DG Flugzeugbau ELAN ORION DG-500 sailplane Flight Manual
The ELAN ORION DG-500 is a high performance sailplane designed for training, performance flying and aerobatic training. It features a carbon fiber construction, automatic hook ups for all controls, and a comfortable seating arrangement.
DG Flugzeugbau GmbH Im Schollengarten 20 e D-76646 Eruchsal - Untergrombach « Germany Fostbex 4120, D-76625 Bruchsal e Germany : Phone 07257/0910 aircraft sales and service Phone 07257/8911 spare part and material sales Fhone 07257/8960 Phone 07257/89-0 switch board and management Telefax 07257/8922 « eMail: [email protected] = Internet: www.dgflugreugban.de = . FLIGHT MANUAL | for the Li ht Pr all SAILPLANE ‚DE Elf da Orión Model: DG-500 ELAN ORION German Data Sheet Ho.: 346 Factory Serial Mo.: ok 212 X5h Registration Ho.: - = 1 38D == pate of Issue: Hovember 1995 Pages as indicated by "App." are approved by: | (Signature) + id 0-4 L Anerkannt vom = fl (Authority) ; Luftiahrt: Bundesamt | (Stamp) ` Ka _ (Original date of approval) 10. Nov. 1995 Е? This sailplane is to bé operated in compliance with in- formation and limitations contained herein. The original German Language edition of this manual has been approved as operating instruction according to "Paragraph 12(1) 2. of Luft-Ger Ро". Approval of translation has been done by best knowledge and judgement. DG Flugzenghau Gmbll Enclosure to Might manual Warnings AM sailplanes, especially those with retractable powerplants, are very complex technical devices. If you don’t use yours as it is intended and within the certified operating limitations or if you fail to carry out proper maintenance work, if may harm your health or place your life in danger. Prior to flying the aircraft read all manuals carefully and regard especially all warnings, caution remarks and notes given in the manuals. « Never take off without executing a serious pre-flight inspection according to the Might manual! + Never take-off with a motorglider without checking the max. engine RPM and the ignition circuits! Plan your fight path so that you arc always able to carry out a safe outlanding if necessary. Be aware that with the engine extended but not running the rate of sink increases remarkably. This means that with a motorglider you have to decide earlier for an outlanding than with a pure sailplane. « Selflaunch only if you are sure that with an engine failure during the initial climb there is the possibility to execute a safe outlanding or to return to the airfield. . Respect the stall speeds and always fly with a safety margin above the stall speed according to the flight conditions, especially at low altitudes and in the mountains. " Use only the types of fuel and oil for your motorglider as specified in the flight " Use only the battery chargers as specified in the flight manual. » Don’t execute yourself any work on the control system except for pressing. . Repairs and maintenance work should only be accomplished by the manufacturer or at certified repair stations rated for this type of work. A list of stations which have experience with DG aircraft may be obtained from DG Flugzrenghau . . Even if no annual inspections are required in your country, have your aircraft checked annually, see maintenance manual section 2. Issued February 1999 DG Flugzeugbau GmbH Flight manual DG-300 ELAN ORION 0.1 Record of revisions Any revision of the present manual, except actual weighing data, mus! be re- corded in the following table and in case of approved sections endorsed by the responsible airworthiness authority. The new or amended text in the revised page will be indicated by à black verti- cal line in the right hand margin, and the Revision No. and the date will be shown on the bottom left hand of the page. ‘Rev. | Affected pages / Description | Issue | LBA Inserted No. section | Date |¡Approval Dare | Date Signature EN a Ea | I 3.04, 13.28, [IN 34838 Jan. 96 02.04.96 | 4.11.64, 6.8 Scr.no 5E153- | | | 159 | | | i | — SE 164 only | i _ + 103,411 AM 500:9:96 Mar. 9 | 12.06.96 not for Serap | | | SE155-159 | | HsEIA | | | 3 [03,0442 TN 348 Oct. 97 26.11.97 4.18, 5.6, 6.7, 7.1, 7.9, 710 о 4 ( 23, Manual revision | March (905 00 134 25 26,27, (TN 34814 2000 78,47 416, | | 4.18, 6.6, 7.6 | 5 1030447, 7.6, IN 348/15 Jan. 07.02.07 7 $2 | 2001 6 04,75 75a TN 348/16 February | 25.02.04 | Parking brake/ | 2004 ЗЕ Piggott-hook | | E] Las Affected pages / Description Issue | EASA Inserted | No. section Date [Ho Date | Date Si E | 7 |03,04.26, 2/7, [TN 34820 May August 1. | manual revision | 2008 | 2008 | |4.15,7.1,78 | Tasted: May 2008 TN348:20 Qi 0.1 Flight manual pG-500 ELAN ORION Rev. Affected Description Issue LBA Ho. Pages/ section - — Ш. ЕО Кота Date Approval Date Inserted Date Signature Flight manual DG-500 ELAN ORION 0.2 List of effective pages Section page issued replaced replaced — replaced 0 0.0 July 93 0.1 0.2 + a 0.3 sec record of revisions 04 " 0.5 July 95 1 I CU iZ Nov.495 1a July 95 le {4 Jan 96 (only ser.no. SE1Í5-159) | 5July 95 2 App Zi J … 33 * March (4) " 2A - March (Hi nL 25 = March 00 " 26 " March 00 May 08 "Отто March 00 May 08 " 28 7 Jan, 96 March (Mi E я 32 я May 0% "о В = May 08 = 34 " Мау 0% №. MEL: 5: May UB ; " 42 Я Oct. 97 Th 4.3 = "E 44 = ap 45 "т "8 46 " " EJ om March 00 Jan. 01 May 08 я" 45 " "49 " " 410 ° " AÑ ” ) * 4.11 Jan 96 (only serno. 3E135-159) * 417 July 95 1 - 45 * May 08 " 416 ” March 00 . 418 " Oct. 97 March 00 - ay " App. 4.20 July 95 = iad Issued: May 2008 TN348:20 Flight manual DG-S00 ELAN ORION 0.2 effective cont. Section pase issued replaced replaced — replaced 5 App. 3.1 "” — 32 я 5.3 App. 54 5.5 5.6 > Lig wd - ин rl a = 9 9.1 July 95 = и Oct. 97 Jan. 96 ‘only ser.no. 5E155-159) July 93 a March 00 " Oct. 97 Jan. 96 (only ser.no, 3E 155-159) July 95 , Oct. 97 May 08 6 Febr. 04 fe Febr, (4 E March 00 Jan. 01 т May 0% a Oct. 97 > Ост. 97 " Jan. 01 July 95 issued: May 2008 TN348:20 0.4 Flight manual DG-500 ELAN ORION 0.3 Table of contents General (a non-approved section) Limitations (an approved section) Emergency procedures (an approved section) Normal procedures (an approved section) Performance (a partly approved section) Mass (weight) and balance (a non-approved section) Sailplane and systems description (a non-approved section) Sailplane handling, care and maintenance (a non-approved section) Supplements Trois dn lw 1995 Section 1 Flight manual DG-500 ELAN ORION Section 1 1. General 1.1 Introduction 1.2 Certification basis 1.3 Warnings, cautions and notes 1.4 Descriptive data 1.5 Three view drawing ето но Taa lar 1005 т. 1.1 1.2 Flight manual DG-500 ELAN ORION Introduction The sailplane flight manual has been prepared to provide pilots and instructors with information for the safe and efficient operation of the DG-500 ELAN ORION sailplane. This manual includes the material required to be furnished to the pilot by JAR Part 22. It also con- tains supplemental data supplied by the sailplane manufacturer. Certification basis This type of glider has been approved by the Luftfahrt-Bundesamt (LBA) in accordance with: JAR Part 22 sailplanes and powered sailplanes Change 4, issued Tth Hay, 1987, including amendments 22/90/1, 22/91/1 and 2279271. The Type Certificate No. 348 for the model DG-500 ELAN ORION was issued November 10, 1995. Category of Airworthiness: "Utility" or "Aerobatic" with 17.2 m and 18 m wingspan without waterballast and if equipped properly. - =r ee BL, i i TE 1 В Flight manual DG-500 ELAN ORION 1.3 Warnings, cautions and notes The following definitions apply to warnings, cau- tions and notes used in the flight manual. Warning: Caution: Hote: means that the non obaervation of the corresponding procedure leads to an immediate or important degradation of the flight safety. means that the non observation of the corresponding procedure leads to a minor or to a more or less long term degradation of the flight safety. draws the attention on any special item not directly related to safety but which is important or unusual. - «АР 1.3 Flight manual DG-500 ELAN ORION 1.4 Descriptive data дк The DG-500 ELAN ORION is a twoplace high perfor- mance sailplane for training, performance flying and aerobatic training. - wings in carbonfibre construction - endplates for 17.2 m wingspan and wingtip exten- sions with winglet for 20 m span. 18 m winglets are optional. - automatic hook ups for all controls - comfortable seating and modern cockpit design similar to the DG-single seaters - safety cockpit - large 2 piece canopy for very good inflight visi- bility - - draught free canopy demist and 1 adjustable swivel air vent for each pilot - sealed airbrake- and landing gear box - retractable main wheel, spring mounted . - nose wheel and tail wheel Teehaical tar 18 wiagtpna Techuical dote sith 15 m ruin e BES mE ing so mA high LE мии UNE ra 160 ley / 53 Ext apart wax. TOW нуну emy weight e baterias are min. ns di) ley 7 MED Es NE 370 ka / 158 ts winglcading WS Inayicad 85 la И 167 Ex 29 2 купи? 15.98 БЕ? recta #5 45,2 by 1 19.25 Bart stall sowed (AW = 52% by J 1157 Be} Behl Yim bet L/D OW = 750 ley 7 1553 Es a 110 e! 59 = ques 4 min, shal [= 525 ka / 1278 orm ОНЕНН НЯ mA e [ £1 bi) LES me 7 175 Ain wry Frias WEm МЗ at raperi 1350 #2 ны 7 Ta Tr ona wir) A ERRE 17-2 я / 58.4 @ 1 Wis вк | НЯ 68) Lt pe. 425 kg/m" | A7] bs? wing race ME. = 525 ly I NIST EA le 7 367 E sane cado Te SE amy weight with beter and. min St 400 by 1 552 bs ALE] E 4 max TOW for acrobatics EZ5 ly / 1378 lei min sio A = 625 ly | 1378 Es wingicadrg WS inayioad ES hy / 187 Ei 239 hay? [ET] Ds 7 60 loma 73 1 055 my 7 149 Ka. val speed [A = 525 ep / 0157 Bed TOY baratas ЗАО ен A system with 2 fin ballast tanks is optional. Tank A) to compensate the the C.G. shift due to wing water ballast, max. 6.6 kg. Tank B) to compensate the mass of the rear pilot, max. 12.3 KE. When dumping the wing tanks only tank A) will be emptied, the compensation of the rear pilot's mass remains even when flying without wing ballast. Tank B can only be epptied on the ground via the filling hose. For a de- tailed description refer to sect. 7.10.2. - + A 1.1 1 5 Tosa: Flight manual DG-500 .ELAN ORION 3 view drawing = Are Amia 1995 1. Го SM по го = = т + E ar Lad Mo го го по Го ï A MM AM № NN MW Fa © ® = au .10 11 i „13 ‚18 ‚18. ‚18. 1H. „14. 