiber Optic Cable
LEDs That Display on
EnergyLink 2500
Fiber Optic
Cable Ports
20-pin Female Connector
Although the hub behaves the way a repeater would, you might not want to use it as a repeater, because you would not take advantage of the seven ports. By using various cable types in the seven ports, you can form multiple-cable-type networks.
How Do You Set the Repeater
Interface Controller (RIC) DIP Switch?
You set the Repeater Interface Controller DIP switch on the EnergyLink 2500 to indicate whether the hub is using a twisted pair interface controller (for twisted pair cable), an AUI interface controller (for coaxial or fiber optic cable), or some combination of both.
For exact settings of the RIC DIP switch, refer to the EnergyLink 2500 Installation
How Do You Read EnergyLink 2500’s LEDs?
EnergyLink 2500 also has LED lights that correspond to each module.
One of the LEDs on the twisted pair modules indicates polarity reversal, a potential problem on twisted pair networks.
Both twisted pair and fiber optic cable modules have an LED for detecting a broken wire on the cable segment.
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All types of cable have LEDs that indicate receiving data, collisions, and partitioning of the network at a particular arm of the hub.
See Chapter 7 or the EnergyLink 2500 Installation Guide for more details on how to interpret the LEDs.
Figure 4-3. EnergyLink 2500 with Seven Modules
Modules with LEDs Displaying through Cutouts in Front of Enclosure
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What Is the Ethernet-EnergyNet Network
Interface Card?
If you can set the EnergyNet ID of a 9200 controller by setting a DIP switch inside the controller cabinet, how do you set it on a workstation? You set it on the network interface card for the workstation.
Ethernet-EnergyNet supports two types of network interface cards that let you connect workstations to the network:
• Cards for IBM PC/AT and Compaq computers on an AT bus
Purchase with any of the following connector types: RJ 45, AUI, BNC, or ST.
• Cards for IBM PS/2 computers on a PS/2 bus
Purchase with any of the following connector types: RJ 45, AUI, BNC, or ST.
See your Andover Controls Representative for specific cards available.
Since the workstation with a network interface card is considered a node on the
Ethernet-EnergyNet, it must have not only an EnergyNet ID, but an Ethernet ID, just as all other nodes on the network have.
While EnergyNet IDs for 9200 controllers range from 1 to 223, for 8000 workstations they range from 224 to 254. (EnergyNet ID number 0 is reserved by Ethernet-
EnergyNet.) You set the EnergyNet ID on the card, according to the card manufac-
turer’s instructions. Ethernet IDs are usually preassigned when you purchase the equipment.
To find the workstation’s Ethernet ID and then set it up in the SX 8000 software, refer to the SX 8000 Programmer’s Guide for instructions.
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Cabling Configuration for Ethernet
Chapter 5
Selecting a Cabling Arrangement for Ethernet-
We recommend you read all of the information in this chapter before designing your own configuration. This chapter covers the following:
• Understanding Cable Types
• Forming a Simple Point-to-Point Configuration with Twisted Pair Cable
• Forming a Star Configuration with Twisted Pair Cable
• Forming a Distributed Star Configuration with Twisted Pair Cable
• Understanding Thin Coaxial Cable
• Forming a Simple Two-Node Bus with Thin Coaxial Cable Using T Connectors
• Expanding the Simple Bus with Thin Coaxial Cable
Using T Connectors
• Lengthening the Thin Coaxial Cable Bus
• Forming a Simple Bus with Thin Coaxial
Cable Using Cable Taps
• Forming a Star or Distributed Star Configuration with Thin Coaxial Cable Using EnergyLink 2500
• Forming a Two-Node Bus Configuration with Fiber
Optic Cable
• Lengthening the Fiber Optic Bus
• Forming a Star Configuration with Fiber Optic Cable
• Employing Multiple Cable Types in Long/Complex Networks
• Employing Bridges in Long Networks
• Planning and Setting Up a Long Network
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Infinity Network Configuration Guide 5-1
Cabling Configuration for Ethernet
Understanding Cable Types
When creating an Ethernet-EnergyNet, you can use any or all of the following cable types:
• Unshielded Twisted Pair Cable
• Thick Coaxial Cable
• Thin Coaxial Cable (Thinnet or Cheapernet)
• Fiber Optic Cable
Before you find out how to design your network, let’s take a look at the characteristics of each type of cable.
Characteristics of Unshielded
Twisted Pair Cable
Unshielded twisted pair cable is telephone cable. Twisted pair cable is very inexpensive and easy to install and maintain. In fact, you can sometimes put an
Ethernet on spare twisted pairs available on an existing telephone system.
You should always have an existing telephone system checked to be sure it is made up of twisted pair cabling before using it for Ethernet-EnergyNet. You can have the cable tested by a qualified cable installer or consultant. 10Base-T equipment manufacturers often provide twisted pair cable certification testing services.
For an Ethernet-EnergyNet you require two twisted pair cables, one for the transmit signal, the other for the receive signal. The two pairs are wrapped together in a single coating. Despite its low cost, twisted pair cable transmits data at a rapid rate with less than one error in 100 million (108) bits. A twisted pair network can have an entire network length of 1,635 ft (500 m) with segments (lengths of cable without repeaters or between two repeaters) of up to 327 ft (100 m). The cable should have a twist rate of 2 to 10 twists per foot and has a impedance of 85 to 111
You use twisted pair cable to form an Ethernet that meets the IEEE 10Base-T specifications.
Twisted Pair Network Topologies
You usually run twisted pair from a central location, such as a hub inside a 9200 controller, forming a star topology LAN. Or, you can run twisted pair between two controllers, in a point-to-point topology.
Figure 5-1 shows a twisted pair star topology network.
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Cabling Configuration for Ethernet
Figure 5-1. Twisted Pair Star Topology Network
Twisted Pair Cabling
Is Always Connected
Each node on the twisted pair network is connected in a point-to-point arrangement, so that each segment of cable connects only two nodes (the hub is also a node). Two is the maximum number of nodes you can have on any segment of twisted pair cable.
The connectors for twisted pair cable are like the twisted pair connector found on the 9200 controller, an RJ 45 connector.
You cannot have bridges, taps, or T connectors on a twisted pair network; however, you can have an EnergyLink 2500 hub mounted inside a 9200 controller.
Characteristics of Thick Coaxial Cable
You can form a coaxial Ethernet with RG 11 coaxial cable. Because of its high cost, thick coaxial cable is rarely used for Ethernet-EnergyNet.
This coaxial cable forms a network that meets the IEEE 10Base-5 specifications. A network made with this “thick” coaxial cable is expensive, but has a high tolerance for noise. You can form a thick coaxial Ethernet-EnergyNet with an entire network length of up to 11,808 ft (3,600 m) with segments (lengths of cable without repeaters or between two repeaters) of up to 1,640 ft (500 m).
Thick Coaxial Cable Network Topologies
You set up thick coaxial cable in a bus topology by running special transceiver cable called “AUI cable” from each node to the coaxial cable. The thick coaxial bus is called the “backbone.”
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Cabling Configuration for Ethernet
You connect the AUI cable to the coaxial cable backbone using a special transceiver
(called a “tap”), that taps into the cable.
Figure 5-2.shows a thick coaxial bus topology network.
Figure 5-2. Thick Coaxial Bus Topology Network
Thick Coaxial Bus,
Called the “Backbone”
For information on setting up a cabling configuration with thick coaxial cable, refer to Appendix B.
Characteristics of Thinnet Coaxial Cable
You can form another type of coaxial Ethernet with RG 58 a/u or RG 58 c/u coaxial cable. Since this cable is thinner than that used for thick coaxial networks, such a network is called Thinnet. Since Thinnet coaxial cable is less expensive that other types of coaxial cable, Ethernets formed with it are sometimes called “Cheapernet.”
This coaxial cable forms a network that meets the IEEE 10Base-2 specifications.
Thinnet coaxial cable, unlike twisted pair cable, is a shielded cable. The shielding protects the cable from noise in the environment. A Thinnet can have an entire network length of 3,033 ft (925 m) with segments (lengths of cable without repeaters or between two repeaters) of up to 606 ft (185 m).
Thin Coaxial Cable Network Topologies Using T Connectors
You can set up thin coaxial cable in bus topology by connecting the cable to a T connector that you screw onto each node.
Figure 5-3 shows a thin coaxial bus topology network. This one employs T connectors.
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Cabling Configuration for Ethernet
Figure 5-3. Thin Coaxial Bus Topology Network
Terminated Nodes
Connectors and Terminators on Thin Coaxial Cable
The connectors for the RG-58 a/u or RG-58 c/u cable are T connectors. You can buy pieces of cable with preattached T connectors to put together 10Base-2 Ethernets.
Screw-on 50
terminators are required on end units of the network.
Always use premade coaxial cables, rather than trying to screw BNC connectors onto the ends of cable pieces. Premade cables form the most reliable thin coaxial
Thin Coaxial Cable Network Topologies Using Cable Taps
Instead of using T connectors, you can set up Thinnet in a bus topology by connecting each node to a transceiver (also called a “tap”).
AUI cable “drops” from the bus and connects the transceiver to the controller or workstation. This cable can be up to 164 ft (50 m) long. You can purchase AUI transceivers specifically designed to attached to thin coaxial cable.
Characteristics of Fiber Optic Cable
Fiber optic cable is the highest performance cable you can use to form Ethernet-
EnergyNet. Fiber optic cable is made of glass or plastic and transmits signals made
of high intensity light. Because of its unique nature, fiber optic cable can transmit a signal for longer distances than any other type of cable available for Ethernet-
Fiber optic cable is also the most reliable cable; however, it is more expensive than coaxial or twisted pair. Because it is resistant to noise, fiber optic cable is the best cable for outdoor cable runs.
The type of fiber optic cable you can use to form Ethernet-EnergyNet is called graded index, multimode fiber optic cable, usually 62.5/125
µ m size. Throughout
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Cabling Configuration for Ethernet
this manual, any information you see about fiber optic cable is about this 62.5/125 cable. For information on other types, refer to the manufacturer’s specifications.
The 62.5/125 fiber optic cable is ideal for the wavelength of 850 nm produced by
Ethernet transmitters. This wavelength, required for Ethernet-EnergyNet, operates using light emitting diodes (LEDs) to send a “signal” down the cable. Andover recommends this cable because it meets the IEEE specifications for a 10Base-FL
Ethernet and it is the most economical form of fiber optic cable—ideal for building automation and process control systems.
Fiber Optic Cable Topologies
You must connect fiber optic cable to the Ethernet-EnergyNet by running twisted pair, thin coaxial, or transceiver (AUI) cable from the 9200 controller to the
EnergyLink 2500. The 2500 becomes a media changing device, where you then
connect the fiber optic cable to a fiber optic port.
The network you form this way can be a bus or a star topology.
Figure 5-4 shows a fiber optic bus topology network.
Figure 5-4. Fiber Optic Bus Topology Network
Fiber Optic Cable
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Figure 5-5 shows a star topology network.
Figure 5-5. Fiber Optic Star Topology Network
Cabling Configuration for Ethernet
You can also combine these two topologies to form a distributed star topology.
Regardless of the topology, each node (yes, EnergyLink 2500 is a node) on the fiber optic network is connected in a point-to-point arrangement, so that each segment
(length of cable without repeaters or between two repeaters) connects only two nodes. In the case of a bus, two nodes are an EnergyLink 2500 and a 9200 controller, or an EnergyLink 2500 and a workstation. Two is the maximum number of nodes you can have on any segment of fiber optic cable.
Connectors on Fiber Optic Cable Networks
To connect to the fiber optic port on the EnergyLink 2500, you use
ST style fiber optic connectors. Because these connectors seal the connection tightly, they retransmit the signal from the hub with a minimal loss of light intensity.
Summary of Characteristics of Cable Types
Table 5-1 summarizes the types of cable, the minimum and maximum cable length, the maximum network length, and number of nodes per segment for each type.
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Cabling Configuration for Ethernet
Table 5-1. Types and Characteristics of Cable for Ethernet-EnergyNet
Pair 10BASE-T
Coaxial 10BASE-5
8.2 ft
(2.5 m)
20 in
(0.5 m)
327 ft
(100 m)
1,640 ft
(500 m)
606 ft
(185 m)
6,561 ft
(2000 m)
Nodes per
1,635 ft
(500 m) 2
11,808 ft
(3,600 m) 100
3,033 ft
(925 m)
19,683 ft
(6000 m)
Table 5-2 lists the impedance and Belden equivalents for each cable type.
Table 5-2. Ordering Information for Ethernet-EnergyNet Cable Types
Cable Type Impedance
Brand-Rex *
Part Numbers
Twisted Pair
Twisted Pair Plenum
(85 -111
) BE 57562
(85 -111
) Belden #88102
Thick Coaxial RG-11 50
Thick Coaxial RG-11 Plenum 50
Thin Coaxial RG-58 a/u or c/u 50
RG 11
RG 11
RG 58
Thin Coaxial RG-58 a/u or c/u
Fiber Optic 62.5/125
µ m,
PVC Jacket
Fiber Optic 62.5/125
µ m,
Fiber Optic 62.5/125
µ m,
Not Applicable
Not Applicable
Not Applicable
RG 58
HF062T2ZL (1 pr.)
HF062T4L (2 pr.)
HF062T2ZL (1 pr.)
HF062T4L (2 pr.)
HF062S2GNM (1 pr.)
HF062S4GNM (2 pr.)
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Cabling Configuration for Ethernet
Forming a Simple Point-to-Point Configuration with Twisted Pair Cable
Twisted Pair (10Base-T) Ethernet-EnergyNet
Suppose you want to connect two 8000 workstations, two 9200 controllers, or one of each. You can connect them directly from the 10Base-T connector on one 9200 controller (or the workstation interface card) to the 10Base-T connector on the other.
Figure 5-6.shows the location of the 10Base-T RJ 45 connector in the upper left corner of the printed circuit board on the 9200 controller.
Figure 5-6. Location on 9200 Controller of 10Base-T RJ 45 Connector Used in
Twisted Pair Configurations
2 5 T
RJ 45 for
Twisted Pair
Above the RJ 45 twisted pair connector and to the right you see two Ethernet switches. Be sure to set each of these Ethernet switches to 10Base-T for twisted pair.
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Cabling Configuration for Ethernet
Figure 5-7.shows a two-node twisted pair point-to-point configuration.
Figure 5-7. Twisted Pair Point-to-Point Configuration
Twisted Pair Cable
Each Controller
Has Built-in
Twisted Pair
Port Labeled
You connect the twisted pair cable to the 10Base-T RJ 45 connector inside the 9200 controller, on the upper left corner of the printed circuit board. The cable you use in this situation must be cross-over cable, rather than straight-through cable. (You find out the difference later.)
To connect a workstation, you connect the twisted pair cable to the 10Base-T RJ 45 connector on the workstation network interface card (01-4004-014 on an AT computer or 01-4004-018 on a PS/2 computer).
Two is the maximum number of nodes you can have on any segment of twisted pair cable. Each node is automatically terminated at an RJ 45 connection. It is terminated to show the node is at the end of a network—at the end of a cable or the end of an arm of a star.
Since each controller or workstation has only one twisted pair port, you have now used all of the twisted pair ports available on these two controllers. So, how do you connect a third controller or workstation to this network?
You form a star configuration.
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Cabling Configuration for Ethernet
Forming a Star Configuration with Twisted Pair Cable
You can connect three to six controllers with twisted pair cable by connecting them all to an EnergyLink 2500 hub.
Figure 5-8.shows such a star topology network with a single star. This star has the maximum number of twisted pair cable segments allowed on an EnergyLink 2500 hub—six. Each cable connects from the hub to one other node in a point-to-point configuration. When you connect each node to the hub, you use straight-through cable, rather than cross-over cable.
Figure 5-8. Twisted Pair Star Topology Network with Maximum Number of Twisted
Pair Segments Allowed on EnergyLink 2500
Twisted Pair Cable (Can Be Coaxial)
Max 327 ft. (100 m)
Twisted Pair
You can also choose to use coaxial cable to connect to Port 1 of the hub (only ports
2 through 7 can have twisted pair cables) and still have six ports left for twisted pair cable.
This configuration is ideal for a small network. But what if you want to develop this network further?
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Cabling Configuration for Ethernet
Forming a Distributed Star Configuration with
Twisted Pair Cable
To have more than six controllers/workstations, you can connect a segment of twisted pair cable from the EnergyLink 2500 to another EnergyLink 2500. This connection is referred to as “cascading” repeaters.
Figure 5-9.shows a network with two cascaded repeaters.
Each hub then allows up to four twisted pair arms—in addition to the connections to each other and to the controller at the center of the star.
Figure 5-9. Twisted Pair Distributed Star Topology Network with Two EnergyLink 2500s
Cascaded Together
Max 327 ft.
(100 m)
EnergyLink 2500
Remember that you can never connect twisted pair cable to Port 1 on the hub.
You can continue to cascade hubs until you have the maximum of four EnergyLink
Figure 5-10.shows an twisted pair distributed star topology with four cascaded hubs. Note that each hub has the maximum number of twisted pair cables connected to it—six. One cable always connects the 9200 at the center of the star. However, if you use coaxial cable to connect to the 9200, you can have one extra arm of twisted pair cable in each star.
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Cabling Configuration for Ethernet
Figure 5-10. Twisted Pair Distributed Star Topology Network with Four EnergyLink 2500s
Cascaded Together
Total Network Length Cannot Exceed 1,635 ft. (500 m)
EnergyLink 2500
Max 327 ft. (100 m)
Twisted Pair
Twisted Pair
Cable That
Connects to
Housing the
With twisted pair cables, be sure the cable from either a 9200 or a workstation to the EnergyLink 2500 is a straight-through cable. Cable between cascaded
EnergyLink 2500s should be cross-over cable.
Figure 5-11.shows when you should use each type of cable, cross-over or straightthrough. Notice which wires cross to form the correct cross-over cable.
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Cabling Configuration for Ethernet
Figure 5-11. When to Employ Twisted Pair Straight-Through or Cross-Over Cable
RJ 45 Connectors
EnergyLink 2500
Pairs inside
EnergyLink 2500
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Cabling Configuration for Ethernet
Rules for Twisted Pair Networks
If you choose to employ twisted pair cable, be sure your network meets the following criteria:
• Follow National Electrical Code (NEC) restrictions if running cable through
HVAC plenums or ducts. You can use Teflon-coated cable in this situation if the code requires it.
• Be sure the amount of cable between nodes (a single segment of cable) does not exceed 327 ft (100 m).
• Be sure you never have more than two nodes on a single segment of cable.
• Each EnergyLink 2500 is a node on the network.
• To form a star topology, use EnergyLink 2500 as a hub.
• Be sure the overall network is does not exceed 1,635 ft (500 m).
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Infinity Network Configuration Guide 5-15
Cabling Configuration for Ethernet
Understanding Thin Coaxial Cable
Using Coaxial Cables
No matter which type of network topology you use, if you are using coaxial cable, each piece of thin coaxial cable connecting to a controller, workstation, or
EnergyLink 2500 must have a BNC male connector at both ends. You should use
premade cables, because premade cables provide the most trouble-free networks.
Figure 5-12.shows a single piece of premade coaxial EnergyNet cable. Each piece of coaxial cable from male connector to male connector must be at least 20 in. (0.5 m) long for Ethernet.
Figure 5-12. Premade Ethernet-EnergyNet Thinnet Coaxial Cable with Connectors
20 in. (0.5 m) minimum
Male Connectors on either end of Coaxial Cable
Remember that a piece of cable differs from a segment. A segment of thin coaxial cable is between two repeaters or hubs. A piece of thin coaxial cable is between two controllers.
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Cabling Configuration for Ethernet
Forming a Simple Two-Node Bus with Thin Coaxial Cable Using T Connectors
Suppose you want to connect two 8000 workstations, two 9200 controllers, or one of each. To connect two nodes, you first connect a T connector to each node and terminate the nodes.
Figure 5-13.shows the EnergyNet coaxial T connector (Andover Controls Model #
2070). Every T connector on the network has three ends. The bottom of the T always connects to the coaxial connector on a controller, workstation, or EnergyLink
2500 on the network.
Figure 5-13. Ethernet-EnergyNet Coaxial T Connector
Coaxial Cable
Coaxial Cable
Screws onto Controller,
Workstation, or
EnergyLink 2500
The two sides of the T connector usually connect to a coaxial cable, but if you are terminating the network at the controller or workstation, you connect cable to one side of the T and attach a 50
terminator to the other side of the T.
Where does the T connector attach to a 9200 controller?
Figure 5-14.shows where you connect the coaxial connector in the upper left corner of the printed circuit board inside the 9200 controller. After you screw on the T connector, if the node should be terminated, screw a 50
terminator onto the open side of the T connector, as shown in the figure.
Next, look to the right of the coaxial connector and down. You see two Ethernet switches. Be sure you set both of them to 10Base-2.
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Cabling Configuration for Ethernet
Figure 5-14. Location on 9200 Controller of Coaxial Connector Used in Thin Coaxial Bus
Configuration with Built-in Transceivers
Coaxial T
2 5 T
RJ 45
On a workstation, the T connector screws onto the network interface card (01-4004-
016 for AT computers and 01-4004-020 for PS/2 computers). And on an
EnergyLink 2500, the T connector screws onto a coaxial port.
Now, connect the premade thin coaxial cables to open sides of the T connector on each node.
Figure 5-15.shows how the thin coaxial Ethernet-EnergyNet cable connects to the
T connector.
5-18 Andover Controls Corporation
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Cabling Configuration for Ethernet
Figure 5-15. Ethernet-EnergyNet Thin Coaxial Cable Connecting to T Connector
Male BNC
Male BNC
Connects to Controller or Workstation
Premade Cable
Premade Cable
Connect to Another
Node’s T Connector
Figure 5-16.shows the resulting simple point-to-point connection in a bus topology with no hub. In this situation, since each node is at an end of the network, each node must be terminated.
Figure 5-16. Two-Node Point-to-Point Bus Topology
Thin Coaxial Ethernet-EnergyNet with T Connectors
Controller T Connector
Is on Printed Circuit Board
Workstation T Connector
Is on Network Interface
Min 8.2 ft. (2.5 m)
Max 606 ft. (185 m)
Screws on Here
Screws on Here
Controller and Workstation
Are Both Terminated
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Infinity Network Configuration Guide 5-19
Cabling Configuration for Ethernet
Expanding the Simple Bus with Thin Coaxial Cable
Using T Connectors
To add more controllers/workstations to the two-node bus formed with T connectors, you first screw a T connector to each new node.
Then return to the two-node bus you developed earlier and remove the terminator from the end you want to extend. Connect a piece of premade cable to the open side of the T connector. Then connect the other end of the premade cable to the T connector on another node.
Repeat this process until you reach the last node. Then be sure to screw the 50
Ω terminator onto the last node. You can connect 30 nodes like this on up to 606 ft
(185 m) of thin coaxial cable.
Figure 5-17.shows an expanded bus topology formed with thin coaxial cable and T connectors.
Figure 5-17. Expanded Bus Topology Thin Coaxial Ethernet-EnergyNet with T Connectors
Max Segment without Repeater 3,033 ft. (925 m) w/ Up to 30 Controllers
Min 8.2 ft. (2.5 m)
Max 606 ft. (185 m)
The Two End Nodes
Are Terminated
5-20 Andover Controls Corporation
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Cabling Configuration for Ethernet
Lengthening the Thin Coaxial Cable Bus
Now that you have extended the thin coaxial Ethernet-EnergyNet as far as possible, how do you have more than 606 ft (185 m) of cable on the network and make a network the total network length of 3,033 ft
(925 m)? How do you add more than 30 nodes?1
The answer to both of these questions is that you use the EnergyLink 2500 as a repeater to build a longer network and the longer network then allows you to add more nodes, since every other 606 ft (185 m) segment allows up to 30 nodes.
Why every other segment? Because once you have at least three EnergyLink 2500s, you must have inter-repeater links (IRLs). An inter-repeater link is cable that connects two repeaters, but has no controllers or workstations on it.
Figure 5-18.shows where the inter-repeater links would be if you used the maximum of four EnergyLink 2500s with five segments of cable. Notice that the
EnergyLink 2500s are connected to each other. This arrangement is called
“cascading” hubs.
You can also form inter-repeater links on a 10Base-2 Ethernet-EnergyNet using twisted pair or fiber optic cable. Be sure, however, that the segment length is not longer than allowed for that cable type.
1. Remember, however, that since EnergyLink 2500 is also a node, the number of controllers/workstations on the segment of cable may be only 29, since the EnergyLink 2500 becomes the 30th node.
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Infinity Network Configuration Guide 5-21
0 0
Max 606 ft. (185 m)
& 29 Controllers or Workstations
L i nk
Inter-Repeater Links
Li nk 250
Max 606 ft. (185 m)
& 29 Controllers or Workstations n gy
Max 606 ft.
(185 m)
& No
Controllers or er
Workstations n r
& No
Controllers or e
(each housed in a 9200 controller)
(each housed in a 9200 controller)
Total Network Length Cannot Exceed 3,033 ft. (925 m)
Max 606 ft.
(185 m)
& 29 Controllers or Workstations
Cabling Configuration for Ethernet
Forming a Simple Bus with Thin Coaxial Cable
Using Cable Taps
Another way of forming a bus with thin coaxial cable is to attach up to 164 ft (50 m) of a special cable called AUI cable to the Attachment Unit Interface (AUI) port on each 9200 controller or workstation network interface card.
Figure 5-19.shows the location of the AUI port in the upper left corner of the printed circuit board on the 9200 controller.
After you connect the AUI cable to the AUI port, look to the right and up. You see two Ethernet switches. Be sure you set both of them to 10Base-5. Why 10Base-5 for a 10Base-2 network? Because whenever you use the AUI port, you must
always set the Ethernet switch to 10Base-5.
Figure 5-19. Location of AUI Port on 9200 Controller and Settings of Ethernet Switches
When Using AUI Cable to Connect to a Thin Coaxial Cable Network
Set This Ethernet
Switch to 10Base-5
2 5 T
AUI Port to Connect
AUI Cable
Set This Ethernet
Switch to 10Base-5
RJ 45
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Infinity Network Configuration Guide 5-23
Cabling Configuration for Ethernet
You then connect the pieces of thin coaxial cable to special transceivers (also called
“taps”), so that a series of taps are lined up on the bus. The taps you can purchase to use with thin coaxial cable each have a built-in T connector (01-4006-002) so the male BNC connectors on the ends of the coaxial cable screw directly onto the taps.
Figure 5-20.shows the taps along a thin coaxial bus.
Figure 5-20. Transceivers (Taps) on a Thin Coaxial Bus
T Connectors
MAU Ports
Each tap has a built-in T connector on one side and a Medium-Attachment Unit
(MAU) port on the other. This port is where you plug in the AUI cable.
Figure 5-21.shows the AUI cable connecting to the 9200 controller AUI port on one end and to the MAU port on the transceiver at the other end.
5-24 Andover Controls Corporation
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Cabling Configuration for Ethernet
Figure 5-21. AUI Cable Connecting 9200 Controller to Thin Coaxial Cable Transceiver
Female AUI Port on
Male Connector on Transceiver
AUI Cable
Minimum of 20 in. (0.5 m)
Maximum of 164 ft. (50 m)
Connector on MAU of Transceiver
Female Connector on Transceiver
Thin Coaxial Cable
Figure 5-22.shows the thin coaxial bus with cable taps.
Figure 5-22. Controllers Connected to Transceivers on Thin Coaxial Bus via AUI
Thin Coaxial Cable
Max 606 ft. (185 m) with up to 30 Taps
20 in. (0.5 m) and 164 ft.
(50 m))
Each Controller Has Built-in AUI Port
The tap transforms the signal it receives from the AUI cable so that the signal can be sent down the coaxial cable.
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Infinity Network Configuration Guide 5-25
Cabling Configuration for Ethernet
You can have as many as 30 taps on a 606 ft (185 m) segment of thin coaxial cable. The distance between each tap must be a minimum of 20 in. (0.5 m).
The AUI cable to the transceiver from the controller or workstation can be up to 164 ft (50 m).
Why would you use this type of bus? Because it allows you to drop a cable from a tap on the bus to the controller or workstation. If you use T connectors instead, you cannot drop any cable from, for instance, a T connector in the ceiling to the controller or workstation. With T connectors, you must run the bus directly to the T connector and have the T connector directly on the controller board or workstation network card. With AUI cable, however, you can run the bus through the ceiling and then drop down from it. This alternative, often referred to as a “cable drop,” can be extremely convenient in many installations.
However, using AUI cable does add to the amount of total delay on the network and, thereby, does influence the total length of the network. You learn more about how delays influence the total length of the network later, when you attempt to use a variety of cable types in one network.
5-26 Andover Controls Corporation
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Cabling Configuration for Ethernet
Forming a Star or Distributed Star Configuration with Thin Coaxial Cable Using EnergyLink 2500
To put more than 30 nodes on a thin coaxial Ethernet-EnergyNet, you can form stars. The way to form stars is to mount the EnergyLink 2500 inside the 9200 controller. The EnergyLink 2500 hub becomes the center of a star with a maximum of six additional thin coaxial arms.
As shown in Figure 5-23, when you connect thin coaxial cable directly to the hub ports, you should screw the bottom of a T connector to the hub, terminate one side of the T connector with a 50
terminator, and connect coaxial cable to the other side of the T connector.
Figure 5-23. Ethernet-EnergyNet Coaxial T Connector
Coaxial Cable
Screws onto Coaxial
Port of
EnergyLink 2500
Figure 5-24.shows a thin coaxial star with an EnergyLink 2500 hub at the center.
This particular network has only a single controller or workstation on each arm of the star. In this configuration, you would terminate each node and terminate the other end of each two-node bus at the EnergyLink 2500.
Note that in this configuration, because you have more than two coaxial cables connecting to the hub, you must have an external power supply wired to the hub.
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Infinity Network Configuration Guide 5-27
Cabling Configuration for Ethernet
Figure 5-24. Thin Coaxial Star Topology Network
Thin Coaxial Cable can form a star configuration with
EnergyLink 2500
Coaxial or Twisted Pair Cable can connect
to hub
Max 606 ft.
(185 m)
Power Supply required for more than two Coaxial
Cables on hub
You can connect the central 9200 of the star to the hub using one of two alternate types of cable:
• Thin coaxial cable, running from the coaxial 10Base-2 connector inside the
9200 to a coaxial port on the EnergyLink 2500.
• Twisted pair cable, running from the RJ 45 10Base-T connector inside the 9200 to a twisted pair port on the EnergyLink 2500.
To further expand this star, you can add nodes onto each arm, so each one forms a bus.
Figure 5-25.shows a thin coaxial star with an EnergyLink 2500 hub at the center.
This particular network has a bus with up to 29 controllers/workstations on each arm of the star.
5-28 Andover Controls Corporation
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Cabling Configuration for Ethernet
Figure 5-25. Thin Coaxial Distributed Star Topology Network with a Single Hub
Thin Coaxial or Twisted Pair Cable
Can Connect
to Hub
Each Thin Coaxial
Arm of a Star Can
Be a Bus with up to 30 Nodes
Max 606 ft. (185 m)
Up to 30 Nodes
You terminate the node at the end of each bus and terminate the coaxial port on the
EnergyLink 2500. Remember, you can also lengthen some buses with EnergyLink
2500s, as long as you never use more than four EnergyLink 2500s per network and
you observe the rules concerning inter-repeater links (IRLs).
Figure 5-26.shows a distributed star topology with two cascaded hubs. Using this kind of configuration, you can have up to 150 nodes on a single star. You can have up to four cascaded hubs, but should never exceed the Ethernet-EnergyNet maximum of 50 nodes.
Never cascade more than four hubs.
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Infinity Network Configuration Guide 5-29
Cabling Configuration for Ethernet
Figure 5-26. Thin Coaxial Distributed Star Topology Network with Two Cascaded Hubs
Thin Coaxial or Twisted Pair Cable
Can Connect
to Hub
You Can Cascade
Together Multiple
EnergyLink 2500
s to Connect Multiple
Thin Coaxial Stars
Max 606 ft. (185 m)
Up to 30 Nodes
Max 606 ft.
(185 m) Up to 30 Nodes
If you want to put a node on the thin coaxial network with twisted pair cable, you can use a twisted-pair-to-coax adaptor (01-3004-001). The adaptor has a RJ 45 connector on one side and a male BNC connector on the other side.
The adaptor is effective for up to 327 ft (100 m) of twisted pair and
327 ft (100 m) of coaxial cable.
You can employ this kind of adaptor in situations where you want to connect a single node to the bus rather than forming a star. Since you can have a maximum of four EnergyLink 2500s, by using the adaptor you can save the hubs for situations where you really need them.
5-30 Andover Controls Corporation
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Cabling Configuration for Ethernet
EnergyLink 2500 as a Node on Each Bus
On an arm of a star, you can actually have 30 nodes—29 of them controllers or workstations and one the EnergyLink 2500. When the center of the star joins multiple buses, which bus is the EnergyLink 2500 on? It is a node on each bus that terminates at the hub.
The next three figures each illustrate a way of putting together buses with the
EnergyLink 2500.
Figure 5-27.shows the 9200 housing the EnergyLink 2500 and both units on the same coaxial bus.
Figure 5-27. Both 9200 and Hub on Same Thin Coaxial Bus
Bus with Up to 28 Other Nodes
and hub on same
Thin Coaxial bus
(This cable is part of the bus)
In this arrangement, since both the EnergyLink and the 9200 are on the same coaxial bus, that bus can have only 28 other nodes, because the 9200 and the hub are the other two nodes.
As shown in Figure 5-28, another way to connect the EnergyLink 2500 to a bus is to connect the bus directly to a coaxial port on the hub so that the 9200 that houses the hub is on another coaxial bus. This way, because the bus does not include the
9200 housing the hub, it can have 29 other nodes. (Although not shown, you can
have up to four coaxial buses on the hub.)
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Cabling Configuration for Ethernet
Figure 5-28. 9200 and Hub on Different Thin Coaxial Buses
Hub is on this Thin Coaxial
Bus, and the
that houses the Hub is on another bus
(shown to the left)
Bus with Up to
28 Other Nodes
29th node on bus to left
Bus with up to 29 other nodes
Figure 5-29.shows yet another alternative. This alternative is a way to join two coaxial buses that each have 29 controllers or workstations. The configuration connects each bus to an EnergyLink 2500 and has the 9200 that houses the hub connect to the hub using twisted pair cable.
Figure 5-29. 9200 Not on a Bus and EnergyLink 2500 Central Hub for Two Thin Coaxial
Single Central
Connected to Hub with
Twisted Pair Cable
Other Buses
Connected Directly to Hub Ports
Bus with up to 29 other nodes
Bus with up to 29 other nodes
Remember, whenever you use twisted pair cable, you connect only two nodes; in this case those nodes are the 9200 and the EnergyLink 2500.
Rules for Thin Coaxial Cable Distributed Star
Topology Networks
You must adhere to the following when creating a thin coaxial cable bus topology
• To use T connectors:
5-32 Andover Controls Corporation
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Cabling Configuration for Ethernet
— Terminate the controllers at both ends of an arm by screwing a 50
terminator into the T connector on each controller. To terminate a workstation, refer to the instructions included with the network interface card.
— Use Andover Controls T connectors (Andover Controls Model
# 2070) to connect controllers or workstations directly to the bus.
• To use cable taps:
— Use Andover Controls thin coaxial cable taps to tap directly into the thin coaxial cable and then run AUI cable from the tap to the controller or workstation AUI port.
— Connect each controller/workstation to the cable tap with up to 164 ft (50 m) of AUI cable.
• Use an EnergyLink 2500 as the center of the star.
• Keep the length of an arm or cable segment at a maximum of 606 ft (185 m).
• Keep the maximum number of nodes per arm to 30, including the EnergyLink
2500. This means the following:
You can have up to 29 controllers and/or workstations on a bus that connects directly to the EnergyLink 2500.
On a bus that includes both the hub and the 9200 controller that houses it, you can have up to 28 additional controllers and/or workstations.
• Remember, the EnergyLink 2500 is a node on every bus that connects to it.
• Be sure each piece of cable from node to node or cable tap to cable tap is a minimum of 20 in (0.5 m) long.
• Connect the EnergyLink 2500 to the controller that houses it using twisted pair cable to maximize the number of nodes on the thin coaxial bus.
• You can add segments to the network using EnergyLink 2500.
• Keep the total network length at a maximum of 3,033 ft (925 m).
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Infinity Network Configuration Guide 5-33
Cabling Configuration for Ethernet
Forming a Two-Node Bus Configuration with
Fiber Optic Cable
Andover Controls recommends you use glass fiber optic cable for running Ethernet-
EnergyNet cable between buildings or through a high-noise environment. You may
choose to form an entire bus of fiber optic cable or merely extend another type of network between buildings with fiber optic cable.
Suppose you want to connect a 9200 controller to another 9200 controller using fiber optic cable.
How do you connect fiber optic cable to a controller when it has connectors for coaxial cable, twisted pair, and AUI cable, but no connector for fiber optic cable?
You run either thin coaxial or twisted pair cable from the controller to an
EnergyLink 2500. The EnergyLink 2500 should have at least one module for either
twisted pair or thin coaxial cable. The other modules can all be for fiber optic cable.
You then run fiber optic cable from one EnergyLink 2500 to another, cascading them together.
Figure 5-30.shows a two-controller fiber optic bus topology network with
EnergyLink 2500s (you can have the same arrangement with workstations or a
controller and a workstation). You cannot have any nodes along the bus between these two controllers, because you can never have more than two nodes on a single segment of fiber optic cable.
Figure 5-30. Two-Controller Fiber Optic Bus Topology
Can Be Thin Coaxial
or Twisted Pair
Cable Connecting
Controller to Hub
Since Thin Coaxial Cable
Buses Must Be Terminated at Both
Ends of the Coaxial Connector,
This Port on the Hub Is Terminated
Fiber Optic Cable
Max 6,561 ft. (2000 m)
5-34 Andover Controls Corporation
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Cabling Configuration for Ethernet
You can also put workstations on the fiber optic bus by connecting cable to the fiber optic port on the network interface card of the workstation (01-4004-017 for an AT computer, 01-4004-021 for a PS/2 computer).
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Infinity Network Configuration Guide 5-35
Cabling Configuration for Ethernet
Lengthening the Fiber Optic Bus
To lengthen the fiber optic bus, you add another node the same way you put the first two controllers onto the bus. You can have up to four repeaters, so you can add a maximum of four controllers onto the bus.
Figure 5-31.shows a four-controller fiber optic bus topology with EnergyLink
2500s. (This bus actually has eight nodes, including the EnergyLinks.)
Figure 5-31. Four-Controller Fiber Optic Bus Topology
Coaxial or Twisted
Pair Cable
Max 6,561 ft.
(2000 m)
Fiber Optic Cable
Total Network Cannot Exceed 19,683 ft. (6000 m)
5-36 Andover Controls Corporation
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Cabling Configuration for Ethernet
Forming a Star Configuration with Fiber Optic Cable
You can also use the EnergyLink 2500 to form a fiber optic star.
The EnergyLink 2500 can have up to seven fiber optic ports. You need, however, to have at least one port on each hub be either a twisted pair or coaxial cable port so that you can connect the 9200 controller to the hub.
Figure 5-32.shows a four-arm fiber optic star topology with EnergyLink 2500s.
Notice that this star does not require an external power supply for the hub. The hub requires external power when you have more than four fiber optic cables connected to it.
Figure 5-32. Four-Arm Fiber Optic Star Topology
Max 6,561 ft.
(2000 m)
Total Network (including All Arms)
Cannot Exceed 19,683 ft. (6000 m)
As you can imagine, you would soon run out of hubs this way. So how can you have a star with more controllers or workstations? One way is to connect single controllers to a fiber optic bus using thin coaxial cable and a coax-to-fiber adaptor
(01-3004-002). You insert the adaptor where you have the EnergyLink 2500 on each arm of the star.
The adaptor has a male BNC connector (for coaxial cable) on one side and an ST connector (for fiber optic cable) on the other side.
The adaptor is effective for up to 327 ft (100 m) of coaxial cable and 3,270 ft (100 m) of fiber optic cable.
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Infinity Network Configuration Guide 5-37
Cabling Configuration for Ethernet
Since you can have more adaptors than hubs, you can have up to six nodes on the star by using the adaptor and still have the option of using three more hubs somewhere else.
Figure 5-33.shows a six-arm fiber optic star topology with one EnergyLink 2500 and several coax-to-fiber adaptor cards. In this arrangement, you have more than four fiber optic cable ports on the hub, so you must have an external power supply for it. (The star actually has seven arms, but the seventh is formed with coaxial cable.)
Figure 5-33. Six-Arm Fiber Optic Star Topology Employing Coax-to-Fiber Adaptors
Fiber Optic Cable
Connecting from
EnergyLink 2500
to Adaptors
Max 6,561 ft.
(2000 m)
Coaxial Cable
Connecting Controllers to Coax-to-Fiber Adaptors
To expand a small star, you could have stars on the end of each arm of the star.
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Cabling Configuration for Ethernet
Figure 5-34.shows a fiber optic star topology with stars formed at each of the
EnergyLink 2500s and several coax-to-fiber adaptor cards.
Figure 5-34. Multistar Fiber Optic Star Topology
Max 6,561 ft.
(2000 m)
Total Network (including All Fiber Optic Arms)
Cannot Exceed 19,683 ft. (6000 m)
Still, none of these examples of a fiber optic network is adequate for a good sized
Ethernet-EnergyNet. How do you expand this network to take full advantage of the potential of fiber optic cable?
You usually create a distributed star topology that combines multiple cable types, thus taking full advantage of the potential of not only fiber optic cable, but all types of cable. The next major section talks about using multiple cable types in a longer or more complex network.
Before you proceed with the next major section, let’s take a look at how to connect fiber optic cable to the hub and calculate total signal loss.
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Infinity Network Configuration Guide 5-39
Cabling Configuration for Ethernet
Connecting Fiber Optic Cable to EnergyLink 2500
If the cables are fiber optic, notice that the open end of the fiber optic cable has two
ST connectors. You insert them into the two jacks of a fiber optic port on the
EnergyLink 2500 as follows:
1. Unscrew the plastic caps from the first pair of ports.
Be sure to leave the plastic protective covers on the fiber optic cable plugs when you are not using them. If you leave them uncovered, dust could get into the plugs and interfere with network functioning.
2. Look at the cable. Notice that each end is a different color. For purposes of this explanation, let’s say one is black and the other is red.
3. On the EnergyLink 2500, insert the black plug into TRANSMIT jack and the red plug into the RECEIVE jack.
4. On the controller or workstation, insert the black plug into the RECEIVE jack and the red plug into the TRANSMIT jack.
Figure 5-35 shows where to connect the cable on the fiber optic module.
Figure 5-35. Location of Receive and Transmit Plugs on Fiber Optic Cable Port of
EnergyLink 2500
Fiber Optic
Cable Ports
Always alternate between connecting the black plug to TRANSMIT on one end and black plug to RECEIVE on the other end.
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Cabling Configuration for Ethernet
Figure 5-36 shows how to connect fiber optic cable for any point-to-point connection on the network.
Figure 5-36. Connecting Transmit and Receive Plugs on Fiber Optic Cable
Black Red
5. The same rule applies if you cascade hubs with fiber optic cable.
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Infinity Network Configuration Guide 5-41
Cabling Configuration for Ethernet
Cascading EnergyLink 2500s Using
Fiber Optic Cable
Figure 5-37.illustrates fiber optic connections for three cascaded hubs.
Figure 5-37. Cascading Three Hubs with Fiber Optic Cable
Port with
Fiber Optic
Fiber Optic
Ports with
Fiber Optic
Port with
Fiber Optic
Fiber Optic
5-42 Andover Controls Corporation
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Cabling Configuration for Ethernet
Calculating Total Signal Loss
Maximum segment length with fiber optic cable is also limited by the amount of signal loss over each segment of cable. “Signal loss” refers to a loss of signal strength and is measured in decibels (db).
Fiber Optic Signal Loss
Since fiber optic cable transmits light to carry data, it can carry data over a longer distance than other types of cable. However, the loss of light intensity is increased when you extend fiber optic cable over a long distance and each time you connect fiber optic cable into a patch panel.
The recommended 62.5/125 diameter fiber optic cable functions properly with up to 10 db signal loss. If you have more 10 db signal loss, Andover cannot guarantee proper operation. (For other cable diameters, refer to the manufacturer’s specifications.)
To ensure you do not have more than the maximum signal loss allowed for the fiber optic cable you choose, you should determine how much light intensity the cable is losing by applying the following rules:
• Cable loses 1.2 db (light intensity) per 1,000 ft (304.8 m) length
(4 db/km)
• Cable loses .25 to 1 db per connection to a patch panel
So if you have 4,000 ft of the recommended fiber optic cable connected into 6 patch panels, the total loss of light intensity is as follows:
Loss for length =1.20
4 = 4.8
Loss for patch panels =0.25
6 = 1.5
Total loss of intensity = 6.3 db
Since 6.3 db is within the limitation of up to 10 db signal loss, the fiber optic cable performs reliably with this much loss of intensity.
Always be sure to have the fiber optic installer document the total light intensity loss on fiber optic cable installed.
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Infinity Network Configuration Guide 5-43
Cabling Configuration for Ethernet
Rules for Fiber Optic Networks
If you choose to employ fiber optic cable, be sure you meet the following criteria:
• Be sure the amount of cable per segment (between nodes or between
EnergyLink 2500s) does not exceed 6,561 ft (2,000 m).
• Use EnergyLink 2500 at the center of a fiber optic star.
• Be sure a single segment signal loss does not exceed 10 db.
• Always be sure to have a fiber optic cable installer calculate the total signal loss over the network.
• Be sure the total network length does not exceed 19,683 ft (6,000 m).
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Cabling Configuration for Ethernet
Employing Multiple Cable Types in Long/Complex Networks
All of the cabling examples you have seen so far in this chapter are not typical. A typical Ethernet-EnergyNet uses more than one type of cable, to maximize the total network length and to take advantage of the features of each cable type.
You can formulate such a network by using EnergyLink 2500s to switch cable
(media) types, as long as you do not use more than four hubs. You can also use the twisted-pair-to-coax and coax-to-fiber adaptors presented in the preceding sections.
Determining Total Network Length
Before you determine the cable types you should use, Andover Controls strongly recommends that you sketch a system map, showing all cables, controllers, workstations, hubs, and other elements of each Ethernet-EnergyNet at your installation. Sketch the map in pencil, so that you can make changes as you develop the network.
You should use the conventions described in Appendix D. When you contact our
Technical Services Department for assistance, you will be required to show us a map that uses these conventions.
Be sure you meet the requirements of all local ordinances and of the National
Electrical Code (NEC), article 725, where flame resistance and smoke emissions standards are stated. Plenum rated cable, although more costly, does meet these regulations.
Carefully measure the distance between devices and note it on your map.
For each star on the distributed star network, measure the distance from the hub to each controller, workstation, or other EnergyLink 2500. Record the distance on the map. Or, for a bus, measure the distances between nodes and record them.
This distance is significant. If you have a star with five nodes and each arm of the star needs to be less than only 327 ft (100 m), you could use twisted pair for each arm of that star and hang the controller at the center of the star off of a coaxial or fiber optic bus.
How far can the total network length extend? It would seem that if you add up the entire length allowed for each cable type you are using, the total is how the long total network length should be. But this is not true. Why? Because each length discussed earlier in this chapter has been determined based on the delays associated with each cable type.
Unfortunately, cables are not the only devices that contribute to network delays.
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Infinity Network Configuration Guide 5-45
Cabling Configuration for Ethernet
Calculating Total Delay on Long Networks
What does delay have to do with the network? Delay (also called “propagation delay”) lengthens the time required to transmit data to its destination on the network.
Each device and each segment of cable on the network adds to the amount of delay, so that the more complex your network is, the more delay it tends to suffer. On long
Ethernet-EnergyNets, the total delay cannot exceed 25.6
µ s.