15 ‚16 „17 „18 ‚19 Flight manual DG-500 ELAN ORION Section 2 Limitations Introduction Airspeed Airspeed Indicator Markings Section not effective Section not effective Section not effective Weight center of Gravity Approved manoeuvres Manceuvring load factors Flight crew Kinds of operation Minimum equipment Aerotow and Wineh- and Autotow - launching Weak links Towing cable Max. towing speeds Tow Release Cross wind Tyre pressure Water ballast Fin water ballast (Option) Limitations Placards À Flight manual DG-500 ELAN ORION 2.1 Introduction Section 2 includes operating limitations, instrument markings and basic placards necessary for safe operation of the sailplane, its standard systems and standard equipment. The limitations included in this section have been approved by the LBA. = = = E К Apo. 2.2 Flight manual PG-500 ELAN ORIÓN 2.2 Airspeed Airspeed limitations and their cperational signi- ficance are shown below: Speed (TAS) Remarks km/h (kts) VNE Hever exceed 270 Do not exceed this speed speed (146) in any operation and do VRA Rough air speed 190 {103) except in smooth air and then only with caution Rough air is in lee-wave rotor, thunderclouds etc. VA 1Manoeuvring 190 Do not make full or abrupt speed (103) control movement above this speed, because under certain condition the sailplane may be over- stressed by full control movement. VW Maximum winch- 140 Do not exceed this speed launching speed ( 76) during winch- or auto-tow-launching VT Maximum aero- 190 Do not exceed this speed towing speed (103) during aerotowing VLO Maximum landing 190 Do not extend or retract Warning: At highe gear operating (103) speed not use more than 1/3 of control deflection. Do not exceed this speed the landing gear above this speed r altitudes the true airspeed is higher than the indicated airspeed, so VNE is reduced with altitude see sect. 4.5.9. x a. ANA Tar ART App. 2.3 Flight manual DG-500 ELAN ORION 2.3 Airspeed Indicator Markings Airspeed indicator markings and their colour code significance are shown below: Marking (TAS) value or Significance range km/h (kis) Green Arc 90 za 190 Hormal Operating Range (Lower limit is maximum (48.5 - 103) weight 1.1 VS1I at most forward C.b. Upper limit is rough air speed.) Yellow Arc 190 — 270 Manoeuvres must be con- ducted with caution and (103 — 146) only in smooth air. Red Line 270 Maximum speed for all (146) operations. Yellow 100 Approach speed at maximum Triangle ( 54) weight Flight manual DG-500 ELAN ORION 2.7 Mass (weight) A) Category Aerobatic Maximum Take-off mass: 625 kg, 1378 lbs. Maximum landing mass: 625 kg, 1378 lbs. B) Category Utility Maximum Take- Off mass: 750 kg, 1653 lbs. Maximum landing mass: 750 kg, 1653 lbs. Maximum mass of all non lifting parts = 445 kg (981 lbs.) Maximum mass in baggage compar tment = 15 kg( 33 lbs.) Caution: Heavy pieces of baggage must be secured to the baggage compartment floor (screwing to the floor or with belts). The max. mass secured on one half of the floor (left and right of fuselage centre line) should not exceed 7,5 kg (16.5 1lbs.). Warning: Follow the loading procedures see sect. 6. 2.9 Center of gravity center of gravity range in flight is 185 mm (7.28 in.) up to 480 mm (18.9 in.) behind datum. datum = wing leading edge at the rootrib reference line = aft fuselage centre line horizontal C.G. diagrams and loading chart see зесб. 6. Warning: Flying is only allowed with the battery 7 07 installed in the fin as otherwise the forward C.G. limit may be exceeded. A suitable weight of 4.3 kg (9.5 lbs.) may be used instead of a battery. 2.9 Approved manoeuvres / Airworthiness category "Utility": This sailplane is certified for normal gliding and simple aerobatics. Aerobatics is approved only with- out water ballast in the wing tanks (and fin tank A). The following aerobatic manoeuvres are approved for all wingspan. Manoeuvre recommended entry speed IAS km/h kts. Spins / y Inside Loop 200 108 Stall Turn 200 108 Lazy Eight 200 108 Chandelle 200 108 Flight manual DG-500 ELAN ORION Approved manoeuvres Category Aerobatic: {wingspans 17.2 mand 1% m, only without water ballast in the wing tanks (and fin tank AJ} All manocuvres approved for category Utility and: Inverted flight recommended speed 140-200 km (76-108 kes.) recommended entry speeds Slow roll 180-200 kmh {97-108 kis.) Half roll and half loop 170-180 kmh (92-97 kts.) Half loop and half roll 220 kmh (119 kis.) Manecevring load factors The following load factors must not be exceeded Airworthiness category. Utihity Acrobatic ai manceuvrine speed VA +53 -Lé5 +470 -50 ai max. speed VME +40 -15 +70 20 atrbrakes extended УМЕ = 3.5 Flight crew a) single seated max. load in the front seat 110 kg 242 Ths. min load in the front scat see placard in cockpit and weighing report page 6.3 b) mo sealed max. cockpit load 15 210 kg (463 Ibs ) with a max. of 105 kg (231 lbs.) in the front seat or 110 kg (242 Ibs.) in the front seat and 90 kg (198 bs.) 1n the rear seal. min. cockpit load in the Front seat is the min. cockpit load ez al minus 40" of the load in the rear seat. This means that 10 kg (22 Ths.) in the rear seal replaces 4 kg (2.8 Ibs.) missing cockpit load in the front seat. With these loads, the C.G. range given under 2.8 will be kept in the limits if the empty weight C.G. is in its limits. see loading chart in sect. 6. Either the front seat or the rear seat may designated as seat of the pilot in com- mand. If the rear seat is to be designated it must be assured that all necessary operating items and instruments arc installed and that the pilot in command has sufficient training in flying safely from the rear seat. Caution: With lower pilot weights lead ballast must be added to the scat. Ballast put on the seat (lead ballast cushion) must be fastenad at the safety belt anchorage points. Installation for removable tim ballast sec sect. 7.16.1. Note: | For Australia the lower limit for the min. load in the cockpit should not exceed 66 kg (146 lbs.). À provision for removable ballast see sect. 7.16.1 1s mandatory. Issued: May 2008 TN348:20 App. 26 Flight manual DG-550 ELAN ORION 2.12 Kinds of operation A) AH configurations Flights according to VFR (dayhighu} Aerotow Winch- and auto-launching 5) In addition when flying without waterballast 1. Cloud flying (davlighti: permitted when properiy instrumented (see be- low), 2. Simple acrobatics see sectd.5.12. (Category Unity) 1 Acrobatics see section 4.5.12. (Category Acrobatic) if the required cquip- ment Fee below ) is installed, only with 17,2 m and 18 m span. Note: Cloud flying is not permitted m the USA, C amada and Australia. 2.13 Minimum equipment As minimum cquipment only the instruments and équpuireri specified m the coupment list (see maintenance man val} are admassible. Note: The actual equipment list is filed in the enclosures of the maintenance manual, aj Normal operation Airspeed indicator: Range: 0-200 km:h (0-165kts.) Speed range markings suc sect 2.3 Altimeter: Altimeter with fine range pointer, | tum max. 1000 т (3000 В.) Four piece symmetrical safety harness VHF - transceiver (ready for operation) Battery 707 or a ballast weight of 4.3 kg (9.3 lbs.) installed in the battery box in the fin Parachute automatic or manual type or a suitable firm back cushion approximately # cm { 3 m.) thick Required placards, check lists and this Flight manual. With optional fin waterballast tanks: Outside air temperature gauge with probe in the fuselage nose with blue marking for temperatures below 2°C, (36%F). bj In addition for cloud flying (Not permitted in the USA, Canada and Australia) Variometer Turn and bank indicator Remark: Experience has shown that the installed airspeed indicator system may be used for cloud fiyine. ct In addition for aerobatics {Category Acrobatic) Accelerometer capable of retaining max. and min, g-valucs with markings red radial lines at 7 g and -> g. jssued: May 2008 TN348:20 App. 2.7 Flight manual DG-500 ELAN ORION .14 Aerotow, winch and autotow launching .14.1 Weak links 10 000 N + 10% 2 200 lbs. + 10 14.2 Length of the towing cable for aerotow 30-70 m (100 - 230 ft) Material: hemp- or plastic fibres 7.14.3 Max. towing speeds Aerotow VT = 190 km/h, 103 kts. Winch- and autotow VW = 140 km/h, 76 kts. 2.14.4 Tow Release The C.G. tow release (installed in front of the main wheel) is suitable only for winch- and auto launching. ; The nosa hook is to be used only for aerotow. 2.14.5 Winch launching with Fin tanks (option) filled is prohibited if the tail-wheel does not rest on the ground at the beginning of the launch. Hote: If the tail-wheel doesn t stay on the ground by itself, press down the tail at the. horizontal tail-plane from behind and hold it in this position. 2.15 Crosswinds The maximum crosswind component according to the airworthiness requirements for take-off and lan- ding is 15 km/h (8 kts). 2.16 Tyre Pressure ID №3 Mol Main wheel 2.5 bar 36 psi Nose wheel 2.5 bar 36 psi Tail wheel 4 bar 58 psi 3 17 Water ballast in the wing tanks Only symmetrical loading is allowed. After filling balance the wings by dumping enough water from the heavy wing. It is not allowed to fly with leaking watertanks, as this may result in asymmetrical loading condi- tion. Follow the loading chart, see sect. 6.8. Max. capacity 80 1 (21.2 US gal.) per wing. 2 18- Water ballast in the fin tank (Option) As it is dangerous to fly with empty wing tanks while ballast is resting in the fin, it is prohibited to fill water into the fin tank if there is any risk of icing. The flight con- ditions must comply with the following table. min. ground °C 13,5 17 24 31 38 temperature °F 56 63 75 88 100 max. £light m 1500 2000 3000 4000 5000 altitude ft 5000 6500 10000 13000 16500 In addition the outside air temperature gauge is to be watched. The OAT should not be lower than EE (36° F). Tesned: March 2000 TH 348/14 App. 2.8 Flight manual 2.19 Limitations placards re N = = Type: DQ - 500 ELAN Orion Year of construction: tara Maximo airspesds kh ка Winch 140 8 Rovers E Y Bir : 150 102 gear operating 199 102 | Мазфтилт spa Y me od. Loum, SU TIRA CE addon calsgory À Spans 172 ot 18 m. ony wifhoud washes and hall rol, Sor Maximum : 1378 nn Cafagory A Category U à or maximom | Loading char Toad: rear saat Es — = 211 Ea | 195 ka | 231 ba = | 110 105 kg DG-500 ELAN ORION with optional fin tanks te ka = E О © | Gepäck max. 15kg Baggage max. lbs. Solibruchsteña 10000 N Rated load — 2200 AR VME AR. 3000 258 Ва 328] 8 38 13 si | $ limits for use ol the En waterballast tank _ groundtempersturs CF 5 El 75 88 100 merimum | m 1500 2000 1009 4000 5000 Mghtvalituda M 5000 6500 1000013000 16509 | Reifendruck 2.5 bar Tyre pressure 16 psi nose wheel ReHendruck jJbar Tyre pressure 44 psi main wheel fe as tail wheel A bar! Sapsi Other cockpit placards see sect. T. [ssued: July 1995 App. 3. 3. Flight manual DG-500 ELAN ORION Section 3 Emergency procedures „1 Introduction .2 Canopy jettison .31. Bailing out ‚43 Stall recovery .5 Spin recovery .6 Spiral dive recovery .T Recovery from unintentional cloud flying .8 Flight with asymmetric water ballast ‚9 Emergency wheel up landing 10 Ground loop 11 Emergency landing in water {ssued: July 1995 App. 3.1 Flizht manual DG-500 ELAN ORION 3.1 Introduction Section 3 provides a checklist and amplification for coping with emergen- cies that may occur. Fmergency situations can be minimized by proper pre- flight inspections and mamténance. Caution: Canopy jettison and bailing out should be trained several [mes on the ground before flying the aircrafl. 12 Canopy jettison To bail out the white-red canopy opening handle (left) has to be operated with your right hand. Open the canopy as fur as possible. If the canopy doesn't stay open (or is no! blown away by the oncoming air}. but is closed by the air pressure, vou have to releasc the canopy Im it's close! position by operating the red emergency release handle (right) with your left hand, then push the canopy upwards. [he retaining hines will tear off. The gas struts (if installed) wall disengage automatically 3.3 Bailing out First jettison both canopies. then open the safety hamess and bail out. The low walls of the front cockpit allow for a quick push-off exit. 32 Stall recovery Easing the stick forward and picking up a dropping wing with sufficient opposite rudder the glider can be recovered from the stall. To recognize and prevent the stall, please refer to sect. 4.54. 3.5 Spin Recovery Apply full opposite rudder against direction of the spin, pause. Then ease stick forward until the rotation ceases, centralize the controls and carcfully pull out of the dive. The ailerons should be kept neutral durmg recovery. Caution: To prevent unintentional spinning do not stall the sailplane. Fly with enough speed reserve especially In gusty conditions and in the landing pattem. Intended spins with waterballast are not permitted. Height loss during recovery upto. 50 - 100 m (160-330 fi) max. speed dunng recovery 200 kmh (108 kis) = a Li [ssued: May 2008 TM 48-20 App. Flight manual DG-500 ELAN ORION 36 Spiral dive recovery Apply rudder and aileron in opposite direction and carefully pull out of the dive. Spiral dive occurs only when spinning more than 3 tums with medium CG. positions, see sect. To prevent spiral dives intentional spinning should only be exacuted at aft CG. positions. Recovery from unintentional spinning should be done immediately. = Recovery from unintentional cloud fiying Spins are not to be used to loose altitude. In an emergency. pull oul the dive brakes fully before exceeding a speed of 200 kevin and fly wiih max 200 keh {L108 kes j until leaving the cloud. At higher speeds up 10 VNE. pull out the dive brakes very carefully be- cause of high acrodynamic and g-loads. Led 3% Flight with asymmetric waterballast If vou suspect that the waterballast docs not dump symmetrically you have to close the dump valves of the wingtanks immediately, to avoid ervuter asviumetry Asymmetry can be verified by the necessary aileron deflection ın straight flight at low airspeeds. When flying with asymmetric waterballast you have to increase the air- speed. especially in tums, so that you can avoid a stall at all costs. {£ the aircraft does enter a spin. you have to push the stick forward clearly during recovery. Fly the landing pattem and touch down aprox. 10 kmh (6 kis.) faster than usually and after touch down control carcfully the bank angle to avoid the wing touching the ground too carly. 39 Emergency wheel up landing It is not recommended to execute a wheel up emeérgemey landing, as the encrgy absorption capability of the fuselage is much smaller than that of the landing gear. If the landing gear can't be extended touch down with small angle of at- tack. Lad las Posed: May 2008 TN345:20 App. Flight manual DG-500 ELAN ORION 3.10 Emergency ground loop If there is the risk of overshooting the landing strip you have to decide at least 40 m (130 fl) before the ond of the field to execute a controlled ground loop. If possible tam into the wind. Lift the tail by pushing the stick forward. 3.11 Emergency landing on water From the experience with emergency water landing we know, that it 1s likelv that the sailplanc will dive Into the water, cockpit first. Therefore an emergency landing on water should be the fast choice. In the case of a water landing, however. extend the landing gear. Recommended procedures: | On downwind leg of the landing pattern: Extend the landmg gear, нок the parachute hamess (ned the scat hamess) Touch down: With landing gear extended and alrspecil as how as possible. At point oftouch-down: Use your left arm to progeci your face against possible canopy fracture After touch down: Unfasten seat belt hamesses and undo parachute. Leaving the cockpit under water: If the canopy has not fractured, opening the canopy may be possible only after the for- ward fuselage 1s almost completely filled with water. Issued: May 2008 7N548:20 App. 34 = E Le фк > ba bd bd Bd Bd Ba Bd sd LA «Le ud by == ad Le 44 4.5 4.51 4.5.2 4.53 4.54 4.55 4356 45.7 158 454 Flight manual DG-508 ELAN ORION Section 4 Normal procedures Introduction Rigging and derigging, filling the watertanks Rugeme Filling the wing watertanks Filling the fin tank A (Option) Filling the fin tank B Derigging Darty Inspection Pre-fhight inspection Normal procedures and recommended speeds Section not effective Section not effective Launch Frec flight Section not effective Section not effective Approach and landing Flight with waterballast Flight at high altitude and at low temperatures 4.5.10 Flight in rain and thunderstorms 43.11 Cloud Ayme 45.12 Acrobatics Issued: May 2008 TN 34576 App. 4.1 Flight manual DG-500 ELAN ORION Гы n js Introduction Section 4 provides checklist and amplified procedures for the conduct of normal operation. Normal procedures associated with optioral systems can be found in section 9. 4.2 Rigging and derigging, filling the watertanks 4.2.1 Rigging 1. Open the rear canopy. 2. Clean and lube the pins, bushings and the con- trol connections. 3. Rigging the inboard wing panels. All controls hook up automatically. Therefore set the wing flap handle into zero position and the airbrake handle to the forward stop. The airbrakes must be locked. Screw one of the rear wing securing pins on the tool W 38/2. Close the rear canopy. Push the right wing panel into place. Insert the rear securing pin With the tool at the rear attachment fitting. Push in the tool so far that the upper surface of the brass part of the tool is flush with the wing surface. Screw off the tool. Check if the locking device for the securing pin has engaged. Screw the other securing pin on to the tool. Open the rear canopy. Push in the left wing. Mount and check the left securing pin by the same method as the right side. Push in the two main pins as far as possible. Place the handles horizontal or upright. Release the wings. Finally screw in the se- curing screws in the main pins. When the screws are fastened press the handles of the screws into the clips at the main pin handles. 4. Rigging of the stabilizer Check if the battery is installed in the fin and is connected. Operating the glider without the battery or without a ballast weight of 4.3 kg (9.5 lbs.) is not permitted as the forward C.G. limit may be exceeded. Set the trim nose down. Screw the too! W 38/2 into the securing plate {near the top of the left surface of the fin). Pull cut the securing plate with the tool, move it downwards to engage in the rigging position. Issued: October 1997 TN 348/9 App. 4.2 Flight manual DG-500 ELAN ORION M, ff Set the stabilizer on, so that the roller at the fuselage side push rod 18 inserted into the funnel at the elevator. Watch carefully the procedure. [momma When the stabilizer is set down and laying on the fin, push it aft. The roller will slide for- relic ward in the funnel if you hold the elevator in the pertinent position. = Release the securing device by pulling out with - the tool and engage the securing device by lifting the tool. The securing plate must be flush with the surface of the fin. Screw out the tool. Check for correct elevator connection by | looking from the rear into the gap at the right hand side of the rudder. 5. Rigging and derigging the endplates for 17.2 m span The endplates are to be fixed to the wings with 5 flathead screws M10 x 40 DIN 7991-8.8 zn. The screws must therefore be inserted into the front and rear 1ift pin bushes and to be fastened with a 6 mm Allen key. 6. Rigging and derigging the wing tip extensions and of the 18 m tips (Option) 1.Insert the wing tip extensions into the wing. Press in the locking pin with your finger. Insert the wing tip so far that the aileron connectors starts to slide into the flaperon slots. Strike firmly with the palm of your hand on to the wing tip to lock in the wing tip extension. 2.Disassembling of the wing tip Use a 6 mm diameter pin for pressing in the locking pin on the wings upper side. 7. Tape the gaps of the wing-fuselage junction. A. Positive control check. Issued: July 19495 App. 4.3 Flight manual DG-500 ELAN ORION y 2.2 Filling the wing water ballast tanks 4.2.3 a) With an optional fin tank first push forward the handle for the fin tank. To fill the water ballast, pull back the respective handle (top-right tank, bottom-left tank) in the cockpit. Place one wingtip on the ground. Attach the hose supplied with your glider in the water outlet on the lower surface of the wing. Warning: Fill the hose from your water contain- ers but never from a mains pressure water supply. Filling the wing tanks with excessive pressure (more than 0.2 bar, 3 psi) will definitely burst the wing shelll ’ Caution: If .the tanks are to be filled up com pletely you must suck the air out of the tanks with the filling hose. Fill with the desired amount of water regarding the loading chart see sect. 6. After filling close the valve with the water ballast handle and remove the hose. Place the other wingtip on the ground and fill the other tank. In case a valve leaks slightly, you may try to pull out the PVC pushrod of the valve to stop the leak. If this cannot be done successfully refer to maintenance manual 1.8.2. and h.1. It is not allowed to fly with leaking watertanks,as this may result in asymmetrical loading condition. After filling the tanks, check Lo see if the wings are balanced. If one wing is heavier, dump enough water to balance the wings. Filling the fin waterballast tanks (Option) Wing ballast compensation tank (Tank A) This tank must be filled after rilling the wingtanks. Determine the amount see sect. 6.8.5a). Connect the transparent funnel equipped filling hose (supplied with the aircraft) via the hose connector GRS 10-12 to the hose which comes out of the left rear end of the fuselage. The funnel can be sus- pended at the top of the rudder. Fill with clean water using a graduated measur- ing vessel. In addition, the loaded quantity can be checked by holding the filling hose to the scale at the fin (communicating tube). After filling, close the fin tank dump lever. Then remove the filling hose with the hose con- nector. Issued: July 1995 App. 4.4 b) ц.2. 8 4.2.5 Flight manual DG-500 ELAN ORION Rear Pilot mass compensation tank (Tank B) connect the short hose with nipple to the hose connector of the funnel equipped fill- ing hose which is also used for filling Tank A. Determine the amount see sect. 6.8.5a). Rotate the coupling out of the lower side of the fuselage (in front of the tailwheal). To rotate the coupling press upwards the forward end of the cover. Move upwards the cap ring of the coupling and plug in the nipple into the coupling. * The funnel can be suspended at the top of the rudder. fill with clean water using a graduated measur- ing vessel. - ; In addition, the loaded quantity can be checked by holding the filling hose to the scale at the fin (communicating tube). After filling remove the nipple. The coupling closes automatically. Check to see if the con- trol light in the front instrument panel displays "tank filled”. The "tank empty" light must be off. Draining the fin tank B Rotate the coupling out of the lower side of the fuselage, same as for filling the tank. Plug in the nipple with the short hose (without the long hose with funnel) into the coupling. Let the water drain out of the tank. Derigging Derigging follows the reverse of rigging. Water ballast in the wings must first be emptied. Lock the airbrakes. For disassembling the wing securing pina the tool W 38/2 must be screwed into the bolt completely. The brass part of the tool will then disengage this bolt. It is recommended to leave the securing bolt in the right wing while you derig the left wing. Tasued: July 1995 App. 4.5 Flight manual DG-500 ELAN ORION 4.3 Daily Inspection Please keep in mind the importance of the inspection after rigging the glider and respectively each day prior to the first take off. It is for your safety. Caution: After a heavy landing or if other high loads have been subjected to your sailplane, you must execute a complete inspection refering to main- tenance manual sect. 2.3 prior to the next take off, If you detect any damage, don't operate your aireraft before the damage is repaired. If the maintenance- and repair manual don't give adequate information, please contact the manufacturer. A Inspection prior to rigging 1. Wing roots and spar ends a) check for cracks, delamination ete. ; b) check the bushes and their glued connection in root ribs and the spar ends for wear ce) check the control hook ups at the rootrib for wear and corrosion d) check the strings which hold the vaterbags for sufficient tension (see maintenance manual sect. #.1) 2, Fuselage at wing connection a) check the lift pins for wear and corrosion b) check the control hook ups including the water- dumpsystem for wear and corrosion 3. Top of the vertical fin a) check the mounting points of the horizontal tailplane and the elevator control hook up for wear and corrosion b) check if the battery is installed in the fin and connected N. Horizontal tailplane check the mounting points and the elevator control hook up for wear and corrosion 5.