Table 5-3 gives the amount of delay produced by each type of cable, and by each controller, workstation, and EnergyLink 2500 module type. Also included in the table is the amount of delay produced by the cable adaptors. You can add up the amounts to predict the total delay on your network.
If you use any other equipment on your network, such as an adaptor or a non-
Andover device, be sure to look up the delay of that piece of equipment in the manufacturer’s specifications. When you look up the delay, be sure to find the
collision to jam delay rather than the device delay. The collision to jam delay is the worst possible delay generated by the equipment and you should always calculate with this possibility in mind.
The collision to jam delay is the time required for a repeater (or transceiver) to detect a collision and introduce the jam signal.
Table 5-3. Network Delay Produced by Network Parts
Node or Cable Type
EnergyLink 2500 2501 Module
EnergyLink 2500 2502 Module
EnergyLink 2500 2503 Module
Unshielded Twisted Pair Cable
RG 58 a/u or c/u Thin Coaxial Cable
RG 11 Thick Coaxial Cable
µ m Fiber Optic Cable
Standard AUI Cable
Twisted-Pair-to-Coax Adaptor
Coax-to-Fiber Adaptor
Collision to Jam Delay (
0.1736/100 ft (0.0057/m)
0.1567/100 ft (0.00514/m)
0.1320/100 ft (0.00433/m)
0.1524/100 ft (0.005/m)
0.1567/100 ft (0.00514/m)
In your network map, write down the amount of delay associated with each part you are adding to the network. Then assign a cable type to each segment based on the
5-46 Andover Controls Corporation
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Cabling Configuration for Ethernet
maximum segment length and maximum total network length estimated for each cable type. Next to the cable type, write down the delay for the amount of cable of that type.
Now add up the total delay.
If your entire network exceeds the maximum delay allowed (25.6
µ s), you can break it into two (or more) networks and connect them to one another with a device called a bridge.
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Cabling Configuration for Ethernet
Employing Bridges in Long Networks
Never try to bridge together an Ethernet-EnergyNet and an ARCNET-EnergyNet.
To extend a network that has reached the maximum cable length, maximum signal loss, or maximum amount of signal delay, you can break the network into two (or more) separate networks and link them together with a bridge. When you use a bridge, you start a new count of cable length, signal loss, and signal delay, as if the two networks were entirely separate.
You can choose either a local bridge (at the same physical location) or a remote bridge (at a distant location that you communicate with over a modem).
Using Local Bridges
You connect a local bridge to the network the same way you would connect a hub.
Figure 5-38.shows two fiber optic buses joined by a local bridge.
Figure 5-38. Two Fiber Optic Buses Joined by a Local Bridge
Fiber Optic Cable
A bridge takes information that a controller sends down the Ethernet-EnergyNet and determines which network it should be sent to.
The bridge determines the network that the information should be sent to through a process of elimination—by finding out the network it should not be sent to. For this reason, the bridge can also be a device to isolate two networks from one another; for instance, to isolate an HVAC network from the security system network. This isolation keeps the traffic on one network from interfering with the traffic on the other and vice-versa.
Using Remote Bridges
Remote bridges (also called Ethernet-to-T1 bridges) function about the same way as local bridges, only they pass information over a private dedicated phone line
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Cabling Configuration for Ethernet
called a “T1 line.” To use this type of bridge, you must have two of them, one at each site. You connect a modem to each one. Andover’s remote bridge, NB-30 (01-
3004-012), sells in pairs, since you always need two.
The Channel Service Unit (CSU) required on public telephone lines is an option that can be built-in to the NB-30 bridge. The channel service unit isolates your network from the phone company’s equipment and vice versa.
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Infinity Network Configuration Guide 5-49
Cabling Configuration for Ethernet
Planning and Setting Up a Long Network
When you plan your configuration, decide first how many controllers and workstations you want on the network. How are they situated? Would it be best to put them on hubs? If you have more than a few, for the best reliability, you should set up a mixed-cable star or distributed star topology.
You should follow your system map.
The remainder of this section assumes you have a system map in hand and shows you an example of a long network being designed.
Suppose the network inside each building is going to have up to 29 controllers on it. In this situation, you cannot use twisted pair cable for the entire network, since you could not have that many nodes.
Instead, you can use a combination of a thin coaxial bus and twisted pair stars, as required, inside each building.
Suppose you start with 29 controllers and/or workstations in a row. Remember, whenever you connect more than two controllers in a row, you connect them on a bus. As long as the controllers are in the same building, you can connect them with thin coaxial cable.
Figure 5-39.shows the bus.
Figure 5-39. Thin Coaxial Bus of 29 Controllers and Workstations
Terminators at Ends of Bus, on the Cable
Rather Than on
Particular Controllers
. . .
When you terminate the end units on the bus, you can choose to terminate the bus itself rather than putting the terminator directly on the unit. This way, if you later must remove the unit from the network, you then do not have to terminate the adjacent controller—the network remains properly terminated. This method may or may not be feasible, depending on the design of your network.
The 29 controllers are on a 600 ft (182.9 m) bus. This is almost the maximum segment length for thin coaxial cable.
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In this particular illustration, you see AUI cables connecting each unit to the thin coaxial bus. Remember that each AUI cable contributes some delay to the network.
AUI cables add the same amount of delay per foot (meter) as RG 58 a/u or c/u thin coaxial cable does.
To total the delays as you proceed, you should record the delay introduced by each cable or other device as you add it to the design of the network.
Table 5-4 is a short form you use to add up delays. A longer version of the form appears in Appendix C. In this chapter, you fill out the form for the network example.
Table 5-4. Short Form for Adding Up Propagation Delays
Cable/ Device
& Length Delay (
Delay (
To run this thin coaxial bus to another building, you must switch to fiber optic cable for the distance between buildings. Suppose that distance is 3,275 ft (approximately
1,000 m), so you need to connect approximately 3,280 ft (1,000 m) of fiber optic cable to the last 9200 controller on the network.
You connect that cable by installing an EnergyLink 2500 inside the 9200 controller.
To install the hub inside the 9200, you connect that controller to a standard T connector and then connect the hub to the other side of the same T connector. In this case, let’s use coaxial cable to do this.
The EnergyLink 2500 needs two modules, one for the coaxial cable from the controller (2502 module) and the other for the fiber optic cable to the second building (2503 module).
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Cabling Configuration for Ethernet
Figure 5-40.shows the extended network.
Figure 5-40. Thin Coaxial Bus Extended to Another Building Using EnergyLink 2500 and
Fiber Optic Cable
Fiber Optic
EnergyLink 2500
29 Controllers
Once you have added these devices, you may want to subtotal the delays.
Remember, you have removed one of the AUI cables, so you need only total the delay for 28 AUI cables. However, since you are connecting another coaxial cable to the EnergyLink 2500, you must count that 1.5 ft (0.48 m) as well.
Table 5-5 shows that the subtotal so far is 8.5405
µ s (rounding up in all cases) or approximately 8.6
µ s. You can have about 17
µ s more delay.
Table 5-5. Sample Adding Up Propagation Delays—First SubTotal
Thin Coax
28 AUI
EnergyLink w/
One 2502 & One
2503 Module
1.5 ft
Thin Coax
Fiber Optic
Quantity &
600 ft
(182.9 m)
8 ft
2.44 m)
1.5 ft
(0.48 m)
3280 ft
(1000 m)
600 ft
0.1567/100 ft
(182.9 m
224 ft
0.1567/100 ft
(68.27 m
1.5 ft
0.1567/100 ft
(0.48 m
3280 ft
0.1524/100 ft
(1000 m
Delay (
If you want to switch back to coaxial cable, you need another EnergyLink 2500 at the other end of the fiber optic cable. Again, you need two modules, one for the fiber optic cable from the first building (2503 module) and the other for the coaxial cable inside the second building (2502 module).
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Once you switch to coaxial cable, you have another bus with 28 controllers. This bus is also 600 ft (182.9 m) long. Remember that one of the controllers is connected with 1.5 ft of coaxial cable and a T connector, so only 27 are connected to the network with AUI cable. Since you have an EnergyLink 2500 on the same bus, you have a total of 29 nodes. Why not 30? You want to leave you room for another
EnergyLink 2500 should you decide to link to yet another bus with fiber optic cable.
Figure 5-41.shows the network with the second bus.
Figure 5-41. Second Thin Coaxial Bus Added to Mixed Cable Network
. . .
29 Controllers and
EnergyLink 2500
⇒ 30
. . .
28 Controllers and
EnergyLink 2500
29 Nodes
Allows Room for One More Node
This second bus adds more delay to the network.
Table 5-6 shows the calculation of the new delay total—still well within the 25.6
µ s limit.
Table 5-6. Adding Up Propagation Delays with Second Bus
Cable/ Device
Thin Coax
28 AUI
EnergyLink w/
One 2502 & One
2503 Module
Quantity &
600 ft
(182.9 m)
8 ft
2.44 m)
600 ft
0.1567/100 ft
(182.9 m
224 ft
0.1567/100 ft
(68.27 m
Delay (
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Cabling Configuration for Ethernet
Cable/ Device
1.5 ft
Thin Coax
Fiber Optic
EnergyLink w/
One 2502 & One
2503 Module
1.5 ft
Thin Coax
Thin Coax
27 AUI
Quantity &
1.5 ft
(0.48 m)
3280 ft
(1000 m)
1 ea 2502
1 ea 2503
1.5 ft
(0.48 m)
600 ft
(182.9 m)
8 ft
2.44 m)
1.5 ft
0.1567/100 ft
(0.48 m
3280 ft
0.1524/100 ft
(1000 m
1.5 ft
0.1567/100 ft
(0.48 m
600 ft
0.1567/100 ft
(182.9 m
216 ft
0.1567/100 ft
(65.84 m
Delay (
Suppose you then want to connect to one more building that is approximately 3,280 ft (1,000 m) away.
This time, to connect the bus, since you can have only one more node, you can add a controller that is not on the second thin coaxial bus—and plug the bus directly into a coaxial port on the hub. So, you can connect the controller to the hub without putting it on the thin coaxial bus by connecting it with twisted pair cable.
Again, you connect a bus to it that has 28 controllers, one connected with a T connector and the others with AUI cable.
Figure 5-42.shows the third thin coaxial bus added to the network.
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Figure 5-42. Third Thin Coaxial Bus Added to Mixed Cable Network
. . .
Twisted Pair Cable connects this controller to the
EnergyLink 2500 that it houses.
9200 is
on the Thin Coaxial bus
Its EnergyLink 2500 is the 30th node on the bus.
. . .
. . .
28 Controllers and
EnergyLink 2500
29 Nodes
Allows Room for One More Node
This third bus adds more delay to the network.
Table 5-7 shows the calculation of the new delay total.
Table 5-7. Adding Up Propagation Delays with Third Bus
Cable/ Device
Thin Coax
28 AUI
EnergyLink w/
One 2502 & One
2503 Module
1.5 ft
Thin Coax
Quantity &
600 ft
(182.9 m)
8 ft
2.44 m)
1.5 ft
(0.48 m)
600 ft
0.1567/100 ft
(182.9 m
224 ft
0.1567/100 ft
(68.27 m
1.5 ft
0.1567/100 ft
(0.48 m
Delay (
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Cabling Configuration for Ethernet
Cable/ Device
Quantity &
Fiber Optic 3280 ft
(1000 m)
EnergyLink w/
One 2502 & One
2503 Module
1.5 ft
Thin Coax
Thin Coax
27 AUI
8 ft Twisted Pair
EnergyLink w/
One 2501,
One 2502, & One
2503 Module
1.5 ft
Thin Coax
Thin Coax
27 AUI
1 ea 2502
1 ea 2503
1.5 ft
(0.48 m)
600 ft
(182.9 m)
27 x 8 ft
2.44 m)
8 ft
(2.44 m)
1 ea 2501
1 ea 2502
1 ea 2503
1.5 ft
(0.48 m)
600 ft
(182.9 m)
8 ft
2.44 m)
3280 ft
0.1524/100 ft
(1000 m
1.5 ft
600 ft
216 ft
8 ft
0.1567/100 ft
(0.48 m
0.1567/100 ft
(182.9 m
(65.84 m
0.1567/100 ft
0.1736/100 ft
(2.44 m
1.5 ft
0.1567/100 ft
(0.48 m
600 ft
0.1567/100 ft
(182.9 m
216 ft
0.1567/100 ft
(65.84 m
Delay (
The network still has room to grow. Suppose you now want to branch off of the third bus and have six controllers, each approximately 50 ft from a central hub.
You can form a star with four controllers on twisted pair and two on coaxial cable.
Although the hub has seven ports, remember, you must also have a port to plug the coaxial bus into. So, to form this star, you need another EnergyLink 2500 that has four twisted pair (2501) modules and three coaxial cable (2502) modules.
Figure 5-43.shows a six-arm twisted pair star added to the network. Since you have more than three twisted pair arms on the star, you must employ an external power supply.
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Figure 5-43. Mixed Twisted Pair and Thin Coaxial Star Added to Mixed Cable Network
. . .
. . .
. . .
This controller is connected to the star using twisted pair cable. This cable is the sixth arm of the star.
Coaxial Nodes
You can extend each of these buses.
Twisted Pair Nodes
Table 5-8 shows the table totaling the additional delays.
Table 5-8. Adding Up Propagation Delays with Third Bus
This thin coaxial bus plugs directly into the
Link 2500
The hub becomes the 30th node on the coaxial bus.
Cable/ Device
Thin Coax
Quantity &
600 ft
(182.9 m)
600 ft
0.1567/100 ft
(182.9 m
Delay (
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Cabling Configuration for Ethernet
Cable/ Device
Quantity &
28 AUI
EnergyLink w/
One 2502 & One
2503 Module
1.5 ft (0.48 m)
Thin Coax
Fiber Optic
8 ft
2.44 m)
1.5 ft
(0.48 m)
3280 ft
(1000 m)
EnergyLink w/
One 2502 & One
2503 Module
1.5 ft (0.48 m)
Thin Coax
Thin Coax
27 AUI
8 ft Twisted Pair
EnergyLink w/
One 2501,
One 2502, & One
2503 Module
1.5 ft (0.48 m)
Thin Coax
Thin Coax
27 AUI
EnergyLink w/
Four 2501 &
Three 2502
1 ea 2502
1 ea 2503
1.5 ft
(0.48 m)
600 ft
(182.9 m)
27 x 8 ft
2.44 m)
8 ft
(2.44 m)
1 ea 2501
1 ea 2502
1 ea 2503
1.5 ft
(0.48 m)
600 ft
(182.9 m)
8 ft
2.44 m)
4 ea 2501
3 ea 2502
224 ft
0.1567/100 ft
(68.27 m
1.5 ft
0.1567/100 ft
(0.48 m
3280 ft
0.1524/100 ft
(1000 m
1.5 ft
0.1567/100 ft
(0.48 m
600 ft
0.1567/100 ft
(182.9 m
216 ft
0.1567/100 ft
(65.84 m
8 ft
0.1736/100 ft
(2.44 m
1.5 ft
0.1567/100 ft
(0.48 m
600 ft
0.1567/100 ft
(182.9 m
216 ft
0.1567/100 ft
(65.84 m
Delay (
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Cabling Configuration for Ethernet
Cable/ Device
Two Thin Coaxial
Arms of Star
One 1.5 ft
(0.48 m) Twisted
Pair Cable
Three Twisted
Pair Cables
Quantity &
327 ft
100 m)
1.5 ft
(0.48 m)
327 ft
100 m)
654 ft
0.1567/100 ft
(200 m
1.5 ft
981 ft
0.1736/100 ft
0.48 m
0.1736/100 ft
(300 m
Delay (
The new total exceeds the limit of 25.6
µ s delay on the network. Now, you must decide to remove something from the network. You could remove two arms from the star and remove their twisted pair modules from the EnergyLink 2500. When you do, you save 3.3274
µ s delay on the network—enough to reduce the delays to
µ s so that you are not only within the limit, but also have a small margin for error.
You can see, based on this illustration, that planning your network is extremely important. Otherwise, you could quickly exceed the amount of delay allowed and have to redesign the network while you are installing it, which is not a good idea.
Let’s summarize the general guidelines for setting up mixed-cable network.
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Infinity Network Configuration Guide 5-59
Cabling Configuration for Ethernet
General Guidelines for Mixed-Cable Distributed Star
Topology Ethernet-EnergyNets
The following are some guidelines to formulating a network of multiple cable types:
• If you have a thin coaxial bus in a distributed star topology, you have three options when connecting a controller or workstation to an EnergyLink 2500:
— Add the hub to the same bus as the controller that houses it by running the cable through a T connector to connect to the controller, then run the cable to the hub.
— Connect one thin coaxial bus directly to a coaxial port on the hub, so that the controller that houses the hub is on another bus, whether it be thin coaxial or twisted pair.
— Using twisted pair cable, connect the controller that houses the hub and have other coaxial buses connect directly to the hub.
• If you have a fiber optic bus, use thin coaxial cable to connect a controller or workstation to the main bus via a coax-to-fiber adaptor. This way, you can have a longer fiber optic cable bus.
• If you have a thick coaxial bus, use AUI cable to connect a controller to a transceiver on the bus.
• If you have a thin coaxial bus, you can use AUI cable and run it to a transceiver adaptor that has a built-in T connector. Using AUI cable allows you to drop up to 164 ft (50 m) of cable from the bus on a 10Base-2 network.
• If you have a thin or thick coaxial bus that must run between buildings for a while, use fiber optic cable for those runs and coaxial cable inside the buildings.
• If you plan to extend your network for a long distance, plan on using repeaters to maximize the length.
• If you reach the maximum signal loss allowed or the maximum signal delay allowed, you need to start a new network. You can then use a bridge to connect the two Ethernet-EnergyNets together.
• For coaxial cabling, you must terminate every controller or workstation at the end of a spoke on a hub—either by screwing a 50
terminator onto the T connector of a controller or by terminating the workstation according to the network interface card instructions. You can also screw the terminator onto the end of the bus itself. Twisted pair RJ 45 connections are automatically terminated. Other types of cable do not require nodes be terminated.
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• If you have a fiber optic star, you can also use AUI cable to connect a node to a cable adaptor or a hub that has an AUI port.
• You cannot have more than four EnergyLink 2500s without losing reliability.
• When you have at least three repeaters, you must have inter-repeater links
(IRLs). An inter-repeater link is cable that connects two repeaters, but has no controllers or workstations on it. IRLs can be made of any type of cable, as long as they do not exceed maximum segment length for the cable type.
• If you remove a node from a star, as long as all other nodes are properly terminated, the missing node does not have any effect on the others. If you remove a node from a bus, as long as the bus remains terminated, the missing node does not have any effect on the other nodes.
• You can have a thin coaxial bus off each EnergyLink 2500 coaxial port with up to 29 nodes on it. Since EnergyLink 2500 is considered a node of each bus it connects to, you can have only 29 more nodes on a coaxial bus. EnergyLink
2500 is a node on each network arm it connects to.
• You can easily switch cable types using the EnergyLink 2500 or with small cable adaptors.
• You can have multiple modules on an EnergyLink 2500, each for various cable types, so you can have fiber optic cable on one module, coaxial cable on another, and twisted pair on a third, as long as you never connect twisted pair cable to Port 1.
• You can cascade up to four EnergyLink 2500s.
• The total cable cascading EnergyLink 2500s (or other EnergyLink products) can be up to the maximum segment length for that cable type.
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Cabling Configuration for Ethernet
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Chapter 6
Understanding and
Cabling Infinet
This chapter covers the following:
• What Is Infinet?
• What Is the Twisted Pair Hub of Infinet?
• What Is the Fiber Optic Link of Infinet?
• Forming Twisted Pair Infinet Configurations
• Employing InfiLink 200 in Star Configurations
• Forming Mixed Fiber Optic and Twisted Pair Infinet Configurations
• Employing InfiLink 210 in an Extended Daisy-Chain
• Employing InfiLink 210 in Star Configurations
• Planning Your Cabling Configuration
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Infinity Network Configuration Guide 6-1
What Is Infinet?
The Infinet is a
-performance, token-passing local area network (LAN) of Andover Controls Infinet controllers (called Infinet controllers) and the network software that makes them communicate.
The Infinet network drivers are Andover Controls own software and work with the operating system. The environment is a combination of shared resource and peerto-peer, where more than one controller can be the network master at a time.
Infinet has a minimum of one Infinet controller connected with twisted pair cable to
a 9000 series controller. Data transmits over the Infinet at a rate of up to 19.2 KB/ sec.
Although Infinet has a token-passing data access system, it can have a combination of daisy-chained bus and star topology like the distributed star topology of
You can have a total of up to 4,000 ft (1,219.2 m) of Infinet cable daisy chained from Infinet controller to Infinet controller for every 31 Infinet controllers on one arm of a star. After 31 nodes or 4,000 ft (1,219.2 m) you require an InfiLink 200 or
InfiLink 210 as a repeater to add more nodes to the network or further extend the
cabling. Using an InfiLink 210 allows you to extend the length of Infinet with fiber optic cable, recommended for running cable between buildings and through noisy environments. You can have a maximum of 127 nodes on one Infinet with InfiLink
200 or 210.
Each node has an Infinet ID that you assign in the software. (See the
Infinity Controller Programmer’s Guide or the ICS Controller Programmer’s
Guide for the for details on how to set the Infinet ID.) Infinet passes the token from
the lowest ID number to the highest.
What Are the Nodes on Infinet?
Nodes on the Infinet are a variety of Andover Controls Infinet controllers, including the following:
900 series controllers
• 800
• 810
850 series controllers
860 series controllers
• 870
• 890 series controllers
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The 127 controllers on Infinet referred to throughout this chapter are regular Infinet controllers, like those listed above. You can have an additional 31 priority controllers, which include the following:
250 display units
280 laptop tools
700 series controllers
Priority controllers require more frequent and more rapid responses than other controllers, so Infinet responds to them more quickly.
Unlike the EnergyLink 2000 and 2500, the Infinet hubs, InfiLink 200 and InfiLink
210, are not counted as nodes on the network and do not have an ID assigned to
Why Is Token Passing Effective?
Token passing, as discussed in Chapter 1, is one of the best data transmission methods for real-time building or process control systems because data of a particular length is always transmitted in a given amount of time. Token passing allows Infinet to not only accept data of any length, but also automatically acknowledge receiving data and automatically check for errors, giving all nodes equal access to the network.
Infinet handles all network control so that the software can ignore network control
and operate more efficiently.
Because Infinet is a token-passing network, you can disconnect one node from the network at any time without interrupting the building control system (except, of course, for the loss of that node).
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Infinity Network Configuration Guide 6-3
What Is the Twisted Pair Hub of Infinet?
If you are using strictly twisted pair cable for your Infinet, the hub you can use to form stars is InfiLink 200.
InfiLink 200, like EnergyLink 2000 or 2500, is both an electronic repeater and a cen-
tral active hub in one device. InfiLink 200 amplifies and retransmits signals so that they can travel further on the network.
InfiLink 200 is a five-port active hub that accepts twisted pair cabling only. Each of
the five ports is an RS-485 port. The link has, however, an RS-232 port, designed for a modem. You can also use the link as an active link, rather than a hub.
To use a modem in the RS-232 port, you need a forced-answer, forced-originate modem so that you can extend the Infinet from building to building over distances of more than 1 mile (1.609 km). To use modems, you must install a dedicated phone line connecting the modem in the first building to the one in the next.
When InfiLink 200 connects several nodes as a hub, it controls communication on two fronts:
• Between the nodes in the star.
• Between the nodes in the star and the other hubs on the network.
For information on installing InfiLink 200, setting its baud rate, and interpreting its LEDs, see the InfiLink 200 Installation Guide supplied with the unit.
What happens if you want to switch to fiber optic cable on Infinet? In this situation, instead of using InfiLink 200, you can use InfiLink 210, presented in the next section.
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What Is the Fiber Optic Link of Infinet?
If you are planning to run your Infinet between buildings or through a noisy environment, the hub you can use to form that part of Infinet is InfiLink 210.