-Rigging points for theloutboard wing panels * Check the lift pins and bushes for wear and corrosion and check their glued connections. Check the securing pin for function and enough spring force. Issued: July 1995 App. 4.6 Flight manual DG-300 ELAN ORION B Inspection alter rigging Walk around the aircraft I. AN parts of the an ram 7 a) chook for fMaws such as bubbles, holes, bumps and cracks in the surface 5} check icading and trauime edges of the wings and control surfaces for cracks 2. Cockpit arca a) check the canopy locking mechanism b) check the canopy emergency release see sect. 7.15 (not each day. but min. every 3 month) ¢} check the main pin securing check fhe securing ropes of the headrest in the rear cockpit for wear, function and length: is it possible that the headrest interferes with the comtrol stick? di check ali controls for wear and function, incl. positive control check el check the tow release system for wear and function incl. cable releasc check iy check for foreign objects E) check the instrementation and radio for wear and function h} check the radio and other electrical equipment for function. IM there is no electric power it must bc assumed, that the battery is not installed in the fin. Flying is only allowed with the battery in the fin as otherwise the forward C.G. limit may be exceeded. 1) check the brake fluid level 3. CG. Tow hook a) check the ring muzzle of the C.G. hook for wear and function b) check lor cleanliness and corrosion 1. Main landing gear and nose wheel a) check the struts, the gear box, the gear doors ard the tyre for wear; dirt in the struts can hinder the landing gcar from locking over center the next time! Issued: May Z008 [34520 App. 4.7 4.3 B 9. 10. Flight manual DG-500 ELAN ORION rr b) check the tyre pressure mainwheel: 3.0 bar - UN psi nose wheel: 2.5 bar - 36 pai с) check wheel brake and cable for wear and func- tion Left wing a) check locking of the outboard wing or screwed joint of the endplates b) check the aileron for excessive free play с) check airbrake- and box and control red for wear and free play. IE must be possible Lo re- tract the airbrake, even if it is pressed in backward direction. If there is any water in the airbrake box this has to be removed. d) check the locking of the rear wing attachment pin | Tail wheel a) check for wear, free play and excessive dirt in the wheel box. Remove excessive dirt prior to take off! . Ь) check tyre pressure: Ÿ bar -58 psi Rear end of the fuselage — a) cheek the lower rudder hinge and the connec- tion of the rudder cables for wear, free play and correct securing b) check the bulkhead and fin trailing edge shear web for cracks and delamination Fin - horizontal tail a) check the upper rudder hinge for wear and free la м b) оной the elevator for free play and correct control hook up, look from the rear into the gap at the right hand side of the rudder = с) check the securing of the stabilizer d) check the horizontal tail for free play e) check the TE or Multiprobe for correct inser- tion Right wing see detail 5. Fuselage nose a) check the ports for the static pressure and the pitot pressure for cleanliness. b) if the sailplane was parked in rain, you have to empty the static ports by sucking out the water at the ports. e) check the nose hook for cleanness and corrosion Issued: July 1995 App. 4.8 Flight manual DG-500 ELAM ORION 4.4 Preflight inspection 1. = kw MY E =] on vi 10. 11. Issued: July 1995 Lead ballast (for under weight pilot)? . Parachute worn properly? Safety harness buckled? . Front seat: pedals adjusted? Rear seat: seating height adjusted? A11 controls and knobs in reach? Altimeter? . Dive brakes cycled and locked? Positive control check? (One person at the control surfaces). . Fin ballast tanks emptied or correct amount filled? Trim? Both canopies locked? App. 5.9 Flight manual DG-500 - ELAN ORION §.5 Normal procedures and and recommended speeds 4.5.3 Launch Due to the towhook position being in the middle of the fuselage and the excellent effectiveness of the ailerons and rudder, the possibility of wing dropping or ground loops, even on a Slow starting aerotow is reduced. Take-off with strong crosswind is possible. Aerotow - a) Aerotow is permitted only using the nose tow release. Set trim to neutral for aerotow. b) Pull the stick until the nose wheel lifts off from the ground. Then control the airplane so that nose wheel and tail wheel don't touch the ground. Don't try to lift off before you reach an airspeed of 80 km/h (443 kts) (without ballast). - On a rough airfield hold the control stick tight. The undercarriage can be retracted at safety height during the Бом. Hormal towing speed is 120-130 km/h (65 - TO kts). For a cross country tow the speed can be as high as 190 km/h (103 kts). Warning: Aerotow with high take off weight requires a powerful tow plane. Many tow planes are not certified to tow gliders with high take of f weights. Reduce the take off weight if ne- cessary! Issued: July 1995 App. 4.10 Flight manual DG-500 ELAN ORION Winch launch (only allowed at the C.G. release) Set the trim fully nose down for winch launch. To accomplish this, operate trimmer lever on the control column and push the control knob on the left cockpit wall to its forwardmost position. Caution: During ground roll and initial take-off (especially when flying solo) push the control stick to its forvardmost position or fully nose- down to prevent excessive nose up pitching rota- tion during initial take-off. After reaching safety altitude gradually pull back the stick, so that the glider will not pick up excessive speed. Don't pull too hard. After reaching release altitude pull the tow re- lease knob. Recommended winch launch airspeed 110-120 km/h (60-65 kts). Caution: Do not fly at less than 90 km/h (#9kts) or not more than 180 km/h (76 kts). Caution: | To avoid a strong impact at the tail-wheel due to surging of the winch cable the tail-wheel should rest on the ground at the beginning of the winch launch. If the tail-wheel doesn't stay on the ground by itself, it is recommended to press down the tail at the horizontal tail-plane from behind and hold it im this position. Warning: Winch launch with high take off weight requires a powerful winch! Issued: March 1996 EM 500/9/96 App. 4.11 Flight manual DG-500 ELAM ORION 4.5.4 Free Flight Stalling characteristies (level and turning flight) When stalled the DG-500 ELAN ORION will continue to fly level with high sink rate and buffeting. If the stick is pulled further the DG-500 ELAN ORION will drop the nose or drop one Wing. During the stall a large angle of attack will be reached. At forward C.G. positions the DG-500 ELAN ORION can be flown in stall without wing or nose dropping. When reaching the minimum speed, the angle of attack has to be increased significantly before the DG-500 ELAM ORION stalls. Therefore stalled flight is easy to recognize. With stick forward and opposite rudder if required the DG-500 ELAN ORION can be recovered without much loss of height. Rain does not influence this behaviour noticeably. The loss of height is ca. 30 m. Stall airspeeds see sect. 5.2.2. Caution Flight in conditions conductive to lightning strikes must be avoided. Issued: July 1995 App. 4.12 4.5.7 Flight manual DG-500 ELAN ORION Approach and landing | Abeam the landing point extend the landing gear (Option). In calm weather approach with approx. 100 km/h (54 kts). With strong wind fly faster! The very effective Schempp-Hirth dive brakes make a short landing possible. A slip is there- fore not necessary as a landing technique. Caution: While slipping, the rudder is sucked in its displaced position. 30 it is re- commended to practice slipping at a higher altitude. 5 Strong crosswind offers no problem. Do not approach too slowly with fully extended airbrakes otherwise the aircraft may drop during flare out. | E When flaring out keep the airbrake setting you were using, opening them further may drop the sailplane. Clean the landing gear and tow release after landing in an muddy field. Dirt in the front strut (Option retractable landing gear) can keep the landing gear from locking over center next time. Simply hosing with water is the best cleaning method. Landing with the landing gear retracted Wheel up landing is not recommended see émer- gency procedures sect. 3.9.. After wheel up landing check the fuselage belly, the tow hook and the tow hook bulkheads for damage. Landing with asymmetric waterballast See emergency prodcedures sect. 3.8.. Issued: July 1995 App. 4.13 Flight manual DG-500 ELAN ORION 4.5.8 Flight with water ballast Wing tanks recommended ballast for smooth thermals: rate of climb ballast m/s rpm kta ltr. U.S. gallons below 1,5 300 3 none 1,5-3 300-600 3-6 100 26 more . than 3 600 6 max. ballast Do not exceed the maximum gross weight when loa- ding the water ballast. The maximum quantity of water allowed is depen- dent on the empty weight and the cockpit load (see sect.6). In flight, the water drains at approx.0,5 ltr./sec. (1.1 1bs/sec). Fin water ballast tanks (Option) For optimal thermaling performance and handling water ballast in the fin tanks should be used to compensate the forward movement of C.G. due to the water ballast in the wings and due to the mass of the rear pilot. Please refer Eo sect. 6. If there is the risk of freezing, dunp all water before you reach freezing altitude, latest at +2°C, or descend to lower altitudes. If you suspect a tank is leaking, dump all water immediately. Water ballast raises the approach speed, so it is recommended to dump the waterballast before lan- ding. Dump the ballast before am outlanding in any case. Filling the waterballast see sect. 14.2 After filling level the wings and check if the dump valves are tight. It is not allowed to Fly with leaking vatertanks as this may result in an asymmetric loading condition. Dumping of the vwaterballast Open the fin tank handle first. Then open both wing ballast tanks together. To avoid an asymmetric-loading condition, do not eapty one wing tank after the other. Valves leaking, servicing a refer to the maintenance manual sect. 1.8 and 4.1. I=zaued: Julv 1995 App. 4.1 tight manual DG-500 ELAN ORION 439 Flight at high altitude and at low temperatures With temperatures below U°C (32°F) for instance when wave flying or ying im winter. it is possible that the control circuits could become stiffer. Special care should be taken to ensure that there is no moisture on any section of the control circuits to minimize the possibility of freeze up. it could be advantageous to apply Vaseline along all the edges of the airbrake cover plates 10 minimize the possibility of freezing closed. Apply the controls tn short periods. it 15 not aliowed to carry waterballasi. Caution: |. Af temperatures below -20°C (34°F) there i the nsk of cracking rhe gi loot, 1, Attention must be paid to the fact that at meher altitudes the true airspecd ts arater than the indicated amspeed. The max. speed VNE is reduced. See the following tale Altade in Metres Bmw 3000 4000 3000 6000 VNE IAS kmh 270 256 243 230 218 Altitude in ft. 16600 10000 13000 16000 70000 VINE TAS kis, 146 LAR 131 123 117 3. Dump the water ballast before you reach freczme altitude or descend 10 | lower altitudes. 4 Do nat Ay below USC (327F) when your lider ts wet (eg after rain). 45.19 Flight in rain and thunderstorms | With Echt rain the stall speed and the sink rate increases slightly amd the approach speed has to be increased. Warning: Flights and especially winch launches in the viomity of thunder storms should be avoidad. Due w lightning discharge. carbon fibre structures | may be destroyed. 4.4.11 Cloud Nying (only without watcrballast and) Take care to flv smoothly and coordinated. № is prohibited to use a spin asa method for loosing altitude in the clouds. In case of emergency, pall out the dive brakes fully before exceeding a speed of 200 km/h and dive with max. 200 kmh { 10% kts) 10 leave the cloud. Warning: Flying in or near thunderstorm-clouds 15 profibited. | Issued: May 2008 TNId8:20 App 4.15 Flight manual DG-500 ELAN ORION 4.5.12 Aerobatics {("Utility"™ Category) Execute only the approved manceuvres. Approved manoeuvres {Utility Airworthiness Category, all wing spans, no water ballast in the wings and fin tank A) 1. Spins 2. Inside Loop Entry Speed 200 km/h (103 kts.) 3. Stall turn Entry Speed 200 km/h (108 kts.) 4. Chandelle Entry Speed 200 km/h (108 Ets.) 5. Lazy Eight Entry Speed 200 km/h (108 kis.) Spins: Mote: Prolonged spinning is best at aft C.G. positions. To perform prolonged spinning with 2 persons on board it is recommended to compensate the weight of the second pilot using fin tank В see sect. It is not necessary to extend the dive brakes during spin recovery. The DG-500 ELAN ORION shows a very large nose down pitch after leaving the spin, so you have to flare out correspondingly. With forward C.G. positions prolonged spinning is not possible. The DG-500 ELAN ORION will terminate the spin by itself after a certaln num- ber of turns dependent on the C.G. position. The nose down pitch and speed will be high so with these C.G. positions not more than 1 turn spins should be executed, to avoid high g-lcads. With medium C.G. positions there is a tendency that the spin will turn into a spiral dive after approx. 3 turns. Reaching this state you have to recover immediately. With 20 m span the tendency for spiral dive can be reduced if the spin is induced by applying aileron and rudder in the direction cf the spin. With the other wing spans spin with aileron neutral only. Inducing the spin: (Normal procedure) Gradually bring the sailplane into a stall. When it starts to burble, pull the stick back completely and kick in full rudder in the spin direction. Recovering from the spin: Apply full opposite rudder against direction of the spin, pause, then ease the stick forward until the rotation ceases, neutralize Che controls and carefully pull out of the dive. The zilerons should be kept neutral during recovery. Height loss during recovery is approx. 20-80 m 160-260 ft), the max. speed is max. 200 km/h (108 kts.). : Tssued: March 2000 TN 348/14 Ann. 4.16 Flight Manual DG-500 ELAN ORION Stallturn. To fly a stallturn safely, please proceed as follows: After reaching the entry speed pull back the atick quickly, but not abruptly. During the pull out, shortly before reaching the vertical flight path initiate rotation with the rudder. Push the rudder quickly, but not abruptly. Also, at the highest point of the turn, the glider should still have a positive air- speed above stalling speed. Be careful not to exceed the airspeed for max. control surface deflection as indicated in section 2.2. ° When reaching the vertical dive, flare out immediately to minimize speed increse and g-load. Caution: . A classical stallturn with almost no airspeed at the highest point of the turn is very difficult to fly with a glider with larger wingspan, due to the high moment of inertia. This effect is taken into account when using the above mentioned procedure. Warning: If the rudder is pushed too late and the rotation is insufficient, it is possible that the glider tailslides (falls tailwards). If this happens, it is important to hold all con- trols firmly, preferably at one of the stops, until the nose swings down. Then flare out immediately. Issued: July 1995 App. 4.17 Flight manual DS-500 ELAN ORION Aerobatics Category A, Aerobatic only with 17.2 m or 18 m span and without water ballast in the wings and fin tank A Execute only the approved manoeuvres. Don't execute aerobatics below the safety altitude required by national law. Approved manoeuvres (Aerobatic Category): All manoeuvres approved for Utility category and: Inverted flight recommended speed 140-200 km/h (76-108 kts.) Slow roll entry speeds 180-200 km/h (97-108 kts.) Half roll and half loop 170-180 km/h. (922-99 kts.) Half loop and half roll 220 km/h (119 kts.) caution: The DG-500 ELAN ORION is a high per-' formance sailplane. Therefore the speuti increase in the dive, especially in inverted flight is high. Therefore training aercbatics should only be exe- cuted after a rating with an experienced pilot or if you can master the manoeuvres on other sail- plane types. In any case don't try to execute the manoeuvres with entry speeds other than those listed above. Inverted flight: The speed in inverted flight should preferably be choosen between 140-200 km/h (76-108 kts.). AL speeds greater than 190 km/h (103 kts.) no full control deflections are allowed. Warning: When the speed is reduced below the minimum speed (depending on weight and c.g. posi- tion 120 - 135 km/h, 65-73 kts.) the DG-500 ELAN ORION enters an inverted stationary stall with high sink-rate. This will be indicated by buffet- ing of the tailplane. The aircraft nose may point far below the horizon and the airspeed may show 130 — 150 km /h (70 - 81 kts). The efficiency of the ailerons and rudder will be reduced considerably. Hota: The inverted stalled flight must he recovered by neutralizing the stick until the buffeting of the tailplane stops. The airspeed will increase very quickly. As soon as this condition is reached, raise the glider nose above the horizon by gradually pushing the stick forward. Regain normal flight by a half rell. a 1 ANNAN Ti ART App : 4.18 Flight manual DG-500 ELAN ORION 4.5.12 cont... - Half loop and half roll: After reaching the entry speed of 220 km/h (119 kts) pull the stick quickly, but not abruptly until reaching the inverted position, where the speed should still be 130 to 140 km/h (70-75 kts). Then return the stick to neutral and keep the nose slightly above the horizon. Then apply full aileron in the desired direction. After the wing passes the vertical position apply upper rudder to keep the nose above the horizon until normal flying position is reached. Hote: - If the nose is raised too much above the horizon or the inverted speed is too slow, a stall can occur when the wing reaches the vertical position and the glider finishes the rolling motion as a "flicked"” roll into normal flying position. Half roll and half loop: After reaching the entry speed of 170-180 km/h (92-97 kts) the nose must be raised to 10 - 20" above the horizon. After returning the stick to neutral apply full aileron into the desired direction to start the half roll. After the wing passes vertical position the stick has to be pushed slightly (never abruptly) forward to keep the nose above the horizon. When reaching inver- ted flight the ailerons must be neutralized and the speed must be reduced to 130-140 km/h (70-76 kts) by pushing the stick forward before starting the half loop to level out. Note: If during the entry the nose is raised too high or the entry speed is too low, it could be that it is impossible to stop the rotation in the in- verted position and the glider continues the roll -into normal position. E" Teles AAMC App. 4.19 Flight manual DG-500 ELAM ORION 4.5.12 cont. Slow roll: After reaching the entry speed of 190 - 200 km/h (97-108 kta) the nose must be raised slightly above the horizon. After returning the stick to neutral, full aileron has to be applied in the desired direction. After the wing has passed the first vertical position the stick is to be pushed slightly (never abruptly) forward to keep the nose above the horizon. When the wing passes the second vertical position the rudder must be applied upwards to keep the nose above the hori- zon until normal flying position is reached. Hote: If during the inverted flight the nose is raised too high above the horizon and the speed is re- — duced too much a stall could occur when the wing reaches the second vertical positon and the roll is finished as a "flicked" The stall is indicated by buffetting of the tail- plane. Fannade Mata 1006 App. 4.20 Flight manual DG-500 ELAN ORION Section 5 т. Performance 5.1 Introduction 5.2 Approved Data 5.2.1 Alrapeed indicator system calibration 5.2.2 Stall anda 5.3. Hon approved further information 5.3.1 Demonstrated erosswind performance 5.3.2 Gliding performance 5.3.3 Flight Polar -—. Tan © 1005 5.1 Flight manual DG-500 ELAM ORION Introduction Section 5 provides approved data for airspeed cali- bration, stall speeds and non-approved further in- formation. The data in the charts has been computed from actual flight tests with the sailplane in good and clean condition and using average piloting tech- niques. Taauaed: July 1995 App- 5.2 Flight manual DG-500 ELAN ORION 5.2 Approved data 5.2.1 Airspeed indicator system calibration IAS 4D 50 60 70 80 90 190 10 170 130 160 kis 27 : 250 230 210 190 60 km/h 70 90 CAS IAS indicated airspeed CAS = calibrated airspeed Caution: The airspeed indicator is Eo be connected to the static ports and pitot probe in the fuselage nose. fTarnad: liv 1095 App. 5.3 Flight manual DG-500 ELAN ORION 5.2.2 Stall speeds Minimum airspeeds in level flight Airbrakes retracted Wing loading 28 33 37 40 43 46 kg/m? 5.7 6.8 7.6 8.2 8.8 9.4 1lba/ft* Stall speed 66 TI 75 178 31 84 km/h 36 38 40 82 481 45 kts Airbrakes extended Wing loading 28 133 17 но 43 46 - kg/m? 5.7 6.8 7.6 8.2 8.8 9.4 Ibas/ft* Stall speed 70 176 80 83 86 89 km/h 38 41 43 45 46 HB - kts Flight mass Wing loading kg lbs kg/m? lbs/ft? Span (m) 17.2 18 20 17.2 18 20 470 1036 29.0 28.2 26.7 5.9 5.7 5.5 500 1102 30.9 30.0 28.4 6.3 6.1 5.8 550 1213 34.0 33.0 31.2 7.0 6.8 6.4 600 1323 37.0 36.0 38.1 7.6 T.4 7.0 650 1433 0.1 139.0 36.9 8.2 8.0 7.6 700 1543 143.2 42.2 39.8 8.8 8.6 8.2 750 1653 16.3 45.2 42.6 9.5 9.3 8.7 The loss of height for stall recovery is approximately 30 m (100 ft) if recovered immediately. > « та... ANNE App. 5.6 Flight manual DG-500 ELAN ORION 5.3 Hom approved further information 5.3.1 Demonstrated crosswvind performance The demonstrated crosswind velocity is 15 km/h (8 kts) according to the airworthiness require- | menta. 5.3.2 Gliding performance Performance data 18 m wingspan Wing loading kg/m? (lbs/ft?) 30(6.1) 38(7.8) H5(9.2) min.sink rate m/s (ft/min) .58/11H) .65(128) .71(140) at у km/h(kts) 7#(H0) —B3(45) 90(49) best glide ratio- / 39.1 39.7 #0 at у km/h(kts) 90(49) 101(55) 110(59) Performance data 20 m Wingspan Wing loading kg/m“ (1ba/ft=) 30(6.1) 35(7.2) 42.6(8.7) min.sink rate m/s (ft/min) .51(100) .55(108) ¿MT at у km/h(kts) 7A(40) ÑB0(43) 88(48) best glide ratio / 43.5 43.8 ny at у km/h(kts) 92(50) 100(54) 110(59) A variation in speed by + 10 km/h (5 kts) from the above will decrease the best glide angle by 0.5 glide points and increase the min. sink rate by 1 em/sec. (2 ft/min). The polar curves can be seen on the next page. For optimum performance, the aireraft should be flown with a C.G. towards the rear of the allow- able range. This especially improves thermaling performance. 6 However the aircraft will be more p:tch sensitive. The wing fuselage joint and the tailplane fin joint should be taped up and the aireraft thoroughly cleaned to obtain maximum performance. The polars apply to a "clean" aircraft. With dirty wings or flight in rain, the perfor- mance drops accordingly. ELAN ORION DG—500 Flight manual 5.3.3 Flight polar — — - 0'005- jur A LEC | |— - 4 ———— |< TT 0 06" "AA == = a i п E Ny i *, f " E a os Zn = == = i u — | ——o— a | > O 00 EN a 005€ o || 0%00€- ис неее сен |5 006" <= = , A вававный di 5 BE 0 005" = dak ra 0'051 "TPE PR Er PEN nl во _ ES De т [ eee 0'001- p=——|———— A 0 06" а an ni | - | | má à 00 оО! 0'001 006 0'08 0'04 d'os 005 d'or 0'0t (513) A (uedsBum WZ) NOMO NYT3 506-590 ое ¿UB TH 343/92 Issued: October 1997 Flight manual DG-500- ELAN ORION Section 6 6. Mass (weight) and balance 6.1 Introduction 6.2 Weighing procedures 6.3 Weighing record 6.4 Basic empty mass and C.G. 6.5 Mass of all non-lifting parts 6.6 Max. mass 6.7 Useful loads 6.8 Loading chart 6.9 C.G. calculation Tasued: July 1995 . 