InfiLink 210, like InfiLink 200, is both an electronic repeater and a central active hub
in one device that amplifies and retransmits signals so that they can travel further on the network. What makes it different from the InfiLink 200 is that it has built-in ports for fiber optic cable, so you need no cable adaptors and it is a three-port active hub that is designed specifically to extend Infinet with fiber optic cable.
The link has one RS-485 port where you wire the twisted pair cable from the Infinet you are extending, and two other ports designed to connect fiber optic cable with
ST connectors. To properly install the fiber optic cable on Infinet, you need two
InfiLink 210s, one in the first building and another in the second. At the second link,
you wire the continuation of the twisted pair cable connecting the controllers.
The InfiLink 210 can be a hub at the center of a small star with two fiber optic arms.
When InfiLink 210 connects several nodes as a hub, it controls communication on two fronts:
• Between the nodes in the star.
• Between the nodes in the star and the other hubs on the network.
For information on installing InfiLink 210, setting its baud rate, and interpreting its LEDs, see the InfiLink 210 Installation Guide supplied with the unit.
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Infinity Network Configuration Guide 6-5
Forming Twisted Pair Infinet Configurations
You always begin by wiring a single cable of Infinet at a 9000 series controller. You daisy chain twisted pair cabling from the 9000 series controller to the first Infinet controller. You then daisy chain the cabling from Infinet controller to Infinet controller as described in the installation guide for each controller.
No special connectors are required to connect Infinet. The incoming and outgoing cables both connect at the Infinet terminal block connector on each controller.
In this type of network you do not have to terminate controllers. No minimum cable length is required between nodes, but if the entire Infinet exceeds 4,000 ft (1,219.2 m) without an InfiLink 200 or 210 as a repeater, the network will fail. When planning, be careful to measure out the distance you plan to run the cable.
Also, be sure not to exceed the maximum number of InfiLink 200 or 210s. You can have up to 10 InfiLink 200s and/or 210s in an entire Infinet.
Extending the Infinet with InfiLink 200
To extend the Infinet with InfiLink 200, proceed as follows:
1. Connect the InfiLink 200 to the last node on the cable.
2. Then connect another piece of twisted pair cable to a different port on the
InfiLink 200.
Figure 6-1.shows an Infinet extended using an InfiLink 200.
Figure 6-1. Infinet Extended Using InfiLink 200
InfiLink 200
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Employing InfiLink 200 in Star Configurations
Port 1 on the first InfiLink 200 must connect to the arm of the star coming in from any 9000 series controller. You can run 4,000 ft (1,219.2 m) of cabling between the
9000 controller and the first InfiLink 200.
Port 1 on InfiLink 200 must connect to an incoming cable.
For details on how to wire the link, see the InfiLink 200 Installation Guide.
You can have up to 31 controllers on each of the other four ports. This means that by using one InfiLink 200 as an active hub, you can connect 127 Infinet controllers in a star to a 9000 controller.
Figure 6-2.shows a twisted pair distributed star topology Infinet.
Using Modems with InfiLink 200
You can also extend the Infinet by having modems in two buildings you are connecting.
Before you can use special modems to connect Infinet, you must have a specially conditioned, clean, dedicated telephone line installed. Contact your telephone company to install the line.
To connect a modem to the InfiLink 200, connect the RS-232 cable on the modem to the RS-232 port on the link. You must have an InfiLink 200 and modem at each end of the telephone line.
Follow the modem instructions to set it to the correct mode.
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Figure 6-2. Twisted Pair Distributed Star Topology Network
InfiLink 200
9000 series
Controller on
Up to 4,000 ft. (1,219.2 m)/31 Controllers per Arm of Star with Four Arms1
(No Minimum Cable Length between Nodes)
You can have up to 31 controllers on each of four arms of the star. The fifth arm, which connects the star to the 9000 series controller, may also have controllers on it, but only if you do not exceed a maximum of 127 controllers on the entire network.
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Forming Mixed Fiber Optic and Twisted Pair Infinet
You have seen that the Infinet controllers are designed to connect to the twisted pair
Infinet cable. So, what do you do if you want to extend the Infinet between buildings
with fiber optic cable? You use the InfiLink 210 to form a mixed fiber optic and twisted pair configuration.
Extending the Infinet with InfiLink 210
To extend the Infinet to another building (or through a noisy environment) with
InfiLink 210, proceed as follows:
1. Connect the first InfiLink 210 to the last node on the Infinet cable in Building 1 using twisted pair cable. You connect the twisted pair cable to the InfiLink’s RS-
485 Infinet port.
2. Connect one end of a fiber optic cable to a Port 1 or Port 2 on the first InfiLink
210 and run the fiber optic cable to the second InfiLink 210.
3. Connect the other end of a fiber optic cable to Port 1 or Port 2 on the second
InfiLink 210.
4. Connect twisted pair cable from the RS-485 Infinet port of the second InfiLink
210 to the first controller on the Infinet cable in
Building 2.
Figure 6-3 shows an Infinet extended using InfiLink 210s.
Figure 6-3. Infinet Extended Using InfiLink 210s
InfiLink 210
s Joined with Fiber Optic Cable
You can also cascade (stack) up to four InfiLink 210s in a row to extend Infinet even further.
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Figure 6-4.shows an Infinet extended using more than two InfiLink 210s. In this configuration, you daisy chain the InfiLink 210s together.
Figure 6-4. Infinet Extended Using More Than Two InfiLink 210s
InfiLink 210
s Joined with Fiber Optic Cable
For more details, refer to the InfiLink 210 Installation Guide. In the next section, you see how you can employ the InfiLink 210 in a more complex configuration.
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Employing InfiLink 210 in an Extended Daisy-Chain
Figure 6-5.shows a large extended daisy chain configuration, where multiple
InfiLink 210s are cascaded and each has its own Infinet connected to the Infinet port.
Figure 6-5. Extended Daisy Chain Employing InfiLink 210s
9000 series
Controller on
Each Fiber
Optic Cable
Can Usually
Be Up to
6,561 ft.
(2,000 m)
Can Have Up to 4,000 ft. (1,219.2 m)/31 Controllers for Each Chain to an
InfiLink 210.
Maximum Number of Controllers is 127 for the Entire Extended
(No Minimum Cable Length between
You must calculate the total signal loss on the fiber optic network and be sure that you do not exceed the 10 db limit for signal loss on the entire network. To calculate the signal loss, refer to the subsection on Limiting Cable Signal Loss Over Fiber Optic Cable, later in this chapter.
You can also form stars with InfiLink 210, as shown in the next section.
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Employing InfiLink 210 in Star Configurations
The Infinet port on the first InfiLink 210 must connect to the arm of the star coming in from any 9000 series controller. You can run 4,000 ft (1,219.2 m) of twisted pair cabling between the 9000 controller and the first InfiLink 210.
Port 1 and Port 2 on InfiLink 210 can then each have a single fiber optic arm connected to it. These arms can have up to 6,561 ft (2,000 m) of fiber optic cable, as long as the light intensity loss on the fiber optic cable does not exceed 10 db per cable segment (including any patch panels or other devices on the network). The other end of each fiber optic arm must then connect to another InfiLink 210 so that you can connect twisted pair cable to the Infinet once again.
Note that you cannot have any controllers on the fiber optic cable. This cable’s purpose is to extend the length of the Infinet or to run it between buildings.
You can have up to 31 controllers on each arm of the star. By using one InfiLink 210 as an active hub, you can connect a star containing up to 127 Infinet controllers to a 9000 series controller.
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Figure 6-6.shows a mixed fiber optic and twisted pair distributed star topology
Infinet employing the InfiLink 210.
Figure 6-6. Mixed Twisted Pair and Fiber Optic Distributed Star Topology Infinet Employing
InfiLink 210
InfiLink 210
Each Fiber Optic Cable
Segment Can Usually
Be Up to 6,561 ft.
(2,000 m)
Controller on
Twisted Pair
Fiber Optic
Up to 6,561 ft. (2,000 m)1 of fiber optic cable can be on each arm of the star and then up to 4,000 ft. (1,219.2 m) of twisted pair cable per arm with up to 31 Controllers2
(No Minimum Cable Length between
You must calculate the total signal loss on the fiber optic network and be sure that you do not exceed the 10 db limit for signal loss on the entire network. To calculate the signal loss, refer to the subsection on Limiting Cable Signal Loss Over Fiber Optic Cable, later in this chapter.
Do not exceed the maximum of 127 controllers on the entire Infinet .
You can also extend the stars so that you have multiple branches off each arm. You extend the stars by using more InfiLink 210s.
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Figure 6-7.shows a mixed fiber optic and twisted pair distributed star topology
Infinet employing the InfiLink 210.
Figure 6-7. Extended Mixed Twisted Pair and Fiber Optic Distributed Star Topology Infinet
Employing InfiLink 210
Each Fiber Optic Cable
Segment Can Usually
Be Up to 6,561 ft.
(2,000 m)
9000 series
Controller on
Twisted Pair
Fiber Optic
You must calculate the total signal loss on the fiber optic network and be sure that you do not exceed the 10 db limit for signal loss on the entire network. To calculate the signal loss, refer to the subsection on Limiting Cable Signal Loss Over Fiber Optic Cable, later in this chapter.
Do not exceed the maximum of 127 controllers on the entire
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Limiting Cable Signal Loss
Over Fiber Optic Cable
Since fiber optic cable transmits light to carry data, it can carry data over a longer distance than other types of cable. However, the loss of light intensity is increased when you extend fiber optic cable over a long distance and each time you connect fiber optic cable into a patch panel.
Always be sure to have the fiber optic installer document the total light intensity loss on fiber optic cable installed.
The recommended 62.5/125 diameter fiber optic cable functions properly with up to 10 db signal loss. If you have more 10 db signal loss, Andover cannot guarantee proper operation. (For other cable diameters, refer to the manufacturer’s specifications.)
To ensure you do not have more than the maximum signal loss allowed for the fiber optic cable you choose, you should determine how much light intensity the cable is losing by applying the following rules:
• Cable usually loses 1.2 db (light intensity) per 1,000 ft length
(4 db/km), but the amount varies depending on the grade of cable and the manufacturer (refer to the manufacturer’s specifications for exact light intensity loss of the cable you are using).
• Cable loses .25 to 1 db per connection to a patch panel
So if you have 4,000 ft of the recommended fiber optic cable connected into 6 patch panels, the total loss of light intensity is as follows:
Loss for length =1.20
4 = 4.8
Loss for patch panels =0.25
6 = 1.5
Total loss of intensity = 6.3 db
Since 6.3 db is within the limitation of up to 10 db signal loss, the fiber optic cable will perform reliably with this much loss of intensity.
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Infinity Network Configuration Guide 6-15
Planning Your Cabling Configuration
When you plan your configuration, decide first how many controllers you want on the Infinet. How are they situated? Would it be best to put them on hubs?
Andover Controls strongly recommends that you draw a system map, showing all cables, controllers, hubs, links and other elements of each Infinet at your installation. You should draw a separate map of each Infinet and use the conventions described in the next section. When you contact our Technical Services Depart-
ment for assistance, you will be required to show us a map that uses these conventions.
Infinet Map Drawing Conventions
Figure 6-8.shows the symbols you should use to draw your system map.
Figure 6-8. Symbols for Drawing an Infinet Map
Twisted Pair Cable
Type, ### ft.
Type, ### ft.
Fiber Optic Cable
################ Name
### Model No.
InfiLink 200
Draw a triangle for each Infinet node and label it with its Infinet ID, name, and model number.
Draw a plain rectangle for each InfiLink 200.
Draw twisted pair cable as a straight line and fiber optic as a dotted line. In each case, indicate the type (such as Anixter) and the length in feet.
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Selecting a Cable Type
Table 6-1 shows a selection of Infinet cables for different purposes and their order numbers.1
Table 6-1. Twisted Pair Cables for Infinet
Twisted Pair
Twisted Pair
Brand-Rex No.
Brand-Rex #H 9002
Anixter #9J2401021
Andover Controls recommends single-pair twisted pair cabling as standard for Infinet .
The cable should have a nominal impedance of 100
and a nominal velocity of propagation of 78%.
Capacitance of Infinet cable should be nominal, below 12.5 pF/ft between conductors and below 22 pF/ft between the conductor connected to ground and the next conductor.
If you plan to run Infinet between buildings without a fiber optic cable, you should have lightning arrestors at each location that Infinet enters and exits a building. Use the following arrestor: Two pair combination gas tube/silicon avalanche arrestor,
Andover Controls # 01-2100-299.
1. You may also use any cables you already have in place for ACNET or LBUS—Brand-Rex H 9002
(two-pair) and H 9003 (three-pair). However, be sure to tape back any extra wire pairs.
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Chapter 7
Interpreting LEDs on EnergyLinks and InfiLinks
This chapter covers the following:
• Understanding EnergyLink 2000 LEDs
• Understanding InfiLink 200 LEDs
• Understanding EnergyLink 2500 LEDs
• Understanding InfiLink 210 LEDs
• Understanding Keypad Errors on the 900 or 810
LEDs on Links
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Infinity Network Configuration Guide 7-1
LEDs on Links
Understanding EnergyLink 2000 LEDs
Figure 7-1 shows the LEDs on the EnergyLink 2000 and the 2100 and 2101. The illustration points out each LED type and explains how it normally responds.
Figure 7-1. Normal Flashing Patterns of LEDs on EnergyLinks
2000 LEDs
Activity LEDs on Main
Flashes for 1 sec to indicate the
EnergyNet is reconfiguring.
Remain constantly on to indicate internal positive and negative power supplies are functioning properly.
2100 or 2101
* LEDs
1 2 3 4
Activity 4
Activity 3
Activity 2
Activity 1
Flashes whenever the
EnergyLink is receiving and retransmitting signals.
Activity LEDs flash on and off continuously to indicate their corresponding ports are receiving EnergyNet signals.
EnergyLink 2100 has fiber optic ports for Ports 2 and 3.
The subsections that follow give more detail the kind of response you can expect from each LED.
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LEDs on Links
Interpreting Normal LED Responses
The self-monitoring EnergyLink 2000 continually monitors its internal positive DC power to verify voltage does not drop 10% below its rating. If the +PWR LED (to the right of the rightmost module on the
EnergyLink 2000) does not light up after you power up the hub and all controllers
or workstations on EnergyNet, the internal positive power supply is not functioning properly. Contact Andover Controls Technical Services or your Andover Controls representative.
The self-monitoring EnergyLink 2000 continually monitors its internal negative DC power to verify it is operating within an acceptable power range. If the –PWR LED
(to the right of the rightmost module on the
EnergyLink 2000) does not light up after you power up the hub and all controllers
or workstations on EnergyNet, the internal negative power supply is not functioning properly. Contact Andover Controls Technical Services or your Andover Controls representative.
The TIMING LED normally indicates that the EnergyLink is receiving and retransmitting EnergyNet signals. If the TIMING light is not lit while the EnergyLink is on, the EnergyLink is defective. Contact Andover Controls Technical Services or your Andover Controls representative.
An ACTIVITY LED should always be off when no cable is in its associated port.
If the LED is on instead, contact Andover Controls Technical Services or your Andover Controls representative.
Interpreting Flashing Lights
The RECONFIG or RECON LED flashes on for 1 sec to indicate the EnergyNet is reconfiguring whenever you routinely add a node to or remove one from the
EnergyNet. An occasional flashing of this LED is normal and necessary.
However, if this LED remains steadily on or flashes repeatedly, it indicates frequent reconfigurations, which can lower EnergyNet performance. It can also mean you have duplicate IDs or hardware failure.
Normally, all ACTIVITY LEDs flash on and off continuously, indicating that the corresponding port on the EnergyLink 2000 is receiving EnergyNet signals. If the
ACTIVITY LED for one arm of the star flashes brightly while the other LEDs dim,
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LEDs on Links
a single node on that arm of the network could have a problem, or a segment of the cable could be defective.
If any of these or other problems occur, contact Andover Controls Technical Services or your Andover Controls representative.
Responding When +PWR and –PWR LEDs
Do Not Light Up
If the neither the +PWR nor the –PWR LED is lit, the fuse powering the EnergyLink
2000 may be blown. Open the fuse box on the front of the EnergyLink 2000 as
1. Turn off the power to the EnergyLink 2000 by depressing the switch on the front, above the power cord receptacle.
2. Unplug the power cord from the front receptacle.
3. Locate the fuse box between the power switch and the power cord receptacle on the front panel.
Notice the small grove along the upper wall inside the power cord receptacle. The groove is just below the surface.
Figure 7-2 shows the groove. You use this groove to wedge open the fuse box.
Figure 7-2. Groove to Wedge Open Fuse Box—Inside Power Cord Receptacle on
Front of EnergyLink 2000
On/Off Switch
Fuse Box Cover
Power Cord
4. Gently wedge the end of a flathead screwdriver in the groove beneath the fuse box cover and lift to remove the cover.
5. Remove the fuse clipped inside of the fuse box cover and check it. If the wire inside is broken, the fuse is blown.
6. If the fuse is blown, replace it with the spare fuse (encased inside the fuse box cover) or another fuse of the same type.
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LEDs on Links
7. Close the fuse box.
8. Reattach the power cord.
9. Turn on the EnergyLink 2000 power switch.
If the +PWR and –PWR LEDs do not light up on power up, contact Andover
Controls Technical Services or your Andover Controls representative.
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LEDs on Links
Understanding InfiLink 200 LEDs
Figure 7-3 shows the LEDs on the InfiLink 200. The illustration points out each
LED and explains how it responds under normal conditions.
Figure 7-3. Normal Flashing Patterns of LEDs on InfiLink 200
InfiLink 200
RD and TD for RS-232 port flash on and off continuously to indicate communication between the modem on the port and the InfiLink 200.
RD and TD flash on and off continuously to indicate their corresponding ports are receiving and transmitting Infinet signals.
Port 1 transmits data to and from the 9000 controller.
Power LED should light up and remain on while power is on.
Interpreting Normal LED Responses
RD and TD for RS-232 (Top of InfiLink)
The RD and TD LEDs at the top of the InfiLink 200 represent action on the comm port of the 9000 controller the Infinet connected to by modem. These LEDs flash to indicate that the InfiLink 200 is receiving and transmitting Infinet signals.
RD and TD for Ports 2 through 5
The RD and TD LEDs for ports 2 through 5 flash on and off to indicate their corresponding ports are receiving and transmitting Infinet signals.
RD and TD for Port 1
The RD and TD LEDs for port 1 flash on and off to indicate the 9000 controller is receiving and transmitting Infinet signals.
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You must use Port 1 for the incoming Infinet cable and at least one of the other four ports for an outgoing Infinet cable. If Port 1 does not connect to a 9000 controller or another InfiLink 200, move the cables so it does.
Baud Rate Setting on InfiLink 200
The baud rate set on the InfiLink 200 dial should match the rate set for Infinet in the software. Check the comm port BAUD attribute setting using PR or open the comm port window using the
menu, then check the baud rate setting on the front of
InfiLink 200.
Checking Fuse on InfiLink 200
If AC power to the InfiLink 200 fails but power is actually available, check the 3 A
250 V slow blow AC power fuse located in the lower left quadrant of the InfiLink
200 printed circuit board.
If any problems occur, contact Andover Controls Technical Services or your Andover Controls representative.
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Infinity Network Configuration Guide 7-7
LEDs on Links
Understanding EnergyLink 2500 LEDs
Figure 7-4 shows the location of the LEDs for each module on the EnergyLink
Figure 7-4. Location of LEDs on EnergyLink 2500
The following describes how the LEDs on the EnergyLink 2500 modules respond once the 9200 controller is powered up.
Interpreting LED Responses
LEDs on Twisted Pair Modules
Figure 7-5 shows the LEDs on the twisted pair modules.
Figure 7-5. LEDS for Twisted Pair Cable Modules (2501)
• POL for Polarity (Red)—Lights up if a cable polarity reversal has been detected.
(Cable reversal is not a problem; the EnergyLink 2500 corrects for it.)
• LNK for Link (Green)—Remains on at all times unless the hub detects a broken wire.
• COL for Collision (Red)—Turns on for 50 ms whenever the controller detects collision on the network.
• PAR for Partition (Yellow)—Turns on and remains steadily on when excess numbers of collisions occur on a segment and force a cable segment to
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LEDs on Links
temporarily “separate” from the network. This process is called “partitioning.”
The arm of the network connected to this port remains partitioned from the rest of the network until you diagnose and correct the problem. The problem is often with a cable. After you diagnose the problem, you can press the RESET button, explained in the next section, Responding to Excessive Collisions. Or, you can wait for a successful transmission of a valid packet; then the arm of the network is automatically activated without you pressing RESET.
• RD for Receive Data (Green)—Lights up for 50 ms whenever the controller detects received data.
LEDs on Coaxial Modules
Figure 7-6 shows the LEDs on the coaxial cable modules.
Figure 7-6. LEDs for Coaxial Cable Modules (2502)
• COL for Collision (Red)—Turns on for 50 ms whenever the controller detects collision on the network.
• PAR for Partition (Yellow)—Turns on and remains steadily on when excess numbers of collisions occur on a segment and force a cable segment to temporarily “separate” from the network. This process is called “partitioning.”
The arm of the network connected to this port remains partitioned from the rest of the network until you diagnose and correct the problem. The problem is often with a cable. After you diagnose the problem, you can press the RESET button, explained in the next section, Responding to Excessive Collisions. Or, you can wait for a successful transmission of a valid packet; then the arm of the network is automatically activated without you pressing RESET.
• RD for Receive Data (Green)—Lights up for 50 ms whenever the controller detects received data.
LEDs on Fiber Optic Modules
Figure 7-7 shows the LEDs on the fiber optic modules.
Figure 7-7. LEDS for Fiber Optic Cable Modules (2503)
• LNK for Link (Green)—Remains on at all times unless the hub detects a broken fiber cable or bad connection.
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LEDs on Links
• COL for Collision (Red)—Turns on for 50 ms whenever the controller detects collision on the network.
• PAR for Partition (Yellow)—Turns on and remains steadily on when excess numbers of collisions occur on a segment and force a cable segment to temporarily “separate” from the network. This process is called “partitioning.”
The arm of the network connected to this port remains partitioned from the rest of the network until you diagnose and correct the problem. The problem is often with a cable. After you diagnose the problem, you can press the RESET button, shown in the next section, Responding to Excessive Collisions. Or, you can wait for a successful transmission of a valid packet; then the arm of the network is automatically activated without you pressing RESET.
• RD for Receive Data (Green)—Lights up for 50 ms whenever the controller detects received data.
If you run into problems with the network after powering up a unit with an
EnergyLink 2500, contact your Andover Controls representative.
Responding to Excessive Collisions
Whenever the PAR light remains steadily on, you must diagnose the problem on your network. You can leave the network up and running while you diagnose the problem as long as you do not remove any modules from the EnergyLink 2500.
Then, once the problem is resolved, you can press the RESET button to verify that the problem is resolved. If the problem still exists, the PAR light turns steadily on again. If the problem does not exist, the arm of the network begins to function normally again and PAR remains off.
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LEDs on Links
Understanding InfiLink 210 LEDs
Figure 7-8 shows the LEDs on the InfiLink 210. The illustration points out each
LED type and explains how it normally responds.
Figure 7-8. Normal Flashing Patterns of LEDs on InfiLink 210
InfiLink 210
RD and TD flash on and off continuously to indicate their corresponding ports are receiving and transmitting Infinet signals.
Power LED should light up and remain on while power is on.
Interpreting Normal LED Responses
Notice that three sets of green and yellow lights appear on the front and center of the enclosure. The top pair of (green and yellow) lights indicates the status of fiber optic Port 1. The middle pair of lights indicates the status of fiber optic Port 2. The bottom pair of lights indicates the status of the INFINET port.
Each yellow light, labeled TD, flashes to indicates data is being transmitted over the fiber optic cable or through the INFINET port.
Each green light, labeled RD, flashes to indicates data is being received over the fiber optic cable or through the INFINET port.
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LEDs on Links
The single red light labeled POWER indicates the InfiLink 210 is receiving power.
Baud Rate Setting on InfiLink 210
The baud rate set on the InfiLink 210 dial should match the rate set for Infinet in the software. Check the comm port BAUD attribute setting using PR or open the comm port window using the
menu, then check the baud rate setting on the front of
InfiLink 210.