6.1 6.3 6.5 6.6 6.7 Flight manual DG-500 ELAN ORION Introduction This section contains the payload range within the sailplane may be safely operated. A procedure for calculating the inflight C.G. is also provided. A comprehensive list of all equipment available for this sailplane and the installed equipment during the weighing of the sailplane are contained in the maintenance manual. Weighing procedures See maintenance manual DG-500 ELAN ORION. Datum: Wing leading edge at the rootrib. Reference line: aft fuselage centre line horizontal. The weighing is to be executed with the battery in- stalled in the fin (Z07 mass #.3 kg, 9.5 lbs) and all tanks emptied. Weighing record The result of each C.G. weighing 13 to be entered on page 6.5. If the min. cockpit load haz changed this data is to be entered in the cockpit placard as well. When altering the equipment, the new data can be gathered by a C.G. calculation. (see sect.6.9). The actual equipment list is enclosed in the main- tenance manual. Basic empty mass and C.G. Actual data see page 6.5. With the empty weight C.G. and the cockpit loads in the limits of the diagram on page 6.6, the inflight C.G. limits will not be exceeded. Mass of all non-lifting parts (WHLP) The max. mass of all non-lifting parts is HMS КЕ (981 1bs) for category "Utility . WNLP is to be determined as follows: WHLP = WNLP empty + cockpit load (pilot, parachute, baggage, barograph, cameras ete. ). WHLP empty = Total empty weight minus weight of the wings. Max. mass (weight) A) Category Aerobatic Max. weight 625 kg (1376 lbs) B) Category Utility Max. welght = 750 kg (1653 lbs) Max. weight without waterballast = WHLP + W wings Useful load with waterballast Max. load with water ballast = max. weight - empty weight (only category 'Utility"). Max. load without vaterballast = max. welght without waterballast - empty weight. The data is recorded on page 6.5. 6.8 6.8.1 6.8.2 6.8.3 6.8.4 6.8.5 Flight manual bDG-500 ELAN ORION Loading chart Cockpit load see table on page 6.5. a) single seated max. load in the front seat 110 kg 242 lbs min. load in the front seat see placard in cock- pit and welghing re- port page 6.5 b) two seated max. cockpit load is 210 kg (463 lba) with a max. of 105 kg (231 1bs) in the front seat or 110 kg (242 1bs) in the front seat and 90 ke (198 1bs) in the rear seat. min. cockpit load in the front seat is the min. cockpit load see a) minus 450% of the load in the rear seat. With these loads, the C.G. range given under 2.8 Will be kept in the limits if the empty weight C.C. is in its limits. With lower pilot weight necessary ballast must be added in the seat. Ballast put on the seat (lead ballast cushion) must be fastened at the connections of the safety bells. Removable Ballast (Option) see sect. 7.16.1. Baggage: max. 15 ke (33 lbs) Heavy pieces of baggage must be secured to the bag- gage compartment floor (screwing to the floor or with belts). The max. mass secured on one half of the floor (left and right of fuselage centre line) should not exceed 7,5 kg (16.5 lbs). Battery in the fin: Only the use of the factory supplied battery Z OT, (12 Y, 10 Ah, Mass 4.3 kg, 9-5 lbs) is permitted. Warning: Flying is only allowed with the battery in the fin as otherwise the forward C.G. limit may be exceeded. Instead of the battery a suitable weight of 4.3 КЕ (9.51 lbs) may be used. Waterballast in the wing tanks: The tanks have a capacity of 80 1 (21.2 US gal) per wing. The allowed amount of waterballast is dependent on the empty weight and of the load in the fuselage and can be determined from the diagram on page 6.7 "ballast chart”. It is only allowed to Fly with symmetric wing ballast! EE A 6.3 6.8.5 Flight manual DG-500 ELAN ORION Fin ballast tanks (option) a) Wing Ballast Compensation Tank (Tank A) Water ballast in the fin tank should be used to compensate the forward move of C.G. due to the water ballast in the wings. The amount of ballast in the fin is dependent on the amount of water in the wing tanks and to be determined from the following table. water ballast in the wings in the fin tank КЕ lbs kg lbs 20 40 0.8 1.6 40 80 1.6 3-3 60 120 2.5 4.9 80 160 3.3 6.5 100 200 4.1 8.2 120 240 4.9 9.8 140 280 5.7 11.5 160 320 6.6 13.1 / 350 / 14.3 b) Rear Pilot Mass Compensation Tank (Tank B) The C.C. shift due to the rear pilot can be com- pensated by filling the ballast tank B). This is possible even without using wing ballast. The amount of ballast is to be determined from the following table. Mass of rear pilot water in the fin tank kg lba. KE lba 60 120 7. 14.7 70 140 8.6 17.2 BO 160 9.8 19.7 90 180 11.0 22.1 100 200 12.2 24.03 / 220 / 26.9 Warning: When flying solo tank B) must be emptied] Otherwise you will fly with a dangerous C.G. posi- tion. The compensation of 100 kg pilot weight (rear seat) raises the min. cockpit load in the front seat by 40 kg! The resulting value (min. cockpit load in front seat from welghing without ballast + 40 kg) must be entered in the table on page 6.5 as value XX and also on the placard at the indication lights for the fin tank on the front instrument panel. When using the fin tanks make sure not to exceed the max. weight of 750 kg (1653 lbs). Issued: July 1995 6.4 Flight manual DG-500 ELAN ORIGH Weighing report (for 6.3) Distances in mm, masses in KE 25.5 mm = 1 inch 1 kg = 2.2046 1bs. a Date of ! 5 [ ! ! ! weighing: : ] EN e _ OLOR execute у: To Geng e ! : Date of ! ! ! À no cierne | wise joy —| at: . Span : 20 . 17.2 > гонт | Empty mass | 4340] bat o 5710) Empty mass ! = 3 т ) ! CoG. 1 18% 1 M3 7350 max. mass U 1 without A | ! ! f i 65300, 643,36, 6444 | F- 1 625 kg! ! water ballast! ! ! ~~ ! max. d 1 1 1 == U | 219% 24/30, 2070 | without A! ] Г о i a water ballast! | AMO ı и" : max. mass I 1 ' 1 with W.B. U ! 750 kg! 750 kel Fob 1 ma I ! ! ! I ! ' 1 1 max. load ! 1 | with W.B. y 151390 24,0, 34/9 min. cockpit | 1 1 load in front! +5 ! | Фет seat | ! 75 | Se, 1 max. load in | ' both seats U ! 210 kg! 210 kg! 4100 ı AT PE - | dÀA dades a и ! ! ı A110 ı with optional! ! le. | fin tanks XX ! AAS ! MS 110 SF : Inspector 1 Na 7. E ! signature, ! ! PELS ky F ' stamp ! ! FA C5 vies a | 1 1 Nh Во 1 FX = min. Toad in front seat fogss@fo flying with fin tank B filled. == U= category U A= category A 1. Weighing is to be executed with the battery (Z 07, mass 4.3 kg - 9.5 lbs) installed in the fin. 2. Weighing was executed with tailwheel with: plastic hub brass hub (see 7.16.14) (delete the inapplicable) Issued: July 1995 6.5 | Rapporto di Pesata Rapporto n. OL OF | Aliante Ediz. 1 - Rev. 0 Pag. 1 di 1 Tipo: ; | Sin: | Marche: Esercente: DE Soo EJJAN Oro” BEZ42x54 | 105 he. (en Trale 1) Punto di riferimento: Per penolico la ve. alla feclite alive sul bora el: ATI een | RILIEVI: ? В 3 Y La Posizione | [3d Pa 2xB —a CG || Baricentro del peso a vuoto giace a X = = X Equipaggiamenti come da Lista allegata FAL mm II Baricentro del peso a vuoto di_¿5 7 £ deve essere tra_665 ; ff Tools Da confiaron dort jel Baricentro calcolata giace nell' ambito permesso Firma 2) Linea di rimento: /roncore oli cools г» bolls com olima foes: 33 | | Peso parti | Peso a vuoto: kg. 437 4 Peso delle parti Kg. non — portanti |Peso max. con ballast kg. 1549 | Ala destra 35,4 (Kg) |autorizzato senza ballast Kg. 644,1 | Ala sinistra | OCT (P.NP. + P. AN) | TT — ¡Peso max. Fusoliera 193,0 133,0 ve Cappottina = i 24.6 parti non portanti (mm) kg. 425 0 | Piano di coda 13,2 {3,2 |Carico utile : Timone | =” ~~ con ballast (P. max conball-P.wot) Kg. 377,9 Accessori I Wins ET) press nr a; senza ballast (p.maxsenza bal-p. vuot) Kg. 207 0 _ | Somma pesi parziali 648,0 ¿36,5 |Peso min in cabina kg. 800 Pesata e ceptraggio del peso a vuoto: а | Peso Lordo (Kg) | Tara (Kg) | Netto (Kg) | | Braccio (mm) | Г. 3385 _| „” | 2365 a” 359 pe 626 | 440 | 386% | IP ¿aer | 45,1 © — y TE Services srl LISTA EQUIPAGGIAMENTI ro 145 C.A. IT145.308 | вар п. 071/07 Pag. 1 di2 A/M Tipo:| DE 505 ELAN Marche: --IVS6 Proprietario: Ae Ce pu i TIPO P/n S/n CELLULA — 5EZ47 XA MOTORE E ELICA rra ai В | Descritione Accessori Costruttore P/n S/n NOTE PANNELL STE UM fosEPR.d£= (ND СКТОЁе JAR. ELE: LED LX и Лобо == ALTMEJTES WuSt=R AFeGHAO | 2404 | — | © /M=EF. Fier БА Об GuSio-7 |GmTo+465 = A [VAR ose MNSUMATIOS | Wir T=€ | SSTVG 085 455 Ee | АМЕМОМЕТе WusEe GRMGAZA | AA1a44 == = VR SRA PoMETED ANT € == 2 = Tog [SiR TSE SCHESTH A404 -24406| — Dx MER 21/09 PIS Ah — E 200 = = Fanneuys STEUM. ANTS&IOE= | AT MATE We Afaudo | 240442 — | INDI Thre VAR BLT. LO) Lx — 08630 = VAR ote Preomatch WINTER | sstuMS | 06729) — APEaento > HAVIGATIONE Lx Ix Abo | 006830 — | AN=MbM=>T6> WINTER | GFMSAZ24| 424544 | VR SBAN DM TE wee | — | — — Data e Liljogo di emissione: Rieti Fins ны LISTA EQUIPAGGIAMENTI Air Services srl EASA 145 CA. 7145.398 | pip... 01707 Pag-AdiR LL -TVSE P/n ms aio EGG CG E CN FEE Es a= ao ol Costruttore P/n S204 E Eo ADA - 24406 = CK — CSC HES ToST ToëT —— a ur OO AA ABa©06S di emissione: Kieti” Inspection test report Control surface displacements | DG 500 ELAN Orion Type certificate No. 343 Issue | | a пожаннюны 3 4 — Le — | Yesrof = аа a = de a Вы I 3 e" Serjal No. | SEL XIF | Registration | [- ("> ñ | construction 2 eee Owrier - | hero Club À Italy | | Rone -— rary Comjponent | No. | Manufacturer | Component No. | Manufacturer "Inbodrd wmg let [FL SE -/: |AMS-Flight | Fuselage — TRUSE 277 | AMS-Flight | ЕЕ wing right — FRE li: | AMS-Flight | Rudder — SRSE :4: | AMS-Flight | aileron left QL SE 112 | AMS-Flieht | Horizontal- HL SE Z{< | AMS-Flight | | _ taiipiane E | Inbohrd ailercn right |QR E 24: TAMS- Flight | Outboard wing let | FLA SE 2/2 | AMS-Flight ' Wing tip left 'RBL SE 242 | AMS-Flight | Outboard wing rent | | FRA SE 272 | AMS-Flicht "Wing up right TRERSE 1111 AMS-Flient | Outboardaleron ~~ QLASE::2 11 AMS-Flight | i | left | | pe y | Outboardaileren | ; QRA SE 27 5) AMS-Fligit | | rent | | Refdrences and remarks: _ а > Wink oscilation frequency (Aircraft rests on the wheels): REY, /min | | nominal | real nominal | real |mm behind hinge EA _ | | __ |lme -60+/-3 | -6° | |+30#/-3 | 3¢ |=144 | -60+/-3 | - 60 1+30+/-3 | &9 | |= 144 |-09+/-1 | - 99 down ¡9141 ! #2 | 1=227 217-5 |217 right |217-5 |Z77 | i=420 The following reports are belonging to this report: x Weight and balance with equipment list dated [ 24 9.700 Profluction flight test report dated! 22 #$ iver! Compensation report dated | oa = ne dated г Howrs flown report LE 7 Thd aircraft is airworthy and corresponds to the type certificate data sheet. da y Date: 12.2 2008 | Stamp: ‘ EA { Signature / AMS — Flight, d.o.o. Kafticeva 4 A SI | 1000 Liubljana, Slovenia Issue 5/00 Weight and equi list DG 500 ELAN Onon Senal No.: Datum: Wing leading edge at the root rib SE2 12 X 5% Registration: /-IVSB leveling line: Pattern on aft fuselage 100:33 Component weights (kg) 20m | wing left | 95 15 a= 35% mm b= 477 mm Inbéard wing right 60e | G:= 13% fe | kg rd wing left 77 be | wing night 5 ре Max. weight of the non lifting parts ntal tailplane | 43, fé Сы = 445 ko Fudelage encl. rudder hr , И Max weight with wing ballast py and instruments | “7%, € | -G= 750 ke (frontrear) | Max. weight without wing ballast Tag wheel | - Games | 653150 |ES Tojai weight | 4361 | | = pay load: a = vith wing ballast 313,7 | Empty weight C.G. without wing ballast | LAF 30 X={G-*b¥G+ta=| 7¥2 mm Máx. cocpit load г — === C.G. range (maintanance manual) (bdth seats) |. ZA | я ce tq F br Fev ia + = | | == 1 Mih. cocpit load Maa Лори fom | 47 | mmto| 752 | mm onffront seat Le RE a |zezo) ES Tahk B filled up 445 == €6 Equipment list (in the aircraft during weight and balance determination) Type Manufacturer Installation place E | | vir 222 5779 |Instr. panel front ndicato o FAS pri 0 jEL | й Lai 521 ei dir 124509 ue: À Algmeter | Ale | = a ME Ay 482 Instr. panel front | 1 j Za ra ) | о y GH 4¢ € a rr 2te fía | . rear Vahameter | ec] 976797 [| Instr. panel front A um, À FETE | | | = | LES “207 rear | | Vaftometer EAT ; мове 677977 | Instr. panel front | es Lay wi : i N 5itr > : MAT PE o 1 rear | Vanometer- | Instr. panel front Digplay | | | rear | Compass | | 7/7 ~~ 653 | Instr. panel Front | ; C 2sceh {gad PATH | | | | 5 wiv old Sar | Date: 124. Je Leer | Stamp: Ths gen — Í Signature _/ AMS — Flight, d.o.o. Kädvéiceva 4 ANS FLIGHT. SIl— 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenija ad aa Issue 5/00 Flight manual 06-500 ELAN ORION for 6.4 Empty weight C.G. limits aft C.G. limits min. load in front seat - 3 i I Î door war of Limit 8 $ emply weight C.G. range wlll =d wll = 3 3 $58 70 758 forward C.G. limit Te 2 x 105 Ка ог 110 kg in front and 90 kg in rear seat 380 1430 100 410 410 430 150 Ky empty weight 25.4 mm = l in., 1 kg = 2.2046 lbs. Issued: March 2000 TN 348/14 6.6 Flight manual DG-500 ELAM ORION DG-500 ELAN ORION ballast chart (for 6.8) to determine the max. allowable waterballast in the wing tanks. 