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LEDs on Links
Understanding Keypad Errors on 900 or 810
Errors messages that indicate problems on Infinet may appear on the LCD of the
900 or 810 keypad. Only one error displays at a time, but the others are logged. For
a total number of errors, you can display the
system variable in the LCD or check the
Error Count
in the
Infinet Controller
To determine how many times reconfigurations have occurred on the Infinet, check the value of the
attribute for the comm port of the Infinet. You may also want to check the
attributes of the Infinet controller.
You can press any key to clear the error from the LCD.
Error 1
Infinet data has been corrupted or noise has occurred on Infinet.
Check the wiring. Noise on the network could mean faulty wiring.
Error 2
Infinet could not pass a token to the next Infinet controller and the network may
have reconfigured.
Check the wiring. A token passing failure could mean faulty wiring.
Error 3
Input reference voltage is too high or too low. If this error occurs, call your Andover
Controls representative.
Error 4
Output reference voltage is too high or too low. Most likely a hardware failure. If this error occurs, call your Andover Controls representative.
Error 5
Either the controller reset itself or someone pressed RESET. Or the controller lost power and ran on the battery for a while. You may want to check the POWERFAIL system variable to see if it is ON.
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LEDs on Links
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Preparing Cables
Appendix A
RS-232 Port Pinouts for
Controllers and Workstations
This appendix shows the cables required to connect workstations and controllers— over modem and directly.
If you choose, you may use a standard 25-pin ribbon cable for directly connecting from a PS/2-based workstation to a 9200 controller or to a modem that connects to a controller. You should always use a cable with the required pinouts. The cable that connects from an AT-based workstation to a 9200 controller or modem that connects to a controller is a 9-pin cable with different pinouts.
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Infinity Network Configuration Guide A-1
Preparing Cables
Figure A-1 shows the required and optional pinouts for cables connecting any of the following:
• Terminal to a Controller
— A VT100 terminal or a PS/2-based terminal emulator directly to a 9000/9200/220/240 controller
— An AT computer running a terminal emulator directly to a a 9000/9200/220/240 controller
• Modem to a Controller
— A modem to a 9000/9200/220/240 controller
• Modem to a Workstation
— A modem to a PS/2-based SX 8000 workstation
— A modem to an AT-based SX 8000 workstation
• Workstation to a Controller
— A PS/2-based workstation to a 9000/9200/220/240 controller directly
— An AT-based workstation to a 9000/9200/220/240 controller directly
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Preparing Cables
Figure A-1. Pinouts for Cables Connecting to RS-232 Ports on Workstation, Controller, and
TD 2
RD 3
Connecting Terminals to Controllers
Female End
Connecting to VT100 or IBM PS/2 (25-pin)
Female End
Connecting to
2 TD
3 RD
RD 2
TD 3
Female End
Connecting to
IBM AT (9-pin)
Female End
Connecting to
2 TD
3 RD
TD 2
RD 3
Connecting Modem to Controller
Female End
Connecting to
Female End
Connecting to
2 TD
3 RD
DTR 20 20 DTR
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Preparing Cables
Figure A-1. Pinouts for Cables Connecting to RS-232 Ports
on Workstation, Controller, and Modem (cont)
TD 2
RD 3
Connecting Modem to IBM PS/2 Workstation
Female End
Connecting to
Female End
Connecting to
IBM PS/2 Workstation
2 TD
3 RD
DTR 20 20 DTR
TD 2
RD 3
Connecting Modem to IBM AT Workstation
Female End
Connecting to
Female End
Connecting to
IBM AT Workstation
2 RD
3 TD
DTR 20
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Preparing Cables
Figure A-1. Pinouts for Cables Connecting to RS-232 Ports
on Workstation, Controller, and Modem (cont)
TD 2
RD 3
Connecting Controller Directly to IBM PS/2 Workstation
Female End
Connecting to
Female End
Connecting to
IBM PS/2 Workstation
2 TD
3 RD
TD 2
RD 3
Connecting Controller Directly to IBM AT Workstation
Female End
Connecting to
Female End
Connecting to
IBM AT Workstation
2 RD
3 TD
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Preparing Cables
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Thick Coaxial Configuration for Ethernet
Appendix B
Using Thick Coaxial Cable for Ethernet-EnergyNet
Although it is not common, you can choose to form your Ethernet-EnergyNet with thick coaxial cable, RG 11.
If you choose thick coaxial cable, we recommend you read all of the information in this chapter before designing your own configuration. This chapter covers the following:
• Forming a Simple Bus Configuration with Thick
Coaxial Cable
• Lengthening the Thick Coaxial Cable Backbone
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Infinity Network Configuration Guide B-1
Thick Coaxial Configuration for Ethernet
Forming a Simple Bus Configuration with Thick
Coaxial Cable
Suppose you want to connect two 8000 workstations, two 9200 controllers, or one of each. You cannot connect them point-to-point, but instead you hang them on a thick coaxial bus.
Before you can hang them on the bus, you connect a special cable called AUI cable to the Attachment Unit Interface (AUI) port (labeled 10Base-5) on each 9200 controller.
Figure B-1 shows the location of the 10Base-5 AUI port in the upper left corner of the printed circuit board on the 9200 controller.
Figure B-1. Location on 9200 Controller of 10Base-5 AUI Port Used in Thick Coaxial Cable
2 5 T
Port to Connect
RJ 45
To the right of the AUI connector you see two Ethernet switches. Be sure to set each of these Ethernet switches to 10Base-5.
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Thick Coaxial Configuration for Ethernet
You then set up the thick coaxial cable in a bus topology by connecting each AUI cable to the coaxial cable bus (called a “backbone”) using a special transceiver
(called a “tap”), that taps into the cable.
On the tap is a Medium-Attachment Unit (MAU) port where you plug in the other end of the AUI cable.
Figure B-2 shows the AUI cable connecting to the 9200 controller AUI port on one end and to the MAU port on the transceiver at the other end.
Figure B-2. AUI Cable Connecting 9200 Controller to Thick Coaxial Cable Transceiver
Female AUI Port on
Male Connector on Transceiver
AUI Cable
Minimum of 20 in. (0.5 m)
Maximum of 164 ft. (50 m)
Connector on MAU of Transceiver
Female Connector on Transceiver
Thick Coaxial Cable
The cable to the transceiver from the controller or workstation must be a minimum of 20 in. (0.5 m) and can be a maximum of 164 ft (50 m). You purchase such cable separately, with an AUI transceiver already attached to the cable.
On a workstation, the AUI port is on the network interface card (01-4004-015 for an AT computer and 01-4004-019 for a PS/2 computer).
Figure B-3 shows two nodes on a thick coaxial bus topology network.
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Thick Coaxial Configuration for Ethernet
Figure B-3. Thick Coaxial Bus Topology Network
Coaxial Cable
MAU Port on Each Tap
Each Controller
Has Built-in
AUI Connector
For Ethernet-Energynet, you can have up to 1,640 ft (500 m) of RG 6 thick coaxial cable for a single backbone. You must terminate the backbone at both ends using
You can easily add more nodes to the thick coaxial bus. However, the number of nodes and distance between nodes varies, depending on how you choose to tap into the backbone. Let’s take a look at the alternative methods.
Using a Transceiver to Tap into Ethernet-EnergyNet
The tap (transceiver) you use for Ethernet-EnergyNet should comply with IEEE
802.3 standard. This type of tap determines whether or not the coaxial cable is being used by another node; when the cable is not being used, the transceiver allows the node to send data down the cable. The transceiver also detects collisions and warns the node.
Taps available through Andover Controls (01-4006-001) have a special feature called “Jabber Latch.” If a single node on Ethernet-EnergyNet begins to continuously transmit (jabber), the Jabber Latch shuts down the transmitter on the unit’s tap to avoid network problems that might result.
You can install these transceivers at regular intervals marked on the cable. Standard
10Base-5 cable is manufactured with these “tap points” marked on the cable every
8.2 ft (2.5 m). You can skip some tap points to leave longer distances between nodes. You can put up to 100 nodes on the 1,640 ft (500 m) cable segment this way.
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Thick Coaxial Configuration for Ethernet
Tapping Directly into Ethernet-EnergyNet
Suppose you want to break down the 1,640 ft. (500 m) segment of thick coaxial cable into several segments that do not occur at regularly marked tap points on the
10Base-5 cable. If you use the premarked tap points, you don’t have to worry about signal reflections; however, if you want to tap in at other locations on the cable, you must minimize signal reflections so that the network runs smoothly.
To minimize signal reflections, IEEE standards recommend that you break the cable into segment lengths that are each an exact odd multiple (result of multiplying by an odd number) of 76.75 ft (23.4 m), but do not exceed 1,640 ft (500 m), the maximum cable segment length. You would need one or more of the following segment lengths:
• 76.75 ft (23.4 m)
• 230.25 ft (70.2 m)
• 383.75 ft (117.0 m)
• 1,640.00 ft (500 m)
Although these segment lengths are optimal, you may not find them useful in your installation. Such segment lengths would also reduce the number of nodes you can put on the entire Ethernet-EnergyNet.
Installing Thick Coaxial Transceivers
Normally you can install transceivers on the backbone in two possible ways:
• By cutting the coaxial cable and installing connectors that screw onto the transceiver. Since you must cut the coaxial cable, Andover does not
recommend this method. If the network is running, the segment becomes temporarily unusable during the tapping process.
• (The method Andover Controls recommends) By using a non-intrusive
“vampire” tap, named for the way it pierces the cable without disrupting the network. This tap clamps onto the cable. Since this method is “non-intrusive” and does not disrupt network traffic, you can tap into an active network this way.
Taps available through Andover Controls are always non-intrusive taps. You can purchase a transceiver (01-4006-001) with a built-in vampire tap and you can purchase a special installation kit to install this type of tap (01-4005-005).
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Infinity Network Configuration Guide B-5
Thick Coaxial Configuration for Ethernet
Lengthening the Thick Coaxial Cable Backbone
Now that you have extended the segment of thick coaxial Ethernet-EnergyNet as far as possible, how do you have more than 1,640 ft (500 m) of cable on the network and make a network the total network length of 11,808 ft (3,600 m)? How do you add more than 100 nodes?
The answer to both of these questions is that you use a repeater to build a longer network and the longer network then allows you to add more nodes, since every oth-
er 1,640 ft (500 m) segment allows up to 100 nodes.
Why every other segment? Because once you have at least three repeaters, you must have inter-repeater links (IRLs). An inter-repeater link is coaxial cable that connects two repeaters, but has no controllers or workstations on it.
Figure B-4 shows where the inter-repeater links would be if you used the maximum of four repeaters with five segments of cable.
You can also form inter-repeater links on a 10Base-5 Ethernet-EnergyNet from twisted pair, thin coaxial, or fiber optic cable. Be sure, however, that the segment length is not longer than allowed for that cable type.
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Thick Coaxial Configuration for Ethernet
Figure B-4. Inter-Repeater Links on Thick Coaxial Ethernet-EnergyNet
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Thick Coaxial Configuration for Ethernet
Rules for Thick Coaxial Cable Bus Topology Networks
You must adhere to the following when creating a thick coaxial cable bus topology
• Terminate the bus at both ends by screwing a 50
terminator onto each end of the bus cable. You often terminate a workstation the same way, however, refer to the instructions included with the network interface card.
• Use only Andover Controls T connectors (Andover Controls Model # 2070).
• Keep the length of a bus segment at a maximum of 1,640 ft
(500 m).
• Keep the maximum number of nodes per segment to 100.
• Be sure each piece of AUI cable is a minimum of 20 in. (0.5 m) long.
• You can add segments to the network using EnergyLink 2500.
• Keep the total network length at a maximum of 11,808 ft. (3,600 m).
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Propagation Delays on Ethernet
Appendix C
Totaling Propagation Delays for Ethernet-EnergyNet
We recommend you read all of the information in Chapter 5 before you proceed to set up an Ethernet-EnergyNet. This appendix contains a blank form for adding up propagation delays when you set up your network. For complete instructions on how to use this form, see the example in Chapter 5.
Remember, the total delay cannot exceed 25.6
µ s.
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Infinity Network Configuration Guide C-1
Propagation Delays on Ethernet
Table C-1. Form for Adding Up Propagation Delays
Cable/ Device
Delay (
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Mapping Conventions
Appendix D
Mapping Conventions for Andover Networks
Andover Controls strongly recommends that you draw a system map, showing all cables, controllers, workstations, hubs, and other elements of each EnergyNet at your installation, whether ARCNET or Ethernet. You should draw a separate map of each EnergyNet. You should use the conventions described in this appendix.
When you contact our Technical Services Department for assistance, you will be required to show us a map that uses these conventions.
This appendix covers the following:
• ARCNET-EnergyNet Map Drawing Conventions
• Ethernet-EnergyNet Map Drawing Conventions
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Infinity Network Configuration Guide D-1
Mapping Conventions
ARCNET-EnergyNet Map Drawing Conventions
Figure D-1 shows the symbols you should use to draw a system map.
Figure D-1. Symbols for Drawing an ARCNET-EnergyNet Map
Coaxial Cable
Type, ### ft.
Fiber Optic Cable
Nonterminated Node
################ Name
#### Model No.
Terminated Node
################ Name
#### Model No.
1 1 2 2
EnergyLink. Indicate Model No. in each of the slots:
1 = Model No. 2001
2 = Model No. 2002
3 = Model No. 2003
You draw a circle for each node. Replace the pound signs to the right of each circle with the name or model number of the node. Label each circle with the EnergyNet
ID of the node.
Be sure to indicate that a node is terminated by labeling it with the T.
Indicate each EnergyLink hub as a rectangle with four slots, one for each module.
Label each slot with 1 for Model No. 2001, 2 for 2002, or 3 for 2003.
Draw the cable that connects the nodes, using straight lines for coaxial and dotted lines for fiber optic. In all cases, indicate the type of cable (such as RG-62) and the length in feet.
Figure D-2 shows a sample network. Notice how on the EnergyLink the drawing indicates which module the cable is connected to.
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Mapping Conventions
Figure D-2. Example of an ARCNET-EnergyNet Map
RG-62/u, 120 ft. (36.57 m)
RG-62/u, 200 ft. (60.96 m)
RG-62/u, 150 ft. (45.72 m)
RG-62/u, 300 ft.
(91.44 m)
1 1 2 2
RG-62/u, 12 ft. (3.65 m)
62.5, 2500 ft.
(762 m)
62.5, 1500 ft.
(457.2 m)
1 1 2 2
1 1 2 2
RG-62/u, 20 ft.
(6.09 m)
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Infinity Network Configuration Guide D-3
Mapping Conventions
Ethernet-EnergyNet Map Drawing Conventions
Figure D-3 shows the symbols you should use to draw your system map. If you are not yet sure of the cable type on any particular segment of the network, leave it blank and you can fill it in later.
You draw a circle for each node. Replace the pound signs to the right of each circle with the name or model number of the node. Label each circle with the EnergyNet
ID of the node.
Be sure to indicate that a node is terminated by labeling it with the T. Remember that all nodes connected via twisted pair cable are automatically terminated.
Indicate each EnergyLink hub as shown in the illustration on the next page, indicating seven ports, one for each module. Label each port with 1 for Model No. 2501,
2 for 2502, or 3 for 2503.
Draw the cable that connects the nodes, using straight lines for coaxial and dotted lines for fiber optic. In all cases, indicate the type of cable (such as RG 58) and the length in feet.
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Mapping Conventions
Figure D-3. Symbols for Drawing an Ethernet-EnergyNet Map
Thin Coaxial Cable
Type, ### ft.
Fiber Optic Cable
Thick Coaxial Cable
Twisted Pair Cable
Nonterminated Node
################ Name
#### Model No.
Terminated Node
################ Name
#### Model No.
EnergyLink 2500. Indicate Model No. in each port:
1 = Model No. 2501
2 = Model No. 2502
3 = Model No. 2503
Bridge — T1
Bridge. Indicate the type of bridge inside the rectangle.
Adaptor. Label F2C for fiber-to-coax or TP2C for twisted-pair-to-coax.
Figure D-4 shows a sample network. Notice how on the EnergyLink 2500, the drawing indicates which module the cable is connected to. Among the units that are terminated are several nodes connected via twisted pair cable. These nodes are automatically terminated. (You can mark cable lengths in either feet or meters.)
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Infinity Network Configuration Guide D-5
Mapping Conventions
Figure D-4. Example of an Ethernet-EnergyNet Map
RG-58 a/u, 202 ft. (62 m)
RG-58 a/u, 202 ft. (62 m)
UTP, 327 ft.
(100 m)
RG-58 a/u, 202 ft. (62 m)
UTP, 327 ft.
(100 m)
RG-62/u, 3 ft. (1 m)
RG-58 a/u, 404 ft.
(124 m)
3000 ft.
(900 m)
1500 ft.
(450 m)
UTP, 327 ft. (100 m)
D-6 Andover Controls Corporation
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LAN Terminology
LAN Terminology
Infinity Network Configuration Guide Glossary-1
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LAN Terminology
A baseband network that applies the
StarLAN IEEE standard, transmitting data at 1 Mbps. Allows you to use up to 500 m
(1,640 ft) segments. The name means the following: 1 = 1 Mbps data transfer rate,
BASE = baseband, 5 = 500 m segment length.
A set of standards that govern the use of the carrier-sense multiple access with collision detection (CSMA/CD) network access method, the access method used by
A thin coaxial baseband network that applies the Ethernet IEEE standard, transmitting data at 10 Mbps. Allows you to use 185 m (606 ft) segments. The name means the following: 10 = 10 Mbps data transfer rate, BASE = baseband, 2 = 200 m segment length (almost).
A twinaxial baseband network that applies the Ethernet IEEE standard, transmitting data at 10 Mbps. Allows you to use up to
500 m (1,640 ft) segments. The name means the following: 10 = 10 Mbps data transfer rate, BASE = baseband, 5 = 500 m segment length.
A set of standards that govern the use of the token bus network access method, the access method used by EnergyNet.
A set of standards that govern the use of the token ring network access method.
A set of standards that govern the use of the metropolitan area networks network access system.
A set of standards that govern the use of the integrated data and voice network access method.
A 24-gauge unshielded twisted-pair baseband network that applies the Ethernet
IEEE standard, transmitting data at 10
Mbps. Allows you to use up to 100 m (327 ft) segments. The name means the following: 10 = 10 Mbps data transfer rate,
BASE = baseband, T= twisted-pair wire over 100 m nominal segment length.
Networking system formulated by 3COM
Corporation that applies protocols from two different sources—XNS (Xerox
Network Systems from Xerox Corporation) and Microsoft/IBM PC LAN.
3270 and 5250
IBM protocols for high speed serial interface, used with IBM mainframes and various peripherals. Data transfer rates range from 1.2 Mbps to 52 Mbps.
AARP (Apple Address Resolution
Network protocol developed by
Apple Computer for the AppleTalk network. Works similarly to the Address resolution protocol (ARP).
ABI (Application Binary
An interface that goes with AT&T’s UNIX system V Release 4. You use this interface to enable binary compatibility between applications that run on UNIX and on other operating systems.
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LAN Terminology
AC (Access Control)
In a network, a byte of computer memory that holds the access token (see token) and the frame priority (see frame) information.
Exists on Ring topology networks only.
access method
The way that several networked nodes gain access to the network to transmit or receive data.
accounting management
One of five categories of network management that the ISO has defined.
System that reports the cost of network resources that are being used by individuals and groups.
acknowledgment (ACK)
An EnergyNet transmission message sent to acknowledge either successfully receiving a data packet or a data buffer is available on the destination node.
active device
A device that supplies current for the network. See passive device.
active hub
Electronic devices that have two functions on EnergyNet—1. Retransmitting messages to every node on the network. 2. Isolating network nodes so that a fault on a node or cable does not affect the rest of the network.
Each bus/arm of a distributed star topology network connects to a single port on an active hub.
active open
Client performs this operation to establish a TCP connection with a server.
The client must have the server address.
An identifier that you assign to a particular network and/or to a particular node on a network (such as a network ID on
EnergyNet) so that the network or node can
receive and reply to messages. Resembles a street address in that it indicates how to find and communicate with the device.
AFP (AppleTalk Filing Protocol)
An AppleTalk network protocol that governs access to file systems over a network. Designed for Apple Macintosh computer networks.
ALAP (AppleTalk Link Access
An AppleTalk network protocol (link level) that governs the transmitting of packets of information on LocalTalk. Designed for
Apple Macintosh computers.
An electronic device that you place in a specific location on the network to boost the electronic signal strength so it can travel further on the network.
analog signal
An electrical signal that uses magnitude to transmit information.
analog recording
Method of transmitting data that converts it from digital to analog format.
ANSI—American National Standards
Group that defines standards in the United
States. This group represents the United
States in the ISO (See ISO).
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LAN Terminology
API (Application Program
Preprogrammed routines that include a standardized and consistent presentation to the user of operating system functions.
Made available to programmers to ensure all programs will be accessible on other types of networks.
APPC (Advanced Peer-to-Peer
Software that implements Logical Unit
(LU) 6.2, a type of network node defined by
IBM. This software allows all nodes on the network to interact on a peer-to-peer basis
(See peer-to-peer network).
ARCNET-EnergyNet is a 2.5 Mbps token passing protocol that is made up of controllers, workstations, coaxial cable, the
NETBIOS drivers, Andover Controls software and the OS/2 LAN Manager network operating system.
ARP (Address Resolution
Originally a TCP/IP process that maps IP address to Ethernet addresses for use by
Ethernet. Also referred to in other protocols as address resolution protocol.
ARPA (Advanced Research Projects
APPC (Advanced Program-to-
Program Communications)
A network interface method that computers in an IEEE 802.5, Ethernet, X.25, or SNA
(Systems Network Architecture) network use to communicate over a network.
ARQ (Automatic Request for
Communications feature where when the receiver detects an error, it asks the transmitter to send the data again.
Networking system for Apple computers that applies the AppleTalk protocols.
Protocols (developed by Apple Computer) designed for communicating to Macintosh computers and then upgraded to communicate with older computers and peripherals over shielded twisted-pair wiring at a rate of 230 Kbps. Now this network also communicates with Ethernet networks. Communicates between
Macintosh computers and PCs, as well as between exclusively Macintoshes.
ASCII—American Standard Code for
Information Interchange
A 7-bit code for exchanging information
(characters), particularly between communication devices. Most microcomputers today use this standard.
association control service element (ACSE)
An application-level protocol.
application layer
Seventh layer of the OSI (Open Systems
Interconnection) model for data communications, where the protocols are for application programs.
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asynchronous transmission
A serial method of sending data where the receiving node reads data at regular intervals without clocking information being transmitted. This method utilizes start and stop bits to keep the intervals regular. See synchronous transmission.
LAN Terminology attenuation
Loss of power or signal energy that occurs during transmission over communication lines, equipment or other devices.
ATP (Apple Transaction Protocol)
A transport layer protocol developed by
Apple Computer to allow reliable transfer of information between two processors on a
Macintosh Internet.
transmitting signals on a network. Indicates capacity to transmit in Hertz.
baseband network
The transmission of either analog or digital signals over the medium without modulating a carrier. In a baseband network, one message is sent at a time over the network.
audit trails
A record of when users of the network requested resources and other events that have occurred on the network.
baud rate
A unit of measure used to express the speed
(bits per second) at which serial data is sent and received, often via a modem.
AUI (Attachment Unit Interface)
A connector that attaches the Medium
Attachment Unit (MAU) on an Ethernet to a computer or link.
Database of user names, passwords, groups, and accounting information in a
NetWare database.
back end
Functions and procedures the database server uses to manipulate data.
A binary data storage and transmission format that puts the most significant byte
(bit) first. DARPA Internet’s standard is big-endian. (See little-endian).
Central network with high capacity that connects low capacity networks. Also, cable where you can attach two or more nodes or networks.
A group of IBM binary synchronous communications protocols. These are all character-oriented protocols.