5 dopa MPEY masa | NOOO Г Mus NN I || = АН "ПО | „НГ 3 ||| МММ " я || NN... NN à. | | | NN. ‘ ‚ || | ММ NT, „ИЕ a 400 450 В 200 load in the fuselage 1 kg = 2.2046 lbs 3.765 kg (1) = 1 US gal. Issued: Oktober 1997 TH 3483/9 Flight manual DG-500 ELAN ORION 6.9 C.G. caloulation The actual C.G. can be determined as follows: For each item, the moment mass x C.G. has to be de- termined and to be added up and divided by the to- Lal mass. See the following example: 1 kg = 2.2046 lbs = .264 US gal.vater 0.305 m = 1 ft Item mass C.G. behind moment datum КЕ El m kg aircraft empty 400 0.74 296.0 - Pilot front 5 = 1.35 - 101.25 rear 100 - 0.2% - 24.00 Water ballast ) | in the wings 100 0.243 24.3 Fin tank A Ni 5.032 20.63 fin tank B 12.3 5.160 63.47 Sum 691.4 X5=0, 04 279.15 CG=moment /mass The limits of the inflight C.C. 0.185 m - 0.48 m should not be exceeded] The most important C.G. positions (behind datum): Pilot: The C.G. position is dependent on the pilots shape, mass and thickness of the parachute. The pilot C.G. position can be determined by executing a Weight and balance measurement with glider empty and equipped with the pilot ete. see maintenance manual. Please note, that the distance a nas to be measured with both configurations, as it may change due to deflection of the landing gear. The pilot C.G. can be determined by the following equation: XP = (XSF HF - XSE ME)/MP flight mass XSF empty mass XSE flight C.G. MP = pilot mass empty C.G. 5 Issued: July 1995 6.8 Flight manual DG-500 ELAN ORION If the actual pilot C.G. is not known, you have to take the values from the following table: flight: [ = near the forward C.G. r = near the aft C.G. pilot C.G. (m) Pilot mass (kg) front cockpit rear cockpit ! ! r ! f 1 r 110 I -1,388 ! -1,2905 1 -0,277 1 -0,232 105 1 -1,350 ! -1,296 ! -0,278B ! -0,233 100 I -1,351 1 -1,297 1 -0,279 1! -0,23 95 ! -1,352 ! -1,208 ! -0,280 ! -0,235 90 ! -1,353 1 -1,300 1 -0,281 ! -0,236 85 11,355 ! -1,301 1 -0,283 1 -0,237 80 ! -1,356 | -1,302 1 -0,284 | -0,238 75 1 -1,357 ! -1,303 1 -0,285 ! -0,239 TO 1 -1,359 | -1,304 I -0,286 ! -0,2H0 65 ! -1,360 ! -1,305 | -0,288 1 -0,241 60 |! -1,361 1 -1,306 1 -0,289 1 -0,242 55 ! -1,362 1 -1,307 ! —0,290 1 -0,243 Further C.G. positions: Baggage or batiery in baggage compartment: 0.31 m Instruments in front panel: - 1.870 m Instruments in rear panel: - 0.700 m Tail wheel 5.345 m Removable Ballast (Option see 7. 16.1): - 1.920 m Battery in fin (see sect. 6.8) 5.306 m Water ballast in the wings 0.2483 m Fin ballast tanks (option) ` Tank A compensation of wing ballast 2.032 m Tank B compensation of rear pilot 5.160 m Issued: July 1995 6.9 7.16 Flight manual DG-500 ELAN ORION Section 7 Sailplane and systems description Introduction Airframe Cockpit. cockpit controls and placards Flight controls Aubrake svsterm Landing gear sysicm Tow hooks Seats and safety hammess Baggage companment Water ballast svstem Section not effective Section not effective Electrical sysierm Pitot and static system Canopies Miscellaneous equpment (Options) 7.16.1 Removable ballast 7.16.2 Oxygen system 7.163 ELT 7.164 Hcavv tailwheel Issued: May 2008 TN348/20 App- 7.1 7.1 Flight manual DG-500 ELAN ORION Introduction This section provides description and operating of the sailplane and its systems. Refer to section 9 "Supplements" for detaila of op- tional systems and equipment. H.H. = Maintenance manual Alrframe - The DG-500 ELAN ORION is a twoseater high perfor- mance sailplane. и Conatruction Wings, CFRP-foam-sandwich-shell CERP-Rovingspar caps Ailerona CFRP/AFRP-foam~sandwich-shell Horizontal tailplane and rudder GFRP-foam-sandwich-shell Fuselage GFRP-shell, fuselage boom with Tubus core Canopy Two canopies hinged at the right fuselage side. Canopy glass made from clear Plexiglas or Plexiglas G5 green 2822 as option. Tailplane T-Tail with conventional stabilizer-elevator and apring trim. Color Airframe: white registration numbers: grey RAL 7001 or red RAL 3020 or blue RAL 5012 or green RAL 6001 Issued: July 1995 T.2 Flight manual DG-500 ELAN ORION 7.3 Cockpit, cockpit controls and placards || Issued: July 1995 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10) Flight manual DG-500 ELAN ORION Control Column ; The rear control stick is removable. Therefore open the snap shakle at the trim release lever and dis- engage the trim cable. Full out the stick after opening the cap nut. Release lever for the trim mechanism - green. Operation see sect. 7.4 elevator control. Trim position indicator and trim preselection lever Tow release knob - yellow. © rm Rudder pedal adjustment knob - black | (only in front cockpit) i NP] By pulling on the knob, the locking pin will be disengaged and the rudder pedals can be pulled back towards the pilot or pushed forvard away from the pilot. Front instrument Panel After removing the side screws at the base 2 x M 6 and after removing the screws attaching the cover to the panel 6 x M 4, the cover can be removed towards the front. The panel remains in the aireraft. Compass installation position. Radio installation position. Rear Instrument Panel After removing the side screws attaching the panel to the cover (4 x MU) the panel can be hinged back- wards into the cockpit (take out the control stick first!). Undercarriage retraction - extension handle (Option) - black forward - undercarriage down back - undercarriage retracted Issued: July 1995 7.4 Flight Manual DG-500 ELAN ORION The undercarriage is locked in the extended position by an overcentre locking arrangement and an additional safety catch. The handle is to be turned towards the cockpit wall. so that the locking catch will engage. 11) Airbrake handle - blue The wheel brake is operated at the end of the airbrake handle travel. =] == Optional parking brake combined with an airbrake securing device (Piggott-hook): Pull the airbrake handle back to actuate the wheelbrake and rotule the handle to the cockpit wall. A detent will engage in one of 4 notches la hold the system in this position. In case the airhrakes mistakenly havent been Jocked. a detent engages in one of several notches to avoid inadvertent deployment of the aibrakes. To open and to close the airbrakes the operating handle must be rotated into the cockpit so far that the detent passes the notches. 12) Constantly open de-misting wir Vents 13} Main air vent 147 Main air vent operating knob pushed to front = closed & pulled = open 15) Swivel air venis 16) Canopy opening handle - white-red - ces — | towards the nose = closed E into cockpit - open I JJ 17) Canopy emergency release handle - red ll À — towards the nose = closed NP into cockpit = upen DEAN A Emergency release procedure sec sect. 32. Issued: February 2004 TX 34#16 Flight Manual DG-500 ELAN ORION 18) a) Water ballast dump handles - silver upper handle = right wingrank lower handle = leit winetank e forward = valve closed = into the cockpit = valve open. № be hb) fin ballast tank dump handle for Tank A (option) forward to dump. The wing waterballast can't be dumped before dumping the fin tank {tank A} 19) Push to talk button (Option) Sm trantmz 20; 17 Y socket for charging the batterics. 21) Adjustment strap for the rear seat shell (to be operated on the ground) 22) Quiside-air temperature gauge {required with fin tank). 23} Indication lights for the fin ballast Tank B (compensation of weight of the rear pilot) (required with fin tanks). With Tank B empty - the light is on near the placarted value of the min. cockpit load for empty tank. With ballast in Tank B (partly or completely filled) the other light is on near the value for the min. cockpit load with Tank B filled completely. There is no indication for intermediate values. = Lay Es Issued: February 2004 TN 348716 74 75 1.6 Flight manual DG-500 ELAN ORION Flight controls Rudder control: See diagram 2 М.М Cable system with adjustable pedals in the front cockpit. Elevator control: See diagram 1 M.M. All pushrods slide in maintenance free nylon ball guides. Automatic control hook up system. Spring trimmer with release lever at the control stick and control knob at the left cockpit wall To trim, you have to operile the release lever at the control stick and place the control knob to the desired position. Aileron control: See diagram 3 and 4 MM Pushrods slide in maintenance free nylon ball guides. Automatic control hook up system. Airbrakes See diagram 3 and 4 M.Mi. Double storey Schempp-Hirth type airbrakes on the upper wing surface. The wheel brake is operated by the airbrake system. Pushrods in the wings slide in maintenance [ree nylon ball guides. Automatic control hook up system. Landing pear See diagram 7 M.M. a) Main wheel: retractable, assisted by a gas strut. Spring mounted with steel compression springs, locked in retracted position by an overcentre locking device. Fully sealed landing gear box, hydraulic disc brake. Tyre 380 x 150 6 PR Diameter 380 mm (15.0 im.) Tyre pressure 3.0 bar (44 psi) b) Tailwheel: Tyre 200 x 50 2 PR Diameter 200 mm (7.87 in) Tyre pressure 4 bar (58 psi) c) Nosewheel: Tyre 260 x 85 Diameter 260 mm (10.2 in.) Tyre pressure 2.5 bar (36 psi) Issued: January 2001 TN348/13 1.6 Flight manual DG-500 ELAN ORION 7.7T- Tow hooks see diagram 5 M.M. _ Safety release "Europa G 88" for wineh launch in- stalled near the C.G. "nose release E 85" installed in the fuselage nose for aerotow. Both hooks are operated by the same handle. 7.8 Seats and safety harness The front seat is constructed as am integral inner shell. The rear seat is height adjustable. The adjustment is by means of a strap similar to the shoulder harness. As safety harness only symmetric Y-point harnesses Fixed at the given fixing points are allowed. 