Copy of data stored on paper, disk, or magnetic tape in case of computer, workstation, or controller failure.
bit (BInary digiT)
The smallest piece of information in a computer. Like a switch, it has two possible states, ON and OFF, designated as 1 and 0.
balun (balance/unbalance)
Device for matching impedance from twisted-pair wire (balanced) to coaxial cable (unbalanced) and vice versa. This matching allows these cables to transmit signals back and forth.
The difference between the highest and the lowest frequencies available for
bit duration
Time required to pass a single bit down the network cable. Or, in serial communications, a unit of measurement used for comparing delay times when the rate of transmission can vary.
A type of communications protocol that codes information into pieces as small as a single bit.
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LAN Terminology
A UNIX protocol for a workstation that does not have its own disk (called a client).
The client workstation uses this protocol to boot from an operating system (often housed on a file server) over the network.
bps (bits per second)
Units for measuring the rate of data transmission on a network.
A standard connector for connecting
Thinnet to coaxial cable.
boot PROM (Boot Programmable
Read Only Memory)
A chip mounted on the network interface card of a PC. The PC uses this chip to load the operating system from the network.
A device for connecting two or more separate local area networks (LANs). Once you connect the LANs with a bridge, any workstation or controller on any of the separate LANs can share data or files with any other workstation or controller. A bridge can distinguish between data going from one node to another on the same LAN and data going from a node on one LAN to a node on another. So the bridge is involved in data transmission only when it is required.
With a bridge you can connect various types of cable, fiber-optic, coaxial, twisted-pair, and so on. You can also connect different topologies (such as
Ethernet and ARCNET) over a bridge as long as they are running the same protocol
(such as TCP/IP).
The bridge automatically learns the address of each piece of data it transmits, so you can avoid extra programming by using a bridge between LANs (See gateway).
broadband network
A network where signals are modulated into noninterfering frequencies before being sent over the cables, so that many signals can be sent at once.
broadcast medium
A method of transmitting data that transmits the same message to all nodes at once.
broadcast message
A message sent to all nodes of the local area network.
A way of connecting two or more separate local area networks (LANs) that carries out many of the same tasks as a bridge and a router (see router), without the restrictions that apply to a router protocol. The brouter determines whether or not the data uses a protocol it can route. If it does, the brouter routes the data through the router, otherwise, it sends it over a “bridge” (see
bridge). Brouters are, however, expensive,
and difficult to install and set up.
Process of temporarily storing data in a holding area (in RAM, in a file, or in a device, such as a print spooler) so that a device that transmits at one rate can send data to one that receives at a different rate.
A wire or set or parallel wires that connects multiple nodes (controllers or workstations). Each node is connected to the bus with a connector. A bus sends each message to all nodes at once via a system of transmission called a “broadcasting” system.
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LAN Terminology bus topology
A local area network arrangement where all nodes are attached to a single cable.
A type of communications protocol that codes information into pieces that are each one byte (a single character) long.
cable plant
The physical connectors for cabling at an installation, including the splices and patch panels.
cable termination
Matching cable impedance with load impedance to attain maximum power transfer and to prevent reflections on the network.
cable transceivers
A combination of transmitter/ receiver that drives the network medium.
A location where data that is used frequently is stored for quick and easy access.
carrierband network
A network that requires signals be modulated before they enter the cables.
A characteristic of each node on an
Ethernet—the ability to detect any traffic on the network channel.
carrier-sense multiple access with collision detection
An access method that allows multiple network nodes to share a single channel.
Cable television—a type of technology employed by LANs to distribute signals.
CCITT (Consultive Committee
International Telegraph and
An organization that sets international communications standards such as V.21,
V.22, and X.25.
central hub
On a LAN with a star topology, the communications device that controls the flow of data between network nodes.
Path to transmit bits, bytes, or characters of information. Channels make communication possible.
A type of communications protocol that codes information into pieces as long as a single character.
character-oriented protocol (COP)
For transmitting data on the EnergyNet, each transmission must be broken down into a series of 8-bit characters.
Character-oriented Windows (COW) interface
A window system that is SAA-compatible for OS/2 applications.
characteristic impedance
The impedance termination of an electrically uniform transmission line that minimizes reflections from the end of the line.
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LAN Terminology
Colloquial term for an Ethernet made of thin wire, as defined by the IEEE 802.3 as
collision detection
A characteristic of each node on an
Ethernet—the ability to understand when a collision occurs on the network based on electrical signals.
Binary total of a group of data or a segment of data that has been transmitted over a network. Used to check for errors in transmitting over the network.
collision to jam delay
Time required for a repeater (or transceiver) to detect a collision and introduce the jam signal. This is the kind of delay you should add up to calculate the total delay on an Ethernet. (See also delay)
circuit switching
Establishing a connection between one node and the node it is calling on an asneeded basis. Those two nodes then have exclusive use of the circuit until they no longer need to be connected.
communications server
A computer that has extra hardware and special software that form standard built-in protocols. This hardware/software enable the server to access a network without the network protocols.
Several pieces of equipment in close proximity to one another so you can easily cable them together.
CMIP (Common Management
Information Protocol)
OSI protocols for managing an OSI network.
CMIS (Common Management
Information Services)
OSI protocols for managing an OSI network services.
A technique that reduces the number of bits required to represent data while it is being transmitted. This technique also allows the computer to reconstruct the data in its original form.
A communications device that allocates use of a cable so that more layers of information can travel the cable at one time than there are channels available at one time. For example, in a twisted-pair
Ethernet, an active hub that diagnoses problems on the network (See active hub).
Managing communications on an Internet with the ISO CMIP/CMIS network management protocols.
coaxial cable
A type of electrical cable with a piece of copper wire surrounded by insulation and then surrounded by a tubular piece of metal mesh. In general, coaxial cable supports moderate to high data transmission speeds—from 1 to 15 Mbps.
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connectionless service
A method of communicating over an
Internet that treats each piece of information (packet or datagram) as a separate entity by having each piece store both its source and destination addresses.
This method can lose information or deliver it in the wrong sequence.
LAN Terminology conditioning
Options available on dedicated, leased, or ordinary telephone lines to carefully balance line impedances for improved quality and/or speed when transmitting data. The options are C1, C2, C4, or D1, in order by the ability to increase frequency response and reduce delay distortion.
An access method where each node must compete for access to the network.
Central region of an optical waveguide where light transmits through it.
core gateway
One of the Internet gateways that exchange routing information to ensure consistency in routing.
CSNET (Computer Science Network)
A dialup network that provides Internet connections and mail delivery service. Also provides a server for Internets that do not run their own. Originally funded by the
National Science Foundation, CSNET is now an independent operation.
CSU (channel service unit)
A unit placed where a LAN connects to a bridge. The CSU is required with most remote Ethernet bridges to isolate the phone company lines from installed equipment and vice versa. This unit ensures that the line is a high-quality phone line; for instance, it complies with FCC rules, responds to loopback commands from the central telephone company office, receives correct “ones” density in the bitstream transmitted, and does not experience any bipolar violations. The phone company or a network administrator can perform these tests if a CSU is installed.
CTI (coaxial transceiver interface)
A device that allows the coaxial cable of
Ethernet to work with the software.
cyclic redundancy check (CRC)
A calculation that verifies a data packet has not been damaged in transit. Usually used with bit-oriented data communications protocols. The result of the calculation should match the precalculated result the sender attached to the data before sending it.
D4 framing
A T1 12-frame format that uses the 193rd bit for framing and signal information (See
ESF framing).
DARPA (Defense Advanced
Research Projects Agency)
A group within the United States
Department of Defense that developed
ARPANET, the first major network with packet switching.
DARPA Internet
A group of gateways and networks including ARPANET, MILNET, and
NSFnet that use the TCP/IP protocol and operate as a single, virtual network. This large network provides full duplex stream delivery (reliable) and connectionless packet delivery (considered unreliable).
DAS (Dual Attach Station)
A device you attach to both rings of an
FDDI network. See SAS.
data communications
Transferring data from one node to another following specified protocols
—the process involves transmitting, receiving, and validating the data.
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LAN Terminology data packet
A grouping of data to form a part of a message.
Data packet that includes along with the data a complete destination address.
Because it carries the address it is going to, the datagram can be independently routed without establishing a connection or confirming the delivery.
data link
A physical connection between one location and another for transmitting/ receiving data. A serial path for transmitting data between two adjacent nodes without intermediate switching nodes.
data link layer
Second layer in the OSI (Open Systems
Interconnection) model for data communications; controls access to the network cable; consists of Media Access
Control (MAC) layer and the Logical Link
Control (LLC) layer (See OSI).
data terminal equipment (DTE)
Equipment that serves as a source or a destination for messages and provides communication control.
data transfer rate
Rate in bits, characters, or blocks per second that data transfers from one node to another.
DCE (data circuit terminating equipment)
Equipment that allows you to establish, maintain, and terminate a connection between nodes.
DDCMP (Digital Data
Communications Message Protocol)
A link level protocol from Digital
Equipment Corporation. Uses serial lines, delimits frames with special characters, and calculates checksums. NSFnet incorporates
DDCMP over its backbone.
DDN (Defense Department Network)
MILNET and associated parts of the
DARPA Internet that connect military installations; they follow the DOD protocol.
DDS (Dataphone Digital Service)
A private line service that BOCs and AT&T
Communications offer. It is available interLATA and usually at 2.4, 4.8, 9.6, and
56 Kbps. Transmits data in digital rather than analog form, eliminating the need for modems. AT&T lists this service under
Accunet services.
DDS-SC (Dataphone Digital Service with Secondary Channel)
A tariffed private line service that some
BOCs and AT&T Communications offer.
Allows both 64 Kbps clear-channel data transmission and a secondary channel for supervisory, diagnostic, and control functions.
A proprietary network architecture from
Digital Equipment Corporation developed for wide area networks (WANs). This network includes some Ethernet LAN capabilities and employs peer-to-peer communications.
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LAN Terminology dedicated line
A circuit designated for network communications and not available for other tasks. Also called a private line or leased
delay (device delay)
Time that elapses between sending one piece of data and sending the next (See
propagation delay, response time, collision
to jam delay). This time can be lengthened
by adding particular devices to the network.
Equipment that separates a single signal into multiple signals based on the time or carrier frequency. The purpose of the equipment is to transmit multiple simultaneous signals over a single cable.
You use this equipment on broadband networks in combination with a multiplexor.
Together, the multiplexor and demultiplexor allow several nodes to use a single communication link at the same time.
Deriving the original signal that was modulated.
DES (Data Encryption Standard)
A National Bureau of Standards method of encrypting data for security purposes.
(Refer to Federal Information Processing
Systems (FIPS) Publication 46 for the complete standard.)
destination field
A piece of data in the message header that contains the address of the node that should receive the message (see destination node).
destination node
Node that should receive the message over the network.
deterministic network
A network where you can predict the worst case time delay for sending a message between nodes.
digital signal
An electrical signal transmitted as 1s and
disk/file server
A central storage area that several nodes can access; with a disk/file server, nodes can store files in a single location where other nodes can access them. Nodes that use the server storage area are called
disk server
A storage device that provides dedicated storage areas for each single client node of the network.
distributed file server
A type of file server that has multiple disks throughout the network and makes files on those disks available to all nodes on the network.
distributed star
Interconnecting a cluster or grouping of equipment using a single active hub in the center of each cluster.
distribution frame
A device for terminating telephone wiring, located at the central telephone office, where operators can readily create crossconnections to extensions.
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DLC (Data Link Control)
Protocols used by two nodes on a network to exchange information in an organized way.
DMA (Direct Memory Access)
Technique that transfers data between a device and computer memory at a high speed.
DNA (Digital Network Structure)
An eight-layer communications protocol from Digital Equipment Corporation).
DNIC (Data Network Identification
Four digit number for public data networks and particular services within those networks.
A piece of an Internet name. For a node named mar.eth.xls, for instance, mar is in a domain called eth and eth in a domain called xls.
dotted decimal notation
A method of representing a 32-bit number in four 8-bit numbers separated by periods.
For example,
See Network Device Driver.
drop cable
Cable that allows you to connect to or access from the trunk cables of Ethernet.
Sometimes called a transceiver cable because it runs from the node to a transmitter/receiver attached to the trunk cable.
DSU (data service unit)
A unit placed at a customer site to connect to a digital circuit that works in conjunction with a CSU to convert the customer’s data stream to a bipolar format that can be transmitted (See CSU).
See Data Terminal Equipment.
EBCDIC (Extended Binary Coded
Decimal Interchange Code)
An 8-bit character code used in IBM equipment for exchange of information.
Allows 256 bit patterns. See also ASCII.
electronic repeaters
Electronic devices that retransmit received signals so that they can travel further on the network.
EGP (Exterior Gateway Protocol)
Protocol used to communicate between external gateways of independent systems.
Each system can advertise its Internet address through EGP so other systems can communicate with it through the gateway system.
EIA Recommended Standards
Standards published by the Electronics
Industries Association (EIA) that define electrical and mechanical interfaces for use with data communications equipment.
These include the widely used RS-232C, as well as the RS-422 and RS-530.
A process that encodes data to prevent unauthorized access to systems.
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ENDEC (encoder/decoder)
A part of a network adaptor that encodes the data to be transmitted over the network and then decodes the data to be received to a form understood by the particular chip on the node.
A network of Andover Controls equipment that can be either an ARCNET or an
Ethernet. (See also ARCNET-EnergyNet or
Broadcast networking system that carries digital data packets to local nodes. A 10
Mbps baseband local area network (LAN),
Ethernet evolved from the IEEE 802.3 standard. Ethernet is the transport vehicle for many upper level protocols, including
TCP/IP and Xerox Network Systems
(XNS). See 802.3.
Ethernet-EnergyNet is a 10 Mbps carriersense multiple access (with collision detection) network that is made up of controllers, workstations, various cable types (including one or more of the following: unshielded twisted pair, thin coaxial, thick coaxial, or fiber optic cable),
NETBEUI drivers, Andover Controls software and OS/2 LAN Manager network operating system.
ESF framing
A format similar to D4 framing that uses the newer 24-frame technology (See D4
FCC (Federal Communications
Board of commissioners that regulates all telecommunications in the United States.
FCS (frame check sequence)
Often referred to as CRC (See cyclic
redundancy check). Also called a frame
check sequence because the data checked this way is usually sent in a frame (See
FDDI (Fiber Distributed Data
A high speed 100 Mbps LAN made of fiber optic cable. Has dual counter-rotating rings. Incorporates token passing and allows circuit-switched voice and packet data. You may attach nodes through SAS
(for single ring) or DAS (for dual ring).
FDM (Frequency Division
Method of transmitting multiple signals across a single cable. This method assigns each signal a unique carrier frequency. See
Multiplexor and Demultiplexor.
FEP (Front End Processor)
A single node (usually a computer) dedicated to carrying out communications functions, thereby saving other nodes from processing network information. Also called a communications controller.
fiber optic cabling
A cable that is made of optical fiber, which uses light to carry information. This cable offers the best protection from electrical noise and electromagnetic disturbances. It also transmits data at a very rapid rate—up to 200 Mbps.
A named area on a disk that stores information in a particular form (for example, a data file or a program).
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LAN Terminology file-allocation tables (FAT)
An area on a disk that is like an index telling the operating system where the data has been stored on the disk. A FAT helps the system access information by readily determining the exact location of any piece of data.
file server
A computer on a LAN that provides data storage service to all nodes on the network.
See disk/file server.
file transfer
Moving files or data from one piece of equipment to another.
A bit pattern of six consecutive 1 bits
(01111110) used to mark the beginning of a frame. Applies to bit-oriented protocols only.
flow control
Technique used to regulate flow of data between nodes that prevents the loss of data after a buffer area has been filled to capacity (See buffering).
fourth-generation language (4GL)
An easy-to-use language for designing and implementing database management systems.
Part of a packet that “breaks off” a complete packet in a collision on the network. A fragment occurs when one node on an 802.3 network has partially transmitted its packet and then a collision occurs.
Also, the result when an Internet Gateway tries to divide an IP datagram into smaller pieces so it can send the data across a network that handles smaller datagrams.
A way of packaging data to send it across a serial network line. From characteroriented protocols that add start-of-frame characters and end-of-frame characters to identify pieces of data.
Control procedure on multiplexed digital channels. Inserts bits so the receiver can identify the time slots allocated to each subchannel. Framing bits can also be applied in other situations, such as to carry alarm signals to indicate particular problems.
front end processor
See FEP.
FTP (File Transfer Protocol)
Protocols used with UNIX-based equipment that upload (load from another system) and download (load to another system) files across a network.
full duplex
Transmitting in two directions simultaneously.
A method of connecting two different types of LANs or LANs of the same type with different operating systems. This method involves a combination of hardware and software.
The hardware physically connects the equipment, and the software acts as an interpreter, translating one LAN’s protocol for the other and vice versa. Because the gateway involves the software as well as hardware, it is more complex than a bridge and therefore slower. A gateway is,
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LAN Terminology
however, an excellent method of connecting extremely different architectures, such as a NOVELL LAN and an IBM SNA (System Network
Architecture) mainframe computer.
A gateway allows you to connect a LAN to public networks like Telenet or TYMNET.
Once you connect to one of the public networks, you can log use a terminal emulation and log onto another computer over the gateway.
gbps (gigabits per second)
Units for measuring the rate of data transmission in billions of bits per second.
GGP (Gateway to Gateway Protocol)
Protocol used by gateways to exchange routing information. Computes the shortest path to route the information.
GUI (Graphical User Interface)
Pronounced “gooey,” an operating system that displays choices on the screen in graphic icons and/or symbols. You enter commands by pointing at icons with a cursor controlled by a mouse.
hardware address
The identifier you set on the hardware, usually with DIP switches. Each type of hardware has its own method of setting IDs.
(An EnergyNet ID set on a controller is an example of a hardware address.)
The equipment in a LAN that transfers inbound signals into outbound signals. The head-end can be active or passive. If it is active, it contains an amplifier or frequency transmission equipment. Used in broadband or CATV LANs (See CATV).
Control information at the beginning of a message. This information includes the destination address, source address, and message number.
A short burst of signal that transmits from the MAU to the node between packets. The short burst is a collision and is also called a
SQE (Signal Quality Error) test. Applies only to IEEE 802.3 networks.
hierarchical routing
Routing method that uses the hierarchical address. It divides the routing procedure into parts based on each part of the address.
For instance, a gateway uses the network portion of the address; once the packet goes through the gateway, the routing method then uses the host portion. Subnetting allows more levels in hierarchical routing.
HDLC (High-level Data Link Control)
An Internet standard data link level protocol on the OSI (Open Systems
Interconnection) model for data communications. This particular protocol is for bit-oriented frame-delimited networks and has a frame check sequence at the end of every frame send down the network.
Used in X.25 networks. Becoming more and more common for transferring frames between a host and a packet-switched node
(PSN). (See also PSN.)
Any general purpose node that operators can access for most purposes and does not carry out networking functions.
See active hub, passive hub, central hub.
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LAN Terminology
ICMP (Internet Control Message
Protocol used on UNIX-based machines to handle error messages, control messages, and low-level functions.
Idling Signal
A signal that, while a connection is still established, indicates no data is being transmitted. The idling signal keeps the network from thinking the connection is lost.
IEEE Standards
See 802.3, 802.4, 802.5, 802.6, and 802.9.
IGP (interior gateway protocol)
Any protocol used to communicate routing information and reachability within an independent system.
IMP (interface message processor)
See PSN.
The total opposition offered by an electrical circuit to the alternating current flow at a single frequency.
impedance mismatch
A situation where impedances are different, so signals reflect and are not transferred.
Procedures, codes, and protocols that make possible the exchange of information between two different nodes on a network.
Also, the point of physical connection between two separate devices, where the electrical signals, connectors, timing, and handshaking must be defined.
A large network of interconnected packet switched networks and gateways that are identifiable as a unit because they use the same protocols.
Internet address
A 32-bit address that is made up of an
Internet address and a host address.
Assigned to a node (also called a host) on a
DARPA Internet that uses TCP/IP.
Internet Layer
A network protocol layer that transfers data from one node (host) to another over an
Internet. This layer transforms data into datagrams, transfer them over the network through the correct pathways, and then reformats the data into its original form at the receiving end.
Internet Protocol (IP)
The TCP/IP Standard Protocol that defines the Internet, the datagram as the unit of information transferred over the network, and sets other rules for communication on
inter-repeater link (IRL)
A segment of cable with no nodes on it that connects two repeaters in an Ethernet network.
Ability of different types of software and hardware to communicate with one another and produce resulting information.
IP (Internet Protocol)
See Internet Protocol.
IP Datagram
A unit of information transferred over an
Internet network.
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IPG (interpacket gap)
Minimum time that must elapse between one packet and the next—on an
IEEE 802.3 network, the time is 9.6
µ s.
IPX (Internetwork Packet Exchange/
Sequenced Packet Exchange)
Novell proprietary network protocol similar to TCP/IP, used with NetWare products.
ISDN (Integrated Services Digital
Digital network that uses the same digital links, digital switches, and digital paths to establish connections for both voice and data transmission.
Connecting two or more networks so that nodes on both can communicate back and forth.
ISO (International Standards
International organization that established the American National Standards Institute
A node on Ethernet is said to “jabber” when it transmits for longer than it should.
A situation on IEEE 802.3 networks where when a collision occurs, the nodes involved continue to transmit for a short time to ensure that all nodes on the network realize a collision has occurred.
In high-speed synchronous communications, a slight change in the time or phase that a transmitting signal occurs that can cause errors and/or loss of synchronization.
A cable or wire used to establish a connection or circuit, usually for testing or diagnostics.
kilobyte (KB)
As indicated by the prefix (kilo), approximately 1,000 bytes; but actually
1024 bytes (2
See Local Area Network.
LAN Manager
A multiuser network operating system developed by Microsoft and COM3 that runs with Microsoft’s OS/2 operating system.
LAP (Link Access Procedure)
The standard data link level protocol specified by CCITT X.25.
LAPB (Link Access Procedure
A full duplex, bit synchronous protocol used to network X.25 DTEs to X.25 DCEs.
This protocol uses frames that can contain one or more X.25 packets.
LAPD (Link Access
A link-level protocol for connecting ISDN networks. Similar to LAPB (above) but uses a different framing sequence. May be used as a basis for the proposed CCITT modem error-control standard (LAPM).
leased line
A dedicated telephone line, usually leased from a telephone company, that
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LAN Terminology
permanently connects two or more node locations.
Time between when the node seeks access to the network and when it receives it. Also called waiting time.
link integrity test
Test that determines whether a cable linking a DTE or node to a hub is properly connected. Specified by the 10BASE-T standard.
link layer
Second layer of the OSI (Open Systems
Interconnection) model for data communications, also known as the Data-
Link layer. (See data link layer.)
A binary data storage and transmission format that puts the least significant byte
(bit) first (See big-endian).
LLC (Logical Link Control)
A protocol developed by the IEEE 802 committee. Is the upper sublayer of the data-link layer of the OSI (Open Systems
Interconnection) model for data communications, and includes end-system addressing and error checking.
local area network (LAN)
A combination of hardware and software that enables two or more computerized devices to share database information, hardware, and programs.
logical ring
The order in which an ARCNET-
EnergyNet (a token passing network)
passes the token from node to node. The order is based on the EnergyNet ID and has nothing to do with the physical position of the nodes.
LU 6.2
A set of SNA (Systems Network
Architecture) protocols that provided peerto-peer communications between applications.
M Bit
A marker in an X.25 packet that indicates
“more data.” Its purpose is to indicate a sequence of more than one packet.
mail bridge
A gateway for electronic mail that screens the mail as is passes from one network to another for security and other administrative purposes.
mail exploder
Program that takes a piece of mail and a list of addresses and sends a copy of the mail to each address.
mail gateway
Equipment that connects two or more electronic mail systems and transfers mail among them. It properly formats the data based on the protocols of the destination mailing system before sending the mail.
mail server
A computer and software that transfer messages and provide related services on a network.
MAN (Metropolitan Area Network)
High-speed network that provides data communication between sites within a city for up to 24 miles (40 km) and transfers data at a rate of 2 Mbps.
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LAN Terminology
MAC (Media-Access Control)
A protocol developed by the IEEE 802 committee. Is the lower sublayer of the data-link layer of the OSI (Open Systems
Interconnection) model for data communications, and is where media control occurs.
Manchester encoding
A digital encoding technique specified by the IEEE 802.3 Ethernet standards.
This encoding technique divides each bit period into two complementary halves; it then determines whether the period has a 1 or a 0 in the middle—if a negative to positive transition occurs in the middle, the bit period designates a 1, if a positive to negative transition occurs, the bit period designates a 0.
You can use this technique to allow selfclocking, where the receiving node can retrieve the clock from the transmitted data stream.
Manufacturing Automation Protocol
A communications protocol developed by
General Motors Corporation that serves as a standard for some computer manufacturers.
Associating a set of values on one network with quantities or values on another. For example, associating a series of values with a series of addresses. Often refers associating addresses with particular devices, such as with internetwork route mapping and protocol-to-protocol mapping.
MAU (Medium Attachment Unit)
An electrical component that you use to attach computers, controllers, or other devices to cable, especially in Ethernet networks.
Also, in a 10BASE-T standard network, a repeater (link) or network interface adaptor board with a medium-dependant interface
(See MDI).
MDI (medium-dependent interface)
A unit that connects the MAU to a twistedpair link. In a 10BASE-T standard network, it is an 8-pin module telephone connector
(RJ 45).
A person, mechanism, electronic pathway, cable, or other means of conveying information.
megabits per second (Mbps)
A measurement of one million bits per second.
MHS (message handling system)
A system of sending messages over a network that is standardized by the CCITT as X.400 and by the ISO as the Message
Oriented Text Interchange Standard
Mid-Level Net
A National Science Foundation network that was once connected to the NSFnet backbone, but operated independently.
MIF (Minimum Internetworking
Principle set down by the ISO that calls for minimizing the complexity of LANs when connecting them with outside resources.
MILNET (MILitary NETwork)
Originally part of the ARPANET, was separated from it to be dedicated to providing the United States military with reliable service.
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LAN Terminology
Mini-Manufacturing Automation
Protocol (MiniMAP)
A scaled down version of the MAP protocol made up of only three network layers— physical, link, and application layers. This special protocol provides low-cost networking for process control networks.
One of the differences between MAP and
MiniMAP is that with MiniMAP, a node with a token can request a response from an addressed device and receive the response immediately. With MAP, the requesting node would have to wait until the addressed node has the token before receiving a response, because the addressed node must have the token to be capable of responding.
A device that modulates digital signals to analog signals and vice versa.
MPR (multiport repeater)
A hub with a large number of ports at one point on an Ethernet. In a coaxial network a hub can have up to eight ports; in a twistedpair Ethernet, it can have hundreds of ports.
MS OS/2 LAN Manager
See LAN Manager.
MTBF (mean time between failures)
A known (based on an average) period of time that a device should operate before it fails.
MTTR (mean time to repair)
An average length of time required to complete repairs after a device fails.
multidrop configuration
A bus scheme that connects several nodes to a single cable or bus via a line tap.
A type of optical fiber that can carry multiple signals at the same time. It separates the signals according to frequency or phase.
multiple access
A characteristic of an Ethernet node —the node can send a message as soon as it determines the channel is free.
multiple routing
Sending a message to more than one node by indicating all destinations in the message header.
Equipment that combines multiple signals from a single transmission line based on the time or carrier frequency. The purpose of the equipment is to work in conjunction with a demultiplexor on a broadband network to transmit multiple simultaneous signals over a single cable.
Together, the multiplexor and demultiplexor allow several nodes to use a single communication link at the same time.
multipoint line
A single cable that connects several nodes in different locations. This arrangement usually requires that each node have a unique address and that a system of retrieving information from each node exists, such as a polling system.
multipoint link
A single cable that is shared by more than two nodes.
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LAN Terminology multitasking
Having more than one application running on the same computer at the same time. Or running the same program on multiple nodes for different purposes.
Multistation Access Unit (MAU)
A connector used on token ring networks to connect devices or nodes to the ring.
Provides a built-in relay to prevent a break in the network when you remove a node.
See multiplexor.
NAK (Negative AcKnowledgment)
A response that the receiving node transmits to the sender to indicate an error occurred in transmitting the data over the network. If the sender receives a NAK, it sends the data again.
name resolution
Converting a node’s name into an address.
The address is usually embedded in the name.
named pipe
A programming tool in Microsoft’s OS/2
LAN Manager that developers can use to create distributed network programs.
Programmers use the tool to have processes on separate nodes communicate back and forth across a network.
network device driver
Software that makes the network transmit/ receive data.
NCC (Network Control Center)
Centralized workstation or site that manages the network and carries out diagnostics. A packet-switching network requires such a station.
NDIS (Network Driver Interface
Standards for Microsoft’s OS/2 LAN
Manager network drivers.
NetBIOS (Network Basic Input/
Output System)
A language for programming several data exchange protocols. Refers to both the language and the protocols.
You can use this protocol to develop network programs for peer-to-peer communication.
A proprietary network management system from IBM that manages SNA networks.
Communicates with other network management programs.
A series of nodes connected by one or more communications channels; equipment assembled with connections between stations.
network address
Numbers or characters that identify the location of a node on a network.
network architecture
Design principles a network structure and functioning is based on. Includes the organization of data, data formats, procedures, and functions.
network interface controller
Electronics (usually on an additional card for a PC) that connect a workstation or other type of node to a network. The card contains the network software required for the node’s operating system to communicate on the network.
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LAN Terminology network layer
Third layer of the OSI (Open Systems
Interconnection) model for data communications, where data routing across the network occurs.
network management
Administrating a network by carrying out the following actions: determining network topology, determining software setup, downloading software, monitoring network usage, maintaining operations, and troubleshooting and diagnosing problems.
network operating system software
Software that uses a network for communication—interpreting the information sent and received.
network topology
See topology.
NFS (Network File System)
A network system developed by Sun
Microsystems that makes files on remote nodes of a network appear just as local files do. This system is an outgrowth of TCP/IP.
NIC (Network Interface Controller)
National’s Industry Standard 8/16-bit
Ethernet network controller. Part number
NLM (NetWare Loadable Module)
A program that you can load and run on
Novell’s NetWare 386 server to provide extra features on the server.
Endpoints in a network where service is provided, service is used, or communications channels are interconnected. Examples of nodes on
EnergyNet are controllers, workstations,
repeaters, and hubs.
ODI (Open Data-link Interface)
Standards for writing network drivers for
Novell NetWare 386 networks.
State of being not connected to a computer or network, or not transmitting/receiving data over a network. See on-line.
State of being connected to a computer or network, or transmitting/receiving data over a network. See off-line.
optical fiber
A filament or fiber used to transmit light signals generated by laser or LED. Optical fiber cable, for instance, usually contains a core made of a material that carries the signal. A protective material called cladding surrounds the core to reflect the signal.
OSI (Open Systems Interconnection)
A model for data communications standardized by the ISO. The model contains seven layers of network architecture that should be used by all network protocols so that many varieties of equipment can communicate. The seven layers are as follows:
1. Physical Layer—Defines mechanics and electronics that connect physical parts of the network, including nodes, cables, links, hubs, and so on.
2. Data Link Layer—Defines how to synchronize the flow of data and handle errors across the physical data link.
3. Network Layer—Defines how to establish, maintain, and terminate connections between systems, especially switching and routing information.
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4. Transport Layer—Defines formats for transporting data to be sure it is error-free when it reaches its destination.
5. Session Layer—Defines how to set up and end a session, and coordinate interaction between nodes.
6. Presentation Layer—Defines characters sets, data codes, display formats for screen and printer, and languages.
7. Application Layer—Defines how to link the network operating system with application programs and types of data transfer required for those applications.
Test network designed to test products for compliance with the OSI (Open Systems
Interconnection) model. The National
Bureau of Standards (NBS) sponsors this network.
In networking, all information other than user-transmitted data itself, including information necessary for network control, routing, error checking, network status, and network operating instructions.
out of window collision
On an IEEE 802.3 standard network, a collision that does not occur within the specified time allotted—within the first
µ s of transmitting the packet for a 10
Mbps rate of transmission.
A series of bits that form a complete unit of data to be sent over the network. A packet’s format is predefined to include the identity of both the sender (source) and the receiver
(destination). For the IEEE 802.3 standard, the physical layer packet contains the following information in the following order:
1. Preamble (62 bits)
2. Start of Frame Delimiter (SFD)
(2 bits)
3. Destination Address
(6 bytes)
4. Source Address (6 bytes)
5. Actual Data (from 64 to 1500 bytes)
6. CRC (4 bytes)
packet buffer
Area in memory where node or network controller stores a packet while it waits to transmit or receive it.
packet switching
A way of transmitting data over a network that breaks messages into parts called packets, each sent to the destination separately.
Also, the process of transmitting data over a network via addressed packets so that the channel that packets travel through remains open for more packets to follow.
PAD (Packet Assembler/
Device for connecting a node to an X.25 network, that allows non-X.25 users to access the X.25 network.
passive device
A device that does not supply current for the network. See active device.
passive hub
A device that splits the cabling on a local area network using resistors to match impedance. Not supported on any type of
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LAN Terminology pass-through
Ability to gain access to one network node or device through another.
PBX (private branch exchange)
A manual telephone exchange, owned by the user rather than a telephone company.
peer-to-peer network
A network where nodes communicate with one another without relying on a single central computer (such as a file server).
physical layer
First layer of the OSI (Open Systems
Interconnection) model for data communications, the cable, connectors, and other aspects of the hardware associated with the network, such as links and hubs.
PLS (physical layer signaling)
In IEEE 802.3 standard networks, a portion of the network interface equipment that allows the MAC to communicate with the
PLP (packet level procedures)
Protocols for transferring packets between
X.25 DTE and X.25 DCE. These full duplex protocols cover data sequencing, flow control, accountability, and error detection/recovery.
PMA (physical medium attachment)
In IEEE 802.3 standard networks, the part of the MAU that contains the electronics.
A communications process that makes the computer’s keyboard, disk drives, memory, and other physical devices able to work with application programs. The pipe is part of the operating system on the computer.
When a programmer develops new applications, the programmer does not need to write separate instructions to work with each device. Instead, the programmer can write a single set of instructions to work with the pipe.
point-to-point data communication
Connecting only two nodes for the sharing of data. This connection may include switching capabilities.
An access method where each node on the network is “asked” if it has anything to transmit.
A location on the computer, controller, printer, or other device or node, where you can connect the equipment to a network or to another piece of equipment.
presentation layer
The sixth layer of the OSI (Open Systems
Interconnection) model for data communications, where the format and code conversion for the applications occurs.
print server
A computer that has special software for transferring print jobs to a printer or series of printers.
print spooler
Special software that stores a file to be printed while the printer is busy. Once the printer is free, the print spooler pulls the file from storage and prints it.
promiscuous ARP
See Proxy ARP.
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LAN Terminology propagation delay
Delays in the time required to transmit data on a network.
A set of rules that governs how communications are actually carried out over the network.
protocol port
Method that transport protocols use to distinguish between many possible destinations within a single node. Usually the operating systems allows you to preset the port.
proxy ARP
Situation where a gateway answers an ARP request intended for another gateway by supplying its own physical address. This gateway then becomes responsible for delivering the packets it retrieves.
With proxy ARP, a site can use a single
Internet address with more than one network.
PSDN (packet-switched data network)
A type of network that uses X.25 protocols.
Customers connect nodes to this network and vendors manage the network for them.
Costs for a PSDN are based on the volume of data only, rather than on the distance the data is sent or length of time connected.
PSN (packet-switched nodes)
An ARPANET packet switch. Each PSN is connected to at least two other PSNs and up to 16 independent nodes.
public network
A network operated by a telecommunications administrator to provide circuit-switched, packet-switched, or leased-line networks to the public.
Any list of jobs waiting to be carried out on the computer, such as print jobs and message transmissions. The computer carries out the tasks in order of priority.
Putting jobs in lists in order of priority.
radio frequency (RF)
The technology used in cable television and broadband LANs. Transmits electromagnetic waveforms (usually in megahertz range).
RARP (Reverse Address Resolution
The inverse of ARP. A TCP/IP process that maps Ethernet addresses back to the IP addresses for use by Internet. Also referred to in other protocols as reverse address resolution protocol.
real time
Mode of operating that allows use of the data as it is created, such as in a process control system.
A change in the quantity, type, or arrangement of nodes and other devices connected in a network.
Portion of a message’s information that can be eliminated without losing essential information; duplicate facilities.
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LAN Terminology repeater
A device that amplifies an electronic signal so it can travel further down the cabling.
Allows you to use more cable than you would normally be limited to.
response time
Time that elapses between the end of a query and the beginning of a response.
retransmissive star
In fiber optic cabling, a passive device that transmits the input light signal down multiple output fibers.
RFC (request for comment)
Notes that contain information about the
DARPA Internet, including proposals for additional protocols.
RF modem
See modem.
RFS (Remote File Service)
AT&T network file protocol for UNIX networks. Provides complete support across the network for UNIX file systems.
Two or more nodes networked together that pass information from one to the next sequentially. See logical ring.
ring network
See ring topology.
ring topology
A network arrangement where all nodes connect to one another forming a continuous loop. Not supported on
RIP (Routing Information Protocol)
An interior gateway protocol for Berkeley
BSD 4.3 UNIX networks. Exchanges routing information between a small number of host machines.
RJE (Remote Job Entry)
Service that lets you send a job to another machine from a distant site.
Rlogin (remote login)
Service offered by Berkeley BSD 4.3
UNIX to log in to another host on the network from your own workstation.
The path taken by data in a network or through an Internet.
routed (route daemon)
A Berkeley 4.3 BSD UNIX program that updates routing on LANs using RIP protocols.
A hardware device (often with software) that connects distant LANs of the same or different types.
Selecting the correct path to transmit a message to its destination.
RPC (remote procedure call)
UNIX session layer protocol. Strictly for
RTT (round trip time)
Time required for a single packet or datagram to leave one node, reach its destination, then return.
RUNT Packet
In an IEEE 802.3 standard network, a fragment of a packet that comes from a packet with an original length of less than
512 bits.
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LAN Terminology
An Electronics Industries Association serial communications standard.
SAA (System Application
A set of standards from IBM that standardizes the screen displays the user communicates with the computer through.
Supplies the same screens for PCs, minicomputers, and mainframes.
SAS (Single Attach Station)
A device attached to one ring of the FDDI network. See DAS.
SDLC (synchronous Data Link
A product IBM designed that HDLC is based on. Used with IBM SNA products.
Form of data for transfer between TCPs on different machines. Each segment contains both the data and a series of other information used to transfer the data and check it for errors.
serial transmission
Transmitting bits that form data in sequential order.
A specialized computer that has extra hardware and special software so it can provide a particular service to a network, such as file service (file server), print service (print server), or communications
(communications server).
session layer
Fifth layer of the OSI (Open Systems
Interconnection) model for data communications, where sessions are established between application programs.
SFD (start of frame delimiter)
Bit pattern that the network interface board or controller uses to synchronize bytes with the incoming bit data from the network.
SFT (system fault tolerant)
A version of Novell’s NetWare that has special features such as disk and file mirroring to improve reliability.
shared resource network
A network where all resources, such as file servers, printers, and databases are shared by all nodes.
Protective sheathing on cables designed to minimize electromagnetic leakage and interference.
signaling method
Method that data transmits, such as baseband, carrierband, or broadband.
signal quality error (SQE)
See heartbeat.
Single Mode
A type of optical fiber that carries a single signal and is optimized for a particular lightwave frequency.
SLIP (Serial Line Internet Protocol)
Networking protocol for connecting to network services through a point-to-point serial link.
SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer
A standard protocol for DARPA Internet used to transfer electronic mail messages over the network. Specifies the format for the message and method of transfer.
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LAN Terminology
SNA (Systems Network
IBM network architecture for communicating on networks that contain
IBM nodes or both IBM and other types of nodes.
SNI (Serial Network Interface)
National’s Manchester encoder/ decoder.Part number DP8391 or CMOS
SNIC (Serial Network Interface
National’s newer 8/16 network controller.
This controller incorporates the SNI encoder/decoder and is completely compatible with the network interface controller.
Protocol for monitoring IP devices and networks. Contains three parts: Structure of
Management Information (SMI),
Management Information Base (MIB), and the protocol itself.
An interface for a Berkeley BSD 4.3 UNIX network that applies to the transport layer
(see OSI). Provides three services— delivery of sequenced data, delivery of data packet (with no guarantee on delivery), and low level network functions.
software drivers
Node dependent programs that interface applications to the specific hardware.
source node
Network node that sends a message over the network.
source route
Transmission route determined by the source node. The source dictates a series of machines that a datagram must go through on its way to the destination.
SPOOL (Simultaneous Peripheral
Operation On Line)
A program or piece of hardware that controls data on its way to an output device.
LAN network design and specification based on the IEEE 802.3 standard that transmits data over two-pair twisted-pair baseband at a rate of 1 Mbps.
star network
A network where all nodes are connected to a central hub.
star topology
A network arrangement that resembles a starfish because all nodes are wired to a central hub (communications device).
Type of optical fiber that has a uniform refractive index at its core and is encased in cladding that has a dramatically reduced refractive index. See optical fiber.
Communications technique where intermediate routing points receive messages and store them temporarily, then retransmit them to another intermediate routing point or to their destinations.
Structured Query Language (SQL)
Data sublanguage for specifying fundamental database operations, such as adding, changing, or deleting.
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LAN Terminology subnet
A LAN that resides within another LAN
(see local area network).
subnet address
Extension of the DARPA Internet addressing system that lets a site use the same Internet address for many physical networks.
SYN (Synchronizing Segment)
The first segment the TCP protocol sends; its purpose is to synchronize the two ends of the connection to prepare for opening another connection.
Type of communications link that transmits data bits at a fixed rate where the transmitting node and receiving node are synchronized; does not require start and stop bits for each byte, so it is an efficient transmission system.
synchronous transmission
Data transmission method that transfers each bit at a fixed rate. See asynchronous
Device that connects a cable to a transceiver on a baseband network or transfers a signal from the trunk line to a drop line on a broadband network.
T carrier
Time-division-multiplexed digital transmission line, usually provided by a telephone company. Operates at 1.544
Mbps or greater.
TCP/IP (Transmission Control
Protocol/Internet Protocol)
Popular protocols for communications, especially on UNIX-based systems.
Although TCP/IP has been in use since before OSI was established, it includes several functions that belong in the upper level of the OSI model, such as electronic mail, terminal emulation, and file transfer services.
Telephone central office; also abbreviation for telephone company.
Application, protocol, and program used to interact with UNIX-based computers.
TelNet provides terminal emulation across the network.
A device that usually has both a keyboard and a display screen that is capable of sending data over a network and receiving data or a response from the network.
terminal emulation
A type of program that you run at a workstation, computer, or terminal that sets up the workstation, computer, or terminal to behave like a particular type of terminal.
The screen presents the same text/graphics as the terminal normally would and the software interprets your responses as if you were at that type of terminal.
terminal server
Special device on an Ethernet LAN that can connect up to 32 terminals to the Ethernet through a single line. Terminals connected to the terminal server automatically have access to all nodes on the network without having to establish connections to distant nodes.
terminated line
A line that has a resistor at the end of it with enough resistance to equal the characteristic impedance of the line.
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LAN Terminology
Prevents reflections or standing waves when a signal is entered near the end of the line.
In communications, portion of transmitted data that contains characters to form the message to be read by a human.
TFTP (Trivial File Transfer Protocol)
The DARPA Internet standard protocol for transferring files with little or no overhead.
Requires the connectionless datagram delivery service (UDP) so you can use it on diskless workstations.
A term coined by AT&T for a digital carrier facility used to transmit a
DS-1 formatted digital signal at 1.544
When a predefined period of time has passed. Usually an action should be complete by the end of the time period. In communications, you use a timeout to avoid delays and keep traffic flowing on the network.
TPI (Twisted Pair Interface)
Transceiver from National for twisted-pair
Ethernet 10BASE-T standard networks.
Part number DP83922.
In the EnergyNet, the token is a unique command that grants the node permission to transmit.
token ring
A network type that passes a data packet and a token from one node to another in a physical ring. The node that wants to transmit takes the token, transmits the data around the entire ring, then frees the token for the next node that needs it.
token passing system
An access method where nodes are passed the token in sequence. The node with the token can transmit to the network.
TOP (Technical and Office
A version of the MAP protocols created by
Boeing. Useful for office networks or engineering networks.
The actual layout of the cables connecting the nodes to the network. Examples of topologies include bus, branching bus, star, and ring.
A message destined for a node on the network. Also, an exchange between two devices.
A combined transmitter and receiver. A transceiver is required on each node of a network. On Ethernet, the transceiver connects directly to the coaxial cable in a transceiver box. On Thin Ethernet, the transceiver often resides inside each networked node.
Sending a signal, message, or data over wire, radio, telegraphy, telephone, facsimile, or network cabling. When sending data over network cabling, the signal includes control information.
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LAN Terminology transmission media
Any wire, coaxial cable, fiber optic cable, or twisted pair cable that is used to propagate an electrical signal.
transport layer
Fourth layer of the OSI (Open Systems
Interconnection) model for data communications, where communication across the network occurs.
tree topology
A network arrangement that is shaped like a T. This topology recognizes only one route between any two nodes.
A telephone circuit connecting two data concentration devices. The same kind of device that connects two telephone switching centers or central offices.
twisted pair transmission system
In 10BASE-T standard networks, the twisted pair wire and the two attached
twisted pair cabling
Two insulated wires twisted in a uniform fashion so that each is equally exposed to electrical signals impinging upon the wires from their environment. Type of cable used for a 10Base-T Ethernet-EnergyNet and for
type 3 cable
Unshielded twisted-pair cable that is acceptable for forming token ring networks according to IBM standards.
UDP (User Datagram Protocol)
Special transaction protocol under TCP/IP that lets you assign a name to a physical connection or numbered address.
UTP (unshielded twisted pair cable)
Also known as telephone wire. See twisted
pair cabling.
user transparency
Characteristic of a network that a user can operate without any knowledge of how its underlying functions work.
VAN (value added network)
A network that provides services beyond simple switching.
VC (virtual circuit)
On an X.25 network, a PLP logical connection between an X.25 DCE and an
X.25 DTE. The network can have both switched virtual circuits and permanent virtual circuits. Switched virtual circuits are like dialup lines, establishing the connection on a per call basis. Permanent virtual circuits are like leased lines—they connect two particular units.
virtual disk
A portion of a distant disk that appears as though it is part of the workstation’s own disk.
virtual storage
Storage area (in memory) that appears to be addressable storage but is actually auxiliary
(temporary) storage mapped to real addresses.
VMS (Virtual Memory System)
The operating system of a VAX computer, developed by Digital Equipment
well-known port
Preassigned protocol port numbers to be used by the transport layer protocols (TCP and UDP). Nodes on the network can easily
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LAN Terminology
locate a port that has been assigned by these protocols. A file transfer server, for instance, is often assigned a well-known port.
wide area network (WAN)
Network that spans an area of 50 miles (80 km) or more. May include packet-switched, public data, and value-added networks.
wide band
System where multiple channels use radio frequency modems to access a cable
(usually coaxial) that has a large bandwidth
(10 Mbps or greater). Each channel is modulated to a different frequency on the cable and demodulated to its original one at the other end.
wiring closet
On-site central location for wiring terminations.
IBM PC or compatible personal computer running SX 8000 software.
XDR (External Data Representation)
Presentation layer protocol used by Sun
Microsystems for representing data on a network comprised on different types of nodes.
XNS (Xerox Network System)
A network system that became the basis for multiple other networking systems. It carries out many of the same tasks that
TCP/IP does and runs according to the
IEEE 802.3 standard.
A series of CCITT standards for connecting digital equipment to a public network that uses digital signals.
Data flow control method used when a computer sends data to a slower device that cannot process the information as fast as it is flowing. For instance, sending a file to a printer often requires XON/XOFF.
Standard protocol defined by CCITT that is for low to medium traffic networks that carry data to multiple locations. Operates over telephone lines at a rate of up to 1.5
Mbps. X.25 breaks data down into packets and transmits the packets to various nodes, where it reconstructs the data from them.