7-9 Baggage compartment Max. load 15 kg (33 lbs). Heavy pieces of baggage must to be secured to the floor. - 7.10 Waterballastsystem see diagram 6 M.M. 7.10.1Wing tanks The wingtanks are constructed as double wall bags with a capacity of 80 1 (21.1 U.5.gal) per wing. The dump valves are mounted in the wings and the control is hooked up automatically when rigging the glider. The upper handle is for the right and the lower handle is for the left wing tank. T.10.2Fin ballast tanks (Option) a) Wing ballast compensation tank (Tank A) max. 6.6 kg (18.31 1bs) This is an integral tank with ventilation tube. Filling is via the dump valve. The dump valve is opened by a cable. If you overfill the tank, the excess water drains via the ventilation. The handle for the dump valve (wide plate) covers the wing tank handles, so that the wing tanks can only be emptied after opening the fin tank. Warning: It is prohibited to change this system. b) Tank B (compensation of the mass of the rear pilot) max. 12.3 kg (27.0 lbs) Contruction similar to tank A. Filling via a quizk connector which closes by itself. Tank B can only be emptied on the ground via the filling hosa, see sect. 4.2.4. When dumping the wing tanks only tank A will be emptied, the compensation of the rear pilots mass remains even when flying without wing ballast. Issued: July 1995 1.7 Flight manual DG-5300 FLAN ORION 7.13 Electrical system Battery in the fin. For C.G. reasons the battery is installed in the tin. Only the use of the factory supplied battery Z07 (12 Y, min. 10 Ah, mass 4.3 kg, 9.5 Ibs.) 15 permitted, The battery fusc is installed at the battery, type: G fuse 250 V with mdicator 5 x 25 medium slow / 4 A After inscrting the connector plug in the fin the battery 1s connected to the electrical system of the ghder. If you want to charge the battery inside the glider this can be done via the socket see section 7.3 stem 2 Warning: Use only automatic chargers designed to chiens sealed lead acid batteries. To charge the battery to its full capacily a charger with 14.4 Y max. chargin g voltage is necessary (normal automatic chargers charge only up to 3.8V} Such à charger 15 available from DG Flugzeugbau code no. ZUR. All current - carving wining confinms (0 acronsutical specifications, 7.14 Pitot and static system sec dragram 8 MOM. Pitot probe in fuselage nose, static ports a short distance behind fuselage nose. The airspeed indicator and the alimeter are to ba connected to these ports and probe, Additional holder for a TE-probe or a Multiprobe in the fin is to operate vanometer and flight computer systems. To preserve the sealings inside the holder, the end of the probe should be greased with e.g Yaseline from time to time. 7.15 Canopies To jettison the canopies in flight see section 3.2 Removing a canopy: Open the canopy. detach the restraining cable and if installed detach the gas strut from the front canopy. Then close the canopy and operate the red canopy emergency release handle (nght) and the whitc-red canopy opening handle (left). Lift the canopy upwards. Reinstalling a canopy: Open emergency release and canopy locking levers. Place the canopy in vertical direction onto the fusclage. Close the emergency release. Open the canopy and snap in the retaming cable and the gas-strut (if installed). Checking the canopy emergency release system: a) check with open front canopy if the gas-struts (if installed) can be disengaged from their ball hitting (from canopy and from fuselage). Grease the ball fittings. b) check with closed canopy if the emergency release handle can be operated and if the canopy can be removed easily, resp. if the canopy will be lifted by the gas-strut. Grease the locking pins. [ssued: May 200 TN34#/20 7.6 1.16.2 Flight manual DG-500 ELAM ORION Miscellaneous equipment (Options) Removable ballast The ballast box (Option) at the right hand side of | the instrument console underneath the carpet can accomodate 3 lead ballast weights of min 2,72 kg (4.85 lbs) each. Each weight compensates a pilot mass of 2.9 kg (6.4 lbs). With 3 weights 8.7 kg (19.2 lbs) missing pilot mass can be compensated, The lead ballast weights are to be fixed in the box with a M 8 wingnut. Oxygen system a) Oxygen bottle installation Max. size of oxygen bottle is 7 1 capacity with diameter 140 mm (5.5 in.)- If a bottle with less diameter is used, this bottle must be wrapped with plastic to come to the same diameter of 140 mm. The bottle must be fixed at its neck with a bracket Z 14 (available at DG-Flugzeugbau GmbH). b) Installation of the oxygen equipment 1.16.3 To ensure a safe installation ask DG-Flugzeugbau GmbH for an installation instruction. For the installation of the Dráger Hóhenatmer E 20088 you will find an installation plan 5 EP 34 in the maintenance Mamual. ELT Emergency Locator Transmitter To ensure a safe installation ask DG-Flugzeugbau GmbH for an installation instruction. For the Pointer Inc. ELT Model 3000 you will find an installation plan 5 EP 30 in the maintenance manual. Caution: Concerning 7.16.2 and 7.16.3 The installation of such equiment has to be accomplished by the alrcraft manufacturer or by an approved service station and to be inspected and entered in the aircraft log book by a licensed inspector. Issued: October 1997 TH 3343/9 7.9 Flight manual DG-500 ELAN ORION 7.16.4 Heavy tailwheal Instead of the standard tailwheel with plastic hub a tailwheel with brass hub § 27/1 may be installed. The installation kit S 27/4 is avail- able at DG-FLUGZEUGBAU GMEH. The difference in mass between both hubs is 3.1 kg (6.84 lbs). With the brass hub, the min. front cockpit load is increased by 8.5 kg (18.74 lbs). This higher value must be entered in the cockpit data placards and on page 6.5. Even if the heavy tailwheel is installed only sometimes, the higher min. cockpit load must be entered. Issued: October 1997 TH 348/79 7.10 8.6 8.7 Flight manual DG-500 ELAN ORION Section 8 Sailplane handling, care and maintenance Introduction Inspéction perioda and maintenance Alterations or repairs Parking Trailering Towing on the ground Cleaning and care Issued: July 1995 8.1 8.2 8.3 Flight manual DG-5300 ELAN ORION Introduction This section contains manulacturer's recommended procedures for proper ground handling and servicing of the sailplanes. It also identifies cenain inspection and maintenance requirements which must be followed if the sailplane is to retain that new-plane performance and dependability. It is wise to follow a planned schedule of lubrication and preventive maintenance based on climatic and flying conditions encountered. Inspection period, maintenance The “Instructions for continued airworthiness (maintenance manual) for the DG-500 ELAN ORION have to be followed. Before each rigging all the connecting pins and bushes should be cleaned and greased. This includes the control connectors. The contact surfaces of the canopies to the fuselage are to be rubbed with colourless floor-polish (canopy and fuselage side) to reduce grating noise in Might. Polish at the beginning of the flight season and then every month. Once a year all the bearings and hinges should be cleaned and greased. See the greasing programme of the maintenance manual. Each year the control surface displacements, adjustments and general condition must be checked. (See the maintenance manual). Alterations or repairs It is essential that the responsible airworthiness authority be contacted prior te any alterations on the airplane, to ensure that the airwortliness of the sailplane is not impaired. It is prohibited to execute the altération without the approval of the airworthiness authority. The manufacturer will not be liable for the alteration or for damages resulting from changes in (he characteristics of the aircraft due w alteration. So il is strongly recommended to execute no alternatives which are not approved by the aircraft manufacturer. External loads such as external camera installations are to be regarded as alterations! Repair instructions can bé found in the DG-500 ELAN ORION repair manual. No repairs should be carried out without referring to the manual. Issued: January 2001 TRAE 3.3 ‘Flight manual DG-500 ELAN ORION 8.4 Tie Down, Parking 8.5 To tie down the wings use the wing cradles of your trailer. The fuselage should be tied down just ahead of the fin. On sunny days the cockpit should be closed and covered. Mate: Longer parking with exposure to sun and humidity will cause premature aging of the skin of your sailplane. Trailering - It is recommended to carry this valuable sailplane in a factory approved enclosed trailer. Approved fitting points: Wing panels: 1.Wing spar as close to wing rootrib as possible or a rootrib wing cradle. 2.A wing cradle at the taper change. 3.20 m wing tips in a cradle on the fuselage in front of the fin (drawing available) or in cradles fixed to the roof of the trailer. Tips to be fixed at the apar end and in a cradle at their outboard ends. Stabilizer: Cradles as desired. Fuselage: 1.A felt lined fiberglass nose cap which does not extend over the canopy, secured бо floor. 2.Fuselage dolly in front of the Cow hook. 3.Taill wheel well in trailer floor. Secure fuselage with a belt in front of the fin or hold it down with the trailer top (soft foam in top). All aircraft structures should not be subject to any unusual loads. With high temperatures that can occur inside trailers, these loads in time can warp any fibre reinforced plastic sailplane. The trailer should be well ventilated so as to pre- vent moisture build up which could result in bubbles forming in the gelcoat. A solar powered ventilator is recommended. Issued: July 1995 B.3 Flight manual DG-500 ELAN ORION 8.6 Towing on the ground 8.7 a) by towing from the nose hook using a rope With the standard double ring authorized for the re- lease. b) by using a tow bar which is fixed at the tail dolly and a wing tip wheel. The tow bar and wing tip wheel may be ordered through the Glaser-Dirks factory. Cleaning and Care Exterior surfaces of the fibrereinforced plastic parta The surfaces are coated by a UP-gelcoat. This gel- coat is protected by a hard wax coating which has been applied during production with a rotating disc ("schwabbel" procedure). Do not remove the wax, be- cause this would lead to shading, swelling and cracki of the surface. In general, the wax coat is very resistant. As soon as the wax coat is da- maged or worn, a new coat has to be applied (see maintenance manual sect. 3.1). If you store your aircraft often outside, this may be necessary every half year! Hints for care: - Wash the surface only with clear water using a sponge and chamois. — The adhesive remains of tape may be removed with petroleum ether (pure petroleum spirit) which should be applied and removed immediately, other- wise this may lead to swelling of the gelcoat. - Hore stubborn dirt which cannot be removed by washing may be cleaned off with siliconefree, нах containing car polishes (e.g. 1Z Extra, Meguiars in USA) - Longterm dirt and shading can be removed by applying a new hard wax coat (see maintenance manual sect. 3.1). Issued: July 1995 8.4 Flight manual DG-500 ELAN ORION 8.7 cont. Never use alcohol, acetone, thinner ete.. Do not use detergents for washing! Protect the surface from intense sunlight. Protect the aircraft from vater and mo0isture. See sect. 8.4 and 8.5. Remove water that has entered and allow the air- craft Lo dry out. Never store your vet aircraft in a trailer. ” Plexiglas canopy: Use clear water and a chamois for cleaning. - Stubbd-n dirt and small scratches can be removed by use of the "schwabbel procedure” (see mainte- nance manual sect. 3.1). Metal parta: The pins and bushes for rigging the a.reraft are not surface protected and must be covered with Erease all the time. The other metal parts, especially the control stick and all handles should be preserved with mekal polish occasionally. Issued: July 1995 8.5 Flight manual DG-500 ELAN ORION Section 9 9. Supplements Section not effective Issued: July 19495 - 1 ">
Key Features
- Carbon fiber construction
- Automatic control hook-ups
- Comfortable seating
- Safety cockpit design
- Large canopy for visibility
- Retractable main wheel
- Water ballast system
Frequently asked questions
What is the maximum speed limit for the DG-500 ELAN ORION sailplane?
The maximum speed limit for the sailplane is 270 km/h (146 kts).
What is the maximum takeoff weight for the DG-500 ELAN ORION sailplane?
The maximum takeoff weight for the sailplane is 750 kg (1653 lbs) in the "Utility" category, and 625 kg (1378 lbs) in the "Aerobatic" category.
What is the recommended entry speed for a spin in the DG-500 ELAN ORION sailplane?
The recommended entry speed for a spin is 140-200 km/h (76-108 kts).