Because the packets can travel different paths to the same destination, packets make this protocol more efficient than nonpacket protocols.
Standard protocol approved by ISO defines how to exchange electronic mail between various types of computers.
A standard under development by ISO that defines a directory management system. Its purpose is to allow you to find files and data on different types of networks.
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Infinity Network Configuration Guide Index-1
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10Base-2 networks cables for 5-4 forming 5-16 inter-repeater links 5-20
10Base-5 networks cables for 5-2 forming B-2 inter-repeater links B-7
10Base-FL networks cables for 5-4 forming 5-24
10Base-T networks cables for 5-2, 5-2 forming 5-7
9200 controllers
AUI port location 5-21 connecting hub to 5-28 connecting T connectors 5-15 connecting with fiber optic cable 5-23
Ethernet switches 5-10, 5-15, 5-21
RJ 45 connector 5-7 terminators 5-15
active hubs for Infinet 6-4 modular 1-7 nonmodular 1-7 on ARCNET-EnergyNet 2-4 on Ethernet-EnergyNet 4-4 types of cable ports on EnergyLink 2000 2-5 on EnergyLink 2500 4-5 versus passive hubs 1-5 active hubs on ARCNET-EnergyNet reliability 3-9 active links uses for 1-7 adaptors coax-to-fiber 5-40 coax-to-twisted-pair 5-20 fiber-to-coax 5-40 twisted-pair-to-coax 5-20
ARCNET-EnergyNet defined 2-2 elements of 2-2
ARCNET-EnergyNet IDs role in token passing 2-8
ARCNET-EnergyNet network drivers 2-2
ARCNET-EnergyNet operating system
environment 2-2
AT cards on ARCNET-EnergyNet 3-6
AT cards on Ethernet-EnergyNet
AT bus 4-8
Attachment Unit Interface 5-23
AUI cables connecting to 8000 workstation 5-28 connecting to 9200 controller 5-27 defined 5-23
baseband versus broadband 1-13 baud rate setting on InfiLink 200s 7-7 setting on InfiLink 210s 7-12 bridges purpose 5-31 broadband versus baseband 1-13 broadcasting defined 1-3 in token passing networks 1-11 building control networks reason for using LAN 1-2 bus controllers on ARCNET-EnergyNet
3-5 defined 1-3 extending the length of with Energy-
Link 2000 3-16
Index-2 Andover Controls Corporation
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bus systems cards for on ARCNET-EnergyNet 2-8 cards for on Ethernet-EnergyNet 4-8 bus topology 1-3 rules for fiber optic Ethernet-EnergyNet
5-27 rules for forming coaxial ARCNET-
EnergyNet 3-9
rules for thick coaxial Ethernet-
EnergyNet B-8
rules for thin coaxial Ethernet-Energy-
Net 5-23
buses in distributed star topology ARCNET-
EnergyNet 3-12
cable drop 5-28 cable loading effects on ARCNET-EnergyNet 2-5 effects on Ethernet-EnergyNet 4-5 cable segments maximum length
AUI 5-28 thin coaxial 5-28 cable taps 5-26 cable transceivers 5-26 cable types
Ethernet-EnergyNet 5-2 cables coaxial 1-9 minimum length on ARCNET-
EnergyNet 3-2, 3-6
coaxial distributed star ARCNET-
EnergyNet 3-16
comparison of types 1-9 costs of types compared 1-9 distances of types compared 1-9
Ethernet-EnergyNet characteristics of 5-10 comparisons of types 5-7 extending length of 1-8 fiber optic 1-9 length between Ethernet-EnergyNet nodes 5-44 length between nodes on ARCNET-
EnergyNet 3-11
fiber optic distributed star ARCNET-
EnergyNet 3-17
fiber optic in EnergyNet 3-10 fiber optic in Ethernet-EnergyNet
5-27 for protection from electrical disturbances 1-10 for protection from lightning 1-10 length allowed with EnergyLink 2000
3-9 length between Infinet nodes 6-6 length of coaxial on ARCNET-
EnergyNet 2-2
length of twisted pair on Infinet 6-2 method of connecting Infinet 6-6 premade thin coaxial 5-16 prepared coaxial for ARCNET-
EnergyNet 3-2
rate of transmission compared for types
1-10 required on Ethernet-EnergyNet to cascade hubs 5-15 required to form Ethernet-EnergyNet point-to-point connection 5-12 running ARCNET-EnergyNet through ducts 3-11 running ARCNET-EnergyNet through plenums 3-11 running Ethernet-EnergyNet through ducts 5-15 running Ethernet-EnergyNet through plenums 5-15 running Infinet outdoors 6-17 running Infinet through ducts 6-17 running Infinet through plenums 6-17 see also Cables for Ethernet-EnergyNet see also Fiber Optic Cables, Thin Coaxial Cables, Thick Coaxial
Cables, Twisted Pair Cables segments defined 5-16 selecting the type for your ARCNET-
EnergyNet 3-17
shielded 1-9
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standard on ARCNET-EnergyNet 2-2 standard on Ethernet-EnergyNet 4-2 standard on Infinet 6-2 switching types of 1-7 switching with active hubs 1-7
Teflon-coated 3-11 thin coaxial minimum length 5-16 topologies formed with types compared 1-9 total network length 5-10 twisted pair 1-9 cross-over vs. straight-through
Infinet 6-6
Infinet star topology 6-7
length between Ethernet-
EnergyNet nodes 5-15
type for high-noise environment
Ethernet-EnergyNet 5-27 type to use in high-noise environment with ARCNET-EnergyNet
3-10 types allowed on ARCNET-
EnergyNet 2-2
types allowed on Infinet 6-17 types used in LANs 1-9 unshielded 1-9 cables for Ethernet-EnergyNet fiber optic cable characteristics of 5-5
Teflon-coated 5-15 thick coaxial cable characteristics of 5-3 thin coaxial cable characteristics of 5-4 unshielded twisted pair characteristics of 5-2 cables of ARCNET-EnergyNet delay produced by 3-18 maximum length between nodes 3-19 running outdoors 3-10 cabling configuration mapping conventions for ARCNET-
EnergyNet D-2
mapping conventions for Ethernet-
EnergyNet D-4
cards network interface for ARCNET-
Energy-Net jumpering 3-6
network interface on ARCNET-
AT bus 3-6
PS/2 bus 3-6 network interface on Ethernet-
PS/2 bus 4-8 cascaded hubs
Ethernet-EnergyNet twisted pair cable required 5-15 central hubs 1-5 coaxial cable modules
LEDs interpreting 7-9 coaxial cables distributed star topology ARCNET-
EnergyNet 3-16
minimum length on ARCNET-
EnergyNet 3-2, 3-6
prepared for ARCNET-EnergyNet
3-2 rules for Ethernet-EnergyNet bus with B-8 rules for forming ARCNET-
EnergyNet bus with 3-9
thin connectors 5-4 minimum length 5-16 premade 5-16 rules for Ethernet-EnergyNet bus with 5-23 segment maximum on Ethernet-
EnergyNet 5-23
when required 1-9 coaxial Ethernet-EnergyNet hubs cascading 5-21 coaxial Ethernet-EnergyNet repeaters cascading 5-21 coaxial T connectors
9200 controller 5-17
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collision to jam delay 5-46 collisions on network 1-12 collisions on Ethernet-EnergyNet excessive responding to 7-10 comm ports of controllers
InfiLink 200
activity on 7-6 communications devices in networks 1-5 configuration planning for cabling 6-16 planning for cabling ARCNET-
EnergyNet 3-17
planning for cabling Ethernet-Energy-
Net 5-31
connections point-to-point on ARCNET-EnergyNet 3-4 on Ethernet-EnergyNet 5-21 connectors coaxial cable thin 5-4 coaxial cable for ARCNET-EnergyNet
3-2 coaxial T connector 3-3 coaxial T connector for Ethernet-
EnergyNet 5-17
coaxial T connector on ARCNET-
EnergyNet 3-8
location on ARCNET-EnergyNet controllers 3-3 thin coaxial cable 5-4, 5-16 twisted pair cable 5-4 unshielded twisted pair cable 5-4 controllers defined 1-2 effect of removing one from ARCNET-
EnergyNet 2-3
effect of removing one from Ethernet-
EnergyNet 4-4
number allowed on Infinet with InfiLink
200 6-7
number allowed on Infinet with InfiLink
210 6-12
on ARCNET-EnergyNet 2-2 on Ethernet-EnergyNet 4-3 on Infinet 6-2
CSMA/CD defined 1-11 network activity affect on transmission speed 1-12
CSMA/CD data transmission how effective on Ethernet-EnergyNet
CSMA/CD networks transmission speed factors affecting 1-12
daisy chains data extended Infinet 6-11 speed of transmission comparison of cable types 1-10 speed of transmission with LAN 1-2 data passing time required for 1-11 data transmission rate on ARCNET-EnergyNet 2-2 on Ethernet-EnergyNet 4-2 on Infinet 6-2 delay allowed on ARCNET-EnergyNet
3-18 produced by cables and links on
ARCNET-EnergyNet 3-18 delays
Ethernet-EnergyNet collision to jam delay 5-46 device delay 5-46 device delay 5-46 distributed star topology defined 3-12 on Infinet 6-7, 6-12, 6-15 ducts running ARNET-EnergyNet cable through 3-11 running Ethernet-EnergyNet cable through 5-15
Infinity Network Configuration Guide Index-5
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electronic repeaters type allowed on ARCNET-
EnergyNet 2-2
type allowed on Ethernet-EnergyNet
4-3 type allowed on Infinet 6-4, 6-5 enclosures allowed with EnergyLink 2000 2-5
EnergyLink 2000
cable lengths allowed with 3-9 characteristics of 2-4 defined 1-7 modules model numbers 2-5 response to removing a node from network 2-4 where you can mount 2-5
EnergyLink 2000 modules
ACTIVITY light 7-3
PWR lights 7-3
RECONFIG light 7-3
TIMING light 7-3
EnergyLink 2000s
cascading 3-15 connecting to one another 3-12, 3-15 delays produced by 3-18 fuse replacement 7-3
LEDs 7-2
EnergyLink 2500
characteristics of 4-4 defined 1-7 modules model numbers 4-5
Repeater Interface Controller DIP 4-7 response to excess collisions 4-5 where you can mount 4-5
EnergyLink 2500 coaxial modules
LEDs interpreting 7-9
EnergyLink 2500 fiber optic modules
LEDs interpreting 7-10
EnergyLink 2500 LEDs
interpreting 7-8
EnergyLink 2500 modules
COL light 7-9, 7-10
LNK light 7-8, 7-10
PAR light 7-9, 7-10, 7-10
POL light 7-8
RD light 7-9, 7-10
EnergyLink 2500 twisted pair modules
LEDs interpreting 7-8
EnergyLink 2500s
connecting fiber optic cable to 5-40 where to mount 5-27
EnergyNet IDs
numbers available 2-8
Ethernet switches 5-12, 5-17, 5-23
Ethernet-EnergyNet automatic partitioning of 4-5 cable types 5-2 calculating delay on network 5-46 defined 4-2 elements of 4-2 maximum delay on network 5-46 routing between buildings 5-27 twisted pair cable required to cascade repeaters 5-15
Ethernet-EnergyNet IDs numbers available 4-8
Ethernet-EnergyNet network drivers 4-2
Ethernet-EnergyNet operating system
environment 4-2 excessive collisions responding to 7-10 external power supply when required 5-27
fiber optic cables characteristics of 5-5 connecting to EnergyLink 2500 5-40 distributed star ARCNET-EnergyNet
Ethernet-EnergyNet 5-27
Ethernet-EnergyNet topologies 5-8 in EnergyNet 3-10
Index-6 Andover Controls Corporation
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installing on 6-5 maximum feet over entire ARCNET-
EnergyNet 3-11
maximum feet over entire Ethernet-
EnergyNet 5-44
segment maximum on Ethernet-EnergyNet
5-44 signal loss 5-43 when required 1-10 fiber optic Ethernet-EnergyNet hubs cascading 5-42 fiber optic Ethernet-EnergyNet repeaters cascading 5-42 fiber optic Infinet hub for 6-5 fiber optic star 5-27 file servers defined 1-2 on ARCNET-EnergyNet 2-3 on Ethernet-EnergyNet 4-3 role in shared resource network operating systems 1-14
guidelines for mixed-cable Ethernet-
EnergyNet design 5-44
high-noise environment running ARCNET-EnergyNet cables through 3-10 running Ethernet-EnergyNet cables through 5-27 hubs active 1-7 modular 1-7 cascaded
Ethernet-EnergyNet 5-12, 5-21 twisted pair cable required
5-15 communication with nodes on Infinet
6-4, 6-5 connecting to one another 3-12
cascading 6-9 kinds supported by Andover Controls
1-7 passive 1-7 hubs on ARCNET-EnergyNet reliability 3-9
InfiLink 200
characteristics of 6-4
InfiLink 200s
fuse replacement 7-7
LEDs 7-6
RD and TD lights 7-6
InfiLink 210
characteristics of 6-5
InfiLink 210 modules
POWER light 7-12
RD light 7-12
TD light 7-12
InfiLink 210s
LEDs 7-11
data being received on indicators 7-12 data being transmitted on indicators 7-6, 7-12 defined 6-2 elements of 6-2 extending length of 6-7
Infinet controllers 6-2
Infinet IDs
how assigned 6-2 role in token passing 6-2 inter-repeater links
10Base-2 networks 5-21
Jabber Latch B-4
LAN defined 1-2
Infinity Network Configuration Guide Index-7
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LAN Manager software role in ARCNET-EnergyNet 2-2 role in Ethernet-EnergyNet 4-2
LEDs activity 2-6, 4-8
EnergyLink 2000s 7-2
EnergyLink 2500
interpreting 7-8
EnergyLink 2500 coaxial modules
interpreting 7-9
EnergyLink 2500 fiber optic modules
interpreting 7-10
EnergyLink 2500 twisted pair
modules interpreting 7-8
InfiLink 200s 7-6
InfiLink 210s 7-11
interpreting 7-9 on EnergyLink 2000 2-6 on EnergyLink 2500 4-7 light intensity loss fiber optic cables 5-43 lightning damage protecting LAN from 1-9 lights activity 2-6, 4-8 local area networks baseband 1-12 advantages of 1-13 requirements for 1-13 broadband 1-13 carrierband 1-13 defined 1-2 minimum requirements 1-2 protocols for 1-11 versus point-to-point links 1-2 local bridges 5-31 logical ring defined 2-8
MAU port 5-27
Medium-Attachment Unit 5-27 methods of access
CSMA/CD 1-11 token passing 1-11 model numbers
EnergyLink 2000 2-5, 2-7
EnergyLink 2500 4-5
modems phone line requirements for Infinet
6-4, 6-7 modular active hubs 1-7 modules
EnergyLink 2000
model numbers 2-5 master on active hubs 1-7 minimum and maximum on Energy-
Link 2000 2-5
secondary on active hubs 1-7 modules on EnergyLink 2000 2-4
NETBIOS 1-16 network maximum feet of fiber optic cable on
ARCNET-EnergyNet 3-11 network activity affect on token passing 1-11 network collisions 1-12 network delays
Ethernet-EnergyNet 5-46 network drivers
ARCNET-EnergyNet 2-2 on Ethernet-EnergyNet 4-2 network interface cards allowed on ARCNET-EnergyNet 2-8 allowed on Ethernet-EnergyNet 4-8 coaxial Ethernet-EnergyNet 5-20 fiber optic Ethernet-EnergyNet 5-28 thin coaxial Ethernet-EnergyNet
5-20, 5-23 thin coaxial Ethernet-EnergyNet using AUI cables 5-23 twisted pair Ethernet-EnergyNet 5-12 network interface cards on ARCNET-
jumpering 3-6 network operating systems defined 1-14 types 1-14
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network repeaters defined 1-6 networks breaking 1-11 building control reason for using LAN 1-2 maximum feet of fiber optic cable on
Ethernet-EnergyNet 5-44 maximum feet of thin coaxial cable on
Ethernet-EnergyNet 5-26 maximum feet of twisted pair cable on
Ethernet-EnergyNet 5-15 methods of access 1-10 protocols for 1-10 security systems reason for using LAN 1-2 token passing broadcasting on 1-10 node IDs assigning to cards 2-8 numbers available 2-8, 4-8 nodes adding to token passing network 1-11 affects of failing on network 1-11 defined 1-2
EnergyLink 2000 3-16
how to add to star topology 1-4 isolating 1-5 maximum number allowed on Infinet
6-2 number allowed on distributed star buses 3-12 number allowed on each port of Ener-
gy-Link 2000 3-14
number on fiber optic Ethernet-
EnergyNet 5-27
number on thin coaxial Ethernet-
EnergyNet 5-21, 5-23
number on twisted pair Ethernet-
EnergyNet 5-12
on ARCNET-EnergyNet 2-3 on Ethernet-EnergyNet 4-4 order of receiving token 2-8 response to removing from network 2-6 noise cables that protect from 1-9 nonmodular active hubs 1-7
outdoors running cables of ARCNET-EnergyNet
passive hubs versus active hubs 1-5 passive hubs on ARCNET-EnergyNet reliability 3-9 patch panels fiber optic Ethernet-EnergyNet 5-43 peer-to-peer network operating systems
1-14 phone lines dedicated for Infinet 6-4 pinouts workstation A-1 plenums running ARCNET-EnergyNet cable through 3-11 running Ethernet-EnergyNet cable through 5-15 point-to-point configurations
Ethernet-EnergyNet twisted pair 5-9 point-to-point connections
Ethernet-EnergyNet twisted pair cable required 5-12 on ARCNET-EnergyNet 3-4 on Ethernet-EnergyNet 5-21 point-to-point links versus LANs 1-2 ports number of nodes allowed on Energy-
Link 2000 3-14
number on EnergyLink 2000 3-14 number on nonmodular active hubs 1-7 setting number on active hubs 1-7 terminating on EnergyLink 2000 3-14 types on active hubs on EnergyLink 2000 2-6
Infinity Network Configuration Guide Index-9
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on EnergyLink 2500 4-5 process control networks reason for using LAN 1-2 propagation delays
Ethernet-EnergyNet see Network Delays propagation delays on Ethernet-
form for calculating C-1 protocols defined 1-11
PS/2 cards 3-6, 4-8
PS/2 cards on network interface on
ARCNET-EnergyNet 3-6
remote bridges 5-31, 5-32 repeaters cascaded
Ethernet-EnergyNet 5-21, 5-27 twisted pair cable required
5-15 on Ethernet-EnergyNet 5-12 when needed on ARCNET-
EnergyNet fiber optic bus
3-11 ring topology defined 1-6
RS-232C versus LANs 1-2 rules for creating ARCNET-EnergyNet with coaxial cable 3-9 for creating ARCNET-EnergyNet with fiber optic cable 3-11 for creating distributed star topology
ARCNET-EnergyNet 3-15 for Ethernet-EnergyNet with twisted pair cable 5-15 for Ethernet-EnergyNet with fiber optic cable 5-44 for Ethernet-EnergyNet with thick coaxial cable B-8 for Ethernet-EnergyNet with thin coaxial cable 5-23 rules for mixed-cable Ethernet-
EnergyNet design 5-44
security networks reasons for using LAN 1-2 segment of cable defined 5-16 segments maximum length
AUI cable 5-28 thin coaxial cable 5-28 shared resource network operating systems 1-16 signal loss fiber optic cables 5-43 signals modulating for broadband 1-14 regenerating on ARCNET-EnergyNet
2-3 regenerating on Ethernet-EnergyNet
4-3 regenerating on Infinet 6-4, 6-5 retransmitting 1-6 types used to transmit data over baseband 1-13 types used to transmit data over broadband 1-13 software drivers defined 1-14
ST connectors 5-40 connecting 5-40 star configurations
Ethernet-EnergyNet fiber optic 5-27
Ethernet-EnergyNet thin coaxial 5-27
Ethernet-EnergyNet twisted pair 5-11 star topology
ARCNET-EnergyNet 3-9 defined 1-4 on Infinet 6-7, 6-12, 6-15 simple ARCNET-EnergyNet 3-9 switches
Ethernet 5-12, 5-17, 5-23
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T1 line taps defined 5-32 thick coaxial cable B-4 thin coaxial cable 5-26 terminators on network interface cards of ARC-
NET-EnergyNet 3-6 on thin coaxial Ethernet-EnergyNet
5-17 required for Ethernet-EnergyNet 5-27 thin coaxial Ethernet-EnergyNet 5-17 thick coaxial cables characteristics of 5-3
Ethernet-EnergyNet topologies 5-3 for Ethernet-EnergyNet B-2 thin coaxial cables characteristics of 5-4 connectors 5-4
Ethernet-EnergyNet topologies 5-4 minimum length 5-16 premade 5-16 rules for Ethernet-EnergyNet bus with
5-23 segment maximum on Ethernet-EnergyNet
5-23 thin coaxial Ethernet-EnergyNet hubs cascading 5-21 thin coaxial Ethernet-EnergyNet repeaters cascading 5-21 time required to pass data 1-10 token passing advantages of 1-10 defined 1-10 how effective on ARCNET-EnergyNet
2-3 how effective on Infinet 6-2 how it works 1-11 network activity affect on transmission speed 1-11 order of passing a 2-8 time required to pass data 1-11 tokens defined 1-11 topology
ARCNET-EnergyNet bus 3-6
ARCNET-EnergyNet point-to-point
ARCNET-EnergyNet star 3-9 bus 1-3 defined 1-3 distributed star on ARCNET-
EnergyNet 3-12
distributed star on Infinet 6-7, 6-12,
Ethernet-EnergyNet bus 5-17, 5-20, 5-23, 5-27 distributed star 5-12, 5-27 mixed cable 5-31 point-to-point 5-9 star 5-11, 5-27, 5-27 mixed cable 5-31
Ethernet-EnergyNet point-to-point
5-21 fiber optic Ethernet-EnergyNet 5-8 most common one for ARCNET-
EnergyNet 3-17
of ARCNET-EnergyNet 2-2 of Ethernet-EnergyNet 4-2 of Infinet 6-2 point-to-point 5-21 ring 1-6 simple star in ARCNET-EnergyNet
3-9 star 1-4 thick coaxial Ethernet-EnergyNet 5-3 thin coaxial Ethernet-EnergyNet 5-4 twisted pair Ethernet-EnergyNet 5-4 total network length of cables 5-10 transceivers 5-26, 5-27 transmission data on ARCNET EnergyNet 2-2 data on Ethernet-EnergyNet 4-2 transmission rates comparison of cables 1-9 transmission speed affect of network activity on 1-12, 1-11 on ARCNET-EnergyNet 2-2
Infinity Network Configuration Guide Index-11
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on Ethernet-EnergyNet 4-2 on Infinet 6-2 transmission systems broadcasting 1-3 transmitting data methods 1-13 troubleshooting preparing for few problems 3-17 twisted pair cables characteristics of 5-2 connectors 5-4 cross-over vs. straight-through 5-14
Ethernet-EnergyNet topologies 5-4 maximum feet over entire Ethernet-
EnergyNet 5-15
segment maximum on Ethernet-EnergyNet
5-15 when required 1-10 twisted pair Ethernet-EnergyNet hubs cascading 5-12 twisted pair Ethernet-EnergyNet repeaters cascaded cable required 5-15 cascading 5-12 twisted pair Infinet hub for 6-4
unshielded twisted pair see Twisted Pair Cables, Cables unshielded twisted pair cables characteristics of 5-2 connectors 5-4
Ethernet-EnergyNet topologies 5-4
workstation pinouts A-1 workstations defined 1-2 effect of removing one from ARCNET-
EnergyNet 2-4
effect of removing one from Ethernet-
EnergyNet 4-4
on ARCNET-EnergyNet 2-3 on Ethernet-EnergyNet 4-3
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30-3001-169 Rev B
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Key features
- Token passing network
- High-performance
- Supports up to 254 nodes
- Uses a distributed star topology
- Supports coaxial and fiber optic cabling
- Easy to install and expand
- NETBIOS compatible
- Works with 9000 and 9500 controllers
- Can be used with 8